r.O r.iin'alo llnhes, iVom the "Far \Vfist," IIow do the mereliarite of Mason like The democrats of Vermont propose Tho funeral of the wife of Geo. Parks, nghamCountyDemocratlREAL ESTATE. at AVebh & Memr.s. tho Clothiers. 2w to support a newspaper lo advertise .Jack­ tn ajiply to the supremo courtfor an injunc­ of Aiirelitis, is boing held at tho M. E. If. "Wliltnly's News Depot is the first son drygooJs houses, any way''' tion to iirevent the issuance of a eertiC- churcli as we go to press. building north ol' tlie 1st Xiitl. Bunk. ciilc of election to Sollaec. the pout FOR S.ALE A?^D EXCHANGE IK you ivant to know where to buy AT the exhibition in Union .Hall last master who is legally inoUigible. At tho Oilicc of Xnw is the time to buy Boots and Shoes goods clicap, read the advertisements iu night, of Bigelow"s Art.Optieon, we wero AT Clu'up at 0. 0. l[t;NTiN-i;To.v'.-<, the DE.Mocit.i'i*. E-vTox county appreciates the vahie of JOHN DUNSBACK, agreeably disappointed to find it really .a Mason, Ingham Co., Micli. ScAtii.KT fever prevails among the her Circuit .fudge and gives '2.'2'i0 ma­ work of merrit. The statuary was espec­ MICH. TO WHOM IT MAY jority against increasing his salary. He ^.uiil new liniiM' and two l,il,.i, t'lrillln'..' iidilitinn children in several cities in the state lo ially true lo life, and tho scones from III Ihe eily i,f Musiiii, iiin-Iysiuialetl. 1*1111 IK- CONCERN! .".n niarinliig extent. should luiike a few more political speeches different portions of the Centennial were sunscRiPT.iox, ^1.-0 pj-n Y.I-AR. Al>iiii;iJiI Ilia Larpiiii if Mild eouii. All persons wlio are indebted to ine are •'•'-•V word lo the wiae is sullicient." if he wants his salary raised. very line and uaturah' ft is well worlliv 1 l\l\ .^eie^. aefes iiiipriivi.il, ;;>ii,il ltiiiMInn>i, reciueslod lo call and settle the same at 1 U\ I oiiliavil. xialle'l rrnil. well walereil liy Bead 1'^ C. .les.ioji's notice iu this ])aper .•\ X-'Mlegan man tried four v.-eeks of the patronage ol" the poople, and wo ex­ j;I:T s (; x:A living; i.li.<.iiin, iitid well II 1. iiiiireml reiel near once. A.» V I 1N TKS. ,^,li(n.l liitiiM", J'-rj miles I'ruiii Ma>uii, .\ lirr.t-idiisri nintrimony and was so disgustnd ifith lIii^IiU's.-* Luc:iI.H, .'n-.t-uin jtcr line lur t'Ufli jvml uwry C. G. 1 rr.NTlN'CITO.V, —"To Whom it niny Coiieern." pect to-night and to-morrow night to see l:iriii ut il ImrKiiiil. himself that he attempted suicide. The IiiHi'j-ii.'ii. 1 An lir^t-ela.^s fiiriii iif liln nrres near l.eoiia, Mason, Sept. 27. 18T(;. IfiMD the local adverti.seineiits of Webb the hall ivell filled. Stiir I.HCilK, [ill Liicul Xcwd "culumiij 10 ct.-iit.s I't.T I \J{j .liiellMon Ciiiilily. :;is» liii';;e ;,-eaIled apple doctors savf^d his life but ho deidaroH he lr..i-s. W..11 wall-red mid iipleiiiUit house, lor $:i,iiiiu. Scrihiier's, Harper's. .\pp!i.'ioirs, Peter it Mead, tlie Clolliiers in this ji-.ipei*. TiiK Lansing Kopublican wants us lo liiii' iM-'Ii iiiscriioii. Will exelialice fur olher pruiieny. ivill try it again, aiire. I'iinh ill IJiisiiif-H JJiri'ctoiy, $1.00 |HT liw pur i»-/\ Aei'e.s, .[."i ueres i>f iilil iiiipriivenieiif, I'ii-it- Hon's. for Di'ceiuber, Ibr sale ;it H. Wliit- TllK 1.(0-0. F. ef this city are t.alk- give the nanios of republican.'! w*ho fly'." Xew's Depot. Ox Wednesday evening -I dead doers l.c;?iil itilv.Ttli-lMj;, liirtt iiiH-'rtioii, TH n-iitH i ;} eliiss liiiililin;;s. K.KIII iii-.-liiiid, ltd aeres Jlnrsli iiig of reviviii.g their .socials. bought voles, itc Dou't hurry us, neii'li- liilelieil. Eive liiili.s iriiiil Jlliis.iii. I'riee S-I,", pei'aere. wore received at tiie express ollieo en route fuli.i; C'lilrt pnr li'liit lur <;;irll htlli.si'<]ilciit illsiT- Ot I .\n so Here 111 nil, .'>n aere.s iinpruved. Sll I.eariiiic (•loves uml Mil.tens o!' every grade, nl •*Win Clark", son of W, IL Clark of the hor- It becomes our duty lo tell many tiiiu. V.'lifii u ]niriiiumiucnt U luMi'd U> iiti ;HIVIT- OU api'le Iri'ss, well \viil,.r,.,l, ;i 1 fenees, lej; for Dansville. They were the properly Webb & .Mend's, llie Clothiers. ' liw Clark house, rrns in llie city over .Sunday, disagreeable truths about tho dishonesty o( lisiiiM-ni, tin; wIntJL* Mill l»u cliiir;;i'il tli" »:iim' ii« tint liitii,"., Iranii. Imi-se liiirii and slieil, near Liiiisiii^. uf W. W. Hondriek.s'. Will lii'siiM eheiipiir t.xetiiiii;;..il I'm- .I1.1 iveres ini- visiting frieiiils. members of your party at difl'ercnt limes, lirsi iii.-^crtiun. pniveil. C. C: lliiiitiii;;liiu INti-iiy. I.".':, Jiiitl IHIUIKI NulU-f.-', rir>t nir-frtiuii Ouii republican friends should bear iu .Si'lls tlie best Boots and Shoes I'or Iho Dit. VniiDusen has eomincnced enclos­ and yon will not find il necessary to *hiir- Si.(HI, ILll'l -tr, C.i'UU riirh •NVf.'Iv lln-iviiri.T. •I -n Aei'es uf iliiiiiitiniveil land in Miutli-west enr niind that the time fur crying traitor, reb­ LIC.VST' MUNI'^Y of any man iu the ing his new residence, corner Maple ry on yoar own destruction. It will come <.>[i*'-r.mrtli i.'oluiniimoiiilis, L'JU neriil While UiiU, at 11 l..ir;;aiii. el, copperhead, itc, has gone by. The On(-li;ili'i.''riivi.il. r. iiiil'.s IViilil cilv. II'. and C street. soon enough to suit yon, if you put olf the utif (•.•luniii :t nioiiUirt, ;;ii.uii -t-t' iiUeiiiii", H""d suil. I.i'ic li.nise, niee yeiiii^' er- excitement attending tho eiiinpaigu is no day of judgment as long ns possible. »;IIIIMI. ('nil lie liiiii III a liiw llfinre. Taken Vp. G. 'I,\ Davis has purchased the lot on Km- ;i 1.J;II;;T liiiii- tliiiii lliivi? munliis u r.'iiH>iiiil'U> .A Aere liinii ill lewii •.iMtiiiikiTiiill. (IM'iiii- longer an exeu.sc for such talk. di'ilttctimi wil! he- luutlc Ui\f pMiveil ll.'i iiei'.s liliiwili;; lilarsii, iirvv IIUIIM' Oil llie I Olli of Oelolier, one pale red -•\sh street, in the rear of his residence, Tin; Y. M. C. vV. have undertaken a re­ lieil'er. willi while sjiois mi each llniik. one From the --VUegau Deinoerat we learn Atlvfni.-i'mi'iUs iii);ir(-niii]i;iirM;il hy uTitlfii t>r Vi-rb- iiiiil .~le..l, iKi h.-iirilr,- apple 11V..S. I'llce S-H per aere. of I, B. ^Vol)dh()Use. vival work and fur their aid have procured UI- will i.xeliaiii;i. I'-r a hliiiiller litriii, lopped born and siipposi'd lo be iliree lhat dressed beef in that city .sells at :il oi'ilrr^, will 111' iii^t'i'lrj lllilil r>>i't.orii mtlht !<».' luiM hi iulvjiiii:i'. their work. cents. Pre[iaratory meetings are now being held ( i\ Aeres. li-l aeres elmppeil;. I.-i iieres eti'iir<.'h In;AUiiedou; , Oel. 'JO, ISTil. in the various churches. It is to be hop­ -{-U luelse Illid sliil'l..; .''II Vl ^' lippli; Irres; Iti. Tiii'tiiK hasn't been a book agent in our Tin: liberty of the press is a blessing Till' nniti.rial in uiir.Inl.liiiiKd,.piii*tiin.|tt isall new, wii-l,. liiinl. I'iiix.il,-M(i. Will l;il;e a i^iiiid liin-.seiii Leslie's Jlhislraled Almanac, Cur 1S77. ed lhat all active Christians will idonlifv imrl piiyiiielil. oliice for three d.ays. There must be ti when wo are inclined to write against oth­ an.l i.f ihe latehl sly|.'<. par |iri.-...< «.|.n.i.]».iifl willi ,>A .\eres. 'J.^iiieri..! inipiiiVi'd. I'irsl riiissiifrliard at U. W'hitrli'y'.s News l)e]iot. tiii'inselves wilh this movement, aj it is a. pestilence in the air. ers, aud a calamity when we !ind our­ llui limes anil we ;^llanililei. M:ih'>l';ielioll il-.* lu .-Ivle .'ill .'I" l-Jii li..;irini,'iiplilellees: Itii'iil li-iinii'liiiiiie. I'f Union work. Tho p.astors of the church­ aii-l ilealiiy I'f M'l.rl:.. ni-iL-rs leli \iiili us will he ai- 7 re'eii..; Kee'I'""'n ali'l slieiN; '..irii liinini. and liei: jr v..11 -vviiiii selves overborne Iiy the miillilude of our p'li iitlinli'.'l; Men Miil'.i'.'l. 'I'liii.'i anil uiie-liiiil The best Grain Drill in the iiinrket, Kii. Russel received news by telfgrah, es are in full sympathy with the move­ ti'iiileit 1" liiMiiiplIy aiiil aeeiinliiij; In c'uiilrael. assailants—.Iiilnison. iiiile> li 1 .iliisi'ii. i'riei. i:L*,r.iiii, call nn .1. C. STI:I.:VI:S. JTe also MUS the through Ihe ]iost-ollice, on Sunday last ment and arc doing all thoy can. Let ';ipy^^^^S^M''/iuii i/fiii /uir/: biixincur. villi .")'S/i -Veri's lirsI ipnililv iiiiiiiii'rnv.-'I farlii in r').il! lia.-I'.rii N'-I'lie-Iui. M'ili I", siil'i ill a 1"V.- -Villi -Arliur Wheel CuUivalor and Ann of ihe death of his wife's niolher. BEAII the article from Pomeroy's Dem- every earne.-it cliristiaa attend these meet­ tl„: .hiilijc. of IW.„ih:, r,''jiir:d pri'i • '..M-liali;.-.. r.T "lliiT I'r.'l'ci-ly. A ran.'iianee ArliurPlow. I'Jir. nerat, headed, "Ready I'or -Another War." li'e pal'li'.. wi:.Iiin^- II' .seiaiie II liulile I'll llie prairies David Cheenoy, of V'evay, is buihiing a ings and by their work as well as their liiiii lu haci: i/oin- iiiUxi-tixiiiii dimi: in l!i<: i'|- III.. Wist. horse barn, north uf ihe M. K. Church Ponieroy has been a poiuilar writer among OA .\eieH iiii]'r"Vi.it. y.ii;; le'iise. I'raliie slieil, I'lir Tiiji flloves, iu Kid and Dog Skin, presenoo show- upon what side they be­ Jii^'haiii (Jomily Ui'iniK'nil., uUicnciac it 'I'-w, Tli.vl.sil. with irraniiry. Il'ell wiileivil. at \V'ebb & -Mead's, tlie Clothiers. '2w sheds. Ihe reiiublicans during the campaign. long. u-ill be sent lo .tome ol/irr jmper. tli'i'ii iinharii. l-'ii.-l elas^ lariii. Price ^"lluiiu. Wonder how lhoy like him now '.' Strangers are paretioularlf invited lo •| Aeiv ami 11 I'l'ls III' laiiil in llie village ul' Aiirel- l-oslie's PiiDiiIar -Nfagaxini.', CiiiiiineT- Cerrespondeiice of llie In;;liiiiii Cuiinty Democrat. 1 ill.. 1'enln-. l'ii>.I elasH I'laiiie lii'iisy anil l.arn,Corn'''!' , lUusiratcd '.i'iines, I'ur liiile ut 11. call and sjiend their leisure lime at the Y. l*r is the eare of a, very .great part of [il'-liiv "1 irilil "[• all kiiiiis. Will l'i. si.lil al a I'lir- From Dansville. 0«i<;!«i lEai.siHCSS OirocHtiy ;,'iiili ill- i-\e!ian;;i. ler a 'lu er Mi a.-re rami. Vi'hiteley's Xews Depot. -M. C. A. room. miiiikind to conceal their indigence from The ciiizens of Dansville aro quielly r* t r\ Aeres. .i^il neriM !lll]iri'Veii; -In iieres ;,'""ii i-lxlelisiim Tallies. Bev's. .1. W. Scott o: ILtlcli w*ill begin the rest. They su])pnrt themselves by ^-l-U LU'Win^r inarsii: tilulter'ipriiilius lalnl; 'J-''ll and aii-xiously waiting for election retnrns- coij.vrv <):.':.'ici:i:.'<. li'.alin;-' api'le I lee..; tW" 1";; li.iii-.-s. I.'i'iir iiiil'-s '.ast M'e are selling lliem at v.'holesale prices. -•ervices on .Sunday Dec. od, IS7ti, instead temporary i.'.xpedients, and every day is SilierilT .•..K.Ihai: i-r 1.'sli'., ill Ilie Ii'wn "f iiiinl.i.rl.iil. I wili sell al llf SAl.'ICKIIllili .t Mll.VCll. lost in cunlriving for to-morrow.—John- We fee! ilint we can truly say "we have 'rivii..ini.i- l,i;Mn:i. V. IM: II very It'iv lii^iii-'.. Il is really i.:i"'il lanii. uf Xi'iv. 2l! as anticipated. rieili I-.". 1'. Sueii^a* Hon. done what we could" for the cause of t A very niee lirllefHrnii'l" .1." a.-res.nil iiiipri'Veil, 7.') viirii'iies of Gloves and Mittens a: Bi.AXic Notes, especially adapted to l:..-j^t,.,. .Mil.T.iN Itv.vN ^fi) ill llie Ii'Wli "!' I.'.slii'; lw,i lliil'.s I'nilii the vil- The gi'oiving wheat never looked better right—of ri.'forin in our government— .liiiTKe"!'I'l'il'iile 'd. ". I'llvrrnuniN ii;i;;i..'! I."slii.. .V very ailniiralile pii'ie "Ijni'iierly. Vi'elib ,t Mead's, the Clolliiers. 2w use at auction sales, kept for sale at this • 'It.I.. All.iriiev 11. 1'. lli:.M'r.i;>i'^ I'riiri- iil'i per aere. at this time of year befure than it does lo and earnestly hope that all who httvo I r;, I", cii.MiN -•VU the jiapers aud maga/.iiies publish­ oliice. tf. on Ai-re fiirni, wilh .In aere. iiinler Ihe pi*w, 2;) day in all parts of Ingham county. It thus acted mtiy have justice done their I'liviul 1 onrl l,.iur»j |,|;|,.,.|.i. oU iiefi..s iiii'i'. elii'ppi.il anil parly eleareii, wllli aed in the country can be had through the THE suit .igaiust Mrs. Marble aud Mar­ .•^iirvi'viir IV .\. ll.\::i;i..^'iN has secured a healthy growth, etrong- efforts. liniiii'i.'i.in'r .\. WiM iii;l.i. nieit viiiiii^r nn-liaii! "I' l.'ii Irees. N.i Mast- ngeiiey of tin, Ibr the support of Martin's ivile, in I UilMiv V.'i:i.ilLil.\N lali'l." Weil walered with iivin;; sir 11. Near Ihis II. •V\''nrrKLEV. raots am! fair size, and seems in good (Juite an accident occurred at the fi.iun- lilv. No I'liililiiiiJs I'lil a Iraiiii* >;ran:Lry. Very de- which judgment was given of $100, has tuiMliels (.liilililMl • iriallii, I'l.ri.Mi per aere. dry shop of .1.Thomson & Son last Fri- llearVe. IIi:iii-1>: condition to surfive a hard w*inler. CITV (11 ric.Mts. been a[)peahjil to the Circuit Court. ifay. It was iu this wise: While repair- 1 am selling -Men's lioois i'or the sinnll If there is one announcement more :il:,vi.|. IlAMl-.I, .1. ^lAl:a•l^v •EStt.sjiiess Il,;><;;a5s. •\Vii.sax it Mason is the name of a iirm ing :i well, the rigging, that lield thebiiek- i-I,.'il; N. It. V.^^V^!.\Mvl:-^• sum 111' .'?2.,jil. J-,:iilies' Serge tSlioeS for cnininon llian another in the Daily pa­ •r|.,.ii.inv|. 1111,1 r.,ll,.,loi.....; ..W. \V. MI;I:I:IIT yi) eijius. G. S. Bitov.'x. doing business at .foe Ui.x's old shop, in et, gave way letting a bucket of dirt into S.-IICIMI lli.-pei-.i.ir V.'. \V, rAji|.|;l;l.i. Ni'li.-rs I'.'ll'iwinu- lllis Iieail will 1 liarK'''! I'"ral."' pers it is the following: "Convention of Slivi.; V'uiii'li'iQ"'i..r n,.;iii"S V.'AIT '•'•Ills per line iMeh iiisi.rlii'ii. Iieail-lines art in lull 2lf rear of Douneliy House. Head their the well, hitting Mr. .foe Garrison on the S. llAMM'iM' I'll 1 lype eimlile'i ileul'le. llailroad Passenger Agents.'' One II. I). I'AI.I. advertiseaient iu this paper. shoulder, while the timbers at the top hit .lll,.lie,'.sof the Peaei' T.leiiiorpst for December cunliiins some- would think these gentlemen had noth­ Vl'. A. 'I'KKI, Ihiiig nice I'ur the ladies. Cnll and get Mr. Thomson and Mr. AVood, slightly IT.TCii l.iiwi: 1'nK udverlininont of G. T. Davis, mar­ ing to do but meet in conventions. ( 'I'i'A ii'.Kr.H Iii;N>,M.'i:r. .T. AV. Muy-s one at II. AMiiteley's -Vews Doiiot. ble -iVorlcs, shdiild have read hist week as hurling Mr. Thomson's arm and indicting .Mdeliiieli at l.ar-..- i,;^,,.,,^. Tin; Iiigiiam County Farmers' Club fiO ciiil. 'l'l'ii is ,:rivin_i; 111111111111111.1! suiisiiic Genuine IJiiekskin Gloves and -'^litlens, ildoes this—Davis and Randall. Call on severe wounds upon Mr. Wood's head Alilriiiiili, li-l M'iud I \i. \v'. •I'.wsir. lii'ii. His Xe.iv Criiji uf TiJu-aiul Ullc .la]). TviU meet at their rooms in Mason, on warranted, at Webb & Mead'.s, tho Cloth­ them. and one hand. Every precaution had been ...... i .llAMel. l'AMelli:i.l. Ten. is vcrv supi*rinr. till' each Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. iers. '2\v Tin; intelligent colored voters of Louis­ taken by Jfr. Thomson against accidents, Aldeiiiieii, U.l Miud-^ li:ssi;iii;i;eii The SecreUiry lias received the Pumologi- 'ilm l:ir;;'i;St tioleutinii uf .|()c Drc.is iana giro tlie lio to Gov. Kellogg's charge yet Iiy some means tho timbers broke and SCHOOL IJiSTlIlCT Ot''KICK It.-.;. CII.IHIS ia iiliisiii:, all y'olii^L; :it '-.Ju. at X... 1 Sail. cal reports and will distribute them to the Vri.-iileiil..... 1'. .1. I'AlllMW. lhat llio eolorfld men all voted the repub­ the ticcident occurred. All are recover­ nil I Jl. 1.. 11I:.M.-.I;M.S. lii'N'T & Cu's. For salo by the barrel at llio members to-morrow (Saturday) afti;riioon. ing. ,\...^ r II. I'. lli.M.i:es..N. lican ticket iu ihiil st*ate. I M'. A.'li:!'. PAI.ACK Gaocicp.Y. TuE Leslie Local gives full particiUars J. M. S. "^'iir will always iiiiJ my Calbry o;M..n Cash ]iaid I'or all kinds of Far.s. at No*.v lhat eleclioii is over two more Tni,-lee»,- A. I'Alei'i.N. ar.il rcailv fiir Imsim'ss. of an accident to Mr. and Mrs. Greenmani Webb i -Mead's, llie Clulliier.?. 'iw whisker thieves—JlcKee and Avery— A.'. ll.*,MMOM>..lil.-liI : .-eii'i'l i',.nvi.y.iiii.<.I. V. .l..llN..,n\r iiiid. 11. ClIKI.STMAS. of ihiit township. They worn ou the way Ppiicial0.u'ri«spORdoi]e«of ths I.N'OHIII CO. llailocx.iT. (•,1.;XTISTUV. Cull anil lu' (.•niiviin.'i.'il. case well iilled wilh choice brands of ci­ in Mason, is somewhat inclined to worry l^i;. w. II. MiiRsi'. i;..sici,.iii iviiiiisi, 71.I-.IM. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY gars. His "iM-o for five cents'' cigar Cu.Mi;, young man, and visit tho Y. M. over the mere uientionbyyourLaingsburg' C. (.1. iliiiiliiistoii sells a good Call C. A. rooms over Vrebb & -Mead's store. .*L/ .Mieli. l-lllice ever l.iiic.Iii'.. I'tHil and 1.I lloiil r':ir§::.2.''). 211". COWCEER. "takes'' w*ell. 'l.'ry it. correspondent of the fact that the ofliee, A WlNlUIl-'L, (.\niiity liraiii r.iiiiiiii>>ii.inoi., Mv books must be setiled up Iiy ili<» You will lind good reading, a pleasant at uo very distant day, might possibly (by ^X,, piill^vitii., ia;;liaiil Coillil.v, .1!ielii^'iil:. Till-: Frasier a.vle grease establishment, c;. \v. I'OL.vn first ul' December ue:;t. or 1 shall lake room, and il w*ill cost you nothing. Re­ and with the eo'nscnt of the News oj" Makes to nnlir ('all' Duuis !nr i-COO. of Chicago, was destroyed oa the morn­ T\Al:;.i.Nll .V CIIi:ISTIAX,l)eiiI..is in ail kilidi. ol stppR to collect what is on thorn. Xow member lhat every active Christian young mur.ie, a fact which your correspondent .SU';_'ii anil 'Stiie;a Ki]i Mimls liirSl.."i). tip heed this warning aud not have any ing of the 'Jlst. Now look out for a man should be a member of the Y. i£. C. i/ tii|i'C.iir r.uuls (l-'asli?ni) for $."..00. A humbly begs pardon for not meutioniiig trouble tn.ide vo-.i. "raise'" in prices. A. I''i:l.:..-15l, SALT AND I'JCIiL!.;!) 3II':.\TS, iar;.'i> stock ul' Woiiu'u's Scr-it: IJaliiiorals C. .lEssor. before,) fall into the hands of some .Mse, i.)y.sTi;i;..;, OAMI: ANU l-'i-^n, ix rir.ASnx. Ir our opponents could see the orders on ut 6C1 cents. ILcpairiug iieutly ilone. Dansville. Xor. 24. ],S7;;. td. OM) Ruff, a special correspondent honest democrat; and in tones almost of Miipl..>i;ivet, .... 3Ia»oii, MlL-li. our book fur job priming they would be :;tr. of the News from Bunker Hill, despair it be.gs the DriMOOtt.vr to at once (l. lli;.';Ti;«ri'ii.V, denser in llnels ali.l SIi.ii-s. TAX Beoeipls printed on short notice, far from anticipating the removal of the , I'i li...tL-lll Wiirk a ^lieiaii, Sili--e..ii, \-ery lie.st .lap. Teas in llie inarK-et {'or iH) A Mi.spi,A(,*i;ii NusK.—"The times are \\ . Aee.iii.-I...ur, elc, llnuluiile of llie .Medieai America. Call at iho News Depot of H. Tin; County Clerk on Saturday last hard, my dear," said a man to his better almost any position. But as he is a dein­ cents, at JJ. W. i'lAi.sTi.in'.s. WliilelcT and get a copv Ibr vour little Iielnrniieiit ol' l.'ie l•llivel•^i!y i.f Mielii^-iin. Al.-n oerat wo fear the Ncv.-s will not rcecom- I'l.i.'.ivetl all iiileiiiiileiii ilei^ree Irniii l.oii>; Nlimil l'"I- folks. ' issui;d eertilicates of election to the lucky half, "and I lind it diflicuU lo keep my ii.;:i. Ilu..piliil, llr.t.iUlyii, N. Y. ullii-e uii .\r.li street isLixu.'s: j;r.)XJ5S lu.isjis: candidates, and is now delivering tho nose above M*ater." "You could easily mend his anpohitinent; and therefore, iiViT t'. II. Sneili'iiler .t Ci/s slere. Bout Iilil 10 ;;et your I'.liiiils wliile lhoy are cheap. Puiutoilatid liiiislied complete. prii-.es to whom they belong. keel*! your nose above water," roturnoil the just to quiet its nerves, we will a.ik ••'Ike'' lady *^'if you didn't keep it so often above not to take possession of the onico until ^Jj'EXltV KEEI), S. A. I'Aiuiui.'ic ..t Co. ngiiam County Deniocra Tiiiir.E sve now five prominent candi­ dates talked of fur post master, provided brandy." Louisiana is heard from. Perhaps there TONSORIAL ARTIST, I'ools and Shoos very cheap, tn close Hayes is elected. It might be a good ^\'ln. Chapman, son of Jlrs. Marble, will l-io frauds enough, comiiiiLted there to out. nt " HL-.VT & Co's. justify us ill suggesting as post master in :MA.-^OX. M,iciu plan lo establish a half doxeii little ;iost- was on Monday evening removed from Mason one of the many editors of the C. CI. Huiitinjjton sells a good Kin Karliiers, Ini.shless men, meehaiiirs anil others are iilHees so tiie hoys can all have one. the ladies dopartinsnt in the jail, where ill.Ill' iii il iii'iil, sjn-fily iiin! pi:'.lisI;ii'Mry Kuimier. My reipiesfeil 111 liniiil in iintiees nl* iiiipri'Veiiieiils, neet- News. cti-toiM'Tf Mi'Vt'i' "•iiiilpl:iiil ol'Jull I'iizui*!* ur tliiTy Boot roriJ'J.uO. litl'. * ili'ius, i'V whivleV'.r may he ei* lui-al er geiienil inter- Two lo fiYc dollars was Llie average price his mother had been caring for liis wounds ti'Wi-ls. i::iU uiul 6i'i,' 111"*. st In tile r..iiii,irs ,,rilii. DniMiiciiAT. So.ne Fdloti- From paid by the Lansing republicians fur votes received in the Marble tragedy, lo a cell Call anil ^'ct some of Chj-istuias' Sl.ofl LAIXIISIU'T.C ou tlvj Jth inst. How is that as illustrat­ below where Martin, his mother's para­ HANK. J. DOMSLLY, Phntograplis, Tolar BIoclv. oil'. Cooic, of th.e Leslie Local, smiled, on ing tho principle of tht "value of accura­ mour, could care for him. —l*r<)itrIol{ir of Mu?— us one day last week. TIic I'rc'iiiium I'ltiw.s cy*/" Appleton's .Io*arn;d announcoa that "a HOSSB FOR SALE. Are matlo by THOMPSON- & Son, of Dan.«- LET every young lady become a niotn- Si-r.'ERAr. parties from this city attended wealthy and publie-sjiirited citizen of Bos- .