Mi Ji»d;i^ifc6i»jQ:f,5S3y^ i^bi^laUPrlday at 12:86 KH. deiOi UMexptbtadlyT^ntiired s the' bomo •^f An yon an Invalid, or have you a friend or any ^Jwimit'iiiiihao^^^ mtmber M your family breaking down or aaffot- '•-"TbrLott aiid took tbe beipyed wife • By Mra. Laura A. Randall. (EXiviiiKly writ- Ingday aftvr.day «lth a sooaltod Inonrable .or ;I>.^:iJ;:?BIIiiiii6udii V bto^^mbvitd'^tO'^bii: niotber. Oil itlie prebeding Suu- chronic dlaoaaef If so, do not fall to oarefally '•«rlnt^ wttty bf' tdwiii'isMlM ^;Oiraoe>Iw, Un for the White Blbbon hoat) day;abe Wtta lu ber aocuitomed place read every lino of this Important notice, and daiiraler jof <:jatuiea - Bll^^^ Aa we look backward through tbe yean coninit,atjfonrflrst oppottunlty, the grealoat t Holt. at tjuiirub, aud ou Tuesday tuomiug Our beans aremoved with gratetnl thought. OLOVER8EBD, Mr.lLawTOneeE.Qtbba were luarried; living apcclallst, Pbyilclan and Bnrgcon. waa taken 111'and contiiiued to grow We look lo Thee through tbankfUl tears. _ TIMOTUV SBEt „. „. Mr. Mcbower, of MiddlevtUe, WM OU TuiMay.iMr. Oibbawaa And aay Behold what bath Clod wrought? Uyepor bushel... worab until (be time that abe fell asleep the telegrapli operator, here. ' MiaOBLbAMBODS. In Jeaua. She waa born at Baden, Qe^ Frotni UlUiboro ohnroU InnS ' ,, BALT.Baglnaw, per barrel...... That Uttle band wbosa hearts were Thine. .iihpp.--May Cook apent Buaday :witn many, June 2S, 1833, and when 10 BBAN8, unpicked, per buihel... Endued with power our Ckid from Thee POTATOES, .per buabel.... ifriendbiluLaiisluk.—Frank Mallory,- Webikerf'nie. yeara of ctge abb caiue to tbia country To do Thy win mid atoriu or shine. Miss Kate .Herrou or WiUlamstoti BQaSifreab, per doien., 'ofWiacanBln; bau returned to Miou- aud aettled near Boohester, N. Y. Ou LARD, per pound Mioh., has opeued u milliner shop iu June 20,1854, abe wus liuited iu mar­ Though Inaultoft wna heaped upon Jkan,' iiiid will reside iu Lansins. Those mntbers brave and nobly grand. BUTTER, per pound.. oSls fttiMlly will soon Join iilni.—Tbe rooHia a^loinlng the P. O. building.— riage to Caaper Lott and aoon after One purpose true waa In their hearts— APPLES, dried, per pound.. mm- Miss J. Wallace haa opeued a wiiliuer CHERRIES, dried, per pound., sugarsoolulttt tbo linli Inst Saturday oame'to'Michlffau and settled in the llouies to protect throughout the land. PBAOHES.drled.por pound.. shop iu the Darllug .building.—Near­ Township of Delhi which haa ever "oveiJlug, netted tbe ladles over 17.00.; Through winter's cold mid storm or sleet, ONIONS, per bnahel...... y. Iiisuruiice adjusters were lu town —Tbo :Misses .Hattie and^ Jennie ly three mouths ago £sq.:D. Jl>. 'Wbite aince been their borne. She was the Through viotory or dire defeat. AGRICULTURAL SALT, per ton „- - - VAN Tuesday and adjusted uud puid the Ferglmon nud'.mttle:;Blaek sp^^ met with a severe accident. He has mother of seven obildreu, five of whom Mid Bunimor'a gold or uutumu gmy, LAND PLASTER, per ton 6 IH)06 00 Tbo Lord bath led us all tho way. I,rV« STOCK A»» MEATS. „ Lansing labor unions aro endeavor­ hisses from the Sutiirduy night fire. Mrs, Ii, T. Hemans was In Mason over Sun­ "Snnduy witb friends bere-^-Ed.Blbby Blnce been confined to the bouse. survive.—Mra, J. B. Thorburn, Albert CATTLE, per 100 pounds 2 60@B 00 They puld $214 on the building and day. Saturday last be received a check from F., Henry C, Emma M., uud Frank HOQS, per 100 pounds 3 00^4 OO ing to secure a nine-hour workday. Is.linproylng Mr. Sbetiitbealin's house Many a lesson sweet and olden $205 on the stock. W. H. Hoyt Is being troubled with rheuma­ wltb a coat of pHlnt.-Ida Oralg ;l8 au Accidental Insurance Co. of which C, ull of whom Were present nt the Hath been revealed to thoso who sought. PORK, dreaaed, per 100 pounds Born, April 25, u little daughter, to tism. Blessings rich and wisdom Kotdeu RAMS, per pound Thanks for many compliments the slbk wltb'ittgrlppe.-John Chaddook be was a member for two hundred aud funeral aervice except Albert F. who 0HI0KEN8, per pound, dressed Ml. und Mrs, August Wolf, of Alulei Fifi's Biiiiiii' Intod thousuud lives bnlh brought'. ' Freeman Evans has returned from Omaha la bolne visiting bis parents.—Mr. twenty live dollars.—Miss Carrie Bay, is in Oregon. Shealwuj-s was u cou- CHICKENS, per pound, alive -THIS WEEK WE QUOTE- don. . NEWS receives both nt home and to Leslie.' I John Bricker bought a part of tbe clerk IU the P.O., apeut Suuday wltb slstaiit christian, a fuithlul wife und a Many have heard the sweet old story TURKEYS, per pound, aUve abroad on uccouutof the nmouut and Hon. John Robaon, of Lnnal ng, waa In town old hotel uud will build a barn loving mother. Whatever sho did, From lips that now ore mute and cold; DUCKS, per pound, nHve„... The grand council of the Boyul quality of Its news items und the vir­ This beautiful weather makes every-; frlenda in Conway.—C.W. Smith will Soldiers gone from grace to glory. DUCKS, per pound, dressed Arcanum will be held In Lansing next Monday. on bia lot.—Tom JJluok will work move to Grand Ledge this week; she did with lier might. "She buth From silver crowns to those of gold. tue of its pronounced opinions. one feel well and also in somewhat,^ :!••••!;', on done what she could.'' BVtLDtMO MATBBIAl.. your. Seymour Worden, of Sand Boach, visited us wltb Ai Dougluss this sunimer.— He baa been a resident of LeBoy for WATER LIMB, per barrel..... 3 FECIAL PRICES. It is feared that George Tboinpsoii, Inst week. 4 of a hurry to clean house. In order, Mrs. Citaper Lott died very sudden­ Still God lends on. Thismuch we know. CALCINED PLASTER, per barrel... forty years except three years spent Our times are In His hand. Thustreet siirlnkler is again ubroud. ofWhiteOuk, shows signs of mentiil 1 ".".^n- Hoyt, of Charlotte, was In town ly last Ifiiduy morning of splnul uud "My heart rests wllh Thoe. blessed Jesus, LIMB, per barrel So is L. J. Lincoln with his subscrip­ to do this they must of course have) In "Uncle Sam's" service. We are iUy hand Is securely Ifi 'rblne; We bell the world with ribbon whito PLAsiERlNO HAIR, perbUBheL... derangement und bis friends think of last Tuesday. Ijrttiu lever, caused by lagrlpne. Knowing that He the whole hnth planned. tion paper. sorry to lose him.—Dr. E. D. Mllli.i, I know who lie Is I havo trusted, SHINGLES, per tbouaand 1 ymhrclhis worth..$1.75, this week $1.25 huving him cured for. Several years Gltson Htaodlah has moved buck to his flirm Puiieial servlcea were held ttt tbe formerly iirofeasor of our schools, wiio I know iiiy Uoloved Is mine, Aud us we look adown the years LATH, per M feet < ago he was partially Insaneon religious In Stockbridge. bouse Sunday A. M. ut 11 oclock, Bev. I'houiili heavy the shadow before me, White Quilts, worth $1.25, this v/eok..' $1.00 Bicycleforsaleclieup. EnquireofH. Wall Paper has since graduated from the Detroit ThouKh near lue the dark waters roll, Replcto wllh gain or loss. ORTGAGE SALE.—Default having been Loewo ut tailor shop, or address him subjects. Llltellj ofMorilce, oHlcltttiug, assisted College of Medicine, bus hung out bis I I'eur not to enter the billows, We'll follow sUll, through good or 111, made in tho payment of forty-fotir dollars * MSI^AI^AIX""""' °f B"'"^'""' In naught we'll glory save Ills cross. Jackson Reliance W.iists, woitli 5^1.25, this week $1.00 nt Masou. 87tf to deccratc tlie walls,-and ' ' by tbu pastor, Itev. Oole. Mi's. Lott shingle in our vllluge. He bus bought yo shadow,lB over iny soul. tcnoentaor Interest now duo and unpaid- . Prof. J. H. Burnett, tbe optician of DASSV11.I.E, Mich. Mupon a certain mortgage hearing date tho flrjt was ut cliuieli tbe previous Sunday, a reaidentce here and wilt make this Sunday school convention tomorrow, Lansing, Ims decided to visit Mason lrrend''sln°,rS°y.^'"" ^"'"^ "-^"^'^ and did her work Monday us uauul, A voice thro' the darkness Is oalllus,— day of September, 1880, executed by Lucy A, .Sateens, new styles, worth i2^c, this week ...... 09 for tlie uccuinodution of those wishing place bis home. The voice of my Shepherd uud Friend, Sticklnnd and Jacob SUckland to Thankful nt Presbyierian church, beginning ut Mrs. Frank Gardner, of Lansing, visited her but complained some. Tuesday was He says, "I will uovur I'orsuko thee. Thoughts From Leaders. Blakoly, now Thankful Butler, and recorded In 9:30 A. M. ft scientific examination of their eyes relatives here last week. Window Shades tnlicii unconscious, iu which comlliiou My own I will love to tho end." tho ortico of tho register of deeds lor Inghani for glasses. The Prof, will be ut the Wliiileid^ For a cbrlstaln to regard any evil ns county. State of Mlchlgon, upon tho flrst day of ube rcinuliied till death claimed her. My hcurl rests on 'I'hee, blessed Jesus, Hon. B. G. Horr thinks that Har- Amerlcnn House Muy l8t& 2nd. * .„?.','."? JrJK'" '5'«''°P. pfLosIle. spent Sunday to take the place of those worn oiit- - ily hand Is aocnrely In I'hlue; necessury and pernmiieiit la disloyalty September, 1880, In UGer 12 of mortgages, on with hor Muson friends. She was a iiieiiiber of Ibe Pieaby terluii There wus a mistake in last week's page 180, aud no suit at law or proceedings In ilson will not be the next Bepubllcau I know who He Is I have trusted, to Chrlat. The saloon is certainly In buying goods this season wc liavc ' cbuieli and highly respected. Tbe Items. Wintield spring term opened .1 know my Ueloved Is mluu." DB. lOLHAN S. lOHFEBET chancery having boon Inslltatcd to recover any eundidute for president. ; Mr. und Mis. J. W. Boystoii huvo ^J?.""', ""•'•??''?• 9-J^' ""'"lall were ovor from destined lobe outlawed, and Ills tbe part tboroor, and tho power of sale contained In ON SATURDAY MORNING moved :to;.,th« farm they purchased Webberville last Sunday. taken extra care in our selections ' coiinnuniiy extend tbelrsymputby to on the 14th instead of winter term clos­ said niortgago having become absolulo; by virtue obvlousduty of every loverof bis kind, Cores Afler All Otliers Fail. AT 10 O'CLOCK (no cai'lier), we will cut 10 yd.s of Print, 50 patterns' Members of a White Oak grange near Berryville, Tompkins township, ' ill Is rumored tbntn Dr. Cook, of Delhi, will the bereaved fuiiilly. ing.—Tbe sick are improving slowly. Scliool Kcport. oftho statute in such caao mado and provided, liud their pluster delivered here sbpn pruotioe medicine In Mason. that our goods and prices may suit ' —Mrs. Sherman VauMurter Is down so far us in him lies, to hasten tbe day. notice Is horoby given that upon Nntiirdny (no more), tor and will bo at home tiieio. The farm Beport of tbe primary and inter­ Late principal and founder of Humphrey's the iweniy.nrih -hold,) to tho hlghcil bidder, the land aglow with niai)le foliage. Every tree Herman Frnzel und J. N. Thorburn, lUTBUMEDIA-rE DBl'AllTMEKT, tion. Not only as an organized power Michigan at the described in said mortgage, or an much tliereof Is swiftly putting fortli its best appear­ Mrs.G. C.Moody and daughter ZuU wero ton lias tbe wall for bis new bouse —Mrs. Wbeatou Is staying at B. bitched to their meat wagon, run awuy with their Leslie friends losl Suuday. have just received .another invoice of Huntington's.-Huttle Tiefry and ^ SIXTU GRADE. I'or tbe rule of our cities and the state an shall be necessary to pay tbo amount duo and 37IOTS. ance. neaily comjileted.-BeitluiDill is quite Maude Porks,* Carrie Kellor,t Hudson House, Lansing, Wednes­ all legal costs, Including an attorney fee of and mutle circuits on theSpitzer farm Nettie Oonkiiu will return the 20tb to does the subiou entrench itself, but the On AprI122Ex-Gov. Bogole nnd wife cele­ shades, something entirely new in^ slcU.—Mia. Carrie Fox la on llie sick .Muhulah Ahrons,t .Tessle Uluckoy.t day and Thuiscl.iy, May 13 and 14; Iwonty-Hve dollars covcnautod for In aaid mort­ Lnsenby & Priest have not fully for some time. A friendly fence brated their 52nd aiialrersary us a pair. Ypsllantl.—There were two fuuerals Jiliumu Qoiumcl. dessolation of homes, tbe fevering of gage. Said sale will bo mado sublcct to tho design and color. Our tr.-ide is in. Hat.—Chailie E. Hyde, of N.oitb Les­ decided upon a future location iu the stopped them and no Injury wus done. held here lust week. Cue ut tbo rii-rii GitADB. business, tbe wasting of health, (be .It Donnelly House, Mason, Frid.iy principal sum ofsix hundred and tblrty dollars Mosley Roasniiin, of Toledo, son of B. F. lie, and Vina Hnrlow, of Greenville, yot to become duo. Tho land covered by said meat business. The firo disarranged Roasmun, of Leallo, Is home for a fow days. advance of any former, season since : were married leeeutly.—Kate Sunders, Baptist church on Tuesday at I r. M; Elsie Bell,* Willie Shoathelm.f breaking of hearts, and 70,000 deaths a and Saturday until noon, May 15 mortgage Is the sontb-wesl quarter of tbo south­ The present legislature of easy ilerlhit Parker, Oscar Ohllnt'er,t west quarter of section tlilrly-throe, In township their jiluns. of Euloii Rapids, visited her parents the other ut the M. E. church ut 10 yeur in our laud follow on its track. and 16. Democratic majority eontructed to Myron W. Ilnskell, of Traverse Clly, was we have been in business. We keep ' A. M. Botb of the deceased were old Mabel Hunt, Kddle Colbuth, It is high time for all public-spirited Three north nf range One oaat.ln Ingham county, meet, do buslneas for 00 days nnd ad­ among friends ond relatives here thia week. last Sunday.—Emerson Bluckinnn Susan UatteuUeld, Ohnrllo Fny,* Stato of Michigan. Mra. J. C. Bentley, of Leioy, is everything from a jiand saw to .t people, living in adjoining houses, und citizens not only to agitate, but to or­ Whore lie will cxniiilne nil IhenlHIct- MILL8->«-CO. journ. They met and have been in Miss Edikh Godfrey, of Pormn, was with drives a new wagon.—Wni. Ingalls is Coral Iluuter, Worthy Koborts, eil ana inako retnrn vlaltn encli uinutb Dated January 21,1801, . „, . , quite a "|)ieoer." She has pieced three Nettle Thorburu.t Cluud Keuter,* 1072W13 THANKFUL SUIMB. session four months; but what have hor friend Carrie B. Taylor, of this clly, ov gold watch, .md will give yoii a cor­ driving lenm for Albert Porter.—Oli­ died almost ut the same time. The ganize upon a solid and philosophic quilts, one of 1,872, oue of 1.000, and oldest iiibubituiita cunuot remember Frank Wilson,* Wlllard Colbath, '"UB.HOLMA'N S. HUMPHREY IS nndoubtcd- they done and when will they ndiourn ? ver Dill, of West Leslie, la very low KluulUo Cluckey.* oaah, so thnt work aud education und (Formerly Thankful liiaauly) J C.i.sh and One Price. one of 752 pieces. dial welcome whenever you will of such a thing happening in our little petition shall be under one great ly the most successful practitioner in bis special . .^^•M'.*'"'"?''Indiana, where Willi consuinptlcin.-Bert and Myrtle rOUIlTU OIIADE. work of chronic dlecaso. In this country or Mortgagee. " IJIy Goods and Carpets. Tbe committee to investlgnte water­ hj^wni^spend the season In the Insurance village belbre.—A. A. Doxluder's thought. Let fuctiotis be relegated LUCIEN REED, Attorney for Mortgagee. The Bretz brothers, of Charlotte, re­ come and see us. Yours truly, Boot are vlslllng their sister at Co- Jeuule DorrlSit ilertliu Huuter, JSnrope, embracing every form of Blood and works have fully organized and are people, who live about two miles out Nervous Aliments, Wastlug Disease from what­ cently purchased a very fine and vul- peniisli, Manistee county, Mich. Cora Suruto,* Abner Butte ulleld.t to tbe past, and peculiar views silenced now in correspondence with 50 places Hon. M, E. Rumsey Is on a Avernl days' of town, are having lagrippe.— Nettle Zlokgrnfit Frank Ferguson, ever cause, Diaoaao of the Blgoatlvo Organs, OllTQAGK SALE. Default having boon uuble Greenbacks yearling of A. I. under tbe glow aud purpose of a Catarrh, Throat aud Luiic AlTectlona, Scrofula made in the conditions of a certain mort­ in un endeavor to lenru everything absence In Washington, the new aUite, look James Taylor's mother will make her Uuru Keller, Irving Uhaudler,* "grand army." "Let liberty, not Mgage made hy William F. Slovens and Mary Ann Barber of this city. Ing up land. FORD & KIRBY. White* Oak. Flora Uoldwood, Kddlo Ilonnlker.-t and Kidney Tronbles, Clseaaes peculiar to Btevens to Maaon I). Chatterton, dated February NEWS NOTES. possible about such construction. The home al her son's for the present. Jennie Oweus, William lleuulktr,t licence" be out watchword.—A'ey. JS. Women, Spuclal Ailments of Men, young or old, Justice Ferguson has moved bis L. W, Mills returned from Muskegon last Eugene Greening will teucli the 7tli, 1885, and recorded the samo day In the conimltteo meets uguin to-morrow TIIIUD onAUG. P. Ingeraoll. Dlaoascs of the Kye and Kar, and all sturglcal ofllce of tlio ruglater of deeds for the county of oUleo across the hull from where it .Saturday nlgnt, his brother-in-law being riold Veils. Crtdy school and Anna Dayton the niaeaecs. I)r. Humphrey's syBtcm and mctuuds Entered at the PoniojJIee at Manon aa evening. much improved. "«"UK Lulu Keller,* Alvln Rlbby.t If workliigmen can build palaces in bring blm In coutact wllh bis patients once Ingbain and Statu of Michigan, In liber B2 of Scr.ond-clana matter. Tomorrow l.s May day. wus and is still ill tbe Cook block ul Enqnlrpof Donsmoro&Coyntolovntor. 82tf, . Baker. As these will be tbelr first DansviUo. mortgages on page 413. which mortgage was Corn Carl,t Eddie Garoy.t which liqnm' Is sold, wby can they not every month, thus ennbtlng Invalids to see him duly assigned by said Mason D. Chatterton to the place of his old sign. About' this time of year chronic .-nfl"" *L'!'' J "'^ aJdrcss of Rev. E. E. Dresaer terms wo hope tliey will do well.— Irve Burnett and family bave moved KlmerConklo,-f ildwlii «i(iMi-,t nnd lo have tho bonellt of bis vast experience at A genuine high wind last Moud.-iy. will bo Sheboygan, Wisconsin, ho haying lloiitlslry. build respectable homes for them­ John M. Dresser, as caahler of tlio Farmers' junns should remt'iiiber tliut if they been colled there lo preach. * "Tein" Joliiiaon, of this place, says into one of Ad. Deiiamore's houaes.— Carl Ulohl,* lionry ,>jliujii.lielm,* tholr own door (so lo speak), not alone saving Bank uf Mason, Michigan; sidd assignment is Lagrippe made more than its iisuul Bosit.eot'u,»7.50; nUlng.SOoup; oxtrnotlng selves? If tbey can atlord the time to 1'aBi.iSHGu EVERY TnuRsnAV, BY Still uo gate ut the Columbia street even suggest their names to be placed 2oo. Teeth extracted without puln by tho nan Tuesday B. L. Halo shipped the stock John Ulehi.t Hoy Welch,'* tUem the expense of u trip "pou tbe cars to i. recorded in said roglator's ofllce In liber (J7 of uttaul: upon iMr. J. \. Burnes, und for A. g. DuBols and O. G. Huntington lea us he Is going to Gratiot county to live.— Aaron Fry.t ruin body, intellect nnd family In tbo great city, but tbo excitement, apprehension, mortgages on page 612; ihat said Joiiu M. crossing. on any jury list lliey violate the law, ofNIlronsOsldoGaa. A. P. VANDEuaKw; of boots & shoes be bought of A. Beers d. T. CAMPBELL. u time \\\i<, eyesight wus Hcriously hist Saturday lor about 10 days' absence Mrs. Mllo Smith, of White Oak, is I'llIMAKV BBPABTMENT. suloon, why can tbey not devoten part worry and fatigue Incident to such an undertak­ Dreaser, aa cashier as aforesaid re-assigned said and thut any olficer who returns to and about Now Orleans. Buslnoss. l«7tf Darrow block. Mason, Mloh, toBeldlng.—Myitle.,duugbterof James ing as well, which alone deter thousands from mortgage to said Mason D. Chatterton, which re- Lansing talks of having races about threatened. He is recovering. very sick with congestion of the brain. SECOND OIIADE. of that time to studying tho great One. yaar, 11.25; tU maalhi, 6S canit; Ihroa the county a namo suggested to him Hayboe, of Bay City, aged 13 years having the ittuntlons of llrst-ehiss medical men, sasigninunl is recorded in said reglstur's ofllce June 2-5. .n.%i;'?,"lJ'.^?.S''.!"" olecled a delegate 'l'»UMurlnl Pnrlura. —^Vlll. Morgan is on tbe slok list.— wltb tbe pitiable result that many die who In llber73orinortgaKU8 on page liIKi; on the note moNlhs, 35 esnts—ia sdvanca. •violates the law. was buried lieie lust Wednesday.— SVallaco Ahrens,* Waller Ahrons,'* question of industrial emancipation? Ills reiiorted thut the uniendment tolhetliird National convenUon of ninehin- Up stairs ovor Williams drug store, 'rjvo The Mt. Pleasant Aid Society will Dennis Curl.t LIIUo Fuy,t might, with skilled attention, be saved to their for the (layment of which said mortgage Is given Streets not at all crowded I'or tbe hits nt Pittsburg und suirta from Owosso next Born, to Mr. and Mr.-i. Sam Grimes, Clam Fry.t Saininle tiommel,* If $8,500,000 can be handed over by friends. as collateral security, lliero Is duo at tbo date AOVCRTISINO RATES. of the constitution to make the salary An indignant citizen of the vicinity good barbers. You aro Invited to cull. meet ut the home ot Mrs. Will Po.st, the toilers of one country in one year, Inst week. of the altorney general $'2,500 wus 71tr o.i>. WEAVICU, proprietor. April 10, a son, wciglit 121 pounds.— Addle KrUig, .Muuil Ohllnger.t Kxuiiilniitlon l-'rt-o •» All. of thia notice seventeen hundred and thtily-lnur oar advertising rates made known aloffloe' north of Muson asks us to publish the Misses Nellie ..... Wednesday afternoon. May 0.—Miss JooUlbby.t .Myrtle \Vclch,t to those who erect saloons and gin- dollars. And no suit or proceedings ut law UuslnesacnrdsSl a line per year. curried in Michigan by 500 votes. II nnd .May Paddock Ethel Granger is visiting relatives in Wm.Bemiiigtoii sold bis pool &, bllliaid Carl Wohlhihrl.t Altliongh the doctor is In inimy caaes com­ having been Instituted to recover said money llnslness locals tlve cents per line each and Garden «eeils in imlk. A. n. VAN I'Dllowing: "If certain rising young visited Mrs, C. W, iundal„„ l at Webbervill.,, e Read Geo. P. Glynn's "ad" In uuothor t-ol tables to Chua. Ebeleis ot the National palacea, why can they not devote at pelled to use expensive lustrumeiits and chom- secured by suld mortgage, or any purl tlioreol. every insertion. DiincooK. tr men who reside in school district No. last Saturday and Mra. Butler nt Lansing umn—"To the traveling public." Grand Kapids,—The social at Monroe KIKSr GItADE. least a fourth of thut sum, proportion­ icnls in making analysis, niieroscoplc and other Now, therefore by virtue of tbe power of sale Airs. Af. Adele Hazlett, the lecturer over Sunday. Putmau's lust Tluiisday night was Hotel.—A young nuiii by tlie iiuluc of scientlllc esamlnutlona, yet he makes no charge Marriage,birth,nud death notices n-ee, and pollliciaii, is now out of a job 0, Delhi, continue to race tlitir horses aioiivy to I-nnu llesslo .Vlosander;t Ucrtlo Battennelil,t ately. In every country to tbe erection contained In said mortgage and of the statute in Obituary notices, resolutions of respect (.'ointtit Lniiiiiiiii« ]»riilii Tlio music lessons to quite a luinilier of Jlyrtle King, Wllllo King. locate n monthly visit, crowds Hock to see him, tbu county of Ingham and Statu of Michigan; town. Well, well! and striliiiig liim in tbe luce. Several education may be bud on ull subjects and uo wonder, fur by tbo llist examination,and there will bo sold at public vendue to Ihe high­ hall laai Suiiilay ut 3 o'clock and were ines only 10 cenl per yard; former And sewer pipe of nil sizes on hand and pupils lb Is spring. Itex. King,* Vernon King, sale by HOOtl' J. W. CnAi-tK, Eden, Mloh teetli wero knocked out and liia lace Jlue Krlug.t Willie Nickel,* wliich relate toman's stay upon and In­ often without asking a question hu tells tho in­ est bidder the premlsus described In said mort- Mr. iitid ifr.-^. M. W. Weiiiiile. addressed liy Bev. J. A. iiariies. price 12.] cents, at M. Gregor's. * See Mrs. Sweet's notice of rooms to Claroneo OliUngor.t lluldrlch Ueuter. valid what tbe trouhlu is, and tbo prospect of a E"ge, viz; The south sixty-seven acres of land AT'1'<»HNEYN. tliN (iiry, welcoiiieil a little daughter otherwise disliguieil,—Dr. L. K. Itlce terest in the eartlr^—3'. V, I'owdcrly. oll'ortbe south-euMt quarter of suction nine, ex­ S. AVERY Attorney and Counselor ut Their meetings grow in popularity as rent. IIoiiHO und l.at tn KsvlinuKu ' West Aurcliiis. Fred Ulbby.t Herman Wohlfuhrl.t cure, and most wonderful of all be values bis April 21. The right eminent grand command­ rendered the surgical aid necessary.— Those marked with a star were llrst hnpresaion and llrst look at a patient more cept tb'i east seven acres thereof, and also ex- E.law. OlUcoovei FariiicrK'Bank. ull hope they may continue. er of the Knights Templar of Michigan, Lansing's poor cost her $90 this "or a-lo-ncre farm within a few miles Mia. Elmer Ellsworth is at Dlnion- Wm. lleniiiiglon and Win. Coni'ow than all elao, and Dr. Humphrey is never nils- (jepliug Ibureiroin ten acrua onlof tbu south-west month. neither tardy nor absent; those marked corner, belnij twenty rods wide north nnd south, LAWTON T. HEMANS, District No. 12, Di-llil anil .\nvelii'» has issued an order requlriiig ull local Moson. ISBfltf H. J. DOMNELI... dnle for a protracted visit.—Mra. Bert bave purchased of James Hay ol' Mit tttkon In hlsdlat;no»l8 lu uny case. The land suld l.y Thankful Bullor v/ltb a dagger, not tardy. Svhool Ileport The Dr.'s metlioas dlilor markedly from tbe by rlj,htv roLB long east and west, leaving flfly A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT wants un e.vperieneed tcacliur. Apply cnmiiiunderies to observe Ascension Wanted ; 10,000 pounds of good but­ How to .nulio'I'cii llollnra, : Collins ia at Bennington.—Xettie Col­ son the pool und billard business con­ aeruaofla di icumhored hy this mortgage; nnd on morlguge sale lust Saturday, lying CouA ALDKICII, Teaelicr, Report of Jbison I'ublio Sol lools for general practitioner in ull respects. Following being locaii.-d ;ii town throe north of range one i\. law. OlUce over First State und Suv- to B. J. Bill len. " • on section S;?, Wheatfiehl, wus bought Day or the Sunday following. May ter. \. L. VANDERCOOK. tf _ Are yon In need ol a sowing machine?' K lins returned from u visit at Pittsburg ducted by him.—E.j J. Smith and S. the plan ol St. George's Hospital of London, be Ings bank, .'Jason, Mich. 7 i.s Asceiisiiin Day nnd tiie Muson f°8?toJ.,N. Smith and ho AvlllaavoyoU nt. the month ending March 27, 1891 registers every particular us to the patient's west, lown of Alaiudon, county of Ingham uud by William Duniels, of Dansville. It Saturday.—Tbe Willing Helpers are Skudun and wives expect soon to pay ...'.•IBS State of Mlchl an. Ti-nchers' n.ssoijjatiiin In this city Knlglit.>i will proliably observe tbe A. J. Blake, of Leslie, was in Masbiii: least 810. He la agent for tlioDomestlo arfd Total number enrolled to date uhyaiclal condition and mental ntaio. Tbenon- Dated Fubraary Iflth, 181)1. lC7owl3 REED. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE wus tbeStricklund jiroperty of 4()ucre». the'ITnlon. . I082tf : to beentertained by Mrs. Walter Wright a visit.—The pastor of the Now Try 'I'liis. Number boliinging at date ,...l»7 dlllon of each organ, location of any and all L. In liayuor block ovor City Bakery. nextSnturday. \\\ e.\ct'lleiit program Sunday following, if either duy. yesterday getting his stepper shod. Avcragu uunilior belonging .-. ....Sl.l MASO.N D. CHATTEBTON. will he followed. Tluii'sday, Muy 14.—Anna Halsey is Baptist cburcb will preach to llie diseased parts, and wbelher sympallietlo or C. D. Kirby, who recently failed In i'iratclunnrci-d Bitru. teaching on Montgomery plains.—- young people Sunday evening. Sub­ It will cost you nothing and will Averngo dally allonduuco ....3-J,H organic, together wllh the anionni or nature of OHN W. WHALLON, Attorney uiulsoll- Tbe best kip plow shoes in Muson ut Tiiere's always money to be made surely do you good, if you havo a I'or com ol ttttondanee .... Ill tbo disease. In this way the entire amount uf Mortgagee. , oitur. OIUco in Darrow block, .Muson. Business meeting of tbe Y. M. C. L Ihe drug business ul Leslie, nnd who in heeding what ouradvertlsei's say. In''connectlon with Iho American Houflji. Helen Hogoboom went to Chelsea ject: "A question lor the Times." Number ofuirdy marks .... J has been ubsent for some time, was in Webb's. 85tf Everything new und proper. Dutch ChnrRy Cough, Cold or any trouble wltb vital energies are readily computed and the GEO. P. Gii.LAiu, Attorney for Morljagee. no.\t Wediiesduv evening ut 7:30 Wednesday to assist at the wedding of Number neither absonl nor Uirdy ....llfl restoring power of ihe body incasarod against J. HOOD, Attorney uiiU Sollcltoi-. Office JIusoii Mondny. He tukcs the roud The Furmers Alliance held what Mllla Dry Goods Co. continue their Is clerk of the hnrn. .71tf Tliioat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's Number of non-residents .... o'clock in tbe Ruyner hull. a cousin.—It is now believed that Mrs. tho force and eniriiy and destructivu capabilities QTATK OF MICmOAN, County of Montcalm. O. over Brown Bros', store. Sluson. soon to sell perfumes. His territory they term u quarterly meeting at the speclnl oflera in their ndv. this week New Discovery for Consumption, Dumber of visitors..,., 11 oribe disease, thus knowing ibe actual condi­ O In the matter ul tbe estate of Charles D. A Gouil ItOHtMHriint. L. Polbemns can be benelltted by- Aneiit Adjouriiiiieiit. If you have business at the Prohale will bo south, in Kentucky und Ten­ court boii.'ie last Tuesdiiy. Farmers Coughs und Colds ia guaranteed to UIGII SCIIOOI.. tion of the tissues and the ellect ol siiucillc med­ Morgan, a minor. Ludies, try our gold dust for house Go to the restaurant and bakery In tho Pad. some kind of an operutioii upon bor A correspondent from Lansing to icines npon every otructnro of the body, niiliko Notice Is hereby given, that in pnrsnanco of nn fllYMlVlANM. Court request Iho judge to publish nessee. from all parts of' the cuuntry were dock block for warm meals, lunches, oyanas, give relief, or money will be paid back. Nettle Avery, Frauk Batcmnu, cleaning. The best thing yet. skull. She received a severe blow up­ the Detroit Tribune April 21 says : Trcs-sle llurns, Maud Crumb, most doctors, he is enabled to. say piisillvuly order granted to the undersigned, guardian of your notices In the NEWS. piesent, more than fifty Uiilgus being aud nit kinds of homo-made candles. o»tr ! Sutleiers from La Grippe found it just whether anv given case l» curable or not, nud the estate of said minor, by the Hon. Judgo of IL FERGUSON, M. D., Physician and tf A. L. VANDERCOOK, on tbe bead Just previous to tbe apo- The Palions of Industry held a se­ Mahel Curry, ttoll Dun, • Surgeon, Mason. Omue over P.O., 8 to 10 Do you want millinery? Liaten to repreHonted. Tliey were addressed by tbe thing und under its use bad u Mary Kellciw.", can also give the ni>pro.