doi:10.1006/jmbi.2001.5096 available online at on J. Mol. Biol. (2001) 313, 941±954

Comparison of and Transcriptional Attenuator Systems for Control of Amino Acid Biosynthetic

Johan Elf1, Otto G. Berg2 and MaÊns Ehrenberg1*

1Department of Cell and In , expression from amino acid biosynthetic operons is transcrip- Molecular Biology, BMC tionally controlled by two main mechanisms with principally different Box 596, SE-751 24 Uppsala modes of action. When the supply of an amino acid is in excess over Sweden demand, its concentration will be high and when the supply is de®cient the amino acid concentration will be low. In repressor control, such con- 2Department of Molecular centration variations in amino acid pools are used to regulate expression Evolution, Evolutionary Biology from the corresponding amino acid synthetic ; a high concen- Centre, SE-753 26 Uppsala tration activates and a low concentration inactivates repressor binding to Sweden the operator site on DNA so that initiation of is down or up-regulated, respectively. Excess or de®cient supply of an amino acid also speeds or slows, respectively, the rate by which the trans- lates mRNA base triplets encoding this amino acid. In attenuation of transcription, it is the rate by which the ribosome translates such ``own'' codons in the leader of an amino acid biosynthetic operon that decides whether the RNA polymerase will continue into the operon, or whether transcription will be aborted (attenuated). If the ribosome rate is fast (excess synthesis of amino acid), transcription will be terminated and if the rate is slow (de®cient amino acid supply) transcription will continue and produce more messenger RNAs. Repressor and attenuation control systems have been modelled math- ematically so that their behaviour in living cells can be predicted and their system properties compared. It is found that both types of control systems are unexpectedly sensitive when they operate in the cytoplasm of bacteria. In the repressor case, this is because amino acid concen- trations are hypersensitive to imbalances between supply and demand. In the attenuation case, the reason is that the rate by which translate own codons is hypersensitive to the rate by which the con- trolled amino acid is synthesised. Both repressor and attenuation mechanisms attain close to Boolean properties in vivo: gene expression is either fully on or fully off except in a small interval around the point where supply and demand of an amino acid are perfectly balanced. Our results suggest that have signi®cantly better intracellu- lar performance than attenuator mechanisms. The reason for this is that repressor, but not attenuator, mechanisms can regulate expression from biosynthetic operons also when transfer RNAs are fully charged with amino acids so that the ribosomes work with maximal speed. # 2001 Academic Press Keywords: attenuation; aminoacylation; control of gene expression; *Corresponding author repressor control; Boolean control


The two major principles for transcriptional E-mail address of the corresponding author: regulation of amino acid biosynthetic operons in [email protected] and Salmonella typhimurium are clas-

