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•^ s '9 \ -^ ^ JmILLS and HICKS'sH^ r \J^


f A -N D I I T

I AMERICAN I ^ i IKE GISTER,! T f f With an f ^i A L M A N A G K |g

1 For the Year 17745 ; 1 T "r*- ?

T Being tbe Second after Biflextilc or Lcip.Year, f

k Calculated for the Ufe of all the h

i i i New-England Provinces, f

f BOSTONj t f Printed and fold by MILLS and HICKS, * » i at their Printing-OflBce in School-Areet, 1 Vt next Door to , I CromweU's-Head. T r% ^^ •<>--0"~<>""<.-<>....0....<4^>M..o...o~^-<^..-<^" .<>-|^ ^

- _^,....._.../VUfi- A D V E R T 1 ,S.£ M E N T. THE Subfcribers here pfefent to the refpeftable Public tl:e:r BRITISH and AMERICAN jREGISTER, for 1774 ; which they have fpared

JEo Pains to render compleat and correct ; and as it is i!:eir firfl Undertaking (of ihis Kind) and a really netef- Tir?, nreful Publication, they hope it will meet with a [favourable Receotion. In compiling of which they with [Gratitude'acknowiedge their Obligations to thofe Gen tlemen who have furnifliffd them with Materials, and \mu{\ intre^t them to continue their Ailiflance yearly, as A\ ork of this Nature will always need Corrediion and lAltention. If, in the following Lifts, any Inaccuracies have efcaped [Notice, and any Gentleman finds his Name omitted, or [his proper Office not inferted, he is dcfired to give JNotice to the Publilhers, who will make the neceilary Alteration in their next.-— Any Obfervatiens that may d to the Improvement of this Work, will be thank- fully acknowledged by the Servants of the Public, MILLS and HICKS.

TH T. F^llern Poft arrives it Bofton on Saturday Evening, fets out again early on Tuefday Morn- ing, and puts up at Mr. Hubbard's, in King-llreet. The PortfmouthChaife which pafTes through Newbnry, Ipfvvich and Salem, arrives at Bolton on Wednefday Evening, fets out again early on Friday Morning, and puts up at Mrs. Bean's, in King-ftreet. The Poft from the Southward, which comes along tht Sea Coaft, arrives on Saturday Evening, the Mail is clofed at the Poft-OiBceon Monday, at one o'CIock Afternoon, the Polt puts up at Mr. Morton's, at the Sign of the Black and White Horfe, in Newbury-ilreet. The Poft from New-York, ?cc. by Way of Hartford, irrives on Wednefday Evening, the Mail is clofed at the Poft-Office on Thurfday at one o'CIock Afternoon, Between Bofton and Providence three Stage-Coaches jafs and repafs, twice a Week, and put tip at the Sign he White Horfe, and Black and White Horfe. Between Bofton and Salem a Ghaife pafles and repilTes :hree Times a Week, and puts up at Mrs. Bean's, in K. in g- ftrcet.

A 2 3 i he D 1 S T A N C E S of the moft remark from BOSTON, with the interm.

(I) To Plimouth and Cape Cod. TAVERNS. TOWNS. Miles. , Dorchefler Vofe or Brown, Milton Brackett, Braintree Whitmarfh Weymouth .Culhing, Hingham Jacobs, Hanover Hall, Pembroke Loudon, Duxbury Little, Kingftoa

Rowland, Bar tie t Pltmouth and Witherel, Cornifti, Ditto Ellis, Ditto Newcomb or Feflenden, Chipman Barnftable How Of Crocker, Ditto Beare, Yarmouth Snow, Harwich Merrick, Eftham Higgins, Ditto Smith, Welliiect Collins, Truro Grofe, Ditto Atwood, or Province* Conant, town

{\l.) To Martha's Vineyard. Newcombp ble Towns on the CONTINENT, iate Diflances in computed Miles. oughton CrX.) To New-London and 2thersfie]d 3| Hinrdale, Kenfingt on iddieton 1 1 Robin for), Meriden rham Walings- 6i John (on, 7^38 illjngsford ford 10 Mansfield, Narth-ha\en 5 143 rlh-Haven Kiiby or Bears, Neiv-Have7i iv- Haven fXIIl; Road to N. Haven and neral Spring. New-York )okfisld '^.- Kilby or Haven i63 to Bears, N. Laws or Miiford i69 nifie.'d Mallet, 173 Kto Bryant, Ditto Stratford i77 fford OrfbornorOlcot, Penfield, Fairlield 184 tto B^ickly, 196 n.Spring Kechum, Beld Norwalk VToangs, Stamford Hantord and Fitch, QuJntard, Ditto 206 ven. Marvel, Havil, Rye 21(5 dham f 3 Sutton, Gidney, Marrineck i23 tto U Baiiey, Kew Rochel 226 20 ediieid Butler, Eaft Cheller 30 edway 24 Djkeman, Kingforidge - 4a 26 tio Fowler, 251 jlifion 29, endon 36 (XIV.; Road to Deerlield. tto 3 7 {Brewer, Walthani bridge 43!Parks, Lincoln juglafs 47 Gates, Sro\7 lUngVf Richardfon, Bolton lomlbn Lock, . Lancarter to Geary, Ditto mfret Holden, Vv'ellminfler itto Church, Templeton hford Baker, Dic:% tto \V inflow, Peterihain tto Cooke, Kew Salem Bill.:ng, Sunderland tto Root, Montague ansfield Deer entry Hoit, fie Id Hartford 7 (XV.) Another Road to Deerfield, 10 Brewer, ^\ akhajn irtford ll 1 12 [Baldwin, Wenori eatherfd. 3 nilBent, Sudbury r. Sv/amo 7 i2iHowe Marlboro* )ill _ Ditio tin, I Mai Cuihing, Furnafs, Child, I Davies, itflne, Craige,

Biickminller Wimflow, Coo^ce, Dickinfon, Field,

Hubbard, . BiUmgs, Cnrtiand, Hoit. )itto XXIO Road to theEailAtard ov Charlellown-ferry. BllJings Medford Kettle, porter, Maiden Newhall, Lynn PeJmonr.Symons, Danvers Goodhoe, Webb, Sriiem

Waters, - Bcvejly Pfjrter Wenham Smith, Tradewelljlpfwich Pafon, Rv-ivvley Newbury Pierce, old Town


Knowlton, Salifbury Davidron,Sa.nborn,J^-^fP^°" LoTci, Lover, North-Hill Folfom or Clark, Greenland Stavers, Fofs, or _ / Portfmout]^ ,i Tiiron, , Woodbridge, Old York Cliirlc, Ditto lling, Wells LiLtlcflcld, Ditto [efferds. Ditto Kimbil!, Kennebunk Paterfon, Arundel] Alien, Saco Miilikin, Scarborongl Marfli, Ditto Skilling, Falmouth Toms, Ditto Chadwich, Moody, Fal.Town Backnam, New Calco Loring,, N. Yarmouth Mitchell, Ditto Coffin. Ditto Stone, BrimAvick Brown's Ferry Springer, George Tn Harden *reiry Woolwich Read, Ditto | ' 1 he foHoviing Litt -or Officers, not being received feilonably, we are obliged to infert them here. cf Oncers cf his Majejty's S9th and 65//; Rs^imenti Jtatluned at Halifax, in Kova-Scotia. I F T- Y - NINTH REGIMENT. »hrt Owen, Colonel. Otlio Ha.n;:lcon. Lieut. Col.

Vlihvard, Maj Ltcuten.vi.t , Enftgni. Cap ta ins, George Heibcrt, Gi;orge Sproule, m M 'Donald John Clarke, James Fiee/nan, ert Skene, George Bali, Vv alter-Haynef, I "\V ilfon, NarcilTus Hufon, Ambrose S.n:pfon, rge Gray, Thomas "W'ilfou, Robert Gardiner,

. Moncreiffe, Thos. HevTetfoa, Robert C- dd, les Moore, vCharlesO-.ven, Bulkelev Gould, liara Pawktt, D.M.Woodward, R^ichard Balkeky. John Pigott, imes Fisgj *\ndrew Defpard, ptain Lieut, John Harrifcni

es Miller, Chaplain. \ CBarJesOwen, Q:'arter-Maft.

Hewetibn, Adjutant. 1 Trotter Hiil, Surgeon. S I X T Y - F I F T H REGIMENT. dward Urmfton, Colonel.- Hon, T. Bruce, Lieut. Co 1. Batler. Maj. . Enfigns, Captains. Jonas "Watfon, John Sniith, ids Marfb, James Lindfay, I'ohn Weftrop p,

1 Handfield, A. Kinloch Gordon, Roger Moityn, rge Sinclair, Step. Winthrop, John Bay lie, liam Compton, John Watfon, George Gordon, 1 Mackay, Charles Craufe, Henry Miller, iam Hudfon, Spaighr, Henry Blacker, ;rt Brifcoe. John Hales, Powell Parry. F. Seymour Hearft, hn Roberts, John Pexton, ptiiin Lieut. Edward Jenkins. ge Farren, Chaplain. John Watfon.Qi'-arter-Maft. Weftropp, Adjutant. William Fletcher, Surgeon.

ers of the Train belonging to Plimouth ifl: Regiment am Winflosv Captain' John Vriiiilow 2d Lieut.

VV'inflow, jun. ill: Lieut.

ers of the Train belong n^ to Berklhire ift Regiment-

1 Dickinfon Captai'lMofcs Gravcc, jun. 2d Lt, Williams ift LieurJjohn Sergeant 3d Lieut,

ers of the Train belonging to Eilex 5 ih Regiment, Pediick CaptainlSweit Hooper 2d Lieut VVliite Capt. Lieut.JKnoi Pedrick Lieut. Fire wafey III Lieu:.[ (worker-

I 1 TABLE of the weight and value of Coins, as they pafs New-England.w on Saturday, hath XXXI Days. iltQuarier, Wednefday 5th Day, 44m. Afternoon. ewMoon, Wednefday 12th Day, 4h. Morning. rft Qiiarter, Wednefday 19th Day, loh. 40m. Morning. Afternoin. II Moon, Tharfday 27th Day, 2h. 7m.

) * ^ FEBRUARY begins onTueRIay, liath XXVHI Days.

Latl Quarter, Thuiklay 3d Day, leh. Hm. Attcrnoon. New Moon, Thurfday lotli Day 3I1. 56m. Afternoon. Firrt Quarter, P'riday :8ih Day, 7I1. 21m. Morning, Full Moon, Saturday 26th Day, sh. 481T). Morning.

Sun rif High Water IM ri CALEND hR. & fets. Morn Ev^cn \sc fet HMH H M H M ]H M 2 57 3 20 |io 2

Puri. V. M. 4 8 ji r 2( 4 59 Mori 5 53 [o 3 Perigee. 6 50 ' I 3 Sexagefima Sunday. 7 48 2 ! 3 8 47 i 3 4 9 17 9 45 . 4 3 10 13 10 40 5 2 11 8 ir 32 ,])fet 11 57 Even ^4 Morn 12 43 ; I 7 3 I 6 1 28 Qiiinquagcfima Smid. ^ 3 12 I Valentine. 1 50 2 9 3 Shrove Tuefday. 2 33 2 54 10 3 Aili-Wednefday, 3 i<5 3 37 " 3 3 59 4 21 Mo 4 44 5 7 o • Apogee. 5 30 5 53 I 2 lit Sunday in Lent. 6 17 6 41 2 7 6 7 31) 3 8 18 7 54 3 ,5 8 43 9 7 4 4 St. Matthias. 9 5^ 9-54 5 2J| 10 f€ 'lb '4i« 5

Morn 11 26 })ri r«|? 12 2d Sunday ia Lent. 12 Even 7 29 6| 12 59 t 22 8

Superior Court ar Bofton and Fairfield 3d Tuefday ; ; New-Haven 4th Tuefday. Inferior Court at Port mouth I ft Tuefday; at Northampton ad Tuefday; ir^"

'« South Kingfton 3d Monday ; at Pittsfield 4th Tue: day. pf.' H M A R C H begins on TuefJay, hath XXXI Days ait qijaiter, Saturday 5th Day, 5^^- 3*5™. Morning. few Moon, Saturday i2tliDay, 5^' 'om* Morning

'trft Quarter, Sunday 20th Day, 3h. 48m. Morning, Afternoon. ull Moon, Sunday 27th Da y, 6h. 27m. Sun rif CALENDAR. & fets. Morn <5 HMH 3 David. 6 28 6 4 27 6 5 26 6 6 Perigee. 25 6

7 iPrfs. oi^Hefreborn. 24 6 B 13d Sunday in Lent. 22 6 2f C 20 6 4 19 6 5 id 6 6 16 6 - - 15 6 7J - B '4 th Sunday in Lent. 13 6 6 II 6 6 lO 6 6 9 6 St. Patrick. 6 7 6 STAMP-ACT Rep .16 5 6 - '6 4 6 5th Sunday in Lent. '6 2 6

5 S9 7 3 58 7 5 57 7 5 56 Annunciation, V. M. S 55 5 54 6tii Sunday in Lent. 5 53 i5 51 50 43 '5 47 APRIL begins on Friday, hath XXX Days. M A Y begins on Suntlay, hath XXXI Days. JUNE begins on Wednefday,, hath XX^rOays. Lalt CJuarter, Wednefday ilt Day. 3h. 38m. Morning. New Moon, Thuifday 9th Day, ih, 37m. Morning. FirllQii.irter, Friday 17th Day, 2h. 38m. Morning. Full Moun, Tliurfday 23d Day, 7h. 33m. Afternoon. L3.ii C^iiarter, Thurfday 30th Day, ah. 17m. Afternoon.

Sun r if.

C A L E l^I D A R.

4 5 6

7 K. GEORGE III. b. B iL\ Sunday p. Trinity. 2 Art. Eleilioa Bolton. 3 4 5 # Apog.ee. 6

7 B 2d Sunday p. Trinity. 2 3 4 5 6

7 B 3d Sun. after Trinity. 2 3 4 5 19 Perigee. 6|St. Jolin Baptlft.

B;4th Sun. paft Trinity.

i9j 4 Si. Peter. 3" 5' V JULY begin s on Friday, hath XXXI Days»- AUGUST begins on Monday, hath XXXI Day New Moon, Sunday 7th Day, 7h. lom. Morning. Firft Qjiarter, Sunday 14th Day, 6h. 53m. Afternoori

FullMoon, Sunday i I It Day, loh. ism. Morning. ^ Lalt C^iiarter, Sund.iy 28th Day, 7h. 44m. Afternoon.

iun rif CALENDAR. 2!^ Lammas-Day.


Transfiguration. lothSund. pait Trin.

Pr. ot" "Wales born.

ut!i Sund. paft Trin.

Prin. Fredei'iok born.

1 2 th Sun^ pall Trin.

Gommenc. Dart. Col. St. Bartholomew.

3th Sun. pall Trin. St. John Beheaded. Apogee. P T E M B E H. begins on Tliu rfday, liatr, X>.A Pays. w"Moor>, Monday 5th Day, 9!i. 14^. Afternoon,

ll Quarter, Tuefday 15th Day, 49m. Mornings

11 Moor, Monday 19th Day, 8h. sjm. Afternoon, i Afternoon, .ft Quarter, Tuefday 27th Day, ah. im. ' V O C T O B E R tegms on Saturday, iiath XXXI Da] V EM B E R begins on Tuefdav, hath XXX Days.

Moon, Thurftiay sd Day, loh . 8m. /\tternoon. all, soitu : CLiarter, Thurfd.iy loth Day. Afternoon. Moon, Friday iSth Bay, ih. 30m. Morning. (^lurter, Saturday 26 :Y, Day. 6 h. 6m. Morning, iiunrif CALENDAR. & fets, HMH All Saints. 6 54 6

Powder-Plot. 23d Sun. pail Trin. ^ Perigee.

24 th Sun. pall Tfln.

th Sun. paid Trin, i'.% Apogee. 3 4 5 6

7 B Advent'Sunday. 2

4 St. Andrew. hath XXXI Da^ DECEMBER begins en Thurfday, l

New Moon^'~Saturday, ^d Day, 9h. 8m. Morning. . Firlt Quarter, Saturday loth Day, 36m. Mornhig. Full Moon, Saturday 17th Day, 7h. ssrn. Afternoor Sunday 25th Day, uh. -16m. Afternoc Lail^

1708 Douglas. ,P of Dover E of Drumlanrik "

r 1 7 1 Hamilton D of Brandon MofClydfdale ; Bertie of Ancartcr of Lin fey 17 15 D M ! Pierpoiht D of Kingfton M of Dorcliefter - 17 16 Cavendifli Bentick D ofPortl. M of Titchfield 1719 Montague D of Mancheiler V Mandeviile " Brydges D of Chandos M cff Carnarvon '• 720 Sackville D of Porfet S of Middle fcK Egerton D of Bridgfewatcr Mof Bracldey E756 PelhamCIintonP of Newcaft.. E of Lincoln 766 Percy D of Northumberland E of Percy Montagu D of Montagiw' M of Montherraerf M A R.Q^U I S 1746 Wentworth M of Rocking. E of.Mahon^ • EARLS. ' 1442 Talbot Earl of Shrewibury Lord Lalbot 1485 Stanley E of Derby L Strange 1529 HalHngs E of Huiitington L Hakings 1551 Herbert E of Pembrckc L Herbert 2603 Howard E of Suffolk y Andover 605 Cecil E of Salifburj' V Cranburn ' Cecil E of Exetei- L Burghleigh 1618 Compton E of Nortliaraptcn L Compton 1622 Fielding E Denl»eigh V Fielding 1624 Fane E of Weftmoreland L Burgher/h 1627 Mordaunt E of PeterborojlghfV Mordaunt '^ 1628 Grey^ - E" of Stamford- - ' ^ L' Grey Finch E of Winchelfea y Maidftone Stanhdpe E of Chellerfield L Stanhope T«ttnn E Thanet L Tufton i66» Mbntagoe E of Sandwich V Kinchinbroke 1 66 1 Hollis Capel E of Ellex V Maiden Howard E Ci'Hflc V Morpeth 1661 Scott E of Donta/ter E Dalkeith 1672 Cooper E Shaftefbury L Afhley 1674 Lee Eof Litchfield V Qiurendon 1679 Berkley E of Berkley VDurfley 1682 Bertie E of Abingdon JjL Norreys "' '""-^" " " ' - X ' 26 EARLS 1 754 Yorkc E of Hardwick Vane E of Darlington 1756 BellafyfeE Fauconberg Fox E of Ilchefter 1761 Welt E Delaware Talbot E Talbot 1764 Henley E of Northington 1765 Bou verie E of Radnor Spencer E Spencer 1766 Pitt E Chatham BAR O N S. Hill L Hardwich 1762 Darner L Milton .LyrteltonL Lyttelton Montague L Beaulieu r76o Petty L Wycombe Vernon L Vernon "Watfon L Sondes Lane L Bingley 1761 Robinfon L Grantham 1763 Fox L Holland Grofvenor L Grofvenor Morton L Ducie Cuizon L Scarfdale 1765 Pratt L Cambden I,by L Boften Digby L Digby ^6^ Peicival L Lovel 1766 Campbell L Sundridge Pe'hamL Pclham Bathurt L Apiley

DeerelTes in their civn Right, l/y Creation or Defcnet. 740 Cu mpbell March. Grey 1760 Hill Baronefs Stawell 722 Sc'aulemberg Couniefs 1761 StevvartBMontStewart of Wallfingham Pitt Baronefs Chatham :209 Percy Blronefs Percy 1762 Fox Baronefs Holland Coke Baronefb Clifford 1767 Townfliend Baroaefs J Munay Baron. Strange Greenwich.

ARCHBISHOPS and BISHOPS. Se^s. Names. Sees. Names. Archbifl?eps. Nornvich, Dr. flB/ffi'*ry,Dr.Fr.Cornwallis GloUceJiex, Dr. \Varburton 'erk, Dr. Drumraond Bangor, Dr. John Ewer Bifhofi. Lincoln, Dr. John Green :>>ndon, Di. Rich.Terrick Erijlol, Dr. Tho. Newton -yurham, Df. J. Egertoa Exeter, Dr. Fred. Keppel Vinchejter, Dr./on. Thomas Oxford, Dr. Robert Louth 3i. Jaj. Johnfon Feterbort' Dr. Jo.Hinchliffe hiihejter, Dr. Afliburnham Chejter, Dr. W. Markham r«ii/bury, Di-. ^Litcl^eld, Dr. Brown North,

TJjc Biihops of Ltndtn, Durham and fVinchefter, t/kc kce next to the Archbifhops, and ail tie reU according o Priority of Co»fecrAtion,

c 3 ^9 S c T c H Nob n

Taln^AHi EofDyfart L Huntingtour Doug as E of Selkirk L Dair Carnegy E of Norihelk L Rofehiil Lindfay B of Balcarras h Cummerland Radcllffe E of New burgh- L Kinnard Gordon E of A boy L Glenlivet Cockran E of Dbndonald L Cockfa>4 Campbell E of Ej:cadarbane I> Gienorchy Gordon Eof Aberdcea L Hodd') * Murray E of Duumore LFincaftle Obrlen Countefs of Orkney L Kirkwall * Douglas Eof March L N dpath * H:;me E of Marchrmnt L Polvvarth Carinichcal E of Hyndford L Cirm^cheal * Primrofe E of Rofeberry L Dalmany Boyle E of Glafgow L Boyle Dalrymple E of Stair L Dalrymple * Stewart E of Bute L Montftewart Hope ¥. >^x Hopetcp. L Hope Collie^ E of PoFtinore V Milfington o6 Sco: E of Deloraine. Y H^rm ta^e V I S C O U N T S. Cirey V FalklaHd 1651 Macg'Il V Oxenford |

^Murray V Stonnont 1 66 1 Ingram Vlrwm Arbuthnot V Arb. 1672 Olborne V Dumblain BAR O N S. Borthwick L Btrthw. 1607 Fairfax L F:!irfa:< Forbes L Forbes 1618 Mackey L Rea Frafer L Salioun Alton L Afton Grey L G.^ey 1633 Maclelan L Kircudb. Cathcan LCathcart Forreller L Forrefter Somerville L Someiv. 1^42 Ogil/y L B.inff. Sempill L Sempill 1642 Murray L Elibank D juglas LMordington 1647 Falconer 1, Hjkerton 09 EiphinfionLEiphinlh 1648 Hamilton L Belhai'en Oliphant L Oliphant 16-jo Rollo LRoIlo

Rofe L Rofe 16 j I Colvil L Colvil Ssndilaiids L Torph. Ruthven L Ruthven Ledie L Lindores 1660 Leflie L Newark Stewart L Blantyre Ruthejford L Ruth. Cranilon L Cfanilon 166 r Bellenden LBcUenden Napier L Napier 1682 Kinnaird L Kinnaird Marchmont, Keeperof the Great Seal of Scotland s Ste\var«^ MacKenzie, Lord Privy Seal of Scotland. Frederick Ciingbell, Lord Regifter of Scotland.

^3. -

R I s H Nobility. ELDEST SONS II DUKE 1 rji66^Fitz.Gc-iald D of Leiniler 1>I ot'Kiidare f EARLS, HisPv.Higknefs W. HenryD.ofGJoucefter, E.of Conneud jHisR.Pligi.nef^mFrcderick i). ofCumberland, E of Dtibji,

(I343 Dc Bargii EailofCkUiicarde ' L Duiikellyn 1620 Boyle Dungarven E of Cork and Orrery ! V Mac Ddnnel E of Antriiii- V Danluce

162 r Nugent P: of X'i^eltmcath L Delvin 1622 Fielding E of Defmond V Fielding Brabaz,')n L Brobazon 1627 E of Me.itii ^. Barry E- of Harry more V Buitevant

1647 ChichefterE-of Donegal ( V ChicheHer La,Tibert E of Caven V Kilcourfie 1654 O'Bi-ien £ of Inchiiiqain 1> OBrien 1660 Cooie Eof Mount rait h V Coote ;66i Moore E of Diogheda V Moore Talbot E of AVatt^rford L Talbot 5^82 Foibei E of G anard L Forbes 1691 Ryaha-t oeGiiikellEofAthlone L Aghrim ;

J716 Fiiz- William EFitz-wilii Y^Ajiltewn _ 3722 Frtz-Maiir ice E of Kerry V'Cian Maurice 17^5 Bilgh E' of Daraly L-C ifton mi Child E- of Tyliiey L Caftlemaine 1733 PerccvilE of Egniont V Pe.ceval 1739 Pcnfonby E of Befborough, V Duncannon

-' J 742 Verney ofVerney- ~ V Fermauagh 1743 Maule E P.uimare V Maule 1746 Beresford E of Tyrone V Beresford 1748 EiHler E of Carrick Vilketrin 1750 Wentworth E of Malton " V Malton 175) Hill E of Hillsborough V ' Fitz-Patrii-k E of UppperOilb. L Gowran J753 Petty E of Sheiburne V Fitz-Maurice J75<5 Boyle E of Sha*inon V B>>y!e Skeffington E of MaiTareene L Loughnaugh Batler E Lanesborough LNewton Ham'kon E of Clanbraflil- LLimerick Rotkfort E of Belvedere L Belfield 1756 ObrienEofThomond L Ibrickan J758 WandesfordKofWandcSfbrd L Caftlecomer J 749 Bermingham E of Loath L Athenry Duffe E of Fife V MacdiifF 32 E A R L 3, ELDEST SONS.. Wellellev E of Morningcon V WelJefley Ludiovv E of Ludlow VPreilon Carpenter E of Tyrconnel V CarJingford Rawdon E of Moyra L Rawdon )2 Gore E of Arran V Sadie y Stopford E of Courtown V Stop ford )3 Leefoii E of Miitoii V Rusborough Maxv/e!! E of Farnhim V Maxwell Knight E of Catherlough V Barrels Caulfield E of CharJemo^nt L Caulfield i6j Saviile E of Mexborougii V Poilington Tarnor E of Wintertori. V Turnor ' Tayler E of Eeftive V Headford 7 St. Lawrence E of Kowth-- L St^ Lawrence Coote E of Belkmont. L CoJloony 8 King E ofKingftoiu L Kinlborough

V I s c o u 50 Butler VMountganei 17 17 20 ViUarS V Grandifon j I AnneJley V Valentia !2 Nettleville V Nettlev.'ijtp 25 Needham V Kilimory |i7ao r Bourke V Botirkc 28 Saunderfun V Lumley Symthe V Strangford '722 "VV^enam V Wen:;ni M725 TaafFe V Taaffe yj-l Jones V Rineiagli 11743

Moiyneax VMolyneux. r 73 r Fairfax V Fairfax w

B A R O N S.

