TRADES DIRECTORY.) . CAR 841 Prewett P.:Sishopsroke,EastleighR.S.O Vickery T. Basjng, Ba.singstoke Ely Stephen, 209, 2u, 213 & 215 Old Price A.& Son, Seamoor rd.Bournemth Vickery W. Colden com.Eastlgh.R.S.O Christchurch road, Bournemouth Quintan George Fielder, I Carisbrooke Vivash Harry Thomas, 2 West Cliff Hodder Jn. Owen, So High st.Wnchstr road, Newport, I. of W grove, Bournemouth Horseman Christopher. 13 & 16 High Racketb George Frederick, 4 Station Wall Haa-ry, 1r.zo Gladstone road, Bos- street &i 75 East street, Southamp- road, Sandown B.S.O. I. of W combe, Bournemouth ton. See advert Raison A.x88 Stewart rd. ea.Brnemth Wareham C. Stubbington, Jones Edwin & Co. Lim. 29 to 34 Ea~ Beeves W.H.3oCambridge rd.Sthmptn Warne A. 18 Exmouth rd. st. & Queen's buildings,Southamptn Richards Henry, I Lion st. Shirley, Warwick Lancelot, Cheriton. Alresford Oetzman &i Co. 75 Union court, Ryde Wateridge C.W. Millbrook,Southmptn Ross & Homan, 131 to :137 & I4Ia,Com- Riohman G. 49 Osborne rd. Sthamptn Waterman Charles & Son, King's Som- mercial road, Landport Rit.chie Robert, Cambria cottage, borne, StockbTidge R.S.O Shepherd & Attwood, 59 High street, Gurnard, Cowes Waterman William, Langley rd.Cowes Southampton. See advert Roberts Arthur, Fawley, Southampton Weaver Henry, Bembridge, Ryde Silverman S. M. 165 .Above Bar street, Robinson C.Broughton,Stckbdg.R.S.O Webb George, Tadley, :Sasingstoke Southampton & 491 Commercial rd. Robinson Thos. Upper Froyle, Alton Webb James, Tadley, Landport Roe Harry, Dummer, Basingstoke Weeks G. 53 Parchment st. White Thomas &i Co. 21, 23, 25, Roo J. W. xg St. Mary's pl.Southmptn Welch Charles R. I St. Michael's rise, 27, 29, 54 & 56 Union st• . Roo W.Sutton Scotney,Micheldevr.Stn Bournemouth Withers L. B. High st. Fordingbr1dge Rose Laban, Southcliffe rd.Pokesdown, West John J. Bed~ampton, CARRIAGE AXT.E MAXERS Bournemouth Wheeler Wm. Bradmg R.S.O. I. of W · Rowe George, Piper's hill, Denmead, White G. 68 Weston rd. Winchester Klrkatall Forge Co. (The), Leeds Cosham R.S.O White Hector, Henrey villa, Western CARRIAGE BUILDERS. Rowe George, 5 Station st. Lym.ington road, Shanklin · (See Coach & Carriage Builders.) Rowthorn George, 54 York street, White Jesse, Eversley, Winchfield Bevois town, Southampton White Jsph. Geo. Havant rd.Ernsworth CARRIAGE PAINTERS. Russell Henry,Bowcombe,Carisbrooke, Whitehorn James, Minstead, Lynd- (See Coach & Carriage Painters.) Newport, I. of W hurst R.S.O Russell John Wm. 9 Ge()rge st. Ryde Wickenden Mrs. Lydia, Kite hill, Bin- CARRIAGE PROPRmTORS. Salter F. Irwin, Yarmouth R.S.O stead, Ryde (See Jobmasters.} Sansom J. Chandler's Ford, East- Wigley John, , leigb R.S.O Mortimer R.S.O. (Berks) CARRIAGE TRIMMERS. Saunders Jas. Pennington, Lyrnington Williams Frank, 2 Bailey rd. Southsea. (See Coach & Carriage Trimmers.) Scott John, I2I Haviland road, Bos- Williams Thomas, II Gladstone road, combe, Bournemouth Boscombe, Bournemouth CARRIERS. Scott Nathaniel Smith, 123 Powers- WilliamsWilliarn Frederick, IO Terrace .!dams Henry, 3 High st.; 6 M nkton court road, Buckland, road, Newport, I. of W street & so Union street, Byde Scott Samuel Sutton, 39 West st. & Willis Jsph. Somerset rd.Farnborough A.dey .rohn, Heath end, East w od- 36 Middle street, Southsea Wright John, Pine rd.Winton,Brnemth hay, Newbury Scott William Thomas, Hope cottage, Wyatt George, York -street, Cowes Ainsworth Thos. Southwick, Fa:rebam MillwaY' road, Andover Wyeth Alfred, Four Marks, Medstead, Alien .Alfred, 2 Malmesbury cottages, Seabright S. 65 Victoria rd. .Aldershot Alresford Brook road, Shankbn Shaw W. H. 38 Fratton gro. Landport Wyeth John, Chawton, A.lton Alien G. 49 Middle Brook st.Wnchstr Sheppard Williarn,x66 Wyndbam road, Wyeth William, Chawton, Alton Andrews S.Leckford,Stockbrdg.R.S.O Springbourne, Bournemouth Young Edward, Timsbury, Baker Andrew, Wherwell, .A.ndover Shering .Tn. Church