\lmate time nud exjieiiBe Probate, for tho couni v of Mon tcnlm, on the .'lOtli GA. St.; 2 to 0 and 7 to U i'. M. 4aiy This Is the last day on wlileb dealers You will see that next Saturday nt 1 llenl ENtikte for l>lnlc. ' plelic stroke she substuined last June, cret cnnciis this morning that was of Guy Field, of iroatmunt, and would here point out the utter dayof Mar;b,A. D. 1S91, thoro wUl be sold at no rumors, don't feur prices till you a Mr. Itlpley, und Ex-Judge Colo of speedy and perfect recovery. Try a Winnie Ives, Mnttlo Jewell, uro required to take out internal reve­ know them; but call on L. Huglison o'clock p. It. will be the proper 1 have for sale on easy tarms LOOO or moro . I'l'oni wblcb she has been suflering signal importance. The Democrats Pearl Lnngley. Grace Lyon, delusion cherished by many pallunts that they public vendue, to tbu highest bidder, at tke S. H. CULVER, M. 0., Howell, it was u secret meuting. eres of choice farming lands In Shlawnsaeo ever since.—Mrs. Jay Currier aeeins sample bottle at our expense and lenru Guy Kuyinond, ought to gut well in a few days or wei-Us, nol- prenilsea, in tbo county of Inubam, In said nue license to sell cigars and tobacco & Shanks in Purkliurst block und be moment to answer to cull at ti. O, county. Also a largo amount of Einiifet have been talking lately about atljourn- lloy RoUb, State, on the luth day of May, A. 1). 1801, ut 10 nHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE to be on tbo gain.—J. C. Hogoboom lor yourself just bow good a thing it is. Guy Smith, Bert True, wltlislandlug the fact that they huvo sullercd for convinced tbat their work und inute- Big bai'guina In sun unbrellus nt M. Ball & Son's. county land from s"" ' ing May 10. This will be absolutely Ida VnnSlyke, yeara. o'clock lu tbo forunoon of that day (subject to L ovor L. C. Webb's Clothing Store, Mason, Well hoys. It's time to organize your and O. M. Roberlsou visited L. L. Triul bottles free ut H. M. Williams, Charles Whiting, all oncumbraiices by mortgage or otherwise riuil ure the best, und tlieir prices the Gregor's. *. to Bull.not far Irom Poloskey. . impossible, if tbe large amount of bills Myra Wood, .John Wright. rnctKfor Moil of All Aacx. .Uluhlgan, 1331tr ball oluh. They pop up all around us, Furmers should consult their inter­ 1U78W1S Huiab, of Union City, lecenlly, aud Mason, and F. H. i'ield, Dansville, Daisy .Searle, exlsUiiR at tho timo oftho death of said deceased, lowest. * inti'oduced are given tbe attention Walter Severance, By reason of falao modesty the youth of our or at the tlmo of the eulu) the following described a nd some of them will wan t a dru bbing An illustrated uddiess on Life and ests by inspecling the Flying Dutch O.J. HOOD, Mason. Durcbused one of hia line Black-top Drugstores. Large size 5()c. and $1. 3 Fred Lyoa. D. GREEN. M. 0., H CM BO PATH 1ST, >'iir Nal4>. tbey wari'unt. in furthering their land are kept lu Ignorance of the sorloua results real estate, to wit: Lauds commencing .SI rds s of . Office In Polar Block, up-sutirs. Resi­ G. E. Sunders, of this'city, und S. Mission Work in Indiu will be given mail sulky plow, sold by Jesse Beech Merino sheep. Tbey apeak in highest KIOlITII GKADE. which certain solitary and Indiscreet pracUces the n o corner of tbe 8w'4 of tbe »a% of sec dencG e tlrst door cast of Prcsbytorliiii Church. Itise.\pectiHl that the 00th nnnlver Eleven acres of Inod lu the south part of the lau for un eurly ndjournment the No.;), in town3 N.of U. I w. Running tbonco A, Fowler, of Leslie, wero admitted by G. W. Leitch, from Ceylon, at the of Masou, nt the foundry. This Is the corporation of the clly of Moson, ovor one- pi'ulae, nol only of Mr. H's sbeep, but George Ctnrk, Evert Clark, produce. These vices If peraisted in eventually Nary of the Detroit Freaa Preo will be Presbyterian church this evening, be- leuioci'uts have decided, us Seiiutor Arrested! undermine the constituUon, Induce nervous w 80 Ida s iV/t rds e 80 rds n -17U rds to place of W. W. ROOT. M. D., to tho bur of Inghum county lust best sulky plow on the market and it hall t)f which Is gravel hill. Good orchard: of bis ability to entertain strangers, £ Lewie Gitusley, Koford Ultl, beginning. ANNA J. BOSK. observed by iliut paper next Sunday ginnlng ut 7:80. Oue hundred photo- nnd vineyard. For terms see J.A.iBarnoa. wO Wisner puts it, "to hurry through tbe Jennie Kyser, Elden l..onusbury, debility and early decay, organic weakness, pre­ Thursday evening by Judge Person, ia bound to please. 86 tf and botb feel as if tbey bad visited a Charles A. Daley wus arrested lust mature loss of tho manly powers, Involuntary HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE III nn Iinportaiit way. giuphs tukeii in Indiu, representing reapportionment nnd appiopriation Lulo Mills, lienj, Marshall, ICS'Jw? Guardian of said minor. hours from oue to two, nnd from six to after an examination by Messrs. He- Ileductloii lu Clillloil Viowit. friend.—Will Stuiderant, of Wauseou, evening for stealing from tbe drug lossofvltal fluids, general prostration, aud oft- P the dully lives of tbe people und the Just received. A completo stock of bills, and then go home." Addle Melton, Eduu searmau. times imboclllty nnd chronic epilepsy. Of aU seven v. u. It Is thought by several who rend inuuH, Chupin and Gardner. Mr. Ohio, made a business trip here onAMMAit nooM. ORTGAGE SALE. WUKIIKAS. default has scenery of the country, will be brought genl's nice, fine, hund sewed kuuguroo Thomson iSt Sou, Dansville, have made u ' The Patrons of Industry have a large store of Sblefman, a bottle of Sulphur maladies aflllclfng mankind there is probably boon made In the payment of the money last week's article to "A. Skinner" Sanders is not decided ns to his first great roduotlon In Chilled Plows, selling tbem M A. B. CAMPBELL, M. D.. out by the stereupticon. Admissitm und cordoyun shoes, ut Brown Bros,' tf number of pet measures iiefore this Bitters. Before tbe court this morning, Eflle Burden, Louie Bement, none about which tho common family doctor in secured by a mortgage daird tho Kith day of that the one addressed lives in the location In the practice. wth Jointer and reversible point fortffl! less i recently.-Mrs. Marllla Ward bus been Mumle Hlnkley, AlMoNorrls, general practice knows ao little, yot no sufferers July In the year ISHS, c-cecutud by Kussol C. Oan- CYSIOIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE free, und u collection for missions will Jointer 10.60. A specialty ot plow points, mt legislature that will be sucrificed if tbe upon being asked wby he should steal, Alton Phelps, over H. M. Williams' drug store. Mason, west part of (his county. Mrs. Thomas McMunamun, once very sick with liigrippe.—Those Inter­ Eva Shepard, need tho attenUon of tho eiperlenced specialist fleld, ot Branch county, Michigan, to Richard J. Ladies, have you seen those elegant be taken, one-half of the proceeds to ested In tbe munagement of the church Democratic plan succeeds. It is un­ lie stated that bis mother was troubled Herbert .SltM, Maud Bement, moro than those, as hero we havo to minister to Bullen,Inghnm county.Mlchlgan.as administrator Nettle Sweet, visited her mother here „ . Olrl Wuuted Fred Uemeut, Claude Bement, Some of the parents who think lace, patent tip shoes, at Brown Bros.'? go to the Womun's Missionary Society. derstood that tbe Patrons ugreed this with Bbeumatlsm, and that wus tbe a diseased body, a diseased mind aud imagina­ of the estate of John tibeseley, deceased, which IIIISCEI.I.ANEOVIII. this.weeli und yeateiduy atarted for a To do general housework. Enquire of Mrs, and cemetery on tbe pinins will meet Mabel Uyer, Mabel Green tions tilled Willi morbid deelres and fearful ap- said niortgago was given for purchase money-and their children are In school may oft- 85tf M. Gregor. gjtr . - , inoriiiug not to help puss uny reappor­ only medicine tbat helped her, nnd Clarence Green, Emma Kloe, new home ut Owensborough, Ken in tlie annual meeting this week Wed­ prohouslons. Dr. Humphrey's unparalleled suc­ was duly recorded In the olllco ol the register of FARMERS' MUTUAL ener find them putting tbelr limbs In Burker & Co. will not make tile uny nesday evening.—Edd Simpson is still tionment bills.until tbelr own meas­ being out of money and work was the Alllo Sweet. Bertha South wick, cess with these unfortunates arises not alone deods of tbo county of Ingham, lnlibur7u of Tbe people of the Baptist church tucky, where her huahund precedes Hnrlccr ft; Ou'a Iteiiaon. cause of his stealing. As this was bis BoBBlo Webb, Guy Itoyston. from tho fact of tlie most scientlllc and specillc mortgages, on i>age lliO, 011 tbo 20tli day ol IRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP ING- danger by jumping on and off trains. longer. Kor their reuson look umong ber und ia already engaged ut his very aick with rbeumutlo fever.—L. L. ures bave been given most considerate Octolier, In tho year 1888, al l.-So o'clock i>. Ji. and society tliought enough of Rev. The reason we will not make tlio longer Is first oftience be was put on probation. medlcaUon known either In this or any other F ham county. Safest, cheapest, best. For our business loculs. 85tf trade at $4 per duy. Haiab, of Union City, shipped to O. attention. Tbe Patrons of Industry INTERMEDIATE DEPAKTMENT. country, but also to tho fact of the direct In. And whereas, the amount claimed to bu duo un 1 nformatlon write to O. F. Miller, secretary, L. T. Henians will deliver the ora­ Napoleon Smith lo extend him a call ,hat they are loiijg enough now, IS of thom ' —Newark News. 85 Emma Balomun, Joslo Brown. said mortgiige nt tho date of this notice is the ayinayIng n rod, andan ^tl present prices make but M. Robertson this week a splendid bold tbo balance of power out here, nuencoofhls powerful will upon tho pecnilar Maaon, R. J. Bullon, President, Mason, tion at the meeting of tbe alumni of to preach here, which he has accepted, For all the prisoners sent from Ing Wuuted ; 10,000 pounda of good but­ smullexpense,as ffollows : Georee Barnes, Blanche Crittenden, mental depression always found In such casea, sum of S01I7.U3 of principal and Interest, and tbu hum county to tlie Detroit House of : specimen of tbe Black-top sheep tribe, and tbe end is not yet. Mabel Uresser, Robert Darrow, further sum of twenty-live dollars ($2S) as an at­ Eaton Bapids high school this year. nud he will soon bring hia fumily to ter. A. L. VANDERCOOK. tf 2)^ Inch tile— cos t per rod._ . 10 cents by which he is enabled to Infuae a part of hla Correction tlie county has tu pay a for Wm. MLK and Mis. M. Simpson.— Tbe Patron bills of importance are Advertised Letter List. Juddlo Gregory, Eva Illgby, own energy Into tholr hopeless Uvea. Wore not torney feo slipiilated for In said mortgage, nud JEWELER. Mr. Hemans graduated there in 1884. Muson. He is a bright young niun, a a aioonla Will Harrington, Jlrnest IColly, all aucb caaea held In tho moat sacred contldcnco nn suit or proceeding having been Instituted at Mt»KNt O .and Collo.itlon Agent. A fresh supply of making it better than ever before. tvill take place on the fuirgrouml to­ miles from Dansvillo, seven ftom Muson nnd : is at her old borne prepared to weave Cora Jones, Sudie Rice, voiiliuonce. Ingham and State of Michigan, theceiitral school building necessitates of apoplexy, after a sickness of only f.'RW""'".Wllllamsloii. BuitdlngslliatoIaBS. Coughs, Etc. Save S50 by use of one Ralph Hayes, Dated April lst,18Ul. money to loan. somoditt'erentarrungeineut before an- Plowing and sciuping goes on, grad­ morrow ulternoon at 2:30 o'clock, be­ win be sold cheap and ou cii^v ,,.i.it,M VM: rug carpets iu tbe best manner. Garry Beynolds baa in his posses- Eriiesl Bellway, about six huiira. He was born in this bottle. Wnrrnnted tbo moat wonder­ Eddlo Klrby, Bessie Ball, RICHARD J. MULLEN, Administrator, other winter. Tlie company that ing and leveling, und whut wus good tween tlie high-school nine and u nine particulars Inquire of Mrs. E, Alwood, slou a relic, in the shapo of a deed Johnnie Fowler, ONEY TO LOAN, BY'I'HE REAL ES- county 53 yeurs ago last June, and hud Dansville, Mioh. ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold ClmrlCK .Southwlok, 108SW13 Mortgagee. lulo Agent, JoiiK DtTNsnAOK, placed the jiresent heating system before will be excellent now'. Their frdiii town aspirants. It muy be u 8515 . iiliviiici given by Jacob Scofleld, of Westches­ Bunnlo Baldwin. Uuiset Whllo. B, S. AVEUY, Attorney for Mortgagee. M lived where he died for about 20 years. by H. M. Williams, Druggist, Mason, * there has failed and repairs cannot be annual races this year will be held good game,'as the scliool turns out u ter county, New York, to Ferris Rey­ .SECOND WARD SCHOOL. He leaves a widow and ono ch'ild us 'rnke Notice. ' Supervisor Geo, H. Mclntyre is LARK HOUSE, Vm.H.'Clark,proprietor. bud. What they did wus warranted August 5, G and 7 and tbe driving club lot of uctivo young men' and those nolds. Tbe document was executed TniKD, FOUIITII AND FIFTH GRADES. TRAVELING^PUBLIC I Best ono dollar n dny house lu the olty. well us many friends wlio will miss Mrs,G. W.Glynn,of Dansville, has lately : taking the aasessraent.—Mrs. Jlilo C for 20 years, but they seem to bave are exerting themselves to make them among the townies who will play bought a now loom for weaving rng onBpola. in 1810, nnd tbe description of the lllieiiiiiAtisin Cured in a Day. Minn Bemout, Llllto Callahan, Michigan (Tentrjil blm sincerely. Fuueiul services were i Smith is seriously ill.—School com­ M. DRESSER loans monoy, buys notes, not warranted their own responsibil­ an event. havo had more or lees experience She will weave.stripod carpet lor conta premises would hardly satisfy n pur­ Erncsl Parker, Madge Rhodes, The mall route Irom Donsvllle to Masou , makes colleollons. At F'armors' Banic, on ibo diuniond. Indeed some uro held at Aurelius center lust Friday, yard and hit and miss.for 10 ooiitH per menced Jlonday. Alvab Hudson "Mystic Cure" for Bbeumatlsm nnd AdaHoyt, Wllllo Rogers, having boon . discontinued, the subsorlbets "The Niagara Falls Route." J ity. It is probable tbat the pipes •d. Thopntronago oftho publlolarosnooti chaser in Michigan. All that certain Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Men's heavy boots only $1.05 at quite pi'olessiouul. All ure invited to conducted by Bev. C. L. Burnhart of VUV.I ..ml 1.1. nn.t mI...... n .-..4.. ' eaober.—Flunk Laniis will build a X'lllST AND SEC;0ND GKAUES. will heroatler run u vehicle over the road SOUTHWARD. MTY BAKERY.-FRESII BREAD, PIES throughout the building can still bo lysollolted. . ifeir • piece or parcel of land, situate, lying Its action upon tbe system is remark­ Roy Adams, dally (Sundoys nnd the 4lh of July excepted) Webb's. 85tf witness tbe contest and no I'ee will be this olty. He wus u brother of M. D. .'an ; new barn this summer. E. M. Kim­ Hnrley Myers, a. m. a. m, p. in. p. in. ( J and cakes, Mnson, Mloh. used. and being iu Sullivan county and able nnd mysterious. It removes at Wllllo Aldrlch, Alydn Moore, for the oonveynnoe of passengers, express, chniged at tlie gate. Ladles especially Bobinson. ully Ilouinatunoiil. : ball will do the work.—Win. Milby, and freight, at reasonable rates, leaving Dans. Mason .. 8:13 10:11 5:19 0:17 Tho members of Co. F. will be state aforesaid, bounded and distin­ once tbe cause and tbe disease im­ Louie BooUo, Vlolor Sltls, ,.. 0:05 U:U5 am 10:00 JIARLE & LEWIS, DEALERS IN HEAVY The finest line of Indies' shoes in tbe are invited, 1 who baa been slok for a long time, is Charlie Cnllalmn, F:dlth Silts, vlUentSo'eloote A. M. nnd arriving at Mason Jackson ileased (?) to learn tbat the military The best line of men's and boy's MAMT^fca".'"^ ^^°°^' "'"""'^{f \ guished as Lot No. 8 In Lot No. 20 in mediately disappears. Tbe llrst dose IU aud ShoirHardware. Mniilesl.,Mason. city ut Webb's. Sfltf : now convalescent.—J. L. Dyer's nelee Georgle'Dey, VlvlaSwan. at or before 10 o'clock A. u., returning at auoh P. m. a.m. joard is talking of favoring them with A good plow shoe for 90 cents at work and plow shoes at Brown Bros.' general Lot No. 1 in the Hardeuburgh greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Edith ViiuOstrund. times each day as shall best promote the Chicago 4:35 0:10 from Canada is visitlnghiui.—A. Hay- 1:50 B. WORDEN. pension attorney.offlclat- Tho fire engine needs prompt atten­ a diet of only hardtack, baked pork Webb's. 85tf 85tf '•' Ureeii Llith*. ' Patent and bounded as fallows: Be­ H. M. Williams.Druggist Mason. 6nio. ooDvenlenoeortho public, Detroit . l!i:IO 0:16 10:16 0:15 • Ing an nannl in nil pension mutters, office Holding the 8-yenrs-old shilllon record of \ nor, who aecidently shot biuiself, is B. H. GULL13Y, Supt. J tion. The fines are becoming so worn and beans, and of pei'mitting them to ginning at a Laurel branch corner CEORCE P. CLYNN. p. m. p. m. over Webb's clothing store. Mason, Mloh. 1071 Jlessi's. Ilolley & Bullen have sold "Quickly doth one woe upon the Ingham oounty since '88, will be ut tho llor- gaining rapidly.—Death has taken St. Thomas ljua 10:55 2:00 10:10 that they may burst nt any time aud enjoy themselves by marching from and marked 78, and runs from hence their general store business at North heels of another tread." Muson is tou burn In Muson for sorvlco this acason- from our midst Mrs. Osborn, mother of a.m. let the water into the fire box. It bus Masim to Wbitmoro Lake, the place north 75 dsgrees 47 seconds, east 28 NlagaraFallB... 7:18 2:27 6:20 4:13 Aurelius tu Ernest Bullon, son of now engaged in u small postofflce war, , , . - . . M. A.BltMBNT. ., Cbns. E. Osborn, who will be missed been used six yeurs uud tbe motion of of encampment, pitching their own chains and SOlinks to a heap of atones, PAR^NT8--Glve your chlldron a knowf James T., and have been invoicing and some who were deadly enemies on Victor Kiiiirht, NORTHWARD. edge olBook-kecpIng, Shorthand, Typewrit­ thewuter ngalnst the Hues which me tents ut night und thus tusting of by ull, but more by those who knew six IJnks easterly from a beach tree, tills week. They bad enough to at­ tho water works bill ure In sweet con­ Slondard, 0180, aire of Colored .Qlrl,a:26Ut ot Highest of all in Leavening Powen—U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17,1889, a. m, p.m. p.m. ing, Telegraphy, eto. 138 in number bus worn them thin in soldier.life. Col. Irlah says, "This her beat. Deceased lived to a ripe old .cornefed und marked SO; thence along -GET YOUB- a.m. tend to without the store in louklil); fidence on tho latest. A few in the 110 dam of Queen, a-yoar-old record 8:11; and Mason .. 7:18 11:28 6:30 0:65 IT WILL many places. One buistcd recently would not please some of the dudes Green Jennie 2.yoar-old 2il0. • - - age nnd was one of the pioneers of thls^ the bounds of 0, south 0 deg. west 50 Fon THEM alter there brick yard, suw mill and north part of town have conceived the At my farm, nt ... 8:12 11:60 0:1B 10:15 nnd the workman who repaired It belonging to the mllitlu, but a man ISO to Insure.; 86w4. A. 1. BAKUIin. : I township. chains to a heap of stones, 12 links Lansing p. m. BE MUCH tile factory, nnd Messrs. John and idea tintt the P. O. ought to be moved TIIAMMONEV stated that there were several already wlio could not stand such work is not south-westerly from a hemlock tree; .. 0:02 12:12 7:05 Lansl'g James T. Bullen uud Elmer Holley H;nd they want It placed where it will Vor Sale or ExotaniiRe. Owosao a.m. Aoo'D. Educato them at tho GRAND RAPIDS, unlit for hard work. Should they fit for ft soldier anyway." None in ' • •, ; Leslie; ,.:': thetico south 78 deg., west 28 chains CMloli.) BUSINESS COLLEGE, Lodyard expect to soon give more attention to be of more couveuieuce to theih—in 11:20 Owosso 0:15 burst and put out tbe firelu the engine Mason Colonel but who ure just ach­ Livery nt Mason, Mich. : DAnnAn & Oo. BOtf !, A Mr. Beemnn has opened an egg and'80 links to a heap of stonea, 10 JOB PRINTING Bay Oily „ Acc'n. a, in. Block, oor, I'enrl und Oltawa sis. Visit us. their saw mill business at Hulbert Sid­ the Huulingtou building oh B. street. For cnlaloguo address A. S. Parish, successor when most needed we would bo in a ing to shoulder their guns und beds Cnrd uf'I'huiiks. plckllngestublisbnientln the basement links northerly from a beach tree.— 0:00 0:30 ing, northern Miohigan, where they A petition wus framed and clroulated Mack I now to C. G. Swousberg, sorry pliglit. Wo understund that und be off on a merry morning walk Wo feel to gratofully thank tho dear friends of tbo Young , block.—Mr. Fred E. Leslie Bepublican. O. W. RUGQLES, have a thriving partnership, We bo- very quietly, but like murder it soon new flues have been ordered and tbat to camp. By the way. Colonel', who ao kindly and sympathetically ulded na Haynes, sou of E. P. Hayues, and Oen'I Pass, and Ticket Agent, Chicago. speak a successful mercantile career was out nnd now there are two well in our recontbereavomBntof brothornndhUH- ' M. J. MnRRAY.Tloket Agent, Muson. the engine will soon bo repaired. It couldn't you furiiish n bicycle or two MlBS Fannie Eumsey, daughter of M. -AT THE- for the new owner of the North Aure- developed sides to the questiou. band, 'MBS.ANMlloniitsoN, . . • should be. for nmbulniK^s? M D. M E. Buiuoey, were married at the home Slok lloadaolioi Ladies, try our gold dust for house liiis store. Nothing alarming ns'yet, aud it is B. A«P Miia. M. OJIIMBOM. of tbe bride's parents, last Saturday.- cleaning. Tho best thing yet. LOOSE'S BED CLOVER PILLS CUBE Webb's $2.00 shoe costs you $2.50 at Bargains' in dress goods nt M, Greg Gent's flue dougola congress on $2.00 hopeilthat ull will keep their equili­ uiiioeitooinaloHom,. •; \ A Mr. MoDttvitt has'opened an nud- SICK Headache, Dyspepsia, Indlges- tf A. L. 'VANDERCOOK. other places. 85tf or's. • at Webb's. 85tf brium. PloMantoatlnUipolty. OvorHownrd'agroo,.^, tioh store nnd is soiling books etc., iu tiou, Conatipatiou,25o.perBox,5 Box Bnqulreo(Mrg,M.A,Swoet." the Young block.—The stoue crusher esfor^l. For sale by LongyearBrbSi

" "JOT T/OTTtt'JWT ir«Tel notlU;!8|iMtMlM 'WlbMMd !• O^-^ TBB JDiueen'B'da'oghtera ue not only; Ifbnila bjr FrMldrat. Barrlioii and' Hla '••.:,.:"^ONATrtAH'S'VlEWa",- r^: JMiabuoket-Bhiman&'Moal a buoltet-ahop and take^ a deipoMt* Mwona•BeoMitot-tJwit ot their ted deb& mi i a 1M»^ '^Nw^ipolu'^ n .io'taiv.'.mM- -Tg>lwi][|^ ttisiiMiKeiltiat^t IniitiUgaiMrMtt^t^ ^ goodneediewbmen,. but good cooks. UEPUBLICANS CONVENE, QVEENVIOTORLA lias presented a rich­ ehanoe with his last eoin; lie wai only nwtnir ffame." lift, he borrowed a quaMor with eaaa, oftbaAaoarlaanpaapla • • ..^'J :-•,,;,-! :, •Ufthe eitiea of the coiihtiy. ;«Ieirgyi ; . •XTUHBAT.: •' "While tlie>nnaeTS'AUlsnfe In tho was! fs • Ei PASO, Tex., April iaiJ.—Mexico ly eaparifioned Indian elephant tc^ the wondering what a broker's Ufa was like, Bussell heard this and auttered la Ho made a cpiretbl note that it waa: to of their annual product.' ;:viSKy. OBokdiE 0.^^ has re- with your , G tho train. A detaehmont of tho Fifth er simply the contagion ot the activity for two years I should know a great "Hav I a cigar with me," said Rusaell, made a welcome address. Ex-Gov. but to destroy sectloualism; not to rekindle OEonoK URAIIEK, a Cinndhnatldrunk­ A LASGOW woman has left Salva­ the cause is not fear, but usage. The ilMMlUvegyeteui. orderly person. • .•',','v.^'V:-' infantry and band, a number of Mexi­ around him; but, whatever tho cause, deal nioro at tbo end of that time than stepplr If in front of him. the bitterness ot the post, bat to lay tho loua* tionist Booth SSSO.OOO, usage dates biiclc to old times and is of AtroatUe on Blood and i Forakcr welcomed the visitors on be­ A PAMILV of flve persons named Bald- ard, killed his wife and committed sui­ "Th« aks, my boy," replied the victim dotlon for o perfect . (utnre. It propoaos CECIL, son of ex-Mayor Stafford, of can officers \yith a ntilitary band, and German origin. BlmoiH!. maUed raits oa oj MONDAT. ke felt tor the first tlmo a 8Udpld(>n that I do now, and should be willing to give half of tho state of Ohio and spoke In cide. Four littlo children were left or­ cation. of this lonfldencegame. ^Howareyou, that In a "government ofthe people, by tha •win died In awful agony in Baxter Leicester, accidentally shot his brother, the local organizations formed a pro­ QUEEN VICTOBIA always takes her Parson Drowi., he was anyln' last nlxht he had discovered a career which would It all back to him when It was due. I enthusiastic terras of the services of people, for the people," every Indivlduul citi­ phans. ' , . Smggiita 6eU It. any wiy? Haven't seen you for a •county, Arlcj and: upon examination and, overcome with remorse, killed cession to tho courthousQ, where speak­ own mattresses with her when she goes Thet the heart could bo Judged by the tM please him. He had a general idea that should like to make a contract with the the republican party, paying also elo­ zen, high or low,, rloh or poor, foreign or native, AN artesian well, believed to be the An' a feller could toll of he'a right month.',' black or white, east or west, north or south, the remains of a large centipede were himself. ing took place. At many of tho street traveling. These mattresses cost ninety BWIFT SPECIFIO 00.» the social life of thoso mon was not what devil to that eHoct." quent tributes to the memories of Din- (preatost in tbo world, has 'been sunlc on Hy hlaenoDiy's views o( the ease; "To answer your question frankly," shall bo permitted to.wolk to his country's bol- found in the coffee pot out of which FIRE destroyed 15,800,000 pounds of corners wore banners in Span­ guineas each and tho queen is as sensi­ Drawer 8» Atlanta* Q4* he would desire, but ho began to bo in He looked about him as if he ex­ coin and Grant. a farm near Huron, S. D, Its flow was An' lie said to mo: "Jonathan, whea said Iluasell, "I'm broke, and I was lot-box und exorolflo tbe Inollenablo privileges they had drahlt. ' * sugar cane belonging to the Labcrlnto ish nnd English, bearing the tive about them as tho princess of doubt whether ho really know much pected tho fiend to appear with a docu­ Among other things ho said: of the citizenship without danger to hla llto or estimated at 10,000 gallons per minute. •Vou are sound at the core. It la trus looklt g for a man who had half a dollar , MALVEKN Bill, near Richmond, Va., estate near Clfucnttts, Cuba. words "Reciprocity witli Mexico." crumbled rose-leaf fame. Not long ago Thet your goodness will shine out to men about it. • He was conscious of a dosira ment ready for signature, but no such "Tho republloans of Ohio wero simply repub­ the surrender of his manhood. Tho ropubllean AMONG the passengers landed at tlie to spa to." party further proposes to protect tho ballot- the scene of one of the famous battles THE Spanish cabinet has brought for­ • TUCSON, A. T., April 3?,.—Tho special ono of them was mado about half an An' they will perceive It In you. to learn what it really was, Oaly one phonomonon occurrod. Tho slight odor licans. Thoy soraetlmoa bad a contest which barge office at New York from the AD' of you are bad at the heart, "Gl Id to obllgo you. Como around co- boxes of this country fron both tho potty and . of tho late war, has, been sold [ to Wil­ ward a bill to prohibit labor on Sunday. train bearing tho presidential party way suggested Itself, and that was by of brlms*^ono In tho air proceeded from thoy regarded as purely their own, but in na­ steamer Wisconsin were eighty Mor­ inch thinner than usual, and her majes­ Vou may try to keep all of U In, morrt .w and lunch with me", tional fssucs they never faltered. No republic/ grand larcenies ot ollogoa honorable democrats. liam H. Halo of New York. NEWS from Simla says the English arrived at Tucson at 8:'i0 o'clock Tues­ inquiry, but ho had a natural hesitancy a match with which the young man be­ This Is not o.seotlbnai cjuostion, except iu ao mons in charge of two elders en route ty detected the difference at once and "August But tho fust thing you know It will dort "T'(ank you. Hero Is my i. 0. C" on candidate for tbe prealdoncy had ever TBAIN .wreckers threw a passenger have killed 150 more Manipuris. One day night, promptly on schedule time. From tho liver right out to the skin." about stopping one of these favored hind him • was lighting a cigar. failed to get Ohio's electoral vote. LApplauae.] far OS crime against cltizonahlp has becoma for Utah, had it altered. • "Novor mind that, old man." train on the Alabama & Great Southern Briton was killed and four wounded. The principal incidents on tho run from WaUI It may be tbe parson Is right. young mon on tho street and asking him Whether tho contract was signed else­ "The republloans ot Ohio," aald ho, "cherish general, respectable and politically prolltable WALKER LOWE, a farmer living in QUEEN VICTOBIA'S table linen is all "^hkelt, if you ploaae," RussoU In- In the southern states. Tbo de.moorutio party froih the track near Springville, Fla., B. & A. IIO.MAR,TEE, Parsce bankers El Paso were short stops made at Dom­ In berntln' a prodigal so— whether ho found existence satlsfootory where may bo a matter of controversy. wltb grateful reoolloctlon ond appreciation the Spencer county, Ind., was dragged from m.ado by hand. Her tablecloths have t waa lookln' It over to-slght sistiii. "I om very particular about name nnd memory of Abraham LInouln. [Ap­ in tho south secures its congresalonal ropro. and tho engineer and fireman were ing, N. M.,aud Bowie. Wilcox and Ben­ on the whole, and If so, why. He won­ If so, it bore tho date May 13, 1S88. sentatlon based upon, a census of the colored his bed by white caps and given sixty- and merchants of Bombay, have failed the star of tho garter in the center, with An' I said to myself; "I dunno plause.] ' They have a Just pride In the stal­ killed. • , A. Flower" small loans. Thoy aro easily forgotten. population. The negro Is tho solvation of the with liabilities of nearly 83,500,000. son, T. Tho president was received the royal arms. On tho large rays of Alter all hut I've been in' tbe wrong dered if any truthful picture of a broker's wart loyalty und patriotism also of U. S, Grant. N five lashes on tlic bare bade. CHAPTEB IL I wi il poy you to-morrow at noon." . aouth; his patient,, cheerful, prolltable labor la INE thouspd dollars were found in Z. T, SWEENEV, United Stotes consul at each of these places by a military " I have been afflict- When I said It wan't nothln' to me life could bo found in a book, and whtjth- "The republicans of Ohio, he continued, not THE total increase In tho tobacco the star arc woven the names of tho SUAX.!. LOADS, It waa six o'clock when Russell ne- Its greatest blessing and dearest hope. But he the bustle of a deceased maid at Greens- general at Constantinople, has tendered salute .ind was heartily cheered by tho What other to'.ka thought. I'H go long er In that case his flve dollars would keep only boltovo In grcot men but In groat princi­ crop of the United States since the greater dependencies of the crown, and Blllousness, '' ed with biliousness An' see what my standln' may be. Of all tho gifts that are bestowed by gotl itod his sooond lo»n. He had be­ ples established by tbe party, from the thir­ Is the demoeratlo Nemesis. It ho is not counted burg, Pa. his resignation. people. him alive long enough to rAid it, for congresalonal and electoral roprouontatlon, tenth census is, in round numbers, 20,- the lesser names are on the lesser rays, _ ., "and constipation An' I giieas as the Lord sees my heart the children of men upon tbolr follows gan to discover with regret that the teenth constttutlonnl amendment down to tho SwiNDLEns fleeced the president of THE Russian government has issued iNnio, Cal., April 33.