SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS. ’s WHEN VISITING Commercial Only Metropolitan Shows that -SEE- exhibit annually at Madison Square Garden, New York City, and the only SPORTSMEN shows that exhibit in the Metropolis will exhibit at Trust Company JERSEY CITY, II X \J OC EXHIBITION PLACE MULLINS & SUNS FL0R0D0RA on New Puritans Defeated the Park NOW IN TIJK Jersey Popular Kxira Matinees SATURDAY,’ MAY “™T A. C. in Good Game of Matinee Wednesday 8 th 55 Montgomery Street, UO, Decoration and MONTH Two Performances, at 2 and 8 P. M. Baseball Yesterday, Saturday AT TIIK Day (Temporary Office.) CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, SI,000,0OCX BEDROOM SUIT. NEWS OF THE WHEELMEN JOHN W. HARPENBERGH, President. -CASINO- GEORGE W. YOUNG. ) „. _ .. r Vice-Presidents. BROADWAY AND 39TH N. Y. CITY ROBERT S. ROSS, FOREPAUGH Three pieces, of ST., OSCAR L. GUBELMAN, Sec’y and Treaa. consisting With the Bowlers—Intercol- This attraction will remain at the CASINO all Summer and ..A3STI>„ will not be seen in any Bed, Dresser and Wash, legiate Games—Rowing- other city outside of INTEREST PAID ON CHECK ACCOUNTS. Loans money on Bond and Mortgage and Approved Securities, General Notes. • NEW YORK THIS SEASON Executes orders for the purchase and sale of Investment Securities. stand, The $20.00 Seats can be secured 4 weeks in advance Acts as Trustee, Transfer Agent and Registrar for Corporations. As Administrator. Guardian and Trustee for Individuals. The Park A C. was beaten by the SELLS BROS. Hillside track next to CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. kind.14.50 Puritans yesterday in a wedl played game Sunday promise of baseball. The Puritans had their op- be one best cards ever put on at Belle- ville. For the third of a mile novice a 20th Colossus ponents outclassed at the bat Out they Why do many in the Century has been received. This race Glasses Free were excelled on the held. The feature of large entry Eye liquor trade prefer to DOUBLE THIS WEEK our will examine sell blended (mixed) MENAGERIES the game was Kennedy's home run hit. promises to be one of the most interest- opticians I / your eyes and sell you a pair of our $2.50 gold goods? Because they The score:— ing novice races seen in this vicinity for a spring eyeglasses for $1, and give you gold- pay much larger DOUBLE CIRCUSES I a long time. jriated eyeglass chain with a safety hook, also prolits. You Get Your PURITANS. free.” It’s a Money • leather case, “absolutely The most race will be the DOUBLE R. H. P.O. E. interesting $3.50 outfit for $1. Spectacles at the same price. HIPPODROMES Kenroy, rf.0 12 0 ten mile handicap. Thirty riders have KEENE’S OPTICAL COMPANY, U 1 DOUBLE MUSEUMS Kelly, cf.0 3 entered so far, and many more are ex- « 140 FULTON ST„ NEW YORK. cf.12 10 O'Brien, In this Cornwall Near Nassau et. Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Clancy, ss...1 2 2 0 pected. race, Journey, 2 0 and Sindle no doubt will be the ones OLD Waters, lb.1 10 Ruf, 3b.2 3 1 0 who will do the best work. Cornwall, MONEYTO LOAN. 2b.1 2 2 0 Back If Kennedy, IF YOU on Pl- Goods as Furniture. Are scratch, Is training hard, he realizes | CAPT, WOODWARD'S 1 4 0 SEA LIONS c.0 Dolan, CAN’T CALL, | anos and all kinds The most creatures that men will him. phenomenal In creation—The most sagacious and skillful Brennan, p.12 2 0 good compete against WRITE US!| of Household GROW beasts of land or sea in past belief feats as Keef, of Newark, is another good man o Goods. You have Juggler., Ball P.ayers, Dancers’ Total .5 13 21 1 and can and who will keep the bunch on a rush, and the use of the money and goods Musicians, Vocalists, everything seemingly impossible. PARK A, C.. pay it back In weekly or monthly pay- if he does as wel! as he has been doing the R. H. P.O. Ft. ments. Easy payment reduces prin- Room ACTUALLY ALL-FEATURE 1 1 in the past week, the scratch men will cipal and interest. C. J. IGOE, 1, SHOWS, Bott. rf.0 v Hud- u have to do extra work. 47 Montgomery Street, Jersey City. MeCue, cf. .... 0 0 0 good RYE Not Satisfactory. No. 1 1 1 son Tel. 114. Palmer, if.0 It will be necessary to run a number of 300 ARENIC STARS. Neebe, ss.1 0 2 0 Is a STRAIGHT on account of the The Sour Mash Marlin, lb.0 0 13 0 heats, large entry. SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE OF LAND. Hand-Made An 1 International Leaping Tournament. Winters, 3b.0 1 1 0 track is in better condition than ever be- By virtue of a decree of the Court of Chan- Whiskey, and is stead- / 0 2 2 .) eery of New made on the twenty- ily gaining in sales and The JACKSON Dawson, 20. fore, as extra care can be taken to get Jersey, FAMILY, Cycle Septette. c.1 1 4 0 second day of April. 1901, in a certain cause in favor. Blood will Little, W. A. Groff, p.0 1 3 0 it in shape for Friday, when the Newark therein depending wherein Richard Morrissey tell. GOLD MEDAL SCHARR, the Tramp Awheel. Academy will hold its games. On Satur- was complainant and Martin Morrissey and awarded for Excel- 2 Total. 