The Hartford Letters

Rebirth of a Born-Again Christian

A Daily Journal Of Earthly Love And Heavenly Submission

By Larry E Vaughn 2005 1


This compilation of emails includes The Hartford Letters, written by Larry E Vaughn, and an inside view of how the input of others, via email, was put to work by the Lord Our God to bolster and support the author while he was undergoing severe discipline. While Larry was led to minister to an ever growing number of well wishers through the daily Lea Updates, others were led to minister to Larry during his time of trial. This volume contains the supportive email messages our Father provided to help Larry find his direction and inner strength.

This is a journey of faith and miraculous healing, the power of group prayer, and how The Church can be comprised of prayers connected only by an emotional thread woven through each of their lives by a common interest in a distant tragedy. Our God truly works mightily and mysteriously in revealing His plan.


FROM: Larry Vaughn TO: Lance Vaughn, Link Vaughn Sunday, July 10 @ 10:41 AM

Greetings! After three days of leisurely driving with our neighbors Joe and Pat Stroup, we have arrived at Prospect Harbor, Maine for vacation. Attached is a photo of the house we are occupying. It is foggy, chilly, and drizzly here. Hope it warms up, or at least, dries up! We will be available by cell phone if you need us, unless we are sleeping or taking a nap or sleeping. ☺ We plan to leave here Friday, and arrive back in Atlanta Monday the 18th. Pardon me, I think I hear a lobster calling my name. Hope everyone is well.

House in Prospect Harbor, Maine

FROM: Lance Vaughn July 11 @ 10:10 AM

I hope all is well with you!!! I will try to call you tonight!!!

FROM: Link Vaughn July 11 @ 1:15 PM

Dad - Have a RESTFUL time! What is your cell phone number? For some reason, I do not have it... Be sure to check out Bill's sermons on line... The last two weeks have been some of his best...

FROM: Link Vaughn July 11 @ 4:13 PM

All three of the (Bill Barley) sermons on Acts have blown me away... #2 and #3 are especially good and appropriate for the struggles we all go through and the repentance required for each of us. God's blessing and favor to you!


FROM: Lance Vaughn Saturday, July 16 @ 10:05 PM

Earlier this morning, our mother Lea was admitted to an emergency room in Connecticut for acute abdominal pain. She is in stable condition and has a morphine pump to help her manage the pain. The doctors are thinking pancreatitis, but will know more in the morning. Our dad (Larry) has been given a cot and will be spending the night in the room with her tonight.

So, the story goes: yesterday, Mom and Dad were on their way back from a vacation in Maine with their friends Pat and Joe when Joe began experiencing chest pains. He was admitted to the same hospital and is in stable condition and under observation. While Joe was being looked after yesterday, Mom was feeling ill and spent most of the day sleeping in the truck. When she awoke this morning feeling worse, Dad took her to the emergency room. You know as much as I do at this point.


FROM: Christy July 17 @ 4:05 PM To: Lance, Link

Just wanted to let you no we are praying for Aunt Lea's health. Could you please ad me to your contact list

3 as Mom (Kathy) is so upset she has a hard time passing on this info to me. I've been talking on the phone with Aunt Barb and Dawn so we all have the correct information on your mom.

We are very concerned for her and Love her very much, please remember if you need anything we are there!! Please give everyone hugs and kisses for us. I am sending this with love and prayer from us to you and your families - your cousin in Hannibal. Christy.

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn July 17 @ 8:02 PM

Thank you, Christy. It is encouraging to hear that so many are praying for Mom - Thanks for letting us know. We (Lyndi, Megan, and I) are praying for a healing that will relieve Mom from her pain and restore her to full health. Also, please pray for my dad, Larry. He is struggling with the thought of losing my Mom. Please pray for peace, blessed assurance, joy and comfort for him and he stays at the hospital alone. We will lift all of you up as well... Sometimes we forget to pray for our extended family and your note has reminded me that even though we are thousands of miles apart, we remain close.

FROM: Barb S July 18 @ 3:01 PM To: Link Vaughn

So sorry to hear about your mom. Know you must really be worried about her and being so far away really doesn't help. We will all keep her in our prayers as well as the rest of you.


REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn July 18 @ 7:53 PM

She remains in our prayers here as well. I wish I could be there with her, but know there is not much I can do to help. Our Lord Jesus will keep her in his care and I pray provide my Dad with peace. We pray for healing that will relieve Mom's pain and bring glory to God for all that are around her.

FROM: Lance Vaughn July 18 @ 5:35 PM

I am flying out tomorrow morning to provide Dad support. I promise to keep you posted. Please continue praying for the Lord's healing mercy. Thank you so much for your unending support. Mom's prayer page is located on my website.


FROM: Barb S July 19 @ 12:18 AM

This is a special request for Larry’s sister, Lea Vaughn. While on a trip back to Indiana from Maine, Lea took critically ill and is in a hospital in Connecticut. Doctors are still looking for answers but as of last update, she is on a respirator and has pneumonia on top of everything else. So, please pass this on as God does listen to and answer prayers. Thank you all.

FROM: Link Vaughn July 19 @ 9:00 AM

Aloha All - I am writing a brief note (to our church family) to ask you to pray for my family. My mom and dad were vacationing in Maine and on the way home this weekend my mom was admitted to a hospital in Meriden, CT for what is believed to be pancreatitis. She has had several complications since being admitted and the outlook is not good. She is hooked up to a respirator and is undergoing dialysis for her kidneys today as they have stopped working. My dad is not in great health either and I am certain he is not taking care of

4 himself too well. My brother is in route as I type and I am flying out this afternoon. Also, much of my mom's family is driving to Connecticut from Missouri.

Specifically, please lift up my mom (Lea) for healing and my dad (Larry) for comfort and health. Both know the Lord, are ready for heaven, and trust Jesus Christ as their savior. I am personally praying for a miracle healing in my mom... for what I am sure are selfish reasons, but I really am not ready to lose her.

I will have intermittent access to my e-mail during this trip and will have my cell phone with me. Thank you for your prayers... God listens and responds... I pray He brings my mom back and has a great work ahead for her... If not, I pray that she be taken quickly and with little suffering...

FROM: Karen July 19 @ 9:38 AM

Hi, I am Karen a dear friend for 30 plus years of the family of Lea and Larry, I just spoke to Lance on the phone, he is in the Chicago airport waiting for his flight to Ct. to join his dad, Link is leaving Hawaii today to join them. Lance has just spoken to Larry and all of Lea's organs have shut down and things are not where we want them to be right now. I don't know other than a miracle from God that could pull her thru. Lance and the family is asking for your prayers for Lea and the Larry, Link and family and Lance and his fiance to get them thru this next few days and they have to have your support to help them.

FROM: Karen July19 @ 3:15 PM

Hi, this is Karen again, just got a phone call from Lance and Lea has stabilized enough for them to airlift her to a hospital in Hartford. She had a procedure done that removed the triglycerides from her blood to remove the fat that is causing the problem, they are going to do that procedure maybe another time or two and also maybe do a procedure to remove fluid that has built up in the Pancreas.

Lance was at the hospital when she was transferred and drove Larry to the hospital in Hartford. He sounded really good, was so glad to be with his parents. He will let me know if there is any change. He said he contacted all of the family by cell phones that are enroute to the hospital to let them know of the change.

He said keep those prayers going, they are working...... We know that Lea is not out of the woods yet, but even a glimmer of her improving is wonderful, he said she knows that everyone is praying for her and we know she is a fighter. Will keep you posted. Later


FROM: Karen July 20 @ 1:25 PM

Hi, don't have a update, Lance did call and say there is nothing new to report. He has a address for all of us if we would like to correspond with the family, send cards to Lea. She can't have any real flowers in her room; she can have stuffed animals, or anything else that you would like to send.

Lance says keep the prayers going. Link should be there tomorrow morning by 10. The family is very grateful for all of your prayers and concerns.


FROM: Barb S July 22 @ 6:56 AM

Just wanted to let you know you are in all our prayers. Hope you will be able to read this soon as that will mean you are getting lots better. We love you.



FROM: R Dean N July 25 @ 9:21 AM

Dear Larry, Your courage and determination, as well as your dedication to Lea are very inspiring to me. We have followed the situation very closely because we feel that you all are members of our family, and we have really had our ups and downs as Lea has had hers. We are there for you if there is anything we can do to help, other than our prayers. R Dean N

FROM: Barb S July 25 @ 9:37 AM

I am sure you will feel like your mailbox is overflowing before all is said and done. It's just our way of showing we love you guys and are thinking of you. Letting you know you're not alone. Our prayers and thoughts are with you constantly.

Lea is such a strong person, I know she is trying her hardest to get back to us. Like you said, it is going to be a long road but if anyone can do it, it's Lea. It sounds like she is in the best hands she can be in between God and the hospital. It sounds like a real caring hospital. Maybe that's why things happened the way they did. This was the hospital that could help her the most.

Well, know you're busy. Just wanted to make sure you knew that even though everyone is gone, you both are still in our hearts and prayers. If you need anything, let us know.

FROM: Gayle H July 25 @ 10:32 AM

Dear Larry, I just want you to know that I am thinking of you and keeping you and the boys in my prayers, too. I know God is an AWESOME GOD and he has blessed Lea's situation with great care from the drs. and all involved. I know how difficult serious illness is and think of you often. Lea is so special to me and a wonderful part of our family and we all need her.

I wish there was more I could do but I will continue the prayers which I know at this time is the best thing that is needed. Please take care of yourself, too, because you also are special to our family. My love goes to all of you. Being able to send ecards and regular cards and listen to nurse updates is so helpful. What a great hospital!

Barb Tate has been forwarding your messages to help keep me informed and I send them to my children who constantly ask about Lea, too. Lea truly is a remarkable woman and has touched many lives and I love her so much!!

FROM: Jean S July 25 @ 11:36 AM

My darling brother: My thoughts and prayers are with you all the time. I love you.

FROM: Gracie L July 25 @ 11:41 AM

What a warm heart filled letter. I can just feel the love, thank you for sending it my way Kathy. Lea IS a beckon of Light even I can feel her Love. Somehow this lady touches my soul even though I've never met her. Larry I am Laura David's Aunt Gracie, and Blake David's Great Aunt. He is so in love with Aunt Lea it almost made me jealous for I adore this little guy. Yet I too have to adore her for the loving way she treats all those who happen her way. Blake felt special being with her and from all indications she has a way of making everyone feel that way.

Sweet Kathy's heart was breaking for fear Lea wasn't going to make it and I could feel her pain also. I just

6 can't stop thinking about this lovely lady, and her family. Hang in there, I've thought much about all of you and I send my love your way.

FROM: Jean S July 25 @ 12:01 PM

I have been forwarding any information I have been getting to both Randy and Phil (Vaughn) if you want to add them. I know they would like to be informed.

FROM: Jonathan J July 25 @ 12:50 PM

Larry - Roxanna has kept me informed of Lea's serious condition, and I want you and Lea to know that prayers from many of your Indiana and DBM friends are offered daily, including Cheryl, Jerry, and Marv.

The suddenness and severity of Lea's health is a shock to us all. We wish we were there to comfort both of you. If there is anything we can do here and in Atlanta while you care for Lea, please let me know. If I can assist in any way with docs out of the IU School of Medicine, please let me know as well.

We will continue to pray for Lea's safe and speedy recovery, and for your continued strength and stamina throughout this ordeal. All the best.

FROM: Marlowe N July 25 @ 2:11 PM

Dear Larry, Thanks so much for the detailed update. It is good to hear from you, to know that you are keeping your head above water through all this. How terrifying and incredibly stressful all this must be for you. In a way, it is harder for you than for Lea, at least now while she is sedated and you are left helplessly watching and waiting. I think it is always at least as hard to watch a loved one suffer as it is to be the one who is ill. We have been praying as much for you as for Lea-you are very much in this together!

We know that Lea is not out of the woods yet, despite how much she has miraculously come through. Probably the greatest danger is infection. We will pray for the Lord to have His angels wrap her in an "antibacterial shield." She must really be a fighter. She is not ready to leave you, either, after 43 years!

As we said in our card, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help in any way. Of course, our prayers and sympathy will continue to go out to you both. May you continue to have courage and hope in the loving compassion and mercy of our Lord.

FROM: John S TO: Link July 25 @ 6:05 PM

Thank goodness for good news, at least guarded good news. We are still praying for everyone, especially your mother and father. If you think that your father would like a call, please send his cell number and I will contact in a few days.


FROM: David Vaughn July 26 @ 2:01 AM

Another update from my brother. I can't improve on his note, so I'll just add another thank you for your prayers as I forward this to you.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn July 26 @ 4:26 AM


My son, I want to thank you for the updates of your loving wife Lea. We are so happy to hear of her progress. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and Lea. Prince and Sparky continue to meet me at the gate waiting to be fed and pampered. It was so hot yesterday I put Ice Cubes in the water hoping to keep it cool a little longer. I have sent the black band and watch and it should arrive by Wednesday of this week. This big house seems rather lonely without you and Lea. Lance will arrive later this morning and it will be good to visit with him. I love you and am sending you my Love and prayers to you and Lea. More later Your Mother.

FROM: Sherri S July 26 @ 8:00 am

Lea, This is Sherri... How are you feeling today, darlin'? I have been praying for you, and asking others to pray for you as well. I put you on the prayer chain at our church. Believe me, there is power in prayer - and you are living proof of it!

There have been so many people worried about you - asking about you - and Larry has written the sweetest emails about what a wonderful person you are and how blessed your family is because you are part of their lives. I teased Jim the other day - I asked him if he could come up with similar 'poetry' about me if he had to. He agreed - Larry has a way with words, for sure. How wonderful that you are the recipient of such sweet sentiments.

I got a really awful, short haircut the other day - (made the mistake of telling the stylist to do something different and sassy) - and everytime I look in the mirror, I am reminded of the story you told when you were a young mother/wife - and got your hair cut really short. Larry sat on the porch when you drove up and was not at all complimentary about it. My kids keep asking if I am going to go back to the same salon anymore - That is their way of telling me I look hideous and don't ever want a repeat of this episode.

Tyler and Alex are remembering you in their prayers as well. Jim, too - Lea, I will write again soon - We love you - and are thinking of you constantly. We all send our very best - Larry, you take care of yourself as well - being a caregiver is hard - and you need to keep up your strength as well.

FROM: Gayle H July 26 @ 8:02 AM

Thank you for adding me to your email. I know you are extremely stressed yourself with all that you must handle, and I keep you in my prayers, too. You and Lea have a multitude of friends, family, acquaintances that you have touched, and I know that is a great comfort to you both. I do not expect you to respond to my emails because I know you have too many, but I do want you to know that I care about you and that your updates mean so much.

You are so right when you say that many of us will receive lessons from this ordeal with Lea and all will be different.I know with talking with her sister, Kathy, yesterday that lessons are being taught. The two of us talked about God's beautiful world that surrounds us each day and how much we need to show those we care about that we love them and to take nothing for granted. Life is uncertain, but the power of God and His love is always certain. Each day all of us touch lives at work, at home, at church, all around. We all need to do that with God's love in our heart.

I know as I begin my school year tomorrow, I will be thinking even more of the lives that I touch each day and consider the children's situations at home. As the students come to me, Aug. 3, and sit in my class with their eyes staring at me and wondering what type of year they will have, it will be even better than it ever has, and I have always been big about self-esteem and creating a "family" classroom.

I have also learned an extremely important lesson in my personal life that I want to share with Lea. It concerns my dad and doesn't seem appropriate to delve into right now but one day I will talk with both of you. Just know this--I have learned to better trust God and my soul is more at peace. Thank you again and know that I will be praying continually for both you and Lea and the boys. God's hand is there--just take it and hold tight!

FROM: Kathy D


July 26 @ 9:58 AM

Hi, Larry, Just read your e-mail today and I want you to know that if you need me to come and be with you that I will be there . I love lea so much and you are so right I think this has given everyone a whole different out look of life. Lea has touched so many lifes and everyone loves her so much. She means so much to me. We all knew that it wasn't going to be a smooth recover for her but I just hope she doesn't have to have to many down days. I know she is in the best hospital and they are sure great and respectful nurses and doctors and I know she is going to pull through this. I'm so happy that they didn't have to take anymore of her pancreas so maybe now it will heal and they can get her all better. I know the thought of having to put a tracheotomy in her throat is scarry but it sounds like it would really keep the infections down and we sure don't need her to get that. All we can do is just be there for her and keep her in all our prayers. She has a lot of love and prayer going out to her because she means so much to everyone, God Bless

FROM: Karen TO: Lance July 26 @ 9:53 AM

Hey, I have been doing some work and I think we can make it over to Atlanta on Thursday for the day and help, I am bringing my sister, daughter-in-law and anyone else that will fit in my car, will that work for you. I want to be there when you are there so we know what to do. If that's o.k. please give me a call, I left a message on your cell phone, but haven't heard back yet, will try again later.

REPLY FROM: Lance Vaughn July 26 @ 3:36 PM

Just woke up from our nap. We've safely arrived in Atlanta. I just got your message and email. Thursday would work out wonderfully! You are sooooo very generous. Thank you, thank you!

FROM: Marlowe N TO: Lance July 26 @ 10:12 AM

Hi Ya'll, Hope you had a good trip and are safely in Atlanta. You must be exhausted. I know you have a lot of work ahead of you, but it is important to take care of yourselves and not overdo it-take a break now and then.

I was struck by one of the readings in my morning prayer and thought I'd pass it on to you. Maybe it will give you inspiration for the work ahead: Sirach 3:1-6. "Children, pay heed to a fathers's right; do so that you may live. For the Lord sets a father in honor over his children; a mother's authority he confirms over her sons. He who honors his father atones for sins; he stores up riches who reveres his mother. He who honors his father is gladdened by children, and when he prays he is heard. He who reveres his father will live a long life; he obeys the Lord who brings comfort to his mother."

Have they (airline) found your bags? Hope things go more smoothly for awhile! Hang in there, and God Bless your work!

REPLY FROM: Lance Vaughn July 26 @ 3:42 PM

Thank you, Marlowe! We have made it safely to Atlanta and have awoken from our nap. Helpers will be arriving soon. Thank you for sharing that reading. Amazing timing for that, indeed. We are doing our best to heed these wise words...

FROM: Link Vaughn July 26 @ 7:34 PM

Dad, A good one for you today...

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not

9 sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. -- Isaiah 43:2-3

THOUGHT: In the context of this passage, God reminds his people that they are precious to him. He formed them and redeemed them. He is not about to abandon them. No matter what challenges or difficulties they face, he will be with them to deliver them and bring them to safety and victory. We can accept this same promise; we also have the benefit of history to show God's faithfulness. We can see how God did preserve his people and redeemed them time and time again from their bondage to their enemies. God will not forget his children! We know it by promise. We know it by history. We know it by faith!

FROM: Shana G July 26 @ 7:27 PM

Hi Larry, I just wanted to write you a quick note to let you know I'm thinking of you and Lea. It's hard to imagine what this past week has been like for you. I appreciate the daily updates you send and can't tell you how many times I think about you guys throughout the day. Your message yesterday was truly inspirational in how you spoke of your love and faith; and your love for Lea. I truly believe in the power of prayer and Lea certainly has many, many coming her way.

I pray each night that God will wrap His loving arms around Lea and you and He will guide you during this trying time. Please tell Lea how much we love her and miss her at work. It just isn't the same not having her sit across the wall from me (as we try to keep each other out of trouble)! If there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to e-mail me or call.

FROM: Link Vaughn July 26 @ 7:51 PM

Dad - Thanks for the e-mail update again today. Even though Mom is having difficulties, your e-mails bring me comfort to know that you are there caring for her. I had a long chat with my doctor and nurses here today before my surgery about Mom. They are the "pancreatitis specialists" on the island and were quite interested in her case. They gave me great comfort in knowing that what she is going through is common for severe cases and that the survival rate is VERY high. So many people are praying for you both, I am sure you can feel the prayers...

Dave leaves tomorrow for Atlanta to join Lance. I hope that they are able to accomplish much for you while they are there. I will be contacting your real estate agent tomorrow (as today I was not too coherent...) Also, my administrative assistant really wants to purchase mom’s Mustang so we will be setting the "wheels in motion" for that transaction here soon. I will likely need you to transfer the title to me somehow... We will figure it out after Dave arrives.


FROM: Larry D July 27 @ 1:21 AM

Larry, My thoughts are with you, Lea, and the whole Vaughn family every day...Don't forget to take care of yourself too! Once she's up and around again we don't want you to end up back in her place... She's strong and has the best support possible so I have faith that if anyone can pull through and have a full recovery it'll be her!

FROM: Gayle H July 27 @ 3:17 AM

Hey Lea, Just want you to know that I am thinking of you every moment and praying continually for you to get well. I am enjoying my last morning at home before starting my school year. I have my room just about ready and moved things around and am very pleased with it. I was appointed one of two tech teachers at our school and have my own little computer lab in my classroom. I have 6 computers, a scanner and printer and


Jim made a great bench underneath the ledge that held everything so now there is plenty of room and it looks good.

I am required to use technology in my teaching lessons and encourage others on staff to add more technology in their classrooms. Six or seven years ago I was afraid of computers, but now just am fascinated with it all. I have a web page that my students will be updating daily that can be accessed from home for homework, news, etc. I also do special work on the rain forest, penguins, fish, and a book called Because of Winn Dixie that will all integrate technology in my room for this first year.

This year should be an exciting one although there are many changes taking place. I will be one of the inclusion classrooms for 4th grade, too, which means that I will have half of the special needs children in my room. This school has been the best ever for me and has helped me to grow as a teacher. The 2 principals are amazing and the most supportive I have ever had in my career. I believe I was led to this school by God (sometime I will tell you that story) and have been so blessed with this "family".

I often think of your mom and how much she wanted to be a teacher. She continues to inspire me with her love of children. I remember the work she did at the Church of Christ in Hannibal and how much she was loved. I try always to honor her and remember that teaching can be my ministry.

Just a few notes about the family--Todd and Robin are expecting their second child Feb. 12th. Melinda and Kevin's son, Kadin, begins kindergarten next week (where does time go?) and Angie and Bob are doing great. Angie's son, Cody, broke his arm really badly at a sleepover a few weeks ago, BUT it is healing so well that he will be able to be in a brace by the time school starts instead of the cast.

Angie works at Longhorn restaurant part-time and enjoys getting out of the house a little. I can imagine with four little ones running around!! Isn't that amazing? I would never have thought of her with 4 children but I am so proud of her and Todd and Melinda, too, with their families. Todd continues to enjoy working with the fire dept. as well as at the trucking firm and Melinda teaches at a daycare. I encourage her to go back to school. It does make you feel so good, doesn't it, to have grown children that are contributing to the world in a positive way??

You have amazing sons and I know how proud you are of them, too. I think of Link and his family often in Hawaii because Jim and I will be celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary in June 2006 and have hopes of spending a couple of weeks in Hawaii. We are hoping to see them one of the days of the trip. Of course, many factors will determine if we are able to make the trip but we will definitely be looking at it further after the first of the year. I would love to see your pictures again and get your suggestions on the "must see" places. I understand Lance is in Texas and we still like it there, too. In fact, we just spent an anniversary trip this year in Austin and San Antonio. It sure has grown since we lived there!!

I better go for now and get things ready for my meeting this afternoon. Tomorrow and Friday are full days. Remember I love you and will keep writing and keeping you informed about our family and what's going on. You keep working hard to get well. You are so strong and I admire you so much!

FROM: John W July 27 @ 8:07 AM

God Larry, how sad this makes me feel. You two have always held a special place in our hearts. Jack, keeps us updated pretty good with forwards from you. This makes my heart ache so much. For what it's worth from someone who is so close to God in my own way, this is for you and Lea.

Almighty God, with your loving touch, reach into Lea's soul and mend what needs to be and bring her back to Larry and all of us. Watch over Larry and see to his health in order for him to be with Lea and see to her. Please ease the pain for their children as well and give your blessings to them. Guide the Doctors and Nurse's hands and keep there minds focused on Lea's ordeal. AMEN

Love to you and Lea from Addie & I and our kids! Hang in there!


FROM: Karen July 27 @ 11:32 AM

Hi, Lea, just found your e-mail address and decided to take some time to let you know that we are praying non stop for you. We have a prayer chain going here in Illinois and Arizona from your Illinois family who loves you dearly. We are keeping in touch with Lance, Larry and whoever else will listen to us. Tomorrow we are going to your house to help Lance, he is one terrific son and well as Link, did talk to him a few times also.

Take care and keep fighting, we have lots and lots of things to do yet. I do know that you have the best doctors and nurses there doing there best around the clock. We are so thankful for that. Later. Love ya lots.

FROM: Marlowe N July 27 @ 12:40 PM

It's good to hear that you are taking care of your own health-we don't want two of you sick! It must be hard not to get a response to your efforts from Lea, but I believe that she must as some level (spiritual, subconscious) be aware of your presence. It must comfort her to hear your voice and feel your touch. What a gift it is to have such caring, attentive nursing staff and doctors! They are also in our prayers! God Bless.

FROM: Diane P July 27 @ 1:04 PM

Hi..... I'm at a loss for words right now and feeling a bit choked up. Even though you & I didn't grow up together and haven't had the opportunity to know each other well, you are my blood and that's what matters the most. I have always felt that my White family members are a gift from God. While reading Lance’s web page and what others have written gave me goose bumps! It's a true testament to Lea and you and the rest of our clan. I will continue to pray for all of you. For strength, healing and peace. If I can anything, however large or small, please don't hesitate to ask. Love you ~

FROM: Dave F July 27 @ 5:42 PM

Dear Larry, Mickey Guy has forwarded to me your messages about Lea. I was deeply saddened to learn of her illness and pray most earnestly and sincerely for her full recovery. I always considered Lea one of our finest employees and one of the loveliest persons I have ever known. She was always kind and friendly not only to me but also to all the other folks with whom she worked. It was a joy to see her at the office and be the recipient of her glowing and affectionate smile. When she regains consciousness, please give her my love and best wishes. Meanwhile, I want you to know I greatly admire your courage and positive attitude during this difficult time and that my prayers are for you and your family as well.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn July 27 @ 11:23 PM

Thank you, Mr. Fulton. Lea has always spoken with great admiration of your leadership skills, and the ability to pull folks together into a family of employees striving for continual improvement. She and I both hold you in the highest esteem, and I will be delighted to read your note to her tomorrow, and to make sure it is available to her when she awakens. Warmest regards.

FROM: Greg S July 27 @ 6:02 PM

Hi Larry: I'm sorry to hear that things are still difficult for Lea. I can only imagine what you are going through. I spoke with IT and they told me that things have been straightened out with your company computer. Can you please let me know if that is true and if you are still planning on teaching your schedule next week? We can still cover if you need the help.

Also, I spoke with SVP of HR, and he agreed that as a small extended benefit we will pay you 15 hours for last week and another 15 hours for this week considering your circumstances. I realize this is very little to

12 offer at such a difficult time but we hope it can help in some way. You can add these hours to your future timesheets.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn July 27 @ 11:23 PM

I don't know what to say. This is above and beyond. Thank you for working to achieve this!! I feel very privileged. I have received my replacement laptop, but the hard drive in the old computer would not work, as it was the problem. I sent the old computer back, along with a note requesting that they slave the drive and recover my webinar teaching materials, entrepreneurial notes, etc., and send those to me on CD. Hopefully I can get those back soon.

I am planning to pick up my schedule again as of next Monday, and continue from that point on. I may just as well be teaching, as sitting in the hospital waiting for her to come out of surgery every time. If a serious situation comes up, I will just have to try to get a sub at the last minute. I'm sorry I can't be more reliable, but I know you understand the situation . . . I need the routine and distraction of the classes, and to wean myself from being with Lea all the time. Thank you again!

FROM: Barb S July 27 @ 9:25 PM

Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and to thank you for the updates. We pray that eventually we won't have to watch for them, that Lea is home and making a full recovery. She is lucky to have you and I don't think you are being selfish. If the time would ever come that they could do no more to help Lea, I know you would do the right thing and follow her wishes. You love her that much. She is a very special lady.

I went over to Carl's tonight and got the rest of the stuff we never finished going through of Mom's. We found Dad's quest book or ledger. It was in that big old trunk on the back porch. Going through pics. I ran across one that will put a smile on your face. I'll try to send it tomorrow. Ok, I'm done. I can get long winded.

FROM: JB July 27 @ 11:12 PM

Larry, It was with great sadness that I heard of Lea's trouble while you all were on vacation back east. I have been in Colorado and so Kay has been keeping me updated when I was able to reach her. Lea has been in my prayers and thoughts ever since I heard she was hospitalized. Kay has read me your emails when I was able to call her. Now that I'm home maybe we can have a chance to talk soon. You tell Lea that Kay and I hope and pray for her quick recovery and will be with her all the way in spirit and and keep her in your prayers as she goes though this! You too have my prayers for the strength and wisdom it takes in times such as this. If there is anything we can do, you know to call on me and I will do my best to get it done for you. God is with you, may you find peace in his hands. Love to you both.

FROM: Shana G July 27 @ 1:32 PM

Hi Larry, Hope everything is going okay today. Please let us know the results of your stress test. I think it would be wonderful for you to be able to continue your rehab while you are there. We (the work group) are getting ready to send you a "care" package and I just happened to think there may be something in particular you need. Is there anything you can think of? Maybe a favorite hard cardy, chewing gum, magazine, CD, anything like that. Please let me know and we will be sure to include it. Otherwise, you will have to deal with what "we" think you may need and that could be a little dangerous :8) Please know you guys are never far from our thoughts and continue to be in our prayers.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn July 27 @ 2:32 PM


Oooh, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! The only thing that comes to mind is a "small" hair pick. I broke a tooth out of the one I've been doing her hair with. I can't lift her head to do the back, because of the fluid build up (and pain), so a small one is preferred to do what hair I can reach.

FROM: Shana G July 27 @ 4:08 PM

Consider it included. If you think of anything else over the next couple of days, please don't hesitate to let me know. Also, I wanted to let you know that Gary called Lance about the Mustang. They haven't actually talked yet and I hope you don't have a problem with our interest in it. If so, we will not pursue it any further.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn July 27 @ 11:37 PM

Of course not. Go ahead. Lea would like to know that you have it.


FROM: Lee and Jane F July 28 @ 7:28 AM

Larry, Gary R forwarded your email to me. We are so pleased to hear that Lea is making progress. Please keep us on your email list for updates. You are both in our prayers. Is there anything we can do for you to help you during your stay in Hartford?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn July 28 @ 10:01 AM

Hi, Lions Jane and Lee, Thank you for your kind notes regarding Lea. Wow, I sure am glad I decided not to run for VDG this year! The doctors are saying that Lea will be very ill for a long time . . . months, and won't even discuss transferring her to Indiana. So, I think I will be here until she is able to come home. Even then she will require a lot of attention, and perhaps will have to be in a wheelchair for a period of time due to muscle atrophy.

I don't know of anything that anyone can do right now, although many folks would like to do something to help. As you know, the B&B is for sale, and my youngest son, who lives in Texas, is there this week moving our personal possessions into storage. My brother, from Hawaii, will be arriving today to take over those same duties so my son can get back to work in Texas.

I have a friend who has offered to drive one of my vehicles out here so I'll have transportation when Joe and Pat get to go home in a couple of weeks. I'm getting an Emergency Guardianship Declaration run through the court system in Hamilton County to give me "Power of Attorney" to conduct business on Lea's behalf until she regains consciousness, etc. The most important thing to help us now is your continued prayers and willingness to be called upon if something comes up that we need help with in coming weeks or months.

FROM: Raymond B July 28 @ 9:10 AM

Thanks for the very wonderful letter. Janie and I only met you and Lea the one time in Hawaii, but we absolutely fell in love with the whole family. Lea, Janie and Dottie spent a lot of time together, while the guys did the fishing (sort of) thing. Lea is one of the most tender and kind people we have had the pleasure to meet, although I do personally blame her for Janie's extraneous spending while in Hawaii. We continue to pray for Lea's full recovery, and for the continued strength of the whole family. Should you need anything hot and sticky, please don't hesitate to call upon your very Southern friends. Please convey our love and prayers to Lea.

FROM: Jeff G, Treasurer, Atlanta Lions Club July 28 @ 4:13 PM


I have talked to Lee Fs and will make sure we are Lions in good standing through the end of the year. He is supposed to be contacting Lions Clubs out there for any assistance you, Pat, Joe or Lea may need.

FROM: Lou P (Mrs) July 28 @ 4:21 PM

Stopped to take a break and thought it would be a good time to say 'Hi'. Hope things out your way are going smoothly today. I think about you and Lea a lot - it's hard not to - you both are very much a part of my life.

I can't begin to tell you how many times I've picked up the phone here to tell her something, whether it be work related or family related – she likes to hear about Scott and Lori and their adventures. I've told Lea about Brooke tubing - for Brooke the boat can't go fast enough - so far she has not flipped out as she can get wedged down in the hole where adults put their legs and she holds on for dear life. Lea and I have had some good laughs about Brooke since Lori and troops moved to NC.

My mission this weekend is to get pictures off my camera, sorted and emailed to various locations. I had forgotten Lea took pictures with my camera at the pig roast, so I'll send them along too. Not much else going on here - at least that I am aware of. Take care.

FROM: Randall, Alison and Leah V July 28 @ 6:49 PM

Larry, Lea, your family, and your friends are constantly in our prayers.

FROM: Link Vaughn July 28 @ 7:19 PM

Jason - It was a pleasure to talk to you this morning (afternoon). As we discussed, I would like you to review my parent's (Lea and Larry Vaughn) house at 100 E. Main in Atlanta, IN and provide us with an estimate of what your firm could bring to the table for this property. We are interested in having you look at the house and antiques in the house as well. All personal effects will be removed by the time you get there early next week and the remaining property should be itemized and available for sell.

My folks currently have the house listed with Terri Peterson. The sales contract with Terri can be cancelled in early August, however she is willing to work with us however the need be. Once you have a chance to review the property and put together a proposal, please contact me (Don't forget that Hawaii is 5 hours earlier than your time). Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you again soon.

FROM: Bill Barley July 28 @ 7:33 PM

Larry, Thank you for the updates. We are continuing to pray for both you and Lea. Blessings, Living Stones Church, Kona, Hawaii

FROM: Adam & Teana B July 28 @ 7:37 PM

Dear Lea, Since you cannot have real flowers in your room we thought this would be the next best thing! (Photo of a bouquet) We hope you enjoy them.

FROM: Link Vaughn July 28 @ 8:06 PM

Dave - I have verbally accepted an offer from Shana's husband of $9,500 for Mom and Dad's Mustang. The offer is very fair based on KBB value and offset costs from shipping the car to Hawaii. Dad has agreed to let Gary have the car with a check as he trusts him and doesn't need to wait for the check to clear.


First of all, Dad will need to sign the title over to Gary. If you could send Dad the title, that would be great. The title is located in the Mustang folder (which should probably be put in the car to give to Gary) which is in the top left file cabinet drawer in Dad's office.

Gary is securing the financing for the vehicle and should be ready early next week to complete the transaction. If you could coordinate from your end that would probably work best as the 5 hour time difference hampers our ability to move too quickly from this end. Let me know if you need anything or if I can help in any way.

FROM: Barb S July 28 @ 10:08 PM

Hi. Hope Lea had a good day today. I have something to give her that might raise her spirits. I have been going through the remainder of Mom's things and pictures that Kat and I never got through. I found Mom's mother's ring. Since Lea is the oldest daughter, I thought maybe she would like to have it and then she can pass it to Kat and Kat can pass it on to Christy, etc. What do you think? Maybe when she gets a little better, we can put it on a chain for her.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn July 28 @ 10:15 PM

Wow! That would be fantastic! I know she would enjoy having the ring, and, if it isn't too bulky, would wear it as a necklace. Thanks for the thought!


FROM: Julie U, Indiana Dept Revenue RE: Use Tax Audit of Asher Walton House B&B July 29 @ 12:07 PM

Mr. Vaughn, Attached is the listing of tax-free Internet purchases made for the B&B over the past few years, and the Power Of Attorney we discussed. Please review the sales/use tax listing and advise me questions or comments you may have. If you agree with the use/sales tax listing, no further action is required (I will submit the file). If you disagree with the listing, please let me know what you disagree with and fax a copy of the POA so I may speak with (your accountant) in an attempt to get resolution. Following is my contact information.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn July 29 @ 3:32 PM

Lance, It looks like I will need the 2002, 2003 & 2004 taxes held out for possible delivery to the accountant to work with Indiana Department of Revenue. Love ya.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn July 29 @ 5:43 PM

Julie, Thanks for your understanding. Let's just go ahead and process the paperwork so we can get this matter resolved. Best regards.

FROM: Link Vaughn July 29 @ 4:55 PM

Please add the attached nine names to your daily distribution list.

FROM: Link Vaughn July 29 @ 5:16 PM


Dad- Gary and Shana are picking up the Mustang tonight. Dave will be mailing you the title today to sign over and Gary and Shana will have a home equity line of credit that they can write a check on by mid-next week. Would you like to mail the title directly to Gary? Would you like the check to come directly to you? If so, please let Gary know so you can exchange addresses. Otherwise, please advise so we can make other arrangements...

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn July 29 @ 7:37 PM

Yes. Per our conversation; the check to bank via mail (deposit slips are in closet in office; I'll forward the title once the check clears.


FROM: Marjorie Vaughn July 30 @ 12:10 AM

I am so happy that Lea was able to visit with you today! Thank God for hearing our prayers and granting to you both the wonderful experience...I am planning to be where you are as I will be coming out when David comes to see you. I am looking forward to seeing you and Lea. The prayers are for all of us and the blessings are wonderful to hear from you as you share the blessings. I love you Larry and am looking forward to a hug from you. God bless you my son.

FROM: Chad N July 30 @ 3:10 AM

I do not have words to express my feelings or my wishes for you and Mrs. Vaughn... I just don't know how to say it.... which hopefully explains my recent silence. While I take a few more weeks or months trying to put into words how much you both mean to me and how much I care about you two, please remember that I love you both and that you are in my thoughts every day.

I would ask that God bless you but I know he already has. Even in this trying time I'm sure you know this, too. The friendship and love that you and Mrs. Vaughn have offered over the last ten years has been appreciated - and it's created a connection that has always brought me great happiness. Even in this dark time, through teary eyes, I can see that connection - I can feel it.

Be well, be at peace. And please know that even though I have been silent it doesn't mean I don't care - it's just that words just don't seem to do it. I want Mrs. Vaughn to be well and you to be happy. I ask for it every day. When things are back to normal, can I get a hug? A long hug? I'm talking about a hug that would embarrass most people. =) I'm not taking no for an answer on this one and I'm looking forward to getting some of those hugs from you both very soon. Stay strong,

FROM: Shana G July 30 @ 3:19 AM

Good Morning, Larry. I just had to write to tell you I felt your excitement in your e-mail update from yesterday. What a wonderful feeling it must have been to have Lea show some response. God is truly the great healer! I look so forward to your updates each morning, although I usually find myself very teary-eyed by the end of them. Today, the tears actually flowed as I was both elated that she responded to you and my heart was so touched by your deep love and devotion to Lea. I have always known how deep Lea's love is for you, and now I see it goes both ways. You two are truly soul mates in every sense of the word.

As I write this morning, Gary is already outside washing and waxing the Mustang. He is so excited to have it, it's like a watching a little kid who just got the gift he's being wanting for so long! We met Lance last evening, and what a sweetheart he is (Kristin, too). I told David to make sure he gives you a hug for me when he gets there next week. So, you make sure he does. I think we all had some emotions last night as Gary pulled out of the drive. But, I can assure you Lea's baby is in great hands and we will all go for a ride when you get back

17 home--even if it's Winter! We took Cooper and Mindy around the neighborhood last night and Cooper almost jumped out. We will have to teach him proper convertible-riding etiquette before we let him go on the streets!

We shipped your "care" package yesterday and the post-office said it would be about 4 days to get there. The small pick for Lea is included. I should probably let you go for now as I know you have many other e- mails to read. Please know I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Tell Lea I love her and miss her! If there's anything at all I can do, please let me know. PS--Minerva and Susan say "hi" and they have you in their thoughts and prayers, as well.

FROM: April K July 30 @ 9:41 AM

Larry, I am glad you are able to keep your spirits up. Lea is an amazing woman. I can't believe what she has gone through and is still fighting. I have to tell you it still doesn't seem possible. I think about you two everyday and say a prayer every night before I go to bed. Lea has been a great friend to me and all of us. One thing unique about our department is when push comes to shove we all come together.

A lot of us have become family because we have worked together for so long. So when one hurts we all hurt. I know I miss Lea's laugh and smile everyday. Wayne and I talked about how Lea, even when she didn't feel good or things were a little stressful she could still find the positive to everything. And as always could laugh and smile. She definitely can light up a room.

I hope all is well with you and your friend that is in the hospital. What a way to end your vacation. I hope you enjoy your care package that we sent and if you need anything don't hesitate to let us know. Tell Lea we think about her everyday and can't wait for the day we see her again.

FROM: Karen July 30 @ 10:23 AM

Hi, glad to hear some good news, how did your stress test go? Had a good day with the family on Thursday, got lots of packing done, enjoyed picking David up at the airport and spending the day with everyone. It was so hard taking the things down and packing in one breath, but on the other hand it was just a change in residence as has already been in the works.

I could actually hear you and Lea laughing as I would say or Dorene, my sister that went with me and Robert to help, would say, Oh my gosh we need another box...... It went quite well, we were going to go back today, but I have to take care of Roberts mom again and be close to home to help out, she was here all day yesterday and then we took her home to sleep last night, she doesn't appear as confused today, so maybe she can be alone for a while today before we have to go and pick her up again.

HANG IN THERE LARRY, I am sending you and Lea the biggest hug ever, thanks for the updates, Maleah, Bill's wife that' s a nurse also, and our kids and a good friend of ours keeps needing updates also, so the Illinois to Arizona prayer chain hasn't let up...... Love ya!


FROM: Judy K July 31 @ 10:55 AM

My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Karen has been keeping me well posted. I met you years ago and you wouldn't even remember me but MY THOUGHTS are still with you. May God Bless You and your family

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn July 31 @ 12:51 PM

Thank you, Judy, You are very kind, and your note is very much appreciated. God Bless.

FROM: Lance Vaughn


July 31 @ 11:38 PM

The tax files (you need) are in the front of the storage unit and are available for easy retrieval. Dave will be giving a key to Gary just in case. (You will have the other one.)

FROM: Lou P (Mrs) July 31 @ 2:53 PM

Hi Lea - Here are some pictures of Sparky and Prince and the Pig Roast/Retirement Party. As you know, I am very shy when it comes to expressing myself, but know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. You are a very big part of my life, Get well soon.

FROM: Link Vaughn July 31 @ 7:31 PM

Did you get the pictures back from your hard drive?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 1 @ 3:13 AM

Yes, IT was able to slave my drive and save the directory. They sent it back to me on CD. I was so relieved! The photo I sent out with the update made me weep. It sure does grasp who she is, doesn't it!?

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 1 @ 7:33 AM

Praise the Lord - That is wonderful news! Yes, that was a great picture, but really hard to see through the water in my eyes... Thanks for sharing.

FROM: Patricia W July 31 @ 9:51 PM

Only Lea could wear a hat like that and look so wonderful !! ☺ I love you Lar, God Bless and take care of you two.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn July 31 @ 11:37 PM

I love you my son. Have you been accepted for the therapy program (at the hospital).? I hope you have as that is important for you. I love Lea and we have had some wonderful times together and warm and tender discussions. She is a loving, caring person. I remember some fun special times we have shared... I am so blessed to have you as my SON. My prayers are there with you and I hope to see you soon. God Bless you and Lea as you go from day to day. Hugs and Kisses.



FROM: Barb S Aug 1 @ 2:38 PM

Hi. It is so good to hear you are inching your way to recovery. You have touched so many lives even though right now you may not know it. People who don't know you personally are taking a second look at their lives. They are all seeing how precious life is. You have become a part of their lives and they send you their prayers daily. (all my parents ask how you are doing each day)

Your brothers, sister, cousins, aunts, uncles, in-laws and friends need you to use that faith and strength you have to fight this long fight you have to recover and come home to us. Your family has always been a close one, but, I think they are even closer now. They want you to use some of their strength and love to help you battle this sickness.

I sent you a picture of you and mom and all the brothers and sister taken not long after dad died. It is one that some say they didn't have. Anyway, it is just to let you know that they are all watching over you, even mom and dad. When you get better, I think we should have a big family celebration. A celebration of life and family and friends. You just get better and let me know when you are ready to make some new memories and I'll send out the invitations! OK. Remember, we love you very much.

FROM: Marilyn M August 1 @ 4:24 PM

Larry, I am so lucky that Jack, Kimmy, Leslie D. Conn, and Pam have worked to keep me informed of the struggle Lea and you now face. Please know that I am thinking and praying for both of you and for your children as you face each new day. I am smitten with your insight and ability to express your love and devotion for your help mate, your faith in our awesome God, and, at the same time, keep a sense of humor and as you send updates on each bit of progress.

FROM: Link Vaughn August 1 @ 5:42 PM

Dad - Thought you might enjoy the kind words from Cheryl Richards...

-----Forwarded Message-----

FROM: Cheryl R Monday, August 1 @ 11:28 AM

Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us Link, they will help all of us take some time from our busy days to reflect on our families and loved ones, and to appreciate each and every moment of life so very much. My Mom suffered with ovarian cancer for almost five years, and although we could not save her as I know in my heart your Mom will recover, I have never really lost her....she is in my heart and I feel her presence every day. You are an incredible family and are in our prayers every moment. Take care of yourselves as well, this is taking a toll on all of you and you need to stay healthy and strong for your Mom and Dad, which I know you will. Maybe you and Deanna should have a pineapple martini and toast your Mom, I am sure your Mom will know and appreciate it!! :)

FROM: Lion Steve C August 1 @ 5:52 PM

May the hand of God be on those that are in need this day. May his mercies be plentiful so that we can show the world it was from Him. My hope and prayer is that next we hear from you, we can hear about more of His miracles. May God's sweet spirit be with you and those around you during this time. VDG Steve Cook

FROM: Sherri S August 1 @ 6:51 PM


Larry, How are you holding up, my friend? I am worrried about you! I am including you in our prayers and prayer chain.....Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. I am getting the daily updates from Lou - and am following Lea's progress closely. I would like to send Lea some cards... the old fashioned way, via regular mail. Could you please send me her mailing address Thanks - and know Lea and your family are in MANY MANY prayers.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn August 1 @ 8:40 PM

Thank you, Sherri. This will be very important to her, because I know she considers you to be one of her closest friends. You can send cards to her at Hartford Hospital, 80 Seymour Street, Hartford CT 06106. Thank you for your continued friendship.

FROM: Dottie Vaughn August 1 @ 8:13 PM

Q: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 117

Q: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 119

Q: Which chapter is in the center of the Bible? A: Psalms 118

Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118 Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118 Add these numbers up and you get 1188.

Q: What is the center verse in the Bible? A: Psalms 118:8

Q: Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our lives? A: "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Now isn't that odd how this worked out (or was God in the center of it)?

Before sending this I said a prayer for you: "Father God bless Larry & Lea in whatever it is that you know they may be needing this day! And may their lives be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have a closer relationship with You. Amen"

When things get tough, always remember...Faith doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it !! GOD BLESS YOU!!


FROM: Scott T August 2 @ 1:00 AM

Uncle Larry, Thank you for your updates on Aunt Lea's condition each evening. I am usually up when your e- mails are sent each night. I continue to keep Lea, Joe, you, and your family in my prayers. I always enjoy visiting with Aunt Lea when she is in Hannibal. I cannot wait until she is well enough to go home. I am sure she will have a lot of visitors, including myself, once she heals. I enjoyed reading some of the stories and well wishes from Lea's friends and family. We are fortunate to have such a close family who care so much about each other.

Thank you for the picture of Lea - it definately reflects her personality. I appears it was from this most current vacation to Maine. It is hard to believe only days later she would end up so ill. The picture of the salad you sent is nice too - LOL. I think you sent the wrong picture - unless it was some kind of inside joke. Actually, it

21 was probably God's way of telling me and Mark to stick to the gym and eat better. Anyway, be sure to take care of yourself the next several weeks while staying in Hartford. Please pass along to Aunt Lea that I love her and think about her everyday.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn August 2 @ 8:36 AM

Thanks, Scott. Yes, I sent the wrong picture! :-) I will correct that tonight. Can you believe that I had two pictures with exactly the same number, in two different directories!? Oh, well, it WAS a salad that she cut up for dinner. :-) Love you guys. Take care.


FROM: Kim P Aug 3 @ 12:49 AM

Our Very Dear Larry and Lea, Know that each and every day our prayers and love are with you both. Much Love, Hugs and Kisses from Charlotte, Kim, Lauren, Robyn and Lexi.

FROM: Lee F Aug 3 @ 7:41 AM

Larry, We are so happy to hear the good news on Lea and Joe, too. We appreciate being in the loop to hear of Lea's progress. You mentioned that Joe is flying to Indy this week. Please keep me posted. I have had no direct contact with Pat and don't know how to do that to stay tuned on Joe. Will visit the hospital here when he gets settled. You mentioned funds. How can the Lions help? Is there someone raising funds for your extra expenses and for the Stroups? I think we can get the word out and help some, but do not know what's needed and how to connect the money. Give me some advice. You and Lea are in our prayers.

FROM: Bill T Aug 3 @ 9:21 AM

Greetings to both of you, I have been continuing to pray for Lea and your family and I look forward to seeing you all again in Hawaii next summer. God is great and provides us with everything we need. I pass these emails to Teresa each day and we talk about her recovery when we see each other after work. You are on our minds and I feel she is truly blessed to have you there as she recovers. Thank you, Larry for the notes and your support of Lea's recovery. I'm sure her spirit knows you're there.

I told my mom about Lea having pancreatitis and she reminded me she had this some years ago. She had her gall bladder removed and about a year later this developed. Nowhere near as severe as Lea's condition though, but not pleasant. Teresa and I read up on the web and now feel we are experts on the subject.... How little we truly know.

All is well in Michigan - kids go camping with church youth group this weekend. Teresa and I go to Indianapolis to watch the race on Sunday. Do you need me to look at anything around the house? We will be in Tipton Saturday and I can mow or whatever you need. Just let me know if I can be of assistance. I am here to serve. God Blessings.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 3 @ 12:17 PM

Thank you, Bill. As far as I know the house and lawn are pretty well being taken care of by friends there in Atlanta. I was told not to worry about it, so I don't. Thank you again. I guess that's why we love you guys . . . .

FROM: Gracie L Aug 3 @10:50 AM


Dear Larry, The more I read your letters the more I am in awe of you. You and Lea are perfectly matched and deserving of each other. For as lovely as Lea is, your beautiful soul shines through as well. How fortunate is Lea is to have such a mate. Your glowing love for Lea is evident in every line you write. She knows this I'm sure and it's helping her fight her way back through this unbelievable illness. How courageous you are.

Many years ago I was going through a very soul wrenching time and was at an all time low. I cried out to God for help for I was trusting in my Father's faith to get me through scary situations and I finally saw he wasn't infallible, I was devastated. Then I heard a strong silent voice, it filled my whole being. It said, "Let go of your Dad."

I said, "Then who can I trust?" It said, "Trust in Me!" I stated, "I have no faith." It said, "Do you beleve I am the Christ , the Son of God." I said, "Yes." It said, "You don't have to believe, give Me that little piece of faith and I will believe for you!"

It was as if the roof blew off my house and peace poured over me, Awe it was such unbelieveable peace, I felt locked in secure, faith was out of my hands and into Christ's. All my guilty feelings for lack of it were gone for He had my Faith. I have to go back and touch this source everytime I have an harrowing or scary situation. Silly me, the rest of the time I try handling everything by myself. I have to remind myself, ooops, now who's running this show.

As with Lea, I feel I know you. I am Laura and Cory David's Aunt Gracie, and of course Blake David's Great Aunt. I once upon a time thought I was his favorite Aunt although he always calls me Grandma. Anyway that all changed when he spent time with his Aunt Lea. I fell in love with her back then through the eyes of Blake. I give Lea to Christ as I do everyone.

FROM: Gracie L Aug 3 @11:17 AM

Larry, Kathy forwards me your e-mails so I keep up on Lea's condition. I then forward them to my two beautiful sisters who now are deeply involved in hoping for Lea's total recovery also. Below is Kathy's response to a brief note I sent to her last night and my note to her is below Kathy's.

------Forwarded message ------FROM: Kathy D To: Gracie L

Yes Gracie you are right this is the most unbelievable case anyone has ever heard I think. The doctors and nurses that I talk to said that they have never seen any counts as far as triglycerides, cholesterol, lipids, calcium and other things with such high counts that they were off the books. I'm sure she will go down in the hospital records. She sure is a fighter and I'm glad she is because this has to be awful for her. Thank God for being here with all of us and helping us through this and especially for her. I sure do appreciate all the prayers and thoughts we all get each and every day to get us through this. Larry’s stress test came out fine and they are going to let him use the hospitals own personnel gym to do his rehab so there won't be anymore expense for him. They are so great at that hospital. They really care for there patients. Lea is one of those persons everyone loves and cares about. The doctors and nurses talk of her so good. Larry is just a great person and so wonderful to Lea. They are just a cute and lovely couple. We love them both so much. Thanks again for all the prayers and concern .Please keep praying as she has a long way to go. I just can't wait to be able to give her a big hug and kiss. Love Kathy

Gracie L wrote: This is the most unbelievable case. I have never heard of anything like this before, it's hard to take it all in. I can't imagine what you're going through. I'm so glad she's being kept asleep through this ordeal. I wonder if these doctors have seen anything like her case. Larry needs the encouraging e-mails, cards and letters to help him through his days. Did you hear how he did with his stress test? I can't even begin to comprehend how draining this must be for him. Bless his sweet heart. He is quite the fellow and worthy of this lovely lady Lea. I hope your doing okay. I think about you often. Thank you again for the e-mails.


REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 3 @ 12:23 PM

Gracie, What a powerful story! Thank you for sharing it with me. It has inspired me to tell "the rest of the story, which I have been hesitant to write about until now." Be sure to see tonight's message. I think you'll find it to be similar to your own.

FROM: Marilyn M Aug 3 @ 3:27 PM

Larry, no need to reply to this e-mail, you have far better things to do, and your lengthy updates are more than sufficient for all of us to know our prayers are working in a positive way, you are conserving your energy for your beloved, and you know if all of us could be there, we would be! We shall remain at your side in spirit.

I am truly impressed with the Hartford web site and the options it offers you and your family! Wow! What a blessing. I have about all I can contend with here as Ray's health continues to decline, and his attitude is morose. I am about out of pep talks, but am hanging on. Pam and Leslie Conn have kept me in the pipe line, and I am so appreciative. Prayerfully, Marilyn


FROM: Shana G Aug 4 @ 9:24 AM

Hi, Larry, I just read your update on Lea this morning. I wish I were there to give you a BIG hug. I remember Lea telling us about your vision and how we all felt a chill run down our spines.

If there is one thing for sure, Lea is a fighter and I believe she is fighting her way back to you. I know she feels your love and am sure she is very comforted knowing you are there by her side helping her make her way back. Please know we all are continuing to pray for your Lea. I am also keeping you in my prayers, as well. I pray every night that God will continue to stand by your side and give you the strength you need to get Lea through this. I also pray that He will wrap His loving arms around you so that you feel comforted and know that you are not alone.

We had Melinda print a color copy of the picture you sent yesterday (Lea with the lobster) and we put it up down here so we can all continue to see that bright smile we miss so much!

FROM: Debra S Aug 4 @ 12:46 PM

Good morning Larry: I have worked with Lea for as long as she has been with Irwin. I have been getting updates from some of the people here at Irwin and I am always asking how she is doing. I wanted Lea to know that I am thinking of her and that she is in my prayers. I know this must be very hard on you and the kids. If at all possible, please add me to your mailing list, I would greatly appreciate it. I will continue to pray and keep Lea in my thoughts, Take care.

FROM: Abe E Aug 4 @ 3:53 PM

I understand (visions). my thoughts are with you


FROM: Phil V Aug 5 @ 2:47 AM

Larry, I've been following your notices about Lea every day. Thanks for the reminder of her upcoming surgery. Please know that my prayers are with her, you, and the family. I know we have the Great Physician at our

24 sides...and He is fully able to help. I join my prayers with yours for Lea's full and speedy recovery. I admire your consistent presence with her, Larry. It speaks volumes of the depth of your love for her. My thoughts will be with you and Lea during this day.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 5 @ 7:40 AM

Thank you, Phil. God's blessings for you, as well.

FROM: Gracie L Aug 5 @ 9:31 AM

Larry - Your letter moved me deeply, so much so that I hesitate to write you for I'm unable to put into words the depth of my feelings. You articulate so well and are able to express your thoughts very clearly, it takes me away as I journey along with you. You could write a novel for your writings capture my heart as I'm sure they have others. I am baffled by it all yet I see no reason for you to have received this vision to turn around and loose Lea. I had an out of body experience when I was expecting my first born daughter, Dana.

I was about eight months pregnant when it occurred. I will spare you the details that led up to it but at that time I had never heard of such a thing. I was extended upward looking down on the form that was once me realizing it wasn't. I had no form yet I never felt so alive as I did in that moment nor have I since. My bodily form was stretch out in front of our wood burning fire place. And I realized in that moment I was much more than a body, that wasn't who I was. I was quickly transported into another room and stretched out across our bed, sideways. I felt for sure I was going to die and I scared my poor husband Donnie to death for he had just arrived home for lunch when I told him what had just occurred.

He quickly transported me to the home of our pastor who calmly told us it was a delusion and had not really occurred, (NOT)! You'll never convince some one who had such an experience it wasn't real for it is more real than life itself. I know we are eternal, I have no doubt. I have had countless experiences yet I find out that so have many others. This was my first. I'm sure Lea will have a story to tell.

My sister has a dear friend who has the gift of dream interpretation as well as the gift of praying for others with healing results. I hope you don't mind but I sent her your last letter. I do this often asking for her insight. She is so lovely both inside and out. I adore her, her name is Sheila. My other daughter Shayna a few years back had that flesh eating disease. It was a harrowing experience and at that time I was bedfast, long story. She too was never alone 24-7.

Laura David was one of the many who spent countless hours with her. She even postponed her wedding even almost cancelled it because of Shayna's condition. Now, back to Sheila! She travelled to Hannibal with my sister Karen and sat in the hospital two nights with her seeking her healing and it was during this time everything shifted forward. Shayna still spent more than a month in that hospital and then was transferred to a rehabilitation wound healing center. This was one of those times I was so glad I wasn't relaying on my faith. It is so strange that I'm so involved in this with you but I am, so be it.

