Freak Accident Injures Cyclist and II'as Notified That T'lvo Hurt W'llen Cu,R Hits Ment Ambulance

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Freak Accident Injures Cyclist and II'as Notified That T'lvo Hurt W'llen Cu,R Hits Ment Ambulance 4 ... __ .. cpa _ e ce eo a ._. $ $$ e $ __ a &+;'* " .. arw: ua $ ••• up UU ••••• s ea. acES sag 2$1 a 2 dE as z2S 11 All the News of Ail the Pointes * * * Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete News Coverage of All tlte Poiutes Home oj t/)e News ~V_O_L_U_M_E.._2,_3_-_N_O~._2_7 a_~_~~_e:_ep,_do_;:~So_It_~~_~n._~_tg_~a_~~_lr_Mt_tt~_r~. ,~ __ ~G_R_O_S_S_E_P_O_IN_T_E_,_M_.I_C_H_IG_A_N_,_J_U_LY_5_,_i 9_6_2 ~._~_p_~~_rC_~_ey_ar 2_0_P_A_G_E_S_-_T_H_R_E_E~_EC__T~I~N_S-~_SE_C_T_IO_N_ !J - - ----------------~-----,-----------------_._-,~._--_._.~-~--_.-~----~-------------------:----------,-------, r-----------.' I . --~-------,- , , IIEADLINES Business Association Leaders Hold Conclave,-., Dr. J.W. BushonglThief Admits w'EiK '.' '-',"'., ",., "~~P""~.: • i Entering 18 As Comp;led by ,he ' I!; To Leave POInte i Pointe Homes .__ G,",_ro_:_:_:'_:_:':_':_n~_::_lJS_~ Jr' ,'" ~' ,0' .t!1lf),For Hawaiian Job IR~~:eLo:~~~~~::ad~e THE KENNEDY -\dmini<;tra ~,~~>;y, ", , \A/h t D' 't' lion is ~a;ntainin~ a ~los~ .v'.';~</L:~; ; 0Hr VH~ a 'dSPOSI',on , , , ',' ",.- "0,,, ~-,------- i e as Ma e of t onapdthethe UnitedPres:dentStateswill " '\~ "'.~ Resignation as Supenntend'Cnf of Schools Regretfully I recommend an immediate tax "tf:-' Accepted by Board of Education; To Head ! ro Thomas G. White, 24, of cut if he deems such ar:tion "Jt~ ~~, Private Institution I 'J5} Beland , Hedamtilton, On.t ., necessary. :Ur. Kennedy, at his .- 'f :'';"",.. -------- I W 10 con f eS5 0 COInml t- news eonfercnce yesterday, ad- i' Superintenden~ Jame~ .W. Bushong has :resigned ting 300 burglaries in the mitted that the nation's econo- "f from. hIS post as. chIef admll1lstrator of the Grosse Pointe Detroit area, admitted nine my seems to be' somewhat l;:lg- J Pu.bhc School b1stem to ..accept a position as head of a I :1101'e Pointe break-ins rais- ging. and stated that h(' has'l private school m HaWaII. The board of education re-: inrr the total to 18 cleared rC'qucstcd standby authority to: gret~ully app d hi t f lib cut laxes. heading off or blunl- I, b 1. ff r.ove s reques or re ease which willi, in four Pointe communities, ing recessions before thC'y ha\'~ 'i ecome e edlVe on October 1 or as soon thereafter as I it was disclosed bv Woods a chance to damage U,S, busi- ,I a suitable replacement can be found. detectl'\'eS on Frl'" "June 2rOJ., Dr. Bushong will head the ness. This POWCI' to act quicklv. " ------------- 'Vlll't". 1 tenced on J'une Kamehameha Schools located in I ' '- was se ] , would benefit the econom.v if it ',' ',' W d B 19 1'11 0 kl nd ClrCUl't Court t continued to droop. as it would; dHonolulu.I IThree boarding and 00 S oo,t : ,erve 3-5a a vea:-s "in Jackson0 by-pass the' time lag causpd i;y ay sc 100 s enrolling approxi- : Prison. an .a burgl3.r", charge mately 2,000 boys and girls, all l('s.'.:slation m 0 v I' n [f. throu,[!h P bl D 1')I'OU'J!lt agal'n t ]]1'!11 -b\' Bl'r ' ..., "'" of whom have some Hawaiian ro elll ue '" - s . ~ Congl'ess. ., ancestry, make up the system. I' :ningham police, Commentinr: wry:y on aRe-I ; Income from a large private T E - lIe was arrested on :\1ay 20, scan'h Institute of America poll 'I " , ' estate of a great-granddaughter 0 rOSlOll 'OUl' days after he rene\','ed his that revealed businessmen arc ~. (: ~""'-",''~,r,>,,;~(,',~~~~ .•,~." ,.'''4' ; of King Kamehameha I has I I ,l<:tiviiies in Michigan, and 20 heaVIly in favor of his tax and i,. .", been used since 1883 to estab- ,--- ! davs aiter he \\'a$ released from trade bills but consider pis Ad- :'J(",-, " /}'J lish and maintain these schools. CounCil Orders Installat-ion : .Ja~'ksr1ll Prison and deported minh;tration ,~encrally hostile to i ~"""., "I regret I e a v i n g Grosse II of Ramps to Mooring : :') Canada, business. KC'nncdy told news-l ' "~""<~\' Pointe immensely," Dr. Bu-l Docks and Study to Caught in Birmingham men: "1 think it Ithe poll I sug- I I 'd "W h b I gests that most businessmen. I ,.. ~,.,.,...--~.",. verys longattachedsal. toeavethe communityecome C orrec t S'tI ua .:••on On ~'lay 20. White \\'as seen ,.