0022-2836/01/050941±14 $35.00/0 # 2001 Academic Press 942 Control of Biosynthetic Operons sical repressor control on the one hand1 and ribo- small perturbations. If the absolute value of the some-mediated attenuation of transcription2 on the sensitivity ampli®cation is much larger than 1, other. These two control systems use two funda- then the mechanism is often called ultrasensitive.25 mentally different strategies to adjust the supply of It has been shown that ultrasensitivity is crucial for newly synthesised amino acids to the current ef®cient copy number control of important plas- demand. The major scienti®c aim of this study is to mids,27 and we have reasons to believe that the explore the physiological consequences of their same is true for control of gene expression in gen- different modes of action. For this, we model math- eral. We have characterised the sensitivity of ematically the two control systems in isolation and repressor control and attenuation of transcription, then in the context of logarithmically growing bac- and used mathematical modelling to estimate this terial cells. important parameter in the cytoplasm of exponen- In repressor control, it is the level of an amino tially growing bacteria. acid pool that regulates expression from the corre- In general, the sensitivity of cooperative repres- sponding biosynthetic operon. In attenuation con- sor control increases with the number of subunits trol, the regulatory signal is instead the speed by of the repressor. A new result of this work is that which ribosomes read base triplets encoding the the sensitivity of attenuation mechanisms can, in amino acid that is synthesised by the enzymes principle, increase without limit, if the number of expressed from the controlled operon. This means, elongation steps over which the ribosome speed is for instance, that increased expression from an measured is allowed to increase inde®nitely. When operon controlled by attenuation requires a signi®- these two control systems are evaluated under cantly reduced level of the corresponding aminoa- in vivo conditions, several remarkable and unex- cyl-tRNA. Repressors, in contrast, can regulate pected results emerge. gene expression up or down also when transfer Firstly, the sensitivity of repressor control is RNAs are fully charged with amino acids and the enhanced dramatically in the bacterial cell due to ribosomes move with full speed. the very sharp responses in amino acid pools to A brief inventory of how amino acid synthetic even very small imbalances between supply and operons are controlled reveals that repressor and demand. Secondly, the sensitivity of attenuation is attenuation mechanisms are used to about the signi®cantly enhanced in vivo. This is because the same extent in both E. coli and S. typhimurium. time for ribosomes to translate regulatory codons For instance, repressors are involved in control in the leader sequence of the mRNA in the attenua- of the arg,3 trp,4 lysA5 and metBL6 operons as well tor is hypersensitive to the rate of synthesis of an as of the asp7 (activator) and tyr8 regulons. The amino acid. trp,9 his,10,11 leu,12 thr,13 ilvGMEDA,14 ilvBN,15 and The most surprising ®nding is, however, that pheST16 operons along with the pheA gene17 are ribosome-dependent attenuation appears to be controlled by attenuation.18,19 For the his, pheA, principally inferior to repressor systems. The ilvGMEDA and the thr operons, attenuation reason is that attenuation, in contrast to repressor appears to be the sole operon-speci®c regulatory control, has very low sensitivity when amino acid mechanism. The is regulated by a com- biosynthesis is just suf®cient or in excess over bination of attenuation and repressor control.2,20 demand. This implies that attenuation mechanisms For other operons involved in amino acid syn- can regulate gene expression only when ribosomes thesis, like the ala, gln, serA, B, C, glyA,21 gcv22 and are partially starved for an aminoacyl-tRNA. Such cys23 operons, the control mechanisms are more starvation is believed to impair growth-rate and complex. Interestingly, production of proline syn- reduce the ®tness of bacterial populations in two thetic enzymes appears to lack a speci®c control different ways. When ribosomes are slowed, this system.24 leads to a proportional decrease in growth-rate.28 One important property of intracellular control Furthermore, when the level of an aminoacyl- systems is how sensitively they respond to changes tRNA drops in the cell, the amino acid substitution in a signal. If, to give an example, the concen- errors in protein synthesis may increase tration of an amino acid pool is taken as a signal drastically,29 which will further reduce the growth- and the rate of initiation of transcription of an rate.30 amino acid synthetic operon is the response, then it is relevant to know if a twofold increase in the pool size leads to a twofold or, say, a 20-fold Results reduction in promoter activity. In the ®rst case the Transcriptional attenuation response is ``soft'', and in the second it is ``sharp''. A useful measure of sensitivity in control is the In ribosome-mediated transcriptional attenu- sensitivity ampli®cation,25 sometimes referred to as ation, it is the outcome of a race between an RNA logarithmic gain26 For small changes in signals and polymerase transcribing the leader of a regulated responses, it is de®ned as the relative increase in mRNA and a ribosome translating this leader that the response divided by the relative increase in the determines the level of expression. signal. In the example above, the sensitivity ampli- A scheme for attenuation control of initiation of ®cation would be 10 (20/2), if we disregard the transcription that includes a conditional pause site fact that the de®nition is strictly valid only for for RNA polymerase in the mRNA leader for the Control of Biosynthetic Operons 943 regulated operon as suggested by Yanofski and co- IV. In this case, the hairpin III:IV, which signals workers18,31 ± 33 is shown in Figure 1. The leader rho-independent termination of transcription, will sequence contains, starting from the 50-end, the be formed rather than II:III, so that transcription is start signal AUG for mRNA followed aborted (attenuated) before the RNA polymerase by region I in which there are m ``own'' codons for starts transcribing the coding sequences of the the amino acid that is synthesised by the enzymes operon. in the controlled operon2 as well as other codons. Time zero is de®ned as the time when the RNA Region I is followed by region II of the leader and polymerase resumes transcription from its pausing then by a strong pause site for the RNA polymer- state under the in¯uence of an approaching ribo- ase. Further downstream, there are n transcrip- some. The probability, Q, that transcription is con- tional steps subdivided into regions III and IV of tinued from the leader into the open reading frame the leader. When the RNA polymerase has reached of the operon is determined by the probability, the pause site, it stops and remains there until a R(t), that the ribosome is in the control region, ribosome starts melting the hairpin structure when the RNA polymerase ®nishes transcribing formed by regions I and II.32,33 When the polymer- region IV (Figure 1). Q is given by the integral: ase resumes transcription, it moves forward in syn- Z 1 chrony with the ribosome. This synchronization, Q ˆ R t†p n;t†dt 1† which is critical for the sensitivity of the mechan- 0 ism, was not considered in earlier mathematical p(n,t) is the rate by which the polymerase leaves 34 ± 36 modelling of transcriptional attenuation. If the the nth base in regions III and IV (Figure 1), which ribosome is slow in translating the own codons of is the same as the probability density for the time region I due to de®cient amino acid synthesis, it that the polymerase spends transcribing bases 1 to will remain in the ``control region'' of the leader n in regions III and IV (Methods of Computation). when the RNA polymerase ®nishes transcription The number n is de®ned operationally as the num- of region IV (Figure 1). In this case the II:III, but ber of bases transcribed when the RNA polymerase not the III:IV, hairpin is formed and the RNA poly- moves from its pause site to a position that, when merase will continue into the open reading frames region III is single-stranded, allows formation of of the operon. When, in contrast, the amino acid the III:IV structure. For simplicity, it will be synthetic activity of the enzymes encoded by the assumed that the m control codons in the leader of operon is suf®cient or in excess, the ribosome will the operon dominate the ribosome's translation move fast over the own codons and be in region II time, that they are all own codons, and that trans- when the polymerase ®nishes transcribing region lation of each is characterised by an exponentially

