THE STATE OF THE UK’S 2011 Throughout this report, species are colour-coded according to their conservation status, as published in Birds of Conservation Concern 3 in 2009. The 52 species identified as being of the greatest conservation concern are red-listed, the 126 species of moderate concern are amber-listed and the 68 species of least concern are green-listed. In a few cases where particular races are discussed, the colour-coding from a separate race level assessment is used.


ⅷ The headlines 2 ⅷ Wild Indicators 4 ⅷ Birds in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan 6 ⅷ Recent surveys 8 ⅷ Trends in common breeding birds in the UK 11

ⅷ Rare Breeding Birds Panel 14 Mark Hamblin( ⅷ Breeding seabirds in the UK 16 ⅷ Ramsar at 40: the protection of birds in the UK 19 ⅷ Wintering waterbirds in the UK 24 ⅷ Birds in the UK's Overseas Territories 30 ⅷ Bird Atlas 2007-11 34 ⅷ What you can do to help 37 ⅷ About us 40

THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 1 The headlines Introduction

To mark the 40th • the return and spread of the crane as a breeding bird in the UK This is the 12th The state of the UK’s birds (SUKB) anniversary of the Ramsar • the fortunes of our rarer breeding waterbirds, most of which report. Published in 2011, it contains results from are thriving annual, periodic and one-off surveys and studies A special Convention on , • mixed fortunes for our breeding seabirds, with some – from as recently as 2010. It draws on many thank you to volunteers SUKB 2011 has a particular Arctic skua, herring gull and kittiwake amongst them – sources of information to give an up-to-date overview of the status of bird populations in the Bird monitoring in the UK is led by NGOs in declining sharply focus on waterbirds and UK and its Overseas Territories. collaboration with the Government, but relies on the their conservation. We • how in recent years many of our wintering waterbirds have efforts of many thousands of volunteers, without begun to show population declines following decades of The state of the UK’s birds 2011 is produced by a coalition of whom the evidence base upon which bird conservation review the impact of the recovery or increase. For many, a shift in range in response three NGOs – the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in the UK depends would be much poorer. The state of Convention on waterbird to climate change is the most likely cause, but for others (RSPB), the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and the the UK’s birds gives us the opportunity to recognise and there may be genuine population-level declines Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) – and the UK Government’s celebrate the huge role of volunteers in bird conservation in the UK, statutory nature conservation agencies – the Countryside monitoring, and to thank them for the time and effort • how the removal of rats from Henderson Island in the South and report on: Council for Wales (CCW), Natural England (NE), Northern they devote to the schemes described within the Pacific, one of the UK’s Overseas Territories, is great news Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA), Scottish Natural Heritage report. If this is you, then thank you; if not, why for that island’s breeding seabirds. (SNH) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). not consider joining one of the wide variety of schemes outlined on Of course, the report remains a one-stop shop for all the latest This report should be referenced as Eaton MA, Balmer DE, page 37? results from bird monitoring in the UK. Other headlines include: Cuthbert R, Grice PV, Hall J, Hearn RD, Holt CA, Musgrove AJ, Noble DG, Parsons M, Risely K, Stroud DA & Wotton S 2011. The state of the UK’s birds 2011. RSPB, BTO, WWT, • both farmland and woodland indicators fell to their lowest CCW, JNCC, NE, NIEA and SNH, Sandy, Bedfordshire. ever levels in the UK, driven by further declines in habitat

Ben Hall( specialists such as turtle doves, grey and corn Much of the information on which this publication is based comes from dedicated volunteers: thank you to all of them. buntings (farmland) and willow tits, lesser spotted woodpeckers and lesser redpolls (woodland) • we give an update on the status of birds on the UK's Biodiversity Action Plan priority species list • new surveys of hen harriers and capercaillie reveal national populations have declined recently • after a mammoth effort by more than 16,000 observers, fieldwork for the Bird Atlas 2007-11 is complete and the ᮡ Although still widespread around the coast results are awaited eagerly. and increasingly so inland, numbers of herring gulls have greatly reduced in recent years. Guy Rogers ( Mark Sisson( Grahame Madge(

ᮡ Lesser redpoll, one of a number of red-listed woodland birds.

ᮣ Arctic skua moved straight from the green list to red in 2009.

2 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 3 Wild bird indicators Danny Green(

UK wild bird indicator 160 The UK wild bird indicator is an important 140 high-level measure of the state of biodiversity in the UK, as well as being used 120 to measure the country’s progress towards 100 sustainable development goals. It shows broad trends in bird populations within four 80 habitats (in SUKB we also show a combined All species (121) “all species” line), but it should be 60 Farmland (19) remembered that within these lines there 40 Woodland (38) can be a huge variation in the trends of

Index (1970 = 100) Index (1970 Water & wetland (26) individual species. Trends for species within 20 Seabirds (19) the indicators can be found on pages 11-12 (common breeding birds) and 16 (seabirds). 0 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 1996 1998 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1970 1972 1976 1974 Four out of the five breeding bird indicators Ye a r fell between 2008 and 2009, with only the seabird line showing a slight increase. Alarmingly, the farmland and the woodland ᮡ Wild bird indicator indicators both fell to their lowest ever levels, at 51.3% and 75.9%, respectively, of their 1970 starting values: in both indicators 250 habitat specialists are faring considerably worse than more generalist species. 200

150 UK wintering waterbird indicator

100 All native species (46) In the winter, the UK holds internationally

50 Wildfowl (27) important populations of , geese, ducks and wading birds. The wintering

Index (1975/76=100) Waders (15) 0 waterbird indicator shows how numbers 2003/04 2005/06 2007/08 1999/00 1977/78 1981/82 1983/84 1987/88 1993/94 1989/90 1979/80 1985/86 1991/92 1995/96 1997/98 2001/02 1975/76 rose steadily from the mid 1970s to the late 1990s and then stabilised before entering a

Year shallow decline. See pages 24-25 for trends in individual species and more discussion of the indicator. The precipitous decline ᮡ Wintering waterbird indicator of the tree sparrow in recent decades All the indicators start from a value of 100. If an (numbers fell by over index rises to 200 then, on average, populations of 90%) was one of the species in the indicator have doubled: if it falls to 50 most noticeable aspects then they have halved.

Ray Kennedy ( of the more general decline in farmland ᮤ birds. Recent BBS Sanderlings pause for a moment on the results point to a small tideline: like other waterbirds, the variable degree of recovery since fortunes of the species are captured within the late 1990s. the wintering waterbird indicator.

4 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 5 Birds in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan

Name Race1 Population Population Trend Population Year of Name Race1 Population Population Trend Population Year of trend (%) period size estimate trend (%) period size estimate Bewick’s bewickii W -44 97/98-07/08 7,0004 2005 Tree pipit trivialis B mig -5 95-09 74,4004 2000 European white-fronted goose albifrons W -74 97/98-07/08 2,4004 2008/09 Yellow wagtail flavissima B mig -52 95-09 17,5003 2000 Greenland white-fronted goose flavirostris W -40 97/98-07/08 13,0004 2009/10 Fair Isle wren fridariensis B n/a - 313 2010 Dark-bellied brent goose bernicla W -15 97/98-07/08 91,0004 2008/09 St Kilda wren hirtensis B n/a - 2333 1957 Scaup2 - W 29 97/98-07/08 5,2004 2008/09 Dunnock occidentalis B 21 95-09 2,163,0003 2000 Common scoter2 - B -45 95-09 523 2007 Ring ouzel torquatus B mig n/a - 6,1574 1999 Red scoticus B -9 95-09 155,0003 2000 Hebridean song thrush hebridensis B n/a - ? ? britannicus B -22 95/96-05 5,0784 2005 Song thrush clarkei B 27 95-09 1,144,0003 2000 Capercaillie urogallus B -44 92/94-09/10 1,2854 2009/10 Grasshopper warbler naevia B mig 24 95-09 12,3004 2000 Grey perdix B -50 95-09 56,0003 2007 Savi’s warbler luscinioides B mig 0 95-09 2 2007 Black-throated diver arctica B 16 94-06 2173 2006 Aquatic warbler2 - P Rare migrant only Balearic shearwater2 - P Population size and trends not known warbler2 - B mig -90 95-09 3 2007 Bittern stellaris B 383 95-10 874 2010 Wood warbler2 - B mig -61 95-09 9,7003 2000 Corncrake2 - B mig 89 97-10 1,2144 2010 Spotted flycatcher striata B mig -39 95-09 63,7003 2000 Stone-curlew oedicnemus B mig 124 95-10 3693 2010 Marsh tit palustris & dresseri B -18 95-09 52,8003 2000 Lapwing2 - B -13 95-09 156,0003 2000 Willow tit kleinschmidti B -73 95-09 8,5003 2000 Black-tailed godwit limosa B mig 100 95-09 523 2010 Red-backed shrike collurio B mig Now only occasional breeder Curlew arquata B -42 95-09 107,0003 2000 Starling vulgaris B -38 95-09 804,0003 2000 Red-necked phalarope2 - B mig -38 97-10 263 2010 House sparrow domesticus B -9 95-09 2,778,0003 2000 Arctic skua2 - B mig -34 00-10 2,1003 2002 Tree sparrow montanus B 55 95-09 68,0003 2000 Herring gull argenteus B -38 00-10 131,0003 2002 Linnet cannabina & autochthona B -23 95-09 556,0003 2000 argenteus (& argentatus) W n/a - 730,0004 2005/06 Twite pipilans & bensonorum B decline - 10,0003 1999 Roseate tern dougallii B mig 56 97-10 843 2010 Lesser redpoll2 - B 3 95-09 26,9003 2000 Turtle dove turtur B mig -70 95-09 44,0003 2000 Scottish crossbill2 - B n/a - 6,8003 2008 Cuckoo canorus B mig -44 95-09 14,0004 2000 Bullfinch pileata B -8 95-09 166,0003 2000 Nightjar europaeus B mig 35 92-04 4,6064 2004 Hawfinch coccothraustes B decline - 4,800 2000 Wryneck torquilla B mig No breeding in recent years Yellowhammer citrinella B -16 95-09 792,0003 2000 Lesser spotted woodpecker comminutus B n/a - 2,2003 2000 Cirl bunting2 - B 90 98-09 8623 2009 Woodlark arborea B 89 97-06 3,0843 2006 Reed bunting schoeniclus B 33 95-09 202,0003 2000 Skylark arvensis & scotica B -11 95-09 1,785,0003 2000 Corn bunting calandra & clanceyi B -29 95-09 10,0003 2000