—Tho presi­ His attention was distracted from rulings of the glorious Tom Reed [Ap- the democratic party cannot exist; It ho la 000,000 pounds. A beautiful wreath of rose, shamrock Constipation,., for fifteen yeara j Ho win want to bo flxln' It right i none so little deserve tho good namb of counted at the polls, tho democratic party dies. the Ncphi (TJ. T.) notional bank out of a decree expelling all Jews from Mos­ dential train arrived here on 001 Jonathan, boy I wo will start these ideas by tbo sound ot a conversa­ plauae.] Tbey believe In a free ballot anda WILLIAM GROSS, a farmer living in and thistle intertwined about tho crown Stftmaeh " first one and then charity as tips to waiters. RussoU be­ The republican party pledges its faith that 11 $0,000 by the gold brick scheme. cow. tlmo nt 8:15 a, m, Wednesday. On the road of repentance to.nlght." tion behind him. Throe or four young fair count [upplauso]. and they despised with will enact and enlorco auoh legtalotlon oa will Perry county. Ark., committed suicide imperial is woven in each of the comers. stowed his last quarter upon the man Indignation the InDdellty nnd cowardice where­ , tl. PiGGET, manager of Baniter Sul­ A Barrisii ambassador sent to tho It was met by Gov. :Markhttm, Stomach ..another prepara- —Julia B. May, In Detroit Free Press. mon whom ho immediately placed in result in a demoeratlo funeral ono way or tha by hanging himself, having first hanged who had served him with as much per- by the most sacred of all the pledges of 1888 livan's ranch in Buchel county, Tex., king of'Gambia, in west Africa, to tell of California, Gen, Crocker, and a Pal ns. " tion was suggested tho general Wall street class, wore talk­ Btand yet unfilled. [Applause.] Whllo they other. his wife. P. T. BARNUM AND OTHERS. Bonol good win as ho would have felt if has fled to Canada with $50,000 of his him he must behave better, has been number of others who will ac­ " tome and tried but ing in an animated manner on general welcomed all who came to these shores In good THE Wisconsin world's fair commis­ ho had dropped it in the slot of a ma­ "Thla mognlllcont convention is on oarnoBt employer's money. sent homo with portions of his cheeks company tho party to tho Paci­ MRS. CLEVELAND is taking lessons on " to no purpose. At last a friend topics • far removed from business, iind faith to become American citizens and obey and of the revival ot stalwart ropublleonlam. It la sioners have resigned because of tho chine for the dissemination of chewing become a part ot tbe lawa and tbo instttutlona BonEitT T. ALJrr A Co., extensive and thighs cut off. fic coast. Gov. Alarkliam delivered an the violin. ' • recommended August Flower. I bettor still, from politics. Presently within your power to moke this country cor: smoU appropriation (.805,000) made by glim. Tho action was a part of his as­ of this country, thoy wanted the doors shut talnly republican for a re­ "Tho volunteer political organization of tho to protect the citizenship they eontorrod; to hotel. Despondency at the loss of his Baron Fava in his report to the Mar­ rio and Pomona. "its should be D,,,^*^^ ist of Taunton, Mass., fell from a cliff quis di Rudini on the New Orleans small ham sandwich, ono small chicken • tion loads tho host philosophy astray, something iwio language and bearing But thoso gloomy spoculatlons were lievo hunger Is limited as to time equal­ republican party. It has no pay rolls; it con­ complete the edlllce ot prosperity on tho fortune was supposed to have furnished The ceremonies in this city consisted "made known to Printer, foundation thoy luid, Is our solemn duty and into the sea at Plancentia, Newfound­ sandwich and a few swallows of and allows virtue to gropo in vain for its of thoso raon^ivhlch led Russell to be­ merely tho first fruits of his penniless ly with loss expensive meals. Ho trols no patronage; It oska no odmlnlstrattvo the motive. lynching expressed tho belief that of a street parade, by which the presi­ "everyone suffer- Humboldt, favor; It Is devoted alone to the ndvooaoy und dearest hope. We are raembora of that samo land, and was killed. brandy and w.ater. reward. Tho good man who avoids evil lieve that thoy would be congenial asso­ condition. The influence of now ideas wanted hla dinner. Ho had been living IN tlio United States the business there was no way out of the situation, dent was escorted to the city hall. Ad­ " ing with dyspep- perpetuation of those great principles which organization their wisdom and patriotism A GENERAL lockout of tlic stone as the federal government had no P. T. B.viiNU.M, after making his will only bocauso ho docs not seo its alluro- ciates. Would ho caro to bo ono of thom, and a good meal triumphed over de­ at a boardlng-houae, but the woek for guarantee lihorly and equality to every Amer­ created. Wo aro advocates of tho same glori­ failures during the seven days ended on dresses were made by Gov. Markham "siaor biliousness Kansas. @ masons was inaugurated at Pittsburgh in 18S2, summoned several prominent monts, will also miss a groat deal which to live thoir life, slnco it was not so spondency. Already ho was working which ho had paid ended at breakfast ican citizen and make possible tbe prosperity ous principles they maintained; we kneel at tho 24th numbered 205, against 251 power to give Italy the satisfaction de­ and Af.ayor Hazard und were responded nnd Allegheny by the Master Masons' G. G. GKEEN. Sole Man'fr,Woodfaury,N.J. shallow, after all'? Perhaps; ho was not out tho details of a schomo full of novel that morning, and he did not think it of all who lovo to dwell In tho protecting shadow the altar whero thoy pledged their devotion, manded. to by the president. Secretary Rusk physicians to examine his mental con­ is both desirable and pormlsalblo in this ol tbo American flog. It follows tho personal and we are inspired by tho memory of tho association. the preceding week and 21S for the cor­ quite prepared to say. exporioncos and largo profits. Gilbert Bv the explosion of 205 pounds of and Postmaster General Wunamaker. dition and to inako affidavits to his san­ world. would bo right to partake of his land- fortunes of no loader, nnd will not commit knightly Holds whero ao many ot them toll. No THE New Orleans gi'and jury has responding woclc last year. Ray had begun life with a borrowed powder a few miles from the city of At night a public reception wtvs held at ity, which they did. This was to guard With so much by way ot preface it Ho found himsolt at tho door lady'a ohoer again until payment for it Itself to tho candidacy of uny man. It la for other age, no other civilization, no other polit­ Bummoned 370 witnesses to testify in WAITE S. JIARTIN (colored) wns hundred dollars, and was worth mill­ tho nominees and the platform ot tho republic­ ical power has sot so many rallostonos on the Rome, Italy, seven people were killed the puvillion; and later the party was against any possible contest upon the may bo safo to say that tho young man of tho Calu Napoleon on Wall beoanio less problematical. Moreover, regard to the Mafia lynching. hanged at Columbia, S. C, for the mur­ ions. Would not a smaller initial loan an national convention. The league Is an army turnpike ot human progress as mark the tri­ and over 200 injured. Ihiildings in tlie entertained at the Union League dub. pica of incapacity. who will now bo introduced had led an street. Tho others entered. Should he had plans which could boat bo oxo- of privates i Us oBlcijrs serve with tho rank and umphal advance ot tho republican party. In Its FOR the first time in twenty-three der of Alice McLeod, Bill Miles (col­ answer for a man with moderate expect­ vicinity were demolished and many The train left at midnigiit for San P. • T. BARNU.M'S last marriage was exemplary life without finding any sat­ ho follow? Ho took out tho flvo- outed down-town; so ho entered a cheap file. Epaulots, cocked hats, dross parade and unconquored ranlss lot ua still go marching on; years license to retail intoxicating ored) wii.s executed at Pickens, S. C, ations? If money could bo mado to on, under the dearest flag that freemen over structures in tlie city, including tho Diogo. about as origin.al ns anything he ever isfaction in it. lie had taken for his doUar gold piece and looked at it. "You restaurant and ordered a raoal which spectacular exhibitions are not Included In its liquors in Washington county. Pa , has for the murder of Jake GrifTcn, Edmund grow at all, why not indoflnitoly; and, contrasted so unfavorably with his last plan of operation. It has no dosiro to assume bore; on, In tho companionship of the loyal, Vatican, were .shaken. RIVERSIDE, Cal., April 24.—President did. He stiw tho girl in the street—she guiding rule tho advice ot Schiller that can mako mo a rich man for half an truo and bravo; on, to the Inspiring muslo ot heen granted. ITollid.'iy (colored) was hanged at Man­ if so, what pruotical dliloronco did it that his appetite well nigh vanished at control of party machinery or lisurp the func* IT iippoav.s by the Cuban census, Harrison's tr;iin halted at 3:45 p. m. was a governess—and followed her happiness ia to bo found in tho daily por- hour," said ho, "or a poor man for a tlona of any commlttoo intrusted with cam­ the union; on, along tho pathway ot the na­ THE Farmers' and merchants' bank ning, S. C, for the murder of John ^V. mako bow small the start was? He did tho sight of it, Tho sooloty, too, was which has just been taken, that there near Arlington and about 6 miles home He then introduced himself to formanoo of a task ot routine It will week. As a matter of exporiment 1 will paign raanngoment. It seeks to popularize po­ tion's glory, to tho future of our country's hope." of ClarlcsviUo, Tenn., which failed re­ Dubose, John Wilson .and Jtclvin ,lolin- not know anybody who would lond him not what ho,had enjoyed at tho Cafe Na­ litical action; it otters to every ropublionn In arc now nearly 50,000 Cliincso men in from Riverside, where carriages were tho mistress and said he would like to bo rcmemborod that tho samo eminent chooso tho formor." cently, has resumed business. son were executed at Baton Rouge, La., a hundred dollars, but ho thought ho poleon, Ho observed with surprise that tho land an equal share of tho responalbU- Gen. Thurston then introduced Hon. Cuba and only eighty-four Chinese in waiting and the party was driven to marry the girl. Tlie mistress consulted gentleman advised writing with ono'a Tho Cato Napoleon was crowded, as it Ity, tho labor and tbo glory of political sorvleo Pon tho nin9 months ended Btarcli SI, and James. Croney was hanged at Lex­ could borrow a quarter Bomowhoro. hia tasto had boon eduoatod in many William McKinley, Jr., who said: women. Riverside tbrougli a succession of tho girl, iind tho whole affair was ar­ feot in a tub ot ico water, but most of us alw.ays is at ono o'clock in tho afternoon. and success. It addresses Itself to tho intolli- 1891, the immigration into the United ington, Va., for tlie murder of Charles Of Pure Cod With that in hand, ho might borrow a ways by that lunohoon. Ho had long "Tho great parties of to-day could trace thoir JENNY LINO'S memoirs were pub­ orange groves. Under an escort of two ranged inside of twenty-four hours. do not llUo it. Thoro is, however, a All tho stools botoro tho lunch counter gonce and patriotism of tho American people, States -was 310,'.;37, against 254,403 for Oliver. half dollar; pay the quarter; and then boon aoouatomed to such eating-housos and proposes by honest methods and fair means heredity to the great parties domlnont at tho . lished in London. They show that she companies of soldiers the president groat deal of valuo in tho routino idea, wore occupied, and a aooro of men wait­ very foundation of this government. Tho na­ the same period last year. THE center of population of the Liver Oil and borrow a dollar to pay tho half. Tho 03 tho ono in which ho sat, and had to commend republican principles to tbolr de­ had a strong antipathy to stage life. proceeded to the Gleuwood hotel, but tho trouble with it in practico is ed tor places, staving hungrily over tho liberate judgment. .It seeks to establish a per­ tional idea and tho state's rights Idea began to • THE exports of merchandise for the United .States hn.s boon located about possiblity of such a progression ovi- never •before boon affliotod with suoh divide mon us early as 1787. Ho said tho re­ SEVUUE and continuous rainstorms where lie made a .short address. THE MARKETS. that many pooplo do not know what to shoulders of thoso who wero being fed. manent club In every communits", and to carry twelve montbs ended March 31 were 13 miles east of Columbus, ind., and a HVPOPHOSPHITES doatly depended upon tho careful use of harrowing doubts aa to tho clean and on political organization and political education publican party grew out of the whig party, in Peru inundated njany vilUiges and Upon arrival at .Sail Diego in the New Yorlt. April 97. occupy thomsolvos with after tho dally Thoro was tho same rush and bustle as which was an Immediate descendant from tho • valued at 8372,010,577 and tho imports monument 80 feet in lieiglit will be LIVE STOCK-CttUlo each succcssivo loan, and If the scries wholeaomo nature of the viands, cverj'week day in tho your.'.' Tho delc;?atos caused a great loss of properly. morning the president proceeded to . s-J .'iO ® a itr, task is done In the stock exchange, but there was federalist party. It.was tho party of Clay, at 8835,031,420. Exports of gold were erected there May 10. Sheep . .1 so ® 7 lU of Lime and wero carried far enough It would end In present represented more than ton thousand FiET.D MARSHAL COUNT VON JIOI.TIVE, IIoss William Itussoll was ono of these Ho loss of good nature When anybody on A healthy appetite had always hither­ permanent republican clubs and move than a Webster, Hamilton, Wade, Lincoln and Qor- 880,669,087 and of silver ,?23,0.S7,981. IN attempting to cross a traek in the Hotel de Coronado, where he was . ,1 -ll) (£4 .1 (10 riches and an established credit. flold. and tho demoeratlo -was tho party ot Ool- of Germany, died suddenly in Berlin at FLOUI-1—Fiilv to Fancy . ,1 M ra .1 Tfi had hold a clerkship for eight years, on a stool ordornd plo tho man bohlnd him to triumphed over any suoh thoughts million momhers. Tlie excess of exports over imports of front of an approaeliing train near received by cx-Gov. Murray and Jllniicsoiii t'luents Soda Tho wlno ot tho Cafe Napoleon muct houn and TlUlon. Ono groat glory of tho ro- the age of !)0 j'cars. . 5 -10 & n ou a slowly-increasing salary, and had been stamped impatiently as if a personal in­ easily. Ho had never beforo been so gold and silver was 813,273,887. The •Washington, la., ,Tohn Graham and his Sfayor Ounn and the Sau Diego recep­ AVHEAT-No. •-'Kcil 1 XKidi. 1 ai havo been strong, for tho schomo looked "Dy wlso prolootlvo measures, by generous puhlloan party •was that it could look Into tlio TWELVE Manipuris villages wore de­ tion coinmitteo. Gov. Torres, chief ex­ 2i>Ho». It la ho had boon a oar-horso; but ho would prongs and a knife with a sticky handle. The speaker then sketched the his­ 760,000. a farmer living near Steubenville, 0.. at) iiulatablo aa milk. An unprojudicod observer would have ances in ordor to select tho man who has dti'ldod tho hardships and doubled tho re­ wa.s tiiouglit that the rebels were com­ HYE—Wusiorn in 84 rather havo been omployod-than idle Tho distinction between oJcoraargarino tory of thp domooratic party iu tho shot his mother, his sister and a hired Mexico, were also introduced. I'OHK—Muss. New HU .IO said that thoro was no cause tor com­ should furnish tho first loan. RussoU wards ot America's lolling masses. Theory can 1 TuE livery stable of J. B. Cook & pletely cowed. 7 OU im 7 Ob Thinlung ho regarded as an unsafe oc­ and buttor now for tho flrst timo' stood weave subtle arguments to prove, and Ignor- Kansas and Nebraska legislation aud man, the first named being danger­ SANTA BARRARA, Cal., April 2,1.—A LAUD—Wcsleni Steam Scott's ImiMm %n^iitu plaint. Tho mon on tho stools ato fast had never been a borrower; In fact ho Son at St. P.aul, Jiinn., was burned, Fouit girls, Nellie and Mary King, BUTTEU—Western Cruiimury •il @ S7 cupation for a man who know how to out as wide as tho mouth of the pit. onco can brazenly assort that a protective larlll the proposition of the United States to ously wonndod. The maniac thought drizzling rain interfered somewhat cm OA CIO. i» a tvondcrful tHcah I'roilucer, It ia the enough. Indeed it sooraod as if noth­ could not remombor whon ho had asked does not Increase tho prosperity of a people, and sixty iiorsos perished in the flames. analyito tho facts ot existence, as ho did. [TO BE CONTINUED]. consider the bill to buy Cuba. tho shooting would reduce tho priee of Ethel and Jfabcl Allen, were drowned with the pleasure of the presidential BEEVES-ShtiiiiiuwSlcci-s.... (T* 0 40 Heat Betutdu tor CO^fSIRnPTION, ing but choking to doath could savo suoh a favor of anybody. But ho had but the fact remains, nevortholoss, that In n MAX lIuNGEa, a German, fatally shot Uows 1 .'•.0 & il M Scrofola, Bronchitis, Waatinsr Dis­ That was the trouble ! lio know how to •toiVee. at St. Johns, N. B., by the upsetting of party Friday morning. The president thom trom dying ot indigestion. Quick often lent money, and that ought to give singlo quarter of a century there havo heen Ho said, further: his former sweetheart, Martha ^laraw- a boat. Slocl.-i^rs :; .'•lO eases, Chronic Cougha and Colds. analyze thorn but ho didn't know tho built In the Unltod States and paid for out of "The doraocratio party opposed tho green- FR.VNIC OLSON and Charles nolines rose sibout S o'clock, Jind after break­ FeoUovs ;l •.'.•) il :i ou feeding has boon brougiit to such a him an advantage Ho mado out a list slcy, and liiraself at Newark, N. J. Ask lor Soott'o Emulsion and take no other. facts. Ho had long ago given up ambi­ FRICTIONAL ELECTRICITY. tho accumulated savings of Us workingmen back whon It was nocessiiry as a -war measure; fast at Pasadena he and the members Bulchur.^j' Sicer.s fcn -I 00 sciencoln Now York that tho philanthro­ of ton mon whom ho had frequently sup­ AT Chatluam, N. Y., Henry Pavker- were fatally crushed at Omaha, Neb., MullR I •>•) So a (XI Au Allurlnff Exporiment That Any Boy throo million comfortable American homes. it waa for peace at any prico when wo wore at of his partj', with Gov. Markham and tion, friendship, lovo, and many other pist might well doubt which to pity moro, Our counli'y is an empire, vast In area, un­ Bon, aged 71 years, fatally shot Mr. and by the caving in of a sewer trench. LATER NEWS. HOOS-LI™ 4 1.) (III it 15 plied with lunch-money during tho last Cun Try for Illiuaell'. war for tho life of the notion; it opposed the ro- THE amount of money in the treasury those ueoomiianying him, were driven SHKr:P .| ,10 & (1 '.'.'j ewcot and profitable things bocauso ho tho rich who oat so much in a minute matched In rosourcoa, limitless In poaslbllitloa. sumption ot specie payment; it opposed tho Mrs. Peter Seible and then sliot him­ EXTENSIVE deposits of quartz curry­ six years. To tho best of his roooUoo- Tho boy who desires to exporiment a of tlie United States on tlie 1st of April about the principal streets of tlio IlUT'l'HK—Ci-Oiiinur.v •iO ffrt Tegai'dcd thom as doluslonsl or tho poor who eat so littlo in a year, It can produce und manufacture almost every­ cmnneipation proclamation. It has been the self. ing from 3 to 7 por cent, of nickel have ClfHKl 10 Cliolco Uiilry 11) & SI tion thoy wero all Indebted to him for little in friotional olootrioity oan obtain thing necessary for human use. Its citizens party of opposition. It has opposed every, was Si.'Jl,000,000, of which .81'.I3,000,000 town and through severtil orange Thon came a day whon ho began to N. H. PLUiiJiEa, a prominent mer­ been discovered in tlie Ilarncy City dis­ ECiGS-Fn;-li i:i!-;.,i. 14 Tho small tables in tho Cafe Napoleon certain forgotten loans, but ho resolved considerable experionoo and dead loads nro equal notoro the law, entitlod to measure of advanooment ot tho nation. It op- was "trust, money," held for the re­ groves. The route of the drive was IJKOO.M COKN- regard tho consolations of his daily task equal opportunities and possess equal priv- pcised protection. [Immense cheering.] Ho chant at Buffalo, 111., fell dead while trict of the Black hills. Huri 354'® •'i wero besieged almost as hotly as was not to mako any claim upon them for of fun with so simplo an olectrioal out­ demption of gold, silver and currency past the i-esidonces of Gov. Markhtim I! (ii 4 of routino as delusions also. Ho was as the lunoh-counter. But Russell suo- past favors. llogoa. There Is no class und no section which rend nn interview with Congressman W. H. H,; waiting on a customer. The cause was AN abandoned woman was murdered Si^lf WfirldUK fit as one chair, four tumblers, a smaller should bo favored at tho expense ot another, certificates, and the balance of .8258,000,- and Mayor Lukens. At a prominent Diim:iK'-il 'i (.'•. 'i',i 5food a sample ot tho discouraged young Lee, of Richmond, Va., which appeared in the apoplexy. and mutilated in a low resort in New SI & 1 13 ooudod in securing a seat opposite a If RussoU had known moro about tho boy and a houso oat. Place the tumblers for success or failure must in tho end bo shared New York Times. The substance ot the inter­ 000 bolouged to tlic government. street corner a large floral arch had P0TATOP;S ipcr hu) linan as conld havo been found in Now rusty old fellow who had just ordered a AT Home, N. Y., fire destroyed the York. Detectives s.aid tho crime was PORK -V.r.^K Vi f'-iVjdsvi n • subject ho would havo chosen any ten on tho ground, tho chair lei^s in the by all. The factory and the farm aro the two view was: 1. Subordinate everything to tho MR. WILLI A.V Ti;i!itY, the fifth victim been erected, and near this the LAHD-Sli'iiin II 1:> dll 11 so York. Ho had hitherto maintained a piooo of applo pie and a glass ot milk. great producers of national wealth. They are party. 2. We must not consider anything In^ Wiggins, Dickinson, Pritehard and evidently the work of "Jack tho Rip­ tl 25 fi'. (1 UO mon in tho world rather than thoso. tumldoi's; set tho boy on tho chair and of a poisoned wedding fetist, died at school children of the city, more FLOUll—Pnrliig Piuenl.s certain oontontmont bolstered up by Bohlnd Russell wore tho four young men dependent on each other. For every spindle which tho party ia divided till after 1803. & Wilson blocks. Loss, 8100,000. per." V.'Iiitor Patcnls 1.-, f,n r, ar, Tho more nionoy ono lends to a man, lot him hold tho cat. This part must that ceases to hum; for every wheel that no The congress should prevent pernicious logla- Louisville, Ky. than a thousand in number, liad as­ prejudice in favor of his own philosophy; whom ho had followed into tho cato. H. P. THOMPSON &CO., of Winchester, IT was said that tlie Chicago & Alton BuUors ^ 75 & .1 tX) Hi-? tho less ono can borrow of him. So it not bo omitted; it ia tho most important longer turns; for every forgo that falls to glow, latiou, but attempt nothing moro la: Mus. Bfri'Tii-; EATO.V, of North Bend, sembled. As the president -ap­ GKAIN—Wne,-.l No. 2 1 10 0i 1 ll!i . and whon this thin support gave way Ho duplicated tho ordor given by ono some farmer's plow will rust in the furrow. tho Flfty-seeond' .congress. Thoy carried the largest tobacco buyers in Kentucky, railroad, which was recently boycotted Corn. No, 'J happened that in throe hours bo had part of tho wliolo oxporimont, and if Ind., .sister of President Harrison, was peared they threw thousands of roses, WVitl 70!i thoro was no mending it. About this of thom, and thereby laid himaolf liable Tho republican party undertakes by wise legis­ the country in ISOO by ail immense mo-: failed for 8200,000. by all tho eastern trunk lines, was Oiil.s. No. .•ji^^iQi r>i called upon nine ot these mon and had the hoy does not hold tho oat ho will bo lation to foster and develop all our varied and mortally injured by being thrown from calhi lilies and orange blossoms in the Kyo. Nil U 80 (<(, 'M tinoo KussoU lost his clerkship, natu- to tho propriotor of tbo Cato Napoleon jority, and, according to this Intorvlow, AN epidemic at Pella, To,, caused by doing a larger passenger business than found them all unablo to accommodate sure to como up to tho scratch. dlvorslllod interests. Our system of protection thoy ore afraid to Intorpfct tho policy on a carriage at Clevcs, 0. pathway of his carriage and fairly Uiir'.fy, Clicite 7.'-> @ so ally enough, perhaps, for a man in that contaminated wells, has resulted in five ever before. LUMinCK- him. His method of address was not Seo that tho hands are dry and oloan; Is designed to build up our manufacturing in­ which thoy won thoir victory. They denounced BY a fire tit the Belmont race track in filled the vehicle with flowers. Imme­ biclili:,' 10 00 ©2.100 condition of mind is not a valuablo em­ terests, and thereby greatly increase the home the tariff, and thov did not know what tho tar- deaths. AT Archie, Mo., E.P.Soper, a butcher, .•i:; «> ifs/M ou good. It is a difiloult thing to ask for stroke the oat ciirofuUy from head Philadelphia niiie valuable trotters and diately after their return to tlie hotel Flfjoiiii;.' ploye Ho did not regard tho loss of demand for agricultural products; whllo the ill was. He had heard of on instance sinoo ho DURING attempted evictions of strilc- killed his wife and two children and Kl IM r.fcll! .'iO a loan, and the man who hasn't had towards tail, thon remove tho tlic p.arty went to the train, leaving for Ciinmoii Diiunis w 00 taw UO the position as a calamity, and ho made genius of tho nation's great statesmen has had arrived In Clnolunott A <31nolaaall mer­ then took liis own life. No cause was pacers were burned to doatli. Ftinc'iii^ practice in tho art is at a groat disad­ hands and apply again for on- jpuplod with protection a broad system of ers at Uniontown, Pa., a pitched battle Santa Ihirbara at 11 o'clock. •i UO ((il 70 no attempt to got another. Ho simply chant, whon tho tariff bill passed, wont to a known for the crime. :MICII.\EL C. PERCIVAL, cashier ofthe L11 til. Dry s 10 (iil y 00 vantage. Tho confirmed borrower who othor stroke, taking caro not tc rub reciprocity which Is already opening up to the wholesale dealer ond bought all tho sowing; was fought between the deputy slierill's SliUiales lived on his small savings without any Shoe and Leather National bank of Soon after Uio train reached hero S'l'. LOUIS. knows that tho chances are ten to ono tho wrisng way. At tor making a dozen invincible Yankee tho best markets of tho needles he could And, V9oauao as ho said, thlS: and tlie Hungarians. One gii'l was A FJiEloiiT train on the Pittsburgh & $.1 10 Si 5 00 plan whatovor for tho day whon thoy world. rascally tariff was going to put the prices of. Auburn, j\Ie., wns stiidto bcshort 8100,- a procession was formed at tho sta­ CATTLK—St.ccvs against bis paying, always, has a taot strokes, a person applying his knuckles killed and runny of both parties were Lake Erie collided with a xvorl: train Riocla-r.-i anil Fceih.TS ;! 10 (Til -1 110 should bo gono. If any suggestion of a needles up, whereas tho now tariff admitted 000 in his accounts. tion composed of a cavalcade of Span­ which carries liim through, oven whon to either tbo boy or the oat wiU rooofvo a wounded. at Rock Point, I'a., and two laborers HOGS—Full- to I'MioIco rii;avy, 4 IR) (as 15 ilfo worth striving for should como to "The result of tho lato congrosstoiiol eleo- them free. To tho charges that tho Filty-Urst THE National league baseball season were Instantly killed and three fatally FLA.MI-;.^ at St. Charles, jNlinn., caused ish citizens in their native costumes, Mlxtiil Cirmies •I -IU (JO -I O.'i tho lender haa an equal lack of oonfl- smart discharge of olootrioity. . Tho tion, and tho phenomenal growth of the Form­ congress was expensive, bo said, yes it used a- a loss of over 8100.000. SHEKl' him, ho would awakon his energies ; if ers' Alliance, hove been heralded by democ­ groat deal of money, but it paid Its debts and a ' opened on the 22d. hurt. the lociil grjind army post, and a brig­ OMAHA. 4 •,'!> © r. 00 donoo in final restitution. flosh ot tho boy aots somewhat liko a THE warship Blanco Euculada, wliicli ade of children and citizens in gayly- not, thoy should sloop. racy as the forerunner ot republican defeat, large arrearage of indobtednoss leftover by tho THE annual statistical report of the .SOLDIERS broke open tlic jnW at CATTLE-Frimo 5.1 (10 ffii r, m Whon Russoll closed In upon his tonth Loydon jar, and high-presauro oleotrioi- and virtual abandonment of the protootive Fiftieth congress, but it kiipt all itsplodgos^ was ono ol the vessels taken possession Fancy .1 .-l.'i (0. 5 11.1 American Iron & Steel association Walla AValla, Wash., and shot to death decoratod carriages. The party wsis Ho occupied tho timo in strolling man ho had begun to bo discouraged. ty is stored up to a considorablo extent, system. It Is truo that tho enactment of tbo save ono—tho oleotlon bill—and it was no fault of by the rebels at the breaking out of Kiitr 10 Cio.,a .'! 7.'i & 1 73 shows that in ISOO the United States A. .T. Hunt, who sliot Private Jliller.- fir.st escorted to the Promenade des HOGS , 4 !iO & 4 IK) about tho city studying life in various This person's name was Rawson, and ho A sharp sound accompanies tho dis- McKlnley bill so neor election day that Its pro­ ot the congress that it did not puss tho bill. We i the insurrcelion in Chili, was sunk in visions could not be explained, its practical kept faith with the creditor that bought our produced the gi-eatost amount of iron MA'rriiKW HuMK CLAY, of Lexington, Anglais, a beautiful drive bordered on 10 Cts. Paifs for One Bulb forms. In reality ho know but littlo of had boon a clerk with Russoll in tho old ohargo, which tools like tbo pricking of Caldcra bay l>y a torpedo and 200 per­ botii sides with mountains, dotted with what was going on in tho world. Ho had effect dolormlncd, or the falsehood concerning bonds in our time of soro need, and now wo and steel ever manufactured by any Ky., was sentenced to the penitentiary of the LOVELY, NEW.LEMOINE (But- times, but bolng of an ambitious dispo­ a pin, both whoro it strikes the hand it refuted, cost tho ronublloon party thousands moon to keep faith with that other orodllor, sons were killed. picturesque villas. given most of his leisure to books, and Whose services are above price, the floldlor/i: country. for ten and a half years for signing his terny) GLADIOLUS, ap.ncicct of 20 kinds sition, ho had abandoned salaried work and whoro It loaves body of boy or of votes. But before tho next presidential •W I J Here' tiiey witnessed a battle of had continued studios of a philosophi­ election Its beneficial effects will have become who offered their lives In defense of tho ooua- FIVE laborers at Burlington, la., died grandfather's name to over 830,000 EU.S' 'EII ACKSON was hanged at of New ,and Be.