^ DeCourcy Ld Kinfale < 1760 Cole LMbunt-Flor ^^ Butler L Cabier 1 7 62 Hanger L Coleraini 1620 Maynard L Maynard Ciive L Clive Digby L Digb Vernon L Orwell

' 162 1 Biayney L Blayney Olmius Walthain 1627 Sherrad L Sherrad 763 Stratford L Baltinj , 046 HawkyiiL Hawley St.Georg'j L St.Gei r686 Belle w L Belle 1765 Pigoi L Pigot 1706 OHaraL Tyavrly Go'C L Annaly J711 Conway L Conway 1667 Phipps L Mu!gra\^< ^7^5 Evans L Carberry Hewet LLlfford 1717 Southwell L Southwell 1/68 Cosby L Sidney 17 18 'Vy liner L Aylmer Creighton L Erne 733 CufTee L Defert Eyre L Eyre 1746 ForetefcaeAlandLFor. LVjltiell L Irnham 750 Vefey L Knapton r776 Fortefcue L CleariT 752 Proby L Carysfort Dawfon L Dartrey 753 Darner L Mil: on Daw fon L Daw fon J756 PackeahaTD L Loagford M^'ard L Bangor 58 Ciosbie L Brandon Lumb U Melborne Lyfaght L LLIe

Peercifes irt their oivn Right hy Creation or Befcem Land) .7f8 Agcr Counters Brandon! 1 7 66 RewleyVifc. i766Ma.fonCoun:.Gr3ndiron|i77o percivalBaronelsAr

ARC H B 1 S H O P S and B IS- HO Pi 5

Hewet, Lord Liff'>rd, lord rff^h Chuncellor of Ireland Diike ot Dovenlhire, Lord H7\::fi Trenfurer.

ViC C are, 'We). FJ!is ?c l.d Etlgcumbe, V. Treaf. 200. %lph:.hetical,LIST of t-s HOUSE of COMMOAll Ereaed Mar 1772. DY Sir A. T. Knaref- Betfeel Hugh Beverly (h;rou^kBla.ckett Sir Wa.. A^eiucaftle t Ll.G.W.H^ytesburj Blackett Sir %. I^orthuinherl, Robert K/^r';/6;r

s Charles Bofion Lofcawen G. jun. St.Maives

It Wm. LatiKcej'ton BDulton K, CrabL IVorceftt-r on Charles Bgverly Bradlhavv Tliomas Saltafht ther Sir J. A'-ftruthcr Brett Sir Peicy ^leenhro' im Wm. Hafiings Brett Charles LejtTjithiel Sir John Salop Brickdale Ivlatrhevv BrrftoJ SirEiw. Norfolk Bridgenun Sir Hen, U'enloik

John Wall'Hi;ford Bridges Sir Brook Kent George Stamford BrudcnclJ -Hon, Ja. Mnlhdro' F/ivvard Ntri'j'ch BruileneilG.B. idgv??«//; •''^^^. Anthony Axhjknrs ull RichafU Newport Sir Vi\n,Stafford!hire Buller John ]an. E.Mtcr \Vi;l'afn Plytnpton Bulier John fen £ aft loo e Char.'cs Salop Bul!«ck John Maiden. d<;S\vK.W.JSevon^}. Bui lock Jofeph Vi'tndo-cer fr^iles DuffO-'ich Bunbury Sir Charles s^S'olk faac li'ycuKb Bcrgherfn Lord f^yme Regis ton Vifc. Plymouth Burgoyne Jclin Preft ,ton Sir John A'eiviafi Bjrke.JEdmund H'endcv^er

' Charles Gloiuefter Burke William Bediviit m Vifc. Leotntnfter Byane Michael St. 31a'wei Nathaniel Abingdon Burrard Sir Ha''ry Lymington Sir Nich. Anglefen Burrell Peter 7'etnefi n Sir Ed. Chippenham Burrell Dr. Wm. HafleiDere amp Vifc. Qrford Byng -George IVigan trk Aubrey Aldbjru' Cadoga.nCha.S.'Camhrid^e-T. rd Peter Morpeth Oakraf't Col. Thomas Pte-l e Lord Pfierkoro' Cal(iraft John R«(hefter^ R. H. A. Neivptrt Calvert ^'laYioKon Te'wkjbury ckl.dEd. Ch. Cdr/;/;^ Calvert John Heriford. d Sir R. fVtftminfter CampbellL.Fred, Sutherglen Sir Brown. Lincolnjh. Campbell Robert ArsgUfhire Lord Robert iSi»//o« Carnac John Letminfttr Peregrine fVe/tbury CafwaW Timothy BrackUy

SS 6 Caiherlough E Milborne-Pt. Cuft Sir Brown. Jvekhejt, Cave Sir Tho. Leictftenhire Cuft Francis Grant/ia Cavendifli LdGeo. Dsrtyshire Damer Hon. John Gatti Caveiidifli Ld Fred. De: hy Damer Jojin Dorckeft Cavendifh l.d John 2'ork Damet Hon. Geo. Crickla Cavendifli Henry Leffwitluel Davers Sir C. lVeymoutIi,6' Child Robert iVell. Dawkins Henry Ckipperka CholmleyNath. Bore.f^.^in^ft Dempfter Geo. Dundee,<6- ClanbraflilEari He/ftonc De Grey Thomas Norfi Clare Ld Vile. Brifial Deiaval Geo. Northumbei Clarke Godf. Bag. Derby//;. Delavsl SirJ.Hufley Berivi Clavering Sir T. Dtir/iXounty Dickenfon Wm. Mario Clayton Sir Rob. Bhtchingly Dickfon James Psebles,& Clayton Wm. Gr. Marloiv Dillon Hon. Cha. JVeftbu Clevland John Earnftnpl^ Dodd John Readi Clive Lord Shremijhnry DolbenSirW. Ntrthamtom Clive George BiJvopiC'-vftle Donegal Earl Malm'bu Cocks Charles Ryegate Douglas Wm. Kirkcudbrig Codrington SirW. Te^ivk/l^uiy Douglas J. St,Leger Hha Cslebrooke Sir Geo. Arundci Douglas Archi. Dumfries Congreve Ralph CarJigan-T, Dowdefwell W. IVoocefter. ConoliyRt.Hoa.Th.C7j/f£//cr Downe Lord Vifc. Malt ConwayRt.Hon,H.S. Thetf. Drake Fra. Wm. Beeralfl Coaway Hon.H. S. Coventry Drake W« fen. Agmonde/hi Conway Hon. R. S. Orford Drake Wm. jan. di Conyngham Vifc. Sandivich Drummond Adam St. H Cooper Grey Grampound Drummond John Tketfi CoateSiiEyrcK.B. Leicefter Dummer Thomas Yarmou Dornwall Tho. Montgomery Duncomb Thomas Dcwn Cornwall C. W. Crampaund Dundas Sir Law. Edinburl Cornwallis Wm. Eye Dundas Th.jun. Orkney, Cotton Sir J.H. Camhridg.fh. Dunda? Thos. Stirling/h; Cotton Sir L. S. Denhigh/h Dundas James Linlithgoto, Coventry Thomas Bridgpart Dunning John Caik Coxe Hip. Rd. Somerf.t/bire Dsntze John Tivern

Craven Thomas BerkJ/^ire Durand John Aylejbt l

Crauturd John Old arum Durant Ge«rgc Eve^i I Crefwell T.E. WsomnBaffet. Durant Thomas St. / j

Crefwell Eftcourt Cirencefter Dyfon Jete. Weyututh

Cirwen Henry Cumberland Elliot Edward UJkei 1 Peregrine Shrekam Elliot Sir Gelb. Rtxhurghjb Cuft | 36 is ^Ve!bore Pi:ter:ftl4\G:hr\o\ir SirAI. '^i'i::lurshfh. slvn William

I3 11 M ilium Bythe\G\ynn John MiddUres^ ?r Wiliiam DorchefterVcilYnnc Sir John Fii^it roiun ne Henry Lime RegisiGoidon lti^n.\\ n\. Hcdjlook naby Sir Cha, Kent\G:3ime M. G. Dav. Pertkih. herftonhaughS.M.?S«/«cR'rHinmer Walden Sudbury trofe Lord Bute, &c. Harbord Sir'Harb. Norivich

: Hon, Stephen Sarum Hir court Wm. Oxford City,

: Hon. Ch. J'as. Midhurft Harcourt Richard SuffsK Hkland Sir Tho, Thirfk Hardy SirChajles Plymsuth nkland William ditto Harley Robert Droitivich fer Col. %\m.Invcrn€fs/h. Hat ley Rt, H»n. Th. London dcrick Sir Ch. ^leenboro' Harris James Chrift Church mas Sarabp. Bridport Harris James jan. ditto einan Th .Ed w. Steyning Hart Wm. Neville Stafford er Rofe Rye Harvey Edward Harivich er Richard Stockhrldge Hawke Sir Edw. Portfmouth

;e Lord Vifc. Sesford Hawke Mar. Bladen Saltajk vxy Vifc. Pontefrail Hay Dr.Geo. Neivc^un. Line den Alex. Aberdeen /hire Hay Thomas Lenve^ lies Lord Lufgerfkall Hayes James Dtimttn th Charles Deviics Henley Lerd Hampfhire c*yne Bamber IVeobly HepfcurneR3.Rt«K/>jc4r

I mm '< 37 HerveyRtHiA.S?.£iwa?2^y&., Leigh Richard Eamoi] jHewett John NottlnghamshALcmon Wm. Penry iHeywood J. Modyf, F^iusy! Lenox Lord George Su^f" IHill Noel SAreni'/^^/ryiLethieulier Benja. Andove \ liimch'mhrookY, Huntingdon'7? Lewis Edward Rudno Hobart Hon. Geo. Beeraljfon Linwood Nkho. Allhor<. Honywood Philip Appleby Lifburuc Ld.yif, rardi.:'i-"y Hopkins Richard Dartmouth Lilter Narhaniel Cit.tr' Hopkins Benjamin Eedivin Lockhart Tho Elgin, &: Hotham Beaumont Wigan Long Sir James Marfan Hoghton Sir Henry Prelion Lowndes Richard £<<.

Howard Hon. T. Malmfbury Lowtlier Sir Jasi Cocker ma 't Howard George Stamford Ludlow Eari Huntivgdonjli.- Howe Rich. Virc. Dartmouth LutJier John ' Ejj'e Howe Hon, W. Nottingham LuttreJl H. Lawes M'.ddle^e Howe Hon.Th, Northamp.T, LuttreJ] H. Fow/ JVlinehea Hunt George Bodmyn Lynch Sn Wm. Cant trim Hufke John Maiden Lyon Hon. T. MontroJe,&, Hufley William Mindon M!Lcka.yM.Ci.^.D.in^'Uall& Jackfon Richard 2\7. Romney M'KenzietL.. J.3tu. K^jf:

Jenkinfon Chailes Appleby Macworth Herbert Car /Hi Jenkinfon John Corf Cajtle M'Dowall \V m. Renfreivsi Jennings Philip Totnefi Ma.nt\eri.Ld.R.KingJi .cnHul Jennings Geo. St, Germans Manners J. Nenvark onTren J enyns Soame Cambridge T. Manners George Scarboro Johnflone Geo. Ceckermouth Martin Samuel Halting JollyfFe Wm. Petersfield Martin Jofeph Gatto Jones Robert Huntingdon Miiliam Hon. Ch. Matdjlon Irnham Lord Weobley Malterton Jas. Innerkeiih'n, Irwin John E. Grinjlead Maugei Joirua P«^'l Ifiiam S'lrhdm.Nortkamtonsh. Mawbey Sir Jof. Southivar Keck An. Jas. NeiufaH,&c. Maynard S r Wm. ^i/?, Keene Whifftied Wareham Medley George Seafor Kennedy David Air/hire Melbourne Ld. Luggerihal Keppel Hon. Aug. JVindfor Melliili Jofeph Griwjh Keppel Hon Wm. Chichejter MereditliSir Wm. Liverf

Lcgh Pe;er . lyeleliejle /.'Mordaunt Sir C. WafwUhk, -38" torgm Cha. Breconjklre Pigoi Hugh Penryn Organ John Monmouths/i, Pigot Robert WalUngford ornce Hump. Launcelion Pitt George Dorfet.fl:ire ortoa John 'New Romney Pitt Thomas OakJuimptan 'Jj>3'-n Sir Roger Flintfhire Plumer Wm. HertfordjTpire Loanr Stuart Lord Bojihey Piumptre John Nottingham iunro Heclor Fortroj'e,&c. Popham Edward Wilt^ [array Jas. Kirkcudbright Popham Alexander Taunton ufgrave George Carlijle Poul^t Hon. Anne Bridge'U}. i>duleton Rich. Denbigh Powell Harcourt Nenvto'iunl fbiit Arnold JVinchelJea Powlett George ft'i>:che!ier. evilie Rd. Neville Tavijhct Pownall Thomas Tregony wdigate 5ir R. OxfurdUni. Pratt Robert Hor.'lra.y: oeJ Thomis Ruthind,/h. Price Chace Radnor 'hire orris John Rye Priagie James Ber-wickjbire orthLord Banbury Prlr.gle John S$lkirkjhire ortoaSir F. SPE. Guildfurd Pryfc J. Pagh Merioneihth.

"II ton Win. R:t:hmGud,&c. Pye Adm. Thos. Rochdter ffley John Retford Pulteuey Wm. Cromarty!}}. liver Richard London Radcliffe John St.Alban'i ngley Ro. Hen. Bedford/7: Rafhleigh Philip Fwwey nflo'.y Rt.Hon. Geo. Surry Rebow I fa. Mar. Colchejier nfio'.v George Cuildford Reyso'ds Francis Lancajler sborne Sir George BsjriHe\ K'-.cgKk Mon^C.CarmarthenP} finry E. of Up. Bedford'?}. Ridley SirM.White Morpeth fwall J. T. Kinghorn, &c. Ridley Mat. Ncivc on Tyne urry Paul Hen. Plimpton Rigby Richard Tavijlsck iVen'Sir Wm. Ptmhroke Roberts John Har'wich uen Hugh PembrokefJnre Robinfon John H'e/lmoreland ige Francis • O'xfardUr.i. Rodney Sir G. B. Nortkampt. ilk Robeit IVareham Kolle Denys Bar njt able mer Sir John Leic'eJlerp->. R.ofs John Linerkfhire limerfton Vif. S

111 Hip 5 Charles Came /ford Sawbridge John Hythe hiliip= Griffith Carmarthen Scawen lames St. Michael hiliipfon R. B. £ve Scoit Ma). Gen. Jn. Fifeff;. hipFS Hon. C. J. Lincoln Scrope Thomas Lincoln ignt Lord B'-id^north ScudamoreC.F. R. Heytejhury. Soudamorc John Hereford 1 ucKer Jn. fVeym^uth, &c Sebright Sijr Joht^ Bath Fudway Clement IVell Selwyn Geo.. Aug. GUuceJier Turper Sir John King\sLjn. Seymour Henry Huntlntton Turner Charles Yor Shelley Rt.H.SirJn. Neivark Tynle Sir C. K. Somer/ttsh Skipwith Th. G» Warnuickjh Vane Hon. Fred. Duihat Skynner John TVoodJiock Van Neck Ger. W. Dunivic SJoane Mans Neivpori Vanfittart Arthur Berl Smith John Bath Vmfittart H«"ry Readin Southwell Edw. Gloucejlerjh. Verney Earl Buckinghamshire Spencer Ld. Cha. OxfvrdfJ}. Vernon'H.G.Y. Glifmorganif Spencsi' Ld. Robert 0-Kf,rd Vernon Richard Be.dfor StandsjtFied. Bletchingly Vernon Charlei Tatn-ivort Stanley Rt.H.H. Southampt. Vincent Sir Francis &urr Staunton Thomas Ipfivick "Wall^iGe JameRockingham Pi hice of Wales JD of Rutland Earl Temple Un.ofHeireCairerE of Chelierfield Earl of Bate D of Gioucefter D of Kingfton D of Marlborough Prince of Orange |D of Leeds Duke of Grafton Pfince Ferdinand D of NewcafHe Earl Gower ?;rnap ot'Ofnabrug D-df Montagu Lord North D of Cumberland jD of NorthumbeH, D of Meck]en.Str. E of Henfsrd of Norfork, Earl Marfhal, & Hired. Mar, of England arl of Scarborough, Deputy. ephen Marrin Leake, Efq; Gar. Princlp. King 9f Arms,

'hti Communions of the Moft Hon. Order cf the BATH-; The Sov'creign Sir Edw. Waipok Sir Wra, Draper 5i;hnp of Ofiiabrng Lord BeaBlfea ^ Lord Clive

Z ot^ Breadaibaae Sir Jofeph Yorke Sir Hferace Mann Vm. Henry Sir W. B. Procter SJr John Lindfay 5 of Inciiiqufn Sir John Gibbons Sir John Moore 'ifc. Fifz.villiam Sit Geo, Pococke Sir Cha. Montagu rir Th. Whitmore Sir JefferyAmherft Sir Wra. Lynch r Hin.Calthorpe Sir J. Griffin Griffin Sir Eyre Coote r Edw. Ha\7ke Sir GcorgeWarren Sir Ralph Payne if Jn. MordanHtjSir Cha. Frederick Sir Cba, Hotham of MexboroughjE of BcllamoBt Sir Wm. Hamilton

ord Oallow ' Sir Cha. Saunders

K N I G H T S sf the r H I S T L E. The S O V E R E G N. arlof Portmore (Lord Cat heart Marq. of Lothian rin. Wm. Henry Duke of Athol Vifc. Stormont arl oi March D of Buccleugh D of Roxburgh Url ©f Warwick jEarl of Carlille Earl of Roleberry

PrivS'Seal and Signet-Ojftce. >ake of Grafton, Lord Privy-Seal, 3000/. ilhop of Bath and Wells, Denpherer ef Letters toooh ' The Lord Privy.feal puts the Uff hand, by kis authority, 1 all Charters, Grants, Pardons, &c. that does not require he Creat-Seal, 03 41 His liUjefy'.i Mojt Honorable PRlVY-COLrNdl. UKE of Gioa Earl Temple i Lord G. Sackvi ceftcr. Earl of Keiii'jid 1 Harco.it D of Cumberland Earl Coravvillis I G. CwendlL] Ap. of Canterbury Earl ofHardivkke Ch. bpeiice lie he Her F. Campbe: Archbifliop of York Bathurft J.S.Mackenzic.Ef Earl Gower Chatham J a. Gjenvjlle, pjq Duke of SooierXet Earl of Hillfboro' H. S. Conway, Efq Richmond Kinnoul Sir Edw. Hawke Grafton Breadalbane W.Dowdcfwe.'Er Boiton Marchmont Sir John Rufliout. Leeds Earl Verney \Ve!b. Elli3, Efq; Jylarlboro' Siielburne Sir Gilbert Elliot Rutland Thomond Hans Stanley, Efq ii'ieensbury Vifc. Tawnlhend Hiinip.Morice.Efq^ Ancafter Weymouth Kich. Rigby, Efq^, Portland Falmouth Sir Thomas Ssvvell Newcaitle Stormonc Sir J. E. Wilmot Nortfaumb. Howe Sir Wm. De Grey M of Rockkighain Barringtpn Sir Clxa. Saimcler: Earl Talbot Bateman Ifaac Barre, Efq Clare iSir fohn Shelly Earl ofHuntingdon 1 Suffolk Rifliop of London ' |T.Townfhend,)un Denbigh LordLeDefpencer Geo, .Onflow, ETq; Ciiefte: field Berkeley, Sir Jofeph Ya*ke Sandwich Bathurit Tho. Harley,Efq; Hrtlderncife F-dgcambe r Fictch. Norton Scarboro' Hyde r Jjxmes Grey Roc h ford Mansfield Geo. Rice, E/q; Jerfey Lyttelton Hqn. H.F.Thynne Dartmouth Grantham Sir L. Dundas, Bt. £ri[iol Pel ham Sir Jeff, Amherft Pom fret Holland Sir Thomas Parker Aihburham Cathcart Clerks.. Wm. Blair Buckingham. North Philip SharpcHon. Besborough Camden Rt'. Walpoie and Bute Hhichinbroke R. Tarrant, Kfqrs. I All Privy Counfellors are Stile 4 Right Honorable. Thy are mads 'without Patent or Grant, only by tithing an eatk, and continue Menibtrs during the King's pleaj'ure. They ars a Court for determining Appeali from hii Ma- fefty'i PlantatioHS and Coloniei in foreign parts. By an AflfaSnd 17 1 1, it is Fslany to attempt .ihe Ufa pf a privy CounfeHor. '

" h:. M a J E sri 's HeufhoU.

1 of Hent'ord, Lord Chamberlain, 1200I. per. ann, d {iinchinbrook. Vice ChMnberlain, 1159/. 8i. /^d.

• |. Lords of the King*i Bed Chamber. ofBrillo}, Grjom of the Stole, 2000/. [labe.t B.?tie lEar, oi Pomfiet Ld.Vif.B6!ingbroke ofOiiortl iLord Malhain Enrl of Jerley

March I Wiliooghby Oxford lEarl of Denbigh Bruce ' iDake of Roxburgh Salary loool. each. Groomy of the Bed Chami

John B.-udenell, Efq; Matter ef the Roles, 500/. j if D.\r!ington, Mafter of the Je'wehOSice, ^501. Deubig';!, Ma. of the Harriers and Fox-Jwunds, 2000/ 5unt.Bai<^nriaa, Mafter of the Btick-houndi, 1200/. Meysei:, Efq^ Majier of the. 'Stag -hounds, Boo/ e of St. Al-'>an;,, Mai'ter Falconer, 2ioi. Afhburn.'iarn, Keeper cf the Great Wardrobe, 2000/. ,'.lw. Wilmot, Sir Wm Duncan^ Sir, Cha. Wintring- n, Dr. Rich. Warren, PhyficiansTfl Ordinary, 300/J Noah Thomas, F. R. S„ Phyfician Extraordinary. 10. Gilhborne, Phyfuian to the Hou.fh^d, 200/. Arohbiihop of' York, Lord High Almoner. TalbQt Lord Steward of the HouO^old, 1460/. Shelley, Efq; Treafurer of-iheHourjKli', 1200/. Peihamj Cqm'ptroller of the Houfh^H, 1200/, JohnGre^', Hon. Brrdges Erudenell, Hon. Rd. Sa ge Naflku, CiA-ia of the Green Cloth, 10 18/. each. lex. GiilmoLir Bt. Richard Hopklife", and Rich. Ver- L.,YJorii Clerks Comptrollers, 1000/. each. Seeker, Efq; Clerk Comptroller cf the Kitchen, 500/, Ion. H.i;.s Stanley. Coferer to the HouinoM, 500/. Falmouth, Capt..of the 7eomen of the Guard, 1000/ lav Blfhop, Efq; , 500/. ". EJgecumbe, Captain nfthe BunJofPetifioners, ioo«; am Bccher, Efq; L'euienant, 500/.' f An caller, Majter of the Horfe; 1266I. 13 s. 4^ Carpenter, \Vm. Hamilton, Thomas Bilhr>p, Jas. hnltnn, Tho. Defagulliers, Frecheville Ramfden, and rd Matthew, E'qrs. i»'fKcrrr>.<, 300/. each. ~43 i . Vk oiUtv , Kiq; jurv.Gen^ yf iris Il-l.ijtj!y's TVurRs, idK Wm. Chambers. Ercj; ComptroUcr, 3<)w/. G. Auguftus Seiwyn, Efo; Pjynaftcr of the fVorhs, 5. //er Mnjtjiy'i Hou/boid. Karl DdavvMr, lerJ Chamber Uiin, i2no/. Hon. C-ol. Frtzjo}', Vic c-Ckntnher lain, 500/. Andiew Stone, Elq;,"^''^'^/?""?''. S^"/. Dutchefs-of Ancafter, Mijtref- of Fjihes^ 5r>ol.- Diitchefs of Argyll, Coun, Duivager ofEffinghamj Cc Dow. otE^mont, Coun. of Hertford, Coun. "'>t Hole nefle, Vifc, Weymoat^i, Ladies of the E(;d Ch'tmher^^t Mifs BeaucierlcMifs TyiGii, Mifs Bofca'.vcn, Mifs V non, MifsJefferyesiMili Kiiowler,'iV/«i^jo//fon<5r, 3c Mrs. Deborah Clietwynd, Sempftrtfs ami Laundrefs,2a Sir James Calder, Bt. Edwin Fran. Stanhope, and \V Wyeyard, Efqrs. Gent. IJjhers, 200/. and board nvai Sir J. Prmgk, Dr. G, -Biker, Ph<:Ii.'2r,ol, Dr. John 1 urton, Phyjiviar. to the Rous hold, David iTVpemej, ¥jq;. Secret. 500/. and Comptroller, 40' Eirl Waldegrav-«, M^ifter of the Horfjy Son / Secretar^esof State, 3000/. each. Earl of SnfFolk, Nothem Dipartment. W. Eden, and W. Frafer. Eiq; U. Sec.for.the N. Uep. Earl of Rochford, Sruthcm Department. Yr. Willes aadSir S. Porter, Elqrs. U. Ssc for the S, D« rrdrew Stone, Sfq; Keeper vf the State Papers. ate afiirs both fare ig7i and The manarement of all ft | meficare entrufted to the Secretaries of ft if e. Infore\\ affttTrs tius bufinefsis.dhided into fwo Provinces, and &t\ Secretary confines himfelf to the hufinefsif his eiDfi P; vrnce. Domeftic affairs arc managed by either. liariof Diftmnuth, Secretary of State for Am^nca. John PowniU ana Win. Knox, Efqrs. Under Secretari WHliam Pollocky Efq, Chief Clerk.

