Richard Ward PINS Reference 3253194; 3253230; and 3253232 Documentation confirming the 274 acres in Newton Park, known as Parkside Colliery, from1956 to 1993, is not classed as Previously Developed Land. The 274 Acres consist: • 144 Acres classed as agricultural land and “will be retained in agricultural use”, Inquiry 1956; • 130 Acres Pre 1956 classed as agricultural land where on 05 October 1956 for a 100 year life: “130 acres will be required required for the colliery”, Inquiry 1956; • The 130 acres required for the colliery for a 100 year life. Restoration conditions during the colliery life and after coal workings had ceased were in place, Inquiry 1956 and Inquiry 1960. The supporting documents are are as follows: 1. Inquiry 2461/40009/4; 1451/40009/3; 1140/40009/1, dated 05 October 1956, permission to develop land at Newton-le-Willows for colliery purposes. 2. Inquiry 2451/40009/4, dated 09 November 1960, permission to tip waste material. 3. National Coal Board Letter Reference MP.86/57 dated 23 April 1986, Parkside Colliery Newton-le-Willows Planning Permission to Tip Waste. 4. Land Registry Title Number: MS497851, dated 27 January 2014, Land at the site of the former Parkside Colliery, Newton-Ie-Willows. 5. Freedom of Information Request St Helens Council Cabinet Resolution – Joint Venture Group. Compiled by Richard Ward, October 2020 1. Inquiry 2461/40009/4; 1451/40009/3; 1140/40009/1, dated 05 October 1956

Summary Inspectors recommendation under the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 under Section 15, for permission to develop land at Newton-le-Willows for colliery purposes, and to win and work coal under land in the Newton-le-Willows Urban District, the Golborne Urban District and the Rural District.

The Parkside Colliery would produce a million tons of coal a year, and extensive borings had proved the existence of enough good quality coal to last for a life of 100 years; for the National Coal Board on lands within Newton Park Farm consisting of some 274 acres. Of this area, 130 acres will be require to sink two coal mines shafts, buildings and installations, for railway sidings and for coal stocking; and the disposal of waste material; the remainder [274-130=144 acres] will be retained in agricultural use. Restoration conditions during the colliery life and after coal workings had ceased were in place; the matter for waste disposal was to be settled in a subsequent inquiry at a later date. L.': 1;'; J.';'" "'~,l' ••; :.:::)~1<"< OC ..

>, y' ,:[: \' ;..". qll""t1ne ,~

" \ , ,. 1 0/ ''''4:'- \.;J 1/C"'",.,.I.e'.'."J1" "' 4 11~~1/40':.."J'i/3 11hO/Aa,,,. ))/1 1956 . \

\\ . l 0::1 (i1rec ',cd by the ~~1n1Di::,r or H:m.o1n.•.s and Locnl OOV0~nt to r·~·!\~rto the (Jr~.•lic9 t1 ,.r:.;,;r:l:,:do\JS th~ N~.lt1on~1Coal BoClI'd on 9th July. 19;)5, rot' Iii::m1::; to dev,:lcp 1no,1 u t n~wton-l~-7111H'.nrs~for ool.1.1el7' Pl1rpOJ~S, cn:1 to y~1n e...'1'l \'l'vl"k c(}ol un.\lcr l!md in the t1cmton-lo-i-"t111rm t7t'~I',; "'.,fct'r-od t() the 111nloteJr for 0001£,100 1n com:r>llence fIt tn Ij1r',;ct1ona !iwJa 0:1 21th ~'jl~n, 1956 under Baot1on'5 ' 01: t..~e 1\)',';rt H~ld C~untr;,r :'lc.zl.'1int,; ".C t, 1947.

2. 4,'00U1n1Gt,:l' h''':9 c0:mljcr~.d tho !"'.port ot hio Inspector •• Mr. S.~. Rober tD V.] .!;Zun.1::~, W~lO I.!cl ~rint1!l3 r:,:'lt';::? otl{1 8 'pnP~r pr1ntl~: ~'Q:'ko. .:-.:2.J)1nln;~ tho flY..lth,~r~b-:)lm:ittl-; 10 tho O':t!'~ diot!"let 0:. ~ .: .1 '.t.t'~1n..:ton C~m,."1ty 3or,:;u,;:h \i'h1ch ~l';~Q b~cn <:cv~lo~d Int.'f) C6~~9 ..or the! Cor:'Or~2t1o:1'c~!;:"tr:or houoins r.nd odu'~u~!on p:,o.:ru.~E:7,. o~ 11hc~e fur- . tt';~r ~lOUS 'I:' on~i ~cho,)18 or'} to bo' bull t. 'J."~e c.1'~;a1a. Cf'01)f;od b)t, the L~.,~r~o)l to ':e.n~hcsWI"'{~ t,;so 'r':~.t'rln$ton to f)'llion t:" n11wtJY 1.1n~ ~. . :".} by t~5 ~'1n";'fick c!" ~\lJ9 t run.;; ro:id; ,ti=o line or. tho pro~o~ed, a1rIr.1tt~ "J /'--',to 1'X"-:;:;jt'Jnm·:,H .•o:";,;-C,J oloJ Cl"O:.;ccn t.~~ £11'Oa an6 erfcots pttrt of'tho o1te ' l"ttqul't',',d b.1 t~'1.C :":r;r-J f'~_~l' :'liu'f£K!O t1,:'1n,z. :.

3. , J t t';;,)G f) L~;t"~d on bD:')nlf Of the Iklnra. t:1at thQ r".err~o1~/) OOl11cP3 ~ =, ono' ot tl:o l~:r-..c ne\'] collleri eo tf.l1oh~.::X'O plc.nncd for t.:.s 1.J1neeGh1re: c)e1' 'f1elu. 7ho out~utbr t:,1z o,,~ ·,£'101\1 f/:tU ~~ ;;~:::aent1nsut.r1c!ent , ~ to ~6 t t..)~ uc-"::!ffid lor oorU. in tee' ur::u, G:icrw:;'~d dco11ti',.Cl' t'(11rl1 r";"')1d11 " in t,.h~ o-.."::.:.!' !'U tuN:,' ,01::1 n::: to tu) cxhm.lOU on of ol~er eol11erlctl, tmleae ; t..'1e 00111' ool11~,rtoo oC)U.l(j be tJr()~1zhtinto pI'OcuJt!.on. ~~ ool11e~ , -i 1:'OI'kerc th~' t It:>.,:ld beoo:~dcd \Y~l'e (;11,'cDt11IWD!lDblo in t,.'1l:/' erafl, w.:ld 1t .~ \J~ 1~pol't~nt,t71:~ t ~(c~ tIhculdn~t be diCl'et'2ed to oth:;r "employr1'f~t.. ,'.; Tilt) :~~rJrs1uecolllery .\!iO~.11d p!Vtiu~¢ a million tens or eaai(\ :rG~, c.!'Jd " ~ cxt~nDivc bOI'l:1f;G hdd,yrov:..:d t!lcet1tH ..~c1:r o.r t)I}')azh SOo,a.Q~ty CO~ ,'~ to It;,:t 101'" 1(;0 :;em"fh·:";ix e(:ruro had b<;cn,rlo~ed £.It ·deptbS' vcr;.iing f'ro:n: 4')0 ~tJr'd%3 to 1,~'OO )'n'Ju a.1,atl~vlne' a 'tot.~l thlakc~ua or 25 teotj 'and ' '~ OUII'1" 8~a':1~ We I"C knO'O:l to cxlot,elne\y~jtiroin tho, ares. The t.otal extr~ tton or tell'" S fl.~ tfntZ cx.Pt,jO ed tQ OOU..'le the Burrace to nubs1,de by ~boUt'.J , , ,~I - I I 12 teet. " , ~'f'" ;:.~. ':'··e. "U(;., , I' '~. ,..: ~ , ,~',. /1' '''':,' .. , or"l! The Nutional ~o91 l.bu.~'d, """ " I .:.f: f . . " ' I ,,'"1/ ... ;.or·t.~ ·~~st:'TnDlv~s1c.n1;t • ,\. I :.0.3 (...t.tI~lenB .. '\!"~.'. " ,':,1'/'" i'. '. ;,,?x ;~~ • G, ..