\ good horse, for all worlc. Eiiqiilr.i DONNELLEY HODSE! viUo, of ehillei-l iron, with new iiiiprm-e- ber of the Y. M. C. A. the china wedding of Mr. & Mrs. .1. A. of AN'. H. Goiicher, at the DEMUCUAT ments. Call at their shop iu Dausvillo has just devoted a considerable sum M.^SO-^', MiCSK. and see them. tl'. 11. A. Montgomery, of Lansing, was in Tompkins, at Albion on Tuesday evening to the establi.shinciit of a college of cook- office. the city Mondtiy. of last week, and report a very enjoyable in.g." Such an iiistitiilion should have a Til** p*A)>nctur •wlslii'S to iiifm-m tlio rUizi*>if* >tl' Ma^mi ami JIIKIIUIII Ctunity, ami lliu tntvi-Iiiif; piil'- N'ew Stoel: of Men's and Boys, ^Vinler RKAO tho notice of "Farm for Stile," time. liberal patronage, aud beeotae very popu­ FAKMPOR SALE. lii!, iljitt titH noijimoilioiih liuU'l i.-iopon furtliucumlurt Cajis, at HIJ.\-T'& CO'.S. in this i.ssue of tho DE.M0CiiA*r. 1*1' is simply iniposible for us to allow lar. The subscriber iifTers for .sale his fiirtn . —Kv::liY'i'inMa is yT,\\:— C. O. lluntin^rton sells the best iJoot.s Vv'cdnesdity ivas ono of tlic coldest days any county oltice to underbid' us on prices Mii.ssits. Frazel A Peters had on the of SO at-ros—the south half of tlic norlli- Tlin proprietor iimtiiii;^ Hint hi** hmiso cliall lit- t*.>c- and Shoes, i'or the least j;(c/ii-y, of any one west oni'-fiiiirth of section 27, Delhi. 2i cinJ tu iioim in Oiitnil Micli:;:im. Jt is ciuiwnii'iit of llie season. or surpass us in quality or style of work. street yesterday two fat cows, purchased n till' DfpDt iiifl I'UsiiMMf* i«Htinn ot'tlic villuK*'. '-I'l'" in the citv. Our miitoriul is.'all now and -n-orks like a of A. F. Wood, weighing fifteen hundred miles fro pi II. R. sta,tinn.. It is well fenced. tabti'ti iirt< siipplii'il Willi nil tlio .lf!i«;acli?w oC tlm A. J. Little,,formerly of the News onice, (10 acres improved, young orchard, just t«iiH*ii. (aooil itccniiinKiiltilionK tor tktir.iir a new house three miles east •'work i'or nothing and board ourself,"., pleasiii'e in making tl^is. corfection. connection with tho House, September 8,1S7C, 17tf ofiicc; was ill our sanctum Tuesdnv. of the city. Bring in your orders at once. tf» TMAMCSCJlTlMi. And Kossip.poid that she hod succeed- porary discord. Five minntes of tm- face, and the result is a sweet nobiUfy ity of the husband and father stood con­ To.irs TiiAJfKsomxa. od ! it really so?., alloyed happiness. Archie was in an of expression, a tender sympathy of fessed,. It was by no fault, nor neglect " Pray, are you thankful,"-Ittargaret aaknd, LUiadntortod to find herself insensi­ explanatory mood, and was just going to manner, impossible to a life of idleness. 01 bis that this wretched woman had '• I'or all thu bIoi.«inK« of year Uf« ?" O'er Jill tbM bortlors cf tbo land bly rcculliD); little' incidents of her tell of his calls upon Miss Ida, when She feeUj that she has been richly Said Tom: •- Ata ! oiia tblnit Tet I want— I bt'ar tt hn.pp.v volcinjr, come to such an end, for surely her life Tho hlesiluR of a lovlnn wife; Tbn: trllM Tb«uJrp»'v1fix i» at band, cousin's visit, which had not been in their delicious tete-a-tete was rudely blessed in her ability to bless others; was fast ebbing away, And till I find Uiat prooloua ({If t riu! echo of rt*Ji.iclin/; tho least to that person's credit. broken in upon by an tmoarthly scroam but—bnt! Ah, these womanly ifs and Lilian removed her things, and an­ 1 cauuot Klve tbanka qiiite Hluuere." "J'ho chiMrfu throiiB f»-om rJirT'ifnt wfty« " Ah. wicked Toui I" tho maiden-aifhed, Th*" homt't-titstt ONCt) luMTit KK* kiii|c, Tho farmer bad gone to the depot. from the second iloor. but« ! how they penetrate to tbe depths nounced her intention of remaining until' '• Your caao la hopulona, then, I fear!" And find lu th<'HO I JjankuwivlnK'iluj* "It is too cold, child, for you to go," "Lillie! Lillie! Whore ore you! of the heart, disclosing all its hidden sa- all was over. A joy bi'jond their KpcakiuK. Uncle Travis! Somebody come hero " JJot ao!" cried ho, "If you, my friend, he said, ns Lilian, made ready to ac­ creta! LUiim has kept this love-cham­ "Could it be possible?" sho nsked Would only try to Qnd for xaa And Mary briunnlipr nrnt-boru child; company him. "Tbe wind is as keen quickly! There is a burglar in tbo ber of hers pretty well locked; but herself, with quivering lip, " that this A maiden fair, wboeo heart ia mine, And ( hiirli-y from tno cit>*, as a razor, and. it's an up-hill jottriioy clothes-press! Oh, where is every­ sometimes the fastening slips, and, to Pevoutly thankful I ehall bo ; A Hir'<^ bi)>iHh Ktjlt.uud wild. disfigured creature, this bloated, braised But Hho must have—won, lut mo think, If J id 1 of irvnkn uud witty; anyhow." body?" tell the truth, it is always opened widest moss of dying humanity, could be her KvcH like your own, an aoft and blue. Th.< Kirln HTU drAwn anido lu paJrn— " Very well," she replied, placidly. " Go away •with your nonsense," by this tiny ring of dark hair. once beautiful and gifted cousin, Ida Ana haip aa KOldeu, lipt* aa red— it uiH rt-*i f in doZfOJ*— In nhort, Bho must roMmUo you ;•' And y.dl >•*• l honnimald chatii-rw to h.Tt«clf, }Jiilf KUili'iiiK nud ha.i' trowmiig. hearty "Whoa!" "Confound that girl's foolishness!" will take by-aud-ljy." home, aud prepared for buriid. Lilian's heart boat quickly, but she muttered Archie. " I beheve it is all Eight o'clock! Whjr must she go Thiinksgiving evening Lilnm sat'by At Jivt't tho dluncr-bour IH BPcnJ made no motion to stir. done on pm^pose." over that heartbreaking time? Just inth antl Polnb Aud ojuh. a Kwat pOKHeHHin^;, the fire in her cheerful sitting-room',' V.aV.H with Inihhed Iir« und reverent mien, Wliat was that ?—a woman's voice. "Don't go there, I beseech of yon!" this hour, ten years ngo, she started for hor head bowed upon her hands, tho IT is less pain to learn in youth than \V'hj;o fath'tr a^-kn th** blo-rloR; Liliim's heart almost stopped now. shrieked Ida, as Lilian approached tho tho dairy to slum tbe milk for Archie's destroyer of her hapjiincss dead in tho bo ignorant in old ago. The cidi-r foiiiu*' within the KI'^***', Kor nn yood tbluK Is lacttiun. "Wherein tho world is Lii? Hero, closet, and threw wide tho door. " Ob, breokfast; just this timo she returned, next apartment. AN exchange remarks lhat "themat­ Ami ^'roun-iip bniiH and old-time laRfi iVi'chie, toko my bag! Mercy ! my arms mercy! I am petrified •with fear," as pitcher in hand, to see in that hateful No tidings had yet been received from rimonial fever has broken out again," The uldi-n Joke* urn crackluf;— are almost broken, and my hands are tho empty clothes-press was disclosed. mirror tho picture that has never loft tho husband, and Lilian feared ho had Oh, yos ; the tie-fuss. The jnl:«H vblch never cnn Rrow Rtalo, just like sticks." " Don't leave me, pray don't, Lillie. I her memory a moment since. She shall left the citj', if not tho coimtry. Her WHY is a fast black' horse like a cer­ And nrv" ThhouJrf bt» fru. r; The eittiug-room door opens with a shall have a fit if you do—I loiow I feel better, she is sure she shall, when heart went out toward him in unutter­ liTach rej.i-titioncannot fail tain preparation of india-rubbor ? Be­ To maUo tlicni frc^hor, nowor; bang, and the " sticks " tied their way shall. Go and get your nightdress SLU Archie and Ida have left tho house ; for able sympathy, cause it is an inky-racer, And lufrry lau^,dl to lufri-j- Jest about the neck of thonovf Bclf-posaesscd sleep with me. I'll stimd right here in tho they are just as present with her uow as " Greiit heavens ! what must he not '' HAVE I not, my son, given yon every hrii'KH back from roof and rafter hostess. ArcbibnUt brings np the rear doorway till you come back." thoy were on that dreadful Thanksgiving Tl'^lat-'ft Htm. tho v.iry bent. have suffered?" she moaned, as shes,iw advimtago ?" " Oh, yos ; but I oonldn t Aud Kructod with frcrii laugbtor. with carpet-bag, umbrella, overshoes A smothered caress at the door of all those years ago. This is^nothing again in her imagination the disfigured think of taking niivoutage of you, and waterproof. .\rchie's chamber, and tho lovers sep­ new; she lias lived it over every year, countenanco of tho woman who had Wo wiitch tho oldon ft-atiiri'M dear, fiitlier." iii'' kmk' to ihid (itUfV (rafToH, Lilian wonders if she is always to bo arated for the night. For tho night? and uow she is moro inconsolable than once been his wife. And lovi-d onc^ cnmc from f.ir ana near so bitterly disappointed, but she re­ Let us see. ever. Who would over suspect the A ring of tho bell, IT wouldn't be a bad idea to pin the To Jill the '.acivnt p'acK: turns hor cousm'a unusual caress, and Lilian was up bright and eiirly tho presence of thia ghastly intnider in the "Thia way, if you please, sir," Lilian little boy's comparison of " cold " to Wo think of dear nnew i^cn^^ beforp. your memory nowadays : " Positive, And joy tft Hfn tbo living ; smiluiply oflers to unload her lover, next morning. Many duties were hers life of this beautiftd and talented wo­ hoard tho servant say, and then a slow, Anil ^nnchlno croopw acroi-H tho flo^r, whom she thinks she never saw looking to perform, and, in true housewife man ? Not a person in the whole world, feeble step approach the door. cold ; comparative, cough ; superlative, And ihi> in our ThanlcHCivlnp. quite so hand.somo and quite so awk- fasliion, she commenced in season. Hor for the same pride that dng the grave His step, but how altered! Summon­ coffin," vr.* tliiiuk tho fb'iir God for hln t:in% wiu'd ."iince she has had tho plea-stiro of he.'irt was liftlitenod of its heavy load, has covered it up. and there is nothing ing all her resolution, tho bravo woman SoMKnoDY remarks that ..young ladies U" liWf niir cnp with plf-a-urt*; his acquaiutance. and as she flitted from kitchen to dining- loft to mark the spot save tho tiny ring stepped forward to meet her visitor. look upou a boy as n nuisance until ho Whatovtrr cotnf?h, liin hand npIIftR iho hnnMbnn*'M K^bl''" trt-annrc; Whore is tbo tenderness of that wel­ room, from •'oaet to cupboard, tho old of dark hair hidden away in tho upper He did not look up at first, and sho is past the age of IG, when he generalljf And In tlic chill rlayH nf ihi' year come she has so delightedly anticipated? cook thoucht she had never seen her look drawer. found ample timo to note the change doubles up in value each year, until, \tc u'ratcfuliy n?nn mber Tht^ TuyK which bitrncd in Huuiuaor clear, To bo snio, Archie draws her to him aud hnlf so handsomo. This time the maid's linock is a littlo which had taken place in the sorrow- like a meerschaum pipe, he is priceless. Kiill bri^ldcn onr November. kisses her forehead silently. She ferfs Thanksgiving! Wliat a delightful more decided. stricken man, A woMAM makcK tbo momenta fly—. sure be is just as gl.id to see lic-r as she morutiig it was ! Tho clonjs had blown " Ono of tho stoojents for you, miss, "Archibald!" sho said, extending Slie makes tbe caah fly too; I^'t olhiT*! Hi<*\ niri chastening band, Tor husbands say aha makea tbom buy And ffik his pathwaj** blindly; is to ECU him, but of course nobody can tbemsolveH away, and tho sky was that and says can you seo him risrht away ?" both hor hands in warmest welcome. Whatever cornea in view. Wo view Uif pkiily in tho bind, act natnr.filly when Ida is around. of a September dp^y. Tbe hostler, as he "A business woman hasii't even time Not a word escaped from the suffer­ But this r know, oh Modem BoUo!— A.iTd Itnowlle deabrtb ].in«ly. " X hadn't tbe remotest idea of com­ warmed his fingers before the kitchen It ia no vain aurmiso— 1'"1J1 nptlo! Kfato, aud beaii tbo board to bury her dead," she murmured, com­ er's lips, A smile of joy for one brief Tho art lu -which you mmi excel With irtMiHurcH of \UH jTiviuK, ing," Ida rattled on ; "but when Mr. firn, declared it was "uucommoa raw," mencing her toilet. moment lit up tho pale features. Me­ Isthatof "maWnKeyeM." Tlf uj»-l]o\>' antucjnV ripr^m-d board, Glenbnru was to onr house about a week but this Lilian, Itioking out upon tbo Conscionco inquired how many times chanically he grasped her outstretched Tho blcfijiiuyH of ThanUrt^'iviiiK. ago, and I found ho had decided to pure blue of the hoavena, her clieeta this body of her sorrow had been con- bands, his eyes riveted upou her face, ScEh-E in a Now York PoUco Court— Around aro nomo with nilver hairs corao, I wanted to come with him, oh,' glowing with exorcise, could hardly aigncd to the dust, and how often res-ur- then, with a groan, foU back upon a Judge : "Prisoner, I find you guilty of Ul- know when earth H'cni'-d rloarcr, so much ! Mercy! am I not a perfect credit. Tbo breakfast bell rang out intoxication iu tho public streets. 'The Who, KtniKliiifT on lii** n alUir-ntairs, rected, chair, in.sensiblo. fright?" and the fair Bpeakcr brushed m.:.rrily. Lili.m Imd made the coffee, " Yes, I know it has had a good many Weeks passed, aud, neither strength punishment is SIO or ten days. Which IlaVM irrown to lioavon neiircr. will you take?" Prisoner: "I will Oh. beantiful tin- IOCUH of HUOW, back the golden curls aud pursed up her and was now busy ia tho nairy^kimming fimerala," she answered, softly, to her­ nor reason returned, Idawaa carried to Abov.' tho tabl.' bindlrR. a pan of la-st night's milk, iter sUvcr take tbV ^10, Yoijr Honor," Whicli oM'y w.ul tb"' time m KO, rosy li2)a till Lilian was fain to admit self; " but a woman who cannot weep her last resting place, Archibald all Ai;d v.hitui. toraKOOutlinK. that she looked more kissablo than ever. pitcher is fiii], aud blithely she trips to for her dead must do something." unconscious of tho ceremony. Surely iKDO'-nuous (?) Seafaring Party— So Archie ^•isitod at the Harrises. the dining-room, anxious to have every­ It was a very bright and earnest fsco no invalid over had such skdlfnl and "What! Ain't got nothin* to do? The dn.y in prtHKod in happy tranieH— She supposed ho must call occiLsiontilly, thing ready before her guests arrive. l'n«M-in-tlo'-corner, ninible; that greeted the young gentleman widt- tender nursing as thia one, Why, here I've been a-mendin* this Tlir aiipb'-sfoiiit one jiarty names, bfit not an intimation of it had she re­ Hor sliiipcred feet make no noiso as ing for her in tho parlor. " Where ia—where is sho ?" were the blessed net ever since lost November, u"hih' oiluTu bunt the thimble; ceived from him. they cross the tliickly-cnrpetod haU. The liui MlJndinan'H buJT conu.*.'* on at nlfjht, " It is too bad, doctor," ho apologized, first words of the sick man to his faith­ and you're a-idlin' about as if thoro K.r h-^npicr than the otberM; " I don't nii:'!m to go up-staira until I door opens very softly. The dining-room "to trouble you on 'Thanksgiving day, ful atttmdant. warn't such a thing as work in the With buiMif^i.nK- <'\<»M and hidden Hisht. get completely thawed out. But, as I ia iust off tbo large sitting-room, and but I have been through the wards this " Have no fears, Archie," Lilian au- world!" It IjaiUHhi'h ICS brotherti. wp.s saying, when I found Mr. Glenbiirn riglit opposite the open door of the last morning, and I tind that two or three of s^worod. '' Ida is at rest." UsfcnE LEVI—"Now, Sammy, tell mo, A iMish, a hlunv, and on tho floor intd re:dly made up bis mind to come—" is an immense mirror. tbo last patients aro much worse, aud "Thank God!" ho replied, heartily, Thi- ni'-rry jiarty tiimbb-— Liliiin wondered if tbo old adversary Pitcher in hand, Lili.an st;tnd'» like one you aro w.anted for coufiultation. Shall have you over read tho beautit'id story of One iiartj;.! Ii'T iu-ad air:iii)'*t Iho donr, " Aud is this Lilian ? Am I dreaming, was really trying to make her jealous. stunnoii. Bending low over the littlo I say that you will bo there ?" or am I crazed ? Wliy, you ore—you Joseph?" Sammy—"Oh, yes, uncle." Mtr' fe-n-'arc hiNtn: to Krunihlf. Uncle—" Well, then, what Avrong did Ah : hn'.f .-.iir liv.'« at blin.inmn'r(-buff So there bad been a doubt about tho figure of her cousin is her aflianced hus- '^Certainly," was the prompt aulswer. certainly are Lihaii ?" W'r p!:iy. and Tu-v^-r li7iow u; geutlemiin's spending Thanksgiving-with they do when they sold their brother?" Wf bcid oiir cyrti wltli niniHy Mtuff, ba»id. Ida's arms are clasped about his "have a cup of colTee with me, iind "Yes,-•Vrchie," she smiled; "I am her ? This wius news also. neck in passionate i>mhrace, and the low Siimmv—'"Thoy sold him too cheap, I Tho rh>tuiw^' of ttie poet. wo will go dowu together." tho same old Lilian; and the greate.'^t think," " I determined that I would come. I tones of her companion strike tho luiell Surely this was no love-sick woman happiness of all my life haa been this of Tlic runht. dravrt nn. tlir inJrLhrnl fun ••;r"ws iii.it.r H'IM. :;nd fasti-r; hail to forego two parties to do it, Lil- of all Lilian's boive.=. so learnedly convijrsinK with bnr visitor. nursing you back to life. Now you mu.st . "I DON'T mind sharing my bed with Tu-. KU'-rlK l:iiIoiV, ai* one by one i.'iu ; but I Imd ntthcr ho hero with you Once more the broakfa-^t lioll aounda Beauty suid nccomplislimenta at IS! bo quiet, fori am your physiciiin ns well the children," yelled a Chicago miui to .'!!"'iiv oy..ii.is niii-l.r ; thau auywliore else in the world. So I The d i'.i'k.i i:ivo IIM- i:;rfw/'l! ^rJiup, out lend and clear, and tho gucita ad- Beauty pcrf.rcted by intellect at 28. as nurse." his wife, the other night, " but blamed told bini I'd let him know tho next time Vi'.nco to tho dining-room. Lilian is al­ " The most self-poaseasi5d womiiU in And, as true as you livo, she 'closed if I am.wdUng to share it with bread An.I Ml.M p h.i- rokb-l ill liK cI.-iHp hc! called ; and b.?re wo tu'e. It ia ev^jr ready at her place by the cofl"eo-um. tho college," had been the verdict of both of his eyes with a Idas. crumbs!" Then tho wife •remembered Vhr. cy. ^^ whirti briumu'd with lauKhter. so much nici^r coming down with some Her "lip curls liaughtily .as Archie, with the professors, as Lilian had steadily Did sho moi-ry him ? Of course she lhat sho had enticed tJie little ones to T!"' Hii.'r.e.' cn-'-pw wi!h wnft-fhod fi)''t , jody ! Why, the joitrney didn't seem a very red face, makes his appearance pursued her studies. And now, ns the did ; aud she found, too, thot her father's sleep by giving them each a cmller, .*.!;.•'vc i-ju'li dn-amicfT nlt:(pfr, ' len mik'S lejng—did it, Mr. Glonburn?" A'li iMalci'c, ^vI;b fcf.iivo uifiu'iriCM KWOOC, from the hall door and Ida from the sit­ young man listened to the words of impressions bad been correct. The em­ •'It never seems long to me," replied ting-room. IKATO young lady—" Mr, Cox, I de­ Till' iiif, cbinde^.'jin;:Ie, saw ! 'There's not even a looking-glass !" Of lioliiJayH t.ioonio aeain, an's direction that told wonderfully, but keeps saying to herself. tho amount of solid information she had had heard iu her lover's voice was a des­ not outwardly. Proprietor of bathing machines—"Why, '1 hi- lar-Khl.r of Kr;ti KrInKlo. An hour later, the old cook presents Obtained. perate endeavor to bring tho foolish giid miss, if there was looking-glasses, we There miyht bttvo been a trifle moro each of tho guests with a note. They It was very foolish—^how LiUnn did to reason. So, anmmnrily dismissed, Tho uiidnii.'lit cuiiiorf. ThankfKivinK'rt o'or, Warmth in her manner toward her shouldn't get you ladies out of them 'ere *t hf liourH ari> onward riftt-d, botli tell the a:imo story. despise herself for it—but with the ut­ the young man decided that LiUan did machines for' bowers and bowers !"— Still TfJidiu;: towani tho diMant nboro, cousin, but this was the only percepti­ ••Mr. Gienbnrn," lior lover's paid, "Iliavo most effort she could not take herself not care for him, and thus Ida's efforts :;11 lif.-'ri ilayH am drifted : ble effect. left tho house to j^ivo you timo to leave it. I were cro\vned •\vith success. Punch. Tinn' flies ; wo part with thuHc wo love, shnli return in two hourH, and expect to liud out of that Thanksgiving day ten years Nor ni.'ot. p.'rchar.o.'. whih- UvhiH— Ida mitst have been very entertaining myself alonn. LILIAN TKATIS." ago. As she listened to tho low mur­ Yes, they were married; and they A GEOBOIA colored debating society r.oil j^rai^t lhat in llie honn- abovn all through the rest of that day aud mur of tho doctor's voice as he explained didn't wait a great while, either. Would was lately discussing, "Which is tho W. y.-t niav iiiia Ihankr-KlvioK. Fiu^mer Travis and his daughter h^i evening, for both Archie and tbe farmer no company at their Thanksgiving din to her thia and that symptom of tho you, if you hml been iu their places ? best for the laboring man, to work for were constantly testifying to her power ner-tablo. sufferers around them, her right hand wages or port of tho crop?" An old TWO TaA>KSiiilVl.\GS over them by tho heartiest laughter and "I never was so surprised in my life, still clasped tho handle of the silver Canaries in £ni;laiid. " uncle " spoke the sense of the meeting the merriest rejoinders. pitcher, nud over and over again she whoa ho thought "Bofo was de best, JKluliteen nr.il Xwonty-cl(;lit. said the f.armer, in evident perplexity. There is no putting a c.mary's song Ten o'clock, fmd not ono moment yet " as I was when I got Kick from th was forced to look upon tho picture into words, but a cimarj; may be taught if doy could only be brung togeddor CU.A.PTEr. L alone witli her lover. Ida was sleepy Marah and found the follcs gone, Wh i which the mirror in the old farm-house any bird's song by being ijrought up somehow." aud Archie fatigued. His handsome Bi^trothc'u ? Ye.s. on earth does it mean ?" had suown her. from tho nest among them. Tho great " THE alligator," wisely remarks tho ri)l!;K looked siutl •woiiilered a littlo ; he.'xd pressed the sofa-cushion, and his There was not a quiver in LiUan "This is n new one,'!,said the physi­ breediug-phices for canaries are Nor­ ya«-ns, though politely repres.