2011 PARK PREVIEW — SEE PAGES 9&10 TM Celebrating Our 15th Year Vol. 15 • Issue 2 MAY 2011 The New Texas Giant - an old legend reborn Rocky Mountain Const., rugged. The monstrous wood- COMING IN JUNE Ride Centerline and ies of that era have either un- A look at the in-house dergone continual change and Gerstlauer supply new theming effort given to the modification, or have been lost New Texas Giant hybrid coaster to completely. After 20 operating Six Flags Over Texas seasons, Six Flags Over Texas the transformation is nothing knew they had to address the short of extraordinary. STORY: Tim Baldwin situation head on. Even though The track changing from
[email protected] the park had invested in more a wood bed to all steel has ac- ARLINGTON, Texas — In than 1,200 feet of trackwork complished the goal of the 1990, wooden coasters were for the 2009 season, admittedly park, and that was to deliver a making a strong resurgence, making the Giant more rideable super smooth ride. New wood thanks to the partnership of that season, the decision was has been incorporated not only Charles Dinn working along- made for a more permanent to increase the height of the side Curtis Summers. A new solution. It was announced in ride by 10 feet — now 153 — team made the old nostalgic the spring of that year that the but also to create a whole new attraction available and afford- gigantic woodie would run its layout using existing structure. After a 17 month make- able. Within this new rise of last ride as Fright Fest came to Steel supports have also been over, the New Texas woodies was Texas Giant, one a close.