THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

W!:STFIZLD, NZW JZRBZY, WUNZSDAY, JUNil18, UUII. TWBLVB P.AOBB--8 OWlft'8 WOULD FRAME SCHOOL NEW !CHILDREN'S DAY IN :MAYOR ANSWERS PRES.\ NECESSARY D AI>MINIITRATOR N OG ORDINANCE. WESTFIELD CHURCHES BOARD OF EDUCATION! Finds Teohnl· Many General Citizens Meet Mayor To Flag Incident in First M. E. States Why It Will Be Advan· in Call of Former Protest Against Preaent Church Evokes Warm tageous to Appoint Methods Applause Members ENOUGH" SAY GAS TA NK LEAKS GOOD PROGRUIS GIVEN OTHER CITIZENS REPLY In Savin&• Department I'� o l•t> 0( \VPRtftPid lntereat p H�·\"('nty-flv•• rPMidt>nh� n l'b<' to up to of ttw tow <'hlldt�n·a Day ex<'rd••• o! the Jun• IPI6. : 1,pn walk (IUitt- W•••tftelar : m :t: 1111�t at R n�t•ettng ld the Town noon In lhf' main auditorium the new In or the reply my communication propo•­ nimplt>tf' Hall. to new rh urrh. Tbe pupllo aoaembled IDI a Dt method or BPIPcllnK Thfl' Attorney Th" meeting wao clllrt>I'•l and n•arched (IVPr t . 4% and o • Hncl hi• rul" lo artlvltiE'tl r01 tbe or the BDIIrd of Edura­ Safe Depolllt Boxes Storaae o1. of tho dog ratcher and wa1 plaoea member• In tbe chur h wltb t<>acb­ tlon. that me reatona ,,. '"''for meeting called by thlllr c ••ka I the doll owner1 wltll Idea or at the hf!ad 11ve .o tb" "r" ol earh rlaoo. Tbe tor rnr belief that euch a rban«e .,., .. 11•>� o� p{·tftr enouab. doing oomethln1 to Improve .UIETI OV8R p tile plrPnla and vlaltora occupylnK tbe would he dt'alrable. Tblo I will , 1.11 l.l•'ct of the oard prt'seut IYK em. \nil( B t I>"Wa In the rP&r and thP whole inRt a let� 1ladly do. !d (lvenfng Mr1. V•n Houaen, of the Bll<'lety , 1 !.• . church waa comfortably upt. In thP rst place our oo ayatern ·'"'"' Hlce, aoalatant for the Preevntlon filled. !l fi aeb l �. of Cruelty to Ani· Johnston wno In rb&r18 of the pro­ baa l!!"'"'n to auch an ntent and lla $1,000,000.00 1 1 "a� and the wao p r.:�ad n•ala, the rincipal apeaker tor ll'l'•m and Mr. Lewlo wao th known. e l"ader lnohea many ltemo that. dOll> own�•• Bhe bnd�&t ao fMb ,1.:td•· hat of th llnKinr;, while Chaa. Gullc altbou�h the Yotera tbeortcally f'Hilt1hlflrab1e dP- oald t all .. L. pall ACCOUNTS LAR GE OR SPI ALL SOLICITED Ma· to •Ntl" lh" doK queatlon ll l .ttt•·r Mayor• h•d played the organ muolr, while Mlaa upon at the annual aebool eled- on Town and ohe rrali•�d a tt d••• 1d•·J! lo l'RII h t wao ay Helen Frenrh and Mloo Gertrude tlon. ht> practlr le draw - t II no ea MaJ. t y ally muat av h··: up th� prop matter to lr. " to ••tt mar pi&Jed the plano mualr for the amount to determined by their ; Bhe the prorlamatlon ao be 11n tl1:tt anothe-r RJ)(Ida1 read II· ooloo and primary departm .. tn alnK­ reJ•-•ntatl•ea on the BQII.rd of of I the Dt'Br ll�·d n oued by the Mayor and •rnred the �·an J.,. en Inr. . B:ducatlnn. aa It Ia l pr tlrabl" !nr R out July l1t. n> a<" prohalil\ ��� b uae of the munle, It wao The wbole cbolr loft front waa co't'­ them to bud1et and Ita = , analy .. the �= aayln� that = •II· ==== waa rerelvf'd ======Inhuman and that therp no = wae a === rPd lmmenae mer = e with an l an na11 === HI• :Ilion A r tbe u • === 1 mlnate or rhan1e o nt of Ita == ao n per­ m k « do« m*d t a ­ � S. f' llarcdoii•h l aurer way of makln« a h n end the pulpit plat or wao derora arlou t<' a hnJHl R nd on the f m v o l m . a by putting a munle on Rhe ..ld ed with flowers and planll. to ,.p., r a t II. t Tbe r u l Ia that our IIC'hool bud- •ampu The t>a t a. that he Trenton bureau wao a take Bet�ldea the recitation• y chi ­ �chon\ c t b thf' l 1811 ar pllled bY the votea of a very the bul d\ntJ t> .given citizen of Westfield t that every bead oen\ own \here wu and un or and pri­ l i D $200.00will be any REWARD H I• n•·(\ to Of OUr c t , often fewer than '11'\lllllittf'�. d dren tb., acbool J i feW H I found to be r bbld. "They do It to mary depart m oan�r SundBJ who can rove that the white lead, •nta on hund rtt l•·r11 p:-i(•y pre1fdn • h taxea, b TEL. 188 of the RoH.rd and that h had to d c i Day," amount of ei altbou1b t e ar r!w lltPI't\llK a pay two dollara t r It back, The Mayor aald b e by Doria Warden. Co11ncll Ia far from ba viDI complete Ike •l•llt ••• llfltltpalatial••• decoratla&ceacen Ia Weltflel• to th Hag, to K<'l t l \ �alute <' 7-Sonl No. 4, the arhool. and tbe re di would be returned. by control of the matter. Some expen­ a n tee ' M \H1•·r 11 a g . 8-Recltatlon, "The Fro • Ad­ muat bP met, aucb aa. State acbool or lndependenee A r Brown· told of bow blo dol 1 EIT. IIIU 114 EA8T IIOAD 8TIBET l,it>rhll a! ioll M wa1 raugbt and deotroyed In two Yioe," Howard Stadell.,. and County tax. lnter.,.t on bonded 11-Rac!ltatlon, "Brl1bten Incurred aucb eeMntlala aa lin'��� le up b.:�uro, althou&b be waa ready and for · d the Your d• c al willing l't'deem Mmt'. Corner," Doria Bteuerna1el. oew.ra, hhthwaya and the town'• or the committee ro IH·r!-i d 1 O...Solo, aelected, by Grace Poot. abare or the root of Improvement• �·n·uin� nd told them Arnol aald tbat bla wit• 1u"r a D. c. hnrd whittle' the next she aaw 11-Exerclae by live primarY 1lrlo. whlcb bave been made In oompll­ had d e"1 at a roat of 13-Bong, "Pretty Little Panay ," bJ -mento. Other ltema ol the Meats Ve"atablel CommittPt• Lloyd Tbomp­ and arf' U. by Primary Department. toWD'I bUdlet, aurb coat or hyd­ li•rold Mrs. Van Houtllln th<'n told of the u J,c.ught the clean� fre b , Welch. Sberl- her" arr s Inhumane way of deetructlon. Bbe 14-Sonl No. bJ tbe acbool ranta, atr.,.t ll�bta,. lire and pollr<• and G. E. 8, . !lan>ld Uurdon 15-Recltatlon, "Somebody Elae," protection are llxed kind. Every article aald th<' gal lank leeked and that It ' eo wholesome esarelaln« o by Paul De1endort. tbat b;r !be atrlct t ero­•rinl( our store is carefully se· ,.""'ford, Roaelle nd was not lit f r uae, tbat when the N a 18-Recltatlon, "The eat nom:r and aowetlmee by ne1lectln1 r work dloplayo animal• ar• deotroyt'd they whine and B We inspected, and your in· will '""" M e & Rich . wbat -m requlr�­ lc·ch'd and . rry a ldng time. Tile Mayor aald by Eatber ru10nable ror Ha't'8," to be tert·sts are protectt.·d in every 17-Solo, ae ted, by Mary Grla- meut. Council Ia able, In a he had nevPr aeen an execution and lec tbat the way. fulfill I>OOJIIe'o ezpec­ meal pre�ed from SHIRTWAISTS fro. V>nHouoen I vited him to attend wold• meaaure. IN n to the Trr a the store 1 R-Recltatlon, "Bom<'thiDI Eacb tatlou tllat teb tax rate abaU no:.t be tbe next one. ra g�ceries Met'tln11 d. ol IIi��:h G de meats and ""'' on l'oa!M at Van Day," by Winifred Wrl1ht. waterlaliJ lnere111e At th" Mu. ve!(<'tnbles. Evenln1. &Uigeallon of 19-Reclt.atlon, "Secret of Hap l realise tbat tbe Board H•l•l l.a.•t HoUilllll a rommlttee, couai1Un11> of p - r .or Educa- •hirt\\al:o;t in evidence at neu, " by Artbur Apgar. tion also baa llxed rh&rll81 to m8<'t wus e rkins. Smythe and Bray. "' ''"' ll. llnka. Meoau. p 20- Recitation, "Send Out tbe In tbe PI'8Mnt alate of dhlded P. 0. C waa appointed to draft an ordinance ,.., •. > la evening. st d Word." t.llllan Knapp. ponolblllt)' tbe talt>ayer knowa not

('Ol'Nf'II,'M lo'ORil HITS PIAZZ-'- l'SIOS T\\'EST\'•Io'II"TH -'lliliii\'ERfi\Rl' �atur.lay aftt>rnoon a Ford I.ABI of LUNCHEON t touring rar, driven hy J. O'Hanlon, a the Thur.dhy, June 17th, will be n a ­ Into th� front of the nthrr r�d l"ller da 'nlon �:IIzabeth, ran y for l Coun­ b u•e orrupled by e r, Aooocl lloo , ao ther prn­ o•ryman D clu• cil, Loval a on North O'Hanlon was po"" tPJebrat., their twe!lty-ftfth avenue. Mr. ,,; k ng a turn on Norlh avenue, when New that evening, haYing a• a l and Old Events Now Bein�r Presented annlveraart 'l' number With the flays and flayers a big 6 rln car bearing the e r guPst• two Paot Supreme Coun­ t u l! 32nd and 33rd th i It waa a Sts., at Various Playhouses 61314 came apeedlng along. Broadway, New yItt rl o , W. Paulaworth and A. HOTELmodttrat43 prtc.,d re1taurant In town. D. The molt MARTINIQUE l n A. or be bit, 10 F a n �ouncllort of calle of jump the gutter OOD tbt Carnagle, the ra d quallt)' obtainable-prompt and courteoua aervlce. )I) ...... :...__" Mr. took the former couroP, n• 11 ICUIJC_-.... New York and New Jeroey and thPir O'Hanlon plana 46th 8t., Welt of B"war; BYe&, Jluthl'lrfurfl a.nf1 Company ao e ega l from with dlotaatroua resulto to the Roofla. d Fom·. Torn starr.. w l u de t ona Mota., W . lat., a fal'ce; Malltn-Bar­ l l rail and e head llghta and the 8:30; o A l:lt­ tn "C)wclcm'ttfPd," Hoboken, ElMora, Rahway, Cranford th MENU ho Bubble." ton t�ompany, pantomlne acrobat•. , pnd r on the Ford. The engine waa "T nnd and Arlin on, N. J., and f e a C.a4ter, Raaaa e Plalnftelft gt W ot f�ad 11.: v &, In "Th.- 1 lllma•h•ra:" lllla11 no and Mr. O'Hanlon o ll o 1:11: Eag e Council Brooklrn. t damaged Malo., W d ..t., Edith and �ddle Adair, alnKf'rl; Wllaon l , o . A 1:11-''0a TriaL" · t drove to h Ia home. and \\·llaon, A ar e clau of ca dlda ,. will be (�••l•e. 8t B'way; EYel., 1:10: comedlanA, and Mlaa May l 11 n gfHh A: i ia ed that enning and Mte coun­ M&.tw.. \\'ed. Sat., !:!0-"A Modern Wal1h, comedtenn•. In t t A. cil will have 1peelal honora conferred -' W-'RDBN THEY Eve" WOUJ,D Bli:. • • • on t e als cha r 1tlll liv­ ee•a•... .. IT& h rte mf!tli'bera after the .trilLa Fifteen applicant• are B'Wt.f1:10-"rt AUt Pa,. llt.l to llat&, .... Ing, who are Dr. Frederick A. Kinch, A lat., Ad•ntl•• birth made vacant br the death of . Dr. J. B. Harrlaon, Hoa. J. A. Dennl•. Uth IIIUt W. The ap­ Oort, I!., of B'WQ'I .,_;"' CoJ•••-•rl-. ReY. Newton W. a w , lldward Warden Cbarlea Dodd. Mato., C d e l I:U: Wot. A eat.. ltli­ l llcantt appeared before the Civil Ser· ''Uader COYer.'' The Lew Kelly·Behman l!how, ao the Brookhrut, Jr., and Frank A. Tier­ vice Commlaalon for enmlnatlon Jut ...... t. It� attraction at-'lhe Columbia 11 called. nan. r tJo II. IIY-. at EllA­ M of B'war:1:11-<111· had made a htt 1o emphatic and had will week In the Courthouae at . Thun. lat., Refreahmenta and 1mok• be 1.16 l , A becomP 1o much the talk town, beth. Colonel Alennder R. Fordyce, SrECIAL LUICIEOI bert 8ulllY&D'I opera1. of tbe proYid4!jll and an enterta n ent A: t i m lUll· lll'k, a m mbe comml.. It• bu1lne11 haa kept up to cape;clty a able t6 re of New e r of the hnM •• , .. Fort,.-•rt• lt., near B'wa)·; P::YII., tendanre est!'a.Ordlna.ry­ the ocraalon Ia being p ­ 1:11- In •phe of the slon, conducted the mental enmlna­ Molo., Wod. Bat., pared, PALN IEITAUIAJIIT I:U; A oppMitlon of other productlona. The and Dr. Hemp1tead bad charge "Hond• Up.'' with Lew Fleldo. The council room wtll be decorated tlon, dally new1paper1 are a unit In pro­ h auccea10r to O•I.C,. T•••tre, U wn of t e phyalcal teat. The B'way and t nouncing thla entertainment one of the wltb Old Glory bt our own to a­ b Itt.: Warden Dodd will be cho��en Eno , 1:10: Malo., Wed. l!ol., beot. h ll the late A t:lt­ Yory In addition to an nhlbltlon mu, Wm. E m ng . by Bheri Otto from a llot of three "8he'a In Aaaln." of IUpl!'rhly beautiful acener1 and coa­ All Loyal b rotbe ahould make an iT l'l by Gl..., II a make name1, certified the Civil Service 76 CENTS B'war at fltb lt.: Yo&, lrll; tumea. the 1peetator• are provldfld ntr etrort to be preaent and Frt�m to 2:30 P. N. Commlaalon a1 having paued the es­ 11:30 Matl., Wod. A eat.. lrii-"Clllla with 11 llrOifram of rare entertatnmPnt the atralr a rouelng 1uccen. n onHIY funny amlnatloa wllh the hllheat averageo. Chin." that lnclutleo two l t ono­ Harrt., act burlelquea, fourteen novel vaudf'l­ DIIOIKR The reault of the tell wi l probably be \\'oot Ud 1!1.; Eveo., I: 10; }'•to., TO BRID-'L PARTY. l 2:10-"Twln Bedo." vtlle lpeclaltlea and a doaen muatcal made known In a month or ol1 weeki. numhera of th" kind that awak•n un.­ One of the prettleat atraln ever Woot Ud a LIMrtF, at.-"Tho Lifo ot rPitrllned applauae. Each week thttre given In Wratlleld waa the dinner Nation," areat 1pectacle. Tbe Leader the I• af1«!@t:l a dUft�rent lpecla14-eaturfl that giYen hy 111111 Etta Bhelltl, to hPr II llhopptq o.Jde L••-•re, flth Bt., Welt or B'war: 11 Intended to keep up the lnterrl!lt. For bridal partr. at the Kate Greenawar for Union countJ'. Read the adTer; EYOI., 1:10; Mota., Wa . lat., 1111 d A thP. current week a foretan C'flllebrlty Full Houae." on Friday evnlng laot. The Kale tlaementa earefallJ'. -"A kno"'·n aa Mlle. Ber.. re Ia Rpp.,ar­ t La Greenaway management re«!elved the Ma•t .. &lllatt.., l th lt., n ..r B'Wt.71 tna ln a a."rt.-B ol reproduction• of 1:10 hlghe1t congratulation• on the band­ Eveo., 1:10; Mato., Wad. A 1•':• famoul marble •tatuary. 8hf'l '" rloth· oome way In ich -"Nnhndy Home." ed on})' In a coRtlng of a eubatanct"' that wh the dining room URS Deefneaa Cannot Be Cured REMODELED Pl&ll'•••... wa1 decorated. Thoee preaent wPr.: Uth lt., IIUt of B •ar: reaflmh1el hl�thh· pollahed whltfll mar­ .. .. 1:1o: ' hie and her poafnK. •Mie darlnM' In brldP; ... Eno Ed win Shetltl, father of the waJ:r �:.� MlrP �.E:�t�.��;:u.:l:U't"!• ... .. and that ����, T��:.·.� ronalltufl.un '::�J; ��:· llata, woe. A eat., 1110 . 111 -"8lnner1.'' conC'Pptlon, '" PJ:tremely artl•tlc. The Mill Olelta Harrlaon and llflu Clara riPmll!'to lea d tm• Ia ''"lt•t•d lndam•d at d lk:>aftuon hrtht• nu lo�u•taC'hlaa dally matlneel!l at the Columbia are tbP mtlt'H111 llulna" T•tr1J'.. •I•tll 11 .. nPar H'"·ay; EYea., E. Denman Weatfteld; Mla1 0<-nP­ ('atnf'QIllall'a l•·•n••••l ('utnnh ! •1 ('ur... cltcll·t he h;rl�t> Mo•H•l fur ..rt t'Uh'd ..... , ..... ,., lt.-OII • 1•111•••'" The r.nlahln .. etroktta have hf."en ap­ 8mltb, rector of Rt. Paul'e; Edwin ..... CHARLES KURTZMAN plied to the new buildings In Luna Shelld, Jr., Nathaniel Cook, of We•t­ lan, r F. J. t'JIE'\f'\' A ('O., ToiPdo, 0. o...... •. · wfl.lch -;� Park In to dlapl&)' the gooda fteld; Llord Lewla, of Rooelle Park, T111IP�oM. bT JlrU&Ill•t Ha.H·a (' neo\Vnlf 1-lorper and hll company •n· and chattefa belon•lng to the natlYf'l � lliDHv i'\Uw. f.._,r {'OUSliPaUo.D, I 178 E. FR ONT STR EET PLAINFIELD, and Clarence Grow, of New York, N.J. terf'Od UJlOil the ftnal week of their en• who doplct life n the Orient. A Jar�re the uabera. lt>rtalntn• aeuon of OUbert and But· aactlon of the Ea•t Bide wa1 appro­ ---·---- .. ltvlln r�Jpt'trtolre at the FortJ'·•I•hth priately aelectfld tor thla entertainment FATHER TO H-'\"E -' t�H-'NCI·:. 