-iutiful Flower Seeds,,ind a 4 for the real estate and mortgage busi­ oat, Whon ready to torminato tho ex­ flowers—a spectacle new to this coun­ cal nature which ho had begun at apparent, md It any of Its schedules provo to try. We stamped tho life out of repudiation. from drinking water contaminated by worth of notes. Mennaun, 5Io., i'or the murder of .-Mcx- months' trial subscription to the Mayflower, ness, whoroin he had prospered to such poriment make several elaborate passes A LUNCH COnSTF.K. be excessive or unjust the republican party The spooker hero mode a comparison of the i- sewage. HUMAN bones, old crockery rindonier andev JIcA'ickovs. try, but familiar to all visitors to are cured bi| the best paper on flowers and gardening coUogo. Ho cultivated tho actjualntanco on extent that ho waa roputod to bo ovor tho oat, work up a powerful storage stands roady to correct Its own mistakes, with­ stata ot finances In tho admlnlstrutlona-of^ Nice during carnival week. Tho of foiv men and no woraon. Thoro was DAVIS & CRESWELL'S big machine curious relics were found in a briclved KEY. T. DI; WITT T.M.MAOE'S new piibllsliccl. It Is .in cloR.-mt, illuslr.Hed Aloiithly of 16 in tho sum of S-1.75. This lunch was eating widows' houses at tho rate of of olootrioity, thon opply tho knuckles out destroying or omasoulutlng the foundation Cleveland and Harrison, As to tho circulation; engagement was participated in pacios (levotc.l to tlowcrs. fruits and p.'irilc'ninp;. not a single hcjusohold In tho groat city prlnelploa of Amorlcon protection. The Form­ of currency, he said. If more was noodua It; house, brass and type foundry at Den­ pit under the rear portion o£ the old tabernaelu in Brooklyn was opened to Edited by JOHN LHWIS CHILD, nsslst(!d.by many tho first extravaganco tho young man throo square raoals a day, suddenly to piissio's nose, Tho oxpori­ his congregation aud tlio public on by ladies and gentleiiieii in open car­ whoro ho was over a guest. If thoro had ers' Alliance was undoubtedly on important would be forthcoming. But whether it ho gold; ver, Col., was destroyed by fire, causing Barnura hotel at Baltimore, Md. of llio most eminent Hortlculluralists, writers and ,.*iS had committed in a good many years. RussoU hartUy oxpectod f,o find Raw- mont terminates very suddenly at this or silver or paper, it must be worth just what: riages, so covered with flowers and tr.ivciers ia nil p.irts of the world. Articles by Henry boon doiibtloss ho would havo obtained footor lu the last election. It wos first organ­ a loss of 8150,000. AM-IIUR MOON, of Middletown, N. Y., the 2CUi. M. Sl.iiilcy .nut Al.nj. Jeplison on the flowers seen la Tho pintot good wine which was in­ son in his ofllco aa late as five o'clock, point. Pussy deoidodly objects to this ized In the southern states, where it has de­ Ha face soys its value is.' To tho ohnrge green that they were completely now and bottor ideas of many common UNITED SrA'rES TREASURER NF.JIEKER gave his invalid wifo a spoonful of car­ Gov. HOOC), of Texas, has appointed Afrlcl, will shortly appear; I-lowors .nnd gardens of cluded in It was tho flr^t ho had over but thoi'O ho sat surrounded by aggres­ part of tho prooooding and tho boy ob- clared and proven Itself a faithful ally and tbottho mission of the party had ended,' ha: obscured, even to wheels and harness. tliG Sandwicli Islands. Aiisirnlia, Now Zealand, South comforts and .pleasures. But his early supporter of democracy. Its organization sold: No, It would not end tUl tboAmuilOBit.' has selected J. E. Baker, of Covington, bolic add, thinking it was inedieino Hovuoe A. Chilton, of Tyler, United America, China, .lapan, Samoa, ER.vpt; Rrowlnff of tasted. Ho enjoyed tho oxporimont sive ovidoncos of prosperity. RuasoU joota to further holding tho oat —Jour­ States senator, vice Reagan, resigned. Each carriage was provided with a pro­ life had boon s'o unfortunato thatho hacl in tbo west has also been encouraged boUot wos OS aocred as the Amerlcati homo. ,••,'•. Ind., for liis private secretary. that llio doctor had left. Tho woman bulbs In Holland and Guernsey, seeds in Germany, thoroughly. Ho was glad that ho had was embarrassed. Ho tried to remom­ nal of Useful Inventions. by tho domoorotio party, as Its membership TUB wife and son o£ Robert Sumer- fusion of small bouquets, and as they Clemnlis .ind l3e(;onias In England, Nnrcissus In no recollections with which to stiniulato JULIA Toi'ii, 0 year's old and motlier- died in great agony. Ireland, etc., nnd scores of like InterosthiK and use­ decided to bo a rich man for halt an bor somo of tho easy formulas with must bo largely drawn from tbe homosteadera, piissed each other the occupants threw a dcsiro for domestic scones. Indeed it less, died in Cleveland, O., from starva­ liaUei' were thrown from a wagon near ful articles by eminent crawors and writers. It hour. which Rawson himself used to approach A Valuable Fainlly Itello. ond tho veterans, whoso votes have horetofore Jlenasha, Wis., during a ruua^vay, and fiowers with zest and precision. Tho teaches how to caro for plants in tho house, and was his special infliction that ho had no Billiama—I havo taken a fancy to made tho prolrlo states oortolnly and reliably Wliy Slio Xurnod Fulo. . , tion. flowers, fruits and vegel.ibles in the garden. Sub­ By and by tho rusty old follow fin­ tho subject, but none of them sooraod PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. utmost good nature ciiaracterized tho dosiro for any thing. that oano you sport, Gilllama. Would republican. The Importonoe of this movement Mother—You have got white jpowcler; i| N. GREGG & SONS, cotton factors and the boy was killed and his mother fa­ scription prico 50 cents per year. ished his pie and milk, and departed. to fit the case in hand, so he said good inust not be underestlmoted by tho ropuhlloon battle, whicli was pleasantly inter­ V/dUNDS. CUTS, SWELLINGS you sell it? all over your face. ,, . • -• •••::-,:':'''-''^ wholesale gi'oeers at Shreveport, La., ELECTIONS were held for municipal tally injuvod. IT 4 MONTHS AND TUB BBAUTIPUL The impression mado upon suoh a man Russell learned who ho was by a remark afternoon, and hoped Mr, Rawson found porty. In the west its members for tbe most spersed with merry Laughter and THE CHARLES A. VOBELER CO.. Baltimore. MA WB SDND Daughter—-Yes, you sob (3oorgQ visj have failed for 8'220,000. officers in the various cities of . A iiiriLDiNO in Philadelphia occupied PREMIUM Gl-ADIOUUSnnd StiEDS for ONLY 10 CUNTS b.y a first sight of tho Interior ot tho Now mado by ono of tho young mon. business good. That prosperous gen­ Gllllams—Wouldn't dispose of it for part are honest, intelligent, patrlotio men. The badinage. A visit to tho old Santa Bar­ THAT YOU MAY UCCOME ACQUAINTED Willi Its merits. any consideration. It's an old family low prices of IHSttand tho short crop ot 1890 going off on a trip, and I want him tol,' JOSEPH INfuLiiA-rTON, tho famous The license question was the issue in by the National Publishing Company QOIiD MEDAL, PABIS, 1878., Tho pacltot of seed Is composed of over ao choice York stock oxchango was wonder that "Did you soo old Gilbert Ray take his tleman, romomborlng a small balance bara mission was then made, and after brought great hardship ond nnhnolol distress see when he bids mp farewell to-ni^ht, story-teller and drummer, will not have many places, and twenty-four voted for was burned, the loss being ,8200,000. now sorts v/hich will make a magnificent bed of flow­ tho game of stocks was played with so usual frugal repast'?" wore tho words he against himsolt In their old accounts, heirloom; my great-grandfather used to to the agricultural west, and its farmers nat­ a publie reception at the hotel the party ers all summer. Tho Lomoino Gladiolus Is a lovely bolabor my groat-grandmothor with it. how muoh I snller at our iitirtlng.fii', to end his days in a madhoii.sc.. The it and twenty against. Mus. SAUAH CRIST, after going GERMAN new sort, giving great spikes of bloom which aro of 'A' groat an oxorciso of physical activity. overheard. "Ilo will loavo four mill­ supposed that Russell had como to ool- urally turned toword o movement which ot left for .San Francisco. physicians in Chicago have decided ho THF, fourtli annual convention of the twenty-live days without food, owing brilliant, biittorlly-liko colors. All sent by mail post­ Ho had oxpectod to see a calm, cool- loot it, and tho thought excited his re­ —Jeweloru' Circular. • once enlisted their sympotbioa ond • seemed TexasSifthigs;^ r^y'ifiz paid. Get 5 of your friends to accept this offer with ions for his heirs to quarrel over, and to promise almo.it Immediate relief. The time National republican league, composed to strietuvc of tho stoinaeh, died at De­ headed assombly of giimblois, and this aood ns OupltaL y, , . is not insane. you nnd we will send you for your trouble a lovely his diiof regret will bo that ho can not sentment. Ho blow a groat cloud Lifcfl It Olbltoal Character. ^ also was most opportune for • those politloal AN unsuccessful attempt was made of delegates from the republican eluBs catur, 111, Sweet Chocolate. Amaryllis bulb. For lo of tlieso subscriptions we will is not what tho stock oxchango looks romala to tako part in tho controversy." ot smoke In RusaoU's direction and re­ demagogues, outcaats of both (olltiool porttes, Binks—New man In your oiflcb, I fitJOij send tho Wonderful, Ever-blooming Alary Washing­ , Gurloy—Dolley, I hear you are going near Galesburg, 111., to wreck,a passen­ of tho country, met in Cincinnati. CHAULES L, WEBSTER, publisher of BEFORE THE COURTS. liko from tho gallery, on a lively day. to whom a famine la a festlvol *nd a pestUonce Looks like a prlzeifightor. • L Two Rovs are held for trial in New g The most popular Bweot ton Rose. For =o we will send 5 elegant now perpet­ "Ho didn't leave any of that pie," said plied that business was bad, and ho was with tho lovely Mrs, Looker in her ger train on the Burlington road. THE national convention of republic­ Gen, tyrant's memoirs, died at his homo ual blooming pK-mts (Including Mary Waslilngton It boars moro resomblonco to a foot-ball B picnic. Winks—He's my silent partner.'. , •' "ii York upon the charge of stealing three r Chocolate in tho market. another, "I watched him chase tho muoh pvossod for ready money. yaoht, IktAii'riN. L. FERKIOK, a prominent an league clubs at Cincinnati, O., fin­ in Fredonia, N, Y.. Rose) such ns will nstonisU you Willi their bc-nuly. match whoro tho crowd has broken upon ;"Eh? Does he foot the bills?" v'>;:;V;i'iF cents. ! is nutritious and palat­ Writo-.it once—this otter will not appear again, Add's last littlo piece of orust all over his "That's unfortunate for you," said Dolley—Yes; It makes mo feel lik« "The hope of the demoorotlo porty to-doy la railway man at Wolcott, Ind., shot and ished its business and adjourned. THE percentages of tho baseball clubs able) a pardcular favorite tho flold with tho Intention of killing "No. He'fobtstho ooUectors." •^Nt.Y^a A MAN has been arrested at Gate City, plate Ho couldn't got it with his fork RussoU, "ond for mo, too, because I the prophet Elijah. based upon its ability to combine with the alli­ fatally wounded Jbffi'Bunnell, another John S. Clarkson, of Iowa, was elected In the National loogue for tho wedc •with cbUdron, and ,a most tho reforoo. Russell wns surprised , to Weekly. | Wash., for stealing a sawmill and cart­ THE MAYFLOWER, ^^47o^b —had to shovel It in with hla knlfol I oallod-" Gurloy—Why? ance on electoral tickets in the western stote^, prominent citizen, and then put a bul­ .'president. ended on the 25th were: Boston, 1,000; czcellpnt article for fanuly find himgolf much intcrostod In tho ath­ figured that his inoomo whllo ho was "I'm sorry, old man," said Rawson, and thereby throw the election ot president C J G ing it twenty miles. Dolley—He shared the widow's cniaa, Into the house of reprosBntotivos, In niy Judg­ •l^'Tho "blllion-doHar doingrc^B^^^ let through his pwn heart. No causo HIEF USTICE REEN, of Oklahoma, Cleveland, 1,000; Chlcngo, .750, Plilhir use letic side of a broker's business. Ho chasing it would buy a oort-load of plo," "but I haven't a red cent 1 just bor­ THE county Jail at Somerville, N. J., TRIi'Trado too,—Judge. ' ment this result will never come. The men Would not have approiiriatcdtiuttolBO| was assigned for the tragedy. •has decided that women are eligible to dclphia, .750; Brooklyn, .'J50; Pitts­ Served aa a drink, ol was a muscular young man, and tho "Ho isn't a bad old follow after all," was entered by burglars tho other night eaten aa confectionery, it Mark Is on rowed my (jar faro from the oflice boy, who,carried tho rausketa and followed the Bog much of the.people's inohoy/if.vlt^h THE steamer Bci'tha, whicli arrived any public office in that territory. , , burgh, .250; Now York, .000; Cincin­ sight appealed to him strongly. For said tho first speaker. "Tho story ia but I'm Gxpooting a big boodle next A Keaetlon. ot the union iind freedom, will never assist tho H and a poekctbook stole'n. Lis a delicious Chocolate not beeh;for the seventy-flvt3;thousana| at San Francisco from Alaska, brought AIii. USTON; tho treasurer, of the nati, .000. The percentages of clubs m Best move than an hour ho watched tho busy that bo started on a hundred dollars and wook, and il you'll call Tuesday"—ho "Any thing else to-day, madam?" domoerotlo, party back Into power. They will A SUIT about a calf in Texas has re­ I Tbo genuine is stamped never consent to replace o man In tbo presi­ doUardofalcation of John P. Xicedoinil the nows, of • the .loss of the Wells ex­ United States, severed Ills connection in the American association were: Boono, and played tho game of stocks in bad to borrow that. But be paid it on aakod tbo storokoopor, gleefully rubbina sulted in wiping out all tho parties In­ _ I upon tho wrapper! 8. Ger­ I made a bonovolont gesture and added, dential oUoir who vetoed'the plttonoes voted the ddihocrntlq, flbrgeaiit-'at-arms of 'tlioj ploring party. : with that office and loft Washington. Louisville, ,738; Boston, ,000; Balti- Waterproof his mind—a method much to bo prof erred tlmo and kept his credit up. There's his hands, after she had sclooted a quan­ volved except tho calf. Ono of the liti­ man, Dorchester, Mass. . in an Inaudlblo tone: "I'll bo in Buf- by a domocrntlo oongrcBS totlio^holplcss sur­ prbyloua cijngrtsBs, whbran awAy^OT^ Six'rEEN mules and six, cars; were PmilP L, MoEN, presideiit of the more, .015; St, Louis, ,500; Columbus, to any other. tho whole aoci'otof many a man's life on tity of goods. "Can I not do Bomethin| vivors of the war ofthe TeboUlbn, .And the gants shot tho other and tho sheriff shot .Sold byflrocera everiwhere. Goat fale" that amount of money: to ;thoihonibd^^^ burned in the Galveston ("Tex.) strebt- Washburn .& Moen ManufacturingCoin-; 428; Washington, 803; Cincinnati, BS8; the survivor In trying to arrest him. Do had a five-dollar gold piooo In his the Btvoot, If holf of tho ,younger men more for you?" men whoso homestoads have boon Booured. IntheworldJ Then RussoU wont out with a fooling through theloglslotlon of tho rppublloaa party having drawn it from the: troaBury ;' car stables.. ,'.Kr i;;.;;;-;.-,; pany, died in his hoine at Vyorcester, | .Athletic, .833, •The calf was voluoa at six dollars, W. BAKEA ft CO., Doroheiter, Uau down hero had to settle at a minute's "Yea," she said. "You OM okaigl [iT-grrfiPtffi' pocket, and not another ponny in the of rfosporatlon in hla heart, ond, meet­ cannot bo pormauontly orroyed against un or- thejpayniont of their salat'icB.-H'hU'B |;, Mass,,agedO'T.years.''0 notice the other half would go broke on these. "r-Munaoy'II Weekly. world. Itdid notoooiu to bim to aook ing on tho stairs a man whom ho bad gautistlon which roprosonts tb< beat thought, Journal.

mm .^SIoro.Flre.J\;'.'•/''••; , ,TBKBB; MematoibA no;|imtt;.t^^ "Mrs. Jojiw T.' Fowler Is very sick. >The folldwiiig'li.tlie list of transfera Her recovery is considered, doubtful. .: The proverbial, third fire iii Mason 'effort! of^frMtrMdeittornciyi to;p^ ; A full line of dice Ibrnier Votera j^pitiiat: tne^^^ fofrtwo weeks .ending April 27, 1891, FINEST LINE Maaoii Oddfellows Celebrated Willi recently, occurred Justus iiiost lif tile Proteotlon ifor ilionie: iuduatrlea; A wtiere tlie consideration la (500 drover: of thisl iubabitants were closing tbelr eyes for 80.1891. Thursday, April 80, 1891. 'Leslie brothers last Monday evening. oominonly employed lueans to thla end Mary K. Uarv'n ><> WllllBm Jlwhler. a. . a sound nap on Saturday night last. li urgiiiff ttie mruier to believe tbat our Mreei«riandonnUpriea28,Lanilng.t flOO Hear and sec tiio illustrated lecture About 11 o'clock the alarm was sound-; W Bdward A. Barnes to Byron Maaon, nw (pi ITH Uie oomlng tarift leKlalatlon ia framed with tlie _ By „ „ at the Preabytcrluu church tills even­ ed and a crowd speedily turiieil out to :j!tbo rumor tliat thiBdlaoonteiited Sioux a otnviiiotdifnwSiorieo'ls:Veva lee 18, v —y 1,252 "Well, what are you dolni>,"l8ald loafrlcnd, view to dlaorlmtnate in favor of manu­ Af.UBSitat •itatMUIeftoHar* Mtllei to Mar; y S. Lerg, t'A ot • "III the way of amusement to.dny? ing. , • I , ,:, discover that the biilldiifl^ known as may be depended iinon for an uprielng factured products and against tbe pro- lot» blk 41 and pt of lot 8 blk 41, Llan- For Uuclire and Halma, I, undorautud. tlie "Peoples Meat Market" was in a i,;;<^::gi»e:BtdKe.' v:.^::is7'' —^tf... l,S0O Are rapidly piisBlni; uvruy. Judge Person has gone to Jackson to duota of agriculture. AH there ia not a Levi (7. Bandera to Aaron J. Bayner, seutence tbe burglar who broke into promising way to become ashes. Lus- BluKle clause Ih the law ausocptlble of il ofland ou of lec 8, Leslie 1,2S3 eiiby dc Priest who owned the market i S jsfb man was eyeriwiaer or. inbre pa- And Wblat, thai Rlortaus KHine oC cames, Judge Peck's bouse. Buou a conatruiBtton, none but tlie tin* Ellen M. Stiles to Minnie 8. Sweet, lot 0 Tlinlliaaiin unlimited relKn, say they hud ho fire that day and {; .trioUo in Itiautteraticcs tliun President blk 2orFrlneisab blk 2. Lnnilng...... 1,000 The latest and most fashionable wary will bemlaled by the charge of Willi ClieoltorB, Dackgainmon and Orlbbase Mr. Bert Wilcox bus gtuielo Lans­ Esquire Ferguson who occupied Iho iHarrlson as he Is being greeted by tbe Wtlllam H. Berrldse to Henry F. Ban- too. ,; goods, in the inai'ket. diacrltnlnation againat the farmer's tett, lot 12 blk 143. Lnnalns 1,000 Are nil of tliein ru the wane 7 ing to take charge of a. paint shop. upper story says he had none, so its V .people of South nnd West. Henry P. BarUett to Wm. a.Tllua, lot 12 origin is a mystery. But It had agood intereeta. Some ideaof the extent to blk I4fi, Lanalng^ 1,100 He will movo Ills family soon. The Donkeya no lonuer are losin? their tatla, start when discovered and must have ;i;jAFTEtt the members of tbe present which farm products are directly pro­ Benjamin F.HIirto Jeaae V.uad Chrla­ The Cobweb parlies are tlirouxh • Agood Spring Overcoat made to tlan Wulle, lot lU blk 1 of Balls add to The calico dance at the opera bouse started suddenly. J. N. Tliorburn I lleglslatiire get through using tbelr free tected can be gained by a glance at The I'lRS In Cloverwereall chased lo death. statistics within reach of all who cure LunalDit ' TO.) Ho what Is there now ,left to dp ?" last Friday evening was enjoyed by and S. H. Worden think they could .\ ' order for 'Passes, uud .when they are ready to jgo Harcia Jonea to Uenry G. Porter, pt of inauy and succeeded lliianclally. have controlled it when they flr-tt saw Saturday, May 2 I iliome they ma^ pass tbiBblllto abolish to inspect them. And the.honest lota blk 110 and other lands in Lansing 4,000 "We play," she answeroil, with blush nnd It had there been a well near by where Mfree passes,- It will be a good thing to student of these figures is likely to be James M. Turner to Henry Leonard, lot smile, , .,v Tbe Leslie Local states that a case S20.Q0.-'.-^^ quite forcibly impressed by the neces­ 11 blk 80, Unaing ;. 1,300 "A camo full of wonderful kinks; in justice coui't-in that village is said they could iiave filled their pails. The V tell their constituents. Myron H, French lo OeorKe. W. Priue, But Its Just too s\veel-hav.e you heard of It? sity for maiutaintng adequate barriers nt of lot 2 blk 7ol ClaypoolM add to They call ItTlddlcy Winks." .'"•""•' to have been fettkd pugilirttlcally. the was then uppareiilly all lu oiiecot- I have the largest and most com­ against foreign competition ao long as Lanalng 1,800 ner of the market. It soon enveloped TUE Voice, the strongest organ of tbe home market of our farmers is Qurden L.Wight to Frank I. Uoore, s-!^ Rev. P. I'. Farnliatii,ofStockbrldgu, the upper, story and was bluiiing AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. plete line of Suitings ever brought I tbo Prohibition party, bas recently or lot 20 blk 12, Buah, Butler & Spar­ ROCKERS will preach at tbe Baptist church next to Mason. Call and order h pair of menaced by products of foreign rivals. row's add to Lanalng 2,601) Plant your tree. Tbls Is Arbor day. through the roof. It took the flreiiieii Instated aud cndomd, candidly and Suiuhiy, both morning und evening. about 15 minutes to get tlio engine During the last fiscal year foreigners Frank I. Moore lo Flora Bales, same ua those ) i jplalnly. Just the argument tbat tbe laat above 2,600 A few of tbe Enloii Raplda ladles started and Ihe delay Sfoined long, for sold In tbe United State over $42,000,- He who' has the honor of being a : must ardent BrohlbltlouistB of, this tlnlUBG.Sterkweather to Daniel Dun- ride bicycles. on either side of the Hie was valuable OOOof farm products, without taking kel, WMornw!4orseo27, Locke 2,500 country editor, doesn't i;et much as­ We shall make a special efTort on towels. Towels worth from Stiatohave always contended was un- properly. Once started, the boys S5.00 PANTS! into the account more titan $10,000,000 Btlza J. Morey toG. L.aorlon.lolslOand Babbcf Bboen miloea worn tineomfoitably ttgbt, At last New York lias broken ground sistance from his correspondents these i tnie, uud there is nt present a good deal 11, MoPherson'B plat of Webbervllle fOO fought hard and well and a half-hour's worth of wool imported. sanoRUiy aUp oS Uia (oct. for a monument to Qeii, Grant, ilays. They are che.-ip at .$6. KOforltlclsm of the paper, from those who Michael Held to Alsn T. Reld, lots 40 and work subdued the flaiues. A good Hero are the items: 51 blk IS, Urimn'B iidd lo Mason 500 THE '-COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. K Decoration day and Iiidependeiico lire nothing If not partisan. A few Sarah L. Brlsbln lo Sidney U. Munxer, IN MICHIGAN. Alter maiij' dnys of investigation thick wall between the lire and years a);o thcrewas growing in tbe Animals (other than breeding) S 3.235,0.12 r:nl:i< nit their rhota with Iniilda ot liool lined with day bntli fall on Saturday this year. BreadstulTs ; .5,720.000 lot 6 blk 1 of Jeromes add to Lansing.,., 950 nil.li?r. ThLi cUnca to tho tJioo and provenu th* and labor Leslie viiltige has decided to Stroud's furniture rooms was all that cents to 75 eents Each , Bepublicnu party such astrongsentU Flax and heinp seed 2,8113,704 Thomas R. Sax ton to Edward A. Barnes, rubber irud elippln^ oCC Tbe enthusiasm will have Sutidiiy to own her elecirit: lights uiiil put them saved that institution, und ns the night awl^ornw^ofseolS, Vovoy 1,200 quiet In. ii unent for temperance that the outlook " " nbers. 10,189,474 BebeccuA. Uiivls tu Frank U, Johnson, Call for the" Colchcirt«r" lu SflOU^ was a still one the lire wns kept from 'Svas better than ever before for a for- Hay 1,H2,887 lot 24 of White's sub ot blk II: Lansing 530 Circuit court has adjourned till Sat­ Kpreailiiip;, but on both sides a'Hive Hops.... 1.050,690 "AOKQSflVB COUNTERS.** Mr. Walter Healli, reeeiilly of Ma­ Svard movement in all that tetids to John H. Coohriiu lo Chas, L, Wilbeck, urday wlieii aiiotlier ifay'H worit will preparatloim were made for moving. Now is the time to order and avoid Meat" -s nnd- dair• • y producni.,.• • . 1,008,009 loU 10,11,12 and 13 blk 3, Uecker's add son, lias engaged In the drug trade at Will be sold :it n price never before .seen in M.ison. Rcniember the temperance through legislation and Tjeat tobaceo.. 12,&;g,813 At Retail hy • lie done and an adjouriimont taken The Democrat force got ready to move the rush. VegeUibles. 8,704,462 to Lansing 80O Kirkland, Wnshliigton, about 12 its enforcement. Just then zealous Lewis I. Price lo I'eler V. Fisher, eM of till May 11. out on the east and ou the wust F. W. hour—ONE O'CLOCK, P. M. Wc have put the s.nlc at this ' .partisans saw an opportunity to create e^i of 80.14 of sec 13, Locke 1,100 miles cast ot Seattle. Webb and E. Culver begun to hustle TERMS CASH. Total, , $42,632,717 Chtts. Wltheck to Aldon Bundell, lots 10, -SEE OUR LINE OP- The local pastors mi^flit get a sermon , a party in which they could be leaders, The villuge of Leslie puys STJ cents tbelr goods together. In the building hour in order that people both in nnd out of the city may There is not a single item iiere tbat 12,12,13 blk 3, Becker's add lo Lansing SOO BROWN :-: BROS., from tbe question "Why do people uud one by one some of the most Ellen M.Stooulo Electa J, Olcotl, lot S per cubic yard for stone to be ground Lasenby& lioyston had astock of meats, could not Just as well have been grown cleaning house put all good furniture have an equal chance. Now wc arc confident hearty suijporters of the Bepubllcan. blk 0, Bush, Butler & Sparrow'sadd and by the new crusher. Tlilrty-seveii lliat wore well smoked, insured ntS450, party left its ranks to support the by our citizens, and because of this other lands In Lansing 530 out in front and the old out back ?" luid In the upper Etsry where the li redid J.1. SMITE, THE THHOE, IraScott Patrick to Patrick Bolaml, pt cents worth Is a heavy load. that if you don't get some of tliesc Prohibition party. Here the temper­ fact our tariiTrequiied foreign competl- ... its worst,, llie shoemaker i.ools of L, B. tors to pay for the privilege of selling s.fraol hlo tK 4. blHSgTo'tk 99. Lansino g 2.800 Louis Oliver was discharged from ance element among tbe people was lo to Oliver P. aud Ursula Cheval Chamber Suits, custody by tlie court this week on ac­ Last Friday evening Miss Jennie nice were dainnged and liie same gen­ goods at the extremely low \ here. They were accordingly charged • A. Barnes, a parparcee l of land on w'/i ot -THE- divided and here the liquor element count of a defect lu the papers and he Franklin eiiiertnitied thirty young tleman lost about 2,S0 pages of nianii- the snug some of fourteen and a half Isei^orseos, Lansing i,ioo began to smile. Since then temper­ Folding Beds, has not heen re.arresled. A jury had people at her home in honor of Howard script, historical of his old reglnu'iit price you will be ance people lu the Prohibition party million dollars, and to tbat extent they f "tJ^ofi^C'-n Vevi^v""''" i -oo been called in his case. Wheeler. A pleinant time reported •vliich he was preparing for tlieir pub­ have constantly fought tlie temper­ were forced to lighten the taxes that FrederickTliomanto"JaTOtJstro^^^^^^ '' by all present. lic record. A tire staiiioil statue of disappointed ance people In the Bepubllcan party Otherwise would have been paid by IS blk 12, Bush, Duller Sparrow's add It is stated upon authority that Kert- Minerva guzus pitifully upon a set of citizens of the United States. toLansiug 1,030 Parlor Suits, Whenever there is a lire on or very • when and vice versa, to the shame of every Geo, M. lloyt lo Uenry 1. Nortliriip, pt ruiid Edwards will soon open a barber dainnged jury chairs in Justice Fergii- Is ever vavidy to serve you mau with a hope iu his lieart for tbe And it Is this arrangement that free ofeVjiofawM ofsec 13 and other land shop just west of J. C. Kimmel's store near B street it would bo good judg­ snii's room, but aside from tliiit he some of your neighbors tell you what they have in the towel line, bought best. Kept by " advancement of true temperance trade attorneys denounce as an out­ In Vevay S.OOO Curtains, oil Ulaple street, and that A. H. Hig- ment to start tiie engine for the creek saved his ellects that were combusti­ Frederick Al. Allen to MuhitUible Allen, tbe first move. Another good thing principles uud temperance results. rage, and Join with foreigners in de­ Sji ofof lot 4 blk 21, Lansing 1,500 by will work for hltii. Tliiy will make ble. The huildiiig belongs to T. Cow­ .it thi.s S.TIC. We shall trim our east window with some of these manding to have repealed. The farm­ .,711 u. V. u.A Al. ...i.(ia.«.|i,..,.,„. would be the organi:{ation of a tail HERMAN FEAZEL. While temperance men have been AiiKUStus Bletz to Kills M. nnd Mnry J. JThe Best and Purest Mediclnel live barber shops in town. ley, of .lackson, and was insured In divided by the destructive party spirit, ers gave their answer In 188S. Let Mattresses, brigade. Many Hres could hu e.xt ng- four companies at SoOO. Tliu loss will goods and you will have a chance to get a peep at them Moore. ne'/iotse<4 of sec 20, LeKoy 1,300 EVEB MADE. I the saloon clement has stood solid and that decision be aflirmed as often as George A. Brigirs to Henry Briggs, wj.^ •y. It is with pleasure that we cull at- ulslied befiiru tliu engine could get to ail he paid. It was an alarming fire ofne" u•• ol- sec 21, LeUo••—y „ l.floo kltwUl drive tho Humor from ynurl (tention to the aiiiioiincemeiit in an­ during the forenoon, but please do not .ask us to dellant. Many good temperance men the question ia presented. Flora Bates to Phillip npd Alice L. Springs, ^syatem, nnd make your sklnl work. aud it is very fortunate that it was so He alw.^ys keeps the Very Choicest havo undertaken to convince the Pro- Clarke, B^, of lot 20 blk 12 of Bush, BuU •vclcan and Binooth. Thnaol other column of J. IJoech, manufac­ well held in check. — ililcn und ninteltcal It is iiiturustiiig to note the fact that s.nvc out or reserve any as we shall be of all kinds o£ hlbltloulsts tbat better temperance re­ TIIK l>OI.ITU!IAN ANU TIIK ler it Sparrow's add to Lanslug 2,000 turer of llieDimoudale liot air furiiace. PUAHINKK. William F. Rouse lo Flora Bates, v/y. of Jilcli mar your beaiity| Mr. iieccli is one of our business men the south furnished a much larger sults would be obtained if they would lot 12 blk 41 and other land. Lanslirg,,.. 2,000 Quilts, ,avo caused by Impure J number of troops to the federal goverii- obliged to refuse. Promptly In that good old-fashioned time of Peter llauinyras to William F. House, pt ' lood, and can bcl of long and favorable standing, nnd lend tbelr Intlueuce in favor of what­ tnciit than is generally supposed, and IinUot.s or Jtullots. ever temjjerauce sentiment existed in simple faith and open belief, when any of lot 9, blk 3;i, Lansing 1,2U0 .removed InaaliortI tlio people should Inspect his goods. at I o'clock, city time, Fresh& Salt Meats Lemuel C. Townseud to Adison Dens­ Feathers, Pillows, lime, If you arc I thereby wunkuiied tiio ','onfederacy. the Republicau party rather than be political party assumed power in the moro, loU 0 nnd 7 blk 5. Duusvillo 800 ISO and usci Mr. and Mrs,. W. At. Cline were Ill fact, nearly ns many iiilisteninii>ii Couni-.U I'ruuiMMliiiKM. smltbera. It says there is a dltler- makes a man dangerous to the govern­ DETROIT, 7— How near to the heart of the city It was a famil ar expressiou of a famil­ cnce between the Prohibition party ed by A. H.