-.ed, were Courier-Journal, "never blows his but ihtiii foikti woialJ gossip about OVKTJ-- voice ns she answered : cian, stopping before one or the last cots. wich. Yarmouth, Yorkshire, Leicester nose." Likewise the whale never thiiig. Tliere TVIUS no stopping their quite snflicic.nt to justify tho hostess in " It means this, father, that the gos­ "She was brought in last night in an and M-ancheater.- Theso places supply suggesting bed-time. knows his blows. ' Rah for natural his- toijgtp's', and Lilian Trftvis had'ut tbo sips were right when thoy declared that insensible condition, and hasn't rallied tbe London market with canaries. Can­ torj-.—RocheMer Chronicle. Now both loa-si uolion of placing a restraint upon '•Oh, mercy, yea I" gaped Ida. "I Archibald Glenburn was iu love with iu the least." aries are mostly bred by shoemakers am just fagged out." of you bo blowed.—Detroit Free PresH, her lover, .iliuply bucauso she was "vithout an um­ gone. The fifth robber had been there They aro not altogether happy. In way. " Was there ever such a marplot as for herself a position where she can be later note, begging the wretched brella to remind me that time's up." before them. They went back to San the midst of all human joys a flavor of your cousin ?" ho asked, as they sat to­ of OS mtich nse ns in the capacity of wife woman to retfirn to her home and hus­ Francisco, obtained a heavy bar of bogus "AndyouUkeit?" gold, told Bailey that it was the remain­ bitterness arises from beueath. And gether before tho fire. " I did every­ and mother," LiUun reasoned; and, full band. " I think I shall. I borrowed $15 of •what •was hers? thing bnt tell her a falsehood about my of this idea, became a medical student. "I knew you never loved me," it der of the plunder, and gave it to him a meinbor nearly three weeks ngo, and in oonsiderotion of 31.000 in ilaoney. As Gossips had been busy, as n matter of coming. If she had had a particle of Twenty-eight, and a graduate with a said, "but I can be so much kinder to he hasn't said anything about it yet,"— course, whan her eng-a^ement was sense she would have seen that I didn't you than the wicked world you have so he was crossing to .Oakland in a ferry­ diploma, a fair practice and a host of Exchange. boat, with the bar in a bag, three men inown, and it was said, so openly that want her ; but never inind, Lillie dear, students! Tmly, Lilian, you have made recklessly thrown yourself into, Tho it had even reached her ears, thatduiiiig she cannot always spoil onr ooiuting." doctor has ordered me abroad, and I WHAT A BMEI* you have in your nose; seized it ond threw it overboard, having good use of your lime. There ia very been hired to do so by the robbers as a the past summer her cousin, the gay, So it was all explained, and there was little difference in tbe girl of 18 and the feel that it is about my onl^ chance for it ie all stopped up ; got some of Or. J. fl, MoLeau'd Catarrh Sunff, It eootbc*. bnala and means of hiding the trick. The three heartless, but showy Ida Harris bad no need of asking a single qneation. •woman of 28, after all; if anything, fihe life. Come home, and go with mf>!" will enre any diaaaae inyonr soae •! throat. done all in her power to win Archibald's How perfect was the harmony nowl A men were arrested, and the story is here has gained in beauty. The eamestceas The. remainder of tiie letter Lilian Trial boxeH 50 eta, by mail, i)r, 3. H. Mo- given 08 sworn to iu court. ove. thousand times more perfMt for the tem­ of her life has impressed itself upon her oould not read for her tears. The nobil­ Loao, 3U Oheatnnt, Et, Loniii, feet with a few splintora from the floor, Tagabondage as a Fine Arl. THE YotTTH's COMPANION, of Boston, •8 a Day to Ants, Kamvlo frM, n. Alh«rt. noiiton.Ma THE NEWCTOPIA. ia a tborongbly wide-awake paper, having AAaWa«kSalar*ina*nuit«edtonialeandfeiniile, Seml and eidutasted his whole stock of matches Few families of ordinary means, in among ita oontribatora audi writora on J. T. «UiUlap for clrenlMa, B, Al. Itodlna, ClnclnnaU.q An KnslUli SclentUfa Pliin lor a Model by aotatohing diem npon the glazed sur­ this city, escape periodical begging vis­ Trowbridge, Bdwerd Egglcaton, Edward Ever­ WOOD'S OiOlk »Diay. HOW TO UAKJ! IT. .•ivil'u.j ..^ City. face of tbo wall, perhaps bo will find its ; ana tho experience is constantly re­ ett Hale, Jamea T. Fielda, .T. O. Wuittier, 0. A «Pi«('7,.,„l .afabia, COX, rONOX J: CO., .V. f.".". i'o [From the Xew York Tlmoa.] that carpets have their uses, and that newed that the giving of assistonoi to Stopbona, Looiaa M. Alontt, l!obo>ica Harding Dr. KichurdBon i« on EngUsh fioiea- glassed wuUs do not alone constitute a one is speedily followed by applications Davia, Julia Ward Hawo. .Mr.<. A H. Loono- dll A » Da», Kmpleyment for all. OhTr.n...,t .N'.;'lt» weaa, Louiao Chandler .Monlton. No writora tiilc ptiBJon who has jnventod i* nowparadiso . Indeed, he would do well to from others, while the family is general­ more attractive in tbo countr;-, und no publi­ BonTBAITu,i«p.,iliawmwmachiiarr. Apr»'""";«>i stylo of BcientiJlo city, which is shortly try the experiment of distributing him­ ly let alone for two mohths after a stony­ cation for young people more outcrpriaiug and r tan. A».ai. waalaa. «nillli»«n|ili HTt Co., ri.lla., fa. to bobtiilt upon land already secured for self equally in every one ot his houses hearted rofuaul. A gentleman connect­ naefnl. tho purpose. AU that remains to be before be urges other people to live in ed with tho Tribune, some twanty years $25 ^.iB^.'°r>*iB&oSir£'U'5':,st'-Jf,T done is /o' Dr. Richardson to build his thorn. It is quite iible that he may ago, was visited by a professed assistant city nnd to invent a population willing find room to alter liis plans, at least so editor ot n Boston paper, whose pocket HAIR RESTORATIVE to live iu it. It ia to be hoped that he far 08 to provide the city with a good, bad been picked, nnd who therefore CATARRH DCIffll If CD^'-'>>°'•'.<»'^°atrln. <^>'./lw will succeed m both theso endeavors, asked for the amount of his railway fare ntfULlCn WUTBBII ami WOUt, Cbtcaira, Hi comfortable lunatic asylum, coutaming What It Does! for tho plan of his new city, oa set a separate room for the inventor and homo as a loiir>. Tho next week, the Sne.ezlng Catarrh, Chronio Ca­ It ro.itoruK, quickly. Gray TIaIr to itA alony Katiiral SKK S «77 »week to Arenta, SiiiMiees Mil',* forth by him in an elaljorato pam- buiitler of Hygeiiu l)rofes.sed reporter of a Philadelphia tarrh, Ulcerative Catarrh, color. Jr,huH_*hoi!tr«etot" lliiHtorlnR tlm ILiilrU) prumo. nhM; ia cstrcmely ingonjous and at- paper ailled with a slightly different tiirt'IyltaUl II<tt iJundruit. ihimunmud uUKrupiionHlmm tbi) Sculp. Itpru- flll Pi AT. C ^ ARenta Matnraetb Cntak,j.im fiw. K, tuniiny Writes tu au Abseut Pareot. story. In the course of the winter same permanently cured by vdiitd Irritation, Itcbinir and Scaly Diyn«»a of tbo Skin. ItlUwtoroB Hygeia, os the model city will be fifteen unfortunate members of tho press l"ml«d, «lry, harbh and {allmtt Iliilr. 0KNT8 wanted, on aalatr or oommlsalnn. New bna|. DEER MJL—I wisht you wood cum had beeu helped out of various embar­ It rHnt*WK.drnnHHH, tn>lU'nc anu Klvtm A naaa. Addreaa .1. U, MAaaKY .t Oo„ .St.. Uinla, Ma. called, is to bo built on the slope of a bomb. Jonny shut me up in tho clozt.-t SANFORD'S vhtort*) thotfniwth of tbo Ilnir. It Th* only ear* ttt: hill, so 08 to nlTord ample facilities for rassments. Thi-u tho pitcher which bad aei;oinph«hoKiiioro doKlrtid otTtteffl In ASTHMA. /rit. IZ"" and pinches mo awful coz I wont ahuv gone so often to tho woU was broken ; anhorl ttm.i tImn imy Ilt'tUjratJvi' draining, and for sliding in icy weather. eginst for him tb cut it hurts my hanni, RADICAL oviT cindtt.tU«ii>'M iMiivInx thu hftir It is to be laid out in rectangular form, the prayers and teats of the sixteenth Hofr, -livr»l y, .-inii — — Kli'K«y. wJmthor 1^I T• E* D 2'^» mont" h an!od .travelln Merchante esxpen, $9s0ec an be sez nono ov tho chickens is going assistant editor evoked no money. He iivd iiK II. l.ir^H'.ini; wfutn tlm natnrtu liair or up«in tho 'palj, GKM MfU, CO,. St. Coaia. and tho streets aro to bo paveA with htilr In nn ll^hl^^lLhy rnnrtition ; thuK ivndorln^ It. lor th'i to bo mine when my ben cums awf coz went away, the picture of despair ; but CURE. OM and ^ nung, an arLiel.* of Hnt*qinilt'd excuUcnoo. No arum w««irf for "KKI.ATIOX or ibe a >• «# H O" wood set in asphalt. There will be no they was bis egu wat she set on. The from that day to this no unfortunate pniparalion oiTt'ri>d to lh<' pulilie i:r«*dlt*iii*» in thit* nr* yfal'h on.l Oiit/l fru la Adnu. Battar tbui there are to be exactly 27,000, will bo inlnlHtratlon. Locally applied rtiliff i/nnuttntamouit. tlel*> lit niiikitica (h'in.inU Tor it In nil purU of ttiti United S3 OoM, Addreaa A. OOULTKB A OO,.UhlOMO. the wite hen wooden t sot til Jonny tide in Pennsylvania, a mauuscript contain­ It soothes, heals, and cleaaaea the nasal paitsatfeft of StflU'B. Oanadort and JoreU^n counLrlus, built of biick, and placed on vaulted hor onto the nest, an she duzzent s*t she ing the streets nnd numbers of about every feellntc of hcavlncsa, obatnictton. dnlncMi. or A nonth.-ActoU«tlitoA. SOtvHtsjaw fotmdations, without cellars. Each dizziness. Constitutionally rtdmlnlstL-red It renovates luz artloliM tn tbs world Oo« ttmpl* trmfi. stons. Ho sod he wood gi mo one chiccii 500 residences in this city. To many of lie hlood, purines It of llie acid poison wltli vhlch It $350 Addr^ KO WOW. PWIi. Mto* house is to bo nicely surrounded with them were attached crosses and other s always charged la Catarrh, stlnnilales the Rtoniach, ANSyOU^CESflENT chep fur 25 cents an I bawt it. Deer ma tvcr and kidneys, pcrfeela diKestlon, makes ni.w M>M\V by one AKfiit In :»7 days. LI new trees, and, iu udtUtion to hot and cold i mis you awfuL Kant i hav sum panic signs ; and a ciiTofuloxaminationshowod tlood, and pennlta the formation of sonnd, hcaUhy urriclfrt, Sani|tU'rt free. Addrt'tiw, Tiiter and gas, will be supplied with tissue, null Anally ohtalna complete control over tho ov my owen and not Johnnies? That tliat the list coutainud tlio :iildro,sse.-i of dlseane The remarkable curative powers, T\-hDn all c. M. idi^fixgypx, cbicwgo. ozone from a central ozone manufac­ feller wot ctir.js to see Ant Cad wa.s here miU2y of our proniiiient cit.'Kftup, In otlier remedies utterly fall, of SANKOUI>'S Tt.vniCAL OONSUMERS! 10*n 1" hnnlnfMu: you can tory. The .sewage is to bo used for CLT,!!, nre alteittcd by Ilionsaads wlir. Krntel'iilty i-ec- •L« *J niaku So<* a witok without caplUl; uaar Ia.st uito. Ho sat on the sofy on Jonny short, it was a private vagabond's direc­ oiuniend It to fellow'suu'erers, No siatenient la mado Tho Eo-at raJioal,^n»iirf>Vitnmnt iiitrouiu'ed in thln«r. TiTflXTTJIV »nd nwpoctablo tor withiir BOX. AaKNTii» farming purposes, and the corses of dead tory. —JVbw York Tri.I>unr.. reirardlnff It that cannot ho suhstantlated hy tho most tlclo hiiHinituei-d n.-^o tJik.» thtiatfimcyarul advdrilpo ItJi mum £4 X sppyLY Co.. Howary, N. V. waz under tho sofy but he diddcntknow rcspfctablo and reliable references, Jt Is a ffroat and vlrtuoH to thti world. UH M1*ieU naallt'Htonttlvnarn whuL inhabitants will bo buried iu wicker it at awl. When Ant Cad cum in the Rood medicine, nnd worthy all conhdcnce. Each been lon;(fi(iUicht for and wantod for many ytinn*, bo W'TKIJ AOKNTK, boUi nii.xi*, in ovory town and baaketB, wherever thoy will do the most packaro contains a TreHllsti on Catarrh and Br, San. hit; moro deulilnd •mr-ag- m and HaiiHl'netory L-iun'.y. IIu-tiiit-nH ttnny and nidpoctabhi. Articlo feler tolo hor ses he ttiey in plenty of font's Improved lr.liaUugTube,aQd lull dlrectloos f.ir than liaa tn'tir Itiv B B 11 H • >'oru bt'on attain* Ufw, indinitoiiNabh'. nnd M-llMon BlehU SH' p^rday good, instead of being wasted in como- BT tho last oflioial report of the Hart­ its uso In all cases. •-POI[I>'H KADICAX, CtniK is aold by nil vholesalo linnwK itrt conipo- nition. and cannot torioB. Nono of the residents will bo nnd retail druKKlsts throa^hont the tlnltod States, inaUiiit :tbitrof(iro vihan you cJtil ior Then he kist her, not right away but that 212,.1C7 people "havo thnir lives in­ trlco fl. Depot, WEEKS i I'OTTElt, Bostoiu it. " Wood's ITO- pmvod," do not » niunth. hotel ani travellnir *xp«inii«i allowed to drink wine or to uso tobacco, biuo hy an sho waz relo mad an got up lot any umtrhici- nliid (loaltir Cfin- $80 waid lor KKlfnrnon. No pui'dlinj:. .\ddro»i and even the chimneyswiU bo forbidden sured in that city. These lives are in­ vinco yon that ho iitut n KoHturntiro ^JCMTon .AlANUvVi Oo.. <;^tncinnati. OiiiiK an slamd tho dor. When sho cum baclc sured for $430,(X)0,000 altogether, and or Kt-nuwur an Kood, or Moiim. to smoke. It is Dr. Bichardson's he kist her agon an sho kept tellin him tblnK ainiilar, UN ^ _ _ _ tJmro Iftnono Iiki» Widl St, Stocliit makes opinion that, with tho aiA of an able tho property insured in tho flro couipii- it! Inwiht npon h.'ivliic WfKKl'K Improvod," and (jikit $10°Sll 000 '— fivory month. Hoolc mat to stop, buthodiddent til Jonny run a nios is S6-15,G1C,000 motQ, so that liie • EVERYBODY nrt otlmr. for your mnncy^. fI t win not bt) lon« buforo lUl :pln.inln»r «T«n-thin«. mimioipul medieul stalT, tho death-rate shaul pin inter his leg. Then Ant Cad h*alr'r:i ovorywhofo will havo it. If yoiiNbonld fidl to y^t^^^ fn-o Hrplainlnc ...... in Eygeiit will bo reduced to eight in total risk wtiich Hartford carries i:^, in CHEERFULLY RECOMMENDS imd it. yiui can wmd $1.00 to na by mail for a hottln, or rcchd iu an bawld Jonny owt, an boxt round numbers, §1,100,000,000. ::!;»,iv0 for six iMittltiM, and w«) will «t!iid Utoyou,iirop;dd, Addreaa UAXTKII A CO.. Banka«a7>VallSU. S. Y. every 1,000. ,:Vs the death-rate in Now to any I'^xprowa StJition dfslrod. Aflig^AI" a(layauri>ma;»iir<'ti<-. his eres and cnwld him o you nawty boy, ^Ail«« c. A, c;ooi£ i^CO.,Chlcnc;o.1ti«> tDlU'*lD&S Cmyon«, llcturw aiitl Clironm Cnnlv U'.-» im.. York is twenty, eigiit por 1,000 there is an Jonny crido, an tho foUer said it waa »olc AtccntH for tlw Unlttrd S|II«<'H II nil C'li ^fl^^^ilSJ^plp*, worth AO. iftit p-.tiMlil (nrHliv. Mlit*!"- no doubt tliat tlie Hygeians -will bo, in Two DAConTEus' of Abdul Medjiil, COLLINS' m]a<,M-lu» will till nil orders ami NUtnily no matter. Tho flour what Granma tho Sultan who preceded Abdul Aziz, tlir Trail** at AlanufiirturvrM* Frlcc«. * ' ' U»i CaUloK-g« ncto. J.:li. BUFKOltD' SSONS, hOS'Ki.V, .MA?>, comparison, an cxcoptioniilly healthy J. li. KlMIiALL. Propriotor, W. I... nAn>K>f. TfBchor of r.nltar, Flute, Corm^ cawls soriua blumed the otlicrnite. Sho arc to bo married soon in the iialace in — AKt.forTiUun I'Ml.Gultar.thcbcKlin nun. people. But how the doctor's munici- sont for cvry boddy to como an seo it an ^tWSold In Chlcaco, Mllwaukiio. Dotrolt an'l tit • Di'uh'r ill MuNiciU Iii«CnuiieiilN. Muvic, pid medictil men aro to amuse tliom- Constantinople. Abdid Hamed will pay Paul by aJL ^^l1loU)aulu Dru«KtaU.uod by ICetoil Tntdo Strliii;>i. Cutalo;;ui>H t'rv*-. L:i} Trviuoat St. Uuflutu the howK was fill of folkes an a lot atau- their dowry out of his privato ex­ VOLTAIC J>LASTERS. nr thc'.r noon viniWd ihU tiiM iui<] Holves in such au exasporatingly hualtliy Kt-'norally. wimor, ( I ori' liu-ach Co.) lo nvi] ning out on tho pavement looking into chequer. n^HEY" contain the Rrand curative element, Erxc- aii'W miiplt' arllcK'«i ol n-iil iin-rit city ho might lintl somo diiUcnJty in ei- tho winder. Tlioy wuz a coming uu TKiciTY, combined wlUi tlio Uncut co-.npountl of to till- CiirmiTii Iti thi'lr oMMi cotintn'K. llii»[in-!i- phUning. AT our request, Cragin & Co., Phila­ inodlclniil cunin ever united to;,*i:Uier. It thcreforu fltH^-ooil. J'uri:ciilur« fu-o. .1. AVuiiTll. St.i-Mii..,.M.*. goin everj' minit. They sod it waa won- OUR owu I.iKKNKHR in oil colors, to nhow war work, • In Rpito of tho manifest advantages derf ull. I thawt it was a nice flour, an delphia, Pa., have promised to synd any nccmB linposrtllilc for IJieni to r.ill In »IToi-d!n^ prompt pdinttMi oil canviN, 5i'0x7>5, fnnn a phoUitfnuili or Un which tho new city wiU possess, it is relief for all imlni* und iiclicu. tyi.oY . (rrowlUi ttio Homo .lournal, $'i.fiu a yt-ar. .Sainpl* Jonny whispered pick it au I pict it an of our readers gratis (on receipt o t' 15 Pii:ttiro mill paptir ti nionthH for $1. Onn a^oiit ni.iao possible ttiat Dr. Richardson will be tlis I aint got over it yet. I am so sore [ cents to pay postage) a sample of Dob­ J.&P.G tan.W In a Ally. Addretm J.^ T. mTilKK. Corry. Pa. appointed in the working of certitin "do- cant bare to set (lovm much. Our girl bin's Elwctric soap. Try it. Ssad at onca " THE BEST PLASTER." \R. S. j*. riTCH'S FA.MIB.Y l'Iiy?iICTA.V tails of his iilan. Eor example, ho has Srexsrs. Wi'eka id Jitter, GenUfwcn,—Vlcano fenhavd e been nwnrilnd a niednil and Olvlninaat J .••nm:»If C«»y, Pitiior llovrr, lO cfiit*. has got a bow. Ho must be a very ritoli nif Mix COLi-iN.s' VoLTAio Pi,AhTKits. Pcnd by rcLiirn tho Centennial Exiiaaltloa and rauiineudcd uiintl ia Clotti« wlili Ilhintrtaioitn, decided that tho jjoptilation will be gennelmim, ho wares such a big long Centennial Awards. mull. I think tlicy nrutliu bunt IMurfter 1 ever uicd. JiiarH, ad crntN by uinll. Addrens la 7H " 100,000, living in 20,000 houses, built I'louui! llnd money iRcloHcit. by (he Jud«es for Biriittdwuy. New York. gold chane wounded twice aroiuid his [Froia tha New York Ipibune, Sov.18.] HASICEIX LK^VIS. ou 4,000 acres of laud," and he dwells Tbo cewapapera bavo been lately teeming MiLFOun, DcL., July 11, ISTC <£Or:A mcw\t.ttl»f0ran InrtirtiOti* TajM*. nock, an thon snch a wach! with two with ingoniooBly-wordcd advortioementa re­ W<^0\J Vn. J. I*. l-'n-LKK, hi'liiRHWorn.iiuyM; Ij;rad- with much emphasis ou the fact that tho lods to it, an ho ses it is a court oro- garding tbo awarda, Tboao pablioationu have SUPERIOR STRENGTH BiM In IMJ. «pMlkt«4 to Prur«i«ur*» etiklr inua; hftt* rtv.ot«a vt j«»rt, health of his city will depend to a great • iiliultalr. la KhfuinAOin. .•VvtirKlclft. (iniit, IC14n*« uitl UhtatiUMM* UUM1>I, lUftf. aM extent upon this "equal distribution of wat time it is, if it is in tho day time, he impresaion tbat thia or that oxbibitor bna JTmrfl. Wt'eln tfc Potter, Ocndcmm,-'Tlvaso Rcnd •mMt Ud MMlW AdvlM t*n\ hy mftll, APATM. Aililr*il nn. riTLBB, mc anothor Cou.JSti' VOLTAIC PI.-VHTKH. I lUul tlioiu the iuhabitjuits." Now, at first he may list lays it onto a fentz or a po.st au lets really received tho bighoat and boat award. to 1)0 nn t^vct'Uent I'lnuter,—the lietit that 1 Iiuvccver cp tho sun shine ou it, an then if ho staze> true Btate of alTaira, tbey bavo aimplyconfused EXCELLENT QUALITY P7'?ET(2jT535rnBy an nrrnngomont with 000 inhubituits and distributing them in there til it is noon, he can tol egzactly tbo reader. Vinltora at tbo Centennial Qnd KJ:O.U3\7.*.V,0., July, ISTC. families of live each. Tho trouble is, wat time it is. If it is afternoon he has tbemaolvoa bewildered by tbo adrordo olaima -or- that after he has thus nicely sorted aud to wato til rex day. Won tho sum dont to diatiaction wbicU tboy land placarded on S0L:> lir ALL DUUGOISTS. every baud, and thoy do not Imow wbich way Trice:e, :;."r.MiT>»,. Sent hy ninll. ciin-fully \vrnpnHt Company In AinMrica— iiitc ho dout no. Ajit Cad hos it is the ment baa tliia ayatom of miareprcaontation 11a SPOOL COTTON.'' •taplo artlelo—plfiuinn everybody—Trade continually in- tribution." What will tho Doctor Jo craaafni,—A»r«ntfl w.-.ntod DvorT>rht>i-n—boat Indncomttnta best court wach she over saw; I want been carried to ao great an extent oa that de­ —don't witf.to tiniu—sMno for Circular to when a seientilic family of live persons you to send mo too shillin in your nex voted to piano fortca. Tiiero bos been "a ROUT. \Via.I.S. 4 3 Vowoy St., N. Y..l\ O. Box XaWT- ia sudileuly increased by the addition war" between piano oxbibitora aince tbo Ei- A. T. COSHORN, Director-General. letter an rito rito away. I want to hero J. R. HAWLEY. PfC«. T7OK. SAI^E-CFIRAP FOR OASH_0n« SECONTK of n BtiontilJo baby ? Tiiero will bo six bibilioD opened, and a rcfjulor akirmlab line ot $3.00 FOR X IUSX> llAKUV J'Al'EFl OUTTi';H, In toiiil onlnr. from you so mutch I cant wato. Tour placarda aiuco tbo awarda were otlicially an- ALEX. R, BorrtJCB, SccrDiarr pro torn. Ahn, onn S-inch HOIC CARD CUri'id: in.n»i. Thm peirsons iu that tlisordorcd household, af cxuuate son Toicvre. nonnood. Thoy bavo vied with eaib other in *bn»«will boKold v(*ryobtinp for caab. .VddrnHK OUI- and the "equal distribution " of tho in­ tbo uao of extravagant language to prove XHtiS. :i30. Voar. CAOO KKWaPAPEk UNIO.V, IU aionroo aUMl. habitants will bo compromised. He can­ tbeir roapcotivo clnima to diotinctiou. Tbo Cbicago. IU. not build It new house to meet tho con­ Barreled. most ingoiiiona mctbodri bavo boon dovioed; Progressivo! Comprehonsive! InvBHtleat* tho morita of Tlm Iltus. tingency, for he has strictly limited tho dliiintorcated corrodpondenta, wbooo aola ob­ tratodWookly boforw dwtrtrinlninjr A laughable incidout occurred in a ject waa to instnioi the ignorant public, bavo npon jour work thia fall and wlo- city to 20,000 houses—antl even then if grocery store in Newport, R. I. An . 