8tn•t."t Theatre Monday. For tbe re· which lo called "A& Oriental MldWO)'," a maln,nt( few f1aya the proKr&m t• aa novelty In the war of ex.htbltlone, tnaa­ had a rn ot er' day recently folluww: Tonhrht "Pinafore" and "Trial We b l ESTABLISHED YEARS mucb, 1\1 It pui-porta to conYey a realta­ a father lo a e a day aloo. 28 hy Jury;" Thu da) matinee, "Pina­ and ow to h v -1111:�1111"'­ n ' tlc and Animated Image of Turklah life. Father will get bla on Ocl. 1�. forp" nnd "Trla1 by Jury;" Thuraday To properly llluatrate the Ide• required when the apeclal election Ia o night, "Iolanthe;" ll'rlday nl�rht, "The the lmJ•ortantlon of a IarKe number of l h .. woman's sutrral"· � Plra.tea of Ptnaanc-e;" Saturday matl· nattY••· men and women ft.nd children held to vote on LAKE HOPATCONG, $1 no• and nl�rht, "Tho'' whh thelr tooll of trade, matetlal, do­ EVERY SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY For prompt attention and expert workmanship entl te Waab!,JIItOn Star. Sep .mbar a Concernln& the future of Gilbert mpattc utanalla, weaponl, antmal1 and t ------Until 6, Incl. Sullivan operaa In New York. paraphornalla. 1o \Yl·Mt- A "WNINGS and WU· L•·u\·" l'ranr>�rd k ;,H m; ADVERTISE ALL OP' THE TIME a ru LAGGREN BROS. CO. Ham A. Brt�.d)' made the followln• an­ In connection with theM1 are tea and 1\l·ld !I o:l ,\II 1lutt·�. nouncement laat week: -not t W¥ e lly 1178-80 Ea st Gran d St., Elizabeth, coffee houaea, whlrtlqg PPrvtahea, e:�trnagantly, po t fu , MAUCH CH UNK, 11.801 N. J. "The 1ea1on of revI vall hal been but DON'T GIVE ANYBODY A 110 aword ftahtere, Y"etta4 "omen, danclnK SUNDAY, JUNE Or Pl&r. WARREN BROWN, E m St., WutfiiW aucce1aful that early ln Auau•t It wlll .,trill, weird mualclana, acrobata who CHANCE TO FORGET YOU. 20 Local J. 120 l . 8epl.12,1na TELEPHONE 1117-R he t'Pimmed and made to embrace more Ju••l• mu1ket1 In an aatonlahln�r man­ Al10 evOfy olh0f8unday until E• lma eo Che rlully Gl••n. Canople• lor oncl II...,U. than the Gilbert and Sullivan op•ra1. u o ner, and tumblera who make all dlsa}· L•·a\'t• Craufortl I!! �:1 m; \Vtl,.t· t t Wott\ablT.blng that reaort per­ �ade ln their own countr)·. AmonK Ice Cream manently a1 a mu•Jcal theatre." the whtrllnK Dervtah11 11 one who f'J:('­ • • • cutea a wonderful performance, actual· OthPrwlae, Fort)'-to•rt• lt__....,Raalb V•·" ly revolvtn., for ftlteen mlnutf'l with� p ftahlus. \\'e su rantee our J. out otopplng all the while JUKI[IIn�r a lee Crfoam be­ ELM STREET, WESTFIELD, N. "Handa Up,'' ftr•t announced for la•t cauae we KNOW In· THE PLAYHOUSE THEATRE wlth keen ef1o��ed aworda, placing t ht• tlu•t 118 IJI"'CCIeDte t>u Monday, then JlOitponed to Thur1day, •harp needle-like point• on hta eye lllla are abMIIutely ..­ =·======open.Jll It• en••••· frult Juices u t end put off u.arBin, while rapidly wblrlln�r. Followln" aud high q ali y ment at the Forty-fou ... Street Thea­ Our o r theM • do•an dalntr damael• do a llRah � .,._.,., leeCreant lo n u · trtt Monday nl•ht. In the call are in• �erie• of movement• and t l hl and Is oiT till t prlre low ht>st INl DANIEL FROHMAN a a u aa lon, Oanna. '\\'al1ka and Fll)' Compton. Kroupln•• of thl'l naUvew \n ot.ld, CI'P•m the\r be aold for. Try 1·�dgar Smith wrote tha libretto for thl1 eau varl·colored coetumel. our Ire Cream nes PR ESENTS new 11ummer review. The manaa•ment t tim<'. hal nnnounced that "owing to the 1l1e of th@ production and the length of the CRANFORD TO CELEBRATE The New York An Elaborate Photo-Spectacle of Hall Caine'• I performant'e the curtain wtll rtae at I o'clock •harp, and the people who are Planntns Day or not In their 1eat1 at that hour will Bill aad Dolnso Jo' Candy Kitchen Supreme Dramatic Triumph not be permitted to go to their 1eat1 July Gtb. until after the ftr1t Beene" Plana are ne ring comple lon for a l il il il the Cn.nford Children s Carnival, to •t ' ' Weatll eld '• Only Ca ndy LIMI't7-B� • ._.,..... be held nn the afternoon or lillY 6th. ''The Eternal atar lns at 2 In Cranford. City'' l o'clock, Manuf acturl nl At the Uberty, D. w. Orlmth'o re- It markable picture, "Tbe Birth of a hu been decided to open tbe contest Eatabllahment WI TH Nation," rotolao Ita popularity, per- for prlaea to realdents of all towns In PllttlnK It to complete on an oquol foot- Union county. From present lndka­ lng the ht�rb Broad a with priced w y tiona there will be about 500 entries. PAULINE FREDERICK It woo made Thomao · l>layo. fr?m Db: Thla event will this year take tlw n · · · 'll � plac of th" C ranforll W ter Cal l r i < r e a - ��';,. ���� ;;;,� .;� :;;,:: ; ��� �:� val, which In paat years baa attra<'t"d • • • ami many tbouaanda of vlaltors, It wUI o te equally be ond.11c d ou an ba a Ma tinee Prices-Chlldren Adult. 2Bc. elaborate &la. $100 WEDNESDAY, I Be.JUNE 23rd Handaome prlseo will be awardt'

Provide Coolinl Bre•••• Whenever You Need TheM


WONDERFUL MAXWELL TE.\1S · · · \\ · '· \Lu ·,, , HOUR RUN 1\·.tn 48 'l'"\•nt �nuo�t�!h t,�r .. :; .f-� h·"·lN. n�A-.,!UK .t �.\� , 1.� ,\�· ""'�'• a.t�r "t\ -_""1·1•�-. nuk� J�r "U"o .• • '"! , .....uhn.� &l\\.l \l�kU• 1 I''�'��' 1•� �ld u-.�l lh' "1'\! � JOWING 11,000 POUND TRUCK PASSENGERS CARRIED 19 UP JOHNSON'S DRIVE Juat illlaflll<' l'arr�·IDtf t ••II•' •t....,..-. lubt .. J�l J>a--·Ujlt'N, " ..llli ,,f :! � ;j l'•'lllht•. lip ,,j thr of lh,. I.'OUDt�·. w· uhvul thia pari th.• >hcht.·sl "" '' "'"n ..ral other .. ... hlo•riul. s.v r ...... ,ually ... l•lll ' huif,l. t! Dr J t.bla u­ f r-ommisaloo.l!r of of on edsc:attoa you wiab to makP a you Je..-ey. wUI lpMII: loan thf'prop.-My that ,,. of Sew 149 EutD. Fourth F. StCARPENTERreet, Plainfield, New .Jeney own. you are iu,·itl'd to eun •ult. witho t PLADmELD 1380 member• of Jer· cooll . TIUPIIONE- rn.:• tbe Se• u . .. of Jlle d�l Ia• the a ; d�··t rh' •tart , ,. _, • ....,la\iOD ���T�>-W llll\ <' mm1l.,.r ,, tl•'" \••\'• L·llnll� • liT'. "''h f'r. !khool HJcleal', lo r te6Q 110w roN�� "''' and be fo dt'h,·..r� at . CitY Hall S.warll:. on "' '�,,. at Saturcla,.. Juae aad and n will be llr SaYIU liM llfth and un SaturdaJ wUl ba'fe "\\'.bat Yedlo:al IDIJI«· >lllo)<>Ct A•·)' \be J'tnt OladJI -me&tic &leoce tl.-. Edmonda re­ and GeoeneM mention S«ood '·'"•orable . . by Dorothy Pear- BJIIUeO ­ ,., . ,, •·u woo .... - and Fidelity. Trust Company... .. "''· �abel hon rable mention...... IIL ...... , <�vdyck. o . liler made the Parlier beat CLEAN Dr Of '""" and received the tt.,o. and Marian t'uiou County ' H ut•oo ()oUIIU ment,on. !lunorab'e Real Estate Titln Ouarautf'fll. e,;hlbltloo lor the Hllh ,. art SUITS Emer woo tbe 10ld Nen l•abel y Frieda Halated and lo Ladies' and F r- For and r....,lved booorable men- 8tl•lde • uur « h.. f'lltb &rad" CbariH \ lri,..._.. ol our . � Yo1ag Nen !P, the ... School, waa the ot "'" Lioeolo .. h.•.:&. olSu t•t_. litUIits.-dliiiP booor­ �= and : l:inwiM·aJ � "' the aold pleee :::::: ::::::::::::::: : •tn•l,'tof'IM to Alfred Reeb : 11iveo : :::\ NOW . 1 ion wu �pelmao. --61 th- v.· UII4torflauf Low r ot the Oreal Erbecll:. of the Pra.­ 1'1'1<- . l':illiam and Ciotworth J, ol &r,,,l. Lyon •• .,.. !dUl'llliou or or girl. t h., t B.n your ho_,. a��<=ribe for the June serieH of The "! ...t. hoour .. ahal't'B in - !'(-- J ...... field and Loan �iation now opeD for ,;uh. t .. Building f&kk-Ke.aJ H ... t u ... . meP are found \'OUDI io seriptiuu. eaatero eol 8181 and fld. .\ wu�ttlft"IMI t hllllt•' , .. ''t the ·bill l number ex ra lar... r the 11 t C[ It make. peed «MMI , Serelao\ Bna.b, John 110 dill'ereace wbe&Jaer you will or flO,OUO Stevena llll44le­ amount or anythinr betwren arnwpd for and u4 f'ruacla either eau be Rut11era, ll'rederlcll: at C'. you have it twelve �pencer Embree, Boaell J. will in le• thu yMJ'II. and Waiter P. s-; at Let u11 e:�tplain aimple 1.0eth.oxl to you. BH.ttya, and Yale, C[ QUI' very . �· L. at Cbarlea Dobbrow, Jr., and _., � ...... · T. C'lar-. . Meetinr, to Elm DAJiictL Sd Tuelday, from 1 S:aO .m. lo.& 8t. iU:SIOR8 t; N.IIOY p ol the Senior 1\e rutu•bera ClaM W•ettle held � ld Hlc.b Bcbool a �------� WBD�DAY, .rtnnl 16, 19111. TJD WBITPBLD LBADD, lll'RPRIIIt: I' ARTY. Cn�n. wl�o hav•"' rP­ ;\fr. ancl �n. no rnf'rl to town nnr1 arP w ('f•uth· rPtu f on hm t • 1\\"P­ Fl,.,.l t'hnrrh. Halnl l anl wllh rrom """'" On<') nt'('Ut;�· tng f\ H Ht :\f Rrkf' 1\apllol ' '• ('huf'<'h l'rowd glvf'n p.urpriiH" party h)' llUP. wrrP a. � t' rl n .... ,.. -n .... I f,10rd1, ;\1 on­ Runday 1'1.-rvlr�• : 'onl(retcaUonal mber or thlflll\.' rrlf'nd� B .. nAent I 0:311 M'pllon . Mr. prREB RIOClORD. day, and 1.1 11101'\ Beclnnen. a warm ment ofIIIIi All are cordlall)' lnYited to attead ROINille Park, and Clarence Grow, of at Bam�ger pri011. continual · Recitation, Margaret Ludwl1. At the clo11e of the June meeting frookl Our alertn tbeaa " ae loeo. New York. • llllkll 1 Recitation, Catherine KennedJ, of the Home Building and Loan As­ pouible valu11 theM : The brlde'o IOWn wao of tulle and for ua to otrer noh u lllllaworth, Helen Stoddard. aodatlotl laat n ight. the number of oliver lace onr wh ite talreta, and abe I..ola ()on�IUil Olnareb. R��eltatlon, "Summer Treaauren," abareo outo tandlng ...,arhed thP rec­ Tbla evening In the Pariah Honae, carried a •hower bouquet of ro�e� Helen Talbot. ord marl! of 1,438. ln tereet by the regular mid-week meeting at 8 ud lllleo of tbe nll J . The attend­ & Preaentatlon or Blblea to 8cholan obarebolden was evldenoed by the ant• wore peach colored talreta. o'rtock. etTorto being made to oror·e a total or I••• CoolS..r $2.00 eight )'Ura old, Dr. mla. D{eael od $!.81 Next Sunday In the cburc)l at Following the church ceremon7 a Loo Dlplomaa to l,lttle Beginnen. 3,000 obareo before Chrlotmao Dainty ehN!kc•rl \'OilPs, flowPrPd lace cloth, s ipt•d and 10:30 the regular preaching aervlce. reception wao held at the hom e of the . y o1. Dlplomaa to Primary Graduliteo. urPR with pique c lla or Vasoar College and graduate of and Teacbera preoent eYery Sunday there very rew bldd•r• • o rs, tlowPrPd cl'!peo, Rev. L. Lobmls, D. D . . Mlnlote r. wu 8. of ochool year Scholan and T8ach­ t>oin d t voil•·•. �' rench linl'n frocks with peasnnt lolon��eB, jlllt the Chicago UnlvenltJ, where Mr. ; o en abaen t not more than three Sun­ Preaton lo a profeosor. ll' thing for port Wl'ar. r.ovely coloringR. Full Hkirts days. !I H aud SundaJ senlc-Low Mau, 7: U Hymn. No. 9, "Summer Buno R..., AMOUNTS ol hPr style points ...... ·"-• a. m., 8:15 a. m. Hl1h llau, MISS BUNCE TO WED Olowlng." 10:80 a. m. OtTerlng, for Sunday School. Sunday School lmmedlatelJ attar \\'Ill Derome lht' Drtde of Ar· TO LOAN Rot� Paator'a ta lk. the 8:15 Mau. thur Burna at Uleu J,, Hymn, No. 12, "Bweet Allehrtao." DallJ Ma•--7 and 7:10 a. m. <'"' ""• 1., On Bond and Plort&a&e Tomorrow. Benediction. Lovely Sauter Dnaes, $2.85 Hoi)' Da,. Maua-a :ao, 7:00 and Postlude. ONE OF DottPd and st ript>d voiles, also challis Jllllll'rn \'oilt•s, floral 00 a. m. Ml11 Mildred Curry Bunce, of Elm 14,000 8: • PrMb,.r.erlan Church. anti othH fashionahle fabrics, very styli•h. Hoi)' Communion BundaJ.-li'INt otreet, will become the bride of Mr. eri'Jli'S •om� with Robert Arthur Burne, of Somerville, The morning oervloe at the Pre•hr­ THE OTHER Quakt•r collars or fichus of organdil'. Exceptional ,· ulnt• Sunday, Ro�rr BocletJ; aecond Inn­ 13,200 at $3.11 tertan church day, HolJ Name BoclatJ : An1al1 So­ Maa., at Glen dtlve, L. I., tomorrow wao al10 given over to the oboervance of Children'• Day and Must be goodprope , that will ciety, boJa; third BnudaJ, Anpll 8o­ evening at 6 o'clock, at "The Hill," the oummer home of Mise Edwards, the following program was rendere'Clock. year were al1o chosen at the meet­ Jobnoon; "The Light of the World," In•. Mildred Powen, Margaret Wahlberg, l. A. Smith, Rector. RaY. Nellie Perkloa, Beatrice Holrman, Harness and Harness Parts LADIES' AID Allee Winter, Jeule Winter ud Ruth Obrl.cUa ...... comn ; ''The Peace Fleet," Paul BN.JOY NOVEL Flrlt Chllrah of Ohrllt Baientllt, PARTY Crlckanberger, Judoon Moaber, Rob­ Cruford, New -leraeJ, Sprlnglleld The Parcel Poet Party," 111'811. In ert Perrine, ,Frank Hildebrand and that must be disposed of at once. A-u• aad " IIUn street. 8erncea connection with the meeting of the Clyde Edwarda; "'11be Wheel on the BundaJ m., WadnH4&J aYe­ Ladlee' Aid Society or the ll'lrlt M. ra l," Florence Rol8, Pearl Roaen- 11 a. T t niDI o elock Room, E. church at the home of MN. l. 8. Mildred Bartleman, Ruth Pow­ I ' . l\ea4lq l I UnloD 4,.ue, Cr&Dforil, opu dal J, ll'errla, on llmbree Creecent, laat Edith Colllno, lllnlyn Haate, I to m.; 8UD4ayl, p. m., Helen Whitcomb, Grace Thorn and ' p. I to I WedneadaJ afternoon, proved a moat Sale where br let.Aae litera­ d now on &II O lltlaa enjo)'able ud eDtertalnlnl atralr. Francea Lambert. an "Dalalea," at re obtalaed are wei· from .. a t Rooencrua, Olive Church and tu 0!1' M . .i.ll The •um or U6 wu raallled .. aom.. the Ala of the Parcel Poat packa.... Mar,. BonDell. Recitation• were given by Addloon BA VIII JtiUIIP8. Rllth Tltua, Haney Whlt- The I'RlBNDII Westfield BatQ" R-, aDd CIU.JiliORD � llar1aret Ludwll and JIIDma Bra,., lDtleen. 1\ou . ....Of HBVJOIII. Robert .Ue:DDdv. A reoltatlon ea.tlt­ llotb of atreet, and Pla,Jmatel, �ba, Otuk led aad Yo11" wu given by The Be>r. ,Job *ter are quarutiJied lA th ir HIRAM of Trinity llplloopat church, of Oro­ e "Loft FINK, Ga re�pectlve DorotbJ 8hotwall, r n ragr r loo Rou, Proprieto e com� bo!D41 on aoeount of bavlnl contraat­ Ha ford, will tweo.tJ-tl'ftl Jeara lllqeDa PoweN, Harold luander L. mumpa. Both ladlea A of u of the cllurab e4 the )'OUIII and ll'toreDca GltmoN. The addreao IMITioe NGtor of ban light c- and are dOIAI wall. 138 Elm Street that place ou J ulJ tth. Westfield, New Jen•Y to the oollool wu ma4lt bJ the ReY. C. T. S11.ow, the a l11. putor. The AND 4RID 8UBBCRIBIDR' If Dt 1 J'OR NIIWI 1'40'1'8 YOU A alngln1 by the acbool aDd the aaveral PHONE 140 not, whJ not 8UB8CRIBII NOW? departm11nta added the program. B'BAD .VUY P.i.O •• to Fo DOGS LICENSED llowiD« their annual ruotom the FEW B. F. Silverwood otore• or l..oo LEGAL NOTICB nN·, 'l;<"l(lr<'l A of thP 1elet� opened 700 aavlnJI(o tho ""''" ""'"tlon n acrouot• F.IT.tTF. or .IOHI'f H. ('0-11'1, Dill· at the An l.lahiP to Fine. , Loa lf8 eo Truot and SnlnJI(O ADYER s CICAJIJI:II. L•n ""d 1 JISER SPECIALS c\ rr Bank recently. Tht'oe arrou to WHAT THE MERCHANTS J• S. IRVING CO. tllf• t all dog n wer� HAVE 1'ut'IIU&nt to the ord•r of OBOROE T OIIALIIRe IPf l'octl"r o w n or owner oublect 40,000 In Adnrtlolnc l'olunu••· n-t acrlh•r under oa or afftrmatlon ror " do� mok<>• , number, have dl!poalt - th �a\ M" ti n<' of 1 In the hoot dalmaof and d•mand• a�t•ln•t e 1 s 1 o. on or Carf'fnUy All Adnrt._ aald deceaaed wlthln nt'le Armonth11RtL. ..., o lnl!l bank r to al· from thf'l •• Ym : Clnlnllt11111 • llllriM Crtallg,Wnti!IN, I. J. I dog llcenoeo · n loee U,, tht1 Ntnetefl-nth day of Goa • nr ht.l fore•er l and Lumb f>4 er o n·•r ., U5 Yoa t"'' h.u t moot ll "" for thlo year the oum- MQ&a, .. "\\'ha' from 5)ro.. cutln11 or recoverlha th�P • • lllf';,.d a..,rlbed to tbe lootructloD In \\'Ill Found MoulcUar and MuoDt Matertall, The pollee given Waat" bP aame RKI.IDatJ\)Btr.rH th• auhJcrtber ll!'r Ill.