d!:. ~ etH,. - ·.en 6~IILl':1.l. ""1': _'0';1'1.4 u~u H~" Pt'O,lOSO W .lesvo oo:.:u. UUl'.:;::;r.i--:ea " to provijo oU;>'ort Cor f;urCnco bu11tl1n :.a and Instollo.tiorm; t."1e.y t:~ul~, h.o';'/cy~r, in :.>uri..iu~m-;::t;)of the1r oul1S~lt1ona lef1ve pillars 01: GuP?Ort ~or tho ';·1n",1cy. ilocpl t::.l, tilt) Vulor'Jl Foundry and tho ra11"ay vlnjuot, 0\ :46~ tor_le-'. 1110',.3. The l'iorl-r.1nl1 of con1 wJula e1vo rIc'a to G laree QU:lut1t:/ of' wn:Jta l!lui::rlo1, o:lrt or' \i~}1chuoul<1 bo ctored \:Ildcrgrou:ld CD' rO{,u1re;d IJ,y conGLit'H':. t1· .•nu of t;;ood r:1nlne prD~ t1co. Uo~'t o!'1t woulu b:oz:l')t1ate: wr.iuto for about 2J ~rve.rSJ fltl:;r L'11e, t"ut'th,::r u1tea ~uru ba needed.

l.. The J.~:nc{;lJhlf'e County Council ~~ld tht:lt, £1.6 lo~al planning'sut!lorlt3 they hod to t01£,h the n~tion grunt,:d only cubj~ct to: cHrta1 n c0nd1 tlt)n:} Ot::Sig000 to :;mf:..·t.:ur4r~ tb:'GO ln1tt'.:;rD. .'4'hq tel t te~at, 1 t yould lJe w ron..~:in princ1ple t/.) DllorJ \'for}:ln] to bo c~lcl1 out over th~~lihol~ 01' .'0. j n th~ e of COI';·, pl~,;c18Slm~ml<;,.:!~oor local con- d1t~ona U:1·..l(;r.,:I'·:Junj,end of the likely effect of fiOI'l:L~ u;?on tb·:) eu,!'- !'1;"CO. T;!(~y (1:;oord1ue;1Y u:,;ked thfJt s. cOuo3ed ClP01'Cit1:)tlU l,mu of t:1:;, ~09ol,1rea thtlt thoy propo~cHl "to 'orlopt' to ',.... pro t.:c t t)i.ll'1'tJce in~ t!ll-lt'L tlonti !'ro:n a 0J;1~2ef nnu ff:l1ch t'0Qu1roCl the-:n to ,l>,' ott-uin Op'~~I"oval 1.'01' UW";G, or uu1\obli roocl1..rlo~plano, bqro1"'o. turt'ier ~'Orkinc :J0uld tn%e pl~JI~e. /.It..rnt!vcl'y, t~i.c'yall.:~~:~'sted.tllet pdrr~ul:1.on: g:.ol!.ld noti be r~1'u;)(;dfor t'.$ l.':iI'l~in£~ of coal un:jC:l~ co/tu1.n pm-ts or the: ~~eo. ~'her'E' :-;aj~r OU1'tn(;(j i nt';l":::uts H~l~lltb~" f-!Leoted; this \1oUld r..ot . lll'Colude U Jvnw,:.:LJ ur·'lic;'lt1·.;;~ i"Or p{;:nj11~!~lon to i;ork OO!!'-8of' ti",1.a o~Q1 . fit 8 Ivt,:,r U\"'::LO. ?hC (;~)uw.:il £lao Httt.lCnr:u Hf't.n~t1r~ort~noG ~~. thG b~ak nto'Hlnt. in t}HI \'!oI'kill:;~ of us lure~~ t) }:'I'o.9ortion of .tha· ~ta' ~ frJ:1t::i"1s.l fi~ P-:Jze1blc:, GO· C,.l.;;:. to 11m1 t .C' ~md r eq.uco t...~~~i'~5 l"'O- J t.1Uh~;Hi-ror et:.i".ru.:.~eUpping. 'i'hey a160 con:.l1dai:'::=d· that provlG'.en Uhould ..,

\ lJo made foY' the l'em.,)v:.;l, tj tOI"c;gc e..'"ld 'l"CEJprcc:diuLt or ~11 ffo..~ t.~e : I ~ol11ln'J' t>' t!"; the auhr.lictiion u..'ld f:p;,'rdvnl or tiot~~11ed-plnr..aof toe " pJ'O?'\)E'::·d t1 ;n3; U'le pr~.p:'d:'tlt.1:m nf 1~;ltl~H:'t:lp1nJ(mtI tr~'.e plnn Uog ooh~8" ,ror 1..:10 COl11fJrl c! t.o lJot"oro Oi-ltl>'lt.tar16 b:::gnnJ nnd ~~o' re~"a1 0: t..'ul . oo111~t")' bul1dln~;o anJ iU.i..~t,I..,llHt.lona (lrt~r co~;l v;orkl.tliJ ~d ceao~d on-'1 •• tJ.H:t r6& tol·::t1on 0';:' tho 61 t; to ugrlcul tUX'e. '. ' .

~. 'i"h;; r;urriil~~ t-.Jn v-.l%'P'.>rft {.i')D eJtpr,::ol}ed ooncorn· I)bout the l1kel.V oftec1..l'l 01' m:n.irlt: bwoo~tb th.cir wat,(;f' 1nst~-11nt.1ona ct'»1hWlok emd ., ~:;()l.l.::,htou~r,e!l. '"tJCY f·laI'eJ t..,n.t. suoo1dence wuid a~;5C th~ ~1rie fltllt,1::'iUi, Y.'cslltJ :Elc.l t);:;:l te, t.:IU:J cu t.tin(! ort.' ~H.'rtof t1:u·;jr wet·')!' t3U'1'ly. W'1 ',r'~n t':',or '; lr. ·:}f· tBn1..oanoldara t10n \\'os t'tlrit '-is nwlok C~l""Ca, as a ' 6·olleot1n.:~ foi..'1d. ' t.1iotrlbut.lll3 t~entt'e ,,!'or s11 t~l.ewst.,r oorlv\i-(l ft'Om l)Ou.rc~~sin LrltlO~-t...i.:.1t'c, wh1~h ur~~u.orjted,to ov~r !.lait' their,total Eml''tJ].y or 8.9" mill. 1<)1'1£: k1110naa Jay; 1f df;;,1Ulj;Ooocurt'ed tv tb;~~ator.asC re-· , 0-::'%-'011'&, t',~.r" ",1u.:~d. i>e tl aeri-:~ua ahortu!~~;of· wut..:.r. in '.·,~arr1nJton1 ~ end le.r3C p~%'te: 01> tf.o cu''"t?A!''JZ' ~1Ch .the'J ~r.a the atatnto~ \':tlter ~ 'Uo,jert~~-~el'& ,,'0•.•111b~ v1rtually 'lYlt.~outWl1ti~:r. ·L;je~ thc:rtSi'ore asked to%' ,1 OE.:L:'\U'!mC'.)i; tul~i...:~i'~:ml~..;3wo:d.'-l be t5;kcll to protCot, t.'n·:':'e in~'tnllatlorA8 ' :~ !'i'or:'! dunl:j,::~.·e1tt:er by, leavin,~ conI un';;:orked or by t.~u edoptlon ·or· -:'::':: ·:',tirt1IJIJ.IW' ::.ln1nf:~ :i t"I~)o.;,L->. '.rhey els? tl8kcQ V.l:'it. 1-hc pro~ot-3ed a~uth.ern , '; ;: to ס:£I1t:at or Q~J,il 'l'it)}~U!J;; ,j;,.Ji.iJd b~.:r~~6t1'~cteclalO 6S to avoid damn bul IJin;;u ~1~.',111 :.Lu \~U1lV ~\oMUgll, sJY-J tll~ t there oltoll.ld bo a ,d:n11~ " l'\:.,ctrJct1Jn tlon. t.!l~. PI·O.:OU··u wfJ,Ot.rn bOUI}ir.r$ Wh;:I'8 1t l'nn 01038 to thI~ '.\Jetd~oy VHlla,1l ;t,,~~n E:>CM~r; thlu OQ1.Nl' 1'<.umeCt Pll.rt of the reoontll 'com- ' ..• , tod ~ank~~'; ,.Jlo~l J~1nt Dl'Gint4t~e .dChcroa, smd ~J<.lld cat>r:/ the whole ot.: \ho .t:ir;iftlCl~ ["10'1'.. fl',:':.: it,t:.: :·,dit0n-le-;~·111ouc01'uun !)l~t.rlct end r~om p~rw' ..•.it·ti,:: "urringtoll lu.l·~.1",I~t.,ri0t.· .,

b. " :;h~·., ,,)'!·rjt'l,~t.on·I(W"",l c.iutrict C,~U1icil('J'n.:rcllY S\.I,PpOrtoa thi: .-1m '.' of ;,,~ (bUllt,) :;~\Ao"il ti.;)t 00;:1 ,:,;orki~ D..·,H:ld be pem1 "t.ed onl3 uub3"t-

.' ..

