An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Items. INSTITUTION North Carolina Univ., Chapel Hill
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 130 203 CG 010 884 TITLE Family Planning Educational Materials: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Items. INSTITUTION North Carolina Univ., Chapel Hill. Carolina Population Center. PUB DATE Feb 68 NOTE 96p. EDRS PRICE MF:$0.83 HC-$4.67 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Agencies; Annotated Bibliographies; Contraception; *Demography; *Family Planning; *Foreign Countries; Foreign Language Periodicals; *Instructional Films; *Instructional Materials; Instructional Materials Centers; Sex Education ABSTRACT This bibliography is designed to assist agencies in the U.S. and abroad in their selection of family planningeducational materials. The citations are divided into two sections:(1) patient-oriented educational materials with emphasison the need for family planning, availability of services, and birthcontrol methods; and (2) materials which might be used in training fadilyplanning workers. Within each section items are classified bycountry of origin and arranged alphabetically by title inthe following groupings: booklets, brochures, films, filmstrips, fliers,folders, models, and posters. Appended is an alphabetical listingof addresses of agencies which produced and/or distribute the materialslisted in the bibliographies. (Author/MPJ) **********************************************************************4 Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makesevery effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items ofmarginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makesavailable * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS isnot * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions* * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** ommmomommommommoommommommw FAMILY PLANNING EDUCATIONAL IN MATERIALS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Nr\ OF ta_vm . SELECTED ITEM&: mffifflfflffiffiffimmofflommommfflfflommfflommrEtm U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DUCED EXACTL.! AS RECEIVED YON' "uE PERSON OR ORGANIZAT,ONC,...,, IT POINTS or vIEIN OR ," A TED DO NOT NECESSARILY VE ORAICIAL NATIONAL NIS'I ECiJCATION POSIT,ON OR P0,/, University of North Carolina Carolina Population Center . UniversitY Square . ChiPel Hill, .North Carolina FAMILY PLANNING EDUCATIONALMATERIALS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHYOF SELECTED ITEMS edited by Educational Materials Unit Carolina Population Center February, 1968 University of North Caro Ihia Carolina Population Center University Square Chapel Hill, North Carolina 3 INTRODUCTION One of the primary elements ofa successful family planning program is public education. Those ofus concerned with informing the publicuse various techniques and media tocarry our message about the need for populationcon- trol, contraceptive methods andservices, and benefits of small families. These media range from polished televisionspot announcements to mimeographed instructions issued to pill acceptors. In the past year, the Carolina PopulationCenter received numerous requests to supply samples of various kinds of educationalmaierials for adaptation by local agencies for theirown public education programs. During thesummer of 1967, form letters were sent toover 200 organizations requesting that copies of their materials be sent tous for examination. Our search revealed thata large number of organizations are engaged in producing educational aids,many of them excellent. The need fora bibliography of such materials became evident. Family Planning Educational Materials: AnAnnotated Bibliography of Selected Items is designed to assist agenciesin the United States and abroad in their selection of family planning educationalmaterials. Section I describes items designed to motivate and inform the publicabout the need for family planning, availability of services, and birth controlmethods. Section II lists materials vinich might be used in training familyplanning workers. The annotations and descriptions havetwo purposes: 1) To provide enough informationto serve as "idea producers" for those interested in creating theirown family planning educational materials. In most cases the size of the item is listed, andin same cases the cover design and color scheme are described. 2) To provide readers with enoughinformation to describe the item ac- curately when requesting copies from the distributor. The annotations undoubtedly willseem repetitious to readers. The editors make no excuses for this.Family planning educational materialsgenerally are in- tended either to create anawareness about methods and services, or to instruct acceptors about methods and possible contraindications.Further, there is a limited number of audiences for whom materialsare prepared. Within each section items are classified bycountry of origin and arranged alphabetically by title in the following arbitrarygroupings: Booklets: materials less than twelvepages which are bound or stapled Brochures: materials more than twelvepages, with soft covers Films 4 Film Strips Fliers:materials of one page designed to be read when fully open Folders: materials of one page, unbound or unstapled, folded in page- sections Models Posters The editors decided at the outset not to include mimeographed items. Family planning agencies are producing large numbers of mimeographed materials, but most of these items were adapted from printed materials previously developed. Newsletters have also been excluded as well as those items which are designed primarily for public relations or fund-raising. Except for a few films, film strips, and overhead projection transparencies, the editors made no attempt to include items from the ever increasing volume of sex and family life education materials for public school curricula. Some materials were received in the form of slides or black and white photographs, without complete descriptions.In such cases the items may not be fully described as to size, colors or number of pages. Appendix 1is an alphabetical listing of addresses of agencies which pro- duced andjor distribute the materials listed in this bibliography. Agencies interested in obtaining copies should make a request to the distributing agency. The Carolina Population Center maintains a file of most of these materials, but is unable, except in rare instances, to provide copies. The Carolina Popuk-lion Center wishes to acknowledge the cooperation and assistance of the Center for Population Planning, University of Michigan, in the collection and annotcrion of many of the items included in this publication. However, the Carolina Population Center accepts full responsibility for errors, omissions, and format. The Center also wishes to acknowledge the invaluable help provided by several foreign students at the University of North Carolina, who translated many of the items. We are especially grateful to Mr. Jafar Ali Abidi and Mr. Khairul Bashar, who translated a number of Urdu and Bengali materials; and to Mrs. Ruby Chen of the University of North Carolina Library, who translated many of the materials written in Chinese languages. The wide variety of educational materials now being used in family planning programs makes the organization of a bibliography extremely difficult. The editors plan to issue supplements or revised editions of this publication when necessary, and welcome suggestions for changes in format or organization which might make the bibliography more useful. We further hope that readers will send to the Carolina Population Center copies of materials nut here included, so that they might be listed in the revised edition. Educational Materials Unit Carolina Population Center 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Austra I ia 1 Bol ivia ..... 0 1 Canada . 4 2 Ceylon 2 Denmark 2 Fiji Ghana 4 Great Britain . ............... 4 Hong Kong ................. 5 India 7 Booklets Films Film Strips Folders Posters Iran. ................... 16: Korea .....44 0 .............O 17 Kits Malaysia 23 Mauritius 24 Nigeria 24 Pakistan.. O o 0. oe 041 24 Booklets Brochures Flashcards Flip Books Folders Posters Peru 31 6 Page Rhodesia 32 Singapore 33 Taiwan 34 Turkey 35 United Arab Republic 36 United States.. ...... 36 Booklets Brochures Films Film Strips Fl iers Folders Matchbook Covers Posters TRAINING MATERIALS Great Britain 66 ' India a104.1.14000000. a 66 Malaysia ........ 68 Pakistanuooooouo.eueeeuueeeseoueea 68 Taiwan 70 Turkey .00............ 71 United States ........ ...... 7 Appendix I Alphabetical list of distributors 7 Section I Patient-Oriented Educational Materials AUSTRALIA. All Australia itemsare distributed by The Family Planning Association of Australia. Fliers 1. The Family Planning Association of Australia. Textstates simply, "A Con- fidential and Specialized Service for Promoting Health andHappy Family Life." "Every Child a Wanted Child." Addre:ses of clinics listedat bottom. Usable as a small poster. Black print on white. 501)". Folders 2, The Family Planning Association of AustraliaParentcraft Centre.Brief description of courses offered in "Mothercraft," prenatalinstruction, "Parent- craft," and lectures for fathers.Front of folder displays address, phone number, and bus route from main street in Sydneyto Parentcraft Centre, Dark blue print on light blue stock. 34x5". 3. What It Is, What It Does.Offers brief answers to questions about the Family Planning