Air Quality Updating and Screening Assessment Second Round Review and Assessment under Part IV, Environment Act 1995 Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council January 4 Final Report 9P1194 A COMPANY OF POSFORD HASKONING LTD ENVIRONMENT Globe Park Moss Bridge Road Kingsway West, Rochdale OL16 5EB United Kingdom +44 (0)1706 714575 Telephone 01706 714574 Fax
[email protected] E-mail Internet Document title Air Quality Updating and Screening Assessment Second Round Review and Assessment under Part IV, Environment Act 1995 Document short title Updating and Screening Assessment Status Final Report Date January 2004 Project name Bolton Updating and Screening Assessment Project number 9P1194 Client Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council Reference 9P1194 02 Drafted by John Drabble Checked by John Clark Date/initials check Approved by John Clark Date/initials approval SUMMARY An Updating and Screening Assessment of potential air pollution sources in and around the district of Bolton was undertaken in accordance with the requirements placed on all local authorities to undertake a ‘second round’ review, following submission of a ‘first round’ review in 2001. The methodology and procedures followed those in the DEFRA statutory technical guidance note LAQM.TG(03), which lays down a checklist approach to screen potential sources and determine those that will require further detailed assessment. The first round of review and assessment in Bolton had concluded with the designation of an air quality management area (AQMA) on the basis of predicted exceedences of the annual mean Objective for nitrogen dioxide by 2005, and in more isolated hot-spots of the 24-hour PM10 Objective. The findings of this updating and screening assessment essentially confirm that, of the seven air pollutants reviewed, these two pollutants are the most likely to exceed their respective Objectives.