Wm RED BA VOfcUME LI^NO. '^ ff.V , NK, N, J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1928. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 EASTERN STAR PARTY. A TALK ON DAHLIAS. It,Will be, Held In tfat filin.r Build- RUMSON PUBLIC MATTERS WOMEN HOLD BIG RALLY. W«i Given at New Saturday WIDENING STATE ROAD JMIDDLETOWN'S B ippiliilill ing Nut Monday Mint, by William H. Walte. WATERMAN AVENUE CON- VER. I,(Mto' DEMOCRATS AT- HE WORK WAS STARTED A BILL OF »I2 FOR yt The Red Bank chajtte'rof East- William H. Waite of Rumson gave TRACT AWARDED. TEND CiARDEN PARTV. LAST WEEK. ',, v^'.-;.. •,';• GOBBLER. em Star w{ll hold a card party in free illustrated lecture on dahlias 1 'ollowert' of Governor Alfred E. Us rooms in, the Eisner building Anti-Smoke Ordinance Adopted- aturday at the New York botan- is to be Done Within Ninety i Smith Hear Governor Moore end Two New. ;SpeiiaFpaileeinis (^| SeBternDerHJStli and 29kh Date» 'or -«:th«rMiy4-3tiip»-:>rasSii':-to' Re.»W« next, Monday night. The card New Schedule for Garbage Col- al garden. His address was on Working Days—One Store, One ^WilblHon of Monmouth County Others at Rally on the Eatate of Keansburj Wants More)'; t the '*»»<&,'*' W«ihln«Wi.'e, filrth- games will start at>"> eight? o'clock lections—Zoning Discussion-— Growing Dahlias -from Seeds." House and a Number of Roadside ^Hifrileul.ltifafj^^ and prizes will no awarded to .the JUdga Abram I. Eikut. but Cent Get Them—A D : Drainage Problems. t- 'he dahlia beds at tho botanical Booths to be Moved. . out Railroad Clotting..; ••'•0_gi&ft ;-w;; Prjrti.;tWnffe^W}WfweV?^;^ J|i^i«i^;-;flB£ t)v man. Others on tho committee are last Thursday, afternoon on the lawn Mr. Waite is a member of the i ty:|^o>ltaraV society ^llliba'.heltf "iiwins and resurface Waterman ave- oncs's automobile service station a Middletown township last;ThUri" ' :d0htie.tt!»S(5eSw?'',Grpye.;>;Kotel;:'at Mrs. Isabel MacGregor/Mrs. Adele front of the handsome residence Ibnmouth county horticultural so- ;, Frldfiyjpnd Saturday o^nexUyreek i'ue was awarded to William' Mears hort distance south of Cooper's night for a turkey gobbler which Witte/iw^-'-ta'rt^Kuiiid^:;*)^- Conover, Mrs. Elizabeth McKee, if Judge and Mrs. Abram I. Elkus :icty and is the originator of- sev- atthjB; newBt.'JBmes tifg^^chaol aij^ noph^ MaSy*f ^hq guestg^Tvent; to f RumSon on a bid of $5,118.40. ridge at Red Bank to Town brook, beeen klekilledd by a dogdog, whoswhose OWBUV. r Mrs, Juno Curchin, MM. Rachel Ran- in Harding road. The gathering was ral of New Jersey's finest dahlias. ; ditorlurfli;'^hovpiiJim!tiary, solied; WaterJ Witch ejrlyniii the afternoon kin, Mrs. Margaret Stryker, Mrs. Four other bids wero submitted, ear the Middletown village school, U unknown. Tho commltto filed th* > 'hey wero. Peter Do Ponto' $5,471.- n the nature of a garden party for So has devoted most of his life to t the last named, place the widened Aulii sh*ys;that the ; Mrs.;VAda^ Kennedy, 0, Red Bank sanitary sewer com- His work and many of the new flow- ghway will form a junction with i divided Into nine eootions, embracing baseball gamo. was-startscV but tho y over 1,000 women from various action on jt at the closo of the year. Mrs,: Madeline Brower and Mrs. )Bny $6,009.96. Rufflno & Arri- rs were developed from seed ori his he new state highway cut-off which nearly 150; classes, Tho.final sched- excessive heat stopped- i;hi' contest i:.rta of Monmouth county. Charle^imrius Neliteul , anda Bernard WWalW,lW '?m Elizabeth Sickles. jrosio ?6,465.8C and S. S, Thomp- little Silver property. He also has 'iminates Middletown village from ule, .which is liberal! InVadvertising .||fo^>it.^AJai*;ifinitKedt\,.vTHo.'^>!Bli "Mrs. ElkUB, who was in general were madde speciai l policemen:tjrl^h«jMi | on & Co, $6,783.50. Andrew C. Cot- dahlia garden at Eatontown. he state highway route. , ; space purchased by friends of the popular- game:proved:tp^be 'qUolts, iliarge of the party, opened the out salaries. They ara dlw<^-W-| > society.1 thows tt greater dlttrlbutlon James Wilda and Benjamin Atwater rell was appointed inspector of the The contractor is to .receive ;i 'ob. •:• : •'•; .' . '",'.' meeting with an address of welcome, traffic -between Middlotown VlllagPp ••;ofr|ii^4^.'than/in«iiyjpr^yii?urun woro the' champions at 'this game, SOCIAL WORKERS MEET. •ho said she has known Governor 144,000 and the job is to be fin-and Red Bank where the sMtq;hlgh5ri|| ; i The anti-smoke ordinance was , dcrtaMng .of thb^ sptlpty. * > 1 '.^'•yir.With /Wilde tossing the ringers'and Imlth since his first election as as- 'ARMERS' CROPS STOLEN. ihed in ninety working days. Mi- way is being widened. "'••:-•' •'"'./f'm^'mi ! adopted. Senator William A. Stev- •'• • ,Cpmmlss|onerah'd; MM,;:WillJani 'Ai^aur;'dbIngTthe;Wklng''tto.'.ciiin^ ANNUAL MEETING; .HELD emblyman of flew York state and hael Jannarone, the president of The. need of a bell o*; WKnwf^if ens, the. borough attorney, stated > tviPjlloJ Trentori^in be the^Mi, binatlbn was unbeatable. Beforo the hat outstanding among his many H1EVES ON TWO PLACES IN he company and supervisor of the light at the Thompson ave'nua,; rjJjlfSfl! WEDNESDAY AT LINCROFT. liat the'ordindnce docs not prohibit of the society . bnV'itfp opening:-night. dinner!:was served! a group 'photo- dmirablo qualities were his cour- ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP. ontract, hopes to get the work done : ;he use of soft coal unless the smoke ' of,tho ehow and a bloom, to be se- graph of- the 'guests', was taken from' Mrs. Lewis 3. Thompson Re-Elected igc, honesty and sincerity. She y December 1st, which would re- stressed by several residents of thafc.A :; and soot proves to be a nuisance to ^ected ;by Mrs^ - Dill from the .saed' |he hotel porchi '.'..•• President of the Orgenliatlon— iraisod his record as governor of They.Stole Nearly AH_ the Sweet ucc the .time to considerably-less placc-and in support of thei*TaJ§|fiV«Il ";hesneighborhood. '— "" 1 :• vllng ^exhibits; ;*lll; .bo i iiamed alter ^^hq pinner i^comprlsedv all .the Pour Gifts H«ve Recently Been Siew York and said that. he would . Corn on Chriney Conover's Farm han ninety working days. He says ments they cited* instances o^nt0'M • her* ;'••'••••.• • 'y'' •••.;T.-r"-;'1' • ••':-.J':^•-'•(-:•" dwhes of. a real shore dinner arid Received by the Society. .'.'. .:' A new schedule for collecting lake a good president. and All the Peaches on Augustus" hat if his company is favored with row escapes at the crosBing^-?S^ii|i5j'|| Wllilam^MaqLeod! i? rchalrmah. of tjiey • were; served • in very generous More than 400 perscms attended garbage was adopted upon the rec- ;Wolsh'a Farm. ;ood weather the contract can belatest of these near accidents ' oe*;' <*j : Governor Smith sent a telegram •the exhibition ic'onimlttee. :' His P»rtle»ns.v During; the'?Sinner, piano the annual meeting of' the Mon- >mmendatlon of the road commit- Thieves visited two Atlantic town- ;one by that time. ' curred last Wednesday. , ForVI£»A-,r$: ; soelates on .the' committee are Vzi- nrnsieV arid/'yocal, BOIOS were ren- m\>uth county, social service organi- ;ce. Collections will be made east ixpVeEsing regret that he was unable If it is not done by that time it years or more.the township.cojnw»ft*Kl3 l ihip farms on different nights'last cy Hicks,*Ja'mes^Kennedy. Michael dered. George 'W, Bray, chairman zation at Mrs. Lewis S.XThompson's •f the Avenue of Two Rivers on to be present. The telegram, which ill have to go over until next tee has been trying to make tiemK«|® f eck and got safely away with booty Connprs, Alfred'; Griffiths, VYV.T H. of ..the dinner, committee, acted, as at Lincroft last Wednesday after.- Mondays and Thursdays, west of ivas read by a daughter of Mrs. spring, for concrete cannot be laid road company placo a waralng$"t« obvic uuituiH^j, one nouse and ough attorney. A request was made fare legislation, She said he is one William Hoefling, a me tra] district and It will be attended man, a former Long Branch mayor. here were more peaches in the row most of the roadside booths north of 'J! • by jodge members, their families and Riyer . Pl»i» Community Club Will for a street sign on Maplewood ave- o* the greatest humanitarians this Fair View will have to be moved the Homestead Park improvi 1 The scholarship is worth ?1,000 fta'jj, would be required for canning JHoW It «<,R«d Bank, nue and Mayor W. Warren Barbour country has ever produced^— association of East Keansburg;! friends.,- A largo.delegation, Includ- and will be awarded for three con purposes,and Mr. Welsh had in- 0 make room for the widened road. said he -would donate the sign. 1 "Of all the governmental suc- for jnore lights at East Ki""." ing several athletic, stars, will rep- The .Community.-club of River sneutivo years. It.will bo given to tended to dispose of'the excess by The store which will hare tof.be. Jre- . Alfred Turner made an applica- ;es oi Governor Smith," Mrs. tbuth of Thompson avenue.iW*; resent the Bed Bank lodge. riaza will hold a-rummage sale Sat- the graduate nurse of the. Long selling it to dealers. He was great- "ocated is at the northwest corned tion for a job as an engineer of tho Norton declared," the one I love to Stokes asked for a light at the urday In the. building of the Eisner Branch hospital who has done the ly surprised one morning; last week of the state highway and the V new incinerator, which is being built talk about is the one which justifies ner of Shoreland terrace and' OFF TO RUTGERS COLLEGE. estate on Mdnmouth street, near the best work in.public health nursing. whon he went to the orchard and swamp road. It Is owned by Fred on the rear of the borough hal! every woman in the country to vote Monmouth road at East Kei Rod Bank railroad station. Tho sale Mrs. Thompson was re-elected d that every peach had been Rogers. The house is owned by Mrs. Four Re j Bank High School Gradu property. and work for him. It is the welfare The committeemen said they!- will' begin at ten o'clock in thepresident of the organization. The ;aken. The thieves had loaded the Catherine Sullivan and it Is on the atet Left Monday. policy he inaugura/sd and carried not be able to grant these r«qU' njorning and continuo all day. Per- other officors re-elected are: - tolen fruit on a truck and ha'd driv- east side of the road, near a settle- sons wishing to donate articles for For insurance purposes tho valu- through. With a personal knowledge ment known as Gillville. this year, as there was not sufflclen Harry •K.ruse and Sidney Mois n off with it. Mr. Welsh estimates 1 the sale may do so Friday afternoon Vies president—-Erneit A. Arend of Red ation of tho new borough hall bulld- of they needs of the widowed ana balance in the light appropriation ,* trlch of Red: Bank, Robert Hartman link. .-•••• ;hat they got fifty to sixty baskets The roadside booths, which will between ono o'clock and five o'clock. 'ng was set at $48,500 by William orphaned, ho brought about legis- provide more lights. . ,:', ~ of Koyport and- Sidney Hodas of .Treasurer—Jesse Mlnot of Red Bank. H. Hintelmann, $68,760 by John f peaches. have. to. be. moved are on both sides Directors—Mrs. Tholnpson, Mr. Mlnot, lation for their relief. David Simpson, secretary of Eatontown left Monday to take up THo club will hold-a sociable at Yeomans and $48,950 by Vance W. 1 of. the state highway. The course their studies at Rutgers college. -A-11 Henry E. Acktraon of Keyport and H. Last spring 100 chickens owned Fair View flre company, its clubhotis'o next Tuesday night, Raymond Eisner of Bed, Bank. >' "Inrbert. At present the building is "Realizing the gveat sacrifices usually followed when this has to bo the , boys, graduated from the Red Arrahgements are being made for y Mr. Conover v-ere stolen. done is to get estimates from house that the light in front of the;' KeV, John B.McCloskoy has been "nsured for $30,000. made by the soldiers th, the late war, Bank, high school Injast year's class; a card party to -bo held by the club lie secured an appropriation for a . 1— " movers on the cost of the wrk. Thobouse had been out several ' Sidney Meistrich, and Sidney Hodas the latter part of September. appointed a director to fill the va- An ordinance will be prepared HONORS UNKNOWN SOLDIER. late highway commission does not and Francis T. Lauer reported cancy caused by the death of Rev. for a storm sower and sidewalks and memorial hospital at Kings Park, recently won scholarships which en Tho club will hold a. Hallowe'en move the buildings, but it pays to two lights on Bray avenue.at e Joseph Hughes bf New Monmouth, curbing on Black Point road. one of the finest in the country. Father Nicholaa Soriano Performed titled them to free tuition at the col masqueradde partty d d Realizing that no state can prosper the owners the dost of doing this Keansburg had been out two WeeUj: and dance on The'principal topic stressed by Asphaltlc oil has been laid on Ceremony at Rome. October 30th. without a sound public school sys- work. The roadside booth owners The clerk was instructed to notify] • the speakers was the erection of Bcllevue and Bingham avenues. Father Nicholas Soriano, pastor ,em, ho was instrumental in having have expressed no dissatisfaction the electric company about this Ottt* welfare home In.,the county. The ei» of St. Anthony's church of Red Boat Club Theater Party. What He Think, of The Register. ncreased the salaries of the teach- with this arrangement.' Some of the age. Mr. Lauer praised Mr. WijJ building of the new home was re- Buys an Outboard Motor Boat. Hank, placed a wreath on tho tomb The Players' boat'club of Fair ers so that tho state would be able buildings are too close to the road and the members of the townih||* "Enclosed please find check for the cently approved by tho board o of the unknown soldier at Rome, Haven will tender a luncheon and Edward vonKattengell, Jr., boughl to- maintain the best. Knowing the to permit ample parking space and committee, for having repalril., best paper, The Red Bank Register. freeholders. ' - taly, last Wednesday.In behalf 0 theater party to the members of tho a small outboard motor racing boa t is generally believed that moving Southend a'venue at East Keansburg*;: Homo is not complete without It.' great hazards of labor, ho insisted he Red Bank Fascismo organiza- club's auxiliary on Wednesday, Sen Iaslweek from Philllpse E. Greene on laws to safeguard the men, hem back will be a convenience for He said the street had been pu^&L- Thatja.tho. opinion of Tho Register Mithap at Railroad Station. ;ion. He was accompanied to the ; timber 26th, at Now Yorkt AluticK of Shrewsbury. Mr. vonKattengell women and children in industry, and the patrons of the booths and will flrst-class condition. '•.'< •J?^! expressed by Ernest Vborhcos o{ A now Hupmoblle sedan, owned omb by Fascist officials and a Dum- eon will be. served at tHo national keeps the boat at Frank P. Dick- bring increased business. At .the suggestion of WI1H»M Marlboro when he sent in a renewal no state In the Union has better ber of war veterans. Militiamen . gg vaudeville .artists' club an5 after- by John Arnone of Shrewsbury ave man's dock. of his subscription last week. laws than New York in protecting supplied a guard of honor at tho Special officers will be stationed Lovejoy, ono of the special j ward the party will attend a matlneo nue, and a Marrnon sedan, owned by its citizens." ceremony. Father Soriano is en on the road day and night to direct men of the township, a sign waif t performance of Georgo Whlte'3 1 Julian Scott of Red Bank, collided THE CORNELL-PEACOCK Flower Shaw Entries. Governor A. Harry Moore of New 'oying'a lengthy trip to Italy.- traffic while the road building is un- dcred placed to prohibit parking •»* >. "Scandals." ' _ |_ ' All entries for the 32d annual ex- last Wednesday night at the Red School, 74 Shrewsbury Avenue, Red der way. At the last meeting of tho Bank railroad station. The rear of Jurscy was the next speaker. He tomobiles at the corner of Thontjr* hibition of the Monmouth County Bank, N. J. township committee of Middletown son avenuo and Bray avenue'»li the Hupmobile sedan was damaged, made a pica for religious tolerance r , THIRTY-SECOND YEAR. Horticultural Society to be held The Cornell-Peacock School will We need 100 Old Watches. township Bernard Welsh and Charles East Keansburg. Henry Crosby jOfl ' September 28th and 20th, in St. re-open an Wednesday, Scptcmbe: declaring tho interests of the coun- No matter how old or what they 49 and 51 Leroy place, Red Bank try are greater than any religious Ncff were appointed policemen for Port Monmouth asked the commit*, James auditorium. Red Bank, must Flowers for Sale. twenty-sixth. Mrs. Trotter-Johnson, are made of, we want them. W( this purpose. They will not be paid New Jersey. bo in hinds of~Secretary Frank Ed- Gladiolus and dahlias a specialty. a graduate of B,ryn Mawr college, issue. He said that Governor Smith's will make you » very good allow- tcemen to instruct the policemen^*! , The Shrewsbury Academy, a priv- ington. Red Bahk, R. F. D. 1, byOver 60 of tho latest variety ol with degrees from both Bryn Maw: rise from obscurity to a candidate ance towards a new and up-to-date by the township for this work but the township not to be overMaWUt ate''school for. boys and girls, wil noon Wednesday, September 26th, gladiolus and all the latest dahlias. and Columbia, will have charge o: for president should be an Inspir- pocket or wrist watch. Thi3 offc will get their salaries from the con- i summonini g autotsttUU intito ^'c^rll begin tho fall term Monday, Sep- —Adycrtisemont ^ Alto all kinds of cut flowers at rea-the Colleger Preparatory Depart- ation to1 all young men. will bo withdrawn as soon as witracting company.' tember 24th. Tho usual school for'minor violations. The commit*; sonable prices.- All visitors wel- ment. The French classes will b get our quota. Dont miss this op- A great Increase in land Values Is ti-emcn said they were in ace branches: preparation for college nhgtittateV Court under Mile. Merle, as usual. ' The Mrs. Rulif V. Lawrence of Free- como to visit our garden. Frank portunity. Yo Gem Shoppe, jewel- looked for as a result of widening with this view and that so far f a primary department. By request for Monmouth county. All com- Berardi, Seven-Bridge road, near principals, Miss Cornell and Mist hold made a short address in which ers, 60 Broad street, Red Bank.— of many parents school will begin plaints promptly investigated. Bad she asked the women to do their the road. SeveralTfeal estate de- they knew the police wore follow* Rumson road, Llttlo Silver, N. J.— Peacock, will have chnrgo of th< Advertisement. velopments arc on both sides of the ing this course, They said th«M at 8:80 and close at 1:30.. Mrs, accounts and checks collected. Day Advertisement. ~~. , other two department.—Advertise best in the'campaign and not to hes- Patterson will contlnuo In charge of and night lervlcc, Justice Elmer C. ment. _ itate to call on her or write for as Protect Your»elf—Play Safe. state highway and most of them would givo instructions to this M« the primary room.' H. C. Talmnge, Watnright, 4 Patterson avonuc (near Permanent Waring, $7.BO. slstancc and advice. We've got that "know how" ti have been temporarily withdrawn feet. j A. M., principal—Advertisement. Broad street), Shrewsbury. N. J., Guaranteed best at any price. A Coriet for E,very Figure. our method of looking after you from the market while the widening Tho assessment commissioners) John R. Philips of Asbury Park, 1 telephone 4. At 64 Broad street. Gonulne Nestle clrcuHne; gentle, A grnduato corscticrc in attend tonsorlal requirement. Do not t job Is under wny. who wero appointed to apportion who Is running for congress on tho A New Watch for Your Old One. Rod Bank, by appointment only.- safe, sure—no kinks or burns—by anoo from 1:00 to 5:00 P. M-, to fi from shop to shop. Just mako Tl benefits for tho new sidewalks anj Democratic ticket, denounced the For a limited period wo offer yoii Advortjierncnt. our Nestle specialist. Frieda Marl every figure, from ono of the largcs Vogue Barber Shop, 6 White street. ^NOTICE OF_ELECTION. . curbing at River Plaza turned lni«l whispering campaign against Gov an opportunity of trading In your Parlors, 510 Warren avenue, nea assortments of corsets, coradette Red Bank, your headquarters nn< report fixing assessments at the rale} old watch, no matter how old or In Years After and brassieres in Red Bank. WL crnor Smith. Mayor Frank Hague play safe, Absolutely sanitary con Mainstay Duildlnr and Loan Asso- x depot, Spring Lake, N. J. Phon of 97 k conts per lineal foot Frank what condition It is and glvo you a the cost is forgotten you will enjoy 1055 Advertisement. also carry a full lino of underwear, of Jersey City said a few words In Hllions. Export artists. Prices ai ciation, Red Bank, N. J. Sich, chairman of tho assessnUH good allowance towards a new ani' any equipment installed by Atlantic hosiery, gloves and negligees. Alsc behalf o( William L. Dill, Demo- lBcwherc.—Advertisement. The annual meeting of tho share- Coast Electric Co. Just phono As- commissioner*, reported thit the) modern pocket or wrist watch o House For Sale. extra sizes very reasonably priced cratic candidate for governor, and holders of the Mainstay Building bury Park 4260 for representative and Loan Association for the clcc peoplo of lilvcr Plaza wore well Mte your own choke of tho best Ameri- Silvcrwhlte Gardens, seven rooms 'Lewis Specialty Shop, 01 Broa Senator Edward I. Edwards, who 1 Save Shoes, Money, Time. Wiring, fixtures, appliances, oi' street, Red Bank.—Advertisement. Go to H. Belgrad's modern sho tion of directors and auditors to fill isflcd with tho new sidewalks and can and Swiss watches. Yo Gem and three bathrooms, all improve- running for re-election, Mrs. Ncllli Shoppc, Jewelers, OD Broad street, burners, refrigeration and mirror ments ; now copper rcreens, now repairing, shop nt No. 4 Whlto street existing vacancies, and for the trans- woro anxious to pay their elleSek Tnyloo Ross, former governor o Red Bank.—Adyortl»cmont/ signs.—Advertisement. awnings, electric refrigerator, two- Every Wednesday Night Red Bank, Just around tho corner action of such other business as may monts. A hearing •-n the aisoiimsnt Wyoming, was also scheduled ti car garage attached. Cheap,'easy Is Victor night a: Tuatlnfr's. Mon from Broad street. That's when bo necessary, will bo held at tho di- commissioners' report will bs htttl Juitlce of the Peace. speak, but she wng unable to atteni rectors' room of the Second National Lunch Boxes terms. E. P. Dangler. 12 Garde: mouth street, near Broad street. you got pood work, quick work ani by tho township committee Than* 10 and 25 cents each, also half-pin Criminal and civil cases given Radios, rolls, orthophonlc vlctrolaa tit she nils on a speaking tour In icnsonnblo prices.—Advprtisomcnt. Bank and Trust Company, Ked rond, Red Bank.—Advertisement. day night, October 11th. ', vaeuum bottles;, all supplies fo: rompt and cartful attention. Of- records and pre-eminent makes o: Maryland, Dank, Now Jersey, on Wcdnosdny, school at our store. Boys' blouaci Rco open from 7:00 A. M. until 0:00 Top Soil,' Fill Dirt, upright and grand plnnon. Brlnt Vlaltlng Chiropodist. October 3d, 1028, between tho hours and pants. See our windows. I*. M; daily except Sunday. Gilbert grading of all klndi, also roadway the family tonight.—Advcrtltc- •Tho auillcnco was very onthusl Dr. Frances Cooko C»Bler wil 01 8:00 o'clock P. M. unil 0-.00 School Supplies. ' Prown-Coopor Co., S, 10 and $1,00 M. Keith, 2 ace street, Rod Built: Lakewood sand, washed gra mont. antic nnd liberally applauded th mako appointments by telonhono I o'clock P, M. Wo still huvo some ptncll boiaf store,—Advertisement. Bank, next to Western Unlori,—Ad vol. slag, oinders, blua stone. Prioei speakers. Movietone or talking pic coma to you when needed. Tel * William V. Smith, nnd brief cnn'iK nt good prices B« vertlsement. ' reasonable. Howard O, Rosevolt, Radio Repair Man, turts were taken during tho speech phono Eatontown 100-M, bctweei Secretary. cts. npcclal 80 cents each, Ladll Trenton Fair—Let'e Go. phono 1585. Itod E»nk.—Advertise- Daniel Hancock, expert radio re 8:00 P. M. and lOiOO P. M,—Advo —Advertisement. full fashioned hoio, 08 cant* a pal Gen* Paid of pairing; long experience; formorlj making. These pictures will bi Iloys' sport hoan, apodal 89 cents i Tuesday, Bcptombor 25th, to But ment. , shown In theaters equipped to pre tlsomont.^ urday, the 20th, Inclusive. Burdgo' The San Remo, Ocean avenue, Woi with Monmouth Radio. For appoint 3«T. Fuel. linfr. Snvc money by shnpplnc ai DsLuxo Dunscit, corner.Broad an.. End, N,, J., featuring luncheons, OtUopathls PKralcUn, mont phone Red Bank 22-W, or csli si-nt talking picture!, Dont Wait Install Jursey Metal VVcathorstrlpt our storo. Prown-Cooper Co,, B, 10 Mechanla streets, 0 lOO A. M. Round bridge partlei, aftornoon torn, din- Dr. Allan B. Randall, 76 Maplo ave- at fll-A Whlto itrcot, Red Bank,— At tho conclusion oftho tpooch until your automobile goos dcai in your homo; inoclal spring and and 11.00 »toro.—Advtrtlumnnti trip, ta.OO.—^Advertisement. ner* and tuppers a la carte, Dana nue. Red Bank, uhone Rod Ban' Advcrtlicmont, making refreshments of ice crcum llavo your iRnltion checked nt D. A summer prices. Screens, full site, Injr,. Jo. Woodward and his Havana Johnson Co.'n, 10-17 Mochanl< 10 mesh bronzo, dressed to tile, at Dance orchestra. Phona Long Branch 1748 1402.—Advertltcmcnu Trenton Fair—Let'e Go.. cako nnd punch wcra served b; Closlni House. James R, Wolcott, Sr, Music wai street, phono 800. Ucd Bank.—• J2.C0, with hardware. Jariey MeUI at the Harmony country club —Advertisement, Pltnoa and Service Tuesday! Soptombcr 26th, to Sat Advertisement. ^ ^ Weatherstrip Co., phono lied Bank •tato liljrhway. neir Mlddltt All furniture for snlo, Morior urday, tho 20th, inclusive Burdgo' provided liy Snntnngclo'ii band. On *su, DcNormnmllo avenue, Fair Ha- tho bolt. Dlrhan'a PUno Shop, 1107.—Advertisement. Snturdny Tvculna, Hoptembir Music Puplli Drummond pltci, Red Bank, phon DcLuxo' Iltisiot, corner Broad nn of tho bund'* fnvorlto tunes wa Drlclje Players, 1028. Music by McUulre'a 8n. vnk, Fred Frlvold, ing In tht papor.—Advcrtliomcnt tragea and dlatlllod witor. BonJ. finest dahlias In tho itnto are I proprietor.—Advtrtlienient. unlay, tho 2Uth, inelualvth Bank, pupil <, of Larorgo-Ucrumon Typ*wr4t|n ronUd, bought antiT II. Orate. 14 North Bridge awonuo, will bo at hia olllco only. Monday itudloi.—Advertisement. •old. Trubln'i. D8 Uroad*tri»tntod bloom thoro now. DeLuxo llunef) «ornei> p Qot your presidential platni fo Rod Bank, phono 1480.—Advertise- Wcdndjdayi nnd l''rl(l»y« from 2:0 Miehanlfl strifltD, 0 lOO At your car at Uio Auto Tim Shop, 81 ment. Tho hottctsos who assisted Mrs until 0:00 o'clock, until alter Labo trip, ta.QO.—AAdrerUsan)ent, Jlobort Doyli and daughters. Adtlxemnt y«rtli#moaL Vage iwo KED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBERS, 1928. THREE SENTENCES. ing of the Havre de Grace-race HOLMDEL NEWS. DANCING tiack. Their horses were moved to Prosecutor Qulnn W«gei W»r 00Mdriyand from Bclmont Park on Public School Children Organlxe Ton Diichrly HOUIOI. Sunday. For the Stlo of Candy. Prosecutor John J. Qllinn gave J MrsM .K Katharine Kelly Is spending The pupils of the poblic ttchooi i BAtLET inking evidence last week that he sdvcraerll daydys withh Mrs. Sarajf Hard- &ri! selling candy to raise mope;y, for t-.oir annual educational trip in ththe , ACRO- l-rop.osc'E to rid the county • of dis- ing of Red Bank. •••••orderly house• s and illicit liquor MMisi s EditEdithh UUsher of Brookdale. spring. They, will also take orders places. He secured a conviction and farm is spending a vacation in Can-* for "other goods. To carry on this fyt}CK & two picas of non-vult to disorderly ado. • '• •• . ' . • . work the pupils have formed an or- ''WING ., house charges and a state prison The park fence has been re- ganization with Wilbur Hammond president, Harry Pitcher-vice presi- sentence was imposed in each in- painted. t< stance'. Frank Evarise of'Keansburg dent, Robert VoorhceB treasurer SOCIAL wai. convicted of keeping a disord- TINTON FALLS NEWS. end Helen Holmes secretary. erly house and he was sentenced to A representative of the Near East Strawride and Outing at Swimming rvllef movement preached at tho House Furnishings and Furniture Register two years in state prison. Lillian Smith, and Bertha Davis, colored . River Saturday. '.. Reformed church Sunday. A com- **X-''» .:•:Now... women of Long Branch, waived trial A number of the y,oung folks of munion service will bo held at-the The George H. Roberto Co.* Inc.. Auctioneers* Have beeh commit ar.d pleaded non-vult. Th,ey were tl.is place went on a strawride to cnurch next Sunday and the.preach- f Fall Term. Starts Oct. 2d Swimming river Saturday after- er will be Rev. James E. Dykcma of also sentenced to state prison. noon, making the trip in a gaily sionedby V .;,, , ' Clnnei in ChilJs Building. Red Bank, ( MABLE COLEMAN df.corated truck provided by Wil- IS Rector Place Building Ro.tiictioiu, liam P, Reid. The picnickers cooked Rev. WWalte r Roughgardegg n of Mrs. A. Q. Rose of Red Bank, N. J. Phono 2011. The Bradley Beach commission- frankfurters on the river shore and Bushkill, Pennsylvaniai , formerlf y of uuiiniuibvr:) un uiu river wioru unu ii 4 . . ' .. \ - ,' . . er!! have,paS6ed an ordinance pro- had a general • good time. In the "••'» Plaf • ca"ed on frlends here °nc hibiting the erection of any t porty-were Rev. .John J, Messier, *», tat week, • •• ' to sell at Auction, the entire contents of her home at n.ent hhous e or hoteh l withiihin the sec-Marguerite, Harry and Jean May- Ninctcen children of this place are now attending thfe. :Eed'Bank tion bounded by Fifth avenue andberry, Mrs. Edwin RtpothofT, Evelyn ; 22S BROAD STREET, RED BANK. N. tf. One Day W^ursion Sylvan lake oh the north and south and George-Door, Misses Ethel and high -school. Joseph Phillips' has re- und running 150 feet west of Ocean Elsie Dreyor, Wilbur and Glndys newed his contract to transport the - avenue and 160 feet east of. Main Springsteen, Arthur Gunther, Misses children to school.' Ho also has'the JJEWYORK contract for transporting-the Ever- Sede^ Starting _ J *. • _ *J stiect. Margaret and Janet Scott, Robert v Pennsylvania Scott and Russell and William Eng- ett children to school. .'••" y 91D Station LINCROFT NEWS. land. Jacob Stern had hi» store closed Thursday, September 20, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. Round Trlpl UPTOWN NEW YORK I ES Ethel Dreyer, one of theSaturday in observance of the Jew- A Cement Shoulder ii Beinf Laid ( ish New Yaara. •; • "• .-• , •.'•'. •, 91.4O Terminal on the Main fload. teachers at the public school, is tak- and continuing each day until everything is sold* Articles to be ing an extra course of teaching on Miss Beatrice Bennett \-is giving Roundjrlpl1 DOWNTOWN NEW VOKK (The Red Bank Kegl.tei c«n b« bought Saturdays at Columbia university, piano Iesson3 at her home. She has each week at the Ltncroft po.loffle* build- a number of pupils. ' . sold consisting in part as follows: WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26 tog.) . . .• Mrs. Harry Mayberry'entertained A cement shoulder and curbing is' a number of friends at a gathering ^Mlsa Margaret Ely has been vis- Laave Red Bank 9:42 A, M. being laid on the 'main road from at her home last week. iting friends at Tenafly. :.;; ' Ivers and Pond Baby Grand Piaho, high back, hand-carved mahogany chairs*, ma- (Dnylight Savin* Titns) the public school to the cross roads The farmers arc beginning: to dig v'titrninir lenve Ne / Vurk, PennByl- Mrs. Andrew Williams was called il ogany cabinet, pair oldl brass candle sticks, mahogany arm chairs, large living room rug, nm Station. 7iS0 P. M., New York byRufflni & Ambrosio of Red Bank, to Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, last their late potato crop, but not many Hudson Terminal) 1:20 P M.. N««- shipments have been made, due to Oriental rugs, mahogarly desk table, mahogany carved fern stand (Oriental), mahogany .rk .1 Market St.) 7:52 P H. Mrs. Payne Whitney has' bought week by the death of her niece. a new Ford truck for use on her The Freehold construction com- the low prices. Most of the late po- davenport table, Italian garble top coffee table, end tables, large glass vases, exceptional Pennsylvania Railroad farm here. pany, which built the concrete road tatoes are being stored in antici- antique hand-carved table, fire-side >ench, complete set brass flroplace fixtures, beautiful Mrs. Walter S. Force returned through this place, has moved its pation of better prices later on. Tho bronze vases, large vase lamp and shade, hand-painted lamp and shade. Tiffany mirror, Friday from a vacation trip in themachinery and equipment to Penn- general belief here is that the. mar- ( West. While on the .trip she visited sylvania. Miss Margaret Scott made ket will improve,, pair large vases, large jardimers, wrought iron hand-made high •candelabra, eleven-piece ln-r daughter and son-in-law, Mr. a very attractive job of printing the George Ely, son of Daniel S. Ely, solid mahogany dining room set, (hand-carved); three-piece hanckcarved counsel set, 8 Expert Repairing and Mrs. Edward Cook, who form- company's name x>n a road roller. began his studies at Lehigh univer- old cut glass decanters, gold deposit Haviland china set; one doien stem gold debo&it' crlyjivcd here. She also did some lettering for An- sity last week. Miss Eleanor Bray, daughter of William S. Bray, en- glases three dozen stem amber glasses other china and glass ware Washing machine, WATCHES, CLOCKS George Richdale and Harry Wall- thony Steffer, a superintendent for ing of Phalanx and Charles Leonard the compnny. k-ied tho Woman's college at New hany bench- and JEWELRY of the Middlctown road have .bump- Brunswick yesterday. Miss Annalora Tho people of Shrewsbury town- Holmes will resume her studies at a at cost of Accuracy, skill and ex-er peach crops this season, skip, at a special •election at this , Word has been received Here from place last week, voted by, a, large Centenary, collegiate institute next ); p pn, p sd.ogy wy bbdrqpqpm feet perience enable us to James Bussom, who is in North Car- j nirjority to authorizo\the board of .TuesUayv "';:•; ~•••••--•-•••• '•- - - •-- do the most delicate re- olina. Mr. Bussom was marricu a education to sell - the schoolhousc A number, of Holmdel residents vith pineapple high postbed, bedroom table, uRholste^^^ pairing. We guarantee short time ago to Miss Wille More- and grounds at Wayside. attended a concert which was ggiven walnut bedroom set, bedroom rugs, old mantle,'floor lamps, maid's bedroom set. 2^ paiti - field of Red Bank and the couple Anthony Monzo has been engaged llas t nighigh t bby M MinoMi r Brown'B's curtains, vases, bric-a-brac, lots of books, hand-made wrought iron candle stick!, and or-, satisfaction. Our prices went South on their wedding trip. at a salary of $1,200 a year to.apt orchestra-ahtBt Brlck'church at Marl-i l will please vou. Mr. Bussom has taken a position in a- janitor, of the schoolhousc. boro. Wilson and .'Edgar'. Pollacek tides too numerous to mention.-, " ,"""\'.,!?,:*7-' V? •] * ' North Carolina and expects to make Charles Dreyer is confined to theof this place are members (ft the 1 Silverware Repaired his home there. bod with sickness. c rchestra. The house will be open for inspection on September 18th and 19th., from two until and Replated Like New. Harry Langendorf was confined Mrs. Solomon J Staton was taken Harry Long was operating a trac- six P.M. . " , : to his house with sickness several tf. the Long Branch hospital last tor on hi3 farm a few, days ago REUSSILLE'S dnys last week. week to undergo an operation. when his foot got caught- in the This sale includes some of the finest pieces of furniture that the George H. Robnrt8 Miss Dorothy Richdale and Ed- Elwood Stevens, son of William spokes of one of the wheels of the 36 Broad St., Red Bank ward Wheeler rnd daughter Doro- Stevens, is sick with whooping machine. He turned the power off Co.; Inc., has ever been called upon to sell to the highest bidder. Anyone interested in thy of Brooklyn spent last week-end cough. just in time to prevent the foot furniture of a better class will find it to their advantage to attend this' auction. with Mr. and Mrs. G. Harry Rich- Due to tho fact that a small im being mangled T broken. The daledl . amount of work remains to be done ftot was wrenched, but after hav- TERMS: Cash. Mrs. Ruth Carney and Mrs. Fred oi the addition tj the schoolhousc, ing limped about for a few days Mr. Langendorf spent Friday at Asbury half day sessions were held last week Long is now able to walk all right. PerkPk . ond they will be continued through- Charlea Brown of Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. David Houston of out this week. It is thought that the formerly of this place spent part of Red Bank, who recently returned V;ork will be completed by next !nst week with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- from California;' have been visiting week. liam S. Bray. ••+ Jlr. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson. • ( DELUXE PAiHOfi G$R BUS . Miss Ada Fenton is confined to FOP SPECIAL TRIPS F*RTIE§^ETq..the house with pleurisy. , Mrs. Edward'-Boughton was on the sick list several days last week. Jlr. Boughton won a silk umbrella which was disposed of on tha co-op- evative plan r.t the Middletown township.' firemen's fair Saturday night. Miss Marion Hood spent Satur- day and Sunday with Miss Esther Fahremf-Water Witch. Eugene Cotton is a member of this year's football squad at the Leonardo high school. John and Joseph Mahoney, sons of Michael Mahoney, had their ton- it.' removed at the Long Branch hospital last weelc. When you want LIVE Harry Richdale rnd family of YOU'LL FIND that there's both WIRE TRANSFER Brooklyn were visitors here Monday economy and convenience in SERVICE, c-i'l u.. nd yesterday. thisnew lontloa)that cutslnto Fine equipment, caretul Miss Evelyn Preston is enjoying six more slices than any other n automobile trip through the New men, modest rate*. —and It has the same delicious, more states. Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson is hav- homeyflavor and the same rich ng the trees on the- lawn of her nourishment as the other ln-mo trimmed and doctored by Wil- familiar Freihofcr loaves. liam T. Dunphy of Atlantic High- ands. Some boxbushes arc being transplanted on her '.awn by Lovetfs BURDGE&SQNS LONG DISTAHCl nurserymen of Little Silver. On Mon- risy three boxbushes were moved to MOVINGft STORAG E Mrs. Richard Babcock's estate at J Woodbury, Long Island. James Rowe, Sr., and son James TjERE IS a wholly new loaf—thit com* eft Sunday for Havre de Grace, Maryland, to bo present at the open- •"• bines the features that housswlves Ilk* best Jta the large loaf and hi the small loif. ••«•••••»»••< >••••••••»«• Frelhofer's new long (loaf cuts Into a slice the same size and shape as those of the small HOW ABOUT- loaf—the Ideal size and shape for toasting; your furnace? Has it been cleaned thoroughly? for sandwiches, and for serving at the table ; Are all the joints good and tight? A clean fur- —with */* more of them to the loaf .And nace saves fuel. yetttglvesyouthefluanflfythatmosthoine* wives want to the loaf. There's a real saving In thls-as well at • convenience—because the slices are not so big that broken pieces are left; on the plates,' and they are so tempting and dainty that they are always eaten to the last crumb of tender brown crust.] ' The quality of the bread Is exactly the same as In the familiar Frolhofer loaves that you like so well—and It has the same homey Frelhofer flavor. Order this new long loaf today. Frtih— A clean furnace and JEDDO-HIGHLAND ii twice daily—at your grocer's. Coal in tho ideal combination for info, clean, economical heat. May we serve you? HANCE & DAVIS •/' Telephone 103 **»»»«>»»»••<>•»•••»••••••••••»»»»»••»•••»»«»»»•»; t J. BED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 19,1928.

DEMOCRATIC CONFERENCE. turned from an automobile trip to 28th, at'the new church on Stone tertained Mr. and Mrs. . D. Healy, Like'George. , road. Many handsome prizes will be Mrs. M. Himca and Miss Margarot Woman of Third Diatrlct to MMt •« Dr. Thomas McVey, who has been warded. 4nstructionS"Aerial Photographs Aibury Tarlt. ' , kept indoorg«wlth sickness, is stead- Te Union Beach Congregational Democratic women of the third ily improving.' . ^ • church;will, hold a bazar on Sep- FLIGHT RATES) congressional district, - comprUlng A rummage sale will be hold Sep- tember,28thand 29th at the Union Ruptured Appendix. Red, Bank, -,$3,00 Middlesex and Ocean countiei, will tember 28th'and 29th In a vacant avenue firchouse. . Betty Crawford, ths eight-year- ^$5.00 meet at tho Berkeley-Carter'et, Ap- store in the Columbia hotel building .Union Garden fire company held old daughte mry Park,' next Saturday,-" under old daughter of William Crawford Aibury P«rk,' -,f 7.BO on.First avenue for the benefit of its regular meeting and election of of Freehold, o g ha personal direction of Mary T. ft. Agnes's church. Those wishing officers last,week; Edward Steidle Branch hospital last Saturday week Norton, vice chairman of the-state to donate clothes may leave them at is president, William Gregory vice and operated upon Immediately for Special featei for Democratic committee. A morning tho home of Mrs. William B. Kel- president,: George Sappah. recording a ruptured appendix. She was in a teuion will bo held at eleven o'clock, ly on Third avenue or at St. Agnes's secretary, George Pohzenc financial ciitical condition for and a luncheon at one, after whWh Cross Country Flights. rectory. ^ secretaryy,, A. E. Cowling chief, Otto now improving. there will be music and speeches. At the last feetlng of the school G' S S Min Gladys Hurlburt, a prominent Gryn'er foreman, S. Suss Bergeant-, ?Phon» 1730' Bad B«BU. ~ trustees an'American flag was pre- at-arms. The company is preparing Judgment Against Brother. • member of the Actors' guild of Now sented to tho school by the Ameri- Mrs. Marie Levy of Freehold has Ready for You for a show to be held on November York and who will appear in a play can Mechanics' lodge and a check been awarded judgment of $9,775 on Broadway later this season, will 17th at Florence avenue flrehbuse. JOHNFJCASEY for $26 was received from the par- Mrs. Charles Sappah is' spending against her brother, Walter J. Hur- ' Wgent.foV'WACO.'tmd. be the principal speaker. All candi- ent-teachers' association to help pay ley of Asbury Park. The judgment dates, with the exception of Gov- some time at the home of her son ; FAIRCHILD Fta the cost of a projectograph for Theodore at Briarcllff Manor, New represents thefsum of $8,500 with ornor Alfred E. Smith, are expected classroom work. The houie comjnit-, interest loaned to her brother to use to be present, They include Senator York. •„•••••,. tee will engage a man to plant some Mr. and Mrs. George Sappah on- in buying some property. Edwards, Commissioner Dill, John shrubbery on the school grounds. FASHION PARK R. Phillips, Charles E. Close, Solo- The shrubbery was given to the mon Lautman and Edward Farry, school by Frank Kadford. Jr. The Presbyterian church choir, of CLOTHES Tickets for the luncheon may be which Miss Gladys Imlay is leader, secured from local Democratic lead- will hold rehearsals every Wednes- en, countyncommittce members, or day night at seven o'clock. Rally club presidents, and should be re day was observed Sunday by all the served immediately as the number organizations of the church. Is limited. A discussion about the need of an CHARTERHOUSE incinerator plant garbage and rub- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. bish was held at last week's' meet- ing of the commissioners. A" repre- CLOTHES Gold Diipowd of\»t C»rd Party— sentative of the Pittaburg-Des- Auto Hitt Gasoline Pump. MoinBS steel company said a plant (Tbi Bid Bank Btgliwr c«n ba bought to care for. the needs of the bor- each melt In Atlantic JHIghlinda it tha The Only "Bargain" in •torea at William Led apd N. Dronn.) ough could be built for $135,000. One hundred dollars In gold was disposed of on tho co-operative plan HIGHLANDS NEWS. Radio is a Good Radio STETSON at a card party held Friday night at Si. Agnes's auditorium. M. Hoag Pacl»{a SocUbU-Tomorrow Night TJERE is the A- C. ElectricFada "10"-the land of Leonardo won . 250, Dr. at tha Methodiit Church.' HATS (The Bed Bank Reglittt «n be bonjht XJ. radio that excels in the real essentials- Thomas MeVey ?25, Mrs. John eieh trtek In Highland! at Bcdle'e drug Hnrtnedy $10 and William Mc- (tore, ud et Joitph stamen'a itore.) Tone Quality, Selectivity, Distance and Relia- Laughliri, John Cavendish and M. .John Helna of Bclford preached bility. Two-tone metal cabinet—in one unit, Keichlan $5 each. William Freeman §unday at the Methodist church in of Freehold won ah embroidered pil- the. absence of Rev. Walter. 3. R.' as illustrated—-single dial, pilot light, rejector low case and Mrs. McKenzle won a Powell, the pastor, who is spending tablecloth. The' card party was larg- and phonograph attachment jacks. Come in a vacation at his home near Cam- today! DAVIDSONS ely attended. The shares on thedefi. / RED BANK $100 in gold amounted to about The Methodist ladies' aid society $1,600. wilt hold a package sociable tomor- J. Schwartz. Inc. Monmouth County's Largest Men's and An automobile, owned by George row h}ght at .the church. 77-79 Broad Street r Me Vey and driven by Jay Smith, Ruth Patterson, daughter of John Boys' Clothes Shop. L too often, headaches, neuralgia and nerv- | Jr., ran into a gasoline pump at i a Patterson, underwent, an operation *1IO ousness are the result of eye strain—a con- service station at the corner of the for appendicitis last week at the Leonardo road and Avenue D Sun- Long Branch hospital. dition that can be relieved. • • • day night. The pump was broken off • The Old Timers athletic club' of at the ground. The automobile was ; New York will hold a reunion on budly damaged. No;one was hurt.. Sunday, September 30th, at Villa H. R. APPLEGATE, Oph.D. Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. glVen to the creditors of laid dee«Mt4 The first of a series of Chautau- Ritchie. In the matter of the estate of Charles exhibit to the . subscriber. taMqtor . EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. v. qua entertainments was' held in 'the The public school reopened Fri- Sears, deceased. af ores did, their debti and demand* tsmlq high school auditorium Thursday Notice to creditors to present .clalmi ththa saiid estatett , unded r oathth, withiithin <•U 51 Broad Street, , ' Red Bank, N. J. 1 day. The reopening of the school - against tstate. month* from the dnte of th« aforctf l 4 r.Jght. Other entertainments will be was held up two weeks due to a Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Don- order or they,wfll be forever barraa K ' . • (Next to Second National Bank) ahfty. Surrogate of the County of Moii- their actloni therefor atainat tha lajd given on September 21st and 28th delay in the arrival of a shipment mouth, made on the sixth day of Septem- subscriber •.•;.-••• .">• Phono 2121..., ' -, - . •. •... • . . and October 6th. of new seats. ber. 1928, on the application of Charles L. Dated Freehold. V J , September < Bernheirner, executor of the estate of CHAKLES L. BEBNHEi: Miss Dorothy. VanHise has re- The profits from the recent po- Charley Sears, d«ceaied, notice is hereby 1 P. O, Box 21, "• licemen's ball amounted to $225. Alfred Barber, son of Mrs. Jos- eph Frankel, was confirmed recently at the Long Branch synagogue by WE LEAD—OTHERS FOLLOW. Rabbi Daldick. A reception was held afterward at the horns of Mrs. * Frankel and was attended by fifty "Good Furniture for Every Home " ——— guests. Alfred's grandmothers, Mrs. Rose Taboelc of Union City and Mrs, Rose Barber of Coytsville, were among the gueBts. Mr. Frankel has closed his restaurant on-Bay ave- nue for the season. Fred P. fiedle and sons have been spending a few daj-s fishing at Bar- negat bay. The Twinlight club held its an- nual ball Saturday night at Kruse's pavilion and it was largely attended. Gertrude Ederle led the grand march. The pavilion and the club- house were decorated with flags ant} bunting by Jacob S. Hoffman. P"Sj. Mrs. Charles Wecker will be hos- |j 2$kBR$AD STREET*, •: ,i % RED BANK, N.j. tess ,at a card party to be given to- County*. Leading Children's Store. morrow night at Miss Cora Baily's 't ft or. Fifth-street. ITH so many folks keen to add hew furniture to Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Hardy spent Saturday and Sunday with Wtheir homes before the start of the fall and win- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Tompkins of ter social season, we announce that extra values are Philadelphia. the rule right now throughout our store. Come and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peters profit by them. for- of New York. Mrs. Lavinia Minton spent the week-end with -her son, William Johnson of Middlctown. Ambrose Liming, Jr., of Hoboken, has been visiting his father, Am- School QMs brose Liming of Fourth street. Banquets will be held here in Oc- tober by the Highlands yacht club, Such as Little French the Republican club and the Demo- JL. Misses Wear cratic club, Arrangements for the yacht club banquet will be in charge of Alexander Leimberg, Percy TTHE majority of our Hauser and Fred Gicrsch. Jacob S. children's apparel is Hoffman and Conrad Pfannon- copied from recent im- schmldt will be in charge of the Re- ports in styles best adapt- publican club, banquet, which will ed to tho American child. bo held at Jack Bahra's resturant. Why Not a Davenport Bed Suite? 3 Pieces $129. Beautiful Lamps, Mrs. Charles PAeffer is chairman of Kitchen Cabinet, $39.50 the committee for the Democratic Thoughtful housewives, when purchasing a new living room suite, $5.93 club banquet. will want to consider the advantages of tho davenpoit bed nuito. Just what every housewife needs Now arrivals Include som* of Jersey Dresses The Jackson house, the Twinlight in order to make her kitchen By day, no one would mispcct that tho big, roomy davenport con- the, moit original and distinc- casino, tho Grand View house and work easier. Let us demon- tained hidden mechanism which permits it to be opened up Into a tive Lamps wo have ovor nhown. Loder'a restaurant have closed' for Add chcorfulncsa to your homo $2.95 strate tho now features of tho full sizo double bed whenever needed. All thrco pieces in rich the season, jacquard velour nt this low price. with a new Lamp or two. All wool Jersey dresses, A number of Republican* from late models. one-piece and two- tills place will attend the Republi- plcco effects, In all can rally tomorrow at tho residence tyles and colors. of Mrs. Richard K. Fox at Red Silos 3 to 6. Bank. - •• » COATS UNION BEACH NEWfl. Fur Trimmed Fire Company Held Annual Election Lett W..W. O .95 up Mr. and Mrs, George Vogollus are the proud parents of a'daughter, Claire Anna, born September Oth. HE sort pf, Coats thnl Mrs. Boale Entwlatlo spent a fow T mnko dnughtor loojc her days list wock with her brother n best »s she saunters--*!! to Hillside. ichool In the mornlnR. Bonu- tlful material! I Smart styles I Mr. and Mr«. Charles Marx and I Slias 1 to 12. Qeorgo Mirx ipont « day at Soasld W« »l»o Barry C«rm»nl« «U fishing and mido a good catch. 10-Piece Uining Room buite, $139.00 wool CblnchllU Coati with Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Thompson Bedroom Suites of Unusual Beauty, $159.00 fur colUn or without. aro the proud parents a ion, Ray- Now U tho tlmn to furnish your dlnlnp; room for much IOM thftrt mond James. Mrs. Thompson was Nolo tho charming French vonlty dresser which Is n fenturo of you will have to .pend at uny other tinio durliiR lltu ycirl At this magnificent bedroom suite In tnntchciL walnut vidioor. A very thins low Halsaido pricnrleec wo offer n lirautlful dlnlnit room ait to In (ran« formorly Ml«« Naomi Stout, lUny ouiqC Mr, arid Mrs. George Fleming »n now arrival, priced remarkably low for n aulto of .-.uch splendid ulno wnlnut, In combination with other fino wood* family spent a day lint week at Jer- itylo and quality. ilmllnr suites, all grcntly roduccd, DRESSES icy City vliltlng tho formers pur Tailored and Dressy cnti. Mr. and Mr*. If. Gralnogor «n 77-79 >f .95up fumlly of Newark havs moved tc 77-79 Union Beach »• year round rcil Broad Street, dents. ". • 7^ • .. . Alexander Splclmxn of Fordham Broad Street, Red Bank, N. M WOOL CllKVK, flannel. Jnr,- HfllghU ipent lait week nt th« homo Red Bank, N. J. toy, intln nnd rrojip, tlmia of hli sliUr, Mm. F. Bodnml. Td.270., i Frook» nn! mnnrt nt tlilit prlco. Tel. 270. j. SCHWARTZ C to 18. Tht Union Bench Cntholic clu will hold another monthly cird par- ty *H IfMwt M«filng, 8«fiUmb« KED HANK REG1STKK, Sfcin'EMBKK It*, 1928.