- on!)' rP&rhed 31. tb UIIDt!ll aDCl ftrUUaen. hB e � department O! There. E. OALLAOHII:R, Klnd . t e time : liJirw..pttd toflllllill•�· V extend@() h 00 1· the THOMSON, E•eeutor .ht n<� lot to � . lim it from June ZOtb. and -... .,,. -n wau _,.,. ., ...... af!•'" dat .. Rll own" Amon1 the many other l!ood "'3bow Me l" All rl1ht; rome to rroctor. tl latiN ro of •" tblop that _• ·-•-• -· •-' ------(-"-••_•_•_n _. _I O_l •n li• ,.,.,,.,! tlngo will hailed to the Youo1 Men'• Chrla­ Charlie Clark"a. be IIIIT.tTiil or THO.AI o. BBLL, !tiCtlao Aaaoclatloo Ia dolo1, It Ia J. S. Dllil"lliAUID. urt anti nnPT. Pur"uantPAJ.t RoT, to the order of otoROE era A11oclat1on In the effort to TALKS ON THRIFT to· "Cooaalt the Mao Wbo Koowa" Union, 8urroaate of the Count)' cr- the oum total of th rifty IIYIDI ot made 'Oft the sppU�Atlon of ------�� NI------Ia the by-word In Weattt•tJ. It d 11 o A recent N­ (Am�rtran Baokera ANOCiaUoD ) number of Ito 40-pap fen to Walter J. Lee of "the boay !!:.:;cHcUtnn-;ro tfc:'1a �=��gi �.��n··:� �:; monthly , of Nld deeca .. d to exhibit to ma1a11oe. A1aodat1oo Men, eoroer" ID tbl J'latlroo BluldlDI, the Tlf!HD ANNUAL SERIES. ,auh��ocrlb•r under oath or aft\rma­ wu dnoted almoat entirely to the wbo Ia an authority tlon thPI1' t'laim• and demanda a&alnet on W81ttleld Nal the ••tatt."t of M. J. TOBIN FOR THE YOUNG aub,lftt o! thrift, cootaloln1 artlclft eatate. Tboae h aaldt dec•aH4h withinf nln• ]lo. :!1.-THJU.-T who patroniH blm do n��� �r f�h�y ��u8bX.t to���.� IUiiBIIJIUfOII 817 !fORTH A VII., WR8T by Jamea J. Hill. Henry Ford. Oeor1e well. b:�;d h n t W. Perkin• and others. The front trnm l'ro.. cuttna or reeoverlna the 1111 1�n(�:(��;:1�1: :n:�� ��= �::� aam . t h ' 1111\\:',: ll"n"" lcoYer wa• ornamented wltb a picture ,, ��:i 'Fi ��:L� ��rt����ijMPANY. " , '• Ford, or r>otrolt Don't Lut •an EleClutor. or eollatPd men or the navy d"po•lt· Be The ra N E L S N A R C H�B L D It a k own to wtae par­ COT>t>l�(l It OLIVER. Proctoro. UI.IOl t ••·t w�ll n 1111 their 1iv1n1a for aa!e k"eplnl ...... 1·11-91 (J'ooe 0 0 ents and t<>arhero that the beat way - ,...... ,...... ,. . wltb !btl Brook lyn NaYy Y. M. A .• .... THBN YOU WHAT II LlllrT. nrn,, c. &lilT IIIITATF. or rRIIIDIIRICK ITIIIIIB, I• hy doing. DuriDI the Carpenter and Builder to 1o where oYer S4 baa been d e­ J• . n• • •t Tewa DIICIIIAIIIID. tomln� h n , th ...., , .... till• 'l'as o l vaeatton. let your ted by men of tbe ...... ,. .,.. .. nt...... " ••••• •• order •r poet eervlce In tbe F'unu•nt to the of OICOROE T. a l l work and eero ..•alte "•aatlriH. RO"' ur a t AU Bnnchu of Carpentry Repairln1 n l' n loon a•atn•t aub1crtben.T. H. P. MANNING al> out the prompt SALLI E TAYLOR. bad som<> dlnll the Late nr. J. H. Corbin f'!et urn of a Joan, be uld : OEOROB: V. ITElflO. surh ao TIIOWr80N,Adml ntatratora, c. t. a Plum bin&, Heatln& and Tin Work I don't want to let you llR. MORRISON LI.O Yll rrootor. "'"· �l ory. D...... u , ...... 11 101 It took me an !'i. PHONE NO. btn r- r �11tt monPy. or lllllW .III:RIEY. 14 ELN ITJtDT 484-N \('!!�.H1 r(lay to earn renta \\our fttteen OSTEOPATH 11'1l"IH!'C('F.R\'" �\!in�.: and I 'm golnl to han g lAili an I'C1Rts To B La� and Bfllmont M. for a whUP.'' (Graduate under the Founder) on ff, if l.nRuPtu; o Th"r•• many In whtrh am� ot8t h:��Pr"y �b� �t:[e :t '�:we���� •• Hr(' way• N. 0 EMa-t.. r•r•t•••• can make money. A 434 summit AYeoue, Weattleld, J. on day of h htorf"· �"···�·:.:r: �·: · • bit!ouA hoys "Y made the tThfle date FRANK RECARDO l <'IHl run errands, delt uf. In a rauae wherein We•"'"'" tit� hPy v!flr Telephone Weatfteld 88 Company "It Tru1t are I• eomplalnantnd nu. andare rourf'· l'fotllt•• h hlo hand lei!·PO er and othPra dete a )'OU .1•"•••• All Kta•• Painter t"lr•t-Cia• ll•t tbln�• and w and demur or of Deaorater Material waJr;::ona, on a golf York Om : UO Eaat 34th St. qulredr to •tpf'Ar plead,n Worllaaa•llll• lo uprP�� raddy !'lew � tr.ftere"�C'�':; !�• on IJ... �·t c. t:::;.: tt;e o...... COUfK(', TelepbonP df'fault ther•of IUC'h ;� :� ne;t� IIIW IT P. 0. A ('ouutry hoy girl ran ea or In the deer.•Chancf'tlor wiU WllmiLD, II.. B•a 11t1 or rn Murray Hill 77 and 1900 be mad.ft aaalnet �·ou aa lant ng and tendln1 a t mnn••y hy p i � 1t b n u rar l< raring for n lmala. A •;�" �� � �?t� t� �l� �oJ f�1f "clo•" " t •n or a mortaa11., made by you tfl Harry L �lrl !'iorth Dakota ma <� JOIIII� In d Dll. DANIEL NEIL MORRISON Ro'::�i�\ n:�t� b l n f om l te of pllfl ••hlrh �':,·� :���� l�n�� th0 !�: over $Ifd l r a it r town ot \\'•etftf'ld; and you ar• mad• ber are ta turn@d over to O��EOPATH thfl �t'Ufl.ibiP p n defemh•ntamurtl(aae. b•caua e you exf!cUttoc1 tu Dr. J. H. aald ' and )·ou,the Lllllan D 1�­ Er.aest otter. Succeucr to tbe late Corblo N IlU i ot a FOrW.fllefly o!Wilcox Alexander Hunt b@lr lnok Ru•. h )'OU are owner In rlty or country. ran hel p OFFICE, 434 SUMMIT AVIll. art ot the epreml••• the-rein. Girl•. r deacrlbf'd thP h<•lUtttwork , do aewlng, make WESTFIELD, N. J. ,atod, �1 "' WILCOX POPE with c�ht\Hfo A OLIVER. & nnd n many other waya make 8l;��J'I �i tancl)· I Soi[: �.r · OOP.MTZll AND useful as we\\ ae ornamen� J N. , BVILDU 219 NORTH thenH�Ph't'8 DR. GEORGE R. BOSTON, Weotfteld. J tal. AVENUE Cumlterlanll St. ('Vt�ry cRse, when a rhll<1 earns I7Ulll COUPON ---1 &-10 In OSTEOPATH, llliT.tT�: OF Al.ll"l!l ED\\'.tRDI Bl'llll'fl o•· abe ohould enrour- Tllu ...,.�, .,,. ,.,,�,,j ,. Dl!li'ICAIII:D. mon"' h� be •• •• Tel. \\'ESTFI J<: LIJ aom� of It Into a a tng mttitt.... � , , -illll ._ ... omce, 4 02 Pro1pect St. Punuant ord•r uf tau-.r Fainting and Wall paperine 11&•<1 to pul av a ••• C••• -.1111 Mutonn th,.t of n�t'uuntynHCf"&l•tl toor PXhlhlt fflrm to Thrift p k ATTORNEY-AT-LAW •uhtkrlhf'rth··ll· undt>r oath a a· tlon P•tfttl• dulmMuf 11111Rh1 nml dPmftntle II&Rinat TOWN HALL BUILDING tht' rnm dt':Cf"H.If"dciB) "'' lthlnof nlnfl mnnthur111 f tht> FourthfurevPr .J PNK PROSPECT STREET 19U, th('�· "111 be harred 111 · � · ut rlna th• KINDLING and CORD � �r,��1 �! ••� ril,�;fl : /u�Al ii> FOIIT�lll, BUSINUII HOURS A. TO 8 P. DAILY ��':.,"! Wl� l.l.l,\ll WOOD 8 Ill. M. ARMIN HOOS fl O II" CORD WOOD, cut in suitable VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR TJIO�f p�os. Admlntatrator r...r.,nvo Proctor. U lenaths or places l·t·81 ( F••• I IOl f fire Term• Roaooable PuUey Pole• and All Kind• of Fence Poeta U2 Elm Str ..t, WNUield, N. EIT.tTF. THOIUI H. LO\"E, J. IWDEl'ICAI IIIU. KINDLING WOOD A SPECIALTY P u t thto ordt>r nf T un an to OEOROI!: R. PARROT, R rr Ka te t he County of A. Dunham H. ColliDI ' , u o of ( ?. t nl the nf th • CHARLES DUNHAM C(lLLIN8 on m&dP- on .. RJipllcatlonof HECKEL A under•laneul.c·t-nwpd, notl("t! t-:x t•lu•rt"L)uton' aaldtu ttthe .... alllcl 111 MIV•n Plountalnatde, N. J. P. o. Addn ... uaeld, N. THE Mall PboaeC reOr«• ..A.ttelltlOD Reoeh•e CIVIL ENOINEillRB AND SUR· of tn w .. J, "BEEHIVE" Promi)t and a tu.l NEWARK E t'thrPdltora� aald •IN'f"RBf"(l toor exhibit V YORB tton auhacrlh•r" undt•rund oath amrma· Telephone MOO-Market-Five Five-Hundred thl'lr f.'lalm•of tutltl d • · d�mandad &11ah1•t BLUE PRINTING DEPARTMENT th., f'ltftte lht� Fourth• • •aae withinof nln,. mnllthl from oda)• JPNK Naw Po1t Oatce EulldiDI 191&, or thev "·111 he f r•v•r harrt•tl . llL�T Alk 8HOPPI N CENTER o•• NEW JERSEY Wealllald, N. J. trom ur th., for "CENTURYoo EDITION "Sh.tMula IJRl" OOOD!I 11 Jlroa�wutlnK r•�r'&vt>rlnll' a lca . forelanlllld American 1 h Stan�ard and cl l Com-•I 1ame a�ratnat (' SHEET pubhaht-d. AU j;��.·���U>.,[t JilV t1on reeummendOdIIJ'ad• :-for teachin8,anddrawin1·room or 1";:'..:\,4 JAM�:& •. F., UICd aod ln ludina 1 LOV�:. Schuol1 COilNnat.orte. C. W. ANDERSON EXl'ICUturll. MUSIC IOc a Cop;, Re...,.U.. ol PallliaMr•' ,.,._ COPJ'NOTON c.w.q IOiectloao. :J t\ BLATZ, Proctor11111 Got • " cmto. ot we '*" 1111 I Architect 1·9·91 ( �· oeo 'II !Ol Cen ral hone W" 145 t Aj"· P 789 C. F. · 'WITTKE WESt IELD, N. J. Oil��:� 10 � . F IPICf"Uit . '.!lil'tl NO. 3111 . OaDI�A.Nt'f� co•••• •• •la•t la•k AJI lo H" •r ••• ••••r•••••rr• -•ll•rF to SUMMER SALE LEGAL NOTICES ee.•trad•d Ia a pertloa of H Fuurf" thto ('oUfll'll Scudder's Cash Market PROPOSAL.. a:·�-��.,BhH'd\\'eet Ht•ld h\· In of th .. Town ot tho County of rn\on: lrH:h 118.1\11111'\. 9 ELPI STR EET ''ropo111aht received Sec. 1. Tt,at an eiKht H�l\h>tl "'HI bti h b)' apourtt>nara•toa con•trul'lt·d EI'ONilE uf of e aewer and tor bf'l of ti OO �lh· El'tiNia: \ ;J t"OI.tJH th� \\Uuartl'eo�tfleld, t.;ducutton t Town A.vt-nut� COOL WASH. " ) FABRICS of In Fourth uh dlatanl•e FniOIEII :Ilk .\Nil 1'1.,\ IN New Jeney, at tho omce f("t>t of �u t 111-:.\I'H wutult•rtul I>!J>t.'t'llll yard . . . . Mark northea1tThat n1U\r 'hAvt�nUP, of coat VERY FINE BR OILER S 1 'I.OTH, " h&t'K&ln; . . . l:k of tht• 1111trkt Clerk, A. \Vebater. z. tht> n n h u M�<'. t ao wt>ave, Ut>pendable, mueh an ed plain color epon�e. ' :� ri� � FRESH KILLED CHICKENS h·rte{·t t ��t· �)�·k '�.1181 r!:.. ��� . t f�f5. �o�0 a�nt·:� ��� a �� �-•'tmu':to0 � " ��ou�� fi ne w gray, peach. l htl followfng Itt" o ert)' b�zr._e;a et ��ll�' � d � � !H·ach IJ n k light blue, ropen, tun, sand, old rose, anrtton otwith me tn c nec· ht�ntoftttt> ll doth, i , the b� p• ally tlw BttUnl thtHehy •h FRESH VEGATABLES EV ERY '"'i�o�tarla, b o , leather, salmon, navy, and b\ack; white m ... of l'OOIHructlonSchool and equip· aaaeaaed by of Aue.,.on DAY lh·lio, n nt th� nt>W Hll(b bultdina h trn roYement ahu11 r w n weight ror nuw t• r�derl Rec. 3. T at aaJd y h KIH·•ld,d '"alnut J.: 0�' t 1-- tlll�. tlreaSt'8, N. �!r�:St>c.,�':t th Two phones-1138-1137-·insure quick·service I"I • efre-t'4. a thlll ordinance •hall \1 . "!lillEitJo!ON'� 21k JMl'ORTio:D lK'OTCH Zl.:l'Hl"R MADR.\": T�;-!ollowlng take t lmmetUat�ly. \\ aect1on1 ot the ...ner al and S tt'<·llll )'artl ...... •...... •.....•...... cont1·act fur Paaaed A J 1,..r Ilk con•tructlon In accordance ad( ri.'; �V . d 1 n 7��A\:��· l't·rt'c·•·t full plecee, in varioua light to woven raat colors b��1!1nA�\��:, Atteet: Maror. medium !'t·!ton, �� ni�Pi� fh:��c: Et•Uth.t:��� CHARLEII CLARK. strlpeo. checks plaida, dainty neat atylea, lnche• C Architect, li \\'t>lt Bt., aut! raney and ¥ NP \V To�m ClerK. patterno, but od'l' own aeledlon or 19c dras, �t>('tlonYork l'Hr: 1·9·18 !Fooo HOI) wuiP ma ''(J," , discontinued ...•...... CJocka, bella and bat· cial yard ...... •.... Ilk l Gartside's Iron Rust Soap g111ghanu; spe te���\�tlrJn ri tel�phunt� "It," Common batt•ry p vate SILK WARP CRYSTAl. 8JLK8;Spedal �xchaDK'e ayatem. lH•· .\ XIJ 3Dc prlt,.., l"'r H�etlun "T." ••• u• ...... • • • . • ...... • . lltk "\\' ," t..ockera. leatftl lak Spotl Stalu Will .Net laj1re tile Fa�lc )'llnl ...... H�cthm Electric aad Oaa Ll· blue, yellow, hello. tn r' loral and otrl�>e pattern• lo the vartoua pink, ������;{��X: .. Laboratory table• and tan. blac and oJ!Iar comblllatloo effects, on white k and white and ul\}'��� tl 1 Gale's Pharmacy grounda llrml) woYeo, correet wel1bt for dreNea, ��,� �>.!' tinted ' appro­ rialn additional work re• for atreet, even1111. reception, partlaa or tf.DY other occasion ; t c t n t l•riate . ?�!�8�1!3 ��t l�c����d t� �t: �";'rf�:!i B R 0 A C 5 T Rl! I! T he• de. S�lal )'ard .•••...... •...... IIOc o 1�dth:atlo a Lut oG inc wi � � n abown J'D !l�cf c"· t on& now prepared by tbe ara�ec! . Dowered pattern• ane" YOllllll, apteodld &alortmeot, wll� also Krouoda, tine weave, sheer whohim Invites blddera to call freelY Funeral Director-Embalmer wear; •Peclal yard .....•..•. ono m atn hie otllce tor any further ln· launder and atve u.cellont ta �c f r atio or tor esplanaUon of tbe . Purcbaaed to'., NCY OOWRKD VOILES AND CREPR8; fancy ftoral atrlpe plan•n or epeclftcatlonar t.'\t· C!:t �b:�:!u�; �:f: t:: • and dot pattern•. beautiful' tabrlca made trom the noeat yaroa, .=!:�r�) :�� a to dlaUoplah from double tbe u de up would dl!rtcult be u d read u e TH•: J0\'8 OJ<' 8l.l'MMER when m be Ugbt to med­ B��� !,��l not even be nl pre­ price gooda, ll7 Int. wide, new tbla IIIUOD'I atylea correctly ftlled ln upon the .•...•.•••••...... Hnted Ium color tooea; apeclal yard IOc form• prepared by the arcblteetb wblcb driving are appreciated by )OY8fl Of b t�� rl !'iature a1 well u of bealtb and beau­ TOitRAINJo: KGYPTI\N TIII&UE; one or the popular summer ��!�k. �o �������11 !;,o.!.� abo��� :! ::0'\t· addreNel.l. ty. You will nner 1et morbid from waob dreaa. fabrlca, �e w atylea In obeckl, plaid., and otrlpe pat· beautiful auorted a o be r or olttiDI! around tbe houae aotrno1 dual tern1 In varloua ll11it to, medium colora In ae;r�:-;·111 la received to all etc., II loa. wide. nn· h u t If you 11et out and aub•tltute freab air comblnatlona. aulted tor dre-. walttli, ::'i'ntP�!�u¥:eJ 7o! {:� :t�v:'�uia�Y��� • . • • • . . . . . • . . . . . • . 1 c family or aw.. t­ eat ttuue1 ; 1peclal yard . . . . • . . . . . T l:tpeclftca.tlon• ot furniture andmay pro· be tnatead. Take your po1al for the uN of btt;tera t 1 heart out lor a pleuant drive and n t the ;��':, le bow nloely wbeel1 of ·���: le ':.8 tbta [o �:� you will •ee the AOON8 �� � t!j�. lif" will move wblle roiiiDI alon11 In PROMPI' AND OABD'VL � BY OR 0\\'JI \\' ce v �u8c c���e;:a\' 0t�dderl will beMtllfal·tur requredy from Bl\rtoii"B. to furnlah at once a bond a rig to the Board ot Education. oth.,rwt.H erthe contract maY be awarded to anuth· btdder wlthout further obUaaUon to the Board of Education. T ���:.t 11 reMrved to reJec� &:UlY L. S. PLAUT & CO. or :l� N. Wm H. Barton 711 TO 72 1 BROAD IT., NEWARK, N. J. Weotnetd. i,:.,��t"A1\J�\: sn:n Liveryan• llctaMlftlBtabl•• . .. Dlatrlct Clerk ,...... �. I-9·1C WUTPJJILD LB£DU, WKDNUDAY, 18, 19111. Pare Blx THB Jl1D ------___ , _____ . NOTES prown thl'Rf' nhlf' tnl • LIBRARY E D E'DEi llliiHI hnVP eongeni11l for IIH long nK nr• I TFI A HNIUiol' Echr•• )IIIH loKI none of his pbyni<·11lly 11hh• to tnlk they will 1,,111ctr�d hook• or uon-llrtton JB£-- --WES------L L nrhauil v nr t im<' tlwr•• i 011,, hahm�e while he WBII talk f'\'f'I'Y i� II dtatw•• •• lnter o1 1n� llrtlon, hav., h.,., n HI.I•RKD WED!VBIDAYI r "" 1'1 AT tllf'ir namt•R in pri Tlw and ln lh<> •tark• near paying NRW .JRRIBY, at to "'''' n t. •••l••rlf' Semtl.e and he bas they I'XJll'l'l. Social J.tre Under the lldllor a11d p<'riPII WAI,Tli:RJ. I.IJ:III. made a s plendid rt>pnt$on for Mr. RooMI'velt proh11hly profit Tblnlla He can, Mar- in s hopcnr.