Rows are colour-coded at the end according to Birds of Conservation Concern status, at species or sub-species level, as appropriate. 1For eight species, more than one UK-occurring race qualified for the candidate list. However, in some cases (eg arvensis and scotica skylarks) these have been lumped together, as for conservation purposes they would be treated together, either because of current uncertainty over the taxonomy of In 2007, the UK BAP priority species list was one or both races, or practical considerations in distinguishing the two races. 2Species is monotypic: there are no races. revised, and the list of priority bird species Population Population size units expanded from 26 to 59 races and species. B breeding population 3 = Breeding pairs B mig breeding population, migrant 4 = Singing, displaying or breeding males A large proportion of the birds in this list are P passage only 5 = Individuals familiar conservation priorities in the UK: W wintering population races belonging to the 26 former UK BAP species (on the priority species list between 1995 and 2006) are retained, and 43 of the The list encompasses a wide range of species, both rare current understanding of where, when and how birds are races listed belong to species red-listed by and common. Many on the list are declining farmland or using their West African wintering grounds, which should Birds of Conservation Concern 3 in 2009. Laurie Campbell( woodland birds, some of which are migrants breeding in lead to greater understanding of the drivers of population Details of the criteria used to BAP-list species the UK. There is ongoing research work into the causes of trends in the UK’s migrant breeders. were given in SUKB 2007: here we give an decline in sub-Saharan migrants, including work on turtle update on recent trends, and estimates of doves, cuckoos, tree pipits and wood warblers in the UK. For most of the commoner breeding species in the table, population size, for these species. populations have not been estimated since 2000. National Sub-Saharan habitats in West Africa, which range from population estimates for these species are being updated deserts in the north to lush tropical forest in the south, currently. Most scarce or rare breeding species have ᮣ Grey partridges still struggle to find insect harbour a wealth of resident and migrant birds. However, population estimates derived from Rare Breeding Bird Panel food for growing chicks. there is very little information on the requirements and data (see page 15) and/or from periodic species surveys. In distribution of migrant birds using these habitats. A new the next section we present a round-up of some of the most research project is looking to significantly advance our recent surveys.


An update on the capercaillie population

The fourth national capercaillie survey was conducted over the winter of 2009/10 – unfortunate timing for the surveyors, as it was the hardest winter in recorded history in Northern ! However, they were able to produce a population estimate of 1,285 individuals (95% confidence limits 822–1,882). Although not statistically significantly different from the estimate of 1,980 (1,284-2,758) individuals produced in 2003/04, the new estimate certainly suggests that capercaillie are failing to recover from the huge declines between the 1970s and 1990s, despite the considerable

conservation action targeted at the species. Peter Cairns( Steve Knell( The removal or high-visibility marking of many miles of deer and stock fences will have reduced the mortality from collisions in flight, but cold and wet spells in recent springs (particularly in 2007 and 2008) may have depressed productivity. The decline in numbers, and contraction in range – 75% of the population is now in Strathspey – makes the capercaillie increasingly vulnerable despite much conservation attention.

The 2010 UK & Isle of Man hen harrier survey ᮡ A female hen harrier returns to its nest. ᮡThe capercaillie survey was completed Cranes in the UK despite severe weather. It is disappointing to report that the 2010 hen harrier survey Utilities and the neighbouring managers has found that the UK and Isle of Man population has declined helped to ensure that the hen harrier remains an English Research during 2010 has given us a better typically present during the winter, mainly in the Broads. significantly since the last survey in 2004: it was estimated breeding species. In recent years, between 6 and 14 pairs understanding of the status of cranes in the UK. The crane remains a rare breeder in the UK, but if this trend at 662 territorial pairs (95% CL 576–770), 18% fewer than in bred on the Bowland Fells SPA, but elsewhere in England, Cranes became extinct as UK breeders over 400 years continues, it should spread into new areas. This 2004. Declines of 49% and 20% were observed in the Isle there were just 2-3 breeding attempts per year. There is a ago, probably mainly due to . However, 1981 recolonisation is being aided by an ambitious project of Man and Scotland, respectively, although Scotland still substantial body of evidence linking depleted populations of saw the return of breeding cranes to the UK, in the reintroducing cranes to the ; it is intended holds the bulk (75%) of the population. In Wales hen hen harriers, such as in England and the Southern Uplands Norfolk Broads, with the first successful breeding to release up to 100 juvenile cranes, raised from eggs taken harriers increased substantially, from 43 to 57 pairs. The and eastern Highlands of Scotland, to illegal killing. This the following year. Over the next two decades, under licence from Germany, between 2010 and 2014, to English population remains extremely depleted, far below killing is particularly prevalent in areas with high levels of the population grew very slowly, and by 2000 establish a healthy breeding population here. the 340 pairs that England could hold, with the few pairs management for driven grouse shooting, where hen numbers had only increased to four pairs, all Together with the naturally re-established birds, it present restricted largely to the Forest of Bowland. Here, a harriers are considered by some to have a harmful impact in the Norfolk Broads. However, over the last is hoped that they will provide the nucleus for partnership involving Natural England, the RSPB, United on the numbers of available for shooting. 10 years the population has seen significant the continued recovery of this magnificent growth. In 2010, the national crane population species in the UK. Trends in hen harriers within the UK between 2004 and 2010 was put at 17 pairs, of which between 13 and 14 pairs were breeding, and these fledged eight young. Malcolm Hunt( Country/area No. territorial pairs in 2004 No. territorial pairs in 2010 % change 2004 – 2010 This represents both the largest breeding population and England 11 12 9 highest number of young fledged since recolonisation. Isle of Man 57 29 -49.1 ᮤ Cranes now breed in the Northern Ireland 63 (58-68) 59 -6.3 The nucleus of the population remains in the Norfolk Broads, , northern England and the Scotland 633 (563-717) 505 (417-612) -20.2 but breeding cranes have recently colonised the north of Norfolk Broads. Wales 43 57 32.6 England and the Fens. The majority of the population is UK total 749 (675-832) 633 (547-741) -15.5 resident (unlike other breeding populations in Europe, which UK & Isle of Man total 806 (732-889) 662 (576-770) -17.9 migrate to Iberia), and between 40 and 50 birds are

8 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 9 Trends in common breeding birds in the UK

Breeding waders on lowland wet This table shows the estimated grassland in England Species Long-term trend % BBS trend % long-term (1970–2009) and short-term Lapwings declined by (1970–2009) (1995-2009) (1995–2009) trends for common 20% on England's During 2009 and 2010, breeding waders were 179 23 breeding birds in the UK, based on lowland wet grasslands surveyed on 275 lowland wet grassland sites Greylag goose na 148 the results of four annual bird between 1982 and across England. Coverage was based on the na 93 surveys; the Common Birds Census 2009-10. However, there 2002 Breeding Waders of Wet Meadows Shelduck 145* 2 (CBC) from 1970 to 2000, its are encouraging signs (BWWM) survey, of which 159 sites had been 98 18 replacement – the Breeding Bird that agri-environment surveyed in 1982 and 179 in 2002 enabling Tufted duck 104 47 Survey (BBS) from 1994 to 2009, the schemes are beginning direct comparison of numbers across the three Red grouse na 3 Waterways Bird Survey (WBS) from to benefit this species. surveys spanning nearly 30 years. Red-legged partridge -14 27 1974 to 2009, and its replacement – -91 -54 the Waterways Breeding Bird Survey The aims of this survey were to: Pheasant 76* 34 (WBBS) from 1998 to 2009. • provide Site Condition Monitoring of the Grey heron 21 2 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) Little grebe -40 15 designated for breeding waders; Great crested grebe na 16 • estimate trends in population from previous Red kite na 475 surveys in 1982 and 2002; Sparrowhawk 81 -8 • investigate whether the distribution of Buzzard 435* 72 waders in 2009–10 was related to site Kestrel -39* -28 designation and/or presence of wader-related Hobby na 20

agri-environment (AE) prescriptions; and Moorhen -5 14 Steve Knell( • investigate whether the change in wader Coot 81 37 populations between 2002 and 2009–10 Oystercatcher na -8 was related to wader-related AE Golden plover na -4 prescriptions, and sites entering (or leaving) Lapwing -48 -20 higher-level AE schemes. Snipe na 50 Curlew -60* -41 Across England’s wet lowland grassland, Redshank na -35 lapwings declined by 20% between 1982 and Common sandpiper -40 -7 2009–10 and snipe declined significantly by 43% Feral pigeon na -8 between 1982 and 2009–10, although there was Stock dove 83* 4 a non-significant increase of 21% between 2002 Woodpigeon 130 38 ᮡ Bullfinch: now a localised species in many and 2009–10 in the latter species. Between 1982 Collared dove 400 25 parts of the UK. and 2009–10 oystercatchers increased Turtle dove -91 -74 significantly by 146% in lowland wet grassland; Ring-necked parakeet na 842 curlews declined by 26% and redshanks Cuckoo -61* -48 increased by 25% over the same period. Barn owl na 501 Lapwings, snipe and redshanks became Little owl -43 -29 increasingly concentrated into a smaller number Tawny owl -32 -18 of sites between 1982 and 2009-10. Swift na -31 Kingfisher -11 -17 Gordon Langsbury ( Gordon Langsbury At the scale of individual fields, those fields Green woodpecker 127* 47 within nature reserves, or within sites Great spotted woodpecker 364 139 designated as SSSIs, were significantly more Lesser spotted woodpecker -70 na likely to hold lapwings, snipe and redshanks. Skylark -55* -15 Mark Hamblin( These species were also more likely to be Sand martin 9 33 present if fields were also under specific higher Swallow 21* 34 level AE management (such as Higher Level House martin -45* -4 Stewardship). Furthermore, the probability of Tree pipit -75* -13 occupation by waders increased in fields which Meadow pipit -44* -21 were not under wader-specific AE management Yellow wagtail -75 -55 in 2002 but were in 2010, welcome signs that Grey wagtail -35 15 such schemes may be working for this Pied wagtail 31 -5 vulnerable group of birds. Dipper -32 -35 ᮡ Kingfishers need ice-free conditions to hunt fish and are typically affected by long spells of severe weather.

