Mullins & Suns
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SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS. America’s WHEN VISITING NEW YORK Commercial Only Metropolitan Shows that -SEE- exhibit annually at Madison Square Garden, New York City, and the only SPORTSMEN shows that exhibit in the Metropolis will exhibit at Trust Company JERSEY CITY, II X \J OC EXHIBITION PLACE MULLINS & SUNS FL0R0D0RA on New Puritans Defeated the Park NOW IN TIJK Jersey Popular Kxira Matinees SATURDAY,’ MAY “™T A. C. in Good Game of Matinee Wednesday 8 th 55 Montgomery Street, UO, Decoration and MONTH Two Performances, at 2 and 8 P. M. Baseball Yesterday, Saturday AT TIIK Day (Temporary Office.) CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, SI,000,0OCX BEDROOM SUIT. NEWS OF THE WHEELMEN JOHN W. HARPENBERGH, President. -CASINO- GEORGE W. YOUNG. ) „. _ .. r Vice-Presidents. BROADWAY AND 39TH N. Y. CITY ROBERT S. ROSS, FOREPAUGH Three pieces, of ST., OSCAR L. GUBELMAN, Sec’y and Treaa. consisting With the Bowlers—Intercol- This attraction will remain at the CASINO all Summer and ..A3STI>„ will not be seen in any Bed, Dresser and Wash, legiate Games—Rowing- other city outside of INTEREST PAID ON CHECK ACCOUNTS. Loans money on Bond and Mortgage and Approved Securities, General Notes. • NEW YORK THIS SEASON Executes orders for the purchase and sale of Investment Securities. stand, The $20.00 Seats can be secured 4 weeks in advance Acts as Trustee, Transfer Agent and Registrar for Corporations. As Administrator. Guardian and Trustee for Individuals. The Park A C. was beaten by the SELLS BROS. Hillside track next to CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. kind.14.50 Puritans yesterday in a wedl played game Sunday promise of baseball. The Puritans had their op- be one best cards ever put on at Belle- ville. For the third of a mile novice a 20th Colossus ponents outclassed at the bat Out they Why do many in the Century has been received. This race Glasses Free were excelled on the held. The feature of large entry Eye liquor trade prefer to DOUBLE THIS WEEK our will examine sell blended (mixed) MENAGERIES the game was Kennedy's home run hit. promises to be one of the most interest- opticians I / your eyes and sell you a pair of our $2.50 gold goods? Because they The score:— ing novice races seen in this vicinity for a spring eyeglasses for $1, and give you gold- pay much larger DOUBLE CIRCUSES I a long time. jriated eyeglass chain with a safety hook, also prolits. You Get Your PURITANS. free.” It’s a Money • leather case, “absolutely The most race will be the DOUBLE R. H. P.O. E. interesting $3.50 outfit for $1. Spectacles at the same price. HIPPODROMES Kenroy, rf.0 12 0 ten mile handicap. Thirty riders have KEENE’S OPTICAL COMPANY, U 1 DOUBLE MUSEUMS Kelly, cf.0 3 entered so far, and many more are ex- « 140 FULTON ST„ NEW YORK. cf.12 10 O'Brien, In this Cornwall Near Nassau et. Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Clancy, ss...1 2 2 0 pected. race, Journey, 2 0 and Sindle no doubt will be the ones OLD Waters, lb.1 10 Ruf, 3b.2 3 1 0 who will do the best work. Cornwall, MONEYTO LOAN. 2b.1 2 2 0 Back If Kennedy, IF YOU on Pl- Goods as Furniture. Are scratch, Is training hard, he realizes | CAPT, WOODWARD'S 1 4 0 SEA LIONS c.0 Dolan, CAN’T CALL, | anos and all kinds The most creatures that men will him. phenomenal In creation—The most sagacious and skillful Brennan, p.12 2 0 good compete against WRITE US!| of Household GROW beasts of land or sea in past belief feats as Keef, of Newark, is another good man o Goods. You have Juggler., Ball P.ayers, Dancers’ Total .5 13 21 1 and can and who will keep the bunch on a rush, and the use of the money and goods Musicians, Vocalists, everything seemingly impossible. PARK A, C.. pay it back In weekly or monthly pay- if he does as wel! as he has been doing the R. H. P.O. Ft. ments. Easy payment reduces prin- Room ACTUALLY ALL-FEATURE 1 1 in the past week, the scratch men will cipal and interest. C. J. IGOE, 1, SHOWS, Bott. rf.0 v Hud- u have to do extra work. 47 Montgomery Street, Jersey City. MeCue, cf. .... 0 0 0 good RYE Not Satisfactory. No. 1 1 1 son Tel. 114. Palmer, if.0 It will be necessary to run a number of 300 ARENIC STARS. Neebe, ss.1 0 2 0 Is a STRAIGHT on account of the The Sour Mash Marlin, lb.0 0 13 0 heats, large entry. SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE OF LAND. Hand-Made An 1 International Leaping Tournament. Winters, 3b.0 1 1 0 track is in better condition than ever be- By virtue of a decree of the Court of Chan- Whiskey, and is stead- / 0 2 2 .) eery of New made on the twenty- ily gaining in sales and The JACKSON Dawson, 20. fore, as extra care can be taken to get Jersey, FAMILY, Cycle Septette. c.1 1 4 0 second day of April. 