Command in war martin van creveld pdf

Continue Many books have been written about strategy, tactics and great generals. This is the first book dedicated exclusively to the nature of the team, and trace its development for more than two thousand years from ancient Greece to Vietnam. It historically addresses a range of problems related to army command, including the organization and administration of personnel, communications and technology techniques, armaments and logistics. And the relationship between these problems and military strategy is analyzed. In vivid descriptions of key battles and campaigns - among others in Jena, the Moltke Koeniggrets campaign, the 1973 Arab-Israeli war and the Americans in Vietnam - van Kreveld focuses on the means of command and shows how these tools worked in practice. He believes that technological advances such as the railway, shutter loading rifles, telegraph and then radio, tanks and helicopters have brought commanders not only new tactical capabilities, but also new limitations. Although there have been huge changes in military thinking and technology, one constant was the endless search for certainty - certainty about the state and the intentions of enemy forces; confidence in the many factors that together constitute the environment in which the war is being waged, from weather and relief to radioactivity and the presence of chemical warfare agents; and confidence in the state, the intentions and activities of their own forces. The book concludes that progress in command tends to be achieved no less through the use of more advanced technologies than by finding ways to overcome the constraints of existing ones. The publisher's description. Martin van Kreveldat, House of Commons, (26 February 2008) Born (1946-03-05) 5 is an Israeli military historian and theorist. Van Krewerd was born in , the (מרטין ון קרפלד March 1946 Rotterdam, NetherlandsNationalityIsraeliAlma materLondon School of EconomicsHebrew University of JerusalemScientific careerFieldsMilitary historyMilitary theory Martin Levi van Creveld (born March 5 1946 , to a Jewish family. His parents, Leon and Margaret, were convinced by the zionists who managed to escape the Nazis during World War II. In 1950, his family immigrated to , and Krewerd grew up in Ramat Gan. From 1964 to 1969 he studied history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and received a master's degree. From 1969 to 1971, he studied history at the London School of Economics and received a doctorate from Van Krevedd on Hitler's strategy in the Balkans in the early years of World War II, which was published in 1973 as a book: Hitler's Strategy, 1940-41. Balkan key. After receiving his doctorate in 1971, van Krewerd returned to Israel and began teaching at the Hebrew University of He became a professor in 1988. In 2007, he gave up teaching at the Hebrew University and began teaching at 's Security Studies Program. Van Krewerd was married twice and has three children. He lives in Mevaseret Sion. Van Krevedd's book is the author of thirty-three books on , strategy, and other topics, of which Command in War (1985), The Supply of War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton (1977, 2nd Edition 2004), Transformation of War (1991), Sword and Olive (1998) and Rise and Fall of the State (1999) are among the most famous. Van Krewerd has lectured or taught at countless civilian and military institutions of higher education around the world. The transformation of the war is particularly important in his 1991 book Transformation of War (Britain: On the Future War), which was translated into French, German (a new German edition in 2004), Russian and Spanish. In this treatise of military theory, van Krewerd develops what he calls the non-Authoritarian theory of warfare, which he compares to Clausewitz's famous work On War. Van Krewerd criticizes this philosophy as too narrow and state-oriented, which does not apply to the study of those conflicts involving one or more non-state actors. Instead, he offers five key war issues: Who is at war - whether states or non-state actors what war is all about - the relationship between the actors, and between them and non-combatants How the war is waged - the questions of strategy and tactics that the war is being waged for - whether it's strengthening national power or how the end in itself is being waged - the motives of the individual soldier Van Krevedd notes that many of the wars fought after 1945 were