VOL. I. MASON, MICI-I.IGx\N, FEIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 18T6. NO. 38 r.O r.iin'alo llnhes, iVom the "Far \Vfist," IIow do the mereliarite of Mason like The democrats of Vermont propose Tho funeral of the wife of Geo. Parks, nghamCountyDemocratlREAL ESTATE. at AVebh & Memr.s. tho Clothiers. 2w to support a newspaper lo advertise .Jack­ tn ajiply to the supremo courtfor an injunc­ of Aiirelitis, is boing held at tho M. E. If. "Wliltnly's News Depot is the first son drygooJs houses, any way''' tion to iirevent the issuance of a eertiC- churcli as we go to press. building north ol' tlie 1st Xiitl. Bunk. ciilc of election to Sollaec. the pout FOR S.ALE A?^D EXCHANGE IK you ivant to know where to buy AT the exhibition in Union .Hall last master who is legally inoUigible. At tho Oilicc of Xnw is the time to buy Boots and Shoes goods clicap, read the advertisements iu night, of Bigelow"s Art.Optieon, we wero AT Clu'up at 0. 0. l[t;NTiN-i;To.v'.-<, the DE.Mocit.i'i*. E-vTox county appreciates the vahie of JOHN DUNSBACK, agreeably disappointed to find it really .a Mason, Ingham Co., Micli. ScAtii.KT fever prevails among the her Circuit .fudge and gives '2.'2'i0 ma­ work of merrit. The statuary was espec­ MICH. TO WHOM IT MAY jority against increasing his salary. He ^.uiil new liniiM' and two l,il,.i, t'lrillln'..' iidilitinn children in several cities in the state lo ially true lo life, and tho scones from III Ihe eily i,f Musiiii, iiin-Iysiuialetl. 1*1111 IK- CONCERN! .".n niarinliig extent. should luiike a few more political speeches different portions of the Centennial were sunscRiPT.iox, ^1.-0 pj-n Y.I-AR. Al>iiii;iJiI Ilia Larpiiii if Mild eouii. All persons wlio are indebted to ine are •'•'-•V word lo the wiae is sullicient." if he wants his salary raised. very line and uaturah' ft is well worlliv 1 l\l\ .^eie^. aefes iiiipriivi.il, ;;>ii,il ltiiiMInn>i, reciueslod lo call and settle the same at 1 U\ I oiiliavil. xialle'l rrnil. well walereil liy Bead 1'^ C. .les.ioji's notice iu this ])aper .•\ X-'Mlegan man tried four v.-eeks of the patronage ol" the poople, and wo ex­ j;I:T s (; x:A living; i.li.<.iiin, iitid well II 1. iiiiireml reiel near once. A.» V I 1N TKS. ,^,li(n.l liitiiM", J'-rj miles I'ruiii Ma>uii, .\ lirr.t-idiisri nintrimony and was so disgustnd ifith lIii^IiU's.-* Luc:iI.H, .'n-.t-uin jtcr line lur t'Ufli jvml uwry C. G. 1 rr.NTlN'CITO.V, —"To Whom it niny Coiieern." pect to-night and to-morrow night to see l:iriii ut il ImrKiiiil. himself that he attempted suicide. The IiiHi'j-ii.'ii. 1 An lir^t-ela.^s fiiriii iif liln nrres near l.eoiia, Mason, Sept. 27. 18T(;. IfiMD the local adverti.seineiits of Webb the hall ivell filled. Stiir I.HCilK, [ill Liicul Xcwd "culumiij 10 ct.-iit.s I't.T I \J{j .liiellMon Ciiiilily. :;is» liii';;e ;,-eaIled apple doctors savf^d his life but ho deidaroH he lr..i-s. W..11 wall-red mid iipleiiiUit house, lor $:i,iiiiu. Scrihiier's, Harper's. .\pp!i.'ioirs, Peter it Mead, tlie Clolliiers in this ji-.ipei*. TiiK Lansing Kopublican wants us lo liiii' iM-'Ii iiiscriioii. Will exelialice fur olher pruiieny. ivill try it again, aiire. I'iinh ill IJiisiiif-H JJiri'ctoiy, $1.00 |HT liw pur i»-/\ Aei'e.s, .[."i ueres i>f iilil iiiipriivenieiif, I'ii-it- Hon's. for Di'ceiuber, Ibr sale ;it H. Wliit- TllK 1.(0-0. F. ef this city are t.alk- give the nanios of republican.'! w*ho fly'." Xew's Depot. Ox Wednesday evening -I dead doers l.c;?iil itilv.Ttli-lMj;, liirtt iiiH-'rtioii, TH n-iitH i ;} eliiss liiiililin;;s. K.KIII iii-.-liiiid, ltd aeres Jlnrsli iiig of reviviii.g their .socials. bought voles, itc Dou't hurry us, neii'li- liilelieil. Eive liiili.s iriiiil Jlliis.iii. I'riee S-I,", pei'aere. wore received at tiie express ollieo en route fuli.i; C'lilrt pnr li'liit lur <;;irll htlli.si'<]ilciit illsiT- Ot I .\n so Here 111 nil, .'