Royal Infirmary.?The following appointments have been made for the winter six months:? House-Physicians?John D. Young, M.B., Ch.B., assistant to Dr. Dougall; E. C. Robertson Fullarton, M.B., C.M., assistant to Dr. McVail; Lewis MacLachlan, M.B., C.M., assistant to Dr. Middleton; H. C. Ferguson, M.B., Ch.B., assistant to Dr. Lindsay Steven; A. J. Ballantyne, M.B., Ch.B., assistant to Dr. Monro. House-Surg eons?John G. Parker, L.R.C.P.E., &c., assistant to Mr. Clark; James M. Invererity, L.R.C.P.E., Szc., assistant to Dr. Barlow ; A. Garrow, MB., Ch.B., assistant to Dr. Adams; J. S. Ormond, M.B., Ch.B., assistant to Dr. Newman; Duncan M'Gregor, .L.R.C.P.E., &c., assistant to Dr. Knox; Andrew Love, M.B., Ch.B., assistant to Dr. M'Lennan ; Thomas Kirkwood, M.B., C.M., assistant to Mr. Pringle. Ophthalmic Department?A. B. Sloan, M.B., Ch.B., assistant to Dr. Ramsay. Gyna'cological Department?Miss E. M. S. Walker, M.B., Ch.B., assistant to Dr. Kelly.

Western Infirmary.?The following appointments have been made for the ensuing six months:? House-Physicians?Alexander Laurie Watson, M.B., Ch.B.; Arthur Robin, M.B., Ch.B.; Robert Fullarton, M.A., M.B., Ch.B.; Ronald D. Campbell, M.B., Ch.B.

No. 5. Y Vol. L1I. 338 Current Topics.

House-Surg eons?John Aitken, M.B., Ch.B.; Hyam Good- man, M.A., M.B., Ch.B.; Alexander Simpson Wells, M.B., Ch.B.; George Coats, M.B., Ch.B.; William John Orr, M.B., C.M.; J. Garden Green, M.B., Ch.B.; William H. Steel, M.B., Ch.B.

Victoria Infirmary. ? Dr. John Anderson has been appointed Pathologist to the Institution.

Post-Graduate Instruction in Bacteriology.?Medical gentlemen are informed that excellent opportunities exist at the Royal Infirmary for the study of this subject. The course is conducted by Dr. M'Crorie, Bacteriologist to the Institution, and, by arrangement with him, may be begun at any time. The fee is two guineas.

The Glasgow Southern Medical Society.?The opening meeting of the Glasgow Southern Medical Society for the Session 1899-1900, was held on Thursday evening, 5th October, in the rooms of the Southern Medical Club, 18 South Portland Street. Dr. E. H. Parry occupied the chair, and there was a good attendance of members. Dr. Chas. E. Robertson, the representative of the Society to the Victoria Infirmary, gave an interesting account of the work done during the year, dwelling particularly on the improvements carried out at the Bellahouston Dispensary. At the conclusion of his address, the Treasurer, Dr. William M'Millan, presented his financial statement for the year, which showed a surplus of ?25. The meeting then proceeded to the election of officials in room of those retiring, and as now constituted the office-bearers are as follows :?Hon. President, William Macewen, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.; President, Hugh Kelly, M.D.; Vice-Presidents, Thomas W. Jenkins, M.D.,and William Watson, M.D.; Treasurer, William M'Millan, M.B., C.M.; Secretary, John Fraser Orr, M.D.; Editorial Secretary, Andrew Wauchope, M.B., C.M.; Seal Keeper, John Stewart, M.D.; Extra Members of Council, Robert Pollok, M.B., C.M., Alexander C. M'Arthur, M.B., C.M., Duncan M'Gilvray, M.B., C.M.; Court Medical, Robert H. Parry, L.R.C.S. Edin., John Dougall, M.D., Robert W. Forrest, M.D., Archibald Brown, M.D., Edward M'Millan, L.R.C.S. Edin.; Representative to Victoria Infirmary, Chas. E. Robertson, M.D. The annual dinner was held on Thursday evening, 19th October, in the St. Enoch Station Hotel, the President of the Society, Dr. Hugh Kelly, presiding. There were forty-seven gentlemen present, and Professor Current Topics. 339