low-intensity conflicts (LICs) which powerful states ended up on the loose. The book argues that we are witnessing the decline of the nation state, without a comparable reduction in organized violence. In addition, he believes that armies are constantly training and arming themselves for war, rather than with the LICs they are likely to encounter. It is therefore essential that nation States change the training of their armed forces and rethink their weapons procurement programmes. The importance of the book is evidenced by the fact that until mid-2008 it was included in the list of mandatory reading officers of the U.S. Army, and (with Sun Tzu and Clausewitz) the third non-American entry on the list. Van Creveld's Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton is also included in the list. In search of the commander's certainty in battlefield information, Van Creveld popularized the sent telescope as a term to describe the use of specially selected and trusted officers as special or the commander-in-chief. Privileged Sex In addition to his books on military history, van Krewerd has written several books on other issues. The most famous of these is perhaps his anti-feminist controversy Privileged Sex (2013). In the book, van Krevedd argues that the systematic oppression of women (as feminists claim) is largely a myth unsupported by any serious data, and that women tend to enjoy more social protection and privilege than men. Views on current affairs In addition to writing about military history, van Krewerd also commentes, often poignantly, about modern societies and politics. In a television interview in 2002, he questioned the Israeli army's ability to defeat the Palestinians: they (Israeli soldiers) are very brave people... they are idealists... they want to serve their country, and they want to prove themselves. The problem is that you can't prove yourself against someone who is much weaker than yourself. They are in a losing situation. If you are strong and fighting the weak, then if you kill your opponent, then you are a scoundrel ... If you let him kill you, you're an idiot. So that's the dilemma that others have suffered before us, and for which, as far as I can see, there is simply no way out. Now the Israeli army was by no means the worst of all. He didn't do what, for example, the Americans did in Vietnam... he didn't use napalm, he didn't kill millions of people. So everything is relative, but by definition, to go back to what I said earlier, if you are strong and you are struggling with the weak, then everything you do is criminal. In September 2003, in an interview with the Dutch weekly Elsevier about Israel and the dangers it faces from , the Palestinians and world public opinion van Krevedd stated: We possess several hundred atomic warheads and missiles and can launch them on targets in all directions, perhaps even in . Most European capitals are targets for our air force.... We have the opportunity to take peace with us. And I can assure you that this will happen before Israel is in jeopardy. In the August 21, 2004 edition of the International Herald Tribune, van Kreveld wrote, If the Iranians had not tried to develop nuclear weapons, they would have been crazy. In 2005, van Kreverd made headlines when he said in an interview that the was the stupidest war since Emperor in 9 BC and sent his legions to Germany and lost them, referring to the battle of Teoburg. His analysis included sharp criticism of the Bush administration, comparing the war to the Vietnam War. He also said that Bush deserved impeachment and, once he was removed from office, put on trial. In 2007, van Krevedd noted that Iran a real winner in Iraq and now the world must learn to live with a nuclear Iran the way we do to live with the nuclear Soviet Union and nuclear China.... We Israelis have everything we need to deter an Iranian attack. We are not in any danger if Iranian nuclear weapons are dropped on us... Thanks to the Iranian threat, we get weapons from the United States and Germany. Van Kreverd saw the Second Lebanon War as a strategic success for Israel and the defeat of Hezbollah. He also criticized the report of the Vinograd Commission for failing to note the many successes made by the Israeli military campaign. He noted that Hezbollah had knocked out the fight, had lost hundreds of its members and that the organization had been thrown out of southern Lebanon and replaced by a sufficiently reliable United Nations peacekeeping