


A RESOLUTION of the Board of the Regional Transit Authority for the Pierce, King, and Snohomish Counties region adopting a Ten­ year Regional Transit System Plan, together with related Appendices, and a Regional Transit Authority Long-Range Vision, and rescinding Resolution No. 40.

WHEREAS, on May 28, 1993, the Joint Regional Policy Committee ("JRPC"), created pursuant to RCW 81.104.040, adopted a high capacity transportation plan for the Central Puget

Sound region known as the Regional Transit System plan; and

WHEREAS, said plan culminated years of intensive planning and public involvement by the JRPC and local governments and transit agencies in an effort known as the Regional Transit

Project; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 1993, the Regional Transit Authority ("RTA") was formally constituted pursuant to RCW 81.112.030 and, as directed by law, commenced steps to review and implement the Regional Transit System plan in order to develop a high capacity transportation system as contemplated by Chapters 81.104 and 81.112 RCW; and

WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 40, adopted October 28, 1994, the Board of the RTA adopted a Phase I System Plan for initial implementation and authorized necessary review steps, and by Resolution No. 53, adopted January 13, 1995, called for a special election to approve local taxes to implement said plan; and WHEREAS, the election held on March 14, 1995, to fund a Phase I Regional Transit

System plan was unsuccessful; and WHEREAS, the RTA has smce participated in or sponsored community meetings, regional forums, and formal public hearings to discuss development of a new regional transit system plan and service and facility alternatives within the plan; and WHEREAS, the RTA Board . established a Regional Outreach Committee to provide

expert and citizen advice to the RTA in developing a new regional transit system plan; and WHEREAS, in response to such community outreach and public input the RTA has prepared a Ten-Year Regional Transit System Plan, together with Appendices (the "Ten-Year System Plan"), and a Regional Transit Authority Long-Range Vision to respond to the region's high capacity transportation needs; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the RTA independently

reviewed the content of the environmental analysis performed by the Joint Regional Policy

Council ("JRPC") in the Final Environmental Impact Statement issued in March 1993 for the

JRPC Regional Transit System plan, and determined that it meets the RTA's environmental review standards and needs for the adoption of the Ten-Year System Plan and the Regional Transit Authority Long Range Vision; and

WHEREAS, on May 22, 1996 the RTA adopted the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the JRPC Regional Transit System plan, and issued a notice of adoption, all pursuant to WAC 197-11-630; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the RTA independently reviewed the content of the environmental analysis performed by the Puget Sound Regional

Council ("PSRC") in the Vision 2020 Addendum and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact

Statement, dated March 10, 1995, and determined that it meets the RTA's environmental review

standards and needs for the adoption of the Ten-Year System Plan and the Regional Transit Authority Long Range Vision; and

WHEREAS, on May 22, 1996 the RTA adopted the Vision 2020 Addendum and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, dated March 10, 1995, and issued a notice of adoptiori, all pursuant to WAC 197-11-630; and

-2- WHEREAS, the Board of the RTA has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens of the region to adopt as a new plan for the RTA the Ten-Year System Plan as substantially contained in Exhibit A attached hereto; and

WHEREAS, the Board of the RTA has further determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens of the region to adopt the Regional Transit Authority Long-Range Vision, as substantially contained in Exhibit B attached hereto; and

WHEREAS, drafts of the Ten-Year System Plan have been transmitted to an expert review panel pursuant to RCW 81.104.110, and said panel will conduct further review after said Plan is adopted as herein provided; and

WHEREAS, drafts of the Ten-Year System Plan and the Regional Transit Authority Long-Range Vision have been transmitted to the PSRC for purposes of determining consistency with applicable laws and regulations; and

WHEREAS, the alternatives identified for implementation in the Regional Transit

Authority Long-Range Vision and the Ten-Year System Plan are within the range of alternatives and impacts reviewed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement issued in March 1993 for the JRPC Regional Transit System plan, and the Vision 2020 Addendum and Final Supplemental

Environmental Impact Statement, dated March 10, 1995; and

WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 72, adopted May 31, 1996, the Board of the RTA adopted financial policies to guide funding of high capacity transportation services and facilities in the Ten-Year System Plan and to achieve equity among the subareas in the RTA district; and WHEREAS, the Board of the RTA has considered the Regional Transit Authority Long­

Range Vision and the Ten-Year System Plan components and their environmental impacts and has determined that such Plan is in the best interests of the citizens of the Central and is capable of providing the high capacity transportation system as contemplated by Chapters

81.104 and 81.112 RCW;

-3- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of the Regional Transit Authority as follows:

Section 1. The Board of the RTA hereby adopts the Ten-Year Regional Transit System

Plan substantially as contained in Exhibit A attached hereto, together with its related Appendices, and further identifies said Plan as the RTA's high capacity transportation plan to be implemented pursuant to Chapters 81.104 and 81.112 RCW.

Section 2. The Board of the RTA hereby adopts the Regional Transit Authority Long­ Range Vision, substantially as contained in Exhibit B attached hereto, as the RTA's statement of

goals, policies and strategies to guide long-range development of the regional high capacity transportation system.

Section 3. The Board of the RTA further authorizes the Executive Director to take any

actions necessary to implement the policies and determinations of the Board pursuant to this resolution and to complete required reviews of said Plan.

Section 4. The Board of the RTA hereby rescinds Resolution No. 40, adopted October 28, 1994, which adopted a Regional Transit System Master Plan, approving within said Plan a Phase I System Plan.

ADOPTED by the Board of the RTA for the Pierce, King and Snohomish Counties region at its meeting held on May 31, 1996.

By ~t~~ BobDrewel Chair of the Board


\rna)< f L ~ /;t) tt-L_f_LL) Marcia Walker Board Administrator


Sound Move Launching a Rapid Transit System for the Puget Sound Region


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As adopted May 31, 1996 Sound Move

Contents Introduction

Introduction Purpose Similarly, the RTA Board recognizes that bonds issued by the RT A will be secured by a Purpose 1 The RTA Board adopted an initial pledge of repayment through local taxes. framework for the financing of Sound Move, Legal responsibilities 1 When the bonds are issued, the RT A will by setting local tax rates, focusing on minimal enter a binding contract with its bondholders debt financing, requiring conservative Financial Policies that requires a first claim against local tax projections for federal and state funding, and 3 revenues for repayment. Stated differently, Equity establishing a definition by which equity will bondholders will have a legal priority to the Definition of equity 3 be measured. The Financial Policies reflect RTA's local tax revenues, above and beyond the RTA Board's policy intent for Implementation policy 3 any commitment the RTA may wish to make implementing the financial framework, for with its subareas that no subarea will pay Subarea budgets 3 ensuring that the ten-year construction another subareas' debt. Therefore, these program is completed on time and within Monitoring function 4 Financial Policies reflect the RT A's budget, and for providing the tools to the commitment to subarea equity while Adjustments to subarea budgets 4 Board to appropriately manage toward and maintaining the flexibility necessary to respond to future conditions. Regional fund 5 manage the financing of the system plan on a Funding sources 5 Legal responsibilities consolidated basis and within legal constraints. Uses for regional fund 5 In adopting these Financial Policies, the Debt financing capacity 5 RT A Board recognizes certain legal Legal definition of RTA debt financing capacity 5 responsibilities. Existing state law grants all legislative and policy authority to the RTA Calculation of debt financing capacity 5 Board, and does not allow the Board to Debt service coverage ration policy 5 abrogate, transfer or delegate such authority to other agencies or to the five subareas 6 Uses of debt financing . within the RT A District. Consequently, all Allocation of RTA debt capacity to subareas 6 funds collected by or provided to the RT A, including local tax revenues, federal and other Debt management guidelines 6 government grants, bond proceeds, fare box Setting priorities for expenditures 7 revenues, interest earnings, and private Public accountability 7 development revenues, may be disbursed only with approval of the RT A Board. Future phases 7 Priorities for disbursements will be Voter approval requirement 7 determined within the RT A's annual budgetary process, which by law requires a 7 Tax rate rollback favorable vote by two-thirds of the RT A Financial policies review 7 Board.

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Financial policies

Financial Policies Equity Implementation policy a) Subarea budgets: "Subarea Fences" Definition of equity 1. The RT A Financing Plan will provide a RTA Board a) Equity will be defined as utilizing local tax budget for each of the five RTA subareas, revenues and related debt for projects and comprised of the subarea's projected share services which benefit the subareas of local taxes, bonding capacity and generally in proportion to the level of farebox proceeds, and an assumption for Revenues and funds collected revenues each subarea generates. This federal funding, and related expenditures. equity principle will apply to the ten-year system plan as well as all future phases. 2. Local taxes will be allocated to subarea The Financing Plan for Sound Move budgets based on actual sales tax and Expenditures I disbursements reflects this equity principle by providing a motor vehicle excise tax receipts collected budget for each of the five RTA subareas, by subarea and within the RT A District. comprised of the subarea's share of local Annual RTA and subarea budgets will taxes, bonding capacity, farebox proceeds incorporate updated forecasts based on and an assumption for federal funding. these actual receipts. A percent of local The five subareas are defined as taxes from each subarea will be allocated to Sources of funds #1 Sources of funds #2 Snohomish County, North King County I the Regional Fund to fund system-wide , East King County, South King costs (see Regional Fund below). • Local taxes • Contribution of local County, and Pierce County. While the taxes, <10% 3. Government funding will be allocated in • Federal funding Financing Plan will be managed by the two ways: • Interest earnings RT A Board on a consolidated basis, the • Bond proceeds RTA will establish an accounting system • Government funding received that is • Misc. revenues by which to report individual subarea general in scope for facilities and/ or services that appear in several subareas performance. will be allocated to subarea budgets b) The RTA Board agrees, therefore, that the proportional to the subareas' percentage facilities, projects and services identified in share of total RTA local taxes collected and projected. Five subarea budgets Regional fund the adopted Ten-Year System Plan represent a reasonable definition of equity • Government funding that is received for • Capital and contingencies • Fare integration for purposes of satisfying both public a specifically determined facility and/ or • Operations and • Research and technology policy concerns and statutory service will be allocated to the maintenance (O&M) requirements. The subarea budgets will subarea(s) which benefits from the • Future phase planning serve as the starting point for evaluating facility and/ or service • Reserves ­ • System-wide contingency the equity principle during the ten year 4. Miscellaneous revenues, such as those O&M construction period. generated through private-public Debt service • RTA administration partnerships, advertising and terminal Capital replacement concessions, will be allocated to subarea budgets based on subarea investment in

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the facility and/ or service from which the c) Adjustments to subarea budgets: Regional fund Debt financing capacity revenue is generated. Because these 1. The RT A will establish a process by which Funding SOUrCBS Legal definition of RTA debt financing capacity revenue sources carry a high level of subarea budgets can be adjusted, based on I uncertainty, projections will not be current revenue and expenditure forecasts. The RT A will establish a regional fund that a) The RTA's enabling legislation defines the included in the adopted Financing Plan or Since the subarea budgets will be included will be funded through a percent of local tax RTA's capacity for issuing general in the original subarea budgets. within the RTA's general budget, revenues contributed by each of the five obligation debt at one and one-half percent 5. Bonding capacity will be allocated based adjustments to subarea budgets will occur subareas and interest earnings. The percent of of the value of the taxable property within on a subarea's ability to repay the debt every year as a step in the RTA's annual local tax to be contributed will be set in the the boundaries of the RTA District (and service after covering operating and budget adoption, which requires a two­ adopted Financing Plan, and then reviewed with approval of three-fifths of voters maintenance costs, and consistent with the thirds favorable vote of the RT A Board. and set annually through the RT A budget voting with the RTA District, up to five RTA's debt service coverage ratio policy Adjustments to subarea budgets can process. It will not exceed ten percent per percent of the value of the taxable property (see Debt financing capacity below). include additional priority projects and/ or year during the ten-year system plan period. within the district's boundaries). There is services within that subarea should no dollar limit for revenue indebtedness. 6. The subarea expenditures will be allocated funding be available. This adjustment Uses for regional fund in terms of the facilities and services to be b) However, through the following policies, process recognizes that some fluctuation in provided, their projected costs and project The regional fund will be used to fund the RT A will implement a substantially revenues and expenditures against contingencies, associated operating costs, system-wide elements. These elements more conservative use of debt financing. forecasts will occur debt service, and reserves for debt service, include: Calculation of debt financing capacity operations and maintenance, and capital 2. For those cases where a subarea's actual a) The RTA's fare integration program. replacement. The allocation of and projected expenditures exceed its The RT A recognizes that its future b) The RTA agency administration, including: expenditures for facilities and services that actual and projected revenues and funding bondholders will hold first claim against its cross subarea boundaries will be made by sources by 5 percent or greater, and/ or • research and development of new local sales tax and motor vehicle excise tax the RTA Board with consideration to where unforeseen circumstances occur technology; revenues as the pledged sources for subarea benefits and priorities. which would result in an inability to • planning and environment analysis for a repayment. However, the RTA's debt substantially complete projects within such b) Monitoring function: future capital program. financing capacity will be calculated on a subarea's plan, the RT A Board shall take more conservative basis, by evaluating all c) Contingencies that may occur due to 1. The RT A will establish an accounting one or more of the following actions: revenues and deducted total operating shortfalls in actual revenues collected or system by which to report performance expenses for net revenues available for debt • Correct the shortfall through use of such funding obtained, and/ or overruns in against subarea budgets. This monitoring service. subarea's uncommitted funds and/or actual expenditures relative to cost and reporting function will be incorporated bond capacity which is available to the estimates provided that the funding of into the RT A's annual budgeting process. subarea; and/ or Debt service coverage ratio policy such contingencies shall not diminish the • Scale back the subarea plan or projects RTA's ability to fully implement its fare a) The RTA further recognizes the importance 2. The RT A will establish an independent within the plan to match a revised integration program. of a conservative debt service coverage audit function to oversee its monitoring budget; and/ or ratio, both to insure a conservative use of and reporting of subarea budgets. • Authorize a vote of the RTA District on debt and to secure favorable financing 3. The RTA will appoint a citizen oversight a revised ballot measure. costs. committee to monitor RTA performance · (see Public accountability below).