Officers of the Treifufy. Lord North, firft Commi£i-xner, 4000/. Rt. Hon. G^9. Onflowr, Jere. Dyfon, Cha, Torwn/her H(jn. Cha, Fox, Efqrs. Cimmijioners, 1600/. each, Grey Cooper, Jolin Robinfon, Efqrs. joint Secretaries. Hu.E-.h Valence Jones, Th. Nuthal, Efqrs, Solicitors, 50( T/ie Lord H'gh Treafurer: (or ivhen that office ^Jrat a&ed by Commiffion) the firft Lord CommJlioner, A^' und hischarge all the King's Revenue nwhich is %ept in the E chtquer, and the gift of all places for collecting the fam Ceiirt of C^mn>»*t Fieau Hon. Sir Wm. De Grey, Chief Judge, t5Po/. Heury Gould, Kt.Sir Wm. Biackllone, Kt. J. Nares,. ;fq; Judges 5ooo/.

1 ot LitchfieW, Cujtos Brsvtum, 6oofi

This Court Judges only in civilcsjiu .

Court ef Exchequer. TKomas Parker, Kt. Lord Chief S^^ron, 3000/. iid.iey Stafford Smyilie, Kt. Sir Richard ^dxms, Kto )d George Parrot, Efq; Barons, lootl.

ComniiJ/ienen of Trade and Piant&UtKS, Lord Chancellor, firftConimiffioner of the Treafury, d Prelident of the Council, firft' Commiilloncr of the dmiralty,.the Princip. Secretaries of ftate, the Chan the Exiihequer, the Bp. of London, and the Surveyor d Aadit. Gen,pfaUhisMajeJty'i> Revenue inAmerica

• the time beingi together w;th the E. of Dartmouth )arne Jennys, Ell IV. Elliot, Jn. Roberts, Wm. Fit/.- erbert, Zfqrs. LsrdRobt. Spencer, Ld. Geo, GreviHe, ommifTioners, 1000/. each.

'x Pownai!, Efq; Secretary, fyOl, B!*sdbnry» ^£qi Depuif-ffcretarff ^or^i. Cumberland, Efq; Sollicitor, audCl. of Reports, 20oi.

CommiJJianers and Officsn cf the Cujtems. luel Mead (John Frederick j Corby n Morrice rd Hooper JHei3.?ixnks».Erqr.| James JcfiVeys y Pelham J3ir\\" m.Mu ferave} l^ho. Boone, Kfqrs. mijjltners for England, leoo/. isfield Cardoncll, Jnf. Tudor, G. -Clerk Maxwell, and afil Cockrane, E/"qrs. C'lmmiil^nenfor Scotland, 500/. !» Mellilh, Efq; Receiv^r-Gsntral, loool. lert Perfons, Wq;' Comptroller -Oeneral, 1360/. elham, Efq; Jr.fpecl. Gen^ of Exports andlmptrt, jZol. it Shaw, Efq; Regljier-Gsneral, 6i;o/. ^PsJPWc7. D'Spencer, Rt.H- H*,F. Thynne, Pajimeft.Gen.zoonL Todd. Efq; Sec. 200/., R. Trevor, Efq; Rec.Gen.lool. n. Fauquir, E(q; Atcomptant-Gene.al, iool.._ luel Potts, Efq; Cotr.p.trcUer to the Inlfiud-pffice, 2oaU Palmer, Efq;^Sfl//V/ffl»- /» the Poft-OJfice, 200/. j nfon RoberlfOHi FJq; Refidcnt Surveyor, 300/. iry Penton, li((iv Court -Pojt, 2/. per. day. \ I. Jackfon, Efq; Comptroller of the Foreign-eMe",.^ 5^'4

4*^ '' Receipt of the Exchequer. Right Honourable Lofd No; th, Chancellor iSool. Duke of Newealllp, Auditor. Ho a. Sir Edvard Walp.)le, K. B. Clerk of the Pells. Hon. Tho. Townfheud, Efq; Earl of Hardwick, Ld H ley, and Geo. Gre iville, jun. Efq; Tellers. Sir J/ iVliller.Sir S.Stuart, Bts. Chamberlai'ti Tally -coi Hon. Horace Walpole, Efq-, Ullerofthe Exchequer. Edw,. YoiJnge, Ja Trenchaid, Th». Wyadhara, Da Bull, GzQ. B'^aat, Clu. Deering^.Efqrs. CommiJPt-ei. of the Tax^nifice. Ld Soivdes, Auditor of the ImpreJl'o3ce,J^i"coln*sIn»,2oo W.Aifllbie, efq; Aud. Impreil-office, Scotland yard, 30c Ld Yifc. Gage, Pay mailer of Penfions from the Crown The Raceipt of Exchequer is the Ojfice ivhere all pnhli'j Revenue is received aadpaid out. The Under Tr furer has the cujhdy of the Exchequer Seal, and is Sup intendant over the Lord Trsafurer's Rolls.

High . Lord Apfley, Lord Hi^h Chancellor of Creat'Britain. Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Sewell, Majier of the Rolls, Sii Thos. Sewell Thomas Harris John Eanies Ihoraas Anguifh John Browning Thomas Cuddoi Thomas Lane Wni. Graves Edward Monta Peter Holford Samael Pcchell Rob. Pratt, Eft Majhrsin Chancery, 100 1, each. Ddke of St. Albans, Principal RegiJier. Duke of Chandos, Majler of the Hunaper, 3000/. John Shelly, Efq; Keeper of the Record in the Tower, Hen.Wilmot, Efq; PrincipalSecretary to theLd.Chanceli The Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, Keepei the Great feal, is properly the firji Minijier ofjl-tte,

the greateji perfuitin the kingdom in civil affair i. His Pl of great t-ujt. He prejides in the Court of Chance

and is to give judgment according to confcience, equity, i

reafon, and not according to the rigour of the Liw, 'ti'"^^ he other Courts are ynUged to do. All patents, cjmmijjli &c. coming from the King are perufed by him. His Oi is during the King's pleafure. Its yearly incame is ai, 7000/. Court of King's-Bench.

Lord Mansfie'd, Lord LltiefJujUce, 4oo»/. - Sir Richard Afton. Ki. EJ'.vard Willis, Efq; Sir W.

. AniL!rf>, Kt. Judges, 2000/.

I Thif Court judges both civil and criminal c.tufes. 46 :r:fidi and Agents abroad for the prote^ion •/ Tradi. fir John H<.rt, Bt. John Whithead ir'r& Aveiro, Jn. Nafli i/, Rich. Gathorne 'eira, Cha--. Munav roix deTenerif, ONea i Johu Lexnprierc ;/ at Terrera, J. Feain- Alexander Munro Re.bert WilKie eiot.a. Jofeph Millei 2, Joiiik Hardy ries, a^ena-, Dan.Bomeerfter nna, James Bank? r^j, John Marih

le -tr St. Lucar, Wind- ham Beaw es iari, Foreign MiriU'crsJrom the SoutlwrH Pravinces. France, Count de GuignesjS«r^»«/.'j, Count de Scarnjl Spain, Prince de MafTcranoKcw/ie, M. d'liuht Two Skilies, C. de PigacLtcWRepul^lic af Genoa, Ma; Portu.M d^MellodeCarvaUio' iVAgeno. Ft/reign AHnUt^ri fyjm the Korthurn Provincsi, Germany &, Jiungan, Count de Maltaahn de Bclgioifo D^«»iflri,B.D.dePurAenft HansT

Field Mar flial. COLONELS. Lieut. Colonels. Majors. Static Ttuo Troop of Horfe Guards, raifed 1660. James Rolt Cha. Lanoe Loii 1 Earl Deiawarr L Ja, D'Auvergne Peter Hawker L. C. Montolieu Wm. Egerton 2 LWaldegrave G Felex Buckley Wm.Wafley IW Tnvo Troops 6j Horfe Grenadier Guards.

Sir J.G.GrilSn Ljjaraes Adeane 1 Clau. Benezet |Lob| 2 E..Harrington gIe of Ancram I Philip Aimflie jWe Que Royal Regiment of Horfe Guards. H. S.. Conway L/WinBhthwaytjCharlesTuffnell^GrJ Four Regiments of Horfe. 1 Jas. Johnfton M H. L. Luttrell ;Mart'm Tucker J[re 2 J. Fitzwilliam L John Wynne Thoma s Pope 3 Edw. Harvey M Wm. Maper JR. Abercombe 4 P. Honey wood L Edward Smith 'Thomas Pigot Three Reptnents of Dragoon Guards. rJohnMoltyn G Robt. Sloper jCha. Hamilton jGrl 4 LordTort-nfbendLjRuflelManners'Sir Wm. Arnotdut Id R;Ma!ineis LJFlow. Moucher' John Manfeli Idiit Eighteen Regimenis of Dragoons. i E ot Pembroke h R. B. Philiipfon jEdw. Colmin ! Gr! 2 E of Panmure G John Douglas jL.C. W.Nip icr diti 3 Char. Fiiz oy M Henry Stanley IRich. Whyte ditt 4 Ber.Carpentei L Geo. Warde |Edw. Griffith tUtt 4« 1 ir'jol. Yorke L Hugh Cane Clotw. Rowk) Irel. ^ CholaiondeleyG Jn. WhitnTire Ld Robt. Kerr Scot); eo. Howard L Thos. Bland Pvobt. Laarie GrBr. DhnSevcrne h fraH. Lafcelles James Stewart Irel. xs. Jobnfton M Arthur Prefton Robt. Waller ditto. irJ.MordaantG T.O.Mordaunt Wm- Morrice GrBr.

\/l of Lothian G Pa. Warrender Ralph Diindas ditto ^V. A. Pitt M Win. Bjrtorx Jolepli Waikei Irel. ^rch. D'jaglasL Jas. Biaqaiere W. Penefathei ditto )aniel Webb L Tho. Erie M Tho?. Pepper ditto Elliot L Geo. linllic David Dandas jGrBr n. Burgoyne C Wm. Harcourt Robt. King!^ on. ditto iGeo. Prellon C Jon. Blaquiere Samuel Birck . I Irel. of DioghedaM C, Wilfon Lyon iFran. Brooke Idiito. ThreeReglments of Fo*t Guards. P.SherrardM •f Glonceiter L 2 Jn.Salter M ^G.L.ParkerM Lend. 3 N. Tation M 1 Wm. Sorel C and J.Thomas M 2 Fra. Craig C rl LoudoBn G 1 Dan. Jones C Well Mich. Hudfon 2 Geo. Tiih C Stvetiv Regiments ef Foot, J. Dalrymple 1 ThoS. Frafer jGibra. of Argyle L 2 RHd.Bentinck.2 ChapelKorfor, Minor C. M»ntaguel^ Robt. Raitt 'Sir J. Penington Gibra. J. Amherft L JbhnBiddulph JGeo. Nicholfon Elinor dh.Hodgfon L Geo. Madiifoa James Boorder Gr.Br. rl Percy C Wm. Meadows jWm. Walcot Irelan. m.Rufane M Wm. ForreaeriWrn. Maxwell Scotia.

. Ro, Bertie L Rich. Prefcott Ijofeph Stopford Gr.Br. mtrong, B L Dudley Acisland John Corrajice Qaebc. fc. Ligonier C Wm. Tayler Tho. Whitmore Irelan. dw. SandfordL Fran. Smith Henry BafTett Amer. 'm. Acoart L Cha. Fo rises Benja. Edwards Minor eu, Clinton C Wm. Pifton Peter Campbell Gibra. .. Murray M David Ogil«y John Hill Minor T!. Keppel M Wm.Dalrymple Jona. Furlong Amer. ha. Hothara C Jof. Gabbert John Maxwell Gr.Br. Gifborne M Jas. Robertfon Alex. Dickfoa Amer.

. Moncktan L John Darby J.Campbell, L.C Gr.Br

1 J. Sebright L John Wilkins Ifaac Hamilton Amer, a. Grsme MCha. Mawhood'Johh Bird Gr.Br ernard Hale cjjohn Parr JDavid Parry ditto le^c.Mackay MjEdw. Maxwell Nich.Sutherland \mer.

homas Ja. ' John Caaapbell Gr.Br. Gage L ( Abercromby E 49 13 G. Bdfcawen LjBenja. Bernard Henry Blunt GtBi 24 E. Cornwallis L Simon Frafe Robert Carr Ire!. 25 Ld G. Lenox C Robt. Watfon Alex.Rigby Mi no

I 26 JohH Scott M D. Tepipler Cha, Prefton Amei a; Sir Eyre CooteC Kyre MaH'ey Apol. Morris Irel. 28 V.Townffaend L Arthur Brown Cha. 1 ailell ditto 29 Wm. Evelyn M Maurice Car Pierce Butler E.ig. 30 John Parflow L Pa ft on Gould Peter Dumas Gibr.j 31 J. A. OughtonL Ralph Wallh AlexMackinzie Arnei 32 Fra. Leighton L John Fletcher IVlaurice Cane CaJf 33 E Cornwallis C Hildebr. Oakes JaaiesWebfter Gi.fi 34 LdF Cavendiih L Sam. Townfend John Lind iret. 35 H.F.Campbell C Cha. Heat hcote Richard Allen Gt.B 36 Rich. PeirfonM Tho. Calcraft C Allan Campbell Jama; 37 Geo. Gray L St. Geo. Dalley Alex. Stewart Gt.B 38 Ld Blaney M Robert Pigott And„ Bruce Irel. 39 John Boyd C Roch. Mervin Wm. Kellet Gibr 40 fir R.HamiltonC James Grant James Grant irel,

1 Jorden Wren C Arch. M'Nab Wm. Roberts Gt.B 4 . Irel. 42 Ld J. Murray C Tho. , Sterling Wm. Murray 43 Geo,, Cary L G. Remington George CJerk Gt.El 44 J.Abercromby L Ja mes Agnew J.BeckwithL.C Iiel. 45 W. HavilandM Hen. Monkton Steph. Digby ditto 46 Wm. Howe C John Vaughan dittc 47 Guy Carle ton M Wm. Nefb tt HughCarncrofs ditto 48 Wm. Brown 1 Benja. Gordon fir J. Cockburn ditto 49 Alex.MaitlandC Phi!. Roberts Jas. Mercer diUQ 50 SnW.Bootby M JohnDallingC John Gordon A-ni.

5 1 E Eglingtonn C Henry Pringle And. Delacour Min 52 Jn. Clavering L Valent Jones Arch. W'liiams A me 53 R.EIphmfton M H. W. Powell Jas. M'Farlanc Irel. 54 Ma.FrederickM Robert W&hh Alured CUike tliitc 55 W'm. Ganfell M Alex. Duncan Mun. Campbell di(tc 56 Hunt Walfli L A.Moneypenny John Caulfield Gibr 57 John Irwin M Th. Townfherd Edo Townihend I -el. 58 R.CunninghamC John Burgoync R.eiayi.Bayley Gibr 59 John Owen M OthoHamilnon Robt. Milward Hali: 6« fir J. Amherft L J as. Pro^ell Cols G, Etherington Fr. HaldimanCdOT Augwfl. Prevolt Lewh V. F^'fer Amt 61 John Gore Mjjohn Barlow Ad.Williamfon 62 Wm. Stiode LI Richard Temple Irel.

63 Fran, Grant MlJas. PattcTon ! J. Anitruther dittc

^4 Jn. Pomeroy MiAlex. Leflie ; Wm. Fleming jBoIt '^\^ Edw.Urmi!oi^M,Thos. Bruce iWm. Butler Hal """"so 5 Gtirdon td. A MjEdw. Stopford James Coates Jama of 7 Ha. Lambert LlHenrySt. John Jas. CallendenEng. Jnv Lampton LJFran. Reynold.- VVm. Dundas W.In 9 Cha. Coiville LiPiiiiip Skene Philip Baggs Gibra. Cy. Trapaud L'Aiex. Jfihnfton James Bruce 'W.In.

( tvii Brinch of ttif. Ojfiee of Ordnance. light Hon. Vifcount Townfhend, Maiier-General, ifooj,

ir JefTery Amherit, Lieut'. General i lool. ir Cha. Frederick, Surveyor General, 700/. h- Charles Cocks, Efq; Clerk of the Ordnance, 500I. indiew Wilkinfbn, Elq; Siore-Keeper, 400/. lenjamin Langlois, Efq-, Clerk of the Deliveries, 40a/.

. Rofe Mackye, Erq; Treafurer and Paymajier, 500/-. Military Branch of Ordnance, X. Gen. William Skinner, Chief Engineer and Col. So^r. t. Cols, James Montrefor and Arch. Patoun, Dire^ors and Veuf. Colonels, 16^1; each. at. Mackellar, Ja. Bramham, Wm; Green, Mat, Dixon S'jb'D!re(fif>n and Majors, iss.a day, each.

StaS'-Offictrif. &c,^in Great-Britain. ^j. Gen. Edward Harvey, Adjutant General, t. ColsMurrifon and Roy, ^uarter-MaJiers General. It. Hon. Rich. K]ghy, PaymajUr General. I of Ilcheftor, J. Creflef ,Efq;C#OT^/. of the ArmyAcco unts S'm. Facbuier, Efq: Secrsrdry, 300/, ord Vifcount Barrington, Secretary at H^ar. "ho mas Gore, Efq; Commiffary General of the Mufters. Velborn Ellis Agar, Efq-, Deputy Cotnmifary General. Jharles Gould, 'ES(\;Jud^t Advocate General, Sr Edward Wilmot, Bt. Phifician General, Middleton, EJq; Surgeon General, >eorge Garnier, Apothecary General. ienry Moore, Efq; Drum-Majar General, )uke of Argyle, in Chief in North-Britain. N A" V Y- Admiralty Office. larl Saftdwidh, firji Lord Commi£loner, 3000/. ohn Buller; Efq; Vifc. PalmerAon, Ld. Charles Spencer, Vifc. Lilbu.-ne, Thomas Bradfiiaw, Efq; Rt. Hon. Aug. John Heryty, Lords CommiJPtoners, xooo/. 'hilip Stephens, Efq; Secretary, 800/. ""'eoroe Jackfon, Efq; Deputy-Secretary, 500/. A Thomas Salifbury, Kt. Jv*"' vf the Admiralty, 400/. Kimael Seddon, Efq; SuUv. - Admi. and Navy, 400/. Dr. James Marriot, Kin ocate Ge neral. _ _^ Sir Gilbert Kliiot, Bt. Treaj'urer of the Navy, 2Q00I. - And. Dongias, Eq; Paymajter and Accomptant, 500/, Hugh Pallilfer, Elq; ComptrolL-r, 500/. Sir John Williams, Kt. Surveyar^sool. Edmund Mafon, Efq; Clerk of the Ads, io«l. Timothy Brett, Efq-, Compt. of the Treajurers Ace. 5(M George MarHi, Efq.; Compt. of the ViilualUng Acts, 50* Sir Richard Temple, Bt. extra Commiffioner, 500/. Charles Piobyj.Efq-, Re.H. CommtJJloner at Chatham, 5;ers, Efq: Refi. Cfimmi£imer at Plymouth, scK John Wciuworth, Efq; Surveyor General of *// kii M jefty's JVoeds in America, Sool.

Royal Hofpital at Chelfea. Lt. Gen. G. Howard, Gov. 500/, N. Smith, Lt. Gov. 20< Wm. Sparks, Efq;. iJid;or, 150/. Dr.Mounfey, P//y/i. loc J. Ranby, Efq; Surg, roo/.J. Nicol, Efq; Secre.^wd Ri

Rajal Hojphal at Greentvich, Sir Charles Hardy, Kt. Mafter, tooo/. Wm. Boyes, Efq; Lieut, Governor, 400^. Alexander Hood, Efq; Treafwrer, 200/. Dr. James Haflbck, Phyjician, 200I. Wm. Taylor, Surgeon, 200/.

Admirals of the . Sir Edward Havvke, Kt, Bt. ef the Fleet. of V/hite4 Vice Ad. ofWhite. iR«bt.Hughes, Ef

SirCo.Knowles.Bt.jJas. Young, Efq; 1 Mat. Buckle, Ef Hon. John ForbeslSir PicrcyBrett.Bt. 'Robt. Mann, Ef Admirals, «/ Blue.9>\( J..Moore, K.B. -Rear Ad. tf fVkii SirT.FrankIandii?t Sir Ja. Douglas, Kt. Clark Gayton D »f Bolton Vice Adm. of Blue. John Barker SirCha.Hardy.Kt. Lord Edgcumbe JRicb. Spry, Efqr E of Norihefk Sam. Graves, Efq; Rear Adm. of Bh SirC.Saunders.K.B Wm. Parry, Efq; jjohn Montagu, E Vice Adm. of Red. Hon. Aug. Keppell ;Sir R.Harland, B Thomas Pye. Efq; John Amherft, Ef. Ijas. Sayer, Efq; Fran. Geary, Efiq; D of Cumberland jvifcouat Howe. Sir G.B.Rodney,Bt i?ffflr Adm. of Red. Sit Wm.Burnaby,Bt Sir^eterDgnnis, B. Sir Edward Havvke, Kt. Bt. of G. Br it ah Sir Geo. Bridges Rodney, Bt. ofG. Britsu E^rl.of Mzrc^sViceAdmr^l tf Sc$iland. T2" !"" I A S S A CnV SE TTS-B AY.

s Excellency THO. HUTCHINSON, Efq; Governor.

. . Efg; Lieutenant-G$vernor C O U N C E L L O R S.

Sa. Da II forth Hr>n. James Pitts Hon. "W. Spooner Ifaac Royal Sam. Dexter Caleb Culhing John En ing Wiliiam Sever T. Woodbridge Wm. Bratile Artemao Ward Samuel Phillips Fames Bc\rdoin G. Leonard, jun. John Winthrop ames Rullell James Gowen Jedediah Preble James Otis Jas. Humphrey Efquires. erem'ah Powell Benia.Greenieat 1" S E C R£ T A H i, OFFICE. Hoa. Thomas Flacker, Efq; Secretary. John Cotton, Efq; Deputy-Secretary.

Hon. Harrilbn Gray, Ei'q; 1 reaiurcr. Hon. Tifimas Cufhing, Efq; Commiflary-General. Tne Honnurabig Huufe ef Representatives.