Figure 1. Scheme for attenuation control. Top: The DNA leader sequence encoding a leader peptide of varying length depending on the place of the stop codon and four regions that can form mutually exclusive secondary RNA structures. Bottom left: The ribosome initiates translation of the RNA leader, while the RNAP stalls at its pause site. When the ribosome starts to melt the I:II hairpin, the RNAP resumes transcription. Bottom right, lower: when trans- lation is fast the ribosome prevents formation of the II:III hairpin, thereby allowing the transcriptional III:IV to form and transcription terminates. Bottom right, upper: when translation is slow the II:III hairpin forms, thereby preventing formation of the III:IV terminator and transcription continues into the open reading frames of the operon. 944 Control of Biosynthetic Operons distributed time with average 1/k. It will also be Figure 2 shows that a mechanism with m ˆ 10 assumed that transcription of the n bases in regions own codons has larger sensitivity amplitude, jaQkj, III and IV occurs in n identical steps, each charac- than when m ˆ 3, and that mechanisms with high terised by an exponentially distributed time with m and n values can combine high sensitivity with average 1/q. Exponentially distributed step-times expression levels Q close to saturation. This is in for ribosomes and RNA polymerases means that contrast to the exponential sensitivity ampli®cation both translation of a codon and transcription of a suggested for copy number control of plasmid base have one rate-limiting step and can be ColE1, where the sensitivity amplitude becomes described by a single rate constant, k or q, respect- very small when Q approaches 1.25,27 Neither of ively. With these simpli®cations, the probability the attenuation mechanisms in Figure 2 can regu- R(t) is given by: late beyond the point k ˆ 10 s1, since this corre- sponds to the maximal rate of translation of Xm R t†ˆ Po i;kt† 2† codons. We studied more systematically how sensitivity iˆ1 in attenuation control depends on the number of The probability density p(n,t) is given by: translation (m) and transcription (n) steps in the mechanism and on the value of the response func- P n;t†ˆqPo n;qt† 3† tion Q. Two cases were considered. In the ®rst, the number m of ribosome steps was varied from 1 to where: higher values with a single, rate-limiting transcrip- tion step (n ˆ 1). This corresponds to a situation lj Po j;l†ˆ el 4† where the motion of the RNAP from base 1 to n is j! dominated by a single, long-lived pause site. In the second case, the number of rate-limiting steps for is the probability to sample j events of a Poisson- translation and transcription were set equal distributed variable with expectation value l (m ˆ n) and varied from m, n ˆ 1 to high values. (Methods of Computation). Figure 2(a) shows the The results (Figure 3) show that, for given values response r ˆ Q to the signal s, which in this case is of m and n, jaQkj increases with decreasing de®ned as the rate constant k for translation of expression level Q. They also reveal that for mech- own codons in the control region (Figure 1). Two anisms with n ˆ 1 and a ®xed expression level Q, attenuation mechanisms are considered with differ- the sensitivity amplitude increases asymptotically ent numbers of steps for the ribosome (m) and with increasing m to a maximal value RNA polymerase (n). Figure 2(b) shows how the jaQkjˆlogQ. This corresponds to exponential sensitivity ampli®cation, ars ˆ aQk, of these mechan- 27,41,42 isms varies as a function of the signal parameter k. sensitivity ampli®cation. Another new result 26 ars is de®ned as: d log r s dr a ˆ ˆ 5† rs d log s r ds

37 ± 39 In molecular control analysis, ars is, depending on context, called the control coef®cient or the elasticity, and in biochemical systems theory the parameter sensitivity.26,40

Figure 3. Sensitivity for attenuation with different numbers of control codons and transcribed bases. The

Figure 2. Signal-response and sensitivity in attenu- sensitivity amplitude, jaQkj, for the response Q to vari- ation control. (a) Response (probability Q of successful ation in the signal k for different numbers of control transcription initiation) to signal (ribosome step rate, k) codons (m) and transcribed bases (n). jaQkj was calcu- for m control codons, where m is 3 or 10. The number, lated at k ˆ 10 s1. Continuous lines, n ˆ m. Broken n, of bases in regions III and IV was adjusted to make lines, n ˆ 1. The step rate, q, of the RNA polymerase 1 Q ˆ 0.01 when k ˆ kmax ˆ 10 s . (b) The sensitivity, aQk, was adjusted to obtain the Q values that characterize (equation (5)) as function of the step rate k. the different curves in the Figure. Control of Biosynthetic Operons 945

is that when m and n increase in tandem, jaQkj increases without limit for any value of Q <1,so that a very high sensitivity amplitude can be obtained also near saturation of the response, where Q is close to 1.

Repressor control of initiation of transcription When a repressor that controls expression from an amino acid biosynthetic operon binds to the amino acid that is produced by the enzymes encoded by this operon, the repressor's DNA-bind- Figure 4. Signal-response and sensitivity for repressor ing conformation is favoured so that initiation of control. (a) Response (probability Q that the operator is transcription is blocked. In this way, large amino free) to signal (concentration x of amino acid) calculated from equation (9) for repressors with one, two, four and acid pools will tend to decrease and small pools six subunits. Parameters (Table 1) were adjusted to will tend to increase the expression from amino make Q ˆ 0.001 when x !1 and Q ˆ 0.01 when acid biosynthetic operons. 5 x ˆ 10 . (b) The sensitivity , aQx, for response in Q to We have used a simple, cooperative model for variation in signal x. control of amino acid biosynthetic operons as suggested by Savageau.26 The repressor has m identical subunits, one DNA-binding and one DNA-inert conformation, and there is one binding site for repressor on DNA. In the absence of amino in vivo conditions requires global models30 for acids, the DNA-inert conformation dominates and growing cells. increasing amino acid concentration increases the probability that the repressor is in its DNA binding state (Methods of Computation). With K as the Characterisation of attenuation and repressor dissociation constant for binding of repressor to control in vivo operator and R0 as the total repressor concen- In order to predict response functions and sensi- tration, the probability, Q, that the operator is free tivities in vivo it is necessary to relate the prob- so that initiation of transcription can take place, is ability Q, that determines the level of gene given by: expression for attenuation control according to equation (1) and for repressor control according to m 1 K0R0=K† 1 ‡ x=K2† equation (6), to the concentration [E] of the enzyme Q ˆ 1 ‡ m m 6† 1 ‡ x=K1† ‡ K0 1 ‡ x=K2† system that synthesises the regulated amino acid. This we do by modelling n enzyme systems that Here, x is the amino acid concentration, K1 and K2 produce n different types of amino acids, which are, respectively, the dissociation constants for are activated in n aminoacylation reactions and amino acid binding to the DNA-inert and DNA- consumed by ribosomes in the synthesis of new binding repressor states. K0 is the equilibrium ratio proteins (Figure 5). We de®ne a signal variable, s, between DNA-binding and DNA-inert repressor as the total activity of an amino acid biosynthetic states in the absence of the amino acid. In the deri- pathway normalised to the maximal rate of con- vation of equation (6) it was assumed that the frac- sumption of this amino acid by ribosomes when it tion of bound repressors is small, so that the total is supplied in excess: and free repressor concentrations can be put equal. The response, r ˆ Q, to the signal, s ˆ x, is shown kE‰EŠ in Figure 4(a) for m ˆ 1, 2, 4 and 6 subunits, and s ˆ 7† ‰RŠ fkmax the corresponding sensitivity aQx in Figure 4(b). As expected, the maximal value of jaQxj increases with increasing number of subunits. [R] is the concentration of ribosomes in protein