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b) For planning purposes, the RTA's debt d) The RTA will reserve a portion of its legal Setting priorities for expenditures Board pledges that any second phase capital service coverage ratio policy will be set at debt financing capacity to provide a program which continues local taxes for Based on the ten-year system plan, the an average coverage ratio of 2.0x for net potential funding source by which to financing will require approval by a vote of RTA will develop a six year capital revenues over annual debt service costs, address unforeseen circumstances. This those citizens within the RT A District. not to fall below 1.3x in any single year. reserve is defined at five percent of the improvement budget, to be updated every Prior to bond issuance, the RTA will capital costs reflected in the ten-year two years as a step in the annual budgeting Sales tax rate rollback establish the appropriate debt service construction program. process and which will require adoption by a Should voter approval for a future phase coverage ratio to incorporate into its bond two-third favorable vote of the RTA Board. capital program not be forthcoming, the RTA covenants. Allocation of RTA debt capacity to subareas The RT A will establish guidelines for its budgeting process and criteria by which to Board will initiate two steps to roll back the a) The amount of long-term debt financing rate of sales tax collected by the RT A. Uses of Debt Financing establish priorities for expenditures. used to benefit each of the subareas will a) First, the RT A will first initiate an a) Debt financing in the context of the ten­ be based on each subarea's ability to repay Public accountability accelerated pay off schedule for any year construction program covers two debt after covering operating costs. outstanding bonds. Second, the RTA will distinct types of borrowing, the first related To insure that the ten-year construction b) While the above policy prescribes the use implement a tax rollback to a level to long term debt financing, and the second program development and implementation of debt financing within subarea budgets, occurs within the framework and intent of necessary to pay the accelerated schedule related to short term debt financing. the RT A Board will manage the agency's these policies, the RTA will: for debt service on outstanding bonds, b) Short term debt financing (with terms of debt capacity on a consolidated basis. system operations and maintenance, fare ten years or less) is expected to be used a) Conduct an annual comprehensive integration, capital replacement, and primarily to bridge the gap between the Debt management guidelines performance audit through independent agency cost. necessary timing of expenditures and the audit services; The RTA Board has established, and will b) Once all debt is retired, the RT A will anticipated receipt of revenues. maintain, specific guidelines for managing b) Appoint and maintain for the ten-year implement a tax rollback to a level c) The use of long term financing (with terms the authority's debt use. construction period a citizens' oversight necessary to pay for system operations and of more than ten years) is expected to be committee, charged with an annual review maintenance, fare integration, capital limited to capital and related costs for of the RTA's performance audit and replacement and agency administration.. portions of the program that have a useful financial plan, for reporting and life in excess of the term of the debt. Long recommendations to the RTA Board. Financial policies review term financing should be preserved for Future phases These Financial Policies will apply to those aspects of the program for which future capital programs. They will be other sources of funds are not likely to be Voter approval requirement reviewed for applicability prior to any available (e.g., due to timing or eligibility submittal of a future capital program to the constraints) or for which a local match is The RT A Board recognizes its authority to RT A District voters. required to access such source of funds. fund Sound Move's future operations, maintenance and debt service as well as any future phase capital program through a continuation of the local taxes initially authorized by the voters. However, in its commitment to public accountability, the RTA

B-6 B-7 Sound Move -the Ten-Year Regional Transit System Plan

Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority 1100 Second Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, 98101-3423 E-mail: [email protected] 1-800-201-4900

Information presented in the ten­ year system plan is provided by the RTA to inform citizens and may be reproduced freely.

RTA Executive Director: Bob White Editor: Tim E. Healy Designer: Kathryn DeMeritt

This information is available in accessible formats on request at 684-6776 (voice) or 684-1395 (TDD). RT A information is also available through the Worldwide Web at http:/ /www.soundtransit.org.

7 SOUNDTRANSIT Sound Move Launching a Rapid Transit System for the Puget Sound Region

Appendix U\!llii.<'UI. d Move impacts, system rk for integration

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As adopted May 31, 1996 Sound Move Sound Move

Contents Environmental, social and economic impacts

Environmental, social and economic impacts Environmental impacts The EIS describes the relationship between the regional transit system plan and adopted Environmental impacts 1 In 1993, the Joint Regional Policy land-use plans. In particular, the EIS discusses Committee (JRPC) prepared an environmental Social impacts 2 how the plan supports regional growth impact statement for their Regional Transit Economic impacts management planning. Successful growth 3 System Plan. That document also describes management planning can reduce the the environmental impacts of the Central System performance characteristics automobile use growth rate, create more Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority's pedestrian-friendly environments in urban Regional express bus services Ten-Year Regional Transit System Plan. 4 centers, reduce the suburban sprawl growth Commuter rail . 4 The EIS contains an extensive analysis of rate, and preserve open space and environmental impacts, and a description of environmentally sensitive areas, particularly Electric light rail 5 the relationship between the high-capacity on the urban fringe. transit system and adopted land-use plans. Framework for integrating regional transit system and land use Although the EIS makes it clear that the The EIS also identifies other environmental regional transit system alone will not be Regional-level coordination. 6 impacts such as air quality, ecosystems, sufficient to bring about these beneficial energy, visual quality, transportation, land Corridor-level coordination . 7 results, it also makes it clear that an integrated use, utilities and parks and recreation. These Community-level coordination high-capacity transit system is one of the 7 impacts are described in more detail in elements critical to successful regional growth technical reports prepared as backgrotmd for management. the EIS, particularly Land use, Growth Management and Station Area Planning (BRW, Sound Move environmental impacts fall 1991). within the range of alternatives and environmental impacts examined in the JRPC environmental analysis. Sound Move is a subset of the JRPC-adopted system plan and is covered by the existing system plan EIS. Because the range of alternatives and impacts of Sound Move are addressed in the JRPC environmental analysis, a supplemental EIS is not required. The RTA adopted the JRPC's EIS as appropriate for Sound Move after independent review.

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Since the JRPC issued its EIS in 1993, the Social impacts Other plan social impacts include support Economic impacts Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) for the urban centers developed in VISION The JRPC environmental analysis shows The plan's regional economic impacts developed and adopted its Metropolitan 2020 and related county and local government that the most significant social impacts of the described in the JRPC EIS are based primarily Transportation Plan (MTP), and issued an EIS comprehensive plans in the region. While the plan are increased accessibility for the on the analysis in the Rail Construction in 1995. The MTP is the region's long range urban centers concept was developed region's transit-dependent populations in the Employment and Income Impact Assessment transportation plan, satisfying Intermodal primarily to reduce traffic congestion and air region. This determination is based on the (Parsons/Kaiser, December 1992) . This Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) pollution growth, it also has potentially analysis included in the Accessibility of Transit­ analysis showed a net economic benefit to the requirements. MTP elements include beneficial social impacts in promoting Dependent Populations report (BRW, 1992). region from the inflow of federal funds to completing the state Transportation pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods The EIS showed that transit riders' build the proposed system. Department's core HOV lane system. Since throughout the region, which in turn will accessibility would be significantly improved the information included in the PSRC's MTP increase social contacts within communities Response to comments on the EIS indicate by the increased speed and reliability of environmental analysis is more current and, and strengthen community spirit. that, due to the jobs and income generated transit and the increase in service. in some respects, more detailed than the JRPC during construction, the proposed system system plan EIS (it addresses the previously Accessibility would increase particularly would indirectly have a beneficial impact on adopted RTA Master Plan, elements of the for the low-income populations of the the tax revenues available to local proposed ten-year plan and long-range vision, International District and the Rainier Valley. governments. The increased tax revenue and the state Transportation Department Transit travel times to employment centers would be reflected indirectly through an HOV lane system for central Puget Sound), outside Seattle from low income areas in increased debt capacity for local governments, the RTA also adopted the MTP EIS. Seattle, Everett, and Tacoma would decrease as well as through greater capacity to ftmd and more transit would become more reliable. projects and programs with cash. The state Environmental Policy Act More employment centers would become permits agencies to use environmental The EIS analysis also indicates that adding reasonably and regionally accessible by documents that have been previously people-moving capacity in currently transit. prepared to evaluate proposed actions, congested urban centers would help to alternatives or environmental impacts. The The EIS also shows that the regional transit stimulate new development in these areas and proposals may be the same as or different system would be significantly expanded, could also reduce commercial traffic costs. from those analyzed in the existing document. substantially increasing accessibility for Refer to the Economic benefits, system use and The RTA adopted both the JRPC's System transit-dependent groups such as the elderly transportation impacts of the RTA ten-year system Plan EIS and the PSRC' s MTP EIS pursuant to and disabled throughout the region. The plan appendix for information about the SEP A, and notice of this adoption was issued regional transit system would also reduce economic impacts of the proposed plan. on May 22, 1996. automobile dependence for the general population. Refinements to the plan made since the EIS was published will also increase accessibility. These refinements include providing an integrated fare structure.

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System performance characteristics

Regional express bus services • crosses city or county boundaries, and The commuter rail system is expected to Electric light rail carries a significant portion of passengers include the following general characteristics. Regional express bus services are high­ The regional rail system technologies will traveling between jurisdictions speed routes that operate in both directions Commuter rail characteristics: generally have the following design and throughout the day. These routes would • provides connections to commuter rail,. performance characteristics to achieve the operate primarily on existing, heavily light rail, ferries, other regional express • maximum speed - 79 m.p.h. system objectives to the greatest extent traveled, state and federal Interstate highway buses, and local service networks. • average speed - 35 m.p.h. feasible. corridors using HOV lanes and major arterials By providing a link between the regional • frequency (service will be structured to with necessary improvements to maintain Electric light-rail characteristics: rail system and local bus service, the regional avoid affecting freight movement): travel speeds and reliability consistent with express bus system will play a key role in • maximum speed- at least 55-65 m.p.h. Sound Move. These corridors would provide helping develop and enhance both regional - nine trains each peak-use period (morning and evening) between Seattle • average speed- 25-35 m.p.h. substantially higher passenger capacity, speed and local transit markets and providing and Lakewood and service frequency than existing service. connections to and between urban and • frequency- every 6 to 15 minutes. The routes would be provided in corridors regional activity centers. - six trains each peak-use period between • power source- electricity without rail service, or in corridors where rail Seattle and Everett . is planned (to help build a strong transit • train capacity- 4-6 car train, at 125 I car, or Commuter rail • power source- Initially diesel/ electric, market before the rail line is in place). 500-750 passengers The regional rail system vision includes with ability to convert to alternative fuels When the rail system is extended along commuter rail service between Lakewood, or all-electric in future • facility capacity - 22,000 per hour, per corridors served by regional bus, the bus direction Tacoma, Seattle and Everett, that will begin • train capacity- 3 to 10 car trains with route may be eliminated to avoid duplicating operations within four years of locally capacity for 450 to 1,500 passengers • service capacity- 6,000-11,000 per hour, service. committed funding. This service would per direction operate on existing railroad rights-of-way • peak-hour, peak direction capacity- 6,000 Regional express bus route characteristics: • station spacing- 1 to 2 miles on average, initially using diesel-powered locomotives maximum closer in high transit volume areas • serves a major travel corridor directly and two-level commuter cars. • station spacing- About 4 to 5 miles, closer • right-of-way- exclusive grade-separated • operates all day, every day The RTA will work with the railroads, in high employment centers and surface alignments, separated from potential bidders, major private sector • right-of-way: railroad tracks shared with • runs frequently, generally with 15 minute, traffic, with priority given with signals at employers along the proposed route and freight, signalized grade crossings two-way service grade crossings and intersections. federal, state and local agencies, to develop a • implementation- Implementation of • operates at reasonably high speeds, funding package to put the line in place. The • alignments -connect directly to centers service and related capital investments will generally averaging 18 to 20 m.p.h. (with RTA will also continue to work in a coalition and maximize pedestrian and transit be developed along with a procurement stops), using HOV lanes and other systems with the ports, state Transportation access. process and negotiated agreement. giving priority to transit such as signal Department and other partners to seek preemption when available additional state and federal funds for the These characteristics are based on current • connects two or more of the designated project. rail technologies. The RTA will evaluate VISION 2020 urban centers emerging rail technologies while developing each phasing package.