County of Suffolk' Lynn, Eben. Burr ill, Efq r K.T.Cufhing.Sp. And$ver, Capt. Mo. Biidge

|, Mr. Sam. Adam- Beverly, Capt. Hen. Herrick '""' J IHon. In. Hancock Salijhury, Mr. Sam. Smith C W. Phillips Efq; Haverhill, Mr. Jo. Webfter *'urf, Capt. Wm. Heatlj Gloucefter, Nath. Allen, Efq; 'chefter, Mr. Sam. Howe Tefsfield, Mr. John Gould Itor., Mr. Jofiah Howe Boxfgrd, Mr. Afa Perley iiniree, Ebe. Thayer Efq; 4lmfbarj, IfaacMerril, Efq; ymouth. Mi .Nath.Bavley Bradford, Capt. D. Thurfton \ghiim,^c. Mr. B, Lincoln County of Middle/ex. iham, Mr. Abner Ellis Cambridge, Capt.T.Gardner dfieU, Mr. Mofes Bullen Charlefto-wnt Mr.N.Gorham itttha'K, Mr.JabezFifher Waterteivn, Capt. J.Browne ikline, Capt. Benj. White frai-wrn, Mr. Samuel Wyman tghtatty&c.Mr. Hez.Gay Concerd, Capt. Jas. Barrett Ipole, Mr. Eiiocfa Ellis Nenvto'WH, Abra.FuIler.Efq Countj 9f Ejfex. Rtading, Sam. Bancroft, Efq; em, Rd. Derby» jun. Efq Marlb0ro\ Mr. Peter Ben? Mr. John Pickering, jun.jJSj7/criV,<, W'n.Stickney,Ef tver$. Dr. Sam. Holion' Ftamin/ham, Capt. J. Stone wtch, Capt. Mfch. Farley* Le.vj«^f9», Mr. Jonas Stone whury. Jof. Gerrifli- Efq; CAf/m.

fl'efioa, El^fha Jones, Eiq, Fretioiun, Th. GillbertjITf Medfordy Mr. B. Hall Eajton, Capi.Mat.Haywa Hofkinton, JohnWilfon.Efq; County of York. pValtham, Jonas Dix, Efq; 2^orkf Tho. Bragdon, El Groton, &c J. Prefcoit, Efq; Kitttry, Edw. Cutt, Ef 'Stoii), Henry Gardner, Efq TVells,' Mr. E. Sayer County of HampMre. Beriuhk, Capt. Lord, N. j Spyinsfield¥ion.].'Won\\\ng- Arundell, Tlio. Perkins, Ef ton, Efq; &Mr. J.JSlifs County of Duke's County N.SnS. HamptonJ. Vid.\w\ey,Y.i. Ckrimark, J. Allen, Efq; Hadlev, i^r. E. Porter, Efq Ti/bury, jas. Athern, Efq; Hatfield.&c. MrJ.Dickmfon County of Nantucket. Deerfield,&c. Mr Sa. Field, Sherburne, Mr. Ste. Huff WeJtfield,<^c.Cx^t J.Mofely County of Worceller. Sunderland (^'V.Mr.M.Gi.inn ir«rMfter, Mr. J. Bigeic Br'mfield, &c. T. Daaielfoi £,tf»(rjy>rr,Capt.A.Witcoi;| Northfidd, Mr. P, ..Wright M«ndon, Mr Edw. Rawf County of Plymoutli. Broekfieid, Jede. Foiter,Ef Plymouth, J. Warren, Efq; Oxford,&c. Capt. Je. Learn Mr. Ifaac Lothrop SattDH, Capt. Henry Ki Scittir.te, Mr. Gideon Vinal Le!c«ftcr,&c. Mr.Tho.De Marjhfield, Ablj. \\'hite, Ef. Rutland,&c. J. Murray.Ef iMiddlcboro' Capr. E. Sprout JVeftboro'.&c. C. S.May na \Rus,)efter, Mr. E. White Shreivjhury, Mr P. Hay woi PAt«/>/;«, Mr. Sam. Lucas Lunenburih,&.c.Mr,J.'i^a.y], Pembreke, M^ J. TiDwcr Uxbridse, Mr. Jofeph Re. H.tnsverX^'pi. J-Csihing Harvnrd, Ifrael Taylor, E( Abinst!]H,\V, Brown, Efq- Bolton, J. Wliiiecomb, Ei Bridgtvater, J. Edfon, Efq; Veter/Iiam, CaptEp.Dooiitl KingJUn, Cupi. J. Gray Southburg\T. Brigham, Ef County of Birnftable. HardiiHck, Mr. P. Mandi Barnftiihle, Edw. B*C9n,Efq; County of Cumberland. Saiidnuich, Mr. Steph. Nye Fah;tjuth,&c. W.Tyug.El Tartmuth, D. Thatcher, Eiq Scarbvro'y Mr. Sam. Mar JP/i/M.iw.vr'.-.Mr.S. Freeman .V. Yarmouth, Mr. J. Lew. flarivic.n, Mi', ^ei:. Freeman Corham, Mr. W. Stewart Falmouth, Mr. M. Swift CouHLy of Lincoln. Chatham, Mr JofephD'^an C'?(7.7"i5"U'«,i6'^:.J.M'Cobb,5 County of BiiUol. County ot Berkftiii rd!KDI.eonard,RTPaine,Erqs She0isld,

Rehiboth, Capt, J. Barney Stcskbrii^e, Mv," Sa. B'; ow, SwaKc.-tfj.dvr. J> Bowers ,Efqj Tyr:/i^!!am, J .eiiad\^' 'xk. El V-irtmoutti, B. Ai^in, Klq; PitsHeU, Mi-. &a. G>odri Nort,n^&c, Dr. G. Wheetea A7»iy?:r.»-4Kfr,D.j5L ;>1et Atilihart' Mr, Jn. {>agge«lx. '.ejl)'ro' M.-..i*.- X-'ii'-us Superior Court tf Juikature, he Hon. Peter Oliver, Ei'q; Chief Juftice. :on, , Fofter Hutthinfon, Nathaniel Ropes, W'm. Cufhing, Erqrs. Jultices. im. Winibrop, and Nath. Hatch, Efqrs. Clerks. rheW office ii Upt on the fioor of tin Statt-haufi, si tke aji-end. onatiian Sewall, Efq; Attorney-General. amaei Qj,''ncy, Efq; Sollicitor-General.

idies of the Inferior Cturts of Prohnte, Regifters of Deeds, Hizh-fherifs, Deput\-.fherifs, &c. County of Sufulk. liakim Hutchinfon, AVm. Read, Nath. Hatch, Thomas Kiitchinfon, Efqrs. Jaftices of the Inferior Coart. ziekiel GoJdikwait, Efq; Clerk. Hii Office h kept on tb: fioor of the Sfaie-houfi, Weit-eni. zekiel Goidthwait Efq; Regtlter of Deeds. Ai the above Office are kept the Retards of the County. ephen Greenleaf, fiiq, High-Iheriff. ofeph Otii;, Llndfey Geo. WalJis and Jofeph Otis, jan.

Bofton •, Hezekiah Allen, Dedham ; M'm. Lincoln,

Hingham ; Peter Boylftone Adams, John .Vinton,

Braintree ; Samuel Dagget, Needham ; Zebadjah

"W'eniworth and Frederick Pope, Stoughton ; George

Pay fan, Wafpole ; David Bicknall, Weymouth ;

Tnomas Bral>o\r, Wrcntham ; Deputy-iheriffs. ofter Hutchinfon, Efq; Judge of Probate. )hn Cctton.Efq; & Mr. Wm. Cooper, Jcint-regiflera. Their-Office is kept in the Court-houfe, Sueen-street^ ofliua Henfhaw, E'q; County-treafurer.

County of £fex. aleb Cufhing, Andrew Oliver, jun. Wm. Brown, Peter Frye, ECqrs. Juftices of the Isferior Court, ofeph Blaney, Efq; Clerk, .ichard Saltonitall, Efq; High-lheriff.

[athan Brovvr, Salem ; Wm. Dodge, Ipfwich ; Wm

Ingalis, Newbury-Port ; Jacob Paifons, Gloucefter

Thomas Bragg, Andover ; Amos MuUikin, Bradford Deputy-fheriffs. enjamin lynde, Efq; Judge of Probate, eter Frye, Efq; Regifter of Probate, ohn Higginfon, Efq; Regifter of Deeds, ;apt. Michael Far ley^ County-treafurer, _««_—- Cuuniy of Middkfex Samuel Danfortti, John Tyns, Jofeph Lee, James Ru fell, Efqrs. Juflices of ihe Inferior Court. Tliaddeus Mafon, Efq; Clerk. David Phipps Efq; High-flieritF.

Wm. Howe, Cambridge ; Pc:er Ball, VVakham ; Jami

Kettle, Maiden; John Farrer, Fiamingham ; Wn! Willia Greene, Reading ; Jofeph Butler,. Concord ;

' Pi erce, Chelmsford ; Sampfon Tuttle, Littleton ; Jo

Shiple, Gr»ton ; Kliftia Bacon, Natick ; MunninRS S:

win, Marlboro* ; Jofeph Reed, Wertford ; Deputj

flierifFs'. Abraham Waifdn, jun. Cansbridge ; Jofia Smith, Wefton ;. D. Hiven, Coroners. Simuel Danforth, Efq; Judge of Probate. Wm. Kneeland, Efq; Regiller of Probate. John Foxcrofl:, Efij; Regifter of Deeds.

County of HampfhWg. Ifrael Wniiams,, Oliver Patridge, Timothy Dwight, jui Thomas Williams, Efqrs,- JLullices of the Inf. Cour' Wm. Williams, Efq; Clerk. Solomon Stoddard, Efq-, High-iTieriff, Wm. Pynchon, jun. and Walter Pynchon, SprinplRcId

Az3riah Cooley, Brimfield ; John King, . Palmer Ph'neas Miricic, Monfon ;^Pliineas Pratt, Granville

Selah Wright, N-^rthampton v Wm. Jiilding Hufield

Oliver Warner, Hadley ; Seth Catlm».I>^erfield ; Elea;

Pomroy. Northfield •, Jofeph Afhiey, jun. Sunderland

Nathaniel Wright, Belchertov/n ; MofesUowry, Wei field, Dep-Mty-lheriffs,. Ifracl Williams, Efq, Jud^e of Probate. Mr. inael Williams,, jim. Regifter of Probate, Edward Pynchon, E(q; Regifter of Deeds,

Cikunfj of Plymouth. John Winilow, Thomas Fofter, Gamaliel Bradford, J< fiah Edfon, Efqrs JulViccs of the Inferior Court. Kd. Winflow, and Ed. Winflow, jun. Efqrs, Joint -clerk JamffS Warren, Efq; High-fticriff.

John Cotton, Plymouth ; Nathmiel Little, Kiiigfton, J(

fiah Barber, Pembroke ; Elilha Foord, Marflifield ; /

biel Turner, Situate ; Ebenezer Whitmarih, Abington

Zachariah Paddock, Middieborough ; Japhet Allei

Bridge water ; Nathan Nye, jun. Rochefter ; Jof. Ton fon,jun. Halifax; Deputy-fheriffs. John Cufliiug, Efq; Jud^ of Probate. i6 AV^n.ilow, Efq; Regirter of Froba te.- 111. K'q.Resiiter of Deeds, and Cnunt^'-Treafurer

County of Barmtaole. mes Ov^, Thonus \Vlnflo\v, , fidvvard Bacon, Efqrs. Juilices of the Inferior Court, fepi. Ocis, Efq; Clerk. itkaniel Stone, Efq; Hlgh-fherifF. His Deputies are b Ho'.vland, Otis LonHg, Edmund Howes, Barnftable ;

Jo l>?h Bourn, Falmouth ; Benj. Chipman, Sandwich;

Eno^h Hallet, Yarmouth ; Chillingfw'orth FoUer, jun.

Harwich ; Jofiah Mirick, Elftham ; Jo/hua Atldns, and James Covel, jun. Chatham ; Jof. Atkins, Truro, mes Gtis,. Efq; Judge of Probate. • Gorham, Efq; Regifler of Probate. nmun Otis, Efq; Regii?er of Deeds, County of BristoL orge Leonard, Ephraim Leonard, James Williams iliiiha Tobey, Efqrs. Juilices of the Inferior Court. nothy Fales, Efq; Clerk, vefter Richmond, Efq; High-fherifT. ;iip. Hathavray, Job ^V'iHianls, Robert Croffman, Brian iall, Jonathan Clapp, Sylvefter Richmond, jun. John liciimnnd, JofiaJj Dean, iun, Jonathan Wheeler, Sa- nue! Peck, Eiiiha Ed!y, Ziccheus Tobey, John Tobey, itephen Fuller, Deputy-flicriffs. vid Williams, Ifaac Hodger, John Cane, Nathaniel eonard, Eber.ezer Deane, Popet Barney, Coroners. Drse Leonard, Efq; Judge of Probate, 0. Leonard, jnn. EA]; Regifter of Probate, nes Williams, Efq; Regilter of D eeds. County of York. nes GoMfen, Nathaniel Sparhawk, Jof. Saywer, Daniel ^louhon. Efqrs, Ja(tices o\ the Inferior Court, atban Sayward, Efq; Soecial Juftice. 1. Froft, Efq; Clerk, j. Moalton, Efq; High-fherift. a. Sayward, Efq; Judge of Probate. fid Sewali, Eiq; Regitier of Probate. Moukon, Efq: Rcgifter of Deeds, and County Treaf.

Cuunty if Dtike's-County. ithew Mayhew, Joha Samaer, Jofiah Ttlton, Jofeph /Iayke«', Efqrs. Judices of the Interior Court. les Athern, Efq; Clerk, aad Regifler of Probate. n. May hew, Efq; High-fteriff. .tttiew Mayhew, Efq; Judge of Probate. Kh CviHn, Efqj Regi/ter of Deeds. ' County of Nantucket. Obed Hufley, Jonathan Coffin, Grafton Gardiicr, C^;

. Bunker, Efqrs. Juftices of the Inferior Court. Benja. Tupper, Erq; High-fheriff. Jere. Gardner, Efq;' Judge of Probate, and Reg, of Dee Mr. Frederick Folger, Regifter.

County of Worcefter. Timothy Ruggles, Thomas Steele, J ofeph Wilder, At mas Ward, Efqrs. Juftices of the Inferior Court. Timothy Paine,, Efq; Clerk., Gardner Chandler, Efq; Hig-h-fhcriff.' David Moore, Jolhua Johnfon, Worcefter; J. M

jun. Peter Green, LancafVer ; Henry Baldwin, Benji. F

Shrewibury ; Thomas Moore,'Mofes Jennings, Brookfie

Luke Drury, Grafton -y Jere. Learned, Oxford ; Ept

im Mower, Leicefter j George Bruce, Mendon ; Zebt

Dodge, Lunenburgh •, Jonas Ball, Southbormigh ; San

Stone, Rutland; Peter Atherton, Harvard •, William 1 coin, Diflrift Leominfter ; Aaron Holden, Rutland ;

Billing, jun. Hardwick y Arthur Dagget, Sutton ; JM*

Wright Templeton ; Timothy Newell, Sturbridge ; f

Sawyer, Winchendon ; Robert Goddard, Pcterfham ; J; Moor, Bolton ;• Wareham Warner, New-Braintr

Gerlham Chapin, Uxbridge ; Salem Town, Charlt Deputy-lheriffs. , Efq; Judge of Probate. I'im.Paine, Efq; and Clerk Chandler, Repfters of Prafc Timothy Paine, Efq; Regifter of Dceds^_

County of Cumberland. Jere. Powel!, Enoch Freeman, Mofes Pearfon, J( Mafon, Efqrs. Juftices of the Inf. Coirt.

Stephen LongfeHow, Efq; Clerk, and Reg. of Proba , William Tyng, Efq; High- flier iff.. \

! Samuel Marlh, Scarbnro' ; John R'obi'.ifon, John TV

rill and James Flood, Fa'.momth ; William Gawcll, H.i

well ; Deputy-lheriffs. Benja. Tircomb, Thomas Sc and Pelig Chandler, Coroners. Enoch Frecman.Efq; Judge of Probate, and Reg. of Ds Gapt. Ephraira Jones, Couoty-Treafurerv

County of Lin-cbla.. William Lithgo'.v, Aaron Htnk!ey,,Tho?, Rice, The Goldthwait, Efqrs. Juftices of the Inferior Court, Ibnaihan Bowman, Efq; Clerk.

eg, ies CuMng, Efij; High-iTieriJf. "' Goodwin, jun. John Merri!), Benja. Palmer, Mofe/ )pe!r.nd, Jmz. Spafford, J-na. Jones, Eben. Farweli, Boyd, BcRJa. Coulfens, Nath. Sinclar, Jof. Chadwich. cputy-f>.eritrs. Thomas Boyd, Coroner. than Bowman, Efc^ Jadge ot Probate. nd Ciifhiag, Kfq; Regiirer of Probate andDeeds. . Liiligovv, Efq; County-Treafurer.

.X-'ounty if Btrklhire-.

. Williams, John Afnley, Timothy Wootlbridge, Pe Maifh, Efqrs. Juftices of the -Inferior-Court. D wight, Efq; Cierk. Williams, Efq; High-flieriff. jam William-, Efj:; Judge of Probate. k Hopkin.-, Efq; RegiAer of Probjte and Deeds. CommUJlontn And OJiceis of the Cujicna

, Henry Hult'jn, \Vm. Barch, CharJes Paxiop, Joh/i' jbinfon, Benja. Hollowell, Elqrs. CommiiTioncri. ard Reeve, Efq; Secretary, lel Mather, E(q; Chief Cierk. Curgenven, San). Lloyd, Jofeph Cockfon, Clerks. Henry Hjmphric, Cierk of the Minutes, lei Ste>vafi, EPj; Caihier and P^ynialVer-Genera!. anjel Coifin, ti'q; Depiity-tailiier. rter.Efq; Cop.ij, Gea. andExara.of CoIIeftors entries. s Xille, JEf^: Sollicitor. ams., and Wm. Wootton.Elqrs. Infpefto'S GcncraL rus Irvin^', iifq; Infpedior of Exports and Imports, el Isl^^xlxr, Efq; Regifier of Seizures. Port of B S TO N. ard A kiom Harrifon, Efq; Collector. :ri Hoiiowel), Elq; Comptroller. el Chimier, tfq; Surveyor and Searcher. ar Savage, Efq; Dcp. ditio ditto. Arnbiofe Vincent, Landwaiter, Weigheracd Gauger. T homas Chandler, ditto Lemuel Cox, Ailiftant ditto Chriftopher Minot, Landwaiter. Roi.ert Parker, Tide-Surveyor.

. Vv inflow, Efq. Dep. Colleftor refidingat Plymouth. ird Winflow, jun. Efq; Naval Officer at ditto. Samuel Profter, Dep. Colieftor relidingai Naniucket. Hen.-y Smith, Deputy Naval Officer at ditto. Avery, Deputy. ; Jas. RnfleH. Xmpoft.Qfficer. J. S9 Tohn Bernard, Efq-.Kava! Officer for all the Pons Avith this Province. Mr, Nathaniel Taylor, Deputy ditto. Psrt of SALEM. J. Fiflier, Efq; Colleftor. Jn. Mafcareene, Efq; Comp Jofeph Dowfc, £fq* Surveyor and Searclier.

John Turner, '. q; Deputy Naval-Officer. Port tf F A /^ M OV T H, Cafco-Baj. Fra. Waldo, Efq-, CeUedor. Ceo. Lyde, Depntf. Arth. Savage, Efq; CoiaptroUor^ John Domett, Deput Tho. Child, Deputy Na.al Officer, and King's Ganger, Mr. Wyer, Tide-Surveyor. David ^ £ot(rt of Admiralty. The Hon. Robert Auchmuty, ECq; 'j;idgc, Samuel Fitch, Efq; Advocate. General.

' Thomas Bernard, Efq; Regifter.

Ml . Ezekiel Price, Deputy-regifter. ohn Cotton, Efq; Marfha! and Serjeant at Mace. The following Days are kept as Holidays at the ferei Cuftom-Houfes in America, by Or(Jer of the Ho) Commiflioners of his Majefty's Cu'ftoms, viz.

Jan. I ft, New-Years Day. JuHe 4, King's Birth Diy. 18 C^ceen's Birth Day. Aug. 1 2,P.of Wales's B.Da: 39 K.. Charles's Mart. Sept. i8, Ki»g Geo. ilt Feb. 15, Shrove Tuefday. 2d landed in Great-Britai

1 6 , A fli- W^ednefday, 22, King's Coronatior Lady-Day. Oft. 25, KUig's Accefllon April I, Good-Fridaj% Nov. I, All Saints.

1 1, Eafter Monday. 5, Powder-PJot. 12, Eafter Tuefday. Dec, 2 5Chriftinas Day. Afcention. 23. S- George. 26,

2 fun . ;^lond a/. Holidays May 3 ,, Whit 27,;:?CChrift. Tueftlay. ' 34,Whitfnn. \ 28, 3 Aifo the followiag Provincial Days. Faft. Coipmence. at Carabridi General j

General Eleftion. I GeneralThaHkfgiving. POST-OFFICE. Benjamin Frankli* and John Foxcroft, Efqrs. Bej>uty Pej

MaftenGenerals, for North'America, I Tuthil Hubbart, Efq; Poft-mafter for Bofton*

Juftices of ths Peace through the Province. \ Andrew Oliver /Sara. Danforth iWm. Brattle Benjamin Lynde jlfaac Royal Ijames Bowd:".i

5john Culhing fjohn Erving { Gamaliel Bridfui 60 1 ,

ter Oliver James Otis Jeremiah Powell ael Williams Nathaniel Ropes James Pitts thl. Sparhawk Timothy Paine Thomas Clapp rrifon Gray ]onn Bradbnry John Wortiiington nes Rii/Tell Edm. Trowbridge omas Flucker John Chandler Jonathan Sewall

fuftlces of the Peace for the County cf Sufolk. ak. Hutchinfon Samuel Niles Ifaac Smich m. Stoddard Jofeph Jackfon Benj. Hoilowell, ju. leld Lynde James Otis, jun. Benja. Lincoln, jun. ter Harchinfon Jacob Cufhing Elifna Adams Dhaiec Pond Melatiah Boiirn Wm. Holden efter Gardiner Ebenezer Miller Wm. Spur kiel Goldthwait Nathan Sumner John Tudor phen Greenleaf John Gould Samuel Pembetton nuel Winthrop John Rowe Wm. White han. Hatch Arnold Welles John Thaxter lah Q^iincy Thomas Cufhing John Hancock nes Murray Jol;n Scollay J. Meicalf ben Auchmuty Benjamin Aufliin Eben. Thayer, jun. -nund Qjiincy Jofeph Sheiburne Stephen Millet Hil! W. B. Townfhend Wm. Hyflop epti Williams Cotton Tufts Jofeph Harrifon cher Noyes Jofeph Hewins Jona. Williams nry Adams Wm. Phillips riio. Hutchinfon hDa Henfhaw James Humphrey George Eiving ijamin Dyer Benja. Pemberton Elijah Dunbar emiah Green Ifaac GardiRer, Ju. Wm. Coffin, jun. irles Paxton Edw. Hutchinfon John Bernard snezer Fifher Jofliua Clapp Jofhua Lorlng les Boutineau 'Jofeph Gardner John W inflow ;b. Johonnot Tho.Fayerweathei Thomas G'-ay ;ph Green Tofiah Newel Simue! Q^incy ic M inflow Eliflia Tilerton Eli/ha Hutchinfon WdLid Clarke John Barrett Rufhi Niles niy Lloyd John Waldo ohn Gray n Erving, jun. Samuel Cufhing Thomas A'lyne er Chardon John Levereit N'athaniel Perkins nue! Grant Ezekiel Lewis James Lloyd lathan Simpfon' John Avery Thoraa> Bui finch imp, Hutchinfon Samuel Fitch MHes Whitworth N. B. The Seventeen firft are if the ^orum. V 6 t ,

Justices of the Peace for the Comty of FJex. Robert Hooper Ifa.Menill Je. Lee Ebenezer Punatn Thomas Rovvell Jona. Bagley Jofeph Blaney Caleb Cufhing Thos. Woodbr'idge Sam. Greenleaf And. Oliver, jun Benjamin Prefect John (Jallifon W.Brown, P.Frye Jofeph Gerrifli Nath.Peaf.Sarge Samuel Philips Ed. Aug. Holyoke AzorOrne Daniel Witham Aaron Potter Benj. Pi*.kman,im Jofeph Bowditch Jofeph A-ppleton Jofeph Dowfe John Turner Thomas Gage Wm. Storey Wra. Atkins Benja. Marfton Samuel Moody Epes Sargent Wm. Pynchon Fr.Cabot J.Lowe Nath. Peaflee Ifaac Mansfield Sam.Cotnam Daniel Farnham Jofiah Fairfield John Cufhing Samuel White Aaron Wood T Robie K.Burri Benja. Jones Benja. Greenleaf Rich ..Derby, jui Francis Choate Geo. Abbot, lun. John Calef Thomas Saunders Nathan Bowen Trilkum Dalton James Davis William Vans Nathaniel Carter John Leach Nath. Brown Micajah Sawyer John Higginfon Samuel Plumraer Dummcr Jewert SarmaelCurwin Jacob Fowlc, jun. Stephen Barker John Nutting John Ofgood, Jan. Abner Cheaver Jn. Lee, N. Allen Jofeph Frye Part. Tracy Richard Greenleaf Stephen Emmery Stephen Hooper JuSHces of the Peace for the C«untj of Middlefex. Sam. Danfoith jHenry Gardner Simon Tufts John Tyng Wm. Stickney Wm. Pepperill Jofeph Lee Wm. Kneeland Abraham Fuller James Ruflell Ijohn Cumfning Charles Pelham Sampfon Stoddard Joleph Parry John Read Thaddeus Mafon Jer.Dumer Rogers J. Prefect J. Di Wm. Read Charles RiifTell John Dennie Thomas Kicidcr. Jona. Haftings David Che.cvcr Jofeph Haven Henry Barns Andrew Newell James Prefcijt John Varnum John Foxcroft Jofiah Coverfe John Beatton Leonard Williait Ifaac BoH^man John Wilfon Samp.Stoddard.ju Tho. Whiting Wm. Baldwin Daniel Biifs Jof. Buckrainftcr Samuel Hendley Thomas RufTell John Hunt John Borland James Tyng Jofiah Johnfon Richard Cary Thomas Brattle Stephen Hall Ifaac Farnf worth Tho. Danfoith Tho. Sparhawk Thomas Oliver John White r.fa.Rand J. Noyes Jn.VafTall |Dunt:. Ingraham 62 JuifUts of the Pence for the CouHty of Hamp/hire. rnothy D wight Thomas Williams Jona. A/hley jah Williams Jofiah Chancy Jona. Blifs feph Haw ley Eleazer Porfer James Bridgham iver Partridge Eldad Taylor Time. RobinfoD no. Dwight.jun Edward Pynchon Elilha Porter hn Sherman Gideon Lyman John Ingerfol Ith Field Wm.Williams,jun Jofeph Root d Mofely Wm. Billings muel Mather Mofes Blifs Abraham Burbank