William Macewen, F.R.S., Hon. President of the Society, was the guest of the evening. Dr. Thomas W. Jenkins and Dr. William Watson acted as croupiers, and among others present were Sir William T. Gairdner, Professor M'Call Anderson, and Professor Glaister. After the loyal and patriotic toasts had been duly honoured, Dr. Sloan proposed the toast of "The Honorary President," and in doing so referred to the distinguished career of Dr. Macewen, and to his acute powers of observation. There were warriors, he continued, to be found in the battlefield, but in the peaceful arena of civil life heroes were also to be found, and Dr. Macewen was one of them. In replying to the toast, Dr. Macewen thanked the Society for electing him to the position of Hon. President, a position which was the most honourable the Society could bestow, and which was quite unexpected on his part. He referred to the long connection he had had with the Society, which in its management gave an example to others in Glasgow. Among other speakers were Sir William T. Gairdner, Professor Glaister, Mr. H. E. Clark, and Dr. Barr. An orchestra rendered selections of music during the evening, and an enjoyable night came to a successful close with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne."

University of Glasgow.?At the recent professional exam- inations for the degrees of M.B., Ch.B., the following candidates passed with distinction in the subjects indicated:? First Examination.?In Botany: Henry Graeme Anderson, John Baird Morton, William Templeton. In Zoology: James Glover, Anna Pollock Martin, Berkeley Hope Robertson. In Physics : Carl Hamilton Browning, John Muir Kelly, David Robertson Mitchell, John Murdoch, Robert Tait Wells, M. A. In Chemistry: Isabel Deane-Mitchell. Second Examination. In Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Robert Well wood Auld, Samuel James Cameron, James Bertie Wylie Cook, William Dick, James Grant Millar, John Paton, John Walker Renton, Elizabeth Ness MacBean Ross, Donald Steel, Joseph Goodwin Tomkinson, John Unsworth. Third Examination. In Medical Jurisprudence and Public Health: Lizzie Thomson Fraser, James Dunlop Lickley, William Barr Inglis Pollock, Alexander Dey Thompson. The following have passed the first professional examination for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.) and Bachelor of Surgery (Ch.B.) in the subjects indicated (B., Botany; Z., Zoology; P., Physics; C., Chemistry):? 340 Current Topics.

Robert Adam (B., P.) Archibald Leitch (Z., C.) Scott Campbell Adam (B., P.) James Marshall (B., P.) Archibald Craig Amy (P.) Gavin Millar (B., P.) Henry Graeme Anderson (B., P.) Peter Millar (B., P.) John William Arthur (B., Z., P., David Robertson Mitchell (B.,P.) a> John Baird Morton (B., P.) John Bain (Z., P.) Gavin Muir (B., P., C.) Thomas Bennett (Z., C.) John Muir (B., P.) Archibald Grainger Bisset (Z., John Murdoch (B., P.) p-) John Bertram M'Cabe (P.) David Blackley (B.) Donald Carmichael M'Cormick Alexander Blair (B., Z., P., C.) (B., P.) William Thomas Bolton (B., P.) John Finlay Macdonald (P.) Robert George Bradford (B., C.*) Neil M'Dougall (B., P.) Thomas Brodie (P.) James Boston M'Ewan (B., P.) Carl Hamilton Browning (B., P.) Hugh Allan Macewen (B., P.) Robert Harold Campbell (C.) James Denniston Macfie (B.) Thomas Murdoch Campbell, M.A. Robert Clark M'Guire (B., P.) (B? C.) James M'Houl (B., P.) Alexander Erskine Clark (B., Z., Alexander Stewart M'Millan (0.) C.) James Anthony Macvea (B.) Andrew Connal (B.) James Carmichael Pairman, M. A. Thomas Goodall Copestake (C.) (B;> Z.) William Smith Craig (B., P.) William Robinson Pirie (Z., C.) John Cross (C.) James Porter (B., P.) Weir Burns Cunningham (B., P.) George Raeburn (B., P.) David Dickie (B.) Berkeley Hope Robertson (B., Thomas Thornton Macklin Dish- Z.) ington (B., P.) Robert Thin Craig Robertson (C.) David Garfield Dykes (B., P.) Campbell Ross (B., P., C.) James Eadie (B., P.) William Garrow Shand (B., P.) Cunison Chas. Finlator (B., P.) John Macgregor Smith (B.) James Forsyth (B., Z., P., C.) James Alexander Somerville (C.) William White George (P., C.) John Black Stevenson (B., P.) William Gilchrist (Z.) Norman Burgess Stewart (B., P.) William Macmillan Gilmour (C.) William Stewart (C.) James Glover (B., Z.) John Wilson Sutherland (B., P.) George Munn Gray (B., P.) Murray Ross Taylor (B., P.) Louis Leisler Greig (B., P.) William Templeton (B., P.) John Hanson, M.A. (B., P.) George Douglas Turner (Z., C.) John Cochrane Henderson (B.) Joseph Walker, M.A. (B., C.) Lawrence Hislop (Z.) William Lind Walker (B., Z.) Malcolm Hutton, M.A. (B., Z.) George Wallace (P.) Arthur Innes (B., P.) Robert Watson (B., C.) Alexander Jamieson (Z.) William Norman West Watson John Muir Kelly (B., P.) (C.) Alexander Leggat (B.) Robert Tait Wells, M.A. (P.) Robert Thomson Leiper (B., P.) George Wilson (Z., P.) Current Topics. 341

