WARD: DATE:22nd January 2019 VENUE: Carpenters Arms START 7.05pm FINSH TIMES: 9.35pm NOs OF ATTENDEES: 87 OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE: Lesley Bannister ,John Mole, John Porter and VISITING SPEAKER(S): Karl Randall

WARD PRIORITIES:- Ward Priority headings - 1. Parking problems (Including schools) 2. Grass Verges (management & maintenance) 3. Litter/clean streets / litter bin collections 4. Parks & open spaces (management & maintenance) 5. Community libraries 6. Local shopping centres 7. Amey Roads / pavements / lights / trees 8. Road Safety 9. Neighbourhood policing / community safety 10. Planning, community development, housing & private renting 11. Nursery schools, school admissions, educational needs provision 12. Supporting young people 13. Older people’s care A first draft of the Ward Plan which remains a working document was circulated to the residents at the Ward meeting on 13th November 2018 this is to be discussed at the next Ward meeting on the 19TH March 2019 7.00pm at the Carpenters Arms.

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MATTERS DISCUSSED AT THE MEETING INCLUDING LOCAL CONCERNS: 1. Notice of Recording read out by councillor Pocock 2. Introductions by Cllr Pocock. 3. Apologies from PCSO Willet and Matt Hegeney. 4. Policing and Road Safety –

Written update provided by PCSO Willet and read out by Cllr Scott and a hand out of the update given to the residents

“Burglaries on the Vesey Ward from October 1st 2018 to January 19th 2019

Total Burglaries for the period above 93;23 were attempt Burglary no entry gained – this is mainly due to the fitting of ‘anti snap’ lock;15 were sheds broken into and items taken from the shed;15 were car key Burglaries – door locks snapped in most cases – please look to fit ‘anti snap’ locks;2 were distraction Burglaries – if you have an elderly neighbour living on their own let Ian Willetts know via the team email account and we will visit them and do security checks6 properties were insecure

With regard to the question asking for data on roads being targeted, I have mapped the 93 burglaries and no particular road has been targeted. Any house is a potential target of a criminal. Fitting of anti-snap locks is proven to work there has been several attempt Burglaries where they have not been able to gain entry due to the anti-snap locks doing their job. The Vesey team when not engaged on other jobs are patrolling in both covert cars and marked patrol cars.

With regard to feedback from the public around parking offences, so far I have only received one request for a self-reporting form which I sent out – again please email me and I will send the form out to you with a guide and hints and tips. PLEASE NOTE I have been informed that we require the form and picture to be with me within 48 hrs of the offence taking place.

I have good news about ‘Speed Watch’…… I am due to attend a training session in the very near future (date still to be confirmed) and then the training will then be rolled out to the community speed watch members. – If anyone who is not yet involved please contact me via the Team email account or via WMNow. The team email account is available via the ‘new look’ Police web site, which I encourage everyone to take a look at as many questions can be answered via the web chat facility.

A personal request…. Please can any of the Forums/groups attending start to invite me to their meetings? Vesey is a large Ward with many groups and I feel it

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is better for me to attend each group to get a better picture of what the needs of this great community are.

Street Watch information given out reclaiming the street ,being seen and being present

Age corner are doing community walks meeting outside next on 31st of January feed the birds and you can bring your dog”

Highways update with Karl Randall Senior Highways Engineer from BCC- Karl updated the meeting on the progress of the Traffic regulation order relating to College Road and Kineton Road ; Parking in Roylesden Crescent; update on the scheme for Redacre and Heathlands road and Windsor Road. Karl took questions from residents on local highways issues resulting in the following actions.

Action: It was agreed that the Highways Engineers, residents of Redacre Road and Ward Councillors would meet separately to discuss the problems in Redacre Road.

Action: To look at options and work with the Town Council for a solution to the Road safety concerns raised by residents at the island near the entrance of Boldmere gate a Stonehouse Road and Monmouth Drive .

5. Neighbourhood Forums and residents groups – Jeanette Nicholls from St Michael’s Community pod updated the residents on family and children events at the Pod which included “Who let the Dads out “, Story telling sessions at the library and free family craft sessions. Information about all these events can be found on the St Michaels website. . John Mole from the Neighbourhood, Development and Support Unit gave a brief update on funding opportunities and offered to help new groups access funding .