JuHlces of tke Peace for the County of Plymouth. hn Window Robert Brown Briggs Aldin lomas Foller J.Willis A.White J. StarJevant, jun. mal'ieJ Bradford Kcnelem Winilovv Jofeph Joflelyn fiah Edfon NoahSprague Nathan Howard ward Winflow J. Fearing Jo. Keen Peter Oliver, jun. ivid Little Gideon Bradford Nathan Cufliing vid Stoclsbridge Nath.Ray Thomas John Thomas miel Johnlon John Cotton Jofiah Ctilhing aniel Howard VV.SeeverE. Keith Pe'ham Winflow :oj ge Watfon Wra. Watfon Jofiah Torrcy th. Clapp Thomas Mayhew Sam. Sprague mes Hovey Nath. Rugoles Char. Stockbridge hn Cufhing, jun Samuel Norton Edw.Winflow.jun N. B. The eleven firJt are of '.he Riorum. Jujticti of the Peace fof the County of Barnjlable, mes Otis Keuelm Wiiilkw Meleiiah Bourn )land Cotton Ifaac Hinckley Daniel Davis lomas Winflow NymphasMarfton Elifha Doaae ivid Gorham Jona. Drtane Thomas Bourn lomas Smith Jofeph Otis J. Greenough waid Biion Chiliingfw. Foller Sheaifiilhub Bourn i. Otis David Thather R'chard Bo'irn Ju Hues of tk( Pe lice for the County of Brijiol. ;orge Leonard George Godfiey T. Cobb Imothy Tales Walter Spoonei W. Bullock hcmas Brown E:ira Richmond Roht. Treat Paine phraitn Leonard Aaron Kingfley Ebenezer Crane imes WiUiam-j Abiel Terrey Daniel Leonard eo. Leonard, iun. Thomas Morcy ZepJi. Leonard lifha Tobey ^Benjamin Akia Robert Lufcombe :rath. Bowers Daniel Williams Geo. Brightmaa "homas GilDcrt Benja. Williams Edward Pope N. \l-_TUe ele-.- en fir it *re of the ^i»ru ""63 "^F 2 Jufricti of the P.ence fur tie County of York. Jofeph Sayer Ciiarlts Ci.auiii-y Benjamin Parker DaniclMouhon Samuel Jordan David Sewail

Riihvvorth Jordan Fame , Govien Sam. Sewail, juh Nath. Doiuiel TfTia. Say ward I'homas Cutt J';feph Sroicr Thonia? Perkins JofepliSiinpfon.ouil i'l^omas Bragdon •JohnV.'heelwiiaht JafepIiFrye Benja. CliadbL:riie Edward Cutt Triftram Jordan Nath. AVells Jeremiah Hill Soiomon Lymau Charles Hill Jonathan Bane Torham Moukon

Jujiices of the Peace for tlie tcunty of Duke'i-Count). Math. Mayhew James Athearn Zaccheus Mayhei Jofeph Mayhew John Worth Jofiah Tilton Nathan Hancock Shiibael Cottell Jabez Aihearn Jonathan Allen Juji'tcei pf the Peace for the Couni\ of Auntucket. Jofiah Coffia iCaieb Banker Abifi)ai Folgcr Jona. Coffin Jeremiah Gardner Obcd Hufiey Grafton Gardner Ebenezer Calef Timothy Folger

Jujtices of the Peace fo^- iha County ef JVorceJter. Timothy Ruggles Moles Marcy Jofiah Wolcot Edward Hartwell Wm. Ayres Jedediah Marcy Timothy Paine John Stone If'rael Taylor Thomas Steele Nathan Tvler John Chandlcr.jun Jofeph Wilder John Caldwell W^m. Barron Arte mas Ward John Whitcorab Gardner Chandler Jedediuh Fofter Jolhua Willard Thomas Legget John Murray Simeon D wight Joihua Up ham ' 'James Putman J.Elliot Ez. Tayloi Daniel Blifs John Chandler Edward Davis Jonathan White Abel Willard Daniel Henfhaw Levi Willard John Harwood Abijah Willard Ephraim Woolfon Ifaac Barnard Fianc's Whipple Thomas Brigdon Robert Goddard Solomon Wood Samuel Wilder Charles Brigham Jofeph Dorr John Muzzy Duncan Campbeil Daniel Oliver N. B, The Eleven firft are of the Siuorum.

yujiit.es of the Peace far the County of Cumberland. Enoch Freeman IWm. Simonton D.Epes.TBradburj Edward Milliken Wm. Woodfide Thomas Smith Jonas Mafon jFrancis Waldo Jo. Bagley, R. King StephenLongfe]Iow|David Mitchel David Wyer, Jan. Solomon Lombard: Wm. Silvelter Wiiliam Allen Mofes Pfarfon 'Wra. Thoinpfon William Gorham 64 Juj'iices of the Peace for tht Counts of Lincoln, 'm. l.ithgow JamesHoward Dudley Carlton aron Hinkcky John Stinfon Joiia. Longfellow fm. Cufhing \Vm. Crawford James MacCobb maihan Bowman Davfd Faies Ariher Noble ho. Goldthwait Alex. Nickels Jonathan Bagley homas Rite Abraham Preble Stephen Jones arles Cufhing Na. Jones Nathan. Thwing 3id. Ht^fley Francis Shaw Etekiel Pattee N. B, The nine firjt are of the Riorum.

JuHices of the Peace f»r the County tf Berk0:irs.

'ra. Williams Daniel Brown Jap. Woodbridge •hn Alhley Dav. Ingerfo!I,jun. John Afliley, Jun, m. Woodbridge Samuel Todd Ne. Bull E.Dwight rez Mirih Woodb. Little llVael Stoddard hn Chadwick Jofeph Bennet Mark Hopkins

Banijleri at L A TV, njamin Kent Eollon Andrew Cazneau Bolloo

, Fafnham Newbary-Port J. Lowell Ncwb'jry-Porx jn.J.AVorthingtonSpringfi Zeph. Leonard Taunipn mes Otis Jan. BortonjDaniel Leonard Taunton Putnam Worcefter Theo. Bradbury Falmouth fephHawIey Nortlmmpton David AVeyer Falmouth Xics Hovey Plymouth MarkHopkins G. Harrington muel Fitch Boi\oH Simeon Stroag Araherlt in.Jona.Sewall Cambridge John Sallivan Durham obt. Treat Paine Taunton Daoiel Oliver Hardwick illiam Pynchon Salen: Cambridge mael Swift Boiton Samp. Salter JBIowersBofton njamin Gridley Boftnn Daniel Blifs Concord muelQaincy Bolton Jonathan Blifs Springfield )hn Adams Bolton Samuel Porter Salem

>el Willard i Lancafter JtffliuaUpham Brookfield avid Sewail York Shearja. Bourn Barnftable fes Blifs Springfield James Sullivan Biddeford

. P. Sergeant Haverhi! Jere. D. Rogers Littleton W inflow Plimouth O. Anger Elqrs. Bridgwater Attorniei at Lww prailifing at the Superior Coart> ivid Gotham Rufus Chandler )fiah Q:,iincy Sedgwick muel Sewail Timothy Langdon hu Sprague Ifaac Mansfield [ward Pope F3 "67: . In CAMBRIDGE, founded 1638. OVERSEERS.TIjc Prefidency vacant. His Excellency the Governor, his Honour the Lieutenant Governor, and the Honorable Council. j Pref. Rev. M.Byles,DD Rev. Sim.Howard RevNAppletonDD Thos. Prentice John Lothrop Hull Abbot Nathl. Walter Thos. Abbot Seth Storer Samuel Cooke John Hunt C.Chauncy, DD And. Eiiot.DD Jofeph Howe EPembei tonDD Sa. Cooper, D D John Bacon Sam.MaiherDD Amos Adams Sec.totkeOverfeers] Jona. Bowman Wm. Gordon Rev. A. Eliot, DD CORPORAT I O N. The Prefident. Rev. Nathaniel Appleton, D. D. Han. JohnWinthrop,Efq-,L.L.D.andF.R.S FelJows. Rev. Andrev/ Eliot, D. D. Rev. Samuel Cooper, D. D. Andrew Eliot, A. M. HonorableP^ROFFSJohn Hancock, Efq;SORS.Treafurer. Hon. Jfthn Winthiop, Efq; L. L. D. and F. R. S. Hoi- lifiau PrcfeJJ'or of the Mathematics and Fkilofofhy. E;d. Wig^iiirvvortl:, A.M. Hvllh Pr ofgffor' of Divinity Stephen Sevvall, A. M. Hancock Profgjfor of the Hebww and other Oriental Languages. TUTORS, Andrew Eliot, A. M. John Wadfworth, A. M. Caleb Gannett, A. M. Stephen HaU, A. M. Libiarian, Jarnes Wintbrop, A. M, Sie^i'jard, Jonathan Haltings, Efq; hiitltr, Suinael Cooke. A. B.. Commencexnent third Wednefday in July.

Vacations. Fratn Commevccment, /l Weeks. From the

Z.d lVe4mld»'iJn Oihjhcr -z H'eeki. From the \fi JVednef-

{i.iy in Jdmuiry, 5, H e:_ks. Ftimh thp 2d Wednefday in April; 2 IVeiks.

I\linilieti, Churchei, and Religiaus Affernj/Ues. Note. E Epifcopalian. B. Baptift. P. Prelbyteriati, Foiincled. Religious a. D ) North Charch, Rev. John Lathrcp, Charch-fqnare. South Church, Rev. John Haat,and the Rev. John Bacon, Marlboroagh-Itreet. A ntipadobiptiri Church, Rev. S Stillman, Back-ft. King's Chape-!, E. Rev. Henry Caner, D. D. and Rev. Join , Tiemount-itreet.

» Chtirch in BrattJe-HreetjRev Sana. Cooper, D. D, Friend's Meeting, Leverett-rtreet. i\ew-northChurch,Rev. A.Eliot, D,D. Norih-Zlreet, Nev.'-fouth, Rev. Jofeph Howe, Summer-ilreet. Church in Midcie-llreet, Re7. Eb. Pemberton,D.D. Chril>-church,E. Rev. M.Byles.jan. D. D.Salem-ft. Prefbyterian Church, Vacant, Long-lane. Ch-irch in Hollis-ltreet, Rev. Mather Byles, D. D. Trinity-church, E. Rev. "W.Walter, Sammer-ftreet. Well -ciYjruh, Rev. Simeon Hov/ard. Church inBsnnet-ftreet, Rev. Sam!. Mather, D. D. Second Antipaedobaptilt, Vacant, Back-ilreet. Church inSchool-ftreet, Rev. Mr. A.-Crofwell. Sandeman's Church, Middie-ftreet.

Bfj, Rev. Amos Ad3.ms ^Stvughtonham Rev. P.Cnrtis N. Walter T. Abbot Walpole Philips Payfon Wm. Gordon Wrentham Jofeph Bean he'ter Jnn. Bowman Nath. Emmons

'ham Ebenezer Gay Bell'tngham . Vacant Daniel Shufe Uledivay Nath. Backnara- ijfet John Brown Dav id Santbrd xntree Anth. Wibird Medfisld Tho. Prentice Ezra Weld Dedbam Jafon Haven Mofes Tafi Vacant EdA-.WinaowE Thomas Balch mouth AVm. Smith Benja. Caryl Simeon Williams Needham Samuel Weft ton Nath. Robbins \Br90kliHe Jofeph Jackfon ghton Sam. Djnbar iC/iei/i?* Ph. Payfon, jun. Jedid Adams \HuII Vacant

Religious Afiembiies in the County of Eflex. pi Rev. Thos. Barnard Marblchsad V/illiain Whii A fa Danba a^d well James Dimand Ifaac Storey N.Whitacker, p.D. J.Win.WeeksE Tho. Barnard, jan. Lynn J. Treadwell W. M'Gilchrift and Jofeph Ro by E R. B. NichoUs E Rev. Benjamin Adara* Frieiids Friends 67 Ddnvi!rs'Bcn]:i..\Vi\df\vonh ford Rev. WiliardHa! Shirley R^v. Pbln. Whitney John Suift Pepperrell J of. Emerlbn letun Darae! Rogers To'irnfcnd Samuel Bix. :?! Simuei Dana Ado by Vacant

i'.ous AiTemblies in t!te County of Hampihirc. jF/je/d Rev. Rob.Breck Brimfield Rev.Jas.Bridghaii: Jofeph Lathrop 'S. Brhnfield Ezra Reeve Steph. Williams D D Vacant B J. M'Kinftry Monfon Abilhai Sab in Sylv. Gnfwold B Palmer Eben. Baldwin P raham Nuah Merrick IVare Ezra Thayer ampton John Hooker Greenivuh Rob. Ci:tler amptoH Jonat.Judd Belcherto'vjn Jn. Forward iadlfy Sam. Hopkins Nau-Salem Sam. Kendall dle-j J. Woodbridge Shutesbury Abraham Hill by Simon Backus Pelham Vacant P lift David Parfons Sunderland Jofeph Aihley eld Jofeph Lyman Montagu Jadah Na(b lamfoorough Vacant Nortkneld John Hubbard tely Rafus Wells Wariufck Lemuel Hedj^e f.eld Jona. A/hley Btrnardllon Job Wright

ar«e Habbart Hu n 'ft -y' » ' Vacan t ifield Roger Newton Chnrlem'jnt Jona. Leavit Held John Baiiantine Chefterfield Benj. Mills vjiik Vacant Murrayfield Aaron Bafcom rd Jofeph Patrick Wurthingion J. Hunthigion Winlle Rev. Jed. Sm'lh A^field Jacob Shervvin

eligious Affv-m^lits in t he County of Plymouth.

Religious Aflemblies iu the Couniy of Bariiftable.

BUrnJiable Rcv.Tlm.Wilyard, Tarmouth Rev.N.Stoiie, |i Oaks SVaw Hariuich Ifaiah DunI Falmouth. Sam. Palmer Vacant I Fr'.ends Chatham Steph. Emi Sand-wich Abr. Williams fVellfieet Ifaiah Lew Friends Eaiiham Ed. Cheevi MaJIjpee Gideon Hiwley Jonathan Bale and S. Bryant Truro Caleb Upb Yarmouth Alden Provincetonvn Vacant

Religious All'emblies in the County of Briitoi. TauntonRev. Caleb Barnham Sn^fanzey* B Vacant E IShatuanet B B Friends (3mi Ncrtan JoTeph Palmerp/jfAfoBRev.Na.Fifhef & '. Mansfield Rol:ind GreeHFr^c^o«^u» Silas Brel Attlehro' Abijah Weld Friends Peter Thatcher Dartmouth Samuel W Rehoboth Ephraim Hide Friends 4 meeti; Rob. Rogerfon Berkley Samuel Tol Peck Raynham Peres Fob B Eajton Arch. Carapl

Religious Aliemblies in the County of York. I'ork Rev. Ifaae Lyman Lebanon Rev. Ifaac Hafe Sam Lank ton !Vt,Jh Mr. Hemmingg Kitterj Benj. Stevens Daniel Littl Vacant Arundel Vacant Alpheus Sprin.g BicU ford Mof. Moi Friend? Pepperelboro* J. F.iirf Jofiah Chafe Naa^anfet N. 4. P. Co BeriuUk Jacob Fofter Sanford Vacant Matthew Meriam -8«»/i;« Vacant Friends

Religious Aflemblies in the County of Duke's County Edgarton Rev.Sa. Kingsburj (C/if?7i"/^«/oaunRevZMayl Tiibury Geo. TixmixACa-jkead Zith. Hufout Chilmark And. Boardinanl Silas Paul

Religious Ailemblies in the County of Nantucket.

Sherburne Rev. BezaJ. Shaw ( Friends.

7o~~ " leilgious Aucmbliei, in the Cour.ty of \V oixeiter. ceiJsr Rev. Y.Maccartyib>iiofcj^e/i Rev. Eph. Ward hborou^h Nath. Stone Eli Forbes ''ycro'igh Eo. Parkman Natl an Fitk ihboror^i P. Whitney Liecejier Benja. Cockly™ nn T. Gofs 3nd J. War.> Friends \yi'-d Dan. Johnfon B ajter T. Harrington Spencer Vacant John Me lien Paxl(,!t Alex. Thayer 'iv/bury Jof. Sumner Ho lien Vacanc ELben. Morfe Rutland J. BuckminAer 'ton Vatant Rutland D. Jof. Dana on David Hall Privceto'vjn Tim. Fuller Ebon. Chaplin Hubhardlton Ne. Parker B Oakham Vacant P don Jof. Wilhrd :V. Era'nfree B. Rugbies Ameriah ITrofi Hardin-ck David A\'h!te Vacant Peter /ham Aaron Whitney idge Vacant Aihol James Humphrey hbrldge Friends Templtton Eben. Sparhawk n E ilba Fifli Hejtininjter Afaph IWoe 'la Ifaac Stone Ltominji-er Fr. Gardner Charles Gleafon John Rogers Jofeph Bowmar Lunenburg ZebcL Adams Caleb Curtif Aj'hburnkani John Cufhing bridz Jofhua Paine t'itchbur^ John Piyfon If'ifchendon Jof. Brown em Ifaac Jones; Royaljton JofephXee

ligious AlTemblies in the County ot Cumberland. toutk Rev. ThomasSmith Scarborough Rev. R. Elvins and Saml. Dean Tlio. Pierce P Ebenezer \^'i!^ums Gorham Jofiah Thacher Thomas Brown Pierfunt'^ivn J. Thamfon Jo. Wi%all E iX.Gio- cejtcr S. Foxcroft Frieadj Hurpf-well Sam. Eaton Itzaheth Eph. Clarke Friends iham P. Thac. Smith Brunf'wick John MiUer armouih T. Giiman

Religious Allemblies in the County of Lincoln. r.alboro'Kev. T. yLoore', Ne'^ca.i.le Vacant Vacant Cwr^e/o'UJS Rev.Ez.Emerfon

Jacob Bailey E j Frarcis Winter ^-a/jV/rRc'/JofiahWinihip Batf/A^flv John Murray p 7i Eo*ii'doi')UHiTn''Ync.':nt of the Officers of the 6j^th Regiment garrifoned at Caitle-Wiliiam. John Pomeroy, Colonel. Hon. Alexander Leflie, Lieut. Co\. William Fleming, Major. Captains. Lieutenants, Enfigns, Mufgrave Fred. Bowes Matthew Millett M'Leroth H. P. EllUon iWm. Snowe ra. Stannus John Lewis jThomas Blood s Stewart John Evcreft jHarry Hamilton Armftrong James Galbraith J. Hiil For/ter ry Nairne Micl-ael Jacob John Jackfon hael Fleming Robert Shaw G. Dwight Lyman Tho. Bomford J. K. Strong ick Calder Rob. Packenham ipt. Lieut. James Hi!I Wm, Fitzpatrick rt Bel!, Chaplain j\Vm.Gratton,qiiarter.Mafl liam Snowe, Adjutant 'Robert Bilhop, Surgeon iier at the Caftle, William Burbeck. lUMan, William Salifbury.

Fort Poivnal, at Penohfcot.

. Go!dthwait,Efq;Capi.Uev.W. Crawford, Chaplain T. Goldthwaicjo. Lieut.lvir. T.Fletcher, Interpret. Jona. Lowder, Gunner,|Mr. Jofh. Treat, Armourer. Jedediah Preble, Efq-, Truck-raafter. SOUTH BATTERY. miah Green, Efq; Captain "with the rank of Major. e% Apthorp, Efq; Lieutenant ^itk the rank of Capt. is rollings. Gunner. Nat. Green, Gunner's Mate. liam Powell, Jji S^uarter Gun. William Andrews. ^ar. Gun. John Hoffin, "^d Sir. Gun, Thomas LucaS; Sir, Gun. Jere. Green, jun. li^ T B. Simpkins, 2

d Officers, &c.' of the M I L I T I A, commiflioned by the Gop^ernor. icraWe William Brattle, Efq; Mxjer-General $f the Militia, through the Pnvince, His Exiellettcy the Governor's Troop of hhrfc-Citr.rdi. David Phips, Efq; Captain with the rank of Ccionc!. John Vallall, Elq; ilt I.Icut. with the rank of Lt Coloi

Jona. SneUing, Efq -, ad Lieut, with the rank of It. C Nath. Wales, Efqj firll Cornet, with the rank ofMajt David Wood, Efq; 2d Cornet, with the rank of Majoi AlexanderEdwards, Qnarter-maftcr, with die rank ofCajp John Greaton, firft Bridgadier, with the rank of Liei PeJeg Stearns, 2d Brigadier, with the rank of ditto, John Savage, 3d Brigadier, with the rank of ditio, John Jenkins, 4th Brigadier, with the rank of ditto. Samuel Gore, firft fub Brigadier, with the rank of Corn* Samuel Winlhip, 2d fub Brigadier, with the rank of dttt Samuel Shed, 3d fub Brigadier, with tlie rank of ditto. Seth Sumner, jun. 4th fub Brigadier, with rank of diit<

The Ancient and Hon. Artillery Company, incorporatt April 24th, 1638. jMaj T. Dawes, Efq-,Captain| Lieut. Jofeph Webb, Enfii Capr.. Ephraim May, Lieut. Jof. Jackfon.Efq; Treafare (Governor's Inaepeiidant Company of CADRib. Hon. John Hancock, Efq; Captain, with the rank ol Co William Coffin, Efq; Lieut, with the rankof Lieut. Co t Daniel Hubbard, Efq; Enfign, with the ranlc of Maj BOS ION REGIMEJ^T. John Erving, Efq; Colonel. JohnLeverett,Efq; Lt. Col. Th. Dawes, Efq; M;ijor Captains. Lieutenants- Enfigns. Rd. Poynton, Efq; Thomas Clemens Wm. Etluidge ("with rank of Maj. Jeremiah Stimpfon Jofeph Webb Daniel Neal JoHah Waters Joflah Waters, ju. Levi Jennings i Martin Gay John CufhLng jjohn Ofgnod Samuel Ridgway Jacob Williams Thomas Kufiell Samuel Barrett William Bell Ijaraes Bayley John Hafkins Wm. Cunningham James Blake Ephraim May William Miller John Boyle David Spear Charles Williams Edward Kneeland Andrew Symmes Sam. Eliof, jun. Tho. Shearburn,ji]ri Edward Profter Ebenezer Howard Caleb Champncy Job Wheelwright NathaHiel Heath Samuel White Wm. Dawes, jun. Lieutenant and Adjutant [The Lieutenants and Enfi.^ns are placed to their refpedive _Compimies, and- not as they rank in the Regiment.] 47 Jicers 0/ the Train belonging to the BeJ'ion Refiment. no Paadock, Efq; Captain, "jjith the rank of Major, ez Hirch, Captain-TleutenaHt. mas Craft, jun. ijt Veut. George Trott, id Lieut, vird Tuckerman, Lieutenant Fire-Wtrker.

Officers of" the Granadier Companj. vlajor Dawes Captaia. ofeph Pierce,

and S-iLieLieutenants, lenry Knox

Field Officers in the feveral Regiments of Militia. SUFFOLK. 5 John Gallifon CoL liphalei Pond Coloneljacob Fowle Lt. CoJ, in Jones Lieut. Col.jjohn Pederick Efqrs. Ma;or eph Mayo Majo 6th. John Stevens Colonel h. Rugg]es,Ef»]rs.2dMaj. John Lee Lieut. Col. ohn Tbaxter, Efq; Col John Low, Efqaires, Major

1). Lincoln, Eiq; Lt. Col, MIDDLESEX. rhaver,Efq;Mai,ranksLC I Hon. Wm. Brattle Colonel Loveli, idMk). Thomas Oliver Lieut. Col. Kath. Hatch Colone Abraham Fuller ill Majo. pben Miller Lieut. Col, Tho. Brattle, Efqrs. 2d Maj Bn. Billing, Efors. Majoi 3d Elilha Jones Colonel ESSEX. Charles Prefcet Lieut. Col. William Srown Colonel Jofeph Curtis, Efqrs. Major tcr Frye ifl Lieut. Col. id Regiment South Part. nja.Pickmanad Lieut. Col. John Noyes Colonel ncr Cheever Major Jotin Jones Lieut. Col. Regiment, North Divifion. John Farrar, Efqrs. Major nathan Bagley Colonel 6th James Prefcot Colonel nlc-lFarnham Lieut. Col. Jona. \\'ood Lieut. Co). th. Currier lit Maior Oliver PrefLOt, Efqrs. Mat. ill;am Ccffin 2d Major H A M P S H I R E. Siuth Divifions " South Rt'iitiunt. phen Emcr Co!oneljHon.J, Worthi.n^toa Colonel lomas Gage Lieut. Ot Benjamin Day Lieut, Co!. tiijua Cf'ifin III Major Jonathan Blifj, Efqcs. Major Ln.Spaltord, Efqrs. zdMaj North Regiment.

