IJSA December 2008
THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIKH AFFAIRS NOVEMBER 2008 Volume 18 No. 2 Published By: The Sikh Educational Trust Box 60246 University of Alberta Postal Outlet EDMONTON, Alberta CANADA ISSN 1481-5435 E-mail: assekhon@shaw.ca http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/IntJSA INTERNATIONAL JOURNA L OF SIKH AFFAIRS Editorial Board Founded by: Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer Editorial Advisors Dr S S Dhami, MD Dr B S Samagh Dr Surjit Singh Prof Gurtej Singh, IAS Dr R S Dhadli New York, USA Ottawa, CANADA Williamsville, NY Chandigarh Troy, USA J S Dhillon “Arshi” M S Randhawa Usman Khalid Dr Sukhjit Kaur Gill Gurmit Singh Khalsa MALAYSIA Ft. Lauderdale, FL Editor, LISA Journal Chandigarh AUSTRALIA Dr Sukhpreet Singh Udhoke PUNJAB Managing Editor and Acting Editor in Chief: Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon The Sikh Educational Trust Box 60246, University of Alberta Postal Outlet EDMONTON, AB T6G 2S5 CANADA E-mail:<assekhon@shaw.ca> NOTE: Views presented by the authors in their contributions in the journal are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editor in Chief, the Editorial Advisors, or the publisher. SUBCRIPTION: US$75.00 per anum plus 6% GST plus postage and handling (by surface mail) for institutions and multiple users. Personal copies: US$25.00 plus &% GST plus postage and handling (surface mail). Orders for the current and forthcoming issues may be placed with the Sikh Educational Trust, Box 60246, Univ of AB Postal Outlet, EDMONTON, AB T6G 2S5 CANADA. E-mail: assekhon@shaw.ca The Sikh Leaders, Freedom Fighters and Intellectuals To bring an end to tyranny it is a must to punish the terrorist -Baba (General) Banda Singh Bahadar Sikhs have only two options: slavery of the Hindus or struggle for their lost sovereignty and freedom -Sirdar Kapur Singh, ICS, MP, MLA and National Professor of Sikhism I am not afraid of physical death; moral death is death in reality Saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Khalsa Martyrdom is our orn a m e n t -Bhai Awtar Singh Brahma (General) We do not fear the terrorist Hindu regime.
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