,.....••••.'" Ir"r-.."",, •• - • ""_ ••...••.- ~-;:_- ••••• _ ••••••__ ._--

n; it t'r.1S expcct-.;d UJ:lt M a. X".:-cu1t o! sub- ol~.jC3 t,:',C .;~n :c.y Dp0 ·k, 1n ON r mt t.o OOU3~ ob~tructi.on to th, r'low of tho bro '~.;"l cy ~..Jn31':~:'l'rJ lbu to t~~c ~)o~~reon;)uld bo 11eblo for tho oout ~r O·.:I·r.;':i :}j out ~i.W:.1 ¥:.') 1'.': and ~or t.t:c pus~nt or ccxn?cM:'lt1on t'~ GZ1,Y<.1 fJ:':j'I~.""; cl:u::.;e1j by Gu'bG1(jo:lce to ottlJr prop~rtleu 1n t..~o Rurol

~:ot:::;D'DJ,~O_~~--l-llr 0: tho l~~~-"n)a"l_I'c/;lonol Iloo;>lt&l <10;m1 .~ .• tlwt trieI'e t;~ II ~3:flL-,~nti-Uc:n-.Jntto_o~2rt~!i-l",~upea-t-'O~ilO cnnL"r ,~ bul1;:!i02.G of t~o ijm...'1t:,' PC::1tnl i!~e?J t,n.1, lfu.tth~tt!l10 prov;ot1..ln t11d not t'):l't.cnj t,') tl) ~ b;;1l

no th~ t~·\)' '~:1011~tol r'J'l/": U)Cl'..: 1';~8 O·:r,w d~u'b t "h( th·::·r 1 t ~ ~,O'~e~ I to n G~b;,t:~nti'.l IJlo.:· 0':.' cui l:,;l ~;;'C l,3'1 th1n tho ~l"·~c1not3 OiA Ul~ hosill t.ol k.o.o::c ••..•c l' im71c,: ~'s11. ::";-t.:~TOoJ,IO'I4Cd t.::wt 1,h~.;,r~..,tJ.onol C~al £b!l!'d Should ~.L,/,; a":'L'.lro.n_·c::' tJ~~.::.t t:',:.~: Tr-.:w.l:i lJr'OvlCe prou)otlon for the \:ilolo of tho hcc;.>1 t.'11 :';:" ::!l:::·co.

I C. '':::te},' ~n~GLr ~H:w:::l-icn C:;l' ~ful (;"):.!.[;lC01';.) t~;:lO to the evi.donco ?{r'C" ocntC'a Gt Vi-: 2n u:J.r"J. I!e no t..-,;:s thu 1. ttlc iY)(:rv..} ObjCCti'ld' t·, corttiln: at t,'l, I"~:CO·H''-;.'n·J:;t.:l·)DO ;-,c~~~ o:J ti.e Lcn~r

9. '.';-htl ltH ~tie t.:. r 10 B (::tioi'h:': \.!l:. t t-:10 w:~ uol11ery ~h~'ll<1 bGoZitnbl1r;f~ and ,the OOi ••-;:o£3 01 c:.wl L'(~n~:lt~jtho £;1"o.:Q {;JC)!o1 v,~" and ito notes ·ta:it 'ell the 1nt·.,~,~~~{1p:;t'tlco :1£r-. C br-o!Jl1y' 0:1 th1.c. In eonc1d~1re tho ~- . t.:nt ,.to v;h1ch t~~l: ~ort:1:l.'.: ot: conl·o-a;.:Jit. t9 1:-0 pCI'r.11t~ed, he hOS he~ . r-:gar'd to ClC. nr~t.ure of ~wc e',atune 1nt:...r.6ts,th~ E11:.?cot-.:d 'degr--c-c O~ C'llniUti G:!~{Jl~\?ncc ~~. t~:l~1:itr.clHlOO(l of d£ll'!1;\,:;,-a OCCt'.,ft"lOJ. .Slnee the . er·JQ 1n ;~U~;;tior) hl oIlcn countr-y ~'1-th Nlnt1 ve].y rt~W strueturcS of: public lrt!~0rt~t:.o t he ccm~i~;6i:':,,~tt:c~th.e \:'\>~d rot b3 \!tm~f'i~ 1n 1~~'')131~~Bny :·:':n:)Z':"l J'C'1,J:!.:'''~T~nt ci. th::r to loa~e 000.1 u..~rk:edct" to ooopt portlc'.llr·r m1nitlC n· t.hoi;;:; 1ncrd~'.I' to Llo1nt'11n nu"ort 0:' .w , rcL.-ul~U' t;h1 oc~un:' ..noo or- u~.::bolQe:'\Ca ov'.:r t..'lO (a"~(1ell·a, riho;10J' ....fjnel 'in :; Y1C~C c1rcum:;t~n un, t:e docs nJt thinf! ! t. n:'ce~~nr.r to r:w1nt.d1n u61.aile4·. /;.>lanninu e~n t.rol ov~r t.~l:: uo.jGr"C~ul1j \7ork1n3 by r,'tjtl1z-1ng· thO· noor" to.; - •....e~ t.r:ining nt·o.?o~e15 for Elf. ':,ovn1 !ro.":l tl~.., to' Ur:lO •. uoreovcr, he .: d,oubw ,,'het~\er 1t\~.>u.ld bo r-~.e::.>onnb16 to OQoct the ~~trd to ~s.rk on (I pr-oJ·.·ot. of- .~hla Mole Emd oos t· 10 th~ kM\'71oug~ t..~ot ~3ot' l'Cotr1o- (> t:lOn5, l1'Jt spccjejo.1 [it ti\C ·;ut,e..-..:t.., rni..:.;hteuuO,·.ljuent1y bo L"'lPoscd on 4 tbel~ t~~I' 1;. t.ti·~ln or the t;!c"ol~~lO;A~cnt.ran v1ew Is thot th~ {jUOBUOn \i1F;th.eP. f!l'ovib1cio sh~'j'~l~}be n!Hl0 for the auprrort or I'rot~ trion or sur- '!,'UQO 101,:1"''; to 10 njn?r~l!y on .. t~ lJ.:;·dee1doa beror~hnn~, by ret'cr-enoo . tt) thepubl ic lm~or t-"1nc. oS: tJ1~/.lC lritcr:ntacnd th;~ <1c:;rce ot t.ho rlGx of' ~"'.1a~.;e 0,';\.1 of t.he o· to 'Op'~ncoul prorJuo U:,nJ thn to the Nuti ,mal ~;-:J~loo~rd ~~o,: 1d 0 U1:-%":•.L:o bo i 1".~og·!'.i1crallu to plnn en1. oarr;.! out t.~clr o1n1nc ~~ :.l:'Lt1·1ZU3 'in t..'1':;. 11; o!' .L~:.'1r oUltuto!'1 ob11s,)tlom t.o . p~o.:1uoe co·r;l •. ';JlJ or their ri.~ht:J·ond11ub111 t.ieD 1n relot1on to eurfscs .'.int:~r.G ts~ . 1.). :;'''ce tl1nic;~.r :l:d) u1v:...n ;;pco161 ::lttent1on to tho pe::m1'blo effeots of .~ubBl~ienoe on ~:.~jot' otru:tUJ";;U ~:,.1t.:'\tn Lhc o!·ca. flo n~t!.:a thDt th:.:r;) ta lOrtO () >ubt IJ.' to LilO nut ,ll:IOY of t,hO pr~~o!1t. provlcl:;n for t.he~oup;1Ort, ,17 Ll.~."i,;''1nv1c):EOt'Dl ~1, nnu he t!.11~"ta t>.'lUt further eons1aerat1Qn . h:).1.;.d b~ Glven t-~ t4e u~od t,(J e."Ctend tli'U.<'1'ort ~ito th.~ auba1d1fll7 \l11dJ.:l.::~o c.n{! to ~..hc :':[;1! ::0 ~1t,:ll, b~fU'lne in mind tM 0:' tbi;.1r· ~~ U:'uct1~n t!ln~ Uii.i 1,b::~lH•.J.)d O~·dmnuJo. J..r:;. r-':~N8 th~ \mt.:;r ~ t.kln;; of lhe ,:Brrin;;t0n ~crpvl"r;tion, ~ Dol.~ statctl that .111though'" . ~ cr.. 'co ~ or: I;l bai~Hac~ o:.>uJ.J :)01. be !II' J~10 1:;:<:1 ,,1 th MY QQrtn}ot3.· , . \ .. "•.flOy \'}:';l'~ rOB !Jll~ U.!.J C·;m H;eu ~ \":15i, 0;; U31Z-"::; D)QCH'f} CUUlll{J 0.::VlO',1a o~ t. kin! mJ.itoblo pr~'c~ut1oI13 th,.-y t;::>uld bo uhl0 to ov~lcl ama~o ls..l~13 ,t.o 10D,1 t') th~ 1nt:1"'ru~tlon or lwt:r 8U:1;")11co, 1t, hoTl:,,'v(:r. Qn:; ~~O YloO 0 QUI.JCa t.~....:; l.lrht: r took t.:> o;lt'ry out rc:nct11nl t1oJit:d oro to t'O.1 for -# t~10 t-:> bo ;jjnc. J n OI'..;..:.r to Cn!3ure oOi:1ploto vroteot1on ror fu1tt ttnacr- tuk1n2. it n~uld b~ n~co~cory to p~o~ldC ~or pillara or ~~)o~t undor tho ~u1n In:..;Wllutions. ';':110 \'foula e;)t~.11 (}t:}r.11131fl\Z Q Inr(~o t:u:mt1t3 of co~l 't:'D~l tllV~10 t.h~ urL'O 0: vro) r.!1~~, tt.')j t:!1?;,ht. 1;::6(1 to d1ff1 cuI tiee in UL: ;!lo!'L'11 fltj ar' the mine. In tho ':~1n!ot'Jr's v.1cu tJ1(J rIcks of ,dnr.."\....'"Ct·.) t~~· ~n~ tt411c tlOi1=, t~o l1kl~lY C~l\3~';~Wncen or 5uoh ~'1-::'. t ~;ro f',ot eli f1alent to jU:.::::'.f.V ~li;c1~ u.ujo~ ~3t!'iot10:l$ on the l/':lrkirl': <)·r tbc! c')sl. rio oln~1dcr'o thgt tho best o~~, 111J.l be to lc~'1V;-:the E:)':rd free to ~r:c1rjo c.o;:r t'lC'Y c111 i:orl: 11110. oo~l ,1n,tlm liGht ot tho ti .;j;'U'!lOr,:OO flnd un',1ortnJ:1n::s they hHV'~ clvon. ':'ho lUn1st-:.;r hea nleo hnd 7':(~~rl1 t.o ~h,: i)OlJ~i1blo of ~coto of rdn111{1 on tb.o tJuni-:Cl Volle;)' De~·cr. ;iJu vh:w iu t.!wt nit ~.?H·ro.')r.'11dcrnt1/.1n atw,Jld ,bo Given to eo:ne r"otrlotlo:~ on tho o~t;~nt 0"- \;:ol'·k1ni) 'it the t!:!~~rn bcun.Qura or t..'1:~ pro ...,::Jsed ml nir. ..:~:r;Jo. (jO":: 1110 cJ!Jc181on pl'ov1'Jeo f'or this. 8i.M11tU- c~n.J1d.or:·,t1:)!m Cfl' 'ly t: V'I" nr'-lo[;cd s:;mthC'r!l b~'..m·~rll'YJ altho 'J'n t-\t tii'e In,- u .•.r,)' tT•.. ;.).~;:.r-.J_t'!1..~~:,~;.t:..~\1:t:.,·ir prOp03Q to V-OL;~ tL1~e'r oo~~ flnd 00-_-- JOJ.:11n.~_~:ie:::)~n~_~bJ.'ag~~ uad G~!.::dttcd 3 rcv1aej boa~'Jorj line ho C:-j~Tor::crri 1.'1, t i u· th '. I' ~.t1jlli'tm' n t of' tJ110, !.1110 n 'J l! O~.. :r tw L:~'·'·1 !";;)T,V c;Je:.w, t·::· r'l- ~ctlon .!'ron a fA.'7't!5,:o t.:J. the c:i:ir; Z .~. yu1! t u':') ; ,.:~~, ',.~ ;!rtOI'u :Jlatr1ct. WL.!!'~;.; no. rH£D.T on." GOO.• (::'.. ·,nY.JuC!~p"nt [~6 P~'1~ju/l1ci~ Tthe c,):w1dol·~t1on Or n" l.utUI'"o .. i- . ~::.. .-pr.')?6';::fJf:Xt:~1. t~1'J i.Y.)~'l.'UI(I~V;>U 10I'I-;S.!' i '. \I 'l .• C nln~1 ...- .ncr.-th ..-t.h';-'{;~~nn!;.3-~-~~; :··0 I'~ u.~JCO t:lC ~ i'.tJ3 OXl'HJ:J:jUU on 1J~h9!r"bt, t.ho ~"-r.l'r'n':t.:)~'1I'ur':: t ,:)10 trio t C,:nmc11, he conalocrg t.'ht t.'e of,jr:';,'ine out t)f on..:; r'cIT:'::11H1 Y.1)I'jI.B t:) n~t7 bruDoh Q(~~Cl· w!iioh euba11.lonco f'rJ.;.--;j Q! c~~Lt..•1 ~!l1.., is un~ t) }), , :)0 ~ l-l,:,:~bo t'il'::cn tho' Inlt'tioo dlruo tly OOl'l-oern:.~.' lie heti rw :>O':'.!}, t':.t y,:.;t;i,;.1n: t:l'J .so~\rd to r.l3X1J tH:t1 poyzmot t:>~ifiroD 1.ho co~t of c~:rlJi!.~~ ~t {luOli ~ot'k .01' in 1\.'lJpadt of' d~>"j9Zr.! to .otber. pro- ~~~l'ty 1n.t:.c !.ll';a. S::i~ :.'O:.t!'d ';jny, r~~cvcr. be: uubjoot to liab1lities . s't CO~:f.;iOri In-r.:.:'una un~t::r the ~;ofil ~1nln~ (:..iuD-aldenoo), /\Ot, i9.50. ' no , goaj<.l;Ij d!'t\t> [:.ttent1on t.~1 llL. recent nnllC'W'tOemcnt., Qf tho Gov~rnzrent·B Int~~tl:,,;: t.(, :;',1;1('(; :ur·tiici' r!'ovia1,')n tor co.~·:ns8tll')n for CW:'tl9£,;e c~u.ued uJ rr.ln10 ~ s~~bs~;i6:1ce.