Robert M'Nair Wilson (B., Z.) Hugh Young (B., Eldred C.) Wright (B., P.) John Young, Glasgow (B., Z.) James Wyper (B., P.) John Young, Mt. Vernon (B., P.) Women. Helen Stephen Baird, B. A. (P., C.) Wallace Cameron Margaret Hardy (B.) Agnes (B.) Anna Pollock Martin Charlotte Cameron (B., Z.) Mary (B., Z., Margaret Walker Millar (B., Z.) p.) Eliza Jane Millar Jane (B., Z.) Campbell (B.) Isabel Deane Mitchell (B., Z., Ethel Lily Chapman (P., C.) Duncan C.) Jessie Galloway (B., Z.) Jessie Munro Theresa Emily (B., Z.) Mary Gallagher (B., Z.) Alice Wesley Maclean (Z., P.) Jane Reid Foulds Gilmour (B., Reid Park ? Charlotte (B., Z.) . Z? P.) Jessie Marie Stewart Z., C.) Katherine Robina (B., Margaret Elizabeth Taylor Talbert Lucas (P.) (Z., C.) Janet Gardner Waddell (C.)

The following have passed the second professional examina- tion for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.) and Bachelor of Surgery (Ch.B.) in the subjects indicated (A., Anatomy; P., Physiology; M., Materia Medica and Therapeutics):? John Anderson (M.) William Elder (P.) Thomas Anderson (M.) William Watt Farrer (M.) William Archibald (A., M.) George Ferguson (M.) Robert Wellwood Auld (M.) Duncan J. Fletcher (P.) John Stoddart Barr (M.) William Gemmill (M.) Andrew Baxter (M.) Archibald Gow (M.) Ernest C. Burnett (A., M.) Andrew P. Granger (P.) Patrick Thomas Cairns (P.) John Gregor (M.) Samuel James Cameron (M.) Leslie C. B. Head (M.) John J. Y. Campbell (P.) Francis J. Henry (M.) Robert David Campbell (M.) Matthew Hunter (M.) Edward S. Chapman (P., M.) William J. Isbister (M.) George H. Clark (A, M.) Pierce Jones (A.) James B. W. Cook (M.) Daniel R. Kilpatrick (M.) Ernest H. Cramb (P., M.) William H. Kirk (M.) Andrew Currie (M.) David Kyle, M.A. (A., P., M.) John S. Dale (A., P., M.) John Lambie (A., P.) David B. Davidson (M.) Alexander Linn (A., M.) Gregor H. G. Davie (A., M.) Joseph P. Lusk (A., P.) William Dick (M.) William A. Masson (M.) Alexander Doig (M.) James G. Millar (P., M.) Hugh M'M. Donaldson (M.) Robert J. Mills (A., P., M.) George H. Downie (M.) Allan D. Mitchell (A., M.) Reginald N. Dunlop (M.) Samuel J. Moore (A,, P., M.) 342 Current Topics.

John Morison (A., P.) James C. Ross (A., P., M.) Alan Howie Muir (M.) Malcolm B. G. Sinnette (P., M.) Coll M'Donaid (M.) David Spence (A.) William F. M'Glashan (M.) Donald Steel (INT.) Alexander M'Lean (A., P., M.) John Stewart, M.A. (A., M.) Hugh A M'Lean (M.) John B. Stewart (M.) A. M'G. M'Millan (A., P., M.) Robert R. Swan (M.) G. W. M'Millan (A., M.) James N. Todd (M.) Robert Orr (M.) J. G. Tomkinson (M.) John Paton (M.) John Turnbull (P.) James N. Prentice (M.) J. VV. Turner (A., P., M.) Robert Ramsey (M.) John Unsworth (P., M.) Thomas H. Rankin (A., P.) R, W. Valentine (A., P., M.) Andrew Reid (A., M.) James Walker (A., P., M.) John W. Renton (P., M.) George S. Wallace (M.) Thomas Richmond (M.) Hugh F. Warwick (M.) William Robertson (Kilmarnock) R. G. White, M.A. (M.) (M.) Archibald S. Wilson (P.) Thomas R. Rodger (M.) David A. Wilson (P., M.) William G. Rodger (M.) James WTilson (P.) Norman C. Rogers (M.) John Wilson (A., P.) Andrew T. Ross (P., M.) Robert Wylie (M.)

