Lifting Leaders to the Throne of God I urge you that first of all intercession and thanksgiving be made for those in authority so you might live peaceful and quiet lives. II Timothy 2:1- 2 State Senators

Joni Albrecht Tim Gragert John McCollister John Arch Mike McDonnell Adam Morfield Ben Hansen Mike Moser Dave Murman Tom Brandt Dan Hughes Robert Clements Justin Wayne Wendy DeBoer Andrew L Grone Matt Williams Myron Dorn Lynne M. Walz John S. Lowe Sr. Nebraska Constitutional Officers

Pete Ricketts, Governor Mike Foley, Lieutenant Governor , Secretary of State Doug Peterson, Attorney General , State Treasurer , State Auditor

Nebraska Supreme Court

Michael Heavican, Chief Justice William Cassel John Freudenberg Jeffrey Funke Lindsey Miller-Lerman Johnathan Papik Stephanie Stacy

Nebraska Family Alliance | 1106 E Street | Lincoln NE 68508

State Board of Education President

John Witzel, President Donald Trump

Patricia Koch Johns Lisa Fricke Rachel Wise Vice President Patricia Timm, Maureen Nickels Mike Pence Robin Stevens Deborah Neary

Commissioner of Education Executive Advisors

Matthew Blomstedt Mick Mulvaney White House Chief of Staff UNL Board of Regents Sarah Huckabee Sanders Robert Schafer, Chairman White House Press Secretary Timothy Clare Barbara Weitz United States Howard Hawks Supreme Court Jim Pillen Paul Kenney John Roberts, Chief Justice Bob Phares Ruth Bader Ginsburg Elizabeth O’Connor Clarence Thomas

United States Sonia Sotomayor Elena Kagan Nebraska Senators Samuel Alito

Stephen Breyer Neil Gorsuch Brett Kavanaugh

United States Nebraska Representatives

Don Bacon Jeff Fortenberry Adrian Smith