to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. June 19, 1984 Ge/efenson announces Exotic salad’s can turn Do citizens run TAG SALE SIGN bid for second term ho-hum picnics to feasts citizens’ panels? ; I: . Are things piling up? Then why "I•«1'« « The hesf wey to announce It is with a Herald Tag Sale ... page 4 ... page 15 ... Editorial, page 6 Classified Ad. When you place your ad. you'' ONE TAG SALE SIGN FREt compliments of The Herald. CALL 643-2711 or STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE, 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER Manchester, Conn. Clear tonight; Wednesday, June 20, 1984 Sunny Thursday Cflsual Skirt SinockBii BsskBt Single copy: 25® Room* for Rent Of Storo/Otflco Space 44 Resort Property 45 Bulldbig/Contractlng S3 Ml*c. for Soto <3 Automotive — See page 2 Hanrhratpr Hrraffi BEAUTIFUL SOLID MA­ EAST HARTFORD — S O U T t4 ^ IN D S O R — Sul­ CAPE COD, Falmouth — DESIGN KITCHENS by PLE butcher block dining Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 Older gentleman, 1 bed­ livan Avenue. 1,600 sg. ft. House for rent. Sleeps 6, J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, table, contemporary room efficiency. All prime retail space, ample </i mile to beach. Call vanities, formica, Wilson aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa styling. Excellent condi­ utilities. Share bath. $65 parking. $660. Call 236- 646-8606. art, Corlan counter tops, tion. $175. Coll 647-9106. 1979 CHEVY MALIBU weekly. Call 643-6712. 6021 or 644-3977. kitchen cabinet fronts, complete woodworking C LA S S IC S P O R T C O U P E Services service, custom mode SMALL ELECTRICAL — V 8, outomotic, power Reagan opens WEST MIDDLE TURN­ APPLIANCES — Can op­ steering, oir condition­ PIKE — Near Parkade, furniture, colonial repro­ Apartment* for Rent ing, AM/FM, vinyl top. store with two bay gar­ ductions In wood, 9 varie­ ener, 3 steam and dry Raucous ties of hardwood and Irons, 2 toaster ovens. Coll 643-2880. age. Call 643-6002. Service* Offered SI veneers NOW IN STOCK Transistor radio. Hand MANCHESTER — Avail­ calculator. All for $15. 1971 CHEVY CONCOURS attack on drugs, Call 649-9658 or evenings, able Immediately. One, M«NCHISTie Call 643-2880. WAGON. 350 V-8. Auto­ CINTItt UUSMISI MSma 289-7010. farewell two and three bedroom ODD JOBS, Trucking. matic. Posl-troctlon. 2 apartments. $400, $440,' $UI/IHSI Home repairs. You name BENGAL COAL AND Roof rock, radi" de- 0 000 tq ft warehouBO or •••eni< ANCHOR ELECTRICAL $520, heat and hot water bly building Loadingdodi. 3over- It, we do It. Free esti­ WOOD cooking and heat­ fogger, mor'. original hoad doort. F«no»d parking CONTRACTORS — Do drunken driving Included. BIssell and mates. Insured. 643-0304. any size or type of work. ing stove. White enamel, owner. 644-2880. ■ Boyle Realtors. 649-4800. IW e»rit» — 447-SOO* at MHS six burner, timer. Call Fully Insured. Free Esti­ "^^fbS n ueli LAWN MOWING — 649-0170. $95. 1978 FORD THUNDER- mates. Call 647-0293. ORADELL, N.J. (UPI) — Presi­ ciation in which he promised “ our A L L A R EA S — 1, 2, 3, 4 Hedge trimming - chain BIRD — White, blue vinyl By Sarah E. Hall bedrooms. Prices to fit dent Reagan went on the attack commitment to fighting crime will MANCHESIER sow. work - light trucking. PORTABLE GENERA­ top. One owner. 42,000 Herald Reporter 9 your budget. Housing Un­ General handyman. In­ TOR — Sears, 2200 watt, miles. Moke an otter. Call .\ today against drunken driving and continue to grow.” RooffIng/SIdIng 54 lim ited . Call 724-1967 2300 sq. ft. office sured. Coll Roy, 646-7973. PH0T04UIM drugs, warning high school stu­ "Throughout the nation, there is 115 volt, used 2 or 3 times. 872-1520. Boisterous was the word to (C h g .). suite and mini office Replacement, cost, $699, Exausivt dents to stay out of the "fast lane” a new consensus on the crime 0 describe the Manchester High park. Ample parking, sell $399. Call 643-1643. 1979 PONTIAC CATAL­ that killed comedian John Belushi. issue," Reagan said. "It's a School Class of 1984 Tuesday night MANCHESTER — 400 a ir conditioned, BIDWELL HOME Im­ INA — Automatic, air Declaring the "the carnage must consensus that utterly rejects the as its nearly 500 members cele­ North Main Street. New carpeted and fully de­ provement Company — BROWN RECLINER conditioner, stcireo with end, and now.” Reagan gave counsels of leniency toward crim i­ Roofing , siding, altera­ brated their graduation with two bedroom townhouse. corated. Adjacent to LAWN MOWERS RE­ CHAIR — Ideal tor cassette. Very good con­ strong support to pending legisla­ nals and the liberal philosophy that tions, additions. Same whoops, whistles, and merrymak­ Appllanced kitchen, con­ exit 94 off 1-84/86. PAIRED— Quick, Expert sum m er cotta ge. $30. dition. Coll 643-5044. tion to withhold 5 percent of the fostered it." venient to bus line and number for over 30years. ing — even during some moments Call 647-5003, Mr. Service! Senior Dis­ Phone 646-8898. federal highway funds of each “ For the first time in years, we shopping. $575 plus utili­ count! Free Pick Up and 649-6495. meant to be solemn. 