•- '"'Jt�Can Who himarlf even if he has repreaP.nted that tht•re will be aornl' Mort of share the w �.:·;�TII:T den. hich bf from hia visit. to J.ouiaiana, he c !l00r, :; · JNDIDPBN· DB.�T· 4 NIDWIPAP-eer rJ' one the rotteneat counties in 't ht> suit Th rour;h t Mar;t � ���;� ;.';�:."�: ·� • � · !: ' AN lorn<' A Wan d11rer 1n P' o nr ' result State in the SenatP.. If he has that he• b P a J to stJr· up Prooldent WI'I ) I) t ., Du- " l!ncle Sam'• Modern Mlracleo. from Prude O-JCIAL PAPilla far ••• ota n evl'r had the taint Atlantic City aort of trouble for democracy in tial TOWN or- WBI'ITIIDLDu r of Puy. h e h corruption in hi• 8ystem he has that aection of the count ry. Wit er re Lad t aoamma or o.t.awooo ll { asA leo.uBu lp e::il , Su mutualization. ' Y or a R an e k- 11oaovoa or of its the preeent pr ce for sugar 't 'II tr tor •ouNTAINIIDa not given any indication 1 I WI loll: " ... prt>senee while making lawa for not be an e88y mattt>r to stir ••• N up netn1 Done Oood , Lent. u••••• or... •' "- ..._ In ...... far real trouble in a 1111gar growing Roa , DeWeeee. . ·-···J' ·--w .... State. 1\end tbe d ta. . In the Court• or Memory. I.lnden- The other man who now 10 section, tarift' or no tariff. at rorol!. •otered like the sort of the 8enate and looks There actually was a z Poltoeman 88, P'ranck. H. J., one o emo f 1r Probable candidate on the D - tempv.&r. rary reaction in favor o My M ar T "'1 1 n. Howell•· the cratic ticket is Senator Charlt•s Roo1evelt after bia victory ovt•r Women of Salona. Tallentyre. or . . , I A few the new booka: Poet Ollloe at Waolllold, Hennl'say. Now Senator Barnes, but it took a very f�w • r•rthe Ia ...... -•• •- O'C. "Th<> Man Who Married a Dumb u second Clue Matter. ge IHt'nDI'BBY i1 a live wire and bas daya for the public at lar to 1tt'l' Wife," by Anatole P'rance, a comedyMr. ------ever nce he of run and aatlre, tranelated f or been in that claaa Ii that it was more a defeat fur Tonne: Ora .-tlle and one of thP moot states- n Barlrl!r. r I made his debut among the Barnes personally than it was a ew or ------artletlc playa put on tbe N Y k any rl'- In ...... •..... men at Trenton. victory for Rooaevelt in ota11e yeare. Ul r BualnAcltvortlolna•• Rateo ru nlobod Upon a atb Tar;ore," by Bao- • t>mc...... •....•....•.• He baa the reputation of nevPr ape . No great iaaut• w88 actunl- "R blnd an U ct - Appllaalloa. . 7 anta Koomer Roy, wltb an lntroduc Job 7 dodging an iaaue and he baa mad•• ly tried and many thin!JII r thl• hav£> tl P tto� by Hamilton w. Mable. A bto- i It would glv,. CompanyJnau ranceple&IUrtl to you U11el W I l'rurlf'ntlnl on Lite &nd Public \\'t lfltre Pa)abater on tht> ftoor of the St-natr- public that both politicians woul•l and "The HoUle of the Mj8ty Star," by l'rlnllnl' Dept...... and in the campaigJlll while ou tht• like to haw forgottl'n. ====�======P'rancl• Little. Tbe JapRn of The much vl•lt To the Netwrom<'I'-We twel- a l atump. ba gained the 1"1' No one act of Mr. Roo�evelt • of t h " D ecoratl on a11aiD form• 1-�xh blt w Ho - hn y ,ou to W...uleld aad u11. thM JD11 eall HJII'Ct of hia colleagues regardleM doni' him more h&rm than hi• th<> barlr��:round or thlo otory. , o oa h 1 M or u t.teph ae II8J mau. of party and he baa ftpen a real jingo talk and rl'ckii'AH criticism 1 1 " oa o, or of m" ae ':ma : :n: to th., to-. Phone '�i . ."v�"·:�;�; pert&Jnln1 tOT matters at ailministration iu ft f ctor in legi11lative all the its bandlin11 ma 1 �� uc a c and "118• times. of the ri'CI'Ilt •�riHis in international "On T.lfe'o By-wayo," hy Pierre SE n t ve ai u 0 · sn 1 �� : � � TH N JOE T E NE OT ro ADVICR IBBIUL lot n t u n . o t t e W � � . d ,_.__ to mall o.--- lD : : �:� : � ; ::: :� : :: r TJIOM ee�._ e e.__ makPn� �� and��:: as politic� ians �and th1::�ey mP:aaur•• th� ..� qn&lity: �;of the:! patriot-� : Frlta;;; Krelaler,� the world-famouo� vto- their uv rUMm.,atA nlua& Jeat'e " a e their would giv•• the State of �ew Jer· iam of Thl'odore Roosenlt 11 olke N LATII:R . IIIHI ::��·�:!�,:�v� :��a"! ,�·· �n::;�:�� :u:::..: :���:� E I GHT CY Ll N DER c:up;r lA \hla OT • • f y one f tl1e )'IV e )' t campa' tan,_ a oward T8 Thla boolr record• hlo penonal • we 1 IBID war. • o W'JI' H ft eacb week 0 1�8 __ THAN TUESDAY NOON -- - that baa bet>n wJtDPIRI'Il for a Taft haa received the comml'll· e�(M'rl.,ncea. - to lnaun� pubU..Uoa. great many ' yean. Of courae dation of e very fair-minded man mLJ.JNS.BRODin'R. 11m baa made the there may be dark horses who will N enthuaia in the country for frank I Uuuaual his K I' l- lll•• E dna Brodeur. daughter ol in the •. G . come .to the front and w .M ao opening of the aea donl'mt>nt of r. Wil n '8 aci M. :11 and Mra 1':. L.' Brodeur. of Auo­ The GolfOlub. son of the West· nominations, but there now -•n• The differenct' between Mr. TAft tin atreet. will beeome tbe bride or at the home of the field Golf Club little doubt that both SeJ$tor and Mr. Rooa�>velt i1 the erenc Rot C. Collin•. difl' l brld.,'a parents tomorrow eventn11 at Is Here and Ready for notable. There haa never been in Ed� and Senator" Henneaay between a atatPaman and a demat' will - R o'clock. Rev. Dr. Shaw will per ­ Delivery have a few words to say before o M f the history of the organization 10 g guP. r. Ta t is a patriot RH form tbe ceremony. Harry Miller. The motor is a trifle larger. giving more power, of thll town. will be the beat man much interest shown in every fea- tht>y h�ave tht> rae•• to others. well 88 a atatl'smau. Tht>rP hetret•olotre.tbll Ill'" and Mtoa Madeline nrodeur, a ototer there is the same economy of operation as turc of the activities of the Club some of ua who are quite willing will oo maid of booor. · t[ t[ ti or the bride. to the new Zenith carbureter. im_proved manifold t •-- a�e &nd · t b as never .,.,en tn a more As political matters ar now be- to balt•· 'evP that 'lr. Ro velt is After a New England trip tbe youor; e . . " is the DOllelt . rouple will realde on w.,atlleld ave- much lighter reciprocating parts. The price fiourishiug condition. g t our JIDKQ. ! ginnin 0 nue. officera t e Lik J'l er. It I complete-but thue are many new body The of the Club and � LooJm e eld ahape them- ia cillll cult to aee jlllt wherl' · -$1350 Mr. chassis refinements and all the sturdiness. reliability coiUmittees who have in charge aelvea it looks T�ddv• ia going to align him�..Jf Commuter-The Leader Cent- a-Worda are little human lntereat the plaDllinr of the entertain- like Governor Jt' ielder will be the during the nl'XI two years for just special mechanical features that have made the KING atorlee reftecttn1 tbe nooede of hun- menta have shown excellent judg- e Se - at prt>&Pnt be ia practically t Democratic candidat for the n wi h- dreda of peo ple. Cultivate the bablt success the world over. are still retained. ment in their work and the bos- ate aucceed Martine. it out a party and entirely out or readlnl them. If you hav., any- to And ·. of . tblog to aell. anythllll you wlab to IT IS STRICTLY A QUALITY CAR fROM pitablr club hoWJe h88 never been muat be admitted by e\· eryone who harmony With an)· of the I'XIs. t mg buy. 8 houae to rent, tn need or 11 m opular than it ia th is ore p llt!B- baa observed the political trend in parties The day when a or THE GERMAN SILVER RADIATOR HtH>sP- maid or other help . avail youraelf TO sou. Thia not only speak& well to the State that the Governor will velt party could amount any- the tntereat now being taken In the THE SPIRAL BEVEL REAR Leader claullled ada. The coat to for the management of the Club make a very strong candidate no thing is passed. AXLE. omall. re turn• large. but it showa that the people of matter who may be his opponent Westlield are ready to s ustain on the Republican ticket. ;======:. the right sort of an organi&ation. Governor l<' ielder has made au There are a great many tbinp x For Those Who Want a e cellent executive and whitt• · that help make Westfield an ideal THE LEADER has not found it "F We uave the 1916 Model 43 town Blld each of them m Wit per- poeaible to endorae all of his of­ !THE PLAYHOUSE! form its part in our social life. floial acta it has found mort> oc­ 'l' he Westfield Golf Club hu per- cui.on to commend him than it formed art ceptibly To-nl&ht, Wednesday, June 16th ita p most ae haa had the reason to criticise him. and one of the tin t thinp the out- t I is generally admitted that bt• t sitler hears about Westfield is he baa not been the tool of any politi­ "WHOTHE LOVE PAYS"LIAR opportuuity for line out door u cal bo but at all times be haM Featurin& RUTH POLAND sport which is· . afforded by the shown that he thought for himself f AT .1096 COM PLETE links o the Golf Club. and did not permit others to do his o Thursday, June 17th Th organization has grown 88 thinking for him. W csttield HE The Autocrat of all 4-Cylinder has grown, not rapidly T LEADER beliond that "The Diamond From the Sky" but surely and B&fely and ita prop- Go Fielder would vernor n Filth Rpltode It has a fast and peppery valve-in-the-head orty has been substantially im- better Governor than Edward C. Featurtna LonJE PICKFOR D inch wheelbase. extra wide body and doors, deep • nud waa 120 proved increaaed 88 it re- Stokl'd and it believes now that quirt>d. Financially it on rich upholstery and the same quality equipment 81 is & Mr. Fielder will be a more intlt•­ Friday, Juae 18th tiut• ba11is becauae its officials have car. It is a car of characteristi� difference. �w ndent and efficient represent a­ $3000 hct•n buaine1111 nien who have given iv JESSE L. LASKY t e in the United States Senate. In with If YOU CONTEMPLATE BUYING A its affairs aaHCiatJon the 88me care and The Republic&n lt>aders of the LIGHT thought thnt en to S e fOUR CYLINDER CAR YOU WILL they havo giv tat will lind that a great ma ny DAVID BELASCO BE thPir other business al!airs. other independent Republic&ns in r.....ata SADLY OISSAPOINED If YOU BUY The fact that Westfield baa a New Jersey have the same opiu­ THEO. IOBEITS u4 BOUSE CAR tiEfORESEEING THE OLDSMOBILE.ANY Oolf Club lABEL YAJ IUIEN, PETEIS Ia is not a novt>lty, for ion. must suburban towns now bout It is very certain that Mr. Field­ ..The Girl of the Golden West" of some sort of club with me ao er will make a much more popu­ Far the""'"' •- tlraaa ewer w...t. ar EVENING sort of golf links. Weatfteld has l candidate in his own party IIATUIEE I ... lOe 10 aaclllc a tint -claas Golf Club and its links other who bas been any man Saturday, June 19th ABRAMS SHEILD have been designed with unuaual mentioned for the place and it is skill and cure ONE 8TIU:ET I'HOiiB ... hy competent men not to be thought poiiBible for au CHARLES CHAPLIN PROSPECT who knew what they werl' doing. inatant that any Democrat who &· aod the third eeri�s hopes for hia party 'a aucce111 will tl tl tl Panunount Travel Pictures 1\lost of the political in encourage the candidacy of James wi�eacres Martine. T Tueaday, the State are he farmer orator June 22nd will probably be given a popular BOWORTB •reeente IIAYLN ARBUCKLE PLUMBING, TINNING, Which WW h .., very sure that TING hia Ia HEA the State Sen- invitation to retire to agricul­ "It's No PAINTING and DECORATING b!' tural activi.ti a at Ceda brook. Lau&hin& Matter" ute now haa among ita mom ra � . � t Of courae lt early the cam- EVENING the man who will be the nes Gov- 11 m IIATINEE IUMI tOe 10 ... lie RUSSELL & p but t i t e81'ly for H. ANY Inc. ernor of New J rse . All of the aip i & no too COPIP , e y and Maid wiaeaerea do uot aiiTee 88 to people to look about them be- WBIITFJIIUt, p l qualill· ti Pnepect 1t.. II, J. ,...... hich o e of two en wi be t ap of the :�::::::::::::::::::::::::: w n m ll he sin their raiaa eandidate, cations of the wen who are pretty sltweuful but that ia a due to the me u l rrely to party preju.diee and be in � it seta For to election. o One Week Only party loyalty. the Ketop y ur ea _ e ey on Fielder. COLLECTION · There i11 Yll)' littl do11bt that A 24 bag11a1e at ,...... hotels OF VARIETIES Insure your and en route, apial': no the ·better tra11a�oo. Amouut man in State baa a C t[ tl OF DAHLIA BULBS FOR $2.00 Fire, Theft, insured the Republioan Teddy doubUt!IIB tht>re chance to neure hela that FOa UP ,rniiuium h. time than at IUITABLZ PLAIITING TO IVWI 11 •3oo. nominatil'll at thia Bena- ill i11 hope for been Act- the tor EcJre, who hu the 'hddJ11& 0&1Dbar. Progreuivt> G nrnor inr o for •veral week• Party and him- JOHN F. DORVALL aodhu had of aa long 88 Georp Perkina and STREET an opopftataity Bee· 4ftEIJII WESTFIELD, N. J. ing how he likllll the job. The joh the Pinohot brothers ue loyal for - ...... LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF YOUR Th<' rchanto will l ('ole and Mlu Grr.ce Mro. C. E. Rmlth. of W"otfteld Jersey Week Putnam will.. opend the comln1 weell­ &'nlnue, Ia reco..,rlnll from at­ at Windfeldt's 110 at Allbury Park. tark of the mumpa. COURT "nd Edward Janie, of tbe P'ruteb41J Jamea Mcl.ean, of li:.dpwootl ..... Pharmacy, opent thf' week-end at Due, will entertain a numh"t of A& Princeton. frlenda .. t �arda tblo eveniDI. This is JERSEY WEEK at this market P'lora Wlttllfl, of Broad ltNf!t, Pollee LlfluttiD&nt Martin C.UIIt1ld . it in of town It \ r c I' nil carrying an out Bank? can k>ftMlu on Monday for tho Panama 11::1:­ Ia art1n1 eblef of the dtlpartment In poaltlon. plere of former Cbltlf O'Neill. bank without inconvenience · Jersey Berries he transferred to this to r. B. 81mpeon and family left IMt Mr. &lid lin. Robert Meltble, of loss of week for Avon, where they wll lq)elld IADo'l &Yenne, have returned from a 1 y hou , lea.OO H. lt! on THE PIILLION DOLLAR BANK n1an'o Club, apent Tburaday with Rlpl�y avenue, and will orrupy It Weatlleld frtendo. about July t.t. WINDFELDT COMBINATION R. •: . Perry, Jr., eon of l'nuollman A. J. lkhlouberl!er, of tbe Boule- m EAST BROAD WESTFIELDNARm �======�·�•• rd, returned laat w ll fniin an e•· R. E. Perry, of Hllhland an•nu<•. left 110 STREET, tendf'd bualn- trip throu1h the New tbla week for Yar10outb, N. S., where PHONE COl EDII&od 8tatea. be w111 apend tf!h aumm<'r montha. A daughter arrived at the of Cloltl Thusday• at I o'clock Dulal June, Jaly sad Aqut. Colonel and Mra. ..T. Colft, of home Z. Mr. Mra. J. And rewa, St. Re BRUNNER NPw York l'lty, were the week-end anti of Marka avenue, on Thurada)' t' \'Pnllll o Mr. and Mra. Harry Pur­ I(UNta f laat. cell, of Eudld avenue North. Mro. W. Elmer S. a-. of arreel, ('harlt>a Wf>lmer, of Broad atreet, will Pnt.,rtalo the membera or the will tlotertalo the memb<>ra of the an ocrulonal n�>ecaalty for pre ...ntlnl a rrleoG or rei&· Weatmlnoter Guild at ber home thla hl\li' remembrance. It be that moat Bladeome l'trn Pinochle Club at hi• home tbll afttlrnoon. ttve with aomf! msy ..veolng. of all orcaalona- Mra. C. W. Harden, of Park atreet, AWNINGS �' Mr. and Mro. · R. Nltcble and lt1ft yeaterday mornln& for an tl'l­ eon. of l...enos: avenue, leaveto morrow NO tendt>d vlalt with frleoda lil ,..._ That DO Injure the Wl11dow Frsae1, to I II EllUl for M&rl&retvllte, N. Y., wbtlr" they York Btattl. NOT 10 nr It may be a token of frlendablp, or a birthday aoolveraary. will epend the aummer monthl. FOR Frank T. Glleon and family mov<•d Again, It may be a Mlaa Adelade Hlrkl, of Flathuah, Ia tble week from Highland av.,nue to HENRY SIEBERT CONP apeDdiDI oomtt lime at the homf' of the Gould bOUif on F: urlld av.. n uf' J. & ANY, Inc. h,.r uncle, J. B. Hlc'b, on Rt. Marlla ut . 