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to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. June 19, 1984 Ge/efenson announces Exotic salad’s can turn Do citizens run TAG SALE SIGN bid for second term ho-hum picnics to feasts citizens’ panels? ; I: . Are things piling up? Then why "I•«1'« « The hesf wey to announce It is with a Herald Tag Sale ... page 4 ... page 15 ... Editorial, page 6 Classified Ad. When you place your ad. you'' ONE TAG SALE SIGN FREt compliments of The Herald. CALL 643-2711 or STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE, 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER Manchester, Conn. Clear tonight; Wednesday, June 20, 1984 Sunny Thursday Cflsual Skirt SinockBii BsskBt Single copy: 25® Room* for Rent Of Storo/Otflco Space 44 Resort Property 45 Bulldbig/Contractlng S3 Ml*c. for Soto <3 Automotive — See page 2 Hanrhratpr Hrraffi BEAUTIFUL SOLID MA EAST HARTFORD — S O U T t4 ^ IN D S O R — Sul CAPE COD, Falmouth — DESIGN KITCHENS by PLE butcher block dining Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 Older gentleman, 1 bed livan Avenue. 1,600 sg. ft. House for rent. Sleeps 6, J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, table, contemporary room efficiency. All prime retail space, ample </i mile to beach. Call vanities, formica, Wilson aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa styling. Excellent condi utilities. Share bath. $65 parking. $660. Call 236- 646-8606. art, Corlan counter tops, tion. $175. Coll 647-9106. 1979 CHEVY MALIBU weekly. Call 643-6712. 6021 or 644-3977. kitchen cabinet fronts, complete woodworking C LA S S IC S P O R T C O U P E Services service, custom mode SMALL ELECTRICAL — V 8, outomotic, power Reagan opens WEST MIDDLE TURN APPLIANCES — Can op steering, oir condition PIKE — Near Parkade, furniture, colonial repro Apartment* for Rent ing, AM/FM, vinyl top. store with two bay gar ductions In wood, 9 varie ener, 3 steam and dry Raucous ties of hardwood and Irons, 2 toaster ovens. Coll 643-2880. age. Call 643-6002. Service* Offered SI veneers NOW IN STOCK Transistor radio. Hand MANCHESTER — Avail calculator. All for $15. 1971 CHEVY CONCOURS attack on drugs, Call 649-9658 or evenings, able Immediately. One, M«NCHISTie Call 643-2880. WAGON. 350 V-8. Auto CINTItt UUSMISI MSma 289-7010. farewell two and three bedroom ODD JOBS, Trucking. matic. Posl-troctlon. 2 apartments. $400, $440,' $UI/IHSI Home repairs. You name BENGAL COAL AND Roof rock, radi" de- 0 000 tq ft warehouBO or •••eni< ANCHOR ELECTRICAL $520, heat and hot water bly building Loadingdodi. 3over- It, we do It. Free esti WOOD cooking and heat fogger, mor'. original hoad doort. F«no»d parking CONTRACTORS — Do drunken driving Included. BIssell and mates. Insured. 643-0304. any size or type of work. ing stove. White enamel, owner. 644-2880. ■ Boyle Realtors. 649-4800. IW e»rit» — 447-SOO* at MHS six burner, timer. Call Fully Insured. Free Esti "^^fbS n ueli LAWN MOWING — 649-0170. $95. 1978 FORD THUNDER- mates. Call 647-0293. ORADELL, N.J. (UPI) — Presi ciation in which he promised “ our A L L A R EA S — 1, 2, 3, 4 Hedge trimming - chain BIRD — White, blue vinyl By Sarah E. Hall bedrooms. Prices to fit dent Reagan went on the attack commitment to fighting crime will MANCHESIER sow. work - light trucking. PORTABLE GENERA top. One owner. 42,000 Herald Reporter 9 your budget. Housing Un General handyman. In TOR — Sears, 2200 watt, miles. Moke an otter. Call .\ today against drunken driving and continue to grow.” RooffIng/SIdIng 54 lim ited . Call 724-1967 2300 sq. ft. office sured. Coll Roy, 646-7973. PH0T04UIM drugs, warning high school stu "Throughout the nation, there is 115 volt, used 2 or 3 times. 872-1520. Boisterous was the word to (C h g .). suite and mini office Replacement, cost, $699, Exausivt dents to stay out of the "fast lane” a new consensus on the crime 0 describe the Manchester High park. Ample parking, sell $399. Call 643-1643. 1979 PONTIAC CATAL that killed comedian John Belushi. issue," Reagan said. "It's a School Class of 1984 Tuesday night MANCHESTER — 400 a ir conditioned, BIDWELL HOME Im INA — Automatic, air Declaring the "the carnage must consensus that utterly rejects the as its nearly 500 members cele North Main Street. New carpeted and fully de provement Company — BROWN RECLINER conditioner, stcireo with end, and now.” Reagan gave counsels of leniency toward crim i Roofing , siding, altera brated their graduation with two bedroom townhouse. corated. Adjacent to LAWN MOWERS RE CHAIR — Ideal tor cassette. Very good con strong support to pending legisla nals and the liberal philosophy that tions, additions. Same whoops, whistles, and merrymak Appllanced kitchen, con exit 94 off 1-84/86. PAIRED— Quick, Expert sum m er cotta ge. $30. dition. Coll 643-5044. tion to withhold 5 percent of the fostered it." venient to bus line and number for over 30years. ing — even during some moments Call 647-5003, Mr. Service! Senior Dis Phone 646-8898. federal highway funds of each “ For the first time in years, we shopping. $575 plus utili count! Free Pick Up and 649-6495. meant to be solemn. 