-Higby, was taken sudden­ are your water works? [0FK101A1..J ment. * * * For my own part I ly and violently ill. Dr. Green was iar thought. m m m ns m aud temperauce societies, and that to LANSING & NORTHERN R. R. 8— How many ptitnps linve you ? MASON, .MICIL, April 27,1891. believe In the old theory. I believe in called and he iirououiiced his symp­ I have also recently received a^iitigle Is where you can get the bo a member of tbe party It Is not When Eoby was slol:, wo gave her Caatoria, 9— What is the capacity of your (Successors to F;rsl National Dank.) the polltclaii—otherwise in the Amer­ Trains Lv. Lanslug lor a.m. am p.m. p lu pm toms to he unmistakably of ar.4eiilcal number of a newspaper published in Council met and wa» called to order very choicest necessary tbat a man sliowld be a tem­ ican who takes an active personal In­ Wlicn she v,-oa a Child, sho cried for Caatoria, pumps? MASON, - - MICHIGAN. Detroit aud East II 4092 5 T24 •8 18 Tli poisoning. His case was critical for Kansas, which claims to be the organ by flavor Murray. Present, AUls. perance Jiian at ail; i c, tliat two can terest in public altalrs, beglunlng wltb When she became Ilias, sho clung to Castoria, 10— Wliat kind of pipe, wood or Iron, F'RKSH MEATS ! walk together though they bo not You can't Howell G 409 25 3 24• 8 18 7 13 several liimrs and husutlered Intense­ of an Alliance therein which the same lirowii, VanSlyke, Peek,Neely, Smith tbe smallest olllce and continuing Wlicn sho hod Children, sho gave them Caatoria. Toledo vln Howell » 23 7 J3 ly. As he has many friends hero his wliicli is better, wood or Iron? Ideas are advanced, and "bullets" are H.L.HENDERSON, - President. agreed; It says: "What Is a temper afTord to for Toledo vln Detroit 0 23 "S24 and Millbury. Hams, Uttcon, through to the largest—rather than iu case was watclied with great interest. 11— How many miles of pipe have you, spoken of as a resort if otlier means O. W. HALSTEAD, Vice President, auce society for? It is to reform the of wood or iron ? Minutes of last meeting read, cor^ tbe Pharisee, who would Introduce get what we a.m. pm p.m. p.m. pm It is tliougbt that he Is now out of full to right tbe wrongs of what that F. E. DENSMORE, - - Cashier, Laid, Salt Pork, personal habits of men in regard to 12— In case of tire liow many streams reeled and approved. into the public the doctrine that pri­ are telling danger. How he was poisoned is not writer calls "the people." Presli Fish, Oysters, Urlnk. Aman Is false to the object of Grand Ledge 10 00TB •3 24 7 40 9 SO can you throw at once? HEPOKT OF COJI.^IITTEES. vate or individual Interest In govern­ you. told, but certain it is that he never Those who are not members of the the society, and a hypocrite In the Ionia rfc Howard Clly,. 10 002 2S 7 40 13— How much water do you iiump CAPITAL, $50,000. Celery, Calibngcs. ment Is wrong, that olllcebolding docs Uiidlllac & Mackinaw 10 00 7 40 takes it iiitentiinially. "Farmers Alliance" can ouly judge The finance coinniitlee reported back eyes of the public, who becomes an REMOVAL! daily, on an average? not concern the people, and that life- Henry A. Newiand A Co., wiiolesale hatters Grand Ranids 10 00 ''321 7 40 Salt Rhoum, Eczema, Wounds, Burns, that body by the action and utterances the following claims, recommending actlvejnember of such a society aud tenure ill terest paid ou time cerUflcatcs of deposit. remains himself unreforuied. But to necessary. I believe, too, that every their buslnciH to the store recently occupied Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, Etc., much in 24 hours? CASH FOB HIDES AITB PELTS.- Parlor cars on nil trains to Grand Rapids finished his coniputatlons based un If some members will take the E. II. Williams and men, on street S3l,8fl Impose some test of membership not good Aniericaii citizen Is a politician. by Allan Sheldon Co., 102, 104. 100 and 108 and on B;2E a. in., 3:24 and 8.18 p. ni, trains lo 15— Whatls yonruiiiiuai running ex­ Alvin Potty as helper on enslnfl 1.3U Jell'erson Ave., one door west of Woodward PRICE 50 CENTS. biblical truths, and stakes his reputa­ trouble to state the difference helweuii waiTftuted by the purpose of the It is a good word, although the Phar­ Detroit, seats 23e. pense? 1). SouUiwlck, 7 nights onstroot U.15 ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. live., where their facilities are largely In­ Send three two-cent stamps for free sam­ tion on llie prophecy that the second the language above quoted, aud that Harrison llreed, work In cemetery per society, is to pursue an unjustifiable isee would make it an epltliet. * * creased. They Invite all their friends to call Direct coiinectloiis at Howell Junction nnd DraKCTons-II. L. Henderson. T.Densmore, L. BLISS. Detroit for Toledo and points south and south­ ple box and book. coining of the iMessiali will occur he- 16— What is your annual revenue? which preceded and led up to the dIrecUoii ol trnatees 8,13 course. What is the Prohibition par­ nt tho new store. 8014 east, fore the year 1890. He says, however, 17— What did your works coat? Warren Snyder, setting trees iu ceme­ L. C. Webb, Marcus Gregor, L. S. Bates, O. W. ty for? Is It simply some new form of Largest Stock. murders at tbe hay-markul, Chicago, a Ualstead, O. J. Roy nor. * * I would renew the custom of the At Detroit wllh nil Lines lor Canada nnd lie doesn't anticipate the end ofthe 18— Did you bond your city, and If so tery per directlou ol trustees 19.'25 temperauce society? By no means. fathers, and teach In the home, even the East, aud with D. & C. S. N. Co. Steamers few years ago, and for which several lor Cleveland. world before the expiration of a million what rate of interest do you pay on Moved and supported that report of Its object is to secure, not tbe personal before the caucus is reached, and again Best Grades. persons were convicted and executed, committee be allowed and orders At Howard City for Northei n Michigan nnd years or so. Tbe coming of tbe Mes- bonds ? it Will be read with great interest. reformation of its members, but a In the caucus, and again in the local points In Xnrthwest via. Jlacklnaw, 10:00 n. drawn forsaiiie. Carried. Yeas, Aids. TAR-OID SOAP, siali, he says, will simjily make the 10—Are yon jileused with your system, If there is any dlflereiice It should bo •change In the policy of the Government convention, and again In every con­ Tl OHIO in. and 3:21 p, ni. Trains connect at Grand Brown, VanSlyke, Peek, Neely, Smith Lowest Living Prices. Rapids [except Sunday] with world better, as His jirevious advent aud what system wotilil you recom­ pointed out! FARMERS' BANK ! in relation to the diink-tralllc. The vention and election, until the top is -THE- ABSOLUTELY PURE, did. It is doubtful wlietlier His re­ and Millbury. only test that can justly be Imposed mend ? Oldest nnd Stronpest Stale and Savings reached, that every boy and every •—ALL GRADES Ol"— ception will be more cordial than It 20—Can you favor us with a copy of Those persous who talk aud point to Ilank. for xnembersliip is not one of pera(uial OHICACO FOR MEDICINAL, TOILET, BATH bullets as a remedy for any and every KEPOUT OV COMMITTEE ON IIONDS. citisieu should take an interest ih tiie was before If he disagrees with present your by-laws, rules, rates, etc. ? luibits aud beliefs; but simply, will Best Innce CompaDy AND NURSERY PURPOSES. ailment of tbe Individual or corporate Moved and supported that the drug liroceedings at every step, and that & WEST MICIIIOAN RY. ciystallized systems of theology.—Ex. Answers are cuiiiing on every mail. .vou aid iu securing this cliange? Aud bodji, are not conservators of good bond of O. W. aalstead & Son wltb CAPITAL, $75,000. every family in tiiu land should be IN THE UNITED STATES. For Grand Haven nnd Muskogaii 3:24 p, the ouly way In which a man's fealty informed in regard to It as well. It ia m. train connects [except Sunday] with TAR-OID CO., Chicago, IlL One of the prevailing fads for gentle- order and prosperity, and peace.^ Bul­ A. B. Campbell and H. M. Williams to the party win be delerniiued is, LUIVIBER 5:Ua p. m. train lor Jlaulsteennd Traverse City lets are—or ought to be—tbe last.resort. as sureties be accepted. Carried as on the hearthstones of this country which lias freecliair car to .Mnnlslec. men scums to be thu wearing of bou- Suudny School Coiiycutioii. M. D. CHATTERTON, - President i)oes he vote the ticket? If so, he is a that all great political questions are There are many men living who follows; Aids. Brown, VanSlyke, WonderAilly Pnlii-Kllllnit, aoothlng, .^139,503.53 IN PREMIUMS! LATH, SHINGLES, LIME, SALT, llest Route lo the .Summer Resorts ol toiiiiieis. A few years ago llowers were L. C. WEBB, - Vice-President Btlmnlatlng ond atronfftlienlng. uiumber of our party whether he be finally settled.—Hon. J. S, Clarkson, The Mason Sunday School Associa­ know what tliu bullet remedy i,s, Peek, Neely, Smith and Millbury. CEMENT, PLASTER, CEDAR Norlliorn .Michigan. GKO. DnHAVKN, seldom worn on the streets by anyone. J. M. DRESSER, Cashier noil Plontorn foci good tlio moment put on, nnd aUieaat or Christian, whether he boa in North American Bevlew for May. Received in the stale of Michigan for the Uon'l Pass. Agent. Ladies always wore them on festive tion and the Sunday schools of this and it is certain that not an lutelligetit Moved and supported that the ilrug year 18U0. Grand Rapids, euro RliouraaUam, Sldoaolic, Luinbugo, Uuish- sot or a teniperaiieo evangelist, POSTS, ETC. LOOSE'S EXTRACT occasions, and gentlemen did occasiou- vicinity will hold a convention at the one of them all, on either side of our bond H. M. Williams wltbO. W. H«l- oolio, KianoyWoakncBO, Aching Musolcs. Strains, whether he be a saloon keeper or a Presbyterian church, Mason, Friday, late war, would iirescribe tbat remedy atead and A. I. liarber as sureties be Solation, rfourlBV, CrloU, Fomalo I'alus and Losses Paid iu IS'JO, .$72,7«8.26 .dly. But now It is diflerent. And a Of WooknotacB. loudor Lunga, Allllcult Broutlilng, nilnlster. There is not a saloon keep­ Tlio Inortli American Be view very pretty fashion it is, ono tbat May 1,1891. lu the most hopeless case. accepted. Carried as follows: Aid,'?. and aU euddcn, almrp or long-ondurcd wculuiciie er In New York tbat ciuiuot join tlie For ^lay: Money to Loan. Call and See Ua, or pain in any port ot tho body. COME AND SEE US. CONSULTATION. should live. We are too much luelln- i-noGBAM: Besides, tbe proposed remedy for the Brown, VanSlyke, Peek, Neely, Smith 0,50—Devotional and Song Service, con­ Prohibition party If he wants to aud The Gospel for Wealth, by Blshoii ed to overlook the beauteous things of evils complained of, is unnecessary, and Millbury. Sold Qvcrywhoro by rollnblo mcdlclno donlcra, yet remain a saloon keeper. Our Pays Its Losses Promptly ducted hy llev. C. L. liiiriiiiart SOe.i S for WLOO. MaUcd for prico by.tlio Henry V. Potter. GLOverIlossom life, and in the mad chase after thu cs- 10:00—Who are llesponslble lor the useless, and foolish. If the Alliance Moved and supported that the liquor DiBECTons—L. O. Webb, D, P. Whitmore, ^Toprlotorfl, filory ia not tbat he cauiiot get liiLo the and for Full .\moiinlof Lnus, S. L Paddock & Son. Geo. W. Bristol, J. Dwinell. Harper Heed, II. Irresponsible Wealth, by tlie Hon. V scntiaLs forget thu non-essentials. All JSuecess of the .Sunday .School',' and Kindred bodies and [mrties have bond of Silna B. Madden wllli Setb A. HOP rLASTSa CO., Boaton. jiarty, but that he can come aud will .Tf'iES! DR. A B. SPINNEY,-r M. Williams, M. D. CUatlerlon, J. M. Dresser. Edward J. Phelps. have their places In liie economy of llev. J. A, Barnes the majority, they will surely control, l^iddock and Edwin O. Russell as O. G. Huntington. iioti not Ibat bummers and thugs and St.iblcs Free to Customers. nature and none sliould be overlooked. lU:3ii—Tlio Teacher before the Class, sureties bu accepted. Carried as fol­ Favorable Aspects ofStute.Socialism, Paid Holcomb, of Wlliliimslcui, in January of Detroit, for the purpose of accommodat- .Mrs. c. \V. Vanslyko and tliu others will surely submit and pUig-ugliea are burred out; but tlmt last, 81,273 in fuii saUsliicllon for loss ufdwell. Keep up the custom of wearing be controlled, so long aa they remain a lows: Yeas, Aids, Brown, VanSlyke, iliey bar themselves out. The parly bytheRt. Hon. Joseph Chamberiiii. lug his friends and patients that cannot visit z 11:15—Slngins In tho Sunday School, The Wiman Conspiiacy Unmasked, Ing aud furniture. llowers; it will not iiarm anyone. Uuliis Itayinoud minority, and so, a resort to bullets Peek, Neely, Smith and Millbury. laua a special object in view, aud iii- Sir Cliiirlts Tapper. I'alil A. B, Wright, of Locke, Feb. 13, for loss or censult liim at Detroit, has opened nn ofBco < Al,"ri!ltN00S. will be entirely unnecessary. Moved and supported that the liquor vltes eveiy voter Into Its ranks to help ol coUUirc iiionius oUl.SlU, The somewhat celebrated case of Canada and the Uiiiteil States, the at llio point named below, and will bo there 2:00-Devotional and SOIIK .Service, If the Alliance and kindled bodies bond of Henry H. Williams wltb COLONEL HOOK 7611 ullain tbe objiict. It cannot and does Orange A. Sink vs. l|ie Now England conducted uy llev. S. A. Uarncs Maiqtii,-) of Liirne. n on that day, Tho Doctor has been thirly-ono UI are not in tho majority, a resort to Albert Butler und Jesse M. Tyler as not say tbat before a man enters tlie arntuiil Accident Association is going 2:13—The Members of the Church, their NHpoleoii,8 Viuwsof Beligioii, H. A. K X'ossesslou ill the Sunday School bullets would be simply useless aud sureties be accepted. Carried as fol- party liOimust: get converted .or slop Promptness and Liberality yeurs in pr.ictice—thirteen years in general to ba revived if tlie company bas any­ Taiiie, and their Inlluoiieu, llev. C. L. Barniiart foolish. That plan waa tried'in this lowis; Yeas, Aids. Brown, Peek, Neely, (Irhiklng, or sinokiug, orswearing, or practice, eighteen yeara in tbo study and treat­ D thing to say about it. .Sink got a 2:15—The Value of a Teacher's lixainole Common-Sense on the ICxelse With our patrons is our motlo. country thirty years ago, and the result Smith, 4 Nays. VaiiSlyko und Mill­ hiop aiiythiugelse, except voting lor dFDIAC E ment of Chronic DiseaBCS, for two years was Q. iudgnieiit against the company for to llor Cliiss, Jlra. K. Jl. G. Hawley SERVICES FREE. Question, William S. Andrews, 3:30—What and llowSball Wo Teach Be- was so disastrous to the rubelllous bury, 2, iiceiiae parlies. We wlah thla thousbt •$1,000 and a motion for a new trial was Howard Crosby, D. D. Medical,Superintendent of AInaa and Ypsl­ spectliii! Liquors and Tobacco? minority that it does nut seom prob­ .Moved and supported that tbo AT 7 PER CENT. would be carefully pondered by Pro­ The fdllo'.ving's a sworn Btatemont of the denied by judge Peck last September. The Modern Extinction of Geuiu.s, lanti .Sanitariums, was two years Professor of J.T. Campbell able any but fools will try It again. eouiicil adjourn for one week. MOJ No Bonus, No charge for hibitionists. Tbe Idea that a man FARMERS' JlUTUAL.madoJanuary 2',). 1891: Female Weakneaa, Uloera, Tomon, Sores. The company now claims tbat It has 1:05—How can the Home Best Co-operate .lullt'ii Gordiiii, Annloniy .ind PhyEiology in Medical College It is dangerous folly, and smacks J. C. FlNGEBLE, wmmmmm^r' maklno or recording paperai uilist become a total abstainer liefore J..os.ses duo nnd payable $ 1,200 00 Nothing adds more to the comfort Abscesses, Ulood Polaoning, Salt Klioum. recently become possessed of new with the Sunday School? i By Louis Napoleon 207. sire Jerome Eddy Addrsii L. FRANK CLARK, Tho Carrland Our Business I'rospucts, Henry Dne orlo become duo for borrowed Catarrh. Erysipelas, Rheumatism and aU Mra. W. D. Longyear strongly of treason nud anarchy. City Clerk. Manufaoturer, Maaon, Mioh. . lOTSmtl ill! can become a member of tbe Pro- and convenience of a hou.se than in Detroit—bas given hundreds of lectures Ulood and Skin Dlaoaaes. PRICE It. per Pint evidence which materially strengtbeiis 2:10^^, Charles Hilton i-.W/,; Isl dam, Lady Clews, money 8,278 00 KV.KNINa. It is all the more bad and dangerous Hook, dnin of Nelly Hook, trial at 8 years 2:31; lilbltiou parly is absurd. Wo cannot, npon Physiology in different parts of the Bottle, or C BotUes for *3. i lb can Solid Extract its case and a similar motion will be by Cyclone 1030, record 2|23}<; slro Dr. Sparks from the very nature of tliinga, If we Lyiicli Law and Unrestricted Im- a reliable -»s,5o --. J'. M. LOOSE RED.CLOVER CO., 7:30—Devotional and Song Service, because it Is so generally done aud iiiigralion, tlie Hon. Henry Cabot ToUtl lndeblne.ss 89,478 00 State. If you have Catarrh, Throat, Lung, ', MICH, flold by olldruBgllU. • heard by Judge Person next Saturday. coiiduclea by A. J. Hall Good Looks. three year old record 2:2oly.N.V.,nl wnrlt Ur HB. Kradtr,. tions, and positively cures Piles, or no usual return. Address with pedi­ gntecd to oure all you Diiiy not tiinko n* iiiittli, lint we can many years, The three imd one-half Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-bone, Its action upou the system Is remark­ ilonlsts. Itisiiot.necessarytlintalltem- anything. The doctors amouiiled to amine, get prices. forma of Nervous •UBOliycmf]iili;kly lioiv tnrmii from »[»lo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give f 10 a tiny nt hiiin, nud inimi ni you L-O years' rest will be a boon to Lansing at Stifles, Sprains, and Swollen Throats, able *ind mysterious. It removes at gree inclosed. Send for catalogue. lieraiico work should be done through uolhiiig;notliliig seemed to relieve weakneaa,. Emia- on. llolliaDti'A, ml npi-». In nny imrt of perfeti satisfaction or money refunded. least.—State Republican. The above Couttbs, Etc. Save S50 by use of one once tbo cause and the disease Im­ DUSTERS Iho Prbhlbltloii party.. So sny* the me, uullll used a buttle of Sulphur HnarmnbiF. Mi«v^^Bm^ rnt. „ ,!Anierlcii. ymi THII ciiniiiK'tici' ni IIUIIKI, RIV.- Price 25 cents per liox, Forsale by H. Iiiff fill ymir iliiif.i.r nimru iiinKiciitii only to Patrick Lynch is our own "I'at" who bottle. Warranted the most wonder­ mediately disappears. The iirst dose ARE THE BEST. VolCP,': ; : . : ,. Bitters. Four bottles made nie well.— idlnej take no llio M'i'I'h. All U iii'W, Oiriil i.iiy KtHlh nr M. Williams. Mason, undF; H. Field, X HARRINQTON, J. BEECH, .-vnry worUiii;. Hi. Mint ymi, niinlalihir once worked for L. C. Webb, tbe ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold greatly lieneflts. 75 centa. Sold by. 100 fcljlns, inlroa to si It ad Joseph Batohelder, Master, of Schooner •vorytliliitr. I:A3I .V, Hl'UVitHI.V Iciiniitr. Dansville. clothier. byH.M. Williams, Druggist, Mnsou. • U. M. Wll hams. Druggist Mason. Oino. ' '' -OlceiriM^^ Co., Mich; WM. AYIIIV,S & .S0S1,1'irji AH: 1,11 1.- 0. AvBaker. 85 I'AUm'lJLAItfl Vltlh-:. w\ I.Iro««flim rc IbOld by ull lioulcrn. At Foundry, Maple Street. : For Sale,by IL WnilBma, Drngglat. SgatWgBBSWtiaWB'g:

onr eyes have been tonched hy, gnoat «i7.';*^iWhen:v(abdv!w Cbmmehoihg: MsK we find it all transparent, aiid .the eartb' 'ebinesdbwn and digs it out of the depths Paoiflo will resume its double dally pasBen- rocks, now with crucifixion agony and backed tip by a pledge of thie n* Bsploflon ef a PowdstKagaatais ia and darkness of siii. Theise sbuls ^ire ger trala •ervicebetween Bt Paul andMln- The ure of. Oae ef Oerataay'* Or«at«s» Dr. Talmage Likens the ObiidtlMii •iDW with judgment terror, and Christ noapoUs on. the east, and Helena,..Butte, h^d^k xA nnarvcially: re'^ a Vort Mear Home KUIe Haven .Fereons A TetriUa Harder la Mew York OatUMS all crystnUlzatlons'bf niercy. He puts LAimiiia,'Mt6h., April K-^The senate yes- •oldlen Comae to a Bodden QIiiM-Tha Religion to the Oryatal. appears In some of His tWo hundred and them on and He wears them in the BpokaneFallB, Tacomaj Seattle and Portland Eo'liuhiMMillMror aad Wonnda Over iteo-IIaiiy BnUdlngt tha Belief That «Jaok the BIpper" Has on tho west. sponsible firm, or company, of :t«rday In oonmlttee of the whole agreed to Fatherland Ul HonnUnK-Short Sketek fifty-six titles, as far as I can oouiit presenco of iho Whole universe. He BeaatorMllne'atwo blUa, whioh oontemplate In the Italian MetrotmlU WreCked-«h« IrfMiated In That City. . . West bound trains wlU leave St. Paul at nowi^pSpin'uur* ffoUl yaln* of th* ot the Soli la of the Veteran's HUllary Career. ' them—the broad; the rook, the captain, world-wide reputation for fair brinelng the bake Show.* MIehlgan aouthem FarUament Honae aad the Vatican Dam* NBW VOBK, AprU 35.--A horribleV Symmetrical, It Cummanda wears thom on the hand that was milled BiOOA, M. and4:16p. M. reBPOCtlvel,v, carry­ the Year ISiM). , . ',. BBBUN, April 86.-^eneral von the Adinlrntlon of AU who VIevr tt the commander, the'conqueror, tho star, -fadtSTMIDMsfl railway, now operating uadera apeolal obart* r a«ed. •• • • -iA. erhne committed in a thickly populated over the heart that wns pierced, on Ing MmploloBorvice of Pulhnan First Class and honorable dealing, it From statistib^ isBuea fra the state •adtr the general law for taxation purpose!. A Moltke, one of the great historie fig- Kxcept Through isyea Ullnd- and on and hoyond any eapneit.y of BOMB, April 34.—The powder %ag»- section of lower New TTork at some the temples that were stung. "They £KTayCoaoJ 'los, Free'colonist Sleeper means business / department it is nhbWn .that the value tcink resolution asking congress to submit a urea of tho German empire, died sud­ ecl by tlnbollef. mine to rehtjlirso them. Transparent conalltutlonal amendment providing for the •tno at the fort at Pozzo Pantaleu ex­ time between 11 o'clock Thursday shall be mine," said the Lord, "inthe and Elogont Dining Cars. Tho morhing of the wheat crop in Michigan for 1890 denly Friday night at his residence in roligioni • • ' JAPANhuH 40,aiSphystclanfi, butttaey election of United States senators by a direct ploded at 7 o'clock a. m., night and 10 o'clock Friday morning da.v when I make up my jewels;" AVon- train outof 13t. PnuONo. 81 will carr.y First Now, there are scores of woro unable to cope with tho cholera cost to produce 918,800,838 and that its vote of the people waa passed. this city. Ho waa an Interested spec­ Tho providence that seemed dark be Class 'Vostibuled Sleeper from Chicago, Thursday completely demolishing lustifles a suspicion that the fiend The following discourse was delivered deirful transformation! "The crystal sarsaparillas and other blood- value was 816,788,808, or an actual loss tiANsiNO, Mloh., April 33,—The senate was tator of the proceedings in tho reiehstag fore becomes pollucld. Now you flnd leaving that point at 6:30 r. M. daily over last year, for of 45,000 CBsea la that the fort, killing seven peasants known as "Jack the Ripper" of White- by Rov. T. DcWItt Talmage before con­ cannot equal it." There she is, a woli the C, M. & St. P. By., reaching tho Pociflc of 81,471,SilS.' The total cost of the com not In session yesterday, the mombors being Friday afternoon, and appeared in ex­ God is not tr.ying to put you down. purifiers, all cracked up to be country Hl,nOO proved fatal who woro in the vicinity and seri­ chapel notoriety in London has located gregations in Bi'ooltlyn ond New York of the street; but sho slioll be a sister ol Coast, via tho lino through Butte. in Qrand Rapids, at the funeral of congress- cellent health, laughing and chat­ Now you understand why you lost that Train No. 1, loaving St. Paul at 4:15 p. H., crop was 813,300,033; total value, 87.- nam Ford. in this city, or that ari equolly blood­ city on a recent Sabbath, from tho text: charity. There ho Is, o sot In the ditch; the best, purest, most peculiar ting pleasantly with Chancel­ ously injuring hundreds of others. child and why you lost your property; will carrvboth Pullman First Class and IT IS sttld that England has moro i!84,-245, or loss, 8B,014,787. The cost of LAtisiNQ, Mloh., April 84.-The senate yes­ thirsty wretch is plying his trode of The crystal coil not equal It.—Job xxvlll.,7. but ho shall preach the Gospel. There, lor von Capri vl ond several Tho fort wns four kilometers from it was to proporo you for ctornol treas­ PuUman Tourist Sleeping Cars from Clii- and wonderful, but bear in women workers in proportion to her the oat crop was. 81,130,055; its value, terday passed tbo MUnes bill repealing the murder in the same fashion. Between Many of the preclouB stones of the bohind the bars of a prison, but he shall' cogo via tho Wisconsin Central Line, leav- Bpeotal ohurtor under which tbo Lake Shore & members of the reiehstag. After Bpme, but the' explosion shook ures. And why sickness came; it being population than any other country, 19 Sa,740,108; totalToBS oh production of the hours named on unknown woman Bible hove como to prompt recognition. reign with Christ forever. Where sin ' Ing the latter point at 10:45 p. M. daii.y, run- mind (for your own sake), Most Miohigan Southern railroad operates. In com­ th'o session ho lingered in tho lobby a this city to its.center. Houses rocked the precursor of Immortal juyenes- I nininig via Hcloua to Bpokano Falls, Tacoma per cent, of the industrial classes lieing the three crops, 80,836,510. The value about 85 years of age was disembow­ But for the present I toko up tho less abounded grace shall much more there's only om guaranteed mittee of the whole the house electoral bill few minutes conversing with a numbor and trembled as though smitten with cenco. And now you understand why annd Portland. the hay crop was 814,000,000; the cost torelecting presidential electors by congres­ abound. The carbon becomes the soli­ women, .^^^^^^^^^j-: of army offlcors, and then was driven an ague, while the glass from thousands eled at the Fourth Ward hotel, a resort valuable crystal. Job, in my text, com­ -Fassongei's from the oast leaving Bt. blood-piirifier and remedy for 89,900,000. Total value of all crops sional districts was'agreed to. Sonanor Mllnes they lied obout you ond tried to drive taire. "The crystal con not equol it." Louis in tho forenoon and Chicago in Iho to his residence. At 9:30 o'clock Friday of broken wlndows>was hurled through at No. 14 Catherine slip, and her as­ pares saving wisdom with o specimen you hither and thither. It was to put Mns. Kocii. the wlfo of the famous from the best data available wos 845,- introduced a concurrent resolution providing Now, I have no liking for those peo­ afternoon, will make close connections torpid liver and all diseases for the issuing by the state treasury of the night his physicians were summoned, tho air and fell in dangerous sliowers sassin has disappeared mysterionsly. of topaz. An infidel chemist or miheral- you in the glorious compan.y of such wltb tho morning train out of St. Paul tbo Ucrman specialist, has tho entire chargo 499, 331, hay being second in rank, 814,- ple who arc always enlarging in Chris­ balance of tbe bonds authorized by law for but on their urrivol a few minutes to tho streets. Tho great cupolaasur- About t0:80 o'clock Thursday night a . ogist would pronounce the latter worth men ns Ignatius, who, when he went follotving day; leaving Chicago at night, that come from bad blood. • is Lenox. of her husband's immense correspond- 010,104. ^ payment of soldiers' bountlos, amounting to tian meetings about thoir early dissipa­ later tlte,y found the general dead and mountlng tho porlioment building taU, slender man about 80 years of age, more than the former, but Job makes out to bo destroyed by the lions, said oonnootion will bo made with Train No. 1 once, and performs hor duties as accro- about MS8,000, and that the proceeds be ap­ tion. Do not go into the particulars, out of St. Paul tho noxtaf ternoon. That one—standing solitary THE GRIP AAICROBE. pronounced the cause heart disease. was mashed to pieces ond the surrountl- dressed in a brown cutowoy coat and on intelligent comparison, looks ot re­ "I am tho wlieat and the teeth of the tary very successfully, plied to tho oauallzatlon of bountlos on.tbo my' brothers. Simply say you were With two transcontinental passenger bails of 1100 each. A bill tor regulating tho While the general was sitting in his ing streets strewn with its debris. . Tho light trousers, mot on old womon who ligion and then looks ot the crystal and wild beast must flrst grind me before trains running daily between eastern nnd and alone—sold on trial, is The Secretary or tho State Hoard of Health obarges of telephone oompanlea was favorably chair rending ho suddenly gasped and doors of offices and private residencoB is known by the nomo of "Shokes- pronounces the former as of for supe­ nm.bccomo pure brood for .Tesus Christ;'* sick, but make no disploy of .your western torminnlB, tho Northern Paciflo I'liida the Canae of the IMague. TT is said that the large bananas, reported. without a word expired. Tho family were burst open by the terrific concus- pearo" around tho Fourth ward, ond rior to the latter, exclaiming in the or the company of such men ns Poly- ulcers. The chief stock in trade ol Builroad—tho Yollowstono Park Route— Dr. Pierce's Golden Med­ At the meeting of tho state board of offers tho best nosaihlo service to the tour­ such as arc shipped to us, arc seldom I.ANSING, Micb., April 25,—The bill reaulring entertained hopes that he. could bo Bion and hcav,v articles of furnituro with her entered the hotel and asked for ^words of my text, "the crystal can not coi-p, who, when standing in tho midst somo ministers and Christian workers ical Discovery. health in Lansing Dr. H. B. Baker, for thnt tho upper berths in sleeping cars shall ist, business man or Bottler. The equip­ oaten in Cuba, hemg . considered too resuscitated but tho physicians at onco were overturned. Many of tho people a room for tho night. Tho man regls-f K,iequal it." of the nmpliitlicator, waiting for tho seems to be thou: early crimes nnd dis­ ment on this line is unaurpasBcd in point of many .years secretary of tho board, an­ not bo lowered unless they are actually sold tor determined tliat he was dead. Tho news sipations. Tho number of pockets you If it don't do good in skin, coarse, A very small banana, which is the night was defeated la the senate yesterday. whom the early hour found still tored under tlio name of 0. Nicoll, and" lions to come out of their eaves and de­ beouty nnd convonionco, whilo the service nounced thot ho had worked out tho spread rapidly througli the city and on Now, it is not a part of my sormonie Is first class. It is tho short and direct lino a favorite frmt there, never rcnchcs us, nousB. asleep were thrown from their beds and he ond the woman wero shown to a stroy him, and the people in tho gal picked and tho number of chicltons you scalp and scrofulous diseases "THE BONANZA eauso of la grippe. "The germs of in- design to dept-eolote the crystal whether to Montana and all North Pacific Const being too tender for shipment. LANSfS-a, Mioh., April S-i.