force. He also noted that the war had caused Israel to experience a level of calm on its Lebanese border, which had not been seen since the mid-1960s. Most recently, in an article published in the Infinity Journal in June 2011 titled The Second Lebanon War: Reassessment, Martin van Krevedd argued that, contrary to popular belief, and despite clumsy, heavy and slow ground operations, the Second War in Lebanon was a great victory for Israel. He states that almost no shots have been fired throughout southern Lebanon since mid-August 2006. In an article published in the Jewish Daily Forward in 2010, van Krevedd argued that the , far from being vital to Israel's security, was a territory from which Israel can easily afford to surrender. Van Krewerd argued that the West Bank does not provide any protection against ballistic missiles from the two main enemies of Israel, Iran and Syria. Moreover, provided that it is demilitarized in any future peace settlement with the Palestinians, the West Bank will act as a natural barrier, assuming the advance of any army seeking to invade Israel by land from the east. Finally, Israel could defend itself against terrorism from the West Bank through the wall, coupled with offensive campaigns such as Operation Leader and the second Lebanese war, which successfully restored Israel's deterrence when the level of terrorism exceeded what Israel was prepared to tolerate. Stephen Kramer, an Israeli correspondent for the Jewish newspaper The Times in southern Jersey, disputed the accuracy and relevance of the figures given by van Krevedd in relation to Israel's GDP and arms exports. Kramer, who lives in the West Bank settlement of Alfei Menashe, also argued that the Israeli army played a crucial role in the fight against terrorism in the West Bank, while its absence could lead to the capture of Hamas, similar to that since Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. Hamas Wins Democratic Palestinian Elections 2006 In article co-authored Cambridge Middle East history researcher, Jason Park, addressing Libyan Libyan Van Krevedd questioned the media's tendency to portray the circumstances in Libya, which are largely equivalent to those that formed the backdrop for the overthrow of Bin Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt earlier this year. The remarkable spread of the 2011 Arab uprisings on the faces of North Africa leads many journalists to portray the current Libyan uprising, fuelled by the same factors as neighbouring Tunisia and Egypt. There are more differences than similarities. Van Krewerd noted that Tunisia and Egypt have been consistent nation states for more than a century, while Libyan society is still ubiquitous. He also noted that while the armies of Tunisia and Egypt may be intermediaries in the transitions between the old regimes and the new ones, Libya lacks a professional, non-tribal army that could function in such a role. Van Krewerd accused Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, of missing an important opportunity to restore order and trust, both domestic and international, to the Gaddafi regime. Van Krewerd said the Israeli government had significantly exaggerated the threat that a nuclear Iran poses to its security, as well as Israel's ability to stop it. Syria and Terrorism In 2016, in a comment to the German magazine Focus Krewerd, advocated an alliance with the Assad regime. If the West wants to win the war against the caliphate of terror, they cannot be picky about their allies. The regional conflict was not about a despot, but about a new form of terrorism aimed at dissolving the entire state order and territorial boundaries throughout the region. Only Alawite soldiers of the Assad regime were willing to die fighting terrorists, while European and American attempts to avoid bloodshed by focusing on airstrikes were useless against guerrilla groups, history has shown. Losing the war against Ik- and al-Nusra will have incalculable consequences for the Middle East and for Europe. By comparison, Assad will look like a smaller devil. Back in 2013, again in Focus magazine, he considered Assad's support important to avoid destabilizing the Middle East as a whole. Assad will continue the war only to prevent even more carnage, the destruction of 1.2 million . Instead of complaining about humanitarian problems and arguing about arms supplies to the rebels, the West should join Russia and insist on a negotiated solution. If necessary, the West