FROM: Lance Vaughn REF: Emergency Prayer Request Aug 5 @ 1:34 PM

I just got a call from Dad. Mom has four or five people nurses/doctors working on her as I write this, trying to keep her alive. She has an infection in her abdomen and, in my opinion, seems to be crashing. We need your prayers now. Ask for God's healing grace. Let His will be done. But please, please, can we just have her for a few more years?

FROM: Jacqui H Aug 5 @ 3:39 PM

Dear Larry, You are an amazing man and Lea is a very blessed woman to have you by her side every day believing God to continue to heal her. Your love for her and for God is evident in every update you send. I've

25 only met Lea once and that was during a meeting. She seemed to me, at that time, like a very warm woman (and from the emails you've sent here, I see my judgement was right). I know God will honor your believing for her.

In one of your updates you mentioned you thought you were being selfish for wanting Lea to recover. Let me assure you, you are not! It is not God's will that Lea be sick or die. Look at Heb 2:14: "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;"

It's the devil that wants people sick and dying! God needs people like you and Lea around to help people come unto a knowledge of His Word and develop that close relationship that is available and live a more than abundant life. And you get the privilege to believe for her to recover, defeat the adversary, and carry on God's will for her life.

As it says in Ecc 9:5 - 10: "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun. Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works. Let thy garments be always white; and let thy head lack no ointment. Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."

Once we die we have no memory because there are no thought processes taking place and we cannot help God - we simply wait for the return of Christ when we can meet him in the air when we will get to enjoy heaven with our Heavenly Father. As 1st Thes 4:16,17 says: "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."

So you see, Larry, you are doing exactly what a man of God should do. You are praying continually, you are asking others to intercede on Lea's behalf as well and doing everything you know to do. That is believing and acting on the Word. You are being faithful and that is what God calls us to be. (Thankfully, He doesn't ask us to be perfect!) I pray that what I've shared with you will set your heart and mind at peace. I'm sure Lea would want you to be doing exactly what you are doing because that is the best help there is. I will continue to lift all of you in prayer as well. Bless you!

FROM: David Vaughn Aug 5 @ 5:32 PM

After Mom and I have had a short while in Hartford with Larry and Lea, I feel it is appropriate to give MY view of the situation here. Larry does not object and, hopefully, I can clarify just what our group of friends, family and the wonderful list of those who are providing spiritual support can do for Larry and Lea.

Lea's medical status: While we all remain confident of God's will, the power of prayer and miraculous healing, it can be clearly stated that Lea is precariously delicate, vacillating between acute critical and critical rather than between critical and recovering. Lea has 24 hour dedicated nursing observation rather than being one of the dozen other patients in Bliss Critical Care Unit 2.

Lea is in constant, extreme pain. Only medication stronger than morphine is sustaining her tolerance of pain and she still has a completely rigid reflex action to any touch, since she is unable to differentiate between pleasant or painful contact. At this level of medication and trauma, only her core brain functions, heart and a limited amount of ONE kidney activity is NOT supported by a machine.

She is undergoing ALL the discomfort and trauma of any invasive surgery every other day. To think that there is any "recovery" between surgeries would be inaccurate. I doubt that there is any portion of her body either

26 internally or externally that is not bruised from the stress of surgery, injection, bloating or being physically moved every two hours.

As the doctor said, the medical assessments are still very much against Lea's survival and the recognition that she has not improved in the last 10 days is a clear signal that she continues to be gravely ill. We hope God is not ready to take Lea from us and are continually encouraged by Lea's apparent reaction to our voices. Your prayers for miraculous healing and His continued use of Lea to touch the hearts of others for his purposes is encouraged.

Larry's physical and mental state: His treadmill test went well. He is a bit of a zombie, understandably. As you will see below, he has a routine, but he is clearly still in a state of shock and disbelief. The despair of seeing Lea's pain and the eagerness to see some progress when so little real change exists is draining. I know his daily updates are the only way he can "close" his emotions to prepare himself for the next day.

After spending the night time in the room with him, I know he only sleeps for a while and truly rests little. All in all, he is a Vaughn male. Hard exterior ... mush inside. Speaks with disdain about worry ... while his insides churn. Perhaps the greatest assurance is that he spends 80% of his time in a hospital and 50% of his time in an intensive care unit! In many ways, the strain is equally hard on him. He is having difficulty dealing with worldly issues, but appears to be physically sound for a cardiac recovery patient! Your prayers to lift Larry up are encouraged.

Specific requests regarding spiritual support for Larry: The greatest blessing is Larry's acceptance of God's will. It has truly been a blessing to see the love and tenderness of my brother caring for Lea the only way he can. The heart ache of being so close to someone suffering so much is indescribable. Larry talks to Lea as though she is awake even though there are no real responses other than an "awareness" we can't understand. There are no signals. There are no signs. There is only our hope that a movement or a droplet of tear or a wiggle of a foot or the opening of her eyes means SOMETHING!

We have shared tears away from Lea, but express only optimism and encouragement when we are around her. The routine Larry has established is to remind Lea that it is him. That he isn't going to hurt her. That he is going to touch her hand or her forehead or her foot or her knee before he even considers touching her. Mother and I do the same. Larry can place a cool wet wash cloth on her forehead and tell her that it will feel good. After a while, he can very gently brush the side of her hair that lays on the pillow. He can very gently apply lotion to her feet.

He does this moving from one side of the bed to her feet to the other side of the bed, limited by all the equipment that surrounds her. He speaks to Lea continuously. He reassures her. Tells her of what has happened in the couple of hours since he has last seen her. He reads her EVERY email, EVERY card, EVERY e-card. This process repeats 6-8 times a day, as he is required to leave for an hour every 2 hours when she is turned and every nursing shift change.

The extended separation related to her surgery is filled with anxiety that can only be relieved with the next visit. We have prayed with Lea and tried to emulate Larry's tender loving care whenever he is away or has to conduct a webinar. We accompany him when we are allowed and try to give him an attentive ear during those times of separation from Lea. Larry needs prayer to sustain him. To give him balance. To reinforce his confidence in God's will.

Larry needs the daily flow of email, cards and e-cards. It is every bit as therapeutic for him. Your messages build him up and witnessing the love and caring of others for Lea gives him strength. It is important to know that prayers are flowing for Lea AND to be able to share the flow of short messages of encouragement with Lea. Talking to Lea becomes difficult after a while. Being able to share YOUR thoughts make this routine more fulfilling. It would be helpful for you to acknowledge Larry's care for Lea in your messages and your prayers are needed for both Larry and Lea.

Larry's immediate needs: The Atlanta Lions Club chapter is creating a matching fund for Lea and Joe Stroup. Yes, the chapter is still active and extended thru 2005. We need to seek private and organizational donations by getting this nightmare scenario out publicly. More on that later, but let me give you a snapshot of the situation for Larry and Lea. (I hope my brother will forgive me for extending a request for assistance. His

27 pride would never allow him to do this, but we are a large, resourceful and loving group. There are many who can verify the giving nature of Larry and Lea's community and family activities. I think it may be their turn to humbly accept our love.)

I find it difficult to imagine that Larry will be able to maintain a good long term personal balance without regular support here in Hartford. I am attempting to initiate social services, massage therapy, etc. We need to develop a schedule of friends and family visitors to avoid any additional long term periods of solitude, especially as it appears that Joe Stroup, Pat and Scott will be returning to Indiana early next week. I am trying to find a local church that we can attend and work to get Larry into a small group.

Besides the flow of visible support for Lea mentioned above, we have to recognize that Larry will be living in a hospital "hotel" room for 4 to 6 months. If he ONLY eats hospital cafeteria food, he can eek by on $60 a day plus miscellaneous weekly expenses like laundry, postage, gas, etc. which probably total less than a $100 a month. While this isn't what any of us would call good living, he is close enough to Lea to respond to doctor's calls that he come immediately (this has happened several times ... and EVERY time before any surgical procedure by standing order) and I don't think he would be comfortable any further away.

This is going to be a minimum of $10k for the remainder of this year, not counting ongoing expenses for cell phone service, vehicle maintenance, webinar business supplies, renters insurance, etc. Bottom line, in addition to maintaining the house, grounds maintenance, storage unit, car insurance, etc. in Atlanta, I think Larry is facing "operating" expenses of $15k here. Ongoing costs in Atlanta, including related payments, are estimated to be about $2250 per month, another $15k. I have no idea of what substantial medical costs will be, but Lea's full pay will reduce to 60% after 90 days due to her long term disability. To the extent possible, Larry has resumed some webinars. I think you get the picture, so I'll not belabor this point.

Lea's medical/financial impact on short and long term lifestyle. If Lea survives, she will be facing a year of rehabilitation, minimum. This is going to require constant transportation to a Hospital or other medical facility. Accommodations and specialized equipment will be essential. Caregiving will be a full time job. Location of a residence will require careful thought and study. None of this can be answered for now, but medical coverage by insurance will fall well short of anticipated costs. Larry has resolved himself to their previous lifestyle being over for the foreseeable future. He cannot fathom the financial aspects. I think that becomes our job. We need to relieve Larry of his current financial burden so that he focus exclusively on existence here.

The Lion's club activities of Larry and Lea over the years suggest we can depend upon the Lion's Club to provide the mechanism for support which will provide those who are willing to donate to a charitable cause. I am working with the Atlanta chapter, which remains active, to make that happen. We will be coming to you to extend the network of those who are aware of their needs to gain as much assistance as is needed.

That is my current assessment. Larry will provide another update later today, reflecting Lea's latest surgery which was not easy, included a tracheotomy and did not go well. It is clear that she has additional infection. She needs your prayers NOW. Prayer is very much our only priority for the difficult surgery she has ahead of her on Sunday. Larry has just been sent here to his room because Lea has taken a severe turn for the worse. We will advise family immediately and hope you will understand that an update may be delayed.

God's Blessings, Love and appreciation to all. Ho'omaika'i & Aloha.

FROM: Carol B Aug 5 @ 6:46 PM

Larry, I have been sending the daily updates to my son Scott in Qatar and this was a note he sent today...I thought you might like to know what he has to say.

“Wow! I have been praying for them both. I sent an egreeting. I guess it was received? If you should happen to talk to Larry or email him please tell him that there are prayers coming from my corner. I have always thought the world of the two of them.

MSgt Scott B, Flt C-21 Qatar (Persian Gulf)”


FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 5 @ 7:17 PM

Here is the Korean feast we enjoyed on Friday in Oahu. Yes, those are gas grills in the middle of the table... Yummy!

FROM: Raymond B Aug 5 @ 8:22 PM

Larry, That was probably the most touching letter I have ever read. I know it took everything in your being to write it, especially during this time. I must tell you it touched me deeply and gave me new resolve to want to do the right thing by Christ, my wife and family, friends and acquaintenances, and to live every day to the fullest, enjoying the love, joy and happiness that comes with knowing Christ, even in difficult times. Our prayers continue for Lea, and your family is constantly in our hearts and minds. Thanks again for the update and sharing your story.


FROM: Barb S Aug 6 @ 9:26 AM

Good Morning, Just a brief note to let you know we are praying hard and hope you had a quiet night after the scare. You make sure you are taking care of yourself so you can be strong for Lea. You have Dave and your Mom to help you so try to get some needed rest. I know it will be hard.

FROM: Shana G Aug 6 @ 12:18 PM

Good Morning, Larry, Hope all is going well this morning. I called and listened to the update on Lea and it seems like she is stable again. Please let her know I'm thinking of her.

I wanted to let you know that we closed on the Home Equity loan yesterday (it was the earliest time that was available) and the funds will be available on Wednesday. So, Gary plans on being at the bank around 9:30 am to get the funds deposited into our checking account and then you should be able to cash our check. I apologize it has taken that long, but we honestly couldn't get into a closing until yesterday.

I hope you have received the "care package" by now. We included a gift credit/debit card that contains $230.00. Gary picked that up for us and forgot to include the amount, so I wanted to make sure how much was on the card. Please know that we continue to pray for Lea's recovery. It's amazing how much we miss her at work! Please let me know if there is anything you need that I could help with.

FROM: JB Aug 6 @ 4:30 PM

Lea, Here are some pics I took in Colorado last month. (Note: Copyright 2005 JB)


FROM: Jean S Aug 6 @ 10:55 PM

Good Evening! I'm sitting here on the floor in my "office" because my desk tray holding my keyboard fell off today. I'm trying to find a comfortable place to type, this isn't too bad, but kinda feels "rickey". That makes me smile and think of those days in Hannibal when we were growing up and called those other kids across the creek, wasn't it?, that awful name.

I've read a couple of times the vision you told us about having. And I agree that the meaning is not for us to know just yet. God in His Wisdom will explain it one day. I am so pleased that you were able to share it with Lea and that you could laugh about it. How typical of your relationship! Would that I had the laughter that you two have shared all your lives. I know it has been a real blessing to you both. I just don't seem to have the sense of humor that you do. I think I have always envied that-in fact I know I have.

I am so very proud of you for your devotion to your beautiful wife. And yet, I know too that you could do nothing else. I know that when you are away from her, that you can hardly contain your anxiety until you see her face again. I pray that God will bless you for that faithfulness. I am very confident that He will. Because our God is so very very good. I believe that He wants to do good for us, to prosper us and to bless us. And I believe that He wants to do this endlessly more than we can comprehend.

I just want you to know that you both are ever in my thoughts. I pray for you rest, joy, peace. How heartwarming to have your friends and family praying for you. And how amazing that you can actually feel that power of God in response to our prayers. Rest well, my brother. I love you.


FROM: R Dean N Aug 7 @ 12:05 AM

Larry, We love you and Lea and all our prayers are with you.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 7 @ 7:01 AM

Thank you, Dean. I know that you are one of the few who can understand the agony I'm going through, and I appreciate your notes. I particularly appreciate the power of your ongoing prayers in Lea's behalf.

FROM: Carol B Aug 7 @ 9:09 AM

Larry, I have you and Lea on my mind most of the time as I send up constant prayers for both of you. When I was in the hospital after my wreck they kept me under sedation (nowhere near what Lea is getting) I was aware of every sound made in my room, every touch, and every word. Sometimes I woke up and responded, sometimes I just heard or felt. I am sure that on some plane of her awareness Lea is hearing all that you say to her and feeling all the love that is sent to her.

To me Lea is a beautiful woman; that is genetics, more importantly she is a beautiful person; that is from within. The way she was raised, the lessons she learned as a girl and young woman. Her style and grace has always been evident. Her caring for others is natural to her. Her whole life has been a testament to God and ,yes I have always admired her and been jealous of her natural attributes.

I told Pam, that after this nightmare is over you should think of putting thoughts and notes together and see if you can get it published. I think a book of all this might be helpful to some other families going through this, it will be a lasting tribute to Lea, it will be a shining example of God' love. Oh yes, and maybe the profits will help pay some of the mounting bills. I so admire your strength and devotion through this what a testimony to Lea, your love, and your faith in God.


FROM: Pamela TO: Carol B Aug 7 @ 4:41 PM

There will be an update later from Larry, but I just couldn't wait to tell you what wonderful news we received from the Chief Surgeon earlier today! (I know Larry will fill in more details with his message when he closes his day later tonight!) The Chief Surgeon said, "We celebrated when we saw the change in Lea since Friday!" Lea has generated new tissue - the lungs and kidneys have begun to repair! (Although the pancreas is still issuing dead tissue, Lea would be able to live normally with only 20% of the pancreas remaining.) Since Friday, Lea has shown remarkable responsiveness to voices that she recognizes! Everyone is praising God and crying and then praising God some more!

Please join us in our celebration as we dance together with God!

What a Mighty God we serve! What a Mighty God we serve! Angels bow before Him! Heaven and Earth adore Him! What a Mighty God we serve! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers and concern!

FROM: Barb S Aug 7 @ 4:53 PM

We hear you are doing better today. We know you are one tough lady and can have a speedy recovery. We are anxiously waiting for the day you are completely better and back laughing and joking with us. We all miss that. You keep up the fight to get better and we will keep the prayers coming your way to help you.

FROM: Pamela Aug 7 @ 12:04 PM

Larry & Lea, Have we ever lived more "One Day At A Time" and in the presence of God's love, than we are right now? I have the chorus to that song framed in my bedroom. I'm a little rusty on the exact words to the entire song but will try to get them right for you. Larry, please share the ones I can remember with Lea - I promise my best attempt to sing them to both of you when I get to come for a visit - if you can stand it, that is!

One day at time, Sweet Jesus.

I'm only human, I'm just a woman, (man), Help me believe in what I could be and all that I am. Show me the stairway I have to climb. Lord for my sake, teach me to take, one day at a time.

One day at a time, Sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking of you.Help me (today?) to do every day what I have to do. Yesterday's gone, Sweet Jesus, and tomorrow may never be mine. Lord, teach me today, show me the way. One day at a time.

Do You remember, when you walked among men? Well Jesus you know, if you're looking below, It's worse now than then. Pushing and shoving, crowding my mind. Lord for my sake, teach me to take, one day at a time.

One day at a time, Sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking of you. Help me to (pray?), to do every day what I have to do. Yesterday's gone, Sweet Jesus, and tomorrow may never be mine. Lord, teach me today, show me the way. One day at a time. Lord, teach me today, show me the way. One day at a time.

I love you both so very much. I pray for your strength, your protection, and your healing every moment that I can. With deepest love and utmost hope as we stand in the presence of His love,

FROM: Judy K Aug 7 @ 12:42 PM.


My thoughts and prayers are still with you and hope it helps in your time of need. Karen keeps us posted daily with your emails and that is great. When you are with Lea just say hi for me. I had a daughter in a coma for over three weeks and they constantly reminded us that what you say - there is a possibly they may come out of the coma and repeat some of what you said. So every bit of encouragement when you are with her might help. God be with you and your family.

FROM: Chad N Aug 7 @ 3:20 PM

Lea: Where is that smile that lights up a room and the laugh that lifts everyone's heart? I can feel it in my soul - but I'm afraid. Your love and kindness have always been genuine and true. You are simply one of the finest people I know. And one of the strongest. So, get back to work getting better. Let's have no more of these bad days. Much love and best wishes.

FROM: Jean S Aug 7 @ 4:27 PM

God is so good! And yet, we are so continuously amazed that He cares about us. This morning in Sunday School, we were watching an interview with James Robinson and Beth Moore (my favorite speaker) or at least one of them :-) She referred to the verses of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

In case you do not have a Bible readily available, I will type it for you. I so sincerely believe that we MUST use God's word to fight the enemy-no matter how he attacks us, and that we are in spiritual warfare, because his purpose is to spoil God's purpose, which is to bless us, prosper us and do good for us. Jeremiah 29:11. "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."

We need weapons that are God-empowered. Our weapon is our faith and our prayers. How disappointed the devil must be to see that instead of falling apart, our faith has been strengthened, our bonds tighter, our love more secure. How I would have loved to have been there in the operating room, to see the faces of the doctors when they discovered new tissue! How I pray that they and all the staff recognized the grace of God and the answer to our devout prayers. And we will pray that every day HE breathes new life into those "sleeping" organs. To God be the glory! Celebrate? oh my yes! Would you care to dance?

FROM: Pamela Aug 7 @ 5:27 PM

Amen! Dancing with Jesus like King David used to do! I feel like it's exactly what I've been doing since I heard! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

What a Mighty God we serve! What a Mighty God we serve! Angels bow before Him! Heaven and Earth adore Him! What a Mighty God we serve!

FROM: Kim P Aug 7 @ 6:47 PM

Dearest Larry and Lea, PRAISE GOD !! What news about Lea's pancreas, lungs and kidney's healing, absolutely no doubt a MIRACLE in the works with faith and trust in the Lord. Larry I also pray that your health is in good order. Just wanted to say WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!! I LOVE YOU BOTH

FROM: Scott Tate Aug 7 @ 11:49 PM

What awesome news from the doctors. I have never witnessed the true power of prayer until Lea's illness. I will continue to pray for her full recovery and for God to continue giving you strength. Under normal circumstances, this would be difficult for you to deal with at home, closer to friends and family. I can only imagine how difficult it must be so far away. It is amazing to me how the Internet can help us heal and gain

32 strength by sharing stories and feelings with those we love. It allows some individuals to share feelings in writing that they might not express otherwise. I admire your strength and your love for Aunt Lea and proud to be a member of such a great family. Take care of yourself and tell Aunt Lea I love her.


FROM: Gracie L Aug 8 @ 2:16 AM

Larry , I wanted to talk to you but just couldn't get myself to say anything that is until I read Dave's letter. I'm not really sure who he is but it was a heart wrenching letter.

I lost my sister Laura, affectionately called, Lolly two years ago this past June to metastasis cancer in her bones and else where. She'd had breast cancer 8 years prior and we thought it was gone but it returned with a vengeance. My sister Karen gave Sheila a picture of Lolly taken on their vacation. She was standing in a boat. It was taken on one of the Great Lakes. Sheila said while she looked at the picture and prayed for Lolly she saw her waving her back smiling and shaking her head no. She told Karen, Lolly's soul wants to go Home. I just want you to dwell on this thought and see if it is Lea's desire to stay here or are her loved ones prolonging her departure because of her deep love for you all and seeing your needs for her to remain. I am your loving friend. My letter to Dave is below:

------Forwarded message ------FROM: Gracie L REF: Larry & Lea Update from Dave

Dave, I am just a friend of the family but I've had this thought and I have so wanted to express it but haven't had the nerve and somehow another I over looked this letter. My daughter opened it and I missed reading it.

Sometimes our need to keep a soul here prolongs their departure even though it is time for them to go. It is apparant to me that sweet Larry can't bear loosing her. I want to ask him to let it be her choice, not his! From his heart he needs to free her and let her leave if this is her desire. OMG, if it were my choice, I'd far rather go Home to my Heavenly Home than go through this Hell she's enduring on earth.

FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 8 @ 7:31 PM

A note to share with you... ------Forwarded Message------

FROM: Sue N REF: Larry & Lea Update from Dave

Dear Link, It was good to see you at church. I pray you found comfort in the encouragement that everyone who has been praying gave you. After reading Dave's account of what has been happening my heart broke for your mom and dad, but I knew the Lord was with them and ministering to them in the depths of their souls. I hope your mom recovers and is miraculously relieved from this immense pain in her body. I pray the Lord continues to draw you near as well and comforts you with His Presence during this difficult time. Knowing that we have a Father who Equips us and supernaturally enables us to draw near to Him to look to Him and Trust Him in times like these is a great comfort to me and I am sure it is also to you. After all you are His child as well, and He is willing and able to be everything you need in this season. I pray His love will enfold you and your family, and keep you all close to Him.

FROM: Kellie P Aug 8 @ 8:48 AM

Larry, Thank you so much for putting me on the update list. Lance stopped sending them to me and I was so upset by what has happened and continue to think of both you and Lea constantly. Luckily Teana filled in some of the updates while I was not getting the emails. All of my love to you both and please let me know if there is anything I can do for either of you. Also, I hope that you received my e-card for Lea. I know you have

33 been reading all of them to her. What a wonderful pair the two of you are and you both touched my life deeply. So, as I said before, if there is anything I can do to help just let me know.

FROM: R Dean N Aug 8 @ 9:34 AM

Larry, Thanks for the good news! It will make my day better. We love you and Lea.

FROM: Dallas W Aug 8 @ 10:15 AM

Dear Larry and Lea and family, I heard the news and was dumbstruck.(not a far way to go for me) by what has happened. I raised you all up for prayer request at Church, that's when Preacher told us of the generosity of your family (no surprise to me) in the giving of the canned goods. Is there anything at all I can do to help, money, I'm sure is in great demand, I don't have much but I can try to raise some, I can fix up some cans to distribute around some of the stores and convenient stores that I regularly stop at.

If there is anything you might think of around your home, or just anything ,above and beyond my continual prayers for complete restoration of Lea's health, just let me know. I never said it so much in words, but I do love you guys. I would do anything I can to help you, Know that I am a servant to you, should you need me. Gods blessings to you all. Take care.

FROM: Stacy F Aug 8 @ 12:02 PM

Praise God!! I am so happy to hear of Lea’s progress! I am so sorry its been such a rollercoaster ride for you. I am amazed at how strong you are. I’M sure you are relying on many verses, but the one that comes to mind is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Phillipians 4:13 I know you have being held up by God at this moment or you would not be able to stand at all. I pray that you continue in his grace and peace.

FROM: Marlowe N Aug 8 @ 12:56 PM

Dear Larry, Just to let you know, we've been on that roller coaster with you, and rejoice at the latest miraculous turnaround Lea has made! I prayed as hard as I ever have on Friday evening when things looked so grim, with your and Lea's photo from Lance's website there on the screen to bring you closer. We were so relieved and could breathe again when we called Kristin and Lance, who had just talked to you and said the crisis had passed.

Many of the friends and family I have been forwarding your updates to have commented on how inspiring your reflections are, and have joined in compassion and prayers for all you are going through. Last week we were staying in Santa Fe for a conference and didn't have internet access, but I was able to hear some of your updates via Yahoo by Phone. For some reason, it couldn't read some of them, so I relied on the nurses' reports. I must say that those reports don't begin to convey the gravity of Lea's condition-I was feeling quite reassured that she was progressing smoothly until we got home late Friday and got Lance's emergency prayer request!

Also last week, while away from home, I became ill with fever and chills and was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I thought of Lea, the fragility of life and good health, and offered up my small suffering for her healing. I also thought of you and your devoted, anguished vigil by her bedside as Dean worried about my condition and tried to do whatever he could to help out. Now that I am almost back to normal, I am even more thankful for the gift of good health and for the miracle of antibiotics, and trying to live each moment to the fullest.

Larry, thank you so much for your sharing of the visions you had last spring. I had heard about them as dreams, but this is quite different, although I do believe that God communicates with us in dreams and visions if we are open to the spiritual realm. I hope and pray that these were warnings meant to bring you closer and

34 more appreciative of each other and not prophecies of the outcome! How merciful the Lord is to prepare you in this way for what was to come! And how courageous of you to share these events, which many might scoff at or think you slightly "wierd". I'm sure most people were deeply touched and that their own attitudes will be changed in a postive way-I agree that this kind of extraordinary experience is given not just for ourselves but to share with others.

I am also looking forward to the day when Lea wakes up and begins to talk about whatever she might have experienced during all these events. Will she report "out of body" experiences or visitations by angels or moving through a tunnel toward a bright light? I know that both of you will be changed forever by all that you are going through; and that spiritually you will be much advanced. May the Lord continue to Bless you and keep you both enfolded in His Loving Arms,

FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 8 @ 2:02 PM

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE.

They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE.

The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?" The other friend replied "When someone hurts we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them. Do not value the THINGS you have in your life. But value who you have in your life!

FROM: Robyn E Aug 8 @ 4:04 PM

Larry, i just want to let you know that you, Lea and everyone involved are still on my mind and in my prayers daily. I am humbled, awed, and moved to tears by the amazing faith you and your family obviously have. Your love of God comes through in every e-mail (Gary forwards them to me) and on Lea's prayer page. In this time of seeming darkness...what a light you our shining for our Lord. Through the wonder of the web i can't even imagine how many people are being touched by Lea, you and your family. People that you don't even know want updates on you all. There are so many unsaved people that don't have a clue how to get through tough times....what an example you are of how to go through the storm. And Lea! when she is finally on the other side of this will have such an awesome testimony and i know God will bless you guys in a mighty way. I'm sure there are times that you're just exhausted and spent and maybe don't even feel like praying. Know that during those times the rest of us in cyberspace have your back and our faith in the Lord will keep you covered. Love and God Bless to you and Lea.


FROM: Gracie L Aug 9 @ 8:18 AM

Dave, Thank you for taking the time to respond to my letter. I wrote you out of loving concern and I am grateful that you understood my motive. I have become so emotionally involved with this family. I also believe nothing happens by accident and that there is a reason for everything. Your Brother's letters have touched me deeply, he writes from the depth of his soul, I can't help but feel the love. Kathy sent me Larry's latest letter and the wonderful report how Lea is making strides forward. I believe in miracles, I've experienced many in my own life. Many in my family are involved in Lea's healing also. Our prayers are with you.


------Forwarded message ------FROM: "DK Vaughn" To: Gracie L

Aloha Gracie, Thank you for your note and expressing your concern. We aren't in disagreement. We are relying totally upon God's will and pray every day that we not resist His will. My note was intended to give all those with interest and concern for Lea a perspective on her status as well as all the efforts being made to meet her present and future needs.

Lea never signed her living will, so Larry has no legal basis to "pull the plug" as long as doctors maintain that she has higher brain functions. Her physical damage is limited to the pancreas, but the "bomb" was so major that all other organs in her abdomen shut down. We are praising God that her lungs are recovering and one of her kidneys is recovering. Case studies show that as long as there is recovery, there is hope. In the time since I drafted and sent my note, Lea's prognosis has moved from a 15% chance of survival to something better than 50%. Tuesday's surgery and Lea's reaction/recovery from that surgery will be the best indication we have of the most recent assessment being reliable.

The Chief Surgeon and the Assistant Chief Surgeon were amazed to find healing and new tissue on Sunday. We are not amazed but give praise for His miraculous healing. In less than 48 hours He demonstrated His will for Lea and we will continue to give Him all the glory. Thank you for your notes of supports. Lea still has a long road to what we would call recovery. Please continue to pray for Lea to fulfill His will both here and for eternity.

FROM: Linda H Aug 9 @ 6:44 AM

Good morning, Just a note to let you know that we're thinking about you and keeping you in our prayers daily. We've decided that when we sell our houses, we should all get together and throw a big block party like Atlanta has never seen. So, your job right now is to feel better really soon. We're thinking of you.

PS Larry, I haven't been able to make contact with Pat, although I have talked to Scott a couple of times. If you talk to her, will you tell her and Joe that we're thinking about them, too? Take care of yourself.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 9 @ 7:40AM

I sure will, Linda. Scott and I are with her every day. She doesn't carry a cell phone, and isn't on the internet, so it's not easy to reach her. Thank Clint for calling me this past weekend. I apologize for not getting back to him, but it was a very stressful time. I appreciated his call a great deal, though. Best wishes.

FROM: Karen Aug 9 @ 7:55 AM

HI, Larry and Lea, what a rollacoaster ride we have been thru, you have been terrific in keeping us updated daily on the progress or the down times. None of us have let up for a minute to keep the power of prayer going...... and going...... You are remarkable Larry for doing this, Lea will be so proud of you when she gets to see how you took not only care of her,but all of the friends and family daily thru these updates. The boys also have been terrific to keep us posted if there was a special message being sent out that was needed. TAKE CARE AND WE LOVE ALL OF YOU WITH OUR WHOLE HEARTS.

From all of our Family's Robert and Karen, Rod, Connie, Ryan, Clayton and Kyle Rich, Carrie, Matt, Scott,Jake and Kelsie Mark, Malissa,Devin and Dylan

FROM: R Dean N


Aug 9 @ 8:33 AM

Larry, Thank you.

FROM: Pamela Aug 9 @ 8:34 AM

What a beautiful tribute to the love that Lea and you share. I hope that you also read what you write to Lea - or will, when she is more alert.

One of the things that I learned many years ago and have never forgotten, is that: God is in control of the universe and all of it's facets, even when it appears that He is not. We may be taken through experiences that aren't even meant for us, but for us to use to help someone else down the road who'll benefit from our understanding, our compassion and God's grace through us. If God allows us to walk through fire, it's not only because He sees that we are strong enough, it's to prune us and most often, to teach us. Many times the lesson is hard. Many times we don't believe we can make it through this "lesson". Many times the lesson is a life-changing one and we are reminded that God isn't through with us yet, Hallelujah! (I believe very strongly that I, personally, have walked through many things that have given me insights and perspectives so that I may be of service to someone else. I'm so hardheaded that the lessons have been hard, I've slipped, but He's picked me up, dusted me off, set me on the right path once again. Again, Hallelujah!)

Back to my reason for responding to this email message - you've made me aware that not everyone may agree with our prayer requests, not understand our love for Lea and our "pulling" for her recovery versus "giving her up to God". I can only think that they don't know our history, don't understand the depth of our love for God. Maybe we've let that part go unsaid because it's just plain natural for us to pray for God's will. Maybe they don't understand the power of prayer and how miraculous healing is possible. I don't give them much thought and certainly don't let them lay a guilt trip on me - I hope that you don't either.

The things that you've shared have come from deep within you, and it has been beautiful to read. With each letter you've written has come deeper understanding, a stronger desire to support both of you. Please don't stop pouring out your thoughts, it allows us to be a channel of strength back to both of you.

Every time I pray for Lea, I picture her face that last visit I made when I was grumbling about something - she was sitting in the parlor, can't remember what she had in her hands, but I'd walked up with a one liner complaint like I so often do, and she looked up at me with those beautiful sparkly eyes and laughed. I can't remember even what she said, but I see her pretty white teeth and those eyes that I've always envied looking up at me. I remember that we both laughed and there was that comfortable loving feeling that she always gives me when we've shared something between just the two of us. I look forward to many more moments like that.

Lea, you are so strong, we are so encouraged by the responses that you are able to give us. I know the energy that it takes for you to respond and I know that Jesus is with you every moment, helping you and restoring that energy so that you can respond again. I love you and I can't wait to get to visit with you in person. Love & many, many, long, soft hugs to you both,

FROM: Lance Vaughn Aug 9 @ 8:53 AM

Mom, I can't wait for the day when you can read this!!!!!!!!

Kristin and I are on our flight back to Austin from Hartford. It has been a long and emotionally draining week. You had us all convinced that you were going to die. It was terrible. I had never tried to imagine my life without you so soon. I always figured Dad would go and then you would follow 10-20 years down the road.

Your sister and brothers are all such wonderful people. And Christy and Dawn both remind me of you in so many ways. They all love you so much and would do anything for you. "Lea holds us together," they kept saying. And then there's Dad. He so much adores you it's amazing. Link and I are convinced that he wouldn't last long without you in his life. You are his core. You define him, truly.


It was hard to leave you today. I flew into Connecticut on Tuesday and arrived at Midstate Medical Center just in time to see you whisked away by a team of flight nurses and life-lined (airlifted by helicopter) to Hartford Hospital. Dad was completely worn out when I arrived, but he was surrounded by a wonderful nursing staff with whom he had obviously developed a significant bond over the three or four days the two of you were there.

Once Link arrived and we were able to get Dad as settled in as we could and prepared for a long stay in his new digs, we turned our focus forward. What could we do to help Mom & Dad? Well, the hardest part was trying to figure out what you would want us to do. And that wasn't easy. Yes, you're our mother and we have a decent idea, but even Dad confessed to not always knowing what you want. We knew we wanted to do something to help, but the last thing we wanted was to do anything that would upset you when (if) you came back to us. At first it was easy, because the doctors were saying that you would only be on the ventilator for a week. Then it was two. Now it's several months... When will we see your beautiful smile again?!?

Well, we know for sure that you want to sell the house, because you and Dad agreed to that a few months ago. Great. Well, even as straight forward as that is, there's still a catch. What if you come out of this experience with a change of heart? What if we sell the house and you get upset knowing that you won't be able to return to your favorite place in the world? Even if we all chip in and buy you a beautiful house in Fishers, you could still be upset about not being able to return to the Walton House.

Well, after some soul searching and praying, I've decided the bottom line is this... You and Dad are going to be in Connecticut for what could possibly be as long as six months. If Link and I can get the house sold, minimize or eliminate your debt, and get you and Dad set up in a condo or house in Fishers, you'll be able to return to Indiana and get your feet back on the ground and on the road to recovery. If we rent a place for a year, you can return to work for as long as you want, and you won't feel like you have to decide right away what you want to do or where you want to go or who you want to be, etc. Success to me is two things: one, to relieve you of as much burden as possible and allow you to start again; and two, to do so in a manner that is as close as possible to the way you would want things done.

I have thought a lot about this approach and have discussed it at lengths with Link and Dad. We all agree it's the right approach. As hard as it was to decide whether or not you'd be happy with Link and I having sold the house, it occurs to me now that would be the easiest part. The hardest part of the process will be deciding what items in the house you would want to keep and which items you wouldn't want. Wow, what a nightmare. I'm really setting myself up for disaster here. Nonetheless, Kristin and I are driving to Indiana tomorrow to get the move started. It won't be easy being there without you and Dad, but it's something that I'm convinced is necessary and appropriate....

I love you, Mom! Call me soon!

FROM: Jennifer T Aug 9 @ 9:59 AM

Larry - Greg has kept us informed of your situation. But I wanted you to know that I keep you and Lea in my daily prayers. You are both so strong and couragous. I don't know that I could face such an adversity with the grace and dignity that the two of you have. Please know that you are remembered and many, many prayers are with you.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 9 @ 10:39 AM

Thank you, Jennifer, for your prayers. It is amazing to see how prayers are working on this receiving end! The entire family is in awe of God's workings in this situation, and we are particularly pleased to see how He is working through us to bring others closer to Him.

FROM: Gracie L Aug 9 @ 10:07 AM


Thanks again for sharing with us your wonderful loving relationship with Lea. I now evaluate my relationships differently and try to make each moment count. I love the essence of this Lady Lea, who you describe so well.

FROM: Gracie L Aug 9 @ 10:16 AM

This is from one of my sisters, her name is Jeanne and she is totally deaf. She has been deaf since the age of three. She has a glowing spirit and brings us all great JOY. Jeanne reads your letters and sends her thoughts my way. I too have a large loving family, I am blest. Yet now my family is extended. lol

------Forwarded message ------FROM: Jeanne H REF: Larry & Lea Update from Dave

That is a very sweet warm and honest letter from Dave. Both of the brothers are so warm and intelligent, not common with men especially when it comes to writing or communication. They cover all the bases, we get to know everything. I have to admire both of the men. They express their thoughts with their fingers, like it is nothing for them. It is wonderful Lea is going to make it. Larry and Leah will continue to have wonderful lives together. They are still granted such. I would love to see them all. They all are beautiful people. So are Kathy, her husband and her brothers. I am glad to get to know Cory's sweet uncles. I hope they can help with our house someday, who knows what the future wil bring. Gracie you have many new friends, that is so wonderful.

FROM: Kathryn B Aug 9 @ 10:53 AM

Hello Larry, Greg was kind enough to share your update on Lea with us yesterday, and I was moved and comforted by your words of love and faith. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.

The restructuring of the Latitude team turned out to be a blessing for me, as my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer shortly after we got the news, and it made it possible for me to move back to Canada from Phoenix to be with her. The months I spent supporting her as she grew weaker were as wonder-filled as they were difficult, and I have found it hard to describe to anyone else what we experienced together. But those conversations of love and support and acceptance that you described, while unique for each of us, remind me of the blessing it was to be by her side at such a difficult time, and your words of faith help to ease the pain I still feel at her eventual passing. For her, it was time to go, and being with her during her last breaths is something I will always cherish and thank God for.

Thank you so much, Larry, for your grace and inspiration. You and Lea continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, and I pray that God will help Lea to continue to grow stronger and recover quickly, if that should be His will.

FROM: Gracie L Aug 9 @ 11:06 AM

Dearest Larry, Here is another loving letter from my sister Jeanne. She reminded me again of our dear sweet loving spiritual friend, Sandra, who has been my dearest friend since high school. Even though I seldom see her, she still remains my dearest friend. She is very intelligent but more than that she's perceptive and lovingly open to all. She has no friend she holds in higher esteem than another, she just has deeper depths in her relationships. . She too writes beautifully although today she's totally blind. Awe, I love her. It was lovely she put her in a category with Lea and you.

------Forwarded message ------FROM: Jeanne H

Oh Gracie, soooo beautiful, can't help loving that man. I hope you all get to meet each other when Lea is well. She is going to love you, too. His religion is not preachy, it is so clean and forthright honest and allowing God to control their lives. He responses loving, especially to you and others and covers all the bases. This is a grand life.... Lea with her LOVING spiritual walk is drawing other people that she has never seen into their 39 lives, she is so giving and has full of wonderful useful, loving, attracting, spiritual energy. Amazing . . . another Sandra . . . .

FROM: Cathy A Aug 9 @ 11:20 AM

Larry, Thanks for sharing your amazing faith. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

-----Forwarded Message----- FROM: Greg S To: DBM Webhosts

Hello Everyone: Larry has me on an e-mail list and I get these updates from him nearly everyday. I just thought I would send this one to you all to keep you informed of the situation he and his wife are going through. It's hard not to be touched by the thoughts the two of them share.

FROM: Suzi V Aug 9 @ 12:44 PM

Larry, as you will recall, I am Kellie's friend that visited your home some years ago with Doug. I wanted to let you know that Kellie has been keeping me updated with Lea's progress and I have been sending much love and prayers your way. I have always thought you both were incredible and amazing people and this just reiterates the true fact that you are. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. Love and prayers.

FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 9 @ 2:13 PM

Dad - Can you please add Craig Powell to your distribution list? Craig works and goes to church with me... His wife Margie is a friend of Deanna's and his two daughters are close with Lyndi and Megan. They are all praying for Mom and want to keep in the loop without having to ask me about her each day.

FROM: R Dean N TO: DK Vaughn REF: Larry & Lea Update from Dave Aug 9 @ 5:36 PM

Dave, Thank you for including me during this very difficult time. I have been impressed by your family's closeness and Larry's dedication and love for Lea. I look forward to meeting you.

--- DK Vaughn wrote:---

Aloha Dean, Larry has been lifted daily by your notes of support. He is amazed by all the support for Lea and your contribution has not gone unnoticed. I look forward to meeting you ... Kristen obviously comes from a family of admirable character.

FROM: Ben and Joni Aug 8 @ 7:59 PM

Hello! How awesome to hear that Lea is doing so much better!! Mom forwards me the updates (I usually get them the next day as she reads her email after I've gone to bed) and I look forward to hearing of her great advancements. I'm especially glad to hear that they've backed off of her sedatives so that she can communicate a little more with you. The eyebrows can really say a lot!! ☺

Over the past few weeks I've been going over in my mind all of the wonderful memories I have of your family! You guys were always the one's I looked forward to seeing the most whenever we had family reunions!! Going down to Scolfields ( I think that was the name of the restaurant) for those giant tenderloin sandwiches and hanging out by the pool at the Holiday Inn. Once Lea gets better maybe we can get together in Hannibal

40 again just like old times. (It wouldn't be the same without the Vaughn's!) Especially now since I've got a child (and 1/2) of my own!!....and of course an incredibly handsome and itty husband!!

Anyway, I just wanted to check in with you and let you know that we're still a prayin' away for God's will and Lea's speedy recovery!! It's amazing the power of prayer!! I love you both very much.

FROM: John Andrew D Aug 9 @ 8:26 PM

Dear Larry, You don't know me - I am Kristen's cousin John D. My aunt Marlowe has been faithfully forwarding your messages and updates from New Mexico to here in Singapore, where my wife and I recently moved. I just wanted to let you know that you and Lea and your family are being prayed for here. I wish to encourage you during this stressful and harrowing time. James advice isn't easy: "whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy." Joy? Perhaps at times. But certainly these trials are increasing endurance, from which can spring a range of amazing things, says James. I hope that the next trial we face, we will remember you and your example and try to approximate this verse to the best of our ability.

FROM: Barb S Aug 9 @ 8:49 PM

Hi! We were so happy for you when we got your email this morning. It is good to have more good news. God is listening to our prayers!! Hope Lea had another good day after her surgery today. That would be wonderful. Hope we see more good days than bad ones. She has been through so much. She is a fighter!

Pray that Joe is doing better too. He to has been through a lot. He and Lea will have quite a story to tell when they get better! Well, I'm out of here. Just wanted to let you know we were thinking of you and that I am sticking a package in the mail tomorrow for Lea so kind of watch for it. Love you both. You're in our prayers.

FROM: Carol B Aug 9 @ 10:04 PM

Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only God keeps You Going! You are so special!

FROM: Carol B Aug 9 @ 10:14 PM

Larry, Thought you might Like to see this:

-----Forwarded Message----- FROM: MSgt Scott B Flt C-21 Qatar (Persian Gulf)

Mom, I have been sharing the “Lea Updates” with some friends or mine and more than one or two have responded with tears. They express to me how wonderful Larry & Lea and the family seem to be. They have also talked about how heart wrenching this is. I believe God is really at work here. Not just in healing Lea and keeping Larry lifted but also in touching countless other lives. God’s love is amazing and the more you share it the more you get. How has Grandpa been? I am praying for you and dad as always. I love you both and look forward to coming home. Love you….

FROM: Gayle H Aug 9 @ 10:18 PM

Hey Lea and Larry, Just wanted to write a quick note and let you know that I am thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.


I have been really busy with school getting things set up for the new school year, etc. I now have 19 students, 8 of them being ESE (exceptional students with varying medical, emotional, or academic problems). It is challenging but a good class! I have several pictures that I took and was going to share one (and still will) but we need to have time to look at the camera, etc. and maybe reinstall the software because of course, the computer is being contrary!!

We played a fun game at school the other day ( a class builder to promote unity). I got pics of that, too. I divided the class into two groups and the kids held hands. I tossed a balloon in the center of the group and they had to keep the balloon up in the air but could not let go of hands. They just had to move the whole circle and use their hands, heads, knees, etc. to keep the balloon in the air. Of course, we had to get over the usual oohs and yuks of holding hands--10 year olds, you know!! It was fun, funny, and something all of us would have enjoyed maybe a few years ago when our bones worked better!!!

Jim is busy at work, but enjoys it. We are both going to be taking some classes in the next few weeks. Jim will be in Tampa during the days. My class will be on Tues/Thurs. in the evenings not too far from home. I am not looking forward to the long days!!

Our kids are doing fine, but I did send Angie's oldest two a couple of new school outfits the other day, and her 3 yr. old, Dalton, was mad---not because he didn't get clothes but because he didn't get some pencils!! Angie said like he needed those to draw on the walls with!! Of course, I just sent him and Landon a pkg. which included Spiderman pencils and a writing tablet!!

I better go for now and get some things done for school. Remember I love you both and will always, always, have you in my prayers.

FROM: Carol B Aug 9 @ 11:28 PM

Lea & Larry, Sometimes as I read the updates I feel as if I were there with you. I feel the pain, worry, love, and happiness...mostly I feel the presence of God through it all. I don't think we will ever know how many people have been affected by this, but we do know that God is working wonders in many different ways. It saddens me to know that we (cousins) have lost touch (for the most part) and it takes a catastrophe to bring us back together, but the love we shared as children is still in our hearts. I send the updates to Scott daily and read them to Sharon and we all pray for you both daily. If there is more we can do please don't hesitate to ask.

FROM: R Dean N Aug 9 @ 11:35 PM

Dear Larry, Lea is going to make it - thanks to your love and support and to the healing mercy of God. I feel it in my bones!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 10@ 7:16 AM

Thank you, Dean. I apologize for not responding to your earlier messages in a more timely manner. I wanted to take a moment to dash off a response this morning before heading to the hospital to be with Lea. I don't think we will ever know how many people have been affected by this, but we do know that God is working wonders in many different ways. Lance and I are working on a way of sharing news of this work on another website he is setting up. It wil be a great testimony to how God works through others to reach His flock.


FROM: MSgt Scott B Flt C-21 Qatar (Persian Gulf) Aug 10 @ 4:00 AM

Larry, I wonder if your life with Lea has been as colorful as the photo below. I’m thinking it far surpasses this.


The east side of the Carrizo plain, in the Temblor Range, about 50 miles due west of Bakersfield, California. (Owner and copyright unknown)

I know it’s been years since we’ve visited but I promise this, you and Lea have never been far from my thoughts and prayers. I confess that you haven’t been a daily thought but I have thought of and prayed for both of you more than others that I have known and seen more frequently. What am I saying? I think I’m just tying to let you now that you both touched my heart and I think you are wonderful people. You are a gift to the world and I love you both.

I have vivid memories of visiting you in Chillicothe MO way back when. I always looked forward to visiting the Vaughns in “Chill the Coffee.” I thought you were all really “neato.” And then again in Indiana. And on another occasion once in St. Louis. These may be faded memories for you, if you can even recall them. But to me they were colorful times. The kind of memories that seem to have happened last year. It was always so thrilling for me to learn about my mother’s people and to find that they so richly enjoyed life. You and Lea both impacted me in ways I just can’t quite understand. I still don’t think I’m making a point here. I guess the bottom line is that you and Lea are both very special to me. You’re in my heart. You always have been.

Mom shares the “Lea updates” with me and I, in turn, forward them on to friends that care. Several of them have responded to me describing to me how they read them with teary eyes. And they insist that I continue to share. They express to me that every update seems to be littered with God. What’s going on is a domino effect of miracles all over the states and even outside of the US. I believe that in my heart. I am so very proud of you Larry. I cannot fathom what you are experiencing and through it all you find it in yourself to share all of this with us. Thank you. You’re amazing. I hope I can be half of what you are. I’m sorry if I’m not quite as eloquent as the typical Vaughn may be. (Uncle Bill started me down that road but I was soon left to my own navigational devices.) But I just felt the need to let you know I’m here and I’m praying for you both.

Embarrassingly long hug back at ya with love for emphasis!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 10 @ 7:10 AM

Thank you, so much, Scott. Your kindness and warmness are very much appreciated. This is a difficult time for us, to be sure, but Lea will be so happy when she wakes up to learn that her trials have affected so many lives, and brought so many closer to God. It was important to Link and Lance to get the word out to those who would provide some prayer support for their mom, and I am moved to continue that effort because of the wonderful impact we have seen it have on other lives.

We've received notes from folks who say they are going back to church after many years of absence, because they have seen evidence of God's presence for the first time in some time. (My dad used to say that if you want to get a mule's attention, you have to hit them over the head with a two by four). :-)

Yes, it is difficult for me to see Lea in such a dormant state for such a long time, but, I think God prepared me for this service when he gave me those visions just weeks before our vacation. I searched my soul and saw how much I would miss her if she were taken from me, and those feelings I am now able to share with others who may not have done their own soul searching. But, once they start searching, they find God nicely tucked away in that cozy corner of their lives. Our situation has helped others bring God out into the light and wave him like a banner. I think God likes that! Warmest regards, and our continued love, hope, and prayers for your happiness and safety,

FROM: Jean S Aug 10 @ 7:57 AM


Shall we dance? The Lord is so gracious. I thank Him for His mighty power. His name is Awesome. I pray blessings on Lea, You, the staff, the nurses, the surgeons. I pray that today is a day of extreme joy in continued healthy growth of new tissue, just like being a new born Christian, that there is a glow about Lea just to show all that the Lord's presence is there. Thank you Almighty God for your mercy. I love you.

FROM: Kim K Aug 10 @ 9:49 AM

Dear Larry,

I know you must be exhausted both physically and emotionally, but you're doing an amazing job! We are all heartened by the daily updates and awed by all the little personal touches. God knew what He was doing when He put you two together. Sorry, gotta get some work done...... Don't tell the boss I was emailing her husband on company time! :)

FROM: Shana G Aug 10 @ 3:23 PM

Good Afternoon, Larry, What a wonderful update this morning. You know, the Payment Posting gang always wanted to attend "Grandmom Camp" or have Lea set up a special camp for us! What wonderful memories Megan and Lyndi will have of those times.

It was certainly great to hear of Lea's improved condition this morning. We continue to pray for her recovery. I have had so many people throughout the building call or e-mail to check on her condition, so there are lots and lots of well wishers here at Irwin!

Please let Lea know much I miss talking to her. Things just aren't the same without her on the other side my wall. We always joked about installing a sliding window so we could talk easier! Sometimes we looked like we should be on "HEE HAW" because we would pop up from our desks and then begin giggling about something so silly. We always thought we could probably get ourselves into a lot of trouble because we could be bad influences on each other, but we really didn't care!

Gary and I took a ride in the convertible last night and I thought about Lea the whole time. Somehow it made me feel close to her. Sometimes I feel guilty for being able to take that ride while she is going through so much, but I know she wouldn't want me to feel to that way. Lea is so very unselfish and would never dream of making someone feel guilty over anything. I've always admired how she took so much interest in her employees. The numbers of times she listened to me cry over losing my pets or going through personal struggles always made me feel so fortunate to have a boss that I also considered a friend. I always felt like I could talk to her about anything. During Darryl's (Gary's brother) illness, we had some pretty profound conversations about our faith in God and how that sustains during difficult times. You don't find that very often you can discuss those types of things with your boss either. Lea is truly one of the most caring, spiritual, loving people I know.

I want you to know I am continuing to keep you close to my heart and in my prayers, as well. What great comfort it must give Lea to have you there with her helping her through this ordeal. Through the gentle touch of your hand and sound of your voice, I know she is growing stronger to make her way back to you. May God continue to Bless and Keep you. Here is a BIG hug for you, too.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 10 @ 9:33 PM

Thanks, Shana. I appreciate everything you have done, and the well wishes you have sent. I have read Lea the 23 Psalm book, and will go through it again with her. The guardian angel is sitting on a window ledge where it can watch over her. I appreciate the snacks the gang sent, and am grateful each time I don't have to eat in the hospital cafeteria. :-)

One of the fun things I do with Lea, is play music for her when she is somewhat conscious. I play Hawaiian music sometimes, and will go over and say softly in her ear, "Let's go for a walk on the beach, honey." I then

44 get to just sit back and watch her wiggle her toes and move her eyes for a while as she replays memories of the trips we have made. I put on 50s-60s music and say, "Let's go for a ride in the convertible," and watch her do the same thing.

She is going to be very happy that you have the Mustang, and will hope that you have as much fun in it as we did. When she is able again, I'll get her one I can take her for rides in. I am looking forward to that day. Best wishes to you both for love, happiness, and true friendship,

FROM: Linda H Aug 10 @ 6:43 PM


Julie, a poorly dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store. She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries. She softly explained that her husband was very ill and unable to work, they had seven children and they needed food. John, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave his store at once.

Visualizing the family needs, she said: "Please, sir! I will bring you the money just as soon as I can." John told her he could not give her credit, since she did not have a charge account at his store. Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the two. The customer walked forward and told the grocer that he would stand good for whatever she needed for her family. The grocer said in a very reluctant voice, "Do you have a grocery list?"

Julie replied, "Yes sir." "O.K" he said, "put your grocery list on the scales and whatever your grocery list weighs, I will give you that amount in groceries." Julie, hesitated a moment with a bowed head, then she reached into her purse and took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. She then laid the piece of paper on the scale carefully with her head still bowed. The eyes of the grocer and the customer showed amazement when the scales went down and stayed down. The grocer, staring at the scales, turned slowly to the customer and said begrudgingly, "I can't believe it."

The customer smiled and the grocer started putting the groceries on the other side of the scales. The scale did not move so he continued to put more and more groceries on them until the scales would hold no more. The grocer stood there in utter disgust. Finally, he grabbed the piece of paper from the scales and looked at it with greater amazement. It was not a grocery list, it was a prayer, which said: "Dear Lord, you know my needs and I am leaving this in your hands."

The grocer gave her the groceries that he had gathered and stood in stunned silence. Louise thanked him and left the store. The other customer handed a fifty-dollar bill to the grocer and said; "That was worth every penny of it.. Only God Knows how much a prayer weighs."


When you receive this, say a prayer. That's all you have to do. Just stop right now, and say a prayer of thanks for your own good fortune. Then please send this to all your friends and relatives. I believe if you will send this testimony out with prayer in faith, you will receive what you need God to do in your and your family's life. So dear heart, trust God to heal the sick, provide food for the hungry, clothes and shelter for those that don't have as we do.

Prayer is one of the best free gift we receive. There is no cost but a lot of reward. May you always walk with Angels God Bless You! He will keep you strong right up to the end, and He will keep you free from all blame on the great day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 1 Corinthians 1:8, NLT

FROM: Carol B Aug 10 @ 7:09 PM

This was in the Hannibal Courier Post yesterday and today...thought you would appreciate it.


Card Shower Request! Leona Tate (Vaughn) formerly of Hannibal, took very ill while on vacation 3 weeks ago. Leona is in Hartford, Connecticut Hospital in critical condition. The Tate family-Bob, Jim, Larry, Carl, Kathy, and Dennis are asking for everyone's prayers & get-well cards. Cards can be sent to B-9-1 Hartford Hospital, 80 Seymour Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. Thanks and God Bless

I have talked to the Lions Club president and will be talking to the Kiwanis president tonight to see if we can get some kind of financial assistance to you. In the meantime prayers.

FROM: Shana G Aug 10 @ 9:48 PM

Hi Larry, Polly Harrington from our IT (Disaster Recovery) team is coming to Hartford next Monday for a training drill with the branch there. She will only be there overnight Monday and is coming back Tuesday, however, she wants me to contact to you to see if there is anything you may need for her to bring to you. Anything from Atlanta, or whatever you may need. I, of course, said I would like to stow away in her suitcase and come with her but I don't think there is a suitcase big enough!

She has worked with Irwin for many years and recently went to our disaster recovery site in June with Lea. Even if there is nothing you need her to bring, she is wanting to stop by the hospital and visit. If Lea isn't able to have visitors, I know she would like to at least stop in to say "hi" to you. I know she will totally understand if it's not okay, but I didn't want to make the call without checking with you. If you could let me know how to respond to her, I will pass it along. I hope today was a good day and I wish you a restful, peaceful night.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 10 @ 10:41 PM

Of course I will get Polly in to see Lea! She can contact me on my cell phone when has an idea when she will be at the hospital, and I will arrange to meet her and take her to the room. As far as whether there is anything to bring, please contact my brother David, who will be at our house over the weekend, to see if you might be able to help him out with something. You can reach him via his cell phone. The house phones have been disconnected, and will not be turned on again until we return. Thanks for everything,

FROM: Karen Aug 10 @ 10:40 PM

Hi, Larry, hope that things were better today, my sister in Arizona has been really taken by what has been going on in your lives, she thinks so much of you guys also and has been reading daily the updates and has been reading books and books to help understand some of which you are enduring, plus what Lea is going thru. One of the books she recommended was the Life and Death of Charles St. Cloud, that says would help you so much thru this very trying days. Enclosed is another article that she just sent, would like for you to read this article, and if you are interested in any of the books, we will get them and mail them to you. Take care and thanks so much for keeping in touch. Later. Love you guys lots.


FROM: David Vaughn Aug 11 @ 7:31 AM

Hello Karen! By God's good grace, things have changed miraculously. Barring any setbacks, she appears to be ready to be weaned off intensive care. They have a "half way house" called Step Down, which is still considered a critical care unit. When she moves out of Step Down, she will be considered a Hospital patient and can be considered in recovery.

Everything is very iffy, very delicate, but signs are improving. One thing we have to guard against is that when she comes out of this long of sedation, it is VERY hard on the system and patients are often disoriented, sometimes become violent and this can harm their progress. Link has been praying for peace and we all need to do that. Nurses have commented on the peace and calm they feel when they enter Lea's room. Total trust in God's will is visible and Larry has ALWAYS given God the Glory.