uf Leonardo. Although dote to the , NEW AIRPORT; FOR FIREMEN. • village center, the scnooUiouss is in It Will b« H«)d «i lb« E«it Ke«n»'- R. HQUNIHAN. L. _, the least thickly populated part of Aibury Park Mm Buy Big Tract f.w.JOBN: a OOOK. Editor Wen of Citr. » /., buff Flr»boui». ':,v'i..,, "* ,. QKOBOB.O, HANCE, M«oal»t« Editor. the town and it is not in the annex- Contractor and Builder Well Known AntiqiaM I ation area.. If the proposed change .A group of Asbury Park business A roast beef supper for the bene- . THOMAS IS VINO fit of the- East' Kcanaburg fire com- SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING F. F. CQLEMAN 91 Bro !Ud Btnk. •''.-. Bailneu M«m««r. were made, the • school children of men have bought a tract of 160 acres on the Green Grove road just pany will be held at the firehouse SCREEN AMD STORM ENCtOJSURES ' IS tour PbMi ftM.Bm*. N. i. Leonardo would have to. be trans- T.Uphon. 940-M 160 Brid(« ATWUW, R«l Bank, N. J. or R.d •ink-im. SubieilpUon Prlcm ported to Atlantic Highlands. north of the state highway from Saturday night, under the direction £'"SlOu« "timonthn i _ Trenton to the. shore and will con- of the ladies" auxiliary.of the corn- Tbrtt aunUil vert it into an airport. Later the piny. The committee irr charge of In the high schoo] and in the sen- Ttlepbonwi—Rod Bank'.-ltV.>. ,"•;.' tiaqt will be enlarged by buying slx- tho'supper consists of Mrs. Frank Red BtnVUOO. timent .and memories which cluster ty. acres of., adjoining land. The T. Lauer, Mrj. Hope Crawford, Mrs. around this building the anti-annex- property is directry across the road John Blackman, lira. William Den- ationsftjuve powerful argument!.. r WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19, 1828. from tho Jumping- rook. country ning, Miss, Mary Yahn- and Mrs "WhyVnot," they say, "wait until ciub. Work has'been started in pre- Warren. Card games will follow the we are^bijr enough to form a bor-paring tho field for the use of air-supper;, ' : TOWN TALK. ough and then continue to get thp planes. When completed it will have use and advantages of the school- a north and south runway 4,300 feet Evtratt Man in Radio Builneii. An Opportunity to : ' house by including it in the borough long and an east and- west runway boundaries." There are many in- Charles L. Grant of Everett has H*Ip the Firemen.... , , 3,600 feet .long.. The'field, at Berk- taken the agency in this-section for stances in Morlmouth county of lo-eley, California, is the only one in Everyone who wants to help along calities seeking-annexation to larger the Neutrowound all electric radio a rood cause and to help theinselves the country having; right angle run- tet. Mr-, and Mm. Grant recently communities in order to get better. ways as long as these. to a real old-fashioned harvest home *nd more convenient.' school fac- visited Mr. Grant's brother at Phil- supper should go to Trinity.parish ilities, but if Leonardo quits Mid- adelphia, who formerly held the house tonight. (Liberty fire company dletown township and joins Atlan- Aged Air Enthusiast. agencyfor' the set In this district. is giving the supper. It.is an inno- tic Highlands it will be the first in- Mrs. Genevieve Rusner of Staten vation for Red Bank firemen to hold stance ol a. village. in this section Island, who is eighty years old, took S»Ie for Community Club. an affair of this sort, but there is forsaking a high standard school a short ride in an airplane with A rummage sale for the' benefit no reason why it should not prove within its own confines to go to the John F. Casey of Red Bank last of the River Plaza community club as successful as the harvest homes expense and trouble of sending its week. Mrs.-Rusner enjoyed the ride will be held In the Walsh building held by churches. children to an outside place. nnd said she would like to go upon Shrewsbury avenue Saturday of

• : . • > • with Mr, Casey again. this week. The sale will begin at Everyone knows when he goes to nine o'clock. ../ j .. ; ,• a church harvest home that he isNeither Party Offer* Want Busies Continued. going to get mpre than his money's The Avon commissioners have worth. They can have the same .as- Real Relief to Farmer. filed a protest against the discon- surance with regard to a firemen's Late last winter and early in the tinuance of bus service along the harvest home. The firemen have spring national and state agricul- ocean boulevard by the Coast cities always given the taxpayers more tural boards sent advice to the farm- railways company. The commission-, than their money's wortjh in the way ers to reduce their crop acreage". In ers want the busses continued at , NEXT SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, of fire protection and "With the as-the light of recent developments this least until October 1st. < Leavt Red Buik'6;20 A. M. Returning sistance of their womenfolks they advice was sound. The low price of U«vt Atltntlo City. 6il( P. H. can be depended on to give the same farm produce this season shows that ' Add On* Hour' for Daylight Time. The Super-Saleiman. man (•« mj m men tw «•!• Mr whtcb bw i generous service tonight. They need the crop markets have been glutted Luke Longhead in The Register moneyjjio carry on their work. They because the supply exceeds the de- talks to over 36,000 people every have never resorted to *'tag days" or mand. week.—Advertisement. INEW JERSEY CENTRAL J to oth,er catch-penny devices to beg money, andwhen they, appeal, to the What a' great many fanners cant public; .with a legitimate proposition understand is why the government like a'Harvest home supper the pub- ddesn't follow Its own advice. They lic ought to find it not only a pleas- read about vast reclamation schemes ure bit; a privilege to respond. and about huge ureas of new land SERVICE $17.79 being opened up for cultivation by MEASURED 819.80 irrigation by the government. The NOT BY • Old Leonardo Resident* question which they say they would COLD, ! 3-PC. BED OUTFIT: 3-PC. BED OUTFIT. like to have answered is why the BUT BY • White or Ivory Metal Bed with,,2-inch post, link spring Promt of.-.Thei r School. > and cotton mattress. . White or Ivory Metal Bed with cane inset or brown with government does not practice what THE r 2-mch, continuous post, link spring and cotton mattress. One-thing which was not men-it preaches. They cant understand GOLDEN Regular Price, tionedSat the recent annexation de- why, If it is a good thing for them RULE • Regular Price, $24.75. , *' bate a^Lconardo but which will un- to reduce crop acreage, it would not doubtedly play a large part in de-be a good thing for the government cidinjjjjwhether or riot Leonardo is to call a temporary halt in opening to be -annexed to Atlantic Highlands up new farm areas until after the U the'sentiment of old-time associa- present agricultural depression has a $21.80 $28,80 838.00 tion and ownership which'Leonardo abated; "By This Sign TJ<»e ™ 3-PC. OUTFIT 3-PC. OUTFIT 3-PC. OUTFIT ieels .in the Middletown township * » • Ugh iphool. • The -location of the r, i» Vne "words Ivory Metal WincTsor Bed, link spring Square Post Walnut Metal Bed, link Square Post Windsor Walnut Bod, coil When the farmers turn to the par- and cotton mattress.. spring and cotton and felt mattress. high school-gives to-Leonardo.a pe- spring and felt mattress. - ty platforms they And that both Conquer!" (Constan- culiar^proprietary interest in the Reg. Price, $36.00. parties pledge themselves to open up tine saw emblazomvd in the | Reg. Price, $27.25. , Reg. Price, $47.50. school, so to speak, and to this is more new land. Both party plat- added a wealth of old memories. sky above the Cross, and they forms have a lot to say about farm- are today the motto of a great Some of them ara priced a« • • » . . ers being the backbone of the na- follows: It was s proud and happy day for tion and a lot of bunk about the pol- fraternal order which uses the OUR BEDROOM Middletown township and particu- iticians loving the farmers, but they Two-Tone Walnut, $125, advance no program for farm relief. phrase in the original La'iri: SUITES FOR FALL larly a proud and happy day for "In Hoc Signo Vinces." Leonardo when the high school The only thing that remotely re- have arrived and we shall bt Walnut, , $150. building was used for the first time sembles anything definite is a prom- We like the phrase particular- glad to show them to you. Thev twenty-years ago. 'The first p-r.du- ise made by both parties that imme- ly well in its application to the Antique Birds Eye, ., oting exercises was another out- diately after election a conference are very beautiful, hut, strange and an investigation will be called •sTamfirig event. Leonardo was not Symbol of Service which ap- to say, they are not expensive or high lighted ---<-.-•'- to seek a solution of farm troubles. the only place which made a bid for pears above, for it is truly a ; Walnut, ,..v,.vJ...$l 75. 'the building. Every good-sized vil- As there have already been confer- You will be delighted with them. lage in the township wanted it. Theences and investigations times with- symbol that solves many prob- French Walnut, ...{..$200. site for the high school was a gift out number along these sane lines lems. fom the late Melvin A. Rice, who in the past without resulting in any was president of the board of educa- improvement in farm conditions, tion at that time, and it was chiefly there is nothing In these promises to on account of his donation of land elate the farmers. ALBERT WWORiDENJn for the schoolhouse that Leonardo FUNERAL DIRECTOR Robert Hance O. Sons was selected. While the building AMBULANCE • • RV I C I- was in course, of construction the The political prognosticators seem tO (AST FRONT JTREET to be unanimous iti believing that PHONI sir IS BROAD STREET REP BANK high school pupils were taught for ft f D MNI^ a few months at the Andrew hotel there will be a record-breaking vote building at Navesink. Previous to nt the coming election. Perhaps that time Middletown township had they are right, but if the farm vote no high school course of studies and turns out in larger numbers than its high school pupils had to go toheretofore it will not be because Bed Bank or Atlantic Highlands. cither of the big parties or their candidates, in their utterances thus * * * far, have advanced a single practi- A "!i • lime the Leonardo school- cal remedy for tht ills of agricul- hou.'c was built Middletown town- ture. ship \va.; fortunntc in having on its • * * board of education men of wealth In this connection it is interestinf*- HEAT WITH OIL with high and generous ideals of to note that at the election for gov- public service who followed Mr. irnor In Maine last week the vote u! Rice's lead In making gifts for the both parties was considerably smai. cause of education. Lewis S. er than at the previous eler Thompson, one of the members of tion for governor. In Maine elco the board, gavo land for the school tians for governor ore always hoi' athletic field and playground. The in September. This decrease in to late Robert Hartshorno, another vote at the Maine election occurred member, cave all the material for in spite of the fact that both partic- the chestnut trim in the building. imported spellbinders and rent t)x Mr. Hartshome also gave the frieze nir with cries of "stand by the par-: in the school auditorium. Other ty." According to the papers it was | gifts were made by Herbert and chiefly in the agricultural sections Percy Straus, the late James D. that the vote fell off. -CHOOSE- Trask and the late J. Amory Has- kell. *' • • Get-out-the-vote movements nl- ways direct their sole attention to Generosity of this kind is not for- the voters. Folks who do not vote gotten in country towns like Leon- nre accused of not doing their duty ardo and in the other villages of as citizens. All this may be true, Middletown township. More so than but these negligent voters should most places of Middletown township, not be the only persons blamed. Leonardo has changed since the When folks fall to get interested In school was built. Most of the old-an election there is more reason for SILENT AUTOMATIC time families are still theie, but they this failure than laziness nnd In- THE NOISELESS OIL BURNER have been augmpntcd by city folks. difference on the part of the voter?. Leonardo has gained more new fam-The politician!, and officeholders and ilies than any other part of theoffice seekcra are not without re- township, due no doubt in a large sponsibility, Thty have more power Are you the owner of an up-to-date home and are you considering the inatallation of an a-itomatic heating plant? We ask you to make a thorough invest!* degree to the fact that It has thethan any other group to make elec- biggest and finest school in thetions interesting and to present gation of the wonderful merits of SILENT AUTOMATIC, the burner which in the short period of three years has risen to a position of complete national townsMp. Nothing doci more to worth while issues. When they fail make a community grow than a good to do to the vote falls off, aa it did leadership in the oil burner industry. '' school. in Maine last week. Even under • . « fuch circumstances citizens who do DON'T BUY a "SALESTALK," but let us show you a SILENT AUTOMATIC in actual operation and be convinced'of its wonderful quietness, simplicity Local pride and a feeling of grati- not vote may deserve censure, hut tude for the favors which Leonardo scolding and railing at them Is not and efficiency. Ask any of the following prominent local citizens why they selected SILENT AUTOMATIC for their homes: hai received in being selected for going to bring about much improve- the township's school capital will ment. probably play n big part if the MR. L. R. BUCKL1N, "Shore Acron," Little Silver. Tho heat- MR. F. A. HAYES, nn official of Aero Marine Co., has ordered MAJOR CEN. WM, S. GRAVES, U. S. A,, (Retired,) for hla proposition of annexing Leonardo to Wont Pay for Lind. ing iilimt in this home comprises 52 radiators. 2 Silent Automatics for his now homo nt Middletown; recently ncqulrcd property nt Shrowahury. Atlantic Highlands In submitted to the people of Leonnrdo nt thi> poll*. The Matawan officials hnve noti- MR. J. D. TULLER, 1 Sllvtr White nvenue, Mod Bnnk. Thin JOSEPH MARKS, atorca and npartmcntn, Bridge avenue, op- MR. ALBERT WORDEN, Jr., CITE, Front street, Tin! Hank. poslte railroad atatlon, To many of tho old-time resident* It fied property owners on Johnson Another mnk.i of burner win removed here «nd u Silent Auto- home haa 0 rooms and 3 batha nnd wns heated last wintor for would trem ungrateful to pull out nvenue that unless true, decdi for matic in.ttnllcd. less than $1.00 per day. MR. WM. H. DOUGLASS, 20 Irving place, Red Bank. Mr. of tho township, nftcr having en- tho property needed for opening the MR. THOMAS B. HASLER, fiflvomldo zivenue, l.lttlo Silver. Douflaia la vlco prcalilcnt nnd Kimornl mannRir of Aero Mar- Joyed tho advantages of tho high •treot to Railroad avenuv art fur- MRS. JULIA II. WOLCOTT, Fnlr Hnvon. This li a beautiful Mr. Haaler Is a man of wido experience with oil burning equip- ino Co. nt Kcyport, and removed onothcr make of burnur to school nllthcpc vcnri. and to many nished the borough within fifteen liver front property on Grange avonuo. ment. Inatall a Silent Automatic. of them IUCII net I on would nlio riaya work will be (topped. Severn I item like a repudiation of thp gen-of tho property own am want com- aroilty of thp publle-aplrlted donor* pensation for their land. who were virtually the founders of SiacoMt En|ln«rtn| Co,, the present school »y»tcm. Niw Democratic Club. 1112 M«ln St., Aibury Park, N. J. * * '. A new Democratic club Ins horn Seacoast Engineering Company Without ohllRMIon, nle«so furnish further Infor- Th« now families of Leonardo organised at Freehold, The officers matlon about Silent Automatic, know of thli only by what hnn been f re John U.'Johnion president, Har- 1112 Main Street, 219 W. Commerce Street, i told to them, but tho old-time t*m- ry M, Burke i«cret«ry and Edward NAME , „. .',t ,. ...' lilt* rermrnbiir from nrtunt txperl- Blmonion tretaurer, Ten men anil A «nc« and observation, They dont ten women will he lppolnteil by the ASBURY PARK, N. J. BR1DGETON, N. jf. ADDIIE88 .'. ..,!. „ „.„' '" want to loan their high rrhool liiilld- dun to work In each votingCdlitrl dlitrlcc t lag, Thty want to keep |t u part jn freehold, 4;-| 4 f ,^tii ..i,•,<.••; A';,:(,,',";• ' .—J.1*. '(• *, . '.I 1 RED BANK KEG1HTEK. SEPTEMBER lg.'HBSR

r ACCOUNT. aken to the house and he died in a YEARS AGO IN RED BANK Tew mlnutei from apoplexy. He was VI yean oil. His wife'was Miss iwnjr, <4fait.«> of O^/MUI* of u\t HAPPENINGS OP OLD IN ANDInnle F. Lufburrow, daughter of HfM I. Owtiii wilt bi •odltid prt«il (ot iittltntnt to tht ncidantt Culled from Tha Ragleter hlldren. at tha Third Weak in SepUmbar A band of robbers, undertook to FINKELSTEIN'S Twenty Yeara Ago, Thirty Year* •ob the car house of the trolley V ' f - Ejt. 1903" Ago end Forty Yeara Ago. ipmpany at Shrewsbury. Two em- S h op»n with* fulHin«,of Wearing Apparel for M»n,'>»llK I» ployees of the trolley company slept FlnMtlsiri^t ^f«ur «trvi?a. ^ , —' , "***• Forty Yaire Ago.- j in the bam and they were awakened Patrick Coyne of Hcadden's Barly in the.mornlng by 8 pouple of ^ialWi'Froiit Street, Red Bank, N. " Comer died at the state hospital at >ictols being shoved against their It1 pays to advertise In The Register* Trenton, He was a veteran of the fhces." 'The rohbers stole all the civil war and lost a leg in battle. money in the pockets of the two When ho was in a crowd it was amen and stolo everything, ejse of favorite thing for him to bet a dol- value which they could carry away. lar or two 'that he could do some- The two men in the car house were thlng which no other-person in theCharles Morris,and George Gifford. crowd would dare do. When the 1>et Robert Poole of New Monmouth was taken up he would wait until died from a stroke of paralysis. He a wagon camo along. Then he would was 67 years old and was a native put his wooden leg^lrTiront of the of Keyport. He married Miss Ange- wagon wheel and let it be run over; line Anderoon, who survived him. and then he would collect his bet. Ho also left two children, jMrs. Wil- Miss Minnie .Borden, daughter of liam Coq of Port Monmouth and Bichard Harden o% Little Silver, Robert Poole, ' Jr., of New,. Mon- won ; half a dozen pairs of kid mouth. Tho funeral was' A very gloves in a ladles' sailing race on large one and the bearers were the Shrewsbury river. Five women Capt. George A. Bowie, John John- and girls helped Mies Borden in theson, William Morris, John Compton, race and she gave one pair of the .William Ludlow and William.Casler. kid gloves to each of her five as- A football team was organized in sistants, These assistants were Mrs.' Red' Bank with' John- O: Forsythe A. E. Rathbun, Mis* Jennie Horton, as manager and Thomas O. Haight Miss, Grace Day, Hiss Edith. Stod- us .captain. The; other playpra, were dnrd and Miss Lauia Borden. timothy'McDowell; George' Cooper, Before another winter arrives The Smartest Feet William S. Hunt, a farmer who iharles Byram,1 William Hartshorne, lived near Tinton Falls, turned a ilwood B. Ivins, William Holmes, drove of hogs out in his field. The Benjamin yffohn Parker, 'Frank you should know more about "THATCHER" - will weaiv our hogs disappeared and it was several Jones, Frank Morris,' James Hub days before it was discovered that bard, William Borden, Harry Bur- well-chosen shoe styles they had rooted a hole through the rowes, Osborn Curtis, Joseph Child, rear- wall of Eugene Magee's ice- oseph Edgar, Jack Davis and Les- It is essential to the comfort and Health house and had fallen in the icehouse ;ei Lovett. * I your family that • rur heating plant bo THESE are really stunning shoe crga- cellar. The hogs were thin when Benjamin John Parker, who was ;_aiifonnly efficient. hen you need heat they were rescued but none of them collector of Shrewsbury township, most it should be in reserve, to use as the tions. Hundreds of pairs of fine was injured. had to give a bond in the sum of thermometer drops. That is a service guar- William A. Cole, Thomas S. Hub- 40,000. His bondsmen were Lu- anteed you if your Boiler is a* Thatcher, shoes forteyery daytime or evening oc- bard, Charles B. Hendrickson, ciun O. Appleby, Isaac B. Edwards, Atk your architect, plumber or heating Philip. Stoffel, John B. Bergen, Mil- William Applegate, Harry Camp- casion. The newest types of leathers, lard Fillm'ore. Cornwell and Joseph .contractor tb show you the new Thatcher bell, Fred W. Hope, Joseph Albert "Elite" Red Enamel J acketod Boiler, T. Burrowes went to Barnegat bay Throckmorton, Theodore F.! White, the most desirable- type heels, the lov- for a day's fishing. They returned Obadiah E. Davjs,-A'. Holmes Bor- liest trimmings and the finest of lasts. with fifty weakfish.and sea bass. den, Richard Borden, Ashb.el W. Jacob Degonring •- roached tho Bordenp Jacob C.Shutts~ and FREE BOOK QN The color range is so complete as to as- age i of 44 years and the Eintracht leorge F. Cooper. CELLAR DESIGN inging society gave him a serenade. Four robberies were committed at It shows, in color, what sure a perfect match with any new cos- Sixty persons were at the serenade Fair Haven. Richard Allaire's butch- , can bo done to make your and they made merry until four er shop .was entered and a great cellar attractive. ' Tboutanda tume. . ' ,• o'clock the next morning. - of copies have been given deal of meat -was stolen. Twenty- away. Write for yoursf Dennis H. Atwater and family of two chickens were stolen from Wil- Westfield, Massachusetts, moved to liam V. Bennett's chicken house and' Slippers — Oxfords — Pumps Red Bank and occupied Patrick seven chickens were stolen from .THE THATCHER COMPANY Egan's house on Monmouth street hristopher Chandler. Frank Lit- while building a home for them- tle's hotel was broken into and 3941 St. Francis St., Newark, N. J. Every style you can think of is here in selves on'Maple avenue. $11.50 in cash and a, quantity of " jieui York—21 West 44th St. Chicago—341 No. Clark St. all sizes and widths, AAA to EEE. William Thome's house near At- liquors were stolen. lantic Highlands was brpken into Lyttleton Whito of Eatontown and a pocketbook containing ? took a fishing party out in the ocean was stolen. The pocketbook was in his steam yacht." The party con- gift from a friend and was prized sisted of Lewis Price, Samuel as a keepsake. Smock, William Garrigan, William Burglars broke into the houses Hayward, J. Edward Corlies, James of Anthony Reckless and Bloomlield Hulse, William Antonides, Tabor BOILERS-FURNACES-RANGES Alberts.Miller Pnimmond on Broad street through Taylor, George Woodward, Henry kitchen windows. Overcoats and sil- (Continued on next page.) FOOTGEAR, and HOSIERY verwaro wore stolon at each house. James Magee, Jr., of Tinton 18 Broad Stalled Bank. •*> /• •V Falls, stepped on an car of corn In his barn. The corn rolled under his foot and threw him down and his ankle' was very badly sprained. Henry Tunis of Tinton Falls haa a pig two years old which was only as.large as a muskrat. The pig wan greatly attached to Mr. Tunis and if would follow him all over the farm. Sheep and poultry were killed by dogs in Red Bank and Shrewsbury township to the value of $207.93 Each dog in the town and township was taxed ? 1 to pay the bills. John Roberts,, a farmer of Leeds- ville, died while on a visit to his old home at Utica, New York. He wa seventy years old and left a widow tind a son and daughter. Bert Southhall of Atlantic High lands was playing at the railroa turntable at that place when he fell in the turntable pit and broke his leg near the hip. Edward Ennis, aged four years, sun of Captain Robert Ennis of Lo- cust Point, was playing In his fath- er's work shop when he fell am • , : ' The Dictator broke his leg. Edward J. Hopping of Chape' Hill died of jaundice after several weeks' sickness. He was 35 years Traveled 5000 Miles old and left a widow and two sons, Miss Emma Morlatt of Fair Have and John Woodward of Red, Ban were married at the bride's homi in 4751 Minutes= by Rev. Jacob Lcuppic. William W. Pope, Timothy White; Lewis White and Major Hoftmirc were each building a house at Lit- tle Silver. A Record For Cars Priced James Lemmon died at the horn ,••". .' •....• of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph T. Burrowes,' in his seventieth year. Frank Polhomus of Navcslnk losl '; Utider$1400 a good horso from over-driving. i * Thirty Yeara Ago. At the wheel you will leant) Robert L, Black, son of Ellas Black, who at that time lived a< It has Speed, Stamina and Style= Hightstown, died very suddenly at the homo of his grandfather, Rob somefhinq new and better in ert Laurlo of Rumaon. Robert wai seventeen years old and was a grnd uate of Pcddlo institute, where h< Also, Studebaker's Exclusive was awarded n gold mcdnl for pro In Buying a Hudson You • - • l flclency. Ho was apparently'In good health when ho went to bod tho nigh Save up to fine ca r performance* before hla death, but in the morn Several Hundred Dollars Ing he was found unconscious In hii Scores of motorists fresh from examining nnd riding in tho latest andi Ball Bearing Spring Shackles= bed becauce of tho breaking of a Car! blood vessel In his brnln. Ho die best cars of the day declare Hudson the supreme performer of their! shortly after having been found un experience. conscious. Where Can You Match It Joseph Crnlg Sickles died nt Roc »I25C You will find this Hudson smooth, rapidity than you have looked for W Dank from cancor of tho itomnch fast, reliable, brilliant. Its fuel econ- from which ho hud suffered tw any cur. . ' years. Jlo wn» born near Colt's Ncc AMD U P omy is unequalled in earn of its weight 118-Inch chaisli — Coupe, 91395) and power. Fifteen to eighteen miles It sustain!) even maximum rotdi at $1185! In 1884 nnd wna tho don of Sophl Ro«d«ter. |1»5| Cotch, tUI0|. Hpcctls with effortless ra«e; it takes! f. o. b. factory and John Slcklos. Ills wife wns Ml" Sod.n, 11339. 127-Inch chassis— per gallon is the average of many Cathorlno McOnnn,' who survive Standard Sedan, »U50| Cuitom hills as if they were not there. him. Ho also left (Ivo children thousand tests. Landau Sedan, fl(SO| Cuitom But for the story of what Hudson THOMAS H. MCKNIGHT mci Sickles of Nutswnmp, Jim Victoria, 116501 Cuitom 7-Pisa. wife of Samuel Smock of Ocenn Sedan, $1990. From standing start Hudson takes will do thnt you would notaik other port| Huttlo, wife of Chadwlck ol cars (o do—will you please take tht) , 29 East Front Street, Red Bank.' Brooklyn| Ellintieth, wife of Lewi Alt h*— I. •. k DHrtU, Buiwu ran My lor the full charge of power, mounting * / I f lu«« Mlldl>l« tMri< wheel for anv test vou desire? Phono 70S Crojimnn of Brooklyn; nnd Mlti imoothly to liiirh succd vvitli a Greater Lnum Slckloa, William Mlchnnil died nuridonl, «t tho homo of Mi sinter, Mr*. John Want of Mlddlctown, Ho WAI In tha orchard with Mr. Went gntticrlng KENWOOD MOTOR SALES CO., INC STUDEBJ3KER nppUt whan he complnlncri of feel' Ing lick. Ho. loKiiod ngnlnit • bar- 116 MONMOUTH STREET Phone 1310 RED BANK, N, X Mi but b«c«m« to alok tint h* wu v SHOWROOM OPEN EVENINGS, REU BANK KEGlSTilK, SEPTEMBER 19. 1928. MIDDLETOWNJTARM SOLD. Mustoe will occupy it. ^Patrick F. SOU) BY LUKE LONGHEAD. Kennedy made the sole. -• PAUL REVERE MS Freak E. Crbpin'e PUee Bomht by NEW OWNER FOR ARIVER New York Buiineii M»n. Ut Luk. Find V.W.Ho»* Insurance) of;All Kinds. Roofing' Frank JD. Criipln'i farm on the Luke Longhead't department o: PLAZA HOUSE. in- NuUwtmp road in Middletown town- The Register every week tails ot d» REAL ESTATE . ''The Kind That lasts" •hip, near Jliddletown village, was •Imble homes for eale.^-Advertfaa- Two AdrertitemtnU in the Want men! ' Sft Broad St., Red Bank. N, X Column* of The Reflater Reiultad1 told laat week by the Whlte-Pach For all types ot roofs In the Sale o» George Kanejr'e I agency of Bed Bank to George Stel- Houte to Benjamin Lane. I lor, a New York business man, for Insuring your u he 'Are when we ekn offer.'atich Nine months ago George Xaney'llSiOOO, The farm ia bounded on WAIT r Monmouth Roofing Co. reasonable .and- protective Johnt-ManYllle Approved Roofers of River Plata, who is engaged in I the rear by the New York and ton*, GeO.lewjDg Insurance, Lqt us explain. 5 12 MASON PL. the "building business, finished a new Branch railroad, s which separates Phone 3S0 KEANSBURG. house on Carpenter street at River the place from. the. property of CONTACTOR Plaza and offered it for tale. After Oliver W. Jlolton. The farm corn- and BUILDER •'•• . ./ \ waiting more than eight months for pri«e«- ten acres of ground anil a "Think of the Future" 4 a customer for the house Mr. Kaney lake about one-half a mile long. A RED BANK, N. J. nine-room house with a bathroom enlisted the services of Luke Long- Office in Elea-e-r Boildlni EtteblWhed 1854 T.Uphon. Ill head by inserting an advertisement and all available improvements is in the want columns of The Regis- on the farm. .The outbuilding! con- Room 3 ' ter. The fir»tadvertisemen t did notlit of a barn and a garage. Telephone 2018. ALEXANDER D. COOPER produce a buyer and Mr. Kaney in- The farm was originally owned Jobblni Si All Kindt vested 25 cents more for a notice in >y William M, Thompson, who. built Estimate* Cheerfully FnrnWhed HAWKINS BROTHERS \ 58-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. I.uke'i department in the paper. The the house and outbuilding;, ijr. Fine English House result was that the next day after Thompson owned the farm many With river privileges, moat desir- INSURANCE B the second advertisement appeared years and he later sold it to,Mr. able location In Red Bank. Four WINDSTORM INSURANCE the house was sold to Benjamin Crispin. . , ;. bedrooms, two baths, attached gar- 10 MonmouUi Street, , Red Bank. N. J. g Lane, Jr., who had read Mr. Kaney's Mr. Steller will have extensive RAYH.STIUMAN age. Must be scon to be appre- A Good Coverage at Very Low Rates. notice. improvements made to the house FARMS ciated; at the ridiculously low prico >Phone 382 Mr. and Mrs. Lane, who haxe and outbiiildings. He will occupy »*•••. been living in rooms In Nicholas the property after November 1st Country Homes Mr. Crispin will move to Florida, * $23,000; Terms. I Osepenock's store building at River Plaza moved to their new house last where he owns considerable real es- Shore Estates Also other fine properties. I tate. week. The lot is 50x100 feet. The All Forms of INSURANCK house has ilx rooms, a bathroom and BUTTONWOOD modern improvements. The price REALTY MAP ACCEPTED. State Highway Thomas Jardine was $6,000. Mr. Lane is in partner- latontown, N. I. Phone 178 ALSTON COURT. Phone 76. ship with his father, Benjamin Lane Unsold Lota at Rumson Shores De- AT SHREWSBURY. o£ Shrewsbury, in the painting busi- velopment Put on th* Market. Farm For Sale! ness. He is having a garage built on All the unsold lots in the Feck A farm of eighteen acres located on the new j A COMPLETED RESIDENTIAL PARK. j| the property, Mr. Kaney is doing sales agency's Rumson. Shores de- Lewis & Hagerman r he work. velopment at the Avenue of Two concrete road near Tinton Falls, suitable for chick- 4. Architecturally perfect and properly landscaped. High and dry. Rivera and Black Point Toad have 4 Properties and homes open for inspection by appointment with g been placed oh the market following Lumber Co. en or truck faim, is offered for sale. 1 BACK AT HOLMDEL. We Specialize in A your ager or . 4 the acceptance of the Rumson & a H. NEV1US. Owner. 4 John Ntndia Returnt and Slartt to Shoret map by the Rumson borough Formerly On the premises there is an eight-room dwell- Build a House. council last Thursday. There was a CHARLES LEWIS Second ing, » five-stall barn .and two 100-foot chicken Several years ago John1 Nendza delay in thlt matter, due to consid- eration of a zoning ordinance. houses, with running- water, concrete' floors and PHONE LACVAWANNA 1510 RSD BANK 1748 ot Holmdel left that place and went Something New in Mortgage o New York state, where he got About fifty lots remain unsold. Waterproofing, "Super electric lights. All the buildings are in good con- employment. He was gone four or Roads through the . development Loans. dition. five years, and as no one at Holm- have been cut and graded, concrete Vulcanite Cement." del heard from him it was generally sidewalks have been laid, a deep You know there has been little or no money supposed that he had died. Shortly water channel haa been dredged tha Lumber, Applications Given HUGH GETTY, INC., before he left Holmdel Mr. Kendza entire length 61 the Shrewsbury for the produce farmer of late whereas the poultry r bought some land on the Vander- river Iftontage. and arrangements Millwork, M Immediate Attention raiser has been doing we]^ with his fowl and egg burg road from Edward Cheek. •' are being made to construct a com- ::pWducti6h7TJiis^aWduti6h7TJii^nn"would'm~ake'"a"""Wonderfuln " BUILDERS A few days ago Mr. Kendza as- munity pier. The. improvements tonished Holmdel folks by returning were made by the Peck agency with- Building Supplies A Local, Friendly ^modern chicken farm. to that place. He is now engaged in out cost to the' lot owners. Rosalie 359 West 26th St., 18 Mechanic St., building a small house of concrete avenue, one of the new streets, is and Hardware. : Organization. If interested in getting a farm that offers great blocks on the property which he in large use, due to its being'a short 'possibilities and getting it under satisfactory con- New York City. Red Bank, N. J.bought. He is doing the work alone. cut between Black Point road and RED BANK. N. J. Riverside Mortgage His wife died while he wae away the Avenue of Two Rivers. . ' ditions, get in touch with me for an appointment. and because of his advanced years & Finance Corporation Mr. Kendza is no longer able to SHREWSBURY ESTATES HOUSE work at his trade as a mason. He Why not try Broad St N.t'l Bank Bldg., BENJAMIN L. ATWATER , WILLIAM O'BRIEN will occupy the house which he IsWilbur 3jrcninitojT to. Make Hit Red Bank, N. .'. building and he states that he has Home en New Development. a Policy 253 Maple Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. returned to Holmdel to spend his Wilbur Symington of John street last days. is building a house for his own use in one of the •CORP.; MMtlMMMIMIItMIIMMIMMliltlllilllillllll MEANS at Lincoln circle on the Shrewsbury LENISON LOTS SOLD. country club estates in Middletown HIGH GRADE SERVICE township, near Red Bank. This is following Brooklyn Felki Buy Homo Sites at the second house to be, started on . Approved and Improved Campbtjl'i Junction. this development. The first is bo- excellent Eight lots on Thomas H. Leon- ing built for Julian Parker. Heating Plumbing Roofing ard's lenlson tract at Campbell's Mr. Symington's house will be' of companies? Junction were sold to five parties the Dutch colonial type and it will Water Systems • Copper Work during the past week, the agent in be 26 feet square. It will have six American Insurance Company. each transaction being George M. rooms, a bathroom and modern im- Bankers Indemnity Company, ~" Earthen and Iron Pipe Hendrickson. Each lot is 25x100 provements, including an artesian Health and Accident. feet. All the lots are on Greene W« Handle the American Radiator Company's well supply of water and a hot wa- People'* National Fire Insur- street, and with these sales Mr. ter heating system. The house is ance Co* . ARCOLA HEATINa SYSTEMS Leonard has disposed of his entire to be completed by December 1st. Concordia Fire Insurance Co. holdings on the street mentioned. The costtis $8,200. The H. A. Hen- Great American Iniurance Co. RED BANK and SEA BRIGHT All the owners expect to build drickson company is doing the work. Great American Indemnity Co. houses for their, own use. Mr. Symington is manager of the New York Casualty Company. William R. Faretto of New York Maple diner lunch wagon on Maple bought one lot for $175 and M. Aavenu. e and he is a partner with his Mutual Life Insurance Co. Zecz of New York bought one forbrother-in-law, Andrew Dougherty, of New York. the same price. Mrs. Johanna Jan- in this business. I will also give you the ben- Use of the Term Realtor sen of New York bought three lots «i» efit of rny 17 years experience / for $625. Temporarily Mrs. Jansen Sale of a Bungalow. in the insurance field. Drop The term Realtor is a coined term adopted by the National and her family are occupying a tent Mrs. William Mustoe has bought me a postal or letter and I Association of Real Estate Boards and is defined to mean a per- or. the property. Mrs. R. A. Lund bungalow on the north side of will call. son engaged in the real estate business who is an active member rf Brooklyn bought one lot forMadison avenue at Red Bank from of a constituent board of the Association, and as such, a member $180. Mrs. J. T. Joaner of Brook- Mrs. Edith Wolcott for $6,500-. The of the National Association, who is subject t° its rules and regu- lyn bought two lots for $360. lations, who observes its standards of conduct and who Is entitled lot is 40x165 feet. The bungalow is William R.Dawson to its benefits. enclosed with hollow tile -and stucco. CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS. It has five rooms, a bathroom and AT. HIGHLANDS, N. i. The exclusive right of the Association to use of the term to modem improvements. Mr. and Mrs. designate such a member of a member board has been upheld by Contracts Awarded hy • New Mon- eleven court decisions handed down in six states. mouth Baptut Official!. The officials ot the New Mon- RED BANK REAL ESTATE BOARD. niouth Baptist church last week — MEMBERS — awarded a contract to Turner & Turner of Keyport to put two coats ALLAIRE & SON, 60 Broad Street of paint on the church building for HAWKINS BROTHERS, 10 Monmouth Street $365. A contract for $157 wai WILLIAM A. HOPPING, Broad Street & Linden PUc. awarded to a Keansburg plumbing HENDRICKSON & STOUT, 2 Linden Piece concern to put an electric pump in HYXIN & SALZ. 42 Broad Street the basement to provide water for A. L. 1VINS AGENCY, 42 Broad Street the baptistry and kitchen. The LAND and LOAN CO., 12 Mechanic Street church will not have to go into debt t'i make these improvements, as NEWTON DOREMUS, Pres. there is more than enough money •«•••»••>#»••«,•«•••••< on hand for this purpose in the rur- >••••«•••••••••»••••»•••» plui current expense receipts.

BUYS ON MECHANIC STREET. ' Mn. Carria Beckett't Properly Sold to Charlet Allaire. MORTGAGE Charles Allaire of Wharf, avenue has bought a house and lot on the ncrth side of Mechanic street from Mrs. Carrie Beckett for $4,000. Th« MONEY lot is 50x150 feet and the house has WHY six rooms and Improvements. Mr. Allaire bought the property as an Telephone At this time we have clients with moneys to investment. He will take possession October lit. The salt wai made by Talking Is Often loan on First Mortgage, on property in or close Courtlandt White. \opin Thris Difficult- to Red Bank, in sums from $1,000 to $50,000. Site For Country Home, WHEN BAMBERGER'S IS SO NEAR Mr». Mny Neff of Port Monmouth Applications will have immediate attention. hni sold three-fourths of an acre of ' And when yon canchoose'at Bamberger's an Identical^ land on a street near Palmer ave- Unless you hove an wardrobe for ever so much less than you would find it at nue, In Middletown township, to the Paris shops themselves. Bamberger's has made this cmUy Frank McNnlly of Jersey City, who EXTENSION- 1 will build a hous« on th« property TELEPHONE possible, having already shopped for you at tho openings. for his own use. The tale wai made selected the most Important modes and reproduced them' by Caleb Lukcr of Dclford and the am many, do — in the meticulously In line, color, detail—at fractional prices.] price wm 1000. AppU and peifr triioi and n vineyard art on tho bedroom or flic linll property, — where you'll havu , Ptlau toy frock, tandtd coil, 317.8$ REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND pence. And privacy* Btaihcrger reptlM, 95.00 • MORTGAGE LOANS. Enlarilng • llouie. mulif gottH, faiufett tut, 444.78 Carl Formhor la building a two- Moto'nnd more Be»bet|«r rtpllu, UO.OO story addition to tha rear of his people Arc realize 4»y fitch. Undid tan, 1B4.SI 10 MONMOUTH ST., (Ground Floor) hou«« on Newmap stroet at River intt i PInu. Tht addition will hava two roomi on tht flrartf1' floor and two tension more than Phone 352. RED BANK, N, J. rooma and * bathroom on tht sec- doublet) the value of ,JeM M •UdetUtt at Ike HmUi ImptU, «ifll«« ij BiwWa«; ond floor, Charldi Dangler of Red (he •crvlce tvlillc atid«> Flank la doing the work, The coat will ho $1,200, tad Hale mb>r lit, A, [). 1111, For Details Just Call i cnunta •( tht iiibirrlbor, — "KOIKII I), CHUHCII, i Tht Business Offlct I ISamberger M«nr> It, OW.II. will be •urtliod >na|>er,~A

BIG SUMMER SEASON, barber business. They have opened Henderson of Bayonne, -who has ZONING CONFERENCE. r.ow engaged in the real estata hut- a shop in the Mazza buildipg on been visiting here, motored to Bay- iness. Atbury Park Hei On* of'the Mod Broad street. . onne Friday. They visited Mr. andElaven Countln Represented at i Succeiaful in Hitter?. Sidney Hodas, son of Harry Ho- Mrs. William Stevens of Brooklyn, Long Branch Meeting. The Super-Saleiraan. Asbury Park has finished one- of das, left Monday for Rutgers col- former residents here, while on the Representatives; numbering 167, Luke Longhead in The Register •he most successful summer seaeons lege at New Brunswick. . trip. -, from towns and cities in eleven talks to over 85,000 people every In Us history. In July tt entertained Harvey Wadington of South A meeting of the Methodist Sun- counties of northern and central week.—Advertisement tne largest crowds that ever visited itreet is on regular duty as ticket day-school. boavd will be held to- New;Jersey attended a zoning con- the resort in theso'two months. Ar- agent at the Asbury Park railroad night in the church social room. ference at Long Branch last Wednes- thur C. SUInbsch, president of the itation. .Thursday about twenty members day. It was held under the direc- Berkeley-Carteret hotel company, Charles Stock!, a grading con- oi the Methodist ladies' aid society tion of, the New Jersey league of A Ptalra of !«•• '-, announced lut week that the lurtei tractor, has bought a new Chevrolet will make a trip to Valley Forge in municipalities. George S. Harris of Tell me not In mournful had entertained thirty per cent truck, Edward Beale's bus; Montclair, dean of the New Jersey law school, read and reviewed the txcursion hers > more guests in July of year Henry H. Odell, Sr., is employed Frank. Mount has taken a position That all food's alive tl'an in the tame month last year as a bus driver by the Atlantic r.t the Hollywood drugstore at Redlaw of zoning. Bertram H. Saun- *»! and In August the hotel showed a transportation company at Asbury Bank. . ders, a member of the Paterson zon- 87 per cent increase. Mr. Steln- Park. .•-.,. William Fary Is now employed by ing board, also spoke. Mr. .Soun- Washington f-or a germ grows numb when ders pointed to New York city as .. • •• •• OR •••'••••' buch said that the Berkeley-Car- The new Neptune • highway has Leon Smock, a mason contractor. chilly, "•' '•• a model of zoning which was started te ret has had 'tne most prosperous And desists from all-. In been opened and it now offers a di-Mr. Smock has cemented the twothere in 1916. Mayor William H. Baltimore year In,its history and that this rect route from here to Belmar. driveways of Jathes Hathaway'a R. White represented Red Bank at ' squirms. ' « prosperity also reflected the general Mrs. Bertha Williamson of But-home on Main ctreet. the conference. Sunday, September 30 prosperity of Asbury Park as a Sea- Benjamin VanKeuren, Frank Germs are real and In their ad-''- '•' tonwood avenue entertained friends ' 8PECIA1. TRAIN aliore resort, from Connecticut on Sunday. VanDorn, Wesley Watkln/i and Fred tions i The Presbyterian Gleaners' so- Morris will represent Eatontown at Ltave Red Bank 11:00 P. M. They are anything but nM j, Manaiq|ian Couple Engaged. Saturday Night, September 29 But when you paint dark 'then- ,., EATONTOWN NEWS. ciety will meet at the chapel on Fri-the annual exempt firemen's con- . RETURNING day to make further plans for itsvention at Atlantic City. The con- Announcement has been made of dangers •} „- didlheW/////^ the engagement of Miss Alice L. Leave Waihlnslon 4:80 p. M. Buiinen of the Council and Various annual supper on October third, vtntion will start Friday and con- Baltimore (Fenni. Sta.) 6:10 P. M. You've forgotten about Ice. i Other Item*. This afternoon the Presbyterian tinue until Sunday. . . Francis, daughter of M. J. Francis of Manasquan, to ThomniiPJ. Laird - (The Bid Bank Rxlitar ean be bou«ht missionary society will meet at Mrs. John Caffyn is having some im- ce so chills the little Critters ? tacb waak In Eatontewn from Nobla MOT of that place. Mr. Laird Is a grad- I Pennsylvania Railroad •• just ONCE/ by at tht poitofflce,) Ada B. Nafcw's. Rev. Lcroy Y. Dll-provements made to his home on That they cannot multiply. * >r lute of Columbia university and is At last Wednesday night's meeting; lencr wilt be the speaker. Broad street. And Instead of raising famlliM, Mrs. Marshall Thompson and Lester and Arthur Whitfield of KTEVER AOAINJ" he declared." And what'a of the council all members were ••>•••••••*•••••••«•*•*•••••••••*>•«•••••••••*•$•*••• They themselves lie down and IN morel 1 don't want you doing it either, present. Bills amounting to over daughter of North Carolina will *»• Main street are expected home next die, ;...;• ; Mother! From now on WH lend our thing* to $800 were read and ordered paid turn home next Saturday after week frpm a vacation trip in the If we do ,not keep fresh food- the laundry where they make a butinca of and the receipts amounted to over spending a vacation with Mrs. West. While on the trip they visited 1 ¥30. It was voted to aorve notico on Thompson's father, Henry Nivison. the Yellow Stone national park, • stuffs' ' : washday!".,. ' , the Stroud company of Asbury Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis and Patrick Drennan of Main street Safe from even moderate heat . Clothe* washed ourwayarecleanerandhstlonger. Park to' appear before the council daughter Eunice of Ihis place and has put a new roof on his house on Microbes by uncounted billions * p.nd oxplaln why it has erected signs Mrs. Eunice Emmons and daughter Tinton avenue, which is occupied by Grovv in everything we «at. J Llda of Red Bank spent Sunday at James Throckmorton and William throughout the borough without a Doctors constantly remind us license. It was decided to rcvlso the Hopatcong. Riddle. 1 Red Bank Steam Laundry bill board ordinance. A motion waa James Dinan of Long Branch, Rev. Alfred Duncombe, a Re- Of this scientific fact, \ •82 WHITE ST. PHONE 1659. made and adopted to have the stop son of Mrs. Mary Pollelltt of LewiLis formed minister of Long Branch, But their preaching has no value'' street sign moved as near as possible street, died Sunday morning of was'the principal speaker at the fall \S!LKS If ourselves we do not ACTV to .the corner of Main, Broad and heart trouble after a long sickness. reorganization meeting of tfle Meth- Let us then be up and doing '' South ttreets. Complaints were re 1 he funeral was held this morningodist men's bible class last week. If we'd keep us hale and IIMIIIIMIIMMMMIIIMI coived about the unsightly condition from his Long Branch home. Mr. Duncombe's speech was based Printed and : sound— ,,.,,: of a burying ground at South Baton- Several residents of this place on the history of the Reformed' Filling up the ice-box daily, "' town and an open drain, ditch on a will attend a meeting of the Mon.church- . The class donated a ton of Using ice the whole year lot adjoining , Wesley . Watklns's rnouth county past councilors' asso- coal to the church during the meet- ~ Plain 1 property on Lewte street. An inves- ciation • of the Sons and Daughters Ing. The next session will be held o,rt round. tigation will be made of the burying of Liberty lodge at the River street October 16th. The Woman Paye the PreUel ground. No action was taken on theschool at Bed Bank Friday night. /"\UR Silk section is ofier- There was a young woman nanted ditch, A complaint was received The meeting will be in celebration It pays to advertise in The Register ^ ing a very important ntating that the manhole installed on • /Weiss, oi the association's second anniver- So stingy she wouldn't buy el»i; the new highway at the corner^! group of fine fall silks at —She duily grew thinner the highway and WyckoffToad was Miss Laura Mabb of High street very special prices. Beau- For half of her dinner too high. The clerk waa Instructed, as taken a position at Charles tiful heavy quality, 40 Wus thrown to the cats and the to notify tho state highway depart- Iweet's shop at Long Branch. meiss. ment of the manhole. Several resi- inches wide, a varied selec- H. PATTEB60K,, s ' Varley Watkins has boen laid up 28 Waiklnstoil St., R»* mf|)u 1 dents of South street asked that a icveral days with rheumatism. Ray- tion of fall shades. drain be laid on that street. The mand Brown Is assisting- him at his Two Tunea in the Same Key*/' treasurer reported that the total re- general store on Lewis street. There was 4n old woman ceipts since the last report wers Eileen Walters of Broad street $10,677.12 and that (1,489.86 had Who lived in a shoe. * ',-, ias entered the Montclair normal She had so many children , "; ,• w boen paid out. The balance now onschool. hand amounts to $9,137,26. She didn't know what to do. t 4\ Edwin Hamlet has bought a new She fed them: on vegetables, * vj George Steele has resigned an a ontlac roadster. ' ' Lustrous Satins Cold mUk and rice, J . H member of the zoning committee. Albert Wagner and family spent Which she kept fresh and «w«|t Kio place will be filled by Fred G. Sunday with Mrs. Walter McCaffery Crepe de Chines By preserving on ice. y MARY E. BURKE. I my poor little feet; Steelman. of Bradley Beach. 238 Wtit Front St., Bed Sag' Mr. -and Mrs. William Errunons Harry Rowland, who is employed Flat Crepes ... I must be kind to There was an old woman *" have returned from their wedding by the Sigmund Eisner company of Who lived in a shoe; f them," thought Alice, "or}, trip in the South. Red Bank, has returned from a bus- She had so much food perhaps they won't The nrerrfen' took part in a par-iness trip to Cornell university. He She didn't know what to da' ade at Coney Island last Friday was at the university a week. Fairbanks-Morse titfr i i They ate what they could, t walk the way I want." night. Hook and ladder fire truck Richard Dwyer of Red Bank«is ' ' I And the rest she kept ni«S i "• was taken to the parade. The fire- living with his daughter, Mrs. Harry • By calling the iceman * men who were present were Frank Rowland, / Water Systems And buying some ice. sETthem grow, said the sage, the way that they should Patterson) Louis, Charles, Earl, Wil- : Miss Edith Johnson of Freehold ;18 Iioomt AT And bend when you walk to wax strong J '• ~ , liam and Henry Dingman, Charles, spent last week-end with her father, Special Campaign to Ralph and Theodore Lewis, John Louis Johnson of High street We Thought It Waa Womaa Give them freedom to go wherever you- would Bennett, George Allgor, Wesley Milton Boyce of New York spent Home Owners. Who Doea Thle.,. . t I But gently support them along. Wstkins, John Drennan, Russell El- Saturday and Sunday with his aun: Ian wants bat little hers below > grim, Louis Miller, Andrew Reid, nnd uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood But wants^that little pure.] ,Ji' -1 Clarence Hyslop, Howard Versels, lennle of Lewis street. So all his eats, , 'J, . f «J Lt.roy Hennessy, Fred Morris, Earl Mrs. Robert Higginson of Broad Tolephona Red Bank 111B-J Bpth fruits and meats, •' -t-^^ ' § Joline and Stanley Roberts. He keeps with lee secure. \ ./; street has bought a new Dodge vic- for appointment. Cantilevers i Charles Lewis has taken a posi- tory-six sedan. The two Higginson UBS. DEHTHA BYLVMTtlt y 1 tion at George Woods's Service sta- Louses on Lewis street have been are kind to tion at Red Bank. Herbert Cot- repainted by Long Branch painters. Fred G. Hurst j 17 BROAD ST. RED BANK. N. J. ; "Are you eivlng me tbt " Children's feet reave has resigned his job at the Henry Dingman of Brooklyn is ervice station and he is now em- ihouldor, dear?"-he asked wist visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and is she took the roast lamb out'J ployed by Chester A. Wolcott, Mrs. Louis Dingman of Maple ave-MmiMIIMIMIMIIIMI .ho ice box. plumbing contractor. nue. Joseph Ratti is employed by T. S. Next Sunday night a Baptismal Maugerl of Asbury Park, who is CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP service will be held at the Advent "Do good," said Confudw, "M A ow erecting a new building for An- church. i o it with good tnst«." * * V RAYMOND ROWNE, Prop. x • tonio Batti, on Main street. Paul Miss Ruth Furler of Pcmpton That means use ice, sine* yon 621 Cobkman Ave., Asbury Park, N. J. Rattl, who Is;a jockey and is nowI akes spent Sunday with Miss Mar- hereby doing good to your h at Belmottt'Park, spent last week- garet Messier. and at the same time adding end, with his parents. A large delegation from the taste to your food. convention'at the Ocean Grove au- me?" asked the ice-cake gloomllyi Frank Demarest of this place and ditorium Sunday afternoon. ''Because you ore always so clfli John Tblefando, formerly of New to everybody," responded the rwl- Miss Katharine and Lee Van- dents of the refrigerator in chords. ark, have become r-rtners in the ( Your Opportunity! Schoick of this place and Robert 1 —'•—' —• 4 School Days. , A complete set of attachments On hot September afternoon! > It's very hard to be >. Shut up insldn the stuffy school; To learn geography. '{ k 1 But when the clock has crept arooM Until it's time to go— Tke Kind of >'•.; Oh, boy! when I start running hotae) With every PREMIER JUNIOR sold at I'm anything but slow. .', '. ""', the retular price we will Include • full, For mother knows what fellotri !(>•,', ••I of extra attachment* FREF. OP Just Try It!! And I am sure to find » CHARGE) We believe thle la the areat-. Pavement you Somo Ice-cold milk or lemonade t eat value ever offered In a high-grade, Tomorrow, at luncheon, try a glass of Puritan Dairy's '•% Or something of that kind; * motor-driven' bruih electric cleaner. want— Grade A Pasteurized Milk. Then as an experiment con- I guess these hot September dayi PREMIER JUNIOR li exactly Ilk* the Arc anything but nice PREMIER DUPLEX, only It ii two- tinue it for a few weeks. For the poor unlucky children of Tho folks who don't take let.', thirds smaller In site and two-thlrda lets JOY MRS. J. I* WINDCLI* In price. Note the difference in the general condition of your • J I* health, especially during the summer season. Just sec if Safety Sut all September's days aren't hot. cool, satisfying Puritan Milk doesn't go a long way to- And then arises that strong tempta- tion (with some people) to give Up tho iceman. Those who do thll, Smoothness ward putting the finishing touches to your luncheon, and 1 Only $40 however, cannot reallit that It 1* be assured of the best when you get "Nature's Purest." initiosalblo to keep perishable, twi sale from contamination «t • tIf COTTAGE CHEESE AND BUTTERMILK you want to take no chances vput 310510 0 ,'our food, you will continue to MKt concrete. .co not only for tho rest of Boptfnv bf r but right on through tho fan And winter. * for your old, worn-out cleaner •• part Be sure these words ate payment on th. etandard PREMIER Puritan Dairy Kind Mr. KouSonrd'i Column In DUPLEX model W. don't or whal condition it It liilutlon. You I't a In. Phone brnml-ntw dollar Uit »'It'•i publlihpu l (ion that you sign. Red Bank 2030. In Ihi Premier Family there le a Pre- mier bull! exactly lor your neede, You h«ve your cholie of 3 models a» J prUti, PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION

today I NBW YORK OTY A National Organisation u> Jersey Central Power & Light Co. Improv* and E*Und (ha Urn qf ConcrtU ' 05 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, OMIoel U SB tfllUa .. . Telephone Red Dank 1800