1147 Ea1t Jeney St., Ellaabeth, N. J. lilt\ lll'.tTlON OJFI'- 8o b • avenue. W. B. Oble and family, of Rum­ PHONE But whatever the occaaloo, we aok you to remember that ble 8111 ,J J. B. Hlckl, of 8t. Markl avenue, mit avenue, left today for Aabury store Ia ever ready to mfMit your ev<'ry requirement In tbe Ia In attendanCfl at the Railroad NOISELESS way or glfte. Wben the sift occeolon prelf!nta ltlf!lf 't'lelt Park, where tbey will apend tho aum­ Men'a Auoclatlon Convention. at At· thla otore. You will lind our atorll of Jewelry and, allver­ lller montbe. ware complete and e'lh&uatlve, TRY US. lantlc City, atopplnl at the Hotel Mro. H. T. W. Huottlnf{, of· DeDDII. renee f\Venue, will entertain a num­ NO On Patent Btad aad Tht1 third half holiday of tbtl -­ ber or friend• at bridle at her homtl STAPLES Slide Rod Awal.,. R. BRUNNER'S ann for tbt1 clerk• of !btl 1rocery and tbla afternoon. butcher atortlo will be enjoyed tomor· you read The l.eadtlr "("t>nt·.. 131 BROAD STREET row. The otbtlr a to rea will cloee Do Wum" a.tvertleemento! Bee thlllll Tburadaya during July and A!Wuat. on l'a11o May oometblng of EST. 11100 IJ. be A. German at1rvlce will be belli SnD• In t"reat for ruu. NO FINE day afternoon at 4:30 In the Italian Mr. and Mn. H. l..e11ett.' of L. HOOKS UPHOLSTERY chapel, l'roapect at..,..t. Rev. G. Mount&ln avenue, are taking a two naeuble, paator of the l.utheran .leek• trip through lllaotern l'ennayl­ l'hurrh, of l'lalnfttlld, will preach. 't'&nla. IIIANUF ACTUIIERS AWNINGS AND WINDOW SHADES llr. and Mro. J. J. Savita and Mr. Mra. Frank Hyde and a large par­ and Mro. Robert Tbompaon attend�>d ty recently bad oupper at the IIA.IL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROJIIPT ATTENTION The Baumann Studio th<> l(raduatlon e•erdeeo at Rut��rera "Dutch Oven," the quaint tea room l'oiiPgf', New Brunowlrll. laat eve­ on tbe Sprlngfteld road, at Mountaln­ Broad St. and Central An. niDI. Ruuell Savlta waa one of the llldtl. members of the �lua of 1911. lira. Bogert, of Grandview Wutfleld. N. J. a•enue, Mr. and Mra. 1•. A. Clark, of Stan­ will entertain the membtlra of tbtl ley Oval, havtt their IUMtl Mra. TU.. III•J 11 Ladlea' Mloolonary Society of tbtl Clark and Mlaa Franc"" rarley, of Baptlet church at her bollle toroor· Cbarltlatown, W. Va. Mra. Clark row afternoon. baa Juot ....,overed from an operation Mr. and Mro. J. F. Bloomer. of HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS IN In a Baltimore boapltal. Cincinnati, Ohio. are vleltln& tht1lr Mr. and Mra. Hayden, of Jt1rat1y !lCD and daughter-In-law, . M•. and OUR STUDIO OR AT YOUR HOME City, have announcf!d the tiDPiement n. M. B. Uloomer, of 8tonelelgb of their daughter, Ml• Irma Haydtln, ark. to Roger Maaon. of Fairmont avenue. Mlu Mary Alberta, of 852 Dow· The wedding will tab place In Oc· Der street, entertained thirty-live oJ tober. bar youn1 frlenda at ber bome on Take Advantaae of Our Pilei-Summer PrieH The atrawberry and Ice cream fea­ Monday afternoon to celebrate her tlval held on the lawn of tbe Bap- t1lenmtb birthday. tlot church laat Raturday waa well at­ Mila Emily G. Bridgham, wbo baa tended In the afternoon, but owing been spending the put teo mootbe AT $7ASK50 FOR DE JIIISONSTIIATION HERE !! to the cool weather tbe number of In M1118 cbueetta, baa rt1turned to lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllli patrooa of the eVtloiDI waa amall. WeaUield and will aoon occupy ber THE 'WE STFIELD GARAGE WE JUST KEEP HAMMERING AWAy About SfO waa taken ln. home on Dudley avenutl. At the meetiDI of the Literary and Mr. and Mn. Frederick Martin, HIRAM L. FINK, PnoPRIBTOR Social Circle of the P'lnt M. E. ELJII ITJltEET WESTPIELD, N. J. Mr. and Mro. W. H. Orr, Mloo Flor­ 131 Phone 140 A.BOUT OUR rburcb at tbe borne of lira. Robert eoe Martin, Min Taylor and Ina ley, lo Proapect au·eet, on Friday Charles Taylor, of l.uulaethla town, attend­ I� I at 3 p. m .. tllere will btl an election ed the wf!ddlng of Mlaa Sylvia Por­ Quality of omcen and Mra. CbariM H. tilla, at Cranford. thla ,...,.,ll, Learned will preaeot a paper on Sidney Lawrenre baa purchued a ••vacatlooa.'' half lntereat In a boat wltb Cheater An cream and atrawberry fea­ Molrett. Th""e youn& men baVtl re­ � Printing l<..e I tlval Ia tbe attraen awarded ..,nlor bon­Mlu , bold tbelr annual meet1n1 the ora eduratlon, her malor aub)ect, 011 l In lawn of Mra. John 8. Burbaaa, at bavlDI attalof!d tbe blgbeat markl In BB UKPBO'RODD' a atrong Bank. This is a WBY This il growiq Pro.tpect etreet and Dndlt1Y aftnue, her clUI. t ahall plea d to have you call Bulk. We waut your buaiDeu. To meri it tomorrow (TbuNday) afternoon. We be �e aDd we a o al aerviee m d tor the eoau1o1 year will btl WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST the insurauoo queation with n n dilcuu ua. l'IJlder pe with o em all lad..,. of the church u baDkiDc methoda, experienced bi.Dkinl jndJ­ u m m -.!come. for well e berl 1rlU be ll'tom u. 11. Dept. o1 .tlpicul&are, aafe pard it with a he�thy Broth· meDt aDd proper­ Tbe membera of tbe Men'• k of the r church &be w J�etrbut�Dc, w...s. tioD of quickly available a.ueta ud a capital erbood l'l at M. 11:. ..-tay, are coDJitlnl on nlt�bt, Juae , ... to, una. aud MondQo IIU'p}u of over •128,000.00. 11, u a bll -t. On tbat evenlnl ror Middle Atlantic Sta!etl.-flhow­ OVD .... OOD Dr AlfD 'I'� 1'1' tbe meet1o1 of the Brotberboo4 will era Wednlllld&Y and a&aln b811Dnlos at tbe. boae of J. 8. A. Sundar, ud eontlnolnl llltermlttent· be boapltable Wittke, on HUlalde annue. All wbo l;r tbroua-bout tbe ,.....,��;, Tempera­ recall tbe year turea will btl above the ..,uonal aver- NATIONAL BANK IID6 tlm4 en� lui. THE qt1. will want to be tbare. Cbarlea W. Martin, of Re't'. or� 11011 Wealey Martin, of�t BUILDING ud Mra. ------L----- POll OI'FlCB etreet, wlll 11raduate from the Ruth- erford H s tomorrow. h R••. , EIGHT CYLINDER Mr. Martinl willlcbool open tba ceremonlea MBMBBR FBDBR.A.L RB8BRVB B.A.NK and Dr. J. J. Ravlta, of thla town, will be amons the apeaken. • K I N G• ��------�------���� Perry IJ rM<>oled tb.. rewolutlon to have the rhlef dlemloMII, Councilman Affterk RP<'ondf'd the mot ion and the COUNCIL REMOVES entlr" Council voted In the amrma­ v tl P. Chl�>f O'Neill completed h l PIPV· HEAD on force lut March. POLICE enth year the l wao the nrot and only rht�r Weet­ Chief O'Neill Found Guilty It 11" IIP!rl had had. Hearing Last Thursday A!I!IF.IIIDM' IIIA:N ADDR'£88 TO Evening FEDERATIO� lll lo:lo.'TINU.

Tho program for thP Federation COUNCIL ROOM CROWDED meeting of New JerMy organl1at1ona to be held at Atlantic City on Sat­ urday, June Uth, bae evidently been o! Poltce Tlbnmao O'NeH1 ChiP! planned to have a direct bearlnl! on !ound guilty o! the rhar1e1 pre­ WU critical 1tate and nat ional IIIIHIII. ferred a1atnot blm by Commlaalooer Hou Arthur N. Ptenon, of thl1 town, Alll<'<'k and wu dlomloMd from the . chairman, CommiMion for the Sur­ for<'f'. . "11 of Municipal P'lnancln11. of the The counrll chamber wa\ lilted to Hon1e of Aooembly, will report on overflowing and every available loch the result of the llnanclal ln.,­ or epa<'<' at the window• wa1 tallen tlon• undertaken by the CommiMion when clerll read the ebar.-, the New Jereey cltln. OthPr lpe&k­ The Mayor aolled If Chief O'Neill Ia Says the Co...-nuter: Wl.l will be Senator John W. Weeki, In the room and 1.1 there wu no en out the In the ot 11-cbuHt t1; Hon. O n! the telepboael Cart that he had made out and lfl!lt llneot In town. Neloon Arrhbol oup<>rvlolon ·a NEW PERFF:CTION Oven lEW tOll TELEPBm C»>IPAIIY a £'t'rtlft<>d copy of the cbar1M. Judp Architect Chao. Oaroh. Oil Cook­ Toucey owore that be bad delivered yNEW PERFECTION above document In per1oo to the ltove this summer." the ®J. W. WABJID, Dilbiot Commeroial Kau,e1,.® rhlef. ''It bakes bread h y browned-8uch Edward F.vanney, a ni1ht bacll­ so ric l 1206 Eut Grand Stree t, lliu.heth,I. l. man, teotlft"d that be AW a mao aet delicious biscuita - such light, fluffy oft the Newarll train at about tbree cake." thr"e and that the mao wabbled and \ be aNiated him. He Aid be tbouabt ' ' The.secret ia the current of fresh hot air the man wae alcll and that be aaaloted passing continually over and under the him on tho no!llt train. food -drying out thesteam and preven­ -- O.Orl!e Van Nortwlcll, the Jerlll! y Advertise all of the time not ex· Central conductor that bring• out ting sogginess, an exclusive advantage the 3 o'clocll train from New York, �� of the NEW PERFECTION Oven. travagantly, not wastefully, but f.Jund that bl memory bad com­ pletely ratted blm. By dint ol bard With 11. NEW PERFECTION Oil queatloning Attorney Oliver got a CookstoveandaNEW PERFECTION don't let anybody forget you. the few queotlon1 anewereo from Oven you canhave a cool , clean kitchen wttneao who utd be llnew the rblef a by oigbt, that the chter bad been ••­ all summer. No wood to cut ; no coal atoted aboard bla train on the day to carry ; no smoke or ashes. THill l'IATIOI'IAI, mentioned, that be had carried his REII'IFORCIID J ELM STREET WATIC-OOP'ED or the run, VICTROLA paooenl!er to the end The NEW PERFECTION is like a l'EWBI'IT • SELL BURIAL VAl' I,T Somerville, and bad alao carried him gaa atove. It is ready day or night. ' W eltfteld. J P•rf•t>t17 Jeroey City where he oaid Alr-tl•llt, bacll to Needs no priming. Made in l, laaltarT, ...._ l O'Neill wallled up the platform uo­ 2, 3 VAULT wltlllloat • FAl1LT. and burner sizes. Hardware dealen aooloted. OFFER 4 A-LL U:trDilRTAKIII By Mayor Evsua:-"Did you tell The'No. and general stores every\1trhere. BACPlalntleldGAGE a•oandLOCAL El!Mbfih EXPRESS Order• me over the phone, you bad !allen MAI'IUII'ACTURED Dt' At d 0, BUR. O'Neill to Somerville and becll to VIII Oheertully ten ed to. u.. AlaJJin Security Oil Prompt Attention, Careful HaudllUI, Jersey City to atraigbteo him out ?" RY The wltne•-"1 don't remember." to obtain beiit results in oil Moderate Prices. POULT Attorney Oliver re p•ted the quP•­ atoves, lamps and heaters. For night and early morotna calli ------IIon and received the aame anower. 'phone Weatfteld 859-L. MOUIIITAJI'IIJDI!l DAIRt' A POI!Lftl When aalled by the attorney, "In rARJI your opinion, Mr. Van Nortwlck. Phone BoiiH, 838-lll. Victrola Oftlce 8l·L. R o Gr .. what waa the matter with Chief IIJLK, CBIIAM,.. Oll T ••• - •••P l' Letot>llR O'Neill," the wltneaa replied, thinll lbtellla• .... •l•ra Yto a.� "I RECORDS •aP llr he waa atcll!' BOTBIA AJm BO.&BDIW& ROC .. lpeeUI atteatloa Twe•tr•Pev , .... ,. •... When queltloned abou ruleo of hiMll •• We•t8el lor l'ro•pt o.u..,. Yev Chra • Call fll .. •�oouon ... A-. OE('KER the ro10d ao regard• the treatment or Under New llana&-eot olcll peraon• and allowing patron• to Cor. l»rlal::!! �l::.:t>�·�:"l�••• t MI. remain to the car1 at the terminals or the road. the wlto8&1 again bad .. t a lapoe of memorY I&YIUI the pa811en­ $8 Week IU..L ger bad an annual p1.1a and be could STANDARD OIL COMPANY CITYB. B.....aHO TEL OtherSpecial $ Victrola :llllM ra r a a he liked. Down- 1 I New Jeroey) D. J. 8urlla, Prop. 1!0 88 Baggagemao Cauy waa the nex Newark t Offen Thie Week : New .Ieney CHOICE WINE, I UOR AND wttneoe called, be utd the Chief waa L Q d AR aalePp when the train reached the CIG S Weotfteld •tattoo but that be was I:uellen' accoiDIDodadou tor pe.­ all right at Somerville and be did not maaen' u• tnDaJen• .-... llnow why he went back to Jera"y Steam Heat and IIIIICltrlo Lllbt. City. He al•o eald be thought the Stahl• attached man waa s\ck. TBIL. 110. BaggagPmao Caae 1ald he vlola­ The Last Call y !Pd a rule when be lett the mao on to obtain lots or plots opposite the train at Somervtlle. Tbl.l In re­ Children's Country Home, FIRIIT CLAII a queotloo from Councilman Th Bt>onse to e Van Doren. 4CCOJIJIOD4TIONI Ia.,...._of JOIII' broker or John Eatman, colored, baggage­ FOR TR4NIJENT8 man at Roselle, oald that be AW the W. R. RICH HWel e man get oft the train at Roaelle anll B st d Ave, Weetfleld, N. the bralleman and conductor put him e J. In the waiting room and uked Eat­ Victor-Victrola No. KELLrS to look out for btm. f; atman 1 man to the amount of HOTEL by he thought the man wu alck, JOHN W. KELLY, Prop. For Sale ntd lll�oo.your own B but dl� not do anything Jor him as e 11 11 alnd rt't'Ool do' Teleplleael33 there wao nothing to do. selection, at . . o NORTH 4 VENUE R. F. Hohensteia Uanlel Sallnardo, of ROIII!IIe, better 411 $ 10 PROSPECT STREET kuov.·n aa "Butch," wa• the ne"Xt vdt· Jerms ls.oo down, f;s.oo mo.nthly t ne01. He told of having tbe - for NEW man o ag er og out of the waiting your family table is JERSEY CENTRAL t g t :rratna leave lVeatfteld. room and thought be would b�>lp blm. For York and Victor-Victrola No. and Nt•w .ffillaaheth Sallnal·do teetllled that be aaked him records our 7 7.n, 3 u Mr. Commuter-The Leader Cent­ 14 pure well made, a.u. 6.02, 7.37a t ri ai New York6.89, 7.06, 7.58,u. 8.08, 8.1f: 1 tl where he waa gotn1 and all be cculd to the amount of 1.13, 10.31,only), 11 .38 a-Word• are little human tuterMt 2.3o,9.1�. B. · 1' aay waa "O'Neill." He told uf aa­ whole 3.0�, 3.22 I 09 m.;4 21 Iu.u, 48 1 o 1tortea rellect1u1 IIs.oo,yourown some bread. 