17Th World Lake Conference Program & Abstract Book Lake Kasumigaura
17th World Lake Conference 17th World Lake Conference Program & Abstract Book Program & Abstract Book Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, Japan 2018 Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, Japan 2018 This conferenceThis conference receives the receives support the of support river fund of riverby the fund River by Foundation.the River Foundation. This conferenceThis conference is also supported is also supported by Honda by Memorial Honda MemorialFoundation, Foundation, Kanto RegionalKanto ManagementRegional Management Service Association, Service Association, Tsukuba EXPO'85Tsukuba MemorialEXPO'85 MemorialFoundation. Foundation. The River FoundationThe River Foundation Ibaraki IbarakiWLC17 WLC17 http://www.wlc17ibaraki.jp/en/index.htmlhttp://www.wlc17ibaraki.jp/en/index.html Please noteP tleasehat all no thete scthahedulet all the on sc thishedule announcemen on this announcement is tentative.t is tentative. Photos by MiniPhosttosry byof LandMinist, Irynf rasof Landtruct,ure Inf,ras Transportructuret ,and Transpor Tourismt and (ML TITouri), Tsmsuchiura (MLIT) ,Ci Ttysuchiura, Tsukuba City City,, Tsukuba City, Ministry ofMinistry Land, Infrastructure, of Land, Infrastructure, Transport Transport and Tourism and (MLIT) Tourism , Ministry (MLIT) ,of Ministry the Environment of the Environment (MOE) , (MOE) , KasumigauraK asCiuty,migaura Hokota Ci City,ty, Ho Ibarakikota Ci Tty,own Ibaraki, Mito TCiownty, ,Ibaraki-Prefectural Mito City, Ibaraki-Prefectural Kasumigaura Kasumigaura Citizens' Ass Ciociatizentions' Ass, ociation, Ministry ofMinistry Agriculture, of
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