Art & Culture February 22, 2020 3 This Day in History (February 22) General Soleimani Honored Today is Saturday; 3rd of the Iranian of 1398 solar hijri; corresponding to 27th of the Islamic month of Jamadi as-Sani 1441 lunar hijri; and February 22, 2020, of the Christian Gregorian Calendar. 1325 lunar years ago, on this day in 116 AH, Ali, the son of Imam Mohammad Baqer (AS) – the 5th Infallible Heir of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) – was martyred at Fajr Visual Arts Festival in Ardahal near Kashan in central , along with a hundred of his faithful followers The 12th Fajr Visual Arts Festival “It is an honor for us to be seen in an uneven fight with forces of the usurper Omayyad regime. He had cometo Iran from Medina three years earlier on the invitation of followers of the Ahl al- dedicated a special section to besides his picture,” he added. Bayt on was peacefully promoting the genuine teachings of his ancestor the Prophet martyr Soleimani. Meanwhile, the bust of martyr when the enemies launched an unprovoked attack upon him. His sprawling shrine As part of the new section, Hassan Soleimani is being made by the in Mashhad-e Ardahal is a site of pilgrimage for people from all over Iran and other Rouholamin’s painting of martyr sculpturer Ali Lavaee. parts of the world, who every year on the second Friday of the Iranian month of , Soleimani has gone on display in one Lieutenant General Soleimani, flock in great numbers to commemorate his martyrdom as per the . of the exhibition rooms of the festival. who was the commander of the 1050 lunar years ago, on this day in 391 AH, the poet and eulogist of the Prophet and the Ahl al-Bayt, Siraj Wahhaj Hussain bin Ahmad, popularly known as Ibn Hajjaj, In the same section, a portrait Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic passed away. As per his will he was laid to rest in Kazemain at the feet of the holy and a bust of Lieutenant General Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), shrine of Imam Musa Kazem (AS), the 7th Infallible Successor of Prophet Mohammad Soleimani are being made in front was assassinated along with Abu (SAWA). of the audiences. Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second- 993 lunar years ago, on this day in 448 AH, the statesman, warrior and literary figure, Abbas Barzgar-Ganji, taking part in-command of Iraq’s Popular Majd od-Din Osama ibn Murshid ibn Ali ibn Munqidh al-Kinani, titled Moayyed at the special section, said he is Mobilization Units (PMU), as well od-Dowlah, was born in Shaizar near Hama in Syria. His life coincided with the rise supposed to finish the portrait of as eight other people in a US drone and fall of several Muslim dynasties, as well as the invasion by the First Crusade and setting up of the illegal crusader states by the European invaders. He wrote many martyr Soleimani by the end of the strike at Baghdad’s international poetry anthologies, such as the “Kitab al-Asa” (Book of the Staff), “Lubab al-Adab” festival. airport on January 3. (Kernels of Literature), and “al-Manazil wa’d-Diyar” (Dwellings and Abodes). For Ganji noted that he selected The 12th edition of the Fajr modern readers, however, he is most well-known for his “Kitab al-I’bar”, which TEHRAN (IFILM) -- The 2020 the late Iranian commander, a photo of the “Commander of Visual Arts Festival kicked off contains lengthy descriptions of the crusaders, whom he visited on many occasions, edition of the Fajr Visual Arts Lieutenant General Qassem Hearts” that shows “his strength on February 18 and will run until and some of whom he considered friends, although he generally saw them as Soleimani. and kindness”. February 24. European barbarians. Festival has been commemorating 342 solar years ago, on this day in 1677 AD, the Dutch philosopher, Baruch Spinoza, died in Hague at the age of 45 of lung illness which was exacerbated by fine glass dust inhaled while grinding optical lenses. 