11. it ~ c r,~;J(;rL~,;;j.;Lloh',: Li:;uh'oY t.!'~jt the :Jat.lonol OOQ113OCf'~~ had r...:;;o!~,'~ Nn u.,:;r' t:n:mt "jth t}:c ;-Jor~,J r1v;;I' B\)c.r~ l"'-8~rdlns \fCi~LrC:7Urec.ti in th,:; bI',;.ll L:.Li.t. ~:1 'OJ. ~~ oje ~;, ~c tli'" '~1 ~1nln.:; eubs1d.ence~ '1'b~'Mln.Ust"j1" ht~e nowd t~.J Dubut(tr~.e or \.:,18 l':li;rn:mLOnt unO U-~nt.t.h~p~rt1'08 ~n¢~~ era o~tl~.ll'L:d 711tr, '..he 'l.rl'i-.n;.; .•.W()nW ro.<:i~-;a in tit for C!\rrylb8 out,f)l11

{r~.... / S'Orko :LOI)U eI'.:I t.:> m!Jtnt';.i$.;l the ~o1n dJ·tiln:}~oor the erea. . '.~' 12~ ;',or,-~'H'ds ~)O coli,h.:I'..1 ciw, t;·~c ~',~ln1at.::rnsrcc·o that tile 4eve:lop.. n\dH; S!~?·<,.;.>lbe D~lbj,:ctt;) t.:~!:. oro'~ ...•lnJ out or k1 Ien11s.'1 tl~t) colll~

<;ujc!d.~" ,'~C'~:o;;Gn~t. think t:i:;>t the 6t~t or ~er!it1on3 a.."mu1Cl nece~sr1. f 1Y 't::ai t unin ~1t:s dct.::l11ESor 5~wh 8 ochemo ha:lt: b=:en sottlod. no C~nGitZl~I":; t"H:-l. i'.l .·er;'.J1J'~nt to ol:"r.tI' tn:, a1 u- c'V'.::ntwllly ~ rc3to~ 1t, . to ~G:,.1aultUl·'.'i;')u1d .i'3~ t t~c •.~u£t.1!'.!e(lf .h. vic-w of Ut~,pro-beble be~'7 eo~t ,)f t·;€' o~:-r~,tL:m. Gnu l t3 um;¢rt::.1.n v:.,lu~ at GO dj,r,tant'o future <1!; t\.·. ..