1974 MAVERICK — Good state that does not enact a can say we are making headway” ties. Option to buy availa Norman______________ Oellveryl ECONOMY Long before the 6 p.m. ceremony RUG — Multicolor fiber, condition. Con be seen 21-year-old drinking age law. against crime, he said, announcing ble. Peterman Building M O W E B , 647-3660. started on the high school's Mem Heotlng/Plumblng ss 9' X 12'. Never used. Great after 4pm ond weekends. In emotional remarks at the his aim to "eradicate the drug Co., 649-9404 or 647-1340. Coll 649-3151. orial Field, the graduates’ cheers for summer cottage or River Dell High School, Reagan menace, fight organized crime, T --------------------------------------------- VERNON BRICKS, BLOCKS, porch. $30. Call 649-4339. were carried by the breeze as admonished the students, "Don't make our streets and homes safe /VAA Office Space - Easy STONE — Concrete. thousands of parents and friends access to 1-64/86. 3800 s. take drugs. ... Don’t fall for that again, and return America to the 2Vi ROOM APARTMENT Chimney repairs. No lob FOGARTY BROTHERS Motorcyclet/Blcvcles 72 searched for parking places as far — Private home, heat, f. of office space. Former — Bathroom remodel aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 8369 stuff about 'life in the fast lane.’ days of respect for the law and for too small. Coll 644-8356. as a mile away. appliances. Working sin legal office. Ideally suited ing; Installation water aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Thgt’s where ail the worst crashes the rights of the innocent.” for engineers, account Home oiKl Garden 64 And seconds before the class gle adult only. No pets, TRUCKING, HAULING, heaters, garbage dispo are.'” In recent months, Reagan has ants, other professional MOTORCYCLE INSU The front-button skirt This attractive Basket Pil marched onto the field, the cheer children. Call 643-2880. Cleaning yards. Trees sals; faucet repairs. 649- Recalling his time in Hollywood, made House inaction on the organizations. Call Reese RANCE SPECIALIST — with handy pockets is flat- low is fascinating to smock ing became a communal scream. cut, haul away brush. 4539. VIsa/MasterCard administration package of crime Harris. 521-6020 Coll us and com pare our terinK to wear with casual on gingham and nil with felt the president said, “ Don't fall for MANCHESTER — Avail Coll Mike, 649-2021. accepted. DELIVERING RICH Sneakers, bare legs and jeans bills, passed by the Senate last LO AM — 5 yards, $62 plus rotes. Ask for Janet or tops or sweaters for any or pellon flowers. the line that drug use is daring and able Immediately. Two . Watson Boach Real Estate peaked out from many a red or year, a prime campaign issue, tax. Sand, gravel and Judy. Crockett Agency, season. No. 8885 has smocking fun and fearless. It’s flirting with bedroom apartment on MULHERIN'S LAWN No. 8369 with Photo- directions and diagrams; white robe. And parents who addiction, flirting with sickness blaming liberals on the first floor. Appllanced Housetwld Goods 62 stone. Call 643-9504. 643-1577. spilled onto the new MHS track to SERVICES — Yard clean Guide is in Sizes 24 to 32- full instructions for 16-inen and the waste of a life.” Democratic-dominated Judiciary kitchen, basement stor up, mowing. Chain saw inch waist. Waist Size pillow. get a better look had to be shooed HUFFY PRO THUNDER Reagan said the older genera Committee for stalling. age, 2 car parking. $450 a work. Odd lobs, truck to LARGE OUTDOOR 26", 1% yards 45-inch off. FOR LEASE BUSHES, $5. Large Mox Bicycle — Chrome tion had lost many to “ to one The committee, and its crime month. No utilities In do hauling. Fully Insured. USED REFRIGERA fabric. Two underclassmen led the houseplants, up to S3. frame alloy rims. Excel Te 0880, ssad $2J8 fsr Msh addiction or another” and "your subcommittee headed by Rep. cluded. Security deposit Coll 643-1866, Sam to 6pm. TORS, WASHERS, TO 080IE. tts4 *2.08 fw *S « commencement procession, car MANCHESTER Must sell. Private home. lent condition. $80 or best g « ^ ffet889<ir pstli8sse8 ' generation has lost some of its ' John Conyers, D-Mich., prefer a and 1 year lease required. Ranges - clean, guaran pattsrs, flat 50$ (tr fttlH* rying a huge banner reading Call 649-6486. offer. Coll 643-8588 after haiidllSK, WHiCABCT favorites like John Belushi and so piecemeal approach to the propos Call 646-8352. 7.000 square foot induel* RETIRED NURSE — teed, parts and service. “ What lies behind us and what lies Herald photo by Pinto rial.