2 6 27 the Newark School will hold its others were defendants, I Frank P. McDer- lence, Paris, 1890. day High the SCORE BY INNINGS. mott, one of Special Masters of the Court ITS DOUBLE games on the track. of Chancery of , do hereby give MENAGERIES Park 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-2 A C.0 The racing team of the American Bicy- notice that I will sell at public vendue to the Contain) the 2 1 1 1 0—u most complete collection of Puritans.0 0 0 0 highest bidder on H. B. KIRK & CC, cle Company is now almost the wild beasts complete, WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY known to zoology. only additions being the signing of a OF MAY, 1901, SOLE BOTTLERS. number of foreigners who are expected at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon WITH THE BOWLERS. of that day, at the.Real Estate Salesroom of here within a few weeks. The big aggre- NXS’SJV YORK. F. G. Wolbert, No. 47 Montgomery street, in 4 GREAT HERDS OF ELEPHANTS gation of speed merchants, except the the City of Jersey City, County of Hudson and State of pace followers, number eighteen in all, New Jersey:— Team Won Two New ALL that certain lot of land THE TEN PICCHiANS Olympia will piece, parcel or Licenses ARTISTES followe the entire circuit of the Na- with the two Mess of Application for ACROBATIQUE story and basement frame dwell- Father, Six and Three Sons. tional Association. house Daughters Most Marvelous Acrobats on Earth. Jersey'League Games From Cycling ing erected thereon, situate, lying and Notice Is hereby given, as required by Chap- The riders signed to date include the being, bounded and described as follows:— ter 75 of the Laws of 1893. that application Beginning at a point in the southerly line has been made to the Board of Aldermen of MINTING, the Marvel in Ascensions Jolly. following:—Jimmie Michael, John Nelson, Unicycle Spirial White Enamel Iron Couch of Seventh street, formerly called South Sec- Jersey City by the following named persona Up- Al. Newhouse, Bobbie Walthour, John T. ond street, distant sixteen feet and four inches for Licenses to sell Spirituous, Vinous, Malt the in at the named STARR, Shooting Star, Wild Rides (16 ft. 4 in.) easterly from the southeasterly and Brewed Liquors, following Bicycle Fisher, George Leander, Tom Cooper, in Jersey City:— The series in the New Jersey Bowling corner of Monmouth and said Seventh street; places Bed Snow White Finish Hardy Downing, Edward Taylore, How- Down a Foot Ladder. holstered. in Association championship tournament la6t thence running easterly along the said south- Restaurants. Sixty ard B. Freeman, George Collett, J. P. erly line of Seventh street, sixteen feet and drew out the and Jolly FIRST WARD. THE night Olympia four inches (16 ft. 4 in.); thence southerly and FIVE POTTERS, and of the Air. 2 of Jacobson, Floyd McFarland, O. S. Kim- I Charles 310.Henderson Kings Queens Coats Hard Enamel teams. The former won two stralgiu parallel with Monmouth street, to, through Katz, street; residence, ble and Lester Wilson. "V elour and beyond the party wall on 310 Henderson street games and was defeated in the third. The standing partly the premises herein conveyed and partly on j ITS DUUBLE HIPPODROMES work of those engaged was up to the the next premises adjoining easterly thereto, Restaurant Transfers. Display the most real, thrilling,exciting (Standard. The scores:— fifty (50) feet; thence westerly and parallel 1.79 INTERCOLLEGIATE MEET. with Seventh street, sixteen feet and four NINTH WARD. CHARIOT, FLAT AND ECCENTRIC RACES 3.89 FIRST GAME—OLYMPIA. inches ft. 4 Bert W. Clark, 231 Monticello avenue; resi- (16 in.); thence northerly and Ever seen in the world. St. Sp. Sc. parallel with Monmouth street to and through dence, 231 Monticello avenue. order the Board Schumacher 2 1 124 the party wall standing partly on the prem- By of of Aldermen. FREE STREET PARADE Greatest Array of Athletic Tal- ises therein conveyed and on the MICHAEL J. O’DONNELLL, Doerner 6 3 136 partly prem- on ises next ! morning of exhibition over follow- Goldhart. 3 5 176 adjoining westerly fifty (50) feet to City Clerk. Seventh the ing route:—Boulevard to avenue, 1 HI ent in the History of the street, place of beginning, the City Clerk’s Office, Jersey City, N. J., May Bergen Langel 1 to Fairmount to respective party walls to be sustained, re- 23, 1901. avenue, Monticello ave- Bertrakd 3 3 137 nue, to I. C. A. A. Entered. paired or rebuilt at the joint expense of the Communipaw avenue, to Pacific owners thereof, including also the inchoate avenue, to Grand street, to Jersey ave- Totals .15 13 744 TO JULIA CLAESSON. OCTAVIA FLEUREN right of dower of the defendant, Julia Mor- nue, to York street, to CASH OR CREDIT his Wendei Leonie JOLLY. rissey, wife of said Richard to- Claesson, wife; Maschino, street, to Montgomery street, to Newark Morrissey, his Berkeley Oval today and tomorrow will gether with all and singular the hereditaments Maschino, wife; Margaret Schmale, avenue to Boulevard. -*♦♦♦♦♦♦«- St. Sp. Sc. Maria J. Harris, John S. ath- and appurtenances to the said premises be- widow'; widow; J. Bishoff 3 4 144 be the scene of one of the greatest Harris. Minnie L. his longing or in anywise appertaining. Harris, wife; Mary Two Performances Bain or H. Biehoff 4 3 148 letic and carnivals that ever has John her Daily, Shine. bicycling Conditions made known on day of sale. E. Toffey, J. Toffey, husband; Mann 2 4 180 Emma L. William V. her In new process been held in America. The track, field frank p. McDermott, Toffey, Toffey, CO waterproof