I'm delighted that the prognosis is good for your sister in Phoenix to donate a kidney to your brother in the next few weeks. Please allow us the opportunity to support you as the transplant process continues as they both fly to Madison, Wisconsin on August 29th for further testing and when you have a surgery date.

I return to Atlanta on Friday. Kona on Tuesday. We still have the basement and Carriage House to tackle, along with a lot of outdoor maintenance. We hope to show the house to potential buyers this weekend. Pam & Jim are coming from Wilmington on Friday and will be there through Monday. Aunt Charlotte & Kim plan to be there Saturday. It is possible that Lea's sister Kathy will also be there, although she will just be checking to make sure we don't sell any family keepsakes. I wouldn't turn down the help, but I can't say that we will be desperate. If you come, we'll promise a nice meal and a little better working condition without as much stress!

FROM: Karen To: David Vaughn Aug 11@ 7:49 AM

Hi, thanks so much for keeping in touch. We all know what the power of prayer can do, I did e-mail Larry last night also,my sister is Phoenix is a avid reader and she has read several books to help her thru Lea's ordeal, and she has given me several names of books that she said would help Larry thru the process, all of my family and friends have been praying for all of you guys and it is so wonderful to know that God does listen and answer prayers we know that first hand, he does have wonderful people that we all love dearly that we are asking over and over for support.

We won't be able to make it over this weekend, Robert's Aunt passed away yesterday afternoon and we have family coming in for the services on Monday. Ironically, Paul and Betty Bruns who are cousins of Robert's also knew Lea and Larry very well from being around us a lot when we lived in Danville and continued our friendship over the years and I have been sending Betty the updates daily also and last night when we were over at the house, the first thing Betty said was have you heard today how Lea is and I said no, but there will be a note either in the morning or yet tonight, Betty's mother was 93 and had been in the nursing home for a few months, so it was a blessing that God took her. Betty is doing fine with it.

Say, in the night I was worried about a closet that we forgot to pack with coats in it, it is under the open stairway in the long foyer, I remember finding them there as we were heading back upstairs with boxes and then just last night got to thinking about the house, so you might want to double check that closet. Thanks again for your return note, really appreciate your keeping in touch.

FROM: Barb S Aug 1135 PM

Hi! We are so glad to hear you are doing better. You keep up the good work so you can come home to all of us soon. We are more impressed each day at what a fighter you are. Mom and Dad would be so proud of you. I know they are watching over you right now with much pride. In fact, when I was going through the rest of mom's things, I ran across mom's mother's ring. I told Larry to let me know when you were ready and I would get it to you. I only wish you were able to have it now as a reminder that mom and dad are with you, helping you fight right along with the rest of us. We say our prayers and they are the guardian angels watching over you. What a powerful support team!

You take care and hurry back to Larry. He is waiting patiently to see that smile and hear your voice. (I think he is getting tired of listening to himself! LOL!) We love you!

FROM: Angela M Aug 11 @ 7:32 PM

Dear Larry and Lea, I'm Ro's soap & lotion partner here in Middlebury IN and I just want to let you both know how much I'm thinking about you. While we've never met, Ro has talked about you all so much over the last couple of years, I feel like I know you. She reads your update letter to me every time she receives one and I truely admire you both for your courage. Please tell your friend who is also in the hospital that we think of him

47 and his wife and follow his progress. May the Lord stand with all of you during this terrible time and give you the strength and comfort you need.

FROM: Sherri S Aug 11 @ 8:03 PM

Hi there! Word has it you are starting to improve and the doctors have discovered you have a strong and fighting spirit and the WILL to get well. I am so happy to hear you are improving. I am anxious for you and Larry to return to Indiana... so you can recover surrounded by your family and friends.

Terry Siegel called me yesterday. She heard you were sick and wanted to know more details. As I began recounting your story (and Joe's) - I told her as unbelievable as it was all sounding, it was all true! She is very concerned about you and asked for your phone number. I laughed and told her you weren't accepting calls right now - but gave her the contact info for the hospital, and the daily status line for you. No doubt, you will be hearing from her soon.

In addition to talking on the phone with her, I ran into her at school - it was registration day for 8th graders - Alex and Hannah are 8th graders. Now, Tyler is starting 5th grade - but Allison is already a 6th grader - so Terry has 2 kids in middle school. Seems like just yesterday you were hosting baby showers for us - I remember her cake read "O Hannah Day", and mine read "Sanford and Son". Nobody but you could come up with those captions!

Alex, Jim and Tyler are all at scouts tonight. Tyler turned 11 on Tuesday of this week, so he is eligible to join the Boy Scout troop, which is just what he is going to do tonight. Soon, they will ALL be leaving me during Boy Scout camping week - I can't decide if that is a good thing or not. On one hand I love the peace and quiet (good, uninterrupted reading time), but you know me, I like having both of them at home... so it is a lonely time for me as well. I'll have to work on that - give me some of your ideas to fill my time. I remember hearing about when you were the Cub scout leader for your boys. Get this... Jim wants a Boy Scout shirt for his birthday... Won't that be a picture?

School is starting soon - and maybe it is time for me to think about going back to work. Really concerned about my confidence level - who is going to want this not so young person, - whose brain may or may not work very well anymore. At Irwin, I knew many of the answers because I worked there so long - but now I won't even know where the bathrooms are, let alone how to solve any problem that arises. I am having a real low self esteem period - and I am afraid it will show during an interview - provided I can get someone to interview me. In the scheme of things, it is a very small thing to worry about - so I will work on getting it into perspective. Your situation has helped many of us get things into perspective. Although, with my family history, it is usually pretty easy for me to realize what is important and what is not.

I am thinking of you every day - many times a day and asking for God's wisdom and will to present itself to everyone. I pray you and your entire family (and Joe and Pat for that matter) feel his loving arms around you. How could anyone not feel safe with God's loving arms around them? I am so thankful you have Larry with you - to give you words of encouragement, tell you of his love - and to so articulately give us a synopsis of your days away from us. I know God is working with Larry - telling him what to say - how to encourage and support - and what to do to make you more reassured and comfortable. God Speed, my friend....

FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 11 @ 5:42 PM

Well, it's about time!

FROM: R Dean N Aug 11 @ 6:18 PM

Larry, Thanks for the update and I am really glad to hear about Lea's continued progress.



FROM: John S Aug 12 @ 12:23 AM

Larry, I wait daily for your updates. I cannot begin to feel your pain or anxiety, but please know that Cheryl and I pray for both of you daily. I make it a point to pray for you at every meal. If you keep "vacationing" in Connecticut, I will have to fly out for a visit. You both mean so much to me. I cannot count the wonderful memories that I have gathered over the last 30 years.

FROM: Chad N Aug 12 @ 4:47 PM

A party? With hugs and smiles and laughter? You two can count me in!

FROM: Alexis P Aug 12 @ 6:45 PM

Dear Uncle Larry, I remember a letter in which you wrote about your experiences. Not too long ago, I had a nightmare in which my wonderful mom died. Her angel/ghost came back, telling me she wouldn't be able to visit often. I also remember that we embraced, and I was crying. I woke up in tears, then I went downstairs to hug Mom. I know that things such as this seem bad, but they can only make us stronger, wiser. I have learned to not take life for granted, as we usually do. All we have to do is sit out on the patio with loved ones and drink some lemonade! He he! Anyways, just remember to keep strong, for all of us. I love you. We all do.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 12 @ 8:53 PM

Lexi, You've got to quit eating marshmallow crème before bed! Nobody likes bad dreams like that one! ☺ Thank you, honey, for your nice letter a few days ago, and for this nice message, too. Please keep Aunt Lea in your daily prayers. She thinks the world of you girls, and I sure would like to see you all together again! Love and big old hugs!

REPLY FROM: Alexis P Aug 13 @ 6:37 PM

Dear Uncle Larry, Marshmallow creme... poo! Heee!!! You're most welcome for the letters I sent. Just last week I told mom we should come down to Connecticut to see you all! That would be fun... Well, the girls are telling me its time to leave. God Bless!

FROM: Marvin R Aug 12 @ 8:20 PM

Larry: I was in the DBM office doing a two-day workshop and Rox mentioned Lea's situation and also gave me your email address. I wanted you to know how terribly sorry I am and also wanted you to know that Lois and I have you and Lea in our prayers. I can't imagine the stress that the both of you are going through and we certainly hope and pray that her condition makes continuing improvement. We hope that you are able to be strong and when you are at Lea's bedside please tell her that Marv and Lois said hello.

FROM: Carol B Aug 12 @ 8:34 PM

I had to laugh when I read the heading of this update...I am an update junkie, especially when it is good news. I want you to know that the last two nights I have stayed up until midnight waiting for the update, only to read them the next day. I am glad that things are going as well as they are and will send more definite prayers to heaven I don't want Lea to suffer, but I don't want her is drugland forever either.

I talked with the pres of the Kiwanas and he will present the suggestion to the club Monday night...that is in God's hands now...talked to some Lion's Wednesday not sure where that is going either. One thing I know for

49 sure God will ain't always easy and not always what we ask for but the answer will be there if we expect and accept it.

I am overjoyed at how God is reaching so many people through Lea's story she is certainly doing God's work more than she could ever have hoped for, I have a feeling she realizes what wonderful works He is doing through her.

FROM: Stan F To: Dave Vaughn Aug 12 @ 10:27 PM

Hi Dave, Stacy's been keeping me up to date on Lea. Our prayers are certainly for her and all of you. I know Larry, even in these dark times, is appreciative for the family that God has blessed him with. Please pass on our love to him and Lea and the boys. We pray for them daily. I'll write more and update you soon on the goings-on here. Did you include Larry's current address in the last email? We would like to send them some money. Love and Peace.

FROM: Greg S Aug 12 @ 9:11 PM

Hi Larry: I just wanted to let you know that we have all been thinking of you and Lea. We are all hoping for the best for the both of you. You are such a trooper to keep teaching. Always know that it is optional. If it works for you that's great. But if you ever need the time off just let us know.


FROM: Jo Ann S Aug 13 @ 8:13 PM

Hi You guys. Do you guys remember the problem I had a few years ago?...In small terms my heart exploded and today the only thing that keeps it going is the outer skin holding it all together...Every year I get a ct scan to check the 2" tear to make sure it hasn't changed and by the grace of God it remains the same ..a miracle....

I said all of that to say my God is able to do all that I can think or say or enter into the mind of at peace you are not leaving the hospital alone.....we are praying for Lea and I know my prayers are heard. Just go easy Larry it takes time for the doctors to catch up with what is wrong it really is going to be okay.

Grandma & Grandpa White prayed up a lot of mercy which falls to the grands and so forth all those in line so let your belief in God go and believe him. You have to trust him regardless...... Love you guys... Be well Lea, and by the grace of God be well.

FROM: Renee K Aug 13 @ 8:14 PM

Dear Larry, Scott Bridgman is like a brother to me. We grew up together and he spent a great amount of time at my parent's farm. He has been sending me your letters since your trauma began. I cried so hard while reading them that I could barely breathe. I know you don't know me but I would like to share a part of my life with you that may help you and your precious wife, Lea. First of all I have seen many miracles in my life (although I'm only 35) but there are two that stand out to me more than the others. Maybe I should say that there are two that I feel moved to share with others because I have grown so much from them.

You see, you are growing now too. Every road that we take comes with stop signs, yield signs, go signs, and sometimes no signs to lead us. It is at those times when there are no signs that we grow the most. You are there with no signs right now but believe me when I say... No, I promise you that you are not alone here and you have more help than you'll ever know that you can't even see. Trust that you are on the right path in your life right now...exactly where you and Lea are supposed to be. When it feels like it's too much, Let go and Let God. Anyway, my two stories. I will try to keep it brief so that I don't write you a book.....


I have 5, yes 5 children. I really wanted a boy. I had a daughter in 93, a daughter in 95, and became pregnant with twins in 1997. I was elated to hear I was having twins. One boy and one girl. In my ninth month of pregnancy I found out my son died. The pain of his death put me into labor. I gave birth to my stillborn son and a beautiful baby girl. She is now 7. In 2000 I was pregnant again. I was trying to sleep one night when I began sobbing so hard with fear that I may loose that baby too. I suddenly had this overwhelming peace run from my toes to the top of my head when I began praying for the life of my unborn child.

I was told at that moment that I was not to worry.....THEY would be ok this time. For twenty weeks I had doctors tell me that it was impossible for me to have twins again naturally. I was 20 1/2 weeks along when I went into the same ultrasound room where I was told two years earlier that my son was dead. In that same very room I found out that I was indeed pregnant again with twins.

On January 14, 2001 I gave birth to two healthy baby BOYS!!!! They are four and a half now and so precious. When I used to lay on my sons grave in 1998 wanting to die because I hurt so bad, I never knew then that not even three years later I would give birth to twin boys. I'm so glad I didn't give up. My lesson to you from this story is that I don't want you two to give up.

The other story I have for you is more recent. On December 21 (four days before Christmas) of last year, I was driving my mini-van with my six year old daughter and my twin boys. I hit black ice. We rolled my vehicle at least three times and totaled it. My daughter and I had seat belts on and my boys were in their car seats. After it finally stopped, we crawled out the back hatch which was the only way out. We all were taken buy two ambulances to Blessing Hospital. The boys didn't even get one scratch, and my daughter had a tiny scratch. I had whiplash and a bloody nose from the air bag. Everyone that has seen my mini van can't believe we are alive yet alone not really injured.

The most awesome part of this story is that one of my twin boys told everyone there on the scene that helped us as well as the paramedics that he saw an angel and she helped us. The last thing I said before we rolled was God please... my kids. Everyone knows my son did see an angel that day. I know that a three year old could never make that up.

You see, God used the most innocent of us to see his miracle so that we as humans would believe he was there. I already knew he was because even before my son said that, I knew we should have died. Your lesson from this story is don't only believe in the things you see, there is so much there you don't see that's going on too. You can learn a lot from my experiences just like I did. I believe you when you said you were told she died before any of this ever happened. I don't know exactly what you were to learn from that message. Maybe it was meant to make you stronger in your beliefs so you could handle what was to come. Prepare you maybe. Let you know there is something greater out there and that you’re not alone.

Lea has to be strong now and make her own decisions of how she wants to get through this. You will be ok. Just keep letting her know you are there and how much you love her. Your story has touched my life and I wish you both love and God's love and compassion. I hope my stories help you. I will keep praying for you both although I already know God is there. I already see him there in your letters. It's amazing what you can see when you open your eyes....your spiritual eyes, not human ones. God Bless you Larry and your precious Lea. Love through Christ, Renee and children: Ashley, Emily, Brandi, Austin, and Evan


FROM: Renee K Aug 14 @ 3:19 AM

Scott, I sent Larry and Lea a letter that I really felt "moved" to send to them. I was hoping that you could forward it to them just in case I didn't get his e-mail address right. You can read it if you want. I don't mind. Please forward it to them. I just feel I'm supposed to write them. I know you understand. I hope your doing good Scott and as always, I love you, Renee

FROM: Scott B Aug 14 @ 1:40 AM


Larry, This is from a friend of mine, Renee K. I think she sent it to you but she isn’t sure if it was received. Love and prayers for you.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 14 @ 2:42 PM

Thank you for forwarding this, Scott. I did receive her message, and was very moved by her experiences and her willingness to share with us. I read it to Lea this morning, and will likely read it to her again as she begins to make sense of things later on. We appreciate your thoughtfulness, your prayers, and the prayers of those in your extended circle. God's blessings on all of you for His protection and grace.

FROM: Scott B Aug 14 @ 2:49 PM

Just know that if I could do more I would. I love you both. My friends are already falling in love with you as well. I look forward to the party. Warmest regards.


FROM: Barb S Aug 15 @ 7:51 AM

Wow! Lea has to feel the love you have for her! I am sure that too is what is making her fight so hard to come back to us.If everyone would go into a relationship looking at it as you do, there would be no divorce. That is so cool. I know God will help Lea to recover so that you two can continue to show the world what real love is.

FROM: Teana B Aug 15 @ 8:45 AM

Dear Larry & Lea, Well Adam and I have some wonderful news to share with you. Hopefully it will put a little smile in both of your hearts for just a minute! :) I am pregnant once again! We are very excited especially since it has taken almost a year. I am due April 15th which is 3 days after Aleana's birthday :) I do not think she would be to happy if I delivered on her birthday. :) But we shall see, I am only 4 weeks along so I still have a long way to go. We just thought you guys needed some good news like this. We pray for you everyday Lea and just know that you will come out of this. We look forward to seeing both of you again and love and miss you very much.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 15 @ 10:26 AM

That is WONDERFUL news! Congratulations to you! I know that Lea will be very happy, too, and am anxious to share it with her. Here's praying that this pregnancy will be full of joy and comfort. Best wishes to your family.

FROM: Stacy F Aug 15 @ 2:47 PM

Larry and Lea~ It is so amazing to hear your thought process on life and Lea’s condition! It’s a real privilege that you’re sharing this with your friends and family! It’s always good to hear that Lea is making progress and I know that many, many prayers are with you and helping her to heal. It’s so hard for us to understand your struggle right now and I know we all feel helpless to do anything. I hope and pray you continue to receive strength and comfort from the emails from others and that we can in that way help. God bless you and strengthen you!

FROM: Gayle H Aug 15 @ 4:30 PM


Dear Larry, It was good to get this letter/update today. I hear and feel the emotional ups and downs that you are experiencing, and my heart aches for you and for Lea. There will be changes with your lifestyle and there will be many things to learn, but you do have the right attitude and that is to do them together just like you did when you started out 43 years ago.

Lea is strong and loving and will work with you and the two of you can and will have life together. It won't be the same and at times you may long for those days, but you will grow and touch others and be deeper in love for it. I can not begin to imagine the loss that you feel from Lea's inability to communicate at this time, but I can relate to the loss of what you knew materially together.

After our fire 7 years ago and the loss of our dog in that fire, it was a challenge to regroup our thoughts and make another life with more memories and pictures, and let go of the tangible things lost in that fire. However, we have learned through that fire and through the death of my dad, that memories are in your heart. You have great stories and pictures and videos of a wonderful life in the bed and breakfast as well as other homes and vacations. Just use those to remember the great life that God gave you and use it to minister to others. Remember even though things change, God never does. He will always love you!!

Life sometimes throws us some pretty difficult curves and we wonder how we will ever survive. You and Lea are strong and although the road is difficult and at this time must seem way too long, I have faith that you will come through it just fine. Many, many people love you both and will be by your side. I use a philosophy in my classroom from a book called Fish Tales that was inspired by a place in Seattle, WA called Pike Place Market. It is so relevent to all parts of our life. I want to share a few thoughts with you.

Fish philosophy: 1. Play---You and Lea have played and enjoyed life to the fullest with your vacations, work parties, home parties, grandkids camps, etc. You have included friends and family in your life. You will still have days that you will play and enjoy life and the little things that mean so much---Lea's smile, the sunshine, soft music, many others.

2. Be there---You and Lea have been there for each other and for other people through the years. You are being there right now for people in the hospital--nurses seeing the love, and the prayers of so many. You are there not only physically taking care of Lea but mentally you are staying as focused as possible and reaching out to others.

3. Make Someone's Day--You and Lea both through the years have been helpful to many people along the way from co-workers to family, friends, children. You have been there to brighten their days. Lea will continue to brighten the world with her smile one day, and you will make someone's day at some point when you can relate all that you have gone through and help them get through it.

4. Choose your attitude---We all know Lea has a great attitude about life and cares about others. Your attitude, Larry, through all of this continues to amaze me. You are choosing to be positive and keep prayers and emails and web pages going. Life has been pretty rotten for both of you and you are entitled to feel bad and sorry for the situation at times, but you are focusing on the baby steps and the memories and the positive parts of your life.

Those four components are incorportated into my classroom--this is the 2nd year and has made an impact on my students. It gives me a way to instill Christian values without saying it in the public schools. Have a great day and give Lea a special hug from me. I do hope I get to visit in Sept. when Kathy, Danny, Dennis and Kelly come out. Love you both always.


FROM: Dallas W Aug 16 @ 8:14 AM

Dear Larry & Lea, God's blessings to you both. I have been receiving forwards from the town marshal's wife, keeping up on your updates. I found the last one to be VERY TOUCHING, heartfelt, dealing with the precious important things in our lives; relationships. Larry, I always knew you have a beautiful heart, but what I did not

53 know is the eloquence of your writing ability, expressing your deepest love for Lea, it encourages my heart to believe that you both will survive this trial/opportunity and your love will only be sweeter.

I am getting ready to leave Thursday to go to Washington D.C. for the International Society of Poets Convention, (if ya can believe that!! hahaha) I started writing poetry again after a hiatus of several years...I received an e-mail from Poet's,com saying :submit an original poem in our contest and chance of winning $20,000.00 Grand Prize,$5,000.00 2nd I had a poem called Just Like A Dad that I had written a year and a half ago for a friend of mine whose Dad passed away, the family took me in when I was 17 so I could finish school, and he was just like a dad to me.

Anyway, I received a letter saying it was a semi-finalist and will be published in a book called Eternal Portraits this fall....A couple of weeks ago, I received a letter from them saying that it had been chosen for the Editor's Choice Award and that they want to have it professionally recorded on a 3 cd set with 33 other poet's work. Pretty cool huh?? Pray I win the Grand Prize and should I win ,I will give 1/10th of it to your Lea 's fund...whatever I might win, I will nontheless. If you want, I will send some of my poetry in another e-mail, some funny, some inspirational/religious, some social commentaries ,I'm a mixed bag, but I guess you already knew that to some extent, right?

Atlanta remains on our collective knees, crying unto God in your behalves. I love you both, Take care, God bless.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 17 @ 9:03 AM

Thank you for your wonderfully kind thoughts. You have such a sweet soul, and Lea and I both appreciated your kindness and thoughtfulness during the time we worked together in Atlanta. We wish you the very best, and look forward to visiting with you again soon. I took the liberty of putting you on the distribution list for Lea's updates. Just let me know if you don't want to receive these. Thank you for spreading the word of Lea's need for prayer. I feel the Lord working through our difficulties, and have faith that He will see us through.

FROM: Lance Vaughn REF: Emergency Prayer Request Aug 16 @ 9:32 AM

Dad just called. Mom's heart stopped again today and she had to be resuscitated. The doctors believe she has a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot in the lungs. My conversation with Dad was short, but I'm thinking this is what the doctors believe is causing her heart to fail. Via ultrasound, they have also found a blood clot in her left groin, caused by inactivity. A specialist is being called in to place a trap in the artery that leads to her heart in hopes of catching any clot which might come loose. A blood thinner cannot be used due to her incision. The nurses are working on her right now, trying to slow her circulation until the trap can be put in, which will likely be around 4:30 or 5:00pm today. I am unsure of the severity of this procedure, but the whole situation just sounds horrible. I don't know how much more of this she can take. We love you, Mom!!

FROM: R Dean N Aug 16 @ 10:09 AM

Dear Larry, Thanks for the generally very good news. Lea is making good progress. I know the ups and downs must be heart wrenching, but overall, things are steadily improving.

FROM: Neil C Aug 16 @ 12:49 PM

Hi Larry. I heard about the unfortunate circumstances that have made you a temporary resident in Connecticut. Irwin Mortgage has an office right down the road from Hartford in Rocky Hill. Most of our staff lives and resides within a mile or so of Hartford. Please contact us and let us know if we can be of any assistance. We would love to take you out for a few hours and show you around. Give me a call and let me know if we can take you out for dinner or a quick beer. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


FROM: Barb S Aug 16 @ 7:43 PM

I am pasting a copy of a note that one of (the) mothers (for whom I baby sit) sent out to the people in her address book. She included the update from 8/15.

------Forwarded Message----- FROM: Mandy Subject: Aug 15 Lea update

Below is an update from my friend, Dawn. Her Aunt Lea has been in critical care for almost 4 weeks now. It has been a very serious pancreatic attack. Below is an update from her husband. In all that happens, he continues to give glory to God! Through his emails you can sense his outstanding faith. It gives me chills! Please pray for this family.

FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 16 @ 10:09 PM

Hello all - I just wanted to give everyone a quick update that the clot trap was placed today without incident and that Mom is resting and stable. Dad will have more in his update later today. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!


FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 17 @ 2:19 AM

Dad - I thought I should share this with you...

-----Forwarded Message----- FROM: Deanna Vaughn To: Link REF: Emergency Prayer Request

Hi....I just read glad things worked out today. You know...on the way to school today I was praying about your mom and I just started crying so hard and pleading with God to let her make it and make a full recovery ...even though I didn't know she was in anymore heart was leading me to pray for more years with her...I didn't want you or anyone to go through that pain of losing your mom... Link, I think you should get back out there soon and encourage her not to give up.. I love you, Deanna

FROM: Lance Vaughn Aug 17 @ 2:42 AM

Glory to God, father. How are you holding up?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 17 @ 8:54 AM

Not bad for a guy that's having his insides ripped out practically every day. Oh, but wait . . . so is mom! Hm- m-m-m. Can't complain, I guess. I appreciate all the support. I feel sometimes like I could just go crawl in a dark hole somewhere and forget everything. But, then I realize I would still have to come out to go to the store for chocolate. So, we carry on. ☺

FROM: Gracie L Aug 17 @ 10:32 AM

Dearest Sweet Larry, First and foremost, I am connected to you for some reason. When Sheila read that picture for Karen about my sister Lolly, (Laura), none of us at that time including Lolly knew she was terminally ill. She was going to a chiropractor because she was experiencing severe lower back pain which

55 we all thought was her arthritis flaring up again. She'd been told previously she had some in her lower back. Yet Sheila told us her soul wanted to go home.

A few weeks later we learned of her cancer returning with a vengeance and how her time was limited. Lolly had much unfinished business with hurts and harsh feelings she'd buried deep within, yet through that year of fighting her cancer with chemotherapy and radiation, so much spiritual healing occurred, she made peace with many even more so with herself.

The night she passed she appeared to be in deep sleep. My daughter Dana, who is an R.N. spent that night with her as she had several others. Lolly's husband, Jim, told us Lolly passed shortly after Dana left. The reason I'm telling you this: Lolly passed over in Late June of that year and my Mother passed three weeks later. Lolly was the playful comic in our family, adored by all. My, the stories we still continue to tell, and what a gap she left when she passed.

She made her presence known to many of us shortly after her passing but no one experienced this more than did Laura, Cory's wife. I got a scolding from her through Laura who knew nothing about what she was told to tell me. Laura tried very hard to ignore Lolly. She found this experience a bit frightening but Lolly was persistent yet very playful with her. Someday Laura can tell you all she experienced. I will tell you this one.

We decided in December of that year to have a surprise Birthday Party for my daughter Dana who was turning 40. Laura was awakened one night hearing words in her head, they persisted so she wrote them down. It was the cutest, sweetest poem written for my daughter Dana to be given to her at her Birthday Party. A poet Laura's not, nor did she know of the happenings that were mentioned in this poem.

First part of the poem came from my mother who spoke of her and Dana's Grandpa's love for her and they recalled on one occasion when Dana came walking into their living room as a toddler showing her shiny, tiny, little hiny. I always wiped her following her pooping with a warm wash cloth but on this occasion she'd taken herself. Here she came, walking into Mom's living room with several family members present, a hand grasped about each ankle and her little butt extended in the air, saying, "Wipe Me!" Laura asked me what this meant.

Next, my sister Lolly stated how much she enjoyed Dana's last night with her, saying, "I bet you didn't know." The party was mentioned and they said they'd be there, and to dry up those tears. It was signed off. 'The Fabulous Three', Granny, Papa, and Aunt Lolly. We had the poem scripted and framed and it was given to Dana at her party. There wasn't a dry eye there, including Dana's.

Blake, Laura and Cory's little boy was extremely physic for the first four years of his life. It has diminished now but I see it returning later in his life. Even though this might seem strange to you, keep your mind open to all things, God is only limited by how little we make Him. ALL things are possible to him that believeth. I send this to you in total Love. P.S. Sheila's note is below

------Forwarded message ------FROM: Sheila H

I'm not sure why it took me sooooo long to read this but I've been carrying this around with me since you sent it. When I first looked at the picture I felt that she was someone that I knew. I feel that she is happy where she is. Which isn't in that body. I think that this is all about Larry. I get the impression that Lea is staying to help him understand that. To help us all understand that. I feel a sense of relief and peace in my thoughts.

FROM: Kim K Aug 17 @ 2:56 PM

Please tell Lea we're keeping her bamboo plant watered and it looks pretty good. We miss her and pray for her every day. She's not to waste one bit of energy worrying about anything at work. April and Shana are doing a great job and we're all pitching in wherever needed. Everything's going well.

Tell Lea, the music they've been playing lately is a little better, but we miss our "dance floor" :) Ask her if she remembers April and Lucy breaking into an impromptu waltz one day last winter. Also please tell her Nancy Ogle was in for a quick visit yesterday and looks really good. She said to send her love and good

56 wishes! Sorry so short, but gotta go...... take care and lots of love to you both!

FROM: Barb S Aug 17 @ 4:00 PM

Hi! Hope you're feeling a little better today. I thought you were going to have to move over and make room for me today! I had 14 kids (to babysit)! Boy! Am I ready for school to start! Only 5 more days. Hope I don't have any days like today again! Not only did I have 14 kids but it is also a full moon! Need I say more! LOL

Larry and Den are working inside remodeling a kitchen right now. You might know, now that it has cooled down. When it was 100+, they were roofing! Are they Dumb or what! Caitlin and Tyler are getting excited about school. Caitlin is in the 3rd and Tyler the 5th. It doesn't seem possible. Write more later.

FROM: Lion Tom M Aug 17 @ 11:11 PM Lion Larry; PDG Lee F is keeping us updated on Lea, I hope everything turns out fine and you both return home real soon. Our prayers are with both of you. We are starting to plan our fall projects and we were wondering about (putting our concession in your lawn at the B&B during) the Atlanta Earth Festival, what are your thoughts? Is there anything that the Tipton Lions can do to help you?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 17 @ 11:23 PM

Tom, Plan to use the yard as we have done in the past. Even if the house should sell, we will make it a condition of the purchase. Remind me in mid-September to have the power to the back yard turned back on. It is currently turned off.

FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 17 @ 11:38 PM



FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 18 @ 3:35 AM

My gift, being shipped direct to you by 1. Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem; Hardcover; 2. Heaven by Randy Alcorn; Hardcover

FROM: Lion Tom M Aug 18 @ 7:23 AM

Lion Larry; Thanks, keep us informed, if we can help you in any way let us know.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 18 @7:43 AM

Link, This is the president of the Tipton Lions Club, just north of Atlanta. Your mom and I, along with Pat and Joe, have helped them out from time to time. We may want to send them info on the fund for mom.

FROM: R Dean N Aug 18 @ 8:46 AM

Dear Larry, Your strength and dedication and your devotion to Lea and God are a Source of Great Inspiration for me. Thank you.

FROM: Lance Vaughn


Aug 18 @ 12:53 PM

Lea's chances dropped from 80% to 30% yesterday and the next two or three days are critical. The family would like to see if anyone would like to visit Larry this weekend, to be strong for him and to provide a loving distraction. Joe is being transported back to Indiana today, so Larry's on-site support network is gone. He's alone during a critical period, which is very undesirable.

Please let me know by replying to this email if you're interested in visiting for a few days or longer, if possible. If needed, we can offer to pay for your flight or we have Skymiles that we can make available. God bless.

FROM: Kay T Aug 18 @ 1:36 PM

Dearest Vaughns, This is Kay... we're in Colorado.. have just called Lea's 800 number and found out that her night was ok.. We're praying for all of u... kinda tough being on vacation and not being able to feel as in touch as we've been. JB is hard at work building a deck.. Lea would have loved watching JB and Chris working yesterday.. they dug 4 holes .. not wholes but holes.. filled them with 6 bags of concrete!!!! big wholes :) they most definitely are not halves but wholes... Chris drug about 30 bags of concrete around the house to the deck area... think JB worked him kinda hard but he survived .. haven’t heard from him yet today to find out how his body lasted the night. The whole family will gather on Saturday and finish the project.. JB will dig 3 holes today and tear off the old deck.. big doings.. We do miss Larry's daily updates and Lea is very very much on our hearts. Love to you.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 18 @ 2:03 PM

Kay, Attached is yesterday's email update. Lea suffered acute decompression of the lungs early yesterday morning, caused by low blood pressure, low heart rate, and low oxygen absorption. She is sicker than she has been for quite some time. We are having a family conference via telephone with the doctors here in Hartford this afternoon to hear where she is on the recovery curve . . . she was at 52% probability, but now has suffered a major setback. We may have to make a very hard decision regarding future treatment. Keep us in your prayers, please. Love to you and your family.

FROM: Marlowe N Aug 18 @ 3:17 PM

Dear Larry, We have increased our prayer efforts and are holding you and Lea constantly in our hearts with the last crisis. It is just amazing what new techniques the medical field have come up with since we were in med. school. It must be some consolation to you to see that everything known to medicine is being used to keep Lea going! Certainly she would have died long ago in "the old days."

We are in Austin now, and the past two days I have attended daily mass at our home church, praying for Lea and lighting a candle for her. I have told everyone I speak to there to pray for her and you. I have added her name to the prayer list of our Divine Mercy Society, which prays in front of the Blessed Sacrament each Friday afternoon at three o'clock, considered the hour of Divine Mercy, since it when Our Lord is believed to have died for us. And of course I continue to forward your beautiful and inspirational e-mails to my friends and family "pray-ers."

Our hearts particularly go out to you in your devoted and faithful vigil by Lea's bedside. We can't imagine the anguish you must feel with all the ups and downs and crises she is going through. This last update was especially touching and inspirational with your courageous and loving release of Lea to God's arms if that be His will. That was no easy prayer, I know!

That is how I have prayed all along. But it does seem like her rallying each time is an indication of her strong will and fight to live, but perhaps also of God's will for her. Certainly there must be an important purpose for her to still be with us despite all the suffering. I know her situation and your strong expressions of faith touched all those I've asked to pray, as well as Dean and myself. We naturally try to imagine ourselves in a similar situation and are challenged by asking ourselves if our faith would be as strong.


It is very evident that the Lord is with you there and has you both enfolded in His Loving Arms. Hang in there!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 18 @ 8:22 PM

Marlowe, Thank you, and Dean, for your very kind notes. It has been a wonderful boost to me to read your notes of encouragement, keeping in mind your own perspective on personal tragedies. I love you for your kindnesses, and look forward to a time when Lea and I can visit with you again. God's blessings.

FROM: Tom H Aug 18 @ 4:15 PM

Larry, I have not sent any notes to Lea - but that doesn't mean she hasn't been in my thoughts constantly, and my prayers daily. I am a daily church goer, and I have lit a candle each day since the accident asking God to keep her in his prayers for recovery, and have asked the congregation that joins me at the daily mass to keep her in their prayers. Like you I believe in the power or prayer - and yet we both know that God doesn't always answers our prayers in the manner in which we would most like.

I have been amazed at your strength and your obvious love and devotion. It comes thru very clearly in your daily chronicles of the ups and downs of Lea's recovery. I have to guess the daily writing is somewhat a catharsis for you and keeps you going. At this point you must be exhausted. I have a son, Thomas, that was in a serious car accident 20 years ago and was in a coma for 5 to 6 weeks. I didn't live at the hospital like you did, but I visited morning, noon and night.

Often I have been asked how I did it. They didn't think they could - and my only answer is you just do it – one day at a time, and one step at a time, and just pray for the best. My prayers were answered in that Tom is now a productive adult with a Masters in Social Work helping other people. How much better could God answer your prayers? So, my friend, even though I am not writing, I am with you in prayer and thought, and I hope we can read your daily chronicles for days to come, because it will mean Lea is with us, and with you. Hang in there. CHEERS.

FROM: Stacy F Aug 18 @ 6:54 PM

Right now you are both in my thoughts and prayers. I am in awe on your strength and I know you are facing hard days ahead. All I can say is that I will continue to pray and do what I can to help. You are both an example to us all.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 18 @ 8:26 PM

Stacy; Thank you, too, for your notes. Love to you and your lovely family.

FROM: Jim and Ruth T Aug 18 @ 9:00 PM

Larry , Just a quick note to let know we are with you on what has to be done. We all were shocked and what the call ended up being. We all had this thought all day that here life support was being taking off. You might have gotten that from some of the questions we asked. I really hope Lea can make it and be her old self. Your email said you had some pictures but I was unable to get them. Could you try and send them again. I will be praying for Lea and also you to have the strength to get through this. I don't think it is in our hands, but the good Lord will help with what has to be done. He will help you come to the right decisions. Sure hope you don't have to make any decisions.

Take care of your self and keep us informed. I get up in the night to see if any messages have been left, but most our in the morning. Take care and we love you and Lea very much. Call any time if you need to just talk. Love ya.


FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 18 @ 10:00 PM

Nearly forgot to report to you that our friend, Joe Stroup flew home by air ambulance at about 6:30 p.m. He was expected to arrive in Indianapolis at around 8:00 p.m. local time. He will be admitted to the Carmel Cardiac Hospital for approximately three weeks to complete his recovery. Remember when I asked you to pray for Joe to receive Christ in his heart? He told me today, sobbing when he learned of Lea's condition, that he had been praying for her recovery! Praise God for letting us be a part of His ministry. Please continue to keep Joe in your prayers.

FROM: Judy K Aug 18 @ 10:55 PM

I will say an extra prayer for you tonight when i say my prayers. God be with you and your family.


FROM: Phil V Aug 19 @ 3:33 AM

Larry, I know that there are a lot of family and friends who have you and Lea close to their hearts tonight. We are all praying that God will intervene and provide healing and health for Lea. We also lift you up as you continue to take your stand beside her. We admire you for all you are doing and for the love you demonstrate to her every day and for handling the demands and pressures that are so present in this incredible situation. I pray that you can feel some "nearness" from us all. We maintain the vigil with you although we have so much distance between us. Just know that we care...and that we will continue to be in fervent prayer.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 19 @ 9:33 AM

Thank you, Phil. I DO feel your presence. Thank you very much.

FROM: Kathy D Aug 19 @ 6:02 AM

Lea, Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you at all times and praying for you. You just keep fighting I know you are very strong and I know you are going to beet this. Dan said to tell you hi and that he loves you also very much. We just cant wait till you get all better which we hope is soon. You mean so much to us and to so many people. I know this has to be very hard for you but just remember you have so many people waiting for you and who love you and need you to get better. We are all just waiting to see that smile of yours and waiting for that big hug and kiss. You are the best sister anyone could have and so loving and caring. Just remember I love you and need you. Love Always. God Bless You.

FROM: Gracie L Aug 19 @ 6:52 AM

Dear Larry, I thought I was directed when I wrote you (Aug 8) yet the moment I sent it I felt yucky inside. This is not a good sign. Then I continued to watch the mail dreading to hear if I caused you pain. That is the last thing I intended to do. Kathy has no idea I wrote to you. If I hurt you then I hurt her also. Laura told me last night someone had written a caustic letter that troubled you and hurt you deeply. You are suffering so much unbearable pain already, oh how I hope and pray I was not the one. If I caused you undo suffering in anyway, please if you can find it in your heart, forgive me. I won't write you any more but my prayers are with you and your family

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 19 @ 9:31 AM


Gracie, Don't feel badly. Your thoughts have helped me expand my thinking on this situation, and it's always good to look at other perspectives. Your thoughts helped me make sure that Lea understood that I released her of any obligation to me. It also helped me think about how I might be able to go on without her by my side . . . something I didn't want to consider before. By the same token, I want her to understand that she will always be my soulmate, my lifetime partner, and the one I love.

REPLY FROM: Gracie L Aug 19 @ 9:57 AM

Awe sigh of relief, I said I wouldn't write yet here I go again. My purpose in writing was to let you know even if she passes over she's still beside you and in many ways can help your walk. Through Christ we have the power to be as He is and He is with us always. The scripture says, "Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus who thought it not robbery to be equal with God."

I know these are powerful words, yet what loving Father would with hold any thing from His children. We are the ones who limit God. I truly believe we are Free to come and go, I have experienced this and there is no doubt in my mind she was your soul mate before, now and will be in the future. How blest you are to have each other.

FROM: Jean S Aug 19 @ 12:08 PM

I was listening to the radio on my way to work this morning when this word from Beth Moore came on. I tried to find the transcript to send to you, but could only listen. If you would take the time, it is so encouraging:

FROM: Sally W. S. Aug 19 @ 1:53 PM

Dear Larry, Roxanna has been forwarding your messages about Lea to me and you have been in my daily thoughts and prayers over the last several weeks. I wanted you to know that it has been a privilege to read your love letters about your lovely wife and companion Lea.

More than one time, almost daily, I have welled with tears as you have described her procedures, her pain and suffering and your feelings about Lea and what she means to you. What a love story and what compassion you have for her. I encourage you to continue to write as therapy for yourself and others whether Lea remains here with you or travels on before you. Your messages would make a wonderful book and inspire others to be as courageous as you and your family have been. Thank you for sharing.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 19 @ 8:21 PM

Thank you for your kind words, Sally. I will be sure to read them to Lea as soon as she is able to hear messages again. Warm regards.

FROM: Marlowe N Aug 18 @ 1:55 PM To: John McMaster, Divine Mercy

Dear John, Please add Lea Vaughn to the list of ill persons to pray for. Thanks, and God Bless Your Ministry

Reply FROM: John P. McMaster 19 Aug @ 08:18 AM

The SJN Divine Mercy Group has received your prayer intention for Lea Vaughn Your intention will be included in our Divine Mercy prayers each Friday at 3pm in front on the SJN Blessed Sacrament and 1st &


3rd Wednesday nights at 7PM in Room 104 of the Pastoral Center. Anyone is welcome to join us. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share His Mercy. “Mercy is Love seeking to lessen the misery of others."

FROM: Pamela Aug 19 @ 10:00 PM

Wanted to let you know that I'm flying out to provide support for Larry & Lea for a week starting tomorrow. I'll arrive tomorrow mid-afternoon and will stay until the next Sunday (28th) when hopefully another family member arrives. In the meantime, I'm sending your email addresses to Dottie, who has agreed to forward updates to you in my absence. I'd covet your prayers that I may be God's channel of love and strength to them while I'm there.


FROM: Bruce H Aug 20 @ 7:56 AM

Dear Larry, I don't have a lot of memories of you and Lea, being I was so young when your family lived up on Vermont hill. One memory I do have is something about someone not liking their sandwiches and putting them behind the refrigerator and from my memories it seems Lea was exposing them, but from that one memory I have always surmised that Lea was a very sweet person. I really admire your faithfulness and devotion to Lea, and I hope and pray continually for both of you and your family, and read each update. She does have a wonderful smile. That was a very good picture of you two in Maine. I hope for the best, and may God bless you and her.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Aug 20 @ 1:27 AM

That's hilarious, Dad! I can't tell you the number of people that have shared with me how impressed they have been with your writing. You're really touching a lot of people with these, you know. And I can actually sense changes in a few. Kristin's Dad, for one. We were having dinner Thursday night and he was telling me how much you amaze him -- not only your ability to put words to your feelings and share them with others, but oh, how you truly adore Mom! He's really blown away.

The whole time he was telling us this, he had his hand on Marlowe's shoulder and back. As insignificant as that sounds, I don't think I've ever seen the two touch one another until then. Strange. It was then that I realized that I had my hand on Kristin's shoulder and was softly rubbing her back from time to time. It was neat to think that maybe he was learning from you and I that it's okay to show a little affection from time to time.

He was really reaching out to me throughout dinner last night, telling jokes and glancing over at me to see if I was smiling. It seemed as though he genuinely wanted to take my mind off of things for a while. It was nice. Later, when he hugged me, it was a little longer than usual and a little more affectionate than ever before. He said he was so sorry, so sorry, and he got a little teary-eyed. It was one of those times when I found myself later wishing that I had hugged him longer... and waited for him to let go, you know?

Well, I'm just kind of rambling now, but I wanted you to know that your writing tonight was totally delightful. It's the next best thing to being there with the two of you. I loved the imagery of you and the bed. LOL. I can just picture it! It definitely helps that mother is doing better. Oh, my. I can't tell you. I've been a mess the last few days. I think my soul was cracking open before I finally handed it over to God. I stayed up all night Tuesday night pouring my heart out into a spiritual journal. Anyway, more on that later. Just please do me a huge favor and let Mom know that I love her and I have been praying so much for her that I'm about to drive myself crazy.

Here is a prayer that I wrote for Mom. Perhaps you could read it to her. It's a work in progress. ;-) I nearly have it memorized!

Holy and Almighty God, you are awesome, glorious, and majestic. THANK YOU, LORD, for the countless

62 blessings you share with us every day. Thank you for the gift of this life on Earth, the gift of fellowship and compassion and prayer, and most of all, the gift of eternal life in heaven. Lord, we thank you for blessing us with the miracle of our angel, Leona Marie. She has touched so many of us so deeply with her genuine ways and heavenly grace.

I must confess, Lord, that I have struggled with understanding the purpose of her suffering and the grief it has caused for so many who care for her. But after much praying and fellowship, I now have renewed faith that your plan for her, though extremely difficult to appreciate, is truly perfect. I trust that you, Lord, are in control of all things, and that your plan for us is the most perfect plan, the only plan. If you choose to take my mother home at such a young age, I have to believe that in your infinite wisdom, you know that doing so will better serve you than if you were to let her stay with us longer. Lord, I must confess that I find this hard to fathom, but with all my might I will embrace it as best I can.

Lord, I humbly ask that you lift up my father and fill his heart with your love. He needs you now more than ever and we ask that you continue to guide him, support him, and comfort him by sharing with him your wisdom in these emotional times. Please, God, I pray for your healing mercy for my mother, our angel, Leona Marie. Your will be done. In Jesus' name, Amen. I love you, Dad! You're my hero!!

FROM: Gayle H Aug 20 @ 8:23 AM

Hi Larry, Just want you to know I appreciate the update emails. I know things are tough now and you are always in our prayers (both of you), but you have our support and love. So many decisions have fallen to you but you are doing what is right for your family and that is the most important thing. Lea will stand behind your every decision-I feel sure of that. Maybe we can have a concert of love songs when all is well again ☺ and we can have that great big party!!! I am looking forward to the best reunion this world has ever seen!!

FROM: Karen Aug 20 @ 8:35 AM

Hi, just a note to let you know that we deeply appreciate your sending these daily updates. I am sure that God is trying his hardest to keep Lea with us and that the prayers are working, but somedays I just don't understand why he can't take away the pain and suffering all together to give her some peace to be able to relax for a while. I hope that this wonder drug will do the trick, no one deserves it more than Lea, the fighting that she has done, shows her strength is incredible, but on the otherhand I hope that the doctor's can assure us that she feels total rest in-between the pain.This has to be so scary for everyone that has fought the battle with her this long we want only the best for her. Larry you need to take care of yourself also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish that we were closer and able to take some of the burden away from you for a while. You know that we are holding both of you in the palm of our hands and continue to pray for whatever God's plan is to give you both the strength to get thru these terribly hard days. Take Care, We love you all dearly. Later


FROM: Stan F Aug 21 @ 1:26 AM

Hello Larry, I have been deeply moved by these updates, and have been forwarding them on to many who don't know Lea, but who love the Lord. Know that you are inspiring us all and we are all praying for you in your time of need - and certainly for Lea's full recovery as well. Words don't seem to be enough - so I will close, but know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers.

FROM: Randy V Aug 21 @ 1:32 AM

Hi Larry, Lea continues to be in our prayers as do you. I appreciate your updates. Perhaps I never sent this Vaughn genealogy bit to you. I doubt it would be worthwhile entertainment for Lea but it might be for you! Love and best wishes, Randy, Alison, and Leah


FROM: Scott B Aug 21 @ 2:12 AM

Larry & Lea, Remember Renee? My friend that shared with you? The following is from her dad. He preaches at several of the local “country” churches in Missouri where I grew up. This is just the summary to the rest of his sermon. He sends these to me weekly. I just thought what he had to share with one of his congregations might be worth sharing with you.

“So often we ask of God things that are impossible for us in the physical realm and we predetermine that it won’t happen but maybe we will get lucky…….Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of those things not yet seen……………

Three times God did the impossible for man and God acted upon the small amount of faith that man has: 1) He halted the sun and the moon for Joshua so he could finish the battle he was fighting. 2) Hezekiah wanted proof of his healing and Isaiah had the earth tilted 10 degrees (no big deal for God and no big deal to Isaiah. 3) Isaiah brought the earth back from the ten degree tilt Isaiah 38:8

All this done simply because mortal man requested it……….what will God do for you if you would only believe……..AMEN”

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 21 @ 6:12 AM

Thank you, Scott! How appropriate! I will read this to Lea first thing this morning! Best wishes for your safety and happiness,

FROM: Gracie L Aug 21 @ 2:50 AM

I do a make shift job of playing the piano myself but I've always loved music especially singing. Music is a joyful pleasure in my life and I sang along as I read those words. Larry, you are such a dear. I know Lea is madly in love with you. You're such a romantic. I love you both.

FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 21 @ 2:53 AM

So... did Aunt Pam make it through the (airline’s) mechanic's strike? Did the tires on her plane blow?

FROM: R Dean N Aug 21 @ 12:56 PM

Dear Larry, This was a very moving update - brought tears to my eyes. I don't know how you do it. We had a good time with Lance in Port Aransas – he said the break and the fishing trip provided a much-needed diversion. This has been very difficult for him but he is holding up pretty well.

FROM: Karen Aug 21 @ 2:44 PM

Hi, these updates are really remarkable, I would hope that Lea, bless her heart that she would never have to worry about returning to that working world where she was at, the stress I feel had a lot to do with her illnesses.Things hadn't been good there for a while and she had a feeling that something was going on, when we were there the last time, she had emptied her desk completely and could walk out with only a picture she had kept on the desk if the situation arose. We love her dearly and wo uld hope that she can enjoy herself if the good Lord says we can keep her, otherwise we know that she would be fine whatever the Master's plan is for her.


I am going back to work tomorrow, just a fun job, part-time and only from 9 to 1, I don't have any little ones to watch anymore, since Mark works nights and he keeps little man at his house until 2 in the afternoon, so grandma needs some real people attention after 9 years, hopefully I will enjoy it and do well, and if not, I'll find something else. Il'll be working at the Recreation Center in Rantoul, on Flessner Dr, imagine that.Take Care and thanks for keeping in touch.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Aug 21 @ 4:44 PM

Hi, Mom! I sure do miss you tonight! I had a good weekend. Greg and Mike Thistlethwaite came down. Greg and I hung out all weekend and talked about the old times and the precariousness of where we are today. I want you to know that everything you've done and everything you are has really made an impression on everyone you've ever met and everyone that has ever heard of you. You are truly an angel among us, and we love you. We pray every day that you make your way back to us and hang out with us again and remind us of how wonderful life can be.

FROM: Marlowe N Aug 21 @ 8:56 PM

Dear family and friends, I am including a letter one of you sent me which may reflect the thoughts of many about Lea's situation-very understandable under the circumstances. These are important questions to ask and to consider and pray about.

Larry's latest update (8/20) expresses very eloquently the belief that all this suffering is for some good purpose. This is part of the Catholic Church's stance in preserving life whenever possible, not making judgments that some lives are not worth living-only God should decide when life should end. However, the Catholic Church and many other church's don't require or even recommend extraordinary measures to be taken when there is no reasonable hope for recovery (e.g. in cases where there is "brain death" or terminal cancer cases) It is important to point out that in this case, the medical team has not indicated that there is no reasonable hope of a full recovery, although they continue to emphasize that there is still much that can go wrong, and that if she does survive her recuperation period will be very long.

They are supposed to give a revised assessment of her chances for survival tomorrow. Earlier last week they were telling Larry her chances were 80 % (up from 15 % originally), but this dropped to 30 % with the pulmonary complications. But these are only reasonable estimates-clearly her future is in God's hands, and "with God all things are possible."

Personally, I have come to see God's will not as unchangeable or out there written on a scroll somewhere, but very much incarnated, enfleshed within each one of us, very accessible to us in the present moment. I do very much believe in the power of prayer, not to change God's mind or will, but in our cooperating with God's will to bring about His Kingdom. Though it may sometimes seem that some prayers for healing are answered, where some are not, I believe that all such prayers are an important part of God's plan for both the person prayed for and for the pray-er. The healing which occurs may not look like we expect or desire-"God's ways are not our ways", and we can only trust and surrender to His higher wisdom.

I too am saddened by the suffering, but am also very uplifted and inspired by the ways in which I see God working through it. If Lea does "go to her reward", I will not consider our prayers to be in vain!

-----FORWARDED MESSAGE----- Marlowe, I realize that there is a lot of family connection here with Lance's parents, and that there is an admirable faith community as well. But realistically, isn't this a case where well-intentioned medical professionals are trying their best against impossible odds? Lance's mother's condition appears to me (very much a layman in this situation) to be extremely grave, and even hopeless, but there is a "grasping at straws" nature to the daily medical reports that seems, in the long run, to encourage unrealistic hope. Or am I reading this situation incorrectly?

I certainly admire Larry and the rest of the Vaughns, but is there truly any basis for hope, judging from the medical data alone? I guess what I'm asking is: is there any realistic (i.e, short of pure miracle) chance for a

65 quality-of-life recovery in this situation, and if not, when should the medical professionals tell the family?

It's all very sad.

FROM: Chris H Aug 21 @ 10:07 PM

She is being highly lifted up and the prayers for Lea are filling the temple. Keep the faith. God is leading you throgh this. the LORD wants us to trust him in this trying hour. just look to the hills from whence cometh our help. our help cometh from the Lord. I feel that Lea will get through this. I feel this is only a test. Aunt Margie, Lea will I feel be walking victoriosly, talking victoriouslly. a living testamony of Gods wonderful works. to god be the glory for the good he has done. For the good he is doing and the good he shall do. remember to keep the faith, because your faith holds and grips that solid rock...... JESUS CHRIST...... Amen. may God bless you and keep you in loving arms. God bless.


FROM: Carol J Aug 22 @ 12:08 PM

Larry and Lea: Kathy and Barb have sent me all of the e-mails you have written over the last weeks regarding Lea's recovery process and I've read them all and probably cried a few tears on each one of them. We have a very close family which I am so grateful for. I know living miles apart like alot of our family do, it's hard to visit each other. The internet e-mails have helped tremendously. I also know even though we are cousins, even growing up as kids, Lea and I weren't as close as maybe we would of liked to have been, but we still loved each other as family. God does work many miracles!!!! I personally have had a few in my life time.

Living here in Las Vegas has been hard and different, since I've never lived anywhere else but in Hannibal all my life, but it has been so nice to finally live with my husband. He has traveled all over the states working for the last 5 years splicing telephone cable. It was a little hard living apart for us but we survived! We felt leaving dad (your Uncle Jimmy) was not a good thing to do since he had his heart surgery and his back surgery and there was no one to care for him during his recovery period with Mom gone and Wes and Jimmy having to work to care for their families. God finally told us in March that it was time to go be together. Dad was doing well for a long period and He made things work out with our house in Hannibal (Sonja lives there), and other things. Now Terry is not subcontracting for Mastec but is an hourly contractor and is installing street lights and cameras and doing splicing on the side when hot jobs occur (which is pretty frequently out here). He loves his work and the people he works with. Mastec has sent him to Phoenix, AZ to school for more training and he will be returning for more training the end of October.

Now for our little miracle!!! Gredin Michael is our grandchild who just turned four years old on August 18th. Terry and I have custody of him. He lives with us here in Vegas and he is the most precious child. As you probably know, he has Downs Syndrome. We had no idea he had it until he was born. It was quite a huge surprise and my daughter (being a single mom) has never really accepted it. He was born physically healthy which was a miracle in itself. Most Downs children are born with severe heart problems and intestinal problems.. (Gredin did have a small hole but it has closed up and the heart murmur is gone). He has great hearing and his vision is perfect. (Downs children usually have to wear glasses even at age two). The eye specialist told us he will never have to have glasses until he reaches an age of 40 or so like everyone else. Gredin is in school. He started preschool at age 3. He loves it. He will always be a little slower learning things than normal children his age but I thank God every day for his good health. Being a new mom at age 50 when he was born was something I didn't think would happen to me but he has been a total blessing and I love him as if he were my very own and Terry and I have had wonderful experiences with him. I pray God will give me the strength and continued good health to raise him.

Danny and Kathy, and Jim and Gayle will be flying out here to Las Vegas on September 3rd for a few days to stay with us. I am so looking forward to that. I know we will have a good visit. Need to go for now. Gredin is getting up. I will find time to send a shorter note later! I will continue to pray for your recovery. God has blessed our family and I know he is looking out for yours.


FROM: Marlowe N TO: John D Aug 22 @ 9:19 AM

Hi John, Thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to Lance and Larry. You are one of the compassionate Christians Larry is referring to: Those prayers, I think, must surely be the most powerful prayers, because they come from people who don't even know Lea, but are often offered up because of the love felt for that person for whom they are praying. That is selfless. That is Christian love.

This week's Sunday readings included one from St. Paul which speaks directly to my point about God's will and the mystery of why some prayers for healing are answered and some don't seem to be.(according to our expectations) "Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are his judgments and how unsearchable his ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor? Or who has given the Lord anything that he may be repaid? For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen" Romans 11: 33-36

-----FORWARDED MESSAGE----- John Andrew D wrote:

Thanks for these updates. We miss you guys. I have sent brief, hopefully encouraging e-mails to Lance and to Larry

FROM: Dave Vaughn Aug 22 @ 1:08 PM

Just a reminder to keep Karen's family in our family’s prayers.

----Original Message Follows---- FROM: Karen Subject: Larry & Lea Update from Dave

Hi, I just read the update from Larry and it sounds better, he is really struggling with this illness and has coped much better that anyone I have ever heard of going thru this type of illness.He is willing to do whatever it takes to get Lea to have a quality of life for years to come, lets all hope and pray that's what he will get news on today. Today when the dr. returns from his vacation, Larry has lots of questions for him and hopefully he will give him some solid answers and good news......

I start a new job today, and will have my cell phone with me. On Sunday Bill, my brother and Glenda my sister will meet in Madison, Wisconsin for a Monday consultation and day of tests to see where we are going with this possible organ transplant in the very near future. So add a extra prayer this week for my family and we'll hope for the best also. Later

FROM: Jonathan J Aug 22 @ 3:36 PM

Larry - Roxanna has been kind enough to send each day your remarkable updates on Lea. I marvel at her resiliency and your resolve. Rarely do we witness an act of devotion, a belief in faith, and a promise of uncompromising love as you are sharing with us. May the grace of God be bestowed on your both, and may His will be done, so that neither Lea nor you suffer needlessly, but endure with strength of character and clarity of wisdom in His reward of everlasting life.