should help the rebels and allow Assad to remain in office: he is the only person who can hold the country together. Van Krewerd quoted Bismarck as saying, Politics is a choice between the bad and the worst. In a lecture at Konrad Adenauer-Styftung in Brandenburg, he pleaded for a pragmatic path in Syria. In 2011, looking back at my father Hafez al-Assad's strategy against the city of Hama in 1982, then the center of the . Without these actions, which Krewerd considers an extremely brutal and war crime, the Assad regime would probably have been overthrown. Assad himself and many members of the Alawite community would have been killed. After Assad's ouster, perhaps non-Alavit Muslims would have established a stable regime, or - a more likely option, according to Martin van Krevedd - there would be no stable government at all. In this case, there would be a war of all against all. According to the experience of neighboring Beirut, such a civil war could cost hundreds of thousands of people. And according to what happened in Lebanon and Afghanistan, Syria could become a place teeming with international terrorists of all directions. Опубликованы работы Книги Гитлер Стратегия 1940-1941: Балканский Clue, Кембриджский университет Пресс, 1973, ISBN 0-521-20143-8 Военные уроки войны Yom Kippur: Исторические перспективы, Беверли-Хиллз : Sage Публикации, 1975, ISBN 0-8039-0562-9 Поставка войны: Логистика от Валленштейна до Паттона, Кембриджский университет Пресс, 1977, ISBN 0-521-21730-X (2-й ред., 2004, ISBN 0-521-54657-5) Боевая мощь: Производительность немецкой и американской армии, 1939-1945, Уэстпорт, Коннектикут : Гринвуд Пресс, 1982, ISBN 0-313-23333-0 Командование в войне, Кембридж, Массачусетс : Гарвардский университет Пресс, 1985, ISBN 0-674-14440-6 Технологии и войны: С 2000 г. до н.э. до настоящего времени, Нью-йорк : Свободная пресса, 1989, ISBN 0-02-933151-X (бесплатная мягкая обложка, 2001, ISBN 0-02-933153-6) Подготовка офицеров: от военного профессионализма к неуместности, Нью-йорк : Свободная пресса, 1990, ISBN 0-02-933152-8 Преобразование войны, Нью-йорк : Свободная пресса, 1991, ISBN 0-02-933155-2 Ядерное распространение и будущее конфликта , New York : Free Press, 1993, ISBN 0-02-933156-0 Air Force and Maneuver War, featuring Kenneth S. Brower and Stephen L. Kebbie, Alabama : Air University Press, 1994, ISBN 1-58566-050-7 Encyclopedia of Revolutions and Revolutions: From Anarchy to Enlay New York : Facts by File, 1996, ISBN 0-8160-3236-X Sword and Olive: Critical Israeli Defense Forces, New York : Public Affairs, 1998, ISBN 1-891620-05-3 State Rise and Fall, Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-521-65629-X Art of War: War and Military Thought, London : Cassell, 2000, ISBN 0-304-35264-0 (also New York: Collins/Smithsonian, 2005, ISBN 0-06-083853-1) Men, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, 2005, ISBN 0-06-083853-1) Men, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, 2005, ISBN 0-06-083853-1) Men, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women, women and Wars, London : Cassell and Co., 2001, ISBN 0-304-35959-9 Moshe Dyan, London : Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 2004 ISBN 0-297-84669-8 Israel Defense: Controversial Plan for Peace, New York : Thomas Dunne/St. Martin's Books Press, 2004 , ISBN 0-312-32866-4 Fight against Modern Terrorism: History, Issues and Future Threats : Proceedings of the Second International Security Conference, Berlin, December 15-17, 2004, with Katarina von Knop and Heinrich Naysser, Bielefeld : Wbv, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-7639-3309-3 Changing Face Of War: Fighting Lessons, From Marne to Iraq, New York : Presidio Press, 2006, ISBN 978-0-89141-901-3 Culture of War, New York: Press Presidio, 2008, ISBN 978-0-345-50540-8 American Riddle (in Russian language) , Publisher: Irisen (Russia) 2008 New York New York : St. Martin's Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-312-59678-1 Air Force Era, New York: Public Relations, 2011, ISBN 978-1-58648-981-6 Privileged Sex, Sex, North Charleston, SC : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (On-Demand Publishing LLC), 2013, ISBN 978-1484983126 Wargames: From Gladiators to Gigabytes, Cambridge University Press, 2013, ISBN 978-1-107-03695-6 Conscience: Biography, London, Reaktion, 2015, ISBN 978-1-78023-454-0 Equality: Impossible quest, Kuvola, Castalia House, 2015. Clio and Me Intellectural Autobiography, Kuvola, Castalia, House, 