'I*hocombination Jrfrttils Boa«on(iurpai.iM«iini't.blng volunteered tlieir aorvices (for a cousidora- herotoror» attoinpt-id. Tonua mint frm». .VddroHn a new house could bo built imd inhab­ emply barrel, with a few inches cut off tiou) ; ex-judgeo of iiwiirda, in the intDroat ot citi.c^vGO, mn.. CHAS. OLTJCAiS A CO.. 1-1 Wnrron St.. Now Totk. ited exclusively by tho intrudiug infant, the top, had boon left standing in tho certain piano luanufKcturtra, bavo mado pro­ his scheme of equal tlistribution would tended rovelatioi;8 of tbo bccrvtn of thojaiy- All tlu- Rrent ivrclcly nowfXiiilMTM of thi; A Mammoth Weekly tor Country and Town. ABOOKfortlie MILLION. st<3re, .and a man, who had beeu stand­ rooni, for the aiiko of auppoitng tlio claimn of «:l7.c a.n«! rliai:ic«pr ol TIM'Z CtiTCAGO A Practical Agricultural Newspaper. be spoiled. Unless every inhabitant of ing lU'ound until ho was tired, sat down LKDnKU charge S:i,00 per j'citr. wSiilc iViEDISAL AGVICS tbeir particnlai- favoritca, and lightning calcn- Zar/fest oih the Contincivt! Cat.irrti, Ihiptiin-a Oiiium Uabit, A:.:.,tJKNT KitliK on rcowij* tho new city is compelled to sign a lease iu it. This would havo been very well lalora bavo been uppealod to aud havu found THE I..S:i5GKItto»:ts liiit S1*Ir. lor houn»*witV, nnd fora a to render the JOUHNAL, in the tniest itense, a cem- ' Curea iJittt'iiho wli.-nnMoiiior tion of 100,000 people in 20,000 houses. of compasses. The fellow realized hia all cla»80H. Wppclal caro IH tiiWrn t*Mni.lit> Im tono unl- rL-MioiUca fall. TiiHtlnioivUilrt efforts, wbilo ridiculoits to tboao acquainted fortuly chnKttj und moral. Hand il. &n- Doubtless Dr. Kichardson has entirely mistake, and strove to correct it, but the with tbo subject, have been attompioa to iu- poitaca, and vour uddrosn to In tho lasun tor Jan, 1st, 1577, will he coraraeneed a plh'iiilon. to 1'. .1. WMITK. overlooked this weak spot in liis calcula­ moro ho did this tha further hs worked fluouco tbo uninitiated. In fact, tbe piano hiKh^laas, instrucUTo serial sti>rr, written uxpretaly for Iloml StrfOt,>.'c\v Vor:-v. mon bave left nothing andono to mieleod tbo THE LEDGhETl, tho weBt«m 1 arm Jonmal, entitled tions, but he will havo it fixed upon his iuto tho b.irrel. Finally he was con­ A AGENTS WANTED FORIiSTORY ' to ntion to a maddening extent before Bublio, aud by tlieir ellorta bavo canacd overj- Cliicctgo. Ulinol.^. THE LESSON FOR LIFE. strained to cry out for help, and half a tliing rotating to piauoa to bo looked upon i>'>ml 2'9Gu t'erelttier tST" It will bo road with absorbing int«poit, ai well aa the end of tho fii-at year of his city's ex­ dozen men,among them the proprietor of THE .llHl nieely..'ihh'i:a.d lie- FOE prutit, by aU olaaaos. WKITK YOJX ADTJLNOIC HOECT or with diatruat, and have made tbemiielvca tbo yiiieoiiiiinl'i; tnnr shet.ts EX7RACTH. WO Want «vory man and woman in tha .lENTEN't EXHIBITION istence. tho store, came to the rescue. Thoy laugbing atock of tbe public. By tboao means MOST new >enip-ltei»k PlotLEAS- T oountryto anbaeribii for the papornnd to act as our aK«nt injuatico ia not only done to tho pablic. but lin-s; tjit eleKiint Oilrialio this aaaion. Siniflo aubncriptlooa.£2.00 a yiiar; only$I.SO It ulla (aator than any othor book. Ono Acunt ootd M Again, the plan of building houses tried compression of the uppor aud GOODS (Hen.. 1 ti Can! (;hrom,i"MONE. Y la olabi. No apucial authority to act nuudod. Sund in nether extremities, but this brought too to tboae who ore not only entitled to tbe load­ orTjCentsfortlieiiinll.u.V. T. HUM. . yoar own aubicrintion and thnn othnrs aa fast aa ob- Avithont cellars, and placing the kitchen ing poaition, bnt who wero awarded it by tbo West Madison St., (;iiicnu... III. AlilC.VTSCO. WANT, -itO. tftlnod. DON*T DKLAY! All nubBcrlntiona rnuolvftd on tho upper lloor of each house, is at great a strain amidships, and bad to bo judges. Yunr corroapondent baa talten the |.;i> ter tht. popular i;iiriimr>. ItKil inehes, of dnrinir lfi76 will run to und of lh77. BAMPUS PAi'£KS» abandoned. Then a council was held. trouble to anbmit all tbo varioua roporta, Dlimily's l.'l.ltST .^illNtlA V-.~(:mi<>l. CLASS. POSTKRS and CIUCUr^ARS Free.' Addrwa first glance unobjectionable, but a little WJiU^TBRW FAU9t JOUR.VAL.. scrutiny will sho.v that it has its faults. At this it was decided that either tho which aro the baaia of tbs awards, to a caruf nl •-' 0!ir lir rrtiutnctliHi Kvkii; V.ITIIIII'>.i i-.,- •crntinyand ccmpnriaou, and tbo rcault ia 0310 XVaMUlngton SUrct, Clijcago. .ii».*[w!«t tiiirr.N_ .^,1,1 n K^r-.l Nlinou-r. oi; VO.IAM: «i'h Where will Dr. Richardson's people man or the barrel must be sacrificed, and tbat tbe piauoa of Wm, Knabe & Co. uro Poiit'U ur.a M'li.iacmn-p, iw >; i:,. Cr.u l)e xpai f.:. O. 0. wli;. priv- keep their old bottles, aud whore ^viU although tho barrel was worth 20 cents, fonnd to bead tbe liat, Thia bouao, frnm tbe iSW MUSIC BOOKS. iliT't:iie'triri? ni.vlii;; lii!l. ,S.-i!.; !iti!!i;i f.ir ntrrul^r to tho iamUy cat bo placed at night ? Nat­ the former altornativa was decided ou. commencement of tho Exhibition, rolied solely LAS^DS FOR SALE ural philosophy teaches that the smell A hatchet was procured and the aides of upon tbe morita of tbeir inatrumonta to aecure the barrel dashed in, causing it to col­ tliom a jnat award ; aud aince tbo oilicial sn- (tr, eta.) Ky 1.. O, $10, 025s $50. $100, $200. of heated dinners ascends. How then Dounceniont, altbougb tbey wore decreed tbo The Encore. 968,000 Acres in Sontliwest Missouri. can tho curefiil housewife, living in a lapse, thus releasing tho man from a -, ,—r--, .-- KjtKllso.N, For ,Slii;:la,< AM2XANij;:a£ r!iOTin.v<;iCA.:i <:<>., bigboiithonorain the piiino department, tboy V.£ \Va.Ii Struct, N,'-.v V'rrli. IJanki-m imtl liroliuri', city where all the kitchens are on the ludicrous though painful position It bave modestly remained in tbo background. ,NcueoIs, (jonvenllona, etc. FiRST-cuss STOCK (mi*t, Invoftt in titOfikwot a lo.-::i imtt-«i»inti:t*.'r, Tjju linn num- win scarcely bo credited that the man It ia fortunate that tbe jiidgOK, in preparing bo™ anionn ll>. patron* thvuiMimtii is'ii.j n;uAt IJMCOIUO rich top floors, ascertain what tho neighbors The Whippoorwill. lij'vvlol Exeollenic Agricultural Laiicis. tlironith I-'rothinchiini .'c 0.».'h •.orlnn-iTo i:iv»\-':.»mnt3. intend to have for dinner ? Very prob­ loft the store without offering to pay lor tbe Knabe report, ao framed it aa to loi-.vo no Stocloi purchiisi'd i:u\X a;:*n-ioti N.in: «» .li;»:i:vd on innrctn doubt about their pro-eminence. They eapo- •PKUKINB. Capiioi cuUoctionof aonirs lor Cmn- and hn*t TOnAOCO UrcflTON In tea W-n. from iuroH_to fivo por cent. lui* Olrcuiur. ably Dr. Richartlson imagines that iu a the spoiled b.trral. mon hohonlfi. W!.N'l'K!tS,NO ORjisdUOl'l'KKS, «oo,l j;»rUt,anS ciallyoommcndodttli tbt-ir fonratylcaof pianca, The Shining River, 'if/irsti a HiMilt^y Conatrj, purely scientific city there will be no concert grand, parlor grand, squaro and up- W. O. PKUIVINS. Yury beautiful Sabb;iih Seliu^.l HO, FORlOWA !! ! crime or disorder, and no use for po­ IWiuimiy Faint, rigbta, and accorded tnem tbe praise of nn- honK IliKilt, STricss !Sik.80to£jLU<.00aa,&<:ro. J^arwerMf rmittrrnaiiri hirt^tf wenof .-f ttwriC'T;' licemen. Ho must admit, however, equaled exoellonco in all the dotaila of perfect The Salutation. '^yl^J^i^.'- A choIoA from 1,*2UM,000 norm of tUn bout lands In Few jorsous are aware that Egyptian inatrumenta. Tbo report ia plain, atr.igbt- J' irsi-eliiaa eoUectton for Chuim, SUiffin;; S^uuols, Iowa on R. R tflrma, at ^.'i and p^r aoro. :4*ind a that it is possible for scientific citizens Mte. TVRMa : Ono.tentfa down, brJane. In «vea yeaiia at nodtal card for our map and pumphhit, or call on tho mummies ore ground up into paint. forward and coaaprehonaivo, speeifving all tho T per uent, InUiraat, Iowa R. R.L.in(l Ca.'Ji RanOoIpli St.. Chicajto.or Cndar to quarrel, and even to steal fossils, and But iu this country and in Etiropo mum­ elementa of merit which it ia posaiblo for tho Biographical SIcetches FitKE SKANSrOllTATJCOX RapidH, Iowa. JOHN B. OALfiOUi^. LaiiU Oomuiin'r. valuable bugs. In such an event, tho beat piano forto to po^sBOaa—power, richnosa mies are used for this purpose—tho as- 0) (toO) Em inont Wl usicai Composers, bo tue land. (*j,-nlab.d purcbuera. For elrcala:^, £ulde« police, instead of darting out of tho audaingin,' qnaiity of tono; eaao end cloaticity m.D., *tc„ adilreu phnltum vdth which they are impreg­ of loncb; efloctivencaa of action; aolidity (Sa,OU.) Uy L. n, Ui:i,i:;o, Very inl„r,e.!ii«. area gate and capturing the offender, nated being of a quality superior to that and originality of oonatruction, and excellence A, L. DEANI!:, Land Commlgaloniir, Hi. U^uu would havo to descend from lofty kitch­ of workmsnablp. By compmng it with tho Dictionary of IVIusicaS which can elsowhora bo obtained, aud TKRWS. (!)i.-,.no.) STAISim .t liAllUKj-r, In nr.-,it Itrlmlu uml Aui.irlcn \„ nxuzcvtrnWeryxrUen. juFwnnt ens, where their soup would grow cold produchig a peculiar brownish tint when otlier reports ba tbe same department, oven A luairnilleL'nt hook, Jlluacratod, Vinuly Ijoniul. il—rich or pftf^r. Krmii 5 m vo IKMIICN inlftv'H wi.rlc. It la itiu uultr before they coultl curry tlieir prisoners the moat skoptioal will aclmowlodgo tbat no Potter's Am-.rican Monthly, roniplPtoworl; pitbllnlK-rt »VIIIUI1»1IIK Jlr. MUV'P> Kcmioun nuil made iuto paint, which is prized by dis­ atrongor language oould bave boen used to ex- JXJSil' OXTT i iLMSTiiATTtn; Best rsmlly Maiazlna la Pi|Avt.i.MKi{Ti«o TAI.KH. Mr. S*»k.7'« mldrcwL-s unij «very to the station-house and return to the the Countrv, at. Sli I'or 1877. i'ivo copies on* thiuc or litwrMt. IIiiH t.in pucua, oicul jwiralw, uotl lit onxrar- tinguished artists both of this and of proea tbe uuanimouB approval ot the judges. ! THE WORLD OP SONC. ! year tnr SIH: 10 coplea (or Si's: ai coeie. Ingn. rricf. M.lin. Ad.Iri'»N. cook's fireside. It must also be re­ othor countries. Tho ancient Egyptians, FHiutnELPniA, Nov. 11, 1876, S0,000 marked that in this ingenious city there Tin: Voc.M. CKM OX TITC SEASON ! «„i,.'„.i>, '"f and a eojiy of P,n: lur's nililli K. A. I'AHKKIt h VU„ iCZ Clart Strtt^U CHICAGO. ItL. when they put nwiiy thoir dead, wrapped Boand Volumo ot ponnlar sones. In Boards, Si-iie, Suhsoribera Kncyi:lj|l..(!ia. .inaite, Illuatr*. is not the slightest provision tor a single in clothes saturated with aspholtum, Cloth, *a,eu, uih, sj.w). " tiens, price,S^.'NKlventflthopentonsonrt. clothoa-line. It may be that tho invontcr A PEW years since it waa not consid­ Either book mailed, post f reo, fur ruwll price, ins tniti clnb, For »ale at ail Xews «u>nda. builded, as it were, better thau they ered the "correct tbini; " to chow plug tobac­ 1877, At '*ft cents a nnnit,er. Special Terms to looks upon clothes aa unscientific and knew, and could novor have realized co, but it ia again coming into ureat favor, and OLIVEE DITSON & CO., Boston. Ak-unt». .!, K. Voi-xf.K k CO., Pblli,, Pa. objectioHable, for ho remarks that "from tho fact that ages after they had been gentlemen can bo now'aeen daily with a plug C. II. Oitson & Co., a. E. DItson .4: Co., tlie sleeping apartments old clothes, etc., laid in the tombs and pyramids along of tbe genuine ••Matehleaa" hfand, and it ia 711 I5no.^DWAy, Succussorfl to Lno i Wallcur, are to be rigorously excluded." If a oonaidored tbo cbeiee morsel of tho di-.v. Now York, PlUla, 3»!*** - _ - , , the Nile their dust would bo used in Every plug baa the worda '•Matchlesa V. T, 111:0 cut. .•5i-: lor both hfd.»n, S't. .Sunt by mull. p..Niit;iin, man cannot have his clothes in hia bed­ 200 SUPERS EMCSAVINGS (in r«c.«,inii;tIietprvir-,i..j(l'_..-iBl l-p.cii.lAj-Mtnnil.r- TheWMeAfaieMaiazine. at night, or is the population to dispense MERCHANT'S G.ABOMKO OIL.—This amootb, by tho uso of Joniper Tar Soap. That Fain to M&n and Beaat, r.M.Oiia'tJ.w.u._ _ . .T>. . :r,.i....ri.,M.i.»..ll.rel'ritlKi.>i«ji» a standard liniment has been before the mado by CJaawoU, Hazard 4 Co.. Now York, ia •ltfi*ollon «v.fwrlit.r. WonCir.r'Ul (iXploItS ef-a'-S"'""* Tbo Goldon Tiin« for Asenta! Liberal caaU with clothing tdtogether? This ia a la Ui« Ciraad Old S.rvl(.flAj:..,,u la III,. eT,rM,lv itii.l onii.ur.ief^'.-.li.lTlil.'V.f. Now commlMsiona paid. Boyt and Klrli iiro nil at people for over forty jreara,. it. having tho only Icind tbat con be rehod ou, aa there liavlecaa .nparnll.lad .n*„, Ou-Ur... llpi.'ri.;.,.!c'rc'tUitfra* 'work for tho Wido Awitku — question which Dr. Richardson cannot ore many imitationa, made, from oommou taj-, noBTi>..«9ii.M«w * C...,Hufffnr,1.0t„«ht„*F.,.u:„Ctu.lun»ti,a ^ DoU'a Fair, and aubicribo ignore, and whicn must bo answered be­ been first manufactured in 1833, and it \«.iKorIy. ISpoclman nnmborn, ia safe to assert that no preparation in which are worth'«»ia. V\ centa. lojit of DoU'a Fair fore ho can induce respectable oeople to MUSTANG priEea.poit«ra,eto..fr(M. Ltttlo live ia his city. . tho market has so fully stood the test of WE often seo a largo stock of cattle Ciuciiin,ati CaKcer Ijistitnto, Kirlii who will act oa agonti ro. time, and been received with such uni­ which do not aeom to thrive, and come out Oilieo ]Vo. 10t2.J?ltii« S«t. cbtru in addition a fall lut ofNi However satisfactory tha plea of a K.tnl.ll-ilio.l lor tli-- piin- or 0"'t* tlm Cmn-itr n-iiirn rfniiivnt witli ier.i, given to aucb a atock cieo*aiouully during TKAKM. TiUSRSINJIOSOt,AJJIJi!t«BSSI.lISH: IT' Wvxrj . ihr kliltV*. At oil l.^^Ill iin'l lii'Triml'Ii; (II'MIIIIK. W» it will seem diroary and ugly to most Europe. From a" very small beginning the winter, would be worth moro than an extra .HOT HKAI.. NO IJHE,.WO.»»^K^TI, i rwjiilrrt no Ti'i* IftpoTir —n'lc-n loiill tii.- jaili-nt i- iriin'il. Kwr D.Lotiirop& Co., Boston, Mass. othor people. Neither cariyets, paint, • —'LICTS THE — 6v. ««l?t furlln'r liir..ni.(ttU.n i'rn!la-fiw.. HtiitiiiH f..rlt'"-Wr*iiitiilnlnnUi"orv tlie Garbing Oil Company biis been half ton of bav. AWLICTS on pTlBKH of trfiittiH'iM, ti*«riiiii)iiiHN tr |II cunii!, plaster nor wallpaper will be used in obliged to steadily increase its facilities : itoBV «— ATSOKitNOI ami tirNtclmo irin* rt''i'i*"in'i''<. if. any of Dr. Bichardson's buildings. The DOIWKSTIC Afa »XA<»IC TJCCWO . A bot«x:.!!«. ^:l^^;I^s.vTI. uino. floors will bo of wood, and the walls will army of men, and occupies magnificent Have you rheumatism in any form? Have ilh» life oSSf ahwiuaI _n bcina,uait r»itoveii «• be of glazed brick. A wall into which buildings of its ovm. Much of the suc­ you stiff neck, or bunclioa caused by rheu­ a picturo-nail cannot bo driven, or the matic pains ? If ao, .Tohnson's Anodyne Lini­ UftMdaMnUasMUay^ cess of the company is due to the careful ment ia a epceilic remedy, uaed internally and pi:.i of an impaled buttoner be thrust, or and efficient management of Mr. John externally.^ Only machine IK t/ir "World ttpon which a match cannot be scratched, Hodge, who for some time has held the with will bo a cold and glittering mockery. responsible position ot Secretory, •nd A YotTTH's PDBLIOATION.—For half a Antomntlc TcDsionand Let Dr. Richardson try to, live in one of who is also the proprietor of the Hodge century the YOCTB'S COMPANION, of Boaton, Stitch his model rooms himself and find how Opera House, one uf the finest buildings has been publiaUed. It waa atarted iu 1827, and ia toyday one of tho brighteat and moat EUPEON ! Indicator. he likes to get up in the middle of a in'Lookport, N. Y. The Gargline Oil ia vigorouB papers with whicb we are aquainted. Tradp Mark la base jfGL^Kr ef avcryiiiacldao, •winter's night to turn on the ozone, or for siole ot ail the drug stores.—Qmnci/ If yon have rbennatUm, naoralsU, SILENT SEWING MACHUTE. to write a note informing the people (W.) Whiff. J. & P. .COATS were awarded a medal next door that if tha baby which he has and diploma at tbe Centennial Expoaition and headaobe, a bnia, or a bruiae. procnra Send Poital Curd for ninstratcd Frico Liat, &c, [Established X846.I TTiUcox & Gib1)S S. M. Co., reason to believe they have so surrepti- SiNQKRS ASD PREACHERS in danger of commended for the ." anporior strength and a botUa oi Supaoa It wlU flva Instant tiouBly introduced is not equally dis­ esoiUent quality of their apoal cotton." ( jssuii'^ A PACIFV- IKiwurofmlt'in Niii»lmurtKiipJContiiiieiI,iuiiI ptirHiiaii t K.ir more tluui two wceliM now the contp thhs end Florida,' South Carolina liiid to ih(rM::itttt('in MticU ciLiio ituido IUKI pi-uviili<.l. MH the 'Jlltl day Kcbnmi-y. A. H. I.STT, at uiu- 'uV'liiclc try has hoen kcfit in a atati; of .sus|jen.e Louisiana aro to bo coiinle.i br tluir la- ill ilm iiflL-niitoti of Unit tiny, ut iluilVont iltmr of tin* Liji-derin..' on di.^traction that has at last Tlic following from the Associated Conn iloiihc. in tlm i:iryorMiiNoii, Intjlmiii t-omriy. tuming hoard as votini; for Uuyes; no .Mirliipiri, (tliat Iiuiii;: Iliopliico wlioru tlm irircti'it l,eeoni« painfnl, an.l .Icspite oar cllorti. to matter how their votes wore cast. Al­ Press sliow.s a ftalo of corrii])tion and (•oiiiT. lor Hiiiil i-oiiiity ill* lii;;liam w lidil.) lluTii will di.srof;ard for law on the part' of republi- IM« Holii, to till' lu;;ln'nt biiMcr, tlm prfmlrtci ib-Hin-iNfii loak (luictly and ialrly upon tho I'rcsiden- ready have the chief ollicers of the arniv III Haiti niorihUKf, to fatUfy tlio unioniit li(!lii>jan, iiceonlinK to tlm n-i'iiriloft plot'thnvor. r. -nfliiid. Orleans with a curt Idanolie to declare paign of hatred, abuse, vitii|ieralion and It. V. laUKWlN, .Morl^-iiKfi'. There is not ii .slia.low of doubt hut ihit Louisiana nii.ler martial law t.li« moinoiit,' slander that was so persistently waged by M.lJ. Cii.MTi:t:Tov. Ali'y l'or Mortniiijfi'. The Ingham County Democrat! Samuel .1. '.rihh-ii has lj..M;n lairly aud in A/s .ru.Igmeni., comes the lime for suc'.i the Ifayes managers, and is e.\actlv what Duicil, No\vnib.»r*i;tili, ISTf-. It'.ui:; lioiiestly idiK-lL-d to th« onie... of I'l-esi. act, waa expected uf tlmm. If any (•vi.l.;nce Cliaiicfry .Snip, .I.iiit ol"' till! Uidtecl .States, IJT a lar.i;.; lua' With the frauds of voters at Uie b'allot were needed that Gov. Ifayes is tube In itnr^iiiiinri' ainl I-y viriiif ot" a tIcciTo of tbo •pM-iiy ol' th". lo;.'id vot.;s cast iu llm seviT- boi w« hav» iiolliin^' to .lo. Thei-f,- is a IT STILL LIVES, Cii'i'iiir t;oiiri Tor tin- Coiiiiiy of liijilmin, in i;iiiin- made l.'riwident by fraud, or that sueb an ••cry, mii.Ii'on ili*; rjtb day of >'ovi'iiib..r, A. li. 1ST.\ stall's. LL-aviii.i,' oul l.oiiisiaun. .South. law lo apply lli..' reimnly for .--uoh. i;vils, attempt is lo be made, the fullowing dis­ in a certain niiii^o iliiM-i-tn pi'miiiif:, wlinvin .lolni It. J'uUin is ronipliiiimnt inul Jiwiali .•^IHTIIUIII, Knili Cai-oliua.and Floriila, Mi'. Tihloii has l.-^t mill tin: law is sullieieiit for PTOry such patch is all sullicient and conclusive, Slu'i-iiiaii. Jiimos It. i'"ronl, Aui;nHlns MVII?*, iiml iljir- Notwithstanding the Lies to the vy Iliiniiiioiiil ai'i* tlrtV'iiiIaniH. Xorn.'i: \s iir,i;i:iiv ..jueiorial votes, hiclcin^' hill- one of a IUP' einoi';rency, Jf the law can bu lion.ially, T'his crowning act of itifaniv is lo bo re­ I)IVI;N, ibiit on .S.I/((I>/.(»/,;I//( ./.(V h,;;'mU-i\ A. jovily over Of thus.? tUivp .-nurs. a|. peated in Florida and Louisiana, anil I>. 1^7tJ,llI OML* o'i_'Ioi:l; ill till'afli'i'imon. Ill tin- front, Hiiictly with dij;iiiry ap)died, we liavi; no ilgor of ilii-CoiirL lloiif*!', in llm riiy uf IMasoii, in tliougU full ollic-ial I'd urns !i:iv.. n.ir. yr\ fears l'or the result, W'e will in silence then it reinaius to he seen if lhe Ameri­ rtiild iVomty of rn;,'liiiin. .•\rirlii;;iiii, 1 ^lulU s.-Il iil. Contrary. piililir unciioii, to tin. lii;-]ii.st hiilib-r. Ilif pri'inl-.-s Ij.iun n.-ui-iviHl, piiOM.L'h is lcno«'u l.i war-abide its decision no ni:itl(;r who is the can people will quietly .submit tn such dfsi'ribril, in >»iii lii-frvi', iin follows. runt thu assprli.iM iliat Louisiana ;:ivi'« suM'erer. No man (it to hold llie oflice of outrageous usurpaiimu TUo n.M-lb lialf or llu* >oiUb half of ilio ^iln^tll-^'ll^^ ipiarior ot' t^ovtlou (wi-niy-iwo Tiliien a iinijoviiy of ovi;r niue ilu.n.saiul Chief Ma^iisi-nile of the lloimblic would und till* wi'-l liitlf of Iho soiitli-u'f>t ipiailfr Col.L'.MiiiA, S, C, .\ov, —The J^oard of haid •ii'Ction twiMily-luo f--); and llio iiorih hidf votes. .Soiilli Carolina will l^e (•luniU'd consent lu set-ihe had .'.vamjile .if conniv- of III.-South half ol'iho >oiiiii.nr;.r .i"-'i't»>i" "i" MT- for Uiiyi'S, an.l h'lin-i.la lus an csiinialol in;; at corniptioii even to secure his own of .State Canvassers yesterday made re­ Ttiunii: .IRE HOT rmiiiiii COMI.XC; .4^0 THE nii::»ro£«.iT lion tvv.'iity-thn'-'(•_';;); all in town-hip iliivo (•;;) port t.i lhe Supreme Court, staling the iiurtli olriiii;;.- on- 1 11 .M-;t ^ iriu-aUloM) in I ho (.'oiiii- majority of iwelv.' Uionsau.l l'.ir Tikli'ii, advaiii-emenr. I'-el. tho law lake ill ty of lii;;liaiii and ."