Women. Margaret Edith Bryson (A.) Agnes B. Sinclair (A.) Janet B. Higgins (A., P., M.) Agnes Bankier Sloan (A.) Janet Thomson Miller (A., P.) Elizabeth M. Sloan (A.) Alice Moorhouse (M.) Henrietta Fraser Young (M.) Elizabeth Ness MacBean Ross (A., P., M.)

The following have passed the third professional examina- tion for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.) and Bachelor of Surgery (Ch.B.) in the subjects indicated (P., Pathology ; M., Medical Jurisprudence and Public Health):? Matthew Aikman, M.A. (M.) Leonard Find lay (M. ) Thomas Thomson Bathgate (M.) John Forrest (P., M.) Alexander Binning (M.) Alexander Fraser, M.A. (M.) Alexander Birch (P., M.) David George Somerville Gart- William Herbert Brown (M.) shore (P., M.) John Douglas Brownlie (M.) William Girvan (P., M.) Edward Pro van Cathcart (M.) Charles Aikman Gourlay, M.A. Robert Clark (M.) (M.) Frank Lindsay Dickson (P., M.) James Dickson Gourlay (P., M.) John Downie (M.) John Gracie (P., M.) John Pinkerton Duncan, B.Sc. Charles Herbert Gunson (M.) (P., M.) Charles Milburn Hope (P.) Current Topics. 343

Thomas Hamilton Jack (P., M.) James Wm. M'Dougall (P.) William Bryce Kerr (P., M.) Walter James M'Feat (P.) Alexander King (P., M.) George Steventon jVI'Kinnon(M.) James Dickson Laidlaw (P., M.) James M'Kinnon (M.) ?John Francis Lambie (P.) William Barr Inglis Pollock (M.) Alexander Leitch (P., M.) David Russell (M.) James Dunlop Lickley (M.) David Shannon (P., M.) Donald M'Farlane Livingston Andrew Stewart (P., M.) (M.) Robert Bryers Thom (P., M.) Alexander Logan (M.) Alexander Dey Thompson (P., David Longwill (P., M.) M.) Jacob Mains (M.) Joseph Swinbi.rn Townley (P., Andrew Mair (M.) M.) Allan Martin, M.A., B.Sc. (M.) James Cameron Turnbull (M.) Robert M'Nab Marshall (M.) Albert Ernest Wainwright (P.) William Archibald Mills (P., M.) William Dinning Walker (P., Alexander Robert Moir (P.) M.) Daniel Morrison (P.) George White (M.) Alexander Munro (M.) Hugh Patrick WTright (M.) Alexander MacCulloch (P., M.) John Young, Glasgow (M.)

W OMEN. Daisy Annabella Murdoch Clark, Mary Emma Potter (P., M.) B.Sc. (P., M.) Margaret Mitchell Ritchie (P., Lizzie Thomson Fraser (P., M.) M.) Helen Mary Gordon (P., M.) Mary Ann Thompson Ritchings Lila Stephenson Greig (M.) (P., M.) Mabel Hardie (M.) Mabel Talbot (P., M.)

We have received the following verses from Dr. Aikman, of had from Miss Guernsey, who them the author, F G , a Fa1 kirk lady. We agree with him in thinking that they may amuse our readers, who will not take them too seriously:? "IT'S AN ILL WIND THAT BLAWS GUID TAE NAEBODY."

(Tune?" The Weary Pund o' Tow")

The weary winds, the weary winds, The weary winds o' Cannes; I thocht that they would end my life Afore I quitted Cannes. The weary winds, &c. In ither lands and ither toons They blaw frae aft' ae airt; 344 Current Topics.

But here?ye dunno where ye are? They blaw frae every pairt. The weary winds,

Dear Dr. Mac in's wee , glass coach, Runs rattlin' doon the hill; I'm sure, if he was Providence, He 'd gar the winds keep still. The weary winds, &c. And mony mair, ower lang to tell ; But each ane?to a man? A' flourishin' like green bay trees; They thank the winds o' Cannes. The weary winds,

Fareweel! fareweel ! I '11 come nae mair To sic a cauldrife clime; I '11 aff to snug Mentone hie And roast afore my time. The weary winds, &c.