1.19, 7.5 9.11, 1o.2u. the need1 of bun­ alotlog him on the train Its 8.19. 1 · 11i.1a, i1.1i1 ' 1.11'· m' and picking Bundayo. , 3.51, 7.31. 8.09 dredl aelection, at •• 9 12 41. of people. Cultlnte the up bla atraw m. : 1.01 o habit bat wblcb bad ranea 2a ' & fo ' ' texture, sweetness and &. 7.ou.I 2.60, 8.h. 1.1.11,Z 8 of readlnl them. It off. He Aid the tart be aaw of him $ 28.' ·10.'u,'a OS a 11 you have au:y­ )65 1• ua, lto.oo down, IS.oo monthly•00 �� 10.4i P: was when be waa alttlng Tenns tblnl to Hll, anytbiJal a bag b o you wllb to 'lU flavorpleaaes the palate tr b In the baggage car. 'j a ts"l8i '·:hf'l51 8 rL • ; buy, a bon1e to rent, ,!';� '10u.�·� i.n9.�k o 1•1 .1 1 1 i In need o a By Mayor Evao1, "Do you know a u u.7.51. 9 1o.u'iu5 i.u· f u•. l � T maid or other help, aYall Victor .. Victrola No. and records and 9.03, 10.45 B.u, nl. ; 12.50v. ni. 1.08 yournlf of drunken man when you 1ee one?' 16 builds up the system. ua. 111a'QI' . , 1.u 1.1u. a:u. 1o.4a · the luter"t now being Wltuea-"Yea, I Fo , 1.11 ' · taken In the but think be waa r Betblu7•bem., Allentownp. in. 1.0�. 8.08,f.aaton, 9.01, 10.11 . Leader cl&alllled aJrll:." It is not made good by 1.10 a m t1 4u . ad1. The coat 11 EBIIon nl 'p I u' H. Talbot Aid be uw the chief on (8.19a.ts. 9.11 o . 5 1mall, returna large. :�ow ;:n 1elect1on: at o a. m.;y) m. . the tl'alu and that be waa not aaleep 1.41,&un dayo'us, l�i chance but by choice. �: ror� Wllkeo-Barre at Weetfteld, but appafeotly Intoxi­ Terms Ito down,$ #(lo monthly . Scranton m . .:�;::: 220·00 0 m. Bllndau,' s:o1:I OJ cated. m :;1 .\': Pm - · :: I t IS g1ven h b Ulror Phlladelp ia, t.IO, 1 OF REASON TO Mr. Nell Aid tbat be aaw the chk!f ( t e eSt at• 1 17 1 01 1 Ol 8 m. ; ·"·� 1 . ' 1.01.'Bunda get on at Ellaabetb and off at Rooe'le, Pi:' o i1 �·· ua. e:n: Call ud See a Complete . 1 · ·AUCTION EXPECT BUYINO be having been In tbe Ame 1eat tention from the oven · :::·. to1��a yi, i.1i. W7 �o.'f1 1ti.'andfU:':: 1�ufi When aaked about the chief's cou­ Lin• of Vlctrelu from 81·11· ui: e:u: U:k. it:4Allanite :·•..; . i t'i a:lr· 1.10 dltlou, 1\!r. Nell 11.ld, "In m:r OJin· to your h orne. 'C L L 1 ity,p. un a Dl. COA lou be ' loaded.' There ·aa no L•tf:' ;., ' t.i:i wa1 " 1 j:'p.1�1 m. · B ItaPruent PriCt' .t dlaturbauce, everythlnl wa1 very BOOSEBOLD At 118 t4) 1280 ; Now II tile t.ta.GOODS toba quiet. The conductor put ott y 1ooc11 Winter 11 but a rt blm bouekeeplnfr at III��WaJ'e sho becaue did not pay f�re. " ORDER NOW OFFICE tor owu be bl1 POST e off and your WN& whil Kelklr, Spene1r Oalel, H. NO d yo, · liprtuc lalea; ooner Proac warn A. E. W. INTEREST -:..,.�···· �. Hoii- jud1ment abould Taverner were on the three o'clock cr:•laturdaya:-::to only,L.. ,;,.10T .ll p. Ill. I ll:tt ...... u4 <'- tnl lMDae. II now 11 ttwe t.·om New York and told approxl­ NO iXTRAS �! baYe you that tb� IIATor RIIC llllVIID YOII UJ 1ooc11 to 4iapoM Ia y. matel:r the aame 1tory a1 told b:y llr. l'rom � • to lay In your auppl r.�t pod -.JiUoa, Talbot. �-.:...... , at 7:00, -d thea to Let u1 add: : rom o�t;-t:tt, W 1111Li1 ��u 10:11 II��WaJ'I e Couuoi&lloner qalu tool! Way 8:1 �Jpt. IIII- 'llliok AcUoa ...... 4flleell tD.;,. aa4 p. m. baJ for _.. the 1tand and told on oath of the or Mil oa - Now ··p�YorkMo\11..8 CJ.Oaa ov tlon bad with the r.... . N ortb· lllllaloa. Ooocll eo-..IIIII oo ena be Ud ' Pbt aA r lo-utb and ahlef prevtou to the 'beulDI. eo11 - IOiac e...., ... , BABE WAREROONS 1 1 , (11'00 m.11, t:U, , Tbe eounotii!MIII eue�u­ PIOO CO. a betb ODiy ); , .. Into� 11. 1:11,'1:10� .•� lt. tlve -lon ud after aa bour ,...... ORG ··Z EEK lta- t1 f�:A�·�:;�"f: eln:. :_a1 I. JIIUitiA Y, AUGtionMI' nrm.E BROS. turlled to the Colllle�ll ud gave toa ltnet. Newark CO. 1 ll't'erl' rc10111 . rlerl' lr verdict ...... t 4 elh'•rr ooaaaomm•nct�limeno.. thot • .....-k - ol theKubePluo T..ll olltble andoead 3 PLAUIPIBLD, N. J, .. allciM. CoaactlmaD li p. :, JM.JdNG l'lloae .... �

ANSWERS PRES'T n ... eeda, and wby abould' - th•y be �t- i :-�·�� . ··� "� ture, )1[0<'1 hut a atep farther whPn he t, r,.aka lh<' law of the land. , Rf"IIJ>ertfnlly your". !'IA�Il'EI. LANE J,OO�I I� FAIR TO \\' PFitflt•lrl. \' '111ld �'"'f'ttl thR.t no aq�;um�nt WOMEN? � J, . .Tllllf' 14th. 1H1:-� I>�· 1w�·P�RR ry to convtnee any t><•r•on 1 tnt tha.t the financial 11f thf' town could be con­ By C. Morris. " I t h �r�atPr Pconomy by a louise t AUTOMOBILE htot!� hiU\ hy ttro bod tee aomo@­ examination o! All the lawa 'bf New Juo'hAps unconRctoualy, work­ leruF ohowa: ' rnHil pu rpo&ee. It Ia but na­ nnt-The PARTS rat bill' Ia 101• IIIU'dlan Il at. nndt>r present condltlona, U lit Clblldren, poa bla deatb &be llll'il and Hoard of Education 1\ate atlowa the lllrYt'ftnl' d ron&ldt r Ita own mother te •·n t ' lnteNeta 1M lOla l'llardtan provldlnl' arnouut Importance, sometfm" abe ,... -.but a widow. tinK that In the end all of tbe New Jei'Hy women Mr. Auto Owner you can get parts for are Ulna "· hlch they apendlog ant "1eneronaly" relined o1 all your car right near . from the aame aource. lepl right and reaponotbiUtJ ME home. We have a big Ill &be RCER that at leaat two lm­ ahl14NP lbey bew-wltll nt 001 111.,.,. line of eve rything to make quick repairs h�n<'flte would be deriYed Uala; motben of Ulel'ltlmate ""' plan which I propoled. tireD v ...ted are wltb 1111 tole lliU' to any make t:.n1&t4"r economy and etll�t­ of car. dlaublp ol tbelr otr1pna1, ' hrou p:h the admlnlatr&tlon of &eeoad-Accordlal' 10 New nnnndnl alfalra by a &Ingle body. law a l'lrl may '->aally COPHot to 2nd <'t>ntrall�d r"ponelblllty ruined at tbe ..., of au� tlll' ..o at of conducting tbe aebools · lllbteea yean abe IUJ leaally ' Ford nil ot h�r hrancbea' of f1le town but Parte and •-•Mnment, -t to be maiTied, not t&Ditll making It poHible for Aeeeaaorle• Ia twentJ..,ne Yl!&l'll old may abe I• P"""'" more directly to r"cb ALWAYl IN IITOCK aally conaent to part wlllr real • hoinn propoaed will come Into Tblrd-Tbe Rathbun bill, receau, ·tul•vnntlcally wbea the town IIUied by tbe New Jeraey •etltlll&t'IJTI 1 n tmpulatlon of 10,000. It lllld IIIID&d by OoYernor 111elder, TIRES TUBES PUMPS ,.,.n d) In ou�reH!ul operation In &way dower &lld courteay rllht. · ao Montclair, Plainfield ;•in• •·• UaUI thla lll!lalatlon dowet Atent "Why not Wet�tlleld!" • al Ilia wile Joined blm In Ita 8le<$Uon. & n•<'P rtt ochool mtietlng at He may Pnaldant now dllpooe of bla real eo te FilED. ENDitEBI, lltlh> aum .,r t\3,000 ta wltboul ' bv algnature. A companion bill (Ben· ••·"' \.)11'11 fo t•omp)ete the Ht•h I1Hill!ln� ate No. 27&1 bu alnce been pol rallt08 aome quertee ..,.�------124 Pladl8on Annue Tel. to teatore aome aemblallee 1'11bta 2337 'Ill• IJUIIdln11. planned and ot to women wbo are robbed their th" Board of Education. o1 .,,.,. hy dower l rights under the new law . Tbb PLAINFIELD, NEW JERSEY oliotJid iHV•• voted lor tbe Mid .13,- liRn a dlagralll! to at­ FORD J)Oie of real estate IIIey woold have AGENTS ltn >l'l to ft nl"h th" building otber ,.re tban a··t'ortltug lbey olnllfte. to the plan. Ponder111g UJIOII Ul- ma tteN one New 1915 Model Q11•·' l :>lo. 1-·--Did the Board of Wllllden If tbe "prl'ftlel&d clue" doeo Edu�'Rl lon ha1'e a plan? Dot conalat ol well·t�o ap\Datere and :>:n. 2-·Did that plan Include Qu<'t) tboae fortunate mamed womeu to til<> ''""'" r,.,. whlrh thlo me.,tiDII wbom chance baa fOl� ....._..t CU' wo ba'Ye Jk>orol or 1-:tlucatlon, tbrough Ita lor lnotanee the 1tr""t commlulon­ port me, • • • 8o wen do tbe pollee --·&Adabe beet pert apnk•·�Jilllll, a. nnouuced that the whole I get tbe aebool board having been eboaen o!llclala protect h lm tbat eaDDol ol It Ia that It II ••ctum­ hud ht>Pn 11one over carefully • plan bJ' tbe Yotera to repr-nt tbem, blm to •npport my children. • • lcallr uc:ION toperfeclloD and .Jho amount they uked waa auf­ aHould empowered to make up The law lllvea blm rlpta pre> be lllld u we oTer e:a:pect to - llete th" bulldlniJ. their own budget without further tecta blm." ..,. aUICMDObtle. It' our bustnPBI waa run under a vCJile upon appropriation. 8o muCib for tbe law! Now for the holda "graft" H)'st�m wfl would lind plenty queatlon, of claim the preroptlve ol It theroad at o! ''"'"""" lor additional 1t11ma, but I Yanke�. and •Imply uk : woman hour do AND • II not hell"v" graft entera Into ous t'P8 DOWNSOF H mUea an A RULJ.Ii:TJN BOARD. J)OIIeoaeot priTI!egee now ( T) bow will •hoot mattt>rB. llhe loae them by aecurln1 tbe ballot� The lplldoa •r•tem Ia a tltt• At aald Waablngton WUI the men take them a'W&y from - blah toi>Uoa mq­ Before Buying -;t,J;ilj!il'�ltor, V'! eatfteld Leader. tbem m"'·f in� the question waa lltr, or w11! ebe Yote awa:r ber IMto,lad tba trtanamfMioD Ia wh••tltt•r back In the reer With a alngle exception, the It YOUR NEXT tht> Miff ADd II not Ukely that 1r<> ...... apeod-ilolecdn alld­ building would not reqUINI neighbor to a oertaln vacant -·• IDteTeata wtlt be more eat& ...... It 11M I( elllpdc: for support and the wblcb baa been cboaen by the Get a demonstration from walla .-rded wben women b&Ye a bud 01 - lprfllp. wblcb -­ us . rame prnrn ptly, No! Cltlaeoe' Committee of Twenty-live & 41reet Yolre In tbe aafellll&rdlnl'f •• � • ..,..IIIIJ'CU' ()•wry !'o��<• ? . _AI to tbe memben .of tbe commlt- No. 7-Have the Board of world, appeara to be "drying up." ADVERTISEMENTS ()ut••y one, tbey are Tbe tee, of wblcb 1 am not Educa ion any knowled1e of any upa and down& of tbla bulletin t to be warmly congratulated upon the plaoed a board haYe mucb lote1"81ted me, to wn who haa UOO,OOO 10 mladlreeted zeal of tbelr dougbt>· au­ bull< t 11 galnat bill wbeu tbat am moved to tell your read ra l n up a a aide I e t&I'Onlat. Tbey ean we!l a trord to tb,.re of other aYallable about lt. were plenty pay for all tbe bulletin board• ne For all New York Papers At lint the bulletlu It bore, , ll!lhto? break• and at ealo. No verbal atate- \lue y 8-la tbe lar1e eraell In Immediatel mutlla d or torn o r No. y l4> tr; ment tbat could be framed would RECEIVED AT OFFICE RATES building aide taelng Walnut atreet but aa they vaotehed, one attar an- on put tbelr CaM wltb equal lmpresalve­ otber, e..,b wu qulellly repla d b y pro­ dut� to tbe qulcll aandt ce DMI. P'or tbat broken board an unalabt- tbe followiD I' notloe, printed Ia red Tho result 11 we bave elalma to tbll community, with a a loll bla Bul tin tro d by ly an ti <· rowded condltloaa of : " T le Dea ye force tbat words <·ould never ri val. J. W. WALL, Leader Oftlce TeL me wl n Will be Re- 407 building on a lot not aultable. So La c!H Peno tbe -ntlal, tbe Incurable lawi<'BB Ail of tbla may be tbe mlada of atored In a P'ew D&ya." - ID 0811 of drtnll. Tbe m�u wlw ""�;:t.o lhooe wb yor Soon tbe board lt l , an to o now aide wltb tbe Ma 'ft lattna tbe law of bla o n na 1 ae t bel' y o It wu apllt, It waa :: :::���� - In hla vlewa about tbe appointment autrer vloleaoe. ��:: ::�����w�= ------�:�:���;;;;;;;;;;�;��:;:���� of the brollq, It waa amubed to Plee•. It School Board. �����;� ==::l oaotll:==::a ocao:: :�::oao:: - E. J. WHITilRI!lAD. waa uprooted aad thrown upon tbe o.o oao,-===:a ocao,a::==:::aocaoc==:::aoaa=ocaoc: : : :�::: 1round, It was burled OYIIr an em- 16, Weat!leld, June UU. baakment Into tbe woodo. Three Dear l.eader and Read•r : tlmee. tbe Jatat oceaalon belna lut � Bt>lng a m ere woman and a aome- llaturday n11bt, It entirely dlaappe&r­ THE WESTFIELD LEADE,R llulldlnl, dealpated by tbe llD- deed. eell or 1- a farm ; If you have uJthtug u eat architect and eourtru�ted bJ llllll- Now tbla penlateat coune of de­ ur ban loat or found uytblna; If you bave a want of hardly be laid .to ep&r- aup- or check, cent for each word, to THE LEADER, ed workmen In eYerydep&rt mut, but atructlon, a&D of any Iliad, Tbe Leader Cent-a-Word Column will a and mail Weat- ben aeleet rowa, mtoe, or mlaebleYoaa cbtldre; u 1 "ould uot hue tbe plum ply tbat want at the mJ,Dlmum coat of U ceata, or the decoration for my ltt -m• aot uacbartt<le to conclude field, • Ntl8p1t1Cl1D mucb more u you ure to apead. N. J. room, or tbe earpenten lay out tbat It maat -.uae worll of aoa:e per- lllagnfllceot parll nrroundtna aon, h011tlle to tbe en&<�rprlae for . ldiftce. Tbta oatllt W'OUid b&Ye to be wblcb tile committee ataad�lp8 In Jeroey for tbe ten million woulda't friend ud ·•ould-be champion of tile traftlc co far In New Yorll. 'My ateamahlp W'bleb tbe committee -Jq to eompany would ba,. Ita operaUq de- pat out or blliiD-. He e'ftdntl)' \lllrtment-lta tralfto dap&rtment-tt• belon11 to tbat clua of dlapot&Dta auditing departJneat all u.., allllled 'B'Itb W'blcb blatoey II 10 famlll&r­ • mano.gement, none able to do tbe men W'bo, taolltaa valid arpm-tl UDBitle woril of tbe other, &lld mya&lf reeort to "ftle epithet& nd are W'oot to do tb.e worll of any. I would baYe to repl7 to a NU01I wltb a blOW' Dr. POk after tbe I'CIIIer&t heal.tb of 1- p&nOil II dl'lftD to ROb d•pw­ my employ-. but uot attar their ate atralte. It muat !&deed be dta- repllel leeth, and 110 on "ad tnllllttllm" and cult to d!IGoYer plautllllle to "t.d abaurdem." tbe W'elcbty 1111d eo&"fttla1Jll taota Why tben, abould our To'B'n Coua- W'bleb our tallow cit� baN Mt be­ •11 atteud to all tlt.e toYD'I llll&DY fore ua. 8.00 M ro. P. !!earff · · · · · · · · · · Rl':l'F.'JT CIISTRIR1'TI01'fll 8. 1'0 H. · · · · · · ·' WANT Y HOMt: N. Piercy 3.00 t'OI'NTR Mra. B. WE TO YOU AND t'll ll,J)R•:N'R Min Hl!l4'n Piercy ...... · · .60 KNOW l.OII Perkin . · · · · �.llll Min gdna Piercy ...... · · · · Mr�. �· mnk W. • • YOU TO KNOW �:thel k m 20.0!1 l ha F. 5.0 11 the best way for you to became Mt.o F. W r I.OII Mro. F. MrCIIntock !lampoon Mro. Ah<'rnl'thy 2.llll That agreeably arqoai . Mr. \\'. If. 6.0II 0. 0. w1th us is to let us c e n repair and pre nfe4 �l r. A fl. Howland L u a lfathawtly 2.llll l a , Rs your 6.tlll Mr•. r 6,0(1 clot Mro. A. l wland .\l r. Arthur ll. Tut le One will convince you that mutual bet. �. to a t trial our husines. 1 . 2.0II llllta . . · · · · · · · o Mra. J . !!. F ste . . . . . IC• M ro. l'. (' . o o r 5.nn quaintanceship be while." SPOAll RTIn S · · · · · · . · · · will "worth the LatHt New• Ulau . · Mra. Harper Hunt ... Mro. Rob••• ' '· 2.oo J . . . . · 2 . 