10 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 11 Species Long-term trend % BBS trend % A report such as this one, designed to give an overview of Graham Eaton( (1970–2009) (1995-2009) all UK bird populations, needs to consider species that are Wren 44 12 rare or specialised as well as birds characteristic of the wider Dunnock -29 24 countryside. There is no single monitoring technique that will Robin 49 19 work for all species; common birds can be surveyed by Nightingale na -60 large-scale random-sampling methods such as the BBS, but Redstart 27 7 this will not pick up the less common birds, which need a Whinchat na -55 more targeted approach, perhaps even counting every Stonechat na 68 individual bird for very rare species, or using bespoke Wheatear na 1 surveys such as those described on pages 8-10. Different ( Gordon Langsbury Blackbird -13 26 survey techniques are also needed for breeding and Song thrush -49 24 wintering species, as wintering birds are more likely to roam Mistle thrush -53 -21 across wider areas than breeding birds, which are tied to a Grasshopper warbler na 23 nest site or territory. Even considering just the relatively Sedge warbler -14 8 common terrestrial breeding birds, it is important to bear in ᮡTufted duck is a common, widespread and Reed warbler 135 30 mind the survey requirements of nocturnal species, those increasing breeding species over much of Blackcap 175 73 that breed in colonies, and species that are associated with the UK. Garden warbler 6 -10 very specific habitats. Lesser whitethroat 19 3 Whitethroat 1 25 Riparian birds can only be monitored effectively by surveying All short-term trends are based on the smoothed Wood warbler na -63 their specific habitat as species such as grey wagtail, BBS estimates of change in the UK between 1995 Chiffchaff 49 52 dipper, sand martin, kingfisher and grebes are typically and 2009 except for seven riverine species (little Willow warbler -39* -5 found on rivers, canals and smaller waterbodies. The random ᮡ Marsh tits may be declining because of changes in grebe, tufted duck, grey wagtail, sand martin, dipper, Goldcrest -25* -8 site selection of the BBS may not include enough of the woodland management and an increase in deer browsing. kingfisher and common sandpiper) for which a Spotted flycatcher -87 -47 required habitat, so the species trends presented here are similar measure is calculated by combining the WBS Pied flycatcher na -51 derived from the Waterways Breeding Bird Survey (WBBS). and WBBS data, and grey heron, which is based on Long-tailed tit 109* 24 This is a transect survey with many similarities to the BBS, The drying of woodland may be associated with the decline the Heronries Census. For most species, the long Blue tit 23 4 but the sites are randomly-selected stretches of rivers and of the willow tit, as research has shown that this species term trends are based on the smoothed estimates of Great tit 91 45 canals (not to be confused with the Wetland Bird Survey, or favours wet scrub habitat which may have decreased in change between 1970 and 2009 in a combined CBC- Coal tit 30 12 WeBS, designed to monitor wintering waterbirds on larger extent in recent years. Numbers have also declined least in BBS analysis. However, for species with evidence of Willow tit -92 -76 waterbodies and which supplies trends for these species as the wet woodlands this species prefers. marked differences in the population monitored by Marsh tit -68 -21 presented on pages 24-29). Rivers and canals are often the BBS and its predecessor the CBC (coded *) we Nuthatch 203 66 havens for wildlife, creating wildlife corridors that reach into For other declining woodland species, such as lesser use the CBC results until 1994, and solely the BBS Treecreeper -22 -6 the heart of our cities, and stretch from moorland to . spotted woodpecker, marsh tit, pied flycatcher and wood from 1994 to 2009. Hence, long-term trends for these Jay 6 16 Specific monitoring of riverine birds has revealed that a warbler, the causes of change may have more to do with species may not be representative of the UK Magpie 94 -3 number of species are experiencing long-term declines, changes in woodland management and an increase in deer population prior to 1994, due to the more limited Jackdaw 124 39 including common sandpiper, grey wagtail and dipper. browsing creating suboptimal conditions for breeding. geographical and habitat coverage of the CBC Rook na -12 All of these species are dependent on waterways for Several declining woodland species are also long distance (mainly farmland and woodland sites in England). Carrion crow 85* 9 breeding habitat, and declines may be due to changes migrants, so may be suffering impacts during migration or on Long-term trends for six riverine species are based Hooded crow na 3 in management of our waterways, the building of flood their wintering grounds in Sub-Saharan Africa. on smoothed WBS-WBBS estimates of change Raven na 0 defences, or changes in water quality (eg acidification). between 1975 and 2009 and between 1978 and 2009 Starling -78* -45 Numbers of some other waterbirds are stable or increasing, In total, more than 100 species are monitored by the BBS, for sand martin. Although all data, including the House sparrow -66* -6 such as moorhens, coots, and tufted ducks, including some relatively uncommon species such as most recent from 2010, are included in these Tree sparrow -92* 73 though these species are not so restricted to small nightingale, whinchat and grasshopper warbler. Many analyses, we report measures of change from 1970 Chaffinch 36 11 flowing waterways. declining species appear to be affected by changes in land or 1995 to the penultimate year – 2009, to avoid Greenfinch 0 2 management, including farmland and woodland specialists, unreliable effects due to smoothing at the endpoints Goldfinch 103* 73 A number of waders are monitored by the BBS; most are and long-distance migrants. The more generalist species, of time series. Apart from the six riverine species, Siskin na 38 not closely associated with waterways, but are species of including birds that have adapted to take advantage of food long-term trends cover shorter time periods due to Linnet -56* -23 wet grasslands in both the lowlands and uplands. Changes supplies in gardens, such as goldfinches and siskins, are the later availability of reliable data, as follows: 1972- Lesser redpoll -88* 16 in farmland management, such as the drainage of wet more likely to show population increases. These large-scale 2009 for collared doves, 1975-2009 for sparrowhawks Common crossbill na 10 meadows, is one of the contributing factors in the breeding population changes monitored by the BBS help us to detect and 1977-2009 for house sparrows. Bullfinch -47 -4 population declines of redshanks and lapwings. the effects of changes in the management of our countryside. Yellowhammer -56 -17 More details on the BBS, including The Breeding Bird Reed bunting -33 30 Survey 2010 report, can be found at Corn bunting -90 -33

12 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 13 The Rare Breeding Birds Panel

The Rare Breeding Birds Panel In addition to increases amongst established (RBBP) has encouraged the wetland species, the last few years have seen recording of the UK’s rarest breeding the successful breeding of a number of birds, collated data and reported potential new colonists from mainland their status, since 1973. This Europe, including spoonbills, cattle egrets, independent body reports annually purple herons and black-winged stilts. on around 80 rare and scarce Although these might not establish breeding species. themselves as regular breeders, their arrival does fit with predictions of northward range In all, 147 species have been reported upon expansions in response to climate change. by the Panel over the last four decades, of However, in recent decades, the likes of which 68 might be considered regular UK common rosefinches and serins have been breeders in recent years. Of these, 33 are heralded as “colonists” only for breeding birds of wetland habitats – a higher attempts to falter: a fate that may await these percentage (48%) than might be expected waterbirds, too. As pioneering individuals by chance, as around 30% of all our arrive in the UK and find new wetland sites, ᮢ After returning as a regular breeding species favour wetlands. Why are such as those on the Somerset Levels and breeder in the UK in the so many of our wetland breeding birds rare? East Anglian Fens, it seems likely that some 1940s, avocet numbers have One obvious reason would be the relative may become regular breeders, although it increased steadily to around scarcity of wetland habitat, particularly for remains to be seen whether any replicate the 1,693 pairs in 2009, as species that are dependent on a particular remarkable expansion shown by little egrets featured in the annual report type of wetland, such as reedbed, or require since the 1990s. of the RBBP. large wetland sites of which the UK now has few. This was not always the case, however, as it is estimated that around 80% of the UK's wetlands have been lost in the last millennium. Of those remaining, many valuable coastal sites are under threat of sea level rise. But not all is doom and gloom, as recent years have seen a concerted effort to improve the condition and extent of existing wetlands as well as to create new ones.

Of the 33 wetland birds, we have population trends for 29, and 21 (72%) have increased over the last 25 years, with only four (14%) declining. A multitude of reasons lie behind these increases, including species benefiting from climate change (little egret, Mediterranean gull, Cetti’s A huge conservation warbler) and recovering from historical effort has been persecution (osprey). However, for a number, such as bittern, marsh harrier and rewarded by a Chris Gomersall( dramatic increase in avocet, the improved management of the numbers of wetlands and the creation of new sites has breeding bitterns. Jeroen Stel( undoubtedly facilitated their increases.