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Framework for integrating regional transit system and land use

Land-use planning that supports transit is Regional-level coordination Corridor-level coordination Corridor-level coordination will ensure critical to the success of the regional transit that the transit services and local impacts of The VISION 2020 growth and Corridor-level coordination will be system. The transit system and local growth those services are distributed in a way that is transportation strategy and the subsequent important as the RTA and local jurisdictions management plans are consistent with each acceptable to the communities along regional adopted Metropolitan Transportation Plan work on the more detailed aspects of other and meet state GMA guidelines. transit corridors. (MTP) provide the broad regional framework implementing the regional transit system. Implementation schedules also require local to develop the regional transit system plan. Planning will be focused along specific jurisdiction cooperation. Because local Community-level coordination Regional guidance needs to continue to make segments of each corridor to evaluate jurisdictions have direct land-use authority, sure that future transit decisions, such as potential transit alignments, station locations, Building on regional and corridor-level partnerships must be established to make sure specific station locations and alignments, and and other transit-related facilities based on coordination efforts, community-level that land-use planning efforts and transit future local development decisions, such as guidance established through regional-level planning will enable local jurisdictions to service investments support each other. station area land-uses and densities, are coordination establish an ongoing working relationship The RTA's enabling legislation requires the with the RTA and local public transportation consistent with VISION 2020, the MTP and Corridor-level coordination will provide authority to favor cities and cotmties with otl1er regional plans. agencies to: the RTA the opportunity to work closely with supportive land-use plans when Coordination on the regional level will counties, local jurisdictions, local • evaluate station facility plans for implementing its programs. In addition, the allow local jurisdictions, the state communities, public transportation agencies compatibility with local plans to make sure RTA is obligated, in cooperation with public Transportation Department, PSRC, local and the state to: that the station "fits" within tl1e local and private interests, to promote transit­ transit operators, and the public to work with community compatible land uses and development that • jointly determine rail station locations and the RTA to: includes joint development. the specific alignments that link rail • balance local land-use and transportation • develop a process to preserve right-of-way stations planning needs with the regional transit A clearly defined process for coordinating for regional transit facilities responsibilities of the RTA land-use planning and regional transit • establish how priority investments in development should be jointly developed by • establish h·ansit service standards and transit facilities can support jurisdictions • involve local government and citizens in the RTA, the PSRC, the state Transportation transit-supportive guidelines for regionally that adopt land-use policies that support designing rail stations that make attractive Department, counties, local public designated centers transit and functional additions to tl1e transportation agencies, and local jurisdictions surrounding community • establish regionally consistent policies for • define the role of each station based on within the three-county area. land-uses and densities commensurate both local plans and goals and the • pursue joint development opportunities at The following three-level structure­ with the level and type of transit station requirements of regional growth transit facilities and in surrounding areas Regional, Corridor, and Community- is investment management goals and the regional transit as appropriate to support increased transit recommended as a framework for developing system use and community objectives. • monitor the development of the regional this process. transit system and land-use policies to • determine the appropriate supporting make sure the regional growth and facilities and services for each station based transportation strategy is achieved. on its defined role within the corridor. The RTA will work together with the PSRC and local jurisdictions to assess local jurisdictions' progress in meeting the VISION 2020 growth management objectives.

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Recognizing that different types of station facilities are appropriate for different types of station areas, the RTA will work with local jurisdictions and local transit operators to develop a set of minimum development standards for each type of station facility. These minimum standards will include pedestrian- and transit-friendly design standards, zoning provisions, access and circulation in and around station areas; and should consider at least: • desired joint development opporhmities and densities within station right-of-way • urban design • parking policies • non-motorized access • motorized access (with HOV priority) • projected ridership volumes. These standards will be used by the RTA to help define the characteristics of each station and establish any financial support it might provide to local jurisdictions for station area improvements.

D-8 Sound Move- the Ten-Year Regional Transit System Plan The Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority Union Station 401 S. Jackson St. Seattle, VVashWngton 98104-2826 E-mail: [email protected] 800-201-4900 Information presented in the ten-year system plan is provided by Sound Transit to inform citizens and may be reproduced freely. This information is available in accessible formats on request at 800-201-4900 or (206) 398-5014 TTY. Sound Transit information is also available through the VVorldwide VVeb at www .soundtransit.org.

? SOUNDTRANSIT Sound Move Launching a Rapid Transit System for the Puget Sound Region

Appendix C: , J?enefits, system use and transportation impacts of Sound Move

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As adopted May 31, 1996 Sound Move Sound Move

Contents Introduction

Voters in the central Puget Sound region As with road and highway construction, Introduction 1 are being asked to make a major financial transit investments create value within a Benefits of RTA investments in the regional transit system investment in transportation improvements community that goes beyond where projects proposed in the Ten-year Regional Transit are built and how much concrete is poured. Background . 3 System Plan. This report provides the region's Personal mobility, regional connections, the Transit passenger trips 3 citizens with an assessment of various benefits availability of transportation alternatives, and the region can expect from this investment. impacts on the growth patterns, quality of life Forecast methods 4 and the economic well-being of .the region are Transportation improvements are Travel time savings 7 all values that must be considered in deciding undeniably linked to the growth, Transit ridership on RTA routes . on a transit investment, as they traditionally 8 development, quality of life and economic are in decisions on road investments. Travel time and number of transfers between selected centers 8 vitality of a region. Sound Move proposes a shows many of the broader Transit impact by major corridor 8 range of different types of transit Table 1 improvements to improve mobility and performance measures which can be difficult Transit trips to selected centers 9 provide a solid basis for meeting the to quantify yet deserve consideration. Benefits in addition to transit ridership of Sound Move anticipated growth in transportation demand 10 Only by considering these indirect benefits in our region well into the 21st century. In along with the traditional measures of transit Benefits of RTA investments in the NOV Expressway system and regional investment terms, Sound Move proposes to improvements and their costs can the citizens express bus service expand and diversify our region's portfolio of of our region have the complete picture transportation investments. Additional benefits of the HOY Expressway system 16 necessary to make an informed decision. Such Using the regional express bus routes . 17 Since improved transportation is such an consideration forces a look at the longer-term important part of maintaining the livability benefits and regional impacts of the proposed Regional express bus route ridership, by route 18 and vitality of the region- and because the system, not just a limited look at the direct Benefits of RTA investments in commuter rail and electric light rail RT A system plan offers a broader range of transportation benefits at the end of the 10- improvements than traditional transit plans year construction period. Many of the Rail hoardings . . 19 (including HOV Expressways and region­ benefits- such as development patterns or wide transit system coordination) - this shifting travel patterns -will not be realized O&M costs, fare revenue and operating subsidies analysis goes a step beyond an ordinary until well after the proposed system is in Fares . . 20 approach to an,alyzing benefits. place and functioning. Net operating cost 20 Rather than simply looking at the narrow Data and methodology used to analyze System efficiency . 20 range of direct benefits that can be thoroughly direct benefits of the transportation documented or conservatively projected this improvements in this proposal have been Cost effectiveness 21 report provides a broader discussion of declared appropriate following rigorous O&M cost of the regional express bus system by route 21 community and regional benefits that can be scrutiny by an independent Expert Review expected from this investment. Panel appointed by, and accountable to, the Comparing the capacity of rail systems and highway 23 state of Washington. The entire contents of this report will be subject to Expert Review System reliability 26 Panel review. References 27

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Benefits of RTA investments in the regional transit system

Background Transit passenger trips Table 1: Measures of performance by type The three-county district represented by There are about 2.5 million persons living Transit measures Other measures RT A has been studying ways to increase in 1.1 million households within the RTA transportation capacity for several years, District. Table 2 shows the intentionally Transit ridership (e.g., New businesses attracted Safety benefits of locating because: conservative estimates for daily and annual passenger trips and to the region HOV in center of roadway ridership for Sound Move. These estimates • population, employment and travel growth boardings) include only those transit riders using have strained our existing highways and regularly scheduled, regular fare bus and rail arterials to capacity Additional transit passenger Increased commercial Increased connections lines within the RTA District boundary (dial­ trips activity between, and to I from • future growth will make congestion worse a-ride, subscription bus, school bus, etc. are regional economic centers -congestion and delays will spread to excluded). more hours and more roads each day Time savings (to users) Reduction in highway Reducing or controlling The Transportation System Management delay for private and sprawl into currently unde­ • due to cost, environmental impacts, (TSM) forecast reflects transit ridership commercial vehicles veloped, natural areas community opposition and lack of growth due to population and employment available right-of-way and funding, new increases, completion of the state Value of travel time savings Construction and related Property value in areas near highway construction is unlikely within Transportation Department's core HOV benefit (to users) employment transit investment the RT A District system and those transit service increases that • the existing bus system is largely stuck in can be paid for within existing transit agency Subsidy per passenger trip Increased rail freight Enhancing the pedestrian the same traffic jams as private vehicles, so tax sources. The TSM alternative was and per passenger mile mobility environment and allowing the RTA wants to extend exclusive and originally studied along with the RTA's 1995 more trips to be made semi-exclusive rights-of-way to new transit Phase I transit proposal and was presented in without car services that have very high capacity, and the Regional Transit System Master Plan at the same time benefit many existing bus Technical Appendix (February, 1995). The Farebox recovery ratios Attaining Commute Trip Increased opportunities for routes methods and data used in this TSM forecast (OR/OE) Reduction Act goals local mobility due to reallo­ are completely consistent with the current cation of bus service • transit's capacity potential is very great, for RTA ten-year system plan analysis. Although example: a light-railline can provide the on a broad basis the TSM alternative is Transit system productivity Transportation benefits same peak-hour people-moving capacity as consistent with the six-year plans of local during special events a 12-lane highway at only 25 percent to 33 transit agencies, it is not intended to (reduced parking, reduced percent of the cost, and in a much narrower congestion, travel time savings) specifically represent those plans since they space do not cover the period through year 2010. Vehicle miles reduced Vehicle operating and cost savings • unlike most other metropolitan areas, the central Puget Sound region has its travel Tourist spending channeled into only a few major corridors by the same hills, mountains and water Improvements in transit Reduced parking demand (and that make this such a desirable place to system reliability value of parking costs saved) live. These constraints make transportation solutions relatively more expensive than in many other parts of the U.S.

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• Transfers -Transfers are the movement of The transit ridership evaluated throughout Highlight: Highlight: passengers between vehicles and routes to the remainder of this report is based on the About 258,000 trips are made each day on complete their trips. Transfers explain why It's claimed that transit carries a formal ten-year forecast, and excludes the the fixed-route transit system in the Puget the average transit trip consists of more than relatively small portion of all trips in the presumption that transit could serve a larger Sound Region. If all of those trips were one boarding, and are a good measure of region: depending on how "trips" are share of the transportation market due to instead made in single-occupant vehicles how well integrated the individual routes counted between 3 and 8 percent. people shifting travel modes because of the it would create a line of cars almost 650 making up a transit system are. But, the same could be claimed about the Commute Trip Reduction Act. The impacts of miles long. The year 2010 daily transit CTR are outside the RTA's formal travel Transfer rates are an indication of how the regional highway system. After five ridership represents a line of cars more demand forecasting process. The ridership also individual elements of a transit system decades and many billions of dollars of than 950 miles long. excludes the success of cities and counties in complement each other. Nationwide, and investment, the region's interstate highway system (I-5, I-90 and I-405) achieving state Growth Management Act goals indeed worldwide, higher transfer rates are carries only about 10 percent of all trips. and ridership beyond the 2010 horizon. Definitions: strongly and positively correlated to higher • Hoardings -Transit boardings represent the transit ridership. The bottom line is that the region's The forecasts of HOV ramp use and benefits economy needs a balanced, well­ come from a recent state Transportation number of times a passenger steps into any • Passenger miles- Passenger miles are a transit vehicle. functioning transportation system - Department technical report. measure of service that a transit line or route including roads and transit - to remain • Passenger trips (or transit trips)- Trips is providing to its customers. It is a function competitive. represent the complete journey made by a of the average length of a trip made by Highlight: person from an origin to a destination (such passengers. For example, 100 passengers A recent study by the Federal Transit as home to work). Because people may traveling ten miles each result in 1,000 Forecast methods Administration concluded that the annual transfer from one route to another to passenger miles. Likewise, it would take 500 local, state and federal subsidies to the complete such a journey, trips can consist of people to travel the same 1,000 passenger The RT A's forecasts are based on: transit system in Washington, DC returns more than one transit boarding. miles if their average trip length was only • a thoroughly documented modeling I $3.2 billion in measurable benefits each two miles. forecasting methodology developed over a year. These benefits include congestion five-year period, and specifically designed to relief, times savings for individuals and avoid the systematic biases which freight, and transportation cost savings Table 2: Ten-year total transit trips Forecast with for households near transit stations. 2010 TSM incremental contributed to over-forecasts of transit (previously 2010 RTA Commute Trip ridership in other parts of the country Existing studied) forecast Reduction ridership during the l980s • a methodology reviewed by the state's Daily transit trips* 258,000 323,000 389,000 439,000 independent Expert Review Panel, Percent change from existing N/A +25% +51% +70% appointed to ensure that RT A methods are Daily transit hoardings 335,000 428,000 555,000 625,000 reasonable and comply with commonly accepted engineering, forecasting and Annual transit trips 75 million 98 million 117million 131 million planning practices Annual transit hoardings 98million 130 million 167million 187million • adopted regional population and Transfer rate 1.3 1.32 1.43 1.43 employment forecasts.

*Transit trips and boardings included here apply only to the fixed-route, scheduled-service parts of the transit system. Demand-responsive, school bus, custom I subscription bus and van services are excluded.

