CrosswindCrosswind GuidelinesGuidelines CaptainCaptain JohnJohn CashmanCashman Director,Director, FlightFlight CrewCrew OperationsOperations ChiefChief TestTest Pilot,Pilot, SeattleSeattle BoeingBoeing CommercialCommercial AirplanesAirplanes

W037s.1 PurposePurpose

•• Understand Understand originorigin ofof crosswindcrosswind guidelinesguidelines •• Discuss Discuss crosswindcrosswind valuesvalues •• Discuss Discuss crosswindcrosswind effectseffects onon highhigh by-passby-pass engineengine airplanesairplanes •• Review Review takeofftakeoff andand landinglanding techniquestechniques

The Boeing Company W037s.2 CrosswindCrosswind GuidelinesGuidelines

•• Provided Provided toto assistassist operatorsoperators developdevelop crosswindcrosswind policiespolicies •• No No certificationcertification requirementrequirement –– Maximum Maximum availableavailable duringduring certificationcertification •• AFM AFM “Demonstration”“Demonstration”


The maximum demonstrated crosswind component for and is 36 knots reported wind at 10 meter height. This component is not considered to be limiting on a dry with all engines operating.

Code 0001 FAA APPROVED 04-16-01 D631A001 Section 4 Page 9

The Boeing Company W037s.3 OriginOrigin ofof GuidelinesGuidelines

•• Light Light weight,weight, AFTAFT CGCG –– Load Load onon nosenose wheelwheel •• Runway Runway conditioncondition –– Friction Friction coefficientcoefficient •• Tire Tire sideside forceforce capabilitycapability •• Aerodynamic Aerodynamic controlscontrols –– Lateral/directional Lateral/directional •• Engine Engine outout RTORTO •• Flight Flight testtest data/analysisdata/analysis •• Simulator Simulator trialstrials

The Boeing Company W037s.4 CrosswindCrosswind GuidelinesGuidelines (Typical)(Typical) 757/767757/767 FlightFlight CrewCrew TrainingTraining ManualManual RunwayRunway ConditionCondition Crosswind—KnotsCrosswind—Knots DryDry 4040

TakeoffTakeoff WetWet 2525 CrosswindCrosswind StandingStanding Water/SlushWater/Slush 1515 GuidelinesGuidelines SnowSnow -- No No MeltingMelting 2020

IceIce -- No No MeltingMelting 1515

RunwayRunway ConditionCondition Crosswind—KnotsCrosswind—Knots DryDry 4040 LandingLanding WetWet 4040 CrosswindCrosswind StandingStanding Water/SlushWater/Slush 2020 GuidelinesGuidelines SnowSnow -- No No MeltingMelting 3535

IceIce -- No No MeltingMelting 1717

The Boeing Company W037s.5 CrosswindCrosswind TakeoffTakeoff

•• Low Low speed/weightspeed/weight controllabilitycontrollability mostmost affectedaffected •• Tire Tire sideside forceforce capabilitycapability limitslimits crosswindcrosswind –– Side Side forceforce affectedaffected byby –– Runway Runway surfacesurface andand contaminationcontamination –– Aft Aft CGCG andand lowerlower GWGW •• Engine Engine inletinlet distortion—highdistortion—high bypassbypass ratioratio enginesengines –– Effect Effect ofof crosswindcrosswind enteringentering nacellenacelle turnsturns airplaneairplane downwinddownwind –– Most Most noticeablenoticeable onon 777777

The Boeing Company W037s.6 EffectEffect ofof CrosswindCrosswind onon EngineEngine InletInlet

WindWind ResultantResultant thrustthrust vectorvector

CompensatingCompensating rudderrudder

The Boeing Company W037s.7 CrosswindCrosswind TakeoffTakeoff TechniquesTechniques

•• Rolling Rolling takeofftakeoff recommendedrecommended –– Minimizes Minimizes disrupteddisrupted airflowairflow intointo engineengine •• Smooth Smooth applicationapplication ofof thrustthrust •• Light Light forwardforward pressurepressure onon elevatorelevator •• Moderate Moderate aileronaileron intointo windwind •• Maintain Maintain centerlinecenterline withwith rudderrudder pedalpedal steeringsteering andand rudderrudder •• Don’t Don’t presetpreset rudder—anticipaterudder—anticipate rudderrudder reversalreversal

The Boeing Company W037s.8 CrosswindCrosswind TakeoffTakeoff TechniquesTechniques (continued)(continued)

•• Don’t Don’t useuse tillertiller pastpast taxitaxi speedspeed

(except(except somesome classicclassic 747-100)747-100)

•• Don’t Don’t rotaterotate fasterfaster thanthan normalnormal –– Tailstrikes Tailstrikes

The Boeing Company W037s.9 CrosswindCrosswind LandingLanding

•• Pilot Pilot crosswindcrosswind landinglanding techniquetechnique significantlysignificantly affectsaffects crosswindcrosswind capabilitycapability •• Flight Flight controlcontrol aerodynamicaerodynamic forcesforces andand tiretire side-forceside-force areare thethe limitinglimiting factorsfactors

The Boeing Company W037s.10 CrosswindCrosswind LandingLanding TechniquesTechniques

•• Side Side slipslip (wing(wing low)low)

•• Crab Crab (to(to touchdown)touchdown)

•• Combination Combination slip/crabslip/crab

•• Decrab Decrab duringduring flareflare

The Boeing Company W037s.11 Crosswind Landing Techniques

The Boeing Company W037s.12 SideSide SlipSlip (Wing(Wing Low)Low)

•• Upwind Upwind wingwing loweredlowered intointo windwind •• Opposite Opposite rudderrudder maintainsmaintains runwayrunway alignmentalignment •• Reduced Reduced x-windx-wind capabilitycapability