tents. Doors Sehroeder 1 2 rts husband; A. open at 1 and 7 P. M. Arenic Special Master In Chancery. Margaret Throckmorton, widow; Efua display ttCuhlmann 8 0 171 and bicycle championships of the United Eliza J. Sip, Emma L. one hour later. Commercial Trust Co. Building. Jersey City, widow; Aviles, en- Daniel Van Van Bams? States will be decided, and the list of N. J. widow; Winkle, Emma ADMISSION IHILDKEN Totals 18 13 706 Winkle, his wife; Peter S. Van Winkle, A 50c., under 9,25c tries includes all the beet-known college Catalina xv LiiAuo iu. j_i. ovnxvvj^x/j r, .u 11 ■ Pi Van Winkle, his wife; Mary J. Van One Ticket Admits SECOND GAME—OLYMPIA. jn, Bjsaoa to All Advertised At- athletes in this country. M. A. Schroeder, his wife; The Ger- Winkle, widow; Edw'ard Van Winkle, Sama tractions. Mullins & St. Sp. S(r Van his Lavina Sins the champion for the last four mania Savings Bank of Jersey City:— Winkle, wife; Brigham, EESJEEanB On >fhe day of numbered Schumacher 3 4 156 Penn, exhibition, You are hereby notified that at a public widow; Jennie Brigham, infant; Harry Brig- coupon, actually reserved be 3 153 seems doomed to third position this EB/aiKHSgEfSaEB seats, may Doerner 3 years, sale made by the City Collector of Jersey ham, Arthur Brigham, Ella Brigham, his secured at 166 NEWARK AVENUE and Goldhardt 4 3 season. The action of the faculty in de- City, on the 23d day of May, 1899, I pur- wife; William C. Brigham, Anna Brigham, BEE® GROVE STREET. 4 3 168 his and S. Langel the chased for the sum of eighty-six dollars wife, Margaret Brigham:— «=< barring Baxter and poor scholarship _ __ Bertrand 3 4 159 and fifty-nine cents ALL the land and You are hereby notified that at a public sale HARTNETT’S two of DRUC STORE standing of Tewkesbury removed real estate situated in Jersey in the made by the City Collector of on AH tUCTWFYlHC EXHIMTKDIOF tOUl WISE DOMOftMmn1 City, Jersey City, Corner of Montgomery and Warren Sts. Totals 17 17 806 their best athletes from the competition. County of Hudson and State of New Jer- the 16th day of April, 1895, the Mayor and BA1LJROADS. sey, fronting on Academy street, which Aldermen of Jersey City purchased for the RAILROADS, JOLLY. On it turned out that Brum- j Wednesday Is laid down and designated as lot A (20>, sum of one thousand one hundred and forty- St. Sp. Sc. heller, their best half-miler, had diph- in block number 1.SS6 (134), upon Fowler's ! two dollars and sixty-seven cents ALL the LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES. Bishoff 2 1 127 Official Assessment Map of Jersey land and real estate situate in __ J. theria, and he, therefore, cannot compete. City, Jersey City, H. Bishoff 3 4 162 1894, said sale being made pursuant to the in the Couiity of Hudson and State of New TO WILLIAM H. NEILSON AND ALFRED TO WILLIAM H. NEILSON AND ALFRED Penn out of the run- 1 1 108 This practically puts of an act of the Legislature of Jersey, fronting on Tonnele Neilson, and as executors of the Neilson, and as executors of tb? Wf~?T-rSHORE Mann provisions avenue, which is individually individually March laid down will Sehroeder 5 2 tiS for the cup. New Jersey, passed 30th, lS3(i, en- and designated as lot 34 in block will of William H. Neilson, deceased; Anna of William H. Neilson, deceased; Anna ning championship A. Pennsylvania 2 210 titled:— number 948 upon an assessment annexed A. Neilson, wife of William H. Neilson; Neilson. wife of William H. Neilson; “RAILROAD^ Kuhlmann 8 map Harvard and Yale will fight it out, and the Anna F. Anna F. "An act concerning “ttlement and to a report number 88, made by the "Commis- Neilson, wife of Alfred Neilson; Neilson, wife of Alfred Neilson; PICTURESQUK LINK OF TRAVEL TO of of Middleton S. and as Middleton and as TR* 10 782 from the records of their men and what collection arrearages unpaid sioners of Adjustment” appointed in and for Burrill, individually S. Burrill, individually Totals .19 assessments and water executor of the will of Frederick Neilson, executor of the will of Frederick Neilson, (.axes, rates or said city by the Circuit Court of the of is known of the athletes from the other rents in cities of this County deceased; N. wife of deceased; N. wife of Middle- RAILROAD. THIRD GAME—OLYMPIA. water State, and Hudson, a certified of which Emily Burrill, Middle- Emily Burrill. copy report and ton S. I. ton S. it will be the closest struggle imposing and levying a tax, assess- map was filed in the Burrill; Mary Neilson, widow; Mary Burrill; Mary I. Neilson, widow; Mary NORTH and WEST. St. Sp. Sc. colleges, office of the City Col- I. Arthur I. ment and lien in lieu and instead of lector of Kemp; Kemp, her husband; Jules Kemp; Arthur Kemp, her husband; Jules Schumacher 2 3 140 been known in the history Jersey Olty. on the 1st day of B. B. THE that ever has such arrearages, and to enforce the March. Neilson; Kathleen G. Neilson; Annie P. Neilson; Kathleen G. Neilson; Annie P. NIAGARA FALLS Doerner 2 3 136 IS93, made pursuant to the provisions of R. Neilson. R. Neilson. ROUTJL of the I. C. A. A. A. A. payment thereof, and to provide for widow; Raymond P. R. Neilson, widow; Raymond P. R. Neilson. 