J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.11.2.110 on 1 March 1958. Downloaded from

J. clin. Path. (1958), 11, 110.

THE REACTIONS OF CHORDOMA BY T. CRAWFORD From the Department of Pathology, St. George's Hospital Medical School, London


Although chordoma is a rare tumour well over TABLE I 300 cases have been reported, and the excellent CLINICAL SUMMARIES OF CASES STUDIED published descriptions of both pathological and clinical features leave little to be added (Stewart, CaseCaseAgeAgeSex Site Treatment ~~stasesMeta- Follow-up Cappell, 1928; Mabrey, 1935; Dahlin and 1922; 1 42 M Sacral Operation + Lung Died 12 years from MacCarty, 1952). The pathological diagnosis radiotherapy onset and 21 months after opera- depends on the recognition of the physaliphorous tion or " cells which are the most 2 57 F Dorsal Operation + _ Well 6 years after bubble-bearing" radiotherapy operation striking feature of the histological picture. These 3 29 M Clivus Operation - Died 10 days after operation cells (Fig. 1) often attain great size and usually 4 55 F Sacral Operation + - Recurrence treated occur groups or cords with an epithelial radiotherapy x rays. Alive at in 3 years pattern; they are distinguished by the presence of 5 37 F Clivus Operation - Well 3+ years 6 68 M Sacral Biopsy only - Died of urinary in- numerous clear vacuoles of varying size which are fection 6 years after separated by faintly eosinophil cytoplasm, the cell onset having almost an aerated appearance. The groups of cells are separated by a matrix or ground sub- Material from all the cases was fixed, in formol- stance which has a similar frothy vacuolated saline and embedded in paraffin, and in addition appearance to the cell cytoplasm. In some areas frozen sections were cut from formalin-fixed blocks

-mainly the older parts of the tumour-the cells from Cases 1, 3, and 4 for sudan staining. The stain- http://jcp.bmj.com/ collapse to nondescript stellate and fusiform ing methods employed were Ehrlich's varieties and are often separated quite widely by and eosin, van Gieson's method, Mallory's phospho- this ground substance (Fig. 2). Biopsy tungstic-acid-haematoxylin, the picro-Mallory method frothy (Lendrum and McFarlane, 1940), the of from such an area presents considerable difficulty Gordon and Sweets (1936), Best's carmine, and South- and has often led to an erroneous diagnosis of gate's mucicarmine. For the special histochemical chondrosarcoma, especially when the tumour procedures, including the extinction occurs in one of the less common sites such as a test, the methods recommended by Pearse (1953) were spinal vertebral body. In these circumstances followed. For the methylene blue extinction tests a on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. some staining reaction which would distinguish veronal-acetate buffer was used and the pH of each between the ground substance of cartilage (more tube was checked with a glass electrode pH meter. particularly neoplastic cartilage) and chordoma The chance occurrence of pulmonary metastases in in the same sec- be invaluable. The present paper presents Case 1 enabled a direct comparison, would between the reactions of normal bronchial car- a from tions, from this point of view study of material tilage and the chordomatous metastases (Fig. 3). A six cases of chordoma. parallel series of preparations from a block showing pulmonary metastases of a chondrosarcoma of femur Material and Methods allowed the comparison to be extended to neoplastic Some details of the six cases from which the patho- cartilage. logical material was obtained are given in Table I. Results These cases presented the usual features of patients The cytoplasm of cartilage and chordoma cells with chordoma, though Case 1 came into the rare frequently contains glycogen, giving a positive group in which blood-borne metastases develop, while reaction with Best's carmine and staining strongly in Case 2 the tumour involved the upper dorsal verte- with the periodic-acid-Schiff (P.A.S.) technique. brae, which are the least frequently affected parts of These reactions are dispelled by pre-treatment of the spine-indeed Chiasserini and Marchiafava (1956) but remain after treat- were able to find reports of only 10 cases with this the sections with diastase, localization. ment with hyaluronidase. J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.11.2.110 on 1 March 1958. Downloaded from


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(af) t/b) FIG. 4

FIG. 1.-Physaliphorous cells and vacuolated matrix. P.A.S., x 500. FIG. 2.-Stellate and fusiform cells in abundant pale-staining ground substance. P.A.S., x 250. FIG. 3.-Section of lung from Case 1 enabling direct comparison between staining reactions of bronchial cartilage below and chordomatous metastasis above. Haematoxylin and eosin, x 45. FIG. 4.-Metachromatic reaction with toluidine blue. (a) Chordo- FIG. 3 matous metastasis, x 200; (b) chondro-sarcomatous metastasis with neoplastic cartilage, x 50. J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.11.2.110 on 1 March 1958. Downloaded from