316 solar years ago, on this day in 1703 AD, the Islamic scholar and reformer Big Success Feature Premiers at Love Festival of the Subcontinent, Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlawi, was born in Delhi during the last years of the 50-year reign of the 6th and last of the Great Moghul TEHRAN (MNA) – Iranian relationships are on the brink of Emperors, Mohammad Aurangzeb, who took Muslim power to its height in South feature ‘Weightlessness’, directed explosion. Asia, controlling all of today’s India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and the eastern half of by Mehdi Fard Ghaderi, has been Love International Film Festival . After initial education in his hometown, he left for the holy cities of selected as the opening film for the (LIFF), according to the event’s Mecca and Medina, where he stayed several years acquiring knowledge of various 4th edition of Love International Islamic sciences, and on his return to India, strove for the revival of Islamic rule organizers, focuses on bringing and intellectual learning. His activities were not confined to spiritual and intellectual Film Festival (LIFF) in the U.S. films and filmmakers from the spheres, since he lived in troubled times and saw a number of rulers ascending and The Iranian feature will enjoy international community whose falling from the throne of Delhi. He observed the deterioration of Muslim rule and its sixth international screening works bring the world closer wrote to several contemporary rulers, including Ahmad Shah Abdali of Afghanistan at the main competition section together and promote love and and Nizam Ali Khan Asef Jah II of Haiderabad-Deccan, to bolster the political life of of the fourth editin of Love healing through cinema. Muslims. Shah Waliullah was a prolific writer in both Persian and Arabic. He wrote International Film Festival (LIFF) The festival seeks films that 51 books, of which 28 are in Arabic and twenty-three in Persian. He codified the vast store of Islamic sciences under separate heads. His works can be classified into six in Los Angeles, California. inspire feelings of peace, love, categories. The first deals with the holy Qur’an, including its translation into Persian The film centers around the acceptance, and tolerance for the first time in the Subcontinent. According to him, the object of studying the holy disappearance of the groom towards children and families. Qur’an is to reform human nature and correct wrong beliefs and injurious actions. the next day after a wedding The festival will be held in Los The second category deals with hadith. The third deals with fiqh (jurisprudence). The reception held in a magnificent Angeles, California. fourth deals with mysticism. The fifth pertains to his works on Muslim philosophy mansion. The bride, the groom’s The fourth edition of the event and theology, including Ijtihad. The sixth category deals with problems between Shias mother and sister, and his lover uninvited are all looking for the next day, the women blame one will be held on September 16 – and Sunnis. His theories pertaining to economics and socialism are of revolutionary nature. who came to the wedding reason for his disappearance. The another for this situation and their 18, 2020 in California, U.S. 191 solar years ago, on this day in 1828 AD, Following Qajarid Iran’s defeat in the two-year long 2nd Russo-Persian War in the Caucasus with expansionist Russia, the disgraceful Turkmenchai Treaty was imposed on Fath Ali Shah with the mediation of Alternatives for BPA-Free British colonial officials, on the threat that failure to accept will result in the march of Russian troops upon Tehran. 121 lunar years ago, on this day in 1320 AH, the prominent Iranian Islamic scholar, Products Not Safe Mirza Hussein Noori Tabarsi, popularly known as Muhaddith Noori, passed away at NEW YORK (Dispatches) brain development in both the age of 66 in holy Najaf and was laid to rest, as per his will on the right side of the entrance to the Mausoleum of Imam Ali (AS). Among his works is the voluminous --- Using “BPA-free” plastic mice and humans. Serotonin, book “Mustadrak al-Wasa’el”, in which he has collected 123,000 hadith of the products could be as harmful while commonly associated Infallible Imams on the line of Shaikh Hur al Ameli’s “Wasa’el ash-Shi’a”. to human health -- including with the feeling of happiness, 114 lunar years ago, on this day in 1327 AH, the 6th Qajarid king of Iran, Mohammad a developing brain -- as those is a natural chemical that can Ali Shah, following the defeat of his army by popular constitutionalist forces, sought products that contain the impact a person’s functions, asylum in the Russian embassy. 