Bibliography of British Columbia1
Bibliography of British Columbia1 Compiled by FRANCES WOODWARD, reference librarian, Special Collections Division, Library of the University of British Columbia. Books ALLAN, Andrew. Andrew Allan, a self-portrait ; introduction by Harry J. Boyle. Toronto, Macmillan, 1974. 199 pp., Mus. $8.95. BELL, Michael, ed. Painters in a new land: from Annapolis Royal to the Klondike', selected and introduced by Michael Bell. Toronto, McClel land and Stuart Limited, 1974. 224 pp., Mus. $22.50 BRITISH COLUMBIA, UNIVERSITY, Centre for Transportation Studies. Van couver activity travel study, preliminary report. Vancouver, 1974. 68 pp. $10.00. BRITISH COLUMBIA, UNIVERSITY, Library. Canadian newspapers in the Uni versity of British Columbia Library [compiled by] Ruell Smith, Special Collections Division. (Reference Publication no. 52.) Vancouver, Uni versity of British Columbia Library, 1974. 91 pp. , , . Theses on British Columbia history and related subjects in the Library of the University of British Columbia, supple ment, August, igy4 [to Reference Publication no. 35, 1971] compiled by Frances Woodward, Special Collections Division. Vancouver, Uni versity of British Columbia Library, 1974. 31 pp. [BURNABY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE] Burnaby & surrounding area, British Columbia, Canada. [Vancouver, Mainland Southwest Tourist Associa tion, 1973] 16 pp., Mus. BURNES, J. Rodger. Echoes of the ferries. Vancouver, 1974. 105 pp., Mus. CAIL, Robert E. Land, man, and the law: the disposal of crown lands in British Columbia i8yi-igi^. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1974. 333 pp., Mus. $14.95. CULBERT, Dick. Alpine guide to southwestern British Columbia. West Van couver, Alpine Guide, 1974. 441 pp., Mus. $5.85. DICK MACLEAN'S LEISURE GUIDE. Vancouver restaurant guide.
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