'oJ 1.3. i'he t',ln1ui...1' :J~.iC c·j:ltli~c!'(;:.1 ~'h thcX' U"':.i 1)o.')Iru should 1)0 rC'~tlL.···~J(,1· c·~rmI··;ll.:.' t'J' b:!c~ :ilcrti ~;;;'!"t£: n;i t.:.r~ul in th., ~rklnzo. He ook~" t.~n\ th"J cO'.:.t 1!' t'"ilu :7;' L.QU o~ u'''·.::IW dlt;pozal would i:,"l'iJQu'y exoe30 that of eurf!.\ce Up.:·j,n: ~n;1 ilO ~'~'.':'l c:g.c t,'.) tho G)fKJ1WJ1on tbut. (j,. ltU':;e e.n 8d~~. tion to th:: O~~ to::·· or "':of\l prociuc t10n ,o,')u.ld not be juu titled 1n th1G c~'3e by r''' tcrenoe e i t..-~"r t') tAle 11J~1t.r-·a\1~.loo ot' the :n~t.ho\t in r~dUC1~ ~ub5id.ence or to Ul(; ti_VLn!~ 'i~ ~lU ~unt or' land r;,;:c-u!red for ourf~' t.~,o. Ue U~ C?t!' t!i:r tore. 1,.:l:"t tlr: :nejor ;'firt of tuc 'fJt:UJw f?mte1"}~ t'r')~ U ...o m:I;:' w111 n ~ed to tto d1G~&ed or b,y SUI'! ~eo Up. loz, but he ~ oot::~ ..t o',t1H~'1oll t!l~t t,;)la ;1·et1 ttliK:$ place on luna. ~Jo1n1~ we aOlllcr~. :h1t3 l~-Il~ 1~ ~gl;;ly ol.'" ,300d aer1culturfll ilua1tty ¥:"h-:'~ if' mf.;1/ be ;:.oo~lit)}c to :'~rl'.lsl L·!'·lS:·~1v~ 1••1 {.,:E$ 1n thfJ locality.------~.1t."j.~ Ii ,4

a-'\.-_.~ •.._._ 7;:-:- .. :_:: .••••~·.#..". :.,,-:-.:.....,:,.~~;'_ "'; ,.-,..•.;-,- .. :: ..: ;:;. ..~ --;~r-.~_.-._-- _ •.. _".. .

:r( :,:..n:l~b~: .)i!)vm~o .'J:' :hc- ci,)lll"r~, ~l-_cro t1rj':--in_r:'-CoUl;f-tbk~"-~{~~ie;;~n 1 ,l~ns rr(){.u.~.:t.1v~ 1:lJ~ t;it.:~r ~n1t1el~:J or- et G 13t,.;..r 'F~O 1n t..~(l11f~ot t.:.t) ';olJ l/~ry. In ~;.~rt1;~ul.1r t.:.~ 1.un,:(..;uli1r:, C-ounty C~unol1 hoy~ :OI~"'C&tc4 th~Jt tlf'.n:' ,.1 \.'-e:s-,1,' -~ i..•~ l.- )l,md wl t.h1n oe!·t~1n ar\!a~ or mainly do~el1Qt lr;.OO 1n tIlt: ~'•.:t .,1e:~H~\...lutrl.:! t. obou to f )tH' m1Ioe to t.'1e north~~t. The t:!ln1ct:·r ~8~UJ,.J(;~':~ t-l:,.t t::.'.<; ~oD,"1oi1itlco G:Jc,)uJd be eXr!;n1~~'2It~ut uelay, an(; j l1 t.:1C ~~.:Hlt1,"':~ !IO DfOJ)Ot;I]O to aor~:r 8 l1co1e1on on 1~9't 'Part c: t:~<~ l!Vt~rd'6 u~.11cr;t ..i:':1 ••::~e):rc19t';ll t~ the d1a:>O!:Hu. of'6SSW C3~:rlal, 00 tlH' t r\Lrt:~, r con:liaer.; t..l.'..'n CQ.:l 00 ~1,.ren to tho I1ho10 probloct o~ ~tHo 1~r.n,dltH..c CtnJ lon:~-t.'.l'nJ tl'J',1n~ r::(jutr:'\:r.Jentu or tilt) col11ery. " i, l'

+ I 11 ~ ! '1 11,h In r.;'e c~,::r'Clt.o or ~lio 2!O~':cro un10r t1,,: ',,-'own and COUlltr)1 f'~nnn1as l~.ot. 191.+1, &..:18 ?;1''lict,~r·fZ' ••o por;;UG.:..1on (:.(,; ('ollot:"u- : ,I . " 11.:, ~~ ',';, (0) F\')r' t.:l' C in~ 1D,~ ').\.' u:H.JftiJ. t 10 or--cctl'.Jn of tmua.1:l~a8Z1dll' tJiai ! c~rr¥ in;; 0:1t of 0 ~h.r ucv;';lo~'};~nt r"l)u1r::(] 1n Conneo Ubn "1 ~' colll.:I"j' ~)l·\):Juctl.Jn Lct.lvit10 (cxcr,; d1c~oan1or 'f1usto ' oat'.z'1al) U"lti',in t:)C' m;'c!}_:LO~ fd..ohed va'tic 1

cnn'3:Lt3d :--lan. ;'-1~}bj--:ot to t..wTo~10\,1~ COWl iOns:- ,,:11 I,i~oj l' i - ..'.... ' ',,', i' \ (i~ .;'~·.-:10 :,~;' t,:~c .1 •.:In On;1 l;~'-O\lt 01' tho bul1d1uH9 ehall' t>c ~~;,3 rr--'x:J llc ~,;~r, eel f:-'1th ~~~O lo~~ulpll'.HlnlUJ authorl ~ OI', 1n dr:::'oult or tl:.;r,,~nt.t us 61".011 be dett,'rrnlnol2 bl::~il'l i;~.. ~14n~_ . .,11 _ U,·-t-~..r • . ~TT·I II',I . ' • I" I ,; (11j;~>_;..r>'i.l",:'Gfor t'.~ lanciJ.:cpe treHltme-nt, or the u1te sb~lbel cr:.:·r\~c:!l)ut in ~,,:o;:· ...•~u.;;c; u1 th such uehem-o, rmlch li1~ tn:.'· clu/je pi'olt lG Lm for trIo planti~ of tr,'~eaeM a!11"U~a!~ the tHo;)Qf:iul 01.' 0:J11 [;.n~ ot!~ 1:" ln3.t':rlr:1D, Q~ may be agrep4' t'J1th t the local :Jl::m~lD~ o'.ltno!'1ty 01'. 1n dofault Or G&rr~~ni" eG' s;'lnll t;~ ,,~ct.::r:-;.ined by inc ~~1n16tor. I, ".~';' d'I,1 I I 1 j \, 'J, • '!,~L' C:H~t:t.ri::C t1')n oi' t:l~ pro0o!:::lod aeoc'oo t6 1..~~,.h.49 t.~ I'.).:\i "h~J.) b~''- Q~!'l'1C!cl .)ut CO mny bo cgreed "'1th t.."lo-loeel! vlun:Ain.: ~\;t~~o.r1t.t in o..)rmultat1on lr1th, ~.h,eh~~h;,oy ~~!lorl~ or, in ~lC;:t.;.~ut:,):' Cl,;l'-()<:-rnent, as. allall bo ~ttrmlD'jd Wll,tpo ,-'l·u'.....•.~tr'r-. Ii" ' ,

, , II' I (b) ;:'()1' th_' ~l:1n~n_'~ BUG wor';11l{; or o\Jol1n f,iOy ocam ,ro\U2d unc1ar[ the Gr~~~1:,J,:,01:U ~':lt-llr. d by a b;.}L~ Ll~ok lin~, on tht? 'onno~d 'plein, Co1••~bj.:ct to U13 1:o11o\:ll.nt1 o::n.:l1tiona:-' ~/ . -

l~' (1) .:,;.11:fiI' oi' t.>U1',/01't G~mll bo loft tmdel" tJ1'0 Count3' t:entai .iN }'~o/jl"11.•.'\1 (Jt \ 1n\":iok And the extent of this t'111att eJhnll ~ If-I f!fl ftl.:

\ (11) ;..;lUCri. 0<)('4 1}hall b.: let't tm-vtoriotcd for tho t)tt.P~ort or t.he ~nn'{c~' ','~lL,~'.. ~,;tid' and i..or t!~t,'pl'Ot,eotion or th~ cx1et1ng bull tU~,m cn "-1 tl;ln the:: 0r~&(tnt b3unduF,( or the Counq ;~:)l'ou~:h0;":,)1 rl11.;~ton a6 l~I~Y be usrced vi th tae looal p1an- nin! {;l.uthQrlt;r ;Jr, io dc':-o~l1t or ~~reementD: =.a ehe11 bo ,-d"S' t;:r-:dn~d b~' tr;c; ;Jinio taP. .