0 . · !lira. H. Neloo>n Walker · · 0 Mra. C. W. Harden ...... I.Oil 5.00 2.011 Repalrlnt Athletic•, Ba•ebaU, Bowlinl, Golf, Tenni• Mro. GPor�P II. Wooater . . · · !\I r . F:. H. All'lx nder ...... Cleaninl I. a & .511 Alt ...... · · · · • • OO Ryer ...... !lira. D. Darby !\Ira. H. L. CALL CALL L. · l.O Us-WE'LL • . .. · · · · • · · O ...... · · Frien . . . . . · · Mra. G. H. Brown 5.00 d . I.OO 2.on ..... · · · · · · • Mlu B. M. Rlcbardaon . .... · !lire. F. l'ote TENNIS GOLF ('. . · · • l.OO .• THE NEW Mra. H. 1 •. Huaeell .. · · St. Paul'• Churcb ...... U oo YORK TAILO . 3. 0 . RING CO. Mn. D. A nold . .. · · · · · · · 0 Dlbll'l School, Preebyterlan ('OlTRTII 8CE NJol Of' Kf:•:s l'OMI'Io:I'ITION c. 1 A. GOLDIIEitO...... M DouPII . .. . 26.00 IITREET \\', 11. l'. Mr. and Mr.. Chao. c u.oo Churoh ...... Ill EAIT BROAD INTI;:REIITINO TOURNAMENT ··oR RISCl,AIB l.OO . . 25.00 NEW1!11ft ....· · • · · • Jarllaon .. .. . WF.In'Fim.D, lTI' Mra. T. R••vere • Nanee Dearborn ...... c. • • · 0 5.00 , Saturday afternoon a big pl­ oerond round for the Sinclair Mra. W. A. 11011 • ••• • • • • • 6 Mn. DeBeYolee ...... · · LAB!. Th<> .36 • . • • • • .. . 2.01 l e Cup wae played at the Golf Club on Mra...... • · Mra. �o. T nloon .. 1 lery w t n ..ed the opening round• or Eliot W. u . · · • I.OO .. 10.00 the Saturday wltb the followlnl! reeulta: Mra. w. Woodruff · · · Mro. W. I. Keeler ...... • ftrot mixed doubleo tournament B. · 26 5.00 of the oeuon. The tournament waa A. Kellar defPated •. J. Dett1 by Mro. J,lnle Ma rah ...· · · · • · · Mn. C. E. Halated . ••. . . . · · Ill. 1 .50 . · · · · · • . ... . 10.00 open and teama !rom New York City, default. Friend . . • ...... · Mn. H. H. Alexander . . • .50 5.00 Weatft�ld, Ell11beth, Elmora, Bergen E. Cutler won from F. W. Smith, Mn. P. BRrday ...... • · M a. G. A. V. Hanlllnaon ... . J. w. r • · • · 1 1 1.00 Point and Fanwood were entered. I up and 1 to play. Mra. Wayi&Dd ...... · · · · 1 Mra. J. Schafer ...... Westfield o li l.OO .25 n W. Ma well defeated Samuel Arm­ Burrow . · · · • · · • · Mro. Cook ...... la wao faot and lntereotlng x 0. B tt l Worb The p y Mra. �. • • • l.OO atrong, 1 up. Mn. F. Couper ... · · · • M a. C. B. Hann ...... 1.00 ICHLENGER, Pre,rleter from otart to ftnlob n the team• 11'. r 11. a d · • · • · 5 ri .60 playPd their games ao rapidly that F. M. Hegeman won from R. L. Friend ...... · · · · · • · · F end ...... · °I • • • l.OI . .26 the ""m l-ftnala and llnala will be Mclntoob by default. Mn. Iloyln,; ... · · · · Friend . . . . . · · Wm. l.OO . . 1.00 play••d next Saturday. The aeml·ftnal round will be play Mn. H. Maaon ••... · · · · · • • P'rlend ...... Wines nd Li u ­ Pure q rs • • 6.00 . o Mloo Kane and H. L. Todd, Jr., ed next Saturday. Mn. I. F. Cooper ... · · • · · Mn. Hann ...... 1 a o J. . ••..... · · • ...... 16 For Fundy and Pledlclnal Purpo.ea. of the FanwoodTennll Club, defeat­ Samuel Armatrong won the May !\fro. F. M. Snyder 1 .oo Mn. S. H. Smltb .. . • · · 1 · 0 0 Pd M lao Pollard and Walter Llvlnl· cup for club membero, turning In !lira. F. Cooke ... · · · · 0 Mre. Chaa. Dubar ...... 6 W...... • · • 1.0 .10 aton, or the Elmora Country Club, the three Jowett net ocorea. Mr. Mn. Edward Taylor 0 Mra. Quick ...... 6.00 Elm Street. e1tlie d 6-3. Mlu Elllaon and P'. W. Armotrong'o carda were 64, 6ii and Mr. and Mr•. H. Pearaall. • Mra. E. G. Hanford ...... l.Ofl 7 Tal.,.._ ... W l , N. �. 6-3. J. 5.00 . Ahaw. Ber1en Point Tennlo Club, de­ 85. M. He1eman waa aecond, 67, M. Pearaall . · · · · · · • Mn. T. T. Harkrader ...... 1.00 P'. Mra. 1...... · · • · 1. feated MI11 Goddard and E. R. Cub­ 8�. 69, and R. Galee third, 67, 89, Mn. N. E. Darling · 00 Mra. E. J. John n .... .•... 3.00 J'. I.OO t,e rly. F. lmora Tennlo Club, 2-6 6-3, The lowest net acore Jut WPek !lin. Wilfred oh naon ... · · · Mra. M. Hunter ...... • 2.00 , 69. J I.OO c. ao Mloe Ellloon and Mr. Shaw de­ wao made by W. E. Tuttle, Jr. Mr. Mra. Marian W. Bunker · · · • Mn. W. B. Elliott ...... 1 . 00 6-4. .50 Tuttle'• ocore. 27, 60 net. ... . · · · · • • 1.00 feated Mlaa Kane and Mr. Todd, 87, Mloa Ruth Dennla Mra. R. W. Tucker ...... e · · · 6.IIO 13·1 1. He,;eman turned In th beat Mn. G. B. l.amb . · · · · Mlaa M. Alpera ...... •.... 3.00 6-.4. F'. M. II. I. the . · · · • · • OO Mlas Mae Curry and H. S. Mellick, grooo arore tor aame period, Mra. J. •. }VIIIIama Mr. J. R. Connoly ...... 3.00 G AND 1 . l.OO . WIElE LifE IS WORTH UYING DURING SPRIN S� 1 76, 0, 6 . Kellor ... · · · · • · · . 5.00 We t Side Tennla Club, defeated I 6 Mro. R. Mlu Ivy Cheri')' ...... Fronting tbe oceaD.-30 mlnutee fro111 tbe bearl New B. l.OO or York. Mloo E. Philip BDd E. S. H. Pender­ Mro. F. W. Perlllna . · · • · • • • M. B. Dutcher ...... 6.00 l.OO M ro. 6-3, . .... · · • · • 1.00 gaat, 8-3. Mlu Edith Wblte Mra. W. Neefua Mlu Helen Acllaon ...... ��.\ END MINSTRELS MAKE GOOD 1.. 00 . At Brtahton Beach, OP · 1 . and Ruaaell Brown, WeatBide Tennlo Mn. J. C. Ryer .....•. · · · · Mn. W. S. Ed,;e ...... 611 N. Y. OCH:> I'ARKWAT l.IIO Club, defeated Mra. Henry P' larb ... T1nPd at Holy !II III Vall ...... · · • · • • • Medl�al attendance. Dr. Decker. REISENWEBER'S r Playhoa l'aJ>a..ttr . U.IIO and M. M-ner, Herren Point, Mra. Sidney •. Kniffen · · · • · · Ice cream and rake, Ml11 A. Clark. 7-&, Trtnttr 1 Renf>llt. H · · • · · 2 . 0 White aqd Mr. Brown de­ Mn. Tboa. utchl naon · 0 Mill Falrbalrnt Mrs. Alex Rowland. 6·0. !\floe The Twentieth ('enttll N velty l.OO feated Mn. S. Rooecran1 and J. E. y o Mro. A. B. Rowland ..· · · · · · M r. Sima, "'!rl'lala. barrel nour. J. Mixed Performance the Play­ l.OO Nltchle, 6-0, 6-3. Mlaa Wblte ilnd given In Mn. E. A. Milia ...... · · · · • Cranford W. M. Society, 33 new hou�e Monday evening under the aua­ HOTEL SHELBURNE Mr. Brown deft!llted Mlaa Curl')' and Mr-. L. Dietl .....· · · · · · · l.fiO OPEN ALL YEAR. plcea of Holy Trinity rhurrh, proved J. 2 . 0 l ��;armenia. Mllleelt:, 6-1, 6·4. Mro. Norman Findley . · · · · • f l.adlea' Baptlot Mr. a decided drawing card and every 3.0 Aid Society. Mlao Plume and A. C. Plume, Cran­ Mra. Elliott Maaon .. · · · · · • • u rhurcb, IO new 111rmento. UD EUROPEAN PW -t In the house wu taken and I.Oo AIIEIICAN ford en nla Club, defeated Mlu M. Mro. C. A. Beemer .•....· · • • WMtlleld Needle Work Guild, 3 50 T otandlnl! room at a premium. 3.00 Phlllr> and Clayton Brown, Weetfteld Mila Harriet William• · • • · · • new ,;armenta. liOO room•; batha; rold Tbe mixed mlnotrel troupe wao I.OO prlnt.f! rulllll•• hot 1111d Tennlo Club, 6·3, 1-6, 6-4. Ml11 M n. I ra Bull ...... · · · · · • • . wa1411' rom; everr �t'&Dieace �om. l Mro Woodland (Cranford ). In NC!h lllld very line and many hlto were acored · · · l.OO Soli Parlor ot'erloo� Orcheotra. mma and Wm. H. Brown, Mro. W. L. Lynde ...· · · · palra new aboea. tort ; �; E Gawthney on local people, the heada or the town l.OO WNt Aide Tennlo Clubo, defeated Mlea Mro. F. T. Kennedy . · · · · · · • Mn. Edward Nltchle, recllnlnK department1, etc. SPECIAL RATES FOR SEASON GUESTS AND WEEK-ENDI. Plulllll and Mr. Plume, 6-0, 6-1. Mn. C. Bracher .....· • · • t oo chair and rlotblnr. Tbe talent waa all �elected from Mro. C. l.. OO EXCEPTIONALLY TERMS FOR MAY AND A. Hart and R. Kirkland, Mro. laabella Charlea Davia • • Mn. Revere, clothing. 1!:. Ill. amon11 tbe memben of the cburcb. LOW IUNE. JWaabeth Town Country Club, de­ Mr. E. OertertiMin · · · · · • • • • · Mro. Sima and Mra. Floyd, jamo. An Ideal Spot for Auto Tou rlat.-Garage on Premloea. feated Min H. Gardner and H. H. Mn. Thorne ...... •••••.• SP�AL : RFAIT \URANT SHORE DINNER D.\l'I ClliO Knl&bt, Wwtfteld Golf Club, 3-6, · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ' ' · 1·::00 TO Friend · DF.ATH MIUI. M. M 8Cl.'DD.:R. Brt lall 6-1, 6-3. Mre. Hart and Mr. Kirk­ MOUNTAIN AND LAKI-l Mro. M. Hornung . . . • . • • • .25 OF May l t SpectAcular C. lf-()penlnc l , Summer lten•. . . . • . . • .60 Mn. M. away land defeated Mlaa Gautbney and Mr. Mra. C. M. Cluff . . . . M. Scudder paaoed Write for Booklet. The management of the New Jer­ .10 6-4, 6-3. • Mra. K. Anderoon ...... • . . at ber bome on Central avenue early Brown, aey Central baa put on a aumm11r Mra. A. Dean and H. Cowpertb­ Friend ...... • ...... • . .36 thla mornln11. after an llln- of aev­ 0. apeclal for week�nd Ylaltora to l.ak<� walte, W<>atlleld Golf Club, defeated Mra. P. M He . . . . . • .25 eral months duration. Mrs. SruddN Hopatcon11, Budda l ke, Scbooleya B. arllu u Mlu F. Gawtbney and AuaUn Smltb, .a Mra. Mary D. Elllaon ...... • 1.00 wu born In Boon ton . N. In 1867. Mountain and alao to make the atopo J., Weal Bide Tennla Club, 8-1, 1-6, 7-6. Mra. J. Ferrla . . . • . . . . • • 3 . 00 She baa f.e..n a rt�eldl'lnt or thlo town at tbe main lln11 polnta between B. lllloo C. Dill and P. W. Rlcbtera, El­ . . . • . . • . 1 .00 for the put twenty-one yean. She Somerville and Hl11h Bridge. Tbla Mra. John M. Link 1 mora Country Club, defaated Mlea . . . . . • • • . 00 waa a member of tbe Flrllt Presbyter­ train will make Ita ftrat triP on Sat­ Mra. David Stanley 1 Todd and H. Weatlleld Golf Mra. C. F. Wittke . . . . . • . . . • 1.00 Ian church and an active worker In J. Kyte, urday. Ju I)' 3 rd, and will leave Club 8-3, 6-3. Mra. Deane and Mr. 1.00 the For , Weotfteld e.-ery Saturday throughout Mn. W. H. Travener ...... Ladlea' Aid Society. Her huo­ Cowperthwaite datealled Mlu Dill Friend ...... • • • 1.00 band, one aon, George Davia, one Agents July ind Auguot at p. m. and M r. Rlchtera, 6-1, 6·1. l: U Mro. Irving N. Weed . . . • . . • • 1.00 dau1hter, Mra. Frank Irvin&, and M n. G. R. Allen ...... 1.00 two alatera, Mro. T. H u[lhea. or Jer­ Tbe tennla courta were never In llln. Reid ...... • • • . 2.00 aey City, and Mn. ohn Peril, or . c. F.. . J better condition tban they are tbla M Frank E. lracb . . . . • • . . 2.00 New York City, aurvlve her. The ar. Tbe lntereet bu and , ,;, fun.,ral Y" laeN&Ied Jl<>len and Florence Jobnaton 1.00 oervlcA will be private from the MUOn proml- be one of the Mro. W. G. Monoon . . . • . . . . 2.00 her late realdence on Friday alter­ Indian Motorcycles. to beat In the bletory of tbe olub. A. Smith ...... 1 .00 noon, ev. Dr. Steana omclatlng. J. . In­ NIRbt tennlll will be atartt!d on tbe �I rs. H. Summer . . • . . . . 2.00 terment will be made In Fairview. w. . evenlnl or July 12tb. Many or the �lru. S. F. Rudolph . . . . 3.00 K members wbo are tennla entbualaeta 1 · 0 �lr. Andrew Krup · • • • • • • • · 0 D. <'ARPKNTKR AND are waltlnl! Impatiently for this date. �l r. Durhl . • • ...... 1.00 F. John A MAXWEioL DO 8Tl'NT8. A. Piker •• ...... 1.00 �lias L. , Y. Candy Kite� • • . . . . 1.00 D. F. Carpenter, or 149 Eaot N. Auguotua Danker ...... 1.00 Fourth atreet, Plalnlleld, baa Mr. been Mr. W. Frutchey . , ...... 1.00 entertalnlnr people from all parte or G. �l r. M. Walker . . • • . • . . . . 2.00 Union county durin,. tbe paat week. 222 W. FRONT ST. B. PLAINFIELD,N. J. �Ira. Rockaway ...... U Hla bill attraction waa dolnr etunta B. I MrMabon ...... 3.00 wltb a Maxwell tour1n11 car. He lll r. E. c. . 5 IIOIIOUOH OOllN<.'IL MEII:TI NO �l r. A. Ooldbe... • ...... • 1 kept a car runnlnr for rorty-el(lbt ...... 0 GARWOOD HOT? F. H. Gray .... • .. 1 . 0 boura, a dlotance of 869 miles. aver­ The John Arnold raee wao revived Mr. . Mr. P. Traynor ...... • . . 2.00 •&ln& 27 22-100 mllea on a 111 llon at tbe meeting of tbe Borou11h Coun­ Mro. A. A. Mo�er ... '...... 3.00 of 1111ollne and ualnl! only one pint laat night, causin a heated and cil g �Irs. M. Mll\er . • ...... 2.00 of on. No extra water waa put In un >le n t c ntroveroy. A petitio , S...... 1 .00 r o n WHAT? Mrs. Fred Decker . • . . tbe radiator. Not aatlelled wltb tbla bearln11 �rty�lght namea, requestetl Friend ...... • . • ...... 10 atunt Mr. Carpenter carried a truck tbe Immediateaaa removal or Marahal . SEE S. R. Mr. William Galet, Jr. • • . . . .60 wel&blng 11,000 pounds over two and Arnold. Mayor Erlllaen ended the Mro. L. . A. Budell • ...... 4.00 on&-balf mllea or Plalnlleld roado dlecuaalon by producing a wrlttPn , lllaoter Edwin ll'ruaclt ...... 1.00 and experienced no trouble. A few realgnatlon from the depooed omclal. Mro. J. W. DeVeau . • ...... 1.0.0 of bla frlenda, numbering 19, and Tbe letter, In many reepecta, wu the Mrs. F. A. Van Dyke ...... 1 6.00 bl&treot aurprlee aprung In many wel&blng 1,431 pounds, were car­ Mra. R. L. Van D)'ket . . . • . . . . 6.00 ried up Jobnoton'o Drive hill In one y n. oa Mr. Burke ••...... •.. 6.00 load, the little car never kicking FOR 0. J. , Mrs. Beard . . . • ...... 1.00 once on tblo severe teat. l,(K'AL BRIEF8 C. C. . Cool Togs 1\lra. F. E. Town . • ...... 3.60 Had wf'ather ret arded tbe eucceeo Mn. D. M Aualan • • . • ...... 1.00 c WE DO PRINTING or tbe annual exblblt, beld In tbe Mrs. M. A. Harrla • . . • • . . . . 1. 00 Franklin School Ytooterday afternoou Mro. L. A. Clark ...... 1.00 and evening. Tbe work abown, bow­ a Mra. W. L. Dunne\\ ...... 6.00 ever, waa a splendid calibre. Mlaa Mrs. H. L. . • ...... 3.00 or HotWhite FlannelsD ys Zabrllkt Wetlberbee'a dloplay or lnduatrlal and !lira. A. K. Kyle ...... 2.00 applied arts producta, occupylnl! tbe Palm Beach Suits !\fro. A. Sanford ...... 1.00 W. entire auditorium, waa tbe moat Mro. Martin Bloomer ...... 3.00 alrlklnl! feature. Straw Hats Mro. Oeo. D. Beattya ...... 6.00 A myatery baa developed In con­ net•tlon tbe burnlnl! Of tbe Silk Shirts wltb U,· 600 automobile, a Havera Six, on the Cool Underwear " Relaz, or you'll break," country road bere Sunday nltrbt. A i1 doctors' advico buay A ericana the to m furniture alore owner or Newark, acrooa Summer Collars A. I'IVE-DA.Y SEA. down tha Cout and >ht blu• watera of e Gull of Me TRlP lu•urioue named Miller, feeIa poaltlve tbat tbe tb xico on tho comfortable and ll'n!Cked car lo tbe one wblcb waa Serge Suits stolen from him about a week ago. A"' a l(raduat.. , ll"t your outfit The men who were In the machine at yuu here. you o r tra.tlt.• Southern Pacific \be lime lhe lire ll&ld they were raa•& 1J0 wron• u HE TIME ( ...... _U..) Steamship� of 1!1-R for Hty!e• IWd FIRST, LAST AND ALL T connected wltb the Newark courto, mark Mland• ltto­ SER VICE New York to New Orleaaa rolua n you on way to tho and gave the name of �or11e Delaney llllobillty. lumlahnJ-ot tbe tlo tbet nMd, ,..,.., aa tbe owuer. H. J. Jr. GIVEN T onCaliforniare lln Ex"tiona ol ANOTHER CHA.NC!