FROM: Lion Lee F Aug 22 @ 6:48 AM

Larry, Jane and I follow your emails every day. We are so hopeful for Lea's return to good health. Thank you for including us on the updates. Jane and I visited Joe Stroup yesterday. It was so good to see him. He says he is doing what the doctors say and expects to be in the hospital for 3-4 weeks. He was very complimentary

67 about the care he received in Hartford. He did say the hospital food is better back here in Indiana! Keep your spirits up. We are pulling for you and Lea.

FROM: Julia C Aug 22 @ 4:05 PM

Hi Larry, My thoughts and prayers are with Lea, you and your family. Your daily updates on Lea's condition are so inspirational and full of love. Thank you for touching my life in such a special way. I, like so many others, am re-evaluating the state of my marriage and my relationships with loved ones, because of your message. I don't want to be too late in talking about the important things in life. I pray that God will give you peace and comfort.

FROM: Marilyn M Aug 22 @ 8:27 PM

You have been in my head and heart all day as Ray and I tooled in and out of the hospital and doctors' offices! Nothing like what you are experiencing, but tiring anyway! His PSA is now at 45, more than doubled in last few weeks, and the doctor may consider putting him on a new once a month chemo injection. He goes back in 6 weeks after another CT and other scans. He is pain free because of his intrathecal pain pump, so that's good. He is a highly anxious patient and hard to read some of the time. He has a permanent catheter and uses a walker or cane 95 % of the time. I am most watchful when he goes without one or the other because the hips are so weak, one from arthritis, and the other with cancer.

We are enjoying a respite from some storms and very warm weather the past few days, a welcome change and I took advantage to cut back the day lilies. Would you believe I had to buy a clipper because I got rid of so many things when I moved to Bloomington, doubted I'd be needing one! Surprise, surprise.

I enjoyed Lance's web site and the lovely pictures of the two of you in Maine where my middle daughter (Toni) lived for a few years, and at the Alamo where I was a tourist two years ago! Colleagues and I attended a convention in San Antonio, so we did the tourist gig, including River Walk. Last summer we were in Orlando and did the Disney bit. This year I really retired, and did not go to D.C. with them. I will miss the teachers and my buddies with whom I have traveled since being involved in READING RECOVERY (1990-2005) but I just cannot continue managing school schedules and all Ray's medical issues and appointments if I am to enjoy my family at all. I moved here in 1998 to be near Traci and her little ones, but this 2nd marriage deal has taken up lots of my time! Mercy! Traci's children are now 9 and 10. (4th and 5th grades this year)

I truly hope things continue to improve, and that Pam's visit with you has been refreshing. She has been so dear to share your messages and a bit of her personal life. You remain in my prayers daily, and I thank God for his wonderful mercies to each of us.


FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Aug 23 @ 8:02 AM

What a beautiful story! I love her too...I thank God for her and SHE will always be special. I love you Larry.Your heart is beautiful.Hugs and Kisses...... Your Mother

FROM: Teana B Aug 23 @ 8:29 AM

PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!! I never knew the story how you guys met. That is so wonderful, it is amazing when you find love because it never really is where you would expect it! God works in wonderful ways that way, you just never know when it will hit you! I am so glad Lea is doing better. We will keep on praying for her and for all of you.

FROM: Marlowe N Aug 23 @ 1:29 PM


Dear Larry, God is indeed great and merciful; we are so thankful that He has spared Lea through yet another crisis! I wanted to share two reflections which happened (no accident!) to be in my daily meditations today, which are appropriate to our discussion of God's will and the purpose of suffering: Good when He gives, supremely good; Nor less when He denies: Afflictions, from His sovereign hand, Are blessings in disguise. - Brother Lawrence, "The Practice of the Presence of God"

From the writings of Saint Rose of Lima (from a vision or dream): Our Lord and Savior lifted up his voice and, said with incomparable majesty: “Let all men know that grace comes after tribulation. Let them know that without the burden of afflictions it is impossible to reach the height of grace. Let them know that the gifts of grace increase as the struggles increase. Let men take care not to stray and be deceived. This is the only true stairway to paradise, and without the cross they can find no road to climb to heaven.”

When I heard these words, a strong force came upon me and seemed to place me in the middle of a street, so that I might say in a loud voice to people of every age, sex and status: “Hear, 0 people; hear, 0 nations. I am warning you about the commandment of Christ by using words that came from his own lips: We cannot obtain grace unless we suffer afflictions. We must heap trouble upon trouble to attain a deep participation in the divine nature, the glory of the sons of God and perfect happiness of soul.” That same force strongly urged me to proclaim the beauty of divine grace. It pressed me so that my breath came slow and forced me to sweat and pant. I felt as if my soul could no longer be kept in the prison of the body, but that it had burst its chains and was free and alone and was going very swiftly through the whole world saying:

“If only mortals would learn how great it is to possess divine grace, how beautiful, how noble, how precious. How many riches it hides within itself; how many joys and delights! Without doubt they would devote all their care and concern to winning for themselves pains and afflictions. All men throughout the world would seek trouble, infirmities and torments, instead of good fortune, in order to attain the unfathomable treasure of grace. This is the reward and the final gain of patience. No one would complain about his cross or about troubles that may happen to him, if he would come to know the scales on which they are weighed when they are distributed to men.”

So, God is really showering grace on you and Lea in the midst of your afflictions-you don't have to go looking for them! To help cheer you, I am also enclosing some photos of the sunrise here in New Mexico this morning, which reflected God's glory in it's beauty. I am looking forward to you and Lea visiting us here in the near future, God willing!

May your day be richly blessed with His grace and mercy,

Marlowe N Marlowe N Marlowe N IMG 1530 IMG 1536 IMG 1540

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 23 @ 10:05 PM

Thank you, Marlowe. That is a very powerful message! And, timely! I know that Lea will be pleased to hear me read your email, and she will get great pleasure from reading it when she recovers. I have also saved the photos to this computer so I can print them out and put them with the email.

I am not certain where my motivation has come from for these writings I've been doing, but have been very moved by the love, kindness and generosity I've experienced over the past several weeks. I have had people send all kinds of notes of appreciation expressing how they have been moved by the messages to 69 communicate better with their loved ones before it is too late. Or, that they are going back to church for the first time in years! Or, they finally understand what the power of prayer is all about, and have experienced it for the first time in Lea's ordeal.

It has been extremely heart-warming to receive the loving notes and gifts for Lea, and for the care packages of quick meals and snacks for me. Even though the "meals" and snacks may not seem to have a great significance, they do help me spend more time with Lea and keep me out of the hospital cafeteria. This hospital, by the way, is about four blocks square. Quite a complex!

It is very evident that Lea means more to many, many more people than I realized. She IS really special, isn't she? What a gift she has been to me! I think it was the "vision" I had a while back that started me thinking about the depths of my love for her, and prepared me to bare my soul in this series of emails. It is certainly therapeutic for me, but, I think, is also serving a higher purpose, as I am led to pray for the words of each night's message prior to writing it.

I feel that I am serving God to some degree, and pray that Lea and I might continue to minister for Him in the years ahead. I don't know what shape that ministry would be, but I'm sure He will let us know. :-) I know I haven't taken time to write many individual notes, but wanted to say "Thank you" to you and Dean for your very kind notes. Please don't stop sending them! Warmest regards.

FROM: Kim K Aug 23 @ 3:29 PM

I wanted to let you know that I sincerely hope you're "saving" all of these updates. Because, I believe you need to combine them in some manner to make a book or, at the very least, create a family keepsake for your granddaughters. This idea is shared by a few of us here at Irwin and, in case you hadn't already thought of it, I had a really strong feeling (it's hard to explain) that I needed to say something to you. You write extremely eloquently in your stories of Lea, occasionally reducing some of us to tears during the emotional outpourings and laughter in response to the humorous recollections.

Our prayers are still with you and all your family. I've been asked by a couple former employees to let you know that their good wishes are with you and Lea. Ask Lea if she remembers Ladonna Patton and Becky Mast? Ladonna says her son, Devin, is still living with his father and doing very well. She's proud to report that he's trying out for the football team. Daughter Sydnee started jr. high at Ben Davis and so far, is very excited about it. Becky and her husband will be moving their son, Nick, to IU tomorrow. He's undecided what he wants to major in, but I think he's leaning toward Business. Our son, Jordan, finished his first class at Lincoln Tech last Thurs and got a 96%!!! This is the same kid who wreaked havoc with our sanity last Spring with his behavior and not sure if he'd graduate. My, how they've all grown......

Tell Lea we love her dearly and miss her very much! Hang in there- you're doing a wonderful job. And we greatly appreciate the daily updates. God Bless.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 23 @ 9:49 PM

Thanks, Kim. Yes, Lea has often mentioned Ladonna and Becky in our conversations about the lighter side of work. I know that she will be pleased to hear me read their names, and she will get great pleasure from reading the emails when she recovers.

Please thank everyone at Irwin for their love, kindness and generosity over the past several weeks. it has been extremely heart-warming to receive the loving notes and gifts, and for the care packages. Even though the "meals" and snacks may not seem like much to you, they help me spend more time with Lea, and lessen the burden of going to the ATM for cash to purchase overpriced goodies within the hospital confines. This hospital, by the way, is about four blocks square. Quite a complex!

I know I haven't taken time to write many individual notes, but wanted to say thank you to everyone of you at Irwin. It is very evident that Lea means more to you than I realized. She IS really special, isn't she? What a gift she has been to me. I think it was the "vision" I had a while back that started me thinking about the depths

70 of my love for her, and prepared me to bare my soul in this series of emails. It is certainly therapeutic for me, but, I think, is also serving a higher purpose. Warmest regards to all.

REPLY FROM: Kim K Aug 29 @ 12:57 PM

Sorry, I was off for a few days..... You're very welcome for the misc items and we're planning to send another care pkg in the near future. Is there anything in particular you'd like to have or that is easier for you? Do you prefer chips, crackers, cookies, microwaveable pkgs (if so, what type), or anything else? I know your time is at a premium, but if you could send me a quick note to let me know, then we'd have a better idea of what to get.

I passed on your previous msg and everyone was touched that you took time to remember us. We all want very much to help in any way we can and everyone was extremely enthusiastic when Shana and April had the idea for a package of "goodies" to send. Give Lea a gentle hug from all of us and hope to hear from you soon.


FROM: Dallas W Aug 24 @ 8:06 AM

I had a wonderful time in Washington DC. Didn't win any money, but I did meet people from all over the world. it is definitely an international affair. I met a couple in their 70's from Lebenon, a woman who was originally from Washington state but has spent the last 3 years in the Arctic circle living with, studying and writing about the Inuet tribe of Eskimos. I've met folks from Australia, Africa, Jamaica, mon, Scotland, Canada, India, Phillipines, Japan, Brazil, New York, hahahha, Wisconsin, Callifornia, Minnasota, was quite a crowd, 2,000 people attending. I was honored to be amongst them.

I did receive a silver bowl trophy on a cherry wood pedestal w/name plate for Outstanding achievement in Poetry and a Medallion that with it and $2.00 I can get a small coffee at Starbuck's hahahahaha. God blessed my trip,I was following mapquest directions and all was going smoothly till...I was heading south on 270 coming out of Maryland and all of a sudden, 270 split and mapquest didn't mention it, so...I made a decision and eenied meenied mineed moed my way off 270 and somehow ended up on George Washington Memorial Parkway, just knowing in my sinking heart, I had made a huge error in judgement and my destination was rapidly getting further and further away from where I was.

I drove maybe 5 miles with no way to get turned back to where I thought I needed to be then I saw a sign that said, Bridge to I took it. Up and over and back down on the other side, smack dab in the middle of old town somewheresville in cramped streets full of traffic and people...boy did my heart cry out to God, "Please Father, show me the path to take to get to my hotel! "It was boiling hot, humidity was at least 120 %and my nerves were starting to fray a little at the ends

I see a taxi cab driver pulled off on the side of the street, I rolled my window down, and asked pleadingly for directions to Connecticut Avenue...He said, "keep going the way you are for 5 blocks, that is Conn. Ave. where are you going to ?" I told him, He said, "when you get to Conn. Ave., turn left and go to "T" St. and the hotel will be on the right side. "HALLELUIAH!!!! GOD IS SOOOO GOOD!!!!

I was on "M' street so a few minutes later I was checking in. hahahahahaha Then on the way back, everything going smoothly, making great time, no problems....I get on 37 going by Noblesville, IN, the temp gauge peaks for just a minute, I was getting ready to pull over when it suddenly went back down, I thought perhaps the thermostat had stuck, so I continued home. The next morning, Monday, I drove into Tipton to go to the bank and eat breakfast and on the way back to Atlanta, I got as far as the 4-H fairgrounds and the temp gauge climbs and stays up, I pulled over and a lady stopped before I could even cross the road, and was going to give me a ride but I was able to use her cell phone instead and I called my friend, Kevin Knotts and he brought some water and I was able to drive it to his house where he proceeded to start the task of repairs,(he's my mechanic as well as a childhood friend) he's a wiz at car repair, I call him Professor or Doctor Knotts. Hahahahaha. Well, I hope this has been an enjoyable distraction .Continued prayers and heartfelt hopes.


FROM: Gracie L Aug 24 @ 10:40 AM

There's a brief note below my comments from my deaf sister, Jeanne who read your touching love story. Your remembrance of your first date with Lea and sharing with us a bit of your life together moved me. I know my life has been changed by getting to know both you and Lea. Life is sweeter just feeling the love radiating from your letters. Thank you for sharing your lovely love story with us.

Here's Jeanne's comments, I became teary eyed reading about how they met . They are such a wonderful couple, I try to visualize how Kathy must have been.... a younger sister being with her brothers and older sister Lea. I am thankful I got a brief peek inside their wonderful family and their childhood life together. But even more I enjoyed Larry's wondrous love story with Lea. I cried at the end, He is so sweet to share it with us.

FROM: Kathy D Aug 24 @ 1:33 PM

I think Dan finally is about to get our computer fixed. It has been a mess. Hope you are feeling better today. Larry said last night that you were a little better and that is what we want to hear. You just remember that you have a lot of people praying for you to get better soon. Dan and I love you very much and there is a lot of people who do and are waiting to see that big smile of yours. You just keep up the fighting and you have numerous people praying for you because you have touched so many peoples lives and they all love you so much. You are such a great person and I am so lucky to have you for a sister. You are so special to me and I miss our phone conversation a lot so hurry up and Get Well. Hugs and Kisses to you. God Bless You!


FROM: Jacqui H Aug 25 @ 10:33 AM

Dear Larry - I continue to applaud your courage as you believe for Lea's recovery. It is evident to all (believer and unbeliever alike) that God is truly at work in this situation. Your love for God is also quite palpable and it wretches my heart to see you blame God for this incredible ordeal. I know that one can only go as far as they are taught so I beg you to consider that this is truly not His doing for "God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all" 1st John 1:5b.

I pray for Lea and you daily - thanking God for delivering her from the power of the adversary - for he is the author of death. Hebrews 2:14 - Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; For truly, Jesus Christ was sent from the Father for us to have life! John 10:10 - The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Psalm 116:15 - Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. (The word for precious means Costly - it costs God to have His saints die because we are all He has to win others to Him. He needs Lea alive to keep telling His story. Just think of how many people she will win as she shares her victory story of her recovery!!) I know this is a very trying time for you and your family but please don't play into the adversary's hand by attributing evil to God in this. James 1:17 - Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

May God continue to work in your heart and life exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask of think; may He continue to work in Lea to heal and bring about the victory and may He continue to work in those you have touched with your sharings of your wonderful love and life with Lea. Ephesians 3:19-21 - And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. God bless

72 you!

FROM: R Dean N Aug 25 @ 11:23 PM

Larry, This good news really lifts my spirits – thank you!!!


FROM: Wallace W Aug 26 @ 5:06 AM

I have been getting the updates, I *wamas forwarding them also.but I have not been able to compose a note to either you or Lea, you are both greatly loved in this house, and we like everyone else suffer with you....I'm sure GOD is hearing a voice in prayer he hasn't heard for awhile, (mine), but he is hearing it often....All our heart felt LOVE and PRAYERS go out to you and Lea....* word...'was & am' mixed

FROM: Robyn E Aug 26 @ 1:15 PM

Larry, I've been forwarding the updates on Lea to my brother-in-law and he and my sister have been praying daily for you all. He sent me this e-mail this morning. Just thought i'd share it. love and God Bless,

-----Original Message----- FROM: Jamie G August 26, 2005 7:51 AM

I'm sitting here in my office this morning actually weeping because through weeks of following the trials of Lea and her family, you can just feel the presence of our Holy Father at work. I just wanted to express to someone I love how GREAT and MERCIFUL He is! It's amazing how complex yet frail He made us and I should pray that when our family faces just this challenge, that I will remain as faithful to Him. Praise Jesus' name! xoxo


FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Aug 27 @ 12:02 AM

Thanks again, my son. What a pleasure it is to read your emails about Lea. Your daily experiences makes me think I am there with you.I love you and hope that you will tell Lea that I love her too..May God Bless both of you..Until next time. your Mother,

FROM: Dave Vaughn TO: Lea Distribution Lists Aug 27 @ 4:01 AM

I hope you are still interested in being on the mailing list. If anyone wants to make changes to the mailing list, please respond to me and I'll get Larry's list modified accordingly. I've had follow up questions regarding the Medical Funds created for Lea and Joe. Some didn't see or read the original note, so I'm repeating that here and adding the information for Joe Stroup.

One very important item is for you to provide a return mailing address so that you can receive a donation acknowledgement for your tax records. All donations are appreciated as well as any publicity through your clubs, local organizations, local papers, etc. For those of you who have already sent donations, please accept our heartfelt appreciation on behalf of Joe and Lea for your generosity.

FROM: Pat Stroup Aug 27 @ 9:21 AM


I can't even tell you how wonderful that news is to Joe and I! Everyday I print out the latest update on Lea and take it to the hospital for him to read. More often than not, we share a few tears along the way. I am very pleased to say that Joe has been kicked out of the Heart Center, and is now the proud resident of Riverview Hospital in Noblesville. He is in the transitional care unit, and will remain there for a week or two. While he is the quest of this unit, he will receive rehab for one hour a day. Then if he's a good boy, he'll graduate to another unit where he will receive rehab for up to 4 hours a day! Sounds like hard work to me. From there he will be sent home to continue his rehab on an out-patient basis. All total, he's looking at additional hospital says of 3-4 weeks! He looks great, and his sprits have greatly improved! It's just wonderful what the sight of soy beans and corn fields will do for a person! He still has the blood clot in his heart, but according to a test the other day, it has reduced in size, which is great news. And his heart is still in A-fib, which can't be corrected until the clot is gone, but we're very excited at his progress so far, and hopeful that all will continue to go well. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

FROM: Dallas W Aug 27 @ 9:33 AM

Hi Larry & Lea, Just want to respond quickly re:bed sores and how to heal them. My instructor at Massage school taught us to use Iodine and sugar in a paste form and to cover the wound with this mixture and to change it twice a day till it heals. The iodine helps the healing, the sugar also helps the healing but it also produces a protective barrier as well. Hope this is helpful for you. I am soooo glad to hear that Lea is on the mend and doing better, even on this long road, if we keep our eyes on the goal, we will see the light at the end of the tunnel. God bless you.

FROM: Jean S Aug 27 @ 12:20 PM

How wonderful it is to hear that Lea is progressing so rapidly. God is so good!

This F.R.O.G. that is jumping across my email to you is for the meaning of Fully Rely On God. We have been so focused on that that I know He is continuously with you and Lea, healing in places that you possibly didn't even know needed healing. When you get in the situation that you are in, that is when He can do His most for us. The situation is out of our control and now He can work.

The trials you are facing and growing from enable you to help others. The exciting part is knowing that you are not going through this alone, but also that because of this, God has something HUGE waiting for you to do. And, I know it will be the most rewarding and satisfying thing that either of you have ever done. I am excited for you! God is able to put a bounce in your step and a boldness in your walk, that will astound you. I am so delighted that Lea is making steady, positive improvement. Praise God, Praise God, Praise God. Keep those email's coming to us, too. I can hardly wait to read them to keep updated by you on her recovery.

FROM: Dave Vaughn Aug 27 @ 9:26 PM

----- Original Message ----- FROM: Scott Stroup

Hey Dave, Could you please place me on Larry's e-mail list so I can keep up on Lea's current state and condition? Also I would like to thank you for all you have done for Lea and Joe. As well as bringing some good sprits out to Hartford for Larry, Pat, and myself during your time spent in Hartford.

FROM: Greg S Aug 27 @ 9:47 PM

Hi Larry: I just have to say thank you to both you and Lea for the tremendous lesson in strength and faith you have shown all of those watching as you move through this time in your lives. I marvel at the mountains you seem to climb with each small step you take. All of the best to you.

FROM: Pat Stroup


Aug 27 @ 10:50 PM

Hi Everyone! Just talked to Joe, (it was our good night phone call), and all is well. The food isn't bad and they gave him a very good work-out today. What could be better? Tonight was the Street Dance and Ice Cream Social in the town of Atlanta, and Joe called during the dance, so I let him listen to the music. It's amazing what little things you enjoy. We're so blessed with Joe and Lea's progress, I'm still crying, but at least this time it's tears of joy! Talk to you later!


FROM: R Dean N Aug 28 @ 9:56 AM

Dear Larry, I am really overjoyed to hear that Lea is making progress. This last downturn was a tough one, but she is pulling out of it. We will continue to pray.

FROM: Larry Vaughn TO: Larry & Barb Tate Aug 28 @ 2:24 PM

Barb, While Lea is doing well, and I am not going to need this information, would you help me get it together? It will be useful at some time in the future. I need addresses for brothers, etc. Numbers of nieces & nephews, etc. You know what I mean. I remember what a hard thing it was to do for Pauline while we were grieving. I can print this out and put it in her folder, so it can be updated periodically for use some day. I am going to do my own, as well, so she will have it available. They will be in the files with our wills, etc.

Leona Marie (Tate) Vaughn

Leona (Lea) Marie (Tate) Vaughn, of ______, ______, died ______while hospitalized in ______, ______of ______. Lea was Vice President of Loan Servicing at Irwin Mortgage Corporation in Fishers, Indiana, secretary of the Atlanta Women's League, and President of the Atlanta Lions Club.

Born January 29, 1946 to Roy Davis and May Pauline (Leffert) Tate of Hannibal, Missouri, Lea was married February 8, 1964 to Lawrence (Larry) Eugene Vaughn, Junior in ceremonies at First Baptist Church, Louisiana, Missouri.

She is survived by her husband, Larry, two sons, Lawrence Eugene (Link) Vaughn III of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, and Steven Lance Vaughn of Austin, Texas; five brothers, Robert Tate, of ______, Ohio, James Wesley Tate of Huntington, Indiana, Katherine Ellen David of Hannibal, Missouri, Larry Davis Tate if Hannibal, Carl Wayne Tate of Hannibal, and Dennis Merrill Tate of ______; two granddaughters, Lyndi Leigh Vaughn and Megan Marie Vaughn of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.

REPLY FROM: Barb S Aug 29 @ 10:49 PM

Not a problem. I will get things together for you.

FROM: Pamela AUG 28 @ 10:15 pm

Larry, I wanted to let you know that I had a very uneventful return to Wilmington! The cab driver that I was blessed with got me to the airport in less than 30 minutes - I forgot to check to be sure, but I believe it was about 23 minutes. (Somewhat short of the hour and 30 minutes that it took me to get to the hospital when I arrived, but as I soon found out, minus the tour of downtown Hartford!) The cab driver was a wonderful Jamaican man who is also a Christian! I shared Lea's story with him and he said he would pray for her as well. God's timing is so perfect, Praise His Holy Name! He knew that it wasn't at all necessary that I witness the proof of Lea's successful working bowels, although I am delighted to hear of the additional step forward!


Larry, I can't thank you enough for the opportunity to be there with both of you, especially under these circumstances. My mind and my heart remain with you still. It was my honor to be able to touch you both, to tell you both how much I love you, and although I couldn't hug you, Lea, I laid a few embarrassingly long hugs on you, Larry, and it felt so good to be allowed to do so. I have been blessed because you allowed me to witness your pain and a few of the fears that prevailed through out the week - allowed me to share the frightening heartache when all we could do was stand back helplessly to allow the medical staff to minister to Lea - me more so than you, of course. I am extremely grateful that you have recognized the need we family members have to "do something to help" though it be of small significance. Thank you. I love you.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 29 @ 8:56 PM

Okey dokey! I have the blouse and sweater (?) you left behind in room 309. Maybe I'll ship it some day. Thanks for everything you did while here. It was great to get some time off to try to nap while the Life Star helicopters made 432,697 dad-burn runs an hour!! I have some more greeting cards to go in the binder. I left them on the window ledge for you. ☺ Love ya!

REPLY FROM: Pamela Aug 30 @ 8:28 AM

Sounds like I didn't re-check the closet for the 97 millionth time. . . oh well, I'm very thankful that the housekeeper didn't keep them! I heard a huge semi go by the house yesterday and thought it was a helicopter coming in . . . . .Jim (having no idea what I was talking about) just thought I was crazy! Love to you both!


FROM: Dave Vaughn Aug 29 @ 11:28 AM

I am so pleased that Lea is doing so well. I had a chance to speak of her at Living Stones Church, but more on that later. I've forwarded the attached notes to seek your input for Gary and make you aware of HIS plans to organize the (annual Walton House) beer garden as a fund raiser for the Medical Emergency Funds. I am providing the up front costs, but need your input and assistance. FYI, I hope to be there for the Festival, but I have asked Gary NOT to plan on any family involvement.

Larry, I'd like to visit about your recommendations. Lance, I'd appreciate your answering Gary's question. I continue to talk with Gary every couple of days regarding the house, the goods in storage, the beer garden and the Medical Fund. PLEASE let me be the sole "interface" with Gary during this process. Because of his friendship with Larry, Lea, Joe and Pat, He has been a great help and I want to ENSURE that I do EVERYTHING I can to help him. I don't want to miss anything due to confusion over what we are doing.

----- Original Message ----- FROM: Gary R RE: Information for Liquor license application for a beer garden at the Asher Walton House B&B

I FOUND IT!!!!!!! I'll go ahead and get it filled out and filed in Pat's name. It's coming together. My daughter and her friend, they're both bartenders, are coming down for the weekend to donate their time. I'll get Karen a temporary license, so that gives us 5 bartenders which should be enough. I've talked to Tipton Lions and they're good to go.

Keeping enough COLD beer on hand seems to be the biggest problem. I'm looking in to getting a small refrigerated trailer to park behind the house. If not we may be able to use the 3 refrigerators in the house and keep re-stocking as we move more to the yard to put on ice. Pat has a Sam's club card, so she can get us in to purchase the beer. Chris thinks we need about 100 cases for the weekend. Larry always stocked up enough for Sat., then made a beer run Sat. night again based on how well it moved. Clint seemed to think


Larry served out of a refrigerated Coke cooler that he got from him. I don't see it anywhere. You might ask him about it.

I've found the tents and banners in the carriage house, and the tables & chairs in storage behind the gazebo. I'll get the cash register back from the firemen so we can keep track of income vs. inventory. We'll plan on setting things up Mon. or Tues of that week unless there's a threat of severe weather. Later in the week gets busy for everybody.

FROM: Dallas W Aug 29 @ 4:46 PM

This Poem is about me and my ex-G.F.,Dorothy,as much as it is W.O.Oz

When Dorothy Left OZ (3 parts)

to lost love his mind is on Dorothy.....

He was just hanging there with nothing much to do, just hanging by his straw-filled shirt telling crows to "SHOO!"

Then Dorothy came walking by down the bricks of gold, with Toto following close behind doing as he was told.

She freed him of his hangups and filled him with new hope Told him of a Wizard that could change him from a dope.

So he followed her every footstep though falling down alot. He'd follow Dorothy anywhere to get brains he hasn't got. his mind is on Dorothy...

....Tin Man's Heart Of Rust....

Rusted cockles of Tin Man's heart, pumping oxidized memory, squeaking noisily with each stop and start, with the love he felt for Dorothy.

She found him there,stuck as could be, no movement,cause he can't. So, she oiled his joints and set him free, her love the lubricant.

So long ago on Yellow Brick Road, in the merry ol' land of OZ, His mind goes back and his tears explode, and his heart rips like thin gauze.


His clock keeps time,but feels no love, his rusted,broken heart was left behind, his eyes have long since rusted shut, since Dorothy clicked her heels three times. his heart aches for Dorothy....

....Tamed the Lion Within....

When first they met,she loved him not, a ruffian and a bully,she thought. With a ruff and a woof and a grrroowwll ! he stalked his prey and lay wait in prowl.

Roaring loud and acting proud,not to be discouraged, if he had to fight,he thought he might need to find his courage Then he jumped out and with a GREAT YELL, "OUCH!! SOMEBODY PULLED MY TAIL!!"

She came to his aid and gave him relief "Such a big Pussy Cat!"she said in disbelief. "Why,you're not such a big brave cat, you're just a big kitten,no denying that."

Then it came time for Dorothy to leave, the Lion's courage failed,he couldn't conceive, she would leave him there in cowardly dilemna, to go back to Kansas,back to her Auntie Emma.

.....he hadn't the courage to stop her.....

by Unca D

Author's Comments: "Now the OZ that was, ain't the OZ that is, for the three of OZ, took over for the WIZ, their mind, heart, courage were never the same, left wondering if Dorothy's happier, since she changed her name."

FROM: Dallas W Aug 29 @ 4:35 PM

For HIM, Cry the Angels and I

for the price paid at Calvary's Cross

Slow motion lightning flashing, cracking an egg shell sky, breaking open Heaven, watching Angels cry.

The sound of thunder rolling, God was heard to sigh, the winds fly from His nostrils, blow across clouds so high.

As HE looks below the skyline down at men and wonders,why?


He gave His only begotten Son, whom in our steads,did die.

Unworthy and unrighteous, whose worth could measure nigh? to that of our Blessed Savior, for whom the Angels cry.

Yet the lightening flashes, thunder rolls 'cross darkened sky, mixing Angel's tears with mine, For HIM, cry the Angels and I.

By Unca D

FROM: Dallas W Aug 29 @ 4:36 PM

SALVATION SENT (S-word challenge)


Sin,Sinner,Sinnest. Sad,Sadder,Saddest. SANCTUARY!!!! SALVATION SENT!!!! Sweet Sacred SON, So Sacrificially Slain. Sacramentally Sanctified. So Sweetly, Spikenard Scent Spilled,So Sweetly. SANCTIFIED!!!! SECOND SIGHTING!!!! SIRE,SON,SPIRIT,Sinner,Saints. Spiritual Seasons Spent Solar Sight Seeing... Satan Sentenced,Sent Sprawling, Spiraling, Serpent's Slither Swiftly Securely Sealed, Stopped...Scorched...Silenced.... Since, SALVATION SENT!!!!

By Unca D

FROM: Dallas W Aug 29 @ 4:39 PM

Lil'Miss Dandelion's Hairdoo

to all children fighting cancer

Her golden-yellow head of hair graced her pretty face, Ever reaching toward the sun racing life at a steady pace.

Then the days grew longer as sometimes they're known to do, Her hair turned to a halo of white and it fell out as ill winds blew.

Through frost and snow of wint'ry trials


keeping vigilance o'er her heart knowing at the season's revivals her new hair,too,would soon start.

With the days of spring ahead and life so fresh and new, We greet the prettiest girl of the field wearing her lil'Miss Dandelion's hairdoo.

Her golden-yellow head of hair gracing her pretty face, ever reaching toward the Son, again to run life's race.

By Unca D

FROM: Dallas W Aug 29 @ 5:05 PM

The Bible Is My Roadmap

The bible is my roadmap, from it I will not swerve. My King and Lord is Jesus Christ, in whom I'm bound to serve. The world tries to tell me different, but in His words I find the truth. My roadmap is the bible and I've read it from my youth.

Now I'm travellin' down life's highway, no longer on a dead end trail. Headin' towards my Heavenly destination, cause I know God's word will never fail. So I won't turn to the left or right, nor fear the terror in the night. cause my roadmap is the bible, and Jesus is my guiding light.

Oh the bible is my roadmap, written by God to show us the way. If we faithfully follow it, we'll wake to Glory on that Blessed Day. He leads me by still waters, and I lay down in green pastures. I am a lamb in His flock and He's my Shepherd and my Master.

Oh the bible is my roadmap, and I know it will lead me home. So get a copy of the roadmap, Brothers and Sisters and follow along. We'll meet on Resurrection morning, on that far off blessed shore, in our Father's heavenly kingdom, we won't need the roadmap anymore.


Oh the bible is my roadmap and I know it will lead me home.

by Unca D

FROM: Jean S Aug 29 @ 5:09 PM

LOL! I know how proud she will be that you have told the whole world that she had a bowel movement! I am sooooo glad she doesn't know yet!!!! No matter when it is, I can just hear her laugh!!!! Love u

FROM: Carol B Aug 29 @ 8:42 PM

Larry, This story of how you met Lea surprised me. I don't even remember you playing a matter of fact I thought you all were living in Louisiana, Missouri around that time. But it was sweet to hear. Now here is one that has stuck in my head. I knew Lea from school, but I didn't really get to "know" her until you were living in Chillicothe and I would come over to groom the dogs. I understood what a beautiful relationship you two had during those visits. I remember one evening after I had finished the dogs and we were visiting that you stood up and said," Let's go home Leona, I'm tired and I want to go to bed!" She replied sweetly, "Why don't you go on home and I will come with the boys after while." To which you answered," I married you so I could go to bed with you and that is what I intend to do now...we are all going home together!!!" It is one of the precious moments I will always remember.

FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 29 @ 9:59 PM

Deanna and I are booked Kona to Hartford - First Class to boot! See you on Sunday morning Dad - Can you pick us up or should we take a cab?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 29 @ 10:54 PM

I will pick you up at the curb. How great!! Love you!

FROM: Carol B Aug 29 @ 10:19 PM

So are you going to share the picture of the braid with us or not?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn AUG 29 @ 11:00 pm

Lea’s Braid:

REPLY FROM: Carol B Aug 29 @ 11:13 PM

I must say that other that being a little loose you done good!! these are braids///next I will learn French Braids. You are a step ahead of me, you do French nails. BTW the redhead is my son Scott's daughter, Meagan Ruth.


New London, Mo. and Qatar (Persian Gulf) for Scott...his list members will have to answer for themselves, all my list is New London, and Hannibal, Missouri. Love to you both!

FROM: Stan F Aug 29 @ 11:10 PM

Here are two map points for you...... Stan and Stacy F – Seattle, Richie and Carolyn F - Gruver, TX. Hey Larry, We are still praying and really appreciate all the time you put into the updates. Someday, you may think of publishing them in a book. Give Lea our best. Love and Peace.

FROM: Kim P Aug 29 @ 11:43 PM

Dearest Larry, Us girls think you are a GREAT braid fixer!! Give Lea a kiss from us on that sweet face of hers. Thinking of you both each and every day. LOTS of LOVE and KISSES,

FROM: David Vaughn Aug 30 @ 2:52 AM

----- Original Message ----- FROM: Lou P (Mrs) To: Dave Vaughn Aug 29 @ 8:39 AM

Hi David - I have some names you can add to Larry's mailing list. Most are managers that work or have worked with Lea, along with a few coworkers that are very concerned. Some of them have me on a time schedule and will call if I don't get the messages passed along as quickly as they would like. I will be in and out of the office for the next several weeks for training, meetings and a little r and r so adding their names to Larry's list would be a big help - as it can be difficult to find someone who will be in the office to pass the messages along when I am not here. Thank you very very much!!!! See you in a couple of weeks.


FROM: Chad N Aug 30 @ 1:46 AM

Mama Vaughn: I am with you right now. I hold you in my heart. Everything that is good in me, Is yours to share. Be well. Be very well. Be very well soon.

FROM: Pamela TO: Carol B Aug 30 @ 8:27 AM

Well, here I am back home again. I had a nightmare trip getting there, in fact, the expected 5 hour trip took 13.5 hours due to the mechanics strike and a cab driver in Hartford who got lost. (Needless to say, I didn't fly Northwest to get home.)

Lea's body was so full of fluids that she was unrecognizable when I arrived. (She was just beginning to look familiar to me when it was time to come home.) Her face and eyes were so severely swollen that the under part of her eyelids was also swollen and showing and her ears were actually indented instead of lying out on her head. Her hands and feet were so swollen that her fingers and toes actually stuck out as if she had stuck them out to stretch her muscles - except there was no space between them. Her abdomen and arms and legs were also just as severely swollen.


Lea is still very heavily sedated and unable to focus her eyes much less move any part of her hands or feet. I prayed over her and sang praise songs to her as often as I could - once one of the nurses (Adam) had to interrupt me to move in and inject some medication to one of her IV's on the side of the bed where I was standing. I jokingly said "OK, but don't steal my song!" (I was singing "One Day At A Time".) That led to a conversation about which church our family attends, and I found out that he also attends a Christian Church in Hartford.

It's amazing to see how God has used Lea (and Larry) to minister to the staff at the Hospital, including the doctors. All but one nurse that I encountered during the week, seem to have a special fondness for Lea and take special care when handling her. The one exception is technically good, but she lacks compassion for her patients. During her shift, Lea was left unattended except when she needed medication, and wasn't turned during the shift - usually she's turned every 2 hours and has pillows and pads placed to protect her skin - so she developed huge bed sores on her heels that weren't there when we left for the night to get some sleep. Turning her every two hours is up to the nurse assigned to her for that shift, it isn't a requirement, and the padding is an 'extra'. The nurses don't know which patients they'll be assigned or even if they'll be assigned one or two patients, until they come in for their shift. They, of course, hope not to get two critically ill patients at the same time, but sometimes it can't be avoided.

It's hard for Larry to let anyone else minister to Lea, but it was one of my "needs", so occasionally I'd tell him to go get some rest. Sometimes he would and sometimes he wouldn't. I took advantage of those times to play Christian music on the CD player, and to sing and pray for her. (Larry feels that playing DVD's of their family times is more healing for Lea, so that's what he does - he called my CD's "elevator music"! I believe God honors both ways of thinking.) Sometimes I found myself at a loss for what to do, so singing and praying and holding Lea's hand were what I did most. If she was feverish, I'd use a cold cloth on her face and eyes. She began to eliminate some of the excess fluid on Thursday and on Friday she was able to open one eye. I was blessed with being able to communicate with her once. By Saturday she was able to open both eyes, that's when she responded to me and blinked her eyes when I asked if she could blink her eyes to let me know she knew who I was. Praise God!

This week is supposed to be more of the same as last week, responding to her highs and lows in regard to her blood pressure, no aggressive treatment to get her off the medications and ventilator, just moving slowly and cautiously while waiting for her body to begin healing itself. She responds well to this method as opposed to turning down the ventilator to make her body start breathing - we (Larry and I) don't think she's ready for that yet.

I chose today to begin sending you the updates, please let me know if you missed any. I just assumed Dottie remembered to forward all the updates while I was gone. All in all, it was a blessed week for me - it was a very long week, emotionally and physically draining. I can't seem to get the realization that I was able to come home, while Larry and Lea are not, out of my mind. My thoughts and prayers remain with them, of course.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Aug 30 @ 8:40 AM

My!! What a beautiful Braid!!!!!!!!! I Love You My Son,Give lea a God Bless You from me. UR Mother

FROM: Rene’ N Aug 30 @ 8:51 AM

Hi there, I'm in Columbia, MO -- smack tap in the middle of Missouri -- as you well know. Dad forwards on the updates which I appreciate. Everyone here in my office -- asks me for updates as well -- Lea does manage to touch everyone who hears about her -- even before she was sick! Stay strong -- I can't imagine how draining this must all be -- you are fabulous. I wish everyone had a "Larry" in their life!

FROM: Londa T Aug 30 @ 9:20 AM


Larry, Lea and I have worked together at Irwin for 13 years. I work remotely out of my home as a programmer for Irwin from Urbana, MO. That is located halfway between Sedalia and Springfield, MO on highway 65. I look forward to your daily updates and am so happy that Lea is recovering! Please let her know that I am praying for her full recovery. If anyone can do it, Lea can!

FROM: Doug F Aug 30 @ 10:24 AM

Larry, My name is Doug F. I used to work with Lea at Irwin. I want to thank you for writing these emails and sharing your thoughts. I may never be the religious person you and I am sure most of your friends and family are, but I have changed my outlook on life since reading these emails. I thank you very much for giving me a better perspective on life. Please tell Lea when she wakes up that if the two of you are ever in Houston, to look me up. I would love to see you both again.

FROM: Jen D Aug 30 @ 10:33 AM

Dear Larry and Lea, My name is Jennifer, and I live in Silver Spring, Maryland. I'm one of Kristin's cousins, and her mother, my Aunt Marlowe, sends me your emails every day. They are the first things I look for whenever I open my email.

My husband Doug and I are newly married (about 4 months), and I'm one of the many who have been touched by you both in terms of thinking about what marriage can truly mean. In the depth and generosity of your email communications, Larry, I've really learned a lot, some of which I think will take years to truly unfold. These words sound so pale on the written page, so perhaps you'll understand the depth to which I feel them if I tell you that I have tears in my eyes as I write them. We cannot choose our circumstances, but we can choose how we meet those circumstances, and as I witness the path you've chosen through your present difficulties, I really feel that you and Lea have become teachers for me. The proof, I think, will be in how well I live out those lessons (at first I mistyped, love out those lessons, which may be the more accurate statement after all).

I have a prayer buddy, Jim (he lives in Alexandria, VA, so you can add him to your spreadsheet too), and we are praying for Lea every day. We know which outcome we would prefer - and we know that, whatever the outcome, your words and actions are making a difference for people every day, even people you have never met, in terms of the living witness to your faith that you are providing. Bless you both. We think of you every day. Much love.

FROM: Pat Stroup Aug 30 @ 10:40 AM

Hello to You All! Just a short note to say that Joe is still doing very well, he over did his PT yesterday, and almost made himself sick, but was doing good when I went in to see him in the afternoon. The test on his blood clot showed that it has gotten smaller, and he will have another test in one month. We're in hopes that in another month the clot will be either gone or small enough to put Joe's heart back in a reg. beat. It's such a blessing to hear about Lea, and I'm sure that she'll get even with Larry for the "BM" story! (I may even help her!) Joe will be in Riverview Hospital for another 3 weeks, and then we hope he can come home! He'll still be doing his therapy, but on an out-patient basis. We were discussing about his being home for the festival, and he and Clint are going to set on the porch and just watch the crowds go by! Sounds like fun to me! We haven't been able to set back and enjoy the festival for several years. If anyone would like to send Joe a card, you can reach him at: Riverview Hospital, Room 415-B. Even though Joe isn't out of the woods yet, he looks great, and he's getting his strength back each day. With the good wishes, prayers and God's help, we'll ALL make it through this.

FROM: John D Aug 30 @ 11:08 AM

Larry, I am Kristen N’s cousin, John (my dad is her mom's brother). My wife and I live in Singapore - which is a city-state, so no province or whatever... God bless you!


FROM: Geri S Aug 30 @ 11:39 AM

Fishers, IN

FROM: Kim K Aug 30 @ 12:16 PM

Besides the obvious Fishers and Indianapolis, IN, I've sent it to Marie and Bev Bynum in Frisco, TX, my sister in law in Denver, CO, my cousin in Simi Valley, CA and Sandy Imel in Orlando, FL. Think I covered enough territory? :) Lea's also on the prayer lists of a church in Simi Valley and one in Highlands Ranch (Denver suburb). Don't forget to let me know about possible "care pkg" preferences as soon as you can.

FROM: Marlowe N Aug 30 @ 12:19 PM

Hi Larry, Lea is so much more stable, praise God, that I am not going to forward the updates every day to my list of pray-ers-just when there is a significant change or step forward. But I gave them the option of getting on your list if they prefer the daily updates. It is great to see that your sense of humor has not been dampened by this ordeal! I'm sure it has helped you to stay sane and upbeat. We continually admire your energy, devotion, faith and courage.

As you know, we live in two places, both Austin and Sandia Park, NM. Since most of the pray-ers on my list are from Austin, you can list us as NM supporters. I am sending photos of a beautiful rainbow we witnessed from our back porch the other night. It made me think of you and Lea, with its symbolism of hope, optimism and the promise of God's faithful love and blessings.

Good luck with your project-it will give Lea a big boost to see how widespread her cheering squad is! And your braid is beautiful!

1562 1559 1555

FROM: Ben and Joni J Aug 30 @ 2:21 PM

Hey Larry! We're in Middlebury (IN) now and our Pastor, Bro Adams is in Benton Harbor MI. He gets the updates regularly too! (I give verbal updates to Kevin Hoffman and Co, but they're in Middlebury too, so they don't count! haha) I can't wait to see all of the places that you and Lea are getting emails and such from!! We love you and are praying for you REGULAR! ☺

FROM: Dave F Aug 30 @ 4:51 PM

Larry: I am delighted Lea is making such excellent progress. I think of her and pray for her often. I now live in Gates Mills, Ohio, an eastern suburb of Cleveland. We moved here three years ago from Indianapolis in order to be near two of our four kids and five of our seven grandkids, plus many other relatives and friends (I lived in the Cleveland area for over fifty years before moving first to Louisville and then to Indy.) We miss our many Indianapolis friends and I miss my former Irwin Mortgage colleagues, but living near family is most important, and we love being here. Stella joins me in sending our love and best wishes to Lea and our admiration of your constant and loving care of her.

FROM: Carl M Aug 30 @ 5:08 PM 85

Pat and Carl R M, Austin TX

FROM: Cheryl H Aug 30 @ 8:21 PM

Hi Larry, Bruce and I continue our prayers for Lea. We check our email daily for the updates that Donny and Angie send us. It is wonderful to watch God's hand on this whole situation, touching not only your lives but the lives of so many that you don't even know. I wanted to send along the city etc. you requested: Middlebury IN May God continue to bless you and your family in the days ahead.

FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 30 @ 9:23 PM

Rake or reiki? Reiki is an Eastern healing technique which is all about energy and not about God... You might want to pray over her body tonight to make sure nothing weird was introduced...

(From the Internet):

What is Reiki? Reiki is a form of massage therapy. It is a healing technique that originated in Tibet and has been practiced for over 2,500 years. Strictly speaking, it means Universal Life Force Energy. It is one of the more widely known forms of healing through direct application of Chi, or a force very similar to Chi. What is Chi? Chi is the term used by the Chinese mystics and martial artists for the underlying force the Universe is made of.

It is believed that reiki can relieve pain, boosts the immune system and relieves acute problems. This is believed because physical manifestations of pain are often linked to emotional, mental and spiritual states. Chronic illnesses may take a series of treatments, depending on the specific nature of the disease. Reiki goes beyond the symptoms to treat the root cause of the disease. When we treat only the symptoms, we do not always get to the true basis of the illness.

Reiki practice consists of the practitioner places his or her hands upon the person to be healed with the intent for healing to occur, and then the energy begins flowing. The reiki practitioner uses their hands to channel energy from the universe to your body so your body can heal itself. The main distinction between Reiki and other energy healing techniques is that a practitioner can channel the Reiki energy through their hands into their own body.

FROM: Link Vaughn Aug 30 @ 9:29 PM

Darn it! You made me cry... Your faith and love for Mom just blows me away... Love you, Dad!

FROM: Carol B Aug 30 @ 9:44 PM

Rakee is a wonderful thing. I have never had it performed on myself, but I have had it done to two of my dogs and the difference in their actions was amazing. Nothing is as potent as God as you know, but keep striving for every chance you can. Larry, you are not being greedy wanting to keep Lea longer, and Lea would be feeling the same if the roles were reversed. You have told her it is ok if she needs to go so the fight is hers with God's help. My heart breaks for the agony you are going through and your faith, love, and strength amazes me. Continued prayers.


FROM: Dallas W Aug 31 @ 7:51 AM


Larry, my friend, You are greatly blessed. Your trust and faith and hope in the Lord Jesus shows through your written word. It is a blessing to all who share in this with you. I found it a very loving and thoughtful ,not to mention medically sound decision to have Lea receive Reiki massage, it doesn't surprise me that her blood pressure would even out afterwards. God's guidance and wisdom granted to you, through prayer, meditation on His word and fasting, shine as a bright light in these dark days. I look forward every day for the updates on Lea's recovery and marvel at it ALL!! God bless you and her GREATLY this day. Every day. Hope to see you both relatively soon. In HIS Hands, In Prayer and Heart

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 31 @ 8:16 AM

Thank you, Dallas. Your thoughtfulness and encouragement are greatly welcomed. I grow very weary sometimes, and feel hopeless when I go so long without any recognition from her. I have to just weep, and open my heart and feelings to Him during those periods, and it seems those little email blessings come at just the right time. I got two of your poems off your site and printed them out for Lea. I put them in her email book so she'll have them when she is able to read. They are truly inspired. Thanks for sharing. May God continue to bless you with the love of friends and family . . . the important things in life.

REPLY FROM: Dallas W Sept 1 @ 8:45 AM

Hi Larry, Good that we can call on Him, That He hears our cries and answers our hearts with His mercy and grace and strength when our strength is gone. In our weakness, His strength is made known mightily. For He is TRUE to His word, Blessing those who love Him and include Him in our daily lives. A real relationship, is like that.

I'm curious as to which two poems you chose to put in Lea's book. Guessing, I might say perhaps, Lil Miss Dandelion's Hairdoo or Salvation Sent or ....well, suffice it to say, I'm EXTREMELY CURIOUS LOL ☺ I am humbled by it none-the-less. The Tipton Tribune did an article on me, it came out in Tuesday nights paper. I will send it to you via e-mail once I get it scanned into my computer. It is a nice article. Seems I keep totally blowing people away, who have known me my whole life. They can't get over all the articles the Tribune has done on me and yet, none have been in the Police Report HAHAHAHAHA☺ I used to be a very troubled youth, guess I grew out of it, hopefully. LOL☺ Anyway, That's MY story and I'm stickin' to it.

I went looking at houses in Tipton day before yesterday, I went with a realtor to look at a small house on Sweetland, it has some strong possibilities.1 bdroom,1 1/2 bath, side by side with a sliding door separating them, and a room that would work well as a massage room. A Florida room, a nicely landscaped back yard. Detached garage. They've had it on the market for over a year, the 1 drawback to it is; absolutely NO crawl space, if there is a problem with a water leak, the floor would have to come up. It was priced at 69,900 they dropped it to 59,900 I'm considering offering them 50,000/52,500 range. and try to meet them somewhere in the middle, IF I decide on it, I'm still looking.

The realtors have all said the market is slow right now, so I hope to use that to my advantage. I hate to leave where I've called home for 18 yrs. but things change, I must change with them. Jennifer Emmert's house on County line and Broadway is for sale, I need to call and see what she's asking for it. That might not be a bad little house, I love the wrap around porch on it. God takes care of us who can't take care of ourselves, wonder where He's gonna put me next....will let ya know when I find out. LOL☺ Blessings and Prayers, In His Name,

FROM: Marilyn M Aug 31 @ 10:03 AM

Thinking of you and your families, from Bloomington, Illinois. John 3:16,

FROM: Marilyn M TO: Pamela Aug 31 @ 8:51 AM


Thanks as always for sharing news from Larry and Lea. Every message finds me re-reading, pondering, praying for their strength. I know your presence was a superb boost for both of them.

Pam, in this message Larry is asking about whether there is a possibility that only Lea's body is being kept alive. Isn't there a way to know the level of brain activity? I thought there was a note a couple of weeks ago about that. What was your take on her inner self when you visited? Thanks again for staying in touch.

REPLY FROM: Pamela Aug 31 @ 8:31 PM

Marilyn, Some thoughts in response to your email that I'm also sharing with Larry, Dave, Dot, and Jean. Please forgive me if you prefer that I not share it. Yes, there is a way to monitor brain activity, but I don't know if they're doing that with Lea. I simply assumed that it isn't necessary, or if it was, it isn't needed any longer. There's so much to look at with all the machines and bells and whistles, if it's there, it was just another thing to look at and not of any concern at this time.

I know that Larry doesn't believe that Lea isn't "there", in fact, Dr. Mah reassured him of that very thing. Something he didn't pass along in an email was Dr. Mah's statement in response to a question raised by one of Lea's siblings pertaining to Lea and if her condition was bad enough to remove life support. He stated emphatically that "We aren't there yet, we haven't ever been there, we weren't even there last Friday." (That was the day her lungs failed, about two weeks ago.) It certainly was good to hear him speak positively of Lea's condition.

I believe Lea is alive and well, trapped inside a non-cooperating body, so to speak. I know that she responds to Larry and I know that he believes this as well. I think he's stating his innermost fear felt during a moment of weakness - something he and I discussed briefly when I was there. (I admit to having a fleeting moment of that same thought, even though I knew/know better.) It's so disheartening to go so long without any response, especially with the one you're used to receiving open affection from. I tried to use my brief experience to reassure Larry that you can truly hear when others talk, feel when they touch you - you simply lack the ability to respond . . . or maybe you respond an hour or so later when no one is there to see. Time truly has no meaning to you, everything is moment by moment inside the sedation.

I can only imagine what it's like for Larry to spend such a long time caressing Lea, speaking words of love, maintaining daily those things that require it - brushing her teeth, combing her hair, washing her body and rubbing lotion everywhere that's exposed - without any response. It's heartbreaking to witness, to say the least. But Lea does respond to Larry's voice - visibly, even when she's most sedated. I hope I reassured Larry that when he's looking at her face, whispering words of love into her ears, I was focused on her monitor and could see the difference his voice alone makes to her. (I felt these were intimate times and chose to concentrate on the monitor rather than their "private" time.)

Once, when her blood pressure was alarmingly high, I saw it drop 15 (points?) at the sound of his voice when he was discussing her with one of the nurses and then continue to lower - something the nurse had just told me would happen when Larry started talking and suggested that I watch the monitor while he involved Larry in a discussion. Another time, I watched as her pulse jumped 11 points when he touched her gently just above the knee on her left leg, and saw a very brief response where she lifted both her eyebrows as if she was a little surprised/embarrassed by his touch in that particular spot - then I watched as it dropped when he moved away a few moments later.

I saw her eyes pop wide open when I'd been there alone with her for a couple of hours, thinking she was again heavily sedated, and Larry walked in and said "Hello darling, how's my girl?". I know his fatigue is overwhelming at times, saw it when I first arrived in fact. His strength is there, he taps into it frequently, but he (like all of us, I think) is strongest when he presses into God. I see that happening even more with this email message. I can't help but wonder if he hit a day when there was no return email to encourage him, or perhaps no cards to read to Lea. I know that is one of his secret fears, that people will quit sending words and cards of encouragement to them. (Thank you so much for the cards you've sent, Marilyn.)

He gets so excited when he has mail to read to Lea, talks to her just as if she were awake - holds things up for her to "look at", describes the pictures on the cards, reminds her who the person/people are that have sent

88 it because the doctors have said that some of her medication will cause confusion and maybe some forgetfulness. (They like it that way, so that she won't remember everything that she's going through while in ICU.) Guess what I'm really saying is that I believe very strongly that Lea is there, hearing every word her beloved whispers to her and feeling every touch. She is so strong, her inner strength is constantly there, constantly hearing, constantly feeling, surprising us all with her baby steps of progress. I was almost jumping for joy when I once asked her to blink her eyes and she did so, almost immediately. It was a secret prayer of mine, that was answered the day before I returned home.

When you are at her bedside, you can't help but feel her strength. She tires now and then, thus the BP and heartbeat changes, but she is there! Like the doctors said early on - don't look at day to day, look at week to week to see how far we've come. And we've come a great, great distance. Praise God!

FROM: Kathy D Aug 31 @ 5:28 PM

Just wanted to write a few lines and let you know that this weekend is the weekend Dan and I go to Vegas. We will be gone from Sept. 3 to the 7. If you need to talk to me I will have my cellphone but also here is Carols Jennings phone.

Hope you are doing ok. I know this has to be very stressful for you because it is me and I'm not there. Just remember we are all thinking of you and praying for you also. You mean a lot to all of us and we love you very much also. We won't be able to come up to Connecticut the 15 of Sept. because I have to be here for Carl and Carol. Carol found out yesterday that she has breast cancer and they are going to have to do surgery within the next 2 weeks. Went to the doctor with her today and we have to go to the cancer center tomorrow. I sure hope everything goes ok.

They did a cat scan and she has cancer no where else, so that is good. She has it in her left breast. Carl and her are very upset so I need to be here to take care of them. I finally got Carl his disability. He started last Wednesday. They are going to set him up with a doctor in St. Louis for his arms. Not sure when that is yet. Will let you know more later. Please pray for Carol also as she needs it too.

FROM: Pat Stroup Aug 31 @ 5:50 PM

Good Evening to All, Just a quick note of news on Joe's condition. He's doing very well, looking better with each passing day. He is still very weak, and continuing with his therapy each day. When I stopped in to see him last night, he was very concerned, it seems that the insurance company thinks he is ready to go home tomorrow; Sept. 1st. They feel that he has been in the hospital long enough and that they have paid enough money, so it's time to get out. But what they don't know is that Joe isn't level with his blood pressure med's., or his insulin, or his cumadin (sp), or has he been shown how to do his insulin shots.

We both want him home so badly, but who or how is he going to get monitored on a daily basis? Nothing has been done or said about that. Plus, he hasn't seen a "heart" Dr. for over a week! So I guess we have some concerns. Joe and I both feel that if they can just get his med's leveled out, then we wouldn't worry about coming home. So I guess the moral of the story is, think twice before you sign up for Cigna Insurance! So far, this insurance company has tried to get Joe out of the CICU before he was able, in Hartford, then they only allowed him to stay in the Heart Center, in Indianapolis, IN. for 8 days, and now they want him out of the rehab after just one week, when we were told he would be there for 3-4 weeks. Insurance, can't live with it, can't live without it!

OH! Did I say that WE had to pay for his flight on the air ambulance ourselves? The insurance company wanted Joe to ride in a reg. ambulance for about 16 hours, back to In! That was AFTER the Dr's said there was no way he could ride for that long of a trip. Sorry if I sound rather "up-set" with CIGNA INSURANCE, but I just want others to know what they are up against with this company, if they have any claims.

Other than worrying about wither Joe is getting kicked out of the hospital tomorrow, he is doing better each day. I thank each and everyone who has expressed their concern and prayers, as we pray every day for both Joe and Lea-Lea. We're already planning a big Christmas celebration for this year! I'm already thinking of

89 what I plan to do for the talent contest! Good night to you all! Love Always!