1 2 121 an act of the of New Louis Louis Goldhardt the sale of lands subjected to future Legislature Jersey infant; Neilson, infant; Carol II. infant; Neilson, infant; Carol K. THE STANDARD RAILIAI OP AMERICA 3 186 Yale is on the ability of passed March 30th, entitled:— Neilson, Alexander S. Neilson, infant; Alexander in- “ Langel 5 counting taxation and assessment." 1886, infant; Neilson, in- S. Neilson, *"riuuOin street (North River) “An Act concerning the settlement fant; Frederick Caroline fant; Frederick Neiison, Caroline K. station,aJfmu New Bertrand 2 1 124 Trainer Murphy to bring them out ahead. And the several supplements thereto. and col- Neilson, infant; K. infant; York, &a XoLows. and fiintcn lection of arrearages of as- Voss; William Voss, her Julia Voss; William Voss, her Julia mmuies later from And you are rurtner notified that unpaid taxes, husband; husband; foot W. 4id street, N. & He has won and you sessments and water rates or water Himely; A. her Himely; Henry A. her Terminal 12 707 many meetings probably have an rents Henry Himely, husband; Himely, husband; station at N J can Totals 12 appear to estate or interest in in cities of this and Rosalie N. Rosalie N. Weehawken, to on State, imposing and Hinckley; Samuel P. Hinckley, Hinckley; Samuel P. Hinckley, °r N' J J- wilP have a few surprises spring said land and real estate, and unless the a IN EFFECT MAY 18. 1901. Kd- leaving JOLLY. levying tax, assessment and lien in lieu her husband; Emily Onderdonk, individually her husband; Emily Onderdonk, individually PennilCRedHVlVral“sDepot at said land ana real estate shall be re- ; R-. K; Jer,ey Cltys- the unsuspecting public. But the Crimson and instead of such arrearages, and to en- and as executrix of the will of Neil- and as executrix of the will of Emily Neil- * tur St. Sc. as in said Emily as follow*;— Haverstraw. West Point, Sp. deemed, provided acts, before force the payment thereof, and to provide son, deceased; Elizabeth C. son, deceased; Elizabeth C. Trains leave Jersey City (Arnwall.cLremifi' d,Sy 4 3 171 is in a better than ever before of Messinger, Messinger. Newburgh, Kingston and Albany. J. Bishoff position the expiration six months from and for the sale of lands subjected to future widow; Catharine B. widow; Catharine B. Sum Neilson, widow; Amy Neilson, widow; Amy Ja'uJd .WJUL _ Albany and Montreal. H. Bishoff 3 138 the Sons after the date of service a deed taxation and assessment.” Neilson, Neilson, B “i,11: d^ilyL .'2 to withstand the onslaughts of hereof, widow; Anthony B. Neilson, Isa- widow; Anthony B. Neilson, Isa- except Sunday. for 1 311 for the same will be given to And the several supplements thereto. bella Neilson. his bella his CrinX t^~ Mann have one conveying wife; Edward N. Neilson; Neilson, wife; Edward N. Neilson; P»‘nt' Kingston. New Pnita \ of Old Eli, as in Graham they the the fee And are further notified that James H. James H. Loku Mwi.w*£3t Sehroeder 2 3 138 me, purchaser, simple of said you you appear Neilson; Louisa Neilson, his wife; Nenson; Louisa Neilson, his wife; aad Miunewaakn. Catsiill to have an estate or interest in Louisa Louisa Mountains,Mounts Kuhlmann 6 2 175 of the best trainers in the country. He land and real estate, according to the said land and Neilson, widow; Ernest F. Neilson; Neilson, widow; Ernest F. Neilson; Albany, Saratoga and -»i« of the real estate, and unless the said land and real Frances his Frances his and provisions said acts. Neilson, wife; Helen N. Neii- Neilson, wife; Helen N. Neil- two Utlca- Parlor Car il will bring his men to the mark in the best be as 8.10 A. M. dally, Fast Mail, limited to l? Dated Jersey City. N. J., February 3d, estate shall redeemed, provided In said sun; Charles K. Beekman, trustee; Eliza son; Charles K. Beekman, trustee; Eliza banyBe Total* .. 15 13-733 the of M. Bos M. Runet Parlor Cars, Jersey City to Pittsburg, of condition, and he has so many sterling 1900. acts, before expiration six months from worth Murray; Frederick T. Murray, Bosworth Murray; Frederick T. Murray. bleeping Car Pittsburg to Chicago. vis Ghi,caso Express, daily. JOHN T. and after the service thereof,a deed for the her husband; Mabel T. Murray, infant: Mabel T* S-S ^ athletes that Yale will have to do all that DILLON, Murray, infant; coaches to Pittsburg.) l£L Limited, daily, same will be given conveying to the Mayor Philip Bos worth;— Philip Bosworth;— a,kM $-a“tineutal Purchaser. 9.14 A. M., daily, Fast Line, with Buffet Iri.kost Utica, Syracuse. Rochester. her admirers claim for her, or the Crim- and Aldermen of Jersey City the fee simple uuiiucu mat ut a puDiiC sal© CROUSE & PERKINS, made the made Parlor Car for Pittsburg. Pullman Sleeping j Falli*. Cleveland. Detroit. NEWS OF THE WHEELMEN of said land and real estate to the by City Collector of City, by the City Collector of ChicagoChSeo andii f!lfrar St. Louis. will have her name on the Attorneys. according Jersey Jersey City. Car Pittsburg to Cleveland. Arrives Chicago and son engraved day of The on the 16th day of Dext provisions of the said act. 0n^thf,i6til October, 1891, Mayor October, 1S91, The Mayor A. oltertoon. Dining Car at- (Cert. No. 5.380.) and Aldermen of and Aldermen of 10.14 M., daily, the celebrated Pennsyl- tachid championship cup. Dated Jersey City, N. J., April 3, 1901. Jersey City purchased for Jersey city purchaaed for the vania the of this class CHARLES A. the sum of one hundred and sum of one hundred Limited, pioneer of the TO SEYMOUR SCOTT, PUR- THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF thirty-nine dollars and five dollars and of dally’ except Sunday, for Con- Niantic’s Picnic Committee— JERSEY and sixty cents ALL cents service, composed exclusively Pullman Ves- DgeSi.