^laU- ol' ..M if|ii;;;tii, r.oilainiiij; iu per.sous who had ri'i:..ived Ihe highest all Oio'Uimdri'il im-l Sl-.iy a.T---* of hiii-l. nior.- or l.lms ^'ivin;: liy ;in lioni'St i-fniMl, iwo addi- cousi' and the rijrlit iriiimpli. lint no will nut be a Silent Stpcctutur. U'l-s. .U ii'.|uiivil l'\ llo'.b-.Ti'i-ill Uiis caii-o, ihal iitimhi'rijf voles l'.ir the olllces for which part of ibf aliTiboii an tioiiul states—..r livflvi: ndditional .•lectors more .if the bnyonel! .\'n niorr interfore- the wf.-it half of ihr :„.alb.ur«i .piiuii-r of (..H-timi they were candidates. .-Vppcndi'il 10 liie twi'iily-lwo y':.'!) will li.< M.ld lir-t. —to .Mr, TiliU'ii. lunhiii,.,' Iiiiii l!lu roles «ncc of the military. rc|iiirfof results was a m-.-morauduin of But will have something to say Every Week, ni.'NTlMJTM.V .V HKNlH':i:.-;n.V, nuliritors for ill the i.di.'cl.irnl f.iUee:c-, or ..devc-ii mors If lhe ,'>latcs .if the .South are I'edorul the leiard, >laling that in their u]iiiiion t-'tiiiipluiuaiil. :.r.' n.;tunlly nwdpd lr. make Iiini Sf tl Icelorial v.il.'s. 'l"li.' if Grant Jai-.is to raise his own sword let tiiicales of eleetloii to all the jiersous And IVnin ihi.sjimu'on will Ite the ino.st Jli-liiLblc; Uie Ko:\*sit'slj tlic Spicest. ami Best ^lll.t.s. il iiiiiKi;-, in nil.I l.i e.,rt:ii[i i-,...! ...uiio in Mjii.l e..iiiil>. .le^.Tih.-.tio. 111.. .'iLsr hull'il,,. ,.oiiil|.,..-i,.t I.;adiu.i; i'i.']iuldi..'an jni|KU-s of lhi> enuiitry it fall on his own neck! Jf the military who were shown hy the report of the .]iliirte|. .if.^..eli.ni No tliii-ly-.-ii\ clia ,,t 'rt,u-ii i;,n|. (•! J board to have received the highest uuiii- iierlli .'f rani;.. t\i-.. west, Inirl roiiiiiv. Sliile virlually conei'do this and warn th.; lead- is to lie cuUc'd out, the militia must meet i*jij>or :iL the County Seat. Kvery oilbrt \vill be made on the part of tlio Publisher of .Miehisan. llE.MlV LOTT. ber of \'oles fin- mombars of the legislature, Chiardinii ofraiil I'IIAKMIV ^tn.i..., a iiiiiior, era i.f tliuir |iany ajfuiusl altoiiiplin;,' the il. l.aleil .llnwoli N.ivelii!ie|. l-ll!i. ISTiI. faivu uf ••ciMiiitiii;,' iiut" ili-iii.icriitiu par- •\\'.! did not advocate the election of Mr. iiiciuiling the cuuutics of J^^gdelield and to twcL'l ill I-OL-al and General NVMV:;, in Utliablt; M:irla't XloponSj and iu all mattors Laurens. The- Court also took up tho i.ihi;s euoii,;.'h loeive the .-U'L-lioii lo llov. Tilih.Mi, but belbre the bayonet shall kce]) case of the cli.'Clors and issued a rule on K»il Ji.o:iil Time Xiit)I(>.s. Ijaye.s, him from enteriujj upon lh» .lutics of tlif of intoi'cst ill tlic FaiuiU'. till), board to ahow cause why they should But wliil.' the hoiieat, ]iatrioti(; nu;n ofollic e to ivhich wo believe lie has been not correct the statements of tlic counlv SIleliiKan Ci.-iitnil K. It. ilmrepulilii-uTi jwrty imx-l tin; issm- s.|uaro- elected, we are ready Lo clusdoiir ofjlce. Jay On an.l afp-r ilfay liStli, ISTll, trains will run a.s canvassers by the |ireciiicl returns in their follows: )y iiiid :tak i.uly that the votes legally e,-isl down the pen, take up our rille and go^ possession. Treeediiig these |iroeee.!in;;j JtATX LI XI-:. IJO honestly eounti.'d, the uliijrinei[ded direct to \\'ashiii;;'toii .n- any p;irr of dan­ uf the Court, liowpver, the l.-oard !.;eW :'• Tll.llNS K.i...-r. «' lUiy lAllali. JXiKlil 't-.Mail Ilxpress l-lxpi-.-rs i-lxpr.-,..?. luanae'rra liU.? (-'liaii.lirr iiiul (.'unieniu :i.re ger ho assigiie us. Sessiou :uld issiied oijriijicajed 10 all llio ('Iileiij;...... *, nil a 111 Iiiiniiiii 1.". p m '.loiipm fairly luoviii;; lieaveii an.l eartji lo n?»erso Wo hoi.ie it will not come to liiis, but if Mii.li. l-ilv.. T:;J 11 III! 7-1.1 11 1.-, naiiiiburs uf the iegi.slatuiv e.\Ce]it for Nil.-s '.I nil TJo'.Jpni s .'i-'. 1-.:a 111 iljc resnU and have the infamous retnrniiij.' in defence of ih.i right uiid to Jeach the Laurens nnd J-idgelield e..ninli.>s, thus se­ Kiiliiiiiii-/.i>.., ill -t.'. III i;r, l',lllll..('l--|...ll on I :iii ll i.'.i •1 1.-. linard of l.onisiaiui •'(.•omitc"/" the TiUlen bayoni.'t that it has no [lOwer over tiie bal­ curing a majority of tlii: legislature to .Miii-»iiali....l'-; -I.', p Ul 11 •; !i; •dei-'tort ami ''.•ount //i"th>! lUyir.s electors, lot, wi; arc r.-auy lo .piit ;<11 business und the Jtepublican side and the doloat i>f :: 111 11 .V, •I Iii­ Don't Pail to Subscribe at Once ! All.i 1 M 1-.: -Ill 11 ni .l ilii'r.djy .~'eciiriiijj that stale, with \u eon-go at once 10 the duly and lhe tiilo before I-IaiuiJtoii and the clecliou of Chaiiiljer- .laelcsi.ii. nr. :: ns .1 111! l--tn .laelcniiii, le. •! 1! IIII .i f:oded iiin.> tliou.ean.l demoeratie majority, Ui, lain. The board also issued eerlilicales uf Ann Ai-I.or.. :•• ,^ 1.'. ^'psilanti.... -1 l.'i ils 'J. I'll n -.'s lo the repulilican party, fii Kloridii llioT 'J'li.3re are mlllioua of iiicii vrho will do eUictioli to Uayos aad \Viiee!eridi;ctors and li.-lroil. I.e.. .'. -1.' C I'.'i ;i:i.i IMS 'L'u.MNS ^Vl•sr. liny JEv'ii;,- , S•!l III'a...liI e riropose to .lo tlie saiu.: tliiii;; and liyiliese the same. Tlmre are enough Democrats to all the Jiepublicaii . Stiile ticket. The l-..\lir..ss l.;\I>lej.i A detcrminod and .sv.steuiatic clforL having been made by onr opponents to breal ".Mail Expi-..>s ;.\vi.i I'rftUiis oiunbined ^iv..* the J'*rfih:idcncy board then adjourned utiie die, 'I'liis ac­ li.'tr.iit. l\-.. 7 nu a ni In nr 11 nil [.111 P .''lO p 111 in the country uho dan; light for the right Vpwiluiiii.... s;u 11 111 7 1:; 11 l-i 10 their eaiidi.late. to crush Grant ami his army into tlieearth tion of the board has created much e.'c- Ann Arl.or.. s .'.i*. 11 JiJ 7.l.-. nan citement but the eiti'/.ens are deterniiuod dtiwti and drive out the UH.MOCRAT, wo are mcu'C deteriiiiued than ever to stay lu.dvsiiii, ai-.lii -lu l-j a-j i» m '.. i:.'. I'j -1'.: n III '.rbul. ihi-re is an attempt beiii^' niadi! and to do it linll,...l:;-J-", p lu 1 ."I lii.-is It.-, (ji'.eslloii now i^ wlielhcr llie Aiuerieas b(! J'residenl! !.,et him call for help, and Uiiitle ijr'k. 1 no •• 17 ll :i7 :; lo Knliinia/.o.j. 1 .'.it ;i n:; 1'.: till a In :! people will submit to it. The rijjht and it will come. ]f we are to havo luic, let OEX, 1IAMI"I'0.N"'S .VUDUKS.S. N'il.-s :i-|-, .l-i! -J :io .| ;:ii CoLL'.MiilA, S. C., Nov. 22,—Gen. Jfan-.ii- cratic party, but a credit to the City and County, and to this end wc a.sk .Mieli. City., .'.in .',:i.-, ^ n.'. .1 .'..I -.vronj,' of tho maltpr does not eiiler into th. law prevail. If we are to havo iriir, Cliieni;o, ar. 7 llu S Ui) 0 :iu s nu lon has just issue.l the following address: *Sim.liiys .•x.;cpu*il. ^.Salni-dnyri and Snn.lays e.\- I lie conVesl. boeause the ri-)iiiblieaii lead- we are reaily for it. the co-operation of our friends everywhere, to cnlal-ge our list by cepted. -i-Diiily. vri oare for neither, and will liesitalt at The country liaa ha.l too much of CoLL'MliiA, S. C. Nov. 22. To J'lhc eiijile r,f .^lir.itk Cimdina: liO infamy howevcn' base thtil may be eon- Grant, of republicnnism. of military rale tho addition of prompt paying subscribers, and to increase .SAfll.VAW DIVISION. The Jjoard of Canvassers have by their The Sh.irt Line I., an.l from tlie Siif;iiiiiw Valley and aidered iifeessary to accomplish their inir- andliayom;t iiiterl'erance with the rights Xorthern .^lieliigiiii. unprecedented action lo-day shown not llOSI'. of lovereigu jieople, and if "resident our .lob Printingpati'ontigc. Jn return wc promise to 'J'lie .sitimlion i.s a v.'ry serious one to elect Tildeu wanld that chair, lie can haro only their contempt and deliance of the Trains Soiitli. :\rnii. .Su]irenie Court of the Slate, but tho titter l*ay (Ji:y, leave, 0:-10 II. IU. r.rJii p, in. j.iie American people, nnd should not be it for all the jiower there is iu Grant, give to the work our entire time, ability, and best Wonotta :i::,t. xr«at.!d ilia partizaii manner. Let us lay Sheridan, Sherman or all the iinifonned disregard of their own ollieial inlogfity. Sagiiiiiw City 7;.',^ •h'Jii While llio grave fpioations of determiuiiig UWOHMI li:-l.1 ri:,V. riside tnir political dilVerrences for a lime bayonet soldiers in the L'nion to jn-eveiu. energies, and to publish a pajicr that our snb- 1). Ciu-v-'lnK t;:17 the result of the recent election wore pend­ 1-ansiii;; lu:r.s 7;'J,S and reas.ni t.igetlior like men. as iiei^^li- Mr. Grant, you bave heard how rockets i\Ia»oii 11:27 7:''7 ing belbre the Supremo Court, composed liOSlio .*.'.'.*...." nirin bora, patriots and law uliidin;; citixens. go up a.nd how rockets come littwii! icrlbei's can h'nd no fault with. Jackson t-:-j I". III. '.t:UU If frauds have IICKII committed, let the of thri.'e judges lieloiiging lo the llepubli- perpetrators bi; hunted out and pnnisli.nl. can jiariy, and in direct violation of the Traiii.H Xurth. 3I"ail. Kxpriiss. TliK Landing Re]iublicaii ieeni... 10 If the law lias been violated nnd set at nl'dcrs of this tribunal, tho board liavo .laeliHon, K*avi! 7:iiuu. in. •l:U;j p. lw. think that because other ]ieoplc make Loslio 7:10 •Iris . ileliance, let the majesty id'the law be as- issued certilicates of election to the ite- ."^la.son .S:i)r. :.:io mistakes, that justilies its own blunders. l-aiisinK S::iT • t;:a'. serteil and vindicated. 7'/'/< //'/> <;/" //;/• Iiubliciin Presideiiti;il electors and'to the 1). ic M. Orori.-^in^ i: 7:1:; Such is llie "value of accuracy." The Ilcimblican St:Ue ollicers, and have refits, (.KsMti^O .'.l;r.7 7:ls .lifipithlif' (ifjteniL't ujimi nn'triiiif 0/. a SaK''iii^\' City 11:;'.7 'J:tu same paper limls i'aalt because we rcl'rr ed to give certilieatcs lo the Pcinocrulip •Jtiat (tiul jH'itccdhle .sohitii'U of' t/tf voir Woiioiia lli:"') p, ni. ii::jii three limes to the election of G. W. .Sack- moihbel'S of logislaturo shown by the ro. JJay (Jiiy, arrivo l-I.'V 10:110 iiiiHilr.d ijiiCfUiiii (IS In irliu in eir-rltil /Ve.v/- It. 11. Ll-MIVAItri, f;..|i. .Snpr., l>eli-oit. rider to a seat iu the legislature. Vi'e re­ turns of this same board to have been n. C. WliSTWOJlTll, o'. P, & T. A., o'lilea;;... >lniL fer to the same ihing again lu inform our elccti.'il in the counties of Jvlgelield and HELP US NOW. J>titi-..ir. tiiiisiiit; Lake Blleliijcaii It. It. Lansing iicighbur tiiat an ollieial count (Ml an.l al-t.-r July anili, iS7il, liiiiiis will run as TiiE Lansing Itepublican want.i demo- Lauren-:. This liigli-haiuled outrage is fellow...: eraric voters iu .Meridian iinisecuted, and increased his majority to two hundred. well calculated 10 arouse the indigmitiou 'J'niins-W'.'St. Sliilions. Tniilis Knst. The Campaign is over and we have expended -l:niip.iii. s;ii.', a.m. I»..tr..it l:^:o-> 1..111. liiiiiu p.m. hints that if an honest man is left iu its How i^ that for dcmoeralic gaiua in s- re­ of our long suH'ering |)00ple. but .1 assuri; -1:.*.S '.1:11.'. plviiioiilli.. Iliiia ii.ni. ;i:lll publican ilislrii't. them that this daring and revolulionary 1 nuns Jt..«-..ll ln:i)S S:n,', jiarty to dn tlie jirosceiiting. the ollice a large amonnt of nionev in aid of the I'.il:: 111::;:; - F.i«-l..rvilleP:-l;i 7-ls act of the board can bave no legal force T:lr. li;i'. Lnll^illK ,s:o.'. il:::.'-. bidders (we iiresume) will furnish the S:-hr. I'J;.'..'. ii.ni. Porrland... 7;-l.'. o:n.", money, M'ill they furnish money to ]iros- The Horal .St'iise of 1 lie Aiiierieaii IVii- wimt-evi-r. 1 appeal to you therefore in P;;in l:-l.'. loiila i;:-l.'. .|;i'. tho fullest coulideuce lliat the appeal will ^au.se of the people, and now urge our friends 111:1.'. ia-....iivllle..o::iii ;i::;ii .•cule the election board of Leslie for //• Ilk- Mill not Tdlorule It. 1 hail p.m.:;;-i.'. irowiu-.l -t;-!,', ..;;;'.ii In/idli/ iiiljiiiiriiiiiii hrfurt rmiiiliii,/ lhe not be unheeded, that you will maintain, Co.VNr.eTioSK.—At D.'Iii'it Willi (1. W., CI. T., L. S. Tli^ Chicago TriliuiU! adds its voice lo even under that provocation, your cliarac- to aid us at once in swelling our list of .t .M. S., JI. I.'.. I). & P.. C. I). ,t .M., C. S. Bailwiivr; I-IJU,1 Will th.;y ftiniisli iiiouey l.) |irose- all sieuiiil.oiit liiiof,; iit.l'lvnuinlli with J-'. ,t 1*. Jl.'lt. the protest against the comtem]ilateil iu- ti.'r as orderly and law abiding people. 1;.: at Lalisinj; Willi ,r.,'l.. ,t S. anil 0. .t L. 11. li. cute the men who Ijttiif/hl vnlfx fur .laiiies iipiily iu Louisiana in lhe fullowing em­ subscribers. We want PllOMPT PAYING- It'ilS at l.jiiia with i). ,t jr. 11. It.; ami ut Jlomii-a During the past exciting canvass you witli 0'. li. ,<: I. It. II. Turner'.' Will iJii..y furnish inoner to phatic maimer: J. 1'.. MUl.LTlCE.V, Orii'l .Snp't. proseenle lhe, republicans who deceive.! have studiously avoidc.l even the sem- ' W» assume that l hose votes were tlirown subscribers, and plenty of them. Give sevi-ii .leniocrats iu .Meridian into voting Idancp of purpose to disturb the piijdic Cliicaj;.! K T.iiki- Ifunm It. 11. by legal voters, ami know of 110 right, re­ ur to transgress the law. Yoar cau.se, (PEXI.N'SCLAi: JIIVISIO.V.I liihjiis lirl:rls. printed ut th' Ili'jiiihlli-(iii cognized by any law id' any State, whereby us a little encouragement iu oach township 't'o tilke ..lr.-et .^[onda.v, N.iveinlt.'r 2J, 1S7.", at 7 a. in. the votes (if legal volei-s lawfully polled, »n.l it is tlio cau.so of the coustilutioual Tile C'onipaii.v re.Hei'ves ilie i-i^ht to vary as eii-- can be rejected and they disfranchised. governineut of the country, has been car­ cul^^taIle...s niiiy re.piir.'. of the County, and it will enable ns to Tf.ni: T.xiii.v: XII. s. Tin: Lansing Jtepnblieaii ami Ingham We do not believe, therefore, that the ried to lhe highest court of the State and moral .seu.so of the Anieric-aii people will Ta.viXii Wi:sr. Mlx'...l .Vepoin. .I^.vpi-ess t.'ounly Ni.-ws inal;.> a terrible fuss over Xo. 11. X.1..I. .\...'j. consent to or tolerate that thu election of wu aro willing to abide by its decision, make many iinprovemeiitii in tho paper. I. anwinj,-, .I.'j ll :i(i p. 111 11 ::ii n. m. iheliiet ilial Ingham county gives a ma­ !» Hresidiint of the L'tiite.i States shall ho fecliug iiKsnred that litis tl'iljunal will seo Oliiirlou.. SIS l'-:ijp. Ill, decided by throwing out the votes of sev­ iMlvel S .'.-. l:;.-.! jority of ahoui .-ijtty, and pnif iheni.sclves that the law.s .shall bo enforced and jiislieo II. 'Revi... p :;;: 1,. m. | in up to l'"alsttiHian pro[iorLious over tlii.s eral ihousands of legal voters. It—-alU- Ilaitlei.'i k luau ill.', Jill poUed in aiiy Stale in the iruion. W'e secured. Viek..*liiirt: • II :;*. :i :;.i • glorious ri'|iublieaii victory, J^et us give take it, therefore-, that the votes actuallv Selioolemrt II .l.'i ;l;i.-, |Signi;dj WADE H.V.MI'TO.V. i.:as.iopolls e .le .| .17 these two able, intelligent and hom;st('?) polled in these live bull-dogged parisheso't South llend -.1 A't :, journals some ligiires to ponder over. .\ t Louisiana will be counted, im inatt.»r Valpai-nisi p. m. p:;ii TiiE Iwansing Jiepublican is. gently P., l''t. U'. .i a .Iniic. nr. the eleclion of 1.S72 President Grant rc- what may be the result produec.l .)n the THE DEMOCRAT IS HERE TO STAY! election by so doing, Jf the facts bo as reminded that the "dftiiocrstic board of Tl:.M.\-«1-:.isT. Express '.Sei-oni. MI.TOI ' eeive.l in Jngham county a iiiajoritv over X.I. 1. Xo. a, Xo,.'.. atat.;.l, anil we have tri..'d 10 collalij thoia 'W'houtlicld" has a repuldicaii supervisor I'„Ft.;V..(:C',,Tiincde 7 Ilia. I Greely of mii l/miiituiiil ouf. /niudred and fairly from the staleiiieiils of both side.H, Valpar.ilM. 7'.lii ni, ...!.!',!! aud republican cleric. .Mr. "valiio of ac­ .SI.mil It..ml .n 111 le .|p '"'','/''','/ >'''•• 'J"he repuhlican county id'- the Jlepuliiicaiis of J.ouisiami and of the curacy'' givo your friend another poke. U.,-.s..po!lH IJ17 n.pj ,'..' llcors were all elected, some of tlioin with country have to bear the couseijuenee.s of Seho..lei'iil-|...'. 1 i,'-, ,',(,7 lhe panic which seems to have so slrickeii •N'ickrthiirK I .|ll .lull maioriti.>s ui'oi-jrltcsh-c liuudi-ed. h\ ISTG Ilnlll.i i.;i.....k :t III 7.i,j 7nl)a,ni, the colored voters in these live districts. ruitiuiiii (jraiijrc. ll.'llevu :i .',u s 111 Itayes receives a majority over Til- We look upon it as a calamity, bocausi; we Olivet .1,011 s :.|i Prof C. ],. 'Whitney, of Jluskegon, i.'hiii'loite .1 :;.s p 0.1 d.:u of U.ii lliuii nixlj/, and the highest re- know of no legal remedy. Thoro is no .Statu Lecturer of the .Patrons of JTus- LaiiHiii;;, ar .1 :io p. in ]ii .i.', IHibrican majority for county officers i.s less preeedentknowii to any idection law that C'uNXKCTi.iNS.—Laiisliift witli netroit, LnnsliiK & we have ever heard of where the votes of handry, will meet with the Grangers of Lalte MleliJpiii itallroiiils; .hiekson, Lansliii? .t ,Sii;;- Ihaii- lini hundred, with Lw.) democratic iniiM-Itailroad; mill Laiitihi;^ iJlvisloii of Xortlierii persons not TOting and not oU'ering to Iiigliam County, in Mason, on the 29tb (Jentnil ltiilli'.iiiil, f.'liarlolte, with. Cli-aii.l llivi' Val­ candidate» elected, onnrticlpato are retiuested to meet a.s above and agree up­ First Ward, ou the rules to govern tho coutcstiug sides as to count, &c.

Ox A\''cdncsday evening wo (that is the MASON, MICH. editor) accepted au invitation to joitv 12:; =sifet3.v lExeviitca. sult. As lln; oldest llopublican in the (lulf Slate. 1 call for a disphiy of manly honor iu this matter. Tilden and Nich­ Material and Workmanship ols aro ovidi'iuly elected. Let them be inaugurated. First-class and at tbe Call and see for Tonrselves.. My Stock is Fresh and Now is tiie time to have a Bottom Prices. .'Vutition Salo. The undersigned will sell al Public South Side Ash Sireot. Mason. Mieh. Crack. A Clioice lot of Wal­ Salt by tli6 Barrel, New and my Prices are as Low .\ucti(.in on tho (Jolson farm, three and one-half iiiih.\i west and south of Stock- nuts, Chesnuts and. Hickory as the Lowest. bridge, on Tuesday, ivoveinbor'2Sth, lS"i1, sale coinmcncing at 1 o'clock P. M. I Nuts, just received and for|' H'iiv Siilc, at will sell ihe Ibilowing ]iroperly: One thorough-bred Short .Horn Bull, 4 Milch sale at, Cows, '.) Calves, (o Yearling.s, A Spring S. p. STROUD, Calves,) Full Blood Merino Fwea,:; Full D. W. HALSTED'S. D. W. HALSTED'S. At home again, two doors west of Post lilood Merino Rams, 1 Full Blood Snil'olk (Jlliee. New styles of 1,000 Biislieis of Corn Wanted, Hoar, !) I'ull Blood Sulfolk Shoals, 7 .'Veres of Stalks, One Mower and Hay Burial Casliels, CoiQiis, Slironils. k, Hake, I Double Buggy, 1 Pair Bobs,l FOR WHICH I WILL • PAV CASH. l'"aniiing .Mill, Plows, Drag.s, Cultivators, All kiiiilriur triniiiiiiii;!! ill njii.suiiublo iiriircM, con- and all kinds of small fanning iinple- nliitiily un luDitl. All Sinds of Groceries Ifi.':irs« !I^'iti'iii.>^lMMl on Short Xollce, inents. Terms of Sale, all nums of live Will tittfiul riiin'r;iln in iifi'tiun, \v]u.'n rctjiiolod. dollars and under, ca.sh, over five doUam •.ippi'oved notes of nine months at seven RcincEnlicr tJtc I'lacc Soulli Sirtc Coisi-1 House Sqciarc. For S:i!c at Miison, Juno ilil, l.i>7il. per cent, interest. CHEAP .T. B. Ei.nERT. One Dollar Each, i LEONARD J. SMITH, Aiiii'iuled Seltool Jliiles. BLACKSMITHTNG! —AT— • —.vr— The School Boad, al its last so.=!sion, so COUNTY ACiKXT, W. S. STEWART, amended Rules D!, I.l, and 22 as to make D. W. HALSTED'S. D. W. HALSTED'S.: —run TIIK— .losEPii sn.iw, them read as fjllows: Fashionable .S'.iitU of IlK! Court Ifoiisp, Ma.soii, Mieli. SEC. I."..—Upon the return of a ]ni]nl New Wilson Sewing SVHaciiine. is prepared ti> de all work in Iho line of JJlai;l;- after any absence, the parent or guardian siiiithini; and Barber and Hair Dresser, shall give, iu person or in writing, nn c.>:- TIH'H is Ilm Ijcst, as wi:l! a.s Ihu chcajiciit Slachinn HORSE SHOEING! • HAEDWAEE ! HAEDWARE ! Over Huntington's Shoe Store, cu.se stating the cause. If il shall have in llio niui'kut. Tn iL workmanlike and HII lis facte ny niann'T. 7 beeu the sickness of the ]nipil, or neces­ l.-nvni'd niy trn.lo in 'hi;;);!!!'! and prof.'riH l.t he ii sary atteiulance upon a sick member of Don't Buy no oilier until Yon Try It^ Mason, - - j?Iicl9i.?aii. Ili>it-i'liiss IIin-h<' Sh"iT. Ilavu bct-n loronmn t>r un-' a family, or death in tiie family ol' the .i;v>-.\ll kinds of Needles and altaclnncuts kept >hop fipi- tilt! past live vciirs. etiastuntly on hand. Puffs, A K"«'d ^t»>i•k of iiU Uind^ i»l' UKIVU Sluuti, of my pupil, in eilher of such cases the tibscncc L.J. SMITH. own niakf, alwjiyr* on liaml. shall be excused, and so noted in the reg­ . Miison, J-ineSd, ISTC. Curls, Thankful fur piLst patrunap:*', T liupu hy H 'i^- ister. In every ease of the absence of a Icntiun to liusinpss and j;uuil work, to nu-rtt a cun- pupil for more than four half-days in any Braids, tinuatiiin ..f tlm sanif. .lOSKril SllAW- Utiison, JIi<:li, ItiTlI, lour consecutive weeks without satisfac­ The Mason S-wi'tciies, tory o.xeuse to the teacher for any other cause than those perinitted above, the .-d)- And all kinds of A NEW FIRM. senlee shall, without exception or favor, A. T. H be suspended from school by the Princi­ Llllili U ARB BAl LADiES HAiR DRESSiNO, pal, .-aid llie fact reported to tho l3oai'd of Trustees at the ne.xt regular meeting. Done to Order and'Salisfactiun Wilson & Mason, lias a full stock uf the best make and of the latest Iniprnvoineuts in this line. Is I^vpared lo attend SEC. 1-1.—Ahsmce.t.