14 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 15 Breeding seabirds in the UK

Since 1986 the Seabird Monitoring Trends in breeding seabird numbers in the UK The population index for cormorant 160 Programme (SMP) has co-ordinated increased from the mid 1980s to the mid the monitoring of breeding seabird Species 1986-2010 trend % 2000-2010 trend % 1990s, boosted by increases at inland 140

populations in the UK, through an Fulmar -17 1 colonies (largely of the race sinensis, 120 extensive sample of colonies Gannet1 77 26 originating from continental Europe). monitored by partner organisations, Cormorant 10 -7 Numbers have declined since 1995 (with a 100

supplemented with more intensive Shag -33 -15 temporary increase in the mid 2000s). 80 monitoring of behavioural and Arctic skua -57 -34 Shooting – licensed and unlicensed – is a demographic parameters at key Great skua1 49 18 probable contributory factor in their recent 60 colonies. This information is helping Black-headed gull 34 29 decline, as well as possible changes in food 40 us to understand how the main Lesser black-backed gull -2 -36 availability. Shag numbers remain around Cormorant Index (1986 = 100) Index (1986 drivers of change are affecting the Herring gull -29 -38 their lowest level since monitoring began in 20 Shag UK’s internationally important Great black-backed gull -9 -14 the mid 1980s. The species is affected by 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 seabird populations. Kittiwake -47 -30 high mortality following prolonged onshore 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 2009 2010 Little tern -13 7 gales, with severe events occurring in 1994 The table shows the differing fortunes of Sandwich tern 0 -7 and 2005; populations appear to be very Ye a r species monitored by the SMP. Since 1986, Common tern 17 3 slow to recover from these events. substantial declines have occurred in the Roseate tern -71 99 ᮡ Trends in cormorants and shags in the UK. breeding populations of shags, Arctic skuas, Arctic tern 16 7 Lesser black-backed gull, great black- herring gulls, kittiwakes and roseate terns. Guillemot 49 17 backed gull and herring gull have shown Continuing declines have been seen in all Razorbill 41 1 similar patterns: an increase up to the mid always successful. Because Sandwich these species, apart from the roseate tern, 1990s, a marked decline during the early terns and little terns nest on low-lying which continues its slow recovery from the 1trend derived from census interpolations and extrapolations 2000s, then smaller declines since. The ground close to the tide edge, their nests large declines that occurred in the 1980s. causes are poorly understood. Herring gulls are vulnerable to tidal inundation and and lesser black-backed gulls now breed erosion; increased storminess and sea-level on rooftops and other man-made structures. rises predicted under climate change may Numbers of Arctic skuas have fluctuated at very low levels Recent information on such breeders is lead to increased prevalence of such events. during the past five years, following severe declines since incomplete, but it appears that urban Arctic tern numbers decreased from the the mid 1980s. In contrast, numbers of great skuas – by nesters fare better than those in natural late 1980s (due to sandeel shortages which Arctic skuas tend to be outcompeted – have habitats, so the main causes of decline probably caused by regional oceanographic increased during the monitoring period, although the rate of would appear to be at coastal colonies. change) to a low in 2004, but have since increase has probably slowed. This slowdown has probably Black-headed gull numbers have increased increased, probably helped by mink been fuelled by reductions in fishery discards, associated during the last seven years, following eradication in the west of Scotland. with the decline of the fishing industry, together with declines from the early 1990s. The species shortages of sandeels. may have benefited – in common with many ground-nesting birds – from recent mink

Kittiwake numbers have declined steadily since the early control and eradication measures. 200 1990s, with an estimated 30% decline in the last decade. 180 Productivity approximately halved during the period 1986 to Little tern numbers have increased since 2010; this is related to declines in their sandeel prey and, in 2005, following a period of decline since the 160 some areas, this has been negatively correlated with sea mid 1980s. Productivity has fluctuated from 140

surface temperatures, associated with climate change. year to year with no clear trend but has 120 often been low. Factors contributing to the 100 Mark Hamblin( Numbers of guillemots are probably now higher than at any low productivity include predation of chicks 80 time since the first census in the late 1960s. Following signs and eggs by foxes, carrion crows and Black-headed gull that the rate of increase had slowed, the population index kestrels, nest loss due to bad weather, food 60 Great black-backed gull increased by 14% between 2009 and 2010. Productivity was shortage and, chiefly, disturbance by people. 40 Herring gull Index (1986 = 100) Index (1986 exceptionally low in 2005-8 but increased thereafter. Razorbill Lesser black-backed gull 20 numbers increased until 2005, then declined by 22% to 2010. Sandwich tern breeding numbers have 0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Productivity has declined during the recording period. declined since 2002 and their productivity 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 has declined since 2000, with fewer than one pair in three raising a chick in 2010. Ye a r Predation by foxes is often a cause of ᮤ Kittiwake numbers have nearly halved since the mid 1980s. failure, and fencing to exclude them is not ᮡ Trends in four species of gull in the UK.

16 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 17 Ramsar at 40: the protection of wetland birds in the UK

Forty years ago, representatives of 200 Arctic tern Seabirds and Ramsar 23 countries and nine international 180 Common tern Little tern organisations met in the Iranian 160 Roseate tern The , 40 years old in 2011 town of Ramsar on the Caspian Sea 140 Sandwich tern and described on pages 19-23, is often coast to discuss the first modern 120 regarded as a tool for the conservation of multi-lateral environmental wildfowl and waders. It has, however, also 100 agreement. What was agreed – the acted as a valuable driver for seabird Convention on Wetlands of Andy Hay ( 80 conservation in the UK. The seabirds primarily International Importance especially 60 benefiting from the provisions of the as waterfowl habitat – is still the 40 Convention are gulls, terns, cormorants and only such agreement to be focused Index (1986 = 100) Index (1986

20 shags, which comprise the seabird element on a specific biotope and marked a of “waterfowl”, one of the groups for which watershed moment for 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1986 1987 1988 1989 2010 the Convention has identified specific site- international conservation. selection criteria. These seabirds – typically Year being highly colonial and thus occurring at For the previous decade, it had become high densities in restricted areas – benefit increasingly apparent that there was a ᮡ Trends in breeding terns in the UK. especially from site protection measures pressing need for an international treaty to afforded by the Convention, vulnerable as help protect and manage crucially important Wetlands of ᮡ A high proportion of the ᮢ Although increasing since 2005, little terns are particularly sensitive to tidal they are to mammalian nest predation, wetlands, not just for waterbirds but since international importance UK’s greenshanks breed on inundation and erosion, which may become an increasing problem for the human disturbance, tidal inundation/erosion “wetlands constitute a resource of great Scottish peatland Ramsar species in the future due to the impacts of climate change. and vegetation succession. Significant economic, cultural, scientific and recreational In 1976, the UK became the ninth Contracting sites, whilst in winter they proportions of UK populations are protected value, the loss of which would be irreparable”. Party to accede to the Convention, with the occur on our Ramsar- within the UK network of Ramsar Sites. designation of 12 Ramsar sites. These initial designated . Through the 1960s, technical meetings had designations were largely state-owned Ramsar Sites notable for their breeding shaped the elements eventually to be National Nature Reserves, such as Cors seabirds include the Ythan Estuary and Meikle included in the “Ramsar Convention”. Whilst Fochno and the Dyfi Estuary, Loch Lomond, Loch in north-east Scotland (holding 5% of it is usual these days to caricature the and Lindisfarne. Later designations have the GB population of Sandwich terns), the Convention as initially being narrowly included some of the most ornithologically Isles of Scilly (with England’s only known focused just on waterbirds, the reality is that important sites in the UK, including the breeding storm petrels and large numbers of the Convention has always had a holistic peatlands of the Flow Country in Caithness lesser black-backed gulls and shags) and vision, both of the values and services and Sutherland, and of Lewis, with their Strangford Lough in Northern Ireland (with a provided by wetlands and in what it asks of valuable populations of breeding waders such significant population of common terns and its Contracting Parties. Indeed, it introduced as greenshanks and dunlins, red- and black- Sandwich terns). the concept of wetland “wise use” decades throated divers, wigeons and common before its synonym “sustainable use” scoters; estuaries such as The Wash, Dee and Assessing the role that the Convention has became widespread conservation parlance. Solway Firth with huge numbers of wintering had on populations of birds is problematic, not waterfowl (between 2004-05 and 2008-09 the least because sometimes the drivers of Those drafting the Convention were total number of waterbirds on The Wash change are factors influencing populations “confident that the conservation of averaged 372,964); and wet heathlands such when the birds are either away from the sites wetlands and their flora and fauna can be as those in Dorset and the New Forest, which concerned (eg whilst feeding at sea), and/or ensured by combining far-sighted national are rich in many sorts of flora and fauna at different times of year (eg in winter). policies with co-ordinated international including waders such as curlews and snipe. Additionally, it is hard to assess the action”. UK progress to that end can be David( Woodfall “protective” consequences of site considered against each of the Convention’s Most sites in metropolitan UK were designations such as, for instance, destructive three “pillars” of activity: designated between 1985 and 2001 (see development that didn’t occur because the • the protection of wetlands of graph on page 23), with more recent site was designated. By their nature, very international importance through their designations occurring in some of the often such events are unknowable. designation as Ramsar sites; Overseas Territories and Crown • the wise use of all wetlands (whether or Dependencies (see page 31). However, there is no doubt that the Ramsar not designated); and Site network has been and continues to be • international co-operation in the context Wetland types within the network are of great significance for the conservation of of the conservation of wetlands and dominated by estuaries and other “soft” breeding seabirds in the UK. migratory species. coastlines comprising more than a third Continued on page 22

18 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 19 Chris Gomersall(

This map illustrates how the protection of multiple 1 internationally important wetlands under the Ramsar 4