1974 MAVERICK — Good state that does not enact a can say we are making headway” ties. Option to buy availa­ Norman______________ Oellveryl ECONOMY Long before the 6 p.m. ceremony RUG — Multicolor fiber, condition. Con be seen 21-year-old drinking age law. against crime, he said, announcing ble. Peterman Building M O W E B , 647-3660. started on the high school's Mem ­ Heotlng/Plumblng ss 9' X 12'. Never used. Great after 4pm ond weekends. In emotional remarks at the his aim to "eradicate the drug Co., 649-9404 or 647-1340. Coll 649-3151. orial Field, the graduates’ cheers for summer cottage or River Dell High School, Reagan menace, fight organized crime, T --------------------------------------------- VERNON BRICKS, BLOCKS, porch. $30. Call 649-4339. were carried by the breeze as admonished the students, "Don't make our streets and homes safe /VAA Office Space - Easy STONE — Concrete. thousands of parents and friends access to 1-64/86. 3800 s. take drugs. ... Don’t fall for that again, and return America to the 2Vi ROOM APARTMENT Chimney repairs. No lob FOGARTY BROTHERS Motorcyclet/Blcvcles 72 searched for parking places as far — Private home, heat, f. of office space. Former — Bathroom remodel­ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 8369 stuff about 'life in the fast lane.’ days of respect for the law and for too small. Coll 644-8356. as a mile away. appliances. Working sin­ legal office. Ideally suited ing; Installation water aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Thgt’s where ail the worst crashes the rights of the innocent.” for engineers, account­ Home oiKl Garden 64 And seconds before the class gle adult only. No pets, TRUCKING, HAULING, heaters, garbage dispo­ are.'” In recent months, Reagan has ants, other professional MOTORCYCLE INSU­ The front-button skirt This attractive Basket Pil­ marched onto the field, the cheer­ children. Call 643-2880. Cleaning yards. Trees sals; faucet repairs. 649- Recalling his time in Hollywood, made House inaction on the organizations. Call Reese RANCE SPECIALIST — with handy pockets is flat- low is fascinating to smock ing became a communal scream. cut, haul away brush. 4539. VIsa/MasterCard administration package of crime Harris. 521-6020 Coll us and com pare our terinK to wear with casual on gingham and nil with felt the president said, “ Don't fall for MANCHESTER — Avail­ Coll Mike, 649-2021. accepted. DELIVERING RICH Sneakers, bare legs and jeans bills, passed by the Senate last LO AM — 5 yards, $62 plus rotes. Ask for Janet or tops or sweaters for any or pellon flowers. the line that drug use is daring and able Immediately. Two . Watson Boach Real Estate peaked out from many a red or year, a prime campaign issue, tax. Sand, gravel and Judy. Crockett Agency, season. No. 8885 has smocking fun and fearless. It’s flirting with bedroom apartment on MULHERIN'S LAWN No. 8369 with Photo- directions and diagrams; white robe. And parents who addiction, flirting with sickness blaming liberals on the first floor. Appllanced Housetwld Goods 62 stone. Call 643-9504. 643-1577. spilled onto the new MHS track to SERVICES — Yard clean Guide is in Sizes 24 to 32- full instructions for 16-inen and the waste of a life.” Democratic-dominated Judiciary kitchen, basement stor­ up, mowing. Chain saw inch waist. Waist Size pillow. get a better look had to be shooed HUFFY PRO THUNDER Reagan said the older genera­ Committee for stalling. age, 2 car parking. $450 a work. Odd lobs, truck to LARGE OUTDOOR 26", 1% yards 45-inch off. FOR LEASE BUSHES, $5. Large Mox Bicycle — Chrome tion had lost many to “ to one The committee, and its crime month. No utilities In­ do hauling. Fully Insured. USED REFRIGERA­ fabric. Two underclassmen led the houseplants, up to S3. frame alloy rims. Excel­ Te 0880, ssad $2J8 fsr Msh addiction or another” and "your subcommittee headed by Rep. cluded. Security deposit Coll 643-1866, Sam to 6pm. TORS, WASHERS, TO 080IE. tts4 *2.08 fw *S « commencement procession, car­ MANCHESTER Must sell. Private home. lent condition. $80 or best g « ^ ffet889<ir pstli8sse8 ' generation has lost some of its ' John Conyers, D-Mich., prefer a and 1 year lease required. Ranges - clean, guaran­ pattsrs, flat 50$ (tr fttlH* rying a huge banner reading Call 649-6486. offer. Coll 643-8588 after haiidllSK, WHiCABCT favorites like John Belushi and so piecemeal approach to the propos­ Call 646-8352. 7.000 square foot induel* RETIRED NURSE — teed, parts and service. “ What lies behind us and what lies Herald photo by Pinto rial.
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