. Kiihaniel Brown CoU Ifrael Williaius Colonel Lieut. Col. Oliver Partridge^ Lt. Col. ihn Calef, Efqrs. Major Timothy D wight lit Major Ri;t.. Saitonftall Colonel Elea. Porter, Efqrs. 2d Maj. oige Abbot Lieut. Col.j P L I M O U T H. loci: Bartlet, Ef<^rs. Major' ift George Watlon Colonel

/:> BrigH;5 Aldtn Lt. Col. Corn Stifle t Piilliam Window, Efqrs.Maj.' 2d Regiment Eajt Divifion. David Su>ckb)idf!,e Colonel Jofepli Joirclyn Lt.- Col ifaac ^^'inllow Majo 2^ Regimtnt PI eft Divifion Edward Davis ad Ma Jofiah Edfon Colouel 2 Caleb Wilder Colo Edward Howard Lt.Col. Levi Willard Lt. C Benj.Wiilis, jtin, Efqrs. Maj. Jas. Richardfon III Ma BARNSTABLE, Gardner Wilder 2d Ma t David Gorham Colonel 3 Johj] Murray- Colo Edward Bacon L'eur Col. Simeon D wight Lt.O Thomas Bourn ifl Major Jolhua Willard ill Ma Shearj. Bourn, Efqi s.2 d Maj. r. Upham.EfqiS 2d Mat ; \VillardKiiowles Col. CUMBER LANE Elilha Doane Lieut. Colonel Jsremiali Powel', Efq-, C Solomon Pepper, Efqis. Maj. Vacant Lieut. C BRISTOL. Vacant Ma 1 Wra. Bullock Col. LINCOLN. Peleg Gardner Lt. Col. V/ni. Lit li^o w Co lor Tim. Walker, Efqrs. Major Charles Cufliing Lt. C

Geo. Gcdfiey ift Major, B E R K. S H 1 RE. ranks as Lt. Col. North Regiment. G. Williams, Efurs. sd Maj, Wm- Williams Colon YOKK. Elijah Williams Lt. Cc Nath. Sparhawk Colonel Ifrael Stoddard ift Maj' Rufliworth Jordan iHLt.Co) Jof. Bennet, Efqrs. 2d Ma Benja.Chadburne acfj. t.Col South RegiMCTLt. UlMajo John Afhiey Coloni Trifl-.. Jordan, Efqrs. 2d Maj.lEiijah Dwight Lt. Co

DUKE'i. COUNTY. I Jdlm Fellows ift Maj« James AiheatH Col. 'j. Afhiey. jun.Efqrs.2dMa

Officers of I he Ira in belong to Suffolk, ill Regiment Eliphalet Pond, jun. Cd/i/diM.. Lemuel Child, 2d Lieuti

John Bower, ji/ Lt«« '««««/. 1 J.Parker, ijlLt.Fire'-iVQrhit belonging to Suffolk Officers of the Train 2d Reg. ; Francis Barker, jun. C/»//,,JothamLoring, 2dUeuti:_ Sam. T haxter, Lieut, iLevi Lincoln,L/.F/fc-'n;grtgi

Y6 \ icersofthe Train belonging to Suffolk 3d Regiment nuel Robinfon, Captain.^T. Pierce, Lieut. Fir tivorker niel Vofe, Lieutenant, Wicant 2d Lieut, ditt lepcndaiit Com )aay of CADETS in Great Banington. vid Ingerfoi, Efq; Captain, with the Rank of Major Lieutenant, with tlie Rank of Captain Enfign, with the Rank of Lieutenant. Officers of the Town of Bolion. John Scollay, Efq; Hon. John Hancock, Efq; Mr.Timothy :well, Tiiomas Marfhall, Efq; Mr. Samuel Auftin, Mr. ivcr Wendell, and Mr. John Pitts, SeltH'Mcn, Mr. WiUiara Cooper, ToHvr, -Clerk. Mr. David Jeffries, To^wn Treafurer. Jphn Barrett, Efq; William Phillips, Efq; Mr. Ben nin Dolbeare, Mr, William VVh'uwell, Mi. WiJliam leenleaf, William White, Efq; John Leverett, Efq; John ire, Efq; Capt. Samuel Patridge, Mr. Samuel Whitwe r. S. Abbot, Mr. Dan. Waldo. O-vetfders of the Poor, John Scolh)', Efq; Newman Greenougli, Efq; Mr. "iiiiam Cooper, Thomas Marfhall, Efq; Mr. Jofeph yl' r, Adino Paddock, Efq; Mr. James Richardfon,

ipt. . Benjamin Waldo, John Hancock, Efq; Mr. muel Adams, Capt. Martin Gay, Mr. Alexander it, Francis Shaw, Efq; Capt, Job Prince and Capt. ward Prober, Firfwards, Mr. Edward Payne, Ezekiel Cheever, Efq; Mr. Samuel ewes, Vfr. John Copely, Arnold Welles, Efq; M? mes Thwing, Mr. N. Cary, Capt. Caleb Hopkins ;pt. Edward Prober, Mr. Gibbins Sharp, Mr. Peter )yer, and Capt. Benjamin Cobb. Wardens. Mr. John Kneeland, Mr, Benjamin Church, Belcher oyes, Efq; Mr. Jonathan Brown, Mr. Daniel Pecker, apt. Samuel Downes, and Giles Harris, Efq; ^fejjoj-s. Mr. Edward Holliday, Mr. Abraliam Savage, Mr. Henderlon, and Mr. B. Gray. Colleton of raxes. MefTirs, Thomas Love, Cyrus Baldwin, Richard Salter, ohn . Taylor, John Winthrop, James Cazneau, James elkrig, William Pitts, Robert Ruggles, Jofeph Coolidge.

Kneeland, and J. Barrett, jun. Clerks of th e Merht . 1 N S U R A NC"E OFFICES. vh. Ezekiel Price, near the Exchange,) t> «-| c ^^^ ti O'-' «•TsJ lat'aniel Barber, Efq; in Ann-ftreet.) NOTARIES PVBLJC, ^or the County of Suffolk. Meflleurs Ezekiel Price, Henry Bv^ton^ A Hie n , Dudfon Kilcup and John Munro, Port of G3 77 'jMiddlefex. Mr. Nathaniel fi}Otha.m„Chath$tO'W». JEffex, John Nutting, Efq; Salem ; Mr. Samuel Sawyer Jpfivich; Mr. Thomas King, Marble head ; Wm. Al' kins, E(q; Ne'wbttr'j'J^ort, D. 'Witham, Efq; Gloucejter, Plymouth, Mr. Ephraim Spoon, Plymouth,

Sarnftahle. Solomon Ott|i» ECq,.BarnstabIe ; Mr. Jofepl

V:iiker, Falmouth i Mr. WiniJow Lewis, Wd'fleet Mr. Jofeph Doane, Chaiham.

BriUol, Jerathmeel Bowers, Efqj Frtfto'wn ; Elilhs

Tobay , Efq; Dsrtmoutk.

Dukes-County. Mr, John Peafe, Jun. Edgartonon ; Mr Stephen YixxKcY, ShiTburn. ^

Xpf^' Daniel Moulton, Efq; lori ; Charles Channcy Efq; Kittery ; John 'Wheelwright, Efq; U^elli, tumberland. Mr. Jonathan Webb, Falmout^ ; Mr Thonaas Moukon. Lincoln. N E W-H AMPSHIRE. His Excellency }OW^ WENTWORTH, Efq; Coverw) H«n. JOHN TEMPLE, Efq; Lieutenant Governor, C OUNCELLORS, iHon.Thc.Atkinfon Jona. Warner Paul Went worth IDaniel Warner Daniel Rindge T. W. Waldron M. H.Wentworch George Jeffrey and Pctef Gilman Peter Livius Daniel Rogers Efquires. Hon Theodore Atkinfoj, Efq; Secretary, George King, Efq; Deputy-Secretary. Hon, George JeflVeys, Efq; Treafuter,

TheMoMoitrfihit Hmife of Reprefeni*tiv$i» Speaker, Han, William Parker, Efq; Clerk.

r Wm.wm. Parker,I Efq; N^minsto n RichDow n i ngEfq Wxirtf. > Shelerburne.Efq Stratham, And., Wiggin, Efq mtuth J. • C Mr.JsJacob Sheafft Londonderry S. Holland, Efq Dever Otis Baker, and Jbhn Greenland, Cle. March, Efq Gage. Efijrs. N-envmarket, Mr. Ifr.Gilmai Hampinn and N, HAmpttn, SHamptep Cap. Elip. Merri Chril>opher Toppan, Efq; Chester, John Webfter, Efq Mr. Jofiah M»Hlton Plasto>w, Hatnpstead,md At \Hampt0nfalli&c.MrJ.Tikon kinfin,, Capt, J. Carlton lExercr, John Giddtnge, E. Salem and Pelham, Jofepl

} and J ohn Phillips, Efq; Wright, Efq; 1 ' S^e'wcfiitle Thos. Bell, Efq; Htllh, Samuel Hobart, Efcfi Vvf Rich. Jennefs, Efq; Merrimack and MtnfoiL f^nzst^n Jofiah Bartlett.Efq; Cap t. John Chamberlain 7» . . . thinshamlVeit liid Litch- Archerit and- Betiford, John eld, J. Underwood, Efq"; Goffe, Efq ftngtQTiy Benj. Rowe, Efq: Wintheiter, Jof.Willard,Erq; hater. Mi. J. Knowles. Keer.e, Mr. Benjamin Hall ringtcn, Mr. S. Brewfter Charle^toivn, S. 01coit,Erqi Superior Court of Judicature lorable Theodore Atkinfon, Efq; Chief Jofticcy

I. Meihech Weare, Leveretl Hubbaid, William ker, Efqrs. Jultices. luel Livermore, E% Attorney-General. )rge King, Efq-, Clerk. trior Courts, Judges of Probates, Sheriffs, Regijltrs,&e, Countf of Rockingham. n. Daniel Warner, Efqj Chief Juftice, ment March, and John Phillips, Efqrs. Ju >^es, ic Rijidge, Efq; Clerk. n Parker, Efq; High-Sheriff. His Deputies are, eph Paitinfon, Newington ; Thomas Chadbourn, Eliph

>anfels, Portfinouth ; Eliphalet Hale, Exeter ; AVent- vorth CheJwelJ, Newmarket ; Sam. Nay, Hampton

Wm. Prentice, Londonderry ; Jof. Smith, Plaitow Jath. Pembroke Green, Martin, ; Jacob Coaeord ; [ona. Prefect, Kenfington. o:}ids Shearburne, Efq; Judge of Probate, illiam P:»cker, Efq; Regifter., Vacant Recorder of Deeds. :er Gilman» Efq; County-Treafurcr. Counfi «f Hillfborough. n. Matthew Thornton, Efq; Chief Juftice, Hobari, John Shepard, Sa. Blodget, Efcfrs. Juftices. phen Holland, Efq, Clerk. ija. Whiting, Efq; High-SherifF. His De:puties are, m Holland, Merrimack ; Robert Read, Amherll sam. Atkinfon, Bofcawen ; Dau. Farnew, Mafon, and rames Willfon./^.///wkA. m. John GofTc, Efq; Judge *f Probate^ [hua Atherton, Efq; Regijler. nuel Hobart, Efq; Recorder of Leeds, & County Treap

County «f Chefhire, n. Daniel Jones, Efq; Chief JujUce. n. AHjley, Kli/hi Manh, Ben. Bellovvs^iu. Z^vi.JtiJUcett neon Jones, Efq; Clerk. rtah.Willard, Efq; WihSherif.

7S ' .

Efija Kingj Churlejhnun ; Robert Gilmore, Keeue ; Sam fon Wiilard, Hinchejier ; Jona. Parker, jun. Rindge Dffaty-Sheyifs. Hon. Simeon Olcott, Efq; Jud^e of Prohats. Thomas Sparhawk, Efq-, Regijier. JoHah Wiilard, jun. Efq; Recorder of Deeds. Hon. Daniel (ones, Efq; County Treafurer.

County ef Strafford. Vacant Chief Jufike. Otis Baker, George Fro ft, Johft Plumci', Ef^r^. 'fufticss. Ebenezer Thompfon, Efq; Clerk.' Theopnilus Dame, Efq- W^k Sberlf. His Deputies are, Mofes Yeaton, Somerfivorth ; Gedion Mattus,' Le> Robert H'M, Madhury. Hon. He - Buril.J^.fq; Judge of Prelate. Joiin Wentworth, Efq; Regijter. Hon. Tho. Weltbroke Waldroti, Efq; Recorder sf Deed Vacant County Trenjurcr,

County of Grafton. Hon. John Huid, Elq; Chief Juftice. Afa Parker, David Hobart, B., Woodware,Efqrs. Juftice John Fenton, Efq, Clerk. William Simpfon, Efq; High-Sheriff. His Deputies ar

Edward Sanborn, H^wr/ij// ; William Bcil, Lime ; .Ji (eph Tlllt, Plymouth. John FcntoHj Efq; Judi-e ef Prolate. Jonathan Mifchel Sewall, Efq; Regifter. fohn Hard, Efq; Recorder of Deidi. John Hurd, Efq; Coumy Treafurer.

Barrijlers at L A IV. Sam. Livermore,LoK«fo«i6'rn'l John Sullivan, I)urh4 Wifman Claggett, Utcl)field\ John Pickering Portfmoui KoahEmeiy, £xffffr Jolhua Atherton Amher Wm. Parker, ^if/siSime.Olcott, Efqrs. CharleJ

Pram^.g. A r T R N I E S. Oliver Whipple, Porf/»M9«f/i Richard C.Shannon. Pcrtji Eben.Champney, N.I^f'v)i<^h J. M. Sewall, Hnverhi Peter Greene, Concord Mofes Dow, Plymou Sam. Hale, Portfmouth Edward Perfons, Neivmark John Wentworth, Dover Mofes Parfons, Efqrs. ditn Blijah WsUiams, Keent Sa Court ef Admiralty, on. Wiiliam Parker, Efq; j^ucfse. hn Sherburne, Efq; Regijier. iinue) Livermore, Efq; Advccate-Gcneral. Joiin Reck, Marflial.

U ST o M-HO U S E :it P O R T SM O U fh! eorge Meferve, Efq; Colledor, ohen Trail]. Efq; Comptroller. iverett Hubbard, EC|; Surveyor and Searcher, hn Fiilier, Efq; Naval-OSker. eazer RuiTeJ, Efq; Deputy, Wiiiiam Hart, Klng'i Cauger, m. Toiry and Nahum Akerman, L/ind'waiten, m. Miiler, Efq-, Preventative-OJficer, a: Ne^bury-Port. Eleazer Ruflell, Efq; Polt-mnler. NOTARIES PUBLIC. Wifc.Tiar! Claggett, and John Wende)), Efqrs. AR 1 MOU FH-COLLEGE, a: Hanover. TRUSTEES in ENGLAND, ht Honorable Williara , Hon. Sir Sidney Staford Smytke, one of the Birons of his Ma- efty's Court of Exchequer, J^hn Thornton, Sanyusl R>ft.v. ChirUi Hardy, Daniel V/eJl, Efqrs. Samuel Sava^e^ Gent. J-^fiah Roberts, Gent. Robert Keene, Geat. TRUSTEES in N F. TV - E N G L A N D. s Excellency John U'entiijorih, Efq; HQn. Theedore 4tkinien, Geo. Jeffrey, peter Gilman, Efq; Hon. 'Villiam Pitkin. Ei'q,' Rev. Eleazer Wheelock, D. D. R.ev, Benjamin Pomeroy, Timothy Pitkin, John Smalley, fVilUam P.ittan, Clerks. verend ELEAZER V/HEELOCK, D. D. Prefident, aleel \^'oodvvard, A. M. Tutor, fident Batchelors, ivho ferve a% occajior.al InJiruHers in the College ^nd School. ivid Macclue.^ A. B. John Wheelock, A. B. Syh'anus Ripley. A. B. Levi Frilbie, A. B. M inifters, Cl;urche», and Religious Affembles, County of Rockingham. Vacant E pvrtfmouth Vacant Cofptrt V.Sam. LangdonD. D. Sam. Parfons, Rye samuel Haven D. D, Sfi .MacLintock»Grec n/a«.^ Steph. Cnafe, Ncwiaitle Jofeph Adams, A'fiyjs^fo* Rev. Jof. Adams, Stratham Friends JSt&.Ha.(i'ings,No Hampton Rev. A. Bailey, N. Salen Eben. Thayer, Hampton Amos Moody, Pelhani^l P;i W'mga,ie,Hampto)tfalis Vacant Nottlngkan- Friends Vacant Deerfiald Sam. Parley, P. Se/ilrook Kii^h. Smith B Jerem. Fogg, Kenfmgten Pjplin Nath. Npyes, S. Hampton David Jewett Candia Vacant Khgston John Tnckc Epfom Vacant E. KingJUn John Flas, Cheller Woodbr. Olden, Exettr John Wilfort. P. Daniel Rogers Rar^mtud Jofiab Stearns, Epping W.Davidfon, P Londondtr Nath. TraQc, Brcntivotd David M'Gregore P Samuel Ures S. Williams, P. fry ndhat. John Page, Haivke Tim. Walker, Ctncord Jofiah Cotton, Sands'wn Jacob Smery, Pembroke Rev. H. True, Hamp stead Mitchel, P»

Gyles Merrill, Plastoiv Abiel Foller,CaHterhury ,

Joaath . Eames, Ne'wton Chhkejter ii ^1 Religious Aflemblies in the County of Strafford

Re/. Johii Adams, Dartet^jf i Rev. J. Pike Somerjhvart Jere. Belknap, Dover] Friends Barrlngto Friends j David Tenny Madhutf Avery Hall RocheJtsr,

Religious Aflemblies in the County of HilKborough. Rev. N. Merril, Nnth.lV. Rev. D. Wilkins, Amhen Saw. Cotton, Litchfield J, Livermore, }Vilton Derryfield ScwalGoodridge, Lyndbm Jofeph Kidder^ Dunstable J .Morrifon, P. Veterbo^ Eurnap Merrimac M'nore, Jacob , Solomw N.jltsU, Jo. Hourton, P. Bedferd Eiijah Fietclier Huplinta. Jofeph Currier GofeJteix'n Nath. Merrill, Buf.u-vje Dan. Emeffon, Ho Ills Saraue] Webiter, Tempi Jonathan Scarl Maf.;n Salljlrury Stepb, Farrar, N.Ipf-vjlch Jona. Barns, Hili/bor&a^ Jacob .Rice, Hemic ktr Wm. KelIey,Ar.^;'»jc

Religious Aflemblies in the Coan:y of'Chelhiie.

Rev. Bar^i]Ja:'Pean Rind^e Rev . W.Goddard, V/estr.iBtA Laurence, Winchester Fe/Tenden, i1 alpble Mic. T. \ Bunker Gay, Hind/dale BulkleyOkottC/iiJr.ej^c'ap

Abra. M'^Qod Chejlerfield V>.'^i\g\\imMonddoriock iVi

• Edward Godda^d Snv.mzy Jas. We'man, Comijh Vacant Keene Vacant Clartniunt' i Rciiji'.o'is Afieirblks in the County of Grafton. 7.E]e. WheelockHrfS'Tfrl TLomas NiJes Rumney S'atl an Ward PlyuioutM Peier Powers Hav:rhili

3badiah Noble Crfori I

)fes Badger, EpilcopalMiffionury, through the Pio*'jni.«c Samuel Sheppard Itinerant Baptifl.

Field Officers in tlie feveral Regiments, fjjnen-t of Horfe Guards. ijohn Hale, Efq; Lt. Col. ment March, Efq; Col. Snmuel Hobart.'Efq; Majc h. Dow ning, Efq; Lt.Coi.p John Gofiee, Efq; Colonel iji:im "Weeks, Efq-, -Major John Shephard, E'q; Lt.Coi. iimsr.:s of Foot for the John Goffe, jun. Efc; Major ocniy of Ro<:l.i::g/:am. CHESHIRE.

i'h.Atlcinror.Efq; Col. I Jofjah AVi'Jard.Efq; Col. nDanWarner,Efq;LtCoJ Sam. Affcley, Efq. Lt. Co!. iTacant yi&'jor J. Willard.jun. Efq,- i uMaj. onath. Mot:lton,Efq;Col. B. Bello^vs, jun.Eiq; 2dMaj. ift.Toppin, Efq; Lt. Col. SIR AFFORD. Vacant Majo-. Vacant Colonel Jath. Folfom, Efq; Col. Otis Baker, Efq; Lt Col*

_ h. Giirnan.Efq; L*. Col.i John Sui'.i van, Efq; Major. Mel TJitoi, Efq; ^'.aj. 12 J ofeph Badger, Efq; Col, lat. Thornton, Efq; CoJ.'Henry Kuft, Efq; Lt. Col. h.Ho!!and.Efq;Lt.Co'.;joiin Flag, Ef^; Major, ph French, Efq; Major.l GRAFTON. >rathan Greely,Erq;Co!.'Hon. John H'jrr^. Efq; Col. ph Bartlet, Efq; Lt.Coi.JAfa Porter, Efq; Lt. Col. )b Gate, Efq; Major jv.'illiam Simpfon, Efq; Maj. r.^any of C A D E T S. [2 Hon. J. FeiKor, Efq; Col.

i Philips, Efq; Colonel.' David Hobart, Efq; Lt. Col.

. Folfom, Efq; Lt. Col. Jona, M. Se;val!,Ef.:; Maj. r Coffin. Efq; Major Calile William and Mary. LLSBOROtJG H. John Cockran, PIfq; Captain .G.Lntwyche.Efq; Col. D .ITill Jachfoi. Sfq; Surg. Juitice. 01 the Peace tirough the Province. )d.Atl:infon George Jeffrey Leverett Hubbard el "U'arner Daaiel Rogers William F..:!:?r I. Wentworth Peter Oilman Samjcl Blodget r Livius Tho. W. ^\'a]droB John Hurd th. Warner Me.'hech Weare JohiiSuHivan>Efqts. el Rindge

ifti^es ot the Peace jj; the Couniy or Rockingham, lent March Sam.Pcnhallovv iBenjamin Rowe Philips MatthewThorntonlWaUer Bryant ;man Claggett Jjimes Stoodley jjonathan Ma«lto» S3 SHunk. Wentworth Stephen Holland Samuel Little, T^i John Newmarch And. McMjlJen- Andrew Wiggin Samuel Liveirnore David L-iarcnce John Haven Chriftoph.Toppan John Bryant Benjamin Adaii^s Richard Downing Benjamin Butle jere. Clough Jofiah Bartlet Noah Emery Nar. Batchaider Thomas Bell Nathaniel Fulfom William Weeki John Leavitt John Weblter James Beatoa William Knight Henry Carter Nat. Healey Ebenczer Stephens Jeremiah Page Samuel Leavitt Jofeph Smith John Mi^CIary Samuel Moores Nicholas White Waiter Roby Ifrael Gilman Ichabod Shaw Jonathan Fifield Peter Green Samuel Dudley Samuel Emerfon Zach. Clough Timothy Ladd Jacob Hook, Nathaniel Roger$ John Giddinge Phillips White J.Sanborn, Efqrj Nath. Peabody ArcUelous Moore

Juftices of the Peace for the County of Hilifborougb. Edw. G. Lutwychejohn Hale Sam. Cummings MatthewThornton Matthew Pattin Benjamin Page Sam. Hobart John Shephard, ju. Sam. Wentworth Samuel Blodget Reuben Kidder Ezek.Chace.Efqr; JohnGoffe William Clark N. B. The fiyft feven are of the Siuorum.

Jufticesof the Peace for the County of Chefhire. Daniel Jones iSimeon Olcot /Samuel Chafe Samuel A (h ley' iBenja. Bellows, juJSamuel Cole Benja. Bellows Church jjames Read JXp'^'^ ,

Elilha MariTi , jThomas Frink lEnoch Hale.Efqn N. B. The firft fix are of the Siuorim.

juftices of the Peace for tiie County of Strafford. Otis Baker Jofeph Atkinfon Eben. Smith George Froft Eben.ThoiYiplon Daniel Sanbourn John Plummer Jofeph Sias T. Pearfons,Efqr. Jofeph Badger

Juftices of the Peace for the County of Grafton. JohnHurd .Dr. E. Wedlock Daniel Brainard Afa Porter jWm. Simpfon Jofeph Peverly David Hobart iMofes Little Jofeph Hookbrof^ B?za. Woodward Ijohn W'heatly J. M.Sewall John Fenton ITIiomas Merril *1 8+ . . O LO N Y o F CO NNE C TIC U T. Km. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Ruy, Gov-rmr. . M A ASSISTANTS.T T H E W G K 1 S \V O L D, Efy; Lt. G.v. bael Conant \Vm. Pitk-in, jun. jjofeph Spencer

"h.i Shelden Rcger Sherman Oiivtr Wool^ot halet Dyer Abra, Divenporc J. A. Hillhoufe )tz Huntington W....„.S. ^Joliufon ijabezHamlin.Efqii^ ,„.^ -, S-rrv. .Wyiiys.Efq; J. Lawrence, Efq; rre^^/vr.f, [

Superior Court of Judical. (rf Matthew GrifwoJd, Efq; Llief judge, phalet Dyer, Roger Snerman, William Pitkin, SainUc ngton, Afftftant Judges, irge Pitkin,' Efq; Clerl;.

Iges of the Inferior Courts of Probates, . Regillers, &C' County of N env-Haven, ha Chauncy, Efq; Chief Judge, omas Darling, John Fowler, Samuel Bilhcp, arjd araes Wadfworth, Efqrs. Jufttces of the 'Sluorum. m Whiting, Efq; Chrk. Jona. Fifch.Efq; SAerjJ. ' nes Abraham Hillhoufe, King's Attorney nes Abraham Hillhoufe, Afa Spalding, Benja. Doughfs, Jo.m Trumbull, Amos Botstord,^Pierp. Edwards, Jona, ngerfoll, Jof. Adams, Cha. Chauncy.Efqrs. N. Haven;- lames Beard, Efq; Derb-j ; Barrijlei s at Lata, Judge ef probate, fi.Bifhop, Toivn Clerk tf N. Haven, & Reg. of Deeds, owler, TjivnClerk of Melfurd, & Reg. of Deeds. on Elliot, Efq; Judge of Probate, Guilford DiftriH. County of Hartfjrd. ez Hamlin, Efq; Chief Judge. '

\ Whitemore, William Woolcot, Sam. Talcott, Efqrs.. uftices of the Quorum. ). Wyllys, Efq; Clerk, kiel Williams, Sheriff, jmas Seymour, Efq; King's Attorney. :aader Phelps, Hebron^ Thomas Seym our, Benjamin' aine, Jefl'e Root, Wm. Adams, and Ralph Pomeroy, [artfoid-, Titas Hofmer, and Benj. Biglow, Middie-

on; Dyar Throop, Eafl-Haddam ; Jofeph Ifliam,

;;:olchefter ; Wi'liara Judd, Farmington ; Roger New-

ary, Efqrs. Windfor ; Bairifters at Law. ephTalcot.Efq; Judge of Probate, Hartford Diftri£l eph Talcot, jun. Clerk. H 8s >jpwi)v,ci, r,i\jj,

Ifaac Pinney, Efq; Judge of Probatr, StatFord Diili ic George Wyilys, Efq; Town Clerk of Hariford.