*Sr'£:„if' cell Charles Sohngen, Alexander M. Curtis, the land and real estate forty-six ALL the land and real estate We,t Point, Cornwall, New CITY. situate in tibule Compartment, Sleeping, Dining, Observ- borirhCJS1|3|'>? Charles A. Stadler, Charles M. Warner, Robert Jersey City, in the County of Hud- situate in Jersey City, In the of stations to Albany, INTERNATIONAL ROWING ... County Hud- ation, and Smoking Cars, lighted atatioaaxy *•20 P (Seal.) E. HOOS, son and State of New 1 son and State of New by tfJ ,1"'«™ediate W. Card Good Nunnemacher, Adolph C. Zinn, Theodore L. Jersey, fronting on Jersey, fronting on Pa- and movable electric lights, tor andnt 42d et.). Chicago Sunday'Racing Attest:— Mayor. Pavonia avenue, which is laid vonia which Pittsburg, loif,30 T*f Hansen. E. R. Chapman and David D. Wesch- down and desig- avenue, is laid down and desig- Cleve.and, Toledo, Indianapolis, Title. u,^la Limited, daily, for Montreal, M. J. nated as lots 1 and 2, in block nated as lot 3 in Chicago, Rochester, U. of P- Will Race Irish ler:— O’DONNELL. number 449 i block number 449 upon an Louisville, St. Louis and Cincinnati. pin?* ®/racifae- Buffalo. Niagara —General Notes. Against Clerk. upon an assessment map annexed to a m“P annexed Datroit- Chicago By virtue of an order of the Court of Chan- City report ! to a report number 2.14 P. M.. daily, Chicago and St. Louis Ex- and St Cleveland. Crew (Sale No. 5,167.) number 6b made by the of 66“"“T"1, made by the fouls’' Boats—Henley Good. cery of New Jersey, made on the day of the “Commissioners Ad- Commissioners of Adjus*- press, with Vestibule Sleeping and Dining justment” appointed in and ment Sunday, for IJtlca. date hereof, in a cause wherein Aaron Apple- for said city bv appointed in and for said city by the Cars to St. Louis and Chicago. Connects for 8:Syrfcus^* a«“g» The University of Pennsylvania Row- IN CHANCERY OF the Circuit Court of the of Court of the Rochester, Buffalo, aNlagara Fall* There will'be races at the Vails- ton is complainant and you and others are NEW JERSEY. County Hudson, Clf0'*lt, County of Hudson a Toledo. Through Sleeping Car to Louis- Hamilton, bicycle a certified copy of which and Toronto. Detroit and St. Louis. ing Committee has accepted the challege defendants, you are required to appear, plead, To Hattie Hoyt:— report map was report and map was ville (via Cincinnati). and filed in the office of the flfedafnfiled in the °Ji whl$h P’ “• w- 42d «> dai'y t«r feurg Beard Track, Newark, Sunday, answer to the virtue of an order City Collector of Jer- office of the of 6.13 P. M.. daily. St. Louis Alhlmy sJi;3° Dublin an demur or complainant’s bill By of the Court of City Collector Express for uae’ Rochester, Nlag- of the University Boat Club for sey City, on the 12th day of Jersey City, on the I2tli of uiafl' 11 fy rmC Buffalo. the sport will be of an exceptional char- on or before the fifth day of June next, or Chancery of New Jersey, made on the January, 1891, day January 1891. Pittsburg, Columbus, Indianapolis, Louisville Toro“to’ Cleveland and said report and map and said sale said report and and Pullman Detroit. eight oared shell race between crews rep- in default thereof such decree will be the date in a being made map said sale being made and St. Louis. Sleeping Car to S:. Chicagt!1 acter. Over one hundred entries have that day-of hereof; cause where- pursuant to the of pursuant to as the Chancellor provisions an act of the the provisions of an act of the Louis. the Dublin club and Pennsyl- madd against you shall think in Edward J. Hoyt is the petitioner and _ Annex:—B, 16:46 to some of resenting Legislature of New Jersey, passed March i Legislature of New 6.15 P. M., dally. Western with Ves- E'a D\TLei?V9S,-^rooklyn been received date, including e'quitable and just. are the are 30th. Jersey, passed March 30th, Express, thus the Quakers two first you defendant, you required 1886, entitled:— 1886, entitled:— tibule Cars, to Pittsburg and Sta and amateurs in vania, giving The said bill is filed by the said complainant Sleeping Chicago. £RR the fastest professionals to appear, plead, answer or demur to the except Saturday. “n^B.H-J^V^D class contests in Europe. The that an account may be taken of the “An Act For Toledo, Dining Car. A. .M.; In events rowing praying petitioner's petition on or before the concerning the settlement and col- "An Act 8.14 P. M., daily. Pacific *4-U -i’6:J5 -1-2:25, the country. the professional of net if any, of the American lection of concerning the settlement and col- Express, Pullman I HSVafS(WW,M0cals"(W. 42d st. 4:26 F. -1-5-20 race will take on Lake Kil- surplus profits, of June arrearages of Oar to and M.). (W. Irish place twenty-fifth day next, or, in de- unpaid taxes, as- lection of arrearages of as- Sleeping Pittsburg Chicago. Con- I are Frank the East ©range Company, between the eleventh day sessments and water unpaid taxes, •‘-6;°U' Kramer, Malting fault thereof, such decree will be made rates or water rents