st. Barlow Frederick, Little London. Sils b ury H . U mon· eo ttage, S prmg· hl. CARPET BEATERS & , Basingstoke • Ventnor CLEANERS. Batchelor & Son, Town quay,Prtsmth Silvester John, Park gate, Sarisbury, Brunswick Dyeing, Ol.eaning & Carpet Bolton W.,M"cheldever Southampton Beating Co. London road; 315 Lake Boots Wm. & Co. 24 to 34 Swan st. Simmonds Charles, East view, Brading road & 171 Commercial road, Land- Southsea; Town station, Landporli B.S.O. I. of W port; 98 Albert road; I Stanley st.; &i 27 St. Thomas st. Portsmouth Sims E. Middle st. Fleet, Winchfield 54 King's road & 30 Rus.-:ell street, Boswell John, Midlington cottage, Smith .Alfred, Twyford, Winchester Southsea & 121 High street, Prtsmth Droxford, Bishop's Waltham S.O Sm~th G. Hannington, Basingstoke Carpet Beating Co. (H.R.Beale,man.), Bray David, West street, Sm~th Jas. Broad st. New ~lresford King street, Portsmouth Bright Barnabas, Selborne, Alton .T. Sutton Scotney, Mteheldever Carter John .J, & Sons Llm. 3 Broomfield Robert, Bembridge, Ryde S~tl:~ R(}:Ckrt, , Wolverton, East street,Soutbampton. See advt Brown G. Bell st. Whitchurch R.S.O asdmgsEod 8 d M tl tt L k Couzens H.r2 St.Catherine st.Sthsea Budden D. Colt hl. Odiham,Winchfield S nud en war , yr e eo age, a e, E'm tt W 'I' · n tl S 0 B M s h .An L · h S d R S 0 I f W me . . ]UD. no ey . urgess rs. ara n, ongpar1s • S an o~n H· · · ~ dall F h IIoar E. 29 St. Vincent rd. Southsea Whitchurch R.S.O nuggs WeoJ. enVrr:, t r~m d .Al' darnhmt Hogg & Son,Bourne valley,Bournmth Burgess Mrs. William. Micheldever Snuggs . . 149 IC or1a r . ers o R H _ W t t S th n J h N th H t Stacey G. Bentley, Farnham (Surrey) ~eves enry, 7., es s . ou sea nurrows . ~ n, o_r street, ava~ Stanfield T. C. Stoke road R1~hards J. I8 Albert road, Southsea. Bu~er Willlam, Frur Oak, .Ashford h1]1, 4 3 H' Rose W.II Manchester st.Southmptn Newbury S tapI es J 0 h n, West street, avan~ South Hanta Steam I aundr~ B t .A h "t ll V t Stark Joseph 16 Adames road Kmg- u t rt ur, Wh1 we , en nor ston, Ports~outh ' C~. Urn. (F. J. Burnett, see.), 2 Cawte. Edward, Hursley, Winc~ester Street John Wm. Elson, Gosport H1gh street; works, Marsh lane, Chalwm W. North W~ltham,Micheldn Strickland Thomas Godwin's croft Southampton ChandlerS. Vernham s dean,Hungrfrd Bransgore Wink~n R S 0 ., Cheek George & Frederick, Upper Stmide John' D Nancy r~ad Fratton CARPET BEATING MACHINE Bramst-one, Chale, Ventnor Portsmouth . ' ' MANUFACTURER. Chiverton T. _Blaekg:"ng,Chale,VentnOJ" Stroud G. St. Clement st. Winchester Eggleton Stephen, Victoria works,Vic- aark Fr~~nck, M1eheldever Sturton Horace, 7 Valley rd. Sthmptn toria rd. Freemantle. See advert Clark Phill1p, Exbury, Southampton Swaffield Fdk. Seamoor rd. Bournemth Clarke George, 6 Malmesbury Park. Talbot Saml. 78 Jessie road, Southsea CARPET MANUFACTURERS. road, Bournemouth Targett A. Standon, Hursley,Winchstr Yates & Co. Lim. Royal Carpet factory Clayton John, 5 Ma1mesbury Park rd. Taylor H.D.Hambledon,Cosham R.S.O Sugar House lane, High st. South~ Bournem'l.uth . . Tharle Henry Bar-ton, 49 Castle road, ampton. & at Wilton Coles S. & Co. 42 V1ctor1a rd. .Aldershol Newport, I. of W ' Coles Henry, Hornd~~ R.S.O Thompson Valentine Upham Bishop's CARPET pJ,ANNERS. Collyer .Alfd. Jas. Tl'llllty st. Farebam Waltham S.O ' ' Colyer Hy. , Winchfield Thurlow Fredk. 7 High st. Gosport Freakes R. 3 Sackville street, Sthsea Cook John, St.. Mary Bourne, .A.ndover Till George, Durrants, Havant Sergeru;tt Robert, 35 York street, Cooper W~:High st.StockbridgeR.S.O Southampton CA ..... · Cooper William,Prospect oottage,Tulse Turner E. 89 Oxford Southamptn Bate A. J. I24 & r25 St. Mary's st. hill, Ventnor Tutt Henry, West Meon, Petersfie:d Southampton Cooper W. jun. The Rundred,Romsey Tutte Edwin, 10 West st. Fareham Creed & Breton, 157 & I58 High st. O>tton Henry, jun. Niton, Ventnor Southampton Court James, Botley S.O