>n aere.s iinpruved. Sll I.eariiiic (•loves uml Mil.tens o!' every grade, nl •*Win Clark", son of W, IL Clark of the hor- It becomes our duty lo tell many tiiiu. V.'lifii u ]niriiiumiucnt U luMi'd U> iiti ;HIVIT- OU api'le Iri'ss, well \viil,.r,.,l, ;i 1 fenees, lej; for Dansville. They were the properly Webb & .Mend's, llie Clothiers. ' liw Clark house, rrns in llie city over .Sunday, disagreeable truths about tho dishonesty o( lisiiiM-ni, tin; wIntJL* Mill l»u cliiir;;i'il tli" »:iim' ii« tint liitii,"., Iranii. Imi-se liiirii and slieil, near Liiiisiii^. uf W. W. Hondriek.s'. Will lii'siiM eheiipiir t.xetiiiii;;..il I'm- .I1.1 iveres ini- visiting frieiiils. members of your party at difl'ercnt limes, lirsi iii.-^crtiun. pniveil. C. C: lliiiitiii;;liiu INti-iiy. I.".':, Jiiitl IHIUIKI NulU-f.-', rir>t nir-frtiuii Ouii republican friends should bear iu .Si'lls tlie best Boots and Shoes I'or Iho Dit. VniiDusen has eomincnced enclos­ and yon will not find il necessary to *hiir- Si.(HI, ILll'l -tr, C.i'UU riirh •NVf.'Iv lln-iviiri.T. •I -n Aei'es uf iliiiiiitiniveil land in Miutli-west enr niind that the time fur crying traitor, reb­ LIC.VST' MUNI'^Y of any man iu the ing his new residence, corner Maple ry on yoar own destruction. It will come <.>[i*'-r.mrtli i.'oluiniimoiiilis, L'JU neriil While UiiU, at 11 l..ir;;aiii. el, copperhead, itc, has gone by. The On(-li;ili'i.''<iiiiiin U muiiiliH, liCuK i A .\ei'" fiinii -."^ iKTes iiii)>riivi.il. r. iiiil'.s IViilil cilv. II'. and C street. soon enough to suit yon, if you put olf the utif (•.•luniii :t nioiiUirt, ;;ii.uii -t-t' iiUeiiiii", H""d suil. I.i'ic li.nise, niee yeiiii^' er- excitement attending tho eiiinpaigu is no day of judgment as long ns possible. »;IIIIMI. ('nil lie liiiii III a liiw llfinre. Taken Vp. G. 'I,\ Davis has purchased the lot on Km- ;i 1.J;II;;T liiiii- tliiiii lliivi? munliis u r.'iiH>iiiil'U> .A Aere liinii ill lewii •.iMtiiiikiTiiill. (IM'iiii- longer an exeu.sc for such talk. di'ilttctimi wil! he- luutlc Ui\f pMiveil ll.'i iiei'.s liliiwili;; lilarsii, iirvv IIUIIM' Oil llie I Olli of Oelolier, one pale red -•\sh street, in the rear of his residence, Tin; Y. M. C. vV. have undertaken a re­ lieil'er. willi while sjiois mi each llniik. one From the --VUegau Deinoerat we learn Atlvfni.-i'mi'iUs iii);ir(-niii]i;iirM;il hy uTitlfii t>r Vi-rb- iiiiil .~le..l, iKi h.-iirilr,- apple 11V..S. I'llce S-H per aere. of I, B. ^Vol)dh()Use. vival work and fur their aid have procured UI- will i.xeliaiii;i. I'-r a hliiiiller litriii, lopped born and siipposi'd lo be iliree lhat dressed beef in that city .sells at :il oi'ilrr^, will 111' iii^t'i'lrj lllilil r>>i't.<i(l, lUiiI t;lilU';;'-il T "I Aeres. Over Till iiei-rs iiiipi-iivi.il; ;,M,iil nr- tho services of ROT"*. .1. W. Scott and iit"riirUin;,'Iy. 1 4..-' eliaiii, pi.i.i l.nil.Iili;;!*: K I l\.|i|....s: well venrs old. Tin- owner cau h:i\'e the same 1). W. Hiiisled's new store is being and per huinlred. Chickens at four bv proving propei'L}' and jinying eliarges. Ifatch, who are laboring in Sharon, Wis. .\ll iiilviTiirii'iiuMiiM fi'iiiii stniii;;iM's, or lninrtii.'iit, u-;iti.'nil: lirsI elii!.,-; I iiile IV-ini r'l.un lliiiii.e. cleaned up, the masona having completed and live cents per pound and butter at 15 .init ini'le lirr siiiiill fiinii iin-ily preiieny. DAVID Ml 1.1.nil. |.i*i>orii mtlht !<».' luiM hi iulvjiiii:i'. their work. cents. Pre[iaratory meetings are now being held ( i\ Aeres. li-l aeres elmppeil;. I.-i iieres eti'iir<.'h In;AUiiedou; , Oel. 'JO, ISTil. in the various churches. It is to be hop­ -{-U luelse Illid sliil'l..; .''II Vl ^' lippli; Irres; Iti. Tiii'tiiK hasn't been a book agent in our Tin: liberty of the press is a blessing Till' nniti.rial in uiir.Inl.liiiiKd,.piii*tiin.|tt isall new, wii-l,. liiinl. I'iiix.il,-M(i. Will l;il;e a i^iiiid liin-.seiii Leslie's Jlhislraled Almanac, Cur 1S77. ed lhat all active Christians will idonlifv imrl piiyiiielil. oliice for three d.ays. There must be ti when wo are inclined to write against oth­ an.l i.f ihe latehl sly|.'<. par |iri.-...< «.|.n.i.]».iifl willi ,>A .\eres. 'J.^iiieri..! inipiiiVi'd. I'irsl riiissiifrliard at U. W'hitrli'y'.s News l)e]iot. tiii'inselves wilh this movement, aj it is a. pestilence in the air. ers, aud a calamity when we !ind our­ llui limes anil we ;^llanililei. M:ih'>l';ielioll il-.* lu .-Ivle .'ill .'I" l-Jii li..;irini,'iiplilellees: Itii'iil li-iinii'liiiiiie.
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