*^i'ai 1 ' } RED BANK REGISTER,- SEPTEMBER^, 1928. charge ot the sale consisted of Mrs work at the office of the Sigmund lacCue's sister. at Freehold John G. Schanck, Mrs. Frank S. Eisner company at Red Bank. ' Thursday. ' •i , M.n F»Hlly lnj«rd Be- Weeks and Mrs. George Taylor. The Mrs. Farmer of Pallsadej Park Is Mrs. Elizabeth Conners spent one I » tit, W1W> Eyw. , dub will hold another sale at thespending her vacation with her day last week with Red 'Bank ' ^Jftal Arffie ptM4ta#in township, same place next month. cousin, Mrs. C. W. Cools. • friends. • 40 yetiM old, died At the Matawan Miss Anna Buck has resumed her Mr. and Mrs. William Stotiy,and Mr. and Mrs. Eduaid Stllwell, Mibipttfrl'Thursday night from in- duties as a. teacher at Beach Haven. Miss Sarah McGurk of Trenton vis- Theodore Stihvcll and Stanley Slil- l jttrie»'^ceived when an automobile Stereppticon views were shown In ited, Mr. and Mrs. William > Kaney well and family were visitors at '•;)i» was'Tiding in was struck by aconnection Vfith the service at the,last week. L?.kohurst last week. ook ' trali Oeqigo Hinds, seven years Reformed church Sunday night. The 600 club met last, Thursday Miss Helen Kelly is enjoying a L bid, 'Jtecelved a fractured skull and The sewidfo club of the Reformed r-t Mrs. Mary Longstrcct's •. at- Red week's vacation from her duties at MriouS internal injuries Charles church will meet tomorrow after- Bank. First and second prizes wcr* the office of the Sigmund Eisner Hinds, aged flvo, received a-possible noon at Mrs. Sherman Hunt's. won by Mrs. William I^ancy and company at Red Bank, behind the fracture o£. the skull and serious William Schanck has bought a Mrs. Longstrct. Mrs. Harry .CJIayton Benjamin llankinson Is having ' cutafand bruised. Hazel Hinds, aged Whippet coach. lew York state How dust does stick in the walls Just The1*** was a Chevrolet sedan and spent Friday with Mrs. Carrie Fen- recerttly underwent ah operation. and Canada. ton. back pf your picturesl 'faothlng Is more satisfying to a hos- j It WM completed wrecked. Arose She is now improving. had 14 fractured skull and one'leg Tho Woman's club mot Friday Mr. arid Mrs. John SnifTen and teas as the knowledge time her table . M was! Bo badly mangled it was am- Although the electric company night at Mrs. William Best's. daughter Mildred spent last Sunday Ono thing's sure—it can't "stick" yery appointments.^are perfect. r putated as soon as he arrived at the announced last spring that it would At a meeting last week the fire- at Philadelphia. Mrs. SnilTen and long in Devoe Velour Finish I A swish downtqtfio Uttle acceswriesv hoqiUai. Mr. Arose's wife was extend its service between this place men voted 'to have the firehouse Mrs. Benjamin Hankinson wore of your wash cloth and it's as clean and standing In front of her home, near and Vanderburg, nothing has been piped for water and to have a new Wednesday visitors at Keyport. that mate for an extra touch th» crossing, &nd witnessed the ac-done. Folks who live on the road Bre rnimney built. Two clothes closets Many residents of the village at- bright as the day it was painted. ofdistincUDn. WhynotaiJW cident,. Mr. Morgan tald hia view of wondering whether the company has will* be put in the building. tended'the Fnir View firemen's fair, this saibfactlon... Among ths tracks was obstructed by a house forgotten them. which came to a close Saturday Its velvety surface is as easy to clean our very wi9c showing"of | and fcatuUie engineer sounded no Edward Schanck no longer has to night. EVERETT NEWS. as the shiniest enamel —that's Devoe sterling and plated ware ycu wear his right arm in a sling, but he J6hn Kelly, has taken, a position Velour Finish! Ideal for di$ry room in war ling of thoapproach of thestill keeps it bandaged. The arm OQ a Runison estate. are sure to fitntjust that pau ( Big Lot of Applet, Taken to the your house. Costs less than $4.00 to tern you pwr—very rws» tram' was broken in-two places five weeks Cider Mill, During the Week. Miss.Amelia Carton and Jeanne ago while Mi\ Schanck was trying Carton were visitors at Asbury Park ably priced, Mrs. G. Killulie of Orange spent paint the 4 walls of an average room. ! ! COLT'S NECK NEWS. to crank an automobile. on Saturday. part of last week with her father, During tho past week many farm- Richard Austin. A Dinct for ths Firemen at the ers carted applet to the various REUSSILLES' RIVER PLAZA NEWS. A number of friends and rela- 'Schoolhowe Next Week. eider mills. tives attended a dinner party one Monmouth't Leading Jawelsri 3jh|» first of a series of dances for AVilliam Lgddy of Fair Haven, a Former Residents Kovt Back to night last week at the home of Mr. Red Bank Hardware Store thsWicfit of the fire company will .former resident of this place, has Their Old Home Here. and Mrs. Kdward Rowe. ROBERT DONOVAN, Prop. 36 Broad St., Red Bank. be jield Friday night if -/text week bought a new.Studqbakor coach, Mr; Mrs. Norman Long and family of 58 Mopmoiith Street, Red Bank, N. J. at the schoolhous*. Martin Reilly Mr. and Mrs, Corj Hedberg, who Leddy and his 'son conduct an ice Holmdel were recent visitors of Mrs. r«l«phon« 83« wlll| t« in charge.' The dance which have lived at Long Island several route through here. was? given at the schoplhouse two years, have moved back to their old Patrick Carton, Jr. weeM BRO • -•:•••< \ directed kv homthe here. Mr. Hedberg is a New Mrs. Raymond McCue and Mrs. Tho Register's motto—"A paper I ladiei' auxiliarj -r the company. , York business man. He and his wife Thomas Kelly were guests of Mrs. in every home."—Advertisement. 1 TJui ^ewjng »;... t *>l tJ)u Jkininined say Long Island is all right but that chnte'h conducted u successful cake there isnp place like River Plaza. «al# Saturday at D. D. Denyse's Miss Katheryn Dougherty is en- atore'at Freehold. The committee in joying a week's vacation from her IIIMIIIMIMMMOIMMMMMIMMMIMIMMIMIIMillMMMmMIMMMWK In Fairness To Your Pocketbook See This



OK For the South Pole THAT'S WHAT COMMANDER BYRD THINKS OF THE NEW Luxurious 2-pc, Suite

Other Items 'In Taupe Mohair VEEDOL Pictured At Following MOTOR Special Prices Tomorrow— Crackle Lacquer End Table . . . . It's in two colors: Mandarin Red or Seaweed Green with Oriental motifs in the handsome dec- $oss Pay Months OIL oration. Genuine crackle lacquer finish. Un- $10 to usual value at this very low price tomorrow ! ( IF TnKnE'S a weak spot in a motor oil, nn nlr- 2 Down Pay plane engine will find it. And Commander •'•••• Ityrd put tho seal of a scientist on the New Junior Lamp and Shade, only , . , Vccdol when ho tested it nnd chose it out of A gorgeous lamp that is distinguished by its hundreds for his South Polo flight. plated metal base in choice of several designs 95 Mmlo 100% from Pennsylvania antY other and the large shade in parchment paper, ex-$ purujjlnc huso crutlca, llie New Vccdol showa quisitely decorated in soft colors. A bargain I The sumptuous beauty and superlative quality that have been 11B quality—in tho sky nnd on tho Innd. It 19 combined in this fine suite can only be appreciated by actually lugts longer. It keeps motors cooler. It makes seeing each piece,, A gigantic special purchase makes this offer ihcm rim Binoothcr and sweeter. For your Marble Top Coffee Table for . . . modern nuloinohilo motor is n close relutivo This is an exceptional opportunity if you want a possible. It comprises the massive davenport and choice of club of the nliiiliiiie motor. A Binglo crank case truly beautiful table for the living room. The 95 or Irfzy-back chair upholstered all over in blended mohair. Tho filling will show you why Commander Byrd top is gcnuiiK) Italian black marble, supported cushions aro reversible. Beforo you decide on that new suito see was right. Tho orange nnd block Vccdol sign by a base in finished brass. See it tomorrow ! this tomorrow 1 is Iho place .., Tho Tide Wulcr Oil Safes 16 Corporation, New York City. YOUR CHOICE: 50c DOWN ! I "Juit Bring A Ten Dollar Bill" Heavier Body-Lasts Longer WMOB tOOy. FROM PENNSYLVANIA AND OTHER PKIWriNE DASK CRUDES MIDDLESEX FURNITURE CO. wry th* OTW VEEDOL today 27 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK, N. iJ. . - ;- , - , • '•'"-,' ;,. -V ?Tr 7 7 : T ; RED I3AKK KtUJlsTKl!,

• , \ gusoline and It jvas totally de- YEARS AGO IN RED BAML stroyed. Tho machine had cost $1,600 only a short, time previously, , (Continued from last page,)' Sir. Cornwell sold the remains of Lockwood and Charles K.-Champlln. the machine after the 'Are for, f 10. The party caught a. big lot of fish. Mrs. Bertram H. Borden . wa» .Chrlneyonco Holmes and Chrfa* elected president of the Pre»byter- topher Burdgo of'' Holmdel were i>n ladiei' aid society of Rurmon. ruclnjr on tfielr; rwheels when The other" officers were Mr». Wil- Holmes's wheel broke, and he was liam H, Pearaall, Miss Anna Ye0- thrown to tho ground, :He wn cut man«. Miss Evi Bruce, Mrs. James and bruised and one of his ears was Bogle arid Mrs. Peter Yeomans. Our Big ^5^ Sale nearly cut off. • ' • Henry M. Neviuj wat tendered a Theodore Carhart of Colt's Neck reception on his return home from fell from "his wagon while driving a the annual convention of the Grand heavy load of produce to Asbury Army at which he was elected com- Ends Saturday Night! Farft.' T))o wheels passed over him rnander-in-chlef, A parade ot 200 but no bones were. broken, He was citizens made up part-of the cele- dreadfully bruited ami was laid up bration. : 4SC0 Buckwheat £ a lone time. ;. . 1 A Polish christening took place Miss .Sadie J. lemgatrect, daugh- r,ear Mlddletown village. TJiere were Pancake Flour, OSCO Syrup Q ter of Adam Longstreet of McLaren plenty of liquid refreshments and gtreet, and William K* Colemsui, a fight started in afternoon. One were married at tho bride's home by man was stabbed in the shoulder Rev. E, C. Hancock. The groom wa' end another was stabbed in the face. employed as a clerk by Doremus Mrs. H. Morford was elected 2 - 25c Brothers. president of the vromen't temper- .'The fresh air home at Chapel Hill ance union of Port Monmouth. The Country Gentleman Corn was prepared as a home for sick other officers were Mrs. William soldiers. Contributions of all kinds Carman, Mrs. Llda Heyere and Mrs. ..Mixed Vegetable? for the comfort and support of the William Ludlow. Stuffed Olivet soldiers were contributed by resi- • Mrs. Frank Marks of Shrewsbury dents of this part of the county. v/as walking across her room when Stringlets Cut Beans John Lane, son of James Lane an artery In her leg burat. A hurry- Farmdale Peas of Little Silver, caught his foot in up call was sent for Dr. William the freight elevator of Hazard's can- 1). Sa'yre, who. stopped the flow of California Sardine* « ning'factory at Shrewsbury and his blood by tying the artery, fbot and leg were badly crushed and Howard Matthew's of Colt's Neck 4SCO Gelatine bruised, - attended the harvest home at that Cranberry Sauce - Monroe S. Munsoll, infant ion of place and tied his horse under the William Munsell of Silver street, church sheds. The horse was kicked Rob Roy Ginger Ale died of cholera morbus. The Infant by another horse and its leg was Philadelphia Cream Cheeae son of Bridget and James Mationey broken, It had to be shot. of Middletown died from-the seme Miss Katharine Elvira Budd and Red Seal, Babbitt or Banner Lye disease!' • Rev. Albert D. Betts, both of Stanley Clark of. Eatontown at- Eatontown, were married at Prince- Sorvo the. family bread that you' KNOW i» purs and tended a performance at the Red ton. Mr. Betts was pasfor of the of the finest Quality! Bank opera house and just as the Methodist churches at Eatontown play was ending he fell in an nnd Tlnto!p-*tells. epileptic fit. • . Mrs. Matilda Nesbitt Snedeker of Bread Wrappad John H.1 Frost of River street Atlantic Highlands celebrated her Gwe m&m miles ikant Loaf died of dropsy at the age of 64 OCth birthday. She was born near years. He was a veteran of the civil Tcnnent in 1813. She had over fifty Supreme war and left a widow and six chil- grandchildren and eighteen great- Bmmnteed agminst mam dren. grandchildren. 4SC0 or Ritter's Gold Seal Family A lawn party and cake sale was Harry Fosten, ton of Amzl of held, at MrB. E. M, Gillette's .at.LQi Jfeyesink, who had been employed, defect* witkmt liniii ^ m I Beans with Pork FLOUR cust Point for the benefit of the afCharles A. Mount's s^ore at Nave- C Kcd Cross and $140 was cleared. sink,' gave up his' job and went to The will of Eugene L. Marshall Bucknell college to study for the hme$rmileage* \ , > * «n. g * w 25 of Eatonto\vn'was probated. He left ministry. everything he possessed to his moth- There was a good deal of sickness er, Anna M. Marshall, nt Colt's. Neck, among the sick be- TIRES Charles V. Scobey of Scobeyville, ing John- Lawrence,- Mrs. John while riding his bicycle, Was run Irothero, James Emmons, Mrs. 3 <" 25c over by a wagon and was. very bad- Louis Soffel, ST., and Mrs, Gideon For&alpbyi McDONOUGH'S SERVICE STATION ly bruised. Upydke. 1.77 Weit' Front Street, Plione 1968 Bank, N. J. Crushed Sugar Corn' Jlajoy Joseph; I. Field ,was elec- y/illiam Patterson, gon lot Piter ted president of the 29th New Jer- V, Patterson of Lincrbft, wias run- ' Red Ripe Tomatoes sey volunteers at its annual re- ning around bare-footed in a field Princess Assorted Jellies union. when his. foot was cut very badly H. W. Bennett and W.'L. Wolt en a sharp snag of a stump. Underwood's Deviled Hani bought James Walsh'B sash and blind Randolph Parmly of Riverside Gold Seal Macaroni or Spaghetti business on Mechanic street. drive built a large barn with cement floors and five box stalls on his Gold Seal Rolled Oats Twenty Yaara Ago. place in Middletown township. John OSCO Farina Thomas Wilson, a well known F. Scott was the builder, 1'ort Monmouth farmer, died from Mrs. Ijuella ^Jewhart, wife of , 4SC0 Gelatine Desserts meningitis after a sickness of three Clinton 3. Newhart of Leighton ave- 4SC0 Noodles (Large Packages) weeks. He was born in England but nue, died of consumption after a had. Jiye.d .tit; JRortyJIo.nmQUth »inee sickness, of.,six .njontrtf . She. was. ,iX Toilet"Soap "''T l'870."He left a wife, one. son "ana eighteen years old. two daughters, the children being Percy O. Davis and George Van- Ammonia, Duz, Chase-00 William C. Wilson of Perth Amboy dcrveer Cooper, members of Nave- and Miss Ethel M. Wilson and Misa sink hook and ladder company, were The remit of our big Coffin ,Siiiln«i•• : , : Charlotte £7. Wilson, who were appointed fire police to serve as po- .'can bo •ummed \xp In ona word-~.':>'•'-. teachers in the Middletown town- licemen at fires. " - Quality! : V , ,.•'•- ship public schools. He was 58 years Ida May Rickman, aged five old. months, daughter of John Rickman, Theodore F. White bought the Jr., of Belford, was found dead in Coffee »>39c •Uloomfield Drummond property on bed. The cause of the child's death You'll Taste tha Difference 1 .. Broad' street. The property had a was not known. frontage of 236 feet on Broad Mrs. Helen ItcGrath, wife or Victor Blend Coffee ..:;...ilt) 35c street, arid was 600 feet deep. He John McGrath of Shrewsbury ave- cut a ^rOfd through the property nue, died after a long sickness. She from Broac?1 street to the western left three children, John, Helen and ascfr end of tho Ian\i,,and divided it into Edith McGrath. Peanut Butter 24 building lots. ht.named the new • Postmaster Alonso Hand of High- Tomato Soup O tumblers,4Ac street Waverly placed Four of the lands sold over 228,000 one-cent cans c tots fronted' on Broad street and the stamps during the summor, most of 4 25 other twenty on Waverl/v^lacc. which were used on souvenir postai Additional Big 25c Specials Eugene Johnson moved from cards. Holmdel to Red Sank tb livvi with Edward and Howard Osborn, sona I bot S.I.d Oil 4 pkgi ftSCO his daughter, Mrs, Fred VanTSprn of Frank Osborn of Middletown, 1 bot Vanilla Extract 2 lb« Larga Pruura cC Front street Mr. Johnson lite went to Blairjtown where they en- 8 pl<(a ASCO Nocdloi — 2 n>> Marrowfat Be«ni had a very fine garden at Holmdal, tered the Blair Hall school. He went to Holmdel to bring some 6 imall cakes Younj'i Borax Soap Miss Nora O'Toole of Fair Haven flowers and vegetables and found dropped dead from heart disease 6 cakefc P. * G. Naphtha Soap that his entire crop of vegetables 5 Imall cam 4SCO Evaporated Milk under an apple tree on the Board- had been stolen and that many of ttiW property at that place, , 6 pkgi Cold Du« his flowering plants had also been Mtes Lena Ratigan ot Shrewsbury tnken. retunkej from 11 ten weeks' visit Special Combination Offer I Henry Johnson of Naveslnk died to relative in , A great home of cancer of the Btomach after, a coming wasitendered her. Loose-Wiles Sunshine long sickness, He was 60 years old Isaac H. Gjnt, a fisherman of pkg end had been caretaker of Bay Oceanport, who Tyas 72 years old, Orange Sandwich 9c, View cemetery. Ho left a wife, one dropped dead in hji kitchen. Deatn pkBi .don and two daughters, Tho children was caused by apoplexy. is proving it (Chie Sunshine Hydrox wcro Frank Johnson of Atlantic Pound fishermen W Seabrfghl Sunshine Bon Bons 3 25c Highlands, Miss Kathleen Johnson mnde immense catches' ot bu^er- of Navcslnk nnd Mrs. Lucy Sprague foh, the fishing boats avenging' 35 In the tremendous success of its third year In production! of New York. barrels to each boat. which Pontiac Six is enjoy- James Timolat of Now York Lester Curchln, who had kept a -a Succauful Six* ing ... in the spectacular This overwhelming public endotM* I In Our Meat Markets for End of the Week! bought the Nicholas P. Young prop barber shop at Odcanic several tw>w orinnlnji Even sales which have placed ment and public approval tell* more orty, known ns the Edgar Lufbur- years, closed his barber shop and OmiEt SocceM more than 350,000 Pontlacs on the of what Pontiac provides for $745 Fancy Milk Fed Poultry ruw farm, containing thirteen acres, moved to Red Bank. road within thirty-two months of its than even the most complete listing on tho Middletown sldo of the J. J, Mannlx leased the Blrdsall introduction—in these impressive of such features as Fisher bodies, 186 ' Small Fresh-Killed Fowl tt> 35c Shrowabury river. Mr. Timolat paid building on Monmouth street and facts is ample reason for designating cu. in. engine, the G-M-R cylinder $25,000 for the property, which had began converting It Into a moving this great General Motors car "Chief head, cross-flow radiator, foot-con* Fancy Young Turkeys itb 45c a frontngo of 035 feet on the river plcturo theater, of the Sixes". trolled headlights, find 722 feet on Riverside drive, William Curchln, Mrs. Fannlo Large Fresh-Killed Fowl ..;,.. ft} 40c Mrs. Crawford Walling of Port coincidental lock Krldel and Mr. Zobcl of Red Bank Never has any ne%y car risen so etc., etc.! Come in AM "ArmDur> si.r" Smoked Skinned Hams ..lb 32c Monmouth died of cancer of tho each bought a lot on South street stomnch after being n great nulTercr rapidly in the estimation of motor car for w ride today and (Whola or Shank Half) for t50O. learn foryoursclf why tor more than a your. 3ho left a Margaret Dean, aged nine months, buyers, for during the first six months Lean Boston Butts tb 35c husband nnd thrco children, the of 1928, over 136,000 Pontiacs were Pontlnc Six salcscon- daughter of Kloronz Dcnn ot tinuctlu'lrfcnsatioo- Lean Boneless Bacon IT) 35c chlldrpn holng Mr«. Samuel How- Shrewsbury, died of Cholera Infnn- aold—the largest volume ever ard of Kcd Hank mid Mr«. Hnrry turh. achieved by any car in the first bill I' al upward sivecpl (Whole or Half Pl.ct.) ^j Koxcy and Gcorgo Thomas Walling of Port Monmouth. Warren H, Smock and Newton 2-Dor.- Sedan, $745; C011/T, J7-»5| S;.nr( RiniilKcr, $74*1 Phaeton, $775; tabrioltt, $795l 4- 4SC0 Sliced Bacon 8-02, pkgzlc Doremus left Bed Bank for a Doc itt2tS, The mud on llronil street was month's trip to tho Pacific coast. All f .CM al factory. Check Onklimil-I'millnc d«llvrrci( (>rlrr» — thry McluJ* tauwil handling very bml and onp of the E. C, IInx- Vogt's Liberty Bell Hams lb 35c Percy Mauser, «on of Mr*. Ednn charge*, ileneral Moton Time I'uymcnt I'lan available at minimum roll. nrd compnny trucks got stuck, Lean Stewing Lamb It) 20c Humor of Highland*, broke his nrm Toamn of horses were hitched to the by a full from a ladder, Lean Boiling Beef ...lb 22c tiuck to pull It out but worn unablo to do so. It tfns llnnlly nulled out O, O, Crane of Brooklyn w«« »p- Lean Soup Beef lb 22c of tho mud by hooking It on to a pointed principal of the Eatontown public school. T. F. Morford Motor Car Co., Inc. trolley cur, Sliced Boiled Ham Vi'lb 20c Frod Dre««lor of Sunset avenue • J. Amory Hnakrll, who hnn 21 Mechanic Strcc!, Red Banlt. Sliced Dried Beef y -]b 18c foil from a hnnimock and aprnlned 4 bought thn Kdwa.nl M. Cooper nnd hi* wrlit. Sliced Corned Beef l/i-Ib 9c Lufburrow fnrm» nml novrml other pieces of adjoining property, bfrg«n IN ciMNcenv ot NCW jtnsiy, JOSEPH RASSAS CLOSE & WARWICK Lean Salt Porlt lb 28c tho conversion of tin* Umi Into • TO CAnniK WALTON I— ,!•' Fresh Beef Liver : tb 28c wonderfully fine ctMv. Tho proper- n» VIMllf of »n oriltr ot t)i« Court nt 663 Broadway, Long Branch, l<107 Main Street, Aibury Park". ties liought comprised .100 ncrci In Chanrtrjr of tin J.n.,, m.il. on Ih. dh Phunt 2100, • I'liiiiu B882, Corned Plato Beef , lb 20c •d»f»ln ll.rrr >V«Hun li fdlllonjr. ,n,l Ml«« Agnon' K. Slewnrt of Illinois' >»u. Oarrl. w.lton, «r. J.f.nd.nl. "u an »aulr.il to appaaf anil oUiil, aniwar Caso's Pork Pack ...'..... '/a.lb 23c •nil Dnvld K, Hampton of Belforti were- mtrrlrcl nt Now Monmouth fort III* fth ilar of JJnvambtr. l»il, or |fl Nukraft Clutlt pkir JL'aI Crtam ChiMt » pkRiSBo •lafaull ihaiaof diah iltaix will hi uk.n by Itov. A, H. Siituhon, Mr, Mnmn. •"lull MM •> Iht Citfirtllnr lhall thin* Iw.' 3w»lt>.r Cnt«i» H-U'30c'Vllalm Crl»m«d Cham tb 20f •riultabl* an'l lull, ton hud bought thn Cnmon J]*(i(i •Tk« 0M..1 ol Mid || li id nhlJiln a Vegetable Relishes and Pickles ,.,.jnr 10c fiirm nt tlolford mill hr ralinj nocl IU (10 VarUlla.) to) trttr Unltnl HtnlPi govornmnit. lnt«"l\ >»u and (hi i)l,l p.lllLnlr, Jacob M. Cornwall1, nulomoblla |.T»w« r>«.» KWf.llX I. Our lUrn't* ««4 taal,, ,U VMaHy caught flr« through tho ixploilon of PONV H O D TU C.X.,.0 RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER-19', 1928> They covered. 1,260 mile.6 and'visited tank at Fort Monmoutl) and began BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. several-points oi intercut. work last week, Their bid was Piles Go Win*' Chen Chamriloninlp. $15,825. HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN Abraham Kupchik of New York Broke' Arm in Motor. • Piles are caused byc- MONMQUTH COUNTY. won 4he' chess championship of Mayor Foosaner <>f .Freehold suf- blood in tho lower bowo America at Bradley Beach last fered a broken arm last week'when Internal remedy can I- . Peraonal Note*, Saltt of Property, week, carrying off the gold-medal the slcevo of his. sweater caught in cause. That's why ealyea n Building Operatloni, Lodge Do* New York ting 1*11. Dr. Loonhardt's>He oX the National chess federation and a running gasoline motor.' His in- 3UNPAY. /Ing*, Slight Fire*, Blrthl, Mar- $600 cash prize.,, n harmless tablet, succeeds, m jury was treated at the Freehold , SEPTEMBER 23d / it relieves this .congestion riage* and Death*—Other Item*. hospital. A linen shower was given for Freehold Girl Engaged. Excuralon Train Olract t* Ptnpa. Sta. strengthens tho affected pftxtKy Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rosengar- In Buiinett for Self. tlea, 7la Ava. ana Md St. Rold has given quick, safe,a,n< HIM Irena VanXote of Bradley Ing reHof- to thousands' of Bench Friday night. Miss VanWote garden of Freehold have, announced 'Captain William H, Msllon, who DA7Ua8TBAVB, TIMB Lv."Red Bank Bi43 A. My> SuWcra. It will do tho sair is engaged to Fred Boorman of the engagement of their daughter has been harbor defense quarter- you or money back. Unitedii,, Avon. ' i Hnttlc to Julian Zeilncr of Newark. master at Sandy Hook three yean, Raturalni laavea Naw York, Penm iats and druggists everywhere Miss Margaret Buck of Freehold Mr. Zellner operates a clothing has resigned and will open an office N Hem-Rold with this guarantee has taken a job in the sportswear store at Kearney. as consulting engineer at Long, &A'BtMV" department of R. H. Macy's Btore at Married by New York Mayor. Branch. ,, j *; Tho Register;* «nottf>-."Ai «f New York. She will live at Orange. Announcement has been made of (Continued on next page.)' Pennsyivasia Railroad in ovory borne."—AdvortWPS Miss Helen Archer, daughter of the marriage of Miss Marlon Spay John Archer of Freehold, has en- of Avon and Orison M. Hurd of tered the Spring Lake Hospital as a Lconia. The couple were married at student nurse. ••.-•' New York August 30th by Mayor The" Benjamin F. Rogers estate James J. Walker. house at Allentown has been sold to Thomas Hart of Engllshtown. Paator Reiigna. ' Rev. Fred W. Druckenmtller has Teacher Win* Auto. resigned us pastor of the English- William L. Eldridge, a teacher in town Presbyterian church. He has the Freehold high school.and coun- accepted the pastorate of a church ty commander of the American Le- at Union. He had been at English- gion, was agreeably surprised last town four yeara. —because of Distinctive Beauty week to learn that he had won a Pontiac coach disposed of by the Hotel Woman Dead. American Legion at Ocean City. .,. Mrs. Elizabeth P. Coleman, wife thrilling Perfonnance^Amaziiig Economy' of Joseph Coleman of Asbury Park, Matawan Man Wed*. died at the, Long Branch, hospital and out they prove anew that The marriage of Mrs. Minnie Wil- Friday.. She and Her husband had ..Week after week and month son of South 'Amboy arid Mathias been engaged in the hotel business after month the Bigger and Fisher craftsmanship is a thing Schock of Mata-wan was announced for many years. ' • Better Chevrolet has swept apart. last week. They are now' enjoying Againat Gill Net*. ' Dn to greater and greater But Chevrolet performance Is a trip in Canada. Mr. Schock is con- heights of popularity—until to- nected with .the Raritan copper Tho Belmar fishing club is work- no less, impressive than Chev- f ing on'a plan to organize the mem- day It stands acknowledged rolet beauty arid style. Never works at Perth Amboy. everywhere as first choice of bers of similar clubs in a move to before was a low-priced car so Lawyer Married. secure laws prohibiting the opera- the nation for 1928! easy to handle—for the steer* Misa Lillian R. Broder, an Asbury tion of gill nets closer than a mile ! The COACH 1 Never has any Chevrolet en- ing mechanism is fitted with Park lawyer, and Abram Levington, fiom shore. • - conzfemence- ball bearings throughout. • . & wholesale candy dealer-..of that joyed such overwhelming Army Band Concert. . packed in various size *585 public acceptance—for never the clutch and gear-shift lever place./.were married Sunday of last week A wedding breakfast was The United States army band 'will ThtTmrinmt lUadattt.f .*4Q t7CJ has iny low-priced car pro-' respond to the. slightest touch ...and big non-locking 4- served to 160 friends and relatives give a concent at the Broadway HeckaVFidur is put op in several sizes ') Tlw *CQC vided such an outstanding after the ceremony. theater at Long Branch next Tues- Crapa••<>•< .920 combination of distinctive wheel brakes give a measure 'rzlfa 3%i ?. 12 and 24y2 pounds, j '; TJv«4-aoor of braking control that is more day afternoon and evening for the Bi ..< beauty, thrilling performance Guderjahn—Morrell benefit of the Long Branch Ameri- nrdbl* and amazing economy! than.equal to,every occasion. Miss Alvina Guderjahn, daughter can Legion. - , Eve^t l^jpMl'in every bag U of the s of Richard Guderjahn of Hazlet, same superlative quality—always of^ J Tie Imperia-?l *6i Its beautiful bodies by Fisher- Come in and see the car that was married September 9th to John Bit a Policeman. Laodau / long, low and racy, and finished has won the approval of more H. Morrell, also of Hazlet. Rev. John M. Churchill of Neptune uniform strength, flavor and purity. J r <: ' Utility Track'. 520 in colors that Teveal to-day's than three-quarters of a million Henry B.' Johnson performed the >vas fined.$25 and costs.last,week | OlOb) mode for smartness and indi-" buyers since January 1st. ceremony at St. John's parsonage n complaint of Policeman George ResuatssatislVthemostexacting-everrf. U viduality—are far in advance Learn for yourself why it W at South Keyport. Jeffries, who said that Churchill bit 1 iis finger when he attempted to ar- time* Always insist upon Heckers * , *; of accepted standards in the scoring the greatest success of Big Government Contract. field of low-priced cars. Inside this great automotive year! rest him. > The Sigmund Eisner company will Septic Tank for Camp. .ill place thirty, more" machines, .in its Freehold factory and take on about The Coast construction company fifty more hands to take care of a of Red Bank has been awarded the Since 1840 - the SAVING flour -It goes farther contract for installing a new septic contract just secured from the ^tP United States navy for 25,000 RED BANK MOTOR CO. middy blouses. Airplane Craahea. Mechanic Street and Globe Court Red Bank An airplane piloted by Lieuten- ant L. T. Reichers of Spring Lake Telephone 1720 and with C. A. Gillis as a passenger crashed into a tree at Elizabeth last CUBS Wednesday. The plane was badly damaged hut the men escaped ser- ious injury. AL 1 T Y AT LOW COST Big Democratic Meeting. team • Tfie campaign committee of the Democratic state committee will visit Asbury Park Friday night of this week when a mass meeting will be held. The campaign committee plans to visit every county in the state. •«*- A Municipal Park. ' The Deal commissioners have voted an appropriation of $1,000 with which to buy the plot of land north of the Deal station for a mu- nicipal park. The property is owned by Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City. Dog Bite* Letter Carrier. Raymond Camp, a Spring Lake letter carrier, was bitten last week by a police dog owned by Albert K. Trout. This was the second timo this yi.ar and the third time in two years that the same dog had bitten Camp, Freehold Man Dead. •-" Benjamin D. Probasco of Freehold died last Friday week after a long sickness. Ho underwent three oper- ations for intestinal trouble at a Tienton hospital; Mr. Probasco was 73 years old and leaves one sister. Union Beach Paving, In Challenge Flavor Test The Bergoff-Clement company of Bayonne, with an estimate of $95, 170, was the lowest bidder for pav- not one player detects slight- ing a street at Union Beach. The freeholders havo appropriated $30,000 toward the improvement. est difference between most A triumph in individual beauty...a Job a* Health Nurie, expensive spread-for-bread and Miss Elizabeth F. Abbott, daugh- refreshing: and radical departure from ter of Joseph Abbott of Freehold, who recently graduated as a nurse from a Philadelphia hospital, has JELKE the tiresome commonplace ... a new taken a position as county nurse in the Manalapan township district. style, a richer style, a more alluring In National Organisation. Robert G. Boono of Asbury Park has been elected one of the found- "The Challenge Vlavor Test made at style than the world has ever known! ers of tho Institute of AtncricniV tPrigley Field, Chicago, just before a 10 THE genealogy. The institute will to 5 victory over the Phillies. Every COODlUCK Only one completely new SILVER ine good taste. Here is a new Congress to appropriate $2,00Q/jJ00 member of the team was on hand. Not motor car style in tho past sty \o—a richer style—a mora for a building at Washington;' 4 tingle player could tell any difference twenty-four months—only A N N IV E R-S A R.Y alluring style—than the mo- Reduction in Rate*. f/ MARGARINE one truly original and beau- tor world has ever known. Tho Long Branch com'vn|,3ioncra tiful development in body BUICk And here, too, is tremen- have been notified by' tho Jersey ICTORIES design—and, as the whole dous increase in power, in central power and light company for the athletes who make up Chicago's •world realizes, it is the With Maiterptcoo Dodlea D; Flihcr flexibility, in responsiveness that the company ;p|nn3 8oon to V Silver Annivcrsnry lJuick with Master- —so outstanding as to amaze even those r.iako a roductlon ln |ta residential famous Cubs team depend upon the players being piece Bodies by Fisher! motorists who have long been familiar nnd commercial )i%nllng rates. with Buick's superior performance. Here is an entirely new scheme of body Job a* Traveling Saleaman. kept well fed and happy. Only the finest of foods are Robert E. PP,HIS has givon up his lines nrjd contours—arresting new color That is why America is according'the Combinations—matchless new interiors— job ns prescription cicr|( |n s h provided them on railroad dining cars and in the hotels Silver Anniversary Buick the most en- Woods's dru t nt Freehold nnd new appointments of comfort and con- thusiastic reception every enjoyed by f( B orc venience unapprofithcd by nny other Is nbw working ns a traveling snloa- where the club is quartered while on tour or at home.' nny fine car. Uhat is why this beautiful man for tr j h Wyeth nnd com- automobile of the d/iy I new Duick has already become a country- 10 o n pany, who,'|csnio drug dealers. Here is true distinction wedded to genu- widovoguel Freehold el,) W«da. Surely, you would say, if there was any difference be- Announcement hn» been nmdo of {'•0 IHnrriago of MIM Mildred tween the flavor of Jelke GOOD LUCK Margarine and H. L.. ZOBEL ''•"•""'fenrdon, daughter of Snmunl l!osen'Knrdon of Prochold, to Albert the most expensive spread-for-bread, these expert judges! Monmouth County's Largest Automobile Distributor Mpman of Trontqn. The wedding If the Cubs cannot find nny difference, tooly plnco on September Otli, who can? Can you? Aro you sure? of fine food would /quickly detect it. Red Bank, N. J. Sea Bright, N. J. Cl'/art for Shark Rlvar. Mako tho tcyt yourself. Let your Telephone 955 Telophone 90 Tho United Stntoi co.mt geodetic family decide. See how tho Chillengs Yet when the. twenty-seven players were" asked toi WHEN BBTTKn APTOMOnil.KB AIIK DPII.T . ; . HTJICK WII.L THKH "j'rvoy hns announced that m noon Test points for you tho wiy to hap- *j* dredging operations nre comply, pier, better liouiekeeplng through _ IN CHANCERY Or NEW JEK9KY. tdin Shark river n clinrt will liu taste both and to tell which was which, not one man] raiiuliaj l» appaar and ar,i«.r ti.a 1,111 ol Moninbullt iittl-Blala of Naw Janayi and GOOD LUCK economy. Get t pack* ft WILLIAM D. LUCAS anil hi. lulti, da. aalil aoitiiilalnant on or liilota lh» 12,1 day William li. LUFM anil lilt btlra, il.vli... Vmod for tho benefit of those who i ylaaaa ana varaonal rapraaantallveai or Oitiiliar, nail, or lha laid bill will ka and uanonal raiiraiantallvai ara roadt ,1.-, ego todayj it »lrf«a el ail ordar of tha Court of Uaim ai nnnfMiid aaalnlt you, fandanli baoama William D, Ltliaa dlail nAvlgnto boa.li! ln tho river. was able to distinguish onejtatn the other,t \ '}\ M f/aw i«rttf, mada on00 lhIlia» daclur Tha aald bill I. fl/itl to fnruloia a i.r- (nl.iim iili.il of talil inorlranil prirT !. In Waln Hitf lain niiirtia>a alv.ii by William I), I.ur»< I,.., • ' !•"• Long Auto Trip. | WlmleiaJe Distributor. TRENTON DAIRV COMPANY, 108-lU Sylvan Avenue, Newark. N. J. , n<< and, Julia l.uj.i hli wlla lo n.d Hunk Ilulldliif ami I/iin Auorlallon a aorpora- I DalacTAniuit 20th, 1938. Jnme« Appltifate, Howard, Nlvl- llon M Ida Bi«i« of Ntw J.n./, 1U1.1 i,,v HOWARD •on mill Myron VAhiliirvcer o( iMnr,*) * nib* ot Beef, au JUB „ Special Rooms Breaded Vesl Chops, with Brown Oravy fattcraon Bulldlnt. BED^ dows.' |- : Boast X.oln of Pork, with Gun'Oled Sweet Potatoes GEOKGE X. ALLEN, Jr., C Fried Spring CV.Icktn.'I'iimllj Style Firs »t Pleasure Bay. , Astiortcd Culd Cutit. with Tutato Salad GEORGE F. RANDOU»ftx Fire destroyed n shed on the Corn on Cab . Hew string Beans Civil. K.MUINEEHS ANU Mashed or Bulled Potatoes • Catering ,i s property of Captain McOleelan Superior, Salad West of Pleasure Bay last week. Apple Fie Blackberry Fie WALTEU C. VAN K£UliW Dlueberry Pie Peach Pio CIVIL ENfilNKEH AND SUBV It is believed the fire was caused Blackberry Cobbler Cup Custard Broad Street NallonaJ Bank " ' by children playing with matches. Service Chocolate Layer Cake Honey Det. Melon Collee TM. Solicited Ocean Township Improvements', DR. HAROLD J. STOKES. (Chanced Dally) DBNTAI 8URGEON, The Ocean township committee 84 Broad SlrMt, EtaoaT BulMlaf. has passed ordinances providing for Rooms 4. » aod 8, the extension of water mains In sev- Service At All Hours A La Carte And Table De Hote. Offloe Hours 9:00 to t>tOO e'tlett. eral streets at West Deal and for 78c—Special Business Men's Liuncli—78c WILLIAM A. WIRTH the graveling of the same streets. 0 refervoir Two Months In Jail. »»?»W<»M*>»»»0»^^ Rstlster BulldlofOF, .**™ Offlee hours i Dsllr. I Henry. DeGroot pleaded guilty last «:00 A. M.-UM. llja . Tuesday—» A. M.-1S M.I .GIANT week to damagalng the carburetor Give Luke Longhead the Job of Supplying Your Wants. P. M.: isOOP. M^.1 . • «a>M^ m -nil • «i nil i of A. E. Fitkln's private yacht at Thursday arts A. at>ISi«t Pleasure Bay. He was sentenced to sixty dajrs In the county Jail. To Regulate Bathing. Stop at the ESSO pump for Power The Spring Lake Borough coun- i —Giant Power sthat does away cil plans to pass an ordinance rcgu- with 'carbon knocks and puts ' lutlng bathing in the borough. The STRAIGHT EIGHT POWER ordinance will authorise die' erec- More power per cubic inch of piston displacement than any other stock car motor otvthc market. your car over the long steep hills tion of a new bathing pavilion, ' Here is power in abundance for every requirement, and always tremendous surplus in reserve. In high/ Death of Widow. No straining of the motor. No overtaxing that causes depreciation. Easily up hills in. high without Mrs. Lydia H. Burdge, widow of effort. All day long, day after day at 50, and 60 miles an hour or more as easily as ordinary cars ; • Whether your motor Is a service- Charles Burdge of Neptune, died can negotiate 30 miles an hour. Power that only a straight eight motor can give because of the . worn veteran or one of the new Tuesday of latt week at Adelphlfc. continuous overlapping of the power .jt^R^lsas. Dual carburetors and -dual manifolding, with > high-compression types, ESSO She was 58 years old and ' leaves special head and port design enable Auburn to pack a greater charge of gases into the cylinder"!* four daughters and three t&iii. ' will give it a new range of flexi- It is the equivalent of a supercharged motor. And no cylinder starved, all are equally efficient. Building Naw Houta. ' ' Auburn gives you this supremely superior Straight Eight motor in a closed car for $1695. ; bility, new speed, new life. • Frank B. DuBois of Freehold has .This super fuel made by the , bought a lot on Stokes street,at that place and will soon begin the Standard Oil Company is a few erection of a six-room colonial cents higher in price, but under house for his own occupancy. STRAIGHT EIGHT SMOOTHNESS average driving conditions it Child Dies at Hoipltal. • No other type of car affords the smoothnesa and flexlbUlty that the Stolsht Eight gives. This is ,. : Gloria M. Bonsarah, three-year- not an idle boast but a fact amply proven not only by exhaustive engineering experiment! but . gives enough extra mileage to . old daughter of Samuel BonBarah also by the experience of thousands of motor car owners. To appreciate the vast difference in actually make its cost less in the of Asbury Park, died last week at performance all one has tn do is to DRIVE this Straight Eight The fcowei: FLOWS, there is ho the Long Branch hospital. Mr., Bon- other adequate description. Constant gear ehifting not nece«sary.-Jerks are absent. You are long runt sarah has five other children. Stan, with your tank, full of transported with an amazingly EVEN motion, that robs driving of its customary effort, relieves Mora Prisoners Transferred;", ' you mentally and physically, and leaves you untired after drives that would ordinarily fatigue . .\ -; ESSO. Try it in traffic-Hm the • Eight prisoners were »mbyed you. Auburn gives you this extreme height of Straight Eight smoothness land flexibility in a from the Freehold jail last Week to* hills—on rough country roads. tl«. county jail at Toms River. The* closed car for $1695. ••'•*•-»»*•,•• • . Enjoy the abundance of reserve change was made to relieve crowd- ed'.conditions at Freehold.- • power, ready to respond to any Stolen Auto Pound. • demand. , , • An automobile owned by Mrs. STRAIGHT EIGHT ENDURANCE Adella W. Rogers of Farmingdale v.as stolen; at Asbury Bark two This Straight Eight Motor will not only outperform, but also out-endure. Bohnalite steel strut weeks ago. Last week the car was ' pistons and Lynite rods give- maximum efficiency with, minimum weight and greatly reduced < ' found on a street at Avon. pressurebnbearlngs.therefbrelongefwear. This motor stands up and retains its peak of efficiency indefinitely. It is cradled oh special shimmy-proof supports in the strongest frame ever put under . A Luxury that fc an Economy Record School Enrollment. an automobile, seven'inches deep and'three inches wide. Then this frame is double armored- The Matawan schools opened Sep- pliited halfway back to increase its rigidity. The radiator remains steady at all speeds. Withlonjf t , tember 4th with an enrollment of wheclbase, 125 inches, low center of gravity, absence of top heaviness and sldesways and four • i 034, which is the largest in the his- hydraulic shock absorbers, this car's steadiness, readability and ease of handling is nothing short of tory of the schools. The high school a genuine revelation. Big, roomy, powerful with chassis and body of super.strength and extra has an enrollment of 179. reinforcements at every vital part, this car is so ruggedly built that its service is free from , To Build .Bungalow. ordinary annoyances and its life infinitely longer. And you get this endurance in a Straight • ..:•.. '^ Andrew Casino has sold his house Eight Auburn closed car for $1695. ',...•'•' / "5 * near.Georgia schoolhouse. Mr. Ca- THE sino has bought a four-acre tract near his foritter property and will "build a bungalow on it. ' ' STRAIGHT EIGHT VALUE AutoUt Loses License. Peter Cahill of Freehold lost his Experienced motorists who have long since lost patience With the commonplace and dsmand the auto driver's license for two years very last word in efficiency and the utmost in performance and durability, are of one mind about E and was fined $200 last week after the value of the Straight Eight Their only question'is: "What Straight Eight to buy Z" Dally »n he had been arrested on a charge of increasing number orwell informed buyers are turning to this Auburn 88. Not only because drunken driving. of its superior motor, not only because of its unequalled records for speed, and stamina, not eilI Building at Engllihtown. only because it is a long wheelbase, large, roomy car of LOW construction, but also because in -Lester Hann of Englishtown has EVERY feature and detail it is par excellence. Four wheel hydraulic internal expanding brakes bought a, lot on Tcnncnt avenue at with compensating cylinder; Brewster non-glare windshield; steel running boards; finest mohair that place and is building a house upholstery, with de luxe springs and genuine curled hair; metal roof quarters) Bijup chailli Incredibly Quiet Operation on it. Frank F. Arnold of Freehold lubricating system where one pressure of the foot completely oils 21 places on the chassis; tho . has the contract, seating angle is most comfortable; plenty of head and leg room, no cramping; starter button on the. . v Has Typhoid Feter. dash;doorframiuanddoor sidesmetalcoveredjeverythingforcontrolatyourfingertips. The more Beautiful... powerful... convenient Mrs. Theodore Jackson of Free- you analyze the outstanding value of this 88 Sedan the more you wonder HOW Auburn can hold, who had been «lek for over * sell it for $1695. Why, the better grade Sixes sell for that much and more. You may think And it pays for itself as you pay for it week, was taken to the Spring Lake this value is too good to be true, but it IS true, come and see for yourself. hospital last week suffering from typhoid fever. N the living room . , , a bridge When tho New Frlgtdalre comes A Republican Banner. .< I game Is In progress.' In' the into your homo there's no more ice For the first time in 25 years'a kitchen ... your New Frigidolro Is Republican banner l.as been put up to buy. No more food waste duo to at Neptune. It Is located near the making frozen salad nnd dessert. spoilage. Foods are kept fresh and entrance to the Broadway gates of But there's no sound of its opera- wholesome 4 to 5 times longer, so Ocean Grove, , tlon. For the New Frlgldnlrc la so you can buy in larger quantities. Pushed Shanty in River. incredibly quiet that you don't These combined savings arc greater A flag shanty on tho railroad bridge at Occanport caught fire hear it »tnrt, stop or run. than its cost and tho cost of oper- last Wednesday. Fire fighters pushed ' This Is just one of the many rad- ation. the shanty into tho river and put ical improvements that you'll find The Now Frlgtdairc is now on ex- the fire out. In the Now FrlgUlatrc. Tho quiet, hibition utour display room. Come Win. Prlie. With Do(>. Harry W. Balloy, n Freehold mail powerful mechanism is entirely in and see it as soon as possible. carrier, won one first prize and two concealed' in new typo cabinets. Low prices and easy terms seconds with his Boston bull terriers Senmlcts porcelain at the Camdcn county dog show held If you buy llio Now lust week, enamol linings Frlglilalro on a de- . . . with rounded Mu«t Support Wife. ferred payment plan Vcrnon Jackson of Asbury Park corners • . . mnko ... at matt people do hits been ordered by the court of tho interiors us . < i tlio flrit payment chancery to pay hla wlfo $15 a. wook easily cleaned H» II need bo no greater for tho support of herself and two thnn tho coat of n few children. chlnnplatc. ShclvcB lco)(ooli«. And Frigid, Sunday-School Improvements. nre removable and nlre prlceanrolow— St. Luko's Sunduy-school temple nt n convenient General Motora terms at Long Brancli It being rcclccomtecf height. No sloop- wcro never more lib- and Improved at a cost of $1,500. Ing is necessary. eral, Select your Now Tho work Is In clinrgo of Dnvld J. 4 I'rlRlilaUt now. Wait- Leigh. And you can use ing simply rnenna tlint POWERED BY LYCOMING Tn Study Surgery. the top of the cab- you nro paying for • Airmail fwim«« hai ton niuui In J< /.r |K< /Inl «un«. Vu Airmail J«U, l,t onlcltr c«mmunl«nlim. Ui J.nlo(Wt»l ol Ailellon Ii vlMlia (^i.rlo ,n New FrlgliUIro with- Dr. Harold Kntinann, city phy- inet for extra shelf S JI Swlsti * IJ9IJ9.1.1 sician of Long Brnncli, will go to TflS.a S««s« |U | 7« C.kilnUt tIMIi Til 4 P..I.B<« Vklotl. CO.IM lltt1 d flU P..lha«tnsi KSIan •i(t«ii n»7-l "s»n««i«'ilau» aa»|ll»J| , J In or phona ua today, III c »Jli>J| 11 1 SrtsaiM.1 llM IU Pl...roa «...!.n «MiM| US 7.1'sii.nisi S.Jsn 11441, ccursa In surgery In n medical col- AUDURN fUJTOMODILB OOMl'ANV, AUBURN, INDIANA lege. Schoolhouie Dedicated, ' Union llcnch'a now »choolhomo w»« formally dedicated lut Friday werik. Tim building hm four rooms J. W. MOUNT CO. Jersey Central Power & Light Company nml wm erected ivt n cott of U2,- 000. Corner White St. and Maple Ave., 65 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Ourn In Canada. DOMESTIC ELECTRIC CO., Inc., Room 007 F.Uttrlc Dulldlnf, Aibury Park, N. J. Mn., Woilcy I'loti- of .Long Call 515. Rod Bank. N. J. Hritnch g«v« birth to a ion Tu«i- Any of lait w««k at Toronto, Can-


