West Dunbartonshire Council Assurance and Improvement Plan 2014–17
WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL At the Meeting of West Dunbartonshire Council held in the Council Chambers, Council Offices, Garshake Road, Dumbarton on Wednesday, 18 December 2013 at 2.05 p.m. Present: Provost Douglas McAllister and Councillors Denis Agnew, George Black, Gail Casey, Jim Finn, David McBride, Jonathan McColl, Michelle McGinty, Patrick McGlinchey, Marie McNair, John Millar, John Mooney, Ian Murray, Lawrence O’Neill, Tommy Rainey, Gail Robertson, Martin Rooney, Kath Ryall and Hazel Sorrell. Attending: Joyce White, Chief Executive; Angela Wilson, Executive Director of Corporate Services; Richard Cairns, Executive Director of Infrastructure and Regeneration, Terry Lanagan, Executive Director of Educational Services; Keith Redpath, Director – West Dunbartonshire Community Health & Care Partnership; Peter Hessett, Head of Legal, Democratic & Regulatory Services; Jackie Irvine, Chief Social Work Officer; Stephen West, Head of Finance & Resources; Gillian McNeilly, Finance Manager; Joe Reilly, Finance Business Partner and Christine McCaffary, Senior Democratic Services Officer. Also Attending: Elaine Boyd, Senior Audit Manager, Audit Scotland. Apologies: Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Councillors Jim Bollan, Jim Brown and William Hendrie. Provost Douglas McAllister in the Chair MINUTE OF SILENCE Having heard Provost McAllister, Chair, the Council observed a minute of silence as a mark of respect for those killed in the helicopter crash at The Clutha bar in Glasgow on 29 November 2013; the passing of a great world statesman, Nelson Mandela on 7 December 2013 and also to mark the 6th anniversary on 19 December of the sinking of the Flying Phantom tug boat on the River Clyde and the loss of 3 of her crew. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST It was noted that there were no declarations of interest in any of the items of business on the agenda at this point in the meeting.
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