So far, we have discussed the sensitivity of elongation phase, kE is the rate constant for amino attenuation and repressor control using the ribo- acid synthesis per unit of the enzyme system, f is some step rate k at own codons as signal in the for- the frequency by which the amino acid is incorpor- mer and the amino acid concentration x as signal ated in proteins and kmax is the maximal rate of in the latter case. However, in bacterial cells it is protein elongation. A steady-state analysis the biosynthetic activity of a metabolic pathway, (equations (M5) to (M11)), has been carried out rather than a ribosome step time or an amino acid based on the scheme in Figure 5. Figure 6 shows pool concentration, that is controlled. The physio- how the concentration, x, of the amino acid pool logically relevant choice of signal is therefore in and the charging level of the corresponding tRNA both cases the total activity of the enzymes that vary when s increases from low to high values. produce the amino acid. Characterisation of repres- The concentration x depends linearly on s when sor systems and attenuation mechanisms under the enzyme concentration is limiting. This is 946 Control of Biosynthetic Operons

Figure 6. Responses of amino acid pools and ternary complex concentrations to changes in the intracellular rate of synthesis of amino acids. Steady-state concen- trations of amino acid (x), aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase free ([S]), bound to amino acid only ([SX]), bound to tRNA only ([ST]), bound to amino acid and tRNA Figure 5. Global scheme for synthesis of amino acids, ([STX]), free tRNA [T] and free ternary complex [T3] aminoacylation of tRNAs and protein synthesis. (a) An were calculated and plotted as functions of the signal s amino acid Xi (concentration xi) is synthesised with rate (equation (7)). Parameter values are given in Table 1. jEi by an enzyme system (Ei, concentration [Ei]), aminoa- cylated with rate jSi by an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (Si, concentration [Si]). Ternary complexes (T3i, concen- tration [T3i]) formed between aminoacyl-tRNA, EF-Tu and GTP, are consumed by ribosomes (R, concentration constant for amino acid binding to a synthetase [R]) with rate jRi, where i ˆ 1,2, . . . n. (b) Control scheme: the rate of transcription (proportional to Q) of the bio- and the synthetase concentration that determine synthetic enzymes (E ) are controlled by a repressor sys- the exit rate from the amino acid pool. When, in i contrast, the rate of amino acid synthesis is in tem sensing the amino acid (Xi ) concentration and/or a ribosome-mediated attenuation mechanism directly excess over demand, the out¯ow from the pool is dependent on the availability of ternary complexes (T3i). of zero order, independent of synthetase kinetics The synthesis of amino acid is also regulated by direct and pool size (Figure 7). feedback inhibition of the activity of the biosynthetic The intracellular response, Q, of expression from enzymes. an amino acid synthetic operon to changes in intra- cellular signal, s, is shown in Figure 8(a) for the two attenuation mechanisms displayed in Figure 2 and the four repressor systems shown in Figure 4. because the rate of aminoacylation under those Figure 8(a) reveals, ®rstly, that Q varies in conditions must be proportional to x and equal to response to s very differently from the responses of repressor (Figure 2(a)) and attenuation (Figure 4(a)) the rate of synthesis of free amino acid, which is mechanisms to variations in amino acid con- proportional to s. When the in¯ow into the amino centration or ribosomal step time, respectively. acid pool approaches the maximally possible out- Secondly, the attenuation mechanism reduces gene ¯ow, i.e when. s ˆ 1, x increases rapidly for a expression sharply at a lower value of s than the small relative increase in s. At very high values of repressor system. Thirdly, Q remains virtually con- x there is, again, a linear relation between s and x, stant at a low level when s increases further in the when amino acid synthesis is signi®cantly reduced attenuation case but not for repressors, where Q 38 by feed-back inhibition (equation (M6)), or when can continue to decrease. These fundamental dilution of the amino acid pool by volume growth differences between repressor and attenuation con- becomes larger than amino acid consumption by trol are remarkably insensitive to parameter vari- ribosomes. The fraction of aminoacylated tRNA ations, and are robust system properties of rapidly displays a sharp dependence on s, going from a growing cells. very small value to near 100 % over an extremely Quantitative information about the sensitivity narrow interval close to s ˆ 1. The response in x to ampli®cation, aQs, of the control systems is given in variation in s near s ˆ 1 becomes sharper when the Figure 8(b). When s is larger than 1, the sensitivity capacity of the aminoacylation reaction increases of attenuation control is virtually zero. This means (Figure 7). When the rate of amino acid synthesis that attenuation mechanisms are ``blind'' and can- is below the demand from the ribosome activity in not regulate amino acid synthesis when it is in the cell, it is essentially only the association rate excess. The reason is that the rate constant k for Control of Biosynthetic Operons 947