FROM: Wes L Aug 31 @ 9:00 PM

Larry, Our city--Quincy, State-IL. We Continue to keep praying for Lea. God Bless!

FROM: Marilyn M Aug 31 @ 10:10 PM

Larry and Lea, I am so pleased that your family is keeping me in the loop as to your progress! I look forward to hearing from you via Pam and lift you in prayer daily. I know Larry is concerned that he might be repeating himself as he talks to you each day, SENIOR MOMENTS notwithstanding, so I have decided to share a few stories just for variety!

Maybe you will be interested to know that Ray and I have been involved in supporting a small village school and orphanage in Belize Central America. He attended a conference in Barrington, IL in 1999 and sat across the table at lunch with a fellow who happened to be the administrator of the school and pastor of the local church. Talk turned to education and Ray asked if having teachers from America visiting the school might be of help, and the pastor was most positive. Ray told him of his own background in counseling and of his friend's expertise in teaching reading to young children.

Later in the day Ray called me to say WE WERE GOING TO BELIZE. I remember replying, who is WE, are you carrying a mouse in your pocket? ( I learned that little quip from Terry) And Where is Belize! What will WE do there? His response - Belize was formerly British Honduras, hence it is an English speaking nation, and I would be working in the school while he lay on the beach. What do you think of that for a job description! At any rate, we did travel to Belize that fall, and both of us worked at the school. We made another trip a year later, and have supported the school financially ever since. Part of our monies was put to use to hire a crossing guard for the children who have to cross the busy 2-lane road. Over time we collected as many books as possible to start a school library.

Last summer I led a mission team from our church to the village, and we were able to paint all the classrooms, make window coverings for the dormitories, and card 800+ books in the library. It was a wonderful experience, made more dear to me because my young family who live here in Bloomington went with us. Traci and her husband, their two children, Wes, aged 9 and Ellie, aged 8 were so taken with the mission that they have become staunch supporters. Wes has started drum lessons because he met a young boy there who plays the drum for the morning worship service. And Ellie had one of the local girls braid her hair with beads! Traci and one of Ray's daughters later contributed money to construct additional toilet facilities for the school.

This past summer a small team from our church and my son-in-law who lives in Lincoln, Toni's husband, traveled there to assemble playground equipment paid for by personal contributions and fund raising effort! Needless to say, it has been a delightful experience for our family and we fully expect to continue our support in whatever way we can.

Hope this little vignette just makes a break in the day for the both of you. Hang in there and know that you are in my heart and prayers.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Aug 31 @ 11:31 PM

Please add David Schweitzer to your distribution list. Thx, Pops! luvluv

FROM: Pat Stroup Aug 31 @ 11:50 PM

Good Evening to All. Just a quick note of news on Joe's condition. He's doing very well, looking better with each passing day. He is still very weak, and continuing with his therapy each day. When I stopped in to see

90 him last night, he was very concerned, it seems that the insurance company thinks he is ready to go home tomorrow; Sept. 1st. They feel that he has been in the hospital long enough and that they have paid enough money, so it's time to get out. But what they don't know is that Joe isn't level with his blood pressure med's., or his insulin, or his cumadin (sp), or has he been shown how to do his insulin shots.

We both want him home so badly, but who or how is he going to get monitored on a daily basis? Nothing has been done or said about that. Plus, he hasn't seen a "heart" Dr. for over a week! So I guess we have some concerns. Joe and I both feel that if they can just get his med's leveled out, then we wouldn't worry about coming home. So I guess the moral of the story is, think twice before you sign up for Cigna Insurance!

So far, this insurance company has tried to get Joe out of the CICU before he was able, in Hartford, then they only allowed him to stay in the Heart Center, in Indianapolis, IN. for 8 days, and now they want him out of the rehab after just one week, when we were told he would be there for 3-4 weeks. Insurance, can't live with it, can't live without it! OH! Did I say that WE had to pay for his flight on the air ambulance ourselves? The insurance company wanted Joe to ride in a reg. ambulance for about 16 hours, back to In.! That was AFTER the Dr's said there was no way he could ride for that long of a trip.

Sorry if I sound rather "up-set" with CIGNA INSURANCE, but I just want others to know what they are up against with this company, if they have any claims. Other than worrying about wither Joe is getting kicked out of the hospital tomorrow, he is doing better each day. I thank each and everyone who has expressed their concern and prayers, as we pray every day for both Joe and Lea-Lea. We're already planning a big Christmas celebration for this year! I'm already thinking of what I plan to do for the talent contest! Good night to you all!


FROM: Carol B Sept 1 @ 12:13 AM

Larry and Lea, I have sent your letters to several many ask to be updated that I have started a "forwarding service" the letters are known as "the real love story", "Larry's Letters", "Lea's Story", " I Do Believe In Miracles", and "The Magic of Prayer".

How is the map coming along? Lea, you will have lots to read when you are recouping, and you are going to feel all the love again, because I know you are absorbing every word Larry tells you. When you are in a drug induced state there is no time, but there is awareness of sounds and feelings and love.

I feel selfish for the years we could have been in closer contact and will try to make up for lost time when you are up and at-em again. Love to both of you!

FROM: Doreen Bottone, Chaplain at MidState Medical Center Sept 1 @ 8:35 AM

Larry (and Family), Thank you for including me in the updates. I will gladly share them with the staff on Pavilion C. that continue to keep all of you in thought and prayer. Your story made a deep impression upon them and I know reading these updates will continue that. I am very grateful for the opportunity to see you and Lea again. As I said I will be coming to HH on a regular basis and when I am there I will be sure to stop in. See you soon, Larry. Blessing for peace, P.S. Give our best wishes to your friend who is recovering!!

FROM: Carol V Sept 1 @ 9:51 AM

And nobody wants national health care - we wouldn't have problems like this if it wasn't for the all-mighty bottom line!

FROM: Kay T Sept 1 @ 3:32 PM


Dear Lea and Larry, Want to thank u for the updates on Lea, yes i finally managed to get them to come through my hotmail account... While we were in Colorado Karen, of course, asked for Lea... after all the updating.. she told me that she had only met Lea once .. apparently at Karol's house.. the only thing she really remembers is how the whole room lit up when Lea walked in the door ... :) I'll look forward to that again Lea. So, Larry add Colorado to your pin map :) folks there are also involved.... also.. u might need a very large pin on your map for Chillicothe.. she has been on the church's prayer concern for the last several weeks... so i can assure u that there are many many prayers lifted up here from Chilli. Off to Texas for the weekend. Love to you both.

FROM: Shana G Sept 1 @ 10:03 PM

Good Evening, Larry, Hope all is well with you and Lea this evening. I've been thinking a lot about you guys over these past couple of days, so I thought I'd drop you a few lines. I'd like to share with you and Lea some memories of our recent trip to see our grandkids. I'd always fill Lea in on our trips once we returned, so now you get the information first hand as well!

We just returned from Colorado last week. Michaella turned three on August 8th and is just as cute as can be. It seems like she's going on about ten! She is very animated and definitely likes to see what she can get away with. At least this time I didn't have to put her in time out! One evening she and Gary were leaving to run to the store and she said "bye Shan" when they were leaving. Totally cracked me up because she usually calls me Nana and I have no idea what made her call me by name. Of course she giggled after she said it and she said it a couple of more times while we were there.

One evening we were eating dinner and I got a really bad pain in my ear. Michaella asked what was wrong and I told her my ear hurt. She was very quick to let me know she could make it feel better and when she finished eating, she rubbed it for me. Of course, she also had her moments when she didn't want anything to do with me and was eager to tell me to go away :( . At least she didn't do it to me as much as Gary!

One morning Gary was getting ready and she was right there watching everything he did. He put deodorant on, she wanted some. He shaved, she wanted to shave. Gary put shaving cream on her face and then pretended to shave her face with the razor (with the lid on). Then, he finished by putting on "smell good" and she wanted some of that, too. I told her she could use Nana's because she wanted to smell like a girl. It was all very cute and I was able to take a couple of pictures. Of course, I didn't think quickly enough to grab the camcorder and get it on tape!

Mr. Zachary is now 4 months old and weighs a whopping 16 lbs.. He is just as cute as can be also and has the best personality. He smiles all the time, even in the midst of crying. We got to witness him taking his first bite of rice cereal which was really cute. He didn't know what to think and it was so runny, it's amazing any made it in his mouth!

Stacey and Steve spent the night downtown one evening, so I had to take a 3 a.m. feeding--whew was that hard to wake up! Luckily, it was only one night :8) I had already been downstairs, warmed the bottle, and was feeding him before Gary woke up and asked if I needed help. I told him I thought I had it under control, but thanks anyway! Gary thinks he will be walking by Christmas because he already likes to stand up in your lap and has very strong legs.

We were ready to come home because we missed the dogs (actually, I think Gary missed the Mustang!). Mom came and stayed with the "grand-dogs" and they spent some quality time bonding. She was totally amazed at how much energy they have. When I saw Lance in July, and got to meet Angel, he said Border Collies will always be active. So, I guess Cooper will keep us busy for many years to come. Mindy has grown quite a bit, actually more in length than anything. The Dacschund in her is really showing! I can't tell you how much I love them. They are really a lot of fun. Lacy is still hanging in there, bless her heart. She does well with the other two. They actually leave her alone for the most part.

Well, I guess I should let you go for this evening. It's almost my bedtime! Lea, I want you to concentrate on continuing to get well. We all miss you very, very much. Larry, we look forward to your daily updates. You have been such an inspiration to me. Your devotion and love for Lea is heartwarming! Your faith in God is

92 awesome! I had April forward the updates to me while I was in Colorado, and now Stacey wants to keep them receiving them, so you can add Ft. Collins, Colorado to the list of destinations that receive them.

Please know that I love you guys very much and pray for you every evening. I hope you know you can count on me for anything you may need. I'll talk to you soon.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 2 @ 12:11 AM

Thanks for the nice note. Lea will enjoy hearing it, I'm sure. Anything "normal" has to sound good. As far as a care package, I am trying to remember the things that are gone, because those were what I liked best . . . the microwave meals were just great . . I could have a light meal while writing, etc., without having to go to the cafeteria. I liked the instant lemonade and iced tea packets. They were very handy to take with me to the hospital and refill my bottle whenever. Peanut Butter crackers . .instant soups, where I just had to pour in boiling water were very nice. Everything chocolate, of course! ☺ I suppose at some point I will have to get some things together for Lea, but that time is probably still a few weeks off. It will be nice to see her in a nightgown and housecoat again! (I sure look forward to slipping into bed with her and cuddling! What I wouldn't give for a little pillow talk right now!)

Our love to everyone. I know Lea is touched by every note she gets. I'm told that she has no sense of time, but I have to believe that she has to feel fear, pain and hopelessness, which is overcome in part by the little touches of reality she gets through the cards, letters and emails. Your kindnesses and thoughtfulness is genuinely appreciated.

FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 1 @ 10:39 PM

Praise God! Thanks for the update.

FROM: Carol B Sept 1 @ 10:51 PM

She always did have pretty feet!!! Praise God for all blessings large and small...this was a large one to me. Rest well God is keeping you both.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 1 @ 11:58 PM

YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FROM: Barb S Sept 2 @ 11:59 AM

Here is the information you requested for the obituary. If there is anything else, just let me know.

(Note: Details omitted)

Total: 5 Brothers, 1 Sister 21 Nieces & Nephews 37 Great Nieces & Nephews

Take care, and remember, we all love you and stand behind everything you have done and continue to do!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 2 @ 11:52 AM


Thank you, Barb. I knew you could be counted on to get it done. I hope you didn't mind.

REPLY FROM: Barb S Sept 2 @ 12:33 PM

No problem, I didn't mind at all. I was glad to help.

FROM: Larry Vaughn TO: Link, Lance, Dave Sept 2 @ 9:32 AM

Just got word through Gena, Social Services, that due to budget cuts here at the hospital, the discount rate for the room(s) is/are being discontinued. The rate will be $55 per day for new reservations effective September 1. Also, the free parking has been discontinued. The rate is $8 per day. I'm still not leaving!

REPLY FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 2 @ 10:34 AM

You're going to have to go home some day, Dad.... =)

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 2 @ 10:59 AM

I know! Mom has been Summoned for federal jury duty starting October 1! ☺

REPLY FROM: Dave Vaughn Sept 2 @ 4:20 PM

Ha. What do you want to bet that this is a result of the "Review" that followed Pat's complaints?

FYI, the Medical Fund has grown nicely and I can confirm to you that, even with this increase, we will be able to cover your lodging expenses. Perhaps Link could check the nearby buildings to see if monthly rentals are available. Of course, loss of internet access would have to be considered, but I thought I saw some apartment buildings on the other side of the Children's Hospital. Have you received any lodging bills rendered by the Hospital? What is the status of your credit card debt?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 2 @7:30 PM

I have asked the Gena, Social Services, about apartments in the area, and was told they are in the $2,000+ range right around the hospital, and are not well managed. I have not received any receipts for any housing costs as of this date. I suspect my credit card debt is healthy and growing. :-) I suspect I can go on line and check it out. I just need to remember which credit card I gave them. If I see one of the girls here tomorrow, I'll ask about it.

FROM: Marlowe N Sept 2 @ 11:37 AM

Dear friends and family, I am sharing with you a dialogue I had with JW, in response to the update from Larry which included his sister's observations of Lea when Larry is speaking or touching her.

-----Original Message-----

Yes, her observations are interesting to me primarily as to what she doesn't conclude from them, as to Lea. She details the responsive reactions of Lea from time to time. When my parents were in their final days, that is, their condition was considered not reversible, we were told they were in a final coma. The proper

94 procedure was, we were told, to deny food and water which would aid in concluding the death process. The denial procedure was represented to us by the medical staff to be completely painless.

I believed what I was told at the time. I don't believe that the absence of food and water was the cause of their passing but that procedure was followed for short of a week and I do feel such hastened it. I later learned that what I was told about the "painlessness" was false. I don't know whether any of the nurses, PAs, or doctors overseeing, knew then that what they stated, about the absence of pain or discomfort to the patient, was not true or not. I don't think they did although the evidence would have been in front of them, as it is, and has been, in the case of Lea.

But I firmly believe it was not true. I believe that the denial of food and water in the final days is very painful and felt by the patient, regardless of the 'coma' state. This has been shown to be true in the instance of Lea through Larry's descriptions of her reactions. My belief arises from information from a woman who was in a supposedly irreversible coma for several weeks. It was elected that no extreme support systems would be invoked and, supplementally, she was taken off of food and water. She has related the knowing of all conversations and the painfulness of no water or food. That woman came out of her coma by herself and has now related the ordeal. The above is why I have felt such feelings of sorrow for Lea during this period.

------Original Response-----

John, That is fascinating about your friend. Was she receiving any pain medication during the time she was deprived of food and water? Were they saying she was "brain dead?" What was the cause of her coma? Lea's case may be different in that there is nothing organically wrong with her brain-it's more like a deep sleep. I know you were doing what you thought best for your parents and following the advice of the doctors.

The Catholic Church teaches that food and water are not extraordinary measures and should never be denied. Obviously your parents would have died anyway, and were naturally at the end of their years, but continuing nutrition would have left it totally in God's hands when they passed on. The case of your friend points out that the doctors don't always know when a condition is irreversible, and that it is best to err on the side of life and hope.

Would you mind if I forwarded your story to Larry and others? I think it would encourage him to hear that Lea might be and aware of and remember all his efforts to communicate with him. Marlowe


I may not have been clear. It was not someone I knew but a published article. I do not know/recall exactly when (in the last few years, of course) I read it or the source. Nor can I swear to any answers to your querys except that she would not have been taken as brain dead as that could not have been supported by any machine data. She claimed she was aware of all conversations around her at all times but could not move at all or make sounds. She may have had pain medications but apparently it wasn't that efficient as she described the bad effect on her of no food or water in detail. I do know personally of a few persons who have been medicated beyond pain during operations yet were fully cognizant of what was going on. I believe Louise is one, but I will have to ask her to refresh my memory. I have no objections to your sending Larry my email.

FROM: Marlowe N Sept 2 @ 5:04 PM

It has come to my attention that there may be some confusion as to the identity of JW. To clarify, it is John Waller, Dean's brother-in-law. Thank you John for sharing your personal experience with us, as well as the amazing story of the woman who recovered from the "irreversible coma." As one of you responded, this is why human beings should leave it to God to determine when a person dies. Also, I noticed some typos in my response to John, which I have highlighted with the correct words.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn


Sept 2 @ 7:26 PM

Marlowe, You are SO sweet to facilitate this discussion. THANK YOU!


FROM: Randy V Sept 3 @ 1:08 AM

Hi Larry, I continue to hold Lea, you and your family in prayer. Your dedication and love for Lea stand out in all of your mailings. I am certain you remember all of the cousin's antics during those rather noisy gatherings at Grandma's. Those are so fresh in my mind. In fact, I still use the nail clippers which some relative gave to me as a Christmas present when I was a kid. Were Uncle Bill here, he would probably propose an email- based game of battleship. Between you and I, don't trust Phil - I think he peeks. ☺

And what in the world were all the adults talking about in the kitchen? It sounded like they were having fun didn't it? Come to think of it, it is probably a good thing that Lea and Alison weren't able to experience a Vaughn family Christmas. They probably would not have wanted to have a thing to do with either of us. Give Lea a kiss for us and two for yourself.

PS. Leah is twirler for her high school. (A catholic school. Can you imagine what Dad would have to say about that?) She is impressive for a first-year freshman twirler. For an old fool like me, having a 14 year-old is a challenge. But, a challenge which is filled with wonderful rewards:-)

FROM: Larry D Sept 3 @ 3:19 AM

Hi Larry, I'm sure you know it, but I figured I'd make sure you had the info anyway... :) I'm smack dab in the middle of Baghdad right by the river.

FROM: Don W Sept 3 @ 7:19 AM

Top of the morning to Ya, I guessed, You would just put us (Perry, MO) on the map ☺ Angie and I have been giving thanks and reading every letter, forwarded to us from Pat and Jack. We also can't wait to hear of her turning the corner to full recovery. She has always been a delight to be around. Thanks to the Lord for all the things he has done already. Love and Hugs,

FROM: Tim and Kristen H Sept 3 @ 9:50 AM

Larry, We are following every step of Lea's recovery from Quincy, IL. We look forward to reading your updates!

FROM: Pamela Sept 3 @ 10:08 AM

Larry (and Lea), This latest update contains such good news! Praise God! I think it's God's timing that I didn't read yesterday's update until this morning. You won't believe how my scripture for today fits in - well, actually, I think you will! (I have a perpetual calendar that Jean gave me a few years ago and I still use.) Today's verse is called "A Promise of Healing" that I'll share with you! "When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby." John 11:4. Larry, may I suggest that you print that verse and laminate it or frame it and put it up in Lea's room and claim it every day! Isn't it wonderful how it can be applied to today! Hallelujah! (You can get an inexpensive frame at WalMart for $2.)

It's so uplifting to hear that you're making some remarkable progress, Lea! You are so strong that it amazes everyone who hears! People stop me and ask how you're doing, and they barely know me, let alone you!


God's power is so strong and it has been revealed to people all over the world! I never expected to have people I hardly know stop me to ask how you're doing and how my trip to see you went. God is so amazing! Stay strong and confident in God and he'll see you through the trials on Sunday and Tuesday, Praise His Holy Name! We'll pray for your strength and endurance during both surgeries. We love you both so very much! P.S. Glad you decided to do the location idea! For the record, we're located in Wilmington, Illinois and if John Jr. hasn't responded, he's in Joliet, Illinois.

FROM: Jeff K Sept 3 @ 10:20 AM

Prayers continuing to head your way from San Antonio.

FROM: Judy K Sept 3 @ 9:53 PM

God be with you and Lea. Karen and Robert keep me posted and my prayers are with both of you.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Sept 3 @ 10:10 PM

Praise God and Praise his Holy Name....What wonderful news. I just can't seem to praise him enough. Have a good rest my son. Jesus loves you and so do I. . God bless you as you rest. Oh, my Lea we have waited so long for you. Praise God, Praise god! Your Mother sending you hugs and Kisses


FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 4 @ 9:44 AM

Love you, Dad! Perhaps you could suggest a prayer for New Orleans in your upcoming email.

FROM: Bruce and Cheryl H Sept 4 @ 12:01 PM

Larry,it is so good to hear of her progress. Middlebury Indiana

FROM: Gracie L Sept 4 @ 5:06 PM

I have several people I send your letters. My Aunt Betty Essig in Long Beach Ca., My cousin Janet Dietiege in Los Angeles, Ca., My sister-in-law, Clara Johnson in Galesburg, Il., My sister,Jeanne Handyside in Story City, Iowa, My sister Karen Hardy in Springfield, Il., My friend Sheila Hall from Springfield Il., My sister-in-law Connie Essig from Hannibal, Mo., And myself, Gracie L from Hannibal, Mo.

My Web Site was down a few days and I actually received long distance calls from some of these people who are waiting each day with bated breaths to hear of Lea's steady progress forward. You are so cute I even was a bit hesitant to punch the button to observe Lea and there she was in your most recent picture in her Blue Booties!

FROM: Jean G Sept 4 @ 6:44 PM

Larry, Just wanted you to know I'm reading your daily journal in Colona, Il and pray for Lea all the while. Your faith is remarkable and an inspiration to us all. God bless.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Sept 4 @ 10:36 pm


God Bless you Larry, There is always victory in Jesus, just remember that in all things. I am so sorry to hear about Lea's problem and hope tonight will let her rest as well as you. Love you, Mother.


FROM: Jo Anne W Sept 5 @ 12:21 AM

Corpus Christi, Texas

FROM: Linda H Sept 5 @ 7:05 AM

Larry, We're thinking about you as well as Lea. In ways, this is much harder on you than it is her. Emotionally, you have to be totally drained. Just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Take care of yourself.

FROM: Dallas W Sept 5 @ 8:32 AM

Larry, It seems as though you are handling this as well as any person could, by the grace of God. It made me cry to read this last update, for I do share in your juxtaposing emotional rollercoaster ride of Faith and Fear. I can't imagine how much higher your highs or lower your lows reach than mine, but just know we ride together. I have my closest and bestest prayer warriors on this and have been sending the forwards to Reverend Barnett, as we at the Atlanta Christian Church raise her petitions before the Lord every Sunday. Be renewed and refreshed daily in His love and mercy. Faith, Hope and Love; the greatest of these is love.

FROM: John D Sept 5 @ 10:06 AM

Keep going Larry. You can do it. You are an inspiration to me.

FROM: Jean S Sept 5 @ 1:34 PM

Hello! Bro! I am so sorry that you have to ride this topsy-turvy upside down, in and out, backwards, forwards, spinning top, roller coaster. My heart grieves for you, and yet I know without a doubt that God is with you and is sustaining you every moment. I can not imagine the agony that you are going through and I can not imagine how awful it would be if you did not have your faith holding you up.

I do not really comprehend the episodes of yesterday, of course, but know that it was especially scary after the really good days that Lea has had. I want to give you so much advise, but, because I am not walking in your shoes, and because I am not there to share the torture of her pain, I can not. All I know to do is to give you encouragement, to help you remember that God loves you and that He has sent The Holy Spirit to dwell with you and to comfort you. I love you and even though I have not been there yet, my every thought and prayers are with you and Lea. Keep the faith, focus on His goodness as you have witnessed over and over again. Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I AM with you. Be not dismayed, for I AM YOUR GOD, I will strengthen you YES, I will help you. I will uphold you with MY righteous right hand. p.s. I have sent a book of encouragement for women for you to read to Lea. I did not put a note in it and it will be coming to her room. Love you!


FROM: Clint and Linda H Sept 6 @ 6:36 AM


Absolutely wonderful news! Even though we can't be there with you physically, we're there in spirit. Both of you keep up the good work.

FROM: Shana G Sept 6 @ 9:17 AM

Hi Larry, I just wanted to let you know I will be thinking of Lea this morning as she enters her surgery. I pray that the incision will be ready to be closed. I am so happy Link and Deanna are there with you! I look forward to your update tomorrow.

FROM: Marilyn M Sept 6 @ 8:38 AM

Joy, Joy, Joy! What a wonderful bit of news! Will continue to keep all of you in my prayers.

FROM: Marlowe N Sept 6 @ 9:38 AM

Larry, I am so excited for you, Link and Deana to begin to experience real interactions with Lea! God is indeed good and merciful! What a well-earned reward for all your days of one-way efforts to communicate your love! We will be praying especially for the surgery tomorrow, that it will be a major step forward in her recovery, God willing!

Your e-mails have been so inspirational, especially the last few days. I had determined not to forward them every day since she was more stable, but I find I must continue to share your reflections with my list of pray- ers. You really must write a book about all this. (really, it's already written) What a page-turner it has been!

FROM: Bill M Sept 6 @ 10:02 AM

Larry - I have been kept up to-date from Sherrie Sanford, however I thought I would like for you to add our name to your e-mail updates. Phyllis and I are praying for both you and Lea. So sorry to hear about Lea and hope she will recover soon and that you can return home. We cannot imagine what you are going through, but we know that the Lord is with you both. We will be keeping you in our prayers and thoughts. Peace to both of you.

FROM: Mary Linda V Sept 6 @ 2:36 PM

Dear Larry, My husband Adalid and I (Mary Linda) are some of those people praying for Lea and for you who have never met either of you. Your son, Lance, is our niece, Kristin's, fiancé. Marlowe N is my sister and she has forwarded to us all of your emails. Unfortunately up until now, we have not responded with a card or email although our prayers have been with you all this time. I have also passed the request on to a Prayer Circle maintained by one of my co-workers here at Paradigm Geophysical. So here in Houston and beyond there is a large group of people praying for Lea's healing and for comfort and strength for you.

Praise the Lord that we can join together in the community of faith in Jesus Christ over the miles and make our pleas known to God. And He is ever faithful. (I picked up a little card in a Christian bookstore last Monday, a Pass It On message card, which says: "Trials are not enemies of faith but are opportunities to prove God's faithfulness.")

We cannot tell you how much your emails and the spiritual insight found in them have meant to us. Your faith in God, and love for your dear wife, have shown through the emails you have written, proclaiming God's faithfulness and witnessing to His grace. This has been a true inspiration to us and we thank you for sharing your deepest thoughts in such a trying time. We will continue to pray that the Lord will grant that miraculous healing we are waiting for, even more miraculous than what He has done so far, after all, all things are possible for the Creator who loves us so much. Blessings always from Bellaire, Texas


FROM: Debra S Sept 6 @ 2:54 PM

Indianapolis, Indiana. (Irwin employee and have known Lea for 19 years)

FROM: Dave Vaughn Sept 6 @ 5:12 PM

I share this with you because I know you and I know Lynn McGinley. I hope this message has some meaning to you personally and that you know someone who would benefit from hearing this message.

----- Original Message ----- FROM: Lynn M Subject: Katrina Victims

I listened to the TV this morning and got an earful of what the government is not doing and what we are not doing fast enough and how horrible things are in Louisiana....while I don't doubt that it is all true, I have to tell you that what I am seeing here in North Dallas and specifically in the Grand Prairie shelters is not the case.

Brian and I have been working in one of 2 shelters that city set up to welcome survivors of Katrina. We were ready to accept about 500 people (500 beds) and we received only 150. We have food provided by private citizens and service organizations, churches, etc. We have had volunteers working around the clock and waiting for buses to arrive After waiting for buses for about 15 hours we were sent home to wait.

Our bus arrived at 3:00 a.m. and volunteers were given about 20 minutes to get dressed and get to the center. It was crazy....We actually had almost as many volunteers at that time of the morning as we had survivors. The response was unbelievable. Then, these lovely people who had survived God knows what actually apologized to the volunteers for getting them out of bed. It was such a humbling experience. No one was demanding anything or complaining about anything. These people had been on a bus for over 40 hours and they were so happy to get somewhere dry and safe. All they wanted was a shower and some hot food.

The children were in great spirits and you could see that this band of weary travelers had created their own family and were watching out for each other. No one was pushing ahead of anyone else or trying to see what they could get for themselves. The children and the elderly were the priority and no one was looking after themselves until these people were taken care of. There was a young man there with his Great Aunt and he was so sweet to her it would bring tears to your eyes. There was a woman there who saw her entire family swept away and go under the water. She is alone now. There is a boy of about 9 years old who may lose his eye because some kids were rough housing and he got hit in the eye with a water bottle. His father was saddened, but they felt lucky to be alive and be in a safe place.

In this community we continue to have an outpouring of volunteers and donations. We are starting to get calls for jobs for these people. The kids will start school with new uniforms today and will have newly donated backpacks and school supplies provided by the school district. I'm not sure why it was important for me to write this down other than the fact that the press is politicizing the issue to such huge proportions that I needed to speak out to someone. Shame on the looters and any one who is taking advantage of this tragedy. Shame on the press for making that the story. This is a time in history when we need heroes and angels and they are all around us, but no one is looking for them. That's a greatest tragedy in itself.


FROM: Wallace W Sept 7 @ 9:27 AM

From Ro and I,.... the story of the Teacup and the Potter.

FROM: Judy K Sept 7 @ 9:28 AM


Larry: This is Judy and I do hope that all goes well. Your wife must have a heart that is unbelievably strong. She has been through so much and the good Lord must be helping out and all the prayers you have received must have helped. She has not been forgotten. I do enjoy getting the updates from Karen and she has sure been concerned. May God Bless You both and we will be thinking of you and Lea and keep you in our prayers.

FROM: Kim K Sept 7 @ 5:33 PM

Hi again. While I'm sorry the doctors weren't able to finally close the incision yet, I'm sure their reasons are sound. I remember when Donna had her 2nd (?) surgery for ovarian cancer. The drs didn't sew her up quite as well as the first time, due to excessive swelling. Unfortunately, I think the insurance company was wanting her out of there and basically they gave her a quick course in wound care and sent her home to take care of repacking the area herself every day for the next week or so. The area is still somewhat misshapen and I know she was very upset about it. I know the cosmetic aspect of all this is the least of her worries, just wanted to share that example with you.

Please tell Lea that we all survived Labor Day weekend. Mary is a little concerned about her son, Alex who's down at Univ of Southern IN. Maybe too much fun and too little study..... We're all telling her that might change once he finds out his mid terms. :) She also says she misses him more than she thought she would and we all smile and nod. Alex was pretty much the center of her world, but she didn't think she'd miss him? Ask "Mrs. Walton" (Mary's nickname for Lea) if she agrees.

This morning was a bit busy and I didn't get around to forwarding your update right away. Boy, did I hear about that! It seems that every update is like the next chapter in a book we're all reading. Lea is the heroine and you're the narrator..... see, I told you that you should consider making a book out of this. :) Guess that's all I have to babble about for the time being. My mother in law is spending the night tonight and then I take her to the airport tomorrow at 6am. She's visiting friends in Kansas. Anyway, need to get home and do a little straightening and figure out what to make for supper. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you. You're doing a wonderful job and thank you again for generously keeping us all "in the loop". God Bless!

FROM: Carol B Sept 7 @ 9:58 PM

Praise God that you have both come so far, and that you realize that you still have a long way to go. But with the prayer group you two have behind you anything is possible. My son Scott is safely back in the U.S.A. (from the Persian Gulf). We are giving thanks that he has returned safely. He is without a computer for the time being so he calls me daily to get his "lea update". We both have an extended email list (he added most of his to mine this past weekend.) I am not sure that we will ever know for sure just how many people we have on the extended prayer lists. Our older son is getting married the 17th and that will be a special occaision for us also.


FROM: Angela M Sept 8 @ 3:24 PM

Larry, Please include me on your list to hear about Lea's progress. Though I didn't work on a daily basis with Lea, I sure do miss seeing her smile in here and her good and sweet nature in meetings. She had a way of taking the edge off of business that allowed us to meet at a more relaxed level. Please know that I am thinking of the both of you regularly and praying that she will move closer to recovery, all in God's time. Take care and please tell Lea that the foreclosure and bankruptcy departments are rooting her on.

FROM: Gayle H Sept 8 @ 10:26 PM


This is so beautiful, and I thought you all might like it. Larry, I was hoping that you could share it with Lea, too. A friend from school sent it to me, and I just had to share it. Enjoy! ☺ (“An Interview with God” deleted due to undetermined copyright).

FROM: Pamela Sept 8 @ 10:49 PM

Larry, What a beautiful message, full of wonderful news! Praise God! Stay strong, Lea!


FROM: Chad N Sept 9 @ 12:03 AM

Please pass this along for me... You are a wonderful person. You'll humbly say "no, not really" but I know it to be true. I've seen your children, and your husband, and many of the rest of your friends and family. Their actions speak for you even when you are too quiet to speak for yourself. I've felt the warm hugs, seen the caring face, and heard that beautiful laugh. Yet I only know part of the story.

Please keep up the effort if it is within your power to do so. We all want more time with you. I wouldn't blame God for taking you into his arms if it is his will... but for my part, I'd just as soon have a few more sessions in the kitchen chatting about nothing in particular. We're all proud of you and love you deeply. Keep up the good work. Come back to us soon. We miss you.

PS: Mr. Vaughn, I can only imagine what you are going though. I hope you are well - you are in my thoughts constantly. Funny thing about love and concern... no matter how much you are applying to one particular person or situation, there is always more to give. You're doing great. I'm sure she knows it. I wish you the best - may you hear her laugh soon

FROM: Karen Sept 9 @ 7:09 AM

Hi, hope that you are taking time out for yourself to relax a little while Link and Deanna are there, it is so wonderful that they can spend some time with you and Lea. They are super kids and we are also praying for them, this has to be way to hard not being able to do anything to get things back to where they were just a couple of months ago, but I think we have all learned that we have to be patient beyond our limits to get back to some sort of normal soon. Like you keep saying Larry, baby steps, but at least they are steps forward to some sort of reward. Take care and give those kids a big hug for us, and also Lea, we want nothing more than a big smile for right now and then we'll be able to wait for the next big step.

PS. They haven't made a decision yet whether my sister Glenda, can be a donor for my brother Bill on the kidney transplant. This waiting is difficult on everyone here also. But we know it will work out o.k. one way or the other, it may just take a while longer to get the end result.

FROM: Pamela Sept 9 @ 11:18 AM

I heard about this organization while watching NBC's coverage of the transportation of evacuees from Katrina. It's a charitable Medical Airlift, based on income I think.

FROM: Pat Stroup Sept 9 @ 10:44 AM

Hey Darlin! Just wanted to say "HI" and that I too pray every day for both Joe and Lea. Isn't it amazing what a person can endure? Even week long visits from your Mother-Law! (That's a story I'll have to tell you later, at the time I wanted to shoot her, but I can laugh about it now. Joe goes for his 1st rehab today, I think he's really looking forward to it. I just hope his blood pressure has come up a little, or else they won't do much with him today.


But he looks really good this morning. I have some very sad news to tell you. Jeanne called this morning, and she had just found out that Warren Brown "Brownie", passed away last night. Roberta had placed him in a nursing home about 2 weeks ago, she wasn't able to take care of him on her own anymore. Brownie had fallen out of bed, and she called Jeanne to help her place him back in bed, and she told Scott and Jeanne then that she was going to put him in the Nursing Home by Riverview.

Anyway, we are all very sad about Brownie this morning, but yet his suffering has ended, and that's a good thing. He'll be at peace now. Give my love to Miss Lea, and the rest of the gang. If you see anyone from floor 10, let them know about Joe, OK? Love Ya, Bye!

FROM: Carol B Sept 9 @ 11:20 AM

Larry, This came today from a friend that is on my "forward Lea Update list" I pass it on to you who it was intended for. I can only imagine how uplifting it has been for you to have Link and Deanna with you this week and hope it keeps you bolstered for a few days.

----- Original Message ----- FROM: William R W

Carol, I receive this devotional every day. ( It comes out of the Preby. church, Canada. It helps me focus outward in my prayers. I wonder if it would be a good thing to send to Larry. I've tried clicking on to his address but this gadget won't go to it. He can then decide to subscribe (free) or not. Sandra, Lenny's friend in Canada sent it to me years ago and I really appreciate it.

FROM: Carol B Sept 9 @ 11:22 Am

For Lea: God sends miracles every day. We just have to train ourselves to be aware of them!

FROM: Kay T Sept 9 @ 3:05 PM

Hi there... we went to tx over labor day... went to austin to visit Mike's new friend.. Rachael.. and of course we saw lance and kristin..we met up at a very nice grocery store that Mike had done the security work.. installing cameras etc.. enjoyed an ice cream together ... made plans to hook up the next day also.. while some of us went to a pool. most interesting.. then off to kristin's parents house in a gated community.. steve and kristin fixed a wonderful lunch.. kristin makes wonderful guac .. and lance (still cant do it right) grilled chicken with chuolpte sauce.. corn of the cob and some very special mashed potatoes.. great cooks .. they worked well together.. angel spent all of her time in the pool .. wow what a dog lol.. including a few picts for the 2 of u to enjoy... luv to u both.. pict of derek and lance with their backs to us.. lance was on the phone with link :) note dereks hands in his back pockets

FROM: David Vaughn TO: Karen Sept 9 @ 11:06 PM


Thank you for checking in! Link and Deanna left on Friday ... I saw them at OHare! Dr says she is still critically ill ... 2 steps away from the label of "recovery" Her respiratory problems are the main current concern & it will be a slow process. Closing her wound will still be a week or two away. Rehab was discussed, but Dr. Mah stated that it is waaay too early to begin discussing moving her and/or therapy. He does want someone with her 7X24 when she is moved out of ICU. That's the first time he discussed "normal hospitalization".

Of course, the process of coming off the drugs is going to be a combination of delirium, confusion, fear & anger/frustration. We also know that the rehab process is going to be extremely difficult for her and frustrating for EVERYONE. I'm sure any other surgery on shoulder or knee would be too hard on her, but with medical advances, I could be totally wrong about that, too. I'm not sure anyone has raised that issue with Dr. Mah. For everything, there is a season.

I'm in San Antonio en route to St. Louis. IF Lea's condition allows, I'm headed to Atlanta to assist with organizing fund raisers in conjunction with the earth festival. Dottie will arrive in Connecticut on the 21st. She'll leave on Oct 3rd and I'm here as long as needed. IF you want to assist with the Earth Day fundraising, let me know. I want you to know that the family is quite aware of the transplant situation with your brother, so we especially appreciate that update. I'm sure Glenda is disappointed, and no one will enjoy the stress of waiting, but we continue to pray for peace in your family and healing for Bill.

I'm sure Lea will appreciate all the help in settling back into a home vs a hospital, but I have no idea how she will be able to sit back and be the recipient for once!!!


FROM: Bob and Barb T Sept 10 @ 12:29 AM

Larry, I thought you might enjoy reading this excerpt from CBN, I'm sure you know all of this, but it is good to "review" . I am going to pray more often for Lea's healing, because she is needed to worship God and witness to others of His power in yours lives. We must keep bombarding heaven!! If you will, remember my family--Chris is the only one that is a Christian, pray that somehow someone will be able to lead them to God. I really feel like your emails are a ministry, so thank you again for writing!! You and your whole family are in my prayers (my church, also)

You probably heard Chris married a girl from St. Peters, Mo. She is a Christian also, and the two of them are going to head a small group at her church. Chris has felt the call for some type of ministry for a few years, so please keep them in your prayers, also. Thank you. Please tell Lea we love her and are praying for her.

FROM: Dallas W Sept 10 @ 8:46 AM

He gives beauty for for fear....comfort for turmoil...... peace for despair. Ain't HE Great? Blessings of Hope, Faith, Love and Healing,

FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 10 @ 1:33 PM

Dad - So glad to hear of Mom's improvement today - What a blessing! We quickly threw together a package today for you, Mom, and a couple of the nurses. Since we had to have it to the post office by 1:00pm, I didn't have time to leave instructions on what was what - so e-mail will have to suffice! For Nick: Strawberry Goober - Just give it to him and let him know it is from me… (inside joke) For Adam (and Angela): Big Island Revealed book, 2 CDs of pictures from Hawaii, 2 Die Saved bracelets and bookmarks, Note from Deanna, and Friday's West Hawaii Today Real Estate section For Mom: Card from Megan, Beanie Baby from Lyndi & Megan. For you: Mac Nut Brittle, Toffee and Dark Chocolate Covered Mac Nuts (You can hand them out too, but why?), 3 Die Saved bracelets and bookmarks for evangelizing to anyone wearing a LiveStrong bracelet, 2 books (you'll have to wait and see…), and 5 more music CDs to play in Mom's room. I think that is it, but if I forgot something we'll have to figure it out when you get it... The box shipped priority mail today, so you should have it by Tuesday. 104

FROM: Pamela Sept 10 @ 7:26 PM

Larry - remember the verse I sent you (Sept 3)? I made it part of my signature and will keep it until Lea turns the corner to recovery. I love you! Please give Lea an affectionate squeeze of a visible part for me! "When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby." John 11:4

FROM: Pamela Sept 10 @ 7:30 PM

I forgot to tell you that I forward your email updates to Marilyn (Conn) Myers and our Pastor, Pastor Jerry. Marilyn is in Bloomington, IL and Jerry is here in Wilmington IL. I don't know if either will have responded to your request to know where they're located.


FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 11 @ 9:51 PM

Hey, mom, Lance said to call you and tell you that I'm taking care of myself, but you aren't home to answer your phone. I'm fine. Taking care of Lea, taking care of my classes, taking care of me. We got D.C.'s greeting card last week, and were very touched by his tenderness. Please be sure to thank him for us. His thoughts were precious to both of us.

I don't have time for social stuff right now, I need to stay focused, so I don't take time to call and gab. I try to stay in a routine, most of which is being with Lea to take care of her when I can, working or sleeping when I can't. This will be over soon, and we will return to a more normal life. Right now, I have to do everything I can to try to help her as much as possible. Anything less would be cheating her. She deserves as much as I can give, and I will make sure that I stay strong to take care of her.

I've had a bit of a sore throat recently. Dr. Miller called in an antibiotic for me to the local pharmacy, and I am starting to feel better, although I have refrained from kissing her until I kick the bug. She looks so pretty now, it's tough not to kiss her, but I resist. Man, I want to give her a great big full body hug!! Quit worrying. The bible says worry is a waste of time, bad for your health, and a demonstration of your lack of faith. I'm fine. God is using me as His tool right now. He will take care of me until it's time for me to go to my reward. Some of us get our reward earlier than others. I hope I get mine first, and that hers is much better, I always wanted to know someone rich and famous. :-) She'll be celebrated in heaven, just as she is here on earth. I am privileged to be able to help her now when she needs someone to give everything for her. I pray to God for strength and direction, and He is delivering it by the wheelbarrow load every day. No worries.

REPLY FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Sept 12 @ 12:25 AM

Thank you for the call....Just to hear your voice is a medicine for me. I am fine. I was wondering if you were doing your rehab??? That is part of your good health that will keep you strong for LEA.I am so happy with the good news from day to day and sorry when reality smacks us on the nose. The Lord has been good to us and we are all Thankful for his mercy. I know that the prayer groups are still remembering you and Lea and hope for her healing. My, how wonderful to know His Love for us. DC and I went to Charlotte and Richie's for a TEA to celebrate Kim's Birthday on the 13th of this month. It was a nice time. I am sorry that I missed your call.( I need you to tell me how to make an indentation for a new paragraph). Lou Pierce and I went up to Christopher's for a BLT and then on to the Music Hall in Atlanta, she dropped me here and then Lou continued home. That was a nice visit. I think David is on his way to Saint Louis today. I love you my SON and keep you in my heart and one day I will give you a BIG hug. I too will plan to be there to help care for our darling Lea.. She would be there for ME. I love her very much...She has been like a daughter to me and I am thankful for that Please tell her I LOVE her and am waiting on her to go shopping some time soon.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn


Sept 12 @ 9:27 AM

At the end of a paragraph, or thought, press "Enter" two times, to make a new paragraph. Just like on a typewriter. (Two carriage returns.) I am not doing rehab right now, because of my classes giving me so little time to be with Lea in the mornings. I am getting my class schedule changed to 12:30 & 2:00, so I will have more time in the mornings, and will still be able to go to gym and see her before doing my classes. That schedule will start in a couple of weeks, so I can get back on my rehab program.

REPLY FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Sept 12 @ 8:58 PM

As soon as I read how to, I remembered that you had told me before! Thanks for taking the time to answer. I am so happy to hear Lea got to sit in the Cardiac Chair, sitting up is a normal function of our bodies and I think it was surely a positive step in Lea's Mind somewhere. I just thank God for all of his love and care he has given to Lea and the family. We shall always be grateful for his mercy and the miracles he has given. Remember to give Lance a drink of water. I love you my Son and daughter n law (I never did like the inlaw thing) because of how much I love you. Hugs and Kisses Mother


FROM: Kim K Sept 12 @ 9:37 AM

Heads up! Hope you're hungry...... there's soon to be a mega care pkg coming your way! Some of us got a little over-enthusiastic. We also included some reading material, Reader's Digest and US News mag. Are there any magazines you prefer? I can send them next time around. Sometimes it helps my brain if I get "lost" in something trivial or humorous and some magazines are a good source for that.

Does Lea really look so bad that you can't send a photo of her face? Or is it just that you think she might not want you to? Just curious.... I'll try to write again this week, but today's a bugger mail-wise. Gotta run! Give Lea a hug from us and give yourself one too. Thanks!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 12 @ 12:23 PM

You are ALL too kind! Thank you! I'm sure we will enjoy the reading material, what ever it is, as I try to read to her everyday. The emails, etc. are dropping off, as we knew they would, so the articles are really good for entertaining her. I have not sent out a photo of her face because I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want me too. She still has tubes in her nose and throat, and even though I think she is beautiful, she might feel otherwise. Hopefully, I can send a photo out in the next couple of weeks!

She is looking much better, losing some of her weight. Look at the photo of her hand, and you'll see that it is puffy on top . . . it was, let's say, three times bigger just last week. You can actually begin to see knuckles again. And, of course, the awesome French nails I did for her. Notice how long her nails are?! I don't think she has ever had them that long. She'll be surprised! I am teaching classes from my room, and am grateful for the quick microwave meals, which I eat between the two lunchtime classes. Then, I can dash back over to her room to be with her. Adam, her nurse, is going to get her out of bed again today, and back into the cardiac chair. I want to be there to see her sitting up again. It's good for my heart! Love to everyone. Thanks for your continued support, prayers and other kindnesses.

REPLY FROM: Kim K Sept 12 @ 2:16 PM

Well since you're reading to Lea anyway, I'll include a couple women's magazines I have here. The dates are older, but will send more current ones next time around.

You might share with Lea my latest experience trying to help a friend on my days off. She has 5 kids - ages


11, 8, 2 and 7 mo old twins - and is, understandably, overwhelmed. Her parents are there during the week and try to go home for the wkend. Everyone is exhausted, as you can imagine.

The 2 yr old, Jhaan(pronounced Jah-hon), pretty much runs the show and likes to keep things interesting. You should see what he can do with one chocolate doughnut! The trail started on the right front corner of the tablecloth (did I mention it was light pink?), did a few curly cues up around the middle then angled back toward the front where he must've decided to get a drink of milk. After wiping his face with his hand, he dunked the remaining donut and then rubbed the bottom of his foot with it. I can only imagine this is some secret good luck ritual known only to 2 yr old boys...... He headed into the kitchen, took one look at me, shrieked and took off running. Before I caught him, he tried to "stash" the evidence (soggy donut) between the sofa cushions. His face resembled something of a mix between a Picasso and Dali painting in varying shades of brown and beige with 2 mischievous deep brown eyes peeking out. All I could do was laugh and haul him off to the bathroom for a hose-down. I'd forgotten how one small 2 yr old boy can create an entire day of chaos... Lunch is over - back to work! Take care.

FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 12 @ 4:06 PM

Cheryl - I finally found the party invitation and confirmed the party starts at 5:00pm. Also, I am attaching the latest update from my dad to catch you up!

REPLY FROM: Cheryl R Sept 12 @ 4:36 PM

Thanks Link!! What a fantastic loving family you all are, I am proud to know you and have you a member of our Maryl family. I am looking forward to meeting your Mom and Dad some day when they come to Hawaii to celebrate her recovery!! :)

FROM: Carol B Sept 12 @ 9:56 PM

Larry, I thought it was rather clever of you showing only parts of Lea in the pictures you have sent, i.e the braid, the toes, the hand. It is enough and I totally agree Lea must have some privacy. I can only imagine how trying? difficult? boring? terrifying? this all must be for you. I admit that I am in awe of you and the strength God has given you through all of this. I seriously doubt that I could be as patient and strong as you have been. You notice I have not mentioned the updates...I definately could not have done this every day as you have. I went through an ordeal with one of my sons last summer and thought many times that I should put it all in a journal, but I never did. When I read through all that I have I see the changes in you you think it is the Vaughn or White blood? LOL I look forward to the good news daily (which it is not always) on the not good news days I pray harder. On good days I am more in a thank you mode. Proud to be your cousin,

FROM: Pat Stroup Sept 12 @ 10:36 PM

I'm so happy to hear about Lea, I could just cry! Waite a minute, I did cry! Thanks Larry, you just made me mess up my make-up, you old fart! Give Lea a big kiss for me and Joe. Speaking of Joe, he is doing very well. Even better since the Colts had such a great game last night! Today was his 2nd PT, and he was even stronger today. He is still very weak, and feeble looking, but his sprit is getting back to normal! He's even planning to help me stain the front porch tomorrow! (We'll see how that goes.) But you would be proud of him, I know I am. Between Lea and him, they have both been such fighters, I'm very proud of them both. Although I feel like I'm running myself to death, between getting the house ready for the hordes of people during the festival, my in-laws coming back for another week or so, working at the Library, and getting Joe to all of his Dr. appointments and PT. It's been too many years ago that I played the part of "Soccer Mom", and I'm getting tired! I sure hope the price of gas doesn't increase too much, because I feel like I'm running the wheels off the Avalanche! But I guess I really shouldn't complain, I could be setting in a hospital, watching Joe. God has blessed us so much. I knew it wasn't time for Joe to leave me, and I kept reminding God of that.


It's nice to know that someone listens to me once in while. Well, I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow, and I need to check up on the score of the ballgame, so goodnight, and sweet dreams of Lea!

FROM: Helen D Sept 12 @ 4:17 PM

I visited here today and thought that you would enjoy it too! - check this out at: lea you are in my prayers and thoughts. with larry's emails everyday on your present status has taught me much and experiencing larry's devotion to you and your health has made me humble.

FROM: Phil V Sept 12 @ 5:51 PM

Larry, My 7 month old computer did a total crash and burn last week. It's in the shop for transplanting of more than a few parts. I managed to backup most important files. I am using a library unit to retrieve email and keep updated on Lea. I'm thankful for her progress and celebrate this with you. You and Lea are in my prayers daily. We don't know the turns that life will take. I believe that we, in and of ourselves, would be hard pressed to deal with the hard hits. Thankfully, we are not alone; the Lord is with us and we can rely on His strength when we have little to spare. Take care of yourself in the midst of caring for Lea.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 12 @ 8:31 PM

Thank you, Phil. God's blessings!

FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 12 @ 7:24 PM

Dad - Forgot to tell you this yesterday after I received your 9/11 update, but I had the opening at church yesterday and read Psalm 138 in your and Mom's honor - also tying in 9/11/01 and Hurricane Katrina. David reminds us in this Psalm to thank God for his answers to our prayers and also to understand God's divine and perfect plan for us...that His hand is upon us and He will revive us in our times of trouble. Thought you would like to know! Blessings!


FROM: Chad N Sept 13 @ 2:58 AM

Lea: Better get feeling well soon.... I don't want to break anything! Big hugs heading your way. I hope the ol' man don't get jealous of my effections. =)

FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Sept 13 @ 9:27 AM

Hi Larry - I'm liking the news you are sending!!!! Shana and I have been discussing coming to visit you (and Lea) for a couple of days. We're both available to travel on Thursday September 29th, visit on Friday and Saturday, and head back home on Sunday. Is that doable at your end of the line?? We've not talked to Sheri, but would like to include her unless you think that is too many visitors. We'll do whatever you think is best.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 13 @ 10:31 AM

No, that is certainly doable. My sister-in-law, Dottie, will be here September 21-October 6, and it would be a nice break for us to turn the "entertainment" over to you. Since she will be here, I shouldn't have any trouble at all picking you up, and then dropping you at the airport, which is several miles north of town. If you like, I

108 can contact Patient Relations here to see what accommodations are available close by. You could use my truck to come and go, although you would have to pay for valet parking while at the hospital ($4 or $8, I think, each time). If you "make a day of it" each day, it shouldn't be too salty. Dr. Mah was saying this morning that he wants to get aggressive about getting Lea off the ventilator, off the narcotics, and get her wound closed up, so it could be that she will be "up" and alert by that time. I certainly HOPE so!

REPLY FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Sept 13 @ 1:04 PM

Yea - we're on our way!!!! We originally explored the flights, car rentals, etc, and decided we might drive instead creating a whirlwind trip. But since you offered a deal we can hardly refuse, we are rethinking this plan of ours. So - - - - we are checking flights this evening to come up with a time frame that is agreeable to all. If you can check with Patient Relations for accommodations, that would be great!!! THANKS!!!! P.S. Would Lea prefer cotton or flannel? That's as much as we are going to tell you. I'm thinking flannel, but you be the judge.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 13 @ 3:28 PM

UM-m-m-m. Well, before this episode she was hot all the time. Before she started getting hot all the time, she was cold all the time. Who knows what she'll be after this!! ☺

FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 13 @ 10:51 AM

Link, Thanks for your concern about an appropriate diet while I’m here. Turkey wraps (from the cafeteria) have leafy green veggies on them. :-)

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 13 @ 1:00 PM

What about Ray Dog's Kielbasa? :-)~

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 13 @ 3:26 PM

SH-h-h-h-h. I'm in mom's room with my company laptop. They don't know I'm on line, and I'm not going to tell them! Heehee.

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 13 @ 3:52 PM

Excellent! I love it!

FROM: Kim K Sept 13 @ 11:41 AM

Good morning! Would you let Lea know that Jeannie left earlier to go to hosp. Her daughter is being induced. It is a little early, but the drs are concerned about the baby's low birthweight (?) I'm sure everything will be fine, but if you have a min., maybe say a quick prayer for all of them. Thanks. Will keep you posted if we hear anything.....kk

FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 13 @ 4:25 PM

Mom is working hard on the vent today. They plan to put her on rest mode at 6 pm . . . . 12 continuous hours! Her bp is running low right now, so I keep lowering her head a little. Dr. Mah has not been here to change her dressing yet today, so she hasn't been put in the chair today.


REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 13 @ 4:30 PM

Of course, the BP could just look low due to cellular interference!?! :D

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 13 @ 4:31 PM

Cellular interference? Yeah, THAT'S it! Cellular interference! ☺

FROM: Dallas W Sept 13 @ 3:59 PM

Heavenly Robes Re- Choired

in memory of Warren Brown

Warren joined the choir today To sing with the Angel's band, For God recalled the voice He'd heard When Warren walked this land. The sweetness of each note he sang Brought tears of joy to God's own eyes, As an opening in the Heavenly choir Was filled as Warren's voice took rise. Holy, Holy, Holy! The Angels sing so sweet! Holy, Holy, Holy! Is the place where we'll all meet! To sing alongside Warren, In Heavenly robes re-choired, And walk the streets of Gold Just as God, Himself, desired.

by Unca D

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 13 @ 4:29 PM

Wow! Very nice, Dallas! We will remember Brownie fondly. Thanks for sharing with us. Blessings.

FROM: Jean S Sept 13 @ 8:52 PM

Hello, my darling brother! I am so excited that Lea is doing so well. I know that you are too. I pray that the time of withdrawal will be over quickly for you, and for her too of course. I am sure the nursing staff has informed you of what is ahead and I worry about you, because I know none of us can imagine the agony a body must go through. Whenever this happens, prepare yourself a notepad of your prayers for her. Recite them over and over again. God will hear you and will bring comfort and peace to you. I guess we don't ever have to doubt that again, do we? know I love you and am praying for your inner strength and peace.

FROM: Tom M Sept 13 @ 10:19 PM

Lion Larry; How is Lea doing? Someone stopped by our booth at the Pork Festival this past weekend and said that Lea was doing a little better. I just wanted to know. Attendance was down a little at the Pork Fest. This week we are doing the FarmFest at the Tipton 4-H grounds. It has been a long couple of weeks. In your 110 last e-mail you wanted me to remind you to have the power turned back on in the back yard. Let us know how things are going with you and Lea.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 13 @ 10:25 PM

Thanks for reminding me, Tom. I have asked our town marshal, Gary R, to look after the house, and he is expecting you. Please contact him at Town Hall to make sure he has the electricity turned on in plenty of time. I don't know if your phone book has the Atlanta numbers in it, if so, look up the Atlanta Police Department number, otherwise, you'll be talking to the City Clerk who can give you the number. (I am attaching) today's update on Lea, who is spending her ninth week in Intensive Care. We are hoping she can recover use of her lungs. If she accomplishes that, she will turn the corner to recovery.


FROM: Chad N Sept 14 @ 1:10 AM

Every time I talk to my mom she asks about Lea. I told her you were not too sure about publicising the ordeal, and we all respect that. However, your last email was so profound that I had to forward it. Interestingly, my parents are going through some rough times right now. I know the recent email will help. Perhaps all these little blessings added together will somehow balance the sacrifice you two are making. I'm not sure what I'm saying except that you are going through something horrible. As horrible as it is, it could be useful to others. You do not deserve to be going through it. And I don't have a right to share and use your pain. But I did. You two are a testament to many things. I'm so proud of you. Please put mom on your distribution list. God bless you both and keep you safe.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 14 @ 4:37 AM

Stacey, Here is the email update I sent out last night. Thank you again, for your thoughtfulness.

REPLY FROM: Stacey A Sept 14 @ 4:46 PM

Absolutely my pleasure, Larry! I feel so fortunate for having met you and Lea; so truly blessed to have you in my life. It has been an honor to care for BOTH of you and I look forward to doing so in the near future, even as I move forward in my new career as a Research Coordinator at Baystate Medical Center in early October. You'll still see me around here and there. Please know that you both have touched my heart and I am plenty glad of that.

I look forward to hearing all that Lea has to say in the coming weeks and months as she continues to progress back to the life she once shared with you and your very loving and devoted family. You both have been an inspiration to me. But you, Larry-- Your unfaltering love and attentive loving care for your Beloved Lea has left me in total awe of you and of all that you do. She will make her way back to you, Larry. I just feel it.