Convention is crucial for the Andy Hay ( conservation of migratory waterbirds. The migrations of these birds link countries over 3 thousands of miles, and they depend on national Ramsar site networks to help sustain their 2 Black-tailed godwit critical habitats year-round. (limosa race, western 5 6 European population) Unfortunately, not all important Breeding areas: temperate wet wetlands have adequate grasslands in Europe protection, and waterbirds Migratory staging areas: Portugal, face many other threats as Greenland Spain indicated. Ensuring that white-fronted goose Non-breeding areas: estuaries and protected areas are well Breeding areas: low Arctic W Greenland coasts of the east Atlantic south to managed ensures that birds Migratory staging areas: Iceland west Africa are in best condition to resist the Non-breeding areas: grasslands and UK Ramsar sites: Nene Washes, impacts of threats and pressures peatlands in Ireland, Scotland and Wales Ouse Washes (England) outside these sites. UK Ramsar sites: include Eilean na Ramsar sites in other countries: Muice Duibhe/Duich Moss, Islay; Netherlands, France, Portugal, Caithness Lochs, Loch Ken and River Mauritania, Senegal Dee , Loch Lomond (Scotland); Dyfi Estuary (Wales) Ramsar sites in other countries: Andy Hay (

Andy Hay ( Ireland, Iceland, Greenland 7 Mark Hamblin( Kaleel Zibe(

4 Climate change Some of the impacts on high pressures faced Arctic breeding 1 Reduced nesting grounds and Shoveler Knot (islandica race) success due to migration schedules Breeding areas: temperate and Breeding areas: high Arctic Canada and changed spring sub-Arctic wetlands across Eurasia Greenland Canadian light-bellied climate and/or 5 Loss of small Non-breeding areas: inland and coastal Migratory staging areas: Norway and brent goose competition with wetlands on Arctic tern wetlands across Europe and northern Iceland Breeding areas: high Arctic Canada and Canada geese in migration and Breeding areas: islands north from the Africa Non-breeding areas: estuaries from NW Greenland Greenland wintering areas UK to the Arctic UK Ramsar sites: include Abberton UK south to Portugal Migratory staging areas: Iceland Non-breeding areas: coasts and marine Reservoir, Blackwater Estuary, Rutland UK Ramsar sites: include Stour and Non-breeding areas: estuaries and 2 Sea level rise impacts 6 Impacts of areas of the east Atlantic south to Water (England); Burry Inlet (Wales); Orwell Estuaries, Foulness, The Wash coasts of Ireland on wintering areas agricultural Southern Africa Lough Neagh & Lough Beg (Northern (England); Burry Inlet (Wales); Lough UK Ramsar sites: Carlingford Lough, intensification UK Ramsar sites: Outer Ards, Strangford Ireland); Loch Leven (Scotland) Foyle, Belfast Lough (Northern Ireland); Lough Foyle, Larne Lough, Outer Ards, 3 Seabirds – marine in Europe Loch (N Ireland); Firth of Forth (Scotland) Ramsar sites in other countries: Cromarty Firth (Scotland) Strangford Lough (Northern Ireland) food chains Ramsar sites in other countries: Russia, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Ramsar sites in other countries: Ramsar sites in other countries: 7 Illegal killing in Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Mauritania Netherlands, Belgium, France, Canada, Ireland, France, Norway Ireland, Canada Non-native predators west Africa Mauritania, Senegal

20 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 21 (35%) of total extent within the UK and its Area (Ha) Overseas Territories. Rocky shores and other However, the need to promote wise use 900,000 coasts comprise a further 5%, whilst continues. In 2010, Defra published research 800,000 tropical coastal wetlands are represented by on compliance with 1999 legislation a) Metropolitan UK 700,000 b) OTs & CDs coral reefs, and sea grasses prohibiting the use of lead gunshot over 600,000 (15%). Peatlands make up nearly a quarter some English wetlands and for shooting 500,000 Andy Hay ( of the network (24%). wildfowl and some other species of waterbird anywhere. This found that, despite 400,000 The relative abundance of different wetlands significant efforts from hunting 300,000 within Ramsar sites reflects the UK’s organisations and others to raise awareness, 200,000 international ornithological importance very 11 years after the introduction of legislation, 100,000 well. The huge significance of our soft some 70% of a sample of 492 ducks 0 coasts, especially estuaries and associated randomly purchased from dealers had 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Ye a r habitats such as saltmarshes, for migratory – illegally – been killed with lead gunshot. waterbirds is well known. Likewise, UK Questionnaire surveys of the shooting peatlands hold diverse and internationally community found that understanding of the ᮡ Cumulative increase in extent of wetlands designated as Ramsar Sites in important bird communities. spirit of the legislation was good but there metropolitan UK, and the UK's Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies. ᮡ A frosted water meadow at Matford RSPB reserve, Exe Estuary Ramsar site. was reluctance to comply for a variety of Despite their legal protection however, reasons. This is a very worrying finding and Ramsar sites are not immune to emphasises that, in such issues, legislative development pressures. For example, in change and awareness raising alone can be recent years damaging developments were insufficient to modify behaviours damaging proposed on the Lewis Peatlands, and at to the environment. Solent and Southampton Water (at Dibden Bay, used by wigeons and black-tailed International conservation godwits, amongst others). Following lengthy consideration, both these proposals were Ramsar urges international co-operation with rejected, with the international importance of neighbouring Contracting Parties, especially the sites being a determining factor. It is where wetlands straddle national clear that designation makes a difference. boundaries, as indeed so many do. The UK has always had good relations with the Irish The wise use of wetlands Republic in relation to environmental Freshwater lakes, marshes and rivers Saline/brackish marshes & lakes management, and a range of processes and Peatlands Rocky shores and other coastal wetlands Artifical wetlands Coral reefs Lack of a comprehensive UK wetland policies help regulate the management of Seasonally flooded agricultural land Seagrass, mangroves & shallow marine waters inventory precludes an assessment of the main transboundary wetlands in Estuaries & saltmarshes Other habitat types changes in extent over the last 40 years. Northern Ireland, notably the shared However, the development of government sea-loughs of Carlingford and Foyle, and policy and legislation, including the Wildlife the major catchment of the River Erne. ᮡ Relative extent of main wetland types occurring within the UK Ramsar Site & Countryside Act in 1981, and more recent network (metropolitan UK and UKOTs). UK and Scottish legislation, has greatly The UK shares many of its waterbirds with benefited wetlands. The implementation of other countries, a consequence of its EU legislation, notably the 2000 Water geographic location at the intersection of

Framework Directive and the Birds Directive, several migratory flyways. The map Andy Hay ( further help to regulate those processes illustrates how birds breeding from as far negatively impacting on UK wetlands. apart as Arctic Canada, eastern Europe and Siberia come to the UK for the winter, whilst The development of thinking about many others pass through en route for ecological networks and habitat wintering grounds to the south. In the early conservation at landscape-scales 1990s, more structured means of (exemplified in the recent Making Space for addressing the conservation needs of Nature report for England) has exciting migratory species through internationally potential, with the strategic targeting of agreed action plans were developed. Such restoration programmes giving the potential plans have been helpful in promoting jointly ᮡ Ramsar sites in the UK. to start to reverse earlier wetland losses in agreed conservation actions for species ᮡ Solway Firth at sunset. the countryside. with other countries.

22 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 23 Wintering waterbirds in the UK

decline. Results from waterbird monitoring Trends in wintering waterbirds (including population estimates) schemes in other parts of Europe have demonstrated that this is likely to be partly Species/population Long-term Ten-year Britain winter UK winter attributable to short-stopping phenomenon, trend % trend % population population whereby an increasing proportion of estimate estimate waterbird populations are able to winter Mute swan 126 2 74,000 79,000 further east and north due to milder winters. Bewick's swan -24 -44 7,000 7,000 Whether there are negative consequences Whooper swan 279 122 11,000 15,000 for waterbirds as a result of these shifts in Pink-footed goose 216 27 360,000 360,000 distribution is unknown. European white-fronted goose -81 -74 2,400 2,400 Greenland white-fronted goose 73 -40 13,000 13,000 It is important to note that the indicators only Icelandic greylag goose 6 11 85,000 88,000 provide a general indication of change in the British greylag goose 527 54 140,000 140,000 overall abundance of the UK’s waterbirds Canada goose 138 23 190,000 190,000 since the mid 1970s. When individual Greenland barnacle goose 139 66 58,000 58,000 New population estimates have species, populations, habitats, or flyway Svalbard barnacle goose 220 21 33,000 33,000 recently been published for the groups, are examined separately, markedly Dark-bellied brent goose 11 -15 91,000 91,000 UK’s wintering waterbirds, so different patterns can often be seen. Canadian light-bellied brent goose n/a 14 710 27,000 these rounded estimates are Svalbard light-bellied brent goose 352 43 3,400 3,400 presented for Britain and the UK, It is particularly useful to assess waterbird Shelduck -1 -19 61,000 66,000 alongside the trends. status at the population level, as pressures Wigeon 69 -2 440,000 450,000 facing one population on its breeding 310 19 25,000 25,000 Lower coverage of some habitats grounds may differ from those experienced Teal 33 -4 210,000 220,000 (such as non-estuarine open coast, by another population of the same species Mallard -38 -22 680,000 710,000 rivers and farmland) means that The UK continues to host internationally important numbers of that uses a different geographical area to Pintail -4 -5 29,000 29,000 trends for species found largely on many waterbirds. Every winter, millions visit the UK to take breed and/or overwinter. Overall, long term Shoveler 69 27 18,000 18,000 such habitats (such as sanderling, advantage of our varied and extensive wetland habitats, which species/population trends indicate 64% of Pochard -43 -46 38,000 48,000 mallard and lapwing) may be less means that they can find sufficient food to survive. In the spring, species have increased over the last 25 Tufted duck 16 -13 110,000 120,000 representative than those for most of these birds depart from our shores to breeding areas as years. However, more recently there has Scaup 82 29 5,200 12,000 species found in habitats with far afield as northern Canada and Siberia. Due to the critical roles been a change of fortunes, with 58% in Eider (except Shetland) -12 -13 55,000 58,000 better survey coverage. they play in the life cycles of so many waterbirds, the most decline over the course of the last 10 years. Eider (Shetland) n/a n/a 5,500 5,500 important UK sites are designated as Special Protection Areas Goldeneye -17 -41 20,000 27,000 Long-term trends are the and Ramsar sites (ie wetlands of international importance). Waders Red-breasted merganser -15 -34 8,400 9,000 percentage changes between the Goosander -21 -42 12,000 12,000 smoothed index values for Britain has over a quarter of the European Ruddy duck -23 -71 150 150 1982–83 and 2007–08. Ten-year ᮡThe UK’s internationally The wintering waterbird indicator on page 4 estuarine resource and is therefore of Little grebe n/a 23 16,000 17,000 trends are the percentage changes important wintering of this report shows the overall trend in particular importance for waders, both on Great crested grebe n/a -3 19,000 23,000 between the smoothed index population of dark-bellied abundance for 46 native species or passage and during winter. The sight of large Cormorant n/a 10 35,000 41,000 values for 1997–98 and 2007–08. brent geese has declined populations, derived from the Wetland Bird flocks feeding across intertidal areas, or flying Coot n/a -8 180,000 190,000 Calculation of smoothed indices by recently. Survey (WeBS) Core Counts and the Goose to high tide roosts, is not only impressive, but Oystercatcher 0 -14 320,000 340,000 use of a generalised additive & Swan Monitoring Programme. It shows also a very important part of our biodiversity. Avocet >1,000 95 7,500 7,500 model is detailed further at that there was a steady increase in Thanks to the continued efforts of WeBS Ringed plover -16 -26 34,000 36,000 wintering waterbirds in the UK from the volunteers, non-breeding waders are one of Golden plover 403 9 400,000 unknown National monitoring of Canadian mid 1970s to the late 1990s, due in part to the most well monitored groups of birds in the Grey plover 78 -22 43,000 43,000 light-bellied brent geese, little Mike Lane( the establishment of a network of UK – facilitating effective study of trends in Lapwing 137 -23 620,000 unknown grebes, great crested grebes, coots protected wetland sites. For some species, abundance and distribution. Knot 16 8 320,000 330,000 and cormorants started later than reductions in shooting pressure also Sanderling 81 39 16,000 17,000 for other species, so only contributed to increases. Overall, the wader indicator has shown an 8% Purple sandpiper -48 -13 13,000 13,000 10-year trends are shown. British decline since its peak in 2000-01, at least partly Dunlin -28 -39 350,000 360,000 greylag geese relates to However, since the mid 1990s, the indicator driven by changing distributions. However, for Black-tailed godwit 442 53 43,000 44,000 “re-established” and “North-west shows that overall waterbird numbers have some individual species, declines in their UK Bar-tailed godwit -22 -29 38,000 41,000 Scotland” populations listed levelled off, both for wildfowl and waders, index represent genuine population-level Curlew 27 -16 140,000 150,000 separately in previous SUKBs and it is now starting to indicate an overall declines rather than range shifts. Redshank 23 -13 120,000 130,000 but both now considered as a Turnstone 3 -6 48,000 51,000 single population.