Figure 8. Control characteristics in the global context the whole cell. (a) Control curves for the repressor and attenuation mechanisms in Figures 2 and 4, with the probability Q for gene expression plotted as function of the normalised signal, s (equation (7)). (b) The sensitivity

amplitudes, jaQsj, for the curves in (a) plotted as func- tions of the signal s. Figure 7. Responses of amino acid pools and ternary complex concentrations to changes in the intracellular rate of synthesis of amino acids for different concen- trations of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. The stationary concentrations of amino acid (x) and aminoacyl-tRNA aQs ˆ aQxaxs 8a† ([T3]) are plotted as functions of the signal s (equation (7)) for different total concentrations, [S0], of aminoacyl- The sensitivity ampli®cation axs describes how sen- tRNA synthetases. sitively the amino acid pool responds to changes in s, and all three sensitivities in equation (8a) are shown in Figure 9(a). For attenuation, the corre- sponding factorisation is: translation of control codons is almost exactly equal to its largest value k just above the point max a ˆ a a 8b† where amino acid synthesis matches the maximal Qs Qk ks in¯ux into protein synthesis. For repressors, the The sensitivity ampli®cation aks describes how sen- sensitivity remains relatively high also when s is sitively the ribosome's step-rate in translating own larger than 1. This is because amino acid pools, in codons responds to changes in the rate of synthesis contrast to protein elongation rates, respond to of the controlled amino acid. Relations like those in changes in the rate of amino acid synthesis also equation (8) are valid for all signal-response cas- when it is in excess over demand. The switch-like cades and follow directly from the chain rule for saturation of the rate of protein elongation when differentiating functions. the signal parameter s approaches 1 arises as soon The results in Figure 9 show that for certain as the aminoacylation reaction has suf®cient over- values of s, jaxsj and jaksj can take values much lar- capacity in relation to the demand for aminoacyl- ger than 1. In the repressor case, the explanation is tRNA in protein synthesis. This over-capacity of that amino acid pools in growing bacteria are very synthetases in the bacterial cell is in accord with sensitive to imbalances between in and out ¯uxes, experimental data,43 and assures that our con- as illustrated in Figures 6 and 7. The pool sizes are clusions regarding repressor control and attenu- normally much smaller than the intracellular ation are robust and depend little on kinetic amounts of the corresponding amino acids in pro- details. teins. This means that the fraction of in¯ow necess- Another striking feature is that the sensitivity ary to double the pool of free amino acid during a amplitudes are much higher for repressor and generation time is very much smaller than the out- attenuation mechanisms in the intracellular con- ¯ow required in order to double the cell's protein text. This can be seen by comparing data in pool in the same time interval. In this way, a small Figure 9(b) with results in Figure 2, where the ribo- relative change in s can induce a very large relative somal rate of translating own codons is used as the change in x. In fact, amino acid pools in bacteria input signal, or with data in Figure 4, where an have properties reminiscent of zero-order kinetics, amino acid concentration is the signal. Since all as originally suggested for modi®cation-demodi®- parameters for the attenuation and repressor parts cation reactions catalysed by enzymes operating 44 of the control are identical, this means that a rela- close to saturation. The high value of jaksj that tive variation in s must lead to a larger relative appears in attenuation is due to another type of variation in both the amino acid pool, x, for repres- sensitivity ampli®cation. To demonstrate the prin- sor control and in the ribosomal step time, k, for ciple, we will consider an idealised case where the attenuation. To inspect this phenomenon more clo- in¯ow into an amino acid pool, determined by sely we partition the sensitivity ampli®cation, aQs kE[E], exactly matches the ¯ow of this amino acid in the repressor case as: into nascent proteins (Methods of Computation): 948 Control of Biosynthetic Operons