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The 2010 ten-year transit ridership forecast Travel time savings The value of the time savings alone that includes the effects of population and Highlight: result from the efficiencies inherent in the Table 3 illustrates the combined travel time employment growth, the effects of transit The estimates in this report represent the RTA transit system improvements amount to savings for the region achieved by the improvements (including reinvesting local transit ridership on average weekdays $32 per year for every person living in the investments included in Sound Move. bus service made available by the regional and, in the case of annual values, include RTA District in the year 2010. express routes), the six-year plans of the average weekends. If the RTA investment transit operators within the RT A District and does even a moderately better job of completion of the HOV lanes in the three­ serving special events, this would add Table 5: Travel times and number of transfers between selected centers county area. The forecast reflects putting in another two million trips per year. PM peak-period travel times (includes time on vehicle plus transfer time) place a ten-year transit system plan, including: Origin center Trip Existing bus 2010 RTA RTA time savings • twenty regional express bus routes, Snohomish County Everett to downtown Seattle 1311 60 71 • twelve HOV ramps providing direct access Table 4: Summary of transit hoardings to center HOV lanes, serving: Everett to downtown - the RT A's new regional express bus Weekday Annual Seattle to Kent 2032 853 118 routes, hoardings hoardings North King County Downtown Seattle to - existing services provided by Community Columbia City 29 13 16 Transit, Everett Transit, Pierce Transit and Light rail 107,000 32.6 million Downtown Seattle to Puyallup 841 54 30 King County-Metro, Commuter - carpools and vanpools rail 12,600 3.2 million Downtown Seattle to Everett 75 67 8 • a commuter rail line from Everett to Regional Downtown Seattle to Lakewood, express bus 54,000 15.8 million Capitol Hill 16 5 11 • a light-rail line in Seattle from 45th Street to ' South King County Auburn to Tacoma Dome 8()1 21 59 S. 200th Street via Sea-Tac Airport, and Total 173,600 51.6 million Kent to Columbia City 661 303 36 • a light-rail line in Tacoma from 9th Street to the Tacoma Dome commuter rail station. Renton to Federal Way 78 47 31 East King County Bellevue to Federal Way 1011 64 37 Table 3: Travel time savings by mode Bellevue to Sea-Tac Airport 78 49 29 Carpools Bus Rail Canyon Park to Bellevue 611 26 35 and vanpools riders riders Total Pierce County Puyallup to downtown Seattle 1081 54 54 Downtown Tacoma to Daily Time Savings (minutes) 380,000 350,000 1,050,000 1,780,000 downtown Seattle 58 58 0 Annual Time Savings (million hours) 1.6 1.5 5.1 8.2 Lakewood P&R to Auburn 7()1 38 32

Annual Value of Savings $19.2 $18.0 $61.2 $98.4 (millions of 1995 $) 1 This trip requires a transfer between bus routes. 2 This trip requires two transfers between bus routes. 3 This trip would require a transfer between rail lines (at some times of the day). ·

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Transit ridership on RTA routes Additional ridership benefits, not included Percentages include ridership on fixed Highlight: in the Table 6, may be expected from travel to route, fixed schedule transit service. Table 4 summarizes the average weekday The region is in the process of developing and from special events. Rail transit has Excluded are paratransit, dial-a-ride, light rail, commuter rail, and regional bus and implementing strategies for achieving proven more attractive than expected for carpools I vanpools, etc. The range shown for hoardings for 2010, assuming Sound Move is I single site, high-traffic special events. This future transit mode shares comes from two state Commute Trip Reduction Act goals ' ( completed. - a 35 percent reduction of "vehicle miles includes sporting events and other high­ sources. The low end of the range comes from After the ten-year plan is completed, 44 of travel" consumed by workers traveling attendance public events. the RTA' s own conservative forecasting for the year 2010. The high end ofthe range percent of all transit passengers in the region to/from major employment sites during The Tacoma Dome, the Kingdome, the new comes from the PSRC' s recent travel demand will make all or part of their trips using an peak hours. baseball stadium at the south end of Seattle's forecasting supporting its Metropolitan RT A service. To the extent that the RTA program can downtown, the Puyallup Fairgrounds, the Transportation Plan (MTP). The MTP is an provide an alternative way to meet this Bellevue Convention Center, the Washington update of the transportation element of Vision Travel time and number of transfers aggressive goal (rather than forcing State Convention & Trade Center and the 2020, the region's adopted growth strategy. between selected centers employers to find their own solutions) the University of Washington are all within daily and annual transit ridership could be walking distance of major transit stations Comparing travel times for two different as high as 439,000 and 131 million, included in Sound Move. While this region is transit systems is a deceptively simple­ respectively. This represents a 70 percent perhaps less familiar with transit's Table 7: Activity center mode splits sounding way of evaluating the value of a increase over today's ridership levels. effectiveness in mitigating traffic associated transit investment - especially when the Percentage of work and college trips by transit with these types of events, other regions have two systems are very different. Such a found transit to be essential in delivering comparison is affected by the introduction of 1990 Range of significant percentages of event attendees an HOV expressway system, electric light rail, Center transit % future transit % Table 6: Peak transit share of all travel, without the serious congestion and parking and commuter rail. These new elements, by corridor, 2010* impacts experienced here. Downtown paired with fare integration, will significantly Share of all trips Everett 2% 5% to 30% change the way many people make their made in carpool, Transit trips to selected centers transit trips in the future. In reality, it is Corridor vanpool, bus or train Northgate 7% 8% to 16% exceedingly difficult to fairly express the Table 7 presents the percentage of work relative advantages and disadvantages of each 1-5 North 40 percent and college trips made by transit riders to a University system strictly using tables. However, for set of selected regional centers. This 1990 data 1-5 South 40 percent District 18% 22% to 52% consistency with previous planning, Table 5 is from the U.S. Census Journey-to-Work compares existing transit travel to future I-S/Pierce County 25 percent survey compiled by the Puget Sound Regional Downtown transit travel times on RTA services. Council (PSRC). Bellevue 5% 7% to47% Cross lake 30 percent Transit impact by major corridor 1-405 North 30 percent Downtown Seattle 34% 45% to 60% Table 6 shows the portion of all travel 1-405 South 30 percent through the region's major highway corridors Downtown that will be carried in transit vehicles during Tacoma 3% 6% to37% rush hours. *These numbers illustrate the importance of transit in the major corridors at the most congested times of the day. Average 13% 17% to 45%

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The values shown are for PSRC' s preferred In addition to the number of riders and the Highlight: implementation strategy (Note: these are year associated costs, there are many other aspects 2020 projections). Results for the other PSRC If the RTA investment in bus service, rail of Sound Move that deserve attention. These strategies would be in the range shown. The systems and HOV direct access ramps issues are presented as questions and answers transit mode shares projected by the PSRC are affects the regional economy sufficiently in Table 9. significantly higher in part because their to increase personal income by as little as forecasts are not constrained by FT A one-tenth of one percent (.oon that guidelines in the same way as the RT A's. This increase can be conservatively estimated Table 8: Annual value of regiona l benefits from investing in Sound Move is particularly true when looking at the effect to be $85 million per year. of a regional rail system on land use and If the RTA's economic benefit increased Low-range Mid-range High-range regional policies to reduce both congestion employment one-half of one percent (.005 ), estimate estimate estimate and vehicle emissions. The PSRC makes a that increase would be worth $425 million Measures ($M/yr ) ($M/yr) ($M/yr) deliberate effort to forecast these effects. each year. Travel time savings for system users 78 98 118 Benefits in addition to transit ridership of This increase represents only personal income, and excludes any additional affect Parking cost savings for system users 10 13 16 Sound Move on regional commercial activity. Reduction in vehicle miles traveled The RT A believes that only a broader (auto operating cost savings) 15 19 23 interpretation of transit system benefits can Travel time savings for drivers of private account for the new transit systems (and the Table 8 presents the varied benefit vehicles 16 20 24 popularity of those systems) in the following measures benefit with an estimated dollar west coast cities: range for each. The value ranges might be Reduction in required employer-provided compared, for example, to the ten-year system parking 12 14 17 • San Diego, CA plan cost per year of approximately $200 • Los Angeles, CA million (in local tax dollars). The variety of Increased mobility for commercial vehicles 11 13 16 • San Jose, CA benefits is wide and far-reaching. Construction and related employment 64 80 96 • San Francisco, CA Table 8b presents a wide range of Increased property value in areas near Under Under Under • Sacramento, CA additional measures which are worthy of transit stations study study study • Portland, OR consideration when evaluating a regional transit investment. These measures are either Bus service replaced by RTA, available for • Vancouver, BC more qualitative in nature or difficult to reinvestment 20 25 30 As an example, Tri-Met in Portland quantify. For that reason, the RTA has not Improvements in transit system reliability 5 7 9 concluded that "Investment in new made a formal dollar-value estimate of the development adjacent to MAX already benefits. Nonetheless, these measures bring Total 231 289 349 exceeds the cost of the project by fivefold." up significant potential benefits worthy of additional public discussion and research.

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The values shown are for PSRC' s preferred In addition to the number of riders and the Highlight: implementation strategy (Note: these are year associated costs, there are many other aspects 2020 projections). Results for the other PSRC If the RTA investment in bus service, rail of Sound Move that deserve attention. These strategies would be in the range shown. The systems and HOV direct access ramps issues are presented as questions and answers transit mode shares projected by the PSRC are affects the regional economy sufficiently in Table 9. significantly higher in part because their to increase personal income by as little as forecasts are not constrained by FTA one-tenth of one percent (.001), that guidelines in the same way as the RT A's. This increase can be conservatively estimated Table 8: Annual va lue of regional benefits from investing in Sound Move is particularly true when looking at the effect to be $85 million per year. of a regional rail system on land use and If the RTA's economic benefit increased Low-range Mid-range High-range regional policies to reduce both congestion employment one-half of one percent (. 005 ), estimate estimate estimate and vehicle emissions. The PSRC makes a that increase would be worth $425 million Measures ($M/yr) ($M/yr) ($M/yr) deliberate effort to forecast these effects. each year. Travel time savings for system users 78 98 118 Benefits in addition to transit ridership of This increase represents only personal income, and excludes any additional affect Parking cost savings for system users 10 13 16 Sound Move on regional commercial activity. Reduction in vehicle miles traveled The RTA believes that only a broader (auto operating cost savings) 15 19 23 interpretation of transit system benefits can Travel time savings for drivers of private account for the new transit systems (and the Table 8 presents the varied benefit vehicles 16 20 24 popularity of those systems) in the following measures benefit with an estimated dollar west coast cities: range for each. The value ranges might be Reduction in required employer-provided compared, for example, to the ten-year system parking 12 14 17 • San Diego, CA plan cost per year of approximately $200 • Los Angeles, CA million (in local tax dollars). The variety of Increased mobility for commercial vehicles 11 13 16 I • San Jose, CA benefits is wide and far-reaching. Construction and related employment 64 80 96 • San Francisco, CA Table Sb presents a wide range of Increased property value in areas near Under Under Under • Sacramento, CA additional measures which are worthy of transit stations study study study • Portland, OR consideration when evaluating a regional transit investment. These measures are either Bus service replaced by RTA, available for • Vancouver, BC more qualitative in nature or difficult to reinvestment 20 25 30 As an example, Tri-Met in Portland quantify. For that reason, the RTA has not Improvements in transit system reliability 5 7 9 concluded that "Investment in new made a formal dollar-value estimate of the development adjacent to MAX already benefits. Nonetheless, these measures bring Total 231 289 349 exceeds the cost of the project by fivefold." up significant potential benefits worthy of additional public discussion and research.

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Table 9: Other issues related to benefits of Sound Move

Questions Answers

Is the RTA Ten-Year System Plan part of a Tab le Bb: Additional measures of regional benefits worthy of consideration Yes- the RTA ten-year system plan is consistent comprehensive approach to regional with the region's adopted Metropolitan Trans­ (and further research ) mobility? portation Plan, and puts in place a large part of the transit component of that plan. Increased commercial activity from new businesses attracted to the region due to improved transportation Will the RTA Plan improve transit travel Yes- the bus, HOV and rail investments Value of retaining existing employers in the region due to transportation improvements times in the region's congested corridors? improve travel times in all major corridors, especially compared to future congested speeds. Increased rail freight mobility Because much more of the transit system will Aid to the region's employers in achieving the Commute Trip Reduction Act goals operate in protected rights-of-way, transit speeds and travel times will be preserved at the Transportation benefits (reduced parking, congestion, and travel time savings) of transit same as the roadway system becomes much carrying a higher share of trips to special events more congested and auto travel gets slower. Vehicle ownership and insurance savings Will the RTA plan provide additional Yes- the plan significantly increases people­ Increased tourist expenditures capacity in congested corridors? moving capacity in all major, congested corri­ dors. Air quality and other health benefits

Safety benefits of locating HOV lanes in center of road Are the new RTA services and facilities Yes- the plan enriches the existing network of being integrated into the existing transit express bus routes, enhances service coordina­ Increased connections between and to I from regional economic centers system and fare structure? tion at rail stations and new transit centers, and provides significant new funding for fare Reduction or control of suburban sprawl into currently undeveloped, natural areas integration. The RTA plan allows the local bus Enhanced pedestrian environment allowing more people to engage in activities without a car operators to reinvest 400,000 hours of bus service each year. Improvements in road system reliability

Increased opportunities for local mobility due to reinvestment of bus service Is the RTA plan part of an integrated Yes- a "high-capacity transportation" system regional growth management strategy? has always been regarded as essential to the New people-moving capacity in the region's most congested corridors success of growth management in this region. Preservation of transit travel times via dedicated ROW, while roads become more congested Does the RTA serve major centers of Yes- RTA services (bus and rail) will connect Integrating the four-operator, multi-county transit fare systems economic activity? Does it improve access centers with over 700,000 jobs. All major special to jobs? events locations are connected by RTA services. Improving transit as a travel option for both "choice" and "dependent" riders during a period in which the region's roads become more congested Does the RTA plan improve access to Yes- all RTA services and stations will be fully opportunities and activities, for individuals accessible to people with disabilities. All major facing special challenges to their mobility? employment and special event locations will be served by the RTA. The regional express bus system also includes supplementalADAfunding.