24 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 25 160 posing the question whether birds have Are these declines in our most familiar 600 shifted wintering range from elsewhere in estuarine waders all due to range shifts, are Bewick’s swan 140 Europe, or whether this is a result of flyway populations in decline, or are changes 500 Whooper swan 120 shifting habitat use within the UK. in habitat quality on estuaries partly 400 100 responsible? Only further monitoring and

80 The increase in sanderlings is considered close international collaboration to assess the 300 attributable to a rise on estuaries; however status of whole populations will help to 60 numbers have declined on non-estuarine determine this. 200 40 Dunlin Curlew habitats (as reported in SUKB 2008). The = 100) Index (1975/76 Index (1975/76 = 100) Index (1975/76 20 Redshank reasons for this apparent shift away from Wildfowl 100

0 the open coast are unclear, but may be 2003/04 2005/06 2007/08 1999/00 1983/84 1987/88 1997/98 1977/78 1979/80 1981/82 1985/86 1989/90 1991/92 1993/94 1995/96 2001/02 1975/76 0 2003/04 2005/06 2007/08 1999/00 1987/88 1989/90 1991/92 1993/94 1995/96 1997/98 1977/78 1979/80 1981/82 1983/84 1985/86 2001/02 related to the effects of short-stopping. The overall abundance trend for wildfowl 1975/76 Results from WeBS also suggest recent wintering in the UK increased from the mid improved fortunes in the UK for 1970s to the late 1990s. Since then there Winter Winter oystercatchers and grey plovers, while have been small declines in six successive knot numbers remain largely stable. years. At the level of individual species/ ᮡTrends in three Four long-term winners populations, 15 show short-term decreases. ᮡTrends in Bewick’s and whooper swans wintering waders. The four wader species that have increased Uncertainty on rocky shores the most since routine monitoring began are In addition to sanderlings, two other Contributory factors behind changes in

avocet, black-tailed godwit, golden species – ringed plover and purple numbers of swans and geese are relatively 600 plover and sanderling. sandpiper – have declined on non-estuarine well understood, due to the availability of Pink-footed goose habitats in the last 25 years. Both declines detailed long-term data on breeding success 500 Black-tailed godwits have become an are probably at least partly linked to shifts in and distribution. Amongst ducks, individual European white-fronted goose increasingly conspicuous winter sight at distribution. A greater proportion of ringed species are less well studied but short-term 400 wetlands on the south and east coasts as a plovers are considered to be wintering trends of several species are highly 300 result of the rapid increase in numbers that further east, although a proportion of the suggestive that this group is being influenced has taken place since the early 1990s, decline is probably linked to the falling UK by climate change. For example, monitoring 200 during which time the population is breeding population. For purple sandpipers, of wintering ducks in Scandinavia has shown 100 estimated to have risen to 43,000 birds. the core of the wintering range is probably that numbers of dabbling and diving species = 100) Index (1975/76 These black-tailed godwits are almost moving northwards towards breeding areas have increased in response to ice-free 0 2003/04 2005/06 2007/08 1999/00 1997/98 1977/78 1979/80 1981/82 1983/84 1985/86 1987/88 1989/90 1991/92 1993/94 1995/96 2001/02 entirely of the Icelandic race, whose in eastern Canada, Scandinavia and Svalbard. conditions in the last 20 years. 1975/76 numbers have risen markedly in recent However, there is much uncertainty years, in marked contrast to the continental regarding the processes affecting waders on Contrasting fortunes Winter race, declines in the breeding population of our rocky shores, particularly purple among swans and geese which are responsible for the red-listing of sandpipers, whose core range in the UK is Recent years have seen contrasting the species in the UK. Similarly, the on the relatively poorly monitored northern population trends for whooper swans and ᮡTrends in pink-footed and European white-fronted geese wintering numbers of avocets have also coasts of Scotland. Bewick’s swans, the revised British continued to increase on southern population estimates of which are now ᮣ A recent estuaries, and the national index is Familiar estuarine waders in decline 11,000 and 7,000, respectively. There has also decline in the now at its highest ever level, On estuaries, several species have been a mixture of fortunes for our wintering number of dunlin with the population decreased in recent years. They include goose populations, the most worrying of wintering in the estimated to be more dunlin, curlew and redshank, the winter which are the continued decline of European UK is giving than 7,500 birds. populations of all having been typified by white-fronted geese, and the depleted cause for slow, steady declines since the 1990s. abundance of Greenland white-fronted Tony Hamblin( concern. Trends derived from WeBS for golden Dunlin numbers provide particular cause for geese. The decline of the latter was

plovers tend to fluctuate more than concern; the winter population estimate has David Osborn( discussed in SUKB 2008: however, since then for other waders – probably due to a now fallen to 350,000 (a decline of 38% numbers have stabilised and it seems that more marked influence of cold since 2003). Bar-tailed godwits have the cessation of legal hunting in Iceland is weather on the continent, and declined markedly in the last four years; as having a positive effect. Although good because they tend to use described in SUKB 2010, this may be due to agricultural fields as much as well- a greater proportion of the wintering ᮣThe numbers of Bewick's swans monitored coastal wetlands. population remaining outside the UK, wintering in the UK have nearly halved in However, wintering numbers have particularly on the Wadden Sea in The the last 10 years. increased over the long term, Netherlands, Denmark and Germany.

26 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 27 180 Northern Ireland. In stark contrast, the research and within environmental planning. mallard has now reached an all-time low (at Some recent examples of work which have 160 least at sites monitored through WeBS), used WeBS data include the examination of 140 and teal has declined steadily over the past impacts of climate change and water quality 120 five years. on waders, determining causes of waterbird 100 declines in the UK's protected areas, and 80 Taking a dive assessing the impacts of habitat loss and