acids is markedly switch-like (Figure 8(a)). Gene expression changes from fully on to low values over a very small interval of signal, giving the con- trol systems a distinctly Boolean character. This is underscored by the results in Figure 8(b), which show that the sensitivity amplitudes peak at extre- mely high values, and then decay rapidly as the signal changes up or down. The high sensitivity and the Boolean character of control originate from Figure 9. Partitioning of ampli®cation factors. (a) Sen- cascades of sensitivity ampli®cation. In the attenu- sitivity amplitudes jaQsj, jaQkj and jaksj for attenuation ation case, the sensitivity in gene expression to control plotted as functions of the signal s (equation (7)), variations in the rate by which ribosomes translate illustrating how a is composed of contributions from Qs own codons is ampli®ed by the sensitive response aQk and aks. (b) Sensitivity amplitudes jaQsj, jaQxj and jaxsj for repressor control plotted as functions of the signal s, in ribosomal step time at own codons to the rate of synthesis of an amino acid (Figure 9(a)). In the illustrating how aQs depends on contributions from aQx and a . repressor case, a modest sensitivity in the response xs of gene expression to variations in the amino acid pool is ampli®ed by a high sensitivity in pool size to variations in amino acid synthesis rate (Figure 9(b)). By extensive variations of parameter 1 values, we have found that both repressor and k ‰EŠˆf ‰RŠv ˆ f ‰RŠ 9† attenuation systems always have their most sensi- E f 1 f ‡ tive responses close to the point where the in¯ow k kmax into an amino acid pool just matches the maxi- mally possible out¯ow. This is a robust system v is the average rate of translation of all types of property, which is virtually independent of where codons. Own codons for the controlled amino acid the ¯ow matching occurs. This means that both are read with variable rate k and all other codons types of control systems will have similar charac- with the same, maximal rate k . The frequency of max teristics independent of growth conditions, and the controlled amino acid in intracellular proteins extends the validity of the present analysis to a is f and the frequency of all other amino acids large range of environmental conditions and enzy- lumped together is 1 f. From equation (9) it fol- matic activities. lows that: This work shows that control of gene expression dlnk k 1 f by ribosome-mediated transcriptional attenuation aks ˆ ˆ 1 ‡ 10† mechanisms has severe limitations, since they are dln‰EŠ kmax f sensitive only when the charging level of a transfer RNA is so low that the protein elongation rate is For values of k close to kmax and with f ˆ 1/20, the sensitivity amplitude for the response in the step slowed signi®cantly. This is in contrast to repressor rate k for reading own codons to changes in s is mechanisms, which respond to amino acid pools close to 20. This type of sensitivity ampli®cation so that gene expression can be tuned also when the has, to our knowledge, never been described, and supply of amino acids is in excess over demand can be explained as follows. When amino acid syn- (Figure 8(b)). This difference between the two con- thesis is rate-limiting (s < 1), the total rate of pro- trol mechanisms suggests that, in general, repres- tein synthesis is proportional to s. A certain sor systems are better control modules than relative change Ás/s is therefore equal to the rela- attenuation mechanisms in the sense that they will tive change Áv/v in the average ribosome velocity lead to higher ®tness values for rapidly growing v. Since, however, the fraction of time that ribo- organisms. somes spend translating a particular codon is To illustrate this, consider two bacterial popu- about 1/20, the relative change in this latter time lations that are identical in all respects except that must be about 20 times larger than the relative one uses repressor control to regulate expression change in total translation time (1/v) (Figure 9, from amino acid biosynthetic operons and the Methods of Computation). other uses ribosome-dependent attenuation of tran- scription. To discuss a simple case, assume further that both populations grow logarithmically in con- Discussion stant and identical external environments. Since repressors can regulate also when amino acid Mathematical modelling has been used to pre- supply is in small excess, the population that uses dict the behaviour of transcriptional control mech- repressor control can keep the charging levels of its anisms with repressors and attenuators for amino transfer RNAs near 100 % and its ribosomes acid biosynthetic operons in growing bacteria. The elongating with full speed all the time. When the analysis suggests that, for both types of control capacity of an amino acid synthetic pathway systems, the responses in gene expression to vari- becomes dangerously low due to volume expan- ations in the cell's capacity to synthesise amino sion by growth, the resulting reduction in the Control of Biosynthetic Operons 949 amino acid concentration can signal enhanced initiation of transcription of the operon early enough so that new enzymes will appear before the charging levels of the corresponding transfer RNAs start to drop. In the population with attenu- ation control, in contrast, initiation of transcription from the biosynthetic operon cannot respond until there is suf®cient reduction in the charging levels of the corresponding transfer RNAs to slow the rate of translation of own codons in the leader of Figure 10. Combined attenuation-repressor control the operon signi®cantly (Figure 1). Since there is systems. (a) Control curve for a mechanism with both repressor (two subunits, K ˆ 2.49  105 M) and ribo- always a delay between initiation of transcription 1 and the synthesis of new, active enzymes, the char- some-mediated attenuation (three translation and 26 transcription steps). The normalised rate, Q, of gene ging levels will continue to drop and the average expression plotted as function of the signal s (equation rate of codon translation will continue to decrease (7)). (b) The sensitivity amplitude, jaQsj, for the curve in until the level of the amino acid synthetic enzymes (a) plotted as function of the signal s. has been restored. The repressor system can, in other words, ``foresee'' a coming shortage in ami- noacyl-tRNA levels and react before the ribosomes are slowed, but the attenuation mechanism cannot. attenuation control for this operon and later mana- As a consequence of this, the population of bacteria ged to evolve a better mechanism with greater using repressors can sustain a higher growth-rate ®tness. than the population using attenuators. We have Another way to improve the performance of veri®ed these qualitative arguments by simulating ribosome-mediated attenuation mechanisms is to the dynamics of the control systems in growing combine them with repressor control and preferen- bacteria, including a time-delay between initiation tially in such a way that expression from the of transcription and the emergence of newly syn- attenuator starts to increase only when the repres- thesized protein. The detailed results of these com- sor system is fully derepressed. Such combinations putations will be presented elsewhere. of control systems would considerably increase the This apparent de®ciency in attenuation control is dynamic range of control, allow regulation both further accentuated by other phenotypic conse- below and above balanced rate of synthesis of quences of a drop in tRNA charging levels.29 amino acids (see Figure 10), and would be particu- Amino acid substitution errors in nascent proteins larly useful when the repressor has moderate coop- are directly proportional to the ratio between non- erativity. Such a combined mechanism controls cognate and cognate ternary complexes. This expression from the trp-operon in E. coli, 48 but in means that if the charging level for a transfer RNA many other cases, as for the his-,8,9 leu-,10 thr-11 and that is cognate for a certain codon is very low, but ilvGMEDA12 operons, attenuation appears to oper- the charging level for an ef®ciently competing ate alone or in conjunction with global control sys- near-cognate transfer RNA is not, the error in the tems.49 ± 51 This could suggest that E. coli in some reading of this codon can easily go up by orders of cases may not have been able to evolve control magnitude. Since the responses of attenuation sys- mechanisms that, from a population genetic per- tems depend on signi®cantly reduced charging spective, are optimal. However, a more likely levels of transfer RNAs, this type of mechanism alternative is that there exist hitherto unidenti®ed will increase the frequency of missense errors in feedback systems that complement attenuation and protein synthesis and intermittently induce the confer optimal control for fast growth in ways that stringent response.45 Both these phenomena will are unknown at the present time. further reduce the growth-rate of the population. In conclusion, bacteria that use attenuation as the Methods of Computation only control for expression of amino acid biosyn- thetic operons appear to be at a population genetic Stochastic treatment of attenuation with ribosome- disadvantage relative to those that use repressor released RNA polymerase control. One way to improve attenuation control would The probability, Q, that the RNA polymerase (RNAP) be to make the probability to form the anti-termin- continues into the open reading frames of an attenuation ator in the mRNA-leader (Figure 1) depend on the controlled operon is given by the probability that the ribosome blocks the I:II structure in the leader so that amino acid pool size, rather than on the ribosomal the II:III antiterminator, rather than the III:IV terminator, step time. Indeed, such a scheme has been is formed just when the RNAP ®nishes transcription of implemented by Bacillus subtilis, where expression the base in position n counted from the pause site from the trp operon is regulated by a protein- (Figure 1). Q can be written: mediated attenuation mechanism. This senses the Z 1 X amino acid concentration and not the rate of trans- Q ˆ p n;t† R j;t†dt M1† 46,47 l lating own codons. An interesting possibility is 0 j2Control that B. subtilis originally used ribosome-mediated Codons 950 Control of Biosynthetic Operons p(n,t)dt is the probability that the RNAP passes step n in identical transcription steps, m identical own control the leader between time t and t ‡ dt, so that p(n,t) is the codons and no other codon. probability density of the time that the RNAP spends The possibility that ribosomes reach a stop codon, ter- transcribing bases 1 to n. The number n is de®ned in minate and dissociate from the leader, thereby causing Results. We assume, for simplicity, that the rate of incor- readthrough of the attenuator,52 has not been considered porating each base is dominated by one, rate-limiting here. This phenomenon, which reduces the sensitivity of step with the same rate constant q. Then the movement attenuation, determines the basal expression level of the of the RNAP is a simple Poisson process where the resi- trp operon.53 The possibility of super attenuation20 has dence time at each transcription step is exponentially dis- also been disregarded here, and both these complications tributed with average 1/q and p(n,t) is given by: will be discussed in a different context elsewhere.