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Benefits ofRTA investments in the HOV Expressway system and regional express bus service

The state Transportation Department's As individuals switch to carpools, Office of Urban Mobility has estimated that Highlight: vanpools and buses from single-occupant Table 11: Peak-period travel time savings the direct access HOV ramps included in the One full40-foot bus is equivalent to a line ) vehicles, and as time savings accrue for all for drivers RT A ten-year plan will serve slightly more of cars stretching highway system users - and as these benefits than 200,000 people on an average day. Forty­ ) Peak vehicle-miles • six city blocks, if traffic is moving spread out to vehicles on arterials and local reduced per day 300,000 two percent of these trips will be on buses - at 25 m.p.h., or roads - there will be regional economic to a great extent the RTA' s regional express benefits that can be estimated. These benefits Daily reduction in • 4.5 city blocks if traffic is moving bus routes - with the remainder in carpools included reduced operating costs for peak-period delays at 15 m.p.h .. and vanpools. automobiles. These benefits are summarized (person hours) 6,700 in Table 12. The HOV Expressway system will also Annual reduction in offer significant time saving advantages for from general purpose traffic lanes, freeing up As people experience travel time savings peak-period delays both carpool and vanpool users and capacity on the region's highways. As moving around the region, and as some find (millions of person hours) 1.7 passengers on the region's bus systems. Table capacity shifts, general purpose vehicle improved, faster transit to be an attractive 10 shows benefits achieved through the HOV speeds will increase, making for faster trips option to their private auto, employers will Annual value of savings $20 million Expressway investments. for both personal trips and commercial also benefit. Table 13 summarizes just one of The HOV Expressway system, the bus vehicles. Some people will shift their travel these benefits -reduced employer-provided modes to take advantage of the attractive, parking. services that will use that system, and the Table 12: Auto operating cost savings person trips served will benefit nonusers as competitive alternative to the car offered by well. Vehicle trips made in the HOV the HOV Expressway system, further Mode shift savings increasing travel time advantages for general Expressway segments -including those Annual vehicle purpose traffic. Table 11 summarizes these made by express buses - will be removed miles of travel 125 million travel time benefits. Auto operating cost savings $19 million Table 10: Travel time savings for HOV Expressway system users Parking cost savings $13 million Carpools Bus Tota l for RTA Total savings $32 million and vanpools* passengers ten-year plan } Daily time savings (min.) 380,000 350,000 730,000 ) Table 13: Benefits to employers Annual time savings (mil. of hours) 1.6 1.5 3.1 Annual value of savings (mil. of 1995 $) $19.2 $18.0 $37.2 Reduction in demand for employer-provided parking spaces 14,000 *Though included here, carpool and van pool users are not counted in the transit ridership discussed throughout this appendix. Annual cost per parking place $1000

Savings $14 million

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lanes by the state, will create a seamless Additional benefits of the HOV Expressway Highlight: system Table 14: Centers connected via bus system of exclusive transit/HOV rights-of­ routes using HOV Expressway way, where HOV' s can get out of the Based on US Dept. of Energy data, Developing an HOV Expressway will have congestion caused by general purpose American Public Transit Association several important regional benefits, including: Economic center Center employment traffic. The potential improvement to bus estimates the fuel efficiency comparisons (201 0) of public transit compared to the average • Connecting regional economic centers­ service is so dramatic that completing the HOV system has been a major goal of the car to be: The RT A will connect many of the region's Auburn 10,000 region's transit operators for a decade. vital economic centers. While many will be Bellevue 58,00 • one bus with seven passengers is connected by the electric-light rail and Dupont 7,000 • Safety effects of direct access to HOV equivalent to one car commuter rail systems, an even larger East gate 10,000 lanes - Changing lanes ranks among the • one full bus equals six cars number will be connected by an HOV Everett 35,000 most hazardous vehicle movement on a system significantly enhanced by the Federal Way 18,000 highway. The RTA's direct access ramp RT A's investment. Regional economic Issaquah 8,000 elements will eliminate, to a great extent, Using the regional express bus routes centers receiving direct benefit of the HOV Kent 21,000 the current system's indirect access to the The regional express bus routes would Expressway system and the express bus Kirkland 8,000 "wrong" side of the freeway which forces typically operate in an express mode. Most of route services are listed in Table 14. The Lakewood 5,000 buses and HOVs to weave through traffic them would operate frequently (every 15 centers shown will be connected to all Lynnwood 18,000 to get to HOV lanes. The ramps will also minutes during rush hours), and would others via bus routes using the HOV Ex­ Overlake 27,000 help eliminate the multiple unsafe lane operate all day, every day. pressway system. Puyallup 8,000 changes to get on and off the highway. • Reliability of the regional bus system - Redmond 11,000 While reduced accidents, and the cost of The total annual ridership on these routes It is difficult to forecast and place a dollar Renton 35,000 those accidents can't be forecast, it is is 15.8 million. The average weekday value on the improved transit and HOV Seattle 209,000 nonetheless a direct benefit of the RTA' s hoardings total 54,000. In addition to the system reliability that the HOV Sumner 6,000 investment. The value of this safety benefit ridership on these routes, the RT A transit Expressway system will create. Since the Tacoma 51,000 would be difficult to overstate. While investments free up hours of bus service for current HOV system isn't continuous, and SeaTac 26,000 difficult to quantify, the safety aspect of the reinvestment in local routes. The RT A and direct access to the lanes is rare, vehicles Tukwila 26,000 direct access ramps will make a real local bus operators would work together to that might otherwise make their entire trip Totem Lake 10,000 difference in the lives of the approximately determine the locations of these reinvestments in an HOV lane actually make a large Northgate 14,000 200,000 people who will use them on an after RT A services are in place. The potential portion of that trip in general purpose Bothell 9,000 average day. These people will not have to ridership gains from these additional local bus lanes. This means that for significant parts University District 19,000 experience four to six lane changes each services are substantial. Assuming that the of their journeys, buses and HOV s are that it commonly takes to reach and then reinvested bus service is equal in productivity Total subject to the delays, breakdowns and 650,000 exit the center HOV lanes. to the present Pierce Transit local routes and gridlock common on the region's King County-Metro suburban routes, the highways. The HOV Expressway system, estimated 400,000 hours of service would along with completion of the HOV core carry approximately six million additional riders per year.

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Benefits of RTA investments in commuter rail and electric light rail

Regional express bus route ridership, There are several well-established reasons Rail hoardings by route Table 15: Regional express bus route for the RT A to consider rail as a significant Table 16 shows the estimated rail forecasts component of a regional transit plan: The bus routes shown in Sound Move are hoardings by line for Sound Move. an example of a regional express bus system RTA regional express • since rail usually travels in its own right-of­ Annual hoardings With 105,000 hoardings, the Seattle-SeaTac that responds to each subarea's priorities. bus routes (millions ) way, it offers a high-speed alternative to light-rail line would carry well over three These routes were defined with enough cars times the current ridership of Portland's MAX detail to estimate costs and ridership for final A Everett- Aurora Village 0.4 • trains operating in their own right-of-way line. plan adoption, but the routes will be refined B. Everett -Mountlake Terrace- are extremely reliable since they are not A range of commuter rail ridership is as they are put in place. The community Seattle 1.3 subject to congestion, accidents, shown. The range is due to a degree of involvement process, and subarea priorities breakdowns or bad weather delays. at the time the routes are implemented will c. Everett- Bothell- Bellevue 1.2 uncertainty that remains regarding the affect the way the actual routes are initiated. D. Lynnwood- Bothell- Bellevue 0.8 Not all of the benefits that urban areas following factors: derive from a rail system can simply be stated For this reason, the detailed ridership • the breakdown between peak- and off-peak E. Woodinville - Northgate 0.5 as some form of "count" or another- such as forecasts simply illustrate the general service direction service, and plan. It is essential to have flexibility when F. Issaquah- Bellevue- Northgate 1.7 the number of rail users or, the number of rail riders who would have been in cars had the • the degree of through-routing of the developing the scope and schedules of new G. Redmond- Bellevue - Seattle 2.2 regional express bus services so that the rail system never been built. Another good service between the two lines to the north H. Bellevue- Renton- SeaTac routes can respond to actual customer 1.4 measure of the benefits of rail might be the and south of downtown Seattle. listing of "Preferred Cities for Corporate demand. I. Redmond- University District 0.5 While the range shown here is for Relocation" recently published by the Urban Federal Way- Auburn- Renton- informational purposes, all the ridership­ Because of the cost factors surrounding J. Land Institute. The Institute's Land Use Digest Bellevue related numbers used elsewhere in this new all-day express bus routes, the RTA will 0.7 2 listed the ten cities receiving the most document (including the measures of put regional express bus routes in place K. Puyallup - Auburn- Renton- corporate reallocations for both 1994 and 1995. productivity) reflect the low end of the incrementally. This will allow initial service Bellevue 0.7 In both years, nine of the ten cities have either range. The RT A has made use of the "worst levels to build to full service over time (an long-established rail systems or new ones L. SeaTac- West Seattle- Seattle 1.3 case" commuter rail forecasts to ensure that average of three years). During this time, the undergoing expansion. RTA will review route ridership as it is M. Tacoma- Federal Way- all the estimates and calculations are established and grows. It will allow bus SeaTac - Seattle 0.6 conservative. service resources to be retargeted if a bus N. Tacoma- Seattle 0.6 route fails to prove reasonably attractive to Table 16: Rail station hoardings riders. This retargeting will respect the needs 0 . Dupont - Lakewood - Seattle 0.2 and priorities of subareas from whose budget P. Tacoma - Auburn 0.1 Line Daily hoardings Annual hoardings the service funding is drawn. The Q. South Hill- Dupont incremental approach will allow the RT A to 0.6 Seattle-SeaTac light-rail line 105,000 32.0 million effectively balance the dual goals of offering R. Lakewood- Tacoma 0.3 Tacoma light-railline 2,000 0.6 million efficient services and delivering services Everett-to-Seattle commuter rail* 2,400 - 3,200 0.6 - .8 million S. Mid-Pierce County- Tacoma 0.2 promised in Sound Move. Lakewood-to-Seattle commuter rail* 10,200- 14,000 2.6 - 3.6 million T. Lakewood - Puyallup 0.5 Total 119,600-124,200 35.8 - 37.0 million Total 15.8 *All calculations of commuter rail productivity use the low end of the range shown.

C-18 C-19 Sound Move Sound Move

O&M costs, fare revenue and operating subsidies

Fares Cost effectiveness Table 17: Net operating cost Fare revenue forecasts assume continuing Table 19: Annual O&M cost of the system Table 19 reflects the annual O&M cost of plan per additional rider the present transit fares to 2010, with fare Annual O&M the RT A ten-year plan per additional rider riders cost Fares increases only matching the inflation rates over the cost of the existing transit system. assumed in the financial plan. Based on the Year 2010 Light rail 32.6M $38M $20M ridership forecasts, the fare revenues upon O&M cost of the regional express bus Additional passenger completion of the ten-year plan would be: Commuter system by route trips compared to today' s · • Light rail = $20 million/year rail 3.2-4.4M $21.7M $5- $7M system 42 million The RTA regional express bus routes • Commuter rail= $5-7 million/year Regional would typically operate with limited stops. Additional transit express bus 15.8M $40.5 M $13M hoardings compared to • Regional express bus= $13 million/year Most of these routes are different from today' s express routes in that they would run quite today' s system 69 million These annual fare revenues are expressed frequently- every 15-30 minutes during peak Cost per additional in constant 1995 dollars. periods and every 30-60 minutes during the passenger trip $2.40 Table 18: Farebox recovery rest of the day - and would operate in two Net operating cost directions, all day, every day (including week­ Cost per additional boarding $1.45 The net operating cost subsidy is the Light rail 53 % ends). The total estimated annual ridership on annual operating and maintenance (O&M) Commuter rail 23-32% these new routes is 15.8 million hoardings. As shown in Table 18, the 20 all-day regional cost, minus fare revenues. • System-level operating revenue per Rail system combined 42 -45% express bus routes would have an average operating expense (OR/OE) ratios typically farebox recovery ratio of about 32 percent. System efficiency Regional express bus routes 32% include more operating revenue than fares Table 17 reflects the farebox revenues and For individual routes this recovery ratio alone - for example, advertising revenue. System total 38-40% O&M costs of the RTA plan by mode. would range between 15 percent and 50 RTA regional express route estimates percent (this compares to system farebox represent farebox revenues, only. No other The farebox recovery ratios (operating recovery ratios for the region's four transit operating revenues are included. revenue per operating expense ratios) shown operators ranging from 5.6 percent to 23.4 • Many reporting methods also omit some in Table 18 exceed those established as percent according to the Federal Transit operating expenses which the RT A has minimum acceptable levels by the RT A Board; Administration report: 1994 Transit Profiles for included (e.g., a 15 percent add-on for 40 percent and 20 percent for the rail and bus Agencies in Urbanized Areas Exceeding 200,000 ADA supplemental service). These various systems, respectively. Population). Comparing route-level forecasts supporting costs are very often excluded to system-level statistics could easily lead to when transit system bus operators present misleading conclusions because: route level information, complicating direct comparisons.

