![Ocm08458224-1774.Pdf (5.426Mb)](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
817.3M31 141 "1. <;<» Digitized by the Internet Arcliive in 2009 with funding from University of IVIassachusetts, Boston http://www.archive.org/details/millshickssbritiOOcape -"it^* > •^-^ ' -w.^V> •^ s '9 \ -^ ^ JmILLS and HICKS'sH^ r \J^ BRITISH I I f A -N D I I T I AMERICAN I ^ i IKE GISTER,! T f f With an f ^i A L M A N A G K |g 1 For the Year 17745 ; 1 T "r*- ? T Being tbe Second after Biflextilc or Lcip.Year, f k Calculated for the Ufe of all the h i i i New-England Provinces, f f BOSTONj t f Printed and fold by MILLS and HICKS, * » i at their Printing-OflBce in School-Areet, 1 Vt next Door to , I CromweU's-Head. T r% ^^ •<>--0"~<>""<.-<>....0....<4^>M..o...o~^-<^..-<^" .<>-|^ ^ - _^,....._.../VUfi- A D V E R T 1 ,S.£ M E N T. THE Subfcribers here pfefent to the refpeftable Public tl:e:r BRITISH and AMERICAN jREGISTER, for 1774 ; which they have fpared JEo Pains to render compleat and correct ; and as it is i!:eir firfl Undertaking (of ihis Kind) and a really netef- Tir?, nreful Publication, they hope it will meet with a [favourable Receotion. In compiling of which they with [Gratitude'acknowiedge their Obligations to thofe Gen tlemen who have furnifliffd them with Materials, and \mu{\ intre^t them to continue their Ailiflance yearly, as A\ ork of this Nature will always need Corrediion and lAltention. If, in the following Lifts, any Inaccuracies have efcaped [Notice, and any Gentleman finds his Name omitted, or [his proper Office not inferted, he is dcfired to give JNotice to the Publilhers, who will make the neceilary Alteration in their next.-— Any Obfervatiens that may d to the Improvement of this Work, will be thank- fully acknowledged by the Servants of the Public, MILLS and HICKS. TH T. F^llern Poft arrives it Bofton on Saturday Evening, fets out again early on Tuefday Morn- ing, and puts up at Mr. Hubbard's, in King-llreet. The PortfmouthChaife which pafTes through Newbnry, Ipfvvich and Salem, arrives at Bolton on Wednefday Evening, fets out again early on Friday Morning, and puts up at Mrs. Bean's, in King-ftreet. The Poft from the Southward, which comes along tht Sea Coaft, arrives on Saturday Evening, the Mail is clofed at the Poft-OiBceon Monday, at one o'CIock Afternoon, the Polt puts up at Mr. Morton's, at the Sign of the Black and White Horfe, in Newbury-ilreet. The Poft from New-York, ?cc. by Way of Hartford, irrives on Wednefday Evening, the Mail is clofed at the Poft-Office on Thurfday at one o'CIock Afternoon, Between Bofton and Providence three Stage-Coaches jafs and repafs, twice a Week, and put tip at the Sign he White Horfe, and Black and White Horfe. Between Bofton and Salem a Ghaife pafles and repilTes :hree Times a Week, and puts up at Mrs. Bean's, in K. in g- ftrcet. A 2 3 i he D 1 S T A N C E S of the moft remark from BOSTON, with the interm. (I) To Plimouth and Cape Cod. TAVERNS. TOWNS. Miles. Kent, Dorchefler Vofe or Brown, Milton Brackett, Braintree Whitmarfh Weymouth .Culhing, Hingham