d Xn p n;t†ˆ Po l;qt†ˆqPo n;qt† Global scheme for synthesis of amino acids, dt aminoacylation and protein synthseis lˆ1 M2† qt†n Our scheme for protein synthesis is shown in Figure 5 ˆ qeqt n! and de®nitions of parameters are given in the corre- sponding legend. In steady state, the following relations R (j,t) is the probability that the ribosome is at codon j at l hold for a particular amino acid Xi, where the index i is time t after release of RNAP from the pause (Figure 1), dropped for convenience: and l is the total number of codons in the leader sequence. To simplify, we assume that translation of a jE ˆ jS ‡ mx codon j is dominated by a rate-limiting step with rate M5† jS ˆ jR ‡ m‰T3ŠjR constant kj. Rl(j,t) is then de®ned by the system of master equations: The total rate, jE, of synthesis of an amino acid is equal to the rate of consumption, jS, of this amino acid by ami- dRl 1;t† noacylation plus dilution due to exponential growth ˆk1Rl 1;t† dt (mx). The ¯ow, jS, is equal to the rate of consumption of amino acids by ribosomes, jR, plus the rate of dilution of dRl j;t† M3† ternary complex (m[T ]). The latter term can be neglected, ˆ k R j 1;t†k R j;t†; 3 dt j1 l j l since ternary complex is bounded above by the constant total concentration of a tRNA isoacceptor. j ˆ 2;3; ...l jE is determined by the enzyme concentration [E], the ef®ciency k of E and feedback inhibition with inhibition To simplify further, we assume that all l codons in E constant K , according to: equation (M3) are own codons for the controlled amino P acid (l ˆ m), that they all are in the control region and kE‰EŠ that all rate constants for codon translation are equal jE ˆ M6† 1 ‡ x=KP (ki ˆ k). Then, also the movement of the ribosome is a simple Poisson process and the solution to (M3) is: jS is determined by total synthetase concentration [S0], association rate constant k0 for binding of X to S, dis- j sociation constant K for tRNA binding to S, concen- kt† kt S Rl j;t†ˆRm j;t†ˆ e ; j ˆ 1;2 ...m M4† tration [T] of free deacylated tRNA and rate constant k j! 2 for aminoacylation and release of aminoacyl-tRNA, When all steps are equal for the movements of ribosome according to: and RNAP, as assumed here, the standard deviation in x‰S Šk the time to complete a random walk normalised to the j ˆ 0 2 M7† S k K average time decreases as the inverse of the square-root 2 ‡ x 1 ‡ S of the number of steps. When the number m of own k0 ‰TŠ codons and the number n of transcribed bases increase, both the time for the ribosome to leave the mth control codon and the time for RNAP to reach base n become This type of expression follows from all schemes distributed more narrowly. A similar decrease in the where the ATP concentration is high enough to saturate relative standard deviation with increasing number of the synthetase, tRNA equilibrates rapidly with synthe- steps in the random walk will occur also when the rate tase and the aminoacyl-adenylate is in stable complex constants differ between different steps, provided that with the enzyme. This means that equation (M7), in spite the process is not dominated by one, or a few, very slow of its simplicity, is very general and accounts accurately steps. This narrowing of the distributions for the times for aminoacylation in vivo. Recently, a similar expression used by ribosomes and RNAPs to complete their random was used by Chassagnole et al.54 to describe control of walks is the reason why the maximal sensitivity ampli- the synthesis pathway. However, the detailed tude jaQkj introduced just below equation (5) in Results interpretation of the parameters is slightly different, increases with increasing m and n-values. If there are since they assume rapid equilibrium between synthetase other than own codons in the control region, the sensi- and amino acid, while we assume binding and formation tivity amplitude decreases with the fraction of own of an aminoacyl-adenylate in stable complex with the codons, since the other codons make the transition time synthetase on the pathway to aminoacylation of tRNA for the ribosome ``noisier'', without contributing to the according to Fersht & Kaethner.55 This difference in regulation. The responses (Q) and sensitivities (aQk and mechanistic interpretation of the aminoacylation is of no aQs) for attenuation control in Figures 2 and 8, respect- concern for the present analysis, since both expressions ively, were calculated from equation (M1) assuming n have equivalent mathematical structures. Control of Biosynthetic Operons 951