rest of his estate waa left -to hl« sit-, ANOTHER LONG SWIM. t«r, Miss Katharine •W.fMoses of I WILLS PROBATED, Keantburg Girl Swim* From Hook Long Branch. E. H. Slooum, .Jr., of| : to K«>mburg. Long Branch was named as executor WILL ; v Miss Leah Riley,- -daughter of of the/#fli: .J •'*•'• ' ' f Thomas Riley of Keansburg, who re- Wili!am,,BsucWieit, Jr., of Asbury higher prices for good meat whdn.yp«^^^^^ .. T. Slcklel learei Moil Park ditposedsof a large estate in a cently swam, ttom the Battery at f..|i«f'E»late to Her Brother—Dennlt will which he executed six years ago. New York to Sandy Hook, swam Marlln of Rumion ' Left Entire His house at Asbury Park with all from Sandy Hook to Keanabarg $:EitateVto Widow..-, u-:. •„ it». contents .was begueattied to hla Sunday afternoon of. last week, She ; w accompanied by a rowboat and Blatchley's Ducks isii ?r. Mi». Helen T, Sickles, who died wife' Mary'^S. Buchhelt.;; 'A trust recently at Little Silver, executed fund of $50,000 was created for several motorboats. As she ap- proached Keansburg she was'- met her;will last month shortly before Mrs. Buchheit and she was also left by a large number of other boats her death. She left $100 to Besjle $6,000 in cash, as well as the for 3iic i^plini and canoes carrying friends who HUDSON * DEALER Gibaon in appreciation ol Mntlhess due of the estate. "After the death Out Ducks are different from any other*. _ Thiy"in not greeted her enthusiastically. Miss | tocher during her slcknessi '--The of Mrs. Buchheit the will, direct! greasy, but very t«nd«r and delUlout. Th» meat h»l«»trylilgb -. (Next to City Hall) '' Riley is a member pt the Women's , tjast^es of the Shrewsbury Preahy-J that the estate be divided among Mr. protein content and il verjr food far growlnf ch!ldr*n «• w«U« swimming association and is. strictly ; ; ; 1 Bd " :^«ti$iaa church werii bequeathed $E0O' Brichheit's" relatives. . grown-upl. ':'; ,.;••; • ". •.' , , '.;'i ' '.'. '^'y^'fi' ^''^^^^^^'' an amateur.'. . . ANTLEHAN BROS. FUR FACTORY .aiiJ Helen M. Cpvert of Brooklyn, a ',/Mrs,Efno Etoll wat'iianfe'd'foa the We kill pur Duck« at from 10 to 13 waeki old anS tb. f«- /: &*nilri, also receivod $500. The rest sole beneficiary in the wilf .ot her malei weigh from 3 54 to 4 tb>., tK« r^alal from 6 lo 7 Ibt, : husband, itichael Etoll, which was i ',;of,|thB..estato was left to her brother, Fun Endi Seriomly. Thoro it ho difference in tho quality b»tw««i^ the ni.il««n'df«. Open E»enln« »nd'SomUy*, • ''IJfijJainin F. Wikpff.fp.r hiB use as executed last June, Mr^.'Etoll was , ; Charles Woods, cook at the Albe- male. We would be glad to have you inipect our plant, .' ' .v % . appointed executrix of the'will. , :1bng^'as ha lives. After his death r/iarle hotel at. Asbury , Park; was We deliver: by Purcel Poit, C. O. D., or JOH can call at our f $6Ws'each is to go to Emma G. William- L,/ Klnmonthj.ia n well- stabbed in the neck .and chest last place at Ea^t Froohold Station. GWaui,a trial anil you Vf|llb« ij'Holraes. of Shrewsbury; Elizabeth known resident of Belmar, who died Thursday 'by., Chester Null, another another latitfied cuttomer like hundrtdi of other»,\ S. . recently, made his will seven years ;'BellolAsbury Park and Anna Mor- omployee of the hotel. Both men : Si :';''•'•" v"-«.i;|ii•'!•'•..-'te^am iv^^'^ffe,'#^i''fe riijiotEatohtown. 'The residue is to ago: He left $500 to Ma'Sister, An- are colored. The stabbing followed "... . -. -.BLATCHLEY^ROS^ :•;^• ^-* ;, na Belle Kinraonth of Asbury Park. t« bttdivlded among Marianna Cov- some good natured horee play'dur- EAST FREEHOLD, . " ; ', V- ' NEW JERSEY. ' ert, Belen M. Covert, Frank Gifting The rest of his estate was left to his ing which Woods is said to have be-< and Kitty Gifflng. •} Mr. WikoftVwas wife',.MaVvina T. Kinmonth, and she come enraged.. appointed executor of the will, which was appointed executrix of the will. •WM witnessed by Dorothy Turking- • W. H. Cooper of Belmar left all * ton >nd Thomas P.; Doreinua otKed his ..estate''to his/wife, H. Annie Cooper;,* Hi? will was executed two Mr. Post Chatting with years ago last December. 'Benjamin Dennis Martin of Rumson left his B. Cooper:;and George Heyniger Red Bank House Owners entire estate to his .wife? Annie .)&. were appointed executors of the will. tM»rtln, in » will which lie executed Several, cash bequests were made We're straightening but one of eleven years ago. i-Mrs. JUartln. was : 'n the will" of Mrs. Mary Laughlln of Hite crookedest businesses under thw appointd executrix. The will was Wall township. Her niece, Lucy P. sun—Adulterated Mixed Paints that witnessed by Blanche .VonBeidel of Biirry reefifved $3*000; her nephew, compel you to buy 15 to 20 gallons Foot Ball Season Is Here! . Long Branch and'^ijliam AH; Hin- Harry" CiHyer, $500; the Wall for'a 10 gallon house. Queer that ' telmsnn of Eumsoh.'••';' ..:••• ":?. jLhc buzzards should light ;on inno- Methodist=!church.$500, the Belmar cent house ownera, and be picking Percy Roche of -Atlantic' High- Baptist church $500 and the Bel- land* made his will last 'July, in their bones before their time! But We have bought up 200 of these mar national bank $300, which is to tfcey are. which he left $1,000 to Granville I. be used in caring for Mrs. Laugh- Barr. The will left the rest of the We're going to print you a series wonderful Close-out Balls. ' lln's burial plot in Glendola ceme- of "chats" about the advantages of estate to Mr. Roche's wife, Lois H. tery. The rest of the estate was di- Roche. When the will was made buying paint "Not Sold by Sales-, vided into three shares. One share men." These advantages are four. Get One While They taat! • ' both Mr..and Mrs. Roche were se'ri- went to the three children of Mrs. nsly sick and Mrs. Hoche diod^ be- (1) $3.25 a gallon instead cf laughlin's dead brother, John H. f-i.25.. : fore her husband's death. The will Pearce,: one share to her broth- '-m-•:--:Vi. 1 provided in that case that all of Mr. (2) 80% White Lead instead of er, William, B. Pearce, and one 40 to 60 percent. Roche's personal effects be divided sharo to her sister, Agnes Hyer. among: his sisters, Flora B., Nellie L. .-, (3) Only 20% Zinc instead of P» iut. you look «t. till and Corrine Roche. The. rest of the James Higgins of Tottenville, who 40 to 60 percent. lulera puitbulaf estate was divided .among' his three eft some "'property in Monmouth <(4) Shipped "Fresh From Fac- sisters and his nephews, Walter H. county, left $500 each to his five tory" before it has settled and solid- ^ fiet!d«i»tbe lalr-eompari»ooi Umt Tapperi and Griswold W. Roche. Mr. nephiewi,- Jimes, LJohnt William, Wed. ; Tutting hit aMrdiad - lor 48 . Burr was appointed executor of the Charles and- Henry Higgins. The • Advantage No. 1 is unimportant yiarl, Ultra are othar dlltlnct ai« will, j; rest of his estate was divided equally Nos. 2, 8 and 4 are of tremendous yanUjei th«t m«ki Tu4llnl'« letween his daughter, Mary Higgins, importance. They cut painting costs Ideal; for purchi>iln» any mUllcal Mrs; Adelaide Broinkhurst of Long md his sister,-Mary Higgins; • 25 to 60 percent. They mean least purchwt. . '> ','.": .'• \. ' • ', Brancfi left her entire estate to her Miss.Lydia L. DuBois of Free- gallons; longest wear; best condi- Hara you cin be aitured ol a par* daughter, Adeline "Brorikhurst, in- a hold executed 'her will'three -jeare tion for repainting. manint Interact In your purchHe.' will she executed three years' ago. ago last ^November. She left the '. In these "chats" we bhall tell you Real Pig»kin Pebbled Grain, regulation «i« and Our- • ' ••?/• .... •• .'• '-. The daughter was appointed execu- what everyone of you wants lo two-thirds undivided, interest in a thape. ' Fitted with latest; type valve bladder) ' Extension " trix of the will, which was witnessed house at Freehold tb her sister, Alice know; and mix nothing with it but lacing needle and attachment tooll. . by John W. Slocum and Clarisse S. D. Pittenger. The sum of $200 each pepper and salt : Free Service. Palme* of LoTig Braiich. was left to her sisters,'Elizabeth •• Not much' about Pure Lead and ^He'rrnan Kolwey directed that his {without iubtt) Jg an unuiual \ faatura et value' Schanclcand Eihma VanCleaf, and Zinc paints; they are honest—theii aad a dicldid an^U » txecutors have a plain granite mark- her sMer-ih'laW, .Elizabeth- DuBois* formula is printed on the can. Most- VALVE & PIGSKIN er erected over his grave. The rest \. bedroom suit was bequeathed to ly about adulterated paints; dishon- Of 'hli- estate was •• ordered divided ew W the core—thoir formula is ^aura Whlteheftd. Other personal not printed on tha can; and muchly !ntO (seven equal shares. Two shares fleets were l.eft to Ella VahCleafi «a

to use—Dries quickly Stetson Hats Melton Hats . CHAMBERS $0.50 to $| A J. PAINTER and DECORATOR -Red Bank FRONT 8T., RED BANK. < rbon» B88 V • < • -• .-c """^'/^A

I', VH^1 <" t NK rt Stf: «' BED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,19.28. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 13

before (Mr. Walnright and wonted AIDING HURRICANE VICTIMS. BUSINESS OF THE TOWN. to use Mr. WalnrigWs telephone. BIG REPUBLICAN RALLY. HARVEST HOME SUPPER. :ALKS BY CANDIDATESFLORISTS. ' GOOD SHO l Mr. Keith lives at Fair Haven, but led Croii Society it Meklns an Ap- • f ' <^-> v peal for Contributiona. SET-BACK LINE FOR /BROAD his office is on Wallace' street at O BE HELD TOMORROW AT BIG SALE OF TICKETS FOR ILL AND EDWARDS ADDRESS OCALMEN WON MANY ' AWft-MONMOUTH, sYhE^TS. Red Bank and the hearing was held MRS. RJ^ FOX'S. FIREMEN'S SUJ'PER. The Monmouth county chapter of RED BANK GATHERING. .RESTED SATURDAY. there. Tho courtroom was packed he Red Cross Bociety is making an AT NEWARKAND TREN with spectators and' there wasn't Will be for Men and Worn. Kverytliing Porlende a Largj At- ippeal to Monmouth county rcsi- hey Were the Prlneipal Speakera AppreprUtlou-IC.pt W$L Lt'mUt He,WaH>itina toi*a Npt'CWllty Flre'ChUf to fo to Contention— room for all of them. Constable en—State ^knd County Candldatea tendance at Trinity Pariih House lents for funds to aid the West In- at a. Communion Brealcfair Sun- Ha VVal 'R»lae»e*T-TflW Bel 1 'Batter DralnVg* {or Coro Court—-. LOUIB J. Tetley had to drive some of- to Speak—There Will be Muiie Tonight—Large CommittaeWork- ies and Florida hurricane sufferers, day Morning at St. James * , Gilbert M, K*ltb,,' Who We. Ope* them outside. A big crowd welled and Refreshment!. ing for Succeii of the Affair. thousands of homes have been de- School—Safety Campaign Resulta Policeman'* Bull., , ^ . Arralgned'Befor. Him. The Red Bank commissioner! »t on the sidewalks, those nearest the A big attendance is expected at Liberty Are company 1B "all set" .royed and crops ruined. At thq William L. Dill, commissioner of Last week .several florists f V equeat of President Coolidge the w their meeting Motfday night patted ' Justice.' Elmer SC. Walnright of efflce having their faces pressed the Republican rally to be held to- For the harvest home supper which lotor vehicles and Democratic can- id Bank exhibited specimens fni • teiolutlon, that It-was' the tense "Krewsbury. whd '.has perhaps sent against the glass. They strained their morrow afternoon at 2:30 on Mrs. it will hold tonight at Trinity par- ted Cross eoclpty is raising a fund idate for governor, and United lower show held Bt Nwark by tni of the commissioners' that all new co're'fo'llu to'Jall and Imposed more eyes and ears so as not to mlds any Richard K. Fox's estate on Branch hwonker of Fair Ha*en won tl pface in.Monmouth county, if not fiom that vantage point. It has been lons from Monmouth county rcsi- 250 men at a communion break- mouth atrett should be live feet back men and women. United States Dis- 'co.1 much encouraged because- of irst_prizes, a second prlio and,, , ,t from the property line. A commit- In the state'of, New Jersey and may- a long time-ssinco any Red Bank trict Attorney Tuttlo; of New York ht large advance salo of tichets. lents will be received by Frank Me- 'nst Sunday morning in the cafc- tird pnze and honorable mention.1 ~>& tlon wai appointed recently to draft b» In seven states, sot something hearing has aroused so much inter- will speak on national issues and a 'Iho hall is decorated with Ameri- diation, president of the Second na- eria of St. James's school building. )ut of five entries. For the buti > i{ like a dose of luVBwn medicine Sat- est and excitement. woman speaker wjll also speak on tional bank and Trust company. He Commissioner Dill's remarks dealt jloom of Cnlifomla origination at '<< • zoning ordinance and It It expect- an flags, Japanese lai\crna, corn- Is treasurer of the Monmouth coun- ed that they will make provlilon in urday night. Not that he was sent Mr. Walnright entered Mr. national questions, Other speakers stalks and yellow crepe paper. On irincipally with the operation of the he show ho won the gold mednf''' * to 'jail or Aned. , Neither of theso Keith's courtroom, smoking a big, will be Hamilton F, Kcan, candidate ty chapter. notor vehicle department, He said nen by the California dahlia $* tloned. arrested. The "arrest was made-, by courtroom," said Mr. Keith. "Yes Morgan F. Larson, candidate for ommisaioner was the conservation 'ost perfect bloom at the show. H« • Constable JamoB C. Jones of Long ive o'clock until nine -..'clock. Ar- if human life. During his first year v It was at the request of Henry L. sir," said Mr. Walnright, whipping governor and Congressman Harold -.-jngemcntB have been made to seat BIDS FOR SEWAGE PLANT. received honorable mention f«r-"» '^ Bratich. Mr. Wainright was haled the cigar out of, his mouth. He did 0 Hoffman, Assemblymen Thomas commissioner the licenses of 115 hfty-foot display. W. W. Kennedy;i. ,* Zobel of Seabrlght that the commis- before Justice, Gilbert M. Keith, 4G persons at one time. The bill utomobile drivers wero 'evoked, sioners pasted their resolution.. Mr. not throw the cigar away but held M. Gopsill and E. Donald Sterner .' fore will comprise'chicken ralad THE LOWEST OFFER MADE BY a Sons won first prizes for tho beat! )'*< who^s Mr, JV'alnrlght's chiefesTrlval It in, his band throughout the pro- and Freeholder Stephen C. Thomp- .ast year 1,656 licenses were re- rj.de displny nnd for thj best bloom! f- t Zobel Is putting up a new building In the justice of,,the peace business. 'Otato salad, ham, cheese, diced A NEWARK FIRM. oked and this year the number will for his automobile business at the ceedings. There was a 'delay in start- son, who aro seeking re-election. iicets, sliced tomatoes, cold Flaw, >rlginated outsldo of New Jersey^ ,.{ Business reaaolfi jind other reasons ing the hearing, due to the fact that Edgar I. Vandervccr of Freehold, o ;obably reach 2,000. Grace Methodist church alt? at the 1 devilled eggs, baked beans, iiiple Action on Awarding the Contract P.'. H. Waito also wo/i a prire llfi' are at the .bottom, of .this rivalry. Mr. Wainright insisted on having a chairman of tho Republican county Referring to the safety campaign corner of Broad street and Harding aiice, cake and coffee. Deferred Until Next Monday f,c trade display class. James Ken* '/-' Two colored "women of Fair Ha- stenographer prcsont. Evidently he :ommitteo, will speak on the election >ow in progress Mr. Dill said that road. The building will be five back Bert Hcmtling is general chair- Night When a Special Meeting of •cdy of Chapel Hill, In MlddUjtbwn". fi ven, who are sisters, were Mr. Wain- trought it o£ great* importance that IUWB and he urges all members of uring the first ten days of Septem- ownship, won three first prizes^ >,t from the Broad street property line, iisn of tho harvest ho»re committee tha Council Will be Held. rlght's accusers. These women are everything that was said should be district election boards to be pres- >er 134,868 automobiles were in- Mr. Kennedy was showing for tBl \ and Mr. Zobel wanted the commis- md Mrs. Jacob Bloom is chairman Nine bids for the new sewage jected Of that number the brakes sioners to take action to compel Mrs. Marie Sylvester, and-Mrs. D. taken down verbatim. ent. Mrs. Emma VanSchoik, county Haskell estate on which he is «»*-"''' rice chairman, and Mrs. Marie Lln- f tho women's committee of the )lant at Rod Bank were opened at >n 16,834 cars were adjusted, 4,525 other new buildings on the street to J. Richardson. Mrs. Sylvester was Mr. Keith states that in declar- he meeting of the mayor and coun- ploye"d. Alfred H. Griffiths of AbranK > vrrested early.",.last month on a >urn of Asbury Park, a member of jpper. Mrs. Bloom's assistants are lachines had no brakes, 2,986 horns I. ElkuB'a estate received honoraul# , f' be set back a similar distance. ing Mr. Walnright innocent of the Mrs* Robert Pierce, Mro. Robert S. :il Monday night The lowest offer ere adjusted, 730 cars were with- Councilman Charles R. English charge of, disorderly conduct and charges made by the colored wom- -ho state committee, will also spenk. n ention for a display of dahlias oj " Mrs. J. D. Tuller of Red Bank Johnson, Mrs. Fred Wlman, Mrs. as that of H. L Harrison & Son lut horns, 16,562 cars required ad- reported that all expenditures of fhe bad a hearing "hefore Mr. Wain- en he gave a squarer deal to Mr. if Newark, whose bid was $130,- his own origination. The ilihpl«Jt> Si right, who is borough recorder of will represent tho wives of Mon- John H. White, Mrs. Daniel Herbert, justment of headlights, 5,125 cars •as centered around the Elkildgerf . fovjni money BO far this year were Wainright than ho received Irom 151.45 for the sewage plant and had no lights, 3,358 autos had de- Fair ,Havon, as well as bbroUgk-.re- Mr. Wainright when he had hisniouth, county engineers and Mrs.Mis. Thomas Calandriello, Mrs. well within the appropriationsV Alonzo Dewitt, Mrs. David Mair, 14,325.10 for a relief trunk sewer. fbctive steering gears and on 1,109 white dahlia which won & jqli ,• cNor^i9r':ot;Shjn^b'tiry;:^UrB.-'.,8ylves>' hearing two years ago. Mr; Keith Tasker of'Asbury Park will repre- ••'. The.-.eommiaslonoiis: voted to 'i Mrs. Honry Chadwick, Mrs. Thomas The checks of all except the three ars the steering apparatus refused medal for its originator at tho, I'M •; proprlata:$26b to seTid Joseph Asay, tor was seht to the county,jail for states/that he was'just a* innocent sent the Hoover club's of that sec- ( tion. Mrs. Thomas A. Edison, wife Mead, Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. West bidders -were returned and o work. odelphia scaqui-cenUnnial., Th* ' chief bt the "fire department,- to the rinety''day?'by Mr. Wainright, in of the charges made; against him at. iction on awarding the contract was default- prpayingfa 'fine of J6Q;. and >f the noted inventor, Is expected to Frank White and Mra..Louis Hen- i!ower was named after Mr. Elku»?f. V) flre'chlefa'rconvcntlon which vrtll bo Mr. Wainright was at the hearing deferred untir'next Monday night Senator Edwards praised Mr. costs .ainbunting to. $62;4|j.; • *. ie present. There will be music and dv.cs. The firemen's committee summer home. Mr. Criffithsv •duf f- hlfrtjPhlldlhl •; ;; " " ?j^ en Saturday night, but, that Mr. when a special meeting will be held. Dill tor his justice, and courage and . "'One' of the provisions of Uio law £ght refreshments will be served. consists of Raymond" ^hilllps, Ilar- .0 a delay, did not enter thejahqtsj, . ,.Ih'abettor to:the.commlsslorters WainjJght held liim to be guilty and . The appropriation for the new said he was a man who compelled is that: in a case, of this kind the In case of rain the meeting -will be jld Allen, Daniel Herbert, John F. on the first day. John A.'*" : John':J. Qftihn complained of bad put him on probation, with instruc- ilant is $160,000, including the cost men to respect laws. Talks were ol- juatice of tho peace must file with- held in the Red Bank borough hall. Mahoney, Jr.;' Thomas Mead, John and Frank Berardi of Little drainage conditions on Caro court, tions. to-reporti:tb:_MrL__Walnr!ght of buying land-which will be needed 6u glven-by-Rev, John B.'-McClos- in ten days inthe county clerk's of- The meeting will be held under the "at participated in the show. Jo " He,; suggested that a remedy• be ap- once a week. Mr. Keith says he told White,. Fred Wllman.'wmiam and the engineer's fees. It is doubt- tpy, John J. Quinn and David Sher- fice the complaint warrant and rec-Mr.' Wainright that he would not mspices of^the Red Bank Hoover- Mahoney, Earl Battetsby, L-juis J P. Kennedy of Rei Bank plied by putting down catch; baslnB Jurtis elub.-of whhh Mrs. Thomas ful if this sum.will be large enough dan. ono of the judges. ' and drain pipe to.lead the water.W ord of the proceedings and convic- report to him .and that he kept his lundricks, Thomas .Calandriello, Ja- :o meet all expenses and it may be tion.. Mrs. Eylveater/claimed in her ; (inline:la president. - cob A. Bloom, Robert Tierce, David The breakfast was prepared by On Monday and yes'-crday a '< to the *ver. Mr. Qulnn stated that word. He says thaf Mr. Wainright that the relief trunk sewer -will have 'ower'a restaurant and was served be: and Fred V«eland would .provide' complaint that.- Mr, Wainright had did nothing about the matter, which %, Gilbert Dahlgren and John to be eliminated, lip. show was held at Trenton by' failed to file these papers. Mis. Syl-was proof that he (Keith) was not Fredericks. y members of the parent-teachers' Trenton dahlia • society t&A so •'right of way through their propV . SOLID FOR T'OOVER. H. Burdett Cleveland of- New association. The m waitresses were ertles for.the pipe to be laid. The vester got out of the county) jail last guilty. / . ,. . The firemen" have received many Red Bank people took part. Alt Friday. Bail of $500 was required York, the engineer who drew the Mrs. Lawrence Roche, president of imatter was referred to. the borough Women'a Temperance Union Will ci ntributions f rom the business men Griffiths was the largest winnefl-""| : and Mr. Keith became her bonds- .Action' has been < taken to review plans for the plant, was at the meet- the association, Mrs. Harry Patter- engineer. • '.'••• • •'.'•:. .-;/ , Attend Republican Rally. f Bed Bank and others for tne from this section. He captured flv«|*'! j man. Mrs, Sylvester claimed in herthe proceedings of Mrs. Sylvester'" ing Monday right. It was at his son, Mrs. Arthur Ginsberg, Mrs. first prizes and a special priza &ti/| The commissioners accepted an In- hearing. Mr. Fischer, who is repre- The women's temperance union of harvest home. Trinity church do- suggestion that action on awarding "•eresa Herold, Mra. Alice Leddy, complaint thatM'r. Walnright was a lsuted the use of the varish house, a trade display." One of the-nrit, vitation to attend the annual ball of dlsordeWy.p'ersbn'because 'he had' ssnting Mrs. Sylvester in this mat- Red Bank!will attend the Hoover- ;he contract was deferred for a Urs. Edward McDonough, Mias.Eliz- prizes was won by the Elkridgc,'ioj'| the patrolmen's benevolent a.ssocia- ter, states that his client has told iurtis Republican rally tomorrow tli a guilds' of the church donated veek. abeth Vanghan, Mrs. ThomasLittle, failed to" file the papers in the coun- the use of dishes, thn Bed Bank being the largest and most perft ~ • Uori which will be held at St.James'B ty clerk's office. him that at the hearing Mr. Wain- afternoon at Mrs. Richard K. Fox's m> a» ' Mrs. Michael Ryan, Mrs. Van Swee- vhito bloom, at the show. W."~ echoolhouse next Wednesday night. right accepted evidence from a nar- "•ox'Lodge residence on Branch ave- lodge of Elks donated the use of INDEPENDENT'S FAIR. ney, Mrs. Thomas Donahue, Mra. : s''crware and Albert W. Worden, Kennedy was the next largest' Action -'on accepting five streets 'Mrs. Richardson said in her com-tv who was not present- but whonue. The members of the union will Florence Bennett, Mrs. David Lau- rjcr from these parts with four i on the new Lakeside development, gave his -testimony, by telephone. meet at tho railroad station and Jr., donated the use of chairs. Rev. t is Now in Progreit at Old St.rino, Mrs. David Sheridan, Miss Vii^ plaint,, that Mr. Wainright had de- Robert MacKellar, rector of Trinity Jamei'a Clubhouse. prizes and one second prize. fomerly ^ jft tfjf p,Jd St. James'g,plflp'hp;ujB; REDiijWHIC WOMAN fidNORED. for Mr. Wainright to of Rumson won two fin Mrti Suaanna Lewla Choaen Na- the papers in the^case before Mr. attendance at the annual fall con- o£ thanks to all -who have made' do- >n Monmouth street, has all appcor- Mr. Walnright testified.that to the. H. L. Zobel, Buick Dealer, Helps Ihe judges at the Trenton" -.'"•' tldnal Officer of Lodge. . y ' Walnright was arrested. Mr. Fischer vention of the women'a temperance Tiations w. who haw. otherwise inces of being one of the company's consisted of Joseph Kennedy T beet oi'h|» knowledge the papera in ptntrit that,'aBldci'^rVirWVhpltitf fr'^iftff^ ( helped. .' -••"• . '•••• most ' successful ' events.^A in National Celebration. •"»»,..Susanna Lewis 'of William U1llbn which will bo held-Friday ;a Leo McKee of ReiTIHnir; Wfl J question ;had been • filed in" the "$oun-; ness he had no interest in the crowds are attending the fair ..each striet has; returned from a two 1 First Baptist • church at Asbury Seating acconunodutiona, have The 25th affiiiversary of the Buick Turner and Thomas Ciark of 1 ty clerk's office. He shtd'that; In hlacharges made by Mrs . Sylvester and been made for folks who may riot night On the opening night John automobile industry^whlch was cel- *eeks* stay "at Atlantlq :Clty. She Conversation-with Mrs. 'Richardson Park, at the corner of Grand ave-N B-anch and William Williams went there'for the benefit.of her Mrs. Richardson against Mr. Wain- nue and Third avenue. Morning, fce able to bo served when they ar-R. Phillips of .Asbury Park, Demo- ebrated throughout the country last Elberon. he had done nothing more than to cratic candidate for congressman right. afternoon and evening sessions will rive. Chairs have be-in placed in month and which vaa" featured in health. She is a past state councilor tell her that she. must pay tha fine I was present and gave a short speech be held, and the public has been in- the parish house yard for these this section by large display adver- Several horticulturist), in of the Sons and Daughters of Lib-and costs, to .get her sister out or In addition to the fair committee erty lodge and while at. Atlantic : HONORED FORJLONG SERVICE. vited. A bus will leave Red Bank folks. The grounds haw been wired tisements in The Register by Henry cinity of Red Bank will tskd , jail and that- there • was nothing r given in last week's Register, Louis today in the: Elberon dahlia • C% she attended the national coun- wrong or illegal about this. for tho convention at ten minutes or about BOO vari-co'.ored electric Zobel of Red Bank and Seabright, Albert VanNoitrand With Imiiranca Tetley, Warren Hartman and An-the local distributor, has brought to at Long Branch and on cil "of that Organization. She was Mr, Walnright had Theodore D. ! after nine o'clock. ights by Harold Allen and Ray- Company 25 Yrari. mond Phillips, who did the work thony Webber are assisting at vari- Mr. Zobel an unusual demand for the Camden show. elected national vice councilor and Parsons for his lawyer. Under Mr. Albert M. VanNostrand of Branch ,us booths. IV. the, first pkson in New Jersey A HARVEST BARN DANCE. freo of charge. Robert S. JoUni-on the new Silver anniversary models. Farsona's questioning Mrs. Sylves- avenue, who is an agent for tho REPUBLICAN BANNER t6'be;eloson.to that office. On ac- toi became very much' confused. will donate the use of a radio out- Mr. Zobel, in talking, with a Reg- Prudential life insurance company It Will Be Held by the Red Bank Pt -with a loud speaking amplifier, SERVICES AT SYNAGOGUE. ister representative,.stated that thi The Heavy Gale Tore It Loo»«>'(r«4| 'U countl'6f-her healths-Mrs. Lewis de- She- niade a. number'-'of contradic in the Red BanXjdfstrict, was pro clined to serve and Mrs. Ethel Mor- tory statements.. Neither Mrs, Syl- Moots Lodge in October. to provide music. New Yeart Wai Celebrated Lait astounding reception, the. folks o Its Fattening. ' i~f\ 'il edited with a gold badge, set with Monmouth county gave to the annl ris'of Newark was i.ppolnted In her vester nor Mrs. Richardson had a A harvest barn dancawill be held Week—Yom Kippur Monday. The Republican Hoover-Corti ['>, a diamond, by the company last ereary models went far beyond hi place.- Mrs..LewlB was then appoint- lawyer. Bradley M. Fischer o£ Bed by the Red Bank Moose lodge in BIG STOCK* OF AUTOS SOLD. banner over Broad street at |U '^ Saturday. The, badge was givun. asr Cantor Miller of Newark offici- highest expectations and that he ed chairman of the riatipnal Amer-' Bank, who was called as a witness, its lodge rooms in the Lridel ouild V Display of Ribbon Bedecked ated at the New Years or Rosh Ha Bank is down. One of tha win ,,»,? testified' that he' had' been at • the nn award for 26 years' service, with ing on Wednesday night, Octolei has received so many orders through which held it in place snapped don •' $ icanization committee.' tire company. The presentation waa Broome at the Durant Agency, Shonah services at tho Jewish syn- his anniversary efforts; both by county clerk's office at n time when 10th. Lester Pierce's orchestra wil agogue, which began last Friday at ing the storm early this* mornlnA~--l another party had searched for the made at a meeting of the agents of play for the dancing. Several cos- Crossed- broomn tied with red newspaper advertising and by sales- shortly after Governor Alfred.;^ 'j DEMOCRATIC BANNER. - the Red Bank 'district. During the satin ribbons are displayed in thesundown and came to a close at sun- room display and service, that he is papers in question and had failed tume prizes will be awarded In ad- down Sunday. During the holiday, Smith, the Democratic candldatofoi Aj It Will be at Monmouth Street a to find thenv Mr. Parsons said this 25 years of service Mr. VanNostrand dition to a door prize. Several nov- show rooms of the Durant company now busy urging the factory to k President, had concluded the ojaei o junior services were conducted in up with the result of his endeavors. Maple, Avenue. meant nothing, Ho state that on has always been connected with tho elty dance numbers will be arranged. uC Bed Bank to indicate that the ing speech of his campaign at O»l company's. Red Bank .i.Tice. :he social room, of the synagogue . A banner. 40x24 feet will be jtveral occasions ho had searched Lionel G. Broadbenc is chairman company has sold its entire stock of iy Nathan Witkin. Mr. Zobel has been using thi ha, Nebraska. Tho banner did n» for similar papers at Freehold with- cars. This samo sold out condition columns of The Register many go all the way down, but it hang M > raised at the corner of Monmouth of the party committee. Othors on Yom Kippur, the day of atone out'success but that when ho sought WAITING ROOM SOLD. is generally true with Durant deal- years, there having been hardly an low that it interfered wlth^ tr»|4 street and Maple avenue by .the. Reel the. committee arc Fred Munden, ment for the Jewish people, will be •he aid of the county clerk or tho irs throughoiit-the nation. Tho Red issue of The Register in all this time and a policeman .was stationed 3«1 } Bank Democratic club. On the ban- August Kleinschmldt, Frank Mulvi- celebrated next Mor.iiay. Tho entire deputy county clerk: the papers, Monmouth Street Buiinen Bought Bank Durant agency expects to without his weekly announcement, the street to direct travel. The^sWt • ner will,be pictures of Governor Al Ml, Daniel Hopkins, Peter McDon day is devoted to prayer at the syn were always, found. It was stated Lait Week, by a New York Man. have a display of new cars in a few and The Register folks are gratlfle gale which was blowing thii morsjl fied E. Smith and Senator Joseph ough, Paul Mencke, Andrew Do'jgh- agoguc and a fast is observed from tbat no auoh afd was sought when Charles B.- Johnston of .Peters deys. 1 to have such an endorsement given ing would have whipped It to plec'esa ' Robinson, Democratic nominees for crty, Joseph Brooks, Joseph West- sundown Sunday af'.ernoon to sun the soarch was made for the papers place, proprietor of tho Monmouth Sales were recently made by the to The Register as an advertising but it was not much damaged, f.01 .' president and ..vice president re- kuwsky and Wallace Bennett. down Monday. spectively. Also on the banner wil! ot Mrs. Sylvester's hearing. waiting room in the Kridel building agency to John McClellan, John medium as that given by Mr, Zobel. Robert S. Johnson, tho Republican on Monmouth street, sold his bus- Swab, Anthony Savage and Ellwood candidate for mayor, took It do be the names of Edward'I. Edward!, THEATER PARKING PLACE. A Club'i Charter Night. who is running for re-election as Mrs. Richardson said that she had iness laat week to John Merran of B. Ivins of Red Bank; William Card Party at School. and stored it away. It will be. been told by reliable parties' that At last Thursday night's meeting United; States senator; William L. New York. Mr. Johnston bought the Hunting; Theater Leaui Plot on Laubmeister of Lincroft; Fred The parent-teachora' association up after tho storm clears, the costs'of $12.46 fixed -by Mr.business a little over a year ago f the Exchange club, further plans Dili, candidate for governor, John Wharf/Avenue for Ute of Patront. Dieta of River Plaza; Oliver Hoi oi St. James's school -..illhold a card Democrats we're to have put. U] Walnright wore greater than 1B per-fiom Michael Milonas of Red Bank. were made for tho charter night ex- banner over Monmouth street R. Phlllips.vCandldnto' for congress- ton and Herman Lawson of Middle party next Monday night in th mitted by law., Justice Koith, at tho John Murphy, who has been em- Free parking spaco for the pa rclses to bo held on Thursday night, night, but for some reason the . man and Edward Fnry and Sol trons of tho Hunting thcater.is to b town village; Lieutenant Bixbeo of school auditorium. Bridge, five hun- Lsutman, candidates for assembly- request of Mr. Parsons, footed up ployed as a clerk at tho waiting Fort Monmouth; Adam Kolb of November 15th. Several state and ncr hanging was delayed and. tho various Items of the costs of tho room, will retain his position under provided in a plot on tho west aid Keansburg; Fred / dams of Newnational officials of the Exchange dred and euchre will be played an Democrats are now thanking men. • _ of Wharf avenue which has been prizes will bo awarded. The game: _ .< i a. case and his total was $12.42. Tho the new proprietor. Monmouth; Stanley Jones of Mata- club and a prominent New Jersey lucky star that It was, for tha bs>M difference of three cents was so lcasod for this purpose by the the- resident will spenk. William I. Spain will start at half-past eight o'clock. ncr probably would have been bloVrjl , ,.'!,. Pollcetrien'i Ball. •wan and Walter Shcff, Jesse How trivial that It was not stressed. The Parly For Hebrew School. ater management. The grounds will limd, Stanley Werner and Edward is chairman of tho charter nigh Refreshments will be served aftei down in the storm, too. ' j Plans' are progressing for iho: be lighted at night and thcro will b the games. A ton of coal will b constable In such casos. gets a mile- Mrs. Benjamin Hurwitz of Hud- Farmer of Port Monmouth. committee. first annual ball of the Seabrlght age foe of alx cents a mile and the a competent man in churge to giv disposed of on the co-opcrntive plan. son avenue vsjtll givo a card party a protcctioh to tho cars. and' Monmouth Bench police do difference of throe cents was prob- tho Rlvorsido avonuo Jewish com Joe Humphreys on the Stage. NEW DIRECTOR. * "\ partments to be held October 8d atably due to a difference In estimat- A company of sixteen colored Hebrew Society Meeting. Installing Oil Burnera. Inunlty center on Tuesday night, Oc Tho Red Bank young men's and Joseph Humphreys of Fair Ha- Harry.Kohn New Officer In Chute ing the mlloagc. When the figures singing and dancing comedians hov The Modern heating and engln - the Smoko Shop tavern. Edward tcber Oth. Tho proceeds will go to young women's Hobrow association ven, tho well known light announc- bar of Commerce. were shown to Mrs. Richardson she been engaged to appenr nt the Hunt- coring company of Red Bank Is In Sweeney-Is chairman of the bal tho Red Bank Hebrew school. Mm resumed its regular meetings last er, has temporarily left the ring ioi Harry Kohn, proprietor of V< committee and Walter Mills 1> troas- •old she wanted to withdraw nor Ing theater next Monday, Tuesday stalling n Petro oil burner in th« complaint that Mr. Walnright had Hurwitz Is a member of tho Redand Wednesday. week. Tho aoctety Is planning lor tho stage. s He la appearing in tho Gem Shoppe of Broad street; wa| urer. ..-.','" ' Bank ladles' show "Tho Ble Fight," which house on Peters place which was re. overcharged the. costs. Hobrew society and • ^ a concert and lecturo at tho syna unanimously chosen to fill a vacancy opened last night at the Majcstio ccntly bought by the Mcthodtsl Democrat!. mombors of-tho organization will as- Reception for Slttera. goguo on Riverside avenuo In No on tho board of directors of the Rw .Friday evening, September 21st, The upshot of Iho hearing was theater at New York. Jack Dcmp. church. Tho compnny Is also put sist hor with tha party. A reception for tho Sisters of St, vembor. _ ting In a burner of tho samo man Bunk chamber of commerce at 4 at 8:00 o'clock. Elks' building, As- tliat the chargoi made by both fey, former heavyweight champion, Jamoa'a school will bo held on ufneturo In the residence of Ottc meeting last night President Rob* ' bury Park, will bo • conferonce women were dismissed. At tho con Woman't Club Starts M«etlnj«. NOTICE HF'TLECTION. is playing the leading rolo In the Thursday night ot this week In th Peterson at- Mnnasqunn. crt S. Johnson, In making the ap» with State loodora. .All district clUaiOn of the proco6dlngs Mr. Par- show, leaders. Democratic mombors ot al Tho Eatontown Woman's club school auditorium. It will bo ton MalmUy Building and Loan Ano pointment, laid great stress on MJ» election districts of Monmouth ions complimented Justice Keith held Its first meeting of tho fall sea- elation, R.d B.nlt, N. J. Democrat!. Kphn's activity In helping to foi (or fairness and for not having terod by tho parent-teachers' nsso Tho annun! meeting of tho share Aero Club Meeting. county aro requested to bo pretent. son Monday night In tho social room elation, Friday evening, September 21sl tho now organization and osped All others Interested In tho succeas Khown rancor, Earllor during the of tho municipal building. Tho pro holders of tho Mnlnatny Building A mooting of the lied Bank nort nt 8:00 o'clock. Elks' building, As- concerning tha large number hearing there was a clash botwoon and Loan Association for tho eloc club will bo held tonight at the Al of tho Democratic ticket are cor- gram for tho ensuing yoar was dls To Whom It May Concern. bury Pnrk, will bo a conference mombors who enrolled through Hi dially welcome Mr. Tarsoni and Mr. Keith. Mr. Par- tlon of directors and auditors to fil View flying field. It will bo dccldci with Stntc leaders. All dlstrlc cussed and a membership drive was The annual fair of Indcpcmlcn Kohn's solicitation. ( Monmouth County. Democratic sons was iponklng ubout Mr, VVnln existing vncnncles, and lor tho trans- lenders, Democratic members of a 6tnrtod. The club memben each cx- firo compnny will bo held ruin o action of such other business as may nt tho meeting whether or not th , . Executive Commjttoo. right's constitutional rights at the club will buy tho now beacon Ugh1 election dUtrjcta of Moumoutl To WEom It May Conoira. poct to bring In a new mombor and nhlno at tho old St. Jnmos hnll oi bo nccassnry, will bo held at tho di- county aro requested to bo prcsont —Advertisement, tlmo. Mr. Keith retorted that his ox-Incroaso the momborshlp to fifty by Monmouth street, from Scptcmboi rectors' room of tho Second Nstlona that has been at th< field on trial foi Tho annual fair of Independent (fild for by D«mo«r«tl«Orsan*»ilon Com,) pirlenca with Mr. Walnright was All others Interested In tho succesi flro company will bo held rain of January 1st.' 14th to tho 22d. Dancing over} Ilnnk and Trust Company, Rot two weeks. of tho Dnmocrntic ticket nro cor. that Mr. Walnright had novcr shown ovcnlng.—Advortlscmont. Dank, Now Jcritcy, on Wednesday nhlno nt the old St. James hall vf Dane* Farm Superintendent Wanted. (llnjly welcome Monmouth stroot, from SoptemtH* much regard for tho constitutional Radial by Edward O'Drltn. October Sd, 1028, between tho houn Monmouth County Democratic lit the Harmony country club, on rights of othor (olki whon thoy Trenton Fair—Let'* Co. of. 8:00 o'clock 1'. M. nnd 0:01 Cnpnlilo man wnntcd to ninnngo 14th to tho 22d. Dancing «Y«>1 state highway, near Mlddlotown, Edward O'Brlon, Jr., of Kumson, Tuesday, September 20th, to Sat largo fruit farm, one who hni hn Exccutivo Committee evening.—Advortlsumont. , fiiturdny «von(ng, Soptambor 22il, wure arralgnod boforo him and that o'clock P. M. Advertisement, he thought It would bo appropriate who has glvon a number of song urday, thn 20tli, Inclusive. Ilu.rdno' William V. Smith, oxporlonco In hnrvsntlnK nnd mar < 1 1SII8. Music hy McUulM'a Snappy Jfccltnls In this locality, will glvi DoLnxo Buaaeii, corner Broad an kotlng largo npiilc crop proferrei d'nlil for br nimoeralla Orgtnliatlon Com "Flril Ald*o FUl Tlrii. * I, Six. Ailmlnalon CO conta. Cafeteria to giv« Mr. Walnright a doio of his Bccrotary Tho Tiro Borvlc* Co,, 8A W«ii, another recital Soptomnor 28lh m Mechanic streots, 0:00 A. M. Roun —Advertisement. Apfily to 1\ 0. llox 30, Itunuon, N refreshments.—AdvortUomont. own midlolno. Ho said ho know what trip, $2.00.—Advnrtlfiinncnt. J.—Advertisement. Gateway Unit Par Sale. Front atroct, Dunlop tlrtt MM hu wai talking about bocauio h« hnd tho Red Bank high, school nudltor Ono lynillcntn unit In Gateway, tubes. Our itrvlce car I* •lw»>j ' OeteWay Unit For Sal*. lum. Jin will bo asalatud by his sis. Every Wednixlay Night m Owner paid 11,000 cniih for unit onco had a hearing before Mr, "Flr.t Aid to Flat Tlr.i." la Victor nljrht at Tuillng's, Mon » Lmt ready. l'hon« itcd Bank t9t,—X» Ono syndlcnto unit In Gateway, Wainright. tri, Miss Knthryn O'Oilen, and J, Tho Tiro Scrvlco Co,, 80 Wosl mouth street, near Broad street, Will toll foi |li00 cash, Contracl v«rtl»umunt, /.i Owner nnlil $1,000 cull for unit. Stanley l'arrar. contnlnlnir three dnwn: lailtnblo re- hi\H nttraetlv* fenturcn. Addrom d front street. Dunlop tires ami Itadlos, rolls, orthophonlo vlctrolas, ward. Finder pliuinn nndreai I'nck- To Wham It Ma» OttMtU. *h Will soli for $U0O ciiih. Contrac At another atago of tho prooood- rcconli and pro-omlnont makes ol Zero, driiwct M, Hod 'Bank,—Ad ha* attrnctlvo feature!. Addron tubn*, Our sorvlco enr In nlwnyi ngo Lont, ilrmver Mi R«l Ilnnk.— vcrtlacmcnt. My wlfi. Ilalih Koamiy, f "-" Ingi Mr. Walnright. thinking that Attractive Had. ready. Phono Red Ilnnk COO Ad. upright and grand pianos. Bring AilvcrtUt'ttient. •Zero, drawer Milled Dnnk.—Atl A now itock of smart hatii many left my bud and board. I will | vtrtlnment. • , , h« might nt«d somoono tq go,hli vortlaoment. tho family tonight.—Ad»ortlio- Trtnton Fair—Lel'l Go. rcupnnalble for any dibte «0H* < hand-made. At Mrs. Lohmann'a, 14 mont. Tucailny, September 25th, to Sn Dkll, asked /or pormlaalon to ua«Broad street, Rod Dank.—Advtr- Radio Table For Sale. Wu nr* now iniikliiR thnl world 1 Trenton Fair—Lel'a Oo. Mr, Keith's ,t«l«phono. "You citnt urday, tha 20th, Inclusive. Burdgo tlsomint. Enclosed compartment for hnttor- Rain or Shine. famouH puru pnrk iwuftnffo. Clay DcLuxo llu»«di, corner Ilrond an Tuiaday, September 26th, to Bat-uit tt) It la out of order," »ald Mr. l(«l walnut llnlnh, prnctlcnlly now Tho niinuiil fnlr of Imlcpcndcn ton'n Mnrkflt, 10 White (trcot.—A( Adv«rtlatmiiifc< urday, the SPtli, inoluilvo. Burdge'i ' Telewriter Headquarters tonn M»rkBt Mnchnnle stroott, DiOO A. M. Roun Kalth looRlnir hard at Mr.;Wain- $5.00. 178 Mnpln nvenur. Hod Bunk Urn compnny will bn hold nt old Bl trip, f2.00.—Atlmth'oniont. peLuxa ButRoti, corner Brond rnit Typewriters rontod, bought anc phono 520-M Adycrtltcmont, .Inmea'd linll on Mnnmouth stren vnrtlnewfnti M*ch»nlc Ktrtctf, QiOO A. M, Roun right,' Mr, Kolth, In talking about Riailnrti Atttntlonl Wllcox I'Slpbi? Ihlt Bfttrwardi, laid thnl Mr, Wain •old. Trubln'i. 68 Broad street, Rtd from Hf|itcmlicr 14th to thn 22(1 mxhl lUnt condition trip, ia.OO—Adv«rtli.m«nt. • , Dank,—-Advtrtlximont. Tuiedoei For Mire, Diinrlnir oveiy nluht, with music b) Do not lull to rond I.oon's column Typcwrltiri, adding mx right had made,the tamo zapty, to 1 M »v*nuiri P.-T. JUnnlno'i, llackitt ! axch(!itr». !-• Adyj wij) Wonderful Information lor th| tliy'i, 17 Broad itrtlt, lUd b|m M Wn'tot ba iu Mulguut —eAQYJUruiiinBnt* uo&U Adtilt W ,,i • Bfli^^ M^-*i»E^s;iii§®4S.En3!BfiS»jffia : jne'li;.ijiaidr^bbyr :M# 'PMV A'great; deal of oats and'oiufley'.]*' ;•{•*• title of thk Pro|r»m.* j Wednesday ofterhobn •*' the Hill .- MotVUr .,.. _ ietter-haBbten re- .The 'annual .fall, reorganization grown. In .Scotland and yofejiee big side Methodist church. Rev, 'W, H, .;;MF,afli.M^|,itigiMt^vid.chieni from John H. Cook, odltor of fields of these crops everywhere. The. meeting-and luncheon ;of.tta;Sei Burrell of Aibury Park, pastor- ol ijaKait EJICK :,,»uqaoqiy J, aoow:; two •m very, much obl egieter, who, with MM'. Cook, dorf of Belford celebrated : their ; rt rtdd oats.'grow'.inuch';higher than uiiikAx* Bank. .Woman's; club was hfld !aS tfie jChurch, 'conducted the seryjee. 26thi wettdlnj anhiVe^*)ry,; tiiidsy o'clock Sunday mOrn^n^ tadh e died thfc British Isissi•';.'•; J'riday at the' Globe 'hotel.; Th and they often' reach-a height-of Several selection's wero Bung by the^f^Dph''wf[Qi;ji']i)*iiqii«t;^ph[Q.jiv]i)*iqii«t;iiit:ai' « t many part* of Scot- luncheon tables were decorated:wit1 ,;,MfJ two^and-a-half to three fee'f; "T^e choir. Burial WHS tnade at Crystal Monmouth hotel. .The celebration ;.', Mt. MilrMi«:.^;iDqtnY»£.M«iiy'aft there la a beautiful barley grows stiU higher.'' Next to tluhlias and ferns donated by. Mrs, and had yt«r, toh^tudenta'iritaresftict^.; stream cemetory at Navesink and itwal held in the nu>ln dinning room and had lived there all h(a life,. He from 1 weholder Thomptoop ann andd h»Ing:are now taking courses-nt: the officials have placed bench* oats and bar.ley the biggest ;crop Abram I, Elkus, Mrs. JesBc Mlnot, was In charge'of Albert W. Worden, was not say» h6.h>hh 4 nothlnRthl o d»b»tdbet witithh and the "tables were decorated with " " •-"—' iejr'.t| " "• •convenient distances so' that •eems toV be ruta baga: turnips. Mrs. William E. Braisted and Mrs.The bearers were:Jnm^a Koldmann, : tut 'llow.cn; Abput: 55 atrj^nda. and 'people, can (it down and enjoy the Fields of ruta*baga turnip5ar,e«e;eii Kobert Williamson. The guwts num-' Frank Dowru, Manual-Sylva, Abram hralBO leaves hvo«lit«n and three 1 r relatives iwere present,,Including the ptt to^^ «der\ery- The benches are siibstan- everywhereeverywhereijidt- h ambuni-growbnV n Wrcd li!9. . ••;,".••.. '.,';'•'"•..• :-;•"•Mjtshei!,.''Joh, ri. Cummings, and , brother*; 'TlpwfiiMru^a&^fim! o o » py ; '. tlil ini comfortable. They are. used "• ~ Hurley. ' ' ;:; ' employees of Mary's < bake shop on Countyaf Chairman of a 'Bhort '\tltaeVv.' Ajriong>•, seems sufficients to supply the whole .Following the luncheon:th<-inyo- Mr. Ochsondorf mlns of Matawah, Mrt Patrick ] t;th flbld i {. giat idea l byy tourists and byy visi- world. A Jargis'part of this (tfopVis ctitlon was ".given by • Mrs.,-.Frajik nedy an4',V Panjel; ttartlnf jjjti' C}t«thIBd riow: at;the;th. . iflblfld ire >fPJ . . . , and; Mrs..Paul 1 of Cho»eh Freeholders; pr Is he fear- R.nd lieo ''Miilhern" of Red riBahkiM.* ;; Banki jphn Martlr^/of Brlijlgei,..... : f 1 li 'Mih f ;U tors to Scotland. They lerve also as ealrl to benserl to- feed 'f arm stock- Curtis. Greetings wero given by the nockler of Red'Biiftk,''who Returnee; ,/ul of ;«ie:re»fllt If'th8 Mc6rd 1| d - ••'resting places for walkers. We have Connecticut, and James Martin of Colemdn of Seabright, W?P.'.Kewier r during the winter. We have riot «eon president, Miss . Florence Kridel; DEATHS SECOND;:VISIT, Thursday-from a- fpUr- months' va. vC5HlghlandB;We'«>y^lBJ6ifibtflejVvl;c , mot many men and .» considerable a Bingle field and not even.a single Mrs; Laura C, Gilbert, past presi- V\ ashington, D, C;Mr, Martin' wai a cntlon trip In Europe, also cele- : 1 1 •v 'nvimberfof women and girls \Mio are stalk of'corn sUch as wo-raise' in dent, and by Miss. Elizabeth Powers member of th,eM»tawaiv.nre'depart; *» county into war,'.''Ali9h' 'Fiii^"'br'\heWfi,™n»njV''' "' " J ; NAVESINK RESIDENT DID NOTbrated th,eJr jiome coming>wltj» the : !:' 'making walkinc tours.fhrough ,Ire- America; We have seen many Acids ment.';• :.V i/.'i'yj.•,<,•;.'..'.-'-\-h^--\•"•"•:$% hisc and': piarsn^^;^i.°Jlcke^o^^htW- r'' - end . Miss Leah DcGavrc, junior party, guests,' Mr. JJockler' Is :pro • •' 'andiind Scotland and these bench- of flax, but these fields are,;us.Ual|y LONG syftVlYE HUSBAND. V : The funeral w>* held rthto mi»rn" _.;no ,e,i v»»uiuain. jpl. the Offico Of presidents. Miss Kridel presented, a prlotor of Mary's • bake Wop;' • '; ; : : e> are used by then) a great deal. small. " A good- dcial of ..-the' flax ing atSU Joaeph'a.:.ohuich:and a' rtV Freeholder of Monmbuth County, It The buHdlngB at. the;;, ^r YleWj ; pust president's pin to'Mr^.- Gilbert Mr»; John E, Wllllim. Died iait ; During* the banquet' Mr. Ochsehi' The cost Is small and the benches grown Is spun and woven .by the ; quiem mass was chanted by BevV wtrtoy deBlr* to UebBtfl'hla method? field have boon: repaJntea r*nd "th»; • 2.1, a gift from, the luncheon com-, Weejtat )he Home of Her Dau»h publicly, giving him overy opportun- ; . npt.only afford resting places, but housewives and .women folks on the dort gave a short biographical Joseph Unnane,, burial 'yii made two Wato" planes owned'Dy, the;^itr' icittec. A, song,' written by Mrs ter at FitcKburg, Maiaachuiette— ; fty to defend his acts from the pint- -•they make the country, more popu- fwmn where the flax is grown. . t>ketch of MB life'. Other speeches tri St.' Joseph's cetnoteryj -"' *dryloe'tbni^y:'havo'bViiii!'ijiii((eii(i'' Uaa'c Gilhuly and dedicated to the Huaband Died In August. ' ' - «ere; made"and:nwhy-toaBts'iwere • l«r .for. those who like foreign travel The .Scotch heather grows: almost :. . •.:..' ,<>;.«»•':,,;-'.,'".:i-^ .•• ge,)|lBqk >&st presidents, was sung by the Mrs, Carrie-Ei, Williams of Nave-, drank, to Mr.' hndf MiV"OchVendorf iwriU prMeRt;iht,fa(it« ;«s they '*p- , buf.who must use their money ju- everywhere: except in tho' cities.' The iub members. • ; AN AIRPLANE SHOW. pear) the tecordj ar^.open, they can- winga.'Tho plane rabf sink, widowof •. John E. Williams, and Mr. and: Mrsi^Mockleri Lester 1 diciously in order to see aa much of blossom is roec pink and the'moun- The program of the afternoon- T no\be changed or Altered, There is tine VahKeureii,'".a' member o^th died Monday," September 12th, at the Plerce's brchestr*.' pWyed "at, •'• the. A Demonatratioo. Waa 4l«» »* Air ' the country as they can for thetainsidos and hillsides are covered las entitled "Our Changing World" homo of her daughter, Mrs." Alfred an abundance '.of evidence as to -the Air Vlow>seryice: company, fird-Irv amount they have to spend. with it. It grows so plentifully and banquet and'afterward for dancing. looie methods' practiced by hint as irig, G. Hay of Red Bank has'-been :v - nd it was planned and arranged by Wolacott.of. Fitchburg, Kassachua- GameB .were played and a social Fweholdeir ana vCh,alrman ' of. the . .7 A great many r.rowj live in Scot- covers the ground so thoroughly Urs. William T. McDowell, who etts, where she had gone to spend .More than ISO persons from Red painted rdd wjth'sllve.-Vwi^gs;':":' , ;^: viand and they are seen in' great time was cnioyed. Mr. and Mrs, Financo Cbmmlttaei in thtfdisburse- that in some places it looks' like a '.ted as toastmaster. The prologue, the winter. 'Mrs. Wllliams's husband Bunk and vicinity attended a_demon- -en^ of the. publicVihoney. V: ,;^ Walter .Wipprechti who'was'iform* . p flocks. Thousand? of crows are ingreat rose-pink blanket spread en- Ochscndorf. reecived • many gifts of : ."•hich was written by Mrs. .Mcdie- d at the. same place on Sunday, 1 stration 'Monday at the. 'Air View As the flnt-lWnvft ,extrava»ne erly omployed--ii5 K pllo('.at Jtlja.iAll'i ' some of the flocks and when they silver articles .and' .,flowers. Mrs. tirely over the hillside or mountain- Dowell,, was given by Mrs, Leon do August, 5th. Mrs. WUUams was flying field given by representatives I wilt p.\p|^._present.th«'\p| . View flpld, has'takin n position ai'•' ••light in a field, they almost cover side. Even where the land'is eo Ochscndorf received , one boquot r r. Reussjllo and Mru. J. Daniel Tul- with her husband at that' time. She ol the Ludington flying service ol' acts Jn,:tonnecU,:tonnecU%5ltno«% ;!&•>, suit chief pilot for:-the Interatate'fttillne'' ".-•:•: the ground. Sometimes flocks of rocky that it seems that .nothing made up pf '26 carnations, : i: ; : er. It was in the form of a'cjuestion- had been in feeble..health for some : Philadelphia." "> ..•; <;' , ; ':. over a- brldgordgotayppM,.Freehol' ta'?yppM,.Freeholdd corporation of Chicago;' >;;:i':f\; :- ! . $~< .white gulls, as great In number as qould gr6w,' the heather springs up '. On Monday Mr. and Mrs.; OchBen- .To.Thip,w ' .The reno,rd shows that ng by Mrs. Reussille about the 1 A Fairchild ' y v cillc 'fleet.. . ••. * >/ OV^.i:':-:' '-' white heather is scarce and is sel- band.' She was a daughter of the • • ^ ,• ^, •' '• •,••.(-.,"•' •.•..' •heep all of which were lying down thCBg pebple expect to buy airplanes vouchers' paid "1n ;f New Hampshire.' Rev. Mr. Bray contractor InBtituted suit against tha Modern."- In answer to Mrs. 1 .'amei > R. GilmorT Was Formerly a The visiting aviators "gave an ^ex- the. field and the sheep looked as whenever a tuft of it is seen. The spent the last few years.'of his life county for an amount alleged to beThey Were Ma'de]>a y tho white heather is said to be an omen, sille'3 question about transportation with his daughter at Nav:Elnk. All Ru» Buyer for New York Storee. ' hibition of stunt flying on their ar- due him, he havlnsr been directed to , though a crow had alighted and was rival and before - they left Patrick HoppinfH f .; ' jittlnsr on the face of each sheep. of good luck."•;,.' ' an address entitled "How Runs the of Mrs. "WilUams's majried life was JamcaR. Gilmore died ot paraly. cease ^vork. the reason for .which, Byrne, of tho Air ViewBervice also perhaps, Thompson' can,";r enlighten "/• Rejituh made by Wlllltini.A, iioj)- ' Jot until two or three sheep close World" was given by Mrs. H. Ed-spent at the, Williams .homestead, is Sunday at his summer home at Business places are closed uptight gave an exhibition- of stunt flying the public. The contractor won the j.irtg during'the past week'Pari-the: , l> the road were passed was the idea win Armstrong. A speech on recre- which at one ,timfe comprised 100 Kumson at the age of 69 years. He In most^ Scotch towns and cities oh tiiring the afternoon. Tha' aviators suit and recovered a verdict of Jihn Munro ddttage on the eiasfslda' Rtioh.-entitled. "Play's the Thing," acres and-which—extondedTfrom aiflld" ~~ eeRob f20,000.f%'intarestandco8ta.-Dur- of-Hudson avenue to Charleii-Gwlhg Sundays." You" can get' something was given by Mrs. Louis L. Millar. Navesink to the' Bay Shore. Tho Were alanein their 'planes while Yhey , 'VOri one of the big bathing beach- to eat and you can buy newspapers. e,rt8 Gilmore, an ..author and editor. ing and ,»lnc8. the-.trial .Freeholder 1* Foxwood park."at little- SA A talk on education! "It's Never loo farm was sold in .parcels from time were giving the exhibitions. Thompson,".Vriio.is seeking re-elec- eiuwe visited there were no station- Street'cars.and taxicabs operate, but When he >'was fifteen years .old'Mr. tho Lucy ,C. Swift house'on'Mo* Late to Learn," was given by-Mrs; o time an,d all.that now remains is tion,; approved »nd yot,ed. to pay le- ary wooden bath houses, but there this is about as far as business' is Gilmore went to sea as a cabin boy nouth> street to Theroja De%ker Horace G. Fowler. An address on he old homestead and. a few acres. on a clipper ship. Later, he obtained PATRIOTIC GA!THER1N0. gal fees and expenses In this suit, an ware a lot of bath' houses on wheels. carried on. Going to church; seems ' Besides.'the ' daughter at whoso follows: :•'•:•.•' -' ... 9f Red.Bank,;the MibfJosQp'n'Ina ' The bath houses were about four by woman's work was made by Mrs. a position at Lord & Taylor's store 1 ,to be the general way of spending ipme she died, Mrg. Williams leaves It Wat Held at Clayton ft Ma(ee'e Year Mo.' Peyit.'.•; Amount •lianBon apartment on Dnimmpnu George Poole and a speech on Wom- at New York." He gave Up his po- 1MT 4S88 J, s, Applesate, legal aix feet and the enclosure of the Sunday and the streets arc thronget hree children. They are Miss Sue Hall Lail Night. place to R. t. Blxler of Ajbiir/: an herself was given by Mrs. Le- ition after .twenty years and turned ' ." £••! ...; I .8,500.00 bath houses was of brown canvas- or with church-goers. ..'."• Williams, who is head of the'English The Red Bank Patriotic order of nit 681T J. & Applecate, l.j.l Vttk. Mr.' Bixler. is a teaqhefat brown sheeting, fastened to a wood- land W. Crafts. After each speech o oil producing in Pennsylvania and 3,100.00 In many tea, rooms they have.a department of the normal school at Americans held a reception in their 1«T 70« J, :"*" the Red Bank high school. *•'• remarks on the subject of the pro- v on, frame work. These houses were qiieerway of serving some of their Fitchburg;' ahd Miss 'Mildred Wil- Kentucky. He returned to New Tork lodge rooms' in ,the Clayton & Ma- * **• **per ^4ai"v^^e • 1,600.00 mounted on a two-wheeled cart. .A gram .were made by Mrs. McDowell, r close. Pictures of the president and Pittsf ord; New York.and Mrs. Mary to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he again let,.pfhttak ....,.;..,! l,t»8.8»8.85 pallbearers. are three to six. pieces of each Vari- pi-csent from, the Kansburg and 182T ei<8 A; B:. ColOolima' n photoi 83.08300 Mr.Adams, Rev. Mr. Khoadsand tha "would re-enter the bath hou ety of food, on the trays. When of Mrs. Elkus, Mrs. McDowell and Sampson of .Bingh^mton; New York. became Interested In the oil produc- Smithburg lodges. The national of 1 1)«.wheeled up on the beach, \ you pay yonr'-Wltthe waller-couKts the committee were taken.by, a New Mrs.^Sampson,. ,who is a Widow, was ing business. fleers'present were' Mrs: Alice Abbe: • • chauffeur ...-. f 80.00 —•AdYortiBemontMra. . E.rM.XUUe. 1887 480,1 S. 8. Thompion, aerv- itreet dress was resumed. The bath up all the items which remain in the York Times photographer; ..-."• •: ordained-as a minister shortly after , The funeral was held yesterday of Brooklyn, vice president; and 100.00 houses on wheels are common in traya and you pay; for the missing On the walls of the dining room the death of her. husband, Mrs, Wil- afternoon' at tho house. Rev. W.MrB. Rachel Power of Yonkera, tm 625.00 WANT ADVERTISEMENTS; '-. some of the South American cities items. This makes' easy bookkeep- were hung the original pictures UBed liams was a member of the Navesink Dutton Dale, rector of St. George's treasurer. The' reception was ar-102J 0« &V^VMijTurit: and also in places along the Medi- ing for the waiters, for they have by Liberty magazine *n its "eries of Methodist church ahd she was active Episcopal church -is }n charge. ranged-by the! good and" welfare ... (ervleei .I..-...... ;. . ;..40.00 loo Ute F01 Cumiiication. .R.. i.'H.;- r«nsutit." in church work.' Sho had many lair 1 WOMAN terranean sea, but this was the only only the things ordered especially to articles on "Our Changing World." The body was taken by auto in committee of tho Red Bank lodge. "-seryl&eiV ;...._.....,•..... 16.S3 u wanted to- wotk In r«M«ufant time we have seen them in the Brit- keep track of, ' ' 'Ihe posters were loaned to the club sterling traits of character and sh< charge of Albert W. Worden to New U25 '8B8 Chat: E. CaTe,~)unot>- eheni one not afraid of work.- Atolr. ish Isles. by the magazine. leaves a host of friends.' Dorp, Staten Island, where burial Monday night a similar meeting 12.23 In most gardens there are roses and reception was held at the Keans }«2S 1178 OhJIi B^'CoiV.":.";"!" 38.10 Most of the country of Scotland The committee of arrangements The .funeral was held Thursday was made in tho Moravian cemetery. 1021 621 Chai. E. Cola *Ott EBNi', not. at Uttla Silver, luiuble growing on trees and bloomipg. pro- burg lodge and oh October 9th a 1U28 2J05 Chai. E. Cole, com- n.eo (or grooury, .tntioijory or • cont.elTun. is historic ground and we have gone comprised Mre. Hermann Asendorf, afternoon at the house and burial *•• - -. ,--r—1--. —\ JpnfaQtlu&* digiously. "There is a variety- of banquet and reception for the na , . panaatlon for tlm«. er/: irood location fufr inrvlccl e Itatlpnttlf''; 'BenB t over a good deal of the lands where Mrs. Harry Morford, Miss Romola was made at Bay.View cemetery at to u. P, Kemp. Little' tree here on which roses caVbe DEATH FROM CANCER; tional officers will be held at Smith- 1087 «l»00ao. K* Aii'e'n,'"«- Silver, battles had taken place and where Beattie, Mrs. Braisted, Mrs. Richard Atlantic Highlands. Mrs. Williams's Ktd Dank laao.J. grafted or budded. A/tree of this burg. dukedoms and earldoms had been Hackstaff, Miss Mabel Hall, Mrs. nephew, Rev. Herbert M. Smith, Jr.; Mr.. Gerald Wif|ii» of Freneau im 1(90 OSS!'". OoJeT^nuii" variety, ranging in size from as big portattoix'... ' ' toomi. all Improvement!: iiariteiall la lort and won, end where many his- Albert Ivins, Mrs. William Manson,had charge of the service, assisted Died Ltit Thursday. jood condition 1.Bood location; convened around as a broom handle to as big FAIR AT FAIR VIEW. 1PJT ttn 0, C. Varrwule. ae°rr> 'o •fnool. churchei and etorest «l». Kemp, toric characters had been killed. One around as your wrist, is cut off Mrs. Louis Mendel, Miss Grace by Rev. Herbert M. Smith, 8r., and Mrs. Mary Wiggins, wife of Ge'r Little 8llver. N. J,, nhona 1»BO^J. "..'• .of these places was the battle field about six feet from the ground." On More, Mrs. p. Broadus Powers, Mrs. Rev. Jerome Wood. aid Wiggins of Freneau, died, -iast Profit, of the Firemen at Tliat Place HOUSEHOLD BALK—Mahogany, Walniii where William Wallace, the Hero of the top of this tree trunk a rose is M: VahBuren Smock, Mrs. Robert Thursday morning of cancor after Amounted to $' ,000. Scotland, was overcome when he VanDerveer, Mrs. C. C. Watrous, having been sick more than a yeai grafted and the rose grows vigor- D)ED OF. INTERNAL TROUBLE. The. annual fair of Middktown 1«1( Ml Qao.' .**.* "A'ii'ei was fighting England to preserve ously and soon produces a great Mrs. F. 0. Wodehouse, Mrs. Wil- and a half. She had becn.caijfined pamea 1 Mr•. Ell« Smith of Central AV.MIUI t 'wnshlp flro company No. 1 closed B", '"«•- .,««; Rf*^ Bank Auctloq Scotland as a separate kingdom, crown of flowers. A rose Bimilar to liamson and Mrs. Thomas Wylie. On to the bed the past three months. Mouae, 31 40 37 Monmouth itrett. , •.• , tuuirday night at tho company's « . - Fae extraa [.William Wallace was a great hero to our red ramblers is usually .chosen l*io reception committee wore Miss Died Last Friday. Mrs. Wiggins was born at Wick- HOUSE, with atore,. for dale, tlnlon enJ' nrehoute at Fair View. The proAU Adding the 910,890,00' paid "the . Main, atreata, Oolfo.-il. N. J.» . the schoolboys of two generations for the graft and it is kept trimmed Kridel, chairman; Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Mrs. Ella Howard Smith, widow atunk and was tho daughter of the -mounted to (1,000, which was inlawyera and the amount expended FLAT.' ffor.rtnt: five roomi mil bath, all ago, when school readers were com- in a compact round shape, so that L. J. Sieling, Mrs. Frank Curtis, of Frank Smith of Central avsnue, late Edward Maloney. She was fifty '« extras there' Is a grand total of Impi (XLCSS of anticipations. The people )rovoment.'i oornet Bridge avenue en* piled on an entirely different plan the tree trunk and tho rose appear Mrs. Tuller and Mrs. R&usaillc, alldie.d 'darly Friday morning fron years old and Had lived at New $14,837.29, together with a judg- Oakla"I* •*!•••! 'f> »80 ptr • month." of Fair View and of'othor parts of ot those of today. The most Inter- like a great bunch of roses at thepast presidents, and Mrs. Watrops. acute internal trouble nftcr hwvlnv; York a number of years. She later ment against the County for esting places1 -we visited, however, Middjetown township were iery WO.OOO.OO. with interest and costc. end of a stick stuck into the ground. 'iho decorating was dono by Mrs.hesn confined to the bod only a Uw moved to Freneau, where she had r ed i.'inerouB with contributions of \ig- Gould It have been vforee? What do l! V r! «n»we« to name were those described by Sir Walter What is said to be the finest warPowers, Mrs. Mendel, Mrs. Raymond days. lived about ten years.. * "turn to JoaapS' Scott in his poem of "The Lady of ilabl'cs, fruit, cakes'and poultry ant you think, Mr. Farmer and taxpayer: «Sii w memorial in the whole world is atScott and Mrs. Wilfred Houghton. Mrs.'. Smith was born at Fair Ita- Besides her husband she is sur- the Lake." We sailed around El- U,i firemen say they chnt thank would or does Freeholder Thompson the castle nt Edinburgh. It is amt: The music was under tho direction '. en and had always lived in this vived by one son, Graham Wiggins, FOR ltBN'i', half off doubldoubl.. h'ouae,J4a'Hud: Jen's Isle and we passed Ben Ledl, tl cse supporters too lriuch.' scatter his private wealth with.BO ouae,4aHud: mortal to the Scotchme t who fell in vicinity..- Sho was 53 yours old. Shewho is twelve years old. She nho careless and lavish indifference? A»k aon aviautaviaut:: alxx rooroom.m , btbathh ill ||m. thf mountain where Roderick Dhu's of Mrs. Manlif L, Brcmin, with Miss the recent world war and it was paid had been rtiarrled twiit. Her fliri leaves two sisters and a brother A considerable part cf the profits him., • • • •> whistle "garrisoned the glen at once Kara Armstrong as accompanist. for by Scotchmen from all over the husband, Benjamin Coy, died many Miss Ella Maloney of Everett/ Mr? (•erne from the disposal of vaiioua There has been no special account i with full five hundred men," when world. It must have cost several Jttrs ago. She Is survived by fiv; articles on tho co-op°rativo plni,. kept by the County Collector of this he and Fitz-James were coming J. E. Harrington of Morganville and Bel, million dollars, but it is not its cost A FIELD TRIAL FOR DOGS. cl-ildren, Mrs. Emma Keeves, Mi-* Michael Maloney; f Wickatunk. The Timothy Daly received ?20 In Rold. great expenditure; it has been nec- ford,"'. down the mountain pass after their o essary to dig. out voucher by vouch- which makes it remarkable, but Its U^. was at St. Rose of Lima cemetery 1 as he would havd.the'taxpayers be- rrick's death. Scott made n heroic common laborers to scientific en vest of Tinton Falls on the Free- Fireman and Their Women Assist lieve. S'eV. poem of this combat and In the old W, C. Hoover, pastnr of Finku nt Freehold. The bearers were Eurl gineers. Tho wording of tho in-old road, has been laid out. The anti at Singac Saturday. Monmouth is an' agricultural NEWW SOTomVV I,, gooJ location: rent"ieaii clinpcl at Fair Haven condui'tud and Norman. Harrington and Frank ion«bli (lays this part of the poem of "The scriptions is well chosen and thecourse was gone ver last week by Union fire company of Red Bank county) for that reaBon tfte cost of tho service. Burial was at Wli'itA Maloney, nephews of Mrs. Wlgginp, Lady of the Lake" was n favorite memorial draws very large throngs Raymond Hoagland and Francis G. flnd the ladles' auxiliary of the Redthis law suit will bo measured by the Ihe hoys in the old rod school- y g l. but wo toon got IPR bare from half-wny between the judges employed the entire day. Thcli'.lla Staloy of Union Beach and Mrs Lieutenant Modoliu • Harttrel uui'MuiiiLS co.oh, ioas7 day wai approved and paid by the ,.,*»»• . In mod ccnclltlon. fi utrd tn it. hip nnd tho knee, whero the kilt meet will bo held -In or fhino nnd Oeorgo Bontcnburg of Mnspeth, L Rental of VanNoilMnd Houie. who has been stationed at the RodChairman' of tho Financo Commit- Will take ear In trade, Pho Ho4." .Scotland Is a wonderful country rnd.«, down to the top of tlie stock- r.« ndmisslon will |)0 chnrjrtd. A I. Funeral eervlccB wero bclrl Mon. Lorrln Knodel of Syracuse, New, Tank post of tho Salvation urmy tee. Farmon, taxpayer*, do you do , 1 for flowcri. The cllmntc «cemt ex- ing, hnlf-wny between the kneo nnd unchoon W|II b0 . ho homo of hl» »on 'rk, has rented Mr<, Albert M. l(ii thn past yeai, has been crlled cirdre this loraort of managemenmanigementt of fyou yourr Al'AR'lMKN'f~oT"JouV room. tm ':,„,- frl'WT hV»',W»l "•"• ".ma. IIU bafhl actly suited for flowers and they the foot. Ilnm/lni? from tho wnlst in Hold of PMInfleld nnd John W |"Ohn. Hf\: J, T, B. Hoynolds, pnj'.or VnnNostfnnd'a house »n Tower Hill (0 Ilobokcn to assist at the t!ulv«. financial affilri to continue? If you 1 do, do not vote for me. bloom tremendously. Sweet pen? front i.« n flat nort of linit, called the of Iliirllnglon w||| —l, r th» c» thn Kcyport Reformed church, ivenue. The home was formerly '.!• n nrmy pott there, Her place a o, do not vote for me. il h th b grow six or eight foot high nnd nrcfporrnn, nnd this oporrnn Is one of ij llotthh mtmenn nro experiencedd cfilclntedIfnclatod.. Intermentt wnwn«n niado on I will show what the bridge, which WSS.^'MJS-' KS, •«* occupied by Harold Hurley andfnm. Red Dank has been fnicd by Lieu* under'tht original contract wan to covered with bloseomi, Dnhllnn grow the most noticeable pnrt.1 of the thin linn of work. A shooting dog Tuesday nt Red Hook, NY. I'j. Mr, Hurley, who is omployivl tenant Margaret Hunnewoll of Do-cost |O?|764,1B haetfoat to date) '.if: nnd bloom «o freely that limy com- p rtiilienkc , n speciapeil l contest t ffo r lhuntin g | tumc. next to tho baro kilecn, Th at tho Second nutlomil bank nnd Manid.ld'l •entratl ll pletely cover the ground. Mod of tiist company, will mwo to Ailing l<>, en orlilnaorlilnai la l » I1.M10 (list DEATH OF HIGHLANDS CHILD. an ,,, ,. M1.H7.U the dnhllns grown here nrc ilwnrh nimle mid In rr>plendt>nt In color niwl nd 'ins bten • humt. Mr. Knodol will taku occii- Operated on at Hospital. E Wamflild on eontraoi:,...,.,»n,ll«l«,j, a •ml they nmkr n nolle! muss of (low- held by tho club ,,m| If the "trial C.ereldlne M«»union, A (ad Eight pi.ncy nftor Octobor lit. dinunl on MinifliM 16.00000,0, 0 in Us mnke-tip, Mnnv bnyn are «ecn Mrs. John Lents of Camnhell'i 0O •r», the plnntH growliiK only about with n full outfit* of clnn clothing "" ne» up tn expectntlonn •% U11 Yean, Dud at HoaplUI. ei» Junction underwent an operation t l d i | il11H nlho Incfirn high, Other (lowrr» 1 udinunudinu l on MinifliM 16.000,00 nnd glrl» often wear n kilt outfit no meet will \,e hold next ycur. Oeraldlno Mngumon, nged uUhl Houie DeitrojreM by Fire, for tonall trouble at the Long UntiU l and «oii |a mil 1.1H.0O bloom «> frrnly nnd profundy, Wo Mwrer'i (MI, ela., In ml' U,117.in fnr n« thin nllownlilo nnd fitting for jearr, daughter of Mr. and Mr* Flro of unknown origin Monday llranch hospital Monday She'll im- Thompioni tentratl have never ncvn (lowem bloom, no ftlrln' wear. A Illghlnnd continue, Hugo Mnguruon of Hlghlandi, dltd lukurlantly except up In Almkn, To Trei.nt a Mutlcal Conmly, night doitroyod a tcvcn-roOm houc proving nnd iho la expected home I«M«1. « with Its scarlet tnrtun, IU olnborntr tiirly Snturdny morning at tho Lonj in n few daya, I'IOK to the Arctic Circle, whero the "Blh Moon" Is tho tlt|0 of a n Vnllcy drlvo In Mlddlctown town kpnrrnn, \U ihort kilt and utockinnf munlcnl Ihiinch hospltnl. Hoi dtnth wnn ilut hip, nonr Atlantic Highlands 'IV — a< lun ihlnnB 1!U lioui-fi a day In Iheturned down'bulBW thn calf of thv mtily to be pri-M-iitcri by Ui nfphrltl*. Tho fuiiurd war hold height nf summer nml tha flowfif M. Jhrnt'i'ii (iriimntlc norlity on Oc- ionic wan owned by Victor Erjulttirl U| Cabin. Feitlvlllei. ILI.^.!::..!!!JIIIM...» nukf» a Monilny nfltrnoon nl the liouso And •n'd other vegrtatlon «row no fa»l KK nighght t nn** IIfti>l»of r 22d nnd 2,'l,| nt St. J m««V md tho loss la Mtlmntod at $0,000' Sixty pomons enjoyed " iupb«r Mr, Thompion, kindly explain n "in In clinrKo of Rev.,'Thomas V, jou tan »«e thtlr growth from hour wenrer walks along thn utrisrU, liu! auditorium. It will bn the (Irnmntlc nnd danco which wn given Monday Why » bridaf contfaCltd «( f Oa,tlK7.- K llurlnl was nudii'nt Mt to hour. llie»n »IKIII« »ro no common, t»p<- cltiy' flr»t )iroductlon> nf tho fntl • Home. From Alkanr. r.'ffht »k William Mutth.wi'a log fta »hou|d coil the U»P»ytr» of Mon- cUlly In tlw northern purt of Scot- ccmeury. Mr, Maguimon, U mouth county ilU,u6a,J91 .-Olrli do t lot of work hers th«t h J I) l Edward Ponce, who la jjul lit «t Colt'a Neck by the moth- lUspietfully, . • j iirchltect nnd hai lived at High- t AlAlbanyb , I t »|Mindlndl g A vacation tr»' circle of Triune chapter of the Unili toveral yoari. —Adv«fUMm»nt. O, E. Cloie. 111 hli horns at Bilfotd. Ordtr of DiMoUy of Red Bank, (Fall kr 0. «. Clue 0iM»tl|i> CetamllUi.l IW»« "•l / REGISTER, SEITEMBBR 19,1925.