15. A uccir.z1vn I'el~t.i~,~ t;) tho a1'\:~,16 8Jt~n hatohtd hor1eonUill)T on t.1lO !lnnllx~d ,1nn ••\'1.1i, b~ t;;l,,-.en l:;.tor. '":h1a It:tt~r. wh10h is 1D~ued 8S the l.Unltj ter' a t'oml11 t.i"Jo1u1 011, do!,~Snot o:>nvay any a;Jproval or oonoont ¥~SCt mt1Y bl'1 r{lcJu1 r-cd unJor l)ny OftSQ ~nt (1n.'31udlnz bye-lows, ordGrs or ro- 4"\111'1tione) OU10t' t.hon •..(O}~ L1l10 ~;z ot the Town tUld Oountl"1 P1;l1nzUftfl J\ct, f.91~7. 15. Copica ct th161,' h.::.~ bwei~ Bent to t.'le .Local J\ut.'tOrlt1ss'end ",~v~r:nmon t ~!O~Hrt.':l;;nto oono'H~nec1. i 1 tt::'., £:; 11'". ¥ ~1ur obod1en t dorvsn t,

i';' ....• , - . . 2. Inquiry 2451/40009/4, dated 09 November 1960

Summary Inspectors recommendation for approval under the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 under Section 15, permission to tip waste material.

The Parkside Colliery to store the colliery waste material within the area allocated as the colliery 130 acres to be stored under stages I to IV; a stage V was to be stored on subsequent adjacent lands purchased by the National Coal Board after the 1956 inquiry. The five stages were under restoration conditions as each stage was completed to be returned to agricultural use. The 1956 inquiry condition for a life of 100 years, no conditions: On completion of each stage of the tipping top soil shall be spread on the surface of the completed stage of the tip to an even depth as shown on the said plan No.3 and the site shall be left in such a condition as to render it suitable for restoration to agricultural use. All equipment, plant or machinery shall be removed from or buried within the site.

These conditions made for the storage on site for waste tipping, to be completed well within the expected colliery 100 year life, no conditions are stated in the permission to the contrary. In reality, the colliery closed while stage IV was still open and being worked, so the “All equipment, plant or machinery shall be removed from or buried within the site” applied to the whole 130 acre site, which happen in 1993. . . ABBey 5620

:~ I -. 2461/40009/4- "'. Ext: PEL/RED 9th November, 1960.

Sir, Townand Countrv Phnning Act, 1947 Parkside Colliery', Newton-le-V/illows Planning Permission to tip waste material

1• I am directed by the Minister of Housing and Local Government to refer to' the applications of the National Coal Board dated 19th October, 1959 for planning permission. to deposit waste material from Parkside Colliery, Newton-Ie-Willows in o.ccordance with the scheme described in plnns Nos.1-5 accompanying the applications. These applications were, by direction of -the Minister under section 15 of the' Townand Country Planning Act, 19~7; ~efe~'ed to him for decision ur!der cover of the letter of the Ltincashire County Counc:i,ldated 24th FebIUary, 1960.

2. After. consultation w:lth t.~e National Coal Board,. Lancashire County Council, Newton-le-Willows Ur.ban District Council and Warrington R11ral Pistrict Council the Minister has decided to determine the applications withou t recourse to 0. hearing or, local inquiry.

, 3.' 'The Minister understands that the applications 0.8 submitted represent a scheme for the disposal of waste from the colliery which has been Il~eed after discu3sions between the Board and the local :luthori ties concerned. 'The scneme is acceptable to the Minister and o.cco:rdingly in the exercise of his powers under the Townand Country' Planning Act, 194.7 he grants planning permission for the di§~osal of ;yaste mAterial from Parkside Colliery subject to the following conditions:-

(1) The disposal of waste mflterial shall be in, accordance with the scheme described in plans Nos. 1-5 accomp~\ring the applic~tions, as regards the phasing of operations and the finished levels of the Vlaste heaps, subject to the following modification to plan No.3: In the legend in the bottom right-hand corner of plan No.3 the references to stage IV and III in the right-hand column shll1l read V and IV respectively.

(ii) Top soil to a. depth of 15 ins. shall be stI'lpped from each part of the site in advance of tipping operations and smll be stored in t.."leareas shOV'It'lfor t.~t purpose on plan No.3 accompanying the applications.

(iii) On completion of each stage of the tipping top soil shall be spread on the surface of the completed stage of the tip to an even depth as shown on the said plan No.3 and the site shall be left in such a condition as to render it suitable for ..restoratioI) to agricultural use.

(iv) All practicable mews '>hall be employed for preventing or minimising the emission or dust dUring operations authorised or required under this per.nission; and 'the word "practicable" and the phrase "practicable means" shall have the meanings assigned to them in section 34(1) of the Clean Air Act 1956.

(v) All equipment, plc.nt or machinery which it may be necessary to employ on the site in connexion with operations authorised or rFlq'lired under this permissi~ shall be maintained in good condition and employed in such a manner as to be inoffensive to the amenities of the Area.

------,-- 'r't'2td------.. - 2 - " .-

(viii) IM~asures ~or the landscape treatment ot' the area covered !by the applications shall be carried out in accordance with a scheme whiph shall be submitted as soon as practicable to the local planning authority and agreed. rith them. In de~aul t o~ such agreement the scheme shall be determined by the Minister. The scheme shall include provision for the planting of trees and shrubs, and the sowing of grass seed.

4. This letter which is issued as the Minister's formal decision does not convey any approval or consent which mnybe required under any enactment (including byelaws, orders or regulations) other thon section 12 o~ the Townand Country Planning Act, 1947.

5. Copies o~ this letter have been sent to the local authorities and Government.Departments concerned.

I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant,

(Signed) G. L. Barber

Authorised by the ML"'listerto sign in that be..~alf.

P. E. Lissant, Esq., Divisional Le~al Adviser, National Coal BO:1rd, North ~estern Division, 4.0, Portland Street, Menchester, 1. 3. National Coal Board Letter Reference MP.86/57 dated 23 April 1986, Parkside Colliery Newton-le-Willows Planning Permission to Tip Waste

Summary On request from a constituent, Doug Hoyle, Member of Parliament for Warrington North wrote to the National Coal Board Chair, Ian MacGregor. The response from the Chair explained in detail, the National Coal Board at Parkside Colliery complied to the Inquiry 1956 and Inquiry 1960 conditions, with regards to the waste material tipping and storage for the stages I to V and restoration conditions on completion returned for agricultural use:

“Stages I and II of the tipping have been completed, topsoil has been laid and agriculture has returned to a 13.5 HA area. The Stage V area is still greenfield land (5.9HA), leaving only the Stages III and IV land (12.6 HA) without topsoil - which is inevitable as spoil is still being deposited there.”

This letter from the Chair of the National Coal Board confirms the restoration conditions required by the two inquiries:

• Inquiry 2461/40009/4; 1451/40009/3; 1140/40009/1, dated 05 October 1956; and • Inquiry 2451/40009/4, dated 09 November 1960. FROM DOUG HOYLE MP


17 Aoril 1986


I enclose a copy of a letter I have received from Mr Bould of the Merseyside Residuary Body.

You will see that he says that the NCB have complied with the Planning Permission that was given to them. He denies that topsoil has been taken from the site to Bickershaw Colliery or anywhere else.

He claims that Phasesl and II were comoleted to the soecified contours ahead of schedule in 1963 and have been back in agricultural use ever since. Regarding Phases III and IV they have not been completed because alternative offsite disposal facilities were found. He claims that in June 1967 the Board sought to obtain approval from Lancashire CC to reohase waste disoosal at Parks ide and because of this Phases III & IV have been used for lagooning purposes.

He says that tipping has now resumed to a stage where 6 years life remains before Phase V, which is the one that we are complaining about, may start.

You will see he also says that the responsibility for planning permission for Phase V will rest with .

However, I should welcome your views on this letter and as soon as 1 have received them 1 shall send you copies of the letter from Mr McGregor, the Chairman- and Mr Groves of North West Water Authority.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


01- 235 2020


Ian MacGregor 23rd April, 1986

Our Ref: MP.86/57 Doug Hoyle, Esq., MP., House of Commons, London SWIA OAA.

Dear Mr. Hoyle,

I have your recent letter about dirt disposal at Parkside Colliery.

I understand from the Board's Western Area that it was originally envisaged that the fifth stage of the Parkside tipping scheme would commence in 1970 and the whole of the scheme be completed by 1972. However, over the years, local management have rightly taken the opportunity to delay overtipping on this greenfield site and use spoil on local land requiring reclamation. Thus, a local quarry was instead infilled and the Parkside tip scheme delayed -although the parts of the tip first deposited (the Stage I and II areas) were restored in the meantime.

I understand local Area management intend to continue to allocate part of the colliery's spoil for overtipping, shaping and restoration of other derelict sites in the locality. However, the Area now intend also to proceed with the fifth Stage of this project and have recently acquired the necessary land for this purpose. The design, phasing and construction of this Stage will be sympathetic to the locality and will incorporate early progressive restoration techniques and measures to minimise the environmental impact of operations •

.On the specific points raised in your letter, I understand that waste material has been tipped following original plans (your point (1», but the timing of operations has, as I have explained, been delayed. Topsoil has been stripped and stored on the site, but has not - as your point (2) suggests - been "exported" to Bickershaw or other collieries. On point (3), I should explain that as Stages I and II of the tipping have been completed, topsoil has been laid and agriculture has returned to a 13.5 HA area. The Stage V area is still greenfield land (5.9HA), leaving only the Stages III and IV land (12.6 HA) without topsoil - which is inevitable as spoil is still being deposited there.