You'll notice the spiral insignia on my business card. I always welcome close family, friends, and special patients to join my ever-growing spiral. Welcome to you!! Please stay in touch always. Now, if I can get my act in gear by Monday, you'll be enjoying some of my famous (in these parts anyway) Quatro Formaggio Macaroni & Cheese come Tuesday noontime.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Sept 14 @ 10:57 PM

My Precious Son, I am sure today was a heart wrenching experience. I am hoping this does not have to happen again very soon. We are continuing to have prayer for both of you. We know the Lord is there with you. That is really the comfort for you Lea and us. I love you my son and will pray for the strength you will 111 need as will Lea. My loving thoughts and prayers. Hugs and Kisses, your mother...Sorry that I missed your phone call today. I arrived home around 3pm (4pm your Time. In his love!


FROM: Pastor Jerry TO: Pamela Sept 15 @ 12:16 PM

Pam, I need to ask permission for something of a sensitive nature. This week my topic is the healing ministry of Jesus. Obviously this topic will deal with the role of faith, God's sovereignty ie. his divine plan for us. I really believe that these emails from Larry are a window into the way God wants us to respond during a time when he chooses not to act with immediate miraculous and complete healing, such as the case with Jesus. Would it be okay to share some of his comments regarding his faith in God during this time, which by the way is incredible. We need to not try to figure out the plan of God, just accept while not putting him in a box or formula. The toughest part for me will be to articulate Larry's faith and getting through it. Let me know ASAP.

REPLY FROM: Pamela CC: Larry Vaughn Sept 15 @ 1:39 PM

Jerry, I know that Larry wouldn't hesitate to allow you to use any part of his experience. I can't wait to hear the sermon! (Larry, Jim and I have been attending First Christian Church here in Wilmington, for the past year or so. Jerry is the Pastor.)

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 15 @ 4:53 PM

Pam, Absolutely! But, I want a copy of the sermon. If I can get it electronically, I will distribute it to Lea's list, which is now well over 100. Then, of course, those folks are sending to eight or ten folks who are sending to eight or ten folks, etc. I will give the author full credits, of course. This has been an amazing . . can I call it a ministry? . . . for me. I just read the 40 Day Journey last year. I think I may have to write the 80 Day Lesson Plan of Trust this year! I will need someone with a much broader theological understanding to put it all into perspective for me. :-)

FROM: Pamela TO: Vaughn Family Sept 15 @ 3:56 PM

Pastor Jerry is the minister at First Christian Church here in Wilmington, where Jim and I attend worship services. Jerry send an earlier email to me asking if he could use Larry/Lea as examples in his sermon for this Sunday, I responded that I felt Larry wouldn't hesitate to agree. I'm forwarding Jerry's request for prayer support for that service to each of you. Please pray that Jerry is able to put forth the message that God is leading him to.

------Original Message------

FROM: Pastor Jerry Sept 15 @ 2:48

Friends, This Sunday (9-18) I am covering a topic that I am sure will be relevant to you, or someone close to you. The topic is on the healing ministry of Jesus, and focusing on how this is manifested today. As I have studied this week the weight of this topic has increased in my heart. We all deal with sickness and death and really would like to know what role faith plays in our requests for God to heal and/or save us or loved ones. My encouragement for you this Sunday is to think about someone who might need to hear this relevant message. It could be someone who is currently grieving from loss, or suffering themselves from an illness. I don't intend to answer all of the tough questions, but do plan to present the response God wants from each one of us. By the way, pray that I can articulate this in a manner that will touch somebody.


REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 15 @ 5:11 PM

Cool. Amazing how God works, huh?

FROM: Vickie H Sept 15 @ 11:22 AM

Larry, first off, God Bless you or should I say God has blessed you. I cannot tell you what your emails have meant to Richard and me . We understand what it is like to have death rattling the door trying to get in. You are holding on, praying for the miracle. I received mine in January with the remission. It was after 4 years though, God runs on his clock not mine! I am sure it was his lesson of patience which I sorely lacked! I have emailed your letters of love to many of friends and prayers groups. They have called your writings that because the Love for Lea and God are tangible in these letters. I will get email asking about them. It is a miracle of spectacular proportions in many ways.

Your letters have enlightened others into a place that most do not get to go. When you face the possibility of your physical self departing this "life" you have no more things to hide. You can share easily the feeling that brought you together, keep you together. The beauty and purity of your love for each other cannot get lost in the everyday "priorities" of soccer, basketball, work, bills, whatever you put in front of yourselves, the way life gets in the way. What a gift you have given people! I know Lea would be busting with pride for the lessons you have passed on.

I had a similar situation with my Mom. She had open heart, had a pulmonary embolism plus other complications, was in a chemically induced coma for 48 days (respirator included). I still remember her while body react when the suctioned out the lungs. Like I tell her today, you may not remember but I will never forget. It took her over a year to even resemble what she was before the illness. When she started to wake up she wanted to know what happened but she could not speak. She would try to write it out on my chest but she would only do circles. It was very desperate for me because I wanted to give her the answers but the counselors had told me not to tell her too much up front. She would not remember what you said, then they get upset when you tell them.

I have listed the places I have sent the emails. Everyone said it was OK to pass on so here goes:

Noblesville, IN, Jacksonville, Fl, Chana, IL, Miami, FL, Bogota, Columbia, Provincia de Goizueta, Spain, Barcelona, Spain, Madrid, Spain, Washington D.C., Manassas, VA, Pompano Beach, FL, Rio Negro, Columbia, Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH, Orlando, Fl

I give you my prayers. My friends and family pass them on as well. We will continue to ask for her recovery and your strength. Have you talked to the counselors or nurses on how to address her questions when she comes awake? I do not write with the eloquence that you do. So I hope you feel the love that surrounds you and your family! We remain linked by prayer.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 19 @ 8:47 PM

Vickie, May I use your letter in one of the updates? I will, of course, take out the surname, etc. Thanks for the wonderful note. It is very touching, and uplifting! Warmest regards.

REPLY FROM: Vickie H Sept 19 @ 8:47 PM

Larry, With all you are handling, thank you for the response. Of course you may use anything you feel would be of value. I am grateful for everyday I have to spend with my family and friends. When I started my journey with Cancer, I had only a 10% percent survival rate after 5 years. Stage 4 lung cancer has pretty grim survival rates. I endured all for the love I have for my family. I could not leave Richard and my children. I was hanging on with every fiber of my soul, even when the pain was excruciating and the chemo was ravaging my

113 insides, trying to kill me. God granted me a reprieve. With all the narcotics and sustaining drugs Lea is taking her soul is hanging on with every fiber, because of her love for you and the family. We women are programmed that way. Our loves are part of the soul that makes us whole.

The Letters of Love are an honor to God. His teachings are about the love He wants us to have for each other. Cast them to the winds, let the seeds sow into the heart of all who are listening and sitting cyberly with you in the hospital. We are all with you and the whole family. Sorry for the ramblings, but I want to give you hope that all of our prayers will be answered. Lea will come back to you and the family. It will be hard going at first but every day is precious. Richard and my loves are extended to you and warmly send an embrace,

FROM: David Vaughn Sept 15 @ 11:31PM

Update (on Karen’s family).

----Original Message Follows---- FROM: Karen Sep 13 @ 8:06 AM

HI, just a update this morning regarding my sister Glenda and brother Bill, Glenda had been testing for the last month to see if she could be a candidate for my brother who is in need of a kidney, she went to Madison, Wisconsin for the major part of the testing two weeks ago on Monday, we finally heard yesterday, that she can not be a candidate, she showed up in some of the testing that she is in early stages of diabetes. That is the reason that Bill had to have the transplant 7 years ago, so they said it would be to much of a risk for Glenda to help out. There are a few more people willing to test as we speak, Bill's two sons are testing also and we'll see where we go from here. Please keep Bill in your prayers as we know that prayer works.!!!!!!!!!


FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 16 @ 7:52 AM


FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Sept 16 @ 8:14 AM

Hi Larry - Only Shana and I will be traveling to Hartford. Sherri wants to come, however, because of a previous engagement, is not able to get away and then the day we were talking to her, Jim received a letter from his mother - she is going to be in town that weekend to visit the family and celebrate her 80th birthday. Please add (the enclosed) address to your list - Marilyn is a co-worker we pass along your messages to and what a shopper she is for the care packages. Thanks. Talk to you later - take care.

FROM: Maleah S Sept 16 @ 8:19 AM

Larry, hi I'm Maleah Sjoken, Bill Sjoken's wife, Karen's sister in law. I've been keeping up to date on Lea's progress through e-mails forwarded from Karen. So many times I've wanted to e-mail you directly but just couldn't do it. I want you to know we've been thinking of you, Lea and your family as you've been going through such a horrible ordeal. This e-mail comes to you today to let you know what an inspiration you are for me. Bill as you know is having some health issues as well. Not nearly to the degree that Lea is. He's facing dialysis in the real near future and hopefully we'll find another donor for him to have another kidney transplant. Bottom line he's not feeling well at all, filling up with fluid, high blood pressure that can't seem to even out and he's scared, mad at the world and so am I wondering if he's going to have another stroke because of the blood pressure before we can get this all resolved. It's not been easy the last few months. But with your daily e-mails of Lea's progress it keeps things somewhat in perspective for me and enables me to count my blessings. I want you to know you and Lea are in my prayers every day.


FROM: Renee K Sept 16 @ 10:06 AM

Dear Larry, I have not heard in weeks how Lea is doing. I had asked Scott right before he left Iraq but he said at that point he hadn't heard. Scott forwarded all your updates to me consistently and I read every one of them word for word as well as prayed for you all. I would really like to know of her progress. You don't have to write me a long letter if you don't want to, just an update. I wrote to you some time ago about my family and my twins. Do you remember? I don't know how many letters you get but do know if you get a lot it would be hard to answer them all. From my family to yours, I wish you all the love, strength, and health in God speed. Love, Renee, Ashley, Emily, Brandi, Austin, and Evan. Please drop us a line if you can

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 17 @ 12:43 AM

It's a pleasure, Renee. Yes, I remember your letter, and treasured the trials you told about. I have received many loving stories of God's love, and find them very helpful in understanding my own path. I am sending you two or three of the latest updates, and am adding you to the distribution list. If you would rather not be added, please just drop me a note to let me know. God bless,

FROM: Shana G Sept 16 @ 10:19 AM

Hi Larry, It is so wonderful to hear some good news on Lea's condition. She is such a strong lady and obviously has a very strong will to live. I'm sure she wants to fight her way back to be with you. Your love and devotion to her has truly touched my heart on numerous occasions. You are both so very blessed to have each other! I'm very excited to come and visit in a couple of weeks.

If you don't mind, would you add my home e-mail address to the distribution list? I miss the updates over the weekend and am always anxious to see how she has done over the weekend. I would appreciate it very much. Much Love to you both, :8)


FROM: Cheryl H Sept 17 @ 10:35 PM

Hi Larry

I've been holding off sending you an email, afraid of saying the wrong things, I guess. But after reading your update tonight, I feel I should write you. I don't know if you remember me all that well, I am Bruce's wife. I met you guys once at the family reunion in Atlanta. I just wanted to you to know that as I read you updates it brings many memories back to me. I also went through something very similar to what you are going through, though I was not married as long as you guys have been. After only 3 months of marriage, my 2nd husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and struggled with that for 2 years to the day, when he died. It was very long and very hard as you know.

At the time, neither of us was "saved". We kind of believed in God, but didn't go to church or even live like we believed in God at all. This all made the illness that much worse because we didn't have what you guys have to lean on. We didn't know. Finally, only a day before he died, a man who delivered oxygen to the house just came right up and asked him if he was "saved" and I almost escorted him to the door, labeling him as a religious nut and I didn't want Paul bothered by that. So I asked him if he wanted to talk to the man about it and he said yes, so I left the room and went out on the porch until the man left, never knowing what was said.

After Paul died I had a terrible time getting over my anger at God for "cheating" him (us) and for not answering my prayers that ran something like this "keep him from the pain, if You are going to take him, do it quickly". Well, He didn't do it quickly and he suffered greatly those 2 years. For about 3 or 4 years after his death, I carried this anger until one day I wrote a prayer that was about 5 pages long. Basically it was asking


Paul and God for forgiveness, and asking God to use me as He chooses and to do with my life what He sees fit.

Well it was not too long after that I met Bruce and started getting to know Bruce's family better. Actually I knew the whole family before I ever met Bruce. Gwen and I had been friends since about a year after Paul died which happened to be about year after her divorce. So I had met the family through Gwen, all except Bruce. Anyway, after I had written that prayer, I sort have forgotten about it, met Bruce, we moved in together, had some major problems and Tori called out of the blue and after disclosing the issues to her (we basically were giving up on the relationship altogether), she invited us to talk to her pastor.

Well, I had not been to any church, only sporadically over the years, and didn't even know what it was to go to a pastor with problems. I told her that it was too late for that and she ended up talking us into it. Well, I'm glad she did, it changed my (and Bruce's) entire life! I ended up starting to go to church on a regular basis and finally got really "saved", I've not been the same since. After being baptized and receiving the Holy Ghost, God showed me some things relating to Paul that disintegrated my anger.

He showed me how He had His hand on all of it the whole time. He brought the oxygen man back to memory and showed me how Paul had gotten saved that night. I thought right then that perhaps that was why He let him go through all that pain and suffering and length of time for that one man to talk to him. Then I also saw what I went through was necessary to bring me to Him as well, and the girls (my daughters, who are now grown with families of their own) and brought Bruce back to Him and healed him of his problems! Oh the depth of both the knowledge and wisdom of God, who can fathom it?

Even as I write this I am amazed at His mercy and loving kindness even when we feel abandoned. It doesn't matter what we feel, it only matters what IS. I know it helps to talk to someone who has "been there, done that". I guess that is another reason I am writing. I remember that I grabbed like a lifeline when while we were going through it I met someone else that had too and it helped a GREAT deal, because it seems like nobody else could ever understand. Well, they can't unless it has happened to them, it is that way with anything. I don't know exactly what you are going through, we weren't married as long as you guys and both of us had been married before, so I know it is not quite the same.

I detected from your last update your uncertainty about optimism. I understand this from previous experience as well as recent. This happened to Lea while I was just coming back from Maryland from my mom getting out of the nursing home from her recovery. She had an abdominal aortic aneurysm that we almost lost her with. For about a month we had the same daily uncertainty that you are experiencing right now, except this time I DID have God and understood some things to get us through. It is so difficult to plan for the future when things are so "up in the air". It is like a constant confusion of "what should, could I be doing" all the time. At least that is how I felt. I wanted to be optimistic, actually that is part of what kept me sane, but learned to have a "cautious optimism" whatever that means. All is well with her now. God is so good. We got through it without losing our minds:)

Larry I don't know why I'm telling you all this. Perhaps there is a snippet in here that God intends to use to help you, I don't know. I feel like I am kind of rambling on. I do know that the strength and stamina both you and Lea are displaying is evidence to me of God's gifts of mercy and love for you both. I admire you, I really do. I also work as a nurse aide in a nursing home, so some of the things you say about your caregivers really bless me. They do work very hard and most care very much. Many times we are treated with suspicion and criticism by family members, and what you say about your nurses has really had a positive effect on me in my own work as a caregiver, I guess because maybe somebody thinks that way about me and my colleagues even though they don't say it. It is just an encouragement after a career full of harsh, constant criticism. I am sure your nurses appreciate you as much as you appreciate them!

Anyway, this is getting long. I hope that I didn't say anything wrong, but I think that sometimes not saying anything at all can be interpreted as not caring, so I just want you guys to know that Bruce and I read your updates daily and pray for you both. If there is anything in particular besides strength, restored health, etc., that you want/need prayer for, please let us know. Thank you again for keeping the family informed and for being such an inspiration to us all. God's Peace.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn


Sept 17 @ 10:45 PM

THANK YOU, CHERYL!! What a wonderful blessing you have given me!! You give me chills!! Thank you God for this connection!! Cheryl, may I use your note to distribute to others? You truly have a WONDERFUL testimony to give ! WOW!!

REPLY FROM: Cheryl H Sept 18 @ 9:43 AM

Hi Larry, I am glad and feel relieved that note blessed you. Of course you may use whatever you like out of it, I am not worried about names etc, at least mine, I am thankful for that testimony! God is good and I believe we are supposed to openly and joyfully testify to that:) Thank you for your note. Keep the faith, give Lea a gentle hug from us, and looking forward to hearing from you again.


FROM: Karen Sept 18 @ 10:05 AM

HI, Larry, just a note to let you know that Maleah is my sister-in-law, and that's my brother Bill Sjoken that she was talking to you about, wasn't sure with all of the things going on if her name would ring a bell or not. We are hanging in there with the prayer chains going full blast around here, wish that we could slow them down a bit. Ha. But we do what we have to do.

Hope that you and the family are doing o.k., these last two months have been quite a challenge more than we could of or would of imagined that we would ever have had to go thru. Well, take care, hopefully we can all be together soon and say WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did it, but at the same time we are all prepared to do what we have to do. Bill is really struggling also at the moment, but we are hoping that something can be done also to get him some help. Take Care. Love you guys lots.

FROM: Herb W Jr TO: Reverend David Sept 18 @ 12:09 PM

David, Lea and Larry are my very closest friends who own the bed and breakfast in Indianapolis. We have known each other since the early 70's and grow closer together each year although we are separated by many miles and many different trails and tribulations. Larry and I have had the opportunity to view first hand God's benevolence and Love when we were each called to protect the life of the other under extreme crisis conditions. We, therefore, are as close, or closer, than brothers.

I would hope that we would now be able to connect to the full community of faith and exercise that same benevolence and Love for Lea so that she may fully return to Larry, family and her world of friends. I simply ask for your prayers, blessings and countenance for a full and speedy recovery.

FROM: Kristin N Sept 18 @ 2:18 PM

Larry, Just wanted you to know that you are also touching the lives of some of my relatives here in Austin. We spent some time with my cousins on my mother's side yesterday. They all told me that they cry when they read your e-mails and that they are inspired by the faith that you demonstrate. My cousin's wife, from Mexico, talks about having learned so much from you and wanting to meet you. I said they probably would meet you, and likely Lea, at our wedding next year. Anyway, it has all really emphasized how God is working through you and Lea to teach all of us. Keep staying strong, we are behind you.....

FROM: Marlowe N Sept 18 @ 4:13 PM


Dear Larry, I forwarded your update from 9/14, in which you said so many nice things about nurses, to my cousin Betty who is a retired director of nursing at Seton Hospital in Austin. Her friend Doris, who lives in Hartford, has been in touch with you. Thought you would feel good about her response.

-----Original Message------FROM: Betty T Sep 17 @ 5:17 PM

Marlowe; Obviously Larry is a wonderful man. Is his son like him? I am sure he must be. Isn't Kristen the lucky one. I loved hearing all the good things about nurses. It really makes me proud. That is the kind of people I tried to have at Seton. I know Doris will be proud of her hospital and the staff even if they may not be the ones she recruited and hired. What does Larry do? Maybe we can meet him sometime. We will be going to Indiana in November, but Lea may not even be back there by then. It does sound as though she is doing amazingly well. With someone like Larry in her corner how could she not recover. Thanks for keeping us informed.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 18 @ 9:43 PM

Thank you, so much, Marlowe. Yes, I DID get a call from Doris, who asked if there was anything at all she could do for me. Although I didn't talk to her long, she was very gracious, and I felt privileged to have been called. Isn't it wonderful how we can all pull together, and support each other? I just continue to be amazed at how all this is playing out. It is very gratifying, of course, but I do feel the weight of a lot of responsibility associated with the chronicling of this life changing event. I certainly am not trained, or in any way qualified, to minister in this manner, but feel led. And, sometimes, the words just flow. I usually have to read the email after I send it out, just to see what we wrote! :-) I got a very nice note from Kristin yesterday. She is so sweet! Love to everyone. Thank you for praying for my darling!


FROM: Renee K Sept 19 @ 9:40 AM

It's a pleasure to talk to you too Larry. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. Yes, I do want you to add me to the distribution list. I was concerned but now happy to hear that she is still fighting. I won’t keep you because I know you couldn't possibly chat with everyone who writes. God bless you and with all my heart, I wish you both God's love and strength. We will keep praying for you both. Thank you for sharing and please keep us posted. 62 Days!!!!! God bless you both! We will keep praying for you.

FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Sept 19 @ 2:28 PM

Hi there - I'm not one to give up easily - I could not make any further progress. I had three okay's - the fourth put the stopper out. I thought majority ruled, but obviously not in this case. The best I could do is you send the laptop to my attention (at the company's expense), IT gives me the document(s) you want so I can get them to you. The only thing I can not guarantee is that I could return the laptop. At least I feel now that I gave it my best try. I hope Lea is doing better today. I am looking forward to my trip to be able to visit with you and help, if I can with Lea, talking/reading to her, brushing her hair, whatever. As I have said before, the two of you are very much a part of my family. I can not begin to comprend the length of time you have been in ICU, my experience with Bob was only eleven days, and then three weeks in the stepdown unit, but I can relate to the feeling. I will get with Shana and we'll go ahead and find accomodations. One thing you can scratch off your list.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 19 @ 6:34 PM

Okay, thanks for your efforts on behalf of Lea’s laptop. Who would have thought it would be such a problem? Oh, well! I'll just put off publishing her childhood memories until she can give me the file. I would hate to ship it (the laptop) and take a chance on losing her work. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you soon.


FROM: Larry Vaughn TO: Pamela Sep 19 @ 8:49 PM

What about the sermon? Did it go well? Was it what you expected? Did I get slammed too badly? What is my take away? Am I going to like what I have to learn from it?

REPLY FROM: Pamela Sep 20 @ 12:07 AM

1) Yes. 2) More than. 3) Not at all! 4) Your reward is waiting in heaven, you silly! 5) I think you will.

It was great! Jerry used a couple of other examples too. He saved you and Lea for last and displayed Lea's picture (the one you just sent) on the screen behind him as he read excerpts from 2 or 3 of your email updates. I had to keep gulping back the tears and Jerry hesitated a time or two (he told me later that he couldn't look at me until he was done - for fear of doing the same). He also told me there were only a few dry eyes when he finished. I think you'd have been very happy to see that beautiful picture of Lea displayed larger than life for what seemed like 10 minutes, but what was probably more like 5. I can't begin to tell you all that was said so I've requested a CD for you, hopefully to be ready in time to travel there with David. Sorry to keep you waiting with baited breath, but it'll be worth it, I promise! Please give my love to Lea, and of course, to yourself!


FROM: Marlowe N Sept 20 @ 10:02 AM

Dear Larry, In your update yesterday, you wrote the following reflection:

"Our real test of faith is always just around the corner. We don't know when it is coming, but we can be sure that we WILL be tested. We must pray that we are up to the challenge. We may feel that we aren't strong enough to bear the burden, but He will prove us wrong every time! "

I just have to share with you a quote which appeared in the daily meditation e-mail I received this morning, which will hopefully give you a laugh: "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." - Mother Teresa

I rejoice at how the Lord continues to give you the grace and strength to be "up to the challenge." It is clear in following your updates that you have steadily grown in faith and power to witness through this ordeal. With my prayers for you both in Christ's name, Marlowe

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 24 @ 9:56 PM

Thank you, so much, Marlowe, for your comments. I really value them, and always look forward to hearing from you. By the way, while I was chatting briefly with Lance on the phone tonight, while he and Kristin were out at the Austin City Limits, at the end of our conversation he said he loved me, and I heard Kristin, in the background, ask him to tell me that she loved me too. I considered that to be a pretty high honor. You have a very special girl there! You folks are just TOO sweet! Thank you for all your support! God's continued blessings,

FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 20 @ 12:44 PM


Dr. Mah stated this morning that he has a family conference call for us on his calendar for 4 EDT Wednesday. This is an update meeting, and at this point there isn't anything particularly alarming to report, we just said during the last call that we would like to get an update every two weeks. Sorry for the short notice, I just forgot about it. Kathy will have other Hannibalites join via her phone. My brother David will not be able to attend this time, due to preparations he is making in Atlanta for a fundraiser for us this weekend during the Earth Festival. We will use the phone numbers we called last time, unless we hear otherwise from you.

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 20 @ 3:02 PM

Dad - Since I was there during the last meeting, my number was not on the list. Please use my cell phone number for this call.

FROM: Ruth T Sept 20 @ 3:25 PM

Larry, Just read your email about the conference tomorrow and am glad we are going to have a conference call. I don't think it is my place to ask Dr. Mah questions over the phone about Lea. Larry I would like to know if you can email me all these things that Lea has wrong with her. Our emails don't give us the whole picture. The up dates on the phone every day have not been very helpful either and sometimes they don't leave any.

Larry I think about Lea all of the time. I worry so much about her, and so does my mother. Every time I listen to the phone updates and read your email she always ask what I found out. I know Lea has many thing wrong with her and hope it is not to much trouble and upset you to let me know what all is wrong. I read my medical books every time you tell us something different. I have been through many surgery but nothing like Lea has been through.

I know this has been very hard on you and all of the Tate and Vaughn families. When you said that her liver was swollen I immediately went to my medical book to see if I could understand what could be wrong with her liver. One place it tells you the diagnoses and it says that this can cause fluid in the abdomen cavity and I always wonder if this could be the problem. I really would like to know all the doctor's have to say about her condition.

Lea doesn't deserve all of this but I to like you think God has a plan for all of us. I have to sit and watch my mother every day and see how much she has gone downhill. She can hardly walk any more. I really think we will be very lucky if she makes it through the holidays, hope I am wrong.

I printed out the picture of Lea that you sent the other day and have it in my family room along with one that I had taken at Jim's retirement party. I made one for all of her brothers and Kathy. This is the way we all hope she will be again. Larry I know you told us she has a living will but you were not ready to give her up. I don't know when any of us would be ready to give up a loved one. But I know I don't ever want to go through what Lea and you have been going through.

I hope I haven't upset you by this email but really would like to know all about Lea's condition. If you don't want to tell me I will understand. I want to let you know I really do worry about the both of you all the time. I know if it comes the time the doctor's say we can't do any more for Lea you will be strong enough to get through this. We all well be their for you.

Larry I have told God to take me and let Lea live but we can't choose the time God comes for us. My dad was only 60 when we lost him. Lea is such a wonderful person and I have never heard her say anything bad against anyone. She has worked all of your marriage and she deserves to be able to retire and enjoy life for a change. I haven't work much since Jim and I have been married and have had a lot of time to do things and hope Lea will have a very long time to do the little things that she hasn't had time to do because of working so many hours at her job.

I do say a prayer for Lea as well as for you to come through this together. I know if Lea can't have a good quality of life then you could make the right decision. You would never want her not being able to talk, walk

120 and know her life as it was before this happened. I keep saying prayers for (my son) Richard and hope some day God can answer this and give back the use of his has, at least so he can eat with both hands and take care of himself. He can't even get into the bath tub or out by himself. But I tell him there is always someone worse off than you. He says he knows this but it is hard to be a man and not be able to work again for his family to have nice things, but the girls are really good about this. They bought most of their school clothes at the Good Will store.

I will stop going on but look forward to hearing from you. If you do email me about Lea's condition and don't want it passed on I will do as you ask. LOVE YA BOTH WILL ALL MY HEART. your sister-in-law.

FROM: Nancy P Sept 20 @ 6:09 PM

Dear Larry and Lea, What an inspiring and tearful journey this is! Our daughter works in Human Resources for Irwin Mortgage. Her concerns over Lea's condition prompted her to forward your updates to me. Lea's suffering reminds me of Job's. You relate such an intimate story of human love and devotion blessed by God's sustaining grace. Psalm 121 shows how God watches over every aspect of our lives. Your ability to include all of us in your triumphs and your down times is remarkable. As a nurse, Lea's medical condition is as frightening as it is fascinating. May God's love and miraculous healing bless Lea, you, your family and friends, and her caretakers. Our prayers, thoughts, and concerns are with you. In His Love.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 20 @ 6:32 PM

Dad, Please add the attached emails to the update distribution list.

FROM: Donna N Sept 20 @ 9:29 PM

Larry, Could you please add us to your address list of people to send Lea's updates to. The "girls" at Irwin are forwarding them, but at times I know they get busy and don't have time. And when I don't hear ANY news I get worried. Thank you very much and God bless.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 21 @ 12:21 PM

Of course, Donna. Thank you for the nice, nice notes you have sent! God bless.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 20 @ 9:45 PM

Dad, More emails to add to the update list. Thanks. luvu missu. Dottie to arrive today! neato!


FROM: Gracie L Sept 21 @ 6:21 AM

Everyone who writes you seems so intelligent as are you and they all write so well. I only have a High school diploma and very little education so my vocabulary is limited and the depths of my thoughts are not easily expressed or articulated. Yet they are not lessoned, far from it.

I went to the web site and read of Lea's disease and I was astounded beyond belief that she would want to continue to fight this. I marvel at you both and realize you have to be exhausted both mentally and physically and yet this journey towards her road to recovery has just begun.

From all indications Lea's life has been one of servitude and caring about and for others. Yet I feel never in her wildest dreams could she ever have imagined the impact her journey now would have on countless

121 others. With you as her spokesman, (yes you are one), you both take us to the heart of our souls and what a journey it's been. Whether she remains or travels on, our lives will not be the same. Now, more than ever I see her life as one of servitude and giving to others even though she's unaware of this. Larry, you continue to grow into a deeper, more compassionate and spiritual man each day. You have no idea the impact you and Lea have had on untold lives. I love you both.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 21 @ 12:16 PM

Thank you, Gracie. And, thank you for the lovely poem you did for us. You're too sweet! Can't wait to meet you!

FROM: Teresa K Sept 21 @ 10:25 AM

Larry, I would like to be added to your e-mail list to receive your updates on Lea. I receive them periodically when someone forwards them on to me. You are a very strong person and have a very strong faith to keep you going. You are an inspiration to all of us. We will continue to keep you and Lea in our prayers. Thanks and God Bless You!

FROM: Angie M Sept 21 @ 11:28 AM

Hi Larry and Lea, This is Angie...your auntie Ro's soap and lotion making partner here in Middlebury, IN. I just want you to know that I think about you both every day. Ro keeps me informed through your letters to her and Jack; and while we've never met, I really do feel like I know you. My heart and prayers go out to both of you through this terrible time of triblution...we all share in a small degree (compared to yours) your victories and defeats. I can't begin to tell you both how much I admire your strength.

Ro and I have wracked our brains for a way for Lea to get some of her favorite lotion scents but with things the way they are, we felt like we'd better just wait. I even thought about sending one of my grandma's handkerchiefs spritzed with Relaxing so she could at least have that good ole familiar scent. But then the thought struck me: "What if the smell nauseated her (due to the anesthetic or something) and she couldn't tell anyone." So I even vetoed that idea. We just really wanted her to have familiar things to make her feel better. We would be delighted to send *anything* of comfort if we knew what.

When the hurricane Katrina hit, many of the places up here were getting supplies together to send down so Ro and I packaged up all the soap I had on hand, except for a handful of personal bars and a couple of the old stand-bys, and I dropped them off. We also put a little note in the ziplock bag that we were thinking about them in their time of need. If it makes them even a little bit as happy to receive them as it did for us to do something good for them, then it was a win/win situation all the way around. I hope this day and tomorrow, and each day thereafter, brings improvement and strength to both of you. Just know we're always thinking of you. Warm regards.

FROM: Stacy F Sept 21 @ 12:53 PM

Hello Larry & Lea, I have been reading and keeping up with Lea's progress and it sounds like she's making good steps to recovery! I'm so glad to hear that news. It's been a long road for you both and we continue to pray for you both. Thank you for your communication with all of us, I hope and pray that everyone will do their best to keep the communications coming to you. I have read a few testimonies that you've shared, they are very uplifting. I can say that I have considered my life a little more closely because of Lea. The best I can do for you now is to keep praying for you and I will!!!

FROM: Barb S Sept 21 @ 1:32 PM


Hi! Finally! I got my computer back! I now know what Lea's going to feel like when she goes through withdrawal! LOL! What a time for the computer to go down. Just when you are trying to keep in touch with family during a crisis! Lea is always on our minds. It is so hard to believe she is still so sick. We make sure everyone we come in contact with knows so they to can pray for her recovery.

Mom is finally getting better. She gave us a scare over the weekend when she started running a temperature and vomiting. She was also delirious. She hasn't known what was going on around her since the surgery. I guess Sat and Sun. was the turning point. After they took the morphine off, she started coming around. She was more like her old self last night. Now they just have to clear up the pneumonia and give her a little more therapy. (They took 1/2 her stomach, part of her esophagus, and her spleen. They think they got all the cancer. Sure hope so!) Well, just wanted to let you know I am back on line so if you need anything, let us know.

FROM: Carol B Sept 21 @ 9:35 AM

Larry, I have written to you several times hoping I am giving you support and love. I don't have a story of witness to share, but I am glad that so many others are, they are so uplifting. I find several things throughout the day that remind me of you and Lea. I am sorry we have lost touch through the years ... it seems that so many extended families do that these days. I have never lost my feelings for my cousins just regular contact. I just finished a book that put me in constant thoughts and comparisons with you, and it is VERY uplifting. I hope you have read it, if not please let me know so I can send you a copy it is "90 Minutes In Heaven".

As I was reading my Bible yesterday morning this scripture jumped out at me: And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5 3-5

I have had many tribulations in my life and God has brought me through them all. Sometimes I find it hard to leave my problems with Him even knowing that He will see me through all things, but I try to glorify Him even in those times. I ask today that God keeps you strong and healthy and Lea's lungs will be healthy from today on. Sometimes we need to be specific. Love to you both.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 21 @ 9:10 PM

You have, you did, and you do. Thank you. Thank you, very much. I appreciate your notes, but hope you understand why I don't write more frequently. I have not yet read "90 Minutes In Heaven," but I just did buy the Douglas Wilson trilogy of biblical tomes, and have a few other books stacked up, in anticipation of spending lots of time in Lea's room when she wakes up. :-) I haven't heard from Scott for a while. How is he doing? Where is he? Wuz UP?

REPLY FROM: Carol B Sept 21 @ 11:27 PM

I do not expect you to answer have a very full plate in front of you. I understand and appreciate the fact that there are many more important things going on. I will continue to send you occaisional notes of encouragement, because it makes me feel as if I am doing something, and hopefully it gives you encouragement. Things have been tough for us finanacially since my wreck , but God sees us through. When I have a little extra I will procure and send you the book. Yes you have reading material, but I feel led to send this to you. Larry, I believe in God and have for most of my life...I am not always as strong in faith as I should be (would like to be) and the love you share daily has really helped me become stronger in my daily faith, more thankful for all He has given me, and my desire to share His word grows daily.

Scott is back home from Qatar. He got stateside Sept 3 and is back home with his children. He does not have a computer at home and has not gone back on base to work yet. He calls me daily for the reading of the "Lea Report" so he knows how to guide his prayers. My other son got married last Saturday so we were all together for the weekend. I hope things work out for him (Darin) as he has had some very serious demons

123 the past few years. Right now things are better than they have been and I continue thanking God for keeping him from further harm.

I will continue to share your love letters and be content in knowing that you are aware that there is a big group of daily prayers coming from my list for you and Lea and Joe and Pat. You might update your list on Joe's condition if you have any news from there. I have been sending Pat an email here and there, hopefully it will help give her courage in her daily strife.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 21 @ 11:36 PM

So wonderful, Dad. So wonderful...

FROM: Dallas W Sept 21 @ 11:41 PM

Oh Larry, Your song touched my heart. Not a poet,you say? I wholeheartedly disagree, as a poet of sorts, I can tell when I've read a heartfelt and moving poem/song. My heart for Christ has opened to depths previously unknown. I have gained insight into the faith of a matured believer (you). While following along with the daily struggles, triumphs, baby-steps, and the emotional rollercoaster... (I'm in a seat somewhere behind you) I have seen God's gift of daily strength and hope through your e-mails. I have come to a cross-roads of sorts, I'll tell you about it some day. I choose to take the path that leads me closer to Jesus . Your struggles, trials and hardship have put a new perspective on life and the things we choose to fill that life with , for me personally, it has opened my eyes to the fact that our human frailties are ours to remind us just how much WE DO NEED HIM.

God bless you and Lea ,my friends, In Jesus name, I look forward to sharing something with the two of you. The town is in the heat of preparation for this weekend, although, the weather sounds as though it's not going to be a fun weekend, but we gotta do what we gotta do. I have to move soon, probably to Tipton, I've been looking into buying a house on Sweetland Ave. It is suitable for home and office, so I'll be letting the office go, probably after October. Changes .....I don't usually do well with it but that was before I was shown, Just how much change can come, unexpectedly, and it serves to remind me that life IS a journey, not a destination. In HIS SERVICE, Your brother in Christ.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 21 @ 11:42 PM

I don't know how you do it. You're awesome. Love you, Dad! My October Hartford Trip Details are attached.

FROM: Martin G Sept 21 @ 11:54 PM

Larry, Friends in need and support are never a burden and you know that! Enough of a sermon, please let Lea know that she and you and your family are in our prayers and thoughts! If there is ANYTHING we can do, just say the word and will do it!

Things here are busy. Lisa is busy with the kids. Evan, our oldest is 9 and in the fourth grade. He goes to a magnet school focusing on math and science. He is also in a fall baseball league and it's fun to watch him develop in to a much better athlete than I was at that age. He also got his dad's poor eyesight. It was so bad at his annual check up the doctor advised we put him into contact lenses.

Morgan Rose, is 5 and just started Kindergarten this year. She's smarter than a whip and sometimes makes me feel as though she's ready to be a teenager! Lord help us! Lisa started a small cottage industry business selling custom purses. They have been spending a lot of time this year in exploration mode and have two larger, non-retail, clients. They do a lot of home parties (like pampered chef or tupperware style) and that seems do help them break even but they are going to be hosted on a Christian show in a month so hopefully that will get them some good press.


And me, well I just returned from a week in India followed by a week in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Work is going okay and AOL is doing fine, despite what you may read in the papers! It's all business hype and stock holder angst. We are about to launch some very aggressive business initiatives that should help us regain some of our former glory. Either that or we'll be going for broke! Take care of that lovely bride of yours, nurse back to health so you too can retire in style. And keep yourself healthy and upbeat my friend. We can't have you taking ill over any stress this situation may cause! Best and Warmest Regards and my God Bless You!


FROM: Barb S Sept 22 @ 6:54 AM

Just wanted to let you know we are always thinking about you and Lea. Just so sorry we can't all be there more. I know how important family support is. I know when Lea is better she will be so proud of the way you have handled all of this. It is to bad that more couples these days don't take the love and marriage commitment with such passion. That is why there is so much divorce

FROM: Becky J Sept 22 @ 9:12 AM

Hello Larry, Could you add my home address to you update email listing for lea? I am on there with my work email address now, but I do not always get the emails. I figure between the two addresses I should be able to get the email. Take care & God bless you & the family.

FROM: Jacqui H Sept 22 @ 10:38 AM

Dear Larry, I wanted to share something with you about some struggles I had to go through at the young age of 17 and without the knowledge of God's Word that you have sown in you heart and life.

It was September during my senior year of high school when my mother got a very bad headache. She was not one to complain. She worked hard, a mother of 11, who had started working at a local bank just six years earlier when the youngest started 1st grade. She eventually went to the doctor only to find out the worse news, she had brain cancer. In the longest three months of my young life, my mother fell asleep and is now awaiting the return of our Lord and Savior.

This was a very traumatic time of my life. I had not yet been saved and I was mad, mad at my Dad for not being able to help her live, mad at her for leaving me with a man who worked so much I didn't know him and mad at God for taking her from me so early in life (she was 48, I was 17). My whole world changed in an instant of time.

My mother had always been the one to hold the family together, she was the love that bound. She was truly a virtuous woman. She cooked all of our meals, made our clothes and believed God to make the money go as far as it could. My father worked hard to support all of us. I'm sure it was a challenge to raise 11 kids on one income and we never felt like we were lacking anything.

Within in 3 years of my mother's death, I married. I was young and didn't know what to look for in a man and I made a very poor choice. Within a year and a half, I was divorced. I still had not found God and now had something else to be mad about.

Eventually, I joined the Coast Guard and was witnessed to by a co-worker and have been standing faithfully since that day over 13 years ago. I learned that God was not responsible for the negative things that happened in my life because "He is light and in Him is no darkness at all". I am thankful that I learned how to believe God and to manifest the power His holy spirit. This has enabled me to get my needs met and believe for my son to stay healthy his whole life. I have ministered healing to people and seen them walk when they were told there would be no chance of them ever walking again. I have the privilege to have a husband who believes God's Word and wants to do help people with it. It has been an honor and a blessing to have learned the things I have learned and seen how God delivers time after time as we but believe the greatness of His



I could still be mad to think I needed this knowledge when my mother was so sick and died, or again, when I chose my first husband but then I realize that I would be charging God with evil and we are to never do that. I learned instead to see how He had protected me through so many things until I was ready to believe His Word and to learn to wait on His timing. It has brought much peace to my heart and life.

I have been inspired to read your daily updates and know that all of joined in praying for Lea has had a tremendous effect on her and everyone who receives your updates. It has been touching to see your love and respect for her and God. I think of David and the Psalms where he pours his heart out to God, time after time, showing his anger, his hurt, his disappointments, his fears, but always brought his mind back to the Word and gave glory to God.

My prayer for you is strength to continue to be there for Lea and see the things you are seeing. I pray for His wisdom for you throughout this situation. My prayer for Lea is a full, complete and speedy recovery for truly God has called both of you to something very special. Thank you for having the courage to share all that you are going through with so many you don't even know. Thank you for having the courage to speak His Word, to witness to the great results of doing His Word and not back down from the spiritual competition. Bless your heart.

FROM: Barb S Sept 22 @ 10:13 PM

Hi! I hear you got a letter from a certain sister in law. Just so you know, she doesn't speak for all of us. She does manage to upset some of us. We here in Missouri happen to think you are doing a wonderful job of keeping us all informed. We all feel like we have gotten to know the Larry Lea knows and loves so much. So, when she uses the word we, she is talking about herself. Anyway, this isn't to complain or anything but we all felt you should know we think you are doing great and we know how much you love Lea and would do anything necessary to help her. We understand you can't give every single detail of each days happenings or you would be on the computer all the time and no time for Lea. But, thank you for the time you spend keeping us updated. We love you both.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 23 @ 6:23 AM

Thank you. I appreciate your love and support. I know what you mean. Love ya!


FROM: Teresa T Sept 23 @ 10:43 AM

Dear Larry, Bill has been forwarding your emails to me, and they are nothing short of miraculous in many ways! The devotion you show toward Lea and the Lord is overwhelming enough that it brings me often to tears. Your notes have been an inspiration to me and have brought home again and again what is most important in this life - the Lord and his ministry and our loved ones. I think the things that you have put in writing have helped me grow in my relationship with the Lord, my husband and family. Bless you! God is certainly using you!! Your writings are selfless, genuine and heartwarming, and the myriad of emotions that you are going through is evident. I am so sorry that you are having to endure seeing Lea uncomfortable and in pain at times.

I've also heard that very sick patients often don't remember the trauma they endure. I hope she doesn't remember any of the trauma, but I do hope she remembers some of the angel Larry who nursed her along! But if not, she'll hear and read the stories! Larry, you are so strong emotionally and physically to be able to keep doing what you are doing. Thanks to God that he has sent you strength-Bless you for accepting and working with all your might to be strong and help Lea! We are constantly praying for you and Lea and sent requests for prayers from friends and family like so many others have. Hang in there, and when this

126 challenge is over, you'll be a candidate for an M.D. license or medical journal author or pastor or ...the list goes on! Prayers and Blessings from Saline, Michigan.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 23 @ 11:45 AM

Oh, thank you, Teresa. But, SHE is the angel, and I'm just afraid of losing her. I know that she loves me, and that gives me the power to keep going. With God's help, we'll see this through. Love.

FROM: Gracie L Sept 23 @ 12:02 PM

Your relationship is what every woman dreams and hopes hers will be. No apology is due. You said it all and left none of us untouched by those touching love filled words. Love.

FROM: Gracie L Sept 23 @ 12:20 PM RE: 9/21 Update

From my sister Karen: OMG that song.....I cried.

From my deaf sister Jeanne: He's a beautiful man through and through, he wrote such a sweet poem, not a true poet but still so sweet.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 23 @ 12:50 PM

Lance, Can't reach you by cell phone. You okay?

REPLY FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 24 @ 12:15 AM

Everything is good here. Kristin and I just got home from Austin City Limits, which is a three-day eight-stage live music festival. Cell phone is spotty there. I'll call you tomorrow afternoon before we return to the festival for the evening. Going to read Mom's update now. Hope everything is okay. Love you!

FROM: Barb S Sept 23 @ 4:41 PM

Lea, You are in our hearts and prayers. We pray for the day you will be able to join us for a celebration of Life. May God be your strength though the rough road you have been traveling and may he give Larry the strength he needs to help you also. We love you.


FROM: Jean S Sept 24 @ 8:32 AM

From my friend, Pat, whom I forward your emails. I love you!

------Forwarded Message------Jean, Try not to miss us too much! All though choosing the dentist over lunch with us could hurt our feelings. The meeting last night was really great - Jan always amazes me! I just finished reading your brother Larry's outpouring. What a wonderful guy - are you sure he is really your brother? My brother is such a dud! How did you get such wonderful brothers? Larry truly amazes me at his outlook and his faith. Reading what they go through each day makes me realize that our daily problems are nothing compared to what Larry and Lea are going through. He touches my heart every day and I continue to pray for God's will to be done in their lives. His poem today made me cry. He loves her so much. Have a great day! 127

FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 24 @ 12:28 PM

Hi, Lance, Could you please send me your photo of mom and me dancing? I know I have it somewhere, but I can't remember where it is. SO frustrating!

REPLY FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 24 @ 2:18 PM

Sure, Dad. I think I know where it is.

FROM: Bob, Billiann, Mary, & Isabel Sept 24 @ 3:52 PM

Please send us updates on Lea.

FROM: Peggy M Sept 24 @ 9:26 PM

Hello Larry- My name is Peggy M, I'm a friend of Karen and Gary R. Karen told me about Lea's illness, and please know that both Lea and you are in my prayers. You BOTH sound like very special people that one day I hope to meet. Karen is forwarding me the updates on Lea.

Please forgive me if I speak out of turn. But I just recently returned from a visit to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota with my mother. She has many medical problems, (diabetes, congestive heart failure, life long unexplained problems with her blood pressure, internal bleeding to the point of receiving of 11 units of blood in 5 months, and the list goes on and on.) She continued to fail very fast during the past few months, and my sisters and I knew if we didn't do something, we wouldn't have her here much longer. So we made an appt with Mayo. They are ABSOLUTELY amazing at finding what the root of problems are.

Only you and your family can decide what you think is best for Lea, but I felt I HAD to mention this option to you, since so much of Lea's condition seems to be such a mystery. I'm sure her doctors there are very good, but Mayo clinic is an unbelievable place. It's absolutely amazing the way all of the specialists work together for the good of the patient. None of the staff or doctors that we came in contact with had an ego that got in the way and they had the upmost respect for their colleagues and their expertise,,,,and believe me, we saw plenty. They all work very, very closely together. We ended up being up there for 3 weeks, versus the average 2-4 day stay. I even had a doctor stop in the hallway and ask if he could help me,,,because I was trying to get my bearings while pushing mom in her wheelchair to another of her appts and I must have looked lost. The staff of this clinic, (and we even had to make a trip to the ER and found the same to be true), are all extremely special people tuned into all the needs of the patient.

They found out that my mother has non-alcoholic sciorsis of the liver. Her doctor back here in Indiana was surprised, and doubted that they would have ever figured that out. It didn't solve all of her problems, but stopped the internal bleeding,,,and by adjusting her medications,,,she is so so much better. They helped her to get a better handle on all of her illnesses, and worked together to address her over all health. When she was here in Indiana, she would see one specialist for one thing, and another for the next, and so forth. Some of her medicines for one illness, affected the treatment and status of another of her other illnesses in a negative way. Even though they are all wonderful doctors, it seemed they weren't concerned about anything out of their specialty, because the other issues were being addressed by another specialist. Thus, the correct co-ordination of her treatment was not very successful here at home. Now that she has returned from Mayo, at the very least, her overall health has definitely improved, thanks to the work they did at Mayo. She is like a different person.

If you are interested, the appointment phone number is 507-284-2111. And you do NOT need to have a doctor's referral. If there is anything I can do, or any additional information you might want,,,please feel free to call me. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers!


REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 24 @ 9:30 PM

Thank you very much, Peggy. It was very kind of you to take the time to write of your great experience at Mayo. What a relief it must be for you to finally find a solution to all those medical conditions you've been struggling with all this time. Congratulations to you and your family! May God's blessings be with you always. Thank you, again, for the information. I will keep it handy in case we feel we need to take any further action in resolving Lea's issues. Warmest regards.

FROM: Merna P Sept 24 @ 10:16 PM

We are praying for you and Lea. I appreciate the updates on your wife. Your updates are a blessing to all that read them, I am sure. I receive the updates from your Uncle Jack and Aunt Ro. Don't you worry about answering all emails to everyone who has written. We just want to let you both know that we are praying for you and love you, in Christ.

Our God will take care of His own. And this means you and Lea. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. He loves us so much. It is wonderful to hear how much you love God and the wonderful love He has given to you and Lea for each other. May God continue to bless you and Lea and restore her health in His time.


FROM: Bruce H Sept 25 @ 8:12 AM

Hi Larry glad to hear things are going in the right direction, that is a very good picture of Lea and you, didn’t know you were that good of a dancer….love and prayers

FROM: Karen Sept 25 @ 3:42 PM

HI, Larry what a beautiful picture of you and Lea...... Just a update on my brother Bill, his two boys are testing for being a candidate for there dad, Alan the son that lives in Colorado is a match already with 3 out of 6 being good enough, Tony his son that lives in Thomasboro is testing tomorrow to see is he can give his dad a kidney and hopefully he will also be a backup candidate if something should go wrong with Alan that he couldn't make the trip.

We have Robert's mother staying with us four days a week and then she goes and stays with Robert's sister Joane the other days, we can't leave her alone any at all now, so we are busy beyond words also, and I am trying to work 4 days a week and then still babysit with the grandkids in the afternoons, so needless to say we don't know what leisure time is either, someday we will sit back in AWE and say how did we do it. But it's o.k. we do what we have to do and manage to get thru it.

Give that girl a big hug for me and tell her it's time to take a break from the illness and get back on track, we have things to do and places to go yet. Huh...... Never the less we love her with our whole heart and you and the boys and family to. Take Care hope to chat with you soon, I really need to hear your voices, just to know that you are o.k., will try to reach you on the cell phone soon. Later. Love ya.

FROM: Tony P Sept 25 @ 9:25 PM

Larry, Scott S has been keeping me up dated about Lee, now that his Father is coming along much better. What I would like to ask is that you add me to your "Lea Updates" within your email addresses. As you probably heard more than once now, you news letter up dates are transmitted verbally all over. From the morning coffee hang out in front of the Atlanta Music Hall to the Library in Atlanta and Cicero. All are

129 concerned and are praying for "you" for continued strength as well as for Lea.

FROM: Carol B Sept 25 @ 11:24 PM

This is from a young friend that I show dogs with. I send him updates once or twice a week. This was his comment on today's (9/25) note. By the way I remember our family Christmases and I think they might have been a close second to yours.

“man, larry comes from another time or world! i didn't know people like that still existed in this day and age. he's like a kindly character from a dickens novel. and he always finds the most positive things when speaking of lea. you have to admire his faith and courage. i wait for the day lea fully re-joins him. “ Even the nonbelievers have faith.


FROM: Stacy F Sept 26 @ 1:19 PM

Uncle Larry, That is a beautiful story and you did an awesome job on the window!! I mean it, you'd could never tell that was your first attempt!! It was a very cool thing you did for her and for her right now, though she may not know everything your doing. My prayer is that you'll have many more Christmas's to come!!

FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 26 @ 1:28 PM

AWESOME! Got me all teary-eyed!!! We sure have made some great memories, eh? =)

FROM: Roberta H Sept 26 @ 3:19 PM

Larry-Dave had told me about Lea, I had then contacted an Irwin employee and they have been forwarding your logs of her condition. My heart goes out to you, Lea and your family. She is so blessed to have you as I know you feel blessed to have her. I will keep you all in my prayers. Hang in there!!

FROM: R Dean N Sept 26 @ 5:01 PM

Dear Larry, Now I know where Lance got his ability to write stories and songs - a great email! Glad to see Lea is making progress through this ordeal. I guess the word ordeal doesn't really match what you both are going through - would have to search the dictionary (unabridged) to try to find something to describe it. You have great strength. Thanks.

FROM: Martha A Sept 26 @ 8:13 PM

Hi Larry, Please put me on the list for updates. I have worked with Lea for 15 years at Irwin. She is certainly a roll model for a lot on Irwin employees. My prayers and love go out to both of you everyday.

FROM: Linda H Sept 26 @ 8:52 PM

Lea and Larry, We just wanted to let you know that we really missed you at the festival this year. We didn't hear what the vendors thought, but it certainly didn't look like there were nearly as many people as there had been in past years. Sunday's rain didn't help at all. That's not really what I wanted to say. I'm sure you know about the new restaurant/coffee shop/photography studio going in in Billiann's place. Their coffee is wonderful, but the restaurant isn't open yet -- it should be shortly. Anyway, Herb invited us to come up to their courtyard (which is lovely, by the way) and have some margaritas the other night. They had it decorated


Hawaiian style and played Jimmy Buffett music. I decided that just as soon as Lea feels up to it, we will take her over there so she can enjoy it. We remember how much she enjoyed the Jimmy Buffett party we had with the Lions Club, so just plan on it. We'll make a night of it! Seriously, we miss seeing you when we come to Atlanta and are praying every day for only good things to happen for both of you. Take care of yourselves and know that we're all here for you. PS -- I LOVED the story about the stained glass door. Just to let you know, Leprechaun O'Haley is still up to his little tricks.

FROM: Dallas W Sept 26 @ 9:16 PM

Hi Larry, It occurs to me that if Lea is having fevers, perhaps she could be cooled down by alcohol swabbing bath. To help cool the fever a little. You might suggest it to see what the pros say about it. Just thinking out loud. Hope it is a helpful suggestion. God's continued blessings to you all. Your brother in Christ.


FROM: R Dean N Sept 27 @ 12:23 AM

Dear Larry, We love you both and you are in our prayers always.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 27 @ 7:34 PM

Mom, Kristin and I are just sitting here and thinking of you. We hope today is a good day for you. Your apple butter is the best in the world, by the way!

FROM: Ruth T Sept 27 @ 9:43 PM

Larry, Just wanted to ask you a question. You say God is doing his work, but God made his choice to take Lea back on July 16th. You and the Dr. have been changing what God intended. Please explain to me what you mean what is God's wish for Lea? I worry when and if she pulls through this and has physical and mental problems what is she going to think of you not honoring her wishes as she has put in her living will. Will she resent you for not doing as she wished or will she thank you for not doing as she wished? I guess this will depend if she returns to a normal life and can resume what she was capable of before.

I really hope for your sake she will be her old self. I just can't stop thinking what Dr. Mah would do if this were his wife. Would he leave her to suffer so long or would he have let her go when this started in July. Please help me to understand why you feel the need to keep trying and not do what God intended to happen. Larry thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to you answer explaining this so I can understand what you are thinking.

I believe in God and say a prayer for Lea many times a day and also one for you that she won't be disappointed in what quality of life she will have. Larry I sure hope things will turn around pretty soon because I don't know how long Lea's body can keep fighting. I hope and pray it will be soon. I know you hope the same thing. I printed out the picture that you emailed and really appreciate you taking the time to attach it. Larry have a good night and I look forward to your next email. The phone updates seem to be getting fewer all the time. Love.


FROM: R Dean N Sept 28 @ 12:31 AM

Dear Larry, We love you and we love Lea.

FROM: Randall B


Sept 28 @ 9:56 AM

Larry: I have been getting Lea Updates from Becky J here in the office and have been touched by your strength, love for your wife, and faith in Jesus. We serve a mighty God who never fails, and we are standing with you in prayer. I have been with Irwin for over eight years and I have had the pleasure of working with Lea on several occasions. She is a wonderful lady, just over the top, and I still see that beautiful smile, which seems to be a permanent fixture on her face. I believe she will come home and be returned to full health. She and you are in the best of hands. Our Lord is ever faithful, hears and answers our prayers.

Please add me to your mailing list, so I can let Becky know that she can remove me from hers. God bless you and Lea. We look forward to seeing her, and perhaps having the honor of meeting you someday as well.

FROM: Shana G Sept 28 @ 1:28 PM

Hi Larry, Hope all is going well today. I am looking very forward to seeing you guys tomorrow. Will you still be able to pick us up at the airport? If so, should we just give you a call after we have our bags and have you pick us up at baggage claim? You just let us know what will work best for you. I am at home today, so you can e-mail me here.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 28 @ 9:19 PM

As it turns out, I will be teaching during the time you arrive. However, David and Dottie are here, and may have plans to pick you up. I talked to Lou earlier, and she said if she doesn't hear from David in the morning she'll just take a cab. I'm sure Dave will take care of it. I'll mention it as soon as I see them in the morning. Travel safely!

REPLY FROM: Shana G Sept 28 @ 9:28 PM

No problem. We can certainly take a cab if need be. We're just looking forward to seeing you guys!

FROM: Ernest B Sept 28 @ 4:12 PM

Larry, If I may say something in regard to the statement "(Larry)'s accountability in this matter is before God” – My father once found himself in very much the same position you where, in regard to two lives for whom he felt responsible for, his wife and an unborn child, don’t know if I shared this story with you but let me give you a brief synopsis of that tale:

My mother and father where missionaries in central America living in the rain forest witnessing to the indigenous people of the area. My mother was pregnant at the time and during an early morning trip to the well from her bungalow or hut, she fell on the crude clay stairs going down a hill and fell on her stomach. The fall cause her much discomfort and being concerned for his wife my father caught a boat going into town. The trip back to the city was four mentally excruciating hours for them both.

On their arrival she was rush into the hospital and a nurse administered some medication for my mothers pain – But the medication given was incorrect (don’t know what was given) and started to cause my mother to abort the fetus. The doctor on arrival told my father that something had to be done quickly, and that he could only save one of the patient: either the mother for the child. My father refuse to make a choice. His reply was : Doctor I am paying you for both patience – it is not for me to choose who live or who dies – that is for God alone to decide. You do your best and we will leave the rest to God.

Well the doctor manage to deliver a pre-mature baby whom he declared dead to a woman who was still alive; barely alive but still alive nonetheless. The doctor declared the baby dead. My fathers response was: Doc, I paid for the delivery of a living child – you will do what is normal and customary for premature babies. The doctor protested but my father would have it no other way. The doctor complied. My father went down to the

132 registrar general never losing hope and registered a healthy baby. The registrar general told my father that someone had already registered the baby as dead, but my father had the papers change to reflect a living child. And Return on his bicycle to the hospital hours later.