Jacobs, Hanover Hall, Pembroke Loudon, Duxbury Little, Kingftoa Rowland, Bar tie t Pltmouth and Witherel, Cornifti, Ditto Ellis, Ditto Newcomb or Sandwich Feflenden, Chipman Barnftable How Of Crocker, Ditto Beare, Yarmouth Snow, Harwich Merrick, Eftham Higgins, Ditto Smith, Welliiect Collins, Truro Grofe, Ditto Atwood, or Province* Conant, town {\l.) To Martha's Vineyard. Newcombp ble Towns on the CONTINENT, iate Diflances in computed Miles. oughton CrX.) To New-London and 2thersfie]d 3| Hinrdale, Kenfingt on iddieton 1 1 Robin for), Meriden rham Walings- 6i John (on, 7^38 illjngsford ford 10 Mansfield, Narth-ha\en 5 143 rlh-Haven Kiiby or Bears, Neiv-Have7i iv- Haven fXIIl; Road to N. Haven and neral Spring. New-York )okfisld '^.- Kilby or Haven i63 to Bears, N. Laws or Miiford i69 nifie.'d Mallet, 173 Kto Bryant, Ditto Stratford i77 fford OrfbornorOlcot, Penfield, Fairlield 184 tto B^ickly, 196 n.Spring Kechum, Beld Norwalk VToangs, Stamford Hantord and Fitch, QuJntard, Ditto 206 ven. Marvel, Havil, Rye 21(5 dham f 3 Sutton, Gidney, Marrineck i23 tto U Baiiey, Kew Rochel 226 20 ediieid Butler, Eaft Cheller 30 edway 24 Djkeman, Kingforidge - 4a 26 tio Fowler, 251 jlifion 29, endon 36 (XIV.; Road to Deerlield. tto 3 7 {Brewer, Walthani bridge 43!Parks, Lincoln juglafs 47 Gates, Sro\7 lUngVf Richardfon, Bolton lomlbn Lock, . Lancarter to Geary, Ditto mfret Holden, Vv'ellminfler itto Church, Templeton hford Baker, Dic:% tto \V inflow, Peterihain tto Cooke, Kew Salem Bill.:ng, Sunderland tto Root, Montague ansfield Deer entry Hoit, fie Id Hartford 7 (XV.) Another Road to Deerfield, 10 Brewer, ^\ akhajn irtford ll 1 12 [Baldwin, Wenori eatherfd. 3 nilBent, Sudbury r. Sv/amo 7 i2iHowe Marlboro* )ill _ Ditio tin, I Mai Cuihing, Furnafs, Child, I Davies, itflne, Craige, Biickminller Wimflow, Coo^ce, Dickinfon, Field, Hubbard, . BiUmgs, Cnrtiand, Hoit. )itto XXIO Road to theEailAtard ov Charlellown-ferry. BllJings Medford Kettle, porter, Maiden Newhall, Lynn PeJmonr.Symons, Danvers Goodhoe, Webb, Sriiem Waters, - Bcvejly Pfjrter Wenham Smith, Tradewelljlpfwich Pafon, Rv-ivvley Newbury Pierce, old Town Cauider,Davenp't,^^^;^"'-y Knowlton, Salifbury Davidron,Sa.nborn,J^-^fP^°" LoTci, Hampton Lover, North-Hill Folfom or Clark, Greenland Stavers, Fofs, or _ / Portfmout]^ ,i Tiiron, , Woodbridge, Old York Cliirlc, Ditto lling, Wells LiLtlcflcld, Ditto [efferds. Ditto Kimbil!, Kennebunk Paterfon, Arundel] Alien, Saco Miilikin, Scarborongl Marfli, Ditto Skilling, Falmouth Toms, Ditto Chadwich, Moody, Fal.Town Backnam, New Calco Loring,, N. Yarmouth Mitchell, Ditto Coffin. Ditto Stone, BrimAvick Brown's Ferry Springer, George Tn Harden *reiry Woolwich Read, Ditto | ' 1 he foHoviing Litt -or Officers, not being received feilonably, we are obliged to infert them here. cf Oncers cf his Majejty's S9th and 65//; Rs^imenti Jtatluned at Halifax, in Kova-Scotia. I F T- Y - NINTH REGIMENT. »hrt Owen, Colonel. Otlio Ha.n;:lcon. Lieut. Col. Vlihvard, Maj Ltcuten.vi.t , Enftgni. Cap ta ins, George Heibcrt, Gi;orge Sproule, m M 'Donald John Clarke, James Fiee/nan, ert Skene, George Bali, Vv alter-Haynef, I "\V ilfon, NarcilTus Hufon, Ambrose S.n:pfon, rge Gray, Thomas "W'ilfou, Robert Gardiner, . Moncreiffe, Thos. HevTetfoa, Robert C- dd, les Moore, vCharlesO-.ven, Bulkelev Gould, liara Pawktt, D.M.Woodward, R^ichard Balkeky. John Pigott, imes Fisgj *\ndrew Defpard, ptain Lieut, John Harrifcni es Miller, Chaplain. \ CBarJesOwen, Q:'arter-Maft. Hewetibn, Adjutant. 