The Boeing Company W037s.13 CrabCrab (To(To Touchdown)*Touchdown)*

•• Airplane Airplane touchestouches downdown inin crabcrab •• Flight Flight deckdeck isis overover upwindupwind sideside ofof runwayrunway –– Main Main geargear isis onon runwayrunway centercenter •• Airplane Airplane willwill decrabdecrab atat touchdowntouchdown •• Maintain Maintain directionaldirectional controlcontrol duringduring rollroll outout withwith rudderrudder andand aileronaileron

WindWind * Full crab not recommended for maximum crosswind on Long Beach products

The Boeing Company W037s.14 De-CrabDe-Crab DuringDuring FlareFlare

•• Maintain Maintain crabcrab onon thethe approachapproach •• During During flare,flare, applyapply rudderrudder toto alignalign airplaneairplane withwith runwayrunway andand oppositeopposite aileronaileron toto keepkeep wingswings levellevel


The Boeing Company W037s.15 CombinationCombination CrabCrab andand SideSide SlipSlip

•• De-crab De-crab usingusing rudderrudder toto alignalign longitudinallongitudinal axisaxis withwith runway.runway. IncreaseIncrease aileronaileron toto maintainmaintain wingwing lowlow •• Touchdown Touchdown onon upwindupwind tire,tire, wingwing slightlyslightly lowlow


The Boeing Company W037s.16 CrosswindCrosswind GuidelinesGuidelines SideSide SlipSlip (only)(only)

•• Side Side slipslip onlyonly techniquetechnique reducesreduces maximummaximum crosswindcrosswind capabilitycapability •• Based Based onon 2/32/3 controlcontrol inputinput criteriacriteria •• Remaining Remaining 1/31/3 controlcontrol availableavailable forfor gustgust recoveryrecovery

The Boeing Company W037s.17 CrosswindCrosswind GuidelinesGuidelines (continued)(continued) SideSide SlipSlip (only)(only)

ControlControl LimitLimit SideslipSideslip OnlyOnly LandingLanding FCTMFCTM (2/3(2/3 laterallateral controlcontrol (rolling(rolling moment)moment) oror 2/32/3 pedalpedal input)input) Airplane OEW 1.1* Flaps Vref Sideslip Bank %Max %Max Crosswind Control Recommended OEW (1.1 OEW) Whl Rud Limit Crosswind Criteria* 1000 lb 1000 lb kts deg deg kts kts

2/3 747-200380 418 30 121 7.9 4 44 40 16.6Lateral 16 Control 2/3 747-400400 440 30 121 7.5 4.1 43 30 15.8Lateral 16 Control Not 2/3 767-200180 198 30 117 11.7 det. 46 67 23.7pedal 24

767- 200 22030 119 12.3 Not 48 67 25.42/3 24 300ER det. pedal

The Boeing Company W037s.18 CommonCommon QuestionsQuestions

•• Airplane Airplane crosswindcrosswind structuralstructural designdesign •• Auto Auto landland limitationslimitations •• Disconnection Disconnection ofof autopilotautopilot forfor manualmanual crosswindcrosswind landingslandings •• Auto Auto throttlethrottle useuse inin strongstrong gustygusty crosswindscrosswinds •• Pure Pure crosswindcrosswind windwind additivesadditives toto VrefVref

The Boeing Company W037s.19 CrosswindCrosswind LandingsLandings -- AfterAfter TouchdownTouchdown

•• Idle Idle thrustthrust •• Deploy Deploy reversersreversers normallynormally –– Slippery/contaminated Slippery/contaminated runwaysrunways •• Check Check speedbrakesspeedbrakes upup •• Maintain Maintain aileronaileron intointo thethe windwind toto keepkeep wingswings levellevel •• Smoothly Smoothly butbut positivelypositively lowerlower thethe nosegearnosegear •• Rudder Rudder controlcontrol effectiveeffective toto aboutabout 6060 knotsknots •• Rudder Rudder pedalpedal steeringsteering sufficientsufficient untiluntil taxitaxi speedspeed •• Use Use asymmetricalasymmetrical brakingbraking ifif necessarynecessary •• Use Use tillertiller uponupon reachingreaching taxitaxi speedspeed

The Boeing Company W037s.20 CrosswindCrosswind LandingsLandings •• Common Common ProblemsProblems –– Unstable Unstable approachesapproaches –– Holding Holding airplaneairplane offoff untiluntil belowbelow VrefVref –– Bounced Bounced landingslandings •• Alternatives Alternatives –– Go Go aroundaround –– Be Be carefulcareful notnot toto over-rotateover-rotate duringduring rejectedrejected landinglanding –– Terrain Terrain clearanceclearance andand missedmissed approachapproach procedureprocedure –– Wait Wait oror divertdivert •• Training Training –– How How doesdoes youryour airlineairline approachapproach crosswindcrosswind training?training? –– Recurrent Recurrent trainingtraining plans?plans? –– Are Are youryour pilotspilots maintainingmaintaining proficiency?proficiency? The Boeing Company W037s.21 CrosswindCrosswind GuidelineGuideline SummarySummary

•• Guidelines Guidelines notnot limitslimits •• Airline Airline cancan useuse guidelinesguidelines toto establishestablish companycompany policiespolicies •• Runway Runway conditioncondition affectsaffects crosswindcrosswind capabilitycapability •• Most Most gustgust conditionsconditions havehave minorminor affectaffect onon crosswindcrosswind capabilitycapability •• Landing Landing crosswindcrosswind techniquetechnique affectsaffects crosswindcrosswind capabilitycapability

The Boeing Company W037s.22