When he arrived and ask to see his son, the nurses gasp. They had forgotten to turn the child which was in an incubator. When they got there the entire right side of the child had third degree burns. And picking the child up leaving parts of his flesh in the incubator they heard a tiny, cry – barely audible. My father then insisted that the child be cared for and so he was rush into intensive care… what that meant under third world conditions circa 1960.

Later that day the doctor confronted my father and ask why he was wasting the time of the staff as the baby would not live past 24 hours. Once again my father maintained that it was not for him to decide. The baby live for 24 hours. The next day the doctor ask the same question stating that he would only give the baby 48 more hours at most. The baby live two days longer. At the that the doctor gave the baby only 72 more hours at best – but the baby live 3 more days. At that the doctor said, it is a waste of time the baby is brain dead and will be retarded for the rest of his life if he lived past a week. The baby live past a week and was later released and that retarded baby is now writing to you to say: Pay no attention to anything other than what God has revealed to you in your heart. Remember Job. Remember that it is not God who takes us but the devil who tries to break us down by trial and suffering. However, our father has the ultimate confidence in us that we love him, with all our heart, mind and soul and nothing – not even the threat of lost of those things dear to us; whether passion, health or even those dear to our heart is enough to take our love for him from us. He has faith that we will love him unconditionally even as he loved us – first unconditionally and gave his son.

Therefore: as God have faith in our love for him to the point of testing even his son to prove the devil wrong about us and a damned liar – we too should have faith in God that he loves us and that in the end he will reward us for our love and faithfulness: Now and later with everlasting life. My prayers are for you – For Lea and for all the family, even as your prayers are for me. Sincerely and with all the love of a Son.

FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 28 @ 5:03 PM

Dad - Some words of wisdom from Bill. I did not have the time to respond like you needed today, so I hope you don't mind that I asked Bill for some input. Blessings.

-----Original Message----- FROM: Bill Barley Sept 28 @ 10:29 AM

Link - I can understand your dad's agitation! Whether intentional or not, the wording of the e-mail your dad received seems manipulative. It places him in a position of dealing with "I told you so" if things don't go as we all hope. Your dad's accountability in this matter is before God. What he knows for sure at this point is that he has entered into a covenant with your mom, before God, to love and care for her. That's what he's doing. He also knows that God DID NOT take your mom on July 16th. Quite the opposite, he put her in a position where her life could be preserved. Your dad is simply continuing along the path that the Lord set before him.

While I'm sure there are many situations where artificial life support means should be discontinued, it seems to me that we're to use all the means we have at our disposal - provided by a sovereign God - to preserve life. If there's any doubt about which way to go in a situation like your dad's, I'd say it's in the direction of honoring his marriage covenant and honoring life. It comes to mind that your dad's friends' advice sounds a lot like that of Job's friends!

FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 28@ 5:22 PM

P.S. I don't know that I would include her e-mail in your daily update as it could appear as an attack and start a battle that you don't need to be spending the energy to fight. However, I think some of the encouragement sent from Bill could be well used in the update.


I would encourage a note directly back to her especially concerning the "I told you so" attitude that was conveyed. Hopefully in a kind way that would build up her faith... Anyway, my two cents...

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 28 @ 6:59 PM

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! You blessed me, and provided me a perspective to take that burden off my heart! You gotta love that Bill! Thank you again!

FROM: Pat Stroup Sept 28 @ 5:35 PM

Hey Darlin! I don't know about the rest of the "family", but I'm planning a very nice Christmas this year, how about you? I see my husband everyday, and he's a shell of what he was in July, but we aren't thinking of what could happen, we're planning on what is going to happen. I just want to fill Lea full of fatting goodies this Christmas, and set back and watch. Because with her skinny butt, she can get by with it, and I can't! At least someone should enjoy all the fun! Right?

We have bad days, and we have good days, and I know sometimes I wish I could have our "ole" days back again, but we can't, so you just have to put on your big girl panties, and deal with it! Because it could always be worse, and you and I know that it is going to get better! Heck, I still believe in Santa, and the fact that someday I'll be a size 4, (even if it is in my dreams)!

You just give Miss Lea a big kiss and hug for me and Joe, and also Dave and Dottie too, OK? Things are getting a little better here today, as I'm sure Dave will fill you in on Joe's bad ones so far, but he's on additional med's, and has been able to shed some of the fluid, so hopefully he'll start to feel better. He better, I keep reminding him that I'm really not nurse material, I just paint pictures, and play with flowers. Besides, I really don't think I have any tears left, so things have to start going in the right direction, and they will! I wish so much that we could come and stay with you for a little while, but that's just not going to happen, so we'll keep emailing and calling ok? Well, it's bed time, and I have to get to bed, another day of work tomorrow. Love ya guys!

FROM: Carol B Sept 28 @ 6:26 PM

When my mom (your aunt) was in the last days of her life our Uncle Bill told dad that he was going to bring in a specialist and make a few changes in mom's treatment because after all she was his sister. Dad told him that he was well aware that she was his sister as well as his mother's only daughter. At that point in time it was too late for a specialist (she was already in the care of a specialist) to do anything, (remember this was 1970) and all decisions had been made about mom's care after discussions with Grandma, Sharon, and I. Then her brothers were updated and their concerns were taken into account.

However, dad reminded Uncle Bill that he was only 17 when mom and dad were married and they had been married for 34 years which meant that she had spent more of her life with him (dad) than she had her brothers, so as much as they loved her and were her family we (dad, Sharon, and I) were more her family than they were. It is sort of funny when you think about it, but very true.

I understand where the concerns are coming from. It is very hard to be there and watch what your loved one is going through everyday. But it must be equally as hard to know that someone very dear to you (sister/mother/cousin/friend) is fighting a battle that you can do nothing about. You are helpless and hurting for them and all you hear is the daily report you read. Tensions can get very high in stressful conditions. We all wish it could just be over and Lea would be up and about. The struggle is ongoing and as long as there is hope we keep believing.


It is wonderful that Lea is touching so many people around the world and the love you two have/are sharing is enviable. But first and foremost is the testimony and witness to God our Father that is being shared with so many throughout this ordeal.

FROM: Herb W Jr Sept 28 @ 9:28 PM

Larry, (follow the link) you will find Lea's name on the (church’s) prayer list. With Love and His Grace.

FROM: Ernest H. B Sept 28 @ 10:12 PM

Larry, If I may say something in regard to the statement “"(Larry)'s accountability in this matter is before God –

My father once found himself in very much the same position you where, in regard to two lives for whom he felt responsible for, his wife and an unborn child, don’t know if I shared this story with you but let me give you a brief synopsis of that tale:

My mother and father where missionaries in central America living in the rain forest witnessing to the indigenous people of the area. My mother was pregnant at the time and during an early morning trip to the well from her bungalow or hut, she fell on the crude clay stairs going down a hill and fell on her stomach. The fall cause her much discomfort and being concerned for his wife my father caught a boat going into town. The trip back to the city was four mentally excruciating hours for them both.

On their arrival she was rush into the hospital and a nurse administered some medication for my mothers pain – But the medication given was incorrect (don’t know what was given) and started to cause my mother to abort the fetus. The doctor on arrival told my father that something had to be done quickly, and that he could only save one of the patient: either the mother for the child. My father refuse to make a choice. His reply was: Doctor I am paying you for both patience – it is not for me to choose who live or who dies – that is for God alone to decide. You do your best and we will leave the rest to God.

Well the doctor manage to deliver a pre-mature baby whom he declared dead to a woman who was still alive; barely alive but still alive nonetheless. The doctor declared the baby dead. My fathers response was: Doc, I paid for the delivery of a living child – you will do what is normal and customary for premature babies. The doctor protested but my father would have it no other way. The doctor complied. My father went down to the registrar general never losing hope and registered a healthy baby. The registrar general told my father that someone had already registered the baby as dead, but my father had the papers change to reflect a living child. And Return on his bicycle to the hospital hours later. When he arrived and ask to see his son, the nurses gasp. They had forgotten to turn the child which was in an incubator. When they got there the entire right side of the child had third degree burns. And picking the child up leaving parts of his flesh in the incubator they heard a tiny, cry – barely audible. My father then insisted that the child be cared for and so he was rush into intensive care… what that meant under third world conditions circa 1960.

Later that day the doctor confronted my father and ask why he was wasting the time of the staff as the baby would not live past 24 hours. Once again my father maintained that it was not for him to decide. The baby live for 24 hours. The next day the doctor ask the same question stating that he would only give the baby 48 more hours at most. The baby live two days longer. At the that the doctor gave the baby only 72 more hours at best – but the baby live 3 more days. At that the doctor said, it is a waste of time the baby is brain dead and will be retarded for the rest of his life if he lived past a week. The baby live past a week and was later released and that retarded baby is now writing to you to say: Pay no attention to anything other than what God has revealed to you in your heart. Remember Job. Remember that it is not God who takes us but the devil who tries to break us down by trial and suffering. However, our father has the ultimate confidence in us that we love him, with all our heart, mind and soul and nothing – not even the threat of lost of those things dear to us; whether passion, health or even those dear to our heart is enough to take our love for him from us. He has faith that we will love him unconditionally even as he loved us – first unconditionally and gave his son.


Therefore: as God have faith in our love for him to the point of testing even his son to prove the devil wrong about us and a damned liar – we too should have faith in God that he loves us and that in the end he will reward us for our love and faithfulness: Now and later with everlasting life. My prayers are for you – For Lea and for all the family, even as your prayers are for me. Sincerely and with all the love of a Son.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 28 @ 10:51 PM

Bless you! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. They mean SO very much at this time. I can't thank you enough! God's blessings!

FROM: Randy V Sept 28 @ 10:41 PM

Hiya Larry! I have not written as much as I would have liked to but felt this one was a good topic on which to touch base. Before launching into that, I have to confess that your eloquence and composure in this trial is quite impressive. I doubt I would carry things off as well as you have in the current situation.

Now, let's get down to the basics. I have to disagree with "anguished family member" and agree with the latter response - which I take to be to one of your sons. In fact, what I understand of the circumstances surrounding the discovery of Lea's medical condition gives full evidence of Divine intervention. Plainly, - at least in my own fermented, rather, demented mind - discovering a critical medical emergency whilst coincidentally in a hospital is a downright miracle. And, a Miracle with a capital M at that.

I've heard folks claim we are past the age of miracles. These people are blind. Do they not wake up in the morning? Do they not see the stars? Do they not realize that every breath we take and every beat of our hearts are only due to our Heavenly Father's will? How sad. Clearly, this time is a miraculous and divine communication. What other form of divine communication would we expect God to use? Postcards? Perhaps one nicely engraved with:

Dear Lea, There is a problem with your pancreas. Please go to a hospital. Love, your Spiritual Father

I've had other divine communications. None of which came under pleasant circumstances. I'll take what ever I get. Rest assured, my good cousin, that I feel you are carrying out your part in this affair in full agreement with "The Plan" - whatever and wherever that leads. By the way, did I ever tell you our ggg(?) grandfather, David Vaughn, was a minister? Religiosity seems to run down the family line. Lea, your family and you remain ever present in my prayers. Be not weary.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Sept 28 @ 10:50 PM

Bless you, Randy! Thank you for your perspective on this, and your kind words of encouragement. Theyhave given me great comfort. I can't thank you enough! God's blessings to you and the family.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Sept 28 @ 11:54 PM

Larry, you can only look to and believe in the goodness of your Lord. He and only he can direct you. I will be praying for you and Lea and ask for his blessing on you. In his LOVE. I am your Mother. Hugs and kisses.


FROM: Lance Vaughn


Sept 29 @ 12:11 AM

Just a quick note to let everyone know I talked to my father tonight, as I do most nights after he posts his update. Today, day 72, was both his hardest day and his best day thus far. From his post, I think most of us can understand how it could be so difficult. And, thank you so much, Ernest, for sharing your personal story with us. So wonderful!! If your father hadn't questioned his doctor long ago, you would not be with us today. Praise God for you! You are a beautiful man.

I would just like to take a moment to bring focus to something beautiful that happened today that my father didn't mention in his update. He told me that Mom was very alert today and, at one wonderful moment, focused as best she could on Dad and gave him the biggest, most beautiful smile. Then she puckered for a kiss!! This is my Mom! This is the extraordinary woman that we all love so much! Thank you, Lord, for surrounding us every day in your love and guiding us through these difficult times. And thank you, Pat, for painting a picture of my mother with chocolate on her face this Christmas. As hard is it will be for her, she's just gonna have to sit there and let us bake all the cookies for once!

We love you, Mom! And God bless all of you who are joining us in this mission to better understand God's Will and to come together as a family, God's family. Thank you all so much!

FROM: Carol B TO: Marjorie Vaughn Sept 29 @ 12:22 AM

Aunt Margie, I hurt so much for Larry and all he is going through. I am in awe of his strength and I am jealous of the love affair he and Lea have had for all these years. don't get me wrong scott and I have had a good life together . . . just not romantic. You know the grass is always greener. I assumed that that letter came from one of Lea's brothers and I can sympathise with them...they are here she is there and they feel helpless so "let's just get this whole thing over with" attitude comes pouring out. Poor Larry is fighting for the love of his life and now has more piled up on top of it.

FROM: Cheryl H Sept 29 @ 6:51 AM

Wow! Thank you for sending along the question a family member had about God's will and then the following email about the baby. Wow. That really cleared up a lot of questions I had regarding God's will and advanced directives. Larry, you are right, all that you guys are going through touches all of us out here. It continues to amaze me. Keep the faith! God's Peace

FROM: Barb S Sept 29 @ 7:33 AM

I feel it necessary to apologize to you Larry. This is a time that we as family should be pulling together to give all our support and strength to you and Lea. I feel in my heart that Lea would be so proud of the way you have handled things and how strong your faith has become. Someday soon, with God's help, she will be walking beside you again and helping you to get through to those who had so little faith.

God will have the final say. Until then, we have no right to try and make his decision for him. Thank God you have followed your heart and your faith! We still have Lea and she is getting stronger day by day, baby steps at a time but, still taking those steps. We love you all as does God!

REPLY FROM: Jean S Sept 29 @ 3:44 PM

Barb- Thank you so much for being thoughtful enough to send an encouragement to Larry. I KNOW without a doubt, that that is what Lea would have wanted you to do.

FROM: Karen R Sept 29 @ 9:38 AM


Good morning, Larry, Your letter of 9-28, from a family member, stated "....but God made his choice to take Lea back on July 16th". Nothing could be further from the truth! IF God had made his choice on that date, you would have buried Lea and been back in Atlanta to take care of your and Lea's affairs. Each and everyone of us like to think we have at least some control over our lives, but in the matter of life and death? God is the only one who controls such things. To me it's so simple - God is not through with Lea yet. What his plans are, we may never know, but you did NOT decide things that night,,,,God did, and he is not yet ready to receive Lea and may not for years to come.

I must tell you now, , Lea is so very lucky to have someone such as yourself that loves her so much. I can't imagine how weary and tired you are at this point and my heart goes out to you for mustering up strength each and every day. Know this; you have the utmost respect from Gary and I for what you are handling with such grace. I wonder, also, if the family member who wrote that letter isn't just a little tired and frustrated himself. It must be very hard to endure all this with someone you love. You want them better and to be able to talk to them again and have things as they were once again.

I hope his faith sustains him and I pray that he will see that you are doing the very best you can under such adverse conditions. I always suspected that, although Lea was thin and fragile that underneath all that she was a "Steel Magnolia",,, now I'm sure of it. Know that we love you both and are praying for a speedy recovery for Lea. God Bless.

FROM: Brian H Sept 29 @ 9:54 AM

Mr. Vaughn, I would still like to consider myself a young man, but realistically have to admit that I am middle aged. No matter, as I read your emails, I hope that I can become the man that you seem to be. You have taught, and continue to teach me so many things throughout your updates. I am truly amazed. I know that in this point of my life, I would not handle things the way that you have, but you have given me a goal to strive for. Of course, our ultimate goal is our great example in our Lord Jesus Christ, but sometimes seeing parts of him in someone else is easier to relate to. I wish the best for you and Lea, who also has touched my life, and continue to pray for you all.

FROM: Robyn E Sept 29 @ 11:48 AM

Gosh Larry, after reading the latest update forwarded to me- i'm sitting here dumbfounded that you were seemingly chastised by someone who loves you and Lea. the thought that you might be doing something out of God's will regarding Lea and her care has never even entered my mind. I sit here at my desk every morning and read your updates with tears in my eyes...sometimes streaming down my face...because of your faith, your love for her and the Lord, and the awesome, awesome privilege to see the hand of God at work in so many people's lives because of what your family is going through. As always, you and Lea are in my and God bless.

FROM: Laura R D Sept 29 @ 12:32 PM

Larry, I have heard of how hurt you were by another individual's letter. Everyone is titled to one's own opinion, however there are some thoughts that should be kept to ourselves. All persons may have their own opinions, but they are just that. They are not relevant in anyway to try to pursue others into feeling like we do.

Larry if you feel right about your decisions then go with it. I have never met a more loving person than you. I have no idea of the pain and hurt you may be going through. I do believe that we all have felt some sort of grief. We all cope in our own ways and for another to pass judgment or tell you what you're doing is wrong just is not right. If I had to describe your situation I would evaluate it as this years best love story, and you have won the golden globe. For a husband to be as committed as you is phenomenal.

I love the way you reminisce and look back through life. For it is the life we have lived that makes us who we are. Your's and Aunt Leas life has touched so many. You will never truly know how many lives have been

138 touched or changed from the love story of you and Aunt Lea. Larry you are one of the most beautiful persons I have ever met and your love and devotion just astonishes me. I give you my blessing and send my love and prayers. God Bless!

FROM: Laura & Cory D Sept 29 @ 3:19 PM

Confidential! For Aunt Lea and Uncle Larry only! Laura and Cory has created a special posty, just for you,

FROM: Wes L Sept 29 @ 9:19 PM

Larry , I work for Lincare -- which is a home oxygen & respiratory company. If you need any info about this company, if needed when Lea goes home , please feel free to ask for this company. They are nation wide and can be utilized from almost anywhere. Please ask if the nurses have any knowledge of this company. Thanks for the emails to keep me informed, please send them directly from you if possible. Just keep the faith!! God does have a plan for the two of you!!!! Regards, Wes

FROM: Bob & Barb T Sept 29 @ 9:46 PM

Dearest Larry, Praise God! I am so excited after reading your update tonight! Of course, all of you are still in my prayers. I would like to say that Bob and I say AMEN to what Barb wrote to you regarding the words of the "Anguished family members". I don't think anyone could have said it better! I believe God gave her those thoughts and words. I wish you, Lea, Dottie, Dave, and the other friends that are with you, a good night as you care for Lea. May you keep feeling God's presence. Thanks again for your updates. God is in control!!

FROM: Kathy D Sept 29 @ 10:00 PM

Larry, I just wanted to write and tell you that I stand by you 100% in everything you are doing. I know that if things were turned that Lea would be doing everything that you are. No one is keeping Lea here. The doctors, nor you. If God wanted her, no matter what anyone does he would take her. I'm so proud of the way you are handling this and what you must be going through. I sure wish I could be there with you and Lea through all of this. I love you and Lea so much and you both mean the world to me. Lea is a wonderful sister, the best anyone could have. You and Lea are living God's will. The love you share for one another only brings our family closer to you and to God. Through God all things are possible! Remember God says " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Much love and prayer.


FROM: Lance Vaughn Sept 30 @ 12:30 AM

I tried to call you within minutes of you posting your update, but your phone was off. No big deal. Just wanted you to know that I tried and will continue to do so. LOVE YOU! GOD BLESS!!

FROM: Gracie L Sept 30 @ 7:25 AM

I just had to send you Nat King Cole's Unforgettable (link) this morning. I am so amazed at Lea. There she is smiling at you in spite of all she's suffering. She is incredible. Gosh Larry, how your heart flows over with the love you feel for your lovely Lea. Your beautiful glowing spirit shines through and this beautiful song applies to you also.


FROM: Teana B Sept 30 @ 8:31 AM

Larry and Lea, I am so glad that Lea is getting better! Praise God!!! I just wanted to let you guys know that if you need anything, anything at all when you get back please let Adam and I know. We would like to help in any way that we can. This update has really made my day. It truly is a testament to God and all he does. We love you guys and you are always in our prayers.

FROM: Ruth Tate Sept 30 @ 9:24 AM

Larry, Sure is great to get so much good news in such a short time. Maybe she will get it this time, I mean off the ventilator and never has to see that thing again. I do really hope you and Lea have a long and happy life together. My questions the other day was to help me understand why you were letting this go on. When we were their the Dr. said he didn't know Lea's wishes and that is what made me email you all of those questions. I really do thank you for taking the time to answer each one separately.

I hope to hear more good news tonight. As I said in my last email the phone updates are few and far between. I like it when you tell us all that has happened throughout the day as you did last night. This makes me feel like she has a good chance. My prays are with the both of you, and don't know if you believe this our not. I pray more for Lea than you and I know I shouldn't but I feel at this time she need it more.

Hang there and I will also and again thanks for being so honest with me. I am not an anguished family member but one who would like to know everything that happens with her each day. I know this takes a lot of your time to do this for everyone but we really do appreciate it. I like that you don't give her kisses and worry when the nurses and Dr's come in without mask on because you never know what they could carry in to Lea.

FROM: Raymond B Sept 30 @ 10:04 AM

Larry: Overwhelming seems to be the word that keeps coming to mind. Overwhelming....Lea's awake....she's lucid.....your unwavering faith in God...the wonderful family and friends you and Lea have that have continued to stand by and support you.....the incredible joy and excitement all of us feel....God's Plan.... I know the journey will be difficult, but if this is the Ironman Triathlon, you're back on dry land and pedaling furiously. Janie and I are sooooo excited for you and the family.

I also want you to know you and your family have had and continue to have a significant impact on our life in a positive way. I am sure you have had many times when you were very down, but your faith and trust in God remained strong, even despite a few well-intentioned naysayers. Job's situation does come to mind. I must say also that you are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family, several that have stayed the course with you and Lea, not just in prayer, but also in literally standing by your side and selflessly helping you when you needed it most. I can only hope that in heaven, Janie and I can be neighbors of yours and Dave & Dottie's, not necessarily because we deserve it, but maybe because we're friends of those that do?

I know you're just in the middle of the triathlon, but I have a feeling your strength, belief in God and love for Lea and your family will only be stronger as a result of this particular trial and tribulation, and you will make it to the finish line in great shape!

FROM: Jean H TO: Gracie L Sept 30 @ 10:38 AM

Wow... it is looking so good for Lea, I was most concern for her mind to function and it is so good to see her reactions, pucker her lips for Larry, and now shows her happiness when her girl friends came to see her and so upset when she found out about their friend Bill's heart attack and how it came to be with her being in the hospital etc. she's a beauty isn't she....


They will want to see you as soon as they are able to travel. You have another new life time friendship. They are gems. I noticed he added Karen's name to the list, too. Was Kathy's there? Oh would Blake just love it when Lea and you are together wow. I am sending this now and am going to read your poem. At first I thought Laura's card was too long but the more you read it the better it gets.

FROM: Jean H Sept 30 @ 10:55 AM

OH, My Larry whoops, I send it to you by a mistake. I was trying to reply to my sister Gracie. I am Gracie's deaf sister, Jeanne Handyside. I guess you are suppose to read this letter. I told Gracie that I would make sure to check to be sure that I send it to her and I have been sending my replies to the wrong people several times and here I go again. I look forward to Gracie's forwards from you every morning. I have wept and have had some happy times reading your letters day by day, this morning is so wonderful and uplifting, seeing that Lea is responding every body that walked in her room and she is trying to breathe on her own. Her white cells is building up, her vitals are getting better. Larry, thank you for sharing your deepest thoughts, feelings, beliefs with all of us. Lea and you are so beautiful. love you.

FROM: Carol J Sept 30 @ 11:38 AM

Larry, Would you please add my e-mail address to your distribution list? Barb and Kathy have been forwarding them on to me and there really is no since of them doing that. I read them every day and call dad (Jim Leffert) and keep him informed. I'll keep praying for her recovery. Thank God for our close family.

FROM: Renee K Sept 30 @ 1:50 PM

Wow! What wonderful news. This should help confirm that you have made the right decisions. Maybe it's God's way of telling you that he knows about the negative e-mail you received and thought he should shed a little light on you all there. You are moving in the right direction. You've made the right decisions all along. Praise God.

FROM: Link Vaughn Sept 30 @ 8:55 PM

Amen P.S. The Buckingham's (Sacred Farms Coffee Farm, Hawaii) would like to be added to "The List"

FROM: Bob & Barb T Sept 30 @ 9:28 PM

Larry, Add a zillion more PRAISE GOD AND GLORY TO GOD to yours. I am so happy! I wish I could be there with you to see her, and as soon as you can, hug her for her big brother and sis-in-law. God bless you too, Larry, for your strong faith and love. Thank all the staff for us, too, we love them.

FROM: Karen R Sept 30 @ 9:51 PM

WOOHOO!!! How absolutely wonderful!! Enjoy this day, dear Larry!! We love and miss you both!

FROM: Donna N Sept 30 @ 10:03 PM

Larry, I read the e-mail from anguished family members that questioned your judgement on Lea's treatment...... Then, I read the next day's update where you said at the end that you owe her every chance for recovery you can give her...... That is so very true and sweet of you...... God is working his wonders on her by guiding the doctors, and you, in the decision making of her recovery...... As sick as Lea is, there have been other people, if you can imagine at this time, in worse situations and the miracle of God's loving hands has guided everyone around them to do what's right in their recovery...... And even

141 the doctors, sometimes who have never met the patient before their hospital stay, are unaware of their capabilities of fighting back towards recovery even under the most extreme conditions...... We hear of cases all the time where people pull through under grim circumstances due to their inner strength and the people around them supporting them...... If I recall correctly, you said in a previous e-mail that Lea's brain scan was normal...... That in itself would prompt me to crusade for her recovery, since the problem is with other organs that, over time, can be healed and strengthened!...... Also, the fact that she is showing emotions, facial expressions, mouthing words AND fighting to breathe on her own is also a sign that she's fighting to overcome the weaknesses her body now has...... I guess what I'm trying to say is you're doing the right thing and what is best for her...... I also seem to recall you had written that at one time you had whispered to her if she wanted to go, you would understand...... Doctors have told me that even when someone is in a coma, they might not remember it, but they do HEAR it!...... Lea hasn't given up, so why should you and the doctors!?...... So take comfort in knowing you are doing what's right for Lea and thank you so very much for adding me to her update list...... Jim and I read them first before any other e- mail...... Our hearts and prayers are with you both and when the time comes for Lea to come home I will try to help in any way I can...... Sincerely, Donna N P.S. Tell Shan I said "Hi"! P.S.S.!!...... I just read Lea's update for today! (Sept 30th)...... She's back!....Hallejuah!....She's back!...... At least in mind and spirit!...... And what great news that is!...... Now that she will be able to communicate with everyone she will soon be on the road to recovery, albeit a long one...... But what a major step this has been!...... I am so happy for both of you!...... Forget Shan, tell LEA I said "HI"!...... Oh! Tell Shan, too! :)

FROM: R Dean N Sept 30 @ 11:13 PM

Dear Larry, I cannot describe the joy I feel at this moment.

FROM: Marlowe N Sept 30 @ 11:36 PM

Dear Larry, I'm sooo excited and grateful to God for this BIG step of your being able to connect with Lea. It must make all the hardship totally worthwhile and give you incredible encouragement. God is so good and faithful in response to your faith and perseverance! I'm so happy for you and Lea and all your family. It seems almost certain now that she is going to make it, and be her old self, at least mentally. I continue to pray for her complete recovery. With my love and admiration.

FROM: Barb S Sept 30 @ 10:55 PM

Wow! How great ! I know these are baby steps forward but this feels more like a GIANT baby step! What good news! We'll keep praying that this is the miracle that we have all been praying for and that Lea will start moving ahead and catch up those 2 weeks she lost! Would that not be great! If we all pray really hard, maybe she will be well enough to be moved closer to home by Christmas and we can have one heck of a Christmas Celebration. It would be great to see her and let her know in person how much we all love and miss her. You take care and give Lea a hug from us. Love to you all.

FROM: Pamela Sept 30 @ 11:27 PM

Barb and Kathy, I wanted to add my words of thanks to those that Jean sent in regard to your words of comfort/encouragement to Larry and Lea. I know that Lea will cherish your words when she is more able, just as Larry and the rest of us in the family do now. Thank you, so much, for reminding us that God is in control and that He will have the final word.


FROM: Dallas W Oct 1 @ 7:52 AM


I won't say I'm a bit surprized, cause I'm not...but I will say....HALLELUJAH TO THE LAMB OF GOD HE IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!!! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME...I am soooo relieved for you all. The excitement levels were off the charts as I read last night's update. I look forward to the day.....when we sit together and praise God for all He has done for us.

I saw our friends Joe & Pat at Christophers restaurant yesterday,in Tipton, Joe said his defibrilator went off that morning, the good news being that they now know it works (their words) hahahahaha Joe came up to the booth at the Earth Festival and got a seated massage, noting yesterday that he felt much better afterwards....Hopefully I'll be able to do the same for Lea - Lea when you return home. He said he wants to schedule an appointment with me to get the "Royal Treatment" (my words) hahahahahahaha

Keep taking baby steps and we'll name a dance after you...Baby-step Boogie, or perhaps Lea's Homecoming Shuffle or something like that... I am sooooo happy I wanna give you all a big ol' hug...But I'll wait....God's continued Blessings.

FROM: Jean S Oct 1 @ 8:58 AM

YA HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved. He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps (Lea) shall neither slumber nor sleep. Thank You Almighty God, the God who hears! I want to dance a jig, Larry. I know you can barely contain your joy. I love you!!~!!

FROM: Patricia W Oct 1 @ 10:54 AM

Remember Every minute spent angry is sixty seconds of happiness wasted "Say I love you today, tomorrow might be to late."

FROM: Pamela Oct 1 @ 1:06 PM

Larry (and Lea)!!! Yes, Praise God for His wonderful watchcare over you and Lea! How glorious is His Name in all the earth! I can see you're floating on a cloud that you both have worked long and hard for and so rightly deserve! Praise God! Oh, Praise God!!!

FROM: Joe Stroup Oct 1 @ 4:21 PM

Hi Lea, Pat and I love you and Larry, miss you, and wish you were home. I anxiously await each report from Larry, and call him every few days just to here his voice and try to be there, even though I can’t be. If the Dr’s would allow me to travel, I would have been out there already. I can’t wait for the time when you can talk again and take phone calls yourself – even though I know that will be a bawling fest. I doubt that I will be able to speak for crying.

I still have a long road ahead of me and I know your road is even longer, but it is achievable. I get around pretty well without my walker now but sometimes I move like I’m drunk, shifting sideways or wobbling like a Weeble. Just like you, my Dr. is still trying to find the right balance of medicines that will make my blood pressure and heart rate come to a happy medium. I redeveloped the urinary tract infection that I had when I left the hospital. Pat has had to give up one of her kitchen drawers just so I can keep all of my medicine and insulin. I have lost close to 60 pounds now. I’m getting as skinny as you. I sure hope you don’t you go losing too much weight! I liked Larry’s Lobster Girl just the way she was.

In all reality, however, nothing is probably going to be ‘just the same’ for the four of us, but I hope and pray that we can get back close to that point. You and Larry are our best friends. I don’t think there has ever been anyone that Pat and I have enjoyed a friendship with more than you guys. We miss the chats on your porch, the social events, the witty banter and the brainstorming, the laughter, and even the work we did together. We

143 have relished the way you have taken us into your family – and your family’s acceptance of us as perhaps something more than just friends. I’m not sure how to put a finger on it; perhaps cohorts, partners in crime, or whatever. Pat and I have discussed this before and both agree that there is a bond there more than just friends. I look forward to those things again in the near future.

It seems that you have made many positive strides and are continuing to win the battle. Keep up the good work. We will be here for you when you return. Atlanta is a funny town, but believe me when I say that the outpouring for you and I has somewhat overwhelmed me. The people here have a lot more caring in them than one might have originally thought. I think David can vouch for that. You will receive a good welcome home. I will leave you for now but don’t leave me out of your thoughts, as you are never out of mine! I can say that for Pat also. We pray for you and send all our love!

FROM: Becky J Oct 1 @ 7:40 AM

Larry, Lea woke up. Those three words just leap off the page! Something I think we have all been looking for! This is really awesome news! I am just so very happy that you can share this with us, it is very hard to express just how happy. I can visualize the smile of hers. Just makes me cry tears of true joy. She is definitely on her way back, praise God! Larry, you are so very special too. I want to thank you so much for sharing with us. Not just today but all along, it means so much. There is so little I can do, besides care & pray for you & yours. Thank you for sharing. Peace be with you.

FROM: Stacey A Oct 1 @ 9:37 AM

Hello Larry. How exciting. I'm so happy for you, both of you. This is truly a blessing!! I'm going to be in the Manchester area today to have lunch with some friends so I may try to stop by to see you & Lea on my way home. I've been on vacation this week and it just so happens that I made an apple pie. I'll try to remember to prepare a slice to bring in to you later. Hang in there, my friend. See you later.

FROM: Gayle H Oct 1 @ 4:27 PM

To Larry and Lea, What an amazing joy to see the words that Lea is awake!! God is AWESOME and prayers are answered. I had read the "other note" and have waited to respond, just thinking and mulling things over in my mind. I just spoke with Kathy and expressed my feelings to her, and just want to now share them with you.

To the person that wrote the note, it must be lonely and frustrating to not have the support of family and friends-old and new- around you. But, the most awful feeling must be not having God and the faith in Him to handle whatever His will is. We may not always understand things that happen in life and may have difficulty accepting and dealing with things, BUT for those of us who love God with our whole heart and soul, understand God's love and take comfort in it.

Larry, I have said this before, but want to repeat it again---God loves you and Lea and can use you to His Glory. As the "butterfly" symbol will remind you ( by the way a pkg. will be in the mail Monday so please expect that) God's love never changes for us. We may encounter people who do not understand or trust or believe and they may even rock our world a little with some doubt, but we have a deeper faith that we can pull from that will always be there to help us through.

Now is the time to share with you my story of how Lea's illness has helped me. I wanted the time to be right and I wanted to feel comfortable in sharing it. As I approach the 4th year that my dad has been gone, I can't say that it is any easier just easier to live with. I miss him and want to see him again--it already seems like it has been an eternity since I have touched that tattooed arm or had him check on me with a nightly phone call. What a marvelous, special man he was to me--his only child.

After his death, I went through all the normal feelings of being mad, sad, hurt, etc. but one feeling I hadn't counted on dealing with was the shattering of my faith --not crushed or destroyed, just shattered. I couldn't

144 understand how or why and remember saying that I wasn't ready for all of this. I went through the motions and made shadow boxes for my children about their grandpa, helped mom, dealt with life but there was always an underlying, nagging, doubtful feeling that I just wasn't willing to deal with---Would I see my dad again in Heaven?

We moved to Florida and tried various churches but just couldn 't get a feeling or sense of belonging that I needed. We would attend sporatically. It wasn't until my husband brought up the fact that I just wasn't truly dealing with dad's death that I started questioning myself and my feelings. We talked and talked and I tried sorting through things trying to get a handle on that nagging feeling of how I would know where dad was--how dad could he be anywhere else because he was such a good man.

I was in the middle of sorting through all of this --keep in mind 3 1/2 yrs. after dad's death, when all of this with Lea took place. I had a lunch date with a good friend from church--one that I met at the first church we actually placed membership with, and just cried sitting at Applebee's talking to her about Lea and Dad and my feelings. It was right then, that a peace came over me, and I realized that God is in control. I can leave it all to God and let Him handle it---all my doubts, all my fears, all my questions.

I also realized because of how fast things happened with Lea, that life is short and I needed to be living my life correctly. You see deep down, I knew this because I have always had a strong faith in God,but for a few moments in time, the faith was shattered. I first thought that made me a weak person,but I also realized that I am human and God does understand. My questions may have made me pull away from what I know is important, but God is always there as long as we reach for Him. There is a sign on one of the churches here that says so much---God can move mountains, but we need to keep climbing!!

Anyway, I hope this was ok to tell you. I do want you to know that I have seen strength and love and faith through your notes, and I am behind you completely. You are making the right choices because you are allowing God to help you and that can't be wrong. Remember, the author of that note probably does not have the love of God to fall on in times when it is needed most, and therefore does not understand the faith.

I guess instead of being aggravated as I was and I am sure that you were along with the questioning, we should just feel sorry that that person is missing out on a life filled with promise for better things to come.

Continue to hang in there and love Lea and God's will, will be done. You have a multitude of people who care about you both, Jim and I included. I am certain that our lovely Lea with all the kindness she has in her heart and love for her family, will be so proud of you and the way you have grown and found strength in God' love and will pleased with all the care that has been given to her. Just keep trusting God. My favorite verses in the Bible have always been, Proverbs 3:5, 6 --- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

May God continue to bless you both; Our prayers will continue to be with you. And don't forget, we want an invitation to that huge welcome home party for Lea!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Christian love. P.S. My dad and Lea's mom taught us to have such a love of family--what a legacy they gave us all!

FROM: Robyn E Oct 1 @ 9:55 PM

Hallelujah!! JESUS LIVES!!!


FROM: Barb S Oct 2 @ 2:17 PM

Good morning Lea! Glad you are feeling much better. We are all hoping your recovery sets new records for recoveries. We are anxiously awaiting for you to be able to return closer to home. If all couples take their marriage vows as serious as the two of you, there were never be any divorces. The two of you are a really good example of what true love is. Giving of yourself to make sure the other is taken care of, never giving up on each other, thru the good times, the bad times, sickness, health. The romance the 2 of you share after 43

145 years of marriage is something out of a story book. Everyone needs to read it! Your story over the past weeks, has touched the heart of many. If I forget to forward an email, I hear about it. Everyone has fallen in love with the two of you and you have given many people something to think about. To reevaluate their lives. I know many would love to meet the two of you and will probably never the chance but you story has changed their lives forever. I am so proud that we are family. Love you both.

FROM: Jean G Oct 2 @ 8:06 PM

Please add me to your list. Bless Kathy for forwarding the updates but this would be easier for all. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Oct 2 @ 9:22 PM

Larry, Dottie and David, Thanks again for sharing Lea with me and Shana. It meant a lot to us that we were able to help. I was so happy to see my 'buddy' again. The trip was good for me and seeing that Lea is doing much better, is alert and able to communicate with us was very comforting. Just wish I could read lips a lot better.!!

FROM: Lee F Oct 2 @ 9:29 AM

Larry, All your friends are thrilled with Lea's progress. Jane and I are so happy to receive your better news. Wow! Tell Lea we have been rooting for her. I have a business trip this week and plan to be in Hartford Wed. evening for a meeting on Thursday there. I am thinking maybe I can get away to visit you on Wed. evening if that is something that would be OK with you. I'll be traveling starting today, but would like to call you on the road this week. Do you have a cell phone number that I can call? If you do and would be open to a visit, could you reply to me on my business email. Hope to hear from you.


FROM: Pat Stroup Oct 3 4:03 PM

Hey Darlin! I can't believe my eyes every night when I read your emails about Lea, please give her a big hug and kiss for me, and tell her how much I miss her! I went to paint class tonight, at the Library, but it just wasn't the same. Joe was too weak to go with me, so I went by myself, and it just wasn't right. Creston said "hi" and he is praying for all of us too.

Tonight was the first time I have picked up the brush since we left the "Hartford Hilton", and then all I did was a Christmas card. But it felt good to loose myself in paint! I guess I should warn people that they are getting hand painted Christmas Cards this year, ( because I need the therapy). Joe has been at the Dr's. all day today. First his family Dr., and then to Dr. Green, at the Heart Hospital for a check up, but everything is going pretty well so far.

Joe may get to go back to rehab Wed. if his blood work-up is good tomorrow, so that's good news. Joe told you that his de-fib went off on him last Friday, didn't he? I told him that was really a good thing, at least now we know it works, and the clot sill in his heart, hasn't moved, because he's still here! Anymore, I take any good news I can find!

Tell Lea to keep up the good work, I know it's hard, but she has to think of seeing the girls at Christmas, and the rest of the family, and of course us!!! I'm ready for another lobster dinner, but I'll wait for her, so she has to get well real soon! Love, hugs, and kisses to you all!

FROM: Angela M Oct 3 @ 5:06 PM


How blessed you both are! What a way to come back to work on Monday, to hear such great news about Lea! Your e-mails have helped me make a conscious effort to love my family unconditionally because life can take a turn from one day to the next. I lost my father in May and I know the emotional roller coaster involved with watching a loved one suffer....I empathize with your situation but am so glad that God gave this burden to someone that can handle it....I guess He does know what he's doing after all, doesn't He? I will continue to keep the both of you in my prayers and surely God will bring Lea her strength to make it thru the next phase.

FROM: Shana G Oct 3 @ 8:23 PM

Hi Larry, Just want to drop you a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed my visit to Connecticut. Seeing you and Lea really warmed my heart. And, having her respond the way she did was the highlight of the trip. Today, I found myself thinking a lot about you guys. Wondering what was going on and how Lea was doing. I can honestly say I wish I was still there. I appreciate you letting me share some time with Lea and I hope you were able to get a little rest while we there.

I gave everyone in the department an update this morning and they were all thrilled with the report. Please know that we are all thinking and praying for you guys constantly. I sure hope you will be able to bring Lea home soon. If there is anything at all you could use my help with, please don't hesitate to let me know. Tell Lea I say "hi" and I miss her. I am in awe of her strength and will to survive. I always knew she was a strong person, but am just now realizing how deep that strength is! In Christian Love.

FROM: Stacy F Oct 2 @ 11:54 PM

Larry and Lea, I am so happy to hear the news!! What a wonderful thing it must be, Larry, I am so happy for you!! Lea, I just want to say it's good to have you back and awake. I will keep praying that your recovery will be speedy!! I know you might be confused, but know that you are in good hands and God is still in control. "Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him , and he will keep your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 Keep up the good work, Lea!! Way to keep the faith, Larry!! Your a great example to us all.


FROM: Sonja G Oct 4 @ 10:06 AM

Please send us updates. Robyn E has been sending them to me all along via Gary R, but I thought maybe I could start getting them direct. You both are always in our prayers.

FROM: Link Vaughn Oct 4 @ 9:21 PM

Dad - Here is the first draft of the monthly budget I promised A MONTH AGO! I think we could probably start with you filling in what you believe your actual numbers are and adding anything I missed. From there, we probably need to have some discussion on what areas you want to attack - For example, credit card debt, loan from Herb, vehicles, house, etc... I think it would be good to know what you have in savings as well as retirement funds, etc... where some capitol might be available to remove other debt. Anyway, let's discuss when you have a chance... "Simplify, simplify, simplify!" to quote a lovely lady.


FROM: Carol J Oct 5 @ 9:30 AM

Dear Lea, I just read Oct. 4ths e-mail update and it is truly wonderful. I'm so glad you are back with us. I pray for you and your family every night, as hundreds of others do, that God will keep making the miracles happen. I call dad, (Uncle Jimmy) twice a week and let him know how you are doing. He is so pleased. I feel

147 so bad that I won't be able to be with him on his 77th birthday Friday but living here with my husband Terry in Las Vegas has been so good. This is the very first birthday and will be the first Christmas I've not been with dad. I miss him so much as I do my children. Hope to be able to afford to go home sometime in April for a few weeks. Please continue getting stronger and we will continue to pray for God's miracles. Love always.

FROM: Gillian E Oct 5 @ 10:48 AM

Dear Larry, Hi! I am a friend of Lance's from Cincinnati. My husband, Kevin worked with Lance at Cap Gemini and then at Vero Software. We both met you and Lea at least once. I wanted to write and let you know that we are thinking of you both and praying for Lea's complete healing. Kevin receives Lea's health updates and lets me know what is going on. Our church, St. Margaret of York Catholic Church (SMOY) in Loveland, Ohio has a very large and active prayer chain. Our prayer chain has been credited with many miracles. Last week, I had the inspiration to call in Lea's name to be placed on the prayer chain. I also emailed my bible study group with the same prayer request: "Complete healing for Lea Vaughn." That was on Thursday morning. On Friday, we received your email about Lea's "waking up" and communicating with you! I am in tears just thinking about it. We will continue to pray for Lea, and for you. May you continue to see progress every day. God bless you both.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 5 @ 12:01 PM

Oh, Gillian! THANK YOU, so very much! Please pass along our sincere Christian love to all those in your prayer chain! All God's blessings!


FROM: Marilyn M Oct 6 @ 7:03 AM

Larry, what wonderful news continues to wend its way west from your heart! Thanks for your commitment to keep everyone informed of Lea's miraculous treatment and response! We continue to lift you in prayer and give thanks for the Lord's goodness! I just told Pam YOU NEED TO TAKE A BREAK! All the time you give Lea, compounded by the beautiful effort to chronicle the support for her takes my breath away. I have a few scribbled notes each time I take Ray to the doctor and that's it! NOW she tells me you are making a chart! Heavenly days! Well, be sure to chart Bloomington and Quincy, Illinois, and Hannibal, MO, old buddy! We don't want to be left hanging on the outside. You know I'm just having a little fun, and even though we have seen each other rarely in many years, I am thankful that cyberspace has provided us a chance to be somewhat reunited. May God continue to pour out his blessings on you and your family.

FROM: Drew J Oct 6 @ 7:44 AM

Praise God the miracles and healings keep on coming to Lea. You are e-mailing us in Fortville In. Praise God and God bless you all.

FROM: Vickie H Oct 6 @ 10:436 AM

Larry, Praise God for the wonderful gift of Lea's improving health. We continue to pray for the "full" recovery. We rejoice with and for you!

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 6 @ 11:22 AM

Dear Larry and Lea, It' s so wonderful to address this to both of you, knowing that Lea is awake and able to communicate. This passage from my daily e-mail meditation brought you to mind when I think of all you've

148 been through and all that you still must endure as Lea continues to recover. You are indeed both friends of the Lord in His Passion! What awesome company to have! Much love and WELCOME BACK, LEA!

FROM: Jean S Oct 6 @ 1:01 PM

Good morning Larry & Lea. I thought this was good enuff to send your way. I love you.

Subject: Moses This is almost overwhelming when you think about it.

Moses and the people were in the desert, but how was he going to provide for them? They had to be fed, and feeding 2 or 3 million people requires a lot of food. According to the Quartermaster General of the Army, Moses would have to have had 1500 tons of food each day. Do you know that to bring that much food each day, two freight trains, each at least a mile long would be required?

Besides, you must remember, they were out in the desert, and they would have to have firewood to use in cooking the food. This would take 4000 tons of wood and a few more freight trains, each a mile long, just for one day.

And just think, they were forty years in transit!

Oh yes, come to think of it! They would have to have water. If they only had enough to drink and wash a few dishes, it would take 11,000,000 gallons each day and a freight train with tank cars, 1800 miles long, just to bring water!

Another thing! They had to get across the Red Sea at night. Now, if they went on a narrow path, double file, the line would be 800 miles long and would require 35 days and nights to get through. So there had to be a space in the Red Sea, 3 miles wide so that they could walk 5000 abreast to get over in one night.

But then, there is another problem. Each time they camped at the end of the day, a campground two-thirds the size of the state of Rhode Island was required, for a total of 750 square miles long! Think of it! This much space for camping.

Do you think Moses figured all this out before he left Egypt? I think not! Moses put his trust in God, the Great Provider. God took care of these things for him.

Our God is an Awesome God!! So, when the road you're traveling seems difficult at best, just remember to pray. God will do the rest.

FROM: Carl & Pat M Oct 6 @ 1:41 PM

Larry, We are good friends of Marlowe and Dean and are some of the pray-ers here in Austin, Texas. You and Lea have been so much in our thoughts and prayers the last two months. We have also met your son, Lance, when he has been at church with Kristin. He's a fine young man!

We have a daughter in The Berkshires in Massachusetts (living in Dalton) and will be visiting her from the 8th of October thru the 18th. I am also originally from Connecticut and have 2 nieces and a nephew still living there and we plan on visiting them, but at the moment don't have a firm date. We would love to give you a call when we are coming thru and, if you are available, possibly meet you. My nephew is in West Hartford and my nieces are in Manchester, so we'll be fairly close. We look forward to hearing from you. P.S. We visited Marlowe and Dean a couple of weeks ago in Albuquerque and had such a nice visit.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 6 @ 4:35 PM


Of course! We would be delighted. Please plan to come up to Lea's room to meet her, as well. Please allow several minutes when you call, as I may be unable to answer just at that moment. I often let voice mail collect numbers, and I return calls when I take a break from caring for Lea. Thank you for your continued care and support through prayer,

REPLY FROM: Pat M Oct 7 @ 2:55 PM

Larry, Just read the latest 2 updates on Lea and God sure is good!! We feel like we have known both of you for so long. Look forward to meeting you and Lea, and we will call ahead of time before arriving. As of now, we will be coming to Connecticut on Sunday, the 16th.

FROM: Jean S Oct 6 @ 5:02 PM

The only thing that comes to mind is PRAISE GOD-a million times- PRAISE GOD. I love you

FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Oct 6 @ 8:18 PM

While is the midst of sending you this (online photo) album, I think I hit a wrong key. I could not get back to the message I was typing, so you may get the album twice. Sorry about that. This is the album Shana and I put together to share with a few folks. The rest are in our private stash. Take care.

FROM: Carol B Oct 6 @ 11:43 PM

Larry, I have been sharing the "Lea Updates" with a friend that has been sharing updates of her sister-in-law, Lenny (who happens to be one of Sharon's classmates) Lenny lives in Canada and all of her family are in Hannibal. She has been in great pain for quite sometime and even though the Dr. diagnosed her as fibromyalgia she was placed in a psych ward until recently (last few days ). Here is the update I received tonight. Please put this family...Lenny, her brother Bill and his wife Joyce on plus Lenny's close friends on you prayer list. We know first hand what prayer can do. ************

Hi Bill & Joyce, I wish I had some good news to report, but things have really been going from bad to worse.

As a result of checking out the suspected fracture in Lenny's shoulder, they discovered "breaks" in Lenny's bones - sort of all over, I gather. A week ago they moved her to another ward where she could be more comfortable, and provided better pain management, better meals (a nutritionist came daily to plan menus with her), and of course better surroundings than with all the crazies in the psych ward. They gave her intravenous + an intravenous painkiller Tues, and did a biopsy on a suspected tumour on her hip on Wed.

Today the oncologist came to talk with Lenny (France was there too.) Lenny has bone cancer, is essentially bedridden, and will be moved to palliative care, either in that hospital or another. We're all just adjusting to the idea. France will be calling you Friday. Feel free to call me if you like. I'll be home for the weekend, and really have nothing planned except visiting Lenny. Take care, keep praying.


FROM: Betty T TO: Marlow N Oct 7 @ 10:08 AM

Dear Marlowe: You are right, this message from Larry is wonderful and I do thank you for including us in this journey. It is amazing that Lea has really survived. I guess our Medical care is better than I have sometimes thought, or is it truely the power of prayer? I am sure it is both, Right? Is Larry a minister or just a marvelous

150 deep thinking man who has the ability to communicate so beautifully ? Hope you and Dean or well and happy. Thanks again.

FROM: Connie D Oct 7 @ 10:38 AM

Hey Larry, I haven't had the opportunity to meet you, but have worked at Irwin w/ Lea for a long time, although I am on the production side as Branch Manager of the Irwin West Office, I may have met you at some of the Christmas Parties over the years, but time does fly. I have sent a couple of e/m cards through the hospital, hope you received them. I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how amazed I am at your strength through all of this, what a wonderful person you have to be. I was so surprised to hear of Lea's illness.

You just tell her to hang in there (both of you), as you have said so many times, God will take care of you. I too have had my tummy opened 2 times and those scars will heal, not you will never be the same, but you can cover it up and be thankful you are able to see it every day. God Bless all of you, I w/ continue to keep you in my prayers. You don't have to add me to your list, as Melinda Kesterson keeps me posted w/ some others at Irwin. You have a blessed day and I trust that Lea will be able to come home for the pretty fall colors.

FROM: Phil V Oct 7@ 2:26 PM

Larry, I'm grateful for the good news about Lea. This is what we all have wanted and have been blessed to receive. Of course, I will be praying with you that this will only continue. I'm sure you are ecstatic! I was thinking this morning that your experiences in this incredible episode could make an interesting and inspirational book (as if you didn't have enough to do already). Do take care. Thanks for sending the updates.

FROM: Jacqui H Oct 7 @ 5:37 PM

Dear Larry & Lea - This is wonderful news! God truly is a gracious and merciful God - isn't He?! Lea - good job - you've worked so hard to get where you are and Larry has been right by your side. That is fantastic! It is great to see God's Word come to pass - "if two believe together as touching anything on earth, it shall be done". (Unfortunately - that is paraphrased - not a direct quote as I don't have my resources with me and I don't think I've memorized it exactly.) I now get to believe with my brother for healing. He was just recently diagnosed with bone and lung cancer. I look forward to seeing Him work mightily again.

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 7 @ 8:49 PM

Dear Larry and Lea, This latest update is the best ever; not only the good news of Lea's progress, but Larry's incredibly eloquent and insightful reflections. Your insights remind me of what Dean's stepsister Kathleen wrote to me as she was dying of cancer many years ago: that it is not the suffering itself, but one's attitude and reaction towards that suffering, which can be transformative. Also, that one's individual suffering can serve as an opportunity for others to reach out to the victim, and thus bring the community together in compassion and love. Along those lines, I am sharing another gem from my daily e-mail meditation.

"The next moment is as much beyond our grasp, and as much in God's care, as that a hundred years away. Care for the next minute is as foolish as care for a day in the next thousand years. In neither can we do anything, in both God is doing everything." - C. S. Lewis

(And yet there are "now moments" which call upon us to do something to prepare for the future. The key is to live in the present, remember the past, and prepare for the future.) Thanks so much, Larry, for sharing your wisdom with others.



FROM: Jean S Oct 8 @ 2:23 AM

Hello Peonie! Your ole nickname has been stuck in my head this past week. I can't for the life of me remember my ole nick name, can you. Pam's was Panna-soup, yours Peonie, what was mine? Anyway, just wanted to wish you a joy filled day. I am so proud of you! I know it must be hard to continue to keep those muscles working when you don't "feel" like it, but I know YOU WILL OVERCOME this time of being down!

FROM: Gracie L Oct 8 @ 5:53 AM

I agree with you for I also see our lives acted out like on a stage, each of us playing a different role. I use to think our lives were already destined and every choice made was the only one available and God's will be done! Now I feel all paths lead home. We may take detours or the back roads, take a more scenic few or rougher traveling but we get where we were headed in the end. And there to greet us is our Heavenly Father's waiting with open, welcoming arms.(So to speak). For I do not see Him in this bodily form, He is Spirit and in All.

You have taken us along a very emotional, gut wrenching, tear jerking story line, (true story). And we the audience have sat spell bound, hanging on your every word. I for one had to keep up with this true story, trauma, comedy, and all. I marvelled at the beautiful touching reports from those who also observed and watched and how your true story effected their lives. This plot has had a unbelievable soul searching effect on so many lives and most certainly yours', for I feel you have grown by leaps and bounds spiritually. You've made positive, conscious choices to continue to Trust God and to accept His decision come what may.

And Awe sweet sweet Lea, I marvel at her. Even through all this, her spunky, adorable personality shines through. Wow how her circumstances changed, it seems like over night she just woke up, and Oh I am so thrilled. She's so bright and her mind's alert and quick! I find you both precious souls.

FROM: Jean S Oct 8 @ 8:04 AM

I'm not sure what all you read to Lea, but I thought that this would be something interesting for you to ad lib occasionally. Isn't it wonderful that she has reached the "down days"? Not that it is good for her or you, but, seeing as how we were all afraid she wouldn't reach this stage, it is great. And, being the fighter that she is, she won't stay there long!

FROM: Dallas W Oct 8 @ 8:14 AM

The Joy of the Lord is my strength...In HIS word, I find Him there. Sharing His Gospel to those who cannot read...let them HEAR the truth, for it will set the captives free. The devil hates a miracle that would give Glory to Our sovereign Lord God Almighty and his Only Begotten Son, Lord Jesus Christ. The swords of Super- natural warfare is within His Word...draw forth one and slay the destroyer with the living Word ...IN JESUS' NAME I come against the spirit of depression that has gripped my sister Leona Marie Vaughn, I command the spirit to release her now by the power of the Blood of Christ and standing firmly on the truth of the Scars of His sacrificial payment for our sickness. I boldly claim victory and healing, physical and emotional and psychological , the whole of her being is under HIS commandments and HIS sovereign authority, IN JESUS' NAME...Be strong and daily encouraged by HIS graces and love for us. renewing our minds and hearts daily in the word. drawing nigh to HiM , He will always be near to us.In Christian Love, Glory be to God.


FROM: Lance Vaughn Oct 9 @ 11:10 AM


Mom and Dad: I sure do miss you two! As much as I believe in God's plan and have a strong faith that everything is working out perfectly, I find myself frequently feeling as though I should be there with the two of you. I know, I know... there's nothing I could really do and my presence isn't needed at this time, but sometimes it overcomes me like a soul-shaking wave that I should be there. I've cried myself to sleep a handful of times allowing my emotions to play themselves out for a time.

I am learning this discovery exercise from Kristin -- To allow yourself to truly feel emotions that you know may not necessarily coincide with the way you want to feel about something or the way you think you "should" feel about something. Rather, to truly examine the emotion itself in its raw form, and to let it breathe, to experience it. Embrace it. Needless to say, not the easiest thing to do. The bottom line is this: it's hard to sit on the sidelines through all of this!

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you, because it's important to me that you know without question that I would do absolutely anything for you. Anything. You two have been absolutely amazing parents. It's so easy to take many of God's gifts for granted, but I am so often reminded by anyone and everyone that knows you just how "cool" the two of you are. I feel infinitely fortunate and grateful to have you as my parents and for everything you have done for me and taught me by example over the years. Thank you!

I really look forward to witnessing God's perfect plan unfold over the next several years. I hope that it takes the form of your own unique celebration of life and the deep love you share. Please know that I will support you to the best of my ability and in every way possible. I don't know how Christian this perspective is or if it's just more of a philosophical stance, but I would love to see the two of you release yourselves of as much burden as possible and, if you will, allow yourselves to be children again. God's special creations, principle- based, but perhaps leaning more towards light and fun work versus heavy work. Just thinking out loud, really.