—Any pupil who Also, IROX, STEEL, NAILS, TOOLS, promised. Have entered into a co-partnership in shall be absent four half-days in four con­ Poiltical Meetings, the Blacksmith Rnsiiiess, lirst door west secutive weeks, without excuse saiisl'ne- of the Donnelly House, tory to the teacher, from the iiaront or guardian, givencitherin person orby v,Tii- Excursions, Pic-i^ics, MASON, - - - MICE. AU kinds of Agricultural Implements tennote, shall forfeit his scut in the school. They are prepared to do all kinds o! CITY- BAKERY Pupils thus suspended shall not bo re­ Blaoksmithing v.-ith neatness and dispatch. &c., &.C., &.C., stored to llio school until the parent or And Everything usually kept in a Hardware .Store. Particular attention paid to guardian shall satisfy the Principal that And fm-nisli Music at said pupils will be puuctinil in the future, Horse Shoeing. and obtain from him a written permission REASONABLE PEICES !! Alt Work warrantcil to nive Katisfaciion. for their return. Two tardy innrks shall RESTAUEA.HT, Jf. ,T. V.'ILSOX, KOBERT T. MASON -V TIN SHOP is kept running, .and .lobbing or Repairing done on short notice bo deemed eriuivnleut to one li.alf-day's ab­ E. F. aiEACBa, Lcatlcr. .'^ni. . sence under this rule. Give us a call before Purchasing, A. MEM Al*, Mainasrer. On Maple Street, north of Court House, Charartar Xortur on hiuid ivll tho yi-ur ronmi, lunl MASON, - . - MICH. . of the Arrows, and you vir'll have The truth is we do not intend to,, be, cun (111 III! work promptly anil t;inmintoo HHrii^f;u:tion. AT DANSVILLE, . Don't fail to KIVO ma a will whon you nucJ work no other. We warrant •tlicm Give ua a call before aolling, and you will not underbid on work, even if we have to of thU kind douu. Shop Corner JIaplo and A Streets, opposite Don- THE KKSI WEDNESD.VY OF E-VCU MONTH. Fresh and G ooi. regret it. •'work for nothing and board ourself." nellr Qouae. MaHoir, Juno 20,1870. tf OtQcc, second flo&r, oiOorrow't Block, m Fra^ell & M^mui FITCH & BUNNELL. Bring in your orderi at once, tf, of tbe CburoU of England tbrougbuut tbe were no signs ot danger, but before midnight than tho spirit ot onr oommunicatiou, Itcau that both tbo organizatio»n an^^^d actlou, eitho^r world. a wave swept over the country to the depth, hi hardly have eacapod your notice tbat our state­ Judicial or ministerial, ot tho Returning Board Ingham County Democrat many places, of twenty teet, surprieiug tbe ment ot the result tn be attained by tho co­ of Louisiana was bryond anv anthorllativo a: people in their beds. Dense grovea of ooooa- The CorroaponileneB In Hvsard to the Can- operative action which wo sought to bring vuaa of thn Vote. control from without, and that'll would bo tho J. V. JOHNSON, PfjBUsnBn. T'uK Western Wholesale Dmg Asaoomtion nnt aud palm trees aronnd tbe villages enabled about, WBH a simple reproduction ot tho lau- height ot arroganoo and tolly lo attempt lo had a oalUd maetins at Bt, Loois, recently, at many to save tbemaelvea by olimbing-among ims BEPLV. guaga of President Grant—at whose rcqnpat alter tho laws of % State ot which wo aro not which ImslDeaa of intorest only to ibe.mem- tbo brancbet). Some took retnge on tbo tops Tho following is tbo reply of tho P,npubli- wo understand yon aro bore—in bis recent order citizens, or to obtmdo our interpretation ot MICHIGAN. of their houses, but tbo water burst the bonaea to Gon, Sherman. That language was deliber­ UASON, bora waa tranaaoted. mK banquet waa Riven by asunder, and swept them oat to sea. Some cans to the commnnication from tho Democrats the laws upon those whoso duty ia to adrainb!- tbe lociil membiira atThe Lindoll Hotel. - inviting a conterrnoe: ately used, uo donbt, in view of tbo fact about tor tbom." Wo may, tboroforo, as we think, were carried thus across tbo channel, ten NEW Oiii.EAj».s. Nov. IG, 187G. which, as wo conceive, there can bo no duiputo, aasumo that you will agree with na that it Tne M'otbodiat Epluoopal Miasionary Com- miles, to tbo Obittagong diatric^ but tho vast To Hon. John yt. Palmer, Lewis V, llOKy, Lyman tbat tbo first and most ONsential pre­ would bo arroganoo equally to attempt by our THE NEWS COxVDENSED. mittoo laat week mad* tho following approprU- majority woro never hoard ot again. Tbe Trnmbiill, Jomca O. Broadliead, W. B, M.jrrlson, requisite to an boneet and Just declaration of the concerted action to inlluenco tho procoodinca tions: Japan, $15,000; Arizona, Ji2,000: con- countiy is perfectly .Hat, and almoat every ono and others, present ut the request of tbo Chair­ result ot tbo recent election iu Loniaiaua is orreaiutot tbeoonrtsot justice or of boardii nerbibed who tailed to reach- tbe trees. There man of the National Domocratlc Committee: a fair und impartial canvass of tbo votes acting jndioially, and hence wo aro grititlotl rt THK KAST. tinRent fnnd, 425,000-, incidental expenses, la scarcely a boiiaebold on the iaianda, and on $25,0DU; cUlco oxpeuNes, tll.OOO; and for dis- GijrnjaicN: Tbo majority of tho undor- actuolly cast, and it seuma to na that you do being able, from the language and tonur of THE OraDgcn' oocunpiDOQt bnilding at Elm tho adjacent coaat, bnt loat many members. aigncd, to whom your noto ot tbo 14th inst tbe Proaidout iujnatico hi aupposing that in your letter, to assume that yon did not wiah to Station. Ponnaylvania railroad, a few mlleo semmating missionary information, $20,000. Tbo catUo sre all drowned, the boats was addreaaed, only arrived in this city yeotor- spea'aing of the votes uctnally oast be meant ooutor with us tor tho purpoao of iafluonoing- from Plilladelphia, waa toUUy dcatroyed by THK clearings of tbo Cbicngo btnks for last are swept away, and tbe means of communica­ day evening. Wo have, tboroforo, been un­ votea illegally cast, as you certainly do us in- tho action ot tbo Returning Board, but only tion with tho other districts aro deatrnyod. able to reply until tbiii mo'rning. and can only juatico by the imnulatiou nf a deniro tn in'*iat to secure puch co--ipera!ih:i or. c-.:c pirt .-vs. flro last wock. Loss, liSO.OOa; inaurauoo, week foot np a total ot it21,12G,033.GG, being There is much diatrcss among tho aurvivora, about $3,170,000 loss than for tbo corroapond- regret tliat vour eommunicatlon should have upou such a unriow and vicioua iuterprutn- wunJd enable us joiutly with ytiuraolves to- $50,000. wbiob tbo Government is relioving. Tbo f7o«- boen given to the press immediately upon its tion, witnoss tho ijrooseUinga tlirougl.'iut. A cou- WM. H. TAYCT-'S grain and flour miUs and ing week of last year. emnienf Gazette says tbat wherever the atorm- delivery, and without tbo possibility ot an lu our judgment tbo cxoreaaiou " votes sc- toronoo for such a purpose w-ould uow seem oiovator, at Two Hundred and Twenty-ninth Mcixcfs and Hngbes, tho two men arrested wavo passed it is believed tbat not a thhd ot anawer accompanying. Yon romark that tnally cast" of a uocoaaity doaignatea votoa to be unneooasary. as we learn from a commu­ the population sarvived. The islands have Htreot and Second aTonuo^ Now York city, was in Chicago recently on tbe obargo ot attempt­ we oame at the rcqitoat of tlie President legally cast, aud, aa a couacquenco, ot such nication juat rooelvod from tho Iward, which ing to deapoil tbo tomb ot Abrabam Lincoln ot baroly ooo-tourtb ot their former inhabitants. to see that the Board ot Canvaaacrs make a votes only did wo deaire to secure a f*ir and appears to ua to acoompliab what bv your ex­ bumod tho other night. Loss heavy. ite prociona contents, wore indicted by a apecial Tho stench from tbo putritying bodies is in­ fair count ot tho votes aotnally cast, and impartial ciuiva>. Girllolil. qui to bo entered, and Mnnn and bis surety TuE British ateamer Looaor and tho Ameri­ at most rcq-iestod to be witae.^ees of w.HB an inlhionco that night bo rightfully o.t- Ohio: S. sloUKhtoh, J. Van Aliitii. .N'ew York; sidora that tho Indian war will soon bo oudod. w-ero discharged. ertod, even by citizena of thia republic who aro w. D. Kelley, Pennsylvania; Job E. Stevenson, iio writoa that bo will proaocuto tbe winter can brig Francea Lowey.from Swatow for Now what aball occur in -tlio canvass ot Ohio; Kiigene Hale, .Maine: .1. M. Tuttle, ,T. W. campaign with energy, ao that it will oloao FUUTICAL. Cbwang, China, bavo been in collision. The tho votea. without power or legal influonoo atrangcrj in thia State, and we had taken it for Chapman, William It. Smith. W. A. MrOrow, Iowa; before tbo acoaon ia too far advanced. He THE oflloial canvass of the vote in Ohio for latter was sunk, aud six of ber crow and paa- over tho reault, or ever tho means by which, granted that your preacnco hero, in respotiao Sidney Clark, J. C. Wilson. Kansas ; C. », Varwoll, saya that tboro nro hardly any Indians on seugors drowned Tlio long-projected mar­ under the laws of Loaisinna. tlio result ia be to tlm anggoatiou of tho Proaidout, waa a recog­ Abner Taylor. J. 51. neardsley, s. 1!. Haven, Illi­ President Ima boen conclndod, and it ia found dotermiood. Wo cannot doubt that yon. upon nition ot thia fact. Wo had auppoaod t.Mat it nois: ,Tohn Cobiirn, Will Cumbacln ludlanu- J tUo war-path, except tho band under Crazy that Bayoa' plurality over Tilden in that State riage between King Alfonso, of Spain, and the waa not improper tor ua to remind tbe Irving Ditty, Jtaryland. Horao, wliicli ia not VC17 numorouH, and about daughter ot tbo Duke do Montpensier ia now reflection, will concur with na. Wo aro hero aa 2,000 Indiana who aro oatimatod to bo yet with waa 7,51G. private citizena, with no ofiicial powcia. Wc, anthoritiea ot thia State, by our mere roportod definitely arranged. therefore, ciinnot snporaede or modify any laws prcBOnco at leant, that there nro cor- Sitting Bull, and auppoaod to have gone nortli. IT waa decided by tho Louiaiana Retnm- tain mles ot tairniws iind jiiatioo which The Man Wlio Has Uecii to the Cc:tten. Even ahould tboao latter confront Gon. Crook, uig Board to admit five ropreaontativos of of this State, nor have wo any right to control it is boliovod that bo wiU have a aufticiont forco or inlluenco any of its ofiicora aa to tbo manner underlie nil conatitntiona and laws, and upon ulal £xIiibitioii. each party as apoetatora of ita prococdinga, The Situation Explained. in wliich they aball perform tbo miniaterial or wlioao obacrvaneo miint depend the n.^quioa- under hitn to contend auocoaafully with tho and also lo allow contoatauta to be roproaentcd coiieo of the people of all partioa iu the declared A bashful-appojuring man stejipotl into boatilcH. But tho opinion provaha Htroiigly by oouuaol at audi timea aa tbo Board aliould Everybody was undecided. No one judicial dutioa impoaod upon tlioai by ita law, that Sitting Bull will not light any more, aud could say with certuiuty that Hayes or and ahould we. being strangers and withoutfrf- result of the Louiaiana election. Eiilcs auch the Enquirer editorial room tbo other tliat tho haraaoing ho haa boen aubjoctod to, dcaiguate for bearing argumwta upon diaiiutod ficial fnnctioiia. attempt this, wo ahould bo aa thcae : That uo ono can judge in hia own evening, and ctlgiug np to tho table of queatiouM. A aimilar proviaion as to publicity Tilden was the next President, and in onndomnod by the people of every State in tho case ; tbat tho deciuion in any contest ought and tho loaaca ho haa aalTorod iu tbo Inrgo waa made in South Carolina, tho Canvaaaing tho midst of all the conflicting opinions not to depend upon tho moro arbitrament of tho managing editor, hat in hand, said nnmbora of follon-era vrho bavo doacrtod hioi, Union for an improper interference with local in a hesitating way: " You like little will onuBO him to fly nortliworil. It ia not bo­ Board having voted to allow a committee of and contradictory dispatches it was re­ adminiatration. one cf tbe p.srtioa thereto; that before aucli a Democrata and Itopablioana to bo preaent The tollowing extract from tlielawa of Louiai­ dociaioti ia made botli partica ought to bo fully items for your paper, Isuppose?" " Cer- liovod that ho or hia followers will como into freshing to fall iuto tho company of a and fairly beard; that all queationa of law tlio AgencioM. Jt ia feiu-ed that Gon. CrcoU'a Complete retuma from all tbo counties of 111- group of intelligent persons whose com­ ana sliowa tbo Canvassing Board i» c-xpreaaly re­ tauily," repUed Mr, CockeriU, " a uews- command will cxporienco aimilar and aa groat inoia givo Hayca a maj-jrity over TUdon ot quired in certain ciiaoa to oxorciso judicial as ouiiht to ho decided in conformity with its es- pnpor, liko life, is made up of little MutTering uow an thoy did last year on tbo 17,40G, prehension of tho situntiou was general well aa miniaterial functions : tabliabcd gonoral principles, and all questions enough to givo interest and weight to ot tact upon evidence duly piesoutod and items. What have you to ofl'er?" plains. THE total vote of Ohio at tbe Novc-mbor elec­ SHC. 3. That in such canvass and compilation woicbod, aro rules of univeraal recognition ia "Well," said tho bashful man, playing TitEiiB is oocaeion for general rejoicing at tion waa C59,757, divided aa follows for Presi their estimates and conjectures. Such a the returning othcers shall observa the folIo^^•iIlg group gathered on Jellerson street in order: Tnoy shall cotupile, first, the statements all the Statea of the Union. Tlio trial of oauaea with bis hat-band, " my name is Smith tho capture of tho villains who attempted to dent: Hnvea,330.C98j Tilden.323,183; Cooper from all polls or voUnK-places at which there shall involving public iutercat at leaat ought to bo —John Smith—and I've just got homo." riflo tho tomb of Abrabam Lincoln nt its andopondent). 3,057; Smith (Prohibition), front of the palace book store of Wesley bftvp been a fair, free and reasonable reKistration public, and all tho prococdinga roaorted to for prociona contonta, a few daya ainco. Thoy 1 03G; Walker (AaU-Secret Society). 7G; Hayoa Joues, late Democratic candidate for and election. Whenever frcirii any poll or volinK- tbo purpoao ot determining tho iaauea in tho "Glad to see you back again, Mr. over Tilden, 7,51G....Tbo majority f.:>r Tilden place there shall be received the stntement of any Smith," said CockeriU, "been gone were captured by tho dotcotivoa at Chicago, State Treasurer, There woro several of Supervisor of Itegiat ration or CommiKsinner of preaent electoral contest ought by their last week. in Maryland ia otlioiaily reported at 19.799 tho best young men of tho metropohs. Election, in form as reqnireil by Sec, 20 of this .-ict, manifest impartiality to disarm tho suspicion long?" "I have been," said Mr. Smith, The otUcial majority for Hayea iu Illi- an aa^davit of three or more clti-ions of any riot, that tho forma of law bavo been perverted with a t,remor of prid* iu his voice, " to THK annual reports of tho oflicora of tbo easUy distinguished from tbo common tumult, acts of violence, intimidallou. iirincd dia- into instruments tor tlio violation ot its spirit. Intor-Stato Industrial Expoaitiou wore made noia ia reported at 18,013....Tho Be herd by their languid air, and their weak turhanco, bribery-, or corrupt iiiDnencoH which In thia connection wo may bo permitted to ob- the Centennial, and if you want to midjo to tho annual mooting of the atookholJora, turning Board of the State of Louiai­ mustaches, prevented or tended to prevent a fair, fn-e aerro tbat while nudoubtodly, aa you say, a a littlo notice " "What!" cried hold at Chicago on the ]9th inat. Tlie ana met. in purananco of law. on the 17tb inat., and jnfaceable vote of all fiualilied electors entitled BOiluloua inculcation and cultivation of tlio CockeriU, springing to his feet, "you've at New Orl^ana, for tho purpoao of oauvaaBiug "Aw," remarked one, "d'ye know to vote at siicli poll or voting-place, such returning Trouanror'a report for tho year ondiuf; Nov. DlUcers shall not canvass tlie count or compile habits of obodienoo to tho forma of law is vital been to tho Centennial? Aud you'vo 17, 1870. ahowa aa foliowa: Total ro. tbo vote of tlmt State at tho recent election. there's a deuce of a time about this elec­ the sljitemonts from such poll or votini;- to tho preaorviition of conatitutional libortv. it Tlio only busiueaa (ranaacted waa tberecoplion tion ?" got back? Give us yonr hand; I'm de­ coiptH, *11-1,1.10.11; diaburacmeuta. 810,^j,- placc until the stataments from all tho other polls ia no loaa important that a rofuaal toyiold a'uoh lighted to see you. Spear, let mo intro­ .^5.27; leaving a remainder of iJS.CO.l.SJ. of a plea on the part of tbo Democratic ciindi- *' Wha's it all about ?" said a second, or votiiiR-ptaces shall have Iwon canvassed obedience bo not provoked by uamg theao Tho expoaition of 187G laatcdtwoiity-uiiiodayM, datea againat tbo conatitutionality of theactaof and compiled. The returning oflicers shall then forma aa tho meana of aubvorting tho very duce you to John Smith, .John has tlio board, and tlie fonvarding of a com­ " I tho't th' election was over Xues proceed to investlRttte thestatemeiitsof riot, tumult, onda for wtiich they were deaigued. Without beeii to the Centennial!" Spear shook frnm Hcpt C to Oct. 3. Tlio number of exiiib- day," acts of violence, intimidation, armed disturbances, itors wiw Ml. Tbo whole number of admii?- munication to Iho visiting gentlemen ot bribery, or corrupt iiifliience at any such poll or undertaking to qtioatiou tho aiiicority of the hands very warmly with Mr, Smith, and siouH waa 217.189, not including exbiliitora or bolli partiOH, rcoucating i^o appointment "So'tvtas," said the first one; "an voting-place, and if, from the evidence of fliichstat^;-belief which you aro at paius to expreaa that then ran to tbe aperture communicating employes who had aeaaon tickets. Tbo amount of committeea to be present at the count. In tho people were all satisfied Wednesday •neut^ they shall 1«) convinced that such riot, tumult, .vou know ot uo reason to doubt that tho accruing from aaloa of ticlcota waa 4C(!,CC4..'J(i. roapouBO to thia communication tbo Democrata acts of violence, intimidation, armed disturbances, Louiaiana IteturningBoard will makea perfectly with tho reporters' room and shouted : mawning 'bout the thing, Tilden was bribery-, or corrupt influence did not materially lii- "O'Suaughuessy, come inhere, quick; abowng an average attoudanco of over ZiJOO appointed the following to remain boro and be elected tuid the wow was over, Tha' t<-rfere with the purity and freedom of the ••lection honest and Juat declaration ot tho rcnulta 0 f the preaent to witneaa tbo counting of tbe votoa atKUch poll or votini;-plare, or did not prevent a recent election in Louisiana, wo dotm it not here's a man that's boen to the Centen­ noraona por day During a porformauco at by the Uoturning Board: John SI. Palmer. II wa't evowybody said. But tho Ilmvk- HuRlcient number of •iinililied volt^rs thereat from improper to remind you that tho preacnco in Mooro'a Opora Uouao, in Sacramento, Cal., on nial." Then O'Shoughnes.sy bounced linoia; Lyman Trumbull, Illinois; V/illiam Eye came out th' next mawning an' said refiistering or voting to materially change tho this city ot so many citi-/.on« from all parta ot the followed by his assistants, all of Saturday evening laat, tbo floor cavo way, kill­ Biglor, roimaylvania; Goorgo B. Smitli, Wio- 'twas a Deraocwatic lie on' 'at Hayes was result of tbe eh.-ction, then, and not otherw-ise, Union at thia moment aecms to bo evidence of a in, followed by his assistants, ing aoven and womidiug abont 100 apoctiitora. said retumitii: oflicers shall canvass und compile conain; P. H. Wabion, Ohio. elected, an' now they'll have to count the vote of such poll or voting-place w-ith those _ whom embraced tho be^viidered Smith Tbo Opora Houao wa« aitniitcd over 11. large TuE count for Pronidoni; stood, Nov. 21, aa livory ntublo on Second atroot, betwoon K and the whole thing over a»!ain." pro\-iously canvassed or compiled; but, if the said boardwidely, auprovaloud thatt aucdiatruah dtatrust of thto haactios thiu so ffoun this­ warmly, and expressed the gratification ahown in tbo table below, with Louiaiana, returning: oflicers shall not bo fully sati-tled ihen-- L, and waa formerly uaod aa a State lu-mory. It " Dawm HxeillawkEye," said a third, of, it shall be their duty to examine further testi­ dation lit least, that tho constitution ot tlio it auorded them to meet a man who had had rocontly boon converted into a theater by votoa, and Florida, 4 votoa, to bo rotumcd: mony in regard thereto, and to this end they shall board has not been changed siuco itaretunis been to tho great national Exhibition, "It is .ilwi»ys woising a wow about Word got down stairs somehow, and putting up a gallery and a tier of boxes, making FOlt TILI)|.