1 Trotter Hiil, Surgeon. S I X T Y - F I F T H REGIMENT. dward Urmfton, Colonel.- Hon, T. Bruce, Lieut. Co 1. Batler. Maj. Lieutenants. Enfigns, Captains. Jonas "Watfon, John Sniith, ids Marfb, James Lindfay, I'ohn Weftrop p, 1 Handfield, A. Kinloch Gordon, Roger Moityn, rge Sinclair, Step. Winthrop, John Bay lie, liam Compton, John Watfon, George Gordon, 1 Mackay, Charles Craufe, Henry Miller, iam Hudfon, William Spaighr, Henry Blacker, ;rt Brifcoe. John Hales, Powell Parry. F. Seymour Hearft, hn Roberts, John Pexton, ptiiin Lieut. Edward Jenkins. ge Farren, Chaplain. John Watfon.Qi'-arter-Maft. Weftropp, Adjutant. William Fletcher, Surgeon. ers of the Train belonging to Plimouth ifl: Regiment am Winflosv Captain' John Vriiiilow 2d Lieut. VV'inflow, jun. ill: Lieut. ers of the Train belong n^ to Berklhire ift Regiment- 1 Dickinfon Captai'lMofcs Gravcc, jun. 2d Lt, Williams ift LieurJjohn Sergeant 3d Lieut, ers of the Train belonging to Eilex 5 ih Regiment, Pediick CaptainlSweit Hooper 2d Lieut VVliite Capt. Lieut.JKnoi Pedrick Lieut. Fire wafey III Lieu:.[ (worker- I 1 TABLE of the weight and value of Coins, as they pafs New-England.w on Saturday, hath XXXI Days. iltQuarier, Wednefday 5th Day, 44m. Afternoon. ewMoon, Wednefday 12th Day, 4h. Morning. rft Qiiarter, Wednefday 19th Day, loh. 40m. Morning. Afternoin. II Moon, Tharfday 27th Day, 2h. 7m. ) * ^ FEBRUARY begins onTueRIay, liath XXVHI Days. Latl Quarter, Thuiklay 3d Day, leh. Hm. Attcrnoon. New Moon, Thurfday lotli Day 3I1. 56m. Afternoon. Firrt Quarter, P'riday :8ih Day, 7I1. 21m. Morning, Full Moon, Saturday 26th Day, sh. 481T). Morning. Sun rif High Water IM ri CALEND hR. & fets. Morn Ev^cn \sc fet HMH H M H M ]H M 2 57 3 20 |io 2 Puri. V. M. 4 8 ji r 2( 4 59 Mori 5 53 [o 3 Perigee. 6 50 ' I 3 Sexagefima Sunday. 7 48 2 ! 3 8 47 i 3 4 9 17 9 45 . 4 3 10 13 10 40 5 2 11 8 ir 32 ,])fet 11 57 Even ^4 Morn 12 43 ; I 7 3 I 6 1 28 Qiiinquagcfima Smid. ^ 3 12 I Valentine. 1 50 2 9 3 Shrove Tuefday. 2 33 2 54 10 3 Aili-Wednefday, 3 i<5 3 37 " 3 3 59 4 21 Mo 4 44 5 7 o • Apogee. 5 30 5 53 I 2 lit Sunday in Lent. 6 17 6 41 2 7 6 7 31) 3 8 18 7 54 3 ,5 8 43 9 7 4 4 St. Matthias. 9 5^ 9-54 5 2J| 10 f€ 'lb '4i« 5 Morn 11 26 })ri r«|? 12 2d Sunday ia Lent. 12 Even 7 29 6| 12 59 t 22 8 Superior Court ar Bofton and Fairfield 3d Tuefday ; ; New-Haven 4th Tuefday. Inferior Court at Port mouth I ft Tuefday; at Northampton ad Tuefday; ir^" '« South Kingfton 3d Monday ; at Pittsfield 4th Tue: day. pf.' H M A R C H begins on TuefJay, hath XXXI Days ait qijaiter, Saturday 5th Day, 5^^- 3*5™.
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