sessments and water nects for Cleveland, except Saturday. Dully for '‘-7:25' larney on July 13, and will be over a of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, in cities of rates or water rents John T. of George October, you as the Chancellor this State, and and in cities of this Knoxville, Tenn.. via Shenandoah Valley anV^Vi^’ flyer; Fisher, Chicago; day uE one against shall think imposing State, and imposing and Locals: course three long. The contest will and the fifteenth October, thousand levying a tax, assessment and lien In Route. ^®,wburgh -|-S:30, *10-00 A M : of New the mil^s and equitable and just. lieu levying a tax, assessment and lien in lieu *1:00, -|-6:00, *6:20 Collett, Haven; Floyd Krebs, eight hundred ninety-nine, when four and instead of such arrearages, and P. M., daily. Cleveland and Cin- P1. M' (6:30 W. 43d stl! be under the Associa- of The said petition is filed to en- ! and instead of such arrearages, and to en- 8.44 American Rowing quarterly dividends one and three-quarter against you force the payment and Pullman Doeal: -|-1:00 P. M. “Flying Dutchman;” Walthour, of At- a divorce thereof, to provide I force the payment cinnati Express. Vestibule ! .r?''1,t‘gst0“Dal >. cent, each were illegally declared the for from the bond of matri- for the sale of thereof, and to provide su.icayo onlv. -|-Except Sunday. tion's rules. per by lands subjected to future for the sale of lands Cars to Pittsburg, Cleveland and lanta; J. P. Jacobson, Walter Babb, the Directors, of which you and others mony. taxation subjected to future Sleeping Sleeping Cars for Board of and assessment.” taxation and Nashville (via Cincinnati and / Albany. Utica. The Henley crew is in good condition. and to the Dated April 24, 3901. assessment." Louisville). Roffalo. Falla ex-amateur, and a dozen others. The were members, paid stockholders, And the several supplements thereto. And the Detroitri?O0ihajtar’ Niagara and when MAX several supplements thereto. Clevaland and Chicago on The crew will leave here on July 8 for both common preferred, the surplus SALINGER, WASHINGTON AND THS tratna through include of did not warrant the And you are further notified that BALTMtOKB. amateurs George Schrieber, or net profits same. Solicitor of Petitioner, you appear And you are further notified that you Westcott’s Liverpool, and the men will immediately to have an estate 1 appear Express check baggage through to •New John of and Also, that an account may be taken of the 586 Newark or interest in said land and to have an estate or interest Washington and the York; Bedell, Brooklyn, Avenue, real in said land and For Baltimore, South at destination. For Cab or m resume training on the Henley. The re- amount and time each of said dividends so estate, and unless the said land and real real and 10-32 (Dining 1114 Carrlfg?.* •phono Charles meet Jersey City, N. J, estate, unless the said land and real 8.15. 8.44. 9.15. Oar). (Dining j Schlee, of Newark, who in declared and paid, and that you and each of estate shall be redeemed, as provided in 2.32 gatta there is fixed for July 3, 4 and 5, and said | estate shall be redeemed, as provided in said Car) A. M-i 1.14, l.lo, (3.44 Con- U W **• parlor and a three-cornered match A. T. you may be decreed to pay to the American acts, before the expiration of six months rar°ranm n,H7?R sleeping race; Nye, IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. from acts, before the expiration of six months from Limited, Parlor Cars and Penn- | or Information apply on the 6th of July the will any excess of said and after the service a eressional nfn„„ic.commcdatioas Pennsylvanians Malting Company dividends To George Howard hereof, deed for the and after the service hereof, a deed for the Ratlroad Dining Car), 3.45, 4.45 offices. Nos. Jr., Dan Sullivan, M. T. Dpve, Ed. Bill- Coveney;— same will be svlvanla (Din- Brooklyn, 33S. 343, 72* Fulto, leave for Dublin. Ellis so paid over and above the actual surplus an given conveying to the and same will be Car) and 9.44 P. M. street; Annex Office, Ward, the coach By virtue of order of the Court of Mayor given conveying to the Mayor and ing Car), 5.14 (Dining and ! foot of Fulton .nri-e’ fngton, E. S. Collett, of New Haven, Al. or net profits of said company at the time re- Aldermen of Jersey City, the fee simple of ! Aldermen of Oa U-14 New York City: Nos. take men Chancery of New Jersey made on the Jersey City, the fee simple of 12.30 night. ?““day, (Dining ns, SS8. en .nd Jill of the crew, will fifteen along. that each dividend was declared and day said land and real estate l.lo of J. S. of Brook- spectively of date in a cause according to the j said land and real estate to the A. M-* 1-14, (3.44 Congressional ! Broadway; No. 133 West One Reed, Chicago, Fulton, the hereof, wherein An- of the said act. according Car) Hundred and paid. is provisions provisions of the said act. Parlor Cars and Twenty-fifth slreet, and at stations. Frank A. nie T. Coveney complainant and you Dated March Limited, Pennsyl- lyn; Munz, of Long Island; IN Dated April 4, 1901. 14. 1901. Dated March 14. 1901. Dining Car), 3.45. 