United Republic of Tanzania Prime Minister’S Office Regional Administration and Local Governments
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THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS KYELA DISTRICT COUNCIL SSTTRRAATTEEGGIIICC PPLLAANN 2011/12 – 2015/16 District Executive Director Phone: +255 25 2540035 Kyela District Council +255 25 2540037 P.o Box 320 KYELA Fax: +255 25 2540007 MBEYA REGION E-mail ..………….…….. AUGUST, 2011 THE VISION Kyela District Council to be capable and efficient in providing quality social and economic services for people`s prosperity by the year 2020 THE MISSION To be an effective and efficient council which promote people`s prosperity by providing high quality Social – economic services with transparency, fairness and integrity through competent and motivated staff THE MOTTO “IMPROVEMENT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC SERVICES FOR KYELA SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” i NO. CHAPTER PAGE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 THE LGRP PROCESS STATUS 1 1.2 PREPARATION FOR THE COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLAN 3 1.3 LAYOUT OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN DOCUMENT 3 1.4 BASIC DATA ON THE COUNCIL (COUNCIL PROFILE 3 1.5 SOCIAL SERVICES 5 2.0 SITUATION ANALYSIS 12 2.1 SERVICE DELIVERY STATUS 12 3.0 THE MISSION, VISION AND COUNCIL FUNCTIONS 39 3.1 THE COUNCIL’S VISION 39 3.2 THE COUNCIL’S MISSION 39 3.3 THE COUNCIL’S THEME 41 3.4 STAKEHOLDERS’ EXPECTATIONS: 41 3.5 COUNCIL BASIC FUNCTIONS & SERVICE DELIVERY GOALS 41 3.6 FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL’S DEPARTMANTS 42 4.0 COUNCIL’S ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING 45 4.1 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS 45 4.2 INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT 50 5.0 IDENTIFICATION OF SWOTs, ENABLERS, KSI & KRAs 52 5.1 IDENTIFIED ‘SWOTs’ 52 5.2 ENABLERS AND CONSTRAINTS 53 6.0 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES 59 6.1 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 59 6.2 STRATEGIES AND SERVICE TARGETS 70 6.3 THE BUDGET FOR STRATEGIC PLAN. 71 7.0 IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN AND BUDGET 97 7.1 ACTION PLAN AND BUDGET 97 7.2 KEY ASSUMPTIONS/ISSUES TO CONSIDER 98 - 120 ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATION EXPANDED FORM ANC Ante naetal Care ARI Apper Respiratory Infections BCG Tuberculosis immunization Antigen CBOs Community Based Organizations (Taasisi za kijamii) CCM Chama Cha Mapinduzi (Tanzania’s ruling Party) CHADEMA Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (opposition political party) CUF Civic United Front (Chama cha wananchi) DALDO District Agriculture & Livestock Development Officer DAS District Administrative Secretary DC District Commissioner D.C. District Council DE District Engineer DED District Executive Director DEO District Education Officer DHRO District Human Resource Officer DMO District Medical Officer DPLO District Planning Officer DS Divisional Secretary DT District Treasurer DWE District Water Engineer FBOs Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) FGM Female Genital Mutilation GDP Gross Domestic Product GER Gross Enrolment Ratio GNP Gross National Product HIV/AIDS Human Immune Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome KRA Key Result Areas KSI/A Key Strategic Issues/Areas HoDs Heads of Departments LAAC Local Authorities Accounts Committee LGAs Local Government Authorities LGRP Local Government Reform Programme LGSC Local Government Service Commission MAFS Ministry of Agriculture & Food Security (Wizara ya Kilimo na Chakula) MCH Maternal & Child Health MoEC Ministry of Education & Culture MoF Ministry of Finance MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework NBS National Bureau of Statistics i ABBREVIATION EXPANDED FORM CCM Chama Cha Mapinduzi NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations PAC Public Accounts Committee PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal PMORALG Prime Minister’s Office Regional Administration & Local Governments PSM Public Service Management RAS Regional Administrative Secretary RC Regional Commissioners RS Regional Secretariat RCHC Reproductive and Child Health Coordinators StrPln Strategic Planning TB Tuberculosis TBA Traditional Birth Attendants TLP Tanzania Labor Party TT Anti Tetanus Immunisation Antigen UDP United Democratic Party VEO Village Executive Officer VHW Village Health Workers WDC Ward Development Committee WEO Ward Executive Officer ZRT Zonal Reform Team ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Kyela District Council was re-established in 1984 after a series of Landmarks that led to the enacting of Local Government Act.No.7 (District Authorities) of 1982. It is one among eight councils comprising Mbeya Region. Five years rolling strategic Plan for Kyela defines the future direction of the Council for the period 2011/2012 – 2016/2017 by setting the goals, defining the major strategy and strategies objectives, the