Dad, I just read your update from last night and I have to say... Wow. I can truly feel God's work flowing through you!! Praise the Lord!! His heavenly grace drips from your every word. His work is expressed by you in such beautiful form that it inspires so many of us to seek out our own special way to serve. It is truly awesome to witness. Humbly, I would love to be the first to recommend that you continue to write every day for as long as you continue to feel guided to do so. As you know, this is a common approach writers adopt to continually improve their delivery by setting aside an hour a day, the same time every day. Feed the pattern the Lord has set before you. Sharpen the saw, grease the gears... become a stronger, more effective soldier of the Lord.

The many gifts God has given you are truly coming to life through this experience. I strongly feel that you have found your purpose, or at least a significant part of your purpose. Again, humbly, as your second son, I would love to see you compare the passion and satisfaction you feel when reading one of your numerous business writings with that of the passion and satisfaction you feel when reading one of your daily updates. It is unquestionable to me which is richer, more purposeful. I ask that you consider letting the new generation of technology and business gurus develop bigger, better, faster widgets and systems while you let the Lord use you for a higher purpose.

Mom, I pray that you will continue to keep your heart and ears open to the subtle messages God so delicately places into our lives. The way he winks at us as we clumsily traverse our way about life's unending challenges. I pray that you allow yourself a chance to break any time-hardened molds and provide the Lord an opportunity to recreate you as He deems appropriate.

All of these lofty goals and ideals are in line with what I understand true purpose-driven Christians aspire towards, but so often go unrealized due to the countless burdens and tasks we deem as important or justify as necessary, so many of them self-serving or driven by our innate desire for pleasure or pride-motivated acceptance and success. I have written similar declarations in my spiritual journal. And, as I write this, it is all too apparent that I do not honestly, passionately try hard enough. Bogged down in my own detail-ridden, seemingly-self-created reality, I continue to struggle with handing my life over to God, to somehow feel worthy of His love, to effortlessly sense His presence, guidance, and confirmation that my actions are His actions.

Mom, aside from the extraordinary testimony you have been handed and the effect it has had on so many lives, it is unclear to me what your special purpose is. It very well may be one that is not specifically task- driven or tangible. You are undeniably a gleaming beacon of compassion and love. Perhaps your purpose is

153 to share this love with others and to touch as many lives as possible in your lifetime. To teach by example, and to inspire greatness in Dad, one of His more prolific messengers.

To be honest, Mom, one of the more significant discoveries that I recently experienced was the importance that I place on your involvement in my children's future. I was overwhelmed with such a deep sadness and sense of loss when I considered the possibility of you not being with us to demonstrate your genuine goodness to my children in their most impressionable years. Of course, your purpose is not for me to discover or fully understand. I will continue to pray for your hapiness and clarity as you begin to absorb the circumstances surrounding you. And I will continue to pray the same for you, Dad, in addition to the strength to hold Mom up, to cherish and to honor her.

Well, I think I am fully purged of meaningful things to share with you. This was initially going to be a short thank you email, and then I was planning to write in my journal, but I felt inspired to talk things through with you... probably as a means to feel closer to you. I do miss you both so much.

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 9 @ 12:03 PM

Here is a sample of scenes of fall in New Mexico I snapped recently. Enjoy

FROM: Donna N Oct 9 @ 2:30 AM

Larry, I can sympathize with Lea about her seeing her "wound" and feeling depressed...... The 2nd time I was "cut into" I hemorrhaged and had to pack my stomach 3 times a day for 3 weeks at home...... When I finally got to have it stitched and closed I was very disappointed in how it looked and would comment on it often to Jim...... He would always tell me it didn't look bad to him and that he didn't notice it...... But, one day he said the sweetest thing that I have always remembered...... He told me, "Those scars are from life's battles that you have fought and WON, so don't be ashamed of them, be proud!"...... I had never looked at them that way!...... He opened my eyes and mind into seeing and thinking "good" things whenever I looked at the scars...... Tell Lea that unless we ever have jobs as "belly-dancers" or "bikini models" :) then we don't have to worry about the scars because our husbands love us "just the way we are!"...... At some point in the future she will look upon her "battle wounds" and know that she has also WON one of life's toughest battles and she too will feel proud!...... Take care and thank you very much for the updates...... Sincerely, Donna N

FROM: Pamela Oct 9 @ 10:30 AM

Larry, I sincerely hope that you've read this update to Lea. If not, please do, there's so much from inside of you that will be as a healing ointment poured forth, reinforcing to Lea that you don't care about how her 154 body looks. "It's the spirit that lives in that body that won my heart and has held it captive for so many years; the spirit that turns that smile on to brighten the day of all who see it; the spirit that has touched so many lives during her years prior to this illness, and has inspired these nightly letters of devotion that have reached the souls of so many folks around the globe".

Lea, remember all those women on the beach that wore whatever they wanted with seemingly no regard to visible scars? Now we know why! After all that they (you've) been through, that's a Battle Scar!!! Remember, you're not alone, you've just moved over to a different Sorority! (One I've belonged to for over 20 years!) All your friends, your family and loved ones don't care about your physical scars. They/we fell in love with who you are inside, we love YOU, not your battle scars!!! (Besides, this just means you can't wear a bikini or a two piece swimsuit - and, if memory serves, you quit wearing those already!) I guess what I'm trying to really say is that it's not a visible scar to most of us - it'll take time, but it too will fade more and more over time and will less visible to you. Remember that it's you we love, Lea. You. Praise God that you are here with us again. I love you, Sis!

FROM: Lee F Oct 9 @ 10:58 AM

Larry, Got back from my travels late Friday night and off again today for another week of travel. Pretty hectic. I want to tell you how sorry I was to not be able to see you and Lea (while I was) in Hartford. If I had a rental car and was on my own, I could have made it, I think. You and Lea are in our prayers. Jane and I appreciate your messages. Give Lea our love and tell her we are looking forward to the day we will see you both back here in Indiana.

FROM: Daniele P Oct 9 @ 2:30 AM

Hi Larry, I wanted to share with you a phone conversation that I had with (our) Aunt Charlotte yesterday. She had called to thank me for sending her a recent family photograph that I had mailed to her earlier in the week. Before I get into the conversation that we had, I have something else to share with you. As a tiny little girl, my world revolved around "my Aunt Patty". I grew up very close with the Bontrager boys from my earliest memories. Shortly after we moved back to Elkhart from North Carolina, we stopped by Grandma and Grandpa White's house on Pacific St. I was about age 5 and saw, what I thought was Aunt Pat, standing at the top of the stairs at the back door. I ran into her arms and she picked me up and I gave her giant hug. Then I leaned back to look at her face and said in a panic, "You're not my Aunt Patty"....then Aunt Charlotte giggled and said, "Nope, I'm not... but I'm your Aunt Carmel!" Since that moment she has always held a very special place in my heart. Her gentle ways and sweet spirit always manage to make me smile.

With that little side note, I'll tell you about our conversation yesterday. She asked me if I'd heard the wonderful news about Lea? I told her, "Yes! Isn't it wonderful?" I told her how I had tears in my eyes when I read those first words that Lea was awake. She then went on to tell me what she thought of you & Lea. I explained that I never really knew either of you well because I didn't live close and didn't grow up in Missouri. Until yesterday, I didn't know that Lea was from Hannibal! She told me that Lea has a wonderful family and that they were very kind to her and Kim when they were by themselves in Hannibal....often inviting them to share a meal. We spoke about your obvious love and total devotion to Lea during your entire marriage and especially since she's been ill. She said that it's always been that like that. A love that everyone around could witness from the very beginning.

Aunt Carm said that you adored your wife and centered your life around her and the boys. That you had a gentle heart and a caring nature. I smiled with pride as she was telling me this, because I felt exactly the same just from reading the daily email's that I've received over the past 3 mths. By her telling me this, it was proof and what I was reading wasn't just someone who could write was true! Because of everything that you both have gone through, I remember more often to thank God for every tiny little blessing that I have. It's oftentimes difficult being a single mom and dealing with ordinary issues without a partner. BUT.... at least my hope in so many things have been renewed because of both of you. Thank you for that!

If you ever had the slightest doubt about what people thought of you, you shouldn't ever. Even though this has proven to be the greatest challenge of your lives, you have touched so many others. I look forward to 155 when I can actually visit with you both and give you a big hug, because both of you are so deserving of love and thanks from us all. Please give Lea a hug from me and know that both of you are in my prayers.

P.S. The attachment is our family photo that was taken in August. Drew is 21 and a junior at I.U. - Bloomington, Kalie is 15 and a sophmore in high school, and Chloe is 12 and in the 6th grade. ;-)

Love ~ Daniele


FROM: Lucy P Oct 10 @ 11:41 AM

Hi Larry! First let me say that I have been so encouraged by your emails in recent days! God is soooooo good! Shana wants to know if you called in sick today? :) I have been keeping my church family updated on Lea's situation as you have all been on their prayer list over the past several weeks. I received the following request from one of my Associate Pastor's friends regarding the use of your faith journey through this ordeal as a part of a paper she (Sharon) is writing for her class. Please do not feel obligated in any way to participate! Whatever you decide will be fine with me.

While I'm writing, I just wanted to tell you what an inspiration you have been to me over the last several weeks. Not only in your unwavering devotion to Lea, but as a faithful servant to our Lord as well. I do not know that if I were in the same situation that I would be as brave and courageous or faithful! You and Lea are so blessed to have each other! They say that the best gift you give to your children is to love their Mother/Father. You two have been such an amazing example for the boys as to what a marriage should look like. Please tell Lea that we miss her daily here at Irwin and we are praying for a full recovery! Take care Larry!

------Original Message------FROM: Sharon E

Hello, My name is Sharon Engert and I am a friend of Rev. Suzanna Helms. Today I had asked her and a few other friends why they prayed. It is for a research paper that I have to do for my class in November. And apparently today she received this email from you. It appears to be divine intervention. She suggested that I contact you in regards to your friend/boss, Lea. She did share your most recent email from "Lea". I would like to ask your or their permission to use this material in my paper. If you give permission, that would be great. As prayer is so important, please know that I will continue to pray for Lea and her family.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn

Sharon certainly may use the information in the updates as reference material for her paper, and she may use our names, which helps lend authenticity to research. My only request is that she send us a copy by email when she has finished it. I am collecting sermons, articles and other testimony based on our experience for our own use in the healing process for Lea. God bless. 156

FROM: Barb S Oct 10 @ 12:35 AM

Good morning, Lea! Just a brief note to remind you how special you are to us! We know you still have some rough times ahead but we also know you are a very strong person and can handle anything that God tosses your way. Love you!


FROM: Link Vaughn Oct 11 @ 11:54 PM

Sent this to you today to help with financial planning - I pray that it is a blessing to you and mom: Crown Financial Ministries Money Map Starter Package. Love.


FROM: Sandy Oct 12 @ 12:04 AM

Hi! Finally got a computer again after 3 months! Talked to Dottie tonight to catch up on Lea. Hadn't heard for quite a while but felt that must be good news in itself. Dottie e-mailed your update for today Oct 11 but I would like to be on your update list if possible. I continue to pray for the recovery we are all hoping for no matter how long it takes to get her back.

FROM: R Dean N Oct 12 @ 12:04 AM

Dear Larry, Thank you once again for including me in your chronicles. Lea is like an emerging butterfly coming out of a cocoon composed of a web of spidery tubes and IV lines. She has been submerged in a deep narcotic sleep for months and now she is ready to spread her iridescent wings in the sunlight of consciousness. You are smiling upon her like a benevolent and loving sun, warming the air around her and breathing life into her fledgling stirrings of new birth. The radiance of your love for each other will overcome the great hills which she still must climb, and one day she will fly away from her confinement and into your waiting arms.

FROM: Dallas W Oct 12 @ 8:26 AM

A lovely poem I found to share with you for Lea:

The Mansion Of The Pauper

I have traveled all my life far away from home, Yet for all that distance crossed, I have never left. Through the slow spanning of the seasons The passion in my heart moved the winds to whisper, In the swaying of the trees, to breathe my lover's name. Nor is it simply the play of the sun upon Those distant rocks and distant streams that always brings Forth the splendid beauty of her gentle face; Nor even the sound of my breathing becoming hers In the warm immediacy of our embrace. It is simply that wherever I have been, As long as I remember the touch of her hands, I will be sleeping safe in her sanctuary. It is simply that this city, these winding streets,


This vast mansion of our mutual construction, This expanding home we created for ourselves, And imagined also for the ones whom we love, This has simply become the living world itself:

So that when I stand on the ocean's palisades, Overlooking some storm-wrenched and alien sea, I can expect to turn from the cold, howling winds And find her standing there in the grassy fields, A loving smile upon her lips and arms outstretched, As if I had but turned corner in a hallway And discovered after all that I am home.

So that when I am lost among the barbarian hordes That maraud the empty steppes with wine and fire, Still to the starry night sky I will lift my gaze from Earth; I will look into the infinite mirror of my soul, And see her shining eyes in the dark of the next room, Waiting for me to drink my evening glass of wine And come eagerly as slave to her tousled sheets.

For as long as she exists, so will I exist; Whether we are both prisoners of this vast world, Forever trapped by the invisible barriers Formed of space, energy and ever-flowing time; Or whether this world is our colorful palette From which we as free spirits paint the boundless span Of our mutual existence upon the sky: To me, no matter; all that matters stems from her: Our loved ones, our quiet rooms, our tall porticos, Our cities made of iron, flowers and glass, Our roads that lead out into the wilderness, Our mountains and rivers and cloud-swollen skies, Our storms and stars, our world of dreams. It is to her that I am eternally returning, To her crystalline eyes and mysterious depths. I know it is only she who plays my heartstrings, Who playfully tugs at my restless soul.

Copyright © 2005 by Randal Perkins

FROM: Link Vaughn Oct 12 @ 3:17 AM

Pictures for mom:

Sunset from our lanai Deanna with birthday sunset Lyndi and Megan under the paipai with Freddy

FROM: Lance Vaughn Oct 12 @ 10:26 AM


Picture of Kristin and I after sunset on a bat-watching boat tour in Austin.

FROM: Michelle M-B Oct 12 @ 12:29 AM

Dear Larry, I had hoped to come over and say hello today or tomorrow, but am myself a little congested today so will wait. (Especially given the update. So sorry to hear about the fan and fever.) I shared a bit of Lea's story with the First Baptist folks in West Hartford on Sunday as an encouragement to prayer. Thank you again for your open hearts. God bless and keep.

FROM: Shana G Oct 12 @ 11:23 AM

Hi Larry, Just want to let you know that part 2 of the items collected for a care package are on the way. We still have one more box of "goodies" that I will send on in a couple of weeks. Hope you guys have a good day!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 12 @ 12:14 PM

Thank you, Shana. Thanks again to everyone for their love and support!

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 12 @ 10:31 AM

Dear Larry and Lea, Today's meditation seems to be one that I am called to share with you: “The same loving God who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. God will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.” - Francis de Sales (Trusting in God's providential care . . . the way to peace.)

It is a joy to read of Lea's incredible progress. How amazing that she is off routine pain medication, and will soon be able to talk! It is wise when things don't go according to plan to look back and recall how far she's come. We continue to pray for the Lord to bless you both with strength, peace and patience.

FROM: Kathy D Oct 12 @ 6:42 PM

I had lots of people call me and said they didn't receive last nights e-mail so I am just sending it to everyone in case more then the ones that called me didn't get it either.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 12 @ 8:40 PM

If they are on the same distribution list that you are, it has to be their mail server, because it all leaves here at the same time. Thanks for forwarding the updates to them. Love to you both.

FROM: Jean S Oct 12 @ 8:47 AM

Stanley has a solution to the transporting of Lea back to Indy. I told Pam last night about it, she noted some flaws, so I told Stanley. He suggested that he could rent a camper to go on his pickup and he'd haul it back to Indy. Pam noted that it would need to be warm and that it was against the law to have anyone in the pickup

159 bed without access to the front cab. He, of course, does not think it is against the law and said that he would get a butane heater to put back there to keep warm and that Pam could be back there too. UMMMMMM, Never tell a Texan he is wrong! I'm pretty sure you will want to decline his kind offer. Love you guys.

REPLY FROM: Pamela Oct 12 @ 1:33 PM

Does this mean you and Stanley are going to drive to Illinois to get me on the way to Connecticut? Jim has a chain saw that we could use to provide access to the back, thereby eliminating the concern about heat and all that stuff . . .

REPLY FROM: David Vaughn Oct 12 @ 4:52 PM

Yep on declining the offer. Nice thought, though. We have a truck here in Hartford, if that were an option. We have to pursue an option that includes nursing support and equipment. If only we had built that chuck wagon!!

FROM: Shana G Oct 12 @ 4:28 PM

Hi Larry, Me again...twice in one day! I just talked to Sherri and she said she would like to come visit Lea. I, of course, told her I would like to come back. So...... do you think Lea would be up for a visit Oct 24th (or 23rd) through October 26th? We have just started looking at airfare and the possibility of us being able to make the trip, but wanted to get your thoughts.

If you don't feel like this will work, please don't worry about hurting our feelings if you think Lea isn't up for the visit. I have copied my home e-mail address since I may already be gone from work by the time you get this. I'll look forward to hearing from you!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 12 @ 8:22 PM

Lance will be here Oct 21-24, leaving at 11:00 or so Monday the 24th. David should be leaving the week before. If we could work your visit right after Lance's, it should be just great. I would expect her to be in excellent spirits by then. What a wonderful idea!

One note, however: Dr Mah has started a dialogue with our personal physician, Dr Miller, in Noblesville, to discuss Lea's treatment and recovery in Riverview Hospital. We don't know when she will transfer, etc. It could be a couple of months. I'd just be careful that you purchase tickets that can be revised or refunded, just in case it happens sooner. I just remember that when they decided to transport Joe back home it took 45 minutes after the decision was made to get him on the plane and out of here!

REPLY FROM: Shana G Oct 12 @ 10:40 PM

Larry, Sherri and I just booked our flights. We will be coming in on Monday, October 24th and leaving October 26th. How's that for right after Lance leaves?! Once I receive the actual itinerary, I will e-mail it to you. I will be off work that week and Sherri's boys are on Fall Break Thursday and Friday, so it should work out well for us. We are both looking forward to seeing you guys! Talk to you soon!

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 13 @ 1:43 PM

Here are photos from a beautiful hike we took yesterday in the Manzano Mountains, in a canyon where maples thrive b/c of the moisture. Enjoy!


FROM: Sherri S Oct 13 @ 5:29 PM

Larry, As Shana let you know, we are planning on visiting you and Lea October 24th - October 26th. Do you think Lea is OK with us visiting? What can we bring you (or Lea) - what do you either of you need (besides a full recovery and to come back home)? Do you need anything from your house? We are looking forward to visiting you two, and helping out any way we can. I am amazed and awed at her progress.....So impressed with the way you two have handled this. Big road ahead, but look how far you've come!!


FROM: Jean S Oct 13 @ 10:37 PM

I received your cell phone message tonight. I was delighted to hear the news that Lea is speaking. I am so excited and overjoyed and I stand in awe of our wonderful, healing, considerate Lord. Glory to his beautiful Name. I love you. Rest well.

FROM: Shana G Oct 13 @ 10:37 PM

Oh my gosh!!! I can't tell you how excited I am with this update!!! What a complete joy it must have been to hear Lea speak. I know she has the fight in her to complete her recovery and now I'm even more excited to come visit again! Have a good evening and get some rest yourself.

FROM: Barb and Larry T Oct 13 @ 11:09 PM

How cool! We are so happy for you! We know you have been waiting for a long time to hear Lea's voice! God does send miracles! Sorry I haven't kept in touch as much as I should but Mom has kept me kind of busy. She thought she would have the surgery and be home in 5 days! We are into week 6! She has been staying with us since leaving the hospital. She is still on oxygen and the feeding tube and has to use a walker.

At 75, it has slowed her down and she don't like it! It looks like she will be here at least 3 more weeks and then we'll see what the doctor says. I know if he wants her to do Kemo, he will have a fight on his hands. She has been so sick with the operation that she says she isn't going to do kemo and be sick again. ( The woman has never been in a hospital except to have babies! This has been hard on her.)

We finally got the vomiting to stop the last couple of days so that should help. They had to go in and enlarge the opening from the stomach to the small intestines. Her stomach is now in between her breasts and half the size. Well, better go. Didn't mean to make this so long, know you are busy. Take care and remember our love and prayers are with you.


FROM: Debbie G Oct 14 @ 9:22 AM


I hope you get this message! I work at Irwin Mortgage. and Shan is my Sister - in-law. I just want you to know how happy I am for you and Lea. It sounds like she is doing wonderful! You both have been through so much. You are so lucky to have each other. I have enjoyed reading your updates every day. Your love for Lea is absolutely awesome! I don't think I have ever known anyone so in love with their wife the way you are. Lea is very Blessed in having you ! I know she is a wonderful person also, or you wouldn't be loving her the way you do. I do so wish God will grant you and Lea many more happy years together. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers. Please tell Lea Hi for me!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 14 @ 7:59 PM

Thank you, Debbie. I've been on the receiving end of her love for over 40 years. This is pay back time. :-) God bless!

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 14 @ 10:09 AM

Dear Larry and Lea,

We rejoice in the big steps Lea is taking these days! Larry, I bet you have never been so happy to hear her compaints! The rest of the journey will be difficult, but you will be taking it together and supporting each other, so that will make it not so hard to bear. My meditation e-mail today has a quote which you might find helpful: “If you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you, and even if it is troublesome for a time, it will gradually fade out, if you sincerely bless it.” - Emmet Fox. May your day be blessed.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 14 @ 10:19 AM

Thank you, Marlowe. I enjoy your emails very much. I was finally able to show Lea your snapshots this morning, and she said, "Wow, she's quite a photographer!" Warmest regards.

FROM: J.T. W. Oct 14 @ 10:44 AM

Hi Larry and Lea. Haven't wrote much, but haven't missed any of your updates on two of my favorite people. My GOD how exciting it is to hear how great she is doing. Addie and I have been following Lea's progress with every e-mail. I also wanted to let you know that your prayer, which I included at the bottom of this, was very touching. It just reminds me of our upbringing and the things that have always been around me where GOD is concerned. How magnificent he is. I will keep your prayer, as it couldn't be said any better. You touched my heart. Love to you both and may GOD BLESS!

Dear Lord, I thank You for this wonderful day. I thank You for being able to see and to hear my darling this morning. We are truly blessed because You are a forgiving and understanding God. You have blessed us so richly, and we take so much for granted. Forgive me for not pleasing you. Forgive my weaknesses. Help me start each day with an improved attitude and renewed gratitude. Help me broaden my mind to hear your guidance in my life.

I know You constantly listen to my heart, and I ask for your protection from evil. Use me to do Your will, and bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others. Please bless us with the peace of knowing that our final home will be with you, and accept our praise as humble thanks giving. Amen.

FROM: Gracie L Oct 14 @ 1:41 PM

Here's a short word from my sister Jeanne to me this morning.I am rejoicing with everyone else at the wonderful progress Lea is making and how sharp is her mind, with her personality in tact, this is a miracle in and of itself.


FROM: Sally S Oct 14 @ 6:56 PM

Dear Larry, Did you EVER think that you would have written those words to us on the 13th.....that Lea was talking so fluently to everyone and was so strong and able after all she's been through??? I realize that she is not well and will need so much recuperation still, but just to know that she has come SO far and is even aware of her surroundings is AMAZING!!!! You are an amazing person yourself Larry Vaughn and we are all so proud to know you! We feel sure that Lea is where she is today because of you, your faith and your strength!! What a lucky gal to have you for her guy!!!!

FROM: John Paul McMaster, SJN Divine Mercy Group TO: Marlowe N Oct 14 @ 10:59 PM

The SJN Divine Mercy Group has received your prayer intentions for: Leona Vaughn & Juana Antokoletz. Your intention will be included in our Divine Mercy prayers each Friday at 3pm in front on the SJN Blessed Sacrament and 1st & 3rd Wednesday nights at 7PM in Room 104 of the Pastoral Center. Anyone is welcome to join us. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share His Mercy. "Mercy is Love seeking to lessen the misery of others."

-----Original Message-----

FROM: Marlowe N Dear John,

Please keep Leona Vaughn on the list-she was on a month or so ago-still in intensive care, but beginning to turn the corner, thanks to the power of prayer. She is the mother of my daughter's fiance. Also please add Juana Antokoletz, a dear friend recently diagnosed with lung cancer.


FROM: Pamela Oct 15 @ 10:11 AM

My Precious Sister Lea, Who ever thought that a hospital food tray would bring tears of happiness ??? You go, Girl !!!

FROM: Marilyn M Oct 15 @ 5:37 PM

Dear Larry and Lea, What astounding progress you have made and how delighted I am to know about it. I know I do not write much to you personally, but have appreciated Pam's letting me know what is happening in your day to day recovery. Whenever I visit Lance's web site, I laugh at the lobster pictures and think of the lobster story in MY life. I am not a big meat eater, sometimes a tiny bit of chicken or fish, but primarily for me it's veggies!

Toni, my 2nd daughter, and her family moved to Maine in the late 80s and were there for some time after Dan finished his baccalaureate work at Lincoln Christian College, Lincoln IL. I made several trips to see them, often at Christmas time. One year we thought it would be a great treat for Teresa and her family to have a live MAINE LOBSTER as a gift on my return. So, just before I returned to Illinois, we traipsed to the nearest market, selected a lovely lobster, had her/him packed appropriately for a plane jaunt from Maine to Illinois.

As luck would have it, being mid-winter, O'Hare Airport was snowed in just after my arrival there, so all passengers were given a few options, few of which I recall today, but among them was the opportunity to stay the night in a hotel near the airport and attempt to get home the next day. So, I being in charge, and "Larry" the lobster, SORRY, LARRY, OLE PAL," no pun intended, decided to stay the night and take our chances the next day. Imagine my arriving at the registration desk with "Larry" in tow! The clerk graciously assured me that


"Larry" would be safely ensconced in the hotel frig! "OK", says I and entrusted "Larry Lobster" to the capable hands of the concierge! Nighty night!

Next day, I found "Larry" to have had a decent night of rest as I had, and we embarked for Quincy. NOW the story picks up a notch or two! Yes, we arrived safely at the Quincy airport, yes, both of us unscathed by any misdoing! I promptly called Tres to pick us up at the airport, reclaimed the checked baggage, and proceeded to wait at the door! Tres and one of her sons, arrived in due time, and we began tossing things into the trunk of her car! Umm! So far, fairly calm, right? NOT! A woman who had parked in front of Tres, picked up a youngster traveling alone, and put her in her car, proceeded to put the car in reverse WITHOUT a backwards glance and consequently hit Tres's car. As the car took the hit, it ran over my grandson's foot, hit both Tres and me, Tres in the knee and I, according to an eye witness account, turned a backwards flip landing on my back! Needless to say there was a lot of confusion, a fair number of phone calls, etc., and the three of us, Tres, her son and I, spent the next several hours at the hospital! Tres's husband came to tend to POOR LARRY, took him home to a 'very warm bath' and at some point in this saga they enjoyed dinner at Larry's expense!

SO, the wonderful photo you have shared via Internet is a bit contrary to the experience I have with lobsters! Is it any wonder I prefer vegetables! ? * I hope you have formed graphic mental images of this experience and have had a few good laughs! I wish all of you the very best in terms of recovery and strength!

FROM: Pat Stroup Oct 15 @ 9:20 PM

What a blessing!!!!! When I answered the phone the other day, and Lea was on the other end, I just started yelling! Poor Joe,I think I scared him to death, but what a thrill! I hope it was good for Lea, because it sure made my day, and Joe's too! He was released from the hospital this afternoon, just in time to go to our niece's wedding. It was a beautiful day, a beautiful wedding, and Joe really enjoyed seeing everyone. We didn't stay very long after the wedding itself, as he was getting very tired, but he was glad to get to go. So far, his heart is still beating as it should, and both Dr's came in to see him this morning, and they both had glowing reports, and are very pleased with his recovery so far. I'm still an emotional mess, but what's new! At least Joe is doing good today. Now the main thing is for him to stay in reg. rhythm, so I pray everyday. That's what's gotten me through all of this so far. So "Miss Lea" you keep doing whatever you need to do to get back home! But try not to get too disgusted at yourself, because it took Joe awhile before he could do anything for himself, and he wasn't in Hartford as long as you have been. But it will come back, trust me, I see more each day with Joe, and you'll do the same. Just remember how much you are loved by all of your family and a few choice friends!!!! Love Ya Bunches!!!


FROM: Sandy C Oct 16 @ 12:15 AM

People who don't pray don't know what they are missing!!! My prayers always include giving you strength to attend to Lea's needs--sounds like she is "putting demands" on you now that she can talk--praise God!!! ha! You have a wonderful brother to be there for you. I talked to Dottie the day after she got back home and she filled me in to that point. Leslie has always kept me up to date as she got the news since my computer has been out of commission all summer. I appreciate the daily updates from you.Tell Lea we'll all have to have a "Joyful Reunion" but she can tell us when and where!

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 16 @ 10:22 AM

Dear Larry and Lea, We are so full of joy and gratitude for the remarkable progress Lea is making, and that she is able to enjoy small pleasures, despite her physical limitations. I feel called to address this passage from today's readings to the two of you, for the inspiration you are for us: "We give thanks to God always for all of you, remembering you in our prayers, unceasingly calling to mind your work of faith and labor of love and endurance in hope of our Lord Jesus Christ, before our God and Father, knowing, brothers and sisters

164 loved by God, how you were chosen. For our gospel did not come to you in word alone, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with much conviction." 1Thes. 1: 2-5. Have a wonderful Sunday, and "keep it coming."

FROM: Carol J Oct 16 @ 11:08 AM

Isn't God Awesome!

FROM: Sherri S Oct 16 @ 1:19 PM

Larry, Such good news about Lea's progress! I sent you an email a few days ago - A friend of mind said she was having trouble getting emails to me - thought maybe you might have had the same problem. In any case - do you need anything when we come out? I would be happy to bring anything you can think of, for you or for Lea - AND, do you need anything from your home? You can count on us to take the night shift, if that is what helps you out the most. We want to be useful when we are out there... not just sit around and look pretty! Don't be hesitant in letting us know what needs to be done. I hope Lea is looking forward to seeing us..... I am anxious to see her - I feel as though it has been a lifetime since we've talked.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 16 @ 9:43 PM

Hi, Sherri, If you want to bring a gift, Lea has asked for cotton PJs, although I think she may have to wear a cotton gown at first. We will be traveling a lot in a wheelchair as soon as she is able, so she'll want to get "dressed." She has a lovely robe that Lou gave her, so we should be set in that department. But, you know, she gets hot, and will need to be able to FLING open that housecoat! :-) She is definitely looking forward to seeing you. I will need to have relief from 11:30-3:30 each day, and six or seven until midnight, if we are still on the same schedule. She likes to have someone there to wait on her hand and foot, but the nurses are enforcing the REST time midnight to six. Warm regards.

FROM: Kristin N Oct 16 @ 4:35 PM


FROM: Karen R Oct 16 @ 7:37 PM

Hi Larry, Hope everything is going well, From your letters Lea is starting to get "frisky". lol. Good for her! We miss you both so very much and send our love and prayers. Tell Lea that the flowers she gave me from her garden are doing just wonderful! Gary wants me to ask you HOW to get the CD's of the Atlanta Civil War days to play. We've tried the computer and even the DVD! ( I know, I know, but we were desperate). :-) Please tell Lea we miss her and are sooo anxious to see her when she returns. By the way Mister, take care of yourself!! We miss you both and pray for you,

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 16 @ 9:39 PM

Thanks for your note. The CDs are video CDs, and will play on a CD player hooked to a TV set. When you load them, a menu comes up, and you simply press "Enter" on the remote to get them to play. I would think that if you have DVD player that plays CDs, you shouldn't have any problems getting them to play. Thanks to you both for all the wonderful support you have provided. God bless you both.


FROM: Jean S Oct 17 @ 7:55 AM


I only have time for a quick comment to your email of yesterday. Of course, I rejoice-it seems so insignificant to write how I feel-in Lea's recovery. But this comes to mind. What Satan meant for evil, God has turned to good because He is so wonderfully good to us. He has taken these 90 days of turmoil and turned them to growth, inspiration, awe, and joy. You are His Child, and I think you are his FAVORITE child. Look how He has coddled you and held you and comforted you. WOW. He is soooo good. I love you.

Is anyone going to be with you in November? I know Dave is leaving the mainland in November and thought I could come your way in early November. Alas, for only the week end or 3 days, but I can come for awhile. Just tell me when you would prefer me there. I need to get my month-end done and then I will head your way, if you want.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Oct 17 @ 10:24 PM

My Son, How I Love reading the updates of your precious Wife, The pouring out of the love in your heart for the LORD and the many blessings we have all received through your teaching us with your trust and belief of HIS care. Thank you Father for my loving SON.I also know the Lord knows your heart long before it appears

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 17 @ 10:13 AM

Dear Larry and Lea, What a joy to picture Lea's first taste of the great out-of-doors since her ordeal began! Larry, this is one of your best reflections containing deep wisdom, hard won! Here is a quote, full of wisdom, from one of my favorite spiritual writers: "Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. It is a choice based on the knowledge that we belong to God and have found in God our refuge and our safety and that nothing, not even death, can take God away from us." - Henri Nouwen

FROM: Kim K Oct 17 @ 11:10 AM

Shan says she's coming for another visit soon. Is there something Lea needs or would like to have? Like maybe scented lotion (I'm going to Bath and Bodyworks later this week) or any other toiletries, magazines, etc.? It can be anything, just let me know and I'll send it out with Shan.

Sounds like she's (and you too) doing a wonderful job! Please tell her I pass on your updates to Becky Mast and she's thrilled to hear of her progress. We got together for breakfast last week and think we were both in tears after she finished reading the latest installment..... Becky asked that I tell Lea she's been in B's thoughts and prayers from the beginning and she wishes you both smooth sailing from here on in.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 18 @ 9:10 PM

Kim, I read your note to Lea, and asked her a couple of different times over a couple of days, and she really couldn't think of anything she needed. She really appreciated your letter and the framed tribute you sent. It brought tears to her eyes, and now commands a prominent spot on her side table where she can see it when she wants to. Thank you!

FROM: Roberta H Oct 17 @ 2:14 PM

Hi! I was hoping to get added to your distribution list for Lea. The last update I saw for her was over 10 days ago. Hang in there! You as well as your whole family and of course Lea are in my prayers nightly.

FROM: Sherri S Oct 17 @ 3:15 PM

Hi Larry, I thought I would let you know our itenerary for next week. Monday, October 24th - we will arrive in Hartford at 10:45 a.m. We are staying at a Holiday Inn Express on Brainard - which has a shuttle running to

166 and from the hospital. Wednesday, October 26th - our flight leaves at 11:25 a.m.

I know you were very gracious when Lou and Shana visited to lend them your truck. That won't be necessary on this trip (the shuttle will be all the transportation that we need). We will take a taxi from/to the airport - UNLESS, you happen to be dropping off Lance at the same time we get in on Monday. If that would be the case, we would appreciate a lift - but if it doesn't work out, no problem. Just let us know one way or the other. Again, we aren't coming out to give you one more thing to do. We'll see you next week.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 17 @ 3:25 PM

Turns out, Lance is leaving around 1:00. He can drive my truck to the airport, and you can drive it back. Lance's room will also be available, if you want to stay here at the ERC. The rate is $55 a night, and there are two double beds, one of which is a fold out couch. Kind of like camping. The ERC has shuttles to and from the hospital, which is only half a block away, but security doesn't want you taking any chances.

REPLY FROM: Sherri S Oct 17 @ 4:14 PM Larry, That sounds like it could be a plan. What time will Lance be at the airport? I guess we would call his cell phone (or he could call ours) to coordinate the transfer of car keys. My cell phone number is included - Shana - please let Larry know your cell phone number. What is Lance's number? Thanks for the room offer - however, I wisely (?) made reservations at our hotel with NO changes/refunds so we could get a lower rate. Go figure! Let us know how we will transfer car keys with Lance - Thanks for offering that!

FROM: Roberta H Oct 17 @ 4:22 PM

Amazing! So happy to hear Lea was able to go outside and see everything on a beautiful day. Your strength is unbelievable, but I know the source! Keep it up and take care.

FROM: Joe Stroup Oct 17 @ 5:56 PM

Hi Lea and Larry, Pat and I were so excited to get your phone call last week! It was so good hearing your voice and made us feel that you are now on the road to real recovery. We were both crying afterward because we were so happy!

I went to the emergency room on Monday night around midnight, after my defribulator had shocked me. It had done that the previous night and was the third shock overall. That Monday night, I felt like I was going to get shocked multiple times, and I almost did. While in the emergency room, I had another spell and it was getting ready to go off again. The Dr came in and told me to brace myself and then told me to cough. I did and that stopped it, but they said then that they were going to admit me. They put me on an Amiodarone drip to control the heart rhythm. I had dropped low on both potassium and magnesium. They spent Tuesday getting my electrolytes corrected and then did another trans-esophageal echocardiogram. This showed that the blood clot in my left atrium was gone, so they decided that I would probably do better if they went ahead and converted me back to sinus rhythm, which they did on Wednesday.

I got out of the hospital last Saturday, 15-Oct. We had been planning to go to my niece’s wedding at 4:30 that day. I had asked one of the assistants for Dr. Rordan, the electro-physicist who was taking care of me, to see if he would come around to discharge me by 11:00 AM so we could go to the wedding. I waited until about 1:30 before mentioning to one of my nurses that I guessed we were not going to make it. She said she would try to get in touch with him and he showed up about three minutes later. It took about 30 minutes to go through the discharge process and another thirty for me to take a shower and get my suit on that Pat had brought with her that morning. We made the wedding, much to everyone’s surprise. It was out by Eagle Creek. We stayed and had some food at the reception then skipped the remainder of the festivities and left for home. I am maintaining the sinus rhythm so far, but I have very little stamina. The Dr told me to take it easy for the next week and then I could start the cardio rehab work again.


Larry said in one of his letters that he and Dave were doing shifts so someone would be with you all the time. When I became awake, there was a time when everyone was having a doctor’s conference and I was left alone the room – I think I had been napping. Anyway, when I woke up, I didn’t know where I was, no one was around, I couldn’t find any call button and I couldn’t move anything. I was really scared! When they finally came back, I asked them to never leave me alone again. That is when Pat and Scott started the shifts like Larry and Dave are doing now. You have no idea how much it did for me to know that someone was there when I needed them!

I was really happy to hear that you are getting to eat some things now. Believe me that having the green beans pureed is the only way I would recommend eating them there. My food there was terrible, but I was on low sodium, low cholesterol, diabetic, 1800 calorie diet, and a 1000 cc fluid restriction (that alone nearly killed me). I doubt that you will have as many restrictions, so yours may be better. Larry will probably be able to go out and get you pizza and everything. I loved reading in Larry’s letter about how you would roll your eyes and say ummm! I remember doing the same thing, particularly when they gave me some orange sherbert, and then later grape popsicles. Oh those popsicles were good. Nothing ever tasted so heavenly. You forget the simple pleasures we take for granted in life. I am still having some troubles eating. I often eat a little bit and then feel a little queasy and don’t want any more. I often have to force myself to eat, particularly the proteins, since I know that I need them badly. I did not really understand what Larry talked about “thickening your fluids”, but I’m guessing that it has something to do with you being to swallow properly without choking. How do you thicken ginger-ale?

I was also tickled to read that you were getting to move around the hospital a little bit. I never got to go outside or see any of the things that they talked about, like where the apartments or ice-cream shop were. I presume after you get off the ventilator, PT and OT will really start working with you. It is hard but well worth it. It will take a long time for you to get back to where you were before, but you will be surprised how quickly you will be able to get a little arm strength back. It makes such a huge difference to be able to grab the rail of the bed and pull your-self to one side or the other. Don’t give up on those exercises they will want you to do, even though they will make you really tired.

I will leave you for now but I will try to get better at sending you notes more frequently. Pat and I love you both very much. By the time you get back home, I hope I will be able to visit you frequently, perhaps even to spell Larry at times so he can do things he needs to attend to. We will do anything we can to help you get back to normal. Perhaps we could start planning our next trip. You know - the one where Larry and Pat get sick. Then again, perhaps not! All our love.


FROM: Abe E Oct 18 @ 11:59 PM

Greetings Larry. Lea is just amazing. Joe was walking around town today. A little slowly but he went to the post office and library. His color has returned and he is doing a lot better. Good to see Lea's pic outside. Later. PS have been following along courtesy of Gary R

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 25 @ 9:46 PM

Nice to hear from you, Abe. I hope things are going well for you. By the way, I should probably resign from the Plan Commission, if I haven't already done that. :-) Thank you, my friend, for all you have done over the years. Would you please look up the Walton photos/negatives, and get them set out somewhere so I can latch onto them some time? Or, give them to Gary to put in storage for me. He has a key to the house and can get them inside. Warmest regards.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Oct 18 @ 1:18 AM

All hail the King!



FROM: Lance Vaughn Oct 19 @ 1:32 AM

Dad: Can you please print the b&w capitol photo below and post it in Mom's room so she can experience our unfathomable beauty? Thanks!

FROM: Dallas W Oct 18 @ 12:50 PM

Well, here is another thing to worry about!!! Check your drivers license. Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all! Thanks Homeland Security! Privacy, where is our right to it? I definitely removed mine and I suggest you do the same. Maybe we should start up a petition or something protesting this. What do you think? Go to the website and check it out. Just enter your name, City and State to see if yours is on file. After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove".

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 19 @ 7:22 PM

I tried three times, but only your driver’s license photo came up! :-)

REPLY FROM: Dallas W Oct 19 @ 9:59 PM hahahahahaha I knew you'd say that... hope you got a chuckle out of it anyway, laughter is the best medicine. Take care. Tell Lea, I said hi, tell her she gets free massages when she comes home...God bless.


FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Oct 19 @ 11:36 PM

Thank you my SON for the email....sounds like you had a good day but a busy day. Lea told me Lance was coming to see you. I know it will be a reunion like no other. Wish I could be there too. Take care of yourself. How is the swelling in your feet and legs? I Love you and May GOD bless you every minute of your day. Hugs and Kisses. Give my LOVE to Lea


FROM: Michelle M-B Oct 20 @ 10:50 AM

I can see why you have such a loyal email following, Larry. The love and faith you express are a regular encouragement to me now, too. I am still coughing wildly at times with a hard-to-kick virus that is probably not too threatening to the general populace, but would be awful in an ICU. So, I continue to pray and think of you folks from here and to read my email. I do hope to feel all the way better soon and come and see some of the miracles in person. Peace.

FROM: Dallas W Oct 20 @ 7:44 AM



FROM: Larry Vaughn TO: Link Vaughn, Lance Vaughn Oct 20 @ 4:01 PM

Mom's skin graft surgery went okay. It will be bandaged for 3 days, then we'll peek to see how much of the skin attached. She will have a bandage on her leg for a couple of weeks, to reduce the scarring caused by the skin removal.

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Oct 20 @ 5:18 PM

Wonderful, wonderful! Thanks for letting us know!!!

FROM: R Dean N Oct 20 @ 5:44 PM

Dear Larry, I continue to be amazed at the rapidity of Lea's recovery and I wish you the very best.

FROM: Barb S Oct 20 @ 7:31 PM

Hi! Wow, what a conference call you all had! Everyone is still talking about it. They were so excited to talk to Lea! We are all so happy for you. Hopefully the road to recovery will be a little easier now. I fixed a card and had all the brothers, sister and in-laws back here sign it for the doctors and nurses. I sent it to Lea's address. Hope they get it. You take care. We love you all.

FROM: Carol B Oct 20 @ 11:39 PM

Larry and Lea, God's blessings! I am still in awe of the love between you two, the strength and faith of Larry and the determination of Lea. I found someone new to share the updates with and I am sharing 5 days a day until they are caught up. Every time I reread each days message I find something new. The two things that have been constant are the joy of loving our God and sharing His blessings. The other constant is the love, devotion, and commitment between the two of you. What inspiration!

I have been busy with the dogs, and trying to figure out finances (not good) LOL.. God has provided for us and I continue to thank Him for all that I don't have (if you can understand the meaning of that) Dad continues to have fairly good health, although he can no longer walk, and is not always mentally clear. We are fortunate to still have him with us. Lea continues to be on the prayer list at my church and someone asks every week how you are doing. I hope to hear nothing but continued progress reports and will continue to keep prayers coming your way. Larry, did you get the book?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 21 @ 7:49 AM

Thank you, so much, Carol! Your messages have been blessings for us, providing support for the strength needed to persevere through this trial. As you know, it is all too easy to get weary and become lax. It is through the loving messages such as yours that God has ministered to me as I devote my energies to help Lea fight the terrible battles she has confronted. I received the book some time ago, and after reading it, I passed it on to a nurse who is a young Christian still searching for answers, with instructions to pass it along if he so chose. The book is traveling on, ministering His word. You can't ask for much more than that! Please give our love to your Dad, and the rest of the family. Warmest regards.



FROM: Myrna P Oct 21 @ 12:00 AM

For god loved us so much that he gave us his only begotten son , and thank god that the battles he went thru, he won. For all of us, he loved us so much that he took on all our sin, that the battles that we would face in this life, that we will also win. I thank god for you and lea, and the love that god has given you to share, and for the patience you both have , and knowing how much you care. You care for each other and from your life we know you love god too, and no matter what happens, you will keep doing what you must do.

It is a blessing to know that two people love each other so much, and may god bless you both soon, when he says it is enough. Enough of the suffering, sickness, and all that you have been going thru, and he makes you lea, completely well and anew. Just these few words i felt from my heart, even though i don't know you two personally, the spirit of god is the same no matter who he is in. Through god, we can do all things. And i pray that god will bless you both and soon restore your lives anew. God bless you both,

I am sure that your love for God and each other has been a blessing to many people, it sure has been to me. Thank you for your wonderful updates and testimonies. Love in Christ, and we will be praying for you both. Just wanted to let you both know that I am thinking about you. You don't have to worry about answering my emails. They are just to encourange you both.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 21 @ 7:42 AM

Thank you, so much, Merna! Your messages have been blessings for us, providing insight and support for the strength needed to persevere through this trial. As you know, it is all too easy to get weary and become lax. It is through the loving messages such as yours that God has ministered to me as I devote my energies to help Lea fight the terrible battles she has confronted. God's love to you, and my warmest regards.

FROM: Jean S Oct 21 @ 8:17 AM

I am so overjoyed to hear how rapidly Lea is recovering. How can we praise God enough? Just by continually trying to be like Him, I guess. I love you, hope to see you soon.

FROM: R Dean N Oct 21 @ 10:25 PM

Dear Larry, So glad to hear of Lance's arrival and of Lea's continued progress.Thanks.


FROM: Karen Oct 22 @ 2:05 AM

Hi, what wonderful news we keep getting each day now, we knew that our girl could do it, you wouldn't believe it but we have talked to 2 people in the last few days as I have mentioned the ordeal that Lea has gone thru and they both have endured pancreatitis and are doing great now, one is our pastor who I had no clue had been very sick with this illness. So we do know that there are struggles with this illness and it sure takes a toll on everyone to get where we need to be and thank God everyday for him walking us thru these days and getting us the helping hands we need to get back to good health once again. Take Care and we love you all dearly. Thanks for letting us be a part of your friendship for all of these years.

FROM: Scott S Oct 22 @ 7:44 AM

Hey Larry, Well it has been a rough road for Lea, and I love to read your e-mail about her progress. This e- mail account is my work e-mail and I read them before every shift I work. I usually end up shedding tears, so I

171 get in here about 0615 and read them before any other guys get in. I find that they have given me strength to help others during my shift with other sick/injured people I come in contact with. I was pleased to see her picture out side. Lea looks great! Well as always if Lea or you should need anything please let me know. I have all of November off work, If you should need some assistance out there. I could always come out, beside I wouldn't mind flirting with the nurses some more. I look forward to seeing the two of you soon.

FROM: Donna N Oct 22 @ 11:27 AM

What deeeeeelightful news it is to hear of Lea's accomplishments!!!...... The road to recovery (and HOME!) is getting closer and closer!...... I think you should call Lea's next move "STEP UP"!! (you can tell the hospital I think that's what they should call it) :) ...... I'm just so happy for her and all your family, in that Lea has come so far and overcame soooo many obstacles! (even though she doesn't know the whole story at the moment!)...... And you'd better watch out now that she can toss things into the air!!...... While she's practicing on that, you'd better practice your "skill to duck flying objects"! Ha-Ha! Just kiddin'!...... God Bless and Take Care and tell Lea we're thinking of her and to keep up the good work!...... Sincerely, Donna N

FROM: Pamela Oct 22 @ 7:47 PM

Larry, This is such wonderful news! We serve an awesome God!!! Praise His Name!!! FYI - I have been forwarding your email messages to "The Nut Lady", Jerry's granddaughter, since Earth Days. Did she ever contact you to let you know?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 22 @ 10:47 PM

I think I added her to the distribution list some time back. Didn't you send her address to me?


FROM: Shana G Oct 23 @ 5:02 PM

Hi, Larry, Hope all is going well today. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to seeing Lea tomorrow! It's such wonderful news to hear she is off the ventilator and is going to be moved to the step down unit. I need to give you my cell phone number to pass along to Lance. If all works out okay, I thought we could meet Lance at the passenger drop off outside the airport. That way he wouldn't have to park. We get in at 10:45 and by the time we get our luggage, I'm sure it will be 11:00 or so. Please let me know if you think this work out. If not, no big deal...we'll catch a cab. Looking forward to seeing you!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 23 @ 8:52 PM

Shana, Lance has your number and is going to call you to work out details. Lea is looking forward to your visit. Have a safe flight.

FROM: Ruth T Oct 23 @ 7:33 PM

Larry, It seems that everything is going great with Lea. Hope she gets back to Indiana before long. Jim and I would really like to see her. We would come there but we have Josh and my mother, who is not doing well at all. It is great that she can breath on her own now. Maybe you can get back to Indiana by Christmas. I know Lea will miss getting to decorate the house. She always makes everything look so nice. Tell her to keep up the good work. Let her know that we think about her all the time. Let's hope all the baby steps go forward from now on.


We did get some really good news Thursday. Richard went to have the temporary simulator but in Thursday. Just as soon as the leads were put in he could feel that it was going to work. He wanted the doctors to put the permanent one in. The doctors said they would but the insurance says they have to a trial for seven days. If this works then they will put all in permanently. This coming Thursday they will put it in permanent. He doesn't have to wear his braces on his hands. Just as soon as they got the simulator programmed Richard could straighten out his hands. It was just a little while and he could turn his wrist. He will always have the pain but the simulator gives you what the call an inside massage. It really is a tingle feeling that is kind of like a shock, and this makes it so you don't feel the pain.

Larry the picture with Lea outdoors was a great thing for us to see. That helps us know how much better she looks and has really improved a lot. Tell her we all love her and can't wait to see her as her old self. Look forward to you next email. I gave up on the phone updates. They either would forget them or not give us much on how Lea was doing. Love to the both of you, and I will keep saying prayers for Lea and for you I know this has been a really hard ordeal for you. Love you.

FROM: Patricia W Oct 23 @ 9:16 PM

I know you probably didn't mean me, but maybe the picture of Troy's oldest son and I on Grandparents day, will cover the fauxpas. Love you and I am so thankful for all the blessings that the Lord God has bestowed upon you all, you MUST feel special to know He loves you SOOOOOOOOOO much.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 23 @ 10:10 PM

How cute! Thank you for your kind wishes. Love always.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Oct 23 @ 11:25 PM

Just read the update. Sure had a lot of good news.. Then I called to hear the message from Lea. What a blessing to hear her voice. God is gracious and good. I love you have a good nights rest. Maybe I will be able to call tomorrow and visit for a while. Hugs and kisses to both of you.

FROM: Gracie L Oct 23 @ 11:28 PM

Hi Lea, I am Blake David's Great Aunt and I grew to love you even before I read all those wonderful loving letters Larry sent about you. You see, Blake David loves you dearly. He spent the night here just last night and again spoke and asked me about you and asked how you were doing. He says he prays for you. Below is a recent picture taken of me by my sister Karen just before I attended my 50th class reunion.


FROM: Karen R Oct 23 @ 12:07 AM

We love you, Lea, and miss you and Larry very much! We'll be here for you when you return to Indiana.


FROM: Pamela Oct 24 @ 3:25 AM

Larry/Lea, I'm so proud of you, Lea! Chod called (in tears) to tell me that you called to ask about Richie. He's so frail now, but doing well under the circumstances, I think. She (Chod) also called David to fill him in on the phone call! It's such a "shock" to all of us, though a pleasant one, to think that after all this time of daily petitions to the Lord on your behalf, that you're not just able to talk, but making phone calls! We serve an awesome God, don't we!!! Makes me want to sing His Praises - here's one of my favorite choruses (hope you know the tune!): What a Mighty God we Serve! What a Mighty God we Serve! Angels bow before Him, Heaven and Earth adore Him, What a Mighty God we Serve!

Larry, I may have sent you the Nut Lady's email address (I'm too old to remember), since they've never responded to me to let me know to stop forwarding your updates, I still do! I also forward to Marilyn (Conn) and Jerry (our pastor). I'm not sure, but Marilyn may have one or two that she forwards them to. The rest of the list I used to forward to have been added to your distribution. By the way, now that you get some think time (ha-ha), how about updating all of us on what kind of response you got as to where the updates are being forwarded to?

FROM: Karen Oct 24 @ 8:27 AM

Hi, we just had a few off the wall photos taken, our grandson Dylan likes to take pictures, these are the most recent ones of us, will send better ones later, also there is a picture of Robert and Dorene, my sister and her husband. So glad we have something positive going on here, we have recently talked to 3 other people that have experienced this pancreatitis, but not nearly to the degree that our Lea is enduring. So we know that things will work out for the us who truly believe it in one way or the other, not always the pace we want, but that sure tests our faith. Love ya guys lots, so nice to chat with Lance, I missed his second phone call, only because I couldn't get the darn phone out of my purse in time. Ha. Later


FROM: John D Oct 24 @ 9:46 AM

Hi Larry - hello from Singapore. Here's a picture of me (I'm Kristen's cousin) in Yunnan province, China. I wish I could say I was a 'faithful prayer,' but I do pray for you guys (just not as often as I wished) - and thank God for all the great things that are happening.

FROM: Stacey A, RN Oct 24 @ 10:18 PM

Lea, I cannot express in words how very thrilled I am to see how far you've come since July 19th and that you've now "graduated" to the stepdown unit and thin liquids and trips to the great autumn outdoors!! My name is Stacey A and I was one of the nurses who cared for you throughout your stay on Bliss 9 ICU. I live in Agawam, MA and used to commute down to Hartford Hospital several days per week until recently, when I started a new job as a Research Nurse in the Baystate Medical Center ER up here in Springfield, Ma. I've enclosed a picture of both my mother, Joyce, and I so that you can put a face to the name. My mother and I kept thoughts of you and Larry in our prayes over the last few months. My friend, Gert Cote from Southwick, MA lit candles for you at her weekly St. Jude Novena at Our Lady of the Lake church each Wednesday. I've enjoyed reading of your progress each evening via e-mail and must say that I miss seeing Larry's smiling face. I also enjoyed bringing in little home-cooked morsels for Larry from time to time, as did my mother. And I can't tell you how wonderful it's been to see the photos of you outside in recent days alongside some of my former colleagues (please do say a hearty "hello" to Adam, Maria and Danielle for me, won't you. Absolutely people of quality and I miss them all a great deal.)

My very best to you and your family (Lance & David & Dottie and your two granddaughters). Although you surely do not remember me, I can assure you that I will never forget you or Larry, not ever. Yours is a blessed Love Story indeed. Godspeed, Lea.

FROM: Jacqui H Oct 24 @ 11:26 AM

Dear Larry & Lea - Here is a photo of my family - my husband, Michael and our son, Kyle. If you could, please pray for my brother Fred - he is 47 and just found out that he is in stage 4 of lung and bone cancer. He has gone through his radiation treatments and has started his Chemotherapy with his second dose being tomorrow. He did very well with the first one - in that he didn't have the sickness that a lot of people get following that treatment and we are believing that it continues that way. He is believing to get healed (as are we and we pray for him constantly). Thank you for the offer of prayer. God's abundant blessing!

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 24 @ 6:30 PM


Hi Larry and Lea, It was wonderful to hear Lea's voice on the nursing report! She sounds great! We're so glad Lance could have a nice visit with her when she is doing so much better! Here are some photos of us and friends and family who have been praying. Hopefully the others on my list will send photos of their own.

Dean and Marlowe Dean and Marlowe Dean with Loise Mike, Laura, Helga and Franz with Lisa Waller and Caroline Christopher and Geyling with us Rogers Waller Fais Andrew de l

FROM: Lance Vaughn Oct 24 @ 8:59 PM

All: I would like to draw attention to something my father said near the end of his update last night.

My mother is now awake nearly 24 hours a day, trying her best to reestablish a regular sleeping schedule. She has little to do as she lay there, and praise the Lord, is always yearning for anything that might trigger memories and/or inspiration. I believe she needs this NOW more than ever. Imagine this ANGEL we all love so much staring blankly at ceiling tile while these recent (for her) events continue to run on repeatedly through her mind. PLEASE take the time to send us a digital photo of yourself by replying to this message or one of the updates or sending it directly to Dad.

If you have sent our prayer requests to others, we humbly ask that you send out this PHOTO REQUEST to the very same individuals so that she may witness the power of prayer, experiencing it firsthand. We will see to it that every photo sent to us is displayed before her so she can see the face of every individual who has prayed for her these last three months. THANK YOU!

FROM: Carl M Oct 24 @ 10:17 PM

Larry, Did Lea tell you that Pat and I were in to see her a couple of weeks ago? It was great to finally get to meet her! Sorry we missed you!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 24 @ 8:10 PM

Yes, she did! She was delighted, and I mentioned your visit in the 0ct 17 update: “There was a really bright spot, though, yesterday, when she had some visitors stop by and visit briefly. Carl and Pat M. are some of Lea's pray-ers in Austin, Texas, and were in Massachusetts visiting their daughter. They came by the hospital to meet Lea, and Carl, who has a fine tenor voice, sang a beautiful tune for Lea at her bedside. And, Lea sang along on the chorus! This was a wonderful blessing for her, and my heartfelt gratitude goes to them for caring enough to stop by and lift her spirits”. Thank you, again, for everything. God's blessings,

FROM: Pamela Oct 24 @ 10:25 PM

Praise God! Oh, Praise God! She looks so beautiful !!! 176

FROM: Pamela Oct 24 