4.45 I C. E. LA^fRERT. Oen’l SHERIDAN FORM. ire defendant, you are required to appear MAYOR vania Railroad (Dining Pnssenrer Agent J. HERBERT POTTS, AND ALDERMEN OF JERSEY THE Car), and 9.44 P. vtn M x- .1, Sam Wolsterhelme, of Paterson; James answer or demur to the MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF JERSEY 5-14 (Dining M. anf _r*or.*-n Solicitor of plead, bill of said rHE^ Car); j Complainant. on or before CITY. T. Dolbear, of Jersey City; Walter Smith, 1 complainant the twentieth E. Is No. Montgomery Street, x HOOS, Railway Weight Thrower Feels That He of next, or in 1 E. HOOS, -Express, 3.45, 4.45 and others. The Jersey City, N. J. day April default thereof (Seal.) ^Southern jBf-Brooklyn, programme decree be made Mayor. (Seal.) Mayor. p m 12.30 night daily. to Get a New Record. such may against you as Attest:— M. J. Attest:— and Western consist of twelve events In all. O'DONNELL,. M. J. O’DONNELL, Norfolk Railway.—For [Will the Chancellor shall think equitable and Cltv Clerk. New LEHIGH VALLEY 'Richard J. the OF City Clerk. and Orleans, 3.45 P. M. Ttalaa arrive and from P. R. At the last of the Nlantlc Sheridan, young giant of IN CHANCERY' NEW JERSEY just. (Sale No. 2211.) Memphis j depart ft. station, meeting F. (Sale No. 2212.) t Dally except Sunday. Other train* the Pastime A. C., has entered the all- To Eugene O’Connor, Ruth A. John- Said bill is filed against you for a di- 11 daily. (Wheelmen the following committees were Otto Leo the Atlantic Coast Line.-Express, 9.15 A. M. Uav« Jonty Arriv* Jonty son. Johnson, Slattery Mary vorce from bond of matrimony. dally. | City City around weight throwing competition of HUDSON COUNTY CIRCUIT IN CHANCERY OF NEW »nd 9 44 P- 104am.Easton Local. 8 36 a m appointed for the club’s picnic, to be held Josephine Slattery, Annie Dated March 14, 1901. COURT JERSEY. & Slattery P. Ohio Railway.—8.15 A. M. 8"85 a m .Buffalo and Weaiern 9 16 a M the Knickerbocker A. C. carnival to be James Joseph Slattery, WM. G. E. James Hall, incorporated, v. Adolph Chesapeake Express next evening, 29, at Catharine Slat- SEE, and 6.14 P. M. daily. 118.14 PM .BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS 19.56 p If Wednesday May John Sarsfield of 3 to 11. To Daniel McCarthy. weekdays tery, Slattery, Solicitor Line.—Florida and 1.05 p m Mancn a Park:—Floor held at Bayonne on Decoration Day. He Eugene Complainant, On Contract. By virtue of un order of the Court seaboard Air Metropoli- Chunk A tjuzieton Local tlO.56 m (Arlington manager—John Arthur Slattery and Louisa B. No. 1 Montgomery street. of Chan- 1.1» P- M. tf 22 p m Wilkes-Barre and Scranton tl 81 p if Slattery- cery of New Jersey, made on Limited. daily. Express, 12.30 Exp. expects to give Sheldon agd Edgren a virtue of an order of In Attachment. the day of the tan t5.83 PM.Easton Local. 4.98 p u Lennahan. Assistant floor manager—O. By the Court of date hereof, in a cause “• WHOM MAY Notice is given that a wherein The Howard A- and p warm tussle for the first honors and from Chancery of New Jersey, made on the ro IT CONCERN, hereby writ of dailFOR PHILADELPHIA. .Geneva Ithaca Local. t5 W M Gross. committee—William was Saving Institution is complainant and 6.24 p Reception the date Pursuant to the provisions of an act attachment issued out of the Hudson you and for Philadelphia, 6.33, X Chicago ft Toronto Vestibule Kxp. 8.08 p M day of hereof, in a cause where- of the others are defendants, you are Express 7.44, 7.45. S.15, I his recent private trials should not be Circuit Court required to ap- 8.15 PM EXPOSITION EXPRESS — 7.38 a M Whelan, Joseph Hayes, Frank Riordan, in Charles A. Lewis is Legislature of the State of New en- County against the rights complainant and Jersey, plead, answer or demur to the 9.15, 9.13 P M Buffalo and Weatern 7.36 a titled "An act to authorize and credits, moneys and pear, said com- ,?.(4 ,UnUt«t>. Ithaca. Exp. m Levi James McGov- mistaken. Sheridan is presently the na- you and others are defendants, persons to effects, goods bill on or before the F. Hanley, Campbell, you_are change and lands and plainant’s twentieth of Tickets and Pullman accommodations at I- to and their names," approved and chattels, tenements or the said Penney tional at throwing the hammer required appear pleat}, demurest- February 24, 1876, and May next, bill will be taken as vanla Railroad Station. ern, John La Cost. Floor committee—D. champion the thereto, notice hf Adolph Stoll, an absconding at answer to the complainant’s bill on or supplements is hereby given debtor, confessed against you. and has only very few equals at the 66 that I shall to the the suit of James P. Hall, 3. Griffin, Charles Dolan, Edward Don- before the seventh day of or apply Common Pleas Court incorporated, The said bill is filed to foreclose a May next, for sum mortgage a of the County of Hudson, at the a corporation, the of twenty-five Patrick and aldson, John McDonnell, Thomas D. pounds weight. In practice throw with the said bill will be taken as confessed Court House given by Reynolds wife to com- Who Have Used Them in Jersey City, on Monday, the hundred dollars, returnable on the fif- on land in Township of limtC discus at the Pastime A. C. against you. twenty-seventh plainant, Harrison LAUIlO Recommend as the A. John McGovern. Ar- the grounds of at ten teenth day of January, nineteen hundred County, N. dated BEST Lynch, Wright, The said bill is filed to reform a day May, next', o’clock In the fore- Hudson J., September 12, 1871* deed and one, and has been returned are made DR. KIICi’8 committee—James Waylett, yesterday evening Sheldon sent the im- Thomas M. Moore and noon, or as soon thereafter as I can be heard 1 served and you defendant because you hold rangements given by Sarah J. and was on said car), 8 Star Crown for an order to authorize me and duly executed, returned on a mortgage premises. Car), 6.15 (.Dining 14. 