f ‰RŠ f ‰RŠk The rate of consumption (j ) of a particular amino j ˆ f ‰RŠv ˆ ˆ max M9† R R 1 f f fK acid in protein synthesis is determined by its frequency f ‡ 1 ‡ R (ˆfi) of occurrence in cellular proteins, the ribosome con- kmax k ‰T3Š centration [R] and the average ribosomal velocity v (Figure 5): The ribosomal step rate k is de®ned from:  1 1 K f ‰RŠ ˆ 1 ‡ R M10† jR ˆ f ‰RŠv ˆ ! M8† k k ‰T Š Xn f K max 3 j 1 ‡ Rj k ‰T Š A situation where all codons except one are translated jˆ1 Rj 3j with maximal rate arises as soon as the synthesis of one or several amino acids is insuf®cient: the pathway where KRj and kRj are Km and kcat values, respectively, for indi- vidual codons. Equation (M8) follows from the facts that the synthesis normalised to demand is the smallest will the average rate, v, of protein synthesis per ribosome is become limiting, while all other pathways will automati- the inverse of the average time, t, to translate all types of cally synthesise amino acids in excess over the current codons and this time is given by: demand. The exponential growth rate m is, by de®nition, deter- X mined by the total rate of protein synthesis per volume t ˆ fjtj v[R], divided by the density r0 of amino acids in intra- j cellular proteins: where ‰RŠv ! m ˆ M11† r0 1 KRj tj ˆ 1 ‡ kRj ‰T3jŠ The steady-state equations were solved numerically (Newton-Gauss algorithm) with the parameter values in Here, tj, is the average time to translate a codon of type j. The effective association rate constant for the binding Table 1 and taking into account that the sum of the con- centrations of free tRNA, tRNA on synthetase and tRNA of a ternary complex, T3j, to the ribosome is the ratio kRj/ in ternary complex is constant. The sensitivities KRj. The parameter kRj is the inverse of the time it takes to hydrolyse GTP on EF-Tu, execute peptidyl-transfer, aQx ˆ (dlnQ/dlnx), aQk ˆ (dlnQ/dlnk) and aQs ˆ (dlnQ/ translocate peptidyl-tRNA from A to P-site by the action dlns) ˆ (dlnQ/dln[E]), and axs ˆ (dlnx/dlns) ˆ (dlnx/ of elongation factor EF-G and dissociate EF-G from the dln[E]) and aks ˆ (dlnk/dlns) ˆ (dlnk/dln[E]) in Figures 2, post-translocation ribosomal complex. The validity of 4, 8 and 9 were derived by approximating derivatives equation (M8) depends only on the assumption that the with difference ratios and by applying the chain-rule to the relevant equations. compound parameters kRj and KRj do not display signi®- cant variation. For clarity, we will now assume that all Our approach to global modelling is reminiscent of codons have the same Michaelis-Menten parameters the ``top-down'' approach described by Fell,38 since we

(KRj ˆ KR, kRj ˆ kR), that all codons except one are trans- have lumped all the consecutive and branched reactions lated with maximal speed (kmax) and neglect the margin- that constitute a biochemical pathway responsible for the al difference (due to different maximal ternary complex synthesis of an amino acid into one block. This pro- concentrations) between kR and the maximal rate, kmax, cedure has been analysed carefully and found to be 38 of translating codons (kR ˆ kmax). This gives: methodologically sound. In the language of metabolic

Table 1. Model parameters

Value Reference

6 56 [Stot] (M) 1.3Â10 Neidhardt i 5 57 [tRNAtot] (M) 1Â10 Dong et al [R] (M) 2Â105 Bremer58 1 1 56 k2 (s ) 100 s Calc. from Neidhardt 6 59 KS (M) 10 Holler 6 60 KR (M) 1Â10 Diaz 3 KP (M) 5Â10 1 1 kmax (s )10s F 0.05 1 1 6 k0 (M S )1Â10 61 r0 (M) 2 Calc. from Churchward et al.

Repressor control parameters 7 62 [R0] (M) 1Â10 Lissens 10 K (M) 1.0Â10 Glansdorff63

K1/K2 1000

M 1246 5 11 17 K0 0.01 10 10 10 4 5 5 5 K1 (M) 9.90  10 M 8.62  10 2.10  10 M 1.12  10 M 952 Control of Biosynthetic Operons control analysis, a simpli®ed version of Figure 1 could 3. Maas, W. K. (1994). The arginine repressor. Micro- be written: biol. Rev. 58, 631-640. 4. Gunsalus, R. P. & Yanofsky, C. (1980). Nucleotide block 1 block 2 block 3 ! X ! T ! proteins sequence and expression of Escherichia coli trpR, the 3 structural gene for the trp aporepressor. Proc. Natl Here, block 1 is the metabolic pathway for amino acid Acad. Sci. USA. 77, 7117-7121. synthesis, block 2 is the aminoacylation reaction and 5. Patte, J. C., Richaud, C., Boy, E., Reinisch, F., block 3 is protein synthesis carried out by ribosomes. Richaud, F. & Cassan, M. (1976). Regulation of However, we have used the extensive biochemical lysine biosynthesis in Escherichia coli K12. Acta knowledge that is available concerning both aminoacyla- Microbiol. Acad. Sci. 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Edited by D. Draper

(Received 5 March 2001; received in revised form 13 September 2001; accepted 14 September 2001)