As for dust and noise problems (points (4) and (5» there is, I understand, no record of any complaints being made by local residents to the Board. As regards equipment on site (point (6», local NCB officials and officers of the Mineral Planning Authorities have visited the site but did not find any redundant equipment, plant or machinery left on the spoil heap. On your point (7), discussion did take place with the Mersey River Board in the early 1960's. The - 2 -

North Western Water Authority have not expressed any complaints since as to drainage from the spoil heap site. As for tree planting (point (8», the Board in fact submitted a landscaping scheme to Newton-Le-Willows UDC on 26th June, 1963, and this was approved on 19th September, 1963. The diversion of the St. Oswald Brook (to which you also refer), has already been discussed with the local Water Authority. The diversion will follow the line shown on the planning consent, and all necessary provisions in the Land Drainage Act will be complied with before the diversion takes place.

Finally, I should stress once again local management's wish to cooperate with the relevant Authorities to minimise the environmental effects of the Parkside scheme as far as possible. Even though the Board have benefit of a valid planning consent for the site, they are ready to examine local concerns, and have already begun discussions with officers of the Mineral Planning Authority to see what can be done •

. SlncerelY~~

M15SE392,3 4. Land Registry Title Number: MS497851, dated 27 January 2014, Land at the site of the former Parkside Colliery, Newton-Ie-Willows

Summary The National Coal Board in order to develop land at Newton-le-Willows for colliery purposes, and to win and work coal under land in the Newton-le-Willows Urban District, the Golborne Urban District and the Warrington Rural District. The need for a dedicated energy source for the working of the colliery was a fundamental requirement, in the form of an electricity supply. Two leases were given to the said, at the time, National Electricity Supplier, in order to supply electricity to the colliery: • A 99 year Lease was given on 01 November 1958, to end in the year 2057, to lands within the 130 acres for an “Electricity Substation site”; and • 86 year Lease was given on 01 November 1971, to end in the year 2057 for “Land adjoining Electricity Substation site”.

This clarifies the colliery as a 01 November 1958 to be of a temporary nature for the winning of coal for 100 year life, as stated in the Inquiry 2461/40009/4; 1451/40009/3; 1140/40009/1, dated 05 October 1956.

In the Land Register Title Number: MS497851, dated 27 January 2014, the lease is to be found under the section “Schedule of notices of leases”. Title Number : MS497851

This title is dealt with by Land Registry, Birkenhead Office.

The following extract contains information taken from the register of the above title number. A full copy of the register accompanies this document and you should read that in order to be sure that these brief details are complete. Neither this extract nor the full copy is an 'Official Copy' of the register. An official copy of the register is admissible in evidence in a court to the same extent as the original. A person is entitled to be indemnified by the registrar if he or she suffers loss by reason of a mistake in an official copy. This extract shows information current on 3 FEB 2014 at 21:56:56 and so does not take account of any application made after that time even if pending in the Land Registry when this extract was issued.


Title Number MS497851

Address of Property Land at the site of the former Parkside Colliery, Newton Ie Willows

Price Stated £5,000,000 plus £1,000,000 VAT

Registered Owner(s) LANGTREE NEWTON LLP (LLP Regn. No. OC389956) of Centrix House, 26 Crow Lane East, Newton-Le-Willows WA12 9UY.

Lender(s) St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council

1 of 6 Title number MS497851 This is a copy of the register of the title number set out immediately below, showing the entries in the register on 3 FEB 2014 at 21:56:56. This copy does not take account of any application made after that time even if still pending in the Land Registry when this copy was issued. This copy is not an 'Official Copy' of the register. An official copy of the register is admissible in evidence in a court to the same extent as the original. A person is entitled to be indemnified by the registrar if he or she suffers loss by reason of a mistake in an official copy. If you want to obtain an official copy, the Land Registry web site explains how to do this.

A: Property Register This register describes the land and estate comprised ln the title. MERSEYSIDE : ST HELENS 1 The Freehold land shown edged with red on the plan of the above Title filed at the Registry and being Land at the site of the former Parkside Colliery, Newton le Willows.

NOTE: The land tinted green on the title plan is not included in this title. 2 The mines and minerals together with ancillary powers of working are excepted from the land edged and numbered 1 and 2 in blue on the filed plan. 3 The mines and minerals together with ancillary powers of working are excepted from the land edged and numbered 3 and 4 in blue on the filed plan with provision for compensation in the event of damage caused thereby. 4 A Conveyance of the land edged and numbered 3 and 4 in blue on the filed plan and other land dated 2 May 1960 made between (1) Harry Twist (Vendor) and (2) Eric Thomas Almond (Purchaser) contains the following provision:-

"IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND DECLARED that the Purchasers shall not be entitled to any right of light or air to the premises hereby conveyed which would interfere with the free use for building or any other purpose of the adjoining land belonging to the Vendor" 5 (07.10.1998) The land has the benefit of the rights granted by a Deed dated 29 November 1979 made between (1) The Honourable Robert Jocelyn Palmer and others and (2) National Coal Board.

NOTE: Copy filed under MS405529. 6 (07.10.1998) The Transfer dated 29 September 1998 referred to in the Charges Register is expressed to grant a right of way over and along the haul road site beneath the M6 Motorway. 7 (07.10.1998) There are excluded from this registration the mines and minerals excepted by the Transfer dated 29 September 1998 referred to in the charges Register. 8 (07.10.1998) The Transfer dated 29 September 1998 referred to in the Charges Register contains a provision as to light or air. 9 The land has the benefit of the rights granted by but is subject to the rights reserved by the Transfer dated 17 September 2004 referred to in the Charges Register.

B: Proprietorship Register This register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. It contains any entries that affect the right of disposal. Title absolute

2 of 6 Title number MS497851 B: Proprietorship Register continued 1 (27.01.2014) PROPRIETOR: LANGTREE NEWTON LLP (LLP Regn. No. OC389956) of Centrix House, 26 Crow Lane East, Newton-Le-Willows WA12 9UY. 2 (27.01.2014) The price stated to have been paid on 20 December 2014 was £5,000,000 plus £1,000,000 VAT. 3 (27.01.2014) A Transfer dated 20 December 2013 made between (1) Prologis Astral (Warrington) Limited and (2) Langtree Newton Llp contains purchaser's personal covenants.

NOTE: Copy fi1ed. 4 (27.01.2014) RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate by the proprietor of the registered estate is to be registered without a written consent signed by the proprietor for the time being of the Charge dated 23 December 2013 in favour of St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council referred to in the Charges Register or its conveyancer.

C: Charges Register This register contains any charges and other matters that affect the land. 1 (07.10.1998) The parts of the land affected thereby are subject to the leases set out in the schedule of leases hereto. The leases grant and reserve easements as therein mentioned. 2 (07.10.1998) The parts of the land affected thereby are subject to the following rights granted by a Conveyance of land adjoining the western boundary of the land in this title dated 4 June 1929 made between (1) James Bridge and Joseph Bridge (Vendors) and (2) John Kearsley (Purchaser) :-

AND TOGETHER also with the right to construct a Sewage Filter Bed on the land of the Vendors and to lay a pipe line from the land hereby conveyed as shewn in the said plan to take sewage and refuse from the said lands and buildings now and hereafter to be erected thereon into the said Sewage Filter Bed and from the said Filter Bed into the Brook also shewn on the said plan until such time as the Local Authorities shall lay a main sewer along Mill Lane aforesaid or other sewer sufficient to take the sewage from all buildings to be erected on the said lands.

AND TOGETHER also with the right to lay the said pipe line in the approximate position shewn on the said plan under and through the intended streets shewn on the said plan.

NOTE: Copy extract plan filed under MS405529. 3 (07.10.1998) A Licence and Consent dated 31 October 1936 under the hand of James Bridge and Joseph Bridge relates to the placing maintenance and renewal of an Underground Electric Cable and a water supply pipe across land on the north side of Hermitage Green Lane.