BUSINESS NOTICES. MISCELLANEOUS. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. T a nguti from ua beforeTlhetaill. your OB RENT aaven room bcuae at' Blver naw-heating, "yitem. Edward 8. >ke, plaia, all Improvementa, A. Shkoda, Ap- .and healthy In thu aae horai. 1 Shrewsbury-avenue,, Saturday, September ilegate etreet. River Plata, N. J. plumbing and beatlnf, Keanaburg, J 0 n the Shrtwabury river. In, bail 101 Myrtle- avanua, phona tit. • 22d, commencing. :00 o/eloeki waarjng ap. VBBSIDE Heighte home of ilx roomi town; koed beach and tint old a LwHeCOLOAN, nuneryman and land- parel or gooda of any,kind will be appre- and batb,-aun porch; cormr,plot jover- ciated by the etab^ < joking the surrounding country) tan mln- 'daalgnlng; top aoil, aoddlng and THB WILUAM8 Nurting Boat U now te.' walk to lUtloni 166. Hadley-Hall, tree anoT ihrubbery pruning prop- reedy to aeioamadate ' eonvaleaeenu, Monmouth atree.t, phona Red Bank _-je. Flower and roek gardena agtd and BemUnvallda, in thilr new home 8B. mad and executed, Evergreens, ihrabi. rnlihedll ilx comfo le omi hot an Fair Haven road and Church atreet; DUSE (or rent at 88 Harding road, all Im- water bbaatt i wood burninbi g fireplace; corner a£ first eltiB etoek. Oat my prleei. Fait Haven, N> J. Privet* tnd leml. g ep; corner 20 Plnckney road, Bed Bank, phone Fait provementa; gaa and electric, comblna- lt one blblockk ffro m bb«i gaggaragai i »16»16«. privat*e rooma! withb noralng tare. .Tele- on coal and gaa range; rent $60, Apply -HallHll , 99 MtMonmoutb itreet, phonh e phone «4». Bad Bank. 7 Peter, place. Bed Bank, or phone 406-J06-J.. CU80JUN'S <«f real att"Curohln'» barbat WELLINOB. garagaa, jobbing, eta, If • you wjib work dona right and at tbtCHICKENS wanted; will hlgbeat 'ALL for rent: third floor, 10 Broad . Ibop U the plaoa where art maani soma* Ight price, eall Ralph B. Slekela, MoLeren market prleea (or fowla and brollararollei . etreet, for lodgee., danee— a o_r. entertaln- mmwmmi ' ' "led Bank. Call or write Ale< ZwlZwiekle , 89 North lanta. Can be rentetdd by tthhe year, montthh p CANE and ruth bottom ebali aeau put In. Broadway, Long Breach' , N•/.. J, ehone r evening. Apply R. tlance * Boos, 11 buiineae. Caleb L. Laker, EeUord, r APDly at 28 Wharf avenue Bad Bank.' HOP. Iroad atreat, Red Bank. phone Keansburg S0*.». ,; JERSEY COAST laundry. (07 Waat Front TUXEDO eolta for hire. Lateat ttrle. IROAD street residence, near center of atraet, Blvar Plaaa, It the plan* to bring 'Can auppty any amount needed, abaa town, rent reasonable; contains eight REAL E8TATB tot laundry work and aave onr*-tblrd tbe Si to 44. fionmouth Street Men't Shop, 28 oma and aervanta' quartan; large ver- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. river front night, aevica... PatUrion avenue, bill. Phone Bad Bank 18Q7, Charlea Bran- Monmouth ttreet. Bed Bank. nda, tun porch; a home you would be Alio for rtnw , id atiaeUShrawibury,N. J. phone kar, proprietor. 8tWlN0 machlneaf any make of Singer >roiid to live In. 1126 a month. Hadley- FOR BALE, near Bed Bank and bua line, itlt or rant eaL eewlng macblnaa repaired at abort no- lall, 9t Monmouth atreet, phone 180j, cottage, containa ilx roomi, all improva- and tanna, D. OABPENTEB and builder. General a- led Bank. mante; open fireplace; garage; splendid lec- pairing, eatlmatea given on all klnda of tice. Eepalrt, parta. olla, ett). Hamatltcb- street. Bed flank. be done right, U;your ear la Ing a apaojalty. 8lnger Sawing Machine tion. Price 88,000. W. A. Hopping, o BPSnottBHi, the Itlt of the Boro Bnieeii, , IInc,, wobbulldlnga, blue prlnta furnlabedi prleea OR RENT, a tore rooma on Monmontb Linden place. Bed Bank. .»hone 887.* NOW la thl tlmi to buy oni of that •ntloum »t h«r ahOD. it tht eornir ol A. Jonei. «pert waeberb . reaaonablai all work guaranteed. A. O.Company. 74 Monmouth atreat, Bed Bank, atreet. Red Bank, for rent: favorable 10- farnu In Monmontb eounlr, [« ' ' ynmouth ItreMand:B>iwiburjf phona 1677. • latlon; moderate rent. Apply at the ofict FIVE-ROOM bungalow, near river, for sale; EXPERT piano player wlahte poaltlon with Qog. phone Had Bank 826-M. hard aurface road naar Bid»8tL_, LaoinUnue until September I*'*! EECOND-HAND •lathe* • bought) men'e : Sigmund Elmer Co., or telepbont Red garage, open flrepiaeej, lot 60x124. acrea of fertile lend. ready for an* r - orchestra. Rudolph lEngeihard; it La- UPUQLS1EB1NO and reBnlahlng of all Sank MOO. ia.-«H-M.'-~''A'* •'•••••'•'•" "•"'•' -' - -"-: ••' •'-'• onlyi mutt be la good condition.- Cell Price 84,000. W. A. Howlni, 8 Llndfn of crop; widow mutt nil. Price .111 fayette itreet, corner. Blver klnda of furniture. Frank Howard, 16 place, Bed Dank, phone 897.* Htdley.Hall, DO Monmoutb ItreeV 788, Ruraioi Harrlaon avenue. Bed Bank, phone 8081. •t L Kerb.r'i, 1«S Monmoutb atreet. Bed JODQE I room for rent. Desirable roon. Bank HOP. available for uee aecond and fourth SIX-ROOM house, about aevan yeara old, Red Bank 1888. ' BpYOB Painting Servloa,, folly (quipped to luraday nlghta of'each month. Apply i< fine paper naming. Phone 812.M. Bomion. •avenue, telephone 14221 trained and or residential site; good for gift shop, AUOTJONEBR-rfleorge tea room or antiquanique tshoph ; alll nenew floorstoon Red/ Bank, phone 897.* , i It Broad itreat.Rtd •Biinlc;^'"-' ;••'," •''•:-;.'. I Jgl H llU f _. praetleal nuraet on call day and night* SMALL bungalow, with elttlng room and L andd redecorateredecorated intlde; near the river, FOR BALE in Fair Haven, seven-room •Y . ', '•: •','•'''• ti. •:•' •,.-.•'• A i -I V" ' .'y t-'s . •;'-." ' ne, aaetlon epeslalUte, phona Bad Bank ylm'., are prepared, to give yon excellent. bedroom, and an attendant In charge, near the river, >ICB LIST of properties fo'r'aalt' ell' A Grant ihomaeteadivo for-an'aged, ehronle,• convaleeeent or an dley-HoUdlHU , 99 MonmouthM th . atreettt phonh e house, all improvemanta;'. lot 10O feet rent ida Ball ntllaa. from; eourteone eervlce.'. - - - - ' • <'• • d Bank 1888. .»..•.'• nt. -Elltabetb :D. Hobbi, rial eltatfc, f FOB BALK, hot water heating boiler, .. Grant. B.VD.1. Bad Incurable gentleman. Tray carvlce. •••, Wli- deep and 180 feet on bua line; alao alx Littla Silver. N.J., phone Bud Bank tattl» atove'JtngtbirraH*. eonl:woodAfor We wililll aupplly your belblp or we wililll givi e Bank 8<». . ' phona Keanaburg 502-M. Parkc^MUdl aala.f. ~1. H*': Carnir.Vpbo" «atontown manure. See me about epecl'men tieei. yottiwork. Mott reaeonable rate along the oS Broad etreet. at 12 Mechanic ttreet, eaeb. Fhont 1 Bank upin.iupoly.tttjk.copper .flrfld.JlOl. kitch- aala. *nd A Loan Co. S BRAND new aix-room Colonial house, open 8.F-31. Large blue apruce.and pbees aleo a coaat. • Referencei^lnvettlgatad. HOUSE tor aale, No. 81 Httdaon avi en'cooking- range, with Iwater back, good WASTED, veal eaWaa.-baal cattle an« fireplace,, ateam beat, hard wood floor., condition, ItO1 alio iora« iuiid. plumblnlt 'OTA'fO dl««a" and nnon. HELP aupplled o< all naUonaliUat, for all 'OOR RENT; the River PPlatllata Commuiatommu y for 17,600; aU roomi and all f One lot ..of Norway mapleaV. f rem three' clubhouse for private ppartieaartiess , danc r tile '-bath: - eonvantently located; 87,960; ftatoraa" Sdjvard B, Cooke, Myrtle avenue • IntarmtlonAa,; HfCo irtag^ »nJ kloda of • work, epeciallxlng In -farm- . plgi. Top market prlcea paid, cub. 1 , dances or mental garage. A real bargain .... Hooverralx and «evTry ottr dar,' 8e'van-Bridge road, ' Portaupeek, by; 86 West atreet. New York City, phone blna and allyer: alto kitchenh . AAPP'' r tto a month. P. F. Kennedy. 81 Eaal J TyiigV •••'.living room. cjlnl« J., phone Eatohtown UK' Ibarlea Brenker, • chairman of executive GOOD six-room home and garage; south- atreet,' Red Bank, Phone 2084 cerviBt ar(d"aa*e.;'8.iPoOpnoTa^A'Bro,, -.K.'.J., phona "TjongBraneb 2976... •-.'{ Btctor 8848. . ^.bldrodmj furniture: for tali Vlolcatunk, M. J., pbom^Holmdel *.e.'r v. - ipard, Wcat Front atreet, Blver Plata, ern exposure; few minutes from town. olid mahogany and-wtlnut.. Call between Q1RL. wanted for houtawork-' 'Inquire-'at !•• J., phone Red Bank 1607. VALUABLE builnesi property for .aalet FOR SALE, very, attractive buslnees, mak Price 16.000. Hadley- Halli . 99 Monmouth lot on corner of Weet Front itreet andl lftiOfltt>0«..n4.1M»»,yc.oek_;and.brtw«l andlisOJ,; oclock and betweenarl «i(lul.?0, 197 Weet" Front atreet,. Bed Bank, In atreet, phone Bed .Bank. 1888. •nd 4:Q0' o'clock. Mti..;WlllUmHineo, OLD FLOORS returfaced 'Ilka new. Let delioateiten atore. . ing. good money; old established; beii GENTLEMAN'S home on Plnckney roa'd: Maple avenue, on which It' located two 882. Broad atraet. Bed n»nkc > dlotown/K. J.. atone w-W: ue give you an aethiute for raturfaclng trade. Addresa Good Chance, drawer M, corner plot fine garden, many flowers SPLENDID truck farm, 60 acres; muat be •tore toildlngs, la hereby ofl.rml.Jor taib U| your old .floon by macbutey which we have AM,LOOKING for a man between the T ind treea; eight rooms, two open are- sold to settle eatate; eight-room bouie, Apply to J. Trafford Allen. «• BlvenHa mTpl»no for. iilf.,. Bpmt o«n b«WHITE' MWH01 . 1 .gel-of 26 and 40 who la\ not eatla'aod Hed Bank. < ' • ' f UPJUQH' »«» Vandar!«''.'«. TJt Phone tlaeea, hardwood floors on first floor; dou- barn; near hard road; price 87,200, Had- avenue. Red'Bank.' ~ • i bV «Uin« it 125 Wait Front «.«.«., isle. Yarmond, iPoult with tbe future In hia pretent poaitlon.' An WANTED to board, two or more working ble garage; every convenience one could '•••nlankb , phona 1275.: '- ••- A men;' reasonable ratea. Mre, Curl,-Wil- ley-Hall, TO Monmoutb atreet, phone Red COUNTRY'home with all Imp B«d Bank, phoi.- -iig, li, J.. phone Freeh vhuaaal'opportunity li available at tbla Cairo; 8100 a month. Hadley-Hall, 99 Bank 1888.; •'. • • • • - • > - - B«d B: ••l.'.l ' " .'" '!" " ' 1 _-.*..k- Ik.M from out to three CLAYTON B, CLARK, SKf, JUBtlee oof t'« time, to connect wth a rapidly growine low atreet. Fair Haven, N. J., phone Eat Dutch colonial- hous t BUYBUY llttta evergreena and watch- ththeem FOR/ BALE; thirijr i pin. ..,peace, borough of -Btd Bank, NN. J, Monmouth atreet. phone Red Bank 1888. i brood Bowe, 125 organlaatlolon whoiew ' futurtee - dependdepdee upop n liank 1191-JTj. - L- RIVER PLAZA, beautiful new alx-room light airy, rooms, aim groWWi flnaflna Norway spruce anoVBoualanoVBoualaai J County of Monmoutb. Civil aetiona . org mqntha •old; *la» fivijoe.- On farm .at tb't of men theth y now traiti n fof r futurfture 'OURTEEN vacant bousea and apartmenta home, all modern Improvementa; garage; porchh ; fullflly acrcenedd ; weather an -• fir'oae to tour feat hlghijohijor planting now, criminal ea'eei heard and'determined. tbaa'typ' pe MONEY to loan on nrat mortgage, on .well . for rent at prices ranglng-from 186 per extraordinary outlook. Price 86,760; on alab awninga; two-car garage. H. N. L..Bwan,.Nav«ilnllnlii , M. J.J , phonpho eS0 S011( tB.GhLlncroft, 'Atrri'.nna-'.eemt:; W.iJ,..,fc,.M.'Wyckoff.- ' c ('-..',. WMte ttreat. Bad, Bank. , , execuecutivtive poaoaltlontl . Are you honeat, am- located property in BeoLBank and vicin- bltloua, willing to work for a' poeltl?n month and upwnrds. P. F. Kennedy,' «5 very, eaay terme.. John B. Prothero, 81 Hall, 09 Monmouth atreet, phone Red Atlantlo'HiglllandB; CONCORD grapejifoevsale; very cheap- e2 bltloul a, willin ity, up to 60% of value. John B. Proth- it Front street. Red Bank, phone 2051. 1888. THB U1OHEST prlctt paid for live ehlck- whereh ' yoyuu wilill ultimately be In charge of ero, 81 Monmouth atreet, phone Red Bank Monmouth atreet, or.phone Red Bank 962. 8nrlng atrttt. Bed Bank.* •• ent. ' Jo« , Dakcr,, 2J0 Mechanla atreet. 5,to 10 omeee, SO to 100 men, raeponalble 982. •. i . ' • ' COMMUTER'S home located on Harding FARM of"twelve "aerea' for sale, praetl- CORNER property with aervlee station for., QRAPEB, grapoB-^By.Ihj':tensor,.quarter phone 2809, Bed .Bank, . '-. :". for a dlatrlct doing butlneea between road, containa six roomi and.bath; ga- ' caily In borough limits ol Bed Bank; an for a dlatrlc g butlneea between BUMMAOE aale by Pretbyterlan ladlea' tale at once; good for automobile ahowi» • ton; ; or; by the-'baeket.''the-baeket.. Wllaon YoYouu- I000000IC00,000.0O to »1000000000,000.00 per year. rcge; Southern exposure: always abreeze. Ideal, traot to-sub-divide; ground on allroom: refreshment and gasoline ataad for mam, :Scobvlll»-;i:Scobeyvlll».-;iNN « 11.,.oppoa(t«' oppoa(t« ' theDethe-De-- : aid lotletr of Rumaon, September 26th, 870. Hadley-Hall, 00 Monmouth atreet four aides already cut. up in' lota; price - LAKDSOXPB ,',ia'r.i(epar.: . '.Pruning UhTJhlesl a thla.lthlIa the kind of opportunity at 10:00 A.. H.," at Pariah Houee, BIngham rent Apply to Bay Shore RiatauraaL 101' phon.hone 1H8H1885;.. Red Bank. ' . , Heloua..Oroharda.a-J:.'- i-m.i...'ii .,-<••..•. you are' looking for, do .not anawer thia pihon e Beed BanBank 188 1888. 518,000, with good house. John B. Froth- Front etreet. Keyport, M. J. , <% . by experienced men i aprarlas, lar-. avenue, Rumion. -N. J. ' ero.. phone Red Bank 962. tlAHOAlNa—""'-- i .uitd- tlrea' and tubie;. ai VflNTER' .lOTATOE&rrBrdMa. .^env saw advertisement, However,' if you are In- STOBE at 10 Mechanio atreet. Juat OH FOB SALE, two-double houiea on,Water n Hanaan, 42 West Front ' for Green MQUntan-potatoeei will deliv- Ing out of ground!, large ot emalU" WANTEANTED . wheelwh .. chair for invalid man • ,lUaailaia* .• : Jo'Joh! n _ ? terested In forging -ahead, write for an Broad etreet, all improvements;; make a BUNGALOW of five rooma, all improve- itreet; price 14,100, 11,100 ettai rant er" rlf.you "a?Ve\a"ca? rida'out" and eirry Advice -given at to what. When and ' appointment. M. B. FIrehock, district muamutt be cheaphah p, or would appreciate thi finene office on atreet floor. ApplAl y IK MeM - atreet. Bad Bank. your own—you'lliaaye. moiw);.^.0,J»eilaau loan of one. Addreea. Wheel Chair, drawedrawer ' meta: garage; near Broad'atreet; 84,200, for 842 per month.. F* 4 Dlbbea phone T~im -how'to plant. T. H. Stllai, 17 Harrl- manager; room 1001 Electric building, / chhanii a streettreet , phonh e 625625. ReRd Bank, Land lOOcaah, balance $86 monthly. John.B, 261-W. Red Bank. ^ ior'VaTe.'a "flnVr eeiortment of Oonover,: Locuet Lawn .Farm,: OiWi Neck, bury Park. N. J. : ," M, Red Bankk, m phonh e -EatontowEtt n 448'an8 y i Loan Co.. - i and' torubbery for aale. phone Freehold 109-F.ai. aon avenue.. Bed Bank, 'Phone 1991, time between 7:

;yor-aale at-a nco o( a natlonallyknowy n organlittlong; provements; garage. Charlea Brenker, ohn B. Prothero, 81 Monmouth-etreet, or foTiilirYict r high aohool • educatiocation n«ce«aaty. Plena one foot, to three feet blgb. Call Rum- hone Red Bank 062. . . .-. ', pricei . aon'614-M. George Martin, BIngham ave- .07 West Front atreet, Blver Plata, phone FORTY, bouses at Red Oank, Fair HaTei om aulte, thilr JOSEPH L KN1OHT, auctioneer, over write to DVawer Q.,, Red BanBankk , N . J.J , aUtt - Rad_Bank_1607._nk_17.^^ anda Rumionw* . _. ,• includinI^.L. Jl g rive_.e -—r _ pr:optru»i•_i _ m.9 ~ —t GRAPES for 'aala,. baaket, or ton. -Bay Ing ronr quallflcatlonetl . nue, Rumeon. N. J.' . . 3OUBLB .house for Bale, ideal location: for TyoOu to ch chooio e from if yon are ' Thorne, Palmar avenue.' K Rente' now for $40.'PtJlVv Bank. ' double tbe amount loaned. Alaton Baek. SALESMEN, 23:80. years, for eatabliahed 80th; five rooms and sun porch,-improve- emp. Xlttle Silver. N. J. V Kennedy. 16 East Front itreet. Red BaWi GOINQ SOUTH, Belling' a new coat; gre; man, attorney, 10 Broad-ttr«e> Red Bank menta t two-car garage; $50 per month, phone 2054. ' ^ . V AUTOMJoILES, ,, cake route in city and rural dletrlcta; LOST,' probably near. Shrewsbury Presby- 48-ACRE farm for aale;,dairy farm fully "loth, black caracul fur trimmed: col 866 to 876 weekly; experience not necee- terian . church Sunday,. platinum wrisl Icquire T. E. Anderson, 840 High atreet, ' equipped,1 with all land aeeded and in I OR BALE, Bulck roadater, 1921 aport; Perth Amboy. N. J., phone 672. 1 1136, will Uka |W ai«e..lo, 86. Can b OB1ENTAL and domeetle. rngt and eary; mutt furnleh email bond and truck. watch on grey ribbon band; Utters on rat claai ahapc.wlth ten-room home, run- LAKE AVENUE: saeridci U lold btw."' aeen by appointment. Phone 134«J, Rd excellent abape, Juet out of palnt^ahop. Phone (Or appointment to Mr. William back J. L. H. to E. L. H. Reward f01 1 ilhg water, heat and light' Apply Joiepb carpeta* afaampooed and dry cleanedi WORKMAN !! home, two blocks from fore October let: new modern home. -.0 Btnk.'. ' ,•••••-•-•'•• ' • Phona ReJ Bank 1669 until 6:00 P. M. Peet, Hotel Monmouth, after 7:00 P. M.»return. Mra.. J. L. Honlgman, Sbrewi. I. LerTerson. Colt's Neck. NV J. Peet, Hotel M, . Broad, street; five rooms, all improve, four bedroom., tile hath, hotiwater, , LADY'leaving town deslree to diipoie o: Old carpets made Into ruga. - Bag .YOUNG Swedish man wlshea ateady posi bury. N. J.. phone Red Bank 829-W.'" merits; immediate poaienlon; HO. . Had- OR SALE. two. beautiful river lota, eaeb compute furnlihlngi of four-room apart STAB, elx-cyllnder" eedan, aeven LOST on Saturday, a lightcolored , eameo iey-Hall, no,Monmouth • treet,. phone Ked .heat' Terme., Phone Rid Bank 40M- >r ruga\ woven. • Telephone or a po.Wl tion, on: privatpriv e eitatee; -wminming to.. do any 1 60x287 feet fronting.'on atreet with gaa, merit! oni year old and In Una condition - ,monthi old, like new, eaerlUco 1460. card will -.bring our. truck to your kind of workk* AddreaAdd e SwedisSdihh .ManMn, pin, with birds -on saint. Return to ' Bank-1888.- ' .''- '' ' -- . ' !ectricity and water; beautiful treea; Can he- lean afternoona between 8i0O am • drawer M. Bed Bank> Union atreet. Bed Bank.* COLONIAL residence for rent, situated on 1.200 each, or the two !ou for 82.000; FOR SALE, at Fair Haven, M. J., a(ai. 6:00 or 8:00 and 1:00 avenlngi., Come Alto 1985"Star touring, bargain at door. Monmouth y Carpet Cleanbig mllding on rear can be mad tor boat- Haheo.rpaA.and Flnt atreel, fair, Haven *50. Red Bank DurantCo., 88 Bait TWO MEN wanted to cut corn. H.' Rltzau. FOUND, curie. Owner may have lama 1 Monmouth .road, near West Long located on Main road, ilx-room hoalle, I Company, telephone 'Monmoutb. Beach ptone 824-V?, Red Bank. ..' -describing-eontenti therein and payln Branch: suitable for tea room; antlouea or 'ome. . Phone Eatontown 192-J. .. improvementa; hardwood floora;ca t N.J., dpitalra apartment.* „ Front atreet. phone 144«, Red Bank. 226.9-J. William Grose, proprietor. for this advertisement. • Addrei* Pure. sanitarium-jfutnlshtd or unfurnished. >AV 66x110. Addresa , Owner, drawee t DAY'SAYS " WORK wanted, oorr housouse (leanin(leaningg , r f DINING ROOM set for sale;. alto, dreiiii id PPhonh e EEatont - drawer M, Red Bank,* ao acreage for Bale, one to thirty aerei. NO CASH-down payment; lot owner., Bank. - four-poster bed and spring! and kitchc: by experienced woman. Address C. E. Andenon, R. F. D. No 1 SPEED TRUCK lor aale, Internatwnaij ui HAVE your clotbea cleaned at tha Cl:ytown 1I8.» • Long Branch. N. J. n , . you can build a home or bui'inita HOUSE for aala, nine room., all Improve^ furniture. Call avenlngi. 19 Tower Hli good condition.' 8. P. Conner *8ro. . mente 1 • ten mlnutee from beaah.. flva avenue. Red Bank.' . Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Worke; 9 Me- GOOD plain cook and houseworker wishea REAL ESTATE WANTED. building,.costing from »S,000 upward.. International Balea: and |a«yke. ^Wlcka- Jbanie etreet. near. Broad street, . Red position: no lanndryi'gb home nights. COMPPLETELY furnished aemUbungalon mlnutet from railroad elation; FOR BALE,, ohlffonler, bureau and ml Bank. Phone > 117. William Oatrov, p»- WANTED, ll.tlngs of aatatee, count! for rent, all improvement!; corner Lo- Get partleulara. See A. J. Sebaeffer.i 90x200 feet * three-car aataae, ebleke tunk, N. J Phone Holmdel 26-F.t4... Mra. L. a. wUllame, 48 Harrison'avenue. cast avenue and Fair Haven road. Call hadi and other household gooda. 8aor STAR coupsten.lor aale. run 1J.J00 mllea:t itlelor.i. '.•.'• ." • Red -Bank'.* homes and other property In Rumion 80 Monmouth itreet Standard reair hpuae and run work ehop. Price l»,l|| flee on aceounfol moving. 118 Map! and Red Bank, as 1 have buyers for same. Red Bank 622-W. Call Keantburg ll-W.* price 1126. C. Packer, Seabrlgbt, N. J., •LUUBINO and. heaUng;.estlmatea fu.r- COOK wlahea potltlon; colored man; ret- eitata agency. avenue, 'phone 620-M, Red Mank.» Addreaa J. M., P.. O. Box.269, Elberon FOR BENT 229 Maple avenue, aix rooma RAILROAD workera; there le a comfort-, OOB AnVBETIBBMENT Ui Luke ton*. phone 120. nlabed. Joseph W. Fox. 116 Plnckney tiurant, boarding bouse or. hotel:- A-l 1 road. Red Bank, phona 2817. cook in all branchea, Addreee Cook, 43 N. J. ••••-• and ttil e bath; modernn; ; beam ceiling, able little home of alx rooma and batas - head'a d«partment at fbt Reglit*: fireplace;fireplac garage; now vacant; eommuter'i SEAL ESTATE for aale or rent In order garage located on Weat atreat, two «la- ESSEX coach, 1828 model,' new tires, TYPEWRITER headquarters. Typewrlte.-e Harrfton avenue. Red Bank.* WANT floor space on percentage baaia f acant t' naobea the great majority o( oenom ladtea' drettets muat be busy epot and hhome . Phone Redd Bank 1168-R, or:89» .to Broad atreet, -Red Bank. established; part-window diaplay. Cornellt es protected. . BABY CABBIAOE lor Bale (itroller); all Alto 1925 . Star touring, bargain at' steady position; sleep In. Apply between Bluh, 188 First avenue, AUantlo Hig of; property, with terma, H. L. Freae, mouth ttreet. phone Red Bank 1888. ' '« 7:00'and 8:00 P. M. Nelrdark, 16 Eaat FOB RENT, unfurnished tix-room house, Broad alreet'-Shrewsbury, N, J. * euiky. Apply at 14 MadUton ayenu ISO. Red Bank Durant Co., 83 Eatt • mds; N. J. • -_ all improvements; corner Main and Bat- GATEWAY unit for aale; one syndicate DO* YOU want your house - redee- Ocean avenue, Seabright, N. J. 1 A -REAL bargain in. Rumaon, two-ttory unit In Gateway; owner paid ll.r - Bed Bank.' Front atreet, phone 14«6, Red Bank. SMALL five-room hous* or. bungalo tln_rqads. Call Red Bank.622.W. 1 : jorated for little expense? Give ma a YOUNG German girl would like to do gen- modern improvementa, wanted to ren faouBe; seven roonu, electric, no other eaeh."for unlu"wiil' aelf"fir'fjOi'taVU FOB BALE. Lion not water beater an - era! housework; plain cooking; with a FOR BENT at Fair Uaven, halt houae' mproyement: - $4^00. Agent ^ Martha ^Sti heavy «0.«allonpolle0.«allonpolle n like nnee w eall: and le^ me abow you what can In central part ot town;.garage desired four rooma, unfurnished; sixth houn Contraet haa attractive featurea. AddrtM* §26, coat.l«0. 30 Mechanic etreet, R USED and rebuilt troeka for sale; various refined family: no waehing. Spetka Ger- Rent mutt be reaaonable. Address Bea Hellerman. phone Rumeon 464. . Zero, drawer M. Red Bank.* ;. tl«0 30 Mechanic etreet Rtt be done ineide^or out. Box 48, Little man . only. Address Marthall Hotel, .100 from Main road to river; water, gat ani Bank, . makes of from'one to «v« tone capacity. sonable, drawer M, Red Bank.* electricity. M. Cleary. WONDERFUL, opportunity to builder or EVERYBODY wanti a river front prop.* Silver, N. J., phonh e 1781-W, Red Navetlnk avenue, Highland!, N. J. Inveator - to buy a houte - of . fourteen 1 HOT WATERT^Thatcher furnace for aali Sold witb guarantee. A. Veenatra, White WANTED to leaae,- with option to bu: BUNGALOW ffor rent, three roome and wa- erty. 1 bave'one for yourapproval appro . Sea truck distributor, 811 Coiliea Avenue, Aa- Bank. YOUNG MAN (22) wishee position as roomi and three faathi, with leven aerei, Martha Hellerman, 88 Washingtolngtonv t^ti 'Hgh gradij No. 110, uied two winter : two to - five aerai of' flrat elasa f erti tor, $18 a month. Between Hanca road anitAla for four or five room houie. bury Park, H. J. .', - - ' '...'. • commercial or .private driver; can drive land near Red Bank or Little Silver; et*t and Cheatnut itreet. Fair Haven, N. J, on Rumton road, at an attractive price; Rumnon. M. 3.. phone Rumaon 484. A-Bage, U,Mount avenue, AUantlo Hit any make car or truck; must be ateady. price and location when replying. Addrei whole or in part Mutt be teen11 to be aagp- HEMSTITCHING. Mexican, gold, allter, Inquire next house. • predated. Addreta Bargain, ddrawer r M, NEW seven-room atucoo house, with mod*" lande.N.J. - STAR aedan, fine ahape; owner must Addresa H. C B., oare General Delivery, Farm land Wanted, drawer M. Red Bank. .cm Improvement!. Bergen place* aaaa> etc., buttons, pinking, plaiting, em- Red Bank.* HOUSE on Wharf avenue to let; eigbj led Bank, . Drench avenue. Henry Higerman. <)L7* FOR 8ALB. light weight overcoat, Tuxedo sacrifice; 178 cath. Alto Ohryiler- broidery, trimming, and noveltlee. Maa- rooma, $S0 a month. Inquire of Thao querade aultt for hire. The Handy Shop, GIRL wantnl.for clerical work; ahould be SHORE front at Oeeanport, vfourt acres; Hudson avenue, Bed Bank.* luit and a blue serge suit; about 3S or Maxwell coach, late .modal, bargain ,good penman. Pleaaant, eaay work; no ROOMS FOR RENT. dore Wilaon, 28 Wharf avenSe. Rerl Bank? modem dwelling with mprovementa and 87 ilia; little worn; very cheap. Fhono 16 Broad atreet. Red Bank. FOR SALE or r«nti leaving town, will 185. Red Bank 'Durant Co,, 88 East typing or atenogravhy necessary. Addreta HOUSE of seven rooma and bath, all im- garage; 820.000. Terms.. Frank A. More- sacrifiriflci e at cost price; ant-room nouift*' 1118, Bad Bank,* FOR wall papering, painting and deeorat* •Clerical Work, drawer M, Red Bank.* LARGE, sunny rooma, well heated, ft provementa: newly painted and papered; >ouae. Little Silver. N. J.» RADIO "BARGAINS—"Tlmmon'B Bllnj." B Front street, phone 1448, Red Bank. - Ing see Q. A. Millar, Church and Comp* rent; bouae of sdl modern convenience, centrally located; reasonable. Call at 48 all Improvementanprovementa; deep lot, la center ox eliminator, with tube, 81, (coet 187 i ton streets, Belford. Thibaut'a wall paper, MAN wanta work on a dairy farm after home cooking, freah fniltt, vegetables ani Eaat Front street. Red Bank.* town; Easy terms or would consider rant. Eetlmatea cheerfully given, Postofflce ad- October-let; steady and sober. Address eggs. Special attention to seml-invalldt FIVE-ROOM bungalow, nortb' aide of Ing to adult!.- Addreea B. A., drawer'Mr atorattoragge battery for radio or car, SPECIAL SIX Studebaker aedan for aale. FURNISHED apartment to let: three roomi (oort-liatail Hi)j I one 18-Inch cone apeak- dreaa' Belford, box 66, Phone Keant- H. J.. drawer M, Bed Bank. nuiet, refined home. Phone Bed Banl McLaren atreet, between Wallace Red Bank. . x. 16.5.500 (o in good ehapo: 1200. Owner not-able to burg 878-W. • • PRACTICAL nune would like a position. 2046 J. White road, near Branch aveni and bath; with improvementa. At 81 _ T_... (coit lia). Dry trickle charger, run it; alao Eden el.ctdo waihlng machine and William atreet; hot water heat SHORE front at Little Silver; large plot 'l'lC.OC O Phone Long Branch 815-W.* Red Bank. '• . Mechanio atreet Red Bank. with old house containing aeven roOma Xt.li (ecit IO>. AU guaranteed to be to 126. W. Ruseel Parker, box 8, Prospeot WILLIAM V. DIETBICU, plumbing, heat- Price $6,600,* good working order • c. LI Grant, Everett, avenue, near Bumton road, Little Silver, N. ing and tinning. Pumps and windmill, NUK3E-0OVERNE3S wlahee poaitlon, for FURNISHED rooma for rent with or with. APARTMENT of four rooms, all Improve, and bath; 616.000. Terms. Frank-At- R. J.. phone Mlddletown 706-F-21.* repaired. Agent for Master carburetor two or three ohlldren; capable; German- * out board. ' Fair Haven Houfte. FFaial ments; (tret floor. Apply 236 Wes Murehouae. Little Silver. N. J.» . . 1 coal eating device. Fits any furnace, 42 American, Protestant. Telephone Bed,Bank 91W Rd Bk Front street Bed Bank, phone 899-R, Rei ONE of Fair Haven'a prettiest homel, nlee- HOUSE in Red Bank, in nice residential FULLER bruibea for houie cleaning; alaff HavenHaen.. N. J.. pphon e 1191-W. Red Bank. Bank. nerionel bruehea. for Chrlatmas gUU. HUDSON aedan, 1926, Una - ahape, Lelgbton avenue. Red Bank. Fhoae 1400.* • FURNISHED room ffo r rentt, witib or witith ly altuated; for anyone desiring an all- sectionon;; pricnrlte- 16,50(1. A tea_.__.l . William H. Johnitone. phone Red Bank 1864. . - • • PRIVATE garage tor rent; dead storage, year-round home this ahould be inveati- Agent, "Marth * a Hellermar.," 88- WaehlngU• a . eacrlAce »250. Also OvWand ee- SALESMAN wanted in the Red Bank omce out light boueekeeplng privilege!. II lllt.nr. 81-Weitiida avenue.'- of a well-known organization; college Hudson avenue; phone 838-R, Red Bank. or for generaluee. Mrs. Edward Regen- gated. For partleulara aae Martha Heller- street. Rumson, N. J.. phone Rumion 414. dan, 1926, bargain 1100. Red Bank hard. 92 E.st River road. Rumson. N. J. man, phone 464. Rumion. ALE, baby oarriaga and eewlng ma- BOARDmo at Shrewsbury Manor, In graduate or high school grauuate who haa ONE or two large connecting rooms , SEVEN-ROOEVEN M house, three-quartere acrea a::both.la good condition, wlS tell 'Durant Co., J8 East Front etreet, had at least'two yeara buelnesa experience. HOUSE in Rumson, 185 per month. Se TWO-FAMILY bouie, ail Improvement!; of* ground; electric llghtil wilill tallIBU:fo: r , Shrewahury | enrUUan' family oSera rent; all improvementa; for light houai reaioMOlt. viai»nmUn7jo)mU phone 1446, Red Bank. Addreaa reply, to Drawer Q.,.Jted Bank, keeping; two. blocks from etatlon. 1 Martha Hellerman, agent, phone Ruraeon good location, cornerner lot; ; price rrighiight •2,5002,600- eaib; on Third i-treet. Faiair HaHavtB.v : ard. Thomnton avenue, Leonardo, W. J, guaata delightful home llfei dellcloue N. J., atating quallflcatione. South Bridge avenue. Red Bank.* 484. Bungalow for rent, all improvements, Sea. your own brokerbk , or calll OOwne rbbe. Inquirqi e at 111 Hance road. Faii r HHaven. 8EWINO machine, drop bead, tint claai 'food, large,' airy rooma. Open all WOMAN wanted, white, by the month; 842 per month; possession October lal tween 6:00 and 8:00 P. .M., 116 Hance N. J. J ' • • • • ' :\ ' ^-i •I'UDEBAKER Six iadan,-ln good FURNISHED room, for builneti coup] Agent, Martha Hellerman, phone Rumeon road. Fair Haven, N. J.J*.* eondltlcn; bargain for oulok aale; 26 1D2U year round poeitlon; to do laundry and •TWELVE-ACRE farm for lale, one .Ion; excellent closed car for U00. .year. Ellaabeth Powera, phone 1496. or eehool teaeheraeaehera; five-roomfiveroom apartapartmem r FOR SALE orr to.lefalx-rootlfl m home with Wallace etreet, phone Red Bank 48-R.« aasiat with cleaning; other help kept-- lhd) m f to adur from Red Bank on the Llncroft Tt mumvw •*»«••! •"'""- --»— ——..— -- --. II. Ward, « Lakeside avenue. Bum. Bad Bank, . (furnlahed), or one room for two adur store, opposite high lehool. Blrehman, Phone 1406 Bed Bank.' . Call at 69 Ptera a place. Red Bank.* HOUSE for rent alx rooms and bath; ga- with an eight-room home, wta all THREE-BURNER gaa etova, with oven and 10... : 'J. ' '•' -•••-..,•..• rage: at 19 Worthley street. Inauin P. O. Pox 294. Leonardo. N. J.« able Improvementa t attam "beat tnd broiler I uied only three months. Fairly 1 FARM auperintendent wanted; eapabla man FURNISHED room for rent; all coav.nl DOb;, ;"touring car. for aale. perfeot con- MASON contraotor, eitlmataa ebeerfully to manage • a large .fruit farm; one who at 6V Wallace etreet, Red Bank.* WILL Sacrifice, five-room atueco houae; trio light Varloua fruit orchardi i o. tood condition. Call 62 Eatt llldje road, Phona AUantlo - High. encee; convenient to railroad atation an owner leaving town.' Cash. 1600. Phone 1 dl n. 8100. '- given. Eugene -Soyer, 89 Hudeon ave* haa had experience in harvesting and mar- bue line. Inquire, 119 Bridge avenue, R COUPLE having for Florida would Ilk. farm; Will gall whole or In part, 34H-B. nue, Bed Bank, phone 1467. keting large apple crop preferred. Apply r to aublet their apartment of four roome Red Bank 2017-W,' Red Bank, or 88 Man-farming Implement!. Price I16,"' THB SHORTEST route from eelter to Bank, phone 1287. ning etreet RlverPlasa. N. J. • qulre G. Harry Rlehdale, Lineroft ^u coupe for aale,-In ggod-oondltlon. R. S.. F1NDLAYY, ggenerae l contractor, coconn- to F. O. Box 88. Rumaon. N. J. all Improvements;-until May 1st, 1929 Tiuyer. from employer to employee and 11 Elm place, phone Red Bank H46-J.* FURNISHED bedroom for rent reaeonabli furnished. $80. Phona Rumeon 692-J.* from loser to tinder la a Register Want crett e workk, bribridgebidd , dockdka . and blbulkk- GENERAL houaeworker wanted: good eook: Alio garage. 67 Scuth atreet, Re advertisement. . headt. 288 Spring atreat, phone 1728, referencea required. Phone Red Bank Bank.* HARMON doted car, brand new. Red Bank. XES GERTRUDES apartment!. For 206-J; TWO large adjoining rooms for rent, nice- FOk SAtE, 1400. tea eled, ipeclal model Straight Eight 1 Hat price -11,700. G1HL wmted to help In kitchen. Apply terma and other Information con- 18. tour-paaeenger, with Elto Quad mo- ly furnlthld; all convenlencea; aleo ga- eacrlflce ,,11,000. Bee Dre.ter, 118 LANDSOAFB gardener! new grounde 20 Broad atraet. Red Sank, delicatessen rage: three mlnutea' walk to station and sult renting agent, A.. J, Schiller, tor. Can be teen any day or evening at store.* CvP. Irwln'a yacht basin, ShreweSury West Front,etreet,,phone 681-M, Red laid out and tplantedt.old grounde bus lines. Inquire at 186 Bridge avenue, Standard real estate agenoyi 80 Mon- river. Red Bank. Phona Red Dank t, or Improved and beautified. Treea and YOUNO girl wants a place to assist with phone 636-B. M»»y'Blliabeth-Smith, 11 North MldfanJ Bank. .; housework; or as mother's helper; after mouth atreet phone 788, Red Bank. thrubbery tpreyed and pruned. Ad- S1CELY furnished room for rent; all li avenue, Arlington, N. J., phone Kearney aehool and Saturdaya. 18 Maple avenue. provementi: alio garage; gentlem Farmers Can Prof it NA81I coach, in Ant dan running condl- vice gladly given. N. Buttcrbaoh. Red Bank, back of lunch room.* ^^ ppreferrede . Phone 1017-M, Reed DnkDank. HOUSE of .even rooms, with bath, eleetrl city, for rent; 200 River street; IS6 pel bObOCKASOCKASC K cooking tlove foforr aala. In googodo tlon. Cheap. Inquire Samuel Davl<, box 282, Fair Haven, N. J.. phone WOMAN wanted, white, by the month; FRONT roome to let, with or without llgfit rereall eetatt, Main atreat, Fort Monmoutb, year round,poiltton; to do laundry and month. Inquire Powers Clothing Co., 19< conditionditi . CCan be teen aatt 41 WtWeettWW e Bad Bank 2042-J. houiekeeping: all improvement!; nice River ttreet. Red Bank.* From Surplus Produce. avenue. Red Bank, phone 1076-R, Red N. aatltt with cleaning; other help kept location, near Droad atreat; vary reaeon. TWO-DOOR Ford for aala. George Oram- Phone 1ID6 Red Bank,* ible. CaU at 48 Wallace atreat, Red NEWLY decorated aix-room bungalow and m»n. 1 Eaet Front atreet. Red Bank.* HIGHEST prlcea paid for .11 kind, ot live Bank. half double house; all improvement!, During the course of a year Monmouth county ArlTi'dUiSs lor tale, hy appointment. poultry* Jacob Becker, 878 8hrewtbury garage for each, Doth altuated on con- Queen Anna wing chair, pair Chippendale avenue, Red Bank, or phone 1639-W, Red MISCELLANEOUS. FURNISHED room for rent, In private crete road; aehool'around corner. Inquin farmers waste hundreds of dollars by throwing-nwny chaira, mahogany bookcaee, mahogany LOCOMOnlLB, H28 Special Six mod- Bank. family; five rolnutaa from bua line, 06 C. W. Crotler, Pearl itreet, Fair Haven, N Harrison avanua, Red Bank.* produce because they can find no immediate mur- dros-leaf table, mahogany divan, crystal el tetlan. colt 88,800; run only PA1NTINO. decorating; paper hanging. J., telephone Red Dank 1082. ehndtllen and lamp, dining room, let. B.00O mllee. "Mr. Durant'a nephew will Bring your problem! to mo. I ean help LEAVING for Europe—You can pur- ROOMS for rent, large pleasant roomi. HALF of double house for rent; 88 Bar. ket for It and becauso in the city markets tho prlca Mrs, W. Parker Runyon, phone 156, Perth near station and river sail Improvements. gen place, lied Dank; six rooms ani Amboy, N. -. aacrinea lame for 1800. Sit Driller, 'ou, Advice and eatlmatea free. Kvery ohate aome of the finest furniture bath! all Improvements; garage. Rent rea. Is so low. that 1 aftor transportation costs are paid Ambov, N. J. ob guaranteed, Boyce Painting Servloe, Rent reasonable. 44. Hector place. Red BIXTEBNIXTKBN , Jiapanne geeii for aalai two Red.Dank Durant Co., 88 Salt.Front J at your own price. Oriental rugi. pi- aonabie. Apply Mrs. J. J. Qulgley, 80 phone BI9-M, Rumeon. Bank, phone »-W.» ' Neptune avenue, Deal, N, J,, phone Dea the farmer has nothing left. braedinlt goatel alao ant qua furniture, atreet, phone 1446, Bed Benk, anoi, Vietrotas, radloo', living,. din- ROOMS, furnished for light housekeeping; 8. fjrvltir Chapel Hill. Atlantic Highland!, HOWARD WHITE, 61 PorUandroad, 28S.J. Htghtandfl, N. J.. houee mover, foanda- Ing and beJroom tultes, Cogswell, all improvements; rent reaionable. No u: J.. bo« 41.' tlona built Phone Hithlanda I279-R. Windsor, wing chain and rocker. 1 ohlldren. Oarage space, If needed. 42 AN UNUSUAL house, with live roome ant In the surplus that a farmer wastes lies n good heelers comple y netallaJ KORD Tudor tidan, Model T, perfeot con- R»etor place. Red Bank.* oompietiiy Inetallad antique!, daybadt, ebtlte loungee, ma- bathl attractively and fully furnished profit. One way to get an Immediate market for anywhere, 898 to 8160, lpa Iurn.ee dltlonl little usedl beater and all ac-CHIMNEY sweeping, William V, Dlete. alll modern Improvementeovemnte,, garage attaehedattached, eatlmaleal heal guarantat. Terras. Btovol, eeieorlei, May be seen at Mount-Knjll.h rich, 42 Lelghton avenue. Red Dank. hogany and maple bookcaeee, datkt, UNFUUKNISHED rooma for rant! pl.es- n Phona 1884. - antly looated, neaear bua for Long Brancanch Addre.s F"uurnlshe1 Lewi. Hrett, Eaton- Dank. Drop earl er phonat tepreientaUira will CKMENT bloeke, aldawalka and meson and ReRd DankDk, >1 Li Ht Eaton in tho Want Department of Tho Rcghtor. call, C. Merrltt, authorlied branch Kal. worki alia rockfaee. Pater DaPontl, 246 furniture, floor and table lampi, flrt- town, N, J.* HOUSE for rent, 81 Plnckney road; read] amaaoo »lo«f Co., 404 Newark avenue, BUSINESS NOTICES. Shrewsbury avenue. Red Dank. Phona Red toola and Iront, tewing maohlne, firet nf October. Apply to W. D. Ane. Bradley. Peach, N. J,, phone 8010.11, UAIITON CHAMUKIlLAIN, contraotor.and Dank 464-J. bro., 222 Dergen place, Ked Dank.* Porhaps tho former has a field of hay he hasn't bronaaa, atatuary, palntlnga, draper- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. FOH IIENT, furnlshot; newly renovatei bullion jobbing eepecially. 161 Sou In J. 0. E8C1IELBAC1I * SON, lit Was. •treet, «»d Bank, phona I6I6-W, ite, bric-a-brac, gliding and porch' lnilda and out; two-room bungalow, wit! tlmo to cut, or mayba he has an orchard of fruit, BBAUTlFUL tolld mahoganr and wal- Front itreet. Red Bank, phona 1111. OAItAGR lor r.nt Phone 1416-W, or eall Improvements, for couple or two adults; oi OAK WAH11INO dona at the Jonee Servlea Auto accenorlee and tulcanlalng. couchet, wardrobe cloiete, trunka, at 6 Illvarllile avenue, lied Bank, which ho would llko to soil or berries and product nut radio table, cabinet. Ueak, book. Rtatlon, llrldge avenue, . Alk for Ham. combination eoal and gen rangea, with bus line l low rent through winter month NRW~FiLO'(5iia ro.Je pirfect at imaircoiT 1'hnn. IIunMon 431, of various kinds which ho'feels are n low to him, eiat, illnlm room tnd IWIng room- Telephone Hod Bank U8i. ilave your new floore flnlihid by a floor boiler, Imtantaneoua hot water heater, IlKAL IIAIIOAIN for $11,000, easy furniture) alto eontente. of a nine- iV^WItiiKH'.heaJ.iUart.r.. Typawrlltrt ntachlni lit tba flrit place—'It aavaa mom* I1OUHH for rent, with «n», eliotrlo, run IIo can find an. Immcdlato market for hl> product old. T eleetrlc fixture., btilillng ami Ihou- lermti built three yeara 1 teven- hlng water, ituluor toilet] rent very low room houtel will eaerlflea, Mre. Wil- rented, rrubln't, II In the end. Phone llalph II. Blekele, Keil and realize a (food profit by describing fully whnt nroa(l atretf, ueu uanw, ' UanV. for eitlwate. •anda of other articles. HIV Monmouth room houm. all Improvimtntil with ran at »1 Ufsmtx »tr"l, ltum«(.n, N. J, liam llanee. 862 llroail atreal, phone VFi-UOOM'buhKalitw on Mtinroe avenu^ UUNHY— ISO terlilll quickly and eo».CAIt waehlng my apeelally* I guaraaiee atreet, 11. .1 Dank, *un ptrlor, open flrtptaae, copper ho wants to sell In an advertisement in The Iligla- for rentl heltiir pnlnted and repaired Itril Dank I«CI.< fldintlally loinul on household, furniture you ia lalufletoryJob. Let ma prove • oreeni, awnlnga, with a two-ear ga- or notes. No embaraallng Investigations, gas, elfotrlcity MIMI running wittwr lit kltoh- ter. It will cost only 25 ccnta for thirty words nml my ability. Charlea A, Jones, r"perl auto- _ JetToni lauiihti tiiulu or children] me 1 live mlnutee to Red Hank eta- Hi bonuuuieei or fenfeel.. LawfuLawfal Iptirtit jnl» mobile washer at Uoro lluastt. Int., Olobe •n; 120 pir limnth. I'linne BH2-J, Reil will most always prove 0, valuable Investment. l'KbKiliKEiTiT ilon terTIVri (or sallejmaTe e aiotw ratee reasonable. Uiltlulpli Knlcalharit, 17 tun, aehoolt, two blucV* from huaiii; Dank, or avvply Mr*. Robert O, llaius, It) Two ynan or ieti la repay loan i: fully ai you can becauso jiooili for eelei whit* enalmt! antl out removal In iiimi from III to MOD. bui, porcelain llneilt capacity 100 6076. Bupervl.lon o( Stale Ing de of Jobbing attended to by an ex- lieo itrivtl 10.00 monthly. Apply I-oul rartment. . Repayable monthly, lawful Interest, prompl "l.KH (If.MlltlUr'.a." 'itUtrsl.le Qardena' Snhat, 7 Uroad street, Ked Dana, or phon j| flkt newi oak parlor table, Isimi, perienced oarpinter. Write or phone eervlce. Write, pnone of call. Industrial "Tha MOT. YOU Tell dlnlna toontl trunk, new, tia«er uieSl WiS UaP10.rJj A. .MiJt^iM ^.filriV?- 'ana bulkU.q builder. Portablortable DOAIlDKlta wanted] ean give eacellent Monmouth elnet, or phone Red Hank III, Oltarella, 7ft Monmouth atreet. Red Dan board In private family I bait of lead I I^diirnlbTrl'r, sia-Voo'm house, ali improve- iBroad itrial, Eatontown, 1 and (loate a epeelalty. A. a. 1. nirasAu, remover of dead phone •«. • • . . .. 16 Oakland itnet. Bin hanka . Dank M40.W. ood hut. , Itiaionatile, Dodgt Farm, ninte, ID Ghtitnut atriat, Inquire II le-ccunl ef moving,* , Phone Red umson rotd, Little Oliver, N, J. itiiiAHANT hiime oF*iT« rooms and hat aonThaml1 all lurnie ana mortgage) lit. UHNITUIIH repairing and reflnlehln.l an- R Chestnut itreit. Rail lunk.* aarage, nn llerien pli'nl 152 per month RSTtATfrJicorr^''.'''' "?« •". •»'"!?!' IV k» Joan r bond" an 1 lent ,heet«> ch««t> (H "• Id anofid, tr will Aiuy.me.rti rea tlquea a apeelaltyl eipert cabinet jjnalarjnna a WE 1IUY and cell ivsrrthlng, Aid "t? or rent, furnlurntertetsi llaillng boiler, 'loo r il« orto nlbla imUderi olf, |lvtryu J, ftrrli, It InitUute tlreett Free flrepiacei garagei for rent reasonable to tttfriihit it lioma every min hopt- Mvm roomn hounJll ii nU goodr orjeri 110. holoi W. J. reliable party. Adilrait Furtilihid llcuie, own te oltered to you In tent by thl 1MB tl 111 UroKd Unit, phone Red Dink O, L, QUANT, Everett, II, J,, aarplnlir WANT twelve yellnw loousl poite, twalve drawer M, Bed Bank,* yean bungtlnw type, loeiled on a largi plot of grminil, surrounded hy flna homee Tl« .. - - - . | .I,,. • i -i i I ' .i i r| Mt auiojaio'lVwainar new i^e^rTe and builder I all work guirantiidi ehare. (ea(lt long an(andf no Itsless. than eight innhrInnhrts Fdlt IlKNT op sals) sle-rnoin houee ana rqH ikii, Hurt (lutumi rounlirs, ihilv of Iha waiji tlant at Ihtlloro Dut.te. ei reiiunable, llomei, garagai, porch en. In dlimitit r it ththe liultilultll fairllllyy ilralghllalhll barm, with one in twelve term ope •onlalna (!»• ronmi, hnl walir heal • T» and wall can.l niarlr niw, We art . Cllnbe Court anr) HeiVanlMeitai e Unit eliiiurti, poullff" hou diameter doee net Inrlurl* hara, Mueh- I mile eaei of llolmdet, Former Cirton or lerga lift! rtr»l'l»r». porch anil garage Myrfiie. will Mil theat. lnaulft III. (lit tout IU watliid wblli la iiwat . lirv tnd retain, ''lttady mini's Coal Yard, Uilfurd, N, J., phont I Xnnltinaar ptartl ponaiilnn March ' ' 1100, llaillcy.llall, HI) Monngutk.itrttl Wtr/li *l«>U lUMte lid Dana. tie luainUid Call, writt pi Sim* , ke»oibur» ill, Jhirea ii«0M»»biU, Hclmail, M, .. phone R«« Bank UII. •TIED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER U9.' W2Bi

of which $3 were overgrown with, weeds. . - • , • • • Afwayo s.vfV.'SJ F0U.OW THE CftOWDS TO THE" The Home IX a HANCC, iiiMliu Uttn. Some time ago the chamber of commerce tried to get the mayor and of ' THOMAS IRVTNQ BBOWM, council to pass an ordinance to re- A BmlnMt M»nn»r. quire lot owners to keep their lands . .Real mowed. The object of this request Good STRAND PritMl was not to protect folks, against hay THEATRE ""^ k Music ! HuntHuntiin months fever but to improve general' ap- Show ! aonttii pearances and to remove obstruc- RED BANK • - Phone 6S3 T«!tpbon««>—JUS Bank 11. tions to a clear view at street cor- BASTFRONT ST. Had Bank 1100. ners. The mayor and council did not comply with the request because TODAY & T6-M0RROW-Last Two Days .' TBUBraoNav'ai WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19, 1928. they were unable to find any law which would rive them the right to WILLIAM Tea. presents regulate private property in this The Greatest Heart Story TOWN TALK. Ever Toljl 1 , > (Continued from page 4.) A similar request made to the Senator Larton and board of health might put the ques- SEE IT! Hi* Legiitlative Record. tion on a different status. Doctors Among the campaign Blogans say that the pollen of weeds cause It's Wonderful'! blazoned throughout New Jersey Is hay fever and it would seem, there- one which reads: "On his record fore, that a lot covered with weeds JOHN FORD elect Morgan F. Larson governor." is a menace to health. If this is so COME EARLY . Mr. Larson is at present represent- it would seem that owners of weed- covered lots .could be compelled to ing Middlesex county as senator. FOR CHOICE SEATS. —IN— His choice of a slogan will not remove this menace to health the Big as the Heart of Humanity pi-ove a fortunato one for him If the same as other property owners are voters examine hit record and pajs obliged to keep their places free judgment unbiased by partisan zeal from conditions which cause disease. on his action in the legislature last However, it is a question for doc- FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPT. 21st and 22d year in voting for the toll roads ors, lawyers and health authorities to settle. Greater than "The Road to Ruin" and "The Naked Truth" • • • "The Scarlet Ufa" This outrageous bill, would have Whatever may be done, every hay given to corporations the right tofever addict will feel like giving seize strips of land 250 feet wide three cheers for the Red Bank cham- ,'.'• and operate them as toll roads. -Itber of commerce. Even though it IQ ACTS OP- would have brought back the old- may prove impossible to regulate the time toll collections and all their matter by a town law, the agitation ; 'evils. It required eleven votes for which the chamber of commerce has this bill to pass the senate and started will probably cause many lot it received just the required number owners to keep their places mowed : because of civic pride. There are 4 VAUDEXILLE 4 ...... -l«St votes for passage. Senator Lar- ion,by voting against this bill, few vacant lots' considering the size would have brought about a of the town and for this reason it . .well deserved defeat of the measure. should ,be comparatively easy to im- ,It. is to the credit ,of William A. prove conditions, whether this be Thursday; Friday, Saturday. September 20th, 21st, 22d Stevens, who is Monmouth county's done by a town law or by. suasion,. —ON THE SCREEN— representative in the senate, that he • * • did not vote for this bill. Because hay fever seldom results

'•'•'"• ,;:" • • • fatally there is a disposition by some • For, 75 years the people.of New folks who are immune from it to A^Jersoy -fought for the' abolition of rHSke-llghtTjf-itr—One-thing which joad toll collections, and Senator these people apparently do not con- IiMson and others of his kind voted sider is that this-ailment weakens to saddle this burden on the people resistance to other diseases, thus ex- again. It was hot a partisan meas- posing its victims to dangers not shared by most folks. Aside from MAR.IA ALBA on ure by any means. Democratic sen- that' it is not a good advertisement tors, as well as Republican senators, for the town to have 83 lots covered IN THE GREATEST LAUGH OF THE SEASON- . votedfor the bill'.'and the Demo- with weedB. cratic governor of New Jersey ap- LIONEL EARBYMORE . proved it It was only one of many StortyHilUPHURN-ScnwiriobyJOHN 5ICM examples showing how the two par- Boy Scant* Set ties get together, after the sham RICHARD ROSSOLM Example in Thrift. battles and excitement of election PRODUCTION campaigns', to put things over. The members of the boy scout "How to Handle Women^ ;: • • • roop of the Red Bank Baptist : The bill gave such a rank and rawshurch are making large use of the deal to the public that it aroused a ruck which they recently bought. storm of protest from one end ofThey have gone on several outings the state to the other. Various nd camping trips and they haVe ;arned a considerable sum towards ^newspapers which are not party or- 1 gans, and which do ,not wear the bit the cost of the\truck by using it to Biggest Vaudeville Show Yet Snd bridle of party bosses exposed make deliveries wr shoppers and to the outrageousnets of the bill and do a general express business after .•jaUkd public sentiment against it. school hours. The boys spent $60 ,The^t>i«$)artlsanj combination that ;or the trucks arid they will probably IStHSGAYJHNO D'ANDREA and WALTERS passed thtr measure did not dare to let the worth of many, times that •retain -it. They fled from the pub- mount of pleasure out of it It is APPEARING RURAL —WITH— lic wrath that waa to come by re-a whole lot more fun for the scouts TAVLRN REALLY A . pealing the bill at a special session o ride together on the truck when •of the legislature. Only a few of ;hey go on trips than to" ride in HALF WAY STATION .the legislators who originally voted rivate cars. ON THE HIGHROAD Kay Bollingers & Serenading Misses for the measure had the hardihood * * « to vote for it "when it came up the The boys are letting a valuable TO DESTRUCTION fecond time. xample in this era of tag days and

• :• • • » money begging. Instead of asking For the repeal of this rank law no ie public for contributions and HOWARD & W* E. RICHIE 'thanks are due to the members of playing a panhandle role they are the legislature who first voted for it earning what they need. Along with NORWOOD and then voted against it. It was athe example of independence which A mad melodrama & CO. victory for intelligent public opin- they are showing, they are ex- EXTRA of dickers and suckers ion. Senator Larson was amongperiencing a lesson in thrift which those who voted to repeal the meas- will be more beneficial to them than ADDED among the white lights ure. In doing so he stated that when reading books on this subject. More FOUR SINGING MARINES he voted for it originally he (lid not power to the scouts. ATTRACTION of the frd/ realize it was an undesirable "law. » i a» • Cart Collide at Eatontown. * * * Last Thursday afternoon cars CHET ARTHUR'S ORCHESTRA. • If Mr. Larson did not know what owned by Mrs. Lydia Williamson of he was voting for when he gave his Philadelphia and William Warwick TOM TYLER approval to this measure, how can of Freehold collided on Tinton ave- THREE COMPLETE SHOWS SATURDAY—2:30, 6:45, 9:00. •tt be expected that his course in the IN HIS LATEST PICTURE, more important office of governor nue at Eatontown. Betty Oakes, •will not be marked by the same kind four years old, received an injured of mistakes? In an exciting cam- shoulder and several cuts and The Cherokee Kid" paign such a record may be forgot- bruises on the body. She was treat- ten and party real will dominate to ed, at the Long Branch hospital. Bet- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 24th, 25th, 26th the exclusion of everything else, but ty lives at Freehold and she was rid- Comedy, "FELIX IN POLLYT1CS." LATEST NEWS REEL. the record should not be forgotten. ing with Mr. Warwick. HERE AT LAST! V Mr. Larson is the only candidate for governor^ on any party ticket who It cays to advertise in The Register UNIVERSAL'S SUPER PRODUCTION. voted for the toll roads bill. Inde- A GREAT SHOW! pendent voters who dont fall down AT-EASE and worship party gods wont forget this record on the toll roads bill,> In Why Not Enjoy Yourmlf at these days of extreme partyism the EAGLE LODGE? 4 Days—Commencing Monday, September 24th Independent vote may not amount Price! that art right—Good Cookini to much numerically, but regardless Extra goad Clam Chowdtr and Si. Food •s you Ilka It. Direct from The Roxy, New York. of whether it is large or small Mr. Spica lor Dancing and a*|ood Urn. (or all. /Larson is not going to find adher- SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR ents, (except among corporation? CLUBS, LODGES and OUTINGS. Uncle Tom's Cabin iwhich want to grab and operate Lei*, gat tof.th.r—(er you eant beat It. roads), by any slogan which cnlln . Sp.cl.1 altanlloa to Nlfht Supper.. SIX MONTHS ON BROADWAY AT $2.00 PRICES. attention to his record on the to!! ON roads bill. Main Highway la Atlantic Highland. Oppoillt Darilda lUlghti D.v.]opm«nt TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING. BELFORD, N. J, ANOTHER BIRTH OF A NATION. H«y Fev»r Victims ' Find a Champion. Continuing with "Our Greater Motion Pictures." —ON THE STAGE— j The hay frvcr patients of Rcil !Bank have found a champion. The Red Bank chnmbcr of commerco is 'coming to their rescue, It is well that someone is coming to the rescue of theso folks, for their plight at Maxima this time of the year when the pollen The Southland Revue of ragweed and other vegetation Alls tho sir ought to excite sympa- thy. Hay fever mny not be n par- HE greatest degree of ticularly'dangerous ailment, but It Tnfety combined with IE COLORED SINGING & lubtnicti materially from the Joy of the best obtainable yield, living. balanced to iuit your *9 DANCING COMEDIANS # * • needs, ii whit we strive Tho chnmbcr of commerce In com- ing to tho rescue of the liny fever for In offering you invest- vlctlmi by xtnrtlng n crutnilv to hnvc ment mggcitions. weodo cut down on vacant loti. The chamber of commerce! membcra hnvo received advice on thin matter from doctor! who have told them that hiy Plantation Pastimes ftver would be grcntly reduced, if The Star of "Soventh Hcnven" and "Street Ansel" It Again Here, Hot entirely eradicated, In th« town NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! by doing aw»y with all weeds. Th

PERSONAL.' lilted several of Mm. Qulnn's retv a-p|y^WJEBPi^Cj^;;?g;:i: er, Mrs/Bella Gehlhaus, Mrs. Ab- Monmouth Baptist cHurcb.• by ,Rev.' liCkil) tol : l ;i :ie. L. Bennett, Miss Harriet' Mc- H, Pierce Simpson,, The newly mar-, iJEayinwrdI John§?(ijf iojjotCharlei Jamei G, VanNoitrand, ion o"f Al- "•?;: ;-;v':V-^toiit^^EraBio'BJV'- ;iv'- : Nally, Mrs. Mary Palmer, Mn. Fan- ried couple are living In a house on. Johnion of Hudaon avenue, wat op- ,..^^Syin|N«itrah4i:Pf;':Branclv Miss Gladys Stout, daughter of ie Seeley, Warren Palmer,- Mi.'s Fllrroy Walllng's farm, The. groom • cirj|t»a^^lMt'Jij|^jk'V»fc.;tJi»i'. l#ni avenue/ l*ft Saturdey.fof the Unt- Thomas 3. Stout of Estontown, and osephlne Bennett, B. S. Conover, Is employed there. - • ' >.. ' : •" Leon's Branch ho»pltM.ior ajmehdlcUM. Ht[Wrsljqr of ppittab^rg, ^HKr? i^wjll William Cl Emmons, son of Sylvsnui Miss Lillian Gehlhaus, Mn, Anna : 1 "^ritlnueJiis.ourse; jn • deijtl j^jr^';?p. Emmoris, also of Es.tontown, we" Horner, Miss Loufoe Mielhelm, ' Boliek—-Morning. • • : 1 1 ,. 3Hary»ii;4Sraa«.ln^n:-^f#Eajon: ~;,L«o.Shu»term»n, manager of the married last'Wedneidayafterrioon. ames M. Lufsky and Miss Virginia Miss Irma Boliek and Gregory H. ; Column town, WJIO^'JIM cbeaif: rtil«f < ticket Strtj^thi.ater;' has. •:a'3e/teS$d*. .The ceremony' was performed at Elrath.: '•:.•••;___ ''-". ' ;,- • Morning of Seabright were married M. H. JACKS, Mtnigih 1 s^nt at the Red Bank railroad ita< t^e Eatontown Presbyterian-church ••;••',•..';•.;.••;••''sutlt-Hawkini. • August 17th at the Seabright Meth- THREE COMPLETE PERFORMANCES DAILY tlon, Ii now ticket agent tt the A»' Mlu Vivian B, Bralste4,'(of Maple b,y the pastor, Rev. Leroy Y, Dlllem odist church by Rev. Samuel R. 1 (Mils Josephine Sidell, daughter . Matiniw, 2:30. Evening., 7|00 and 9iOO. • bory . Parfrat^oh^v^-p' ,fe;&;>/ avenue has entered Keukacolleg* br. The chu'rchwM decorated with f Mn. John Sidell of West street, Latham. Announcement of the mar : Saturdays and Holldaya, Contlnuout 2i30-H>00 :C*arlei >flcolUttl of River- street at;; KeuW!;;Pftrk^e^-'Yorfc;;Wllliam (olden rod and dahlias ind the cou arid Charles;.A. Hawkins of Irving ria'ge was made .yesterday. The at- hoi taken a-position with the Slfr •'E.VBraUted^iIr,; ha* becord?-an;as- pie were married under anarch'of place, were married Monday morn- tendants were Miss Thelma M. t; ! ; mund EUner cQJripahy,y: •'' v ,' sociate secretary on the headquar- hydrangea and laurel. The brida Dg with a. nuptial mass at Si Replogle and Daniel F. Creed of .^A^oiBrjiMvOigAjbMiarlCt ters ,K((ff,:of. the national council of was given In manage by her father. Tames'i church by Rev. John B. Mc- Seabright. The couple are living at LAST TIMES TO-DAY! who U.cmployed by the Union News the itudenti of young-men's Chris- Miss Eleanor W«lc'ott of Eatontown Cloikey. The bride wore a rose Reedsville, Pennsylvania, Where the THE company and- lit well known, here, was m»ld of honor. ; The brides ; tian s«oclatl6na, at'tlja general of beige ensemble suit and a, hat to groom is teaching school. , . •pent'last week with h'saunV at Nl 1 1 1 / j; ; i maids 'were Miss Helen Sickles of SEE ifiee«^t Niw;Xor»i.J' Vr '»;; ...--- 5 - match, Her.slster, Mrs. Joseph Bray, HISTORY OF agaia Fall«. i;'; P::.^. :••;-• • \;.ftl r, Leon. Wblcbtt-'of', Madison avenue Eatontown,. MIM Elitabeth Travis of -. • Earl—Mcl(«an, . . Mortimer VanSauter of 8h,reWi- Aabury: Park -and. Mils Florence who wai bridesmaid, was attired in | s taking a jaw course at New York tan suit and hat. Joseph Bray was Mrs. Adelene Earl'of RUnuonand bury avenue and T^omai Scott of unlyewlty;^'1 V.;;v;X ''^'.u '^-V'i :••] Hanlsh of Long Branch. Melville S. Embury McLean of Brooklyn were Emil .Jannings CKetthuS street havtjvretjuriied'from; Stout, a brother of the bride, was grobrntman. DRY : ;.,W.\'t!dg[ar,d|mse. 'of Washington, married September 12th at the »•'week's'vacation^jj(fCjnada.' , :':•" street la confined to) the i bed with groomsman. The ush'ers were Rus- 'The couple left on an automobile home of the bride by Re.y." Robert Samuel Talarlco 'of' Deforest; aye'' typhoid ;fever»' Mr, -iDenise Is om; sell' • At Stout, a. bijother.of the CLEANING : tip to Washington, D. C. Mr. Haw- MacKellar, rector of Trinity Epis- . ' ••••••• -IN- •••"'•'•K?^<:i?,t?$rM. niie spent; Sunday 'at '.Bethlehem, ployed';. at •; theiJSrpad^itreet bank;: bride; Joseph Carrol of Red Bank, a tins is building a new house on Wi- copal church of Red Bank. They Pennsylvania, with iriends ijfho are ,.14r. and Mrs.iAnthony Webber,of cousin of the bride, and Edward Em- kqff place and the newlyweds will c-ft on a two weeks' cruise on their .,attending L?hlgh inlversltyi' •.'••-; ;.i; Linden place, spent' 'Sunday: with mons, a brotherof the groom, < occupy the house as soon as it IsJ 'Robert Whnicn of Oakland street ncht Aeolus and on their return friends at Atlantic City. : The bride was attired in a gown completed. FUR CLEANING Is employed »' Christ." At night Hanish was dressed in n green satin jflss Nettle D. Algor, daughter of ty was held at Mrs. Conover1 a cleansing furs has been re- Miss, Thelma Mustoeof Oaklani there will be special music and a ser- gown with a hat to match and car- Frederick R. Algor. of Holmdel and home. Miss Minton went to her sis- leased to the world. Synchronized Sound Musical Score. street and Allss^Bth'errAusfalloI niori on "In'Whom-'AH ^Things Hold ried a boquet of pink tea rosesi Eugene W. Eastman of New York, ter's house with the intention-of at- Throckmorton avenuo are student Together/'j'A church business meet-' . Mrs. Edward Hobbs of Shrews- were married Tuesday night of last tending a' sewing club meeting and nurses at the Spring-Lake hospital: ing. will -follow the mid-week service bury played the wedding march and week at the Little Church Around she was greeted on her'arrival by . Like carpet cleaning years Mlssj.Mlldrid Barrett; of Maple tonight,- '••":.' ''•••>:.^,--:\"->-:•,:<" Miss Sylvia Aul of Red Bank sang. the Corner at New York. The at- the party guests. The house was ago,' the time honored meth- THURS., FRI., SAT., SEPT. 20th, 21st, 22d uvenue and Miss Nan Mahon of Fair The bride's gifts to. her attendants tendants were Miss Margaret Han- fancily decorated and a social time od in the so-called "clean- Haven aro on an automobile trip to were. crystal bead necklaces. The Ion and William J. Hill of New was enjoyed. A luncheon was served, groom's gifts to the groomsman and Ing" of furs was orginally a SEE Virginia. Miss Mary ReUs of Lin- METHODIST RALLY WEEK; York. A-reception was held at the Miss Minton was the: recipient of dusting process. . den iilace accompanied' them as far ushers were cufflinks. :•' More • than apartments of J. W. Farron of New many fine gifts. • as Baltimore, where she; will visit lOO; persons attended, the ceremony SPECIAL EXERCISES WILL BE York, a friend of the groom. The The party guests were Mrs. Henry relatives. : - . • .- - ": •• :'.':'••'-'.• -,. at the church. HELD AT EATONTOWN. bride received' r;.any fine gifts. At Francis, Mrs. Asher Irving, Mrs. Sawdust, magnesia, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Saro Sharabba A reception was held after the present she is at the homo of her John Grant and Mrs. Ada ConOver other gritty substances were of Bridge avenue motored' last week From Sunday, September 23d, to church ceremony, at the home of the parents at Holmdel. The newly mar- oS Red Bank; Mrs. Henry Ritscher, worked into the fur by hand' to Elmlra^New York,'., and'.visited the 30th, Rally Service. Will ba bride's parents. More than fifty close r;cd couplo will start housekeeping Mrs. Edwin Wilson, Mrs. Henry and then dusted out. The their son, Anthony Sharabba, who H*ld by the Church Socletlea and friends .and! relatives';were present. soon.at New York. The groom is Wilkins, Mrs. Charles Flocke, Mrs. natural soils of the pelt, as isa member of Dan Fltch'a min- the General Congregation. The- house was decorated with employed there as room clerk of the Clarence Campbell, Mrs. Sherman well as those acquired from strel troupe. From'Elmlra the niln- --Theweeic.beBinningnbxt Sunday streamers^and^cutjBowers In a pink Berk8hire'_hQtel,_. • Kuntr-Mrs.—William—Hunt,-MrSi -contact with the human body strels went tcTGrajfidf Rapids,;] l4 pu*' ulitouiuo < ANVdIAIOD ONId33NION3 pue ONI1V3H NM3OOW ;• 4)unan iqj 10 ii«io44ng iqt iq p»ji|i jo ouo p9)uaj nui( au^ni '|o|iifj puu ui 3uio3 p|noi|i no^ "oupajg |BJJU3£j pu* p*1|joi aq l||a ••*•••'»• n<" J* »l*» '•oiodjnd luuopuoj.i.ij piiu |vuoi} •• IIi utqii.iqm .q| | tutung no iiunotra §111 Wm mill XOBIII) «| »»|1ON -VDnpa JOJ pomi oq 0| i{3jni{3 aqi iq psSlUMCnS St 3J '3[(]L')Jod pUD JCDIIUOU •pnil»»p 'uort 'D init||.j» •J*|I 0) U0|1|ppU'UI JO; Arnold 3)|UJ 0) UIUJJOJCI « ouipno 0) ii|»]uo) j«o'« •03? 'XUIOOJ /j3ui3jjxj cr JJ «[io tpasu JSASU JJ "TaiyfjNVA Ul|1 JO >30)UIU) pUU •aJjd-ujcjp JO UBJ *4|JCJ 9|8u;s u J(usci[ qj 'jJinb '|)93vulBp BHAV Ounoq J|3l|J, ' •||unsnun si j;—JojcjaSujay 3HJ33|g |BJDU3C) O)JOJ ^dDMi qD|l(.tt OUO3|J4I11| ^l||] U| / |)3d«Dt3 X||IUU; puu JO)S|K J.)l| V H JO »3cjuB/pB i?u!pucjsino sip dn iuns oj; ot minimal joi )>»uod«i~pu« iiinouiuoia: jo 4tuiwg »m jo iniouns •iii ill piinl U| J0}8|B J0|| mo.; ppu* PMlpm aq HIM 'pilHlip p|.p| BJ JO ajljaa |)0A|030J 6Ul| l|)I10UI •ill |||oM|>iui i 1U|A|AJ|A|JM Miqiiaiqnii iiqq j jo ijtijtanoiianoiii *qj jijimm UIA| UIA|«« iqiiiiqiiiqiiiuu ff)) IOIJ IIOIJOOO U ?Joj ;o X