1901, in a certain cause in favor. Blood will Little, W. A. Groff, p.0 1 3 0 it in shape for Friday, when the Newark therein depending wherein Richard Morrissey tell. GOLD MEDAL SCHARR, the Tramp Awheel. Academy will hold its games. On Satur- was complainant and Martin Morrissey and awarded for Excel- 2 Total. 2 6 27 the Newark School will hold its others were defendants, I Frank P. McDer- lence, Paris, 1890. day High the SCORE BY INNINGS. mott, one of Special Masters of the Court ITS DOUBLE games on the track. of Chancery of New Jersey, do hereby give MENAGERIES Park 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-2 A C.0 The racing team of the American Bicy- notice that I will sell at public vendue to the Contain) the 2 1 1 1 0—u most complete collection of Puritans.0 0 0 0 highest bidder on H. B. KIRK & CC, cle Company is now almost the wild beasts complete, WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY known to zoology. only additions being the signing of a OF MAY, 1901, SOLE BOTTLERS. number of foreigners who are expected at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon WITH THE BOWLERS. of that day, at the.Real Estate Salesroom of here within a few weeks. The big aggre- NXS’SJV YORK. F. G. Wolbert, No. 47 Montgomery street, in 4 GREAT HERDS OF ELEPHANTS gation of speed merchants, except the the City of Jersey City, County of Hudson and State of pace followers, number eighteen in all, New Jersey:— Team Won Two New ALL that certain lot of land THE TEN PICCHiANS Olympia will piece, parcel or Licenses ARTISTES followe the entire circuit of the Na- with the two Mess of Application for ACROBATIQUE story and basement frame dwell- Father, Six and Three Sons. tional Association. house Daughters Most Marvelous Acrobats on Earth. Jersey'League Games From Cycling ing erected thereon, situate, lying and Notice Is hereby given, as required by Chap- The riders signed to date include the being, bounded and described as follows:— ter 75 of the Laws of 1893. that application Beginning at a point in the southerly line has been made to the Board of Aldermen of MINTING, the Marvel in Ascensions Jolly. following:—Jimmie Michael, John Nelson, Unicycle Spirial White Enamel Iron Couch of Seventh street, formerly called South Sec- Jersey City by the following named persona Up- Al. Newhouse, Bobbie Walthour, John T. ond street, distant sixteen feet and four inches for Licenses to sell Spirituous, Vinous, Malt the in at the named STARR, Shooting Star, Wild Rides (16 ft. 4 in.) easterly from the southeasterly and Brewed Liquors, following Bicycle Fisher, George Leander, Tom Cooper, in Jersey City:— The series in the New Jersey Bowling corner of Monmouth and said Seventh street; places Bed Snow White Finish Hardy Downing, Edward Taylore, How- Down a Foot Ladder. holstered. in Association championship tournament la6t thence running easterly along the said south- Restaurants. Sixty ard B. Freeman, George Collett, J. P. erly line of Seventh street, sixteen feet and drew out the and Jolly FIRST WARD. THE night Olympia four inches (16 ft. 4 in.); thence southerly and FIVE POTTERS, and of the Air. 2 of Jacobson, Floyd McFarland, O. S. Kim- I Charles 310.Henderson Kings Queens Coats Hard Enamel teams. The former won two stralgiu parallel with Monmouth street, to, through Katz, street; residence, ble and Lester Wilson. "V elour and beyond the party wall on 310 Henderson street games and was defeated in the third. The standing partly the premises herein conveyed and partly on j ITS DUUBLE HIPPODROMES work of those engaged was up to the the next premises adjoining easterly thereto, Restaurant Transfers. Display the most real, thrilling,exciting (Standard. The scores:— fifty (50) feet; thence westerly and parallel 1.79 INTERCOLLEGIATE MEET. with Seventh street, sixteen feet and four NINTH WARD. CHARIOT, FLAT AND ECCENTRIC RACES 3.89 FIRST GAME—OLYMPIA. inches ft. 4 Bert W. Clark, 231 Monticello avenue; resi- (16 in.); thence northerly and Ever seen in the world. St. Sp. Sc. parallel with Monmouth street to and through dence, 231 Monticello avenue. order the Board Schumacher 2 1 124 the party wall standing partly on the prem- By of of Aldermen. FREE STREET PARADE Greatest Array of Athletic Tal- ises therein conveyed and on the MICHAEL J.