C-20 C-21 Sound Move Sound Move

Comparing the capacity of rail systems and highways

Due to the cost factors surrounding new This section provides a consistent, all-day express routes, the RTA will put the Highlight: conservative and understandable calculation Highlight: regional express bus routes in place Among US cities with populations over 1 of capacity for the highways and rails. This is Compared to a peer average (including incrementally. This will allow a buildup from million, cities with rail systems have a comparison of practical highway capacities Tri-Rail, BWI Airport, Northern Indiana, initial service levels to full service over time. transit mode splits - the share of all trips with practical rail capacities. Comparisons are Penn DOT, Staten Island and Caltrain) for During this period, the RTA will conduct a served by transit - 120 percent higher not made of "theoretical" maximum capacities commuter rail operating expenses, the RTA systematic review as route ridership is than cities with bus-only transit systems. that have not been experienced or sustained, commuter rail system will have a 14 established and grows. Table 20 presents the in the case of highways, or might not be percent to 19 percent lower average cost Sources: 1990 US Census and Federal Transit annual boardings and O&M costs for the achievable, in the case of rail. per trip. Administration Section 15 reports regional express bus system, by route. Capacity is defined as the highest number of vehicles that can be accommodated by a The Highway Capacity Manual also states lane as a stable flow of traffic according to the that "the LOSE boundary . .. has been Table 20: Regional express bus route forecasts Transportation Research Board's Highway generally been found to be the critical density Capacity Manual. at which capacity most often occurs. This RTA reg ional express Annual hoardings Annual O&M cost corresponds to ... a capacity of 2,000 pcphpl bus routes (millions) (millions) Highway engineers usually describe highway operation in terms of levels of [passenger cars per hour per lane] for 60-mph and 70-mph design speeds." Thus, the actual A. Everett -Aurora Village 0.4 $1.6 service (LOS), ranging from LOS A to LOS F. number of vehicles per lane is less than 2,000 B. Everett - Mountlake Terrace - Seattle 1.3 $2.9 LOS F represents "breakdown flow" and is per hour if the traffic includes vehicles larger c. Everett - Bothell - Bellevue 1.2 $1.8 usually referred to as the failed condition. D. Lynnwood - Bothell - Bellevue 0.8 $1.5 According to the Highway Capacity Manual, than passenger cars (i.e., trucks). E. Woodinville - Northgate 0.5 $1.7 "the boundary between LOS D and LOS E Using the 2,000 vehicles per hour per lane F. Issaquah - Bellevue- Northgate 1.7 $3.7 describes operation at capacity. Operations at as the standard for sustainable capacity, the G. Redmond - Bellevue - Seattle 2.2 $3.3 this level are extremely unstable .... At practical person-carrying capacity of a lane H. Bellevue- Renton- SeaTac 1.4 $3.2 capacity, the traffic stream has no ability to can be determined by multiplying the number I. Redmond - University District 0.5 $1.9 dissipate even the most minor disruptions. of vehicles by the average occupancy of a J. Federal Way -Auburn - Renton- Bellevue 0.7 $2.0 Any incident can be expected to produce a vehicle on the highway. K. Puyallup- Auburn- Renton- Bellevue 0.7 $1.4 serious breakdown with extensive queuing... L. SeaTac - West Seattle - Seattle 1.3 $1.3 . Maneuverability within the traffic stream is A survey of western U.S. cities shows that M. Tacoma -Federal Way - SeaTac 0.6 $1.2 extremely limited, and the level of physical the average vehicle occupancy (AVO) on N. Tacoma- Seattle 0.6 $4.6 and psychological comfort afforded to the highways range from around 1.1 persons per 0. Dupont - Lakewood - Seattle 0.2 $2.8 driver is extremely poor. Average travel vehicle to 1.3. In 1990, Puget Sound area P. Tacoma -Auburn 0.1 $0.9 speeds at capacity are approximately 30 counts showed average vehicle occupancies at Q. South Hill -Dupont 0.6 $1.9 m.p.h. ." 21locations along the region's highways R. Lakewood - Tacoma 0.3 $1.3 ranging from 1.05 to 1.24 in the morning and S. Mid-Pierce County- Tacoma 0.2 $0.6 from 1.06 to 1.4 in the afternoon (these counts T. Lakewood -Puyallup 0.5 $0.9 and the U.S. Census report that average occupancy dropped in the region between TOTAL 15.8 $40.5 1980 and 1990).

Note: The RTA cost estimates include a 15% add-on for ADA supplemental service.

C-22 C-23 Sound Move Sound Move

Based on current Puget Sound region The passenger carrying capacity of a rail The RT A light-rail system will information, average vehicle occupancy over system is a function of the number of rail accommodate six-car trains. The capacity of Highlights: an entire day does not appear to exceed 1.25 vehicles in a train, the number of passengers each rail car, including standing passengers, is A recent Federal Transit Administration (give or take a couple hundredths of a person) carried in each vehicle and the number of 125 people (this number is consistent with study concluded that households in -though there aren't enough comprehensive trains that operate per hour in each direction. experience in many U.S. cities and does not communities with a variettj of commercial counts or surveys to allow a definitive exceed vehicle capacity recommended by the activities within walking distance of rail calculation. The state Transportation Federal Transit Administration for use in stations save an average of $250 per Department sometimes uses the 1.25 value for Table 21: Highway lane capacity federally-supported planning studies). Thus, month in car ownership costs. Nationwide highway performance analysis. six-car trains would each be capable of this savings totals $20 billion per year. (LOSE (Average (Persons carrying 750 passengers. Assuming there is an average of 1.25 capacity vehicle per lane persons per vehicle, the average person­ per lane) occupancy) per hour) With modern signaling, the RTA rail lines carrying volume on an average freeway lane will be capable of a peak-use level of service is 2,500 people per hour, as shown in Table of at least one train every three minutes. This 2,000 X 21. 1.25 2,500 translates into 20 trains per hour, per This translates into a six-lane highway with direction, and yields a peak system capacity a practical person-carrying capacity of 15,000 as shown in Table 22. people per hour, or twelve-lanes capable of A rough comparison, shown in Table 23, accommodating 30,000 people per hour. can then be done between the current capacity of the region's highways and the proposed rail system. Table 22: Peak-use rail system capacity

Passengers Tra ins Passengers Two Directions Passengers Table 23: Current highway and proposed rail system capacity Per Train Per Hour Per Hour Per Hour Highway Rail

750 X 20 15,500 X 2 30,000 Number of Persons Total Equivalent one Equivalent two highway per highway direction rail direction rail lanes lane capacity capacity capacity

6 X 2,500 15,000 15,000 N!A

12 X 2,500 30,000 N/A 30,000

C-24 C-25 Sound Move Sound Move

System reliability References

Reliability is one measure of a transpor­ The light-rail system will provide American Automobile Association, Landis, Guhathakurta and Zhang, tation system's performance. It plays an significantly greater reliability than all other "Statistics: Auto Operating Costs", in The Capitalization of Transit Investments into Single important role in influencing how a person types of public transportation in the region. Urban Transportation Monitor, (May, 1995). Family Home Prices: A Comparative Analysis of chooses to travel (auto, bus, rail, bicycle, etc.). The light-raiL system will operate in exclusive Five California Rail Transit Systems, University American Public Transit Association, Try System reliability basically evaluates how rights-of-way (a mix of tunnels, priority of California at Berkeley, Working Paper 619, Transit Week Program Guide, (May, 1996). ma:ny transit vehicles arrive on time, or within surface and aerial alignments). (July, 1994). a limited deviation from a published Arrington, G. B., Jr., Beyond the Field of Since the commuter rail system will run Land Use Digest 2, ULI -the Urban Land schedule. Dreams: Light Rail and Growth Management in entirely on existing and improved freight Institute, (February, 1996). Portland, Tri-Met, (March, 1995). System reliability has dropped significantly railroad tracks -with a high degree of grade Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, in the central Puget Sound region's separation and fully protected at-grade Cambridge Systematics, et al, Investment in Managing Employee Parking in a Changing transportation network in the last decade. crossings (with signals, crossing arms, etc.)­ Public Transportation: The Economic Impacts of Market, Service Development Division, Single-occupancy vehicles are experiencing a it should operate very reliably. the RTA on the Regional and State Economies, (November, 1993). high degree of unreliability because of traffic Northeastern Illinois Regional Transportation Finally, the regional express bus system Authority (January, 1995). Oregon Department of Transportation, congestion. will be more reliable than current bus service Freight Mobility Study, per conversation with Traffic congestion in the central Puget (though it will be less reliable than the light Central Puget Sound Regional Transit C. Deffebach, Portland METRO, (May, 1996). Sound corridor has increased rapidly in the rail and commuter rail systems because it Authority, "Decision '96" Resource Book: last ten years, and it now affects travel on must still deal with general traffic congestion). Developing a New Phase I Transit System Ballot Parsons Brinckerhoff I Kaiser Engineers, most-major freeways, expressways and These new regional bus services will use HOV Proposal, (January, 1996). Regional Transit System Statewide Employment and Income Impacts, (July, 1994). arterials. Hours of congestion have also lanes wherever available. The RT A will also Central Puget Sound Regional Transit work closely with local jurisdictions to increased, with stop-and-go traffic a Authority, Master Plan, (October, 1994). Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, commonplace experience at midday and on develop transit priority treatments at critical Inc., Travel Time Savings Summary Report: Central Puget Sound Regional Transit weekends in many places. Traffic congestion "pinch points" on regional express bus routes Puget Sound HOV Pre-Design Studies, Phase II Authority, Phase I Study Options Results Report, is expected to get worse as travel demand to allow faster and more reliable service. (Final Draft), Washington State Department of (September, 1994). continues to rise. Overall, Sound Move should offer greater Transportation, Office of Urban Mobility, The reliability of public transportation is system reliability than is currently available. Central Puget Sound Regional Transit (March, 1996). Authority, Regional Transit System Master Plan experiencing a decline similar to general Phillips, Don, "Federal Study Says Technical Appendix, (February, 1995). automobile traffic in many corridors where Spending on Transit Reaps Bonanza for high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are not Federal Transit Administration, Transit Area", in The Washington Post, (April, 1996), available. For example, bus operating speeds Profiles: Agencies in Urbanized Areas Exceeding reference to Federal Transit Administration on urban arterials in the Seattle have dropped 200,000 Population for the 1994 National Transit 1996 report. 22-46 percent between 1962 and 1992. Even Database Report Year, (December, 1995). with HOV lanes, traffic pinch-points have Puget Sound Regional Council, 1995 substantially reduced reliability. The three King County Transit Division, Six-Year Metropolitan Transportation Plan: The types of transit featured in the RTA ten-year Transit Development Plan for 1996 - 2001, Transportation Element of Vision 2020, the system plan (light rail, commuter rail, and Transportation Department (December, 1995). Region's Growth Management, Economic and regional express bus routes on HOV lanes) Transportation Strategy, (May, 1995). will provide greater reliability than the current public transportation system.

C-26 C-27 Sound Move

Puget Sound Regional Council, 1995 Population and Employment Forecasts for the Central Puget Sound Region, (August, 1995). Shunk, Gordon A. (editor), The Effects of Added Transportation Capacity (Conference Proceeding), Texas Transportation Institute, (1991). Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle, King County: Crossroads of the Global Economy, King County Economic Development Office (1995).

C-28 Sound Move - the Regional Transit System Plan

Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority Union Station 401 S. Jackson St. Seattle, Washington 98104-2826 E-mail: [email protected] (800) 201-4900

Information presented in the system plan is provided by the Sound Transit to inform citizens and may be reproduced freely.

Sound Transit Executive Director: Joni Earl

This information is available in accessible formats upon request at 888-889-6368 or 888-713-6030 TTY. Sound Transit information is also available on the Web at www.soundtransit.org.

7 SOUNDTRANSIT \..-PUGEr e Regiooal Transit Aullloritv

RTA 1996 0001 As adopted May 31, 1996

111111~lrlll] I II 00000378 Contents

Introduction The Regional Transit Authority 1 The plan and the vision 2 Vision goals and objectives 2 Goals 2 Objectives 3 The regional transit vision 4 Environmental analysis for the regional transit system 5

The Regional Transit District The Regional Transit District map 6 Annexing new areas and extending RTA Services 7 Annexations 7 Extending RTA services beyond district boundaries 8

The Regional Transit System A network of services 9 The Regional Transit long-range vision map 10 Building blocks of the long-range vision 12 High-occupancy-vehicle Expressway 12 Regional express buses 13 Commuter rail 13 Electric light-rail 14 Future HCT corridors 14 Gateways to the region - community connections 15 Working together - a coordinated system of services ~ I Facilities that fit with the community they serve 16 i I Encouraging policies that support transit 17 I Coordinated routes and schedules 17 I A one-ticket ride 17 Transportation Demand Management (TDM) 18 Innovation fund 18

Bringing the vision into focus II Regional relationships 19 Right-of-way preservation 20 Reviewing and updating the long-range vision 21

. Long-range vision funding RTA taxing authority 22 Future financial capacity 22 Introduction

If you've lived in the Central Puget Sound The Regional Transit Authority region for any length of time, you've probably The region has both local and regional used the phrase, "1 remember when... " many transportation needs. Local transit agencies times when talking about how the region has focus on local needs. But until 1993, there was grown and changed over the years. And with no single agency with the responsibility - or another 1.4 million people living here in with the authority - to deal with regional another 25 years, you'll probably be using that public transit needs. It was then that the phrase quite a few more times. Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Our region's growth is the by-product of a Authority (RTA) was created to take on the strong, healthy and competitive economy in a challenge of regional mobility and develop region often cited as one of the most livable in and deliver a high-capacity transportation the country. Unfortunately, growth and (HCT) system to the citizens of urban King, growing pains go hand-in-hand. In addition Pierce and Snohomish counties as part of the to being one of the most livable places in the region's overall long-range transportation country, the Puget Sound region also has plan. some of the worst traffic. Some of the physical High-capacity transportation simply refers attributes of our region that make it such a to a transit system that carries large numbers desirable place to live - the water, hills and of people faster and more frequently than a mountains - also create natural barriers to basic, conventional local transit system. To do expanding our transportation system. One of this, the type of transit used in the system the toughest challenges ahead of us is keeping (express buses, rail or both) usually need to our economy - and the growing number of run in their own rights-of-way, separated people in the Puget Sound region - moving from general traffic (and general traffic jams). over the next quarter of a century.