6. Community updates from Boldmere futures and Sutton Town Council – Dennis Kennedy from Sutton Community Games promoted this year’s event on the 13th /14th July 2019 and consulted on potentially holding an Accessible Community Games in .Tony Willetts from Bannergate forum promoted computer courses the forum was running .Ken Rushton announced that Vesey North forum and Boldmere forum were going to consult on the two forums becoming one Forum .He said that this matter would be discussed at both forums AGM’s in April .Councillor Pocock announced that the Working Together in Neighbourhoods white paper had be passed at Cabinet today adding that he and Cllr Scott would be applying for Vesey Ward to be one of the first Pioneer Wards which would lead to devolving more powers at a local level. Martin Peddle from Boldmere Traders update consisted of the retailers concerns, this included recent crime issues , new retailers to the High street which included a Gin bar and Cycle Shop and Martin announced that this year’s Summer festive will take place on The 9th June . Boldmere Futures update began with a brief report on the Local Innovations Fund project, the Bear legacy and the new M.A.C carer Home

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Development. Finally Sutton Coldfield Town Cllr Janet Cairns gave details on the criteria for Community grants available, details of forthcoming Town Council meetings which included the Vesey Ward Town Councillors meeting on the 4th April in the Community Café.

7. Sutton Park income generation and Car parking charges - Firstly John Porter Park Manager said he was happy to announce that the park had six new Exmoor ponies in the park taking their number up to 34. John then said that he was concerned that there was some miss information with regard to the introduction of parking charges to the Park .He said that in fact up until 1974 when the Park was part of Warwickshire there was charging in the Park and the residents of Sutton used to have a sticker on their car for exemption. He said that charging to use the park had started in 1889 so it wasn’t a new concept, he said other Parks charged for Parking and gave the comparable example of Cannock Chase .John went on to give a brief and informative history lesson on Sutton Park and it’s Royal Charter .Councillor Pocock thanked John for standing in at the last minute and proposed the following which on a show of hands was overwhelmingly supported.

Proposed conditions from Vesey Ward Forum 1. Build the new upgraded car parking areas before starting implementing the parking charging scheme.

2. Install the new ‘first stage’ parking restrictions outside the Park area (TRO), before starting the changing scheme within the Park.

3. Disabled Blue Badge holders to be allowed free parking; also ensure better disabled and special needs access abiding by the Equalities Act 2010; with the overall ambition of making Sutton Park the most universally accessible public park in the UK.

4. Volunteers working with the Scouts / Guides / Cadets etc to help with weekly activities and special events, to be exempt from charges for assisting those activities.

5. Parents dropping off / picking up youngsters involved in these activities to be exempt from parking charges provided only dropping off for eg under 5 minutes.

6. There shall be full public disclosure of specific annual accounts and future long term budgets giving income and expenditure for the costs and incomes associated with running Sutton Park and within this the income and running costs of the car parking scheme, as part of a new publicly

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available set of accounts.

7. Within the above, it should be policy that all car park income will be allocated exclusively to the budget associated with running Sutton Park.

8. Any new ‘Friends of the Boldmere and Banners Gates’ community groups or equivalent, will be accepted as a partner in the wider arrangements for running Sutton Park (eg as part of a re-vamped Sutton Park Advisory Committee).

9. The Sutton Town Council is permitted to fund a free or discounted annual charge for Sutton households paying the Town Council precept.

10. Review the parking charges scheme again after an initial period, taking account of the results of the other additional income generating schemes now under development.

Urgent Business and A.O.B – Sutton Observer no longer distributed in Boldmere and Vesey

Next meeting is Tuesday, 19th March 2019 7.00pm Carpenters Arms

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1. Make an application for the Vesey Ward Cllr Pocock 31st March 2019 to be a Pioneer Ward .

2. It was agreed that the Highways Engineers, Cllr Pocock and Karl As soon as practicable residents of Redacre Road and Ward Randall Councillors would meet separately to discuss the problems in Redacre Road .

3. To look at options and work with the Town Karl Randall As soon as practicable Council for a solution to the Road safety concerns raised by residents at the island near the entrance of Boldmere gate a Stonehouse Road and Monmouth Drive.

4. Sutton Park car parking charges proposal Cllr Pocock Completed be forward to the Project team

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Councillors (s) Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Councillor(s) Name(s) (please print): …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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