Government of

30 1 2 June JuLY JuLY Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar, INDIA INDIA Is oNe of the few couNtrIes IN the worlD wIth the coMplete First ever textIles supply chAIN- spINNING, weAvING, kNIttING, processING mega trade AND GArMeNtING. event for the eNtIre textIles vAlue chAIN to posItIoN It As AN ANNuAl eveNt AloNGsIDe MAjor GlobAl trADe eveNts. smt. smriti Zubin irani shri aJaY tamta Minister of Textiles Minister of State for textiles inauguraL bY Hon’BLe on 30th June, 2017; valedictory to be chaired by UNION FINANCE MINISTER WhY to position an annual sourcing and trade event in the global calendar of activities to showcase opportunities and strengths of textiles and apparel manufacturing in India including Partner and focus States for global investors to create a global marketing platform for Indian industry. venue & date mahatma mandir and exhibition Grounds, Gandhinagar, IndIa 30 1 2 NARENDRA MODI June JuLY JuLY Hon. Prime Minister of India KeY eLements oF main ConFerenCe 2 july, 2017 to be chaired by Union ministers b2b & theMes b2G • India as a Sourcing Hub MeetINGs • Use of Geotech in road construction • technical textiles in building construction wIth • Productivity Challenges for natural ibres • Skilling requirements in high value chain in textiles sector 2500 INterNAtIoNAl couNtry sessIoNs buyers • Partner Country Sessions • round tables • Signing of moUs 1000+ INterNAtIoNAl & DoMestIc stAte sessIoNs exhIbItors • Presentations by States • Signing of moUs 15,000 rouND tAbles sectorAl seMINArs DoMestIc vIsItors 33 round tables to address key issues across all segments in the value chain and the unorganised sector. MAhAtMA MANDIr, Gandhinagar exhIbItIoN

• Total 1,25,000 sq. meters, 11 halls • Rich heritage and modern diversiied products will be showcased in Handlooms, Handicrats, Jute, Silk • Manufacturing capability in the organised sector pAvIlIoNs • Dedicated Sector-Speciic, Theme Pavilions • Pavilions of Focus Countries/Regions: U.K., USA, Germany, Japan, China, South Korea, Turkey, Australia, ASEAN, BIMSTEC • Pavilions of Partner/Special Focus/Focus States: Assam (Partner), Karnataka (Special Focus State), Jharkhand (Focus State) and Andhra Pradesh (Focus State)

shows fAshIoN shows oN 30th (INAuGurAl DAy) theMAtIc shows oN 1st july (DAy 2) FaCtsheet oN INDIAN textIles fIbre yArN • 2nd largest ibre producer in the world • 2nd largest installed spindle and rotor capacity in the (9 mn tonnes of ibre production in 2015-16) world with more than 52 mn spindles and approx. • 2nd largest producing in silk and MMF 8,70,000 routers • One of the major producers of wool • Spun yarn production approx. 5700 mn kg in 2015-16 • Filament year production approx. 1200 mn kg in 2015-16 fAbrIc AppArel • Biggest installed weaving capacity in • Garment production for exports estimated at 3400 mn the world with more than 4.9 mn looms pieces annually and for domestic market at 5600 mn including 2.4 mn handlooms pieces annually

• Fabric production approx. 66 bn sq. • 12.9 mn workers employed out of which meters in 2015-16 70% are women • Diverse fabric mix with focus on cotton based products 12% 4%

11% textiLe & share in appareL exports t&a exports Total export at US$ 40 billion in 2015-16 3% fabric 2nd position in global textile exports ; (6% share) apparel 5th position in apparel exports. 42% 7% Home textile presenCe oF Handicraft sKiLLed WorKForCe fibre filament Over 45 million people employed directly. 8% Yarn Potential to employ another 3.5 million people by 2022. others enabLing poLiCY FrameWorK 13% Improved Ease of Doing Business. Simpliication and rationalization of rules, use of information technology to ensure eficiency and effectiveness in G2B interface. A promising destination for FDI. 100% FDI allowed under the automatic route.