103 solar years ago, on this day in 1916 AD, the deadly Battle of Verdun broke controversial chemical, suggest including their emotions and out between Germany and France during World War I, and ended with the defeat scientists in a new study led by physical activities such as of Germany. Almost one million Germans and French were killed in this battle for the University of Missouri. sleeping, eating and digesting control of France. For decades, scientists have food. 98 solar years ago, on this day in 1921 AD, Britain carried out a coup in Iran against studied BPA extensively in the weak Qajarid ruler, Ahmad Shah, to make an obscure and illiterate soldier named Reza Khan, the commander of the army. At the same time the other British agent, animal models with results Seyyed Zia od-Din Tabatabaie was made Prime Minister. Ahmad Shah Qajar was indicating the chemical plays forced to leave Iran for Europe. In 1925, with British support, Reza Khan forced a role in early pregnancy loss, the Majlis to abolish the Qajar dynasty and declared himself king, with the title of placental diseases and various Reza Shah Pahlavi. He served British colonial interests by brutally crushing the negative health outcomes after freedom movements of the Iranian Muslim people. He forced the Iranian people to give up their traditional dress for European style of dressing, forced women to unveil, birth. As these adverse health suppressed the ulema, and banned religious gatherings. With the outbreak of World effects have become more War 2, he made the mistake of showing tendencies towards Germany, prompting widely known, companies Britain to replace him on the Peacock Throne with his son Mohammad Reza in 1941. have turned to using alternative Reza Khan was sent into exile to Mauritius in the Indian Ocean by the British and chemicals to develop plastic died there in 1944. 67 solar years ago, on this day in 1952 AD, the Bengali Language Movement protests products -- namely water occurred at the University of Dhaka in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and continued bottles and food containers -- for three days, resulting in the killing of several students by the security forces. The and often labeling them “BPA- protest was a reaction to the declaration of Urdu by the Pakistani government as the free.” However, MU scientist national language. Cheryl Rosenfeld warns these 66 solar years ago, on this day in 1953 AD, Francis Crick and James Watson reached their conclusion about the double helix structure of the DNA molecule. They made chemical alternatives, such as their first announcement on February 28, and their paper titled, “A Structure for bisphenol S (BPS), still aren’t Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid”, was published in the 25 April 1953 issue of journal safe for people to use. Nature. In the study, Rosenfeld and 54 solar years ago, on this day in 1965 AD, US Afro Muslim activist, Malcolm her colleagues focused on X was assassinated by white supremacist terrorists, believed to be hirelings of the government, which was afraid of the Islamic movement he had formed. He was 40 examining the effects of BPS on years of age when martyred, and had embraced the truth of Islam in his youth. He a mouse’s placenta. She said the was active in the campaign for equal rights of the black people. He believed that placenta serves as a historical racial discrimination and other injustices of the morally-bankrupt and decadent liberal record of what an unborn democratic system of the West would only end if the dynamic laws of Islam, based on child faces while in the womb; social justice and ethical virtues, are promoted. 46 solar years ago, on this day in 1973 AD, fighter planes of the illegal Zionist entity the placenta also can transfer violated international air-traffic regulations by shooting down a Libyan passenger whatever the mother might be airliner, Flight 114, over the Sinai Desert, killing 108 men, women, and children. exposed to in her blood, such Israel is notorious for its acts of state terrorism. as harmful chemicals, into the 8 solar years ago, on this day in 2011 AD, Abdur-Redha Buhmaid of Bahrain attained developing child. martyrdom, three days after he was fatally shot at a peaceful gathering, by forces of Rosenfeld adds that the the repressive Aal-e Khalifa minority regime. Sangak is Iran’s – and maybe the worlds – healthiest, most delicious and easiest to digest type of bread. placenta serves as a primary (Courtesy of IFP News) (Courtesy: IRIB English Radio – source of serotonin for fetal