WEDNESDAY- NOVEMBER 1 - DRUID PARK - 5E Mainly flat, mainly sidewalk, explore this historically interesting park. MEET: 10.00 A.M. at Zoo. Entrance. From I-83 exit 7 west to Druid Lake Drive and follow signs to Zoo. LEADER: Marta Harrison 410-241-4918
[email protected] MW WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 1 - RIVER VALLEY RANCH/HEMLOCK GORGE -6.5M An interesting hike in the Prettyboy Reservoir watershed in Baltimore County. There are several HILLS but this route avoids the challenging rock scramble without sacrificing a nice view of the gorge. MEET: Middletown Road P&R, Exit 31 off I-83for a prompt 9.30 AM departure. LEADERS: Carolyn & Bill Bauer 410-661-3182 /
[email protected]. No calls after 8.00 PM. Carpool cost $1.00. WEDNESDAY – NOVEMBER 1 – BILLY GOAT TRAIL – 12H ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED We will be hiking along the Potomac River up to Great Falls and looping back by other trails. This hike includes a difficult rock scramble, creek crossings, and spectacular overlooks of the river. Pace will be 2.5 - 3 mph. LEAVE 7:15 AM from two different locations. LOCATION 1: Presbyterian Circle Park and Ride at intersection of US-29 and MD 108. From I-70 take exit 87 (left lane if you are I-70 westbound) onto US 29 South about 4.5 miles to MD 108 East exit 21A. Turn right at the first street, Presbyterian Circle. P&R is on the right. LOCATION 2: Crofton Country Club. From Baltimore: I:97 South exit 7, Rt 3 South (Crofton/Bowie exit, not Business 3.) About 5.5 miles, take left at light at Crawford Blvd (second light after McDonald's in the median strip.) Bear right and take the first left into the country club.