8.44.' 9.: Band Duane, R. Robson, Shaed- plement 122 feet 10 inches, or something Moore to James Owen O’Connor and to assume of fng and 12.30 nighL Joseph Adolph another name, to wit:—the name the fifteenth day January, nineteen Dated March 19. 1901. P. M. Accommoda- Louisa B. O’Connor for certain I of JOSEPH 9.5 M-. 4-i 2 and P. J. better than three feet beyond the present property HILL. hundred and one, by the Sheriff of the James c. McDonald, 11.15 A. J.15 M. week ier, Lynch. situated In Jersey City, in the of tion 5.L and i.lo PENNYROYAL County County of Hudson. Complainant’s Solicitor, days. Sundays. P. M. PILLS. The races to be held at the world’s record. He says he will do better and State of New Dated April 26. 1901. 12.30 and 11.14 Immediate relief, no daufer, no bicycle Hudson Jersey, bear- MAURICE J. £2 Clinton street, Newark. N. J. For Atlantic City, A. M., l 14 pain. JOSEPH STACK, A. M. and 3,14 P. on May 30. Sheridan sent the 56 pounds ing date May 27th, 1888, so that the FAULHABER. 2 32 P M. (1®-12 M., through 349 Clerk. Buffet Parlor words, “grantee his heirs and Communipaw avenue, E. Veatibuled Trains. Cars, pas weight 32 feet 10 inches and the 16-pound assigns," CHARLES HENDRICKSON, JR., and combined each time they occur in said deed shall Jersey City. N. j. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT.—NOTICE IS lenger Coach, Ooach) week-davs; I 147 8 Attorney. M. Saturdays only, and 12,30 hammer feet inches. read, "grantees their heirs and assigns." hereby given that the account of the sub- 10.32 A. and 6.34 Dated April 5th. 1901. A M. Sundavs. JUBEMEDY FOR THE CRIPPE Dated March 6, 1901, NOTICE TO CREDITORS-ESTATE OF scriber, guardian of Andrew Bauer, a via minor, For Atlantic City Delaware River Bridge JAMES A. GORDON, ANNA B. STUCKY, will be audited and stated the 1.14 and deceased; WlTliam NOTICE TO CREDITORS—ESTATE OF by Surrogate Route. 6.33 A. M., 4.45 P. M. week A remedy recommended for patients ERHART ASSOCIATION’S PICNIC Solicitor of Complainant, J. Apel, administrator, with will annexed of the County of Hudson, and for A. M. and 4 4o P. M. AMELIA SHADER, deceased: Alexan- I reported lays; 6.34 Sundays. the .Is KEMP’S 1 U-M A. with Grippe P. O. Address 586 Newark Ave„ of Anna B. Stucky, deceased, by order of settlement on Friday, the 3d day of May, next. For Cape May, m.. L15 p. m. week for ler D. Wands, executor of Amelia Sha- LSAM, which is especially adapted The Peter Erhart of which Jersey City, N. J. the Deputy Surrogate of Hudson County I Dated March 25, A. D. 1901. lays; 12.30 A. M. Sundays. and Don't wait for the Association, ier, deceased, by order of the surrogate I Branc... throat lungs. dated February 1st, 1901, hereby gives no- I ERNST F. BAUER. For Long Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, a bot- Alderman Erhart ie standard will )f* Hudson County, dated February 13, Pleasant and Intermediate t symptoms,of the disease; get bearer, NOTICB OF SBTTLEMENT.^NOTICK 18 tice to the creditors of said decedent" to J Point stations, vlr flcted use moment :901, hereby gives notice to the creditors 4.00. 9.14 A. M., 1.02. 2.44 e today and keep it for the hold annual that the in their j NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT—NOTICE IS Rahway, 3.52 4 J, its picnic on Monday even- hereby given account,ot the sub- bring debts, demands and claims 1 )f decedent to in their 1 On the has said bring debts, that final rnd 5.33 P. M. Sunday, 10.00 a. M 5 is needed. If neglected grippe scriber, guardian of the estate of j. against the estate of said under hereby given the account of the 26 ing, July 29, at Greenville Schuetzen Park. Henry decedent,, and claims against the estate of ! P. M. at Interlaken for tendency to bring on pneumonia. Harned, a lunatic, will be audited and oatn or affirmation, within nlhe iem%nds subscriber, guardian of Emil Schweltaer, a (Stop Asbury Park stated months laid decedent, under oath or affirmation, Grove on The committee in to ■ minor, will be audited and stated the Sur- ir Ocean Sunday.) (BMP’S BALSAMtprcvantsithis by keep- charge hopes make by the Surrogate of the County pf Hudson and from the date of said order, or they will by loose ar.d the free plthin nine months from the date of rogate of the County of Hudson, and reported The New Yotk Transfer will ig die cough lungs the event a memorable one to Seventh reported for settlement an the 224 I be forever barred of any Company call Friday, day action therefor laid order! or they will be forever barred for settlement on the Mth of for and check baggage from and to (jta lr.fitwnmeiion. All drirngigts sell of March next. } Friday, day April hotei, and warder*. therefor against said exec- i IIEMP’S BALSAM at 25o. anff 50c. Dated 1ML I »f any action February It, ‘“HBSS* *. si^ Itor. 7 ALEXANDER D. WANDS. j Dated March )*, A. 2V190L .r ; v $ V,