60 In contrast to the dabblers, the wintering disturbance on waterbirds. populations of most diving ducks are 40 Mallard showing greater signs of significant As well as deriving peak numbers of Index (1975/76 = 100) Index (1975/76 20 Shoveler decrease. Coastal diving ducks are a waterbirds using a site close to high tide 0 2003/04 2005/06 2007/08 1999/00 1997/98 1977/78 1979/80 1981/82 1983/84 1985/86 1987/88 1989/90 1991/92 1993/94 1995/96 2001/02 1975/76 particular cause for concern. For example, through the WeBS Core Count scheme, eiders, red-breasted mergansers and information on the distribution of foraging goldeneyes are all experiencing steady birds on the most important estuaries is Winter declines, although eider numbers at derived through the Low Tide Count monitored sites in Northern Ireland are scheme, initiated in the 1992-93 winter. steadily increasing. It is thought that for ᮡTrends in mallard breeding seasons in 2009 and 2010 give some species these changes are at least Low Tide Counts are particularly important in and shoveler. cause for hope, the lack of clear recovery in partly in response to climate change, but data providing information on how different areas ᮡ Map of golden plover distribution on The Wash numbers gives continued cause for concern are sparse and it is vitally important that we of an estuary are used by different species. for the population. By contrast, numbers of maintain, and indeed improve, monitoring of Potentially, these areas could be affected flyway. This short-stopping is considered to both Svalbard barnacle geese and pink- the British coastline and offshore waters by human activities, such as dock have driven marked declines in numbers of footed geese are now at record levels. where these seaducks occur. developments, recreational activities, tidal several species wintering in the UK, including power barrages, marinas and housing European white-fronted geese, and some Dabbling up An exception to these downward trends is schemes, all of which can affect the extent diving ducks and common estuarine waders. As well as many geese, several species of the scaup, which is increasing in Ireland and or value of intertidal habitats. Data from An understanding of such issues is important ᮢ A male shoveler: numbers ducks have increased in recent years. some other localities around the Irish Sea, both the WeBS Core Count and Low Tide as it may affect decisions about the nature of this handsome duck have Among dabbling duck species, where the birds are predominantly from the Count schemes have been important in the and importance of subsequent management been increasing steadily. and shovelers continue to rise steadily, growing Icelandic breeding population. past in ensuring that the importance for and conservation action. to varying degrees, in Britain. However, However, away from this area, where waterbirds of key wetland sites is numbers of both species have decreased in wintering scaups are predominantly of recognised and thus protected. Collaboration between national schemes, Russian origin, numbers remain much particularly those in neighbouring countries, reduced compared to levels in the 1970s. A comparison in the map, above right, of is therefore of real importance. In the UK, the valuable information produced by the WeBS works closely with I-WeBS in the At inland wetlands, the rapid decline in methodologies employed by the two WeBS Republic of Ireland, and also with the Dutch numbers of wintering pochards continues schemes shows the low tide (blue dots) and national scheme co-ordinated by SOVON. throughout the UK, reaching an all-time low. high tide (red dots) distributions of golden Typically, annual reports of all these However, the trend for wintering tufted plovers at The Wash in eastern England. It monitoring schemes use information from ducks remains stable in Britain, though in helps to illustrate the typical behaviour of this the others to assist in the interpretation of rapid decline in Northern Ireland. Both these species; flocks roosting on intertidal their own results. species could well benefit from reduced at low tide and utilising high-water sectors winter ice cover on the continent, which and adjacent agricultural fields at high tide. Furthermore, WeBS data contribute means that a reduced proportion of the significantly to the International Waterbird

Steve Round ( population are dependent on water bodies Co-operation between nations Census (IWC), co-ordinated by Wetlands in Britain and Ireland. International. The IWC represents a collation The interpretation of wintering waterbird of waterbird counts undertaken in January Use of Wetland Bird Survey data trends is best carried out at a population each year in countries throughout the world, scale, rather than for national sub- and is therefore of vital importance in WeBS data are not only used for direct populations. By doing so, for example, we assessing the waterbird population status conservation purposes through monitoring of now know that some of the observed at the flyway level. individual species trends and the condition of declines in UK winter abundance result from the UK’s network of Ramsar sites and shifts in distribution of some of the More details on WeBS, including the latest Special Protection Areas. They also have a population because concurrent increases in Waterbirds in the UK report, can be found wide range of uses in terms of more detailed numbers have occurred elsewhere on the at

28 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 29 Birds in the UK’s Overseas Territories

The UK’s Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies hold wetlands of major international importance and some have made good progress in protecting these as Ramsar sites.

Area of circles are roughly proportionate to the total extent of internationally important wetland. Blue = designated Ramsar sites red = proposed Ramsar sites

Data and further information on sites at Isle of Man Important species and habitats are shown. GuernGuernsey SSarSarkk Coastal habitats Brent geese Coastal habitats Waders Waders Bermuda Jersey Flamingos Alderney Mangroves Whistling ducks Flamingos Coral reefs Seabirds Western Sovereign Turks & Caicos Islands Gibraltar Base Area of Cyprus Coastal wetlands

Cayman Anguilla Frigatebird Islands Salt Terns Terns Tropicbird Montserrat Noddys

British Virgin Islands Ascension Island

Wirebird Tropicbird

Crake Boobys Waders St. Helena Petrels Noddys Pitcairn Islands Coral reefs Terns Petrels Albatrosses Penguins Marine Protected Area

Tristan da Cunha

Petrels Albatrosses The Henderson fruit-dove, Shearwaters one of many endemic Cobb’s wren British Indian Ocean Territory species found on UKOTs Penguins such as Henderson Island, Falkland Islands giving the UKOTs a Prions conservation value Petrels outstripping that of South Georgia pintail the UK itself. Albatrosses Penguins Shags Michael Brooke

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

30 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 31 eradication techniques which have been pioneered by New Zealand conservationists. These involve helicopters spreading poison bait methodically across the island, guided by GPS to ensure precise flight lines are maintained. An expedition to the island in 2009 carefully assessed the risks to non-target bird species, in particular to the flightless and endemic Henderson rail, and gave the green light for the eradication to proceed. Bait pellets are dyed green so as to reduce their attractiveness to bird species.

The consequences of a successful eradication will be dramatic. The island’s ecosystem will almost certainly change from one driven by rats to the natural state of one driven by the seabirds importing huge amounts of marine- derived nutrients into the ecosystem. Breeding success of the ground-nesting petrels will increase immediately from the current unsustainable levels, with population growth rates of 5-7% a year likely for all four petrel species. Populations are predicted to increase by two orders of magnitude (ie to >1.6 million pairs for the Henderson petrel) within 70-100 years. The future of the Henderson petrel will therefore be assured, and the island’s status as a seabird breeding station of worldwide importance will be enhanced. Alve Henricson

All four of Henderson’s endemic landbirds are also likely to Michael Brooke benefit from a reduction in rat predation and competition, whilst locally extirpated seabirds, such as phoenix petrels, black-winged petrels and wedge-tailed shearwaters, may recolonise the island.

The consequences of eradicating rats will be profound and leave a lasting ecological legacy on Henderson Island. The UK's Overseas Territories and Crown ᮡ Henderson petrels are currently classified as Endangered. Monitoring these changes in the island’s avifauna and ᮡ Less than 5% of Murphy’s petrel chicks survive to fledge Dependencies are small, but hold extremely ecology will be an important component of the project and currently: rat eradication will make a dramatic difference valuable bird populations; on a global scale, these The major threat to Henderson’s unique biodiversity is the will provide a long-term data-set for evaluating its success. are of far greater conservation concern than those presence of introduced Pacific rats. These have had a found in the UK itself. In each SUKB we try to devastating impact on the island since colonising Henderson highlight some element of this precious avifauna. with Polynesian settlers approximately 800 years ago. The Birds of conservation importance on Henderson In SUKB 2006 we touched on the threats posed to island’s seabirds are particularly affected, with more than the birds of Henderson Island by introduced rats, 95% of Murphy’s petrel chicks predated within one week of Species of concern Estimated population IUCN Red Population trend and in this year’s report we return to find out what hatching, and more than 25,000 chicks estimated to be killed on Henderson on Henderson List Status (2010) is being done to address this. each year among all four gadfly petrel species. Based on the Henderson rail 3,000-6,000 individuals Vulnerable current estimated rate of decline of the Henderson petrel, Henderson lorikeet 720-1,820 individuals Vulnerable Probably stable, but suppressed Henderson Island overall numbers of breeding gadfly petrels have dropped Henderson fruit-dove c. 3,200 individuals Vulnerable by rat predation and competition from possibly five million pairs to just 40,000 pairs today. Due Henderson reed-warbler c. 10,000 individuals Vulnerable Henderson Island, in the South Pacific, is one of the most to the inexorable population decline, the Henderson petrel Henderson petrel 16,000 pairs Endangered Population decline of 0.8% p.a. due to remote islands on the planet. At 37 sq km, it is the largest (c16,000 pairs) is threatened with extinction unless the rat predation* island in the Pitcairn group, a UK Overseas Territory. devastating impact of rats can be addressed. Herald petrel 11,100 pairs Least Declining; only 17.5% of eggs produce Uninhabited, and with almost no human influence at all, this (c. 20% of world pop.) Concern fledglings due to rat predation** raised coral limestone island is home to four endemic land The RSPB therefore commenced an ambitious plan to Kermadec petrel 10,000 pairs Least Declining; <10% of eggs produce birds found nowhere else on earth: the Henderson lorikeet, eradicate rats from Henderson Island in August 2010. (c. 20% of world pop.) Concern fledglings due to rat predation** Henderson fruit-dove, Henderson rail and Henderson Henderson will be the largest tropical or sub-tropical island Murphy’s petrel 2,500 pairs Near Declining; <5% of eggs produce reed-warbler. A global stronghold for gadfly petrels to be cleared of rodents. Rat species have, however, been (c. 1% of world pop.) Threatened fledglings due to rat predation** (Pterodroma spp.), it is also the only known breeding site of successfully cleared from at least 284 other islands around the endangered Henderson petrel. the world, and the RSPB will use the advanced aerial * Data from Brooke et al. (2010) Endangered Species Research 11, 47-59. **Figures taken from 1991/92 Research Expedition to Henderson Island.

32 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 33 Bird Atlas 2007–11

Fieldwork for the Bird Atlas 2007-11 seasons. Before the start of the last breeding is now complete. Thanks to more field season, the Atlas had logged records than 16,000 dedicated volunteers, from more than 166,000 Timed Tetrad Visits, coverage across Britain and Ireland 3.3 million Roving Records and 3.7 million has been excellent. The breeding BirdTrack records ( season has been a tough challenge More than 580 different species (including as the organisers tried to ensure that subspecies) have been recorded and we are species lists for all 10-km squares pleased that non-native species have been were comprehensive and that the well documented. As an example, black highest level of breeding evidence swans have been recorded in 267 10-km for all species in a square was squares in winter and 221 10-km squares recorded. in the breeding season (2008-10, including 28 10-km squares where breeding was Through the complementary methods of confirmed). Roving Records (casual records) and Timed Tetrad Visits (timed counts in 2 x 2-km The results of the Atlas will have a strong squares), together with extra information emphasis on change. We are fortunate to from a wide range of sources including bird have previous atlases carried out in the clubs, BTO and BWI surveys and the RSPB, winter (1981-84) and breeding seasons ᮢ Changes in the distribution the Atlas has all the information needed to (1968-72 and 1988-91), so there is the of non-native species like the map the distribution and relative abundance opportunity to assess changes in range over black swan will be captured of birds in both the winter and breeding the last 30-40 years. Provisional results by the Atlas. Lesser spotted woodpecker by Steve Knell(

Provisional results from the Bird Atlas 2007-11 show an accelerated range contraction for the lesser spotted Graham Eaton( woodpecker since the 1988-91 breeding atlas.