—In the house yes­ dashed violently upon the floors of their room on tho top floor. Friday morning lories jeering and shouting: "Tho lions stole make very poor prayer-meeting points, and passes through tbo grandest, Buonzai" said the doctor, "are gen- every created most it bo found in Cornish mine, or Hortz —and pulmonary consumption OF THE FUTURE." terday bills wore favorably reported providing apartment's. I'anic-strlclcen, tho be­ the bartender went to the room and for Polyoarp," replied: "Let thein come rhetoric. Besides thot, it discourogee most productive and richest sections oi oroUy present, but there must be for a central board of control consisting ot threo mountain, or Mammoth cave, or tinkling otlier Christian people who never got seven states, viz: Wisconsin, Minnesota, is only lun^-scrofula—just let TilR Inventor of the Maxim gun is do- mon und throo womon, which shall have the wildered people in thousands poured rapped on the door. There wos no re­ on;" and then, stooping down toward The Coining Iron, Agricultural and certain coincident meteorological con­ among tho pendants of tho chondeliers drunk or stole .anything. But it is North Dakoio, Montana, Idaho, Oregon aud -voting his attention to flying machines. management of tho state public school at out npon the streets, fearing and full,y sponse ond ho forced the door. The the cave, where tho wild beasts were Washington. its makers know and get your ditions to irritate tho throat and air gas- of a palace. Tho crystal is the star of pleasant to know that thoso who were Sheep-Raising Distrlot He •malcea the somewhat astounding Coldwater, tho stato blind school at e.vpccting to find the city in tho dead body of tho old woman was roaring to get out; "Let them come on." District Passongor Agents of tho North­ sages suiHeiently to let the germ gain Lansing and the school for the deaf tho mountain; it Is the queen of the farthest down have been brought high­ money back. statement that he has obtained one- thioes of a great corthquakc. found lying on tho bed. It wus shock­ Ah, yes, it is persecution to put you In ern Paciflo Railroad will take pleasure in OF THE UNITED STATES. an entrnneo to tho body. These meteor­ at Flint; appropriating W-liOOO for tho cave; it is the ear-drop of tho hills; it glorious company; nnd while there are est up. Out of infernal serfdom into supplying information, rates, maps, time For Maps. Boferonco Book. FampblotB, etc.. do-. horse poiwer from a motor weighing expenses of tbo stute tlsh commission Confusion and terror wus over.y- ingly cut and mutilated. The body was Talk's cheap, but to back a Bcrlrtlvo of tho wonderful aninoral and affrioult. ological conditions at present are the finds its heaven in the diamond. Among mony things that you wUl have to post­ eternal liberty. Out of darltness into tables, etc., or npplication can ho made to only six pounds, and that this wiU sup­ for the ensuing two yeurs, and amending tbo where. Men looked in each other's completely natted. A deep gash ex­ CBAS. S. PEE, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minn. ural resources oftho Btato, apply to agents of the- excessive prevalence of north and present llsb und game warden laws so us to au­ all the png-esof natural histoi-y there pone to the future world for explano light. From coal to tho solitaire. "The poor medicine, or a common NOBTOLK * •WBBTEBN KAILBOAD, BOO port 133 pounds in the nir. faces only to find reflected there the tended from tho lower part of the ob- Write to above address for tho latest and 'WoahinEton Btreot, Boston; S03 Broadway.How- northeast winds and the excessive thorize tho warden to appoint not exceeding is no page more interesting, to me than fear which possessed themselves. domen upward to the breost, which tion, I tell you that it is tho whole ten crystal can not equal it." best mop yot published of Ahiska—just out one, by selling it on trial, as Vorkj 1433 Pennsylvania Avp,. Wanhlnvton, C ainount of ozono.in the nir." Dr. Avery tlvc special deputies in each county, clothed tho page crystallogrnphio. But I want O. i or to Oonoral Office, BOANOSB, VA. Women praying aloud, others hurrying disemboweled it eomplotel,y. Tho en­ dency of your religion to unravel and But, my friends, the chief transform­ TK Prussia it has been recommended was reelected president of the board with equal authority wltb himself, att a com- to show tliat Job was right when, tak­ explain and interpret nnd illumine and "How ISs your boy getting along at Har- " Golden Medical Discovery" arNAUCTms rAFiB mat UDrioti wtiu. ponsatlon of thrco dollars per day. with their children to find rofuge from trails hod apparen% been torn from ing power of the Gospel will not be seen to abolish tlic use of gunpowder and and Dr. Baker was reelected sccretar.y. ing religion in ono hand ond the cr.ys- irradiate. Job was right. It is a glori­ vordS' "First rale. He writes mo that ho is sold, would bankrupt the an unknown danger, and still others the body ond were scottored over tho in this world and not until Heaven LANSING, Mich., April 33.—All tho house tol in tho other, he declared that tho goes to Boston every night to study the other slow explosives in fiery mines, members yesterday went to Grand Rapids to bed. There wero also two deep cuts ous transparency. "The crystal can not breaks upon the soul. When that light stars."—Boaton Gazetto. largest fortune. Health In BUchltcan. weeping hystorieally and nimlessl.y Fruit and Vegetable Evaporators. but that dynamite should be used, pro­ attend the funoral ot Congressman Ford. former is of f.-ir more value and beauty equal it." wringing their bunds wero met at crossing each other on the' buck in the falls upon the soul then you will see tho Tho»o wlahlnff to embark Jn a prolltablo buslnosj, vided the proportion of firedamp present Reports to tho stato board of health by LANSING; Mich., April 81.—Tho house yestor- than the latter, recommending it to all The Ladloa OeUghtcd. every corner. form of an exact cross. crystal. Oh, what a magnificent setting Talk's cheap, but only "Dis­ roqulilng uttlo cnultiii. write mo iit once I mnuutact- does not surpass the safety limit, as afty-four observers in different parts duy passed a bill authorizing tho auditor gen­ the people and to all tho ages, I remark again that religion surpasses Tho pleasant effect nnd the perfect safety uro ono of tlio boat KVAI'OItATOItS In tho market. eral to credit tho county of Muskegon with tbe When the city hod quieted down It is believed the murderer strangled for theso jewels of eternity! I some with which ladies may use the liquid fruit covery " is gmranteed. 0HA8. B. TRBSOOTT, - . OhIoaBO, III. ahowci l>y the safety lamp. of the stato for the week ended April declaring: "The crystal can not the ery.stal in its beauty. Tlmt lump of •riuiu Tuis rate, mn IUM JM win.. sum of 18,000 of dellniiuont tax assessed upon and an investigation hud been hud his victim first ond then proceeded to times hear people representing Heaven laxative. Syrup of Figs, under all condi­ 18 indicated that typho-malarial fever. equal it." In tho flrst place I remark erystol is put under the magnifying- tions miiko it tlioir fiivorite remedy. It is lands the title of which was In the state or it was found that enormous damage his horrible butchery. There wos no in a way that is for from attractive to Inflammation of the bruin, diphtheria, United States. Tho committee of the whole that religion is superior to tlje crystal glnss of the crystallographer, and ho pleasing to tho eyo nnd to tho taste, gentle, TttK Tntornational Rose Fair in Ger­ hod been done to the fort, which trace of tho inon, and no ono had seen me. It seems almost o vulgar Heaven as remittent fever and diarrhea increased, reported favorably tho bill appropriating in exactness. That shapeless mass of sees in it indescribable beauty-snow­ yot offootual in acting on the Icidneys, hver many in .lune will be uninteresting 1.10,000 to the grand army encampment was filled with soldiers a few mo­ him leave the hotel. The detectives they represent it with great blotches ol ond bowels. and Inflammation of tho bowels, crystal agiiinst which .you accidentally drift nnd splinters of hoar-frost and event The exhibition willincludo roso to be hold in Detroit next Au­ ments before the explosion occurred. placed under orrest o bartender. .'^ color and bands of music making a deaf­ whooping cough and typhoid fever de- y- dashed your foot is laid out with more corals and wreaths ond stars and crowns THEIR Lovers, of Course.—A contempo­ collections from every land where tho gust. Tho scnote bill making It Fortunately tho commandant heard the woman named Mary Heeler and ening racket. John represents Heaven ireascd.in area of pro valence. Diph­ a misdemeanor to counterfeit a trado union COUNT UEt.MUTH VOJT SIOI.TKE. exactness than any eartlil.y city. There nnd eastcllations of conspicuous bcaut.y. rary soya that pretty girls should never fiowiir nourishes. U. S. florists have warning rumble and at once ordered tho chambermaid, Mar,v Minetcr. ns exquisitely beautiful. Throe er.ys- bite their lips. If not, why not? Who is theria was reported at fourteen places, label, and the general election bill, modeled profound sorrow. Emperor Wil­ are six styles of cvystalization, nnd all The fiict is that crystal is so beautiful going to bite them?—Daily Contiuent developed some remarlcabiy beautiful closely after tho Australian plan, were passed. the men to vacate the building. This The coroner has the murderer's tals. In one place he says: Her light Bcurlet fever at thirt.y-two, typhoid liam, wliose love for tho old soldier of them divinely ordained. Every crys that I can think of but one thing in all varieties in the last few years. Tho committee on ways and moans reported was promptly done and o terriblo dis­ knife, which is a common table was nice a precious stone, clear as crys­ fever at four and measles at thirty-nine without recommendation the Dodge bill, equal- amounted almost to idolati'.y, shed tears tal lias miitlieraatical precision. God's the universe that is so beautiful, and Fon strengthening and olearing tho voice, aster wus thus averted. knife with a broken blade about two tal." In another place he says: "I USO "BnOWN'S BUONOniAL 'ruocHEs."—"I places. izing state bounties by giving evory Miohigan when he heard of the general's death, geometry i-ciiches thi-opgh it, and it is a that is the religion of the Bible. No saw a pure river from under the throne, EuniM will have to pay thirty-seven veteran of thu clvttl war o bounty of iJlOO, pro­ King Ilurabert, nccompanied by Pre­ inches in length nnd half an inch havo commended thom to friend.^ who wero nnd imine(liatel.y ordered that extensive square, or it is a rectangle, or it is a wonder this Bible represents that re­ clear as crystal." In another place he public sponkorB, and thoy have proved ex- 'houIdi,me.ke ffTeirhousestooki nnd ono-linU cents a word for that 3,.'i00- Dentil of Dr. narrows. vided ho has not already boon paid that sum. mier Rudini aud cver.y member of the wide. The resemblance between this preparations be made to .show the es­ rhomboid, or in some way it hath a ligion as the diiybrcak, as the apple says: "Before the throne there was a tronioly serviceable."—Kov. Henry Ward word letter from Mr. Illaine, that being Dr. John Manning Barrows died at LANSING, Mich., April 'JS.—The Klcburdson cabinet, has gone to the scene of tho murder and thoso credited to Jack the Beecher. ^dJr wil-h SAPOUd ^ teem in which he was held by the na­ mathematical flgiire. Now religion blossoms, as the glitter of a king's ban­ sea of glass clear as crystal." Three the cable rates to Rome. If Italy keeps his home in Olivette after an illness of bill, increasing the rute of the specille luxes disaster. A military cordon has been Kipper in London is strong enough tion. Residences and business places in beats that in the simple fact that quet. It is tho joy of the whole earth. crystals! John says crystal atmos­ but three days. Dr. Barrows, who had imposed upon tho rollrouds ovor fiO per cent., established at Pozzo Pantaleo and tho to warrant tho presumption that SrniNO announcements are in order up this sort of conversational luxury, Berlin ivro already being dnipcd, and spiritual accuracy is more beautiful People talk too much about their among tradesmen; oven tho organ grinder was favorably reported to the bou.sc yosterdiiy. people are forbidden to approach the the object aimed at was the same, phere. That means health. Balm oi she'll have to mortgage some of her almost completed his SMi year, was It requires that tbo rouda sluiU pay 3 per cent, tlie city presents a spectacle .-limilar than matei-ijil accuracy. God's attributes cross and not enou.gli about their crown. takes a turn atit.—Youkors St-atesman. vicinity of the wreclccd fort. oltbough the procedure was slightly eternal June. What weather aftei ^ kousc-cIeAnind ^f** Ironclads to pay the cable tolls. one of the most noted scliolars Alichi- of their gross carulngs, If loss than fSO.OOO per to those witnessed after the deaths of are exact. l5od's law exact. God's de­ Do you know the Bible mentions across mile, und 4 por cent, when m excess of that Forty small houses in the neighbor­ dififerent. the world's east wind! No rack THE return of tho GUmore 0|iera Com­ pan ever produced. He was ono of the Emperor William and Emperor Fred­ crees exact. God's miinagement of the sum. A committee on state uf- hood of the exploded magazine are en­ bnt twenty-seven times while it men­ of storm-clouds. One breath of pany to Chicago (McVickor's 'rhcater) will GEOHQE W. GUILDS avows himself ono founders of tho Olivette college and for erick. Telegrams of condolence havo Inspector Williams is assisting In­ world exact. Never counting wrong, occur oa May 33 in tho comic oporasuccess, A SEirSE OF DECENCY fctirs reported In favor of ubol- tirely ruined and many more are scri- tions a crown eighty times? Ask that that nir will cure the worst of thoso wlio believe it a mistake to put more than twenty-five ycar.s filled the Isblng tho ortico of state game warden und been received from all the large spector Byrnes in questioning the peo­ though 11c counts the grass blades and "Tho Sou King." Tho opora made a de­ on.sly damaged. The appearance of tlie old man what ho thinks of religion. He tubercle. Crystal light on all the loaves. cided hit whon last seen in Chlcugo. Constrains many people to hide the dirt of their MtcheM. They make' oft being generous until after one is chair of natural science in that institu­ of shortening tbo deer shooting season ton cities of tho empire and from the ple continuall.y being brought in b.v tho the stars and the sands and tho cycles has been a close observer. He has been days in each ot tho two pouinsulus. This will king in tiie streets on his way to Pozzo Crystal light shimmering on the topaz the kitchen a secret chamber, into which it is forbidden to enter; but half OXaXO •— sentenced to life imprisonment. Two tlio timid. Whon King Humbert was kinds of beautiful things. Ask him river. That ineans joy. Deep iind ever they tciioio by test; that Dobbins' Electric is self." funertil. King Umberto. of Italy, ex­ iniitlon whereby tho iioiice iirrestod !i bility of mistake. Each life a six-sided years ago one of the witnesses iit the Secretary Foster's I'luii to Secure the seen returning from the wreck convey­ what ho tliinks of religion and ho will rolling. Not one drop of the Thames wiost economical, purest aud host. Thoy have presses deep sorrow and suj's the gen­ man known in his haunts as "Frenchy,'V - prism. Born at the right time; dying had 31 years to try it. Yuu give U oiw fWol. trial confessed on his doiithbed thnt Assistance of Hanks. ing some of tlie Wounded to the ho.spital toll you: "It is the most beautiful or the Hudson or the Rhine to soil it. IT lins been discovered tliat the act ol eral ^vas the foremost soldier of the and who, according' to Mr.s. Har­ nt the right time. Tliere are no "liap- he had sworn falsely and that Ilitch- WASHINGTON-, April '.23.—Secretary in his own carriage he Wiis given an thing I ever saw." "The crystal can Not one tear of human sorrow to embit­ the late Kansa.s legishtture prohibiting century. The funeral will probably rington, was an acquaintance of tho pen-so's" in our theology. If I thought THE first scniontino walk wns laid out eock killed his victim in self-defense. Foster is considering :L new pl;in for oviition all iilong the lino of his prog­ not equal it." ter it. Crystal, the rain out of which it in the Garden of Eden.—Pittsburgh Dis­ tho alien ownershi]) of land is uucousti- tiike place on Tucsd.ty. dead woman, whose name she said was this was a slip-shod universe I would Hitchcock wiis released, aud has now getting the subsidiary coin into circula­ ress. Beautiful in its symmetry! When it was made. Cryst.al, the bed over which patch. . .tutional, the following section of the Carrie Brown, 00 years old. The wom­ go cra-/-y. God is not !in anarch­ presented a bill ng.ainst tho state for tion and keeping it in circuhition. Ono IHclinutb Karl vou Moltke was doscondod presents God's ehiiracter it does not it shall roll and ripple. Crystal, its infin­ My wife and child having a severe attack of Whooping bill of rights squarely intovdicting such Two oflicors dangerously wounded an foruiorly lived out at service, but ist. Law, order, syinmetvy. precision, ALWAYS avoitl harsh purgative pills. They Cough, wo thought that we would try Piso's Cure for Con­ S3,000 for false imprisonment. of the New York baiilcs, which from ft.well-kuown Mockienborg family. He present Him as having love liiie a groat ite suffiice. But "the crystal can not a law: ''No distinction shall ever bo was born al P:irebim on October 28, ISOO. Soon and V20 civilians have thus far been Wiis so mucli given to riotous living a perfect sc|uare, a perfect rectangle, first mako you sick and then leave you con­ sumption, and found it a perfect success. Tho flrst bottle is a government depository to protiiberiiiice on one side of His nature, equ.al it." .Tohn says erystid sea. That stipated. Carter's Little Liver pills regulato broke up tho Cough, nnd four Bottles completely cured lundo botwoon citizens, and iilicns in after bis birtb bis pai-onts settled In llol- tiiken to the hospitals. Everj' houso thiit she acquired an unenviable repu­ a perfect .shomboid, a perfect circle. Sliort hut >'owsy Items. the amount of .1j'.;00,000, has olVcrod steln and in hi.s l-Jib year be was but makes that love in harmony with means inultitudinously vast. Vast in tho bowels and miike you well. Dose, ono pill. them.—H. STBINGER, 1147 Superior St, Chicago, lUlnois. refcreuco to the purchase, enjoyment witliin a radius of a kilometer from tation .ind thus lost Iter chances of The edge of God's robe of govornment There are twenty-six United States to take S.1,000 monthly in subsidiary sent to Copenliagcn to devote himself His justice-a lovo tliat will nccopt ail rapture. Rapture vast as the sea, deep or descent of property." the point of tho explosion is more or gaining an honest living. Tlio police never frays out. There are no loose • THE turf will hardly lose its [lopularity-a pensioners in .Tackson prison. coin, provided it be allowed to in­ to tho mllliary profession, lu ISri'J he en­ those who come to Him, and a justice as the sea, strong as the sea, ever chang­ tered tbo Prussian sorvlco as a lieutenant less dumagcd. It htus been ascertained would give no InfoniiatiDn concerning screws in tho world's machinery. It race Is so much a matter of course.—St Blanche Davidson, of Reed City, crease iliS holdings of the -1 per cents. that will by no means clear the guilty. ing as the sea. Billows of light. Bil­ Joseph News. MARIC TWAIN hates reporters nnd nad studied ia ibe niiluary acailoniy. In ISa.'i that \2'>0 tons of powder was stored in the iiiiin, nor would they give his right did not just happen that Napoleon was aged .17 years, committod suicide by Four i^or cents arc now above ho took .1 tour in'I'm-koy, wbieb brougbthim Beautiful religion in the sentiment it lows of beauty, blue with skies that autograph fiencls with a hatred that is tho exploded iniigazinc. name. attached with indigestion iit Borodino so TnE centipede doosn't know whnt ruin la; sliooting Iiersolf through the head witli They iire iiceopted by the govcrnmont under llio notleo o( llio sullua, wlio advised implants! Beautiful reli.irion in the were never clouded and green with truly (lo:idly. ITc refuses to seo tho Tlio Vatican was not spared. Tlic that he liccaine incompetent for the ho Ims novor yot been on hia last legs.— froin the baiiks in which United Stales Willi him on the reorganization of tbe Turltisb hopo it kindles! Beautiful religion depths that were never fathomed. Arc­ Bingham ton Kopublioon. former, and makes the latter regret a revolver. arm.v. Ho j-oiiialned several years in Turkey edifice was shakeu and several of the AVENGED THEIR COMRADE. day. It did not just happen thiit funds iii-o deposited as security up to in the l-ict that it proposes to garliiiid tics and Antarctics and Mediterraneans making recxuests for his siginiturc. He The Grand Trunk ferryboat, with aad in ISi!) look part la llio ctinipaigii histovical stained glass windows of tliu John 'Phoniiis, the missiontiry, on FoiiTirr Fcoblo Lungs SI. 10. The Now'i'oi-k bank's proposi­ ot tbo Turlis in Syria against tho BoliUcrs Attack the .lall ut Wiilla 1V»lln, and enthrone and emparadise an im­ and Atlnnties and Pacifies in ci',ystallino Against Winter does his writing in summer, shutting two tminUiads of westbound passen­ old building wore sluittcred. The .win­ a heathen i.sland, waiting for an out­ with Halo's Honey of Holorehoiiiii d and Tiir. tion is that the 4 per cents be t:i,lcen as Viceroy Bloliemcd Ali of Kgypt. In Wash., ami Shoot to Uontli the Jlur- mortal spirit. Solomon says it is a lily. magnificence. Three crystals.' Crystal Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in oneniinulo. himself in his study from inorning until gers on bo:ivd, wiis stuck in tlie ice at ISlFi, baling veturucd to Prussi:i and'puh- dows in the ;iiielent Raphael chambers fit and orders for another 'misslonar.y security up to .SI. 15. As there is not iluror of One of Their Cniiipniilniis—A Paul says it is a crown. Tlie Axiocalypso ight falling on ii crystal river. Crystal late at night, and to disturb lilm while I'ort lluvon for t\vcnty-fouv hours. lisbod an acemiiil of bis Turkish e.-cporienccs, and the stained glass in the roj-al stair­ tour, received that outfit and those ^uch probability that tho 4 per cents Conflict with Prison Guards In AVIilcli n says it is a fountain Ijisscd ot the sun. river rolling into a crystal sea. But WHEN a man goKs in trouble it often at liis work is high treason. .laclcson will iilant ll'i acres to celery he bociuiio adjutant lo Prince lionry, of Prus­ case, presented to Pope Pius IX. by the takes, a i-onnd sum to square matters.— sia,, then reskluiii tn Kome, and altor bis death Number of Persons Aro Said to Have . . orders in a box thnt floated ashore, Ezekiel sa.ys it is a foliagcd cedar. 'the crystiil can not equal it. this season. will go below .51.20, Secretary Foster is king of Havjiria, wore seriously in­ Youkora Staleamun. Latest Styles wa.s engaged with tbe general command on ibe Hccii Kllletl. while the ship and the crew that car Christ says it is a bridegroom como to inclined to bclii-^vc that they might be jured. "Oh," says somo ono, "it is ju.st the DuniXQ the year 1S!)0 the United A .Jackson m.an hit on an origiuiil Rbino, bocomlug in 1.S.IS a member of tbe grand Poni'LAND, Ore, April 3,'). — Word riod tho bo.x were never licai'tl of. Tho fetch homo a bride. AVhile Job, in the AUK 03 small as homosopathio pellets, and L*Art De La ModCa accepted from the depositories as se­ geiieraUilaCt mul iu 1810 cbter ot llie staiT or ibo doctrine I want; God is to do every­ States exported to Canada goods to tho plan. He was uuirried the other day, PHILIP MOEN DEAD. comes from Walla W.alla of a bloody barking of F. W. Uobortson's dog, he text, takes up a whole vase of precious as oiisy to tako as sugar. Everybody likes 7 OOLUIICD PLATIta. curity on govornment funds up to .151.1.5, army corps iu Magdeburg. In l8.'iS thing and I am to do nothing." My them. Cat-tor's Littlo Liver Pills. Try theui. itt TUK imsT rmiB iuiii Kin value of SOO,'I-10,3UO, and imported from and instead of passing cigiivs around he conllict between l.'JO soldiers • and a tells us, led to a line of events which stones—the topaz, and the sapphire, and luuK Fismuiia. but he docs not expect to give this ad­ be was advanced to the rank ot chief The IturliocI Wire Slaiiufuctiircr a Victim brother, it is not the doctrine you want. that country to the value of .?31),l)-t'2,!»T7, gave bread tickets to his friends. of tbo grand general slalT ot tbo Prussian slierilfs guard, in which the latter brought him from tho army into the the chrysoprasus—and he takes out of earordor it ot your Nown-doalor vantage without some concessions in of Apople.-ty—Strange Kplsodo of 'Ills The coal makes no resist.anco. It hears LAVING for a man is an occupation only ex­ > or send 80 ctH.forlatoMt numbor to the balance in favor of tho United The incrchantsof Vormontville have army, ami in 1850 became n lieutenant general. whilo repelling an attack on tho jail by Christian ministry, whore he served God this beautiful vase just one crystal and cusable in a hen.—St. Joseph News. tV. J. UUItSli, l>ubllabrr, return, and the oifer of the Now York In tho Auslro-Ilaliau war Moitite was present Life. the resurrection voice in the mountain B Kual lUlk 8U, Mill, Vorlt. .Sbites being S'21,-10fl,aS0, Mexico buys determined thut tho burned furniture the troops fired upon them with deadly with world-renowned usefulness. It did holds it up until it gleams in the warm rSIMH iniS PATIn Uo. jouaUlk bank to holi> Iceep the subsidary coin in tlio Austrian headquarters, nnd utter iho AVoKCESTEii, Mass., April 24.—Philip and it eomes..to crystallization, butyoui from the United States moro than S:20,- factory must be rebuilt, and will raise ell'ect, the soldiers answering with a not merely happen so. I believe in a light of the eastern .sky, iind he ex­ EvEJf vinegar has to work to bo worth in circulation by taking a stated conclusion of peace spared no pains to do. L. Moon, president of the Washburn & heart resists. Tho trouble with you. anything.—Pittsburgh Dispatch. 000,000 worth of goods each j'cai-, or a bonus if neeessavy. velop tho eapaelty of the Prussian army. volley which mowed down a number particular iirovidence. I believe God's claims; "The crystal can not equal it." amount monthly about meets his Moon Manufacturing Company, died at my brother, is the coal wants to sla,-, W. L. DOUGLAS EWIS' 98 <^ LYE more than three times as much as sho Christian Miller, a veteran of the When the w-ar ot 18(11 against Denmark broke of tiie citizens acting as guards. geometry may bo seen in our life moro POWSEHimAin) FEBUniED idea of a fair arrangement. Should oui Moltke skotebcrt tbo plan of the cam­ his homo in this city lato Thursday Oh, it is not a stale religion, it is not coal. I do not ask you to throw open WISE medical mon do not troot somnam­ buys from :iny other ooviaitry. beautifully than in crystallography. bulism as a pillow case.—Boston Courier. u (PATENTED) Mexican war, was buried at Holland. the government bank depositories paign aud assisted In Its exeeution. The whole The peculiarity of tho affair is a stupid religion, it is not a toothless $3 SHOE ^^H^e^EH. afternoon. llo suft'ei-ed a stroke of Job was right. "'HUo crystal ^an not the door and let Christ in. I only ask ThesfronoMtnnd pwrett Lyo. A young daughter of V. T. Cole, of tlu'oughout, tlio country show a disposi­ plan ot tlio Bohemian campaign was duo that it was probably the first in­ hag as some seem to have represented te.OU Genuine llandiiDwctlt nn elogant nna utyl apoplexy several days ago and never equal it." that you stop bolting it and barring it. BEST, easiest to use and cheapest. Piso's 9 Isii (ireftD Shoe which cortimondH ItHQlt. mado. WiU mako the beat per­ 7T is pi'oposed to drive a tunnel into Bay City, fell into a cistern and was tion to do tills they would probably be to Moltke, "Who w-as personally present In tho stance reeorded where soldiers, iirined it; it is not a Meg Jlerrilies with shriv­ l^l.UO lland-nuweU wuli. A tlno cal£ Shoo unequal* fumed Hard Boap in SO minutes battle of Kontggratz, which be led. Ho In liko rallied. He wiis born in Wilna, N. Y., Oh. my friends, we will have to get rid Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 35o. 0(1 foi-Btylo and tlurablilty. the ver.y orator of Popocatapetl, iind to drowned. accommodated. It would require a and uniformed, have resorted to mob Again, I remark that re'iigiou is su­ eled arm come to scare the world. It 19.50 Ooodyeur Wolt it) tho standard droBH Shoe, at wlt/iau(boiI{n.7. ttls the boat manner arranged the bold utlvanco of tbe Prus­ November 13, 1S34, and had been con­ of our sins. I will have to get rid of 0 II popular price. for oleansing waste pipes, dla- build from the mouth of the tunnel a, general concurrence of action to make violence against the civil authorities. perior to tiie crystal in transparency. is the fairest d-.ughter of God. heiress THE tutugboa, t and tho chiropodist aro al- iQiCU ]'oik'eman*a Hhoe la especially adapted for Joseph Woodland, who took up a sian columns against Olinutz and Vienna nnd nected with the wire worlds in this city ray sins and you will have to get rid of ways infeoting sinks, closets, wnsh- rail w.aj' to eouneet with tho iuteroceanic negotiated Ibo preliminaries of peace. For Ou Wednesday night A. J. Hunt, a lookinR aftor tows.-Boston Bulletin. V rntlrontl mon, fnrmorB. etc. tract of land iu Fairfield in ISSH, died the plan successful and the seci-etai-y fort.y-six years, lie loaves a widow and We know not when or by whom of all His wealth, llor cheek the morn­ your sins. AVhat will wo do w>ith our All inntlo In CoutfroHs, Uutton nnd Lane, higbottJos, paints, trees, otq. road at Aineaeamcca. Tho parties n'ho will wait till lie hoars from a number those services lie received the order of tho gambler, who.se reputation was bad glass was first discovered. Beads of it ing sky; her voice tho music of the rop I^ndieii* IH tho only band-towud oboe sold of the grip, aged S3 years. lllaek Eagle. To tbe brilliant strat­ thrco children. sins among the three crystals? The W at this popular price. aro negotiating with tho owner of the even among his companions, becamo .50 Uontt»la Shou Tor Lndles. Is a now departure PENNA. SALT M'FG 00., The -l-year-old son of Charles F. Var- of the banks before taking steps to egy o( "Fulbor MoltliO," as ho was Mr. Modi's life had been marked b.y hnvo been found in the tomb of Alex- south wind; her step the danco of tho crystal atmosphere would display our volcano are said to repvcsciit a rich engaged in iin iilterejjtion with Private 2 anirproiniHCM to hecoino very popular. ncy. of Bay City, burned itself to death carry out tho plan. termed iu the German army, Ibo vie one singular episode and that was his onder Soverus. 