-N. something, "iwas the Hawk-Eye have powei to send for persons aud papers; if, af­ w-oro sot aaido by a Congroasioual committoo of tlio hall capablo of seating 1.000 porsona. Tliii StatfK. Vot'-i States. VaUn. ter Huch examination, tho said retunilns oflicers which tbo Republican candidate tor the Vice .Too McDowell, BiU Small and IJnclo Alabama 10 N'ew .L-rsey beat Curt and Hobbs an' the west of the ^hall be convinced that said riot, tumult, acts of Presidency waa a member, and this diatruat is Iloor waa unsupported except by tho usual Arkansas 0 New York :!i violence, intimidation, amiod disturbance, bribery, Joo .Shadengo came up stairs at a te.aring boania. Tlio viiudoviilo troupo had ongsgod boys. An' now it wants to beat evwy- not ummtural in view ot tho fact tbat aa wo Conneeticut North Carolina 10 Dr corrupt luflnences did marerially Int^^rfero with undtirstacd one of tho members ot tbo Ketnrn- rate, to gaze npon the individual who tlio tbcator, and, it being tho opening of tho Delaware tJ 'PeUni!MHee body on tho ticket," tbo purity an^t freedom of the electiftu at such poll had boon to the Exhibition, It w:is too OMtnbliaiiment, tho houno was crowded. So-jii Georgia 11 Texas Another best young man'bioko in here or votinK-placo. or did prevent a sulilcieut num­ ing Board ia a. candidate voted for at tho recent nftor the porformanoo oommoncc-d a nncldon Intliana 15 Viri^inia. 11 ber of the qualiaed electors thereat from register- election, another tho holder of an oltico of much for tho modest man to bear, and, Kentucky I'J West Virginia and attracted the attention of the whole Init and voting to materially channo tlie result of profit and tniat by the npoointniont of the murmuring so nething .about malting an sinking of tho Iloor wiia noticed, accompanied Maryland 8 crowd by tho startling announcement: the election, then tbe saul returning oflicers shall preaent Exccntivo of tho national Government, by tlio cradling of beama, and dirooUy tho en- MhslHHippi rota.1 181 not canvass or compile the statement of the votes item of his return it thoy wanted to, ho tiro anditonuni, ciu-ryiiig with it tbo atago and "Yaas, but didn't Coolbaugh settle of such poll or voting-place, hut sliall exclude it while all tho mombera of tho board aro baliovod Missouri 3 from those returns; provided, that any person In­ to be in afliliation with bnt ouo of the partiea hurried out just in timo to meet on tlie galiory, waa precipitated iuto tbo stable be­ KOR lIAYKR, the IJawk-Eye V terested in said ekciion by reason of being a can­ to the proaont poiitical conteat. In view ot all stairs tho foreman and thirty-two com­ neath. Many of tho wounded taken from tho StatM. ' VuCrn. "How'dhe do that?" chorused all the didate for place shall be allowed a hearing before thia it is hardly uoccs^^iur- to add that the niina aro in a crippled condition, and a umabcr Caluornia (1 .N*ow- Ilampahire positors, all eager to get a glimjiso of Colorailo Oluo rest, such returning oflicers upon making application terms of our 'letter were not doeigned tho man who had " been to tbe Cen­ will probably die. w-itnin tbo timo allowed for tlio forwarding of ro- to prejudge tbo queation wiiothor tbo fmic- nilnola 21 Oregon " Wy, by his telegwam or something, tnrna of said election. tennial,"—Cincinnati Saturday 2fight. FHOM Northern Dakota reports bavo boon Iowa II Pennsylvania said tho last young man, " Coolbaugh tions cf tho Retariiiug Board woro judicial or received at Wiujbiugtou that Sitting Bull ia Kansas 5 Ithoclo Island mmiaterial, or both, but simply to invite yon being supplied witli ammunition from Britiali Maine Vermont soys't Stone may. have Louisa county'n Hence, if there are any facts requiring tho to see with ua that, whatever may bo the char­ Massacbiisetts 13 Wisconsin 10 Lee, too, 'n Tilden 'U toko Hiinois 't The Yengcaucc of a I'iy. icrntoty. It ia said that immonso quantities Mlchigiui 11 Souih Carolina judgment ot the board upon tho validity of acter ot thoao functions, tboyaro ononly, fairly biivu boon pvu-cbaBotl up thoro ana ahippcd Minnesota 0 Ohio 'n beat him yet. So the Hawk- any oleotion or roturniug aa affected by aucb and honestly duichargcd, and,while we thus re­ A poor man died a few years ago in acroaa tbe country by wagona. Nebraska V Total Eye 'U have to give it up. frauds or violence, it would bo a manifest in- trained from any attempt at atatmg or con­ tho hospital at Paris from' a carbuncle Nevada 3 tertereneo with State rights and local aclf- struing the lawB of Louisiana, we doomed it Ciiiatoo olovatora oontainod, laat wook,2,832, Total electoral vote „3S9 "Lookce heah," said another, "wha's govemment tor persona like ouraeivos, with­ equally irrelevant to the subject of our corre- produced by the poisonous puncture of 683 bushola of wheat ; 422,-103 bnahoia Necessary to a choice ISi all this talk about a college got to do with out official right, to attempt to influence or apondonoe with you to alludo to the duties de­ a fly. Deceased informed some friends volving upon oflicers other than the conatitu- of corn; -13ii,25-l buahola of oata; Vnioi.MA's majority for Tilden is -14,24-1 it?" contnat its Judicial election. Had a. corres­ that one night a large green fly ksjit him 107,091 bu«bola of rye, and 1,053,377 buahola of "Wy, goodness gwacious, man," re­ ponding l»ard in tbe State ot Now .York in enta of tbo Louiaiana Returning Board under awake-with its buzzing: to punish it ho The majority in Alabama 'or tbe TUdon and plied the first speoker, "don't you 18C8 boen authorized to pass uppii the' fraud­ the lan-8 and conatitution ot tho United Statoa. plucked off three of its legs aud set it bsrley. making a grand total of 4,910.808 bush ulent returns ot votes oftbe cityo^.Now York Whether, as you obacrvo by way ot illustra­ o)a. againat 2,055,290 bnnhcla at this period laat Hendricks electors is 34,383. know't the wepubhcans want to throw tho free. Four d.ays afterwards he fell THE oOioial vote in Pennsylvania is ns fol in that year, and a delegation - 'of citizens ot tion, under tho constitution the Prcaident ot year Carloa 8. Greolyand Henry Villard, thing into the ooUeges because all'e stu­ Loaiaiana, however respectable, attempted to tho Senate both counta and declares tho votes asleep after lus brcakfiust nod was recently appointed Ueceivora of the KanaaaPa- Iowa : Hayos, 384,148; Tuden, 3CG,201; Coopor, dents believe in hazing, and them 't'ave influence its judicial actkrj«potttJje-tacta pro- oftbe electors of the aoveral States, hia duties awakened by a sting on his cheek; ho ciljo railway, took posaoaaion of all the prop­ 7,204; Smith (Prohibition), 3,182. sontod to it under tl^^Iaws ot tbat Slate, being purely miniaterial, and not aubjoct to raised his liand to the spot aud picked erty of thai road recently under an order of been hazed cnn be depended on to haze tbo control ot Congress, or wbetbcr, THE Supremo Court ot South Carolina, all tbe i-est. That's just a WopubUcun such attempt would ^W^e been universally ofl" the insect that had been sucking his tbo District Court ot Kanaa*i City. P.oboit telegram saya, has iaaued a peremptory maii- condemned. It tk*.-<^iea ot tbo Canvassing: aa' has boen tho practice tor moro Carr waa appointed Gonoral Manager, aud T. damua to tho Board ot State Canvaaacrs to is­ twick to cawwy th' election," Board ot Lauisiawfeiwero morely qunis- than eighty years, a practice inaugurated by flesh, and found it to be the very fly F. Oakes Gonoral Snporintondont. sue cortificatea to tbo membersot the Senate aud So't is, I declare," chorused . the torial or clerical^ in tbo case ot any oilioer men some of whom bad been among the trainera that had been mutilated. This time he TnE Board of Indian Commiaaionere, oon- House of ItopresentativCH appearmg on the face crowd. ebaigod by laMKtn tbo duty ot verif^iug.and ot tbo conatitution, tbo votes aro to be counted crushed it past surgery, but forgot his aiatiiig of Gen. 0. O. Howard, Hon. W. Stick- declaring tbe';4Mblt' ot any election;' and iu- under tbo direction and control of the Ssnato ot tbo rolurna to bo oloctcd, Tbo final coatcats "Seoheah," said one, after a-paiise, and House of Roprosentativea, is a question wound till mortification set in antl re­ ncy, A. E. Baratow, "D. H. Jerome aud Col. iu thoHO bousa • are to be decided by tho mem- veatigating, \ii5iifho discretion, as when the sulted in death. Wood, appointed by tho Government tn confer bera themselves. This gives tbo Senate IS '' don't you know't the Wepubhcans say PrOBidcnt ofr^ho Senate counts and declares upon the dincuasiou ot which wo deem it no with tlio Ncx PcrccB, with a view to an adjuat- Bepnblicann to 15 Democrats, aud in the 't 'is thing could aU 'a' been fixed up tho votoa of clectora at tho several States in part of our duty to enter, Iu concluaion, per­ montof tho existing difticultioa relative to tho Houao, GO Itepublicans to G4 Demoorate. yeatiddy if only Bawke'd give np the ttie election of Prcaident and Vice President mit ns to say that, notwithstanding your rof naal ANS-WERING tho question whethor she poi-aosaion of Willow's valley, bavo returned nnder tbe conatitution ot tbe United States, a to co-operate, we atill cliorish tho hopo that tho ever had any experience with amateur Democratic majority on joint ballot, 1. The PostoiHcB ?" different caae would bo presented. It ia, in Returning Board, warned by tho history of tho to Eort Lapwai. Tho Commiaaionors hold a Legislature couutM tbo votes tor Governor and "It's a lie," shouted, two or throe at onr judgment, vital to tho preservation of coii- paat, and conacioua that ita actiona aro bouig histrionics, a New Jersey woman said foiu- days' conforouco with tho Chief Joseph Lieutenant Governor and electa the United once, "Wha's tho Postoffice got to do atitutional liberty that tho habit of obedience obaervod by tho wholo world, will diachargo ita she had ; but they always yielded to a with regard to the question whether aettlera States Senator. In dollunce ot this maudamua, delicate duty with auoh circuraapectiou, fair­ or Indiana aro entitled to po68oaa tho valley. tbe Board of Canvoaaors held a aesaion 'ith electin' a Pwesident ?" to the forma of 'law ahould be aoduloualy in­ smelhng bottle without the help of a culcated and cnltivated. and that tbo roaort to ness and impartiality aa will give aatiflfactiou doctor. Good feeling and harmony characterized llio and iaaued certificates to all tbo members Well, now," said the lastone, "don't extra-conatilntioual modoa ot redrcsa tor even to tho American people. To tnia end wo wiU couferonco, and it ia tliougbt tho qucalion of tho Logialatiu'o, except for Laurens and get so excited 'bout that, How'd I know aotnol grievances should bo avoided and con­ continue to labor. Should a different reaiilt iu diaputo will bo amicably aettled Edgficld counties, tbun securing tbo majorily anything 'bout it ? Tha's w'at they say, '• demned as revolution sr.v, diaorgaulzhig, and follow tho action ot tbe board, w-o shall have TUE MAKKE-rs. of the Logialaturo to tbe Eapublican aide, and Then there was silence, and finally one tending to disorder and anarchy. the satisfaction of knowing that while you have Tho Cbriatian Convention of tne Nortliw-eat tho defeat ot Hampton and tbo election ot taken the responsibility of declining to not held a convention in Chicago last week. Many Cbamberliin. Tbo board alao iasned cortifi­ of them remarked, "Wha's all this talk To reduce the whole queetion. therefore, to with ua, wo bavo done all in our power to avert NEW YORK, prominent ovangeliats wore proaont, and groat catea ot election to tbo Hayes and Wheeler about Plowitin ? I tho't't Flowida was a tho mere clerical duty of counting tho votoa tbe oon«eqnono9a which mav tohow. Very re- BKKVKR ; 7 75 iSlO 73 interest waa mai-ifeatod. electors, and to all the Bepublican State ticket. pawt of the soUd South," aetually caat, as propoaod by you, in diatino- apeottully, Hoos ,,. g 7.'-, (a. 7 50 THK SOUTH. The board then adjourned aine die, Thia baa tion from votea legally cast and returned, irro- COTTON 32 f« 12X " So't was," replied another, " 'n Cool­ apeotive ot tho queation whether they are FLOUU—Suporfluo Western 4 CO yl .•> lu Tins businoaa portion of Magnolia, N. C, oauaod great excitement in South Carolina. baugh says't Flowida's gone Democ watic Lyman Crumbull, John M. Palmer, Wm. R. Mor­ WUKAT—No. 2 Chicago 1 28 inl 1 30 Wado Hampton, tho candidate tor Governor on fraudulently or violently cast, or othcrwiae rison, ilUnols; Samuel .1. Randall, A. G. Curtln, CoiiN—Western Mixed 57 1.4 III wiut doatroyod by flro, ono night laat week. too, 'lonc! with Colowado. Coolbaugh vitiated, involvea a nm'ifioation ot tbo provi­ Wm BIKUT, Pennsylvania; J. R. Doollttio, Goo. i). 0\Ta—No. 2 Chicago Ninoteon buildinga, includmg tbo railroad tho Democratic ticket, haa issued an address Smith, Winconsln; J. E. McDonald, Goo. W. Julian, (Ok 52 to tbe people ot tbo State, calling for peace oawivied lujunaplis by fo' thousand,'n he sions ot tho laws of Louisiana which have IM. D. Mansoa, Jehn Love, Indiana; Henry Wat- RVK—Western 80 « 8S depot, telograpli and expreaa oflicoa, with their and obedience to tbo laws, and adviaing them knows more 'bout the Nashnal finances already been adjudioiitod as alid by tho Su- Ponit—New Mess I7 00 (817 ii!. ;ircme Court, and would be wholly unjustifiable terson, .T. w. Stevenson, H. D. MoHenry, Ken­ lAUD—Stoam contcuta wore burned. Ibe Are ia anppoeod to to have cnnfldonco in tbe decisions of tbe fiu- 'n any other man'xcept Shop. Leffler," tucky; Oswald Ottendorfor, Sow York; J. B, SUllo, CHtCAGO. lojiis 11 have been incendiary, prame Court. lere as well as in any otiior State of tbe Union Ohio; Lewis V. Bogy, James O. Broadhtad, 0. Gib­ Wo didn't stay any longer, but wan­ wuicU has provided laws to protect tho riglits son, Miasouri; John Loo Carroll, Wm. T. Hamilton, BBIVKS—Choice Graded Steoni 5 on a .•: 23 WASatNOTOM, Tins official vote ot Wisconsin at tho recent dered away entirely satisfied that every of voters and tbo purity of tbo ballot. We Maryland ; W. G. "umnet, Connecticut; P. H. Wat­ Choice >'anvea 4 (JO ® 4 90 son, Ohio; J. lt.Caudcrt, Now York. Cow-s and Heifers 2 fO TnE following atatemont, aaya a special lo election waa: Hayea, 13O,0C7 ; Tilden, 123,- department of the body poLtio was thor­ cannot, tberotoro, conciu iu your proposition Oood Second-class Steers. 3 73 •a 3 50 he Now York livening J'ost, taken from tbe 92C ; Cooper, 2,0t5. Hayea majority over Til oughly alive to the exigencies of the tor a conference on tbat baaia. 'Very respect­ TOE FINAl LETTEm Medium to Fair. 4 25 (a 4 uu wooka of the roatoflice Dopartmout, showa tho fully. The NorS< em Republicans in Louisiana made HooR—Live 4 75 4 50 den was C, 141. hoMT.—Burlington HawkEye. John Sherman, Stanley .\ratthewB, 3. A. Garaeld, Ftocn-Fancy White Winter fi 75 @ G OU rocoipta and cxpenditurea for tbe fiscal year rOBKIOS. Ohio; Wm. D. Kolley, Pennsylvania; John A, tho toUowicg r^ply to tho Democratic note of Oood to Choice Spring Ex. C DuM 7 50 ending Juno 30, 187C, and will form tbe basis Kasaon, Iowa; E, W. Stougliton, New York; C. tholTth: WUKAT—No. 2 SpriOK, Jfew I 11 (S 5 50 A HAamimo, Germany, dispatch says that the Uow to Buy Meats. NEWOHLEATS, NOV. 18. No. 3 Sprmg 1 04 of tbo annual report of tbo Foatmaster Gen­ Public Prosecutor ot that city has mstitufced Ir\-ic Ditty, Maryland; J, H, Van Allen, JTow York; (4 1 12 eral: To the housekeeper the question how EuKono Halo, Molno; H. S. Quay, Pennsylvania; To the Hons. J. M. Palmer,. Lymun Trumbull. W. Cons—'No. 2 45 I* 1 04Jtf prococdinga ajjainst Ferdinand Keyn, late to select meat, when sho is purchasing Will Cumback, Indiana; Ed F. Noyes, Job E. R. Morrison. Samuel J. Randall, \. G. Curtln, OATS—No. 2 32 <* 46 Itcceipta from all aourcoB |28,M4,107.no master of tho German steamer Fraucouio, for Stevenson, Ohio; .lobn Coburu, Low Wallace. In­ William Blgler, J. K. DooUttle, Ocorge >i. Smith; RVE—No. 2 «2 (51 33 Increase ever laat year 1,«!2 8311.91 for table use, is a puzzling one. Good diana; J. M. Tnttle, w. A. MoiJrow, J. W. Chop- liMinKV—No. 2, Now 70 ® f^i'/i KxpeniUtures of all kinds 33,5C».487..'iS maualaugbtor, iu running down tho British J.E. McUunald, Ooorge W. Julian, M, P. Man- 30 steamer Utratbclyde, and causing tbe death nt and wholesome meat should be neither lusn, W. R. Smith, Iowa; Abner Taylor, S. It. sou, John Lovo, Scnry Watteraon, J, W. Steven­ RDTTBn—Creamery (* 71 Decreaac from laat year U47,821,87 Haven, J. Vi. Beardsley. 0. b. KarwoU, lUlnoia; son, Henry D. McHeury, Oswald Ottejidorf,.p, J. Eoos—Fresh 23 :« lilxceBB of expeiiditureH over receipto.. 4,C10,'2ti0,0Sa number of peruona through culpable negli­ of a pide rosy or pink color, uior of a Sidney Clark, J. G, Hilson, Ivanoaa, Ponic—Moea 15 75 (» 24 ExoeHB of expenditurea for previous gence. Capt. Keyn waa convicted in England deep purple. The first denotes the dis­ B. Sfiillo, L. V. Bog}-, James 0. Broadbead, ti. LABD 10 year was S,472,t3C.99 A KEJOINPEn, Gibson. John Lee Carroll, w, F. Hamilton, W. G. ©If 00 for tbe htimo otTenae, but on appeal his sen- eased condition, the last proves the Sumner, P. H. Wataon, F, R. Coudert. sr. LOUIS. Noiaiy tho entire receipts ot tbo department tonce was quashed tor want ot jurisdiction. The foUowins waa iaaued by tha visiting WHEAT-No. 2 Rod Fan i K ® 1 2G are derived from the sale of stamps, stamped animal has died a natural death,'. Good Democrata from tbe North: GEinxEm'.N: We arc gratified to learn that Coiis—Wcatern Mixed 42 (J® 10 ing wore the principal ones, viz.: Eastern Bengal on the 31st ot October. The fat, f specially of tho inner organs, is al­ Stonghton, C. Irvine Dltt.v, .1. H. Van Allen. Ep- ted authorities in thia State in tho discharge of Uoas S 40 a, K m Inland transportation |U.74.'i,84,'i.!i.'i Government i,! taking active steps for the re­ Rcno Hale, M. S. Quay, Will S. Cumback, E. S. Compensation of Poatmaatora 7,307,397.01 ways firm and snety, and never moist, Noyes, Job E. Stevenson, John Coburn. Lew their duties. Perhaps this miaapprebouaion CATTLE.. .j^ 2 60 ® 5 00 Clcrka for postolHcos 3,480,730.15 lief ot the distressed population of that dia- was tho natural result ot tho language em­ triot—Tbo Extraordinary Grand Council ot while in general tho fat from disea.sed Wallueo, John Tnttle. M. <. McGrew-, J. A. Chai> ployed. Your request wa« to "m;ct aud con­ MILWAUKEE. Letter-carriers 1.080,706.02 cattle is flabby and watery, tind more man, Wm. U. Smith, Abner Taylor, S. R. Havon, WnicAT—No.l 1 17 © 1 IS Kailway.clfrka I,223,7t0.19 Turkey rcaolvod, on tbo 17tb, to accept tbe J. M, Beardsley, 0, u, Farwell, CourtlaiidtParker, fer with you, either personally or through No. 2 1 13 ® 1 14 Mannfacturo of stamped ouvelopea conference. It la stwtod tbat Midbat Paeba often resembles jelly or boiled parch­ Sidney Clark, J. C, Wileon committeea, in order that aucb influence as we Oonx-No. 2 45 postal cards and wrappers BSO.nin.sr. and Sanfet Pasha will ba tbe.Turkish Pleni­ ment. Wholesome meat will always show OENTLiEaiEN I We aro in receipt ot your an­ posBcsa may be exerted in behalf of auoh can­ OATS—No. 2 31 @ 32 Foreign mall trausporiution 229,l'i3.2l) potentiaries. swer to our letter ot the 14th inst,, in which vass ot the votes aotuall.v cast as by ita fairnesa RVJi C4 (3 85 Tho revenue from money-order businoaa waj itself firm and elastic to the touch, and and impartiality shall command tbo respect and BAnLET—No,a 75 @ 76 A CAXcirrTA dispatch ot Nov. 20 gives tbe exiiibit no dampness, while bad meat you inform ua ot your determination not to «!120,000. confer TOtb ua tor tho purpose ot exerting acquiescence of tho American people." Thia, CINCINNATI. I>- tho case of Admiral Porter and others, of following account ot tho great tidal wave ot will appear soft and moist, in fact, often' aa we understand it, waa a roqaeat to co­ wmcAT 1 15 (S 1 2.1 Oct. ai: • • Three largo ialands, namely, Hattiab, such influence aa we may possess in operate with you tor the piupose of influ- Cons 40 @ 52 tho North Atlantic squadron, againat tho rams Sundeey and Dakbaii Sbababazhare. anii num­ moro wet, so tbat the Uquid substance behalf ot such a canvass ot tbe votea aotn­ enoing tbo action ot tbe Returning Board in OAXS 30 c« 37 Texas and Beaufort, and ten other Confeder­ erous smaller ialands included in Backergnuge, rvms out of the blood when pressed hard. ally cast at tbe election in Louiaiana aa by tbe diaabarge ot ita duties. The President had RYE 67 |» cs ate veesels, in which $1,500,000 was claimed, NooklioUy aud Cblttagong, woro entkely sub­ Good meat has very little smell, while ita f&imesa and impartiality aball command reaucated ua to attend here to witness, not to PoiiK—Moaa 30 00 ©16 2.'! a decree was iaaued last week iu tbo Diiitrict tbo acquiescence and respect of all parties. inlluenco. auoh canvaaa, and knowa that such LAUD 10 11 merged by tho storm-wave ot Oct. 31, aa was the unsound meat has a disagreeable, We aincerely regret this failure ot our attempt TOLEDO. Court at Washington, declaring that for want alao tue mainland for five or six miloa. These cadaverous smell, and diffuses a cortam request by him waa not intended to limit to wit- WHEAT—Extra 1 37 tji 1 38 of proof the oapCora aro eutitlod to but one- islardsaro all in or near tbo estuary of the to secure the oo-operation ot tbe citizens from nesaing tbo conntot the votea aotnally cast but Amber 1 20 1 27 hnlf of tho prooeoda of tbe prizes, and that the medicinal odor. Lastly, bad meat has other Statea in the furtherance ot the purpose tbo entire proceedings ot the board in reaching River Megua- Tbo largest, Dakhan Sbababaz­ wbicb, 08 wo supposed, had bronitht them OonN ni S3 vajno nf the Texas was $55,520, and tlio Beau­ hare, was 500 sqaaro miles in extent. It bad a thKI«*,-e peculiarih„ n>^~t^,^i\!r^,j:r that it shrink ~^^ul.^Z.T"^^^t.s considera- a rcanit aa to tho votea legally oistto be connt- OATH—No. 3 33 A id fort $12,000. hither at thia Juncture. Wo regret it all tbo od. We are gratified to learn that you eonour EAST LIBERTY, PA, nopulationot about 240.O0O. Hattiab and Sun- "Y,. ^ °^f, ooi^ig; wholesome meat moro bocause your retuaal to confer and co­ with tne Preaident and with ua in thia under- Koas—Yorkom.... 