County of Neiv-londott, Richard Law, Efq; Chief Judge,

Jere. Milier, Wni. Hiilhoufe, Samuel Colt, J.-Mui ,_ Efqrs. Juftices of the .O^torum. Dan. Coit.Efq; Clerk. Chrii}. Chril^ophers, Efq-, Shevi; Samuel HoldenParfon?, Efq; King's-Attorney.

WiUiam Coit. Manning Wait, New-London ; Jolj

Chipman, Saybrook ; Benjamin Huntingion, andDu< ley Woodbridge, Norwich-, George Dorr. L\ me Stephen Eabcock, Stonington; Eliiha Williams, Groton

Jeremiah Halfey, Efqrs. Preflon ; Barrifters Law. Gurdon Saltonllall, Efq; Judge of Probate. Pygan Adams, Efq; Clerk. Judge of Probate, Norwich Di Cha, Phelps;> Efq; Judge of Probate, Stonington Dilbit Da. Coit, Efq; Town-clerk of New-London, and Regilh of Deeus.

County of Fairfield. Abraham Davenport, E/^; Chief Judge, John Rc'id, , Robert Fairchild, Jofep Piatt, Efqrs. .J^uflites of the.Qiiorum, David Burr, Efq; Clerk. Hezekiah Fitch, Efq; Sheriff. Gold Selleck Siiiiman, Efq; King'

Fairfield ; Thomis Fitch, jun. ,Norwalk ; Hen. Vat

dyk, Efqrs. Stratford ; Barrifters at 1 aw. Eben. Siiiiman, Efq; Judge of Probate, Fairfield Diftrif Hezekiah Siiiiman, Efq; Clerk. Abra. Davenport, E(q; Judge of Probate, Stratford Diil Charles Webb, Efq; Clerk. Tho. Bcnedift, Efq; Judge of Probate, Dmbury Diftrif Thnddcus Benedift, Clerk. Nathan Buckley, Efq; Fairfield; Robert Fairchild,' Eff

Stratford; SLirnuelGiannan, Norwalk ; SAmael Jervii

• Stanford.; Jefle Parfons, Greenwich ; Town-Clerk;

and Regiflcr s of Deeds. _, '' ~~"^ 86 County tf IVindkam. \ huhnl Gunant, Efq-, Chief Judge. I ofliua Weft, .Tabez Fttcb, Ebenezer Williaras, William! W Jilijiraj, Er4:-s. Jufticesof the Quorum. } aiTuei Gray, Kfy, (-iciu. |

lonei Eieaze- Fitcir, Sheiiif. I liilia Paine.. Efq-, King's Attorney. cdediali Eldcrkin, Hezekiah Bifl'eil, Ebenezer Gray, jun.

W!..dhain ; E!il!ia Paine, PLiinneld ; Elkanah Tyf-

d.i!e, Jofeph Trumball, Lebanoi-i ; Ci-arles ChurcJi

Chandler, Woodllock ; Thomas Grofvenor, Eiqrs.

Pomfret ; Barrifters at Law. abcz Filch, Efqj Judge of Probate, PJainfield Diflria. abez Fitch, jun. Cierk. uba! Ct)!;ant,Efq-, Judse of Probate, Windham Diftrift. hubal Conant, jun. Clerk. ben. Williams, Efq; Judge of Probate, Pomfrc-t Diftriifi.

[athan Fu;ik , Clerk.

amuelGiay.Efq; Windham ; Wm. Williams, Efq-, Le-

banon; Conftant South.v or th, Mansfield ; Portei,

Coventry ; Eben. Bies, Efq; Afhford ; Abner Seflion.s

Kfq; Union ; Thomas Moftitt, E(q; Killinglv ; Samuel

Lyon, Pomfiet ; Eze. Peirce, Eiq; Piainiieid ; Stepiien

FroA, Canierbury ; Eliiha Child, Wocd;^0(.k ; Town- clerks, and Regifters of Deeds.

County of ViU:hfieH. ohn Williams, Efq; Chief Judge. ;ben. Marlb, Daniel Sherman, Increafe Mofely, Bulhna Bortwicl;,-Efqrs. Juftices of the C^uorum. f^ac Balawin, Efq; Clerk. Lynde Lord, Efq; Sheriff, Reynold Mirvin,. Efq; King's Attorney.

^d^va^fl Hinman, Henry Thompfon, Efqrs. TVoodbury ;

Reynold Mirvin, Efq; Litcnpeld ; Partridge Thatcher.

Efq; Neiv-Milfcrd \ Andrew Adam?, Jedediah Strong,

Eq; Litchfield ; Thomas Canfield, Efq; Skaron ; Bar- rijten at Laiv. iLben. Marfh, Efq; Jad^e of Probate, Vtchfield Dijtri^i. (a.;c Baldwin, Efq; C/c'i. Dan. Slierman, Efq; Jitd^e of "Probate, TVecJburj DiJlriSl. Minor, Clerk. 'ohn Williams, Efq; Jiid^e of Praliate, Sharen Dijirici. ilev. Cotton Mather Smith, Clerk. J>av;d V/hitney, Ei~9; Judie of Probate, Canaan Dijiri-^h. Solomon Whitney, Clerk. v

ici's oi the Peace for the Count of New -Ha vet Kiilii; Chniimy Jofcph Hall i'hniniK i.):'r ing 'ijpiuthv Tucid jon.iihan Ba'dwir John FoM icr jnfcp], Kf-pkin3 Sam. Lewis Kliliu Ha!! Ca'ch I-Icm--:ii'fori Maoock Ward Bci:;.a. Kaj 1,4th. Daniel Johrifon Jooa. Riiileil Ephrains Strorij> Jo'li'i Rn.-ers J.!.\S'ad!\\o;rhiy;i jDavid B:lrl>viii S.un. Ba:-kiH- jK^th. Riigi'Jcs Qa'eb Hall Daniel JLy^iian iJofiah Meigs John Bnrgis Saniue! Sacket iSimeon Chittenton David Worceftet Sam.Hcmmingway Timothy Todd Enos Ailing Sain. Bilhop, jun. Simeon Brill ol Jo:u. Baldwin Nathan RaldwJn Sam. Brew a Oliver Dudley Daxiicl Holbrook Joihua Chand'er "Wm. Gould TiiTWthy Ruflel ja. Abra. Hillhoufe Oliver Stanley Charles French CaJcb Beachcr David Ingerfoll John r>avis

Juitkes of tkc Peace for the County of Hartford, Jabez Hamlin Jofeph Southmayd John Owen George Wyllys Nath. Chauncy jjudah Holcomb Jofeph TaJcott Matthew TaJcott 'jona. Pettcbone Thomas Hofmer Solomon \V hitman Hezek* Humphr< Jonathan Hill Hezekiah Gridicy Hczek. Brainard John Pitkin Jared Lee Jofeph Wells Eiifha "Williams Jofeph Hart Jonai ban Hall Samuel £nno John Strong Wm. Welles Eraftes "Wakot Wm. V/adfworth Alexander King JoOah Bi/Tcl SelchHart_ Daniel Cone Henry Allen Ifaac Lee, jun. Daniel Brainard John Watrons Benja. Takott Epaphras Lord Daniel Foot Thomas Pitkin Samuel Cobb ter Bulkeley Kaac Pinney Alex. Walcott Henry Daniel Aldin Jloger Newbury John Phtlps Abner Barker J. Whin, F. G, Samuel Gilbert Sam. Reynolds James Wadfwor Kphraim Terrey David Sage Sam. Huntington JofepTi OLmrtead Nath. Freeman |ab.ChapmaB,i« County of New-London. Richard Law jEliflia Fitch Sam. Huntington Jeremiah Miller jEben. Hart/horn Benja. Huniingto Humphrey Avery Ijacob Perkins Wm, Witter. Wm._ AVhitmg jSimonTracy,— jun. Jofeph Dcnoifon John Williams John Ship man Jona. Latimore,)an Charles PheJps Juftus Buck Samuel Tracy Paul Wheeler iBenja. Gale IChrifl. Leffi'ngwell Luke Peikins EInaihan Stevens Eli/ha Backus

\Vm. Wii'inms Aaron Eliot Richard Ho it - Nathan Smith John Pierfon Benadam Gallop b^enezer Avery Wni. Avery E!eazer Mather acnja. Lee Elifha Lothrop Theo. Morgan ohn Lay, 2d Sam. Hold. Parfons Robert Ciany Samuel Ely iJenji. Williams Sam. Mott eorge Dorr John Hempftead Benjamin Coit Samuel Selden Pygan Adams Stephen Babeake oh a Tully Jolhua Raymond Nath. Miner Hczek. Witlefey

County of Fairfield, benezer Sllliman Tho. Fitch, jun. Jof. Piatt Cooke \brah. Davenport Jofeph Piatt Samuel Taylor John Read Elias Bett3 - Thomas Brwfh 3arp-uel Adanas Theophilus Fitch Ephraim Hubbel R'jbcn fairchild Charles Webb Caleb Baldwin ibod Lewis Mcllenger Palmer Richard Fiirman 'V^ar Tomlinfo:^ Peter Mead Stephen Mead 1 heophilus Nichols Edward Brufh Daniel Taylor, jun James Walker David Knap Henry Glover Jauic-l Fa rchild Samuel Ohnrtcad Daniel Sillimin othrop Lewis Samuel Smith David Coley xm. Bradly, jun. Thomas Benedift amuel Fitch County of Windham. Iftbez Fitch IJohnDyer Klijah Wtiloa folhua Weft John Curtli Benjamin Suranec £ben, Williams Jofeph Storr* John Smith Nath. Wale» Jofeph Strong Robert Dixon 3imuei Gray Phincas Strong Jeremy ILinna jicoh iimons Wm. Ofgood Samuel Chandkf llezekiah Manning Thomas "Williams Nath, Chi'ld Wm. Williams Jokn Grofvenor [Abner SefTiooa erajah Bill Jacob Dreffer ^^'m. Daniclfo« Kaac Coit Thomas Moffat Ephraim Root Eiiiha Paine Bryant Brown

County of Litchfield, fohn Williams Jacob Woodruff |Dani«l Ererlt ^Timothy Collins 'Ifaac Baldwin 'Benja. Hinman HT 8^ ,

Tillcy Blakelf John Hutclilnfon Gideon Walker J olhua Porter Paul Welch David Whitney Buflinel Boftwick John Beebe Samuel Canfield CSarles Burwell

John Re 11 font Thomas Ruflel Daniel Lee Heman Swift Nathan Eliot Samuel INalk Daniel Grifwold Jolnx Cosk James Landon YALE COLLEG E, la MEW-HAVEN, Founded in 1700, The Rev. NAPHTALI DAGGETT, preftdtnt frt tfk and Prefejfor in Divinitj. '. FELLOW S.

Rev. Meflr*. 1 George Beckwith Richard Salter

Elnathan Whitman- Eliphakt Williams John Trumb!e t Mofes Dickcnfoa WarhamWiiliami Stephen Johnfofll Eells Edward ) The Hon, Roger Siiermaa, Efq- Treafurer. 1 Neheraiah Strong, A. M. Profefor of the Mathematieli and Natural Phiiitfophy. Tuttrs. Timothy Dwight, A. M, John Davenpo^ A. M. Solomon Williams, A, M. John Lewis, A. m Ste-wart, Jonathan Fitch, Efq; 1 Butler^ Thomas Canfield. jun. A. B, Commencement 2d Wednefday in September*

Vacations, From Cgmmencement fix fVeeks, frotn the $j DayofMaiy, three Weeh.

Minifters., Churches *itd Riligious Ajtmyiies, County of New-Haven. NapthaleDagget I'tf/fCo/Zf/tfiJobPrudden Second Soditj. C. Whitlefey A'iiu-Houen'Philem Robbins Branfo^ Jonath. Edwards 2

County of Hartford. Nathan ZlrongSorthSocief} Foiter Peqiitnock Inat Whitman SauthSocigty John Blifs Ellir.gtan eiiph. Williams £ Hartford Hezek Rilfol Wintenbury Hat. Perkins H-eft Divifion Thos Potwin ^orth Society rimothy Pitkin FarmingtQn 1 heod HinfdalAor ff'indfor iaxnuel Clark Kcnftngta% Beiiia Pomeroy Hebron 3enj Chapman Southington Sam And Peters E Vacant AorthingtoK Eli; a Lothrope Citead Jam Newell NsivCamhridge Vacant Marlbaro' John Smaley New Britain SamLockwood ^dover Fohn Marfh Wetkersfield Elajn Potter Enfield ]o&i Belding Nenvinston Natiian AViUiims Tolaxd Barrage Meriam Stepney Sitnael Ely Semen Vacant Simshnry George Cokon Bolton

Roger Yiets E EbenezKellogg North Bel: fit' " Jofeph ^x.ior\%SalmonSr9tk JohnWillard Staf'crd Vacant Tmrky Hill Ifaac Fofter ft'e/t Society Vacant Sxfragt EncKhHantington Middleton A. May Haddam Abrah Jai-vis E ijah Parfons E Haddam EdvTard Eells Vpper HonJ^t Vacant Millirtgtsn Abner Benedift Middlefidd G. Raw fon Hadlyme Vacant IVd'tfield John Eells Claffenbury Rob Robbins WelUhsfttr Samuel Jells Eaft Glajienb Vacant Ntno Salem Eben. Gay Suffield Gjjeon Noble WiU'mgun

] Graham jun W Society Cyprian Strong Chatkam William Ru/fe! Windfar BenBoitdaxinJiiidJleHaddsm Jofeph Perry Eajl JTindfor JohnNorton Eaji Hampton

Religious Aitmbliti in the Cmuty of Nenu-Landtii. ^ph.WoodbridgeA'^ieLflSiitf)* Jabea Wiglit Lung Seelety MathGravei £ BenjaThroop A'fiy Concord Vacant B A.TylerE Judfon Chelfem [)avid Jewit NorthPariJh Andrew Lee Haatver Se'nja Lord Mfor-.vtch jVacant Eight Socitty John Ellis W-'e/f /"tfrtnj Nathani«l Eell* Stoningtt* Joel Benedift Neving! in' Jofeph. Filh Se^ctndSodsJy 91 Aivon Kinne Crtttr Tim Whitman B iacob Johnfon NirthParijl Af]i«sf Rolletcr Pre/ion

Levi Hari Second So' hi •> itephen Johnroii L^ftft G Bcckwith K'U-thf^cartet

H ii-.f, Csutty ef Falrfitli. it'ti'.rfleUi S. C.imt> Rhigbur^ Vacant E ". Varant R Hcz Riple> Creemfarms ,[z VVcttinore Stratftrd Robert tlofs' Stratfitld Eben. Kneeland E jvVill. 'reniiant C-reenfield Vacan*. Rlpta* Saniiicl Siiervood Ncrtkfisld fJnfto Newton E

.! Jolmibn -\6rtkfairfielii Jaines Becbee Xerikfield Mov Oickenfoa Nur-v.ittlk Jeremiah [.caniitu; E I)a\nd Juclfoa Isevfta-wH Ifaac Lewis JFi/V««jJohn Beach E I>ruair.'-ond Canai%'% Thomas Brooks Nerjburj Noaii Wellei Stanford Natluiniel Bari!*! Readins Eben ^Dibble E Ehenezer Baldwin Dawury tM-oFes Mather Mlddhfex Eben. \^'^hite Davenport Grcen^nch Noah Wctmore Bethel Abrahann Todd Herjenetk Peck NCiV Fairflel \Vm. Sewarll Stantjicii ah Sill Nirth PariJ,\ Jonath Ingerro) Rid^fi^ld

Religious AJfembliti tit tht County of (Vtndham, Ste,p!;cn White JVindb/nn Steph Willianfw W.Soctei Samuel Mo'Aey Kennedy Aaron Putnam Pnmfret James Cogfwell Scttland joliah Whitney Brookllne SaU WiULams D D Lehar.on Fogg E Tho. Brocky Lfhanon CrAnk David Ripley Ahlngton TimcHhy St,one Gof)t* Vacant Canterbury Jof Huntington Cvventry John Staples IVtftrHinftt Nathat^Sirong,A^

I Geo. Wyl.'ys Efq; Coi.Ebonezer Avery, Efq; Major an. TaJcott, Efq; Lt. Col.'9 Ab. Davenport, Efq; Co!. Major Tho. fitch, jun. Erq;Lt.Col. 2 Edward Alien, Efq; Col, Charles Webb, Efq; Major .eve. Habbard.Efy; Lt.CoL EliChaiincy.Efc; Col. ym. Gould, Efq; Major Lt. Col. 3G.ird.SaJton.tailEfq;Co]. Elihu Hall. Efq; Major. ab. Huntington. Ei'q-.Lt. Col. John Dyer, Efq; Col /Iaith.GtiUTold,Erq;MajorEb. V/iJliaois, Efs; Lt. Col. 4 John Read, Efq; Col. Ezckie! Pierce, Efq; Major. Lt. Co!. 12 Jof. Spencer, Efq; Col. amesSniedley, Efq; Major. Wra Williams, Efq; Lt.CoL 5 Zub.Conaru, Efq; Col Major ilipht. Dyer, Efq; Lt. Col rj Eben. Mirfh. Efq; Co!. edid. Elderkiu, Efq: Major Bcnj. Kinman, Efq; Lt. Col, 6 JabczHan)]:,!, EI4; Col, RuOi. Bnftwick, Efq; Major Llizur TakottKfq; Lt. Col. '4 John Pitkin, Efq; Col.

1. Wi!liarns, Pfc- Major \V illiam Pitkin, Efq; Lt.CoJ- 7 Aaron Eliot, TEfq; Col. Eiciltui \Vclcof,E(q; Maior

iez. Brainard, Efq; Lt. C;>'!. ij David Whitney, Efq;Co/.

fohn Murdock, Efq ; Itlajoi' John ^*'ill]ara$, Efq; Lr. Col.

; Samuel Coit, Efq; Col. fho. Chitienton,Efq;Maiur k.Ch(?efboroagh,Efq;Lt.Col.l 9? leOLOM V'oF RHODE-ISLAND iHonorable J O S R 7H W A N T O N, Kf.}; Gsvfrnct Honorable Darius Sel.lons, Eiq; De^-ut-j Governor,

ASSISANTS. f '{ori.Samutl Dyre 'Hon. John Almy Hon. John Congd. \ 'fames Barker Thomas H'ickes Ritani R-ibinfon'

Solomon D'etvri Jottd. litindull hVm. Rickmond '

Djvid Harris Efquires, ' Senry Ward, Efq; Secretary and Public .Salary. [ofeph Clarke, Efq; Gt7iirfil-Tre.Z}'jrer.

Iil2yn::<;yi of the Hanotable Jioufi s/ Ajdmuly, Neivport. T!io. Cranilion, Glmcester. Mr.. Sjiomc Efq; Mr. Jojiii Wanto;!, Owens, C. Araoid, Ei< Gao.Hizird, Efq; Jiifepi! Cumberland. John Dextei Wanton, jan-Efq; M-. Nath!. Shepperdfon, Ef. J. j Read, Mi. The. FieclCr/infion. Rich ird Searlt body., Efq; Mr. ClirilK Lippif I Porifnoath. Mete. Boa-Ic-, 7i>;j«//5«. Rich. Eddy. Efc

Efq; J. Jepfon, Efq-, Mr. Caleb Harris, Efq; *

George Brow'iell, Mr. \'t)' th-Prov:dence . Cipi Jonathan Broivnell, Efeck Hopkins, Thorn;: Middletoiun. Mi. Nkho. Olney, Efq-, Eiiton, Mr. I. Smith. North-Klngftitvn.P.Ph'iWty

Jamefto-\jn. M; . J. Gard- E% J. Norihrup, Efq-, ner, Cip'ain S. Slocum. SDu;h-Ki:i,di6ivn. J. Rofi AVw Sh'-reham. Mr. J. Efq: Dmiel Rodman, Efc Litt'efield. Mr. J. Sands. Char left orjit. 'SvU-. Robi Tr.ertsn. Edw. G:ay, Efq; fon. Efq; S. Perry, Ei> Mr. Thomas Cory. Richmond. Robert Sta,)toi

Little Comfton. ThonijS E:*q-, Mr. Caleb Barber Church, Efq; Mr. Da- Htipkintm. Zac. Reynold niel Wilbur. Efq; Mr, Jeile Max fon Exeter. J. Wilcox, Efq, Btisti'l. Sim. Potter. Eft WeUerly. J. Babcock, Ki^; William Bradford, Efq, Mr, James Rhodes. IVarren. Syiv. Child, £f< providence. S. Hcpkin?, Naihan Miller, Efq; Efq; Mr. John Jenckes, Biirringt'jn. N.Mart'.n.Ef Mr. John Smith, Mr. J. Ml. Thomas Allen. Mitthewfon. I'Var-aick. Mr. B. Green Smithfield. Daniel Mow- Wi]ha:nGieene,Efq;M ry, jun. Elq; Captain Jo- J. Gieenc, Mr. J. Lov' nathan Arnold. Eflft-G een-mch. P. Pear. •(ftuate. Mr. W. Wel^ Efq; T. Tdlinshaft, E. Mr. Rufas K^oicins. 94 Efq; Thos. Gorton, Efq; JHon.M.Row (ef ,Krci;Spc.ikcr icr.tty. Mr. Ifrat I Bow en, ij ofl.is Lyndon, Klij; Cler^r. ~~ S'dfcrior Court of JniiicatKrc. pben Hopkins, James Helme, Mciojlf Siwler, Stf phcn Potter, Job Bi^nnet, Efqrs. Jujrica. rnry Marclunf, Efq; Aticrr.ey-Genercl.

ivport, John Grelea, jun. Efq; (^ lerk of ihe ^uftCntirt. ividence, Arthur Fenn(v, jun. Efq; Ditto. l^'sCouniy, Dao'c; Rodmin, Efq; Di to, i'tol, Jonithan Ruflel', Efq; Difo, nt, Hopkins Cooke, Efq; D«7.'«.

Jrferkr Coart for the Cruniy ;/ Netvpart. orge Hazard, Jonuthuri Frccboi n, 'W'iUiam Sioddardj Thomas Cnurch', R-enj;i. Underwood, Efqr?. Jtttticeu 'r Ch:i'oncr,Efq; Shrnf. JoHas Ly-d o--,Efq; C/frJ^.

Inferior Court f-r tne C^'Unty of Trividnce. in'el Jenckes, Richard Stcerc, Job Raiidail, Jercmi.vh Whipple, Caleb Aldrjch, FA^ys. JtiJUcei. ulTcw; Er-i; Sheri3'. Caleb Greene, Efiff Clerk, Ihferior Court ftr the Ccut:ty cf Kh:^'s County. m. Potter, Jof.Hazard, Simeoa P*>rry, Sylvelter Robin, fon, John Kortl.ip, Efqrs. JulHtes. rah Brown, YJqiSkerif, Stepl.pn Hazard, Efq; Clerk, Jnjchu: Cturt Joi ihe C>,uni^ ff lirUtJ, fb. Fales, Wm. Munro, James Brown, Mar. Lutlier, Jofiah Humphrys, Efqrs. Jujiices. ^n Brown, Efq; Sher:^. Daniel Bradf-.'rd. Efq; Clerk. Jnfiror Court for fh» County cf Kent. iiip Greene, Tho. Aldrich, Stephea Arnoid, Wm, Ni- :hols, James Arnok!, iun.T^fqrs. Jujllcei. nry Rice, Efq; Sherijf. DinicI How land, Efq; C/eri rriiters and Atturn-es at Lnnv, frafiifing at the Sufe- ri:r and Inferior Courts.

Marchant, Efq;^ Theodore Fofler, Efq; Prov.

Attorney-Cen. i jjohn Cole, Efq; ditto,

Honeyma!!, Efq; I iThomas Arnold, Efq; ditto. Aplir, Efq ^ New. ij.M.Varnum, FS.)E. Green- . E!!ery, Efq; per/, J. Comftock, Efq;) 'Wich. j j .B.SimpfonEfq; 1 |W.Bradford,Efq;l ^"'9''^. . Chan!ii?\g, Efq; J IShear.Bourn.Efq;') Fofter, Efq; Providence. ;M.Ro,bip.fcn,Erq;; South- nielHirchcock, Efq; ditto R.J.Helme, Efq;J/)C»«|^/i#7t'jj] , The Town Councils of the feverai Towns la the Colonyji arcimpewered to make Probate of Wills and granii Leiters of Adminilh-ation. The Town Clerks are Re- gifters of Deeds. Town Clerks. Ne'wpcirt Wm. Codd'mgton Well Grecniuicb J. Spenaei Providence James Angel Ce-oeittry John Rice Portfmouth Robert Dennis Exeter Alexander Cafe fVafwick Jeremiah Lippit Middletonvn John Barker rf'ejhrly Jofeph Crandall Brijiol Jofeph RuHel Ke'vj'^^ereham W. Rathburn Tiverton Reftcome Sanfon N.KingJlsivu Geo. Northorp Little Compton Tho. Churc! S. Kin^jion Wm, Potter ffarren John Kinnicutt E. Greennvkh'Ao'^Vms Cook Cumberland John Dexter JameJioiVK Be iij. Underwood Richmond T. Lillibridge Smithfield D. Mo\^rey Jan. CranJlon Wihiam Burton ^ Stituate Gideon Harris Hopkinton John MaxfeB,)u! GloHceller Richard Stecre John/ion Henry Harris Charieiio'von jaioes Congdon N. Providence Hope Ang€ JIarri7igto», S.Tovvnfend, jun

Grand Committee for t'le Colony. Edward Thuriton, [Samuel Chafe, Johri Jcbfon, James Arnold, Efqulres. Edward Thurfton.Erqi Keeper of the grand Committee'

Oific-e ; and alfo General Sealer of Weights and Mea fures ihroaghout the Colony.

