Gold Coast Transit (Formerly South Coast Area
_~-©-guw~ D JUN 3 0 2017 Ventura L AFCo ---·94-54 SCATtL ________________ _ ---------- I VfNTURACITY OF CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P.O. Box 99 501 Poli Street #204 Ventura. CA 93002 ' __.. - -~I .· , 49souTH COAST AREA TRANSIT e COUNCIL APPROVAL 94-54 DATE:#fAGENDA# £-j>Q) "SCAT" This Joint Powers Agreement ("Agreement") is made this 2nd day of November, 1994, between the City of Port Hueneme, the City of Ojai, the City of Oxnard, the City of San Buenaventura, and the County of Ventura (the "member agencies"). Each of the cities is a municipal corporation of the State of California, and the County of Ventura is a political subdivision of the State of California. This Agreement supersedes and replaces the Joint Powers Agreement dated July 17, 1973 as amended August 4, 1973, January 16, 1975, March 12, 1975, October 27, 1977, January 16, 1980, and July 1, 1994. Savings Provision: The intent of this Agreement is simply to rewrite and consolidate editorially the initial Joint Powers Agreement and its Amendments between the agencies (parties). The existing Joint Powers Agency, known as South Coast Area Transit (SCAT), shall continue in existence with full powers, purposes, rights, benefits and authority. SCAT shall remain obligated under all its present contracts, agreements, commitments, and liabilities, and none of these obligations shall terminate, lapse, or be modified, as a result of the execution or operation of this Agreement. No officer or employee of SCAT shall suffer any lapse in office or benefits as a result of the execution and operation of this Agreement.
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