NOTE: Copy filed under MS405529. 4 A Conveyance of the land edged and numbered 3 and 4 in blue on the filed plan and other land dated 23 January 1951 made between (1) The Church Commissioners for England (Commissioners) and (2) Harry Twist (Purchaser) contains the following covenants:-

The Purchaser to the intent that the covenant thereinafter contained should bind the said property into whosesoever hands the same might come for the benefit of the adjoining and neighbouring lands belonging to the Commissioners or any part or parts thereof thereby for himself and his successors in title covenanted with the Commissioners that he would observe and perform the stipulations and restrictions set out in the Schedule Schedule thereto

THE SECOND SCHEDULE above referred to

That he would not do or permit to be done in or upon the said premises

3 of 6 Title number MS497851 C: Charges Register continued or any part thereof any act deed matter or thing that might be or become a nuisance damage annoyance or disturbance to the adjoining property belonging to the Commissioners. 5 The land edged and numbered 3 and 4 in blue on the filed plan is subject to the following rights reserved by the Conveyance dated 23 January 1951 referred to above:-

"EXCEPT AND RESERVING unto the Commissioners in fee simple (a) full and free right and liberty without obtaining any consent from or making compensation to the Purchaser or other the owner or owners occupier or occupiers for the time being of the said property to deal as the Commissioners might think fit with any of the property adjoining opposite or near to the said property and to erect or suffer to be erected on such adjoining opposite or neigbouring property any buildings whatsoever whether such buildings should or should not affect or diminish the light or air which might then or at any time or times thereafter be enjoyed by the Purchaser or other the owners lessees tenants or occupiers of the said property thereby conveyed.

(b) the free flow of water and soil from any adjoining land and premises of the Commissioners through any drains and watercourses then existing in the said property or substituted therefore by the Purchaser.

(d) such rights of way and such right of user of air light and water and the passage thereof as the Commissioners their lessees or tenants then had or enjoyed in through over and upon the said property or any part thereof to for or in respect of any adjoining or neighbouring property" 6 (07.10.1998) A Conveyance of the land tinted pink on the filed plan dated 15 September 1965 made between (1) The Minister of Transport (Vendor) and (2) National Coal Board contains the following covenants:-

"THE Board hereby covenant with the Vendor to the intent that the burden of this covenant may run with and bind the property hereby conveyed and every part thereof into whosesoever hands the same may come and to the intent that the benefit thereof may be annexed and run with the Winchester-Preston Trunk Road that neither the property hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be used for any other purpose than that of agriculture and nothing shall be done thereon which will endanger the said road" 7 (07.10.1998) By the Conveyance dated 15 September 1965 referred to above, the land tinted pink on the filed plan was conveyed subject as follows:

"Subject nevertheless to such rights of way and privileges as are vested in or enjoyed by the said Railway Company for the purpose of maintaining and repairing the said embankments and fences".

NOTE: The said Railway Company is the London Midland & Scottish Railway Company and the said embankments and fences are the embankment abutting on or forming part of the land conveyed and the fences at the top and bottom thereof. 8 (07.10.1998) The parts of the land affected thereby are subject to the following rights granted by a Deed of Exchange of the part of the M6 Motorway traversing the land in this title and other land dated 6 December 1968 made between (1) National Coal Board and (2) Minister of Transport:-

"The Board as beneficial owners hereby conveyed unto the Minister the rights (hereinafter called "the said rights") specified in the Second Part of the First Schedule hereto to the intent that the said rights may be appurtenant to the road known as the North of Birmingham-Preston By Pass Special Road (including the said land) THE FIRST SCHEDULE

Second Part

The Said Rights

4 of 6 Title number MS497851 C: Charges Register continued

1. Full and free right and liberty for the Minister and his successors in title and all persons authorised by him or them from time to time and at all times hereafter to lay construct maintain test inspect and use a pipe not exceeding six inches in diameter and one manhole for carrying surface water across the Boards neighbouring land in the positions indicated by a blue line and a blue circle respectively on the said plan marked A together with the right from time to time to renew alter and remove all or any of the same.

2. The like right at all times to enter upon and excavate so much of such neighbouring land as shall be necessary for the purpose of exercising the rights hereinbefore mentioned.

3. The like right at all times to discharge surface water from the adjoining road embankment by means of the said pipe into the existing pipe at the point marked X on plan 'A'.

NOTE: The blue line and circle referred to were not shown on the plan supplied on First Registration. The part marked X referred to has been reproduced on the filed plan. 9 (07.10.1998) The parts of the land affected thereby are subject to the following rights granted by a Conveyance of Newton Park Farm dated 5 March 1981 made between (1) National Coal Board (2) Coal Industry Estates Limited (Vendor) and (3) John Cooper (Purchaser):-

"TOGETHER WITH (a) full right and liberty for the Purchaser and his successors in title the owners and occupiers for the time being of the premises or any part thereof and his or their respective servants and licensees (in common with the Board and the Vendor and all others having the like right) at all times hereafter by day or night with or without vehicles of any description and with or without animals for all purposes connected with the use and enjoyment of the premises to pass and repass (i) between the points marked J and K on the plan along the road coloured brown thereon and (ii) between the points marked G and H on the plan along the road coloured blue thereon for the purpose of gaining access to the premises from Mill Lane Newton-Ie-Willows aforesaid the Purchaser when called upon by the Board contributing to the maintenance of the said road coloured blue on the plan in such sum or sums from time to time as shall be assessed by the Board's Surveyors

TOGETHER WITH (b) the full right and liberty for the Purchaser and his successors in title the owners and occupiers of the premises or any part thereof and his and their respective servants and licensees (in common with the Vendor and the Board and all others having the like right) to use the sewers and drains serving the premises which are situate in or under the adjoining land belonging to the Vendor or the Board and retained by them and any sewers and drains for the time being substituted for the sewers and drains now existing (Provided That such substituted sewers and drains shall be laid within 80 years from the date hereof) for the passage and conveyance of water and soil from the premises".

NOTE: Copy plan filed under MS405529. 10 By a Conveyance dated 7 February 1985 made between (1) Irene Mary Almond and (2) National Coal Board the land edged and numbered 3 in blue on the filed plan was conveyed subject as follows:-

"Subject as follows:-

(a) to all rights of way water light and other easements (if any) affecting the Property" 11 (07.10.1998) An Agreement dated 31 August 1988 made between (1) British Railways Board and (2) British Coal Corporation relates to the maintenance repair renewal and removal of railway sidings as therein mentioned.

NOTE: Copy filed under MS405529. 12 (07.10.1998) The land is subject to the rights granted by a Deed dated 28 November 1996 made between (1) British Coal Corporation and (2) The

5 of 6 Title number MS497851 C: Charges Register continued Coal Authority.

NOTE: Copy filed under MS405529. 13 (07.10.1998) A Transfer of the land in this title and other land dated 29 September 1998 made between (1) The Coal Authority and (2) Railtrack Plc contains restrictive covenants.

NOTE 1: Copy filed under MS405529

~NOTE 2: Copy Agreement dated 24 August 1998 referred to in the above Transfer dated 29 September 1998 filed. 14 (07.10.1998) The land is subject to the rights reserved by the Transfer dated 29 September 1998 referred to above. 15 A Transfer dated 17 September 2004 made between (1) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited and (2) Astral Developments Limited contains restrictive covenants.

NOTE 1: No copies of the documents dated 24 November 1959, 12 May 1960, 30 November 1967, 7 September 1971, 9 January 1974 or 30 January 1981 referred to were lodged for registration

NOTE 2: Copy filed. 16 (17.05.2013) UNILATERAL NOTICE affecting the land edged and numbered 3 in yellow on the title plan in respect of an Option Agreement dated 14 May 2013 made between (1) Prologis Astral (Warrington) Limited and (2) Hargreaves (UK) Services Limited. 17 (17.05.2013) BENEFICIARY: Hargreaves (UK) Services Limited of West Terrace, Esh Winning, Durham, DH7 9PT. 18 (27.01.2014) REGISTERED CHARGE dated 23 December 2013.

NOTE: This charge is subject to the provisions of section 859A of the Companies Act 2006 as applied by the Limited Liability Partnerships (Application of Companies Act 2006) (Amendment) Regulations 2013. 19 (27.01.2014) Proprietor: ST HELENS METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL of Wesley House, Corporation Street, St. Helens WA10 1HF.

Schedule of notices of leases 1 20.03.2009 Electricity Substation Site 12.05.1960 MS562741 edged and 99 years from numbered 1 in 1.11.1958 yellow

2 20.03.2009 Land adjoining Electricity 09.01.1974 MS562741 edged and Substation Site 86 years from numbered 2 in 1.11.1971 yellow

End of register

6 of 6 5. Freedom of Information Request St Helens Council Cabinet Resolution – Joint Venture Group

Document showing on 13 September 2013, the St Helens Council Cabinet resolution to the agreement for the Joint Venture Group between St Helens Council and company Langtree, to enable the regeneration of the former Parkside colliery site.

Leading to the formation of the company on 17 December 2013.

To allocate St Helens Council funds to the Joint venture Group in order the purchase the former Parkside colliery site.

Leading to the formation of the company on 17 December 2013.

For the subsequent purchase of the site, as shown in the Land Registry Title Number: MS497851, dated 27 January 2014. Parkside Regeneration LLP the Taxpayer Asks | Our Local Voice

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