Court of Vice Admiralty. John Andrews, Efq-, Judge. James Honeyman, Efq; King's AdvfOcate. Thomas Vernon, Efq; Deputy-regifter* William Mumford, jun. Efq; Marflial.

Cuftom-hoBfe, Rhode- Ifland. Charles Dadley, Efq; Coiledorand Surveyor. John Nicoll.Efq; Comptroller. Nicholas Lechmere and Wm. Checkley, Efgrs. Searchers James Clarke, Efq; Naval Officer.

Juftices of the Peace for the Town of Newport. Martin Howard John Davis John Pitman Henry Ward Jonathan Eallon James Tew, yan Barnabas Hargill [James Millward, James Carpenter

Samuel Bourfe ! Daniel Dunham Tho. Hammand

Robert Taylor j Jonathan Rogers Jam.CIarke.Efqrs John Grelea, jua. 96 jfaftkes of the Peace for Providence. imnelChace ijofeph Naih ijabez B( .ven Fofter Samuel Butler ITheodcrehe Folter

lavid WJikinfon J Jufliccs of the Peace for Portrirjoutli. j

ohn Shearman jRobert Dennis jThomas Shearman I Juitices of the Peace for Wirwick.

benezer Slocuni 1 Adam Corallock j

Dhn Greene (Robert Rhodes | Juftices ofthe Peace for Wellerly. of. CrandaJl ijofeph No yes iJofeph Clark liver Crary Humphrey Taylor Stephen Saunders

I'illm. Babcock ! John Budick IPhineas Clark Juitices of the Peace for North-Kingitown.. I'iJliam HammondiBenj. Jefferfon jRobert Hall hos. Allen, jun. Ebcnez. ShearmanlSamuel Hunt eo. Icaleb HilJ Thomas | Juflices of the Peace tor South-Kingflov/n. ihn SheWon iNathaniel Gardner ijames Parker reeman Perry JEnunuel Cafe jsamuel Perry

ay Sands I I Juitices ofthe Peace for Ealt-Greenwich. "homas Cafey Pardon Mawney lAlexander Nkhok op kins Cooke William Price I Juftices of the Peace for Smithfield. ohn Sayles IDaniel Smith jBenj. Smith, jun.

*epben Arnold Wm. Windfor I Juftices of the Peace for Scituate. zekie! Cornell jThomas Brown IPeleg Fiik eremiah Angell IThomas Harris

>livcr Weftcott Jofiah Colvin I Juitices of the Peace for Gloaccfter. im, WUmarth llfrael Arnold jMofes Cooper ilas Williams [Zebede Hopkins lAhra. Waterman ohn Harris 'Caleb Arnold | Juitices of the Peace for Charleitown. • 'elegCrofs IStephen Perry [Jonathan Hazard ob Taylor iFobias Saunders Juftices of the Peace for Welt-Greemvicb. ob Spencer iGideon Tripp IThomas Gorton tidiah AyleTworth iThos. Tillinghaft | Juftices ofthe Peace for Coventry. Thomas Rice |Samuel Wall iJofeph Whipplff I 97 Juftices of the Peace for Exeter, George Pierce jjafeph Arnold jWm. Sweet Hopkins Wilcox jRubert Urandal jjeffi-ey W ikox

Gideon Mofber j I JulUces of the Peace f»r Middletown. Jofeph Peabody jjohn Barker jThoinas Peckham

Joftkes of the Peace for Bril^ol. William Hoar Daniel Bradford

Juftices of the Peace for Tiverton,

John Bowen iWilfiam Cooke I Jofeph Tabor, jun.

Oliver Cooke ' |

Jukices of the Peace for Little Oompton. Ifrael Stoddard iPhilip Taylor {John Peckham

Aaron Wiiber t I

Juftices of the Peace for Warren. John Kmnicutt fW. Turner Miller jRobert Carr

Juftices of the FVsacfi for Cumberland,

John Dexter I Peter Darling jNath. Shepperdfcn

Jofeph Brown | ;j

Juftices of the Peace for Richmond. £Jward Perry \GcoTge Webb jRobcrt Stanton

Juftices «f the Peace for Cranfton. Thomas Potter jChrift/Ljppltt LJohn King Aborn Anthony J j

Juftices of the Peace for Hopkinten. JohnMaxon, jun. iKathan Burdick pa /id Randal •1 homas Wells, jan.JEdward Wall IZach. Reynolds

Juftices of the Peace for Johnfton. Abraham Belknapjjofiali Williams lAndrew Harris

^"oah ^latliewfori | |

Juftices of the Peace for No-th Providence. Edward Tiipp Ijonathan Jenckeij Hope An^c^l

Tho. Whipple 1 \

JiT(l:ices of the Peace for Bairington. So. To'.vnfhenul, jiin.|Mofcs Fayler jjames Bro wn

N. B. The firfi JuJHc-e in each Tcnan is Coroner,

S*n). Chace, Efq; Public Notary for the Town and Couaty of Providenoe. 9S Mi'nijhrs, Churchti and Rthiiaus ^Jftmities. Founded. NEWPORT. f 1648 Firft Baptifts Church, Rev. Era. KcUy 1656 Friends 1656 Second Baptift Church, Rev. Gardner Thurfton

167 i Sabbath Baptifl Church, Rev. John Maxfon 1695 Ffift Congregational Church, Rev. Samuel Hopkins Bifiel I 706 Epifcopal Church, Rev . George 1718 Second Congregational Church, Rev.Ezra.Stiles,D.D. Jews Synagogue^ Rev.Ifaac de Abraham Truro

J 758 United Brethren, Rev. Alber, Lud, RufTmeyer Rev.J.MannragBPrsvirffW* Friends Charhjtcw'n D. S. Ron'land C Rev. Sam. Niles Indians JohnGi-eavcs E J.Gorton '&E.W,Crtin'wUh JofephSnow Vacant Friends Friends Friends Pertfmeuth R. Hopkins B ScUnate Chi. HeMen B fVarvUk D. Mitch el B Glouctjter Mr. Budlon/B P. W^ordcnB Coventry Friends Tim . Green B Vacarvt C iV. Shoream Mr. Jenkins B Exgttr J. lorrtyC S.Kin^Jhn Mr. Spraguc B S^Fayerweatber E J. Wind for B Smiihfield Friends Friends Vacant B E. Thompfon C fVsrten Whitman B N.KintJinon S. Townfend Barringt 1V$Jl*Tl f Jehn Uflxer E BHihl Friends John Burt C Jofeph Park C O. Campbell TSvtrttn T.Clark Sob. BHtpiniUn David Round B I. Davis B John Ellis Littlt Cimt/M Friends Jamtjivmn Friends

Regiment of Militia. NEWPORT. Moles Barbar Lt. Col. Daniel Dunham Col. Jona, Vaughan.Efqrs. Major Ifaac Dayton Lt. Col. BRISTOL. JohnForrefter, Efqrs. Maj. Simeon Potter Col. PROVIDENCE. Nathaniel Martin Lt. Col. Knight Dexter Col. Thomas Gray, Efqrs. Maj. Abraham Winfor Lt. Col. KENT. Chad Brown, Efqrs. Major John Waterman Col. KlNG's-COUNTY. Aaron Bowea Lt. CoU Thomas Gardner Col. Beja. Vaughai, Efqrs. Maj. Thomas George, Captain of Fort-Geofge. I 2 99 Provii^ce of NOV A-SCOTIA His EKcellency FRANCIS LEGGE, Efq'c^vcrnef. Hon. MICHAEL FRANCKLIN, ?rqv Litut. G^p^noi C O U N C E L L G R S. Hon. JoM.BelcherlHon. Jof. Gerrhli iHon. ArtL.Gooldi

Chirles Morris I Henry Newton Ba.tJer, j John

Ml". John ifiu'kely, Clerk of the CounciU

Member i «f tht Hon»rable H*uje ef /?/*«*/?. Cwtnfj «S Halifax. County of Sunbury, Wm. Kefbitt, and Wra. Charles Morris, jun. Eft Howard So\itb,Efqrs. Mr. Teiunof H A LI F A X. Robert Campbell, and Charles Profter, and The -Mr. John Phillips. mas Bridge, Efqrs. County of AnuafoUi. Onflim, Mr Jofliua Lam Phineas Lovett, aad Jofeph Truto, Mr. "Wm. Filh< Patten, Efqrs. LottdonJtrry^ J.MofEifon,E ^fiSfl/'o/js.Mr.Ob.Wheeloc Countj of Luneniurt. J«hn Creightcm, Efq; Gfenwlle, Ch. Prince, Efc Lunenburgt PbiJip Knattt,Sf( King's CtUBty. Hertcv, Cha. Dickfon, Ef< D-. Denion. and Winck. ^. C«r»'wrt/i»i.S.Wii:oughby,K Tongc, Efqrs. Falmmfh, Ed. Y^rk, Efc X^ounty CutnbtrUvd. of JV«it'^tfr/,If.Defcharap3,Ef< John Huilon, and Jpcham Cumberland, Mr. Jona.Edc Gay, Bfqrs. Sackwllej Mr. ?v. FoIl< - ^een*i Cttnty. Liverpool; Vacant WJHiam Smith, and Simon YarmiMth, Mt. R. 'Gibber Perkins, Efqrs. Barrington, JohnFUIiS; Efc

S Jame?, Monk, Efq; Clerk of tie Cromn. Kpn. Richard Bulkely. Efq; Seiretarj, i. ^njamin Green, JE-fq-, Trtffurtr. Arthur Gooldj Efq, Rtgijier. J. Woodmafs, Efq\RecmtfffhUM*}tJly'i^t*f»Mt William Neibitt^Efq; Attornejt-Gfit^ra), James Monk, Efq; Solieitir.Qenera!. Hon. Charles Morris, Elfq; Chief Sftr^e^ir tf lAltdu iJbarles Morris, Jan. Efq; AJttiunt, J<»natban Sewall, Efq; judge ef tkt Vice jfidminaftfC^i efAp$«ali, Hon. Richard BuJkely.Efg-^ ?«<%•? of the Court ^.Efchtttt John Fenton, Efq; PfM^ili-MarMl.


King's-Ctunty. Ifaac De-l^e^B'i Cca«/y. Vacant fchanips, Efq; iljland Camfohelh. Mr. Tho- Ccunfj of Cumberland. James! mas JProder. La.v, Efq; Louijbourg. G. Cottnam, Efgj Lu/ienl^urg. D.C^ JelTeTi,Ef,\ COURT of VICE ADMIRALTY. Honorable Richard Biilkely, Efq; Judge, > /

Charles Morris, jun. Efq; Regilteri .

V\^ii:iam Smith, ETq; Mar/hal, -

His Majejiy's Supreme Court jet the Province,- Hon. , Efq; Chief Juifiet. Hon. Charles Morris, and Ifaac Defchamps, Efv*' Justices, JnferiM- Ceu^S-^-

County cf Halifax ; Jofeph Scott,^ Jofeph GerriA, H^n ry "Newton, and George Cottnam, Efqrs. Juliic$s.

Ctanty of Annopelis ; Jofeph V/inniett, Henry Bvans, and Thomas Williams, Efqrs, Jultices,

Coti'ntj 9f Lunenburg ; John Creigbton, L. C. Rudolf, Jofep!> Pernctte,"a.nd D. C. Je/Tea, Efqrs. JuJHc$s. King's County, H. D, Denfon, John Burbidgc, and Sam.

AViilcugliby, Efqrs. Jxjh'ces, • CfuKty of CvmberUnd, James Law, Samnel Wetheread, and Edwaid Barrens, Efqrs. Jujlicts. Ssieen's County, Eliiha Freeman, and Simon Perkins, ' ' Efqrs. JuJHces. Counij cf Breton, George Cottnam, Gregory Townfend, ' and William RufTell, Efqrs. JtJlitei,

Julticts 6f the Peace for the Ctunfjof Hahfax. Jofeph- Scott Jofeph Fairbanics Cha, Morris, j un. John Creighton John Cunningham George Faefck William Kefoitt George Cottnam George Smith John Burbidge John Newton Jofeph Gray Malachy Salter Wink. Tonge Giles Tidraarih Benjamin Green Wm- Smith John Fillis Rich. Wenman Jofeph Woodmafs J.r.W.Delbarres ~ytt'iiees of the Peatt ftr th* Coumj of AtmapU.

Jofeph Winniett John Hall . Thomas Wiliams

Henry Evan« Jofeph Pattea | Chrillopher Prince Thomas Walker Phineas Lovett

jMJii(*s of- th* Piact for the County \ of. Luxenhurz, John Creightoa iChar. Je (Ten JTim., Houghio^ L. C. Rudolf bhillip Knaut [Henry Fexgufei>,

Jofeph Pern^ttc | Ju\'tk$s of the Ptattftr iht CtmtJ cf King-i CtHntj. William Neibiit Amos Bill Sara. Willougliby H. D. Denfon Jofeph 9aU«y George Faefch Win. Towge Edward Elits Nathan Dewbif Jehu Burbidgc Labeus HJkrrisj Jofej»h Gay Cha. Morris, juji. Ha-ndley ChapmanJJofeph Pierce

Ju'ihei of the Peace for the County »f Cumberland, Jolhua Winllow B, Banks ijotham Gay John Hullan Edward BarrOn j Robert Seott Wm. Allen M^Delefdernicr Ijohn Allan Val. Eaftcrbroks Jufticei of the Peace for the Ounty of S^ieen'i County

Eliiiia Freeman i Richard M'Kinaen Benja. Greer Simeon Perkirw JEphraim Cook Eldad Nickerfon John CrawJey IPh. Durk Jona.Pinckhara Sarnviel Freeitian |john Erort

Jujticei #/ the Peacii far the Cvunty of Breton, Wm. Nelbitr (Fr. A.. StrafburgerlWm. Phipps George Gottnam Wm. Ruflell ISam. Holland

Jufticei of the Peace for the County cf Suntwyi. Wm. Nefbitt jBeamfly Glazier jjames Simonds '' Francis Peabody liJha. Morris, jun. jjaraes Boyd

For the TonvnJJ.ifs of Onfloiv, T^uro axd Landonderrj,

. John Morrifoa IJohnMahan jjoihua Lamb.

'James Fulton | I Enoch Kuft, Efi; juftice of the Peace for Canfo.

yuditsaf'thtCturtt ftr the Prabdte tf miii, &ft Wiliiam Nefbitt, Efq; Surrts»te-GttnrMl, Charles Morris, jun. Ef^jj Resijtcr. Cau/ity of Annapolis^ Vacant,

County 9f Lu)i*niifri, Johfl Creighton, Ef^; ni'i County, Ifaac Defchimps^Efq; 102 Ltflcers of his Majcfty's Cuftoms for the I^ovinec of Nova-Scotia, fenry Newton,. Efq; Collcdor. ames Burraw, Efq^ Comptroller. ohn Newton, Efq; Surveyor and Searcher., Charles Green^ Efq; Deputy Surveyor and Searcher,, li. Lewis Piers, ElftablMhed "Waiter and Gauger. Depmies at the Oat-Ports. innapolii-Ro'jal, Mathew Winniett, Efq} arnpo- Bella, Thomas Proffer, -^f'J> Jonathan Binney, Efq; umber liind, Joihua \Vinllow, Efq;, iverpool, Wiillatn Johnfon, Efq; .ou-Jhaurg, George Cottnam, E/q; fif.dfor, Ifaac Diefch'amps, Efq;

CoiJefitors of the Duties of Impofl andEXcift. Halifax, John Newton, Efq;. 4nn.ipotis, Jofeph Winniett, Efq; Lur.enburf, Chriftopher Jeffen, Efq; King'i County and fVincifjr, H. D. DenfonjEfq; utnherliind, John L^w, Efq; Lsuijbrari?, George Cottmm, Efq;- St. Jr.hn'i River, Francis Peabody, Efq; i^ueen'i County, William Johnftone, IjLind Campobello, Thomas Proifter.

Commifiloners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. ¥oT Falmouth, Nerjp ort ind Win4jor, Winck. ToogcEfq; Onjlo'w, Truro and Londonderry, Richard Upham, Efq; Horton, Nathan Dewolf, Efq;. Cornivallis, John Bus bidge, ECj; County of Cumberland, J. Wiuflow» J, HtilloQ, Efqrs, County of Annapolis, Jofeph Winniett, Efq; Lunenburg, Vacant by Death. County of Sanhury, Francis Peabody, Efq;

LIST of Field Gjpcers of the Militia in the Province-tf Nova-Scotia. Cvmpany of Cadets, Halifax. REGIMENT. Hon. R. Bulkeley, Efq; CoJ. Gh. Proaer,.Efq; Lt. C6l. Jo. Scott, Eiq; Lt. Col. Malachy Salter, Efq; Major Benja. Green, Efq; Mafor Independant Oompany at tkf James Burrow, Efq; Capt. NavS'Tard. Capt. Lieut. Hon. Jo. Gerrifh, Efq; Capt with this rank of Lt. Col. Q.UEEN's COUNT ril Lieiits. Jacob Hurd, Efq; Color with the rank of Captain, Sim..Perkins, Efq; Lt.O Jof, Gray, Efq-, with the Maj rank of Captain-1/eiit. ANN A P O L I S. 2d Lieut, George Gerrifli. Henry Monro, Efq; CoIot KING'S CO UN r Y. J, AVianiett, Efq; Lt. C H. D.Denfon, Efq; Colonel M'. Winnie tr, Efq; Maj Gh. Dkkfon, Elqv Lt.CoI. :CUMBE ELAND. Labeas Harr;s, W. Canady, Benoni Banks, Efq-, Lt. C' J. Burbidge, Efiji-s. Majors Jolh. Sprague, Efq; Ma- W I N D S O R. LUNENBURG. %Vra. Tonge, Efqj Colonel jbieut. C Maio-- Leo. C, Rudolph, Efq; M:

Governors, Lieutenant-Governors, &c. for tiie Contine of Anje''ica.[The Governments are ranged alphabetifallj

ANTIGUA. Ch . Juft. C.'Greathead, E Lt. Gov. Lt. Gen, .Oughton DOMINICA. ChiefJufticcS. Blizard, Efq; Gov. Sir AVm. Young, Efq BAHAMA-ISLANDS. Lt. Gov. W. Stewart, Ef( Lt. Gov. J. Gambier, Efq;; Ch. Juft.Ja. Aih Hull, El Chief Juftice, J. Brown, Efq FLORIDA cEaft) Att. Gen. Rob. Stirling. Gov. Patrick Tonyn Efq; Jit. Ad. W. Hatchinfon, EI^; Lt. Gov, W. Moutrie, E; BARB A DOES. Ch. Jurt. W. Dravton, E) Ooe. Hon, Edward Hay FLOP^IDA (Wert) Pro. Mar. F* Reynolds, Efq; Gov. and Vice-Adm. Pe.t Chefter, Efq; Sec. Andrew Stone, Efq; , BERMU D A S. L. Gov. Elias Durnford, E; Gov. George Jas. Bruere Ch. Jujftice Wm. Clit^ton Sec, and Prov. Mar. Gen. GEORGIA. - Wm. O'Brien, Efq; Gov. Sir Jai. Wright, Ei Att. Gen. Dan. Hunt, ETq; Lt. Gov. J. Kabenham, El CAROLINA (South; Ch. Juft. Anth. Stokes, El Gov. Rt. Hon. Lord Wni, GRENADA.

Campbell, Efq; Gov. Gen. . of Grenada, t Lieut. Goy. Wm. Bull, Efq; Grenadines, St. Vince Sec. Tiiomas Skottowe, Efq; and Tobago, Win. Ley CAROLINA (North) Leyhourne, Efq; Gov. Jofiah Martin, Efq; Lt. Gov. Francis Gore, El Lt. Gov. Geo. Mercer, B(q; Ch. Juil. Wm. Lucas, El Sec. and Clerk ofthe Crqwn, JAMAICA. T. Faulicer, Efq; Gov. Sir R. M. Keith, Efc CHRISTOPHER'^s (St.) Lt. Gov. John DalUng, Ef Lt. Gov^ James Poole, Efq; Ch. Juft. Thos. Beach 104, Gen. J. Bradftr«et. N E W - Y O R K. Gov. William Tryon, Efq; Lt. Gov. Cad. CoWeu, Efij Sec, to the Go. Col. Fanning N E W - J E i^ SE Y. Gov. William Franklin, Ef4 Ssc. Maurice Morgan, Efq; PENNSYL VAN I A. Propri. Tho. and J. Penn, Lt. Gov. Rich. Penn, Efq; Agent, Ben). Franklin, Efq; P L A C E N T I A h. JulL J. Dafent,Efq; Lr. Gov. It. C. J, Gorham gent the Lee\iard (LU E B E C. Hla.ndsH. Wilmot, Efq; Gov. Gay Carlctoin Efqi EW FOUND LA NP. Ll. G. H. T. Cramalie, Efq overnor and Comodoi e on Sec. S. Chrif. Roberts, §f>i; the Statioi., Molineux VIRGINIA.

Sh-rdham, Efq; . Gov. J. t. Gov. Sr. John's, Major Secretary W^illiam Ad^Jr.

A Gfoj^rafhical Drfirij-tion of the Wurld. EURO PE contains in it thcfe Countries, Germany, Svvedland, Denmark, Nethejiand, Italy, .Mufcovy, fungary> Fraocc,Spa;n, Portugal, Poland, Norway. Greece^

be moft eminent Hiands are thefe : Great-Britain, fc/and, Sicily, Sardinia, Candia, Ncgropont, and Corfica. The greate/t Length of tln> Patt- of the World is 30^0 Vliies, the Breadth 900, ASIA, the firft known Pai^t of the World, conta ns befe principal Regions and Iflands, viz. Armcina. AniiO' Perfia, Anyria, China, Syria, Arabia, Mefopo tarn ia «dia Japan. Parthia, Media, Palelline, Chaldea, Taitary

In AFRICA are thcfe Provinces, . viz. Egypt, Jarbary, BiieduJgerid, Ethiopia, Nubia, Congo, Abyffinia, VI<>flomoto.pa, Guine?, &c. The Ifiands, Madagafcar, St Thomas, Illands of Cape Ve-de, Canary lOands, Madeira. AMERICA, tl'ie, fourth Part of the World, and of Ihe lateftDifcovery, con'.Tfieth of thefe two Parts, Mexico uf North-America, and Pern, or South-America. The Provinces of Mexico aie New-Spain, Florida, New- York, New-England, New-France, or Canada. Tiie Provipces of Peru are, Brafil, Peru, Chili, Terrafirma, Paraguay, Amazonia. The chief Ifiand:^ ofAmerica are, Hifpaniola,, Cuba, Jamaica, Newfoundland and Porio Rico, o « c Mooaoeooocto h* ^ wvi". o«o>0'*««qocooocoo!

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106 rLJft of the poft-Otiices in tne Nontiern DiltrictVc" North-America. I l^iebec, Montreal, Three Rivers, Qjiebec, Pro'jir.ce of Main or Cafco-Bay, Fahnoatb, N^Tj'Hampfl.ire, Portfmoath. ylajjachufctts.Bay, Newbury-PortjIpAvkb, Silcm, IA] bl.-head, Boitoa. Rhndc'If.andt Providence, Warren, Br)Ilo)> Newpcj Towerh'ill, Weflerfy. LonnecHcut, New-London, Springfield, Hartford, M;| dlecown, New-Haven, Norv^alk. I Nevj.Ya'k, Skeenfborough, Albany, New-York. / Neiv-Jsrfcs, Newar!:. Eliza. Towo, Wcodbridge, Brnij^ Trenton, wick, Piincetov/n, Burlington, \ Pehr.fylvania, B.-iftol, Piiiladelphia, Chefler, WUmingtti New-Calile. Mar-iland, Eajtern-fhore,Td\hot Court-houfe, New Tow ' F:ederick and George Town. ' Maryland, Wejlern-Jl.ore, CLarleftov/n, Bufhtown.. Hal '

more, Annapolis, Upper Marlborough, Bladenebarg » Georse Town. K;x/«;", Alexandria, Dumfries, Fridericklburgh, Lee

' .i c oi i:ts MaieityVs Packet Boats, and Commaflderf ihat are th'tionedi|||te'"n Ftlmouth and New-York. iHe EarlofHalifi^Miderfon. Harriet. Oak. Duk' Cumberland, G3WBBge.oODOHaE Lord Hyde, Goddar'* Mercury, Dillon. j The Mail for North- America, is made up at th- G^n • T.! Poft-Office in London, the firJt Wednefday ii, . /e:

Month ; and the Mail tor England, at the Poft-OlF in y?ev/-York, the fiii^ W e dnefday in ftvary Month "h ', ' MILLS a~d HICK S, At their Priming-Otnre in Schoo!-ftr«et, next Door t« the

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