34 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 35 What you can do to help

suggest substantial losses in the numbers Current and planned surveys of 10-km squares occupied for species such as willow tit, lesser spotted woodpecker, The information summarised in The state of the UK’s birds The Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) is the monitoring scheme for capercaillie and corn bunting. The map 2011 is drawn from the annual and periodic monitoring non-breeding waterbirds in the UK, which aims to provide the shows changes in 10-km square occupancy programmes described below and from the work of principal data for the conservation of their populations and in the winter for corn buntings and depicts individual ornithologists. Anyone interested or wishing to wetland habitats. It is a partnership between BTO, the RSPB a mix of gains and losses across Britain take part in these surveys should contact the relevant and JNCC (on behalf of NE, SNH, CCW and NIEA) in association (with an overall loss of around 25%). organisations at the addresses on page 40. with Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) [Contact BTO].

The Atlas will also highlight winners; The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is the monitoring scheme Goose and swan data are collected by the WWT Goose & species which have increased in range for for common and widespread breeding land birds throughout Swan Monitoring Programme, funded under the example, following natural colonisation, or the UK and aims to provide data on population trends to WWT/JNCC/SNH partnership [Contact WWT]. re-introductions. These include little egrets, inform and direct conservation action. It is a partnership red kites, avocets and Cetti’s warblers. between the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), the Joint The Waterways Bird Survey (WBS) and the Waterways Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) – on behalf of Breeding Bird Survey (WBBS) have been running since 1974 Bird Atlas 2007-11 is organised by BTO, Natural England (NE), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), the and 1998 respectively. These schemes aim to monitor BirdWatch Ireland and the Scottish Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and Northern Ireland riverside breeding birds, particularly waterway specialists, Ornithologists’ Club, who work closely with Environment Agency (NIEA) – and the RSPB [Contact BTO]. across the UK [Contact BTO]. a network of regional Atlas Organisers across Britain and Ireland. We would like to ᮢ Bird monitoring in the UK relies largely on the efforts of skilled volunteers. express our sincere thanks to all fieldworkers, regional organisers and helpers (validators, square stewards etc) for their time, commitment and enthusiasm.

ᮢ Provisional results of the 2007-11 Bird Atlas show a marked range contraction for the corn bunting in both summer and winter.

ᮡ Change in 10-km square occupancy in winter between the Winter Atlas of 1981-84 and Bird Atlas 2007-11 for corn bunting. Blue upward pointing triangles show a gain and open downward Andy Hay ( Andy Hay ( pointing triangles show a loss – squares occupied in both atlases are not shown.

36 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 37 Ernie Janes ( 39 2011 UK’S BIRDS OF THE STATE THE Defence; National Trust; National Trust for Scotland; Trust National Trust; Defence; National Forum; England Raptor Natural England; Northern Agency; Northumbrian Ireland Environment Northern Breeding Birds Panel; Study Groups; Rare Raptor Water; the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; Scottish for the Protection Society the Royal Executive Rural Affairs Department; Scottish Natural Scottish Department; Affairs Executive Rural Raptor Ornithologists’ Club; Scottish Heritage; Scottish Study Groups; Seabird Group; Severn Trent Water; Trent Group; Severn Study Groups; Seabird Advisory Group; Environmental Terminal Shetland Oil Raptor Wales University of Cambridge; Water; Thames Wetlands Wildfowl & the Trust; Kite Welsh Study Group; Trust; the Wildlife Trusts; Woodland Trust. Trust. Woodland Trusts; Wildlife the Trust; In particular, we thank the landowners and their agents, thank the landowners we In particular, to visit surveyors allowed who have tenants and employees their land to count birds. ; British British Birds coming into roost; a great way to end a winter’s day surveying. day end a winter’s to way a great roost; coming into pink-footed geese geese pink-footed Watching Watching Trust for Ornithology; British Waterways; Centre for Waterways; for Ornithology; British Trust Ecology and Hydrology; Countryside Council for Wales; Ecology and Hydrology; Countryside Council for Affairs and Rural Food for Environment, Department Anglian Water; BirdWatch Ireland; BirdWatch Water; Anglian (Defra); Environment Agency; Environment Wales; Agency; Environment (Defra); Environment Fund; European Bird Census Council; Social European Union Life Programme; Forestry Commission; Forestry European Union Life Programme; Forest Enterprise; Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust; Wildlife Conservation Enterprise; Game and Forest White-fronted Goose Study; Hawk and Owl Greenland Trust; Irish Brent Goose Research Group; Joint Nature Group; Joint Irish Brent Goose Research Trust; Manx BirdLife; Ministry of Conservation Committee; Acknowledgements as that covered such in the UK, of birds Monitoring of partnership a broad involves in this report, sponsors and NGOs, agencies, government including: independent ornithologists, ᮢ ]. ring , ) was is the largest ) Agreement. ) Agreement. spotted crake spotted is a year-round scheme is a year-round [Contact the RSPB]. snow buntings snow SCARABBS twite is a year-round online bird is a year-round and and Seabird Monitoring Programme Monitoring Seabird Programme Owl Monitoring Barn Birdwatch Big Garden in 2012 may include may in 2012 ouzel A Montane on Bird Survey (focusing dotterels wildlife survey in the world – a simple survey in the world wildlife birds in the design (one hour watching 600,000 January) means over garden each data an The provide people took part in 2011. snapshot of garden bird numbers excellent across the UK [Contact the RSPB]. Watch Bird Garden and occurrence recording the weekly gardens. numbers of birds in participants’ valuable data collected provides The in bird use of rural on changes information and urban habitats that can be related to population trends in the wider countryside [Contact BTO]. BirdTrack the RSPB, BTO, by run recording system Ireland and the Scottish BirdWatch collection of list The Club. Ornithologists’ data from a large number of observers will enable the fulfilment of a range national [Contact and monitoring objectives research or see BTO/RSPB programme of UK-wide surveys An advance of other priority breeding species has been established under the Statutory Breeding and RSPB Agencies Conservation ( Bird Scheme species to be surveyed conducted in 2011; The The on breeding numbers, gathers information breeding success and other parameters to and to help us understand of change drivers target conservation action. Co-ordinated by the JNCC, it is a partnership between statutory conservation agencies, nature and conservation organisations; research see The started in 2000was to monitor populations, through standardised recording at a set of sites representative of the barn owl distribution in the UK [Contact BTO]. The

Genevieve Leaper ( Andrew Parkinson ( was carried out in 2011: carried was snow buntings snow 2011 2011 UK’S BIRDS OF THE STATE THE Many of the UK’s internationally important seabird colonies are covered in covered colonies are seabird important internationally of the UK’s Many The first ever national survey of national survey The first ever the Seabird Monitoring Programme. Monitoring the Seabird results will be featured in next year’s SUKB. in next year’s will be featured results ᮡ ᮢ 38 Edwin Kats( About us

The state of the UK’s birds 2011 is also available online on the websites of the BTO, the RSPB and WWT (see addresses below). Designed and published by the RSPB on behalf of:

The BTO: Headquarters, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU Tel: 01842 750050 BTO Scotland, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Cottrell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA Tel: 01786 466560 BTO Cymru, Thoday Building, Deiniol Road, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2UW Tel: 01248 383285 Registered charity no. 216652

The WWT: WWT, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire GL2 7BT Tel: 01453 891900 Registered charity no. 1030884

The RSPB: UK Headquarters, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL Tel: 01767 680551 Northern Ireland Headquarters, Belvoir Park Forest, Belfast BT8 7QT Tel: 028 9049 1547 Scotland Headquarters, 2 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9DH Tel: 0131 317 4100 Wales Headquarters, 2nd Floor, Sutherland House, Castlebridge, Cowbridge Road East, Cardiff CF11 9AB Tel: 029 2035 3000 Registered charity in England and Wales no. 207076; in Scotland SC037654

Countryside Council for Wales: Maes-y-Ffynnon, Penrhosgarnedd, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DW Tel: 0845 130 6229

Joint Nature Conservation Committee Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough, PE1 1JY Tel: 01733 562626 Fax: 01733 555948 Visit the JNCC website: The barn owl is the subject of a dedicated monitoring programme, Natural England: which can detect 1 East Parade, Sheffield, S1 2ET short-term fluctuations Tel: 0845 600 3078 caused by variation in prey levels and harsh winters. Northern Ireland Environment Agency: Klondyke Building, Cromac Avenue, Lower Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 2JA Tel: 0845 302 0008

Scottish Natural Heritage: Great Glen House, Leachkin Road, Inverness, IV3 8NW Tel: 01463 725000

40 THE STATE OF THE UK’S BIRDS 2011 This diagram represents the scale of declines of common terrestrial bird species monitored by large-scale annual surveys. The size of the name represents the size of the decrease of the species since 1970. The species names are colour-coded according to their conservation status: red, amber or green-listed; those in black are introduced.

This diagram represents the scale of the increases of common terrestrial bird species monitored by large-scale annual surveys. The size of the name represents the size of the increase of the species since 1970 (on a log scale to take account of the very large increases shown by some species). The species names are colour-coded according to their conservation status: red, amber or green-listed; those in black are introduced.


Front cover: eider by Peter Cairns (

Produced by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), a registered charity: England & Wales no. 207076, Scotland no. SC037654 210-0607-10-11