<;, b , after ve c In the IIGIDIDtlc etmOIIphor• Dealer Blcycle•MARTIN, aacl 14Uon Phene•ra•M quelnt NIII:W ORLBANB, :roodelilh G. A. McCauley, of Waohlngton hi old board� tbe Elm St et oppMite Weatfteld, N. J. avenue, waa arreoted laat Tburaday re , P. 0. SUDSet IJmitecl at the ln&tlcatlon or hh• wife. Mc­ (...... ,...... , ...... ,_) • wblcb lo drawn by 1- rnlnl Locomotlv ..-lnearinl paaotlll '" Cauley had taken drink or two too 01 bu a qelnat the annO)'Il ..led by A many and waa not ID. a good bumor nee ofctndera; It 1atprot ";d ltlllctric llefetylllcnal etfeetivel)' r when he returned to bla home. On matlc • 10 tbet tb'• wu lut w r year a a ded AL by tbe bla promllMI of never agalu, Judge tba IAP&TY MED A l- 1 American Mu11um Balot)'l mad• up 1';"" SprlnBotead allowed blm to go alter of h Ia ol l Lo�al View Souvenir Equipment, carrylnc tbro.,.b at.;:c ra. ObaorvotwD listening to few Worda of 1100d and Aloorle loot"' Cor advloe. Mra. cCauley dtd not &lor Cent. .... - tbe cbarp. preu I ... 'Cirloooo ...... W ld on your oave them in ...... �­ Advertiae e�tfie leuen or album•...... _ TEN. C08T IUN ud J•rnPI Pur hal.l lafonHI�WniC• Sllar Mor.. n wu picked up by H • n ll d Hm.. •·t t'h>th<'� luCNUUe, pjauae Ul c,aU. tt t -l u 1 Olllcer Colll OD. Monday evenlnl lu u WEAR Robert M. Smith, �� � N�:":.t'l bad condltloa. Vor&an waa ar- "N08T THINGS NEN " ... �ts. dog wo'd and a tbouAnd other u Italian Girls' eome reeldente or Plalnlleld. Club, numberiDI 67, ftow••r• In abundance a1 tbe Muon• cloled laet week for the oummer; Mra. Goodrleb came from Michigan ad\an<'<'. Then In tbe fall when the They '"re ginn an oullnl Saturday and hu brought Wltb her l cl res•ed In all their beauty Mveral by tbe eommltee an• of· In tbe lar1" Mu­ bi l• •now acenee and landeeapee whlcb autumn follRI!e, he IInde plenty or auto bue, opendlng tbe lim• at abe made there. '"11 auld•·• t • and lneplratlon for ble can- the Gorp and Glenelde Park. 'rbe And there are livelier In· One of the ladlee In charge were Mre. v•••"" purpoeee of tble oer!ee Rtrhard tN THE BEAN35c OR GROUND ion• thlo olde of heaven than a of lketcbes of Our Artlltl, II eug­ McEivey, Mro. Harkrader and IIJirnt to 8. E. hlrcheo and cedar•, tipped J14!1t that we have wltb ue acene Mill Florence Tucker. Many new l•�lou or ry and "'' h artlete, and all tbe gamee ueed at Settl emeat Homee •uow. requleltee for a home and otudlo too ehow tbe oummer art ecbool. were tau&ht the l(lrlo by Ml111 Tucker. Ills Now that tbe artc.l . houoe although not ex- art eehoole of Holland and the all the I• attrac•tlve and liveable with other continental countrleo a.-.. MEMORIAL liltlR\'ICF.. --A PLEASANT SUMMER DRINK­ P''" ''"' ebut and chimney breaet In- otr by the war, thlo 11 an eopectally It• li •" plae<' A memorial 111rvlce for the late out the lk>ld otonN, an4 favorable time for atart!ng 1ucb a "OUR PRIDE COFFEE" ICED :: :: 1ld•· IJl,tcfP or late Mre. Semol.,, wao h•ld In the .,_,. w t h heavy beame and etucco. ecbool. ou••l•l" i Flrot Bapllot rbur h laot Wedneoday Ill• H�1tre n c ' t>alntlnge, wblcb am ow By the way, we have not ret taken evening. ,. ,\1\hlllon In one of the New York In Weetlleld on llluetratore. Look at .... art are of little chlldmn In tbe tho covere and """""· lneldee of your ma&a­ that are dear to tboee who •ln6 at!ilu1h•s for llluotratlone by lvanowekl, About thirty-eight youngoten, pu• t>eOt>lP. In hlo lludlo are '"' " lilt!� Gordon and Goodrich, and tbe repro­ poll of tbe Proopert St.-t R<'hool, t>D· Everythin� else of equal quality that �owl landl('a�. 1ome of tbem durtlono mall.' of Mra. Ball'1 oculptu,..... joyed ,. plcntc at tbe (Jorge on Hat­ urday laet. The party In ch rge "a" a a hi�h class gro cery store should have DUFFIELD GOODWIN of Mlao Crlot. GRACE The Judge waxed Indignant over "women CRITICIZES JUDGE GUY Joked with oxen," ao If that ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER� If were common elgbt. NO :t. Probably be not, wby not BUBBCRIBE WT hu been In Barbarla or . Tall"" :x�t elll!wbere 111 \ i Suffra��;t• 1.-ler t Europe, ae I have, a peaADI woman, ut at ­ !un tu ttl• Hf'naark8 t; u..,. thrifty and atrong, working, not un­ l>f'th. der �ompulelon, but freely, to AVe \\'t•• tlleld l.eader. the coot of hiring extra help In tilling Safe and Sure t:o! Jtur relief from Indi­ ould like to call attention the bit of farm land, In whoee cultl­ 1hould be your I. 1 ""· to owf the otatementa made by vatlon abe lo naturally lnttreeted . gestion, biliousnellll, or conRti­ "ome t HUTCHINSON & SON Guy and Dr. Anna Shaw at llecauoe euch women are willing to pa ion Known to be reliable J'"'"'' famous. for their prompt th•· "ul'lraKe meellnl! beld recently help to work the farm patrb In a and efficacy-are GROCERS In 1·:\iznh�th. Guy wae lntro- land very dlll'erent from tblo, I ean­ in Judge and certa to us as "the trump card of not eee why any man ehould excite du ••lie pn·,i•l••ut. Therefore the111 elate- Barbarian peaaant woman doee not TELEPHONE h ve weight. They are otrer a bulo of argument. IIH'IIt' 'hould a 1�8 eul in•ly aa l took them Tbe Judge remarked the fact that Beecham·s accurate, nt the meeting Judge Guy "we bave bad more than a century w.w. d"" 11 ....._, !lole el A••· Modlo'- .... "\\'e have never ye t t•·ted of male eull'rage without hlld labor :- :� :-� �• ·:;-:-�•: . sa1d. . � o..:·�l�lc:·��::::::::::::::::::::::�������::::::::::::::::�:::::� d•·tll"''rac·y, ne half of tbe peopl capacity of your tank, but taws of Maee., N, Y., Oblo, "Even If It bad not been bene cia l ""'" \l'. fi ou we would atilt claim It ( the ballot ) et.·. 1 you can crowd more miles into It is no l<'ss an lneult to tbe for women eltl&eno. Ttle queotton I• Y Anu•rkan man than. to tbe American 'Ia a Republican !irm of government 1t, if you use woiHan to speak of ua, through who111 desirable or not! When obe gave Standard Motor ha:uts passes per cent of the free tbla oame epeecb In Cranfo� sh e 90 of country- "enalaved." dwelt tb "[)emoeratlc lorm lllllllPY the tlpoO e or Gaaollite. and "ol>pmoeed"--or aa Judge Guy government." Tbe allgbt chan ge Ia 11--"ln IUbjectlon." We have due to the rut that her attention has t•ut Where Clean, uniform fuel does away IJt·en. and many of uo atilt are, con- been patiently and repeatedly called wtth the dlvtllon or Iabore, the to tbe fact that tbla Ia not and never tent with carburetor adjustments and di!T<>r<'nt l atlon of function between hu pretended to be a pumly demo­ men n d women. Judge Guy oald, cratlc form of government, but a STANDARD d • gives you · a better mileage recor "Whyu limit the vote to human beln11 repreeentatlve democracy aolely. MOTOR GASOLINE or one Wby not aa reuonably Whichever It 11, however, we cannot ' consumed. selad. tainable at all 2'lrages displaying united e race of a world at You ean't eolve problem any WES before th a TFIELD lrar. no able, tben we quicker b:r multlpl:rln& It by two Service Station'' If they were t be­ HARDWARE the are not allow­ CO. "Standard ought to be wllllq to do their work foN you begin and you and our own, too, becauee tbtt God et! to dhlde at all: othenrlle 11 would sign shown above. Look for this at at "ho gave ua oura Ia the onl:rone wbo be eaaler to get It tban It Ia releaae u1 fro It, d wben He preMnt. sign whenever you need gasoline ean m "li repeated tbe po­ doee, there will be 110 demand for A&ala Dr. Bhaw IOclety, or for clvllllatlon. LUe will llcltal fallacy voiced b:r Jaoe Addam• or oil. be stopped at Ita aouroe. A. dttcb In W114bl�; "If tlleF don't want lgbt dug with a aliTer apoo n, hilt to 'fOte the:r dlln't vote." ln be a.oe4 to It would be bad for the 1poon &lid Tbte te about danaerou• and u ba d for tba dlteh. IDIII.clellc:r mNBI lmpatrtotlc a polttlotl teulllng •• llleu well emlnate hlgbeet (NewOIL J...,.) COMPANY and women apeclaiiiiii.IJ In the aollld from tllt�e STANDARD 1rorld'a work, and all rubin& and llll»t reepected and not t.Nolleb ell­ Newark New about to do the aame thing. pon&Dtl of woman •u•'*· Surely Jertey Tbe plea of votea for women Ia the tber muat be awaN Ula\ ballot or failure for 11111n, for not &n article or adorn�ent to be II complete failure can jutlty r1orn or left oft for a whim. It 11 the aa Important cbange In the baala e ymbol of reeponalblle clt1811ahlp, and IOvernJaent. If granted to women mut ba UHd by L&ADD; WBD:NZIDAY, .T01Q 18, .... Tntn !'Jd WlftJ'I&LI) 1�111 . HauM Chh,.neyL It tn -al surrragr, and reeomml!ld were rarcely lmn...., 1D Ohbnneya 1:100. people as a meu11J'e tor the pro One only ee Entrland In the year of tempflfiUlre, th• protection oM motion allowoo In a rellrtoua ho1JII!\ of hllh '11'11l a homo, and the halldiDg · one In I(I'&Al or the ID a manor bonae and Ideal• In national lite. boule, but - er "F. ball of " raatle or a toni'• ANDIIIJlBON, round Ito " . H. PIIIRRY, to othPr boo- the amokP J or way out aa It ronld. TbP wrtten "R. R. Wl!l8T." have fourtl'f'nth centuey ol'f'mOO to .� the nLoeK riKht In the hurt lD1'80· nl'�ll'fEBR f r con11(1£�red thf'm u the newewt Wcr.tftf>ltl's shopplnp: center, o of Lee, �• n Henry VII.'u re1an •ole. conoult Walter J. A Labor Leader'• VI-. tlon of toxury. I Jm t Unh 1'11 fo b d n o 1-_:•:::·: :::::.._.: t. belfpve In woman the e lty of Ox rd a tire B:.: .:,r •:,: •;: �-::-----"::::::'":';"-:;:::-;;.:::::::;: "' oulrrap b& Rttet' m cul· menttone<1 thP \ ca:NTI.Jo:III AN, <•mh�r of the Fa . It 11 tor the 100d of ua aiL aUowNI, tor It 11 of -e t y of 1 h� UP-rmnn "'t:nn �erva.tor) blld. enpped, bB.VIDI no IIre 1 n e, ew puplhl In ".JOHN MITCHJILL.• 1tudontll MuRi will accf'pt t • tllf' 11ummer lllf"afllnn winter, they were obtlrfld to take thh• vi<'lnlty for · lfhrht•Ht n·ff> PnCell glvt,n. Adclrefll'l t t be JIOOd run to �r�>t beat I n h t e r 1 ee r Hoe Avenue. New K w. City.H<'haof•·r. �:12 tore they rrtlre<1 tor the night. Jlolln- York An Old lngll1h Cuotam. r Ilk I thP reign of EIIMilrth d••· n l to "Gavelkind' wn• o tlOillfe unl�enal lhf'

BILLY SUNDAY'S VIEWS ON WOMAN SUFFRAGE C&sh SUFFRAGE BABIES. 110Tea Broad & St., CoffeeWestfield, N. J. Store "I am In lavor or an)'lhlnl the at Do!vll loo 811 aln and I am ap.inat BEST ON EARTH everythlnl! the Devil Ia lo tl1'or ot. want yon to uodentand that I I am FIN•:sT ca i not otandlog tor Votee for lo t on In town, ten minute• V. 11 Fresh Jersey Strawberries, qt. lOc oc tr CAOJIIEY, P. 0. Box 123, Break World's Record For Women herauoe It populu. I . atood ���n:�:�10J�w0n° 8a:� b� a1� �Tut :� ��- N. J • exp.-.rt planter and tf&rdener now for Votea tor Women wben t ree11 Larl'e room•. Oood table repre�tf·nt.a ted nur1erht1 of Hr It wu not u popular u It Ia hroad. Moderate prlce1. Addre•• nwn PerfacHon. uow, "Ideal," Leader. or lU l!l. Dudley · ·· and am •tandln11 for It t& Asparagus, bunch -· 18c �gc�ee ·��r··o�r y "·-- �,., I Av� 4��� ��r::� for day. FOR Rl!ll'l'l'-1 reliable 1tock �All room houoe, tu.oo. L. .ADother atrlklnl proof of Qle be­ "They oay women wmrld make a .. Power•. 718 South Ave. tJ·tf WA.NTIJID--Whtte ahmlt 111 awtnl nw•• or II tr they 1'ot· Pineapple, 3 for 25c M'lrl. .. lt FWJ ll ot 1'ote1 tor mothen oomee to uo RE T-F l roR N urnl•hed room1, with or ��.:=.•· io.Jd ���e •; :��; �u���e:.... equal 1U!rraae The ed. Well, I would IJI;e to know lf Weltlleld 'Af from 111 tt.IU.. without board. 40& A . ther oould m•k• a !' r�•t•r meeo r�il-tf l·t-• WCII'ld'• record wu broka at the Bet· W A.N t\ or II than the mPn have made. Messina Lemons, 15c I"OR Rlll:NT-Two TRD---lh!·con ranvu1 tiM. Bableo contest recenttr held the ···•• doz. room .. nicely fur· l!lh�d or· han1l .\ddrt>u ter &t n ah : or wood Tbe natl•·n t l" t r<·l to trrant t ed table board nearby. liT ______bu rn H._ r .. Fair Bpoluule, WlildllDI' �t are Lellde r. ltlterstete ID rP«J IIF to protect Weatl'\eld Ave. Telephone 711·J. 1· 3-tf c __ _ _ the of \\' O'll�'��'l __ __;:_ _ too, a atate women YOW. So • WA.Jli'T.D their hnn .-• !rom !:e !orcea ot Granulated Sugar, 5 lb. bag · 32c - MICII-AtWatchunl' the C.lltNI many or the younpten were eo neal' T&llorln ·• 118 e1'll iR d0'\1::1 ('. w!•ot'•er It II In Cjf u � · 17 perfect that, after the prellmlnuy thla or any o"JPr natton." r�:::a� R sf&u��·: a.ndrdr., A�:h 00 teata, an ad rouowtn• Mustard Pickles, large bottle Mill 9c Thill ne1r1 wm pt-e Julia. c. .neolutlnn "' "" n·l p•e I: Lathrop, bead the or Qllldrell't DUo "WbereoP, T:P ehurrh of Cll t1al FOR 8.,1.¥-0n Highland venue, A new nau at Wuhln&ton, D. 0.. who Ill 1 lltando tor Ju•tlrr In all thP relatlotu Salad Oil, large bottle 23c all attru.('tlve s room houae,hard lm· llb'ODI ad1'0Cate of equal IU!frqe. In at Ute, and provementa. ateam heat, wood the Natloul 1 bar addreaa at l.ut 8uf. "Wteret�l!, \\'e rero�nlzP In the wo­ noon; lot �0.1.236;F. Trevenen.price 1,900: Mla1 manhood termB to liUit. 421 WAN'71DD--Cook bqe Conventloo, Lathrop tald: and jo:l'(ll'tRI o' unr land a �:reat moral Boneless Chicken, can 30c Mountain Avenue. l·lG·tf ·. l v·:1lr worker. AJlply Dr. lln.rrlsnn, buHJ "'nltead of heiDI lnoompatlble with Ud I J,Irltun� 1o··, '• hal!l proved FOR R.�L&--I.ariJ• t•nt, 1·1 lhlfi, with ft)', Broad lit. ohlld weltare, womu aulrrale lead• ln1'aluabll' 'n t e work of the church, t.• htiO.JI. lnqulre (', Leader Oftlce. ITA.RT WHYJ(ercedea. JfO'I' n. jltnt•Y hua? ... lowU'd It, ud ta Indeed 'the next IDd e h fully t'IJUI IP''tl. Blue Label Ketchup, large bottle 19c i ov a J .-.­ 11'8•t IM'VIre to he rendered tor the Y/hert"&M, mo,rt:1tln t now ��" !� 0 t�·� body, t ovcrhaulPfl ��� bart* " ,I\ · ht be­ «:n� :� � ���. �7 rrr; lt� f' all Ju .-\Vt> � : Lenox or 419 K Nurth .• ....Uare ud ennoblement ot the tore the pPuple or O'!f •tate to enh'ao· Conault your aa:ent or can 11r. lfi·J Ave. 6·18-ft home." cblae Its w•·nwn. the:<• ore he It FOR !!ALE OR vf.•!L we hereby "ltetol T nt endoree ough RICI'IT-IItore near Bor· Hall.or O&rwood, auhed for plumblnKwill carpenter ahop, 11K50, or alter to IUit. C. W. Beckley. 6-fi-tf O a EXC'HAI'IG& For t' OK •.U.t J K a, two - ' "'"""""'""""""""'=""'=----=!!1!1· hur.tnel'ls wagon or hen goodight I'UnulJOUtll. Ahw heBVY and l hnrnt"BM Sunnyalde Poultry Fa m, Llnkl!l. r Nine or ror No1·th or Holt New llt••·••nt ...,. .rult• havt• nrrlv<'ll('h���lf(�l ��� moMt t •otu(dt•t h) tu� had. �h·n will tlnt1 luon• t'll'er')' sIMlrt ur Hummer drt-'!MI Ntlt two lotH tn llUr­ k lN5B thnnJ We Stoc Furnishings . . Dave Summer Men Hul�. MobilizedOur Mhu\\'D H tie"', In t'ht\M�•r. Wtostfttold. N. J. t•uth&rN, uutlif'rwt•ar, hu"l�y, t'k., ltt"lnK l'&rletl� I'IUftlt'ieot to ple&IM'I t·n�ry ntan. FOR Ro\LIC OR L . Ptllrl