'Vr.ses of it are brought sea. Come iind woo her. Tlie Spirit pollution. The crystal river would be •A.OO Shoo for Ludlea, uud •l.tA Ibr Mluea still Gen. Agts., Phila., Pa. French syndicate, who expect lo got at torles in tlio Franco-Gernmn war wero MUler and struck him in the face. Mil­ That 0m retain thoir oxcolloncu for Btylo, etc. by playing with matches. connection with the notorious "Doc up from the ruins of Herculaneum. and the Bride Siiy come, and whosoever befouled with our touch. The crystal AU goods warranted and atamped with name on bo^ least 100,000 tons of .sulphur annually CENTIPEDE IN THE COFFEE. ascribed. He w-as practleally tho commander ler returned the blow and was getting There were female adornments made will, let him como. Do you ngroo with torn. If advertised local aaront cannot supply you, Col. Ludlow, government engineer, in chief and tbo whole plan of campaign was Levi Wilson. AVilson. was a coachman sea ivould whelm us with its glistening send direct lo factory onclosliiflf advortlsod urleo or a postal for order blanks. 2806lb8.o.ro. from the very bowels of the old Mexican duo lo blm. In rueogniilon of bis services bo —a low, vulgar fellow—and yet, the best of the fight when Hunt drew out of it three thousiihd years agi Solomon nnd say it is a lily? Then made soundings of the channel, linding A riimlly of Overland Jlovurs Poisoned— surge. 1'ransformation now or no tran.s- Tired Feeling IV. I.. Brockton, Mnoa. BEST HOO ON EARTH. 8ond address laud-marl:. wus made ehief mansliul of tbo German empire a revolver from his hip pocket and shot those adornments found now iittaolied pluck it and wear it over .your the water between Lakes Jlichiganand Throo of tho Party Dead. without any apparent reason as far formation at all. Give sin full chance WANTEIh—Shoo doalorin evory city and town not on poital lor description ol this FAMOUS in 1871 and was erented eount In 1873. From Miller dead. • A mob at once collected to the mummies of Eg,ypt. A great heart. Do you agree with Paul Prevails with Its most enervating and illseouraglng occupied,to take oxciuuivu nt;ency. Atl agents advor lireed and lowls.. First applicant In oaoh Muskognn from fourteen to eighteen LiTXi.K Rocic, Ark., April Par­ the ezar ho received tlio military decoration of as is Iviiown, Mr. Jloen in the courso in your heart iind the transformation oircot In spring and early summer, when tbo toning tiscd in local pnpoi'. Send for illustrated catalogue. looalltif gets a pair ON TIME and agency. rr is said that the granite mass riuar- and an attempt was made to l.yncli tho many commentators believe that nnd say it is a crown? Then lot this •NAME THIS PAPER «fcfTllmojomnltt. The 1.8. SILVER CO., Cleveland, 0. feet deep. ticulars O-J! a most shocking aJl'air have tho order ot St. George In 1870 and from his own of seven yetirs paid him between will bo downward instead of upward. effect ot tho cold nir Is gone and ilio days grow Tiod by the Bodwell Granite Co., at murderer, but he wns hurried to jail by m,y text ineans glass. \\'hiit would hour be your coronation'. Do you agree warmer. Hood's Sarsnparlllu speedily ovorcoraos ISIary Douglass, 11 years old, of Bay been received here. A family of mov­ sovereign tlio grand cross ot tho order of tho 8300,000 and i?400,000. He began to Instead of a crystal it will be 64 Vinal Haven, wus the hirgestcver quar­ Iron Cross tn 1S71.] th.o authorities, who dotormiucd th'St we do witliout the crystal'? The with tho Apocalpyse and say it is a "that tired foeling," wbotbor caused by ohango of City, was taken witli an epileptic fit ers niiined Balding, en route overland mnlce these payments to Wilsonin 187.'>, cinder. In the days of Car­ ried. It may be the largest granite the law slioiild take its course. crystal in tlie window to keep springing fountain? Then come and oUmato, season or lito, by overwork or illness, nnd WHO SHALL BE QUEEN ? while attending to her kitchen duties from Tipton county, Tenn., to Te.\as, In 1SS3 Jtr. Moen announced to Wilson thage a Christian girl was condemned Imparts that foeling of strength and self-confldonco An ounce of pre- "Tho llowors that bloom In tho oprlnsr, Trn, Lft, L»,» mass ever quai'ried, but at Uaalbec, in Talk of lynching has been aro often but prccursorn ot croup, pneumonia,'nnd^ that he should pay him no more money, out tho storm and let in the day—the .slake tlie thirst of your soul. Do you to die for her faith, nnd a boat was be­ nblcb is comforting and BUtlsfylng. It also euros vention is worth a pound of cure." Pro­ and spilled a kettle of hot water over was poisoned while in camp in Boone heard on the streets over sinee other fatal attacks to throat andlunita, Dr.lloinlo'ii Syria, the traveler sees at tho quarry, FLOODS IN PERU. giving him then KO.OOO. Wilson in 1885 crystal ovor the watcli defending its believe with Ezekiel and say it is a daubed with tar and pitch nnd filled BlGlE heudacbo, biliousness. Indigestion or dyspopala. Certain Croup ouro lu tho ono and ouly euro euro tor herself, inllicting fiital burns. county. Ark. Tho mother and two tlic mui-dor, and the shoriJV, fcai'- tect your Lawn in advance by erecting a thoBoillsDasoa, LookoutforthomonthotMav. AsIc nearly ready to be moved from tho pil­ brought suit against Moen for SUO.OOO, delicate maohinoi-,y, yot allowing us to foliagcd cedar? Then come under its with combustibles and set on fire and Three minors' houses at Tainaraclc siniiU'children died in agony and thu Wlinlcsulo Dostruetloii ot Property—Poo­ ing an itttcinpt would be made to tako "HARTMAN" STEEL PICKET FENCE. ^suxi^.n''-" "'"'"'•'"» ««''""'^»'- lars tliat support it, a stone 71x14x13 claiming that tho Worccntor man­ seo the hour—tho crystal of tho tele- shadow. Do you believe witli Christ the Christian girl was phiccd in the feet, containing r2| 023 cubic feet, whcre- City, Houghton county, were burned. father and two other children are out plo- Urivvn from XheU- lluiuos by the the prisoner ojit and lynch liim, sworo scopo by which tlio astronomer brings nnd say it is a bridegroom come to fetch It BEAUTIFIES WITHOUT CONCEALING. •rniiuiau MFiuarartiM naaitta. Witters. ufacturer had agreed to pay all boat, and tho wind was off shore and 41S the-Vinal Haven .stone, if the size at Loks, .S3,000; .Sl.lOO insurance. of danger, though they had a narrow in a number of citizens as special distant worlds so near he can inspect home a bride? Then strike hands with Hood's PA NASI A, April 35.—Reports fi-oni his (^Vilson's). breach o£ pioiniso the.boiit floated away with its precious the base continued to the top, would Chauncy Holcomb, aged 00 year.s, a escape. An examination showed that deputies, lu-ined them with rifles thcni. Oh, tho triumphs of tho crystals your Lord the King while I pronounce T'cru tell of disastrous rainstorms iind cases and they ;iggi-ogated that figure. treasure. No one can doubt that boat .contain but 11,,'300 cubic feet, pioneer of Lapeer, dropped dead oJ a largo mountain centipede had been and placed tlicm inside tho jiiil in the celcbriitod windows ot Rouen you everlastingly one. Or if you tliinlj Hoods. lictv.'oeii Jiarch 1 and !33 The jury disagreed. Since Wilson has lauded at tho shore of Heaven. Sin ..'•'iVs,!? heart disease. boiled iu the coll'ec whi'di the family with instructions to guard the and Salisbury! But there is nothing with Job that it is a jewel, then put it eleven rainstorms #wcpt over been wandering aliout, being now nom­ wants to put you in a fiery boat and Sarsaparilla "A SNAIL'S pace" need not bo used any Henry P. Bcebe, tho last of three drank for breakfast. prisoner at all hazards. Frida.y so transparent in a crystal as in our on your hand lilco a ring, on .your nock Ijamabayayquc. A correspondent inally aeomiuorcial traveler in the west. shove you off in an opposite direction— Sold by all druggists. $1; slxforM. Proparodonly . longer as a term more or less indefinite, brothers, who were pioneers of Rich­ 'Wumun niny Hold Onii-o In Oklnlioinn. night the jail, a strong struct­ liol,y religion. It is a transparent lice a bond, on your forehead lilto a r^AilJl TU1« ^-'•*:ae».i7 llmaiottwrite. V writes: 'j'he river of tlie same Mr. Moen never mentioned the affair to oft" from peace, off from God, off from by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass, .Tiy an interesting experiment at tho mond, died at his homo in that villngc. Sr. Louis, April 2,1.—A dispatch says ure, was surrounded by fully 150 sol­ religion. You put it to j'our eye andyoii star, while looking into tlie mirror of name in tlic town increased to even his intimate friends. IIo Heaven, everlastingly off; and Florence Polytechnic institute a few Prof. M. E. Wordsworth, principal that Chief .lustice Green, sitting us diers, who demanded tho surrender of see man—his .sin,.his soul, his destiny. God's word you aolcnowlcdgo "the 100 Doses One Dollar enormous proportions and Hooded tho insisted that it was a case ol the port toward which you day s ago the pace was ascertained exact- of tho mining school at Houghton, lias district judgo at Guthrie, Oklalioma, Hunt. Tho slierilt refused, hot words You look at God and you see some­ crystal can not equ.al it." country all around for noarl.y 80 miles. blackmail, pure and simple, but would sail would be a port Patents-PeDsioiis-Gtaini& Uy and reduced to figures, which now' has rentloi'cd a decision thnt women were exoliangcd, and severiil of thing of the grandeur ot His eliaraetor. The Secret of Health been reelected state geologist for the The viilages of .1 tiynncn. Dimes, Motupe, declined to make any explana­ Again, religion is superior lo the crys of darkness, and tho guns that would lathopowortoeut, dlKcat and naalmllato a may be used by persons who favor tho are eligible to public otrice. Miss the moro impetuous deputies fired It is II trimsparcnt religion. Infidels coining two years. Pacora, Tucumo, Moohuini and Mo- tion further than to say his good tal in its transformations. The diamond greet you -would be the guns of despair, propur quiintltv of wbolcaomo fnod. ThU use of exact terms. A half dozen of tho Cora V. Diehl was elected register of upon tho soldiers, who aii- tell us it is opaque. It is bccau.so they ton never Iio tbo cnao wlillo Impiirltlea oxlat •r-.\AiuiiuaPAuatiaru«imni». •\ ' , Joseph St. Ongo, an old resident of renpe have been inundated, and many name was not involved in \ViIson's is only ii. crystallization of coal. Carbo­ and the flags that would wave at .your ^^'•i'^.-'^.li>t,r^X'^'>::» deeds, but the former register re­ sworod with a volley. The dls- nro blind. The natural nitin reccivotli in the ayatcm'. The lilooil muat bo purinadi moUusks wero permitted to crawl be- Negaunee, foil against a stove whilo secret. Wilson as long as he received nate of lime rises till it becomes ciilcite arrival would bo the black flags of death, It la the vital prlnctiilo; ramllVlns throush -_nosrtho ottraotton and: houses have fallen down. The churches pntclios say half a dozen persons Wo sell more Lawn Fencing than all other manu­ SOUTHWEST TEXAS 15, iiween two points ten feet apart, and warming himself, and died from his in­ fused to surrender tlie otlice on monoy from Moen refused any explana­ not tilings of God because they are or ai'agonite. Red oxide of copper erys- ercrypiirtortho body. nr.TutfaPlllaoxpel facturers corabineil because It Is Ihe HANDSOMEST Do Witt County m tho oon«- at .Tiivanca and !Mornupe^ fell down 0, my brother, you must either kill sin all IniiiiirltloaanaTltalIzo the wbole ayatem. undalntbostatoiitmodar. , •from this the average pace,was ascer­ the ground that a woman could not were killed and man.y woundetl, but spiritually discerned. Thoro is no and BEST FENCE made, and CHBAPBRTHAN WOOD. torof nttruotlon. li'Inoatluc juries in two days. whilo several small towns sull'ered se­ tion, but after his supplies were cut oil tiillizcs into cubes and octacliedrons. or sin will kill you. It is no wild exag­ tained. In working the calculation hold such an olllco. The judge held whether they were citizens or soldiers trouble with tlie crystal; tho trouble is A Xoted Divine says: Our "Steel Picket" Gates, Tree and Flower *"'il?J?i?Si!S1.\5.^''"'»o»*sooiigBo:oon,Ouoro,'roxi - — .v The sum of .$20,000, from the estate of verely. Not a single rail of tho Chim- ho dechired ho was Mr. Moon's illo- Those crystals which adorn our persons geration when I sny that any man or •rniM^iBia fArsa anqr u» imniu. into feet, yards, rods, furlongs and that ^liss Diehl was entitled to the of­ is not known. After the shooting th-P with the eyes that try to look through "I have boon iialnB Br. 'I'utt'a I,lver Pllla Guards, and Flexible Steel Wire Door Mats aro un­ ex-President Fillmore, has fallen into boto & Siicliiman railroad remains in gitimate ciiild. This, too, tho latter and our lioines nnd our museums havo woman that wants to bo saved may bo the pnat throo montlia for dyapepaln, wenk equaled. A 40-paBO Illustrated catalogue of "HART­ miles it was found that it would tako a fice, und further, that a woman may, soldiers are reported to have battorucl it. \Ve pray for vision. Lord, thnt our atomaehundnervotiancaa. 1 never liud nny- Address WAHtllNQ- tho hands of Mrs. Adolphus Stitcher, of place on niany miles of the embank­ denied and ho died witli the mystery as only been resurrected from forms that saved. Tremendous choice! A thou-- MAN SPECIALTIDS" mailed free. Mention this paper. TON COIiONlZINO I snail exactly fourteen days to crawl a in the absence of statute, hold any oflicu down tho door of the jail and riddled e.yes miglit bo opened. Whon tho eyc- I thlntftod.kmu ao much good. I rocommGnd Government Land"Vs8 tsAOMNa',I.oolC'; , Perry, a distant relative of the man of ments. deep as evei'. were far from lustrous. Scientists for sand people iiro choosing this moment thom nathe boat pill In oxiatenco, nud do all not incompatible with her sex, Hunt with bullets. Billve cures our blindness then we find ;milo. •- ' history. ages havo been examining tlieso won­ between siilvation and destruction, be­ I can to acquaint others witii their merits. HARTMAN M'F'G CO., on PACIFIC COAST. &"i5S^rs?^fe^^ MniiRlod by Uyiiainltn. Many I'ainlllos lluriiort Out. that religion is t';fiinspnrent. derful transformations. But I tell you tween light nnd darkness, between Theyaro napcclalltlcoalnir." WORKS: - BEAVER FALLS, PA. •TMAJu Tnis rAriii .!•>> iirnVToumiu. Milton H. Butler, a former Chicago ACTRESSES OF ABILITY. KILLED BY THE CARS. Bev. V. It. OSOOUB, IHotv Xork.' Tho capitol dome at Washington is Bouiino.N. . Ind., April 35.—Fred CHICAGO, April 34.—A disastrous flre It is a transparent Bible. All the in tho Gospel of tho Son of God there Heaven and hell, between chavired ruin BRANCHES : business man, died at Mount Clcmons, Dflutli of an lown •the only considerable dome of iron in Lesser was Itilled b.y a premnturo en- T^orriblo Ploiioor nnd mountains of tho Bible eonifi out; Sinai, is a more wonderful transformation. and glorious ci'y.stnllization. 508 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. aged 00 years. Mns. JAUfES BROWN POTTER is tho broke out shortly after noon Thnrsday Ills Littlo Son. Tutt's Liver Pills, 0: ' the world. It .is a vast hollow sphere youngest Cleopatra on the stage; JImo. plosion of d.ynamito near hero while ond destroyed a row of frame houses • the mountains of the law; Pisgah, the Over souls by reason of sin black as Fon u-rsPKPSiA. 1416 West Eleventh St., Kansas City. "Tho .3-year-old daughter of Charles WASHirraroN, In., April 3.'). — John fife «^Mfs^?x%S'^'Sitw;^ ' weighing '8,000, SOO ijounds, moro than Bernhardt, who is forty-six, is the old­ handling blasting cartridges. His body running from 337 to S45 West Chicago mountain of prospect; Olivet, tho coal and hard as ivon, God by His com­ Price, 2Sc. Office, 39 & 41 Park Place, N.Y. loj Chambers Street, NEW YORK, • Oousineau, of Long Eupids, fell Into a Graham and his U-.year-old son Samuel —Lot us toll on; the work we leave 73 South Forsythe Street, ATLANTA. 4,000 tons, or the weight of 70,000 est, was badly mntil;itod. Buildings iu tho avenue, causing a loss of about 82,'i,000. mountain of instruction; Cavalry, tho forting grace stoops and says: "They tub of boiling lye and died in a short wore killed b.y a passenger train on tho behind us, though incomplete, God's -'.Viinj luis I'AMu.,.,/em. , men. Onthe ver.y top of the dome tho Miss JULIA MARLOWE is said to havo vicinity were badly wrecked by tlio ex­ Ono woman is fatally burned and mountain of sacrifloe. All the rivers of shall be mine in the day when I mako PAPER?" time. Rock Island railroad about a mile cast hand will yot embalm and use in some TheBestU.S. . allegorical flguro" America," weigh­ tho most wonderful faculty of memor­ plosion. ' I another is missing, and "is supposed to the Bible como out; Hidelcel, or tho up my jewels." fllf W, JIAnl80»(«HKMrlllllW«or August Wolf, charged with.cutting of this city Friday. Tlv,y were riding in way, and'tlio news will flnd us in Heav­ ing 13,085 pounds;, lifts its proud head izing of auy woman on tho stage ond An Kxplorlng Party PurlslioH. havo been lost in the flnnics. The flre • river of paradisaical beauty; Jordan, or "What," say you, "will God wear S Gust Smith's head oil with tin ax at a one-horsB bnggy from Mr. Graham's en above, and swcoten endless calm.— A ROBBER OR THIEF high in nir. The ;pressure of this dbmo she finds that this faculty has boon in­ is supposed to have originated from ai. the river of hol.y chrism; Chorith, or tho jewelry?" If Ho wonted it Ho could > BUNTING Bruce's Crossing, was arrested at Wau- SAM FHANOIBOO, April 35.—Steamer farm nnd undertook to cross tho railroad Anon. JUIRS, 11 TliMlll. llhtoell.il.Slorlrli 10» and flguro upon the'piers and pillars is tensified by hor recent iUnosM. explosion of gasoline in tlic ,dye house river of prophotic. supply; Nile, or tho make llie stars of Heaven Hia bolt and ^ FLAGS Btiu, Wis., and placed in jail at Besse- Bertha just arrived from Alaska. Sho track before an approaching train whon •ri«AUiTaut'Ai'£a.,.i7U».niimi<» \. 14,447 poundsitii square foot. It PANNV DAVENPORT has a charming brings no news of tho Wells exploring of Otto Kornbrodt nt Chicago avenue river of palaces; nnd tho pure river of have tho evening cloud for the sandals —In periods which aro wanting, in in­ AHK INOltD BY SgoWrSththa'r'Z*^***^^ •mer,,.- • ' ' • ' they woro struck by tho engine und in- A,M.K.-A would, hbweverVi require a p^^ aummor homo at "Hillside," in an old and Snell street. Fifteen or twenty lifo from under the throne, clear as of His feet; but Ho docs, not want that spiration, pioty assumes tho charactci a. W. SIMMONS A CO., Frank Donovajj; of Gladstone, will part.y that wns lo,st early in the win­ stontly killed. -Mr. Graham was ono of 765,880 pounds .to''the ''Square foot to houso that lies at the foot of the moun­ Norwegian families were burned out crystal. While reading this Bible after adornment. Ho will nothoye that jow- BOSTOJI HASS \ —DBAtBBB nr—! WHKH •wunmu TO.AUVKinmEHa nmn^'^MUi^ pay 8100 for information ds to tho ter, and it ia now almost certain tho tho pioneor's of lown, coming to tho of caution.—Ecce Hoiao, crush the supports of the dbinei, The tains in Ponnsylvonio.. Tlio house is a members, of tho expedition havo per- nnd lost their all, being now homeles -™?L"!''_"''"* IMILITABY aOOD«, Jones'$60. STontaii Scale" .uicUn t yuu Mw^lk*'A4v(rtlMMaVI«:.tlite cost of this; immense dpinew W'hercahoiits of his father, .The missing' modol of idonieBtto comfort, and Is sur- Btntc in 1880. He loaves bnt ono child, about 19 years old. Jones 1"

liiiiiiiilftSiii^ \/' •;''";V

• ORAtM mm WHEAT,No.l, White, 01 oa WHEAT, No. a, wnlte, ® 8S 4r yott a frlena or anjr member of your family WHEAT, No. !J. red... eioi mmm Table or ohroiUoaiBeasoj If WL^notttUto^iMful^ w WHEAT, r«JeotBd„ f\i^' ill! 18S2theooiiiiuhipilon of beeriwas yourfirstoppbrtunltr, thoireatettUvinffBpectallM,FbrtlolMand Burgeon, OOBN.pet hundred (new) ;872,228 biirrela;; In'ii80:U was l.OM OATS, per buahel , 60 .bnrrelj^-iin increase of 126 per oent^^^^;^ OLOVEIl SEED, per buabeK |« lis 0Rv^ H OL M A N 8. HUM P H RE ., TIMOTHY SEED, per buahel... busjiicBH last weeki—It: Is reported 'The irollowiug la the text of the let­ Rye per buahel tliat'Aiidrow Iiigralmin liaB.gona to Ute nrlbolMl and founder of Humplirey'i Medical and SurglotU Initltuto, formerly of Derlln, Parli and London, but now of CblcoBO, XiaOBIiIiAltEODS. ters of inquiry and Instructions sent pnooipm ".^"i^SSSi^TjS'gfB'iJSrotary end one or tnoro of bit most akllled nartstantt), vrlU. by epeolal roquoat, aALT.Saglnaw, per barrel.,; at 00 , i lCttnsttB.—Eflle Tyler, Infttut daughter. put .by Qiir state department at the BEAMS,unpicked, per buabel... W:; ':'of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ti^le^, Is oriiloally POTATOES, per buahel sdlloltatlohi or "leading malsters and iliitliioil iloniie, Lniialnir. May 13 aud 14. At tbo itoiiiielly Ilouae, Hnann. Mny 15 nnd IS aattl Woou, & 80 iili^i ill.—A new organ utettoh of the follow- BaoB,freah, per doien brewers'* of the country; How far w A«s« A* •WUJ. osBaxaiaa aui.i tarn aniisisia. s-^--:^ -.-.n;.-..'..™ so^iirsi visit.^ oaciT. casjatu. far csio j'oar, 1>1: iiiKplttoes:; a. Bi King's, Lawrence IiARD, per pound & 12 A^OL. XXXIII.-NO. 19. MASON. MICH.. TgURSDAY. MAY T. 1891. below n bhrlstlau standard Is that DU. HOLMAN S. HCMPHRKV l» undoubtedly the most r-ncr.vx~.tM\ ••r-.f. '.t!>v;.-i- In bis ppeolal v,-oi!£ of clirniilo (lloesiBO. Ill Ibis oomitry BlITTEK, perpound. WHOLE NO. 1687. •If Meuisu's; uud Lew (Jon verse'si—Isaao national policy which is greedy for APFLESidrled, periJound ••••'iss ' ; Drew, of Masoui once of this place, orBuiSm.oiXMlnffevoS^^^^ t?" Dlirostivu t)i-- CHERRIES, dried, per pound I 'I ain, even though civilization . and gansVCotarrh. Tht«at arid tuna AffeolloiiB. Sorol'ulii nnd 4 i>l pierced Ills fool with a uallone day- I'V'.-i (lyatimi and luot.litiila brliiir Uliii In eoniaot with bin pu- FBAOHEB, dried, per pound, glUDiRU imppinesa be saorifled therefor: or old, DiBOUSoa or tho Eyo andT3ai> nnil all Surffioai Dijw ONIONS, perbuibel liist week ouuHing u serious bnt not tlents once every month. thuaomibllnffinvalldB to 800 hhuiiml to.,|,t, lojinist of bid vii-it e.xporlonco nt thclrown dooroo to spenU), A good sharp To the Consular Qfflcera of the United AORIOULTUBAL SALT, per ton.. Je it frost last Sunday A trial acre of sugar beets will be TIHI'IH AND VIMITURH- not alone aavlnv thom tho o.xiioneo of n trip uiion tlio cni-a to K ISIVM ci IHH, 11m oxoUoiaoutONoUoaoiit,, iippralioiisKin, worry uud latlpriie Incident morning.' grown at the Agricultural Collage thla Jangei'ous woundT His friends here Slates ili Mexico, Central and South to auch an undortaliliiir as well, wblob iilotio deter tlioiiBunas Ivoui Imvlnj,- tl-.'i nttontlona of- ",rctan -oUio3 raodleul men, with the pitiable re- I.ANO PLASTER, per ton ..fi 60^6 00 I.rVK BTOOK AND MEATS, ^DRY GOODS SPEGIALi year. nre sorry to lieur of tbe accident. i America, and the West Indies: BUlt tbat many dlo who mlgbt. with eUlllod attention, bo aavcci t:' their i'lM'iidi;. ..asoasoo . Wanted; 10,000 pounds of good but­ Marshall Pease Is In the olty for aevsral .,•;'"••. •:i'i- OATTLB, per Klu pounds, days, HOGS, per 100 pounda .S 0004 00 ter. A. L. VANDERCOOK. tf "GENTLEMEN: Some of the lead­ Clii-oiile DIsenaes. The Eaton Baplds camp grounds are '••"Si'ii . Buiikorlilll. ing malsters and brewers ofthe United Examination Vree to All. POtlK,drca£ed,per loopouuda., 96 00 Warm weather is npon us, your winter goods must be laid Jiside, your being put In better shape than ever be­ „ .John H. Bayers was In Eaton Rapids laat Although tbodootor la In many onacs com' Tho doctor treats no nouto disoasoa, but de­ HAMS, per.pouud . Born, to Mr. and Mra. George Sunday. m States have requested tbe department votes his whole time to tho treatment ot cbrou fore. Fanners ; are- biisy seeding,—Levi polled to. URO expenalve Inatruinenta nnd OHIOMNS; per pound, dreaaed, 10 last year's supply looks worn and rusty nnd out of style, you need some­ lo and luDirBtanUlngnndaurglcnldlaouscs; ca Stevens, of Alaledon, a girl. May 1. - Mra. V. J. Teirt spent aeveial days In Albion Wllliaitia and wife, of Lansing, have tu procure Informiitlon relative to tbe obomloals in making analyeca, nilcroeconio OHI0KBNS,per pound,alive, tl thing new, when you find it you will buy. Wc knetv it would be so. last week. wm'i mult and beur trade In your respective and other colontiflo oxamlnatlone, yet no soa (jlvcn up by otlier doetors and pronounced TURKEYS,per pound,alive.. 8 T, M. Saraw ia improving his real Rev. P. P..Farnhani will pieach at been visiting Irieuds here,—Miss maboe no ohargo to anyone, licllovlcir It to liiouruble bo most desires to see. Or,^ Hum- ... e@ 7. WC anticipated your wants and acting on the time-worn precept that forc- Ben Rayner spent loat Sunday with hlii distriuls. DUCKS, per pound, alive..... dence very much with a new addition. theBaptistchurch again next Sunday This is about the right time of the Hyrtle Tnlinuge, of Kden, bus been boapartoftbepbyalolan'sdutytoaBcorttiin Jplircy hue liiid noni'ly O.OCOourcain tbeStateof DUCKS, per pound, dresaod morning and evening. uncle C, J. Tbe information desired covers siiob tbepatlent'atrueoondltlonvrlthoutcxpenEC MlubifTOD, while bis patients all told in Minnc- vvnriicd is forearmed, tve are prepared. We sought Eastern markets, year to wear visiting relutlves In this vicinity.— BUIIiDIKO XATBBIAI.. See notice of Young Paria, formerly , Mlaa Eva Darling waa with Lansing frlenda • ''v(-: to tho Bultorer, Whenever and wherever Dr. antu, Svisconsin, l-lllnols, Alnboma, Gooraln. ®\ 5 •dodghig around among them on a " still hunt," with this purpose in view, points as the following: TonncsBCo,01ilo nnd Indiana has boon f ully U vo WATER LIME, per barrel.., owned by S. B. Madden, in businesa Dogaklll abeep in the vicinity of laatSUNday. Humphrey deoldoa to looateamontbly visit per barrel... 1. Tbe iinjiorts of luult, und whence n orowda flooh to ceo bim, and no wonder, for times that number; ucarly two thirds of these CALCINED PLASTER, and why shouldn't wc have the stuff.' The clinching, convincing argu­ Eaton Rapids and poison kills the LIME,pee r barrel.. ® 8S local. J. C, Harsiiall, of Ingham, mr.de ua a pleas­ Impurted; dutli'H charged tbereun; 1! by tho flrat examination, and often without Bun'orors wore given up aa hopolcea invalids, 9 8C dtigs—sometimes wrong ones. ant call last Saturday. 10 cent Hosiery, ysomo to bo blind, some deaf, and others a prey FLABTE;IRIN Q HAIR, per buabel.. ment, the proof that all these statements are true. Is suiiimed up in this : cost of tbe same per bushel, whether aakinir a quoation be tells tbolnvalld wbat «a4 OC It ia expected tliat Judge H. P. live Hluck uud turuilng impleinentu ut the trouble 10. and the prospect ot a ouro. to corofuln, clironio kidney dlBcnse. consunip- BHINGLES.per thouaanU " seeing is believing," and yoii'l «ee it when you call. We wish to jidd John Wiilteley, aged Bl years, a Misa Esther Bowdlsh, of Dayton, Ohio, is and we arc fully satisfied that wee.nn Imported or locally prcpureil, eto. LATH, per M leet. ,4 ootas 0 Henderson will soon be a resident uf tbelr furiu south of BunUerblli Center and moat wonderful of all bo values bis first tloii, destructive I'omalo troubles. Amongoth- pioneer of Lansing, died last Friday. vlalting her people liere, \i. The imports of beer, und whence Impreeaion and flret look at a patient nioro cra hundreds of children bopolcssly deformed. in terms' not to be misunderstood, you tire invited cordially, we incaiVj/roM Lansing. suit every man, woman or child, in on Wednesday, May G, coinineucing Dot behold now many of them Bconnd hear, ORTGAGE BALB.-Dofault having beovjk., He leaves a widow and daughter. , Mrs. O. W. Whitman apeut a fow daya with Impurtcd; In bottles or wood, and than all elao. and Or. Humphrey la never made in tbe payment of forty-four dollan arc int)rll. ISBI. at 1 W. M. Clialker, empolyed In the Owosao novelties hi favored Mrs. T"' . M" . Cranso'"n with" u large degree flliggestlvo only, but will of tho tlBsucs nnd tho effect of BpeclQo mod- tlio diseased organ and can bo plainly felt at o'clock In the aftornosn uf said doy, I shall scU only way for you to satisfy yourself, if you arc interested, is to call and sec. sale. Attend the auction. Ladies in­ the meeting Monday night.May 11,118 bending works, was at home last Sunday. call last Tuesday.—The su«ur sociul ioiuoa upon every Btruoturo of tho body, work in tho diseased parts very shortly after at tho front door ofthe court hnaso, tn tho city vited. No person asked to buy. * busineaaof iniportuiice is to be trans­ give as mucb ini'ormatlon us possible tholr use Is begun. Tliey nro pleasant to tnko, Now notice, when you tisk to sec our new dress goods if you will kindly i held ut tbe cburcli last Wednesday unliko most doctors, ho IB enabled to eny of Mason, (snld canrt houso being tho place acted. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sayers attended the concerning every phuse of the malt poHltlvely whethornnyKlvenottSo Is curable mild but Bcnrohlng In notion, yot ngrcu witb wheru tho circuit court for HUld county of Ing­ say you have read this advertisement carefully we will cheerfully present The committee looking up the mat­ dance at Eaton Raplda last Friday evening. •i.'-i-'l i wos very well attended.-George Car- tho most dcUonte lady or child, do not reduce ham Is hold,) to the hlghost bidder, the land Haviland China und beer business, so that the malt­ or not. and can also givo tho nppro.xlmute ter recommends 40 electric lights for Lust Saturday tho CHIT Houae, at Mlaa Lizzie Trely of Lansing aclioola, long a i, penter's mother died last week at the timo nnd exponso of treatment, and would tho strength, and can bo used while nt tho us­ described in suld mortgugo, or ea much tliorcof you ;i souvenir, and will take jlcasurc in showing you what we claim to sters and brewers of the United States Dr, ilni S. Miily ual occupation, na many patlenls stlU able for as shall lie iiocossary to pay tho ninouat duo and Leslie, Instead of 15 as tbey at first Grand Ledge, was completely deatroy- teacberatLealie, waaln town last Saturday. for decorating. We have just re­ horepolntout tbo uttor delusion ohorishcd home of lier daughter, Mrs. Asa Jolin- may fully understund the reriulrements all legal costs, inclndlng an attorney foe of be a better and more extended line of foreign and domestic dress goods for by many pationtB that tbey ought to get well hard work and close attention to business are contemplated. ed by fire. It waa vacant, tiie tenant ,Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Royston, of Bivea ' son, where she wus visiting. Funeral necessary to successful trade In each often slowly, euroly, yet unoonsolousiy dying, twonty-llvo dollars covonantod for in said mort- .spring and summer wear than we have heretofore been able to displ.ty. ceived two thousand rolls of wal} f'i'''l In a fow days or weeks, notwl thstandl ng tbo Cnres After MOtlieis Fail, (jago. Said aalo will bo mado aubloot to the having moved out on Tliuraduy. Loas Junction, were with frlenda here over Sunday. ' service ut the bouse Thursday, Rev. E. district. . . . fact tbat they havo Buttered for years. knowing tbemselvea 111, yot decoivcd into a Canable, energetic men wanted by talBo security, they proorastlnnto ond put off principal sum of six hundred and thirty dollars $3,000. Iiiaurance, $1,800. Misa Effle Beech, of Lanalng, visited her paper and border. Also a large in­ A. lioynton, of Winfield,omclating.