2015. Pussycats: Why the rest of us keep hitting the West- and what can be done about it, CreateSpace, 2016. Hitler in Hell, Castal House, 2017. Read more about the war, Oxford University Press, 2017. Selected articles Through the Glass, Grim: Some Reflections on the Future of War, Defense and National Interest Website, 2000 In the Abyss, Defense and National Interest website, 2004 Why Iraq Will End, as Vietnam Did,, November 18, 2004 Sharon on the War Trail: Israel Plans to Attack Iran?, International Herald Tribune, August 21, 2004 Withdrawal Expensive Price To Earn a Stupid War, Jewish Forward , 25 November 2005 Knowing why not bomb Iran half battle, Jewish Daily Forward, 20 April 2006 Links Notes and b Military Martin aims to strong Israel. The Jewish Telegraph. 2010 - Tel Aviv University website Professor Martin Van Krevedd - Major K. M. French Marine Corps of the United States, Clausewitz vs. Scientist: Advanced Theory of War by Martin Van Krevedd. Von Clausewitz, Carl. The War (1832-1835). Book 1, Chapter 1, paragraph 28. a b Brian Whitaker, Nowhere to Run, November 29, , 2005 - Directed Telescope. received on February 17, 2012. Robert Green (2010). 33 War Strategies. page 65. ISBN 978-1-84765-142-6. ... this is what military historian Martin van Kreveld calls a directed telescope: people in different parts of the chain, and elsewhere, to give you instant information from the battlefield. - Van Krepfeld, Martin (2013). Privileged sex. Create space. ISBN 978-1484983126. Jennifer Byrne, Interview with Martin van Krevedd March 20, ABC, 2002 - cited in The Observer Guardian, The War Game, a Review of the current crisis in the Middle East on 21 September 2003; The original interview was published in the Dutch weekly magazine Elsevier, 2002, No. 17, page 52-53 (April 27, 2002). Martin van Kreveld writes in the International Herald Tribune: Sharon on the warpath: Does Israel plan to attack Iran? - UPI, COMMENTS: ISLAMIC DEJA VU Archived October 23, 2007 on Wayback Machine Analysis of Islam in the Middle East May 21, 2007 - Israel's war with Hezbollah was not a failure. received on February 17, 2012. The Second War in Lebanon: Reassessment, June 2011, Infinity Journal, 2011 - van Kreverd, Martin (December 15, 2010). Israel does not need the West Bank to be safe. Jewish daily newspaper Forward. Received on February 25, 2011. Stephen Kramer (February 4, 2011). Israel needs the West Bank to be safe. Jewish Times of South Jersey. Archive from the original on January 26, 2013. Received on February 25, 2011. Jason Pack: , Middle East History Researcher and, President of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation website - van Krewerd, Martin; Pak, Jason (February 23, 2011). The coup in Libya gaddafi is not just another Arab uprising. Christian Science Monitor. Received on February 25, 2011. Perhaps the decisive event that forever changed the dynamics was the speech of Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, which was broadcast late on the evening of 21 February on Libyan national television. Mr Islam, perhaps pursuing new reforms, blamed reactionary conservatives like Prime Minister Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi for the situation in the country, and vowed that he would use his weight with his father to stop violence against protesters. Instead, he played Mubarak's card - if you don't stick with me, you'll get Islamism, separatism, Western intervention and total chaos. Martin van Krevedd; Jason Park (March 14, 2012). Hands on Syria, hands away from Iran. Project Syndicate. Archive from the original on November 21, 2013. Received on March 15, 2012. FOCUS Online, Es geht nur mit Assad!, FOCUS Online (in German) - FOCUS Online, Das Schlimme und das Schlimmere, FOCUS Online (in German) - Sollte der Westen auf Assad setzen?, Publikationen, Politisches Bildungsforum Brandenburg, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (in German) - Thomas Speckmann, Machthaber Syriens: Hafis and Baschar, Die Seit (in German), Hamburg, ISSN 0044-2070 and (January 21, 2009). External links to Martin van Creveld's website Appearances on Jennifer Byrne's C-SPAN. Interview with Martin Van Krevedd, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 20 March 2002. Art of War interview on the future of war Martin van Krevedd in the BESA Conference-2002 Clausewitz vs. Scientist: Martin Van Krewerd Advanced Theory of War, analysis by Major K. M. 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