1 j

The plan and the vision Long-range vision goals and objectives II Building on years of intensive planning The long-range vision's goals and 1 and public involvement, the RT A has crafted objectives are: a new proposal for an HCT system: Sound i Move - the Ten-Year Regional Transit System Goals 1 Plan. It is the "System Plan" the RTA is • Provide a public transportation system that 1 required by state law to prepare. Sound Move ensures long-term mobility for the citizens can only be implemented if voters approve an of the Puget Sound region for generations increase in local taxes to fund the system. to come. l Sound Move implements the first phase of - Provide reliable, convenient and safe the RTA's Regional Transit Long-Range public transportation services Vision described in this document. Think of throughout the region and create an the long-range vision as the map for reaching integrated system of transit services the region's transportation goals. The long­ and fares. range vision describes an Her system that will be included as the HCT component of • Preserve communities and open space I any state and regional long-range - Support communities' ability to I transportation plans. The long-range vision i develop - consistent with state and provides the long-range goals, policies and regional laws and growth management strategies that guide development of the policies -.:... in ways that keep our It ! regional transit system during each neighborhoods livable and protect our ,! implementation phase. i natural resources and open space. j i • Contribute to the region's economic vitality - Increase access to jobs, education and I other community resources; enhance I the region's ability to move goods and services. 1 • Preserve our environment - Conserve land and energy resources, and control air pollution.

2 Objectives • Create a regional transit system that provides social, economic and • Keep the region moving environmental benefits - Increase the percentage of people using - Help limit urban sprawl, maintain open public transportation throughout the space and protect natural resources. region for all trips, not just trips to work. - Support creation of communities that are easy to reach and use on foot, by - Increase the percentage of people using bicycle, on transit and by people with transit for their trips to work and the disabilities. percentage using transit to reach major regional employment centers. - Increase transportation options that use less energy, consume less land - Increase public transportation ridership resources and produce less pollution. at a rate faster than the population is growing. • Develop equitable transportation solutions - Reduce the average time it takes to - Offer transit services that benefit make a trip by transit. subareas within the region in proportion to the revenues they - Increase transit speeds and improve the generate. reliability of transit service. • Create a financially feasible system - Make it easier to use transit to reach jobs, schools, medical facilities, - Develop a system that is affordable to recreation and shopping throughout the build, run .and use. region. • Offer regional services that work well with - Support ridesharing, vanpooling and other transportation services other commute trip reduction programs - Work with local public transportation that complement the regional transit providers and the state Transportation system. Department to coordinate services and. • Offer cost-effective and efficient develop a single-fare structure. transportation solutions - Offer the most efficient and effective services and facilities possible within available resources.

3 j j


The regional transit vision The long-range vision includes a mix of transportation improvements - high­ State law charges the RTA with planning, occupancy-vehicle expressway, regional building and operating a high-capacity express bus routes, commuter rail and light transportation (HCT) system for the Central rail. The vision includes community Puget Sound region. The RTA's vision for the "gateways" - connections in urban and region's HCT system - and an essential tool suburban areas for communities to connect to for the region's healthy growth - is a the rest of the region. The long-range vision combined rail and regional express bus also includes the supporting services and system. facilities needed to put such a system in place. That vision is to expand the capacity of our region's major transportation corridors by adding new high-capacity transportation services and facilities. In addition to increasing the people-carrying capacity of the region's most heavily used transportation corridors, the system would also support growth management policies, limit sprawl and provide the mobility needed for a vital economy.

4 Environmental analysis for the regional Long-range vision development has been transit system guided by legislation in place at the time the document was adopted. Regional and In March, 1993, the RTA issued a final statewide transportation and growth environmental impact statement for the management plans also played a major role in regional transit system plan. The final EIS how this vision was developed. The RTA will defined and evaluated different technologies, continue to use current legislative policies to route alignments and areas served in order to monitor the development of the transit determine the benefits and impacts of system. different transit systems. The RTABoard's decision-making process relies in part on the final EIS. The regional transit system described in this long-range vision reflects the program defined in the final EIS. Decisions that fall outside of the scope of the final EIS will require additional environmental analysis. All capital projects covered by this long­ range vision will be subject to· a full environmental review meeting state and federal requirements. Such project-level environmental review, induding extensive public involvement, must be completed before ·project construction and implementation.

5 Miles

Regional Transit District

r··········: Subareas for planning l...... 1 and budgeting purposes

6 The Regional Transit District

The RTA District boundary is shown on Annexing new areas and extending RTA the RTA District map. It defines the service services area as required by state law. The RTA District currently includes the most congested Annexations "urban" areas of King, Pierce and Snohomish According to state law, after voters within counties. the district boundaries have approved a ballot The RT A District boundary lines generally proposition authorizing local taxes to support follow the urban growth boundaries created the ten-year system plan, the RTA Board may by each county in accordance with the state approve resolutions calling for elections to Growth Management Act. The urban growth annex areas outside, but adjacent to, the RTA boundaries guide how and where growth will District. An annexation may require adoption take place in each county. The RT A District of a revised long-range vision. boundary was adjusted in some places in The following legal requirements are consideration of voter precinct boundaries, required to annex areas into the RT A: city limit lines, and geography. • Board membership - If the RTA District The RTA boundary: . changes, a change in the make-up of the • shows the area where high-capacity RTA Board membership maybe required. transportation (HCT) services will be Board membership must be added to our transportation system "representative" of the proportion of the • establishes representation on the RTA population from each county that falls Board as prescribed by state law within the RT A District. • shows the area in which local taxes • Areas that may be annexed - Areas that authorized by voters to help finance the would benefit from RT A services may be Regional Transit System will be collected annexed into the RT A District. Services or projects proposed must be consistent with • demonstrates how regional services and the central Puget Sound region's facilities can support growth management Metropolitan Transportation Plan. goals and adopted land-use plans. • Adoption by RTA Board and City/County For planning and budgeting purposes the councils - The RTA Board may call for RTA has divided the district into five annexation elections after consulting with geographic subareas. The system components any affected transit agencies and with the in Sound Move address unique needs in each approval of the legislative authority of the of these areas. The local tax revenues city or town (if the area is incorpprated) or generated in each of these areas will be spent with the approval of the area's county on the investments that benefit those areas. council (if it is uriincorporated).

7 j I I I I t ~ .~

• Tax vote by area citizens -Citizens in Extending RfA seIVices beyond district areas to be annexed are permitted to vote boundaries on annexation and imposition of taxes at The RTA will commit to extending new i rates already imposed within the RTA -' services beyond its boundaries to make District boundaries. connections to significant regional Because the RTA encourages areas to destinations contingent on agreements with annex into the district as early as possible to local government agencies. Such service expand access to regional transit system extensions would be implemented at a benefits, the authority will include the mutually agreeable cost. following policies in annexation agreements: This option would permit areas outside of • the RTA will not attempt to recover the the RT A District to function as part of the capital costs from annexed areas of regional system. Extending RTA services facilities put in place before the outside of its district would require annexations agreements with the affected local transit agency or other appropriate government • the RT A commits that, when annexed, the agencies. taxes from areas joining the RTA District will be used only for specific facilities and The RT A will enter into agreements with services for up to 5 years as described in an agencies beyond the district boundary to interlocal agreement with that area. After 5 integrate fares. This will allow flexible years, the tax revenues from an annexing transfers between various transit operators II area would be combined with funds from and prevent citizens who live outside the I the appropriate subarea. district from being penalized for making regional trips via transit instead of an •. ~ automobile.

8 The Regional Transit System

Anetwork of services The regional transit system will be the tie that binds the region together, connecting the The goal of the long-range vision is to communities of the Central Puget Sound improve the way we, as a region, move. In region in a way that supports local land-use turn, the vision aims at maintaining our plans, joins economic centers and.expands region's economic strength locally and local transit services. By providing direct globally. looks to creating a comprehensive, It connections to many destinations, the long­ regional high-capacity travel network. range vision will help reorient local services to Whether people are traveling to work, school, meet more community needs. recreational opportunities or shopping, the goal is to provide more options - dependable The long-range vision will be brought into alternatives for getting around in our focus in several phases: communities and the region. • Phase I (Sound Move) - do more with One of the most important features of the what we have; build on existing facilities long-range vision is creation of a network of and begin building new high-capacity frequent, convenient and dependable services travel corridors. that can be used with a single ticket (see the • Future phases - expand and complete the Regional Transit System Long-Range Vision high-capacity travel corridors; balance the map). The services within that network are blend of transportation services offered tailored to the unique needs of the diverse within the regional transit network and subareas within our region. increase the service and hours of operation. In developing a comprehensive transportation plan, planners look at the main travel corridors or routes that people use to go from one point in the region to another. For example, Interstate 405 is a major north-south travel corridor in the region. The long-range vision expands on existing travel corridors and creates new high-capacity transportation corridors linking our economic centers and communities.

9 .... c

Map key:

••••_1111111111111111 Electric Light-Rail Service Electric light-rail trains in first ten-year plan. Dashed line indicates the portion of the light­ rail system that will be built if additional funding is secured . •••••••••••••••••• Commuter Rail Service Trains using existing railroad tracks.

~ijijij![%~®~~ HOV Expressway A continuous system of HOV lanes with special access ramps for transit and carpools.

Regional Express Bus Service Express bus routes using the HOV Expressway, major arterials and expanded system of park-and-ride lots. ---- ______, Potential Rail Extensions Possible extensions of light rail, commuter rail or other technology.

Local Bus Service Network of bus routes provided by local transit agencies .

.... Building blocks of the long-range vision High-Dccupancy-vehicle Expressway The regional transit system includes The long-range vision includes completing regional services such as HOV Expressways, an HOV Expressway made up of all of the regional express buses, commuter rail, light core HOV lanes planned by the state rail that are integrated with local services such Transportation Department and RTA-funded as local bus, carpools and vanpools. The direct access ramps. regional system also includes community The HOV Expressway will be developed connections (transit stations, park-and-ride through a partnership between the RTA and lots, transit centers and rail stations). the state Transportation Department. It Although rail may be the future phase expands and improves upon a network that technology used in some corridors where the region has already begun, creating a additional HCT investments are envisioned permanent part of our regional transit system. beyond Sound Move, other HCT components The HOV Expressway includes the state's of the regional transit system (HOV program to fill the gaps and extend the Expressway, regional bus service, additional existing HOV-Iane system to create a community connections) may be expanded as continuous inside-lane HOV network. The well. Final decisions about the best mix of RTA will fund special access ramps to make it technologies in future phases will be made easier for transit and carpools to reach and based on performance of Sound Move use the HOV Expressway. Traffic flow will investments, public votes, evolving also improve in general purpose lanes since technologies, environmental analysis, actual buses and carpools will no longer have to population and employment growth, weave through several lanes of traffic to reach changing development trends and future the.HOV lanes. transportation priorities of the RTA District's The HOV Expressways create new links subareas. between suburban centers serving our region's fastest growing areas with fast efficient transportation options. A single HOV lane carries the same number of people as three general traffic lanes. The RTA Board views completion of the state's freeway HOV lane "core system" in the Puget Sound region as an important priority. However, the RTA assumes the state will complete construction of the core HOV lane system in accordance with its freeway HOV policy.

12 If the state does not fulfill its funding Commuter rail obligation, the RTA Board will conduct an The long-range vision includes two-way open and public process to determine whether commuter rail service on existing tracks all­ RTA funding is available (e.g. from savings day and everyday between Lakewood, realized in other program elements) and Tacoma, Seattle and Everett. Commuter rail should be used to help complete the core will offer a fast, dependable and easy-to-use HOV lane system. commute option, linking major destinations in Snohomish, Pierce and King counties. Regional Express Buses Commuter rail builds on a railroad The long-range vision includes a regional network already in place, increasing the network of express buses bperating on transportation system's people-moving freeways and major arterials. Many of the capacity. By making track and signal new regional express bus routes will take improvements necessary for commuter rail, advantage of the improved speed and the RTA improves the capacity of those lines reliability the HOV Expressway will offer. The for other passepger and freight trains as well. new high-speed regional express bus routes Commuter rail will share several stations with will offer frequent, two-way service Amtrak and the state's expanded intercity rail throughout the day in the region's most service between Portland and Vancouver, congested corridors. The regional express B.C., creating opportunities for interstate as buses will run every 15 minutes in major well as local connections. corridors during rush hours and every 15-30 minutes at other times. The regional express The RTA will develop a partnership with buses will serve major regional centers and the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern destinations and proVide connections to other railroads; the ports of Seattle, Tacoma and transportation components of the regional Everett; and the state Transportation transit system. Department to implement the commuter rail system. Track and signal improvements, The RTA does not propose directly grade separation at major crossings and operating any bus services in the region. Bus improvements required to operate commuter services proposed by the RTA would be rail and the state's intercity rail program will provided primarily through interlocal also benefit freight train traffic and support agreements or grants with the local transit our region's economic growth. agencies within the RTA District.