strategies, activities and resources needed to realize the vision. It is based on a systematic assessment of the existing situation and was developed through a highly participatory process involving all key stakeholders. The Government of Tanzania is committed to provide sustainable quality and responsive services to its citizens, through Local Government Authorities (LGAs). The Government in 1996 prepared the Local Government Reform Agenda whose Mission is to strengthen the democratically elected, autonomous local government authorities responsible to deliver social and economic services according to locally defined needs, within the set national policy and legal frameworks. Empowering the LGAs means to capacitate them to plan strategically and provide quality services to the community. This means to be able to provider Inter-sectoral Co-ordination, Plan and Control the Budget and be able to make decisions, implement and enable efficient Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation at all levels. Kyela District Council has prepared for new strategic plan for the period of five years of 2011/12– 2016/17 for 2011/12. Plan and Budget encompasses all the Strategic Planning process including, situation analysis, organization scan, key result area, development of strategic objectives, strategies, services delivery target, performance indicators and those implementers. Preparation for the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) is underpinned by a set of government policy statements. Such policies include Tanzania Development Vision 2025, Medium Term Plan for growth and Poverty Reduction (MTP), and the Local Government Reform Program (LGRP). The Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) covers the period of the three years (2011/12 – 2013/14). The main emphasize of this MTEF are:- To improve District performance. To create more relevant institutional structures To increase levels of institutional, departmental, and individual accountability. To improve transparency and communication between management, employees and stakeholders. To establish priorities for efficient and effective resource allocation This MTEF preparation has involved different stakeholders as well as following directions, guidelines and other relevant documents from sectoral/ leading ministries. Through the village and Ward levels, community was fully participated to decide on their needs/demands in implementation of Strategic Plan. Therefore, the Plan for the year 2011/12 – 2013/14 has considered the following issues: The process of O & OD which was on 2011/12 – 2012/13 from the village and ward level. iii One year Action Plan for 2011/2012 from the village and Ward level Guidelines for the preparation of plan and budget for 2011/12 within the five year development plan framework (2018 - 16) National priorities which were set during the Budget period for the year 2011/2012 Different National Policies and Guidelines Different opinions/advices from different Leaders and stakeholders e.g. Head of Departments, Political Leaders and Religious Leaders together with the instructions provided by different government Leaders during their visit in the District. National Vision 2000 – 2025 Millennium Development Goals 2000 – 2015 The Kyela District Council Strategic Plan is a five years rolling plan effective 2013/14 to 2017/18. However, among the Strategic Objectives there are those, which will cover the whole period and perhaps beyond, and those, which will start and finish during the strategic plan period. Value for money studies on alternative service delivery option had been conducted and the Council has come up with 14 activities that might be outsourced or privatized. These activities have been identified after deep consideration and calculation of value for money and making a vale for money analysis for each activity. These include: Construction and rehabilitation works (Roads and buildings) Operating public toilets Office and environment cleaning The security service for council. Maintenance of Council Plant and Vehicles Mechanical and Electrical Workshop/Garage Town market & bus stand cleaning and waste collection. Improvement of sewage systems Revenue Collection (some sources) Dipping services Auction centers Slaughter slabs, and Tree nurseries. Since the Strategic Planning is a process which involves different stakeholders is more of participatory nature, then its implementation takes a community participation approach, therefore need for a community partnership in monitoring and evaluation means that people take a significant role in deciding when, how and what to monitor or evaluate. Strategic plan Monitoring deals mainly with strategic plan inputs, activities and outputs; whereas Strategic plan Evaluation is more focused on the assessment of outcomes and impacts. The Monitoring and evaluation procedures depend on indicators to measure the performance of an intervention. iv Challenges encountered in 2017/2018 Budget Implementation. The challenges encountered were associated with lack of funds to implement planned