XN JO.mawa-mag ao latiov || -UMOJ UAA0}3[pp|H JO UI3}t^8 |OOip« dNVj JINVUi IVNOUVN aNpoirs 31111 'UOSJOd i(j3A3 JO iptJOJ O||qnd oqj pos|UJd on -}qa[u Xup IMV I 'JdiB r *K 'Pioqaiiji paj*Q -ung qsjnqs itpdan mnoiuuojt MS.VJ > '4aq|4Dtqna pin *qj jiu|H* jojajtqj »m>i)5l 4|aqj Jo pajlaq <•«• Ol(J 1« BDJAJSI ,,ma|ll I00l|3»,, BlfJ JB •JO; aq |||H jaqi 40 'janjo p|*auoj* BI|J JO^BDJD nd|au|jd oq-j BU JO «»p li|j UJOJJ amuoui xia UIUJIK 'qjao 'uuojtun jo Hot 3qj s3uuq ya\\% , 4ipun '•!»)•• p|ll ii(| )au|i>* apuiuiip JO uiooqansoo UBUUOJ pu* Ijqap 4|aqj 'p|aiajo]« a* 4Oi«4JB|U|Ujpii '4iq|4oiqnf iqj 01 jjqiqia oj .pn*iaip p|ii jo pnpojtl paisa^ amp '3ut -IBS •"> ^"PHJ oiuoq tunjoJ ||IA\ qs J < l»qj pjpodxo s( ;i -siuaipuoddi! 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B UBAB '%o\ pua ainoi{ 'ouiwij^ *y H'1I8 .»•!»• •J»||I/A «« CO'QJ. »nu»A« Hauvjg.081 •OM •JOI pn* unoq •HUOMH aauitr 'puijj AW jo JO dsq u ••"•• »i|a «a|a 18 'OR HHo!! pu* J.S3M * ' ,'jo| puv Ofnoi{ 'ivtuaqx uu -Bjtn B 3A«q ;on pip •anoq 'utnoolg ll«*H P ** a|« am pjBAvoi uoi)nqu)uo3 C — pu* oinoq *i»i8uBCl a istid 3u|punq -uuaj pua ojqo ". . _ zvzn teen •nn 10 *p|i niMt tlo *st dij? auqouioina- UB UIOJJ- I *io[ puv an •»0| pa* •nioq1u*«u4»U814 J • anuiAf JII»O»J ft amoq psiuniaj mnomuojij TB'BBt . puv etnoi{ g yu. u [B^dSOlJ I •jo[, ptt* aiooq jo 2ui[[BAi AVIUOH T 'MK P"B un tt'Ot jo 9p|i •IIMWA* janrai jo 3uip[jnq 3\u\\3 '[|B3 sssuisnq ^uaSjn us ** *"•• anusAV puouiuiniQ jopwuoa j -qans sv pjos aq J|IM pu« >8'09 ' ' anuiAi j jo ){n83J 3q) sa 3UB|dj|B Xq jgnoo *}Ot puv otnoq 'pivppoo Xfj "JOI pa* lanoq '4iq aq} 01 dpi) 8 uo jaSussgBii • *;o[ puv a«noi| 'UOIJ ei'aoi't "*" «««•...»...——. jawii qinoiavopi jo ap|l. qj4ou *)O[ a^inb lou s» )nq spooS MSU JJB SXV sSny a«aqx B BBM Xnuaaai ajj 'ujaouos aauBuy I6'8 pui IU|p||nq 'ii>jt4JB « JHCii] B Xq paXo[dui3 si uidaqo -JJI -Suuds ii'iit HBJ|i qjnomuow 10 ap|a qj4«u p •jo| pn* lanoq OniUJB ? J»1"l aqi ui pjoj[3Q 0} Sujujniaj' jo • 'jo* puv Jufpnnq 'uoftpi »BJO3D ii'«j» """JBB4JI iijnouiuow ipia qj4ou MO; B UI»3O[[OD OJ jjasq o3 04 i}33(I ""•nuoAv imung *|ii»j flj' *OM 3ft 0) 3UOS .'io( puv emou,, 'uoixii •utanj •JOI pu* luipnnq ••"Jiaia ntui! ti'aa • *..««••• jaa4ja 1'vtJ jo ap|i asnoq s ][auuo3 ' 16'fl ' • • * • 0nuvAV JIII 'joi pu* unoq 'i[ -— ( . puouiutnid uo )O| 'jCqdJnw WH& ""JII4JJ«M»I I4*M J1O0 ap]*p|al )iaa »0»0| -3K 'ML "0 '•'a SuiXdnsao uaaq 8A3q : B»'I8 J pu*• imounoq 'qwnq'q«nqoo ji|J'lldtj a ui|it||it| u JM pu« '03 ' puv ainoii 'iui*liltM * "W 'MS •••jsaija BJIUM jo •pit iij4oij4ou uuoo • fjiuiB; PUB uidsqo SOB|[BAA i »?•»» ^uataSAojaiuj ApBojs 2-ji J OJ'IJ ui B; OH •JoqiuooaQ u| amoq pus M ;o •?!• qwou •lS '" M*°M K pa«t[ oq; uo »no EBM aq ut spunod gj paupS snq B^ia mvaqy $«'•• »BMI« uojluinim «i -on '?o| puv t«noi| 'ujoquvg tuvic *jo| pu* unoq lidmB s;q jo.jtvp )s«[ aqi •qoJ£ -jpi -ajoA 0} jaqui3A0M u] : '•nut)A* /JnqiM^jqs Q88 'O«HN *t°'l°ll puvv oino•inoq '*4-iff '•imAV *'8H tBioip 'OM I01 pu* tinoq MMUOQ aiuitf 'UOIJBOBA jsuiuini sq) Suunp auioq itin}3J 0} 3u;uuB[d EI tvti *' tntlOAV vtjiiafBWAi iv VMIt 'ON • 91'Ott ••••:•- !»•!)• o«»U|qaijtt 11 -on sj oj d K jfl 3IU1Un S| It IBU^ B3JB13 *)O[ puv •tfiou, 'ujoquvg ttuvjqvuujqv, ;u9dQ q qiq ..;* ,...»,..«..•...... « •anusAn v to'tii s,H3qdai«3 jo UO}dUIO0. 'JM '33(81 OBUBJBS 43 XJnqiMlJqs )O[ .'Oioqu*B JUS jo ip|i qinoi uo '(e 'on uos ' injoj Sd .v ' onu»A« »p|r)i»M fit 'JOI pu* »»noq *ji(>|UXOR ituioqr ' *°N( ')°l Puv iinotoqq 'iiuoi*iiuo(iw nMBivf 89-111 ...... WMj, 0|uiq»an '•" «nu»A» u5 ao jo| pa* iinoq MII|BI(I uujqy J }SB[ JO }uads ttitioq 'vijotitpivg itnitiiv ai'eii — "• tnuiA* aojiouii(QO4qx V.S jo uo^dmoo :' *4o( puv vinoq '/•apis' XtjuviB uo jo[ pa* nnoq *»pooo 'j *4nri at'iat JMJIB JUOJ^ »aig jo »p|i QMYH SIH NI ONINOSIOJ •OSB r;.;; •-"•' onuiAV tpjuiBM C& ujnoi uo jpi put unoq 'JJOO "O 'V U'lOt *;*•• »••••— anuiA* ^9»4aMj "at ami} suios psounouuB BOM •ojj "Joi put unoq 'uopjon •U3 aqx ')(30i3(o'aAy.;B 0} /* ' iSU|jds u«uiMtf|. tpit qjj6u uo •••" anuaA* loidaoiji 3UI0t{ S[q *o|{ *jo( pu* vinoq.'tauof ai dag qinouiuopi •••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»••••••••••••• •!|BIJ3J es-08 ta-it Mi...... ""t.»n..i.»....ti...^.Ht.... qaaiji aqi 1* 3qO)3() 'U0OIU3)JB • . ,-^uj• puJJUBi »>nui{ "Hong u*|,iif 0|U*qaBi( uo joj 'auoii»y oiusju s; oqM 'Suunfj -BUI apsj3 isaqSiq puB jto ajnd 35W HI* WOJJCSS JO i •mi '833a qsaij ^[pujs UIOJJ op . - puv oinoo •»jo,i"uoiaiuoi|Xt'lt a «O|JIK; uo iinoq •uoinqof uni -J3W00 put ' jv ?J[ jo sm •Ml •.....'•••M «.«.. )aM)i, jooi.4 B JO ja^Bnb B UO SI N JO t . , , •: -'t *)O( puv otnbq 'Ugiaaioqj, v|[*a jo ;t3»qan«p '< VlJAl psq p|B> U3UI0M. U3UI3IU Mot puv finou 'oxotouqatvD buMf apia qjiott >jot put •nu»A« X4nqiJ&»jtig 402 'ow *%o\ ainoq uinqtunioo »aan pill 0% fsjlauos si uoiiounf pu* ainoq 'ajoji 'opuoiqoq *|UUig It'll uiA«(i*p|ia «f u| • Xunr) ntnr JO mjUISMOJJV ^' B SBM y 'J|BJ )U339Jt Jiaqi }B QNOIAJVia 31IHM :' jt^rpil* tujpjjnq','u4oqu«8 *||iq*ii •• i , 1 < •—A* lujulo *JO[ ii|» pui ptoi M ot ajilii |*|4" pu* tjutui 3ABN 3qt }B U3AJ8 BBM q3iqA\ J3UU:p T<^^^ t' pu* ftanoa *uoadmoq£ *j 'f.'HS l •pjojpa 70 not Jt'll .*llpM»V 'tt' «»'Jit "•••'••••'•r -r %miu ^un«H»O Hot • •mmn ttt 3JBM. U0(iBjq3[33 aq; }a B^ind . • , "' pu* asipiinq 'ojtuotiiit.i ouiiuo ar«9 00 u| ' u sioo^ oq*i '. 98oqx Vtt'tt ;••••'"-•• ino»A» XinqiMuqti •»«•.. •JO BpaBiqSifl 3;iuB|iv UB ••4 of JMMnt ipiii:ari' laiqwnu HI* a* jo •T *N 'OHnasNvas auoHM/qani o» i»pn«A inqnt j* i|ii )o *33B|d )(O0) 3UI)l |BJ3U3 llioi •« po*>|ll Jo ajlp aqi o).-(|«f jo JOJ: UB pUB U3A|3 BBAA UlBjS 'in -d ! ! 1 bo pa^Mado BBAV «i(a q miq '00 Z ''<" *• 0E 6— ., .-.iwoinM . *ip IwlYl " •""> W»o«r».:»|« no jiNii •ojd 3uy v *)qS|i «'W, MM)iiU|J«qj*a III . Suoi oqj )« SuiAOJdui[ t; 'OO'Z "">••» OE'6-r:i '— ]» jonoui* iqi •! JO Ajg9J3A|UUB 3q} p3)BJq3[33 pjOJ ''m *• 0E:6'— oqijo atop aq, 5 v '";*»*Jir.,iM po* "I»a J° «3]UBqO3K UB9U3UIV MX •Mauio)in3 MOU ano aujpuads 'AH311Va 3AV31 v J j pu« tjaui uaaq »A«q piojiaQ jo BAjaujpi x»\ 1J0J ]o> i;uu»g qjip3 ••!W~~ !*J •aui|X 0} •oyno 41 ~ pua jaiQ|T uuor **MPI f >• P»d|*u o<\/h utmoy^ oj jcauig i^^ isnsoq qa jamunia 'SVlNOHVOOd ' JO AH3 '»•»>• •.•«jj . S3I pUB SptOJl AVi 3 l •NVHD3W NVDIM3WV juaiuaDunouuy pua i [ '8Z6I N0SV3S 9Ut/« PUB 9DU«ptt>» RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 19, 1928 Page NlneWfl

On Bargain Square S-I-L-K H-0-S-I-E-R.y ; $1.00

The first dollar day of Autumn brings a typically "Steinbiach" sale of hosiery The First Great One of Autumn!—Thursday & Frida —one of those worthy events that need no introduction.

An unusually fine^ group of full- fashioned stockings of service weight Women's Union Suits Boys' Giblf .Hose Rufljed Curtains Baby Pillows Women's Neckwear Men's Socks pure thread silk. In every new Autumn Polly brand ribbed union tutu in Sturdily woven floe cotton golf Pretty croai-bar. grenadine;.cur- Lustrous sattne pillows for crib Smart collar and eufl seta and Fall weight cotton socks In, tone and all sizes. bodiestop and built-up shoulder how In new Autumn patterns talna with matching valance and or carriage, In 'tfj-j A A vestees of good quality lace In stripes, checks and novelty effsct, B|»M tt to -| AA Ea. $1.00 Women's Brassieres combinations, ...... «DJL«UU "Nelly Don" household aprons ot Needed Notions Ings. 3 for eDJL.VU pretty printed cottons, also plalfl Colored Initial handkerchiefs of STEINBAOHS—First Floor An "odd* group of long lint SXENBAOHS—Fifth Floor white. <£1 AA fine linen; three different color- 12 Pocket Shoe Bags.* for $1.00 brassieres—priced much lew be- All sizes «BJL.UU Single Garment Bags $1.00 cause they an discontinued Second Floor's "Bargain Square" en- Cretonne Bib Aprons, t for f 1.00 Rubber Tea Aprons...I for $1.00 Boys' Knickers $1.00 O. N. T. Sewing Cotton Novelty Jewelry w Percale Bib Aprons, 1 for $1,011 Men's Hand-Rolled Edge ters its first Dollar Carnival with a val- Fine tweed, icasslmere and cordu- 'Eerehlefs, 2 for J1.00 t dot. $1.00 A purchase of three hundred - Popular Bandeaux$10, tl.Ot 0 roy knickers In a full cut. well STEINBACHS—Second Floor BTEINBAOHS—First Floor Rubber Olrdlct...... ! for $1.00 pieces of newest novelty Jewelry ue that every woman will appreciate. New Modal lUndeani, t for $1.00 tailpred models,' (p-| AA Gotham Sanitary Napkins —many styles. (j-f AA 8TEINBACHS—Second Floor BlMS 8 to 17...... OJL.UU 2-boies $1.00 ) X for wJL.VU Here are beautiful tapestry and ve- 8TEINBAC1.J—First Floor STEINBACHS—First Floor 8TEINBACHB—Filth Floor Infants' Dresses Irish Laces lour pillows in several unusual shapes Fountain Pens Hand-made of the very fbest.ba- Lovely hand-made Irish and and colorings. Each $1,00. Imported Rag Rugs tlste In tucked and (PI f|A cluny laces for trimming dainty Hair Nets Bridge Score Sets Men's and women'i fountain - Attractive Imported scatter rugs imbroldered models.. tJJj.»UU Infant*' Hand-Made jGowto, $1.00 Cap and fringe shape, Stelnbach An attractive leatherette cased STEINBAOHS—Second Floor pent in red, green, black and of rag weave with >rctty chenille """* , yd,. $1.00 hair nets In all colors—alto set- consisting of two packs of brown. - cards and #f AA W Seif.nuing type ..... «DX«UU Bit* 37x54 Inihes •DJL.UU Z for $1.00 Yd. 11.00 14 for d pencil 91.UU BTEINBACHfl—First Flow' STEINBAOHS—Fourth Floor STHNBACHE—Second Floor STEINBAOHE—First Floor 6TEINBAOHS—First Floor STEINBAOHS—First Floor A Steinbach Event That Always Brings BEST Dollar Values

Magazine Racks Asbestos Table Mats New Percales I Boys' Blouses Women's Silk Hose Smoking Stands Pretty hand-decorated magazine Colored asbestos table mats In A score or more of fascinating Smart colored blouses that tub Silk from top to >oe and full» Artistic and practical smoking racks In a new style; m-f A A sets ot three different (PI AA new Fall patterns In these pret- well and wear well. In collar fashioned as welL In service stands of wrought Iron with very specially priced. «D1.UI» sizes. Six colors.... «pJ..UU ty SS-lnch percales tor house attached ityle, m- weight to assure long wear. colored fl»-| AA All Axminster Rugs Band-Decorated Flower Pols . Boudoir Clock*, $1.00 frocks and aprons. (p-J AA 61zes7 to 14. ...»for 3) irtlcles tDJL.VU STEINBACHS—Second Floor •«••• , STEINBACHS—Fourth Floor ^ p,. $1 STEINBACHS—Pint Floor STEINBAOHS—First Floor STEINBAOHS—First Floor BTEINBAOHS—Firs.$1.0t Floor 0 Step Ladders Boys' Pajamas. Needed Drugs Outing Flannel Women's Scarfs Less $1.00 A handy thing, one of these Warm, flannel pajamas In one or Women's Silk Hose Triangular shaped sport* scarfs too Ipana Tooth faste three-foot folding' type step- Soft, warm flannel In neat pat- two-piece styles. Trimmed with Full-fashioned silk hose with S for $1.00 terns for'Infants' wearables and silk frots. Blzes 6 to 18. of fine silks; hand- , Sturdy corduroy-knickers that 35o Llsttrlne Tooth Paste Chiffon Hose Novelty woven or plain weave B ter $1.00 each of fine quality, Each In Sheets firmly woven to with- are built for active service at school or play. ' Taps seamec} t> • weave three-quarter length socks BTEINBAOHS—First, Floor separata container. M8t0U Firmly woven, SUes toi AA Is this of novel mesh weave. for we* tots because they're eas- Ea. $1.00 ,p,.$1.00 colors for (IJ1 (\f\ Smart In appearance and splen-, ily washed. Elk, grey, mode and 45x38 Inches....! for (PA.vU did wearing. In 1 AA BTEINBAOHB—First Floor STEINBACHS—First Floor ma Jbl.UU Frying Pans BTEINBACHS—Second Floor new shade* t&l.UU "^ , p. $1.00 An extraordinary value! These im- STEINBAOHS—First Floor Flv* and eight Inch sls«, doubts BTEINBAOHS— First Floor ported four-in-hands of handsome silks Uppsd Iron frying 1.UU BTEINBAOHS—First Floor Sites 14 to IT UJl.VU .BTEINBAOHS—First Floor mma M Attractive little boudoir lamps: OlrU' 811k Rocks, $1.00 Pr. BTEINBAOHS—Fifth Floor complete with shads 01 AA STEINBAOHO—First Floor " .„„ $1.00 and bulb , tPl.UU Aluminum Cleaner BTEINBAOHS—Second Floor BTEINBAClIfl—Fourth Floor Women's Gloves Boys' Hosiery Dress Flowers Popular S, O. B. aluminum clean- er that Is easily used and will One button chamolsette gloves Extra heavy cotton or wool socks Tots' Berets Silks & Woolens not scratch. (PI AA in modish colors to wear -with Ash Cans Bright, colorful blooms for trim- Fall costumes. Oak, cream, that will withstand active ser- ming Autumn sports dresses 4 for«M.VU vice. In Jacquard patterns. Swagger little Imported French Heavy corrugated Iron ash cans white, grey, beaver. berets In bright red, (|>-| AA ( ll-oi. Bottle O'Oedar Oil Bites 8 to 11. —In time for the first <1»1 AA 'pr. $1.00 navy, green and tan. UJj-.wU furnace days ulleUll ""»'* ,,o,$1.00 with Mop, $1.00 pr.$1.00 DTEINDACII8—Second Floor BTBiNBAOHB—Fourth Floor I STKINBAOHB— First Floor BTEINDAOHS—Fourth Floor BTB1NBAOHO—First Floor 1 > BTEINDAOHO—First floor Less $1.00 —on onch $5.00 purchnno unit. And. an expert drfiMmakor hero to cut and, pin flt your drpBAoit for you. All new Autumn wcavon arc Included!

' BTEINnAOHS-Flrit Floor

COMBiNY , t.ti MMM '1' aim Ms"" - KEU JBAJN'lv KEUUaTttK, 1»2!8. ftcen who pounded up tile1 robbers How to THItVtS' WEST RAIDED. received much. pratae (or -their ef- ficient work. . ,' » A s 0 t*;> y/s S'to Have Good STOLEN GOODS FOUND AND Charges against ths Jersey City It i S1X PERSONS JAILED. crowd were made by, Mr. Hendrick- 1 son and Mr. Goldman and by1 Mor- Grape Juice Thr.e Middl.town Towmhip Stores ris Nutley, manager of the Butler War* Broken Into and a Blf Lotstore. Heaped oa the" flopr\i« front of Good. Wu Taken—Jarwy of Recorder Meese, when the hear- The guaranteed clean Anthracite. Success depends on having very. City Youths Acciutd. ing was held, was a blg.lot pf goods Very rlpo grapes. This mean* that Tive Jersey City youths between which the complainants identified as OST EXACTING lives a steady, dependable warmth. the grapes must be left on the vines the ages' of eighteen and twenty having been taken from their (tores. EXCELS IN CATERING In addition to these goods was a until dead ripe. The sugar or sweet- years and one man 52 years of age A very brief visit to our leeond floor will oonvinee.you that , neu of all fruit comes from the were arrested last Thursday on cigar box filled with,receipts and it Is « watte of time, effort and money to travel further [elease from continuous firing. starch created by the growing plant. charges of committing robberies at other papers, which had been taken from your, home 'than 'Asbury "Park tovassemlile your Au- Hut the fruit of the. vine is unlike three Middietowtf-township business fiom Mr. Goldman's store. All the tumn and Winter wardrobe. Especially io- *hen;jwe will [And your money's worth in every the fruit of the .tree in one impor- places. All of them were sent to the stolen goods were found at the bun- pay either you* ,bus fare or railroad faro or Jbx eoft of,thi tant thing. There Is never any county jail to await the action of galow where, the young fellows wete 'gasoline consumed by your car in driving to Murray'* pro- ttarch In the fruil of the Tin*. A the grand jury. They had rented a &i rested. Included among 'tho ex vided your purchase amounts to 96.00. or more. \ ton. ' tree stores Its starch In the greenbungalow in the Shore Acres section Kbit* at the recorder's office was fruli while the vine stores Its starch of East Keatoaburg, which was Mr. Hendrlckson's radio'outfit, but in the grain I.arts only. Hence, owned by George Schwing. Earlier Ida silver watch was missing;. The COATS FOR DRESS apples, etc., will ripen up after be- during the summer tho bungalow members of the Jersey City crowd Vivid Interpretations of the "vogue tor Autumn. Both elab- ing gathered—that is the stored had been used as a clubhouse by the pleaded not guilty to the charges orate and consorvatlvo models, beautifully tailored 'of the Fnc. starch turns to sugar1—but the grape Pyramid athletic club of Jersey City against • • " tra gallons of a very palatable bev- his place about three o'clock In the ited. .Although no liquor was found erage If treated with a sugar solu- morning. Charies J. -Piney, a neigh- four men wern held on charges of "KAY'S" FALL HATS tion, the recipe for which will be bor of Mr. Hendrickson, saw theprevious sales. They were- Edward furnished to customers. robbers "at work, but as he was out-Briody, Augustus Thorer, Charles /The Criterion of Perfection numbered 7 to 1 he did not, attempt Stara and C. H. Meyer, each, ol Exclusively. with Murray 0- Grapes from our gravely knolls to Interfere with them. whom was held under bail. John Velvets, Felts, Soleils: (very, choice,) will be ready within Vitzuc's farm near Howell was raid- Office and Warehouse a few days. Deliveries made to .any The robbers had two automobiles. ed and Yitzuc was held under $1,000 "address. :~: ;• Ti^JLbroke open_lhegasoline pump in front of Mr. HendricTcson'fFaSd bail. ^ r— -^-T -—— 51-53 Mechanic St. Phona Holm^el No. 1. they got 84 gallons of gasoline which they put into large cans. They Bulc Prom Trip in N.w York Slate. The Holmdel Grape Farm broke open tho door of Mr. Hen- William Calver of Leonard street THERON McCAMPBELL. drickson's store and they got a big returned last week from a nine-day lot of automobile oil, some automo- automobile trip through Ken York bile tires and tubes, a radio-outfit, a state. Mr. Calvei is employed as a silver watch, a' big lot of cigars and taxi driver by Charles Bottagaro cigarettes and other • goods. The and the trip was on -business, ioi his total value of the booty was about employer. • _ _ ' $200. L Mr. Piney was not the only per- Goes to Rues by Airplane. in Best Style Expert Simonizing ( son who saw the robb«rs at work. W. Strother Jones of Riverside at Small Cost at Arnold Wessler saw them while they drive in Middletown township was- were robbing Mr. Goldman's store, tnken to the horse races at Belmont but he was restrained from attack: park last Friday afternoon by John Painting, Cars Washed ing them by the tame reasons as Y. Casey of the Airview flying ser- MURHAYS •^ Mr. Piney. However, Mr. WessleW r vice In one of the company'.* planes. 641-643 Cookman Ave >J got a good view of one of theauto- 638-640 Mattison Ave. BY ONE-HOUR SYSTEM. JtJ mobiles and he toojk nonotte of the ' The Register's motto—"A paper ••* number. The next morninmorning he sawIn every home."—Advertisement. V I the automobile parked In front ot #*<•** Carl Polished. - . jjithe bungalow which" the""young'"(Biy - Ktgg! low\nwas hahfwdl rentedcnnfaH . Hee informeinf/i d the authorities with tho result that the Repairing of Tops and Smashed Work a Specialty. J«J police raided the bungalow and ar- MONMOUTH LOAN rested its fix inmates-while they were in the act of eating > break- INFORMATION Estimates Cheerfully Given. fast consisting of bologna, ham, eggs and coffee, all of which are »1- YOUR CREDIT it rood with SAVE MONEY ! AND BUY QUALITY AT A LOWER PRICE h-'gred to have been victuals which the Monmouth Loan Company; •This can be done by trading at our they had stolen- The raiding party n» ire licensed by the State exclusive Meat and Poultry Stales. consisted of Earl Hoyer, chief of township;. to jive financial assistance to police of Middlotown and four' '.hose who need from $60 to Trooper James McLean (300 for tny useful purpose. Boyle & Wamecker special policemei n of Middletown j All loans In privacy between township who servo without salaries. | our customers and ourselvta. (Buick Building) The special policemen nre Mr. Hen-1 dnckson, Lester Thornc, Lester' ONE COST—fixed by law- Walling and Fred Wenzcll. covers everything: i.matl Lower Prices MAPLE AVENUE, RED BANK. The lone member ot the Jersey monthly payments to, lult your Sausage City party who dscaped arrest was on Steaks. Phone 955 Red Bank. income; each payment reduces driving a Studcbaker automobile. the coot;'loans may be paid In PURE PORK His car got stuck in a mud hole at SIRLOIN, Port Monmouth early Thursday full at any time. Legal Inter- est only. PORTERHOUSE None Bette.r morning and he telephoned to a or ROUND Keansburg man, who pulled It out. QUICK SERVICE—We aim to The driver of the Studebaker car MEAT or SMALL put it in a garage at Keansburg and give the best loan icrvice in LINKS then left for New York, itating that this eity and nearby towna. STEAK lie would return for the jutomobile Call, write or phone. OWNED AND OPERATED at half-past five o'clock in the after- WAGNER MARKET CO. lb. RETAILERS OF GOOD noon. He did not return «t that MEATS AND POULTBV time. The car was locked 10 .that It SINCE 1S0O. . . 31 was impossible to move It or to open MONMOUTH any of the windows or doors. The office of Recorder Louis H. Meeso of Belford was crowded with LOAN CO. LAMB SPECIALS! spectators when the rive Jersey City 7 Broad St ybuths and their man companion GENUINE, FRE^H-KILiED dUALlTY SPRING LAMB were arraigned before him late Tel. 254ft Red Bank, N. J. Thursday night. The young fellows Open We'd. Eye. Until 8 P. M, Legs . . . • • • 36c lb. aro Lawronifo Dougherty, James N Connelly, Patrick Egan, George 9-to 8 p. m,[ Sat. $ to 1 p. m. Shoulders . . . , '. , | . 24clb. Salerno and Robert Connelly. Their man companion wns Hugh Shaw. Under thi supervision State Rib Chops ... . ,. V • 44c lb. All six of thorn wore committed to Banking Dipt. L tho county jail without ball. The of- Loin Chops . . •. •._ k . . 54clb.

For Service—Anywhere, Anytime . Quality Boneless BACON Phono gQfl Red Bank. ATTRACTIVE PRICES Any Size Piece . 29c lb. No Extra Charge for Road Service ON PORK LOINS. CALVES' LIVER The Tire Service Co. Rib Side . . ;. 29c lb. Selected and the best, ' 36 WEST FRONT ST., RED BANK 69c lb. Tenderloin Side . 31c lb. ; i FOOTYVE\1V Wonder Brand Sliced : VULCANIZING Center Cut Chops 42c lb. BACON "FIRST AID TO FLAT TIRES" Quality $, All Widtht COMPLETE STOCK OP Mb. pkg. ... 4 2lc Suprenw and Size* POULTRY! P'OOTWEAI? thai is admitted to be tho vogue of the EXTRAORDINARY VALUES THIS WEEK IN CHICKENS. * 6eaB0n; Footweiu that not only is modish, but com- Th... .r* Fr.ih-Klll.d MlllcF.d »nd Iht Pick of Ih. Flock I v fortable at well—hcro'p the store that ia ready to outfit Frying Chickens, about 2% lbs. each . . 39c lb. you in the finer Footwear nt price? that are examples of Roasting Chickens, about 3 to 31/: lbs. each 42c lb. real value. Fowl, about 3% lbs. each , .* . . . 37clb. and Tubes Fashion Boot Shop Always on Hand. PORK KIDNEYS ...12c lb, SPARE RIBS 19c tb. 67 Broad Street, . Red Bank, N J. 3 FORCEFUL FACTSi D.aiirt all ov«i the CHARLIE'S WONDER STORES M o0 0M D ltr< DUNLOP8 In f HI INI DP •v.r"r >'{\\.' "/JT/ .*K'" "'"r ' ":