•• 0, 1• are RbI'epu lcans. and" : Past d ff' f h P b in the 11 years I have served 1 ,: jC'a\'ing• a Birmingham. home, • he Xo. 2. that they realize what is i an present 0 lcers 0 t e Grosse ointe tern N. Pictured are, front row, left to right:-ZACK " Res ide n t s of Grosse: ilad broken mto. by a cltlze'n l'n tIle bns't l.nt"l.....s.t of busl'nn,s~I Business Men's Association £athered at a dinner ses- MOIR TOM OFFER CYRIL VERBRUGGE . a~ ,supeIlntendent and the de- P . W d : who notified police. and was '- '- '- '--- ~ " , preSI- ClSlOnto leave has not been an Ol~lte 00 s who n1uor, nabbl'd bv Oakland COUlltv au- and the country." Thc President: sion in the St. Clair Yacht Club on June 28 to discuss dent; DR. R. K. O'NEIL, executive secretary,' CLAY-easy one 0 I th 't' theIr boats at the I' . d h ' h b . n y e eXCImg . new I 1horities \\'!lo had set Ul) a road rc\'ealed some -:'imc agG that he I a propose c ange m t e y-laws of the organization. If '\ON ALANDT and PAUL GACH. Back row, left to eh allenges of Kame.hameha municipal dock facility in i i)lock as White attcn~Pted to intends to ask for an over-all. passed, directors will be elected bv districts throuflh- rld'ht all pa t 'd tRAY BU' ETTEMAN S h I Id k th ,J '-' b, S presl en s: - .!., (' 00 S cou ma e ' IS move the community's W ate r- : "et 3WaVin his car income' and corporate tax cut lOut the Pointe. The recommended change will come CHARLES VERHEYDEN uTILLIAM lV'IOIR NOR" II' attractive at all " ' ". ' f 'f t' J 1 ' • , VI ,J.VJ.- FI tte d'n Ofr fro. nt P.ark been pro-" '''hite confe~sed to 30C bur- l' ec Ive anuary , ! before the general meeting of the association in Sep- AN KOPPERSCHMIDT and RUSSELL HARKNESS. a re y er mlsed lmm"'diate onst ,.. tl D' 't ' d Regarding the rc-activation of ~-,.-~--------._-_ ..._-_.-------------~----~ '~- ~____ The board of trustees of t' f J._ C ruc.: :~Jarlf'S tn Ie elrOt .,area, an Kam"llameha Schools announc- IOn.. o. t em p 0 r a r Y ramI) ! "many. l11an~'of them m Hal11- lOa\n'C'drtRehdosctihliitnYaabnedt\\C'ehcnianl\.~_t-IaKl.'na-i.. July 11 Set Lalrefrollt.... :~. Pal-Irs• ~ ContI-nIle i Dr:ve'rsII ~ G,e't ed last\.0 Friday that they had de- facilltles from the shoreline: J Iton. [rom :Janu:Jry L,~,9 960,to Shck's Formusa. Kennedy ~tat- cided to offer the position to I to the docks. .July 14. 1961. He refused to c~- (Cont'nued P~) . I 'lperate WIth Hamilton authon- ed that the would contimH:' the - tt t N h H F.. I on age ~ At Its regular meetmg on 1 'jes because. he said. accurding Eisenhower Administration's For 0peulug T0 A rac Large urn erseavy lues I Monday, July 2, the' City COUn-[lO Ont3rio law, he would be Far East poliey of defending Of F - 1 W hAP S h 1 B d ,cil, at th,e reques.t of Coun~il-; )ro<;ccute<i on all cases cleared. ;~~~~~~~ef;~l.~nd~~yQ~~::,:: estwu it ugmented rograms For Drinking C 00 oar :;;~~.~~"':r~ie;:,~~e~:;ee~~;~~;i .).~~~~~ndD~;i i';:~y~~~::;; providing that attack were part --- --------- --_ Elects Officers erodmg shorelme ~d resultmg J ~.aid that they questioned White of a Formosa invasion. He re- ! Fifth Summer Season of Swimming Classes Most Popular; Weekends See One Goes to Jail for 65 __ gaps between some of the docks: in the Oakland COtwtv Sheriff's yealcd that the Administration II Musical Programs at Attendance Records Soar at All Days When He Cannot Officers for the 1962-63 school, and the land. : Office. prior to his being sent I'S' serl'ou.,ly conccrned about the , F h I th 'F . I t t d th t recent Communist Chi:tese mili- M emoria Center to .vI e M umclpa•• I Beac es Pay Penalties Set by year were e ected by e Grosse •air e5S s a e a every- ,to prison. and the convicte'd -------- Pointe Board of Education at one with whom he has talked! loan admitted to breaking into tary buildup. but has not yet Include Three vVeekends seem to be the only time during the sum- Judge Paterson its annual organization meeting seems very pleased with the' cJ11drobbing nine Woods humes ~~\~~c~::1pi~edthe purpose of thc Concerts mer months that a majority of the residents of the Monday. Robert F. Weber was docks themselves, but the citi- fl'om 1959 to 1962, " * * Pointe find to be Ideal to attend their respective munici. Two motorists received re-eleeted president and will zens are definitely eO~1cerned Had Confessed Others The Gra P' t Salk 'th th' f T d t heavy penaJ.ties in the Park head the SiChoolsystem for the about the safely hazard pre- White had already confessed 'Friday, June 29 sse om e um- p par S WI elr ann les an gues s.
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