6 CO « S 75 TnE SOtb day of November, haa been ap- deep, t-igetber, had about lOO. ooo population. tJp I rather swells, and does not lose an ounce operate with na appoai-a U> be baaed npon a se- Mtanding. You aUo state you are "fully awars Fhilodelphlaa 5 80 i» fi OA pomtod a day of intorcesaion for the misjic ns to about 11 o'clock on tbe night ot tho aiai tbcre I in weight I rlous mlaapprebensiou ot the language no loss CAlIta—Boat,.., S .0(1 « 5 25 . Medium 4 25 ca 4 7.-! SnECT, 3 SO « i « juioe of the lemon on the sugar; chop AFIER THE CESTENNIAL. shaved. Once, when in England, he CLOSE I'UESlOES^ib ELEcftONS. ion dollars. This is tiio maximum fiKuro TO coiutEsroruEJres. tho pulp fine, add one tablespoonful of /li oomranr.ic-.tlonB for thia pspor saonlJ bo a««;s StutiatlCR of tho Grt-ut Fair—Tho Kccplpta made an engagement to dine with a no- Some Provloni InlJAdtlne Contoa'tl. allowed, and minting has been sus­ flour, und one teacup of water; mix blemtui, but, subsequently receiving an framed hyilio nanii.ol' theaiithor: not neewnBarUjf'fui uml JCxpoiiililurca, >umbt>r of Vinltora, CFrom tho BosUo Traveller.] pended. • puhllcaUen, h=l a« in ertdenco •>! »:o<;d faith on ins paaltogethes r and b.iko with two crusts. Kte. invitation for the same time from Sliss of the writer. Wrilo only on ono f Ido of the pupoi K CKIIEIIS SiiAw.—One-half head of cab­ [From tlie Chicago Tribune,] Edgeworth, ho accepted tho latter, and Should the successful candidate owe .UI Sorts. paitloutarly careful, In itlvlnji nnni.w and dr.tos, lo har bage, the tender part of one bunch of The great Exposition has closed. The apologized to the nobleman, saying, his triumph to his having received the DoiniiiE-nEOEEn cars are coming into Urn lolMm and tisurus plain and dli.tlnet^ favors of a small State or two, he wotdd celery, two hard-boiled eggs, all chopped pulsations of big engine have oensad. 'The woman tempted me, and I dii3 use iu Philadelphia. fine; mix with it two teaspoonfuls of The Turkish restaurant no longer dis­ eat.' not stand alone in tho list of onr oon- sulary, for more than one man has been TwKis-CENT pieces with milled edges AUKICULTUKAL A^D DOMESTIC. sugar, two of mustard, one-half a tea- penses chiccory cofleo. No longer through spoonful of salt and pepper. Moisten tbo lialls roams the young man from the INADUURmoHi DAY. made the President of the United States aro being passed for quarters. with vinegar. country. The agent for tho patent ma­ by a meoger majority—cast either in the Pa-K logs sunk in the water at Nan­ A Still Ouy In Autumn. Soiriotlilnfs Atio.nt tliut PreslJontlul Intor- Eleotornl Collego, cr at tho pollt<, or at A ttiriiB knowledge of tho laws of chine has quitted tho lair where he laid rcsnutn. tucket flfty-six years ago are so well I love to vraoder through the woodlands hoary*. in wait for unwary visitors. The Cen­ both places. Our first contested Pres­ presetvod that their "smell of pine " ia Iu lhe soft Kloom of an autumnal dry, light would teach many women that by The next Presidential Inauguration idential election, in 1790-97, was decided "When snnimer Kalhers up her robes of Klory, shutting themselves up day after day, tennial hotels are being sold oH" for old day—Murch 4, 1877—falling upon Sun- still distinct, . AUd, like a dream of beauty, gUdca away. lumber, and will be forgotten soon by so closely that tho change of two electoral How throiiph each loved, familiar path sho liugers. week after week, in darkened rooms, day, it has been suggested by some tbat QDEEJJ VICTORIA has received from tbe they arc as certainly committing a waste sight-seers who are beguiled into patron­ votes would have placed Thomas Jef­ Serenely siidlinK throujjh lhe Kf^lduu mist, izing them, uud who until their latest for this day alone—when neither Mr, ferson, instead of John Adams, at the Empress of Brazil a present of a dress Tlulinu the -wllil «rape with her rtowy tinners. of health, destroying thoir vital energy, Grant nor hia succesao'r. elect would seem woven of the webs of the large South Till the cool emerald Iturna to amethyst. and diseasing their brains, as if they day will not cense to call thorn accursed. bend of tho nation, as Washington's im­ Gone are the sight-seers from all over to be President—a now man be selected mediate successor. Mr., Adams had 71 American spider. Kindling the faint stara of the hazel, sblnini; were taking so much poison the whole as President pro tern, the selection to be To Biiht the Kloom of autumn's moldcrluR halls. time.—Charles Kingsley, this broad land, and the tourists from all votes, and Mr. Jefferson 68. One of THE tramps will bo delighted to hear With hoary phuues thti clematis entwinlUK, creation havo departed, and now the bal­ made by and from the Unilud States Mr, Adams' votes came from Virginia, that Boston has " a co-operative wood- Where o'er the rock her withered garland falls. EooNOsaoAi. SocF.—Into a stowpan ance-sheet is being struck. Semite. In this connection tho name of ond another from North CaroUna; ond yard," where labor can be given in ex­ Warm llchtfl are on the aleepy uplands wanlnK, put the bits and bones left from u roast, Therefrom it .nppears that during the Senator Blaino has beeu proposed, but had those two votes been given for Mr. change for material aid. Beneath, dark clouds alouff the horizon rolled, add to it a. carrot cat in dice, a'sweet 159 days in which tho Exhibition was his selection would be an impossibility, Jefferson, he would havo had 70 votes, and A PntLADELraiA woman's ears have Till tho slant sunbeams through their fringes roin- potato cut in thin slices, a bunch of since tbe term which he is filling by ap­ luK. open the aggregate number of visitors Mr. Adams 69—and the Virginian would just been robbed of a pair of §6,000 ear­ sweet herbs, a little shred cabbage, and pointment wUl expire at noon on March havo been elected by one majority. One Uathe all tho hills in melancholy Rold. was 9,907,125—greater than at any of rings, onco tho property of Napoloon boil tiU the nutriment is extracted from tbo lutoruational Exhibitions, with tho 4—leaving him entirely outside of the of tho electoral votes for Sir. Adams, III.'s frivolous spouse. Tho moist wind breatbos of crisped learcB and the meat, say an hour and a half ; then Senatorial candidature for this brief flowers exception of that at Paris in 18G7, nt chosen in Maryland, waa obtained by A MURDERER wtts huug iu Bombay, In the damp hollows of the woodland sown, into the soup put a pint of grated com, which tho attendance is claimed to have Presiedntial honor—this little Hi.n Ex­ only /our majority; and, had it beeu JtlURllni; the freshness of autumnal showers. half a dozen fresh tomatooa, an onion cellency "for a cent," as one might say. and just before tho drop fell ho whis­ With spicy airs Irom cedar alleys blown. been a trifle greater tbon at Philadelphia. secured for Mr. JelTerson, ho would bavo pered to tbe executioner: "In ono finely minced, boil fifteen or twenty But the Piiris Exposition for that year If tho plan sugg«ist<-d above is to bo bad 69 votes, and Mr. Adams 70—and Beside the brook and on tho cumbered meodow. minutes, strain through a sieve, heat to carried out at all, it must be by tbe minute what a lot I shall know!" Where yellow fern-tults fleck the faded tfround, was kept open 210 days. When tho the latter would have been elected by IT is tho Puritan's Thanksgiving ovo; Wltli fohtcri lids iM'neath their palmy shadow. the boiling point again, and serve. drawbacks which tho Centennial en­ choice of somo Senator whoso tcrmi wiU one majority. There wero 138 electoral And gattu'red homo, Irom fresher homes around, The Bealiau nods, in dewy slumbers hound. SMOOTH WHITE SAUCE FOR .BOILED countered in tbe excitement of tbe po­ hold over. Such an ono could be thus votes at that time, or about 47 less than The old man's children keep tho holiday— appointed by the resignation of Senator In dear New England, since tho fathers slept— Upon those aort.frin«ed lids tho bee sits broodlnc, MtiiTON OB BEEP.—Two tablespooufuls litical canvass, the extreme sultry one-half the present number; so tbat, Tho sweetest holiday of all the year. Like the fond lover loth to say farewell, of butter, ono teaspoonful of flour, one weather of the past summer, and tha re­ Ferry some day previous to March 4 should tho successful candidate on the —tiittcr-iiweet. Or, with ••hut wiuRs, IhrouKh silken folds intruding. fusal of tbe railroads running into Phila­ (when Mr. Ferry's Senatorial term -will Creeps near her heart his drowsy tale to tell. pint of milk, a little salt, one heaping 7th of November, 1876, receivo eight THE snappy cold of the late frosty toiuspoonfnl of chopped parsley, two delphia to reduce fares mora than 24 per also expire), and tho selection of tho majority in tbo Electoral College, he nights reminds such cattio as havo no The little birds upon tho liillside lonely hard-boilod eggs, chopped line. Mix cent, aro reckoned, the groat success of "hold-over" Senator as President of tho would be elected about as well aa John shelter that their owners, snug in warm Flit noiselessly along from spray to spray. tho ^Centennial in point of attracting Senate, which would also include tho Silent as a sweet wandering thought, that only tho flour smooth with a little cold milk. Adams was elected, 80 years ainco. Con­ beds, belong to a mighty mean class of Shows its bright wings and soltly glides away. When the pint of milk comes to a boU, visitors will bo fully appreciated. The Presidency for tho one-day term under sidering who and what John Adams humanity. add the Hour and salt ; whsn this is following table giving the number of tliscussion. was, eight majority wouid be nothing to The scentless flowers, iu tho warm sunlight dream­ visitors at each of tho Intwiiationsd Ex­ In relation to this matter, tbeni are I HAVE a personal grievance against ing. thickened, add the parsley aud butter. be ashamed of on tbo part of either of " Uncle Sammy"' myself, becauso be ia Forget to breathe their fullness of delight; hibitions shows how in this regard the many who feol that no principle of mor­ Have tho chopped eggs in a sauce-boat, Contenniid ranks : our candidates—and nothing to bo proud BO short, and at 70 years still looks liko Aud through tho tranced wood soft airs are stream­ aud pour the hot mixture on them. ality would necessarily sufl'er abouUl tbe of, it must bo added. Mr. JelTerjon de- ing. President-elect take his oath of offico on a boy. I like tfdl, distinguished-looking still as the dew-fall of the summer night. Servo hot. IS.'il, London r,,ow,lOi> foatiid President Adams in 1800-01, when mon.—Jennie June. 1>C,\ Pari Mr,2,:)3D tho day set by tbe constitution, whether he had 73 electoral votes, and the Pres­ So, in my heart a sweet, tinwonted fooling Eaos PKESERVED BY SIMCATE OF SODA lKn2, London fi,211,103 that day fall upon Sunday or week day. WAITER SOOTT wrote his name in stirs, like tne wind^n ocean's hollow shell. —Dr. Durand, phivrmacist of Blois, has ISn", Paris 10,00(1,11110 ident 65, or a majority of eight, equal to IH-ll, Vienna 7 ir take to bog permitted to look at a reflection of her •soothing word. Mount Etna ; the second was a French­ ever been the owner of one.' Further Second Senior, thoughtfully—"Well, I soil, it will be invaluable to the country. face, even in the brook, for this is tbe man, who threw himself into the crater than this, ho provided for tbe purchase don't see; bat we had better not fool masculine privilege. Almost everything About ths Home. of Vesuvius in 1820 ; and the third was of 4,000 acres of land to be given to with it, for it may lead to Pantheism for THS nickel coins struck ii^ Germany tbe Sioux biave owns is " wakan," or LEMON PIE WITHOUT Eaas.—Take one an Engliabmnn, who leaped into the fur­ these freed slaves. Thoaew bo remem­ all we know. Let's go on,"—Amfterat tinder tbe .new law represent a total sacred ; but nothing that the squaw pos- lemon, one teacup o( sugar, squeeze the nace of a forge about tbe year 1811. ber Mr. Bondolph say that be never StuderU. value of between ten and eleven mill­ seasca is ao esteemed. "It Is Better to Give tlinii to RccclTe." NEWS DEPOT! Ingham County Democratj|jt iindeninble . fact that whether Frazell & Peters NEW FIRM! \iert bet piqueplMies or fiini incs, wars or rii- inors of wd^—whether the earth- yields \y\>\\ to ho lioarJ niid aro hoiiiitl to sity'iiud pruvo, i'rom fitclibiirt;. an nbundiinco of nat arc's treasures, or HENRY WHITELY, that they hiivu the Filehburg, N'ov. l.S, LSTC. whether it \t barren i. nd nnprodnclire, K(Mt door nortJi of >*lr«t; National Jliinic, ^lason, E\K UiMlociuT:—I .lee that "Ohl Unir there are and always will be inncli desti- 3Lichi],;an, keelie for sale a I'lill supply of I'liapgcs me wilh liaviiiff left tlietlemncrut- intioii and snll'ering aiiaony the poorer • SCHOOL HOOK.-', MACAZI.VE.S. IDAH.Y New Goods, New Goods, Best Meat Market, ic piirtv, and that a sack of Hour, three- chiases of the people. AXU WUKKI.Y rAPKllS, Mu'SlC, fonrtli.s of a pound of. tobacco anil oiu- Grim visaged .want.continually stalks STATIOXEUY, itc. i'c. To hf founil ill ahiHoii. Tlu-y uro btilh pniollcal dollar ill money liouerlit mi: back. .abroad throughout thu land, and ever and ] mil thu sole .\iJ:cnt in this vicinity fer the Butclii-rs, and liav« thO Loht tawlo for lliu Murkut Now, O. It., it w:ij pnibably lliat $2.00 annou gains adinittanCM tiitlie hiiarth of <<'ExcclNior Cliililiiii:; lAHt,-> -AT- HuMlncf'!* of atiy two uu-n lo LPO fouiul. Y.yvry nni- mv iviuiblicau frioud ofl'onMl to givi; ine, some poor unfnrtunalo, causing sulferiiig, iirtho .'lO bu.shLd,< of u|l|.h?r;—to s;iy iioth. sorrow, .-lickncss, and mayhap death. —.\Nn-T mill lhat puns ilit- hoof ami L-1IL>WH thofpilil, can )JO -VSIKKICAN ItrULl; .iJOClKTV. ing about your blowing tlial you bail im.' Xo season of the year is exempt from found in tlio Mliamhios ut their i^tall, (hiily.- AW, My prlei's always ciirresp^ind witli the thues. •'cooked." 'I'lie truth is 1 was a.«Iiamcil its misfortunes iind its siill'erlngs. .Spring, Call IIoj;ri cut np from thi* hlxi* of a ham to a niote, untl and see Ine. at the pole r,nisiiig on Ihe l>'tli ilay of with its balmy breezes, its glorious sun­ 11. WHITE I.V. Ihivour to Huit tlii* tastu. October, with all the Haye.site.« there, «nd shine, its life giving .showers and its fra­ SACKRIDER & MEACH'S a Touiig man from J Leslie eliiubird ii{> the grant lilos.soms brings with it also iiiias- C. C. Vt'l'Cll. (.. I'.-lUrXSELL. POULTRY AAO CiA.^IE. pole liir 1.0(1 and cut the rope. It.!!. mnl oders and its unwholesome Vii]iorS. I'lirgets that I jiaid .'•O cents in work on Snnimer, with ils dry hot bredtli and biirii- the republicnn Ihig. and llint I was up nil iiig sun, its siiltrydays and murky niifhts. FITCH & BliUi, roiillry tiiiil Cum'-lului'iiK il.L'lii.i.kK la iht-Ir night. Nov. :!rd. helping l'"rank Clark and igocs hand in hand with latal epidemics, wttile ili'licacies froui Siu.^a^ci'.-* up to thu Old llnir lip maki'tlii' climbers, HIKI that and strong men are cut down in the jirime and vigor of their manhood, .\ulnmn, Mason, - - Mich., I aided in putting in the new rope, .M Spiced and Pressed Beef! Chris|M'I, the young man who went, up the with its delicioiia fruits nnd pleai^hnt pole, is a liveyoung iloinnerat. ulln'rwisci he scenes, its gulden sunsets mid invigornt- never eonlil have got so high above the iig bree'/.es. is but the forerunner of cold, They have a large and well Both of which are (U the her cars are two pinic shells that nm; in ver, kind words or gentle deeds, ever re- interest of all to'deal «2'"ltooins one door west of Headquarters Grocery. temptt'il to cut oil' aipl preserve ns eiirio5 iiieniberiiig ihnt "it is better to give than ^vilh nu^ When in J. A. BARIVES. ities. Her fealiires, cut with eaiin.o ilis. to reci;ive." the City, give me a !iiietiiess of ileliiiiiioii, have an ai|uilinf call, and learn thu prices of- my S. A. PADDOCK & CO., tinge that is mainly noticeable in the .Shakespeare, a writer pi-.tised, aiimircd goods. VANDERCOOK & SON, slightest prominence of the nasal bridge. and ipuited more perhaps than any other Her coniplectioii is iwes and liUies, her known Lo fame, was evideudy well con­ MASON, MICH., —.\s<:uts l'd two pink spots, about as low men. Often, no doubt, he has visited ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH, large.as her finger tips, are visible. Ah ! Ki-r tin* piirit favors, let us Uupe in tliu future llijttu ihe hovels of the indigent, when the This jrionu of tht) bctiC Cumpiiiilos in tho Stato. It then beware! Indeed, every aspect of the fierce gales uf winter ,sliook the frail CHiiliul rocii.riu'ity of pioil foflins ">»>' I'tintimu'. Siding, Fencing, Flooring, Shingles, Fence Posts, Lath, whole organizaliim indicates brain and confines its huninrns ntriolly to privatu roHJdenccH. struetnres tn their vtjry foundation—when •iii'i-ct: temper and s]jiril, rather than soft­ Doors, Window Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, I'ity* all losrtw hy J'iro and Liniitninj;. Also, the cold unfeeling winds iearched for ness; and yet she can purr like a eat when BEHOLD! —Ametit.-* for llie— etery crevice through which lo thrust Columns, Brackets, Eencc Pickets, Sash, it suits her, or spring like a panther when their frosly lingers—when the poor suf­ the occasiiin calls for it. i'ity thennsnph- fering', half .starved wretches hoverin.L'' Blinds, Balustrades, Sfair Rails, Agricultural Insurance Co., istieated beau who imagines lhat he can over the half frozen bla'/.e of a miniature The Glad Tidings! llirt with her with impunity ! lie is cer­ fire sliive'rod and moaned, nnd grinding AND EVERYTHING IN THE LINE Tho only Ktriclly FarnifrM Company in tUi* tain to be ensnared, bewildered, laughed poverty, wilh all its alteudanl Imrrnrs. —OF— Stato. Takerf tiothinj; but tiiriu propijrty. Ooc.-; in- al with such bubbles of riivpling and niii.> alared boldly from every corner and leer­ Hido of uo vilhiRo or city. Jtjw dono Inniinesrt for ical laughter as an amii.s^d .seraph could ed tatintiugly in fantastic shadows from Of Builders Materials!! twonty-flvo ypar?<. TTan piii.I Sl.SOO.OOn in 1*IS.ICH, aearcely Imilate, overllowing her linn but the llickering llaine on the hearth stone. A NEW ERA IN MASON. and never lost S.',niMi hy auy oui* ttrc. Vays nil feminine lip.s. Xo rosebud mouth is lier.s, Shakespeare was evidently familiar with They arc prepared to Complete a Building from Cellar to Garret, ready for oc­ loi1i:W rE-VTDKE. M. A. Sweet. illative, dazzling, delusivi; brlUiuiit general prosiicrity. "Ml/^FAH." . To the 'JCKKl I LLUSTllAi'loss liurctoforo in Wehstor'a itdker, and one ivlio can create semblan­ Umihri.lged wo have added four pages of 5Ioro (Jniiiti.sui, ces of poetical dreams without troubling, DINGMAN'S COLORED ILLIfSTRATIOlVS. A Washington .special to the Cincinnati Open and Top. Carriages, herself lo dreani them—if you aro not Enijiiirer has the following : USTTlio yntioiial Standard. impressiouable an hour's gossip with a Boarding House, Colonel Hunt, who w-tis in command of ritooF.-so TO 1. wunmn of this type is like ..sipping an in­ The sales of Wehster's Dictionaries tlironghoiit Charleston pi'ior to and during the elec­ —AXD— Light and Heavy Wagons! tile country in 1S~'. wero i» timin as large aa tlie fusion of anil irosia.' Her delicate little tion, iirrivetl hero last night. JTe was I'C- sales of uliyiither l.>ict toliaries; We will send lu-iiof hainl. wil;li its pink nails and rosy finger lieved of his coiiiniand at the instance 'of CITir RE$TAIlRAi\T, of this on aiiplleatlon. and micli sale stilt contimios. the profiiiio I'alter.sou because ho re] A good a.nsortment .always on Imnd to select from. All work made from the l)est More than TUIKTY TKOVIS.V>TJ copies of ti|i.s, is a magiicio-electric battery with five Webster's Unnltriitgeil have lieen placed in as many that the only thing. reprehensible d 1st Door West of Dairow k Co., Mason. Materials that can be obtained, and in the best possible mtuiner. I'nhlic .Selliiiils in Ihe Uiiiteit Slates, hy Slate enact- delicately tapering poles. Ifer eomplee- ihelnte electlim, in South Carolina was nieiils or Sclioel Ollicers. 1 ion is .white .satin suH'iLSed with pink. the parlizaii zeiilof the whites and a WE WII.I. GUAKAIVTEE OU31 WORK FIRST-CLASS I Can von belter promote the eiinso of education and large number of blacks in the Charleston the goCil of comiiinnlty than hy having a ceiiy of Miss Bronte, the iiiitbor of ".lape Kyre," Support .1 home institution, and get Bettcr.Workj Less Prices,- and save transpota- Webster's Unal.riilged i" yonr lainily, and trynig to hid the forehead and mouth of the nerv­ District who were constantly excitingj di.s- have a copy in each of your Schools'/ turbances to involve the wliites politi(;ally Tills iii the place to set a good warm hioul for 25 cts. tion. We are also Agents Ibr the Celebrated ' 'iihster now is glorious,—it loaves nothing to ho ous gold blonde, but her eyes were hazel desired. IPm. ItiiijMiiil, Viimir Colleij: opposed to tliem. For such .sentiments verv scholar knows the valnoof tho work. ' grey. Thi.. s blonde is the sweetest and he was relieved of his command. To- E L I'''««-'o"i "le llitlorUm. truL-st wile when her master comes: but day he called on General Sherman, ami