TO..WKOKi. r MA?COMCEBKl- , the parish houso'on Blngham ave- l'i'ge Increase over last year'* enroll- .Tai vWahjstiU will tall av eublla »uc r.ue, •• ment, tlrTilt loaltWa*. Ottobat I, lilt, at tan NEW FIRE o'llMk In ft* foraapon at Sart Tarlof'j Mickey 'Walker, middleweight John Wilson of White road has •irtja on tha Biata hlihwai, oppoilta th» MIDDLETOWN COMPANIES TO champion, left California Monday been appointed a special officer and Hia4 Conn Jlraliouit, > o»a BuicH .,,,_, GARAGE • , lor Rumson, He will arrive Were he is on night duty at the Smoke coupa,.larmwl.rmiil*, tth. putimciiiriy, of .ArthuAr . ,J>, V, GET TOGETHER. Red Bank Auto Lau at Bad and aaiiad ' J Friday. Walker's manager, Jack Shop tavern. '' Sjp'ace tb|lhg,'iaiifen"'very fast' Ia;the mp?t Tbla Mo»» It Naceiaary In Order Kiarns, is negotiating for a bout Melvin Wainright was laid up for it ; CARS WASHED WITH LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. \ utd aapiolall; Chaptll 111, Law* .jrjddri)' g|rage jn *Bed Bank. Steam heated, Tbal Alt th* Companlea of thebetween Walker and Tommy Lou-, the past'week with boils on his face •ntllled "An Aei ioi tha k*tta| Townahlp May Join th* Slate ghran, the 'light heavyweight title1 ALL DIRT ANp GREASE REMOVED FROM UNDER (.BAfttfV BrttitOoi of tarts* loapwa «nt aatomo. and neck. olio riptli nan." v cieap ^nd .Ijght^.iiiVn' always in 'attendance. Firemen'* Relief Aiioclatlon. holder. Fred Nielson. of Sycamore avenue CARS CLEANED INSIDE. NICKEL POLISHED, LOUIS'J. TBTliSYi Ootttablt, At the meeting of the townihlp Mlis Dorothy Macintosh and Miss BStlin. .'Reserve your space "now.-' $8.00 per motith. i« now able to sit up after having CARS CALLED,FOR AND DELIVERED. committee df Mlddletown township Iicna Anderson hovo resumed their boon confined to the bed several Mnniulb County Stmoiata'a ORUa. lint Thunday night the. eight flra It Ui mttii o( tha HUM at JB»rr» J. studios at.tho New Jersey-state col- •woeks. He injured his neck a short PaUanon, aittaud. 15M53 W. Front St,f Phone 2494 Red Bank. companies- ol the township united in .Itge for women at New Brunswick, time ago while bathing at Seabright, Hotlt» tt ortdltort to prtunt (Ulmi nuking that they be supplied -with All for Only $2.00 agalnit «iiait ^ Miss Helen Harding of Connecti- . John Saguerton, '-an of Michael Pursuant to thi tiidai of Jotiph 1« Don. Information «,« to the date of thocut was a visitor here part of last Suguerton, has bought a new Fon- •>a». anmiata of th« Oowstr •». MoS; formation of each/company. Behind week, * tine sedan. „ inoutK DUI 01 thi lavtnKttita daj of this request Is a movement to form Simonizing, Polishing and Greasing 6«ptamWrjlH on thi acpHoatloB at Bi; ' Mrs. Wagner and daughter of Extensive repairs are' being made nurd B, Frith, ntcutoi of tha ••U' U• of the companies into a fire depart- Now York wore guests of George to L. L. 'White's home. Harn J, Wtarabh, daMMad,' no/riia la ment, It li necessary to get the" date hirabi iWaii«aaY w tbrtaa •ftVllori'oattdllors of f laid da>. Gorman ttnd family Saturday and Miss Elsie Hounlhan has resigned ALL WORK GUARANTEED. «»nnd to asWblasWl to tin i»t»crlbat. a*ie». of tha formation of the companies Sunday. MIBS Catherine Gorman has toi t i alomaldlomal , thalr dibti and 4amandi In order to do thti. Thoma; S. Rob- her position at tho postoffica and GIVE US A TRIAL. IF WE SATISFY YOU KINDLY TELL aialnn tii« latiPeiUta, undir «th, withwithiin entered the Star of the Sea academy her place is now filled by her sis- • li months from thi data of tha aiorf erta, the township clerk, was di-ut Long Branch. OTHERS—IF NOT, TELL US. arid ordn, or that,will ba for«»«J barrad rected to supply the information. ter, Miss Dorotohv Hounihan, ol thili tolloni tb«rt(Jr agaloit tba laid Mr. and Mrs: George Schlichtlng George Obre spirit part of last aubicrlbtr ELSH FAYE A joint meeting of the firecom o-f Connecticut are spending a fewweek on an automobile trip to Vir- STORAGE SPACE, $8.00 PER MONTH. FORMER HEADLINER panies will probably be held in ailayi at their home on Allen street. ginia. few days to form the proposed de- Mr. an* Mrs, Philip Ebllng of En- Mr, and Mrs., Harry Burgess of v N0T1CE.TO CONTRACTORS! , partment. The chief object is to en-giowood, Mrs Linden Hero of East E'nglewood.were Sunday visitors of Red Bank Auto Laundry and Service Co. Notlot U Unit vlvan that mild bids Orange and Mr. and Mrs.-John Goy Richard Beake and family. ill Iw rtettva.il byy tha qountlqounell oft tstSa Keith and European Circuits. tiblq all tho companies to share in 151-153 West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J, BorongL— isk, M, j", for thi iur- the benefits of the firemen's relief and daughter Doris of New York Jiol_- n of, Wait I'ron»i»tt attta.triatl irofrom RaitaRaitir plaea Is Ki)hban»)hb t brldga apprbaoh with 140 association. For a long time it wasare visiting Mr. and Mrs. Schhcht- It pays to advertise in The Register. atiuata yirdi of Rook Aiphalt, and opanad Retiring from Stage to teach all styles of thought that all the firo companlea ing. and taad ID publlo «t tht rooms of laid were members of the association, Countll. BqTtvib Hall Rad Banhi N. J., >t An old scow, which was' left on a If f MtM KM ot about S iag V M, Monday, Ortobar Ut, but the discovery was made that snndbar In the river near the Oce- 1 Bpialtcatliirfi tor la* dr'opgiad work, only the three oldest companies of RIIIC drawbridge some time ago by viapsrtd it Oaorda K, Allan. <[rv boromh the township were members, these J. A. H(w!and, has been removed! anulnaar. hay* baan fllad la tha offlca bf aild intlnajat at «0 Broad atraat, Bad Bank, [companies being the Navesipk com- The scow was slowly breaking up N. J,, and mar ba (nip.otai ^i projpactlva pany! the Brovent Park and Leon- trnd the pieces of .timber were Inter- "dd.ra durlr? bualnan botiri. ,Tbt a' Dancing and ardo company and Chemical fire aidVropoial form ii'attaohad ta tha tpaol. f:ring with navigation. Many com flcatlsni, ooplaa of which will ba (uiTillbtd company of Bel ford. plaints had been made that the scow upon •ptlloatloapglleatloD to tht t -- - WALK-OVER 'Spiejntatlo- •- T m- wil-l|.^•-•••'."W Iba Jutilahad t. o . An effort to form a township fire was an eyesore to one of the most ictivoj'blddira upon (.synjant of Flvia. Dol. -. department was made last winter, beautiful spots on the Shrewsbury f>n (H.00). ,, whlo,i amount,..«/II: ba «• river. fundid upon raturn of apaalfltatlona with; Dramatic Art but it was not successful. The pro- in ODI wiok from thadma of,.riiialvliii of moters of the.new movement feel At the garden party last Thurs- DIJl nuat ba madron th* ttanda'td pro If You Have Talent ' certain of success. They- state that day at the home of Mrs. Abram I. Reliable Shoes s»al formi, In tha, n»nnar dailgnated the reason why the movement did Elkus at Red Bank the refreshments tliaraln and raqulrad bi>-th« apulfloatlona, mail ba analoaad In aaalad anvalopai. biar* Let Me Develop It. not succeed last winter was because were served by the Bumson Demo- Int th* naraa and addraii oMbr blddar of misunderstanding and that all thecratic executive committee under and tha nama ol tha propoasd work on tha outald*. addrasiad to tha ^Oolinotl'or tha disputed points ,have since been the direction of Mrs. John Naugh- Borough at Rait Dunk, and' must ba ac- cleared up to the satisfaction of ton. eompunltd by a etrtflad ehtoktor kium of Classes now forming for enrollment. Reliable not liai than ten (10) per otnt of tha everybody concerned. The proposed Within the past week good catches amount bid on th* work.> payabla to tha or. ne.w firo department will have a dir of tha Borough Collector, and a surety cf lafayettes, sand porgies and Because of their late style trends oomptny certificate suiting that said sure- chief and it will function in much crabs have been made in the river. tr otmpany*nlll provide the bidder with Clayton & Magee Bldg., 19 Broad St. the same manner as the fire depart- and attractive appearance. the rsitulred bond, and muit ba delivered at tn* place and baton tha time above ment at Ked Bank. ., .. SEPTEMBER 22d. SHREWSBURY NEWS. Because of their unusual fitting Tha Counoll of tha Borough of Red Bank; V. J., tuarvea tho right to reject any or Car Goaa Into Marah Naar Smoke qualities and comfort. all' bids |C deemed to the best Interest of Between ZiOO and B|O0 P. M.' RUM3ON NEWS. "ttrBerbailr. :~ r— Shop Tavern Monday Morninf. Br order of the Counoll of the Borough Haarinf on Sidawalk Aiiaaament Re l I'ha Red Dank (tegliter can ba buuKOl Because of their superior quality port oh Two Streeta Held Up. *ach week ID Shrewsbury (ram BicburO New York Studio: •' 305 West 45th Street; Utifika at the pottoftlce.) and long wear. 'Mayor. (Tba Rad Bank - RlgUter caii'ba bought A, E. (HIKK, Clerk. • aacb «taek In Ruraiun at t'lonettj'a nil- A Packard roadster, owned by Siptimbir 17th, 1928. rrsl ttarit, at &oyla*» ftroeery, and at Jobo George Hardy of North Long Aodaraon a.in at our new restaurant at 86 Bridge I • The commissioners deferred ac- This year's enrollment at the pub- t'pn on the approval of a map of aH-j school is 95 children, which Is a Avenue, corner Bridge Avenue and Oakland Street, i development at West Park owned . by William H. Hoag and James near railroad depot, and enjoy the best, the tastiest Ryan. • ' . *.• and most substantial meal you ever ate. | Edward O'Brien reported that the bulkhead jobs at the foot of Grant We make a specialty of the very best home cook- anil Washington avenues and along Stiiewabury drive have been corn Del Monte Spinach ...... largest can 15c ing and have an American Dish menu if you do not p'etcd. • Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 cans 22c care for Italian dishes. A tax anticipation note for $5,400 t> pay borough bills was orderco Evaporated Milk—WhitehouseBrand 3 tall cans 25c fin in trie bank. Octagon Soap—Reg. Size Cakes 5 cakes 25c May we have the pleasure of a visit from you? Jcre J, Carew, the borough clerk, s having a vacation. His vacation ti'gnn last Saturday and will end Peat, Corn or String Beans 3 cars 25c Two Excaptlonally Fin*) September 27th. lo^ia Brand Kenneth Bruce, who Is employed h/ S- S. Thompson & Co., of Red Del Monte Asparagus Tips . 29c COFFEES Star Italian Restaurant Bank, Is enjoying a vacation,' No. 1 Square can Eight O'clock ib 3Se DO YOU Mrs. Scott Davis and her grand- Kirkman'i Soap 5 caki-. 28c Red Circle Ib 39e sen, Stanley Learn, have been vis- think that she is the Cigarettes carton of 10 pkgs. $1.15 Nick Epifania c& Son, Proprietors. iting relatives in West Virginia and Pittsburgh sweetest thing in the Lncky Strikea, Camala, Piedmonta, Pantry Suggestion*. 86 Bridtre Avenue, Phone 2430 Red Bank, N. J. Cheaterfialdl, Sweat Capomla. Mrs. Mary Egan and Mr. ana Dm Ur^e pkp. 19c GRUYERE • • >• Mrs, Gerard Egan and their son Swiss Knight Cheese ... .8 portion pkfj 45e ^ Flour .'.,.' 24i» Ib. bac; V9c 1'Jchard of Kentucky and Mrs. Ethel FLOWERS SENT BY Assorted Jams (with pdctirt) 12 oz jarltk Webster of Hoboken spent last A & P Brand, SunnyfioM. TELEGRAPH ANYWHERE. Jello (the favorite Dessert) 3 pkgs25c we«k with Mr.' and Mrs. Nicholas Fancy Sweet Peas A & P Brand . . .can 19c Zatta and Mr., and Mrs. John Zatta. Funeral Dolijni u Specialty. Royal Gelatine Dessert ...... 3 pkg< 25c Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Feigen- String Beans Fancy A & P Brand . .can 25c Heinz Ketchup small bot 17c large bot 25e L span entertained members of the Quaker Maid Beans .... .3 No. 2 cans 25c junior set of Rumson and Essex Whole Milk Cheeie Ib 35c ' county at a dirinner dance Satur- Quaker Maid Cocoa \i Ib can 10c Baker's Chocolate ...... i H tb 24c AMERICAN FOOD GO, day night In honor of their daugh- Encore Spaghetti .,can 9c Cider Vinegar bottle 18c ter, Virginia Felgenspan. Many of Tomatoes lona Brand . . .3 No. 2 cans 25c AL'S MARVEL, MARKET tlie out-of-town gueits remained at Manhmallow Fluff can 10c the Felgenspan home for tho week- Heine Baked Beans med. size car, 14c Fancy Head Rice A & P pk(J lOe end, Mr. and Mrs. Felgenspan will Gorton'* Raady to Fry Codfiih Cnkes can 13c 3 Broad Street rulurn to Newark In November. Yukon Club Ginger Ale .3 bots25c ', Eagle Brand Condensed Milk .... .can 19c Red Front Extracts (Asst.) . .2 oz but 19c The Presbyterian ladies' aid so- 972 Encore Olive Oil »4 pt- can 33r THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SPECIALS—September 20, 21, 22 dety will hold its annual rummage Double Tip Matches .pkg 4c si.le next Wednejdfly afternoon at Tuna Fish M sizexan 20c Waldorf Paper .3 rolli 17c ^WIFT'S GOLDEN WEST Light Meat SULTANA. Shaker Salt Diamond Crystal .... H 25c Pure Fruit Preserves A &. P . .16 oz Jar S5c Ib ,. Royal Baking Powder '6 oz. can 25c 34«> FATTED FRESH FOWL Household Necesaitiei. 34 Crosse & Blackwell Foods WE OFFER Brooms . . .No. 6 size49c No; 7 size80c HEAVY STEER CUTS Strawberry Jam Ib crock 35c Sturdily Built ,THE BEST SELECTED, Raspberry Jam Ib crock 35c P & G White Naphtha Soap Cak-s 4« Porterhouse, Sirloin Black Currant Jam Ib crock 39c Camay Soap 3 C»k« ?8e Ib Ib ANTHRACITE Chow-Chow • jar 39c Ammonia ...... large 32 oz. botti: ?3e •, 55 STEAKS 55 » • Orange Marmalade • jar 25c Scrub Brushes each ISr MORE MONEY SAVERS 1 20 Mule Team' Borax pkj 18c NOW IN SEASON! Snni Flmh •,.. .c»:i 23o ; Buy In Quantities and Save. SPARE C. N. Disinfectant .l)0t23c ' LOIN LONG CUT PORK Variety in Your Breakfasts. Washing Soda . .. 2 pk*! ISr COAL. Sunnyfield Sliced Bacon VJ Ib pM 21c LAMB , RIBS Shoulders No.lta or A A H Triscuit • -Pk.'. 9c Solox Speed Soap lirge pkg 15e~ Ib. SATISFACTI6N GUARANTEED. Muffel. Pk" 13c CHOPS Furniture Polish Sultana Brand ... .bot J2c ' Raliton's Breakfast Food pk.ij 21c 29 Order Now and Be Prepared. Lux Toilet Soap 3 c»kct28c Wheatena i'k;23r Old Dutch Cleanser .2 CiM IBe PURITAN SWIFTS Hecker's Farina pi.; 21c PURITAN Galvanlied Palls 10 ()t. tWt 38« NO-WASTE Post's Bran Flakes • • • • pky 12( SUGAR-CURED NO-WASTE OctaRon Super Suds pkcj 9* (2-3.lt), Each) Fred D. Wikoff Co. Nectar Teas • U Ib |ikT>7c "i (3-IS. E«h) 33c Noxon Metal Polish C»n 33q ' BONELESS RED BANK N. J. Nectar Teas '• »' \*X 80 Vaara of Blamllng Taa HM Tao.tht Ua H ' SereV.1 Red Ba^k~ReiW.nll Vent The ladle*"»wclliW7olad!e*"»wrili«7,ot*the.Bapt the Bap. - to Philadelphia Sunday. VISIT REVEALS TRAGIC DEATH HOWARD FREY HE WON RED BANK'S BALL tlat church Is making elaborate pro^ VIellni • SptcWtr, CAME ON SUNDAY. Seven members of a Red Bant At HIGHLANDS, arvtions for the annual chicken'dln- domino club and their families made ner for the'benefit .-or the chuuh 1 '' ' Bowi Rewurt* ( 5< SANITARY PLUMPER John F. W. Joner-IUtunted Ham* /Co*».rMtM v«i»a ana 88'W«I Front Si***' ' Tbe Red Bank Town Baseball Team a trip to Philadelphia on Sunday. on Wednesday, October Sd. Oakland .StrMts, Bank, N, J. (Over Chamber! Print Defeated Kerport Sunday After- The trip was made in Millard F. Tet- From Now York and Found tha Robert MurrayJuu returned home 74 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. noon bjr • Count of 3 to 2 in an tey"a delivery truck. The party Body; of Hai'Wife—Dsath DM to fiom Plattsburg. \Ho was In,an i , Eleven Inning Came. stopped at a farm on tho° Lincoln • Fractured Skull, automobile accident tlrarewid latex { FIRST CHURCH OF STEAM and HOT WATER FITTING Joseph Stryker, star pitcher of highway and r.te their lunches. The dead body of Mm Monica he was taken side and \vA to goto 8 CHRIST, SCIENTIST r !< tho Red Bank town'baseball team, Those who made the trip were Mr. Jones, wife of "John F.W.Jones, a hospital. He is improving: Gutters, Leaders and Tin Roofing defeated a ball team from Keyport and Mrs. Millard F. Tetley, Mr. ana was found Saturday in her homo on A communion service will be held g 84 Br<*d at, RtJt B«k, «, J. ; Sunday by styling pitching and Mrs. Harold "Jetley and son RichawJ, Valley street at Highlands. She nad Sunday morning at eight o'clock at with a hit when base hits counted. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dennis ana been dead two days and her death St. Clement's Episcopal church at iiSS The contest went eleven innings and Mrs. Lillian Lovekin and son Frank. was due to a fractured skull re- Uelford, , Tho bishop ot the diocese So».tee. Bundir 11 4> I r. K. tlie score was tied 2 to 2 when Stry- On their return tho party visited celved in a Tall down'a flight of v,ill make his annual visitation'and 8Bqil«r-S«),i)ol-S90 A. H. ker hit a hard smash to centerfold, Lawrence Bentley and family of tairs. •> h" 'will confirm a elan of twejvo TttUB+ aenltee and Tlalt tbt M Red Bank, N. J. and Mr. Tetley and his son Harold lived there, except on Saturdays 9 Saadln« B«ro. B in and it was the fourth victory for Phone 1213 Red Bank. Fcntz pitched for Key-were tho winner*. and Sundays, which days he spent A DOUBLE BIRTHDAY. PARTY, port and Dane caught. It was at Highlands. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, . Bids wUl be received and OK"";.H.*i| 'entz's fourth appearance against Last Saturday afternoon Mr. It Was Given far Mr*. Victor Good- 66 6 Townsnlp Oomniltt.e at the Jo^'JS j! the Red Bank team and his third ATHLETICS AT BELFORD. ones made his customary trip to ridga and Charloa Zeller, Sr. Cttraa Malaria land quickly relieve! Mlddletown, In the Oo«nW of MonmouUj; n defeat. Kadi caught for Red Bank. Highlands to visit his wife. When A doublo birthday party jrae hold Blllouinaie, Htadacbat and Dlni. a meeting of said Oommlttta to bfjVp* The Keyport nine *7as outhit by TWO FIRE COMPANIES TO he went into the house he found the Saturday night at Charles Zelier'a n«u du» to temporary Con.tlpatloa. town, N. J,, on Thursday svenlng. Ootobjr Aldt in eliminating Toxin, and !« 11th. at 8.00 o'clock, for the lurnlsnlw « nine to five. Kaeli and' David Mac- HAVE A FIELD DAY. dead body ot his wife lying at thehome on Sunset avenuo. The party all material, and lalof Jiecis.arir to «»; bl|hl; •ateemed for producing e«ui> atrupt alil«wallc and ourb on both sldli ft intosh were the only Red Bank boys foot" of the stairs. County Physician. was given for Mr. ZeUer and Mrs. 01 Boat Storage Eventa to be Held for Boyi, Men out, watery evacuation*. Appfc»at« atreet from lt» J"**'"*"*' * JH*™. to get two hits. Krausche, the Key- Harvey W. Hartraan said death was Victor Goodridge, alao of Sunset Carpnntor atrtet. northerly /or |U •»«•' (lc port centerflelder, made a two-bag- and Women and Prizea to be accidental and issued a burial per- t venue, whose birthdays came on lenith. All in accordance with •P«J. ki" -FQR- tlona on/file with the Township CU«. ger, the longest hit of the game. No Awarded—Teama 'of Firemen to mit, He said Mrs. Jones had been the same day. The house was dec- C«rtlned check for Twsnty.aVe «?'"•»' Now is the time to make arrangements with member of the Keyport club made Have Several Conteiti. dead two days. Neighbors said they (I2S.0O) made to the order of .the JJJJJ" oiatcd with cut flowers and a social ship, most accomnany eaoh ,bW. B«a>»- more than one hit. Kaeli, Bentley, Chemical and Independent ftra had not seen Mrs. Jones around the time was enjoyed with 'ard playlnif. tory Bond for amount of Contract Pfl« ii$ for winter storage. Your boat will be Meyers and Newman each made an house since Thursday.; •'•;• Tire Service with surety aatlsfnctlon to th« ConirnitMe . companies of Belford will unite in A luncheon was served and the prin- must bo /urnlahed by succc.sful bidder. error. Meyers, the Keyport first olding an athletic meet Saturday THo body was prepared for bur-cipal feature was a large birthday TELEPHONE 21(2 . ^lBht la reserved to r.J«et any, or all- properly taken care of at a reasonable rate. baseman, was credited with three afternoon, September 29th, at Ed- ial by A. M. Posten & Sonof At- cske. Both Mr. Zeller and ,Mrs. ''lilted Beptember^itlii l«i«.__. errors and Borden and Kraiiche ward A. Langford's field at Belford. lantic Highlands *, and was sent to ioodrldgo received many gifts. """UOMAS *S. BOBBBTS, Our Service Car is • "nil Township OsrkClei . ench made one error for the Key- nb >."e ^ — .T »T—~ .u^^^^fc The events will begin at two o'clock New York for burial. Mrs. Jones The party guests were Mrs, K. port team. End conclude at five o'clock. The was sixty years old. - ., - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS^ Colcmorgan, Mrs. Jo?cph Escticl- always ready. Notice Is hereby glvsn^that sealed Wd» Hunter led off for Red Bank. He public has been invited to attend. will bo received by the\Counoll ol tbe ' • •* •••','• bach, Mrs. Anna Eschelbach, Mr. Borouah of Bed Bonk, N. J.. tot'the »r»d- jot.on second by an error at first. There will be conjests for boys, ADVENT MINISTER RESIGNS. and Mrs. James Hunter.-.Mr. ai«l Ina of putt of Willow street end the cog He later scored on a hit by Meyers. men and women nnd prizes for each Mrs. Charles LeMalsth., Mies FU>r Steam Vulcanizing. atructlon ot a atorm aewer. concrete curbs Iu the third inning Egbert made Rev. Leonidai M. Spaulding Will and juttera ort Willow street. Weitalde winner. Grand prizes will be award- erce Goodridge, Miss Mary Zeller, avenue and Drummond avenue. In tbe Bor. Van Blerck Motors, Inc. Red Bank's second run. Hunter also id to the boy, man and woman hav- ' Leave Eatontown Th» Month. Augustus Colemorgan and Gotlou oush ot Rod Bank, and opened and read led off in this frame, and he made ing the highest score in each of Rev. Leonidas M. Spaulding, pas- Balloon and Truck In public at the rooms of sold Council, Bor- DSetz of Red Bank; Miss .Dorothy ou«h Hall. Bed Bank, N, J.. at or about RED BANK. his base on an error. Meyers fanned these classes. The method of scor- or of the Advent church of Eaton- Miller and Miss Ruth 'Menjj'i of 8'00 P. M.. Monday. October 1. 1(128. , and Egbert hit to short, forcing ng will be five points for first place, ' Tires in Stock. Plana and apeolllcatlona prepared for tbe town, resigned his. pastoral duties Richmond Hill, Mrs. T. Garrety of proposed work, prepared by Qeorse ft. Al» Hunter at second. In an attempt to three points for second place and at last Sunday morning's service. I'niladelphia .and Mrs. Charles M Ion. Jr., borousrh enzineer, have Been filed Wortu FAIR HAVEN Phone RED BANK 1208 get rybert stealing second,' Borden one point for third place. Anyone In tho office of said enzineer at «0 flroaa His resignation will take'effect af- ler, Jr., of Woodhaven. itreot. Red Bank, N. J.. and may be In- missed the ball and it went through may compete and there will be no er the last Sunday in" this months atcctcd by proapeotlve bidden during bui- the centerflelder. Egbert scored on entrance fee. • John Hansen Iness hours. The standard proposal form Mr. Spaulding and his family will It pays to advertise in The Register. is attached to the speclllcatlons, copies of the play. The contests for boys will com- move .to Connecticut, where he will •which will ne furnished up4n application 42 We»t Front Street, to tho Engineer. • . . _' Keyport made its first run when prise a fifty-yard dash, broad jump, enjoy a rest'of several months be- Plans and apeelncatlons-wiU be furnished Borden grossed the plate in the high jump, potato race and baseball fore continuing active work. RED BANK. N. J. to/prospective blddera upon: paymiijt of TheHostess fourtji irTningT The"tally wasHulPto tfirowT F-or~ the ~tnen~ there- wlll~ be flvo_dolUr(lvo-dolUra .116.05).ll6.Q5).,r l»hlcyihlehh jnounjnountt will be Mr.7 Spaurding cameTto Eaton- refunded upon return ocj^lanf planaa ahanda »»cin- errors made by Bentley and Meyers. weight lifting, 100-yard dash, broad town a little over a year ago after catloneatlonae within one week from ththee date or receiving of blda...... • . The count was tied in the sixth when ump, high jump, baseball throw. he had completed a term of forty Bids must bo made on the atindard pro-' Dane made Keyport's second run. jV.velin throw and base running. years of missionary work in China. poial forma -In. the. manner dwlsnatea He got on base by a hit, stole sec- 'I he women's events will be a base- While at Eatontown he did much therein and required br tbe speulflcaUoni. i ond, went to third when Meyers was ball throw, fifty-yard dash, egg race, M. a «. Tegriuet, M. Du CUUMMakM muat be enoloied In aealed envelope!, l)ea> e, a for his church and he was well liked infourg thines name , nnanud addresauuxvaa* IoMt th*Ua* bidderH™'» being retired at first and scored on sack race and peanut race. and the name-of the proposed vf«lj.jn by his parishioners. the outside, addressed to the Council of the a fly to shortstop. There'will be a number of special EGAN'S Borough ot Bed Bisk and must be aocom- panled by a certified check for a sum of. In the eleventh inning, David events, including a fat men's race LEONARDO NEWS. not less than ten (10) per cent, ot.the Macintosh led off with a hit and waslimited to men weighing more than Auto Vans and Express aniount bid on the work, payable to .toe Mow that movlnt time U uu In order of tho Borough Oolleptor, and * sent to second by a single by Jack 200 pounds. Other contests will in- The Leonardo Cuba Win a. Hard pnpand to do xour naxt moTlng of loral* aurety company certificate atatlnz that said handy son. He went to third on a hit by clude a sack race, shoe race, handi- cure, planot' *r bugaie u all Darts o( aurety company will provide: tbe kUMat. Fought Baaeball Game. eltf or eounti7, In tbe tarffnt paddtd vani with the required bond, and most he deliv- Kaeli and was out in an attempt to cap race, chariot, race, three-legged The Leonardo Cubs defeated the in Bed Bank. Befo™ you b«»« your n«xt ered at tho place and before the. time above- score. Stryker then made hi3 hit and tace and pie eating contest. Teams Uumson baseball team by a score movini doot, write, (and or kilUI>u Attest:— and it will be the first contest of n Office Phone 2215-J ' A. IS. 8HINN, Clerk. here. ' * 10 WHARF. AVENUE September 17th, 1028; double header. The *'. Astoria-Red CAR ^OVERTURNED. SOU BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Bank match will start at half-past Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnson are one and will last Seven innings. The John H. Wermert'a Automobile occupying their house after having I , : rented it during the summer to city recond game will be played with Damaged in a Colliaion. «:. . Keyport. It will be the second of a folks. ' The Qhampagni bf Qinger John H. Wermert of Belford was Arthur Larsen left Monday morn' series of seven games, between the driving Jiis automobile at Leonardo Wholesale Distributors '.wo teams. ing for Tri-State college.in Indiana, BENJAMIN R CRATE H. a DEGENRING lust Wednesday, while attending to where he will resume his studies. his work as an insurance agent His mother and sister are making when his machine was struck and tho trip with him as far as Dayton, HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL overturned by an automobile driven Ohio, where they will visit relatives. Inn by Mrs. Zambina Zeremba of Leon- Miss Mildred Thomas spent Sat- Corner Shrewsbury Avenue {and Newman Springs Road, RED BANK HIGH SCHOOL HAS fiiao. Mrs. ZerembVs automobile urday and Sunday at New York. FIFTY CANDIDATES. was turning from Washington street Edgar J. Baker is building a con- into Leonard avenue. With Mrs. crete curb around his property. . RED BANK, N.J. Squad Began Practice Laat Week— Zeremba was her daughter, Mrs Twelve Veterans Loat by Gradu Miss Meto Schroeder has recov- Joseph Weskosky. Mr. Wermert ered from sickness. ation—New Coach This Year— was cut and bruised, but he was DEAR MARY: Firat Game October 6th. Mrs. J. M. Johnson of Water Famous for its Italian and American Dishes. not seriously hurt. He gave iittle Witch has been spending several Red Bank high school has fifty heed to his injuries and went to, tho days with Mrs. Anna Phraner. Had dinner at the new MJIIY candidates striving for berths on the assistance of Mrs. Zeremba and her Charles Keefcr, Jr., is a new Mid If you enjoy a good meal, you'll enjoy the service at the Pleasant Inn. Pitcher Grill last Sunday. What football team. Practice began last daughter, who were hysterical from dletown township employee. We serve only the best of foods, properly prepared and at moderate prices. a wonderful meal ror £2.00— wick with Willard Rinehart as excitement. Mr. Wermert's car was Daniel P. Vey will leave Tuesday was so well pleased—had lunch coach and Charles Fitts and Theo- wrecked. Mrs. Zeremba promised to for Pennsylvania, where ho will at the same place for 85c. The dore Bixler as assistant coaches. buy a new automobile for Mr. Werstud- y for the ministry. food is perfectly delicious— They are teachers at the high school. niert. The car which was damaged Miss Minnie Phraner spent the Special Sunday iJinner, $1.50. Rineh&rt, who is a new teacher here vas one which Mr. Wermert hai week-end with friends at Brooklyn, cooking equal to New York's played four years with Lafayette on best, and those waitresses do bought a few days before the acci Mrs. Morton Southall is improv. DAILY CHANGE OF MENU. the gridiron. dent. certainly give splendid sen ice. ing from sickness. Red Bank will open the season Mrs. Charles Keefer spent Sun- • Italian Dinner featuring Kavioli and Chicken Every Day Congratulate Red Hank, that October 6th at South River. The RECEPTION FOR TEACHERS. day with Mrs. Samuel Swenarton of n you now have a real A'n'.ng second will be on October 13th at Kcansburg. place. Contemplating taking Weatfield and then Red Bank will It Wat Held Latt Night at Allan If you are wondering where to dine, you need go no farther. tie Highlanda High School. Mr. and Mrs. Edwird Martin and rooms in the hotel on comple- p'uy three games at home. The last family have returned home after tion—understand it will op?n game of the season will be played A reception for the teachers of having spent • several months in Pleasant Inn offers you unexcelled meals. May we have the pleasure of a about March 1st. Thanksgiving day against Leonardo. the Atlantic Highlanda public Maryland. • . schools was held Monday night in call from you so we can prove our ability? 'Ilio new athletic field has not yet Misa Helen Rouse of Boston Is tho high school auditorium by the been completed and the games will spending several days with her sis- parent-teachers' association. Talks b- played on Dodger's field on ter at^tho OBcrle cottage. Meals Served at All Hours. Telephone Red Bank 1108. were given by Jesse Armstoad, pres- Ridge road. Leo Parkc. is working at the At ident of the board of education, Graduation made a big gap In the l.mtic and Pacific company's store. team. Of twelve veterans who grad- Mayor John R. Snedekcr and Rev. R. W. Carr. A program of music was Mrs. Samuel Foster is spending a uated all but three were linemen few days with friendB at Belford. The new coach is faced with the rendered under tho direction of Mrs, Robert Stokes. The new do- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Search spent tusk of building a new line. He is the week-end with Mrs. Tasker of pinning his hopes on some good line mestic science department wa3 in- QUALITY MEAT f spected. Tho equipment in this de Allontown, Pennsylvania. material from last year's second Miss Edna Woodw.u-d is enjoying team. There is little causo for worry pnrtment cost $3,000. The reception wound up with a season of general a week's vacation. week-End Specials # concerning the backfield as there arc Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Hughes have five veterans from last year's team sociability. Mrs. Herbert Mcincrt, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES CONSISTENT WITH GOOD QUALITY 1 president of the association, was in returned to Jersey City for the win- First team players who graduated general charge oftho arransementa. te'r. ' i this year were Lwcllyn Patterson ARMOUR'S "STAR" c end, Philip Smith, Alfred Scaccia MIDDLETOWN^VILLAGE NEWS. nnd William Mack guards, William ACCIDENT AND ARREST. Sutter tackle, Charles Irwin, Wil- Warning, Signal Lighti Put Up at REGULAR SMOKED HAMS Ib liam Applegate and Carol Morford Newark Man'a Automobile Ran Into Railroad Crouing, centers and Fenn - Stride, Robert a Leonardo Car. 1 VVlg i lightg s h»v»vee beebeenn Finder and Patsy Vaccarclll quar- Miss Gcnovievc Jnckaon of Leon- put up on both sides of the railroad SIRLOIN STEAK RIB ROAST terbacks. Those who remained were urdo was turning into Lconnrd nve- cruBsingon tho Nutswamp road. Tha (Blade Cuti) Louis Jacobs, David Russell, Her- ruo from Valley Drive at Leonardo tnilroad company had planned to lb Your Will or the bert McClccs, Blalsdell Hnckstaff lnst Wednesday when her car wns put up similar lights at tho crossing r and Ernest Hnrtman, all bnckfleld struck by an automobile driven by 'near Fair View last wjek, but this 32c men. 49c Charles' Sturny of Newark. With was not done because no pormlt hail State's \ Miss Jackson was Miss Oruco Ciow- A number of fccond string men been obtained from the : township showed up well last yenr nnd are loy of New York. Mips Jackson's committed to dig up tho rond for FRESH KILLED BROILERS Which would you prefer, romly to allow.they can fill the shoes enr was badly damaged and both Hi In purpose your wishes, or the law of of their predecessors. Most of them Ilio young women wore painfully A student from Itutfrcri thcolu|rl- Fresh-KiHed FRYING CHICKENS tre lineman. They arc Jnmwi Jacobs but not seriously hurt. Mr. St.jrny, rnl seminary will prenih st tho )!o- 475. 47i descent? You are assured 2)i Ibi. Eaol.) that your wishes will be renter, Elmer Smith, Louis Grob was arrested on a clinij;o of reck' formed church Sunday. ' Jyneph Dlxon nnd Gnorgo Wolcott less driving nnd ho win fined fir. Mrs, J.eonti M. Trowbrldgo U vli- Short Forequarters of Freah-Kllled faithfully carried out when ends, Hnrvcy Thompson nnd Benja- by Recorder l.ouln II. Mecn.t; of lii'l- i'.liilf nt New York. min Cook tuckles nnd VVilllnni II fcrd. Ho W/IH told by Mr. AU'CJO Mk'lmnl Mnmlovllle, eon of Rey. YOUNG FOWL you make a Will artti ap- Kim nnd Herbert Ewing guards. An- tint ho would liavo to pay tlio cost 10. W. Mandovlllo, contlnuos to im- SPRING LAMB (4-lb. Average) point the Broad Street Na- other ifiinrd who la out for tho tnam' of repairing Mlns Jackson's car. prove at tho Long Branch Iioapilni, I" George OfTcrinnnn, n now student tional Bank as your Execu- wlicro ho has bcon a patlont tlio ot tho ncliool, Ho Is a pupil of the lb tor or Trustee. Consult us Hole-In-One Golfer. pant tlirca week*. elovrnth trade nnd lin« hnd several Irving Paul, a member of tho freely. years' footlmll nxporlcnco. Fred Adams has s new automo- 29c 39c Buneiglcs country club -ot Enton- bile which ho bought from the Bur- town, mado * holc-ln-ono at thn i.nt n|;cncy at Red Bank. Supper at Mlildletown. seventeenth hole on. the cluh'n Mr. nnd Mrs. William McNoal and The annual aupprr of thn Ito coumo ln*t vvock. The seventeenth their ilniiRhtor Mary of Jersey City formed church of Mlddlotown vll It nn "Iilnnd holo" nml Is complete- worn Hunday guests of Mrs, Mnry l.iKo will bo hold Thursday nljrht, ly aurrounded by witor. Tho din- A. Hopkins of Oak Hlli farm. Roth & Company Novembor lot. A committed of tntico Is ISO yard*. It Is the flrct JIIMOI lCvolyn, Ruth und Dorothy c'.iurch women will ho In clutrgo of t'mo thin font haa beon.«tin"»»«>• Red Bank, N. J. II. H. Kohl of tha iimo club nro nl- Theh y accomp»nlold by MlMln -LARGEST WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS IN NEW JERSEY" Philippines. -They were accompan- 1.>reme Court, civil and criminal, and favorable popular demonstrations, ies by Major and Mrs. Poorc, par- GOVERNOR LEWIS MORRIS, i,n addition full Equity powers, which It was a stirring time; to quota from John' H. .N*u|nton Again Cho'ita ents of Lieut.. Pooro. ' ' ~~~ rowever, were seldom exercised. At Whitchcad's commentary on tha Grand Knight of Red,Bank ILedfi. first its home was Elizabeth Town; Morris papers, "the province be- RED BANKCAVALRVMEN HUN ,Sergeant and Mrs. Miller have HE WAS NEW JERSEY'S FIRST but in 1686 it was movod to Perth' came immediately divided into two Rev. T. MonolU;Oardln«'r, fetili John H. Nsughton of Rurnson was rented the Robert Lsurlno house on 'TO RAISE 12,000, elected grand knight of Red Bank COLONIAL GOVERNOR. A-mboy, a town with a most interest- parties; the opposition, or, country got Constant' »«ffraj[en. ot Liberia,,-confirmed 4 Main street. ' Mr. and Mrs. Laurino ing history, retaining its quaintneHs party, of which (Morris) was the puna, w'ch i „ » Tjoe/eV.Hs* Only , Nin»U*n class of eight persons at St Thom- council of the Knights of Columbus and children have moved to New Ht Owned a Lirf Tract of Land in and charm up to my time, thoug.i head; and the governor's or-couit lsst night for the third consecutive tribute to their length?, HoriM «m< NMJI at Lntt Thlr. (H'» EplscQpsl church at Red Bank York. Monmouth County *t What ie obbed of all that later on by the party, having for its chief James De- wine sentlmcnt.tof whlej ty—ftoop.Wlli Hotd'a D.nco Oc Sunday morning/ Tht ohyreh'wai time. ,Other officers chosen, Were Le- John Cancvari is liavlng his house Now Tinton Fall.—H. Had Many liscovcry of clay and the combina- lancey, who had been appplnted to make personal apnllcafj to1>«* 171b »t t(i» Smoke, Shop. fv)l to overflowing vUH a. largo con- loy Snyder deputy gmnd knight, on Woir Hill" avenue moved for- OUtincuUhed Deic«ndant». lon of railroads with frontage on the vacant judgcship. "it was the thing was foreign to Hi William Jeffrey chancellor, Edward ide water. This court was com- era of the trial for criminal libel of nrregatlon snd a .number 'of visitor* ward on'the lot it occupies, so that The'following address concerning did not know now tov TheRed Bank cavalry troop neodi Coyne advocate, John P. Caul re- losed of from six to twelve mem- John Peter Zcngcr, a cause celebrc who vere'-attracttdrby the distin- it will be nearer the street. Mr, Governor Lewis Morris/ New Jer- take their, course; us ».orr,|6noi, Several y«nrs ago the cording secretary, Owen Grant war- >ers, and the appointment of Mor- of those days. Zcngcr-Wjts a print- tlmci, when thi) only a guished visitor, ,TJioft .confirmed Conrrari is also erecting a.bungalow sey's first colonial, governor, ^wa? is as one of them terras to tpeak \ and in November, 1733, began troopi DM ,8s horses,- but today only den, Jete J. Carew treasurer, Har- barbers, when their on); were W. 3. Parker, JrJ, Mn. Msr- m ms addition on Main .street. made- by one, »of his' descendants, if his abilities as well as of his po- i. publish a newspaper called jths nineteen horses' are In tip, armory, old A. Giblln financial Secretary, relation to'teeth wss ex?... .„_-, IH' Lyons and Hlsies Jean, Prtris, William ' Jones; mayor« of Long fiistice . Charles Wi>Farkcg of the itical consequence and status as a New York Weekly journal" as the 1 th« othen having died in the mean- William Clancy inside guard, Walter when,' as I gather from3)11 MS * Madeline, Geraldlne , Gwendolyn Branch, who has property on Ocean- New Jersey supreme court, and was ubstantial citizen; Indeed, he must rgan of the country party,. lan> time. With » roster of seventy nwn ; Qulglcy outside guard snd William )c classed as a young man of great iooning the government unmercl- tinntion,., thtrmr.eri qn »twer»e tinno anrUrM""**r » rid Marian Lyow, ' . port aVenue, has done much to add delivered at the unveiling of a tab- muc;:h In the troop should hove at least thlr Hoag, John Lchy and1 Charles, Gib- wealth, owning about 3,000 acres of ully, until the governor in despcra- n the way of cantank t* fcones, In tt» put the federal In the afternoon B.iihop,<>«rdl- to the attractiveness of the b'orougn. let in'Governor Morris's memory in manor at Morrisania and 3,500 acres bn had Zcngcr arrested for sedi- is to bo forgiven to a man i CON* A ' lln trustees. About 276 persons at- naturally combatlvu dispOsH itf«t .~"' He has erected' several desirable St. Ann's church, New York. It i« in Monmouth County, and a consid- ous Ijbcl, and tried to get tho grand 11 goyiro»«nt' has provided all the nor addressed a large.audience at tended the meeting. Among the cannot FletclicrizoT, but If"If" " hones for th«' national guard and Trinity parish house., He'described homes which have been rented by reprinted . from the Mbrristown erable' number of slaves on each of lry to indict him, which that body visitors were District Deputy David officers stationed at Fort Monmouth. these: properties. This appointment ujr w iiiuiui. "'»•. muuu Lntti. uuuy "mumblinuiQQipe nihla3 meameatt, Witwiinh h maintained them, but this year the conditions 1n tlberla,a«d U related Topics: fus do governor, ntli WhateveWht r tthhe .cause, the;teu( Reidy ot Asbury'Park and Harry Herbert Smith, has erected' two as a judge was in 1692, and I as- if used; to no. The. governor, null Whatever thii.cause, ^government has allotted only 500 umo of Wi OWJ»OWJ ' «»Pirtencw«P, In The task allotcd to me today is an cing entirely helpless in those days increasing ahtagoni nt betWy J O'Brien of Long BranchT houses in this addition, one of which sume that his tenure lasted until the 1 hones tor,the entire national guard oludlnl g Ws'wnversloa.ftoWloaftomm Vf , The annual ball of Red Bank agreeable one. As a Jerscyman and amous "surrender" of the Proprie- the hands of a grand jury, wenv governor and the legislature "* * is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Smith the attorney general, and'that of- ot the country. The Bed Bank troop hsmmedlsm to Christfcnltjr. Hlk council will bo held October 12th representative of a line of Jersey- ors to the Crown in 1702, of which . ... ._ years rolled on j there WerWff and the other by Major snd Mrs.' men extending back some 2S0 years cial filed an information, which had t recriminationsiiti. dand mieunmnanj* 'doss not expect to receive any p will buy Its own horses ier Js the «We« commpdlty of LK uled by the chief justice. "Very committee* and his assistants are ing. .'.' o •- • Statcn Island in New York, it had 'Papers of Governor Lewis Morris" here. I think it n fairly^ M, "" and Ml started plans to nils f 2,000 beiis. At night Blrtop flardlne* Harold Giblln, George Hallanan, been most interesting to review the hat "notwithstanding his youth, fell," said Andrew Hamilton, Zen- the man grew'-lncrcasingf *v The first meeting of the young nc d for this purpose* The cavalrymen ipukest St. Peter's EplKopal cnurcfe James Curley, William Lake, Owen svents connected with the separa- he) soon exercised great influence er's counsel, "the jury are judged from falling health as hl , , •re pUnsingito rals* the raoney by at Perth Aaboy. people's union for the season was tion of the colonial governments of n public affairs, developing very 10th of law and fact, and we^re In years. For tho last t»«l year< Grant, William Mean and William ontcnt to leave it to the jury." His mills of dsncei, entertainments, held at tho Methodist Episcopal those two provinces; as a present arly in his career those mental hi3 life he was a sick man drained* Lyons. resident of Morris Town in the town- onfidence was not rhisplaced; the sthl«tl« contest! snd other events. church/ recently. Eleven church qualities, and that sagacious discern- 8, 1716, after; a final dh the old FORGER NABBED. societies were represented. A short ship of Morris and .county of Mor- ment of men's characters and ac- ury acquitted, and Zenger was re- the legislature, he signed repli The flnrt Affair wtU be a dance'to ris, like interest has attached to a eased after having been held with- SAILING TO GREECE. devotional service was held, fol- tions, which subsequently caused ulating the militia the onl( be held iWedneiday night, October Ht VieUmlasd a Rod Sank somewhat hasty and I trust not too ut bail for over eight months, and lowed by a supper and entertain- lim to be considered more knowing fecled at that ses ion Oi 17th, at the Bmoke Shop tavern. A Out ol $128 Last Summtr. , Mr. and Mr». Harold Allen Are on superficial inquiry into the life and m the law and a greater adept in the n the language of a writer in the or the next, his illnesk. ment. Rev. Jacob Smallw'oo'd, pas- iogtaphical encyclopedia, "was rc- ni feature of the dance will be • yau During part of the summer Fred Thtlr Way Then. character ot the first colonial gov- wily intrigues of colonial politics alarming, and on May 21 -." ""* tor of the church, made the address id ith tlt l b rri8 c dcvillo entertainment. eriek Jordan-df New York boarder, ernor of Now Jersey a; a separate then any of his compeers." Or, as gp yp, a by at his place called "Kings. . fJ Mr. and Mrs, Harold Allen of eived with tumultuous applause l Sergeant Charles Qakenon Is at Mrs. Paulina Knight's Rivercresl of welcome. The bible trophy was political organization; a man of we should now say, he became a Trenton." On the 26thTiu< ertaM New Monmouth sailed this morning strong and vigorous personality, skillful politician. He was more than concourse of people who had chairman'of the dance committee. hotel on the Newman Springs r~n( presented to St. < Luke's Epworth rmbled to learn the result." Mean- were transported to Pcrthnd tnn on the steamship George Washing- whose honesty has never been sue hat; he was a determined and vigor- bld t l th lt" His assistants are Sergeants Leon- at Bed Bank1. Jordan always pale league for the -best attendance' at 'hile a combination had been and thence by water to M* Tulles . ton for Athens, Greece, where Mr. cessfully impunged, and who left his >us fighter and a dangerous oppon- ormed to get rid of Cosby, and aid Marthens and Junes Bennett, hills promptly and tften *e asked devotional meetings. The speaker He was 75 years of age. Thof this] Allen will be engaged for a year In ent. He contested in 1698 the {orris was chosen to go to England tickets( Serjeant Joseph Qllbot and Mrs. Knight to recommend him to of the evening was Frederick L. -impress on posterity in the form of claims of Jeremiah Basse as' pro- on one of the most intercilc egui f educational work for tho Near East ,3 an emissary: His nlans for sail- picturesque characters of t! •"" Corporal William Conover, public- ths) Broad stree£ bank officials ar a Mintell, executive secretary of the many distinguished descendant!), prietary governor on the ground of ng were made with great secrecy, ( relief movement. Mr. and Mrs. Al- among whom we' may mention his ity; Corporals Melvin Stout and reliable person she hid no heslta New Jersey Christian endeavor lack of a quorum at his appoint- nd he was on the high seas before len returned home in July from Ar- son, Robert Hunter Morris, Chief Frank Wise, program; Corporals tlon in doing so. Jordan got a check union. He spoke on the coming ment; so that on May 6, 1698, Mor- lis absence was discovered. COJ- menia, in Russia, where they wcro 1 Justice of Newtfersey from 1738 ris was removed from the council, Frank Kaiser and'William Ander- cashed for 1125 at the bank. Tbe "Crusade With Christ.' iy countered with a complaint to engaged for two years In Bimilar till IT 64; his grandson, Robert,-first and on May 11 was fined fifty he lords of trade against Morris, son, reception; and Corporal Her- check was ono nasd by a Western work. They have been stopping with Chief Justice of New Jersey -under pounds for contempt of the very lomandlng his dismissal from the bert Willlami, decorations. bank and It appeared tg be- certified, his portrait by. John Mrs. Allen's mother, Mrs. Fitzroy LITTLE SICVER/ NEWS. the constitution of 1776; aT>d later court of Common Right whereof ha Jew Jersey council, in which he still but the name of the cashier of the judge of the Federal court; another was, or had been a judge. depicts him; an able lawy men The troop football team will be Walling of New Monmouth. Mrs. eld office. bank was forged on tbVeertiacatlon. Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and son, Lewis, born 1698, Chief Justice judge; and clever politician, ntrsct gin practice tomorrow night In the Allen, before her marriage, was New Jersey are liable to tpig^,] Mrs. Knight indorsed the check be- Mrs. Harrison Shampanore. of* the Admiralty Court of New The dismissal was recommended, armory arena. Regulars from last Miss Agnes Walling and she was iut overruled by the Privy Council; lim primarily as our quar fore the bank cashed It and for this (The Bed Bank milliter can be bougbt York; his son Lewis, born 1726, But the Basse question was tho year's team who will play this year principal of,-tho Mechanic, street each week in Little Silver at the Union signer fit the Declaration; his son source of continual quarrels; others o Cosby failed. On the other hand, Urst governor, forgetting 'I.«I__. reason she had to make- good the 1 are Born center, William Dowlen, school at Red Bank. Mr. .Allen at Newa Stand at the depot and at George Lewis, graduate of Princeton, 1774, of his opponents were imprisoned; itorris failed to secure the ouster of bad been and had accomplish" ™); amount of the check.' , Quaclcenboah'a general store.) 75 Fred Moog and Molvin Stout guards, s oiie time was instructor. for the nide to Generals Sullivan and "feuds and confusion followed, >sby, but the latter died in March, that he'came to that office a*' ° Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sham William Anderson tackle, Robor Jordan left town after getting 'he agricultural class at the Middletown Greene..in our Revolution; and Smith tells us; a compromise was 736, and Morris returned home if life when he should havNews panore gave a dinner party in eel- iarly in October, to be received with •njoying a well-eirned reti Linton and James Dodd ends and money, but he was arrested last township high school at Leonardo. Gouverner Morris, brothel of Lewis attempted by the reappointment of r ebration of the third wedding anni- he loud acclamations of his con- rom the hurly burly of politi Charles Oakerson, Fred Kaiser and week at New York by tho, William A number of relatives and friends the signer, born 1752, delegate to Hamilton, but this failed to settle versary of.Mr. and Mrs, Harrison the.coristitutional convention, Minis- the matter; and to make a long story ititucnts. "unconcerned whether the E\KE, Lfonard' Marthona backs. Anderson J. Burns detective agencyl He jd of_ the-eoupla.went-to-New-York Shampanore. ~ ~7 ter to Franco under the Directory, short,.in 1702 came the surrender Morris, waB now sixty-five years got' Constantinople or the Tu,_ —wilHie:trarisferred Jfrorrrtho lirio~to Tib\ir~iS~priaon. Inquiries, are'being this morning to see them off. enna." **y the backflold this season. He played M*. and Mrs. William H. Carhart, and United States Senator; Gouver- of the proprietary government in if age, apparently at the-height-of m>m made ;tosfind; out it! h».;vlctintteed i ' • '•'•»> •• r.euh Morris, the seco'nd, veteran of both East and West Jersey. This lis popularity, a wealthy man. his four sears with Rutgers university. Jr., who have been camping at anyone in this section besides.Mri 1 the Mexican War; Gouverneur Mor- was due in large measure to the ef- :hildren long, slncq gtbym, and his . HIS SINGING. loyi., r A Shrawebury .Avenu* Fire. Point Pleasant, have returned home. rom Two regulars havo loft the troop. Knight. ' '•;••. -^< •" . :':.: • > ris, the third,'founder of this sweet forts of Morna . .._ secured the ;wo sons now attaining distinction; They'ara Chester Degavro of Red /Early last Saturday morning Morrell- Moore in building a- gar- old church, which he built in mem- concurrence of the local proprietar- >ut like, other active, men, he knew He Had No Voice but Hli V«orld Bank* who 1B making preparation CAR DRIVEN AGAINST. TREE: fire of unknown origin broke out at age on' his property on • Church ory of his mother, and in whose ies, and with their backing went to not when ,to. stop. One would think • •• .'Wa» Ju»t AwfuU at a school in Now York for his Antonio Palmierl's hou.so on Shrews- street, > God's acre Within sound of my voicti England and was there instru- that afteryso'ttiany stormy years he At s Scotch dinner every (..,» , entrance to ' West Point militar; Two Autoe CoMided on Went SlreWl hury avenue near Bergen place. The Chief of Police Fred Ziegler has there rest nearly a score of his hon- mental in persuading the other would have, realized the truth of St. contributed to the entertain! «< by Dr. MacDonald. ul.'^ academy, and William Wilklns o \ , Saturday AfUrnbon. damage by fire and water amounted bought a new Pontiac sedan. ored 'kinsmen. proprietors, and after the delivery in Paul's injunction to Titus (III.9). April, 1702, of the instrument of "Come, come, doctor," BAldT, •< Long Branch. Daniel Hendrickson An' automobile owned - by. Mrs, li>J $500. The flre wa3 put out by William Satter will enter Lehigh Returning to the subject of our "But avoid foolish questions, and 1 sketch, his father, Richard, and surrender, returned to America. The genealogies, and contentions, and chairman, but the doctdr protf - of, Mlddletbwn, who played on th Cora Eugg, of. Kiver Plata, ani the firemen in a short time. university this week! Thereon Brow- "My voice is altogether unmt. which ..was parked1 Sergeant George. Smith : of John Mrs. E. M. Errickson is the own- crest, a blazing castle, has been even then suggested and .debated, him back to .New Jersey, where he panels of a door ' 2 street last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. vlkrs. Anne Antonides of Ivyland er of a new Studebaker sedan. and in connection with it the avail- was destined to: loss- his; popularity The company attributed GIRL'S BIRTHDAY PARTY. Pcijnsylvlnia, and John Cubbon of ascribed to' an exploit of his uncle Rung's car was driven against a Mrs. A. J. Irwirie of Philadelphia, Lewis at that period, though that ability of Morris as governor of'New and to end his days,i " the doctor's modesty. 1 Felrhar were married at New York > "Very well," said he A H«'ppy Day in the Lifo of Lucy tree and badly damaged . William who has been visiting • her sister, origin is open to doubt. This uncla Jersey was considered;.but the plan He began by an attempt to scat Wednesday, September 6th. The Lewis, after serving in England un- of . separation being rejected, the himself as acting governor by right you can .etand it, I am willing. Soviero on Monday, Taaffe of Newark was the owner of Mrs. Robert Herring, returned.hbme There was a painful silence AS I the car Smith was driving; Mrs: bridA is a teacher, in the Belmar der Cromwell, was sent by him in claims of Morris were put aside and of seniority in the council. This was A' party was given by Mr. am Saturday. :n December, 1702, "the good Queen resisted, was appealed to the other doctor sat down, broken at lenf Rugg -was in her car when it was school and the groom is organie 1654 as an officer in an expedition Mrs.' Anthony Sovicro • of Pearl and ntusical director of the Belmar Mr. and Mrs. James' Iannerella; tc the West Indies, and was second Anne," who had just come to the side of the water, and: the appeal by the voice of a raw Scot at tbe.t hit but-neither she nor Smith was ol the table.; .» etreet, Red Bank, on Monday nighl PresbyHfrlan church. who were married a few days ago in command at the attack on Ja- throne as successor of William III went against, him, .Butf'his defeat in' celebration of the slxtoentJi injured. No arrests were made, as at Latrobe, Pennsylvania, have re- maica. Later he settled at Barba- igned the commissions of Edward was of short duration, ifk a move- ' "Mon," he cxcfclihed, "y ing's'not up to much, but yo birthday of their daughter Lucy. Smjth and TaafTe agreed to pay the turned from a wedding trip. does, and after the Restoration in Viscount Cornbury, as Governor o ment to separate the executive'de- 1 damage. ../'» \ Reed—Buck. \ 1G60, political considerations and New York and of New Jersey., partments of'New, York and New acity's just' awful. You ^ Music, games : and . ref reahments Dr. and Mrs, H. B. Sheffield have about that brick,." were the principal features, an Miss EMlie H. Reed of Mendham returned to New York for the win property interests led him to re- Time forbids any comment on th. Jersey, which had been for some everyone had a fine time. Lucy ro and David T. Buck of Freehold main in the West Indies until 1674 Cornbury administration except in time progressing, now came to a. ; WON A TON OF COAL. tor. Their son Arnold will resume head, and in February' 1737, Morris Th* Burglar and ceived many giffs, including a dia- were married September 1st at New his studies at New York university Richard, the father of Governoi its bearing on the subject of this pa- It Waa Disposed of by tha Fire York and left immediately for a trip Lewis Morris, had also been an offi- per. Generally speaking,, Cornbury was appointed governor of New Jer- "Did youse git anthingt" mond ring from her parents and a Mr. and Mrs. William H. Carhart, sey; her first independent colonial through the New'^England states. cer in Cro'rowell's army, and finding appears to have been one of the best pered the burglar on guard a boquet of sixteen roses from her Department Auxiliary, Jr., and daughter Betty Jane are on the climate of England unhealthy governor; and a 'native, not an im- ial emerged from the window^. , Mr. Buck Is employed by a chem hated men that ever held public of' joungest brother, Carmine' Soviero, About forty members of th; la- a two weeks' automobile trip to r.fter the restoration, had gone to fice. One or two short quotations portation'. He entered on his duties -."Naw.'de bloke wot lives hert i Others present besides those men- dies' auxiliary of the Ked Bank fire ical manufacturing company a Canada. Barbadoes, removed to New Amster- from Gordon will elucidate the at Perth Amboy in the late summer lawyer," replied the other Jn ' tioned were Joseph Carrillo, Philij department attended a meotlngMon- Perth Amboy, \ dam, .which was then under Dutch point: of that year. About the same time, gust. day night, at Westslcie flrebouso. SEABRIGHT NEWS. control, bought up several thousand "The people, who in the very his son, Robert Hunter Morris, be- "Dat's hard luck," said tht : T.-Jlarinlne, Michael Canzone, An- came Chief Justice. Mr*. Eitelle Chadwlck of Elm i-lact, Brtdlhiw^Higgini. acres which was later erected into wantonness of freedom, had in- "did youse lose anything?" tonio Finelll, Carmine Cononlco an Methodist Church Roll Call or a manor and* wh'ich is still known He waa well received, and made a family, Joseph Ammiratl, Mr. an a member of the auxiliary, won a Miss Myrtle A. Bradshaw and volved themselves in contentioui Tuesday, October 2d. «as Morrisania, and settled thereon. strife,'discovered that they had.ex- good start by quitting the -council Mrs. Blgio Elccl, Domlnlck A, ti n of coal which wai disposed of Harry H. Higglns, son of Mrs. Eliza There, Lewis Morris, afterward' 1 making that body a part of the leg- Mazza, Louis Eampino, Joseph Maz (The' Red Bank Register oan be bough changed King Log for King Stork. on tho co-operative pluu. Tha coal beth Hlgglns of Allentown, w-c each week In Seabtlgct *c the utoree u Chief Justice and Governor, "His character is described as islature, and confining himself to -Fidelity ZHCCB, Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Bizzaro wab donated by Ray-Sanboni of married last Wednesday in their ne' H. D. Bragar and H. Letkowlts.) born late in 1071. He made a very compound of bigotry and intoler- executive functions; a new depar- ture. The legislature created a new Mortgage Finance Unltt Mr. and Mrs. Aringcngo Soviero, Shrewsbury, who Is a member of homo vat Hamilton Square. After The annual roll call of the Meth poor start in life; his mother, died ance, rapacity and prodigality, vo- Peter Soviero, Louiso Sovlsro, Miss Wcstslde fire company. About $95 the ceremony they left for a trip to o>dist church will be held on Tues- when ho was but a few months old. luptuousness and cruelty, and th< county,' and named it after him, and ' CM rMftsuo rat ttxt Elizabeth' Cononico, Miss Lizzi day, October 2d. Sessions will bi and his father did not long survive loftiest arrogance with the meanesi voted him a.liberal salary: but the . jrEAUPLUS COMMON >vaa realized for the auxiliary. Afr Canada. era of good feeling was a snort one. . STOCX EAKNWQI i Ammlrati, M.iss Ann Elbustelli, Miss t'.T the business meeting a luncheon he'd at three o'clock in the after- her, dying in 1672 or 1«73. In th. chicane." o i e» following year uncle Lewis came t< His point of view seems to have Marie .Marascio, Miss Mary Mar waa served. HAZLET NEWS. noon and at half-past seven o'clock We need not stop to discuss th changed; he was seeing things at a ascio, Miss Mildred Pace, Miss Ros at night. Rev. M. T. MacPherson o: this country from Barbadoes, settled nt Morrisania, assumed charge o details of Cornbury's administration. different angle. I am content to Cononico, Miss Dorothy, Copper HOLMDEL WOMAN HURT. Firemen Clear $1,400 at Their An Newark, radio evangelist, will speak What concerns us at this point is ascribe his actions at this period to nu«l Fair. the rearing of young Lewis, am , iNsvitw mviTtp thwaitt and Nicholas and Josop at both(irc3sion9. Vocal solos will be made him his heir. that Morris, a member of Cornbury'a age, poor^digestion and blood pres- Mie. Charles Phillips Injured in At- rendered at night '.y Miss Minnie. council, became at once his leadin^ F. E. Carpenter & Co. Soviero. The eighteenth annual fair and We read in Gordon's History o: sure, and to let it go at that. In cldent ett Red Bank. supper, held by the Hazlet fire com Latham. At the conclusion of the! opponent, was suspended, reinstated October, 1739, he writes thus to his G MU SUU New Jersey that "tbe early years ol and suspended again in the cours 1 lsCliaton Street, Newuk, N.J. Saturday afternoon a Ford sedan pany last week was very successful, afternoon sessfon the, ladies' aid so- tho nephew wcru wild ana erratic," friend, Sir Charles Wager . A FAREWELL PARTX. of about a year. For about tw "I was glad to find by yOurs that o>~ncd and driven by Charles Phil- about |l,400 being realized, which ciety will serve a supper free to r.nd in Smith's New Jersey, that in years he remained in private life, will be used toward paying for th thoce attending the roll call. 1683, in one o£ "several consider- you wore in goad health in an age Thomas Keliey Left Yeiterdny foi lijis of Holmdel, collided with' u but in 1707 came again to the fore, so far advanced as yours is, and . NOTICE. . \\im SI. Bonaventure'a Colleg2>. at 8.00 o'clock Both cart were aligli'.'y damaged. Jcrscy, being a party, was taken bly, he prepared for that body t M.. trill comlder the report of.aaaeeameli, r'^ht by a group of schoolmates u and.John H. Bahrenburg, Tho ar- morning Rev. Samuel R. Latham ing within a few days of entering of benefit! conferred tipon loti and peree] Mis. Phillips, who was riding with rn-Jsoncr and confined in a log house lungthy remonstrance to the Quuen ot land and real eitate by ttuon m lUorga GrausoV honvo t night at the Riverside Gloss's orchestra of Hazlet. and Its formulae. Havihg sown hi pies nor good morals: wicked, de- ,-Mary Burko, John Hlggins, Patrlc avenuo community building for the wild oats, ho returned to! New Yov signing men," "men known to b( Calandrlcllo, Edwin Kennedy Mr. and Mrs, William R. Lupton FAIR HAVEN NEWS. nnd made his peace wltld his uncle first time after tho summer vaca and daughter of Now York are vis- uneasy under all government," an ,1 Gcorgo Qulgloy, John Hartncdy, Jo who died in May, 1601, (when Lewis so on. The net result was thai tlon. About twenty members attend- iting Andrew J. Latham and family. Barn Danco Saturday Nifht at tha was about twenty, leaving a will sc ooph Mullln and Gooigo Grain ed the meeting. Tho noxt seision of Morris was rcappointed to the coun- "Bobblo" Feltor of ' tin U. Playari' Boat Club. mutilated by erasures .and inter- cil in 1708 under Lord Lovelace tlio society will bo held on Tuesday navy, now stationed at Lakchurst, (Tbe Bed Bank Heslittr oiin oe bought lineations as to rnisc scmou? lega who succeeded Cornbury and agair night, October 2d, and nomination each week In the store o( llerry KurtU and questions ,whlch Lewis hnpiMly solver BRIDGE AND TEA PARTY. spent tho weok-ond at his home. at tbe Gold Cedari, fair Uavan.) nuspended by Lieutenant Governo of officers will be made. After.thn Mrs, Wiifrod K. Andrews an by fair settlement with tltc holder: Ingoldsby, who on the death of Love Mri. Emily B. Merrill Entertoine The Players' boat club will hold business meeting a stocking sociable children Fred ond Constanco o of outstanding claims, iusonnuch tha lace becamo acting governor unti in Honor of Her Niece. will bo held. a barn danco on Saturday night of h,« wns never ilisturbtil in tUc enjoy tho appointment of General Roborl I Leonia spent tho week-end* wit NOTICE i this week at tho club. Tho mem-, Mn. Emily. B. Merrill of tho 01 nient of this great prbjivrty. Woul< Hunter in 1710 as governor of Nev * ("V Mrs. Andrew^mother, -Mrs. Harr bora and guests will wenr rural cos that he had always ben so tactfu Jersey and New York. Hunter an< OaWjslo farmhouse on Whlto road ' Uncai Club't Field Day. S, Cowles. —TO— Ksvc* a brldgo and tea party yittcr tumes, pnd diplomatic 1 Morris wero close friends, and Mor ' Tho Uncai club of West Red Bank Joseph Li. Lovett, chief) Leon •4 il»y afternoon for hov nlccc. Mm George Cohan '(umphrevs, who Tho next Important event to not< ria became hend of tho Council ii will hold its field day Saturday of Warnock, Samuol Thorno and Eu New Jersey and gave Hunter h Alfred Cunningham, who win form has boon spending tho summer here, Is his marriage, November 3, 107)1 this week Instead of Saturday, Sop Kcno Smith, will represent Rnrltari has returned to Now York. to Isabclln Graham, daughter of thy vigorous support In New York, final "iml<>n, At thi tlitr* In twenty ycnrii. Mv. '/.itsilr Mipmsnti In Th* Kefrlittr this wmk* Into more than 7,400 honiix wnokly period/Cosby \vn« unpopular,. an Ocunport N»wi. Oil" court Wim n new venture In 1 It?employed ss a chuniltt at No Msj'be thvrt In juil thr thing sdvnr that mesnsa bljr ItcKlttor family ol Mnrr>l< popular! I" «'»« elrctcd a! tired ths I vOu art looking for.—-Ail I.lfulcnnnt ami Mr>. Poore «n llrid of Juillcnluir. nt • Inint by thn York. - . mure than 3B,0U0 pmoiii.—Adver rnme.' Orifnri(znl In 1(182. It liml nil itio'li at onen In tho Nnw Vork s« ,ysrtls«inent, Infant son left last week for the MMmftt tho powers of our Now Jcraov 8t >i'»u>lv, snd wu received with most I \ ' ' SPSS i v- -if


Jersey City have been visiting Mr. A ?j«w"Air DWUIoo., ' ' have U»'headrtWi "ili N«w»rk! tii NEWS FROM KEYPORT and Mn. R. A. Jimenez. ienu^ Xelloig Sloan of the but willwpr^t nwn'jtrom *11 ptml Mr. and Mrs. James Grnvany of, United iSUtef'air service arrived at 61 SCHOOLS OPEN WITH ENROLL- New York have been spending sev- Seagirt last week ,«nd is now -en- MENT OF 967. eral days with the letter's parents, t&ged. ia organizing tb,e 44th divlB- Mr. and Mn. Vincent; Bnggl. ion air service. The "service will All Pupils Are Now on Full Tim* Mrs. Herman Beyer, who spent —Catholic Daugbtari' of' America the summer at her homo on Grand to Hold Card Party and Dance- 1 View'avenue, has returned to Al< [, . ' v" Plbmn and Cregf ShOHlwttd, ' J , ? , , f * I,J -' Father Linnane in Hospital. bany, N. Y. I All pupUi aalsted to employment -JPuplI».ot ottst |oh0oli nsy tonUnUi" < The Bed Bank Register can bs bought Fire Chief R. A. Jessen, Jacob L. Ithetr work Jiew wjthonftateftuptlpn. - s "¥"'< «... -A *J** ' i.ch w«k la Kejiiott at Charles Xaha's 1 v • u>r«.) Froudman and Roscoe Paynter.will "FREE'EmployiBMit Bnmu. * ,".• '•,'"', '# The total enrollment of the local represent the local fire department at the annual convention, of. the , ' ERNEST i. BEAN. PrlnitpaJ.' •- ^L''' ' ~\ -,. schoola is now 987 pupils of which i 0144 BangBamss AireoueAvenue. . ' • 248,'are high school pupils. With the Now Jersey state firemen's associa- opening of the new high school tion at Atlantic City this week. v MARKET building, all pupils ore now on full The railroad crossing on Palmer time, | avenue, which has been in a de- Corner of Broad &. Front Sti., Red Bank.' Court 'Saint Joseph's, Catholic plorable condition all summer, hat Daughters of America, will hold a been put in good" condition. Bor- Phone 2037-W. card party and dance in Saint Jos- ough Attorney Jacob Lcfferts took eph's parish hall next Wednesday the matter up with the public utili- evening. Cards start at 8.00 o'clock ty commission, which in turn called FRESH-KILLED sharp. Music for dancing will be the attention of the railroad to the furnished by Lind Brothers and crossing.. • ROASTING their Cliffwood Beach orchestra. Trie fair schedule of the Keans- •'' Rev. J. A. Linnane of St. Joseph's burg: steamboat company i* now in church is a surgical" patient* In St. effect and will be continued' until You Wi« Love .Vlichael's hospital af Newark, Octpber lBt, when the boats will be Mrs. Karl White of Wilmington discontinued until spring. CHICKENS The Strand theater has closed for (3—3}<-lb. Average) the Jesr Round ; Pel., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Sirs. E. T. Hoo'se. : . the season. The Casino theater will , ._ v» In BW «\j»efr ottr t) tow e< •Robert S.. Lockwopd has pur- close on Sunday, and "Memorial hall r, llni specimen. Sterneeni In BIUI;> will open next Tuesday. chased a Chrysler roadster. . , . TIWUM u>S\Bsfbrti Bhoiloi6Mtm*?'9*otauH) Mrs. Ada Birkbeck has been vis- Mrs. Charles LaGleis is building a LEAN HaplM and nuraeroui other rare planU jueh u ITowar. iting her siBter, Mrs. Edward Glass garage oniSea View avenue. Ptak »o«wood, Unrtlien, ItoymtUm it* of Maplewood. Mrs. Cnarlcs McGuire has re- ilv, Rettf, Bock Flaalav tie, • ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coward are turned from a slay at New York. FRESH EViSBYTHINO TO tiKAVTIVX 7 "SURE:, n-akirig an auto trip to Canada.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trenery are on HOME GAOTJNDS Carl A. Courtney is spending a motor trip to Canada. - FOkEQUARTERS FRESH-KILLED I j - , Flrjt ol all set our expert «d»|os on-how a»« irhat M some time at Birmingham, Ala. _ Mrs. S. Sisk and family have" Tour rlslt (o our nuntrf «m, b* swit Mr3. John Ott, a former resident, closed their summer home on Sea SPRING now of Brooklyn, has been visiting View avenue and returned to ^New friends here. York. » Rev. and Mrs. F. T. B. Reynolds Miss Eleanor Kelly has returned FOWL fly Brakes are from a etay.at New York. \ have returned from a vacation spent LAMB PLAINFIELD at Windham, N. Y. Mrs. Alice MacClaren has re- M*. and Mrs. J. H. Hendrickson turned from a visit at Newark. AL'S SPECIAL and daughter Betty have returned - William A.'Gelhaus has-returned NURSERY from a vacation at Delaware Water from a trip io Canada. 29; PRICE All Gtp, Pa. Miss Maxine Cason has returned Scotch PI«Jni,N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Harry West are from a theatrical tour. spending several days at Mt. Clem- Quality Meats Always at Reasonable Prices L The Register's motto—''A paper ens/ N. Y. .,. in every home;"—Advertisement. tin --but are Dr; and Mrs". O. C. Bogardiis have rHttriied~fronr a -vacation -spent at their cottage in the Pocono Moun- /OUR brakes may seem to stop the car all tains, Pa. P. J. Shea, a local contractor, has ,r right, but that is no sign they are properly bsen awarded a large sewer con- iqualized. tract at Highland Park. Mr. and.Mrs. J. Harvey Bowne have announced the marriage of One brake may be tighter than another. At every their' daughter, Helen Dorothy, to , stop you throw more load upon that tire. It gets Theodore E. Djck, son of Mrs. Jos- ephine A. • Dick on Wednesday-^t .more strain in the body, more wear on the tread; the Church of the Transfiguration .You wear it Out faster. at New York. The couple are mak- li.g a trip to Canada after which Biey will.make their hdme with the p either your front or rear wheels are do- gtoom'a mother. ing most of the braking. If So, the front or rear : Mrti Kenneth Cooper is recuper- ating from an operation for appen- tires show mdre -wear, and their life will be dicitis at the home of her parents, shortened. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Voorhees of Bel- ford. It is impossible to build cars with brakes that re- Miss Marjorie Lockwood, daugh- itr-of Mr; and Mrs. Norman B. main perfectly equalized. That is why the latest Lockwood, has entered the Metho- cars provide easily reached adjustments. ' •,. dist Episcopal hospital at Brooklyn ns a student nurse. Miss Alma Williams of Atlantic Increased tire mileage should pay you for hav- Highlands has been visiting Mrs. ing your brakes properly tested and regularly f'ranees Lackey. Sidney Tunnington has resigned adjusted. Safety also demands it —uneven his position with the Whitall-Tatum brakes may cause dangerous skids on slippery Company. Mrs. Thomas W. Brown of Lvnn- pavement. brookr L. I., has beer ovisiting her mother-in-law, Mra. Ella Brown. , The old "test" (locking the brakes and noting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ash and chil- dren have returned from a visit to how tires slide over a garage floor) is not enough. W'atertown, N. Y. Regular brake testing apparatus should be used. Mra. Julius Kalma and son Arne Kalma have returned from a sev- While we do not have such apparatus,- we-can eral weeks' trip to Northern Eur- usually tell by looking at your tires whether or ope. MisseB Constance and Gietchen not they are being abused by uneven brakes. We Haigh will enter Skidiiiore college Why Envy Jones/ can then direct you, if necessary, to a reliable at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., .this month. brake-testing establishment. Misses Eleanor Brown and Averil !ampbell will enter New York unl- AVE you, ever wondered The extra shock-resisting crsity this month. A Personal Experience ability of theSUPER-TWlST H where the successful business , —W. H. Sorn. body in a Cioodyear Tire re- * KEANSBURG NEWS. man gets tKe money to. buy hisi "I thought my brakes ducei the chances of injury were •working perfectly, from strains imposed by un- Civic Association Elected New Of- new investments? -••"••:.••-: u^-.-^rs but decided to make BUTO equal brakes* and the tough- ficers Last Week. (The Bid Bank Register can be bought by test. Imagine my sur- er Goodyear tread resists each we«lt ID Kiamburz at the atore o( prise to discover that tho Units Volland, N. Santa Lucia, PbWI» Today is the age of borrowed :f left tear fa take waa so more wear from sliding— Keller and Charles Voiel.) loose that it contributed but, even «o, to get out of The Keansburg Civic association capital. "••• '; • ". '•••• '-•,-. V, very little to stopping the Goodyears stl the greater elected F. P. Maloney president, car, and was causing tho mileage built into them, it Russell Ogden vice president, George opposite lire to wear off • Modern business is the secret of rapidly." it economy ^o watch your Rowden second vice president, Mra. brakes. Harry Hubcr third vice president, making the other fellow's money I ]' Chester J. Beaman recording secre- tary, Mrs. George Howdon financial work for you. Tfac successful man. Let uc show you this new tire—tell you what it will secretary and Andrew Eckert treas- lias mastered the art ofbpjrrow*;,,".,.,• cost you to equip your car—we'll take your old tires urer at their meeting last week. Former Mayor James P. Maher, C. ing—within reason, always—-and .. >• in trade, crediting you with every mile that's left in F. Finch and Jcnks Beaman com- pose the board of trustees, "The of keeping his money at work., them. officers, together with the trustees and Miss Colla Schiick and MM. Distributed by "harles Ogden, compose tho exqen- Investments are doubly valuable (•?•£*,;!?., tive committee. A special commit- tee, known as an emorgency com- also made to serve as collateral for ''*'• mittee, to act oon such Mattera as ' loans and yield funds witii wbidi'"••"*'4 nppcnr dominated by "political or HPEUTY UNION MORTGAGES , private necessity," was appointed by to buy additional investments. '•'Xtf the president, and is composed of formor Mayor Maher, Servnls Le- Roy, Chester J. Beaman, James J. ERE is an old prejudice against using one's Thus money makes moncye Porter and George.G. Ilaikell'.' !;i Tlie Now Point firt iompany will home as collateral for a loan ... . You think of I hold its third annual 'excursion to Y& Koton Point park, Conn,, on Sun- your stocks, bonds, your best income producing tiny. Tho steamer City of Keans bur* has been chartered for tho oc- property as desirable collateral. But if these go, casion, and' will leave Keansburg 0:00 A. M. it is «of small value to have a home that you cannot afford* Peter Wood U • remodeling homo at Grnnvlllo Park. Ho .. Sweeney, Is also 'remodeling/his house on Highland avenue. We fnvite you to write or call to jet m ,C. R. Callahan han iiold two/bun- gnlows In West Kcnmburg Pafrk. about your mortgage requirements i Frank Toll hn« closed his restaur- ant on Cnrr nvenuo and mns ro- turnod to his hbmo at Hnrrlion. Office and Service, Shopi l'aul Hunter an ( inmfly Imvc cloicd tholr numrncr homo nnd re- 200 Monmquth.St., Phono 1709 Red Bank'. turned to their winter homik on Long 1 . (Opposite Railroad Station) FIDELITY UNION Mr. and Mrn. 0. Colion, wlio npent Uio »ummcr hero, IIAYO mono to Nownrk for tho winter, \ TITLE & MORTGAGE GUARANTY COMPANY "" BRANCH STORKt—roiB MAIN ITBEET, ASBURY*PARK. Mr. and MM. W. WAiiermnti'Oinvo ttono to Florida. GVroaJ anJ 0Janh QJtrtiU •' • tt, 01 £B»J afi »•••••'.•.?, .CourtUnil D. Ogden I* m ,„.. teratlont to Ills homo on Forest iu\c- en ^ nuo. & en ff. Mr. »iid MM, qiprgo JlnrrplJ mw tmtHU t+nUHtt,» U,t, a ».e, sx issl nt.