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Mr, FIG. 5.-Section of lung from Case I showing bronchial cartilage to the left and chordomatous metastasis to the right. Reticulin stain, x 150. The staining reactions of the ground substances with diastase or hyaluronidase. Chordomatous of the two tissues are summarized in Table II. ground substance gives a more strongly meta- The positive Millon reaction given by both tissues chromatic reaction with toluidine blue than does merely indicates the presence of tyrosine-contain- normal bronchial cartilage, but the neoplastic ing proteins. The P.A.S. staining given by both cartilage also gives a strong reaction (Fig. 4). tissues (though usually stronger with cartilage Both tissues give similar positive staining with than with chordoma) is of the type associated with mucicarmine and with alcian blue. The methy- mucins of connective tissue origin, rather than the lene blue extinction test, with both tissues, gives a http://jcp.bmj.com/ more brilliant staining of the mucins of epithelial value between pH 3 and pH 2. origin. The character of this staining is un- Turning to the more orthodox and empirical changed when the sections are previously treated staining procedures listed in the lower part of on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

FIG. 6.-Neoplastic cartilage from metastasis of chondrosarcoma in lung. Reticulin stam, x su. J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.11.2.110 on 1 March 1958. Downloaded from


TABLE II might perhaps provoke speculation on the influ- STAINING REACTIONS OF GROUND SUBSTANCE OF ence of function on structure even at the chemical CARTILAGE AND CHORDOMA TISSUE level. Method Chordoma Cartilage From the diagnostic point of view, these histo- chemical reactions are of little assistance. The Millon ...... Positive Positive P.A.S. .Faint pink Pink diagnosis of chordoma depends essentially on the after diastase Unchanged Unchanged recognition of physaliphorous cells lying in a I I hyaluronidase ,.,, Toluidine blue .. Metachromatic Metachromatic mucinous matrix-features which may be more Mucicarmine . . Positive Positive Alcian blue . .. I distinctive in a P.A.S.- or toluidine-blue-stained Methylene blue extinction pH 3-2 pH 3-2 Sudan III ..Negative Negative section than in a routine haematoxylin-and-eosin preparation. The absence of staining of the Haematoxylin and eosin .. Almost unstained Variable van Gieson .. ,, ,, Pink ground substance with phosphotungstic-acid- Picro-Mallory.. Blue Deep blue Phosphotungstic-acid- Unstained Brownish pink haematoxylin and with the reticulin method may, haematoxylin however, provide a useful pointer when typical Reticulin (Gordon and Sweets) ,, Diffuse staining physaliphorous cells are absent from the section. Table II, it is interesting to find that these provide Summary a better differentiation between the two substances Material from six cases of chordoma, one of than do the supposedly more precise methods which had pulmonary metastases, has been above. With all these empirical techniques studied. The staining reactions have been com- chordomatous matrix stains feebly or not at all pared with those of normal and neoplastic whereas the cartilaginous ground substance gives cartilage. The mucin stains give the reactions of reactions approaching more nearly those of acid-mucopolysaccharide with both cartilaginous collagen fibres. Perhaps the most clear-cut dis- and chordomatous ground substance, and the two tinction is obtained with the reticulin stain. This tissues cannot be clearly distinguished by these gives quite heavy deposition in both normal and means. The sharpest histological distinction is neoplastic cartilage, sharply outlining the cells and achieved by the phosphotungstic-acid-haematoxy- precipitating more diffusely in the intervening lin and the reticulin stains. With both these tech- ground substance. The chordomatous tissue, on niques chordomatous matrix remains unstained the other hand, remains completely unstained while cartilaginous ground substance is quite (Figs. 5 and 6). strongly impregnated. http://jcp.bmj.com/ Discussion I am indebted to Dr. A. D. Morgan, of the West- The histochemical reactions recorded lead to minster Hospital, for providing me with material from the conclusion that the reacting substances in both the necropsy on Case 1. cartilage and chordoma fall into the category of This investigation was supported by a grant to acid-mucopolysaccharide-a conclusion in agree- St. George's Hospital Medical School from the British ment with that arrived at by lurato and Empire Cancer Campaign.

Leonardelli from on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. (1956) study of three examples REFERENCES of rhinopharyngeal chordoma. It is of particular Cappell, D. F. (1928). J. Path. Bact., 31, 797. interest that these two substances, produced as Chiasserini, A.,Jr., and Marchiafava, G. (1956). Policlinico, Sez.prat., 63, 1022. they are by tissues of such widely different em- Dahlin, D. C., and MacCarty. C. S. (1952). Cancer, 5,1170. Gordon, H., and Sweets, H. H. (1936). Amer. J. Path., 12, 545. bryological origin and separated so widely in their lurato, S., and Leonardelli, G. B. (1956). Tumori, 42, 559. phylogenetic history, should resemble one another Lendrum, A. C., and McFarlane, D. (1940). J. Path. Bact., 50, 381. Mabrey, R. E. (1935). Amer. J. Cancer, 25, 501. so closely in their histochemical reactions. The Pearse, A. G. E. (1953). Histochemistry, Theoretical and Applied, pp. 414-440. Churchill, London. significance of this observation is obscure, but it Stewart, M. J. (1922). J. Path. Bact., 25, 40.