— I am, gentlemen, your obedient ser­ tho matter until tho onso is rendered inuurable. Tho Dr. cornestly yot to liocomo duo, Tho land covered by said R. G. Chase Ss, Co., Geneva, N. Y. parenta on Saturday and attended tbe as- Delays are Uangerona. mortgago is the suiitb-wcel quarter ofthe south­ voice of window shades. You can't i Mrs. George Carpenter is very ill of la vant, WILLIAM F. WHARTON, roquests all persons undor treatment to wrlto bim often, BB advice See their "ad" in another column. Next Saturday, before JuaticeFergu­ sooiaUon. Many disoasoa aro so deooptlvo that hundreds aro ailing with dan- may bo neccsBury week otter wook In order to push ony givon onso west quartor of section thirty-tlirco, tn townsbip 1 . grippe.—Herbert Belldled ofconsump- Assiataiit Secretary." Three north of range UnoeaBt,in Ingham county, They teach yon bow. son, Willia aud George Every will make money any faster than by buy­ gerou8,yctln8ldlou8maladles,allunconsclousofthelrtruocondltlen, on ns rapidly as possiblo. and a good common-sense statement on Meaara. DuBois, Huntington nnd Dresser i tion Thursday morning, Aprir 23. State ofMichigun." undertake to learn who owna a certain nre expected back from New Orleans to-mor­ they know thoy aro not well, but aro entirely Ignorant of tho deadly tho part of tho patient by mall 18 tho next thing to a portionni con­ MILLS«°°s^»CO. Now is the time for farmers to aee I Funeral service held ut tbe church fangs fastening upon somo vital organ which musl sooner or later Dated January 21,1801, horaeaiid whether anythiiig criminal row or Saturday. ing goods of us. Call and look over What un ulurmlng stiuement that sultation. 1072W13 •rilANKFUbltUn.BR, -, tbat their wool Is sheared and put up : here Friday ut 11 o'clock. Sermon utterly destroy them unlosa rescued by a Bkllled band. Aro you of- haa occurred in the transfer of the an­ wlilch cuiue from Pittsburgh, Pu., lllotcd? Youroasomayboontlrolycurablouow.bntremomborovory T. R, Nichols also poasenses a brass plate our goods and prices. Facts for Men of All A30S. C.i.sh and One Price. in tbe best possible manner. It sells ftom aor/nfedorate belt, marked "0.8. A.," as ' preuched by Uev. E. A. Boyntoii.— lately. Fouryoung women were in read- raoinontof neglect brings you nearer tboilnywhonanlnourablostoge (Formerly Thankful BlnUoly) imal. i' Mr. Keeler, of Parma, wus calling on Qy reason of false modesty tho youth of our land nrolcopt In Ignor- Jlortgiigoo. best in beat condition. a relic of the late war, Inesa to be mttrrled. Tbe expected may auporveno when tho most skillful physician can rondor you no inoo ot tbo serlouB results to whloh certain solitary and indlBcruot IJiy Goods and Carpets. osBistanoo. Tho present Is ours, Tho future may be TOO LATE. LUCIISN liEED, AUornoy for Mortgngee. August Wurgust, of Lansing, took FORD KIRBY. •\ \ friends here last Thursday.—T. M. grooms did not arrive at the times ap- practices produce. Those vices if persisted In ovcntuolly uiidcrniino Ladies widiing millinery sbould Mr, ArohleTi'mp!eton,of Mlllbank.Dakota. thoconBtftutlon. Induce nervous debility and early decay,^_rgiinlo carbolic acid by nilatake last Thurs­ la apending aeveral days with his frlenda here. Cruusoii was home IVoiii Ohio from poluled und the niurrlugea coulil not A Life of Sxporlonce an& Opportunity. OKTOAGK SALE. Default having boon not fail to aee tlie styles and prices He la a brother of Angus Templeton, weaknoBS.'pi-omBtiirweoknoBS, pi-omntnro lossoll f tho manly powers, Involuntary loss of mude ia tho conditions of a certain murt- day, thinking it was brandy, und died i Buturduy until Monday.—A. M. take place. In oiieeiisea purtyofiuvit- Dr.numphroy'scntlrollfohnsbocndoratcdtotboBtudyandworkof M ott'ereil by L. Huglison & Shanks. vital fluids,i^ltoiioralprpBtrntJpn general pro , and ofttlmc'S imbecility nudohronlo ]iuge laailo liy William F. Btovons and Mary Ann in a few minutes. He was 41 yeara of Misa Alice Barnhart, preceptress ol Vloka- How beautiful arc the flowers I Closson, of Jucksou, WUH vislUng ed guests and the minister were in wait­ his prof osBlon, and larlob lu practical oxporlonco In bospltnl, dispen­ cpilopsyisy. . Off BllmaladicsnnilotlngmnnkluBllm»Iadi_ d tliorols probably none Slovens to Mason D, Chattorton, dated February NEWS NOTES. Tlie best, at lowest jirices. * burg aclioola, was with her parents, Uey. and sary and private practioo, and inany of tbo truly wonderful thiuga ho ...... '\\\\' " age and leavea a widow and tliree That in the valley smile ; j friends here lust wevK, ulso looking ing an hour und u half. And drunken­ aboutwwhic* h• thocomino" u famil' y dnotori' u ccnerni praetico knows" Bo 7th, I(i85, and recorded tbo same dny in the Mra. Barnhart, here last Saturday. baa Boen and done. If told, would rend more liko Action than sober „„„„,„„. igi . olllco of tho ruglster of deeds for Iho county of Mason people don't want to fail tf^ children. They seem like forms of angels, I alter business in the Ohio Karmers ness wus tbe cause of tbe disuppoiiit- littlo.yctnoBUirerors need tho nttcntioiiortbcuxporlcncndspcclnllst truth, Intbogroatbospltalaor Europo bla opportunities havo been nioro than these, as boro wo have to inUitetor to a diHcascd body, n Ingham and Sluio of MlchlRnn, in llbor tS'J of Knteretl at /he Piislofflce al Maaon aa catch sometblng of the spirit of im­ SDOondtonoUving man's, notnii'.y go, but ho has thoroughly traveled Sncond-otaaa matter. The Supreme court is in session. The Stale Republican Inst Friday A new walk in front of the Horton Pure and free from guile. : Insurunco Co.—Professr C. GUlord, of inent. Theso four cases occurred on diBeaBcdmlndondimnginatlensllllcdwIthmorbiddcsli'Osand fearful morlgugtis on pago 41^. which niorlgago was provement tbat pervadea surrounding Eaton Baplds, was among his pupils the same evening. Three of tlie brides nud bis vlewa of life. dlBoaso, oi-j., iiro GO broad and cosmopolitan that apprchonBlonsDr.Humphrcy'aunparnllolcdsuocesswlththoBounfor- duly ttHslgned by said Mason D. Chattorton to quoted our items on liuu.su of correction House. iikou Oouldor nVandorblltiii rallioiul buolncsB, bo keeps watch of John M. Jlrusser. as cashier of thu F'nrmcrs' Some very bad aiflcwalks in JIuaon. towns in tills year of our Lord. i giving instruction in music again fast wisely declare the nmrrlage will never tunatoBarlsonotiUonoiromthofuctofthomoatsclontlllonndBpcclflo HITULISKBO EVBRY THnBHn4.Y, BY und nsyluiii expenses and on poHtolficu Thereis one thing mars their beauty,. nnd overlooks tho entire raodlcnl world constantly. Tbo mothoda of medication known cithor In this or any other country, but ulso to tho Bank uf Mnson, Michigan; said nsulL'iiineiit is Auction sale of books to-night in MoKlnzio, VIrohow, Pasteur, Koch, llroivn-SDnnnrd, M. Borgeon, recorded In said reglstur's olllco lu llhor 07 of Still the work of.grading goes on at Judge Person has been sitting as question, and blundered as usual by Saturday, bud roads and lu grippe hav- come ofl'in their cases. factof thodlrcctlnfluoncoof his powerful willNinniituopcculiar men­ J. T. CAMPBELL. tbe Huntington building. . * They cannot alw.iys last; . \, Fotherglli, Bernard,cto.,eto.,aro no fmullli'.vtohliiina to ibcinaolvcB, mortgages on page 612; lluit said .Tolin M. the track. Judge in a Detroit court this week and crediting tbem to I he Democrat. Such ' lug detained lilni ut home for some tal dopreBsionalwnyBfOHndlusnchcnsos, by which bo iscnublcdttiln- Dresser, as cashier as aforesaid re-nssigiied said They clroop, and fade and wither, ••::il and while over ready to grasp and retain ii liiot, Iio holds fust to old fuBO a part of bis own onoi'ify into their hopclcos lives. Woroiiotall time. -John Sherman has moved into friends tenaciously and makes now oncn oiuulously, o.Yporionce inortgiigo to said Alason D. Oliutlcitoii, wlilch ro- Next Saturday will be a local field Judge Gartner, of Detroit, has been work don't auit us, Mr. Uepublican. S. N.Rolfels cultivating a fine lot Bucb cnfios bold In tbo nioet sacred conlldonco thoDr. could print let­ year, tl.25; aix monlht, OS canta; Long ere the suininer's passed. the Bbernian house, wliure he u.^pecls Dansviile. having long slnoo proven that ono old triitli woU applied ia worth n assl;;iiiiienl Is recorded In snld register's ofllcu 'Jas Ihraa olHciatlngin Livingston county. of amalt fruitagain thiayear. ters from tboiinnndB of grateful pat loiita v/lio hnvo been cured, and months, 33 eanls—in ad»ane*. day at tho M. A. C. Go lo the Bee Hive Saturday and to entertain the weary traveler.—Mrs. dozen oonjooturos however plausible. in llbor 711 of mortgages on page .''lO.'l; on Iho nose Charles D. Robinson, a resident in aro to-day poiioot men, pbyBloiilly and incntnlly. tor tho (inyiaout of which sultl uiort.;;URe Is given ir the one who found a black kid save money. A. L. VANDERCOOK, 87tf C. F, Brown has built a new walk Then wc are like the ilovvcrs. Lina Stone is now employed to teach as collateral security, there is. iluu at the date ^kOVERTISINQ RATES. The "barefoot boy with cheek of tbe iiortliwestern part of thin town­ glove near the Bapti.st church last in front of bla harness ahop. That bloom in fragrant May— . our primary und iiilerinediatu sclioil of this notice soTcnteen hundred and thii'l.r-four our advertialng rates made known aloffloe' tan," Is with us again. It takes 500 gallons of aoup and 200 ship, died very suddenly one day last LntcHt DIrionvoricH nnd Iiiiprovoinoiitii, rfiill l!i:itiil;lll ofiii C.i. Tli.Mioo it li m-t. "il­ cnouanil tlio timi'. oiitlnj.' largely of good dollars, .-Vad no salt or pinceediiigs ut law IS aatncas carda ?1 a line per year. Sunday p. M. will leave it ut this olllce When days of sickness find us. denartment. Coiigratiihitloiis arc In week.—Georgo Owens is making ur- ly ilnir;r.'i-.'i',i;i ifi rlflny, but (il'ltiiuoi-i rrniil- foo'lyclslinvly losina'HoHh '/ Aroyoii puiry havliiu been iasiltnlod to recover saiii money Auction aalo of books this week in gallons of coffee to satisfy the Jaekaon Ladies, try our gold dust for bouse Dr. Humphrey Is tbo only pbyalclun wbo tial, lor nii'-Jt (-11 un live inr tin,;';.' V.'L- Buatneaa looalB ttve centa per line each and she will greatly oUligc the loser. •' '•' 1] order, us she l.i un e.xcL'lleiit leuelier.— 'rangeinents for a bar uud -(Vill sell beer mill illwolof.ilniuK'rtbi'oyi'S'i' la thii llcsh socureil by siiiu morlgnge, or any purt tliereot, cnnvlcl.s one meal, and 4,000 bushels of cleaning. The beat thing yet. We, too, must fade aw.ny. ImalmdlbespoclnlailvantagcsofEurcipoim love, 1:11- iiiii'^i •,',mi\ i'i>roiir.',olv(,-s. lui.l il ia soft iiiid lliitjliy V Do you huvo honUnclii'S, every Inaertlon. the Huntington building. « Sarah Closson was visltintj In Eulon Hoopltiilstudlcaln mloroscopyof tliolilooil Now, theroforo by virtue of the power of sale potatoes ure eaten in one year with tf A. L. VANDERCOOK. after ftluy 1.—Born, to Mr, und Mm. r. ui'inie :i'.',.i!,nt tlir-iii tn iiii;;l.".';C oiirJC'l'.x>3 rinxlui.' in Iho cMS'i' Aro your Bplrita contained In saiil mortgapo and ofthe Htntiito In Marriage, birth, and death notlcea free. Murrlcd, ;it tho l^resbyterlaii parson­ Baplds with her uncle lust Friday.— Churlcs Hauck, April 23, u son whose nnd tissues, whocarrloa with hliu a full lino until '(ii'i.M'aiif.U'i-' ili.iitb clo.ws ll'.ti acmio. Ki'oiitiv doprc^•EOli. .'iiitl do tboiigbta of sul- Obituary notlcea, reaolntlona of reapeot Born, Thursday evening, April 30, tn age in tlii.scity, liy Uev. J. A. Barnes, half as niuiiy bushels each ttf turnips, of Instrumontsnnd oppiuatua lor niiililii),' such case ninde and provliled notico Is hereby A large number of Lansing teachers ;, Date Oraiisou und Irving Forbe.s look actual weight was lOJ pounds.—W. H, JD.KMVll'.i <>r ITl.lllC.l. cWo 1'orua tlioiuKfU, s vipoii you in spite of given that on the slxtcoulh day of May next at 0 ardB of ttaanka, eto,. Ave centa a line. Mr. and Mra. Fred Itolfe, a girl. May 5, Arthur L. Itluhinoiid and .Miss rulalingiis, pur.snipa, onions, peas, Blrlotly suleutlflo o.\-nmluntlons or the vni-l- rraunii uud Willi' ilavo you blurring of 1 o'clock In thu aflernouaof sulddny nt the Irnnt attended the association last Saturday. a business trip lo Euton Baiilds last M I beaiia und other vegetables. Dunlels bus traded li s house und lot ous textures nnd sooiotlonoof Ibo Iioily, ns IK I'.IT;. .'I1:O^,' II '.'!.•'.' 'iin .-ill';!:!-*; Ibc-ri oiill fyonlirbt,',' Tluva you rumlillnif cud bcnt- door ol tho court houso lu the city'ofAlnson, in .S. B. Mnddeii's young stepper gets Pbila J. Townseud, liotli of Stock- mill ii'.!!!'.',-..'.''!!!;'!:!;; i r'-.i lH'.-tt. Vi-'lt Saturday.-Miss L. Mapes, of Win- I'oru 40 acre form in Wlieutfleld town­ tliouriiio,blood,dl6cbnrgcROf any kind, cn- I'l liilf flouailloiia in 1:10 bowels llho Bonio Ilvo the county of l[i;rlmm nnd State of Micliluun; Uusiiiess Cnrds. 'favorable uoiiiiiieiit every wliere. bridge. A good plow shoe for 00 cents at Held, is visiting friends here Ibis week. ship, owned by Mrs. L. Strickland, tiirrbnl eoorotlo«i3, etc., oto., whicli o.\iiiiil- ill yourc'-»ir.i',". croaliuo had Ha r.liodo in tbo flomnch? thero will be sold nt public vetidao tu the high- Lonsdale and Fruit bleached cotton Webb's. 85tf niitlons aro uow conaldorcd Indlspenr-ublo ll Ili'TO ;•. r i';;'M'.,--'liii,"'ri!:! osl bidder tlio premises descrlbeil In snld murt- ./ii/'i'i ;iii,I liLirn- Arn tlioro nippiiiif niiins arising from tho AT'r«>HNEYM. Light shirting jirinta only 4 cent^ Married, at the home of the bride only 8] per yard for 10 days, 10 yurda They exjieot to move soon.—Mrs. G, to a correct dlngnoala In all forms of oli- ll! till- liif.;!,, Ji I'-'.' ; 11' htuiiinub tov.-nrd tliu liroaaisi' Is tlioro giige, viz: 'fho south sixty-seven ucres of land . souro and ohronio dlsenscs. Aa vory tew in;^ i4;-:i.-iii i,',M it'. ' ..(' l;iu lio'ii! V l:^ per yard for 10 day.s, iiL .M. (iregor's.'* ill Wlieutflel.l, hy Uev. E. H. Brock- only tu one person, at M. Gregor's' * Leslie reports a larger death list the D, Main rt'lunied la.st Suturdiiy night tU'tip. biirnlni-'' liiiitis, passing directly oirollhe soalh-enst riunrler of section nine, ex­ S. AVEllY Attorney aud Counaelor at wiiflciuh \ dooiors outalilo tbo largo cities are thus Uicivi.MiuuUin;'.ii:i;; Iil.*.'l.Vl li-iv ;li.:-lii-u;ii'.' cept ib'i east seven acres tliorcol', nud also ex- way, April ,1(1, M r. Wells Skinner of last year than in any previous year. from Detroit.—Mra. F. P. Millbury •••iil-i'.'- Ill I'lvrn ilii'riii,5b tlio b'ldv from tboBtomacli lo llio .law. omceovei Fanners'Bunk, The Illustrated lecture by Mr. Lietcii y propnrod with costly outfit of mlornncono Oo you Mtio't I'l'M.'.*•;|-,, ' Mil" biiok lind i!!iil -.ll'.- !•.. ^,>lll .il.'iv.- cili'uul'.uloii of blood, cold I'uot uiul A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR.. AT cue new case in our little villuge, old old D. L. Crossiiian store collapsed Siis, t'.io nCllolod would do well to oall upon yrni I'ouliii^vi'* U'lii'i l.uml.i. or ilo tho bitudn nml feet liiiru ? JD acres of la d; icaniliored by this mortgage; aad Lansing teachers drove to iMason could Ket into tlie Presbyterian church tbu doctor nnd i-'ot his opinion nnd lonrii uor.ipli'.vidri IIMII. (,:' ..•mil. .'ll I, 111:. li'." '.l.wi'L' being locaivd 'utown three north of inngeono A. law. Ofllce over Flrat Stale and Sav- The line of dres.s jxoods advertl.sed Tlie time of meeting of tlie Y. M. C. Mrs. ViinMurter,—Mrs. Mar.y Pull- lust Sunday night.—Charter election ;|t ,-,i- .Icnilll',- tb«-oaoliliii; ami v.-oiirincss of llmba ? Do luat Saturday and seemed to enjoy it listened to liim and apeak in liigiieat wliotlier tho doors of hope aru yot open or lilcoiiutt:,', <»r 111'..-! til.) l';,(il. luitt r,ii!:lf'r, [iwiiliV Aro you in al- wost,ii)wn of Alulodon, county uf Ingham aad iugs bank,,Mason, Mich, by Mills Dry Goods Co. iu iinotlier enberger Is dangerously slok.—Mr. • ,lii!:'iio.l .•:ii.irli:.'l Stnte of Mli-.hl uu. huKcly. L. ia changed to 3:30 Inateud of 3:00 occurs iie.\t .Monday. The reglatralioii loroverclosed iiinilnat tlioni. |iiiloliiio..:,t-iii"i' (.nil'."'.!, uioiCciiuviiautdfi-aiiand i't-riir.];us i*,;[>n;jb column is worthy of yonr attention. praise of the lecture. A good knowl­ Campbell, lutlier of Mrs. Hliuiii Gibbs, board luoels next .Satiirdui".—Mrs. G. Thero comes nturnlngpoint In tlmcoiii'Bo v.'lilli! ymu' iy::i T lii'- • 'iiiii-r'.' .Vrn ;-'iiii Dated Fob'-aary lOtli, 18111. 1075\vl3 OHN W, WHALLON, Attorney and soll- Sunday i'. M. :-itiiiii a\vriil it'tini'lc was fil,iiiit- to i.-oni,'; vp. illASON D. ClIATTHn'l'ON, , oltor. Olllce 111 Darrow block, Muaon. Tbey have the goods and they be­ edge of Indhi was Obtained from words Is very low. Doubts ure entertained W. Glynn baa boiit;ht a new weuviiii; iif ovory rtlsoiiBo; this ia csiicclHlly true of mil " • • J Some fine prospective shade trees .111 prrK-ro3slvodlsi';it!eB, nil or tiny of which Mortgogoo. were recently set in front of the Hor­ lieve in prices that will move tbem. and pictures. Collection -JIG. Ball game to-day at tbe fair ground, Shoes, no matter how well made, . of his recovery. Mr. und Mrs. Glbbs loom. She is iiaviiij; a large run loWH. Up stairs over Wllliama drug store. Two store of iSliiefiiian, a bottle of Sulphur & Co.'i Liulies' and children's fast black cot­ house. sionul noininution. Now, theroforo, notico la hereby given, that by City shoo store last Sunday evening and Mrs. Newcombe, ofiBig Bapidsj Thomson & Son, Dansviile, have made a good barbers. You are Invited to.caU. Bitters. Jiefore the court 1 his morning, virtuo of the snld power of sale, nnd In pursunnco ton hose only 8 cents, worth 12, for 10 tlirough a window. A stone fell from places one over the. remuina of her great reduction In Chilled Plows, aelllngthem , 71if 0. P. WEAVKB, proprietor. ntchbiirg. On tbe Republican side of the fence upon being nsked why be .should steal, of tbo statute In such cnso maao and provided, "TVa. GEO, C. MOODY, VETERINARY day a only, at M. Gregor'a. * the wall and awakened Bert Clark wbo with Jointer and reversible point for 811; lesa tiio said mortgago will be foreeioNcd by a sale of XJ Surgeon and Dentist, (grnduato .Ontario husband, Wellington B. Huntley, Read Geo. F, Glynn'a "nd" In another bol' but little is being done us yet, but the be stated thut lii.s nuulier was troubled Jointer t0.50. A specialty of plow polnta. 84tr Several from this place attended tbe tlio premises tlieroln described, at public Veterinary College). Treats all dtscasea of Vevay township. Sabbath School slept in the store, and he waa awakened which is ulso of sarcophagus design, umn—"To the traveling public." . ':•••; '-vll cundidutes ure gradually being brought auctlo:n, lo tho higiiest bidder, nt the front door Horses nnd Cattle. Will attend calls duy and •,••••,•'if Sunday school convention at Munltii Willi Rhciiiii!ai.siii, and Unit was the Association convenes at Hawley school , list In time to bear Mr. Burglar falling and is of red Swede granite. Tbe Barker & On'a lleHHon. forth. It is reported that Charlie only iiic'dicinu lliat helped hoi', und ol the court houso ill the cllv of j^lagon. In suid ulgbt. Olllce and residence corner A and over himself in a mad endeavor to money to I.aHn , last Friday, uud ulso ut Felts lust Sut- county of Ingham, ou tiio tllllh dny of Juno ue.-ct, Mlll.sts., Mason, Mlcb. ISOSyl houso Sunday, May 10, ato'clock p. stones ure well proportioned und Tho reason we will not make tile longer Is Belknap is not averse to succeeding being out of money and work was the nt 1 o'clock iu tho al'loruoou of that day; which escape. tasty und the workmanship flrat-class. that they are long euough now, IS of tliem On real estate at tbe offlee of J. M. breaaer iurda.y. Tbe committee bus been M. A full [irogram la being prepared at the.Farmera'bank.. . l)5lf ,', himself and bas the warm support of a of wii.H . •liliflsii said promlecs nro described in said murtgngu ns layin• • g a rod• , and'presenid t• pricei' i moke but ichosen and tbe Sunday school library cause his stealing. -As this hia A POSITIVE CURE A. BARNES, NOTARY. Loan, Insurance and a profitable time is expected. Bicycle forsalecheap. Enquire of H. We are glad that sucb work can be large number of lii.s former constitu­ follows to wit: Tlio south forty acres of tho small exponsojponso, ns fofoliovys. : win soon be in running order.—Farm- first ofl'enco lio wus put on proliiition. west half of tho south-west quarter of section J ,and Collootlou Agent, A fresh supply of All cordially invited. Loewc at tailor shop, or address him furnished in Mason. 2% inch tile cost per rod 16 cents JackNoii Ntoiie Jlruin Vile , ents as well us that of tbo Eaglo, one SEASE® money to lonn. ' ers are getting along llnely wltli their —Newark JyTcws. _ So ALL FESVIALE number ninotoon (ID) In towuslilii number throe at Mason. 87tf H " " 21conis And sewer pipe of all alcea oU hand and ~ ' of tbe leading party organs. Mr, CRMi: CVUDTflMC. A tlrod, languid fooling, low spirited and despondent, with noappar- north of rnngu number two west in Iho county of We are still headquarters for lend, Go to tbe Bee Hive Saturday and 1 " " ' 30 centa sale by 149»tf J. W, CHAPIN, Edou, Mloh ' spi'lng work,—If other correspondants jiliirrlMKO t.lcetiNi'n. OUIHC Olmr lUWlOicnt oauao. Indigestion, hoadiiobo, backache, bearing down pains, pain ingham and Slate of Allciilgaii, ONEY TO LOAN, BY THE REAL ES- olla and paint, EAKLK & LEWIS. 87tf L, Frank Clark ahlpiied a very fine 5 " " 45 centa Belknap is not without bis enemies, Dated Aiirll 1st, ISOl. tale Agent, JOHN DUNSUACK. S'tvf .'nyie-Va.. -•V.i L. VAiyi6itop,(tt<;t,.§7tf liiro ns bard up for news as ye scribe, I Nnnio and Uosldeneo. A(,'0 M light carriage yesterday to SV. E. 0 " " " " " 00 cents Iloiiae nnd Lot to UxcliniiKo .1 '•'•' •";.'','-.''-1 however, and will meet with a deal of Mr. M. H. Mclntyrehiis the pleasant measured his woaltU by his looks am « " ' •• 00 cents pity tboni,-Sunday school convention Georne W. Uliiuk. Wiiilainston IltOllAaD J. 11LJLLEN, Administrator, LARK HOUSE, 'V.'m. H. Clark, proprietor. Wygant, of Jackson. Weight, 215' Porn 40-aore farm wltliln a fowrmilos opposition in bis own city. John Pat- li)8i!wl3 Mortgagee, custom of making Mrs. McTiityre a ordorod tho assistant toshow hitu Into And upon theso prtcps wo itlve you 11 dis­ V tbe siiveriil schools of Bunkeriilii, M.vnlo C. Cupin, I.DcUu lt> Beat one dolltir a day bouse lu tbe olty. pounds. The average carriage welglia 1 count 01 live per cent, for casli. Maaon. ISOfltf H.J. DoWNBH., ••^-'•;..V,'.'i ton's friends would also liko to have William M. Saxloii, l.iiiislng '^^ by a thorough process of absorption. ,. j K. S, AViSlty, AUoruey for MorlgUHOo. C present every time be makes bla annu­ jwiis held ut Felt school bouse on Sut- small room In tfc» uppermost story llAUKBII Co. ,i''•,'"'{ bim make the race, but lie tells them Lowii n. I'orlnr, Lansing IH inOAl ADDIiPATinHI Portootly harmless, which ovory lady can uso, horaelt. Med- M, DRESSER loans money, buys notes, al sale of aheep, and this time, since about .SOO pounds. Price, $170. Mr! lIoiT to Mnku''I'CII lUillhra. • ^ ,;• l.:M lUrduy, April 2-5, und proved to be n Willie W. Halo. Liinsing '.Ili Moltko followed without romonstronco positively be is not in it, for tbe pres­ LUuAL ArrLlUA I lUW Iclncs tafcon Intcmnlly will novor rcllovo tho many forma of , makes collections. At Farmers' Bank. Clnrk prides himself in bis enviable' 'flio IlIiKik MltiuroHalloiiM. Are you in need ol a sewing maehihe? If', iprolitablij and entertaining meeting. CellaS', l.anib. Calbunn county, Mlcb In A J Ilia recent sale, Mrs. Molntyro fiiida ent nt least. Then there is Tom Ferry fomalo woaknoaB. Tho romody must bo applied to tbo parts to obtain porraanont relief. MiGHIGAWfTEJJTRJIL reputation for building fine carriages » As ho woB making himself conifortabli so go to J, N, Smith and he wlll'savo you nt President Wm. C. Mugoon, left Albert E. Kiploy, l.anslnK HI ITY BAKERY.-FRESH BREAD, PIES herself the possessor of a handsome Are iiou-sotters and the beatlayera onenrlb. leaatSlO. He la agent for the Domuatlo aii'd of Grand Huven. He rendered Bel­ DI All! tklV Tfl I AfllCClnouroiroular. Ask your drugglstfor ono, or send two and selling tliem ns cheap as any ' In the attic another assistant came, a I have u pure bred Hockof these fowlsniidoll'er [nothing undone to insure success und Lottie M. Ooolt, Delhi 18 " The Niagara Falls Route." and cakes, Mnson, Mlcb. gold watch. the Union. lowif • . knap some vuluabloiwsistancedown ut A rLAIW lALR IU LAUItOooat stamp to uomo olllco for sample box and olroular. C competitors. See lils announcement I is ouatomary there, to ask ttio silor settings of eggs at SO cents. Call on ornddreaa the pi'ogrum wus flUed out completely. SOUTHAVARD. ,E. Z. Strong, P. M.. Dansvlilo, Mloh. 83w3p Wushlngton, und besides be has n AdvorllHcd liCttcr hist. ARLE & LEWIS, DEALERS IN HEAVY The finest line of ladles' ahoea in the today. \ stranger to register'bis name and rani Flrat tilnsa Feed Unrn. ISpeeches were made by Rev. P. G. EVERY LADY CAN TREAT HERSELF. and Sbelf Hardware. Maple at., Maaon. city at WeBb's. gstf great many friends throughout the dis­ MASON. Mlcb.. Jlprll 27, IHai. a. m. a. in. p. m. p. m. E Tblsoroatod no small consternation! Cur 111 fur Nule. In cohneetloii with the American Hoiiio. iWnger of the M. E. church, Bev. Mason .. 8:12 10:11 5:19 0:17 Men's heavy boots only $1.05 at^ Everything niw and proper. Dutch Charley trict who believe a great wrong was OrlppiiiMis..T. W. Howell.I. There was a severe frost last Monday Ono of the most desirable fnrina In Ingham •Bradley of the W. B. church, Superin- Jackson .. 0:05 11:05 0:15 10:00 B. WORDEN, pension attorney, ofHclatoffl( - Webb's. 85tf . | the office of tho Hotel B. Tbo coi Isolerkof thel'nrn.;; .71tf , , done bim when he was defeuted for lunt James H. Lewis Mr. W. 0, • ing ns usunl in all pension matters, o nice night and it ia feared that fruit buds county, containing 120 acres (lUO acres Im­ . tendents John A. Curtis und Frank LeumlsCnsa Monroe Mr, C. 13. »9a A. MoCILL, M. D., & CO., 2 » * PANORAMA PUCE. CHICAGO. ILI., p. ni. a. in. J Last Saturday morning Mrs. Wm, " sequence was that a few minutea, late proved nntl 20 good limber,) situated two United States senator, and would be over Webb's clothing store, Mnson, Mloh. 1071 have stiflered materially. Ice about A Claod IteulnHrnni..'-; . McCreery and others. Able und In­ Randolpli V. 0. Wood Mis, M. 12, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUOOI8T8. Chicago .. 11:35 •l;50 0:10 Mayer, of Delhi, was found dead in \ mine host, with a rotlnuo of "keilnor,' milea trom Dansviile, seven from Miison and glad to make amends by suppiirtiiig Persons calling Jor tbe niiovo lotlerK, please Detroit .. 1'J:10 U:15 10:15 0:15 one-fourth ol an inch thick waaformed elgiu, Irom Wllllamslon, Unildlnga nratclaaa, Go to tbe restaurant and bnkoivv Ili llio Pad-: '• teresting pupers were reud-by Miss eny ad>'irilsed. HARRY O. OALL, 1', M, ^UiONZO O. riltn£B, wholesale Agent, 07 IVaihlngtan St., Ohicaco, .. her bed, Slie had been stricken » all la full dross, appeared at the attii Wlllbeaold cheap and oil easy. leriuN. For him for congress. p. m. p. 111. nnd the ground was perceptibly . be sold cheap and oil eiiRy.'lerniH. dock blook for warm.meals, luiiohoa, oyBtera,.;:; , Delia DuBois, superiniendent Felt ,louliirs Inquire of Mra. CI. E, At.wood; and all kludaof home-made candies.,' OUtf ' St.Thouins...... liuo 10:55 '.•:00 10:10 PARENTS-Glve your chlldron a knowl frozen. Tbe cold winds have also slightly by apoplexy on Friday and I' door to Inform his Exoellonoy that pnrtlouliirs Inquire of Mra. CI. E, Sunday school, Mrs. Geo. Archer, edge of Book-keeping, Bbortiiniid, Typowrlt- Danavllleavllle, MIoMloh' , &il5 . . ' • ' • •• • ,'^'1 ^ one of tbo strongest men yet men­ Ouarantoca Cure for La Urippo. a.m. «1 been very disagreeable. probably aulfered another stroke in B bettor room had just boon vacated 1 •ii ' Ileal Kafnle for Nnl«. • Hurley Angell, Miss Carrie Havens, tioned is ex-Biieaker Dlekema, of Ot- NIagaraFalls ... 7:18 2:27 5:20 1:12 lug. Telegraphy, eto, the nigbt. Sho was born in Englando, the "Boletago," "Givo that to m We authorize our advertised drug­ Tnko Notice. 1 have for sale on easy term a 1,000 or raoro" i James M. Whallon and others. The tuwu county. He has ably represented NORTHWARD. IT WILL Foil THEM Webb's $2,00 alioe coats you $2.50 at and was 70 years of age. She leavesis Highest of all in Leavening Power.—U. S. Gov't lleport, Aug. 17, 1S89, gist to sell you Dr. King's New Dis­ servant," replied Jloltko, "whon h Mrs. a. W. Glynn, of Danavllle, hns Inloly aoresor choice farming lauds in SlilawaaseaVV ; next convention was appointed at his district In tbe legislature, and is other places. sotf two daughters, both resldenta of Laii-'d county.. Also n largo amount of. Einmel'A covery for Consumption, Couglis and a.m. n. m. P. m. p. m. BE MUCH TIIANMONEY comes with your oarriugo. This is goo bnuglit a new loom for weaving rng cnapots. i Fitohburg, and oflloers for the quarter now one of tbe brightest lights In the Mason . 7:I,S 11:28 5:a0 0:65 L. C. Webb, who is getting together sing. Funeral services were.held at' Site will weave striped carpet lor 12}tlMT.';, and Dlekema men will get together wonderful success of Dr. King's New that can bouat of less tban a 2;20 gait an old style, complicated, generating ests by inspecting the Flying Dutob- :•,',•: "'•." "Boom* to Bfcni.''..:,::•;••;: :.\,';v-';';^ 1 M',J..'VInBBAY,Tioket Agent, Maaon, tf A. L, VANDERCOOK. before tho convention and drop one of Discovery during last ^^ousou's epi­ by both sire and dam. gasoline stove. If you have one you mnii sulky plow, sold by Jesse Beech VIetarKniBhi; ; ' ^^rstfloor, andjftuiit,^ oil jilealjant. -MiiSi:' II j Sick Hoodaclic. UAHY;III;TI.BB. the names, and It will probably be the demic. Have heard of no case in cannot afford to keep it. The new of Mason, at the foundry. This is the SUndnrd.Olse, slro of Colored airl,ai2SHi! of ' I i •LOOSE'S REI> CLOVER PILLS CDBE Attractive lineof olilldron'aand nila- Wanted; 10,000 pounds of good but­ the dam of .Qpeon, a-yearoid record 8:41; and former. The nomination practically whloh It failed. Try It. Trial bottles recess is what yoti want. For sale beat sulky plow on tbe market and It li iriioK Heiidacho, Dyspepsia, ludlges. free at tho drugstore of H. M, Wllliama, ses' hats cheap at Hall & Bates', ter. A. L. VANDERCOOK. tf Green Jennie :i-year-old>2i4Q. At my tarmi at lies between Belknap and an Ottawa Cy Earlo & Lewis. " 87tf • is bound to please. 80 tf. izotolnaure., ,8»w4 A.I.BABBBB. Livery at fttsiou,Mich.'DA»»AKftOo;tiatC tion, Coustinutlon,260iperBox,5Box county man.-Ex. Mason, and F. H. Field, Dansviile, 'ea for $1. For anlo by Longyear Bros. ABSCMJUTECir PURE Large size 6O0. and $1.00, 4 QSI M n OH JOB MMi ';ii

; t'l '

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