13 Electric light·rail Before additional light-rail segments are considered, Sound Move lines must be The long-range vision includes electric substantially completed and voters must light-rail lines linking the four major regional centers - Everett, Seattle, Tacoma and approve funding for any additional capital investments beyond Phase 1. Possible light­ Bellevue. Electric light rail is a cost-effective rail line extensions already covered by way to serve the core of the regional system environmental studies include: where transit ridership is the highest (a two­ way light rail line can carry the same number • North University District to downtown of people as 12 freeway lanes). This new Everett transportation link provides a stepping stone • SeaTac (S. 200th Street) south to Fort· for expansion well into the next centUry. Lewis/DuPont Sound Move includes a light-rail line • 1-405 between 164th S.W. (Swamp Creek) between the University District, Capitol Hill, and Sea-Tac Airport First Hill, downtown Seattle, the Rainier Valley area and SeaTac (S. 200th Street). If • 1-90 between downtown Seattle and additional funding is available, the RTA will Issaquah also extendthe light-rail line to Roosevelt and • Downtown Seattle to downtown Bellevue Northgate during the Sound Move ten-year and downtown Redmond implementation period. Sound Move also includes light-rail service connecting • Downtown Seattle to Ballard to the downtown Tacoma with the regional transit University District terminal near the Tacoma Dome. HCT improvements not listed above would need appropriate environmental review F"IIIre HCT corridors before being included in the long-range Factors that will determine what additional vision. BCT investments will be made in future phases - including future rail extensions - include evolving technologies, environmental analysis, actual population growth and employment, changing development trends and future transportation priorities of the .RT A District's subareas.

14 Gateways to the region - community The RTA is iiIso committed to supporting connections other, non-motorized means of transportation such as bicycles. The long-range vision Combined, new regional high-capacity provides space for bicycles on buses and transportation corridors and services will link trains as well as safe bicycle storage at transit our economic centers and provide new stations. The vision also includes, where connections for local communities. The long­ practical, improvements for safe bicycle travel range vision includes creating many new as part of HOV improvements and within rail "gateways" from communities to the region corridors. and from the region to communities. Those gateways include transit stations, park-arid­ ride lots, transit centers and rail stations that create community connections where people can reach their destination on foot, by bicycle, or by accessing other transportation services. New park-and-ride lot capacity improvements will be prioritized at locations where HOV direct access and regional bus service increases demand and where no surplus capacity exists. Criteria used to guide park-and-ride lot investments include: HOV direct access, adequate regional and/or local bus service levels and achieving standards for current and projected use. The community connections will, of course, also be readily accessible by all types of public transit. The RTA will work with local public transit agencies and local jurisdictions to make it easier for transit to reach and use the community gateways with improvements such as integrated signal systems and automated vehicle identification systems.

15 Working together - a coordinated system - of services

By coordinating with local transit and The RT A will work with local public other transportation services, the long-range transportation agencies, communities and vision will make it convenient and easy to local governments to place and design transit move around the region. Crucial to the vision facilities that fit with local community plans. and the entire regional transportation system This will include making improvements are the mechanisms that make different within one-half mile of each station for safe, transportation components work together to easy transit, pedestrian and bicycle access. create an efficient network connecting the Transit facility designs will be flexible, entire region. These mechanisms include: allowing each station to reflect and fit into the • coordinating local and regional transit community it serves while providing standard schedules, tying services together and features for transit customers such as: creating important regionwide connections • security and safety design standards • building transit centers, park-and-ride lots • consistent route and schedule information and stations where different types of I transportation come together to make • easy-ta-read and consistent signs connections simple and efficient • pedestrian-friendly design and full access • developing a uniform pass or ticket that for people with disabilities can be used on local buses, regional • bicycle access and secure storage express buses and trains, making transfers I easy. • transit-friendly access to allow smooth i transfers from one type of public I Facilities that fit with the community they transportation to another (Le. bus to rail, -j serve or bus to bus). • convenient taxi access The long-range vision will create a regional transit system that is easy to reach and use by everyone including pedestrians, bicyclists, people with disabilities and other public transportation customers.

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I 16 J Encouraging policies that support transit Coordinated routes and schedules The RTA's long-range vision includes Simple and coordinated connections are encouraging local jurisdictions, agencies and necessary between all parts of the regional private developers to develop policies and transportation network - buses, rail, ferries, services that encourage and support transit carpools, vanpools, shuttles, circulators, and transit facilities. This could include: intercity rail lines, taxis, airports, bicycles and pedestrians. These simple and coordinated • Encouraging pedestrian-oriented connections can be achieved by sharing communities, especially along major stations, simplifying transfer policies and using arterials in areas with mixed residential common fare structures. and commercial developments easily served by transit. An important part of integrating these services is providing stations or transit centers • Launching joint efforts among the RT A, where many transportation services come local transit agencies, jurisdictions and together, making transfers and connections communities to combine frequent, reliable convenient and expanding the scope of the transit service with improvements for entire transportation system. pedestrians. • Looking for opportunities between private A one-ticket ride developers and local jurisdictions to jointly Since high-capacity transit is just one part of develop and run peoplemover, shuttle or the overall regional transportation system, it is circulator systems that would expand the important that it work well with services scope of transit station service areas. already being provided or planned at the local and statewide level. One way to make sure HCT provides a smooth connection with other services in the region is to develop a uniform, single-ticket fare system among local and regional transit providers. This will allow customers to use a single ticket or pass to travel on any and all of the types of transit within the region (i.e: local bus, regional bus, light rail, commuter rail and ferries). The RTA will work with public transportation providers in the region to develop an integrated fare policy for the entire public transit service network.

17 Transportation Demand Management (TOM) Innovation fund Achieving the full benefits of the long­ Since we live in an age of continual change, range vision will require extensive efforts by the long-range vision provides flexibility to local, regional and statewide agencies and the consider new ideas, services and technology private sector to promote using public innovations. transportation and other options that reduce The RT A will evaluate and fund innovative the number of miles traveled in single­ ways to provide transit service, reduce occupant vehicles. dependency on single-occupancy vehicles, The RTA will cooperate with other public improve public transportation's cost­ transportation agencies working with effectiveness, and better respond to customer employers and local jurisdictions to match needs. The RTA will evaluate technological high quality transit services with economic innovations (alternative fuels and propulsion incentives to use transit and promote systems, quieter equipment, lighter vehicles, ridesharing and other options to reduce drive­ energy efficient engines, and ways to improve alone commute trips. passenger comfort) and ways to reduce impacts on the environment. The RTA will also explore incentives and programs to encourage people to use regional transit more. The RTA will work with the community and the private sector to take part in a demonstration of personal rapid transit (PRT) or other technologies. PRT is an experimental type of automated transit consisting of small cars running on a guideway carrying two to six passengers per car. The demonstration could show how PRT or other new technologies could be appropriate investments in future transit system phases.

I ..j 18 Bringing the vision into focus

Regional relationships • Local jurisdictions Local jurisdictions should develop land-use and The long-range vision will be implemented transportation plans and regulations that in phases. In addition to the RT A, many support regional and county plans and the different local jurisdictions and agencies will long-range vision. Jurisdictions should also be responsible for putting portions of the develop processes for timely approval of regional transportation system in place. The transit facilities and Transportation next planning and development stages will Systems Management (TSM) capital require integration of the system and land-use projects to support interim bus service development at the regional, local and expansion and long-term HCT service community levels. The public and private within the respective jurisdictions. sectors played an important role in developing the long-range vision and will • Public transit agencies Local transit continue to be important during each phase of agencies will provide community and local system implementation. bus services integrated with the regional transit system. These agencies should plan, The long-range vision recommends the design, build, own and operate local bus following general responsibilities for putting facilities. the regional transit system in place: • Washington State Department of • Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Transportation The state Transportation and County Growth Management Act Department's primary responsibility is to • (GMA) Plans The PSRC's Regional plan, design, build and operate the state Transportation Plan and the GMA plans of core freeway HOV system, including counties taking part in the RTA should be freeway to freeway HOV connections, and amended to reflect the adopted regional connections to the ferry system. The RTA transit system long-range vision. The PSRC may help fund selected parts of the HOV and each participating County GMA system within the RT A District. The state program should assure that programming Transportation Department is also to fund major transportation service and responsible for intercity rail and freight facility decisions is consistent with regional mobility in the region. and local transportation, growth management and land-use plans.

19 • The RTA - The RTA will obtain funding The RTA will work with the state to put in place the long-range vision and Transportation Department and other coordinate its development with other responsible agencies while developing transportation investments to improve projects to pinpoint areas where right-of-way mobility in the region (including intercity is limited and many different transportation rail and freight movement improvements). improvements are proposed. Regional transit Funding will include a local tax increase proposals in these corridors will require proposal for voter approval as necessary to careful design and coordination to fund improvements within the RTA accommodate the RTA's plans along with District. The RT A will impose and collect other proposed transportation improvements. voter approved local-option taxes and Property for stations will be acquired in allocate funds for elements of the plan. The ways consistent with local jurisdictions' RTA will also be responsible for comprehensive plans. In some cases, the RTA implementing the regional rail system will work with local transit operators to component and financing the regional acquire property that will be used for interim express bus system and portions of the bus services and facilities that may be HOV Expressway system. Implementing converted to rail. When appropriate, the RT A the RTA's capital and service programs will jointly fund interim facilities with local will support growth management transit operators, the state, local jurisdictions strategies and plans that complement the and local businesses. regional transit system. The RTA will work with local transit Right-of-way preservation operators to evaluate bus service that mirrors rail service patterns to sites purchased in The RTA will develop a right-of-way advance that eventually may be served by preservation program in each participating rail. The RT A will help local transit agencies county to set aside sites for potential rail or design transit facilities and infrastructure to regional express bus stations, route allow for expanded bus service or conversion alignments, operating facilities and other to rail service. facilities needed for the long-range system. Right-of-way will either be optioned, bought or preserved by using local land-use zoning and permitting when allowed by law.

20 Reviewing and updating the long-range The RT A will also publish a summary of vision the public involvement process and a summary of public comments and how they The long-range vision will be updated with shaped the plan being considered. each development phase of the RTA's system plan. Each system plan will also contain a financial plan including a description of how Each development phase will describe: .the tax revenues will be distributed to pay for • projects to be funded different transit components. This assessment will also include operating and maintenance • how projects contribute to putting the costs for the entire system once it is complete. long-range vision in place and meeting system goals and objectives The RTA may en1ist the help of an expert review panel, a technical advisory committee • how projects conform with the long-range and/ or a citizens advisory committee to vision . review successive system plans and long­ • a public and local jurisdiction involvement range vision developments. This information program and feedback would be used by the RT A Board to help make decisions regarding plan • a budget and financing plan including an changes. equity review State law requires that "major decisions" of • how the plan is consistent with local and the RTA require a favorable vote of two-thirds regional transportation and growth of the entire RTA Board. Major decisions management plans include: • significant changes from previous plans. • adopting or amending the long-range In preparing and updating the system vision plan, the RTA will look at the status of growth • making system plan implementation management and land-use plans; air quality decisions goals and conditions; status of the state's commute trip reduction objectives; overall • adopting annual budgets transportation system coordination and any • authorizing annexations new conditions or regulations. • changing the composition of the board Before adopting each system plan, the RTA will evaluate estimated costs, ridership, and • selecting an executive director. system level social, economic and environmental impacts. This information will be made available to the public for use in the decision making process.

21 Long-range vision funding

RTA taxing authority Future financial capacity State law allows the RTA to ask voters in In planning for future transit system the Central Puget Sound region to increase phases, the RT A will revisit the funding their local taxes to pay for a regional transit sources and assumptions developed for Sound system. The law allows the RTA to ask voters Move to determine whether they are within the RT A District for up to a applicable to future phases. 9/10 of one percent sales tax, 8/10 of one A cash flow model- consistent with the percent motor vehicle excise (license tab) tax, fmancial capacity analysis for Sound Move - and an employer tax of $2 per employee. The will be used to determine the financial law also allows the RTA to issue outstanding feasibility for each subsequent phase. This municipal bonds equal to up to 1.5 percent of analysis will examine possible financing the assessed property value within the RTA methods and identify appropriate funding District. levels from available revenue sources. The financial plan assumes the local funding for Sound Move at a much lower level than state law allows. Funds will come from a 4/10 of one percent increase in sales tax and a 3/10 of one percent increase in the license tab tax to be collected within the RT A District. Funding of Sound Move also includes about $1,052 million in long-term bonds. The RTA is asking voters for less than 40 percent of its local taxing authority and bonding capacity to fund Sound Move. The financial policies adopted for Sound Move require that any second phase capital program which continues local taxes for financingwill require voter approval within the RTA District. H voters decide not to extend the system, the RTA will roll back the tax rate to a level sufficient to payoff the outstanding bonds and operate and maintain the investments made as part of Sound Move.

I I 22 The Regional Transit long-Range Vision The Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority 821 Second Avenue, M.S. 151 SeatUe,VVashin~on 981~1598 E-mail: [email protected] 1-800-201-4900 Information presented in the long­ range vision is provided by the RTA to inform citizens and may be reproduced freely. Editor: Tim E. Healy Designer: Kathryn DeMeritt This information is available in accessible formats on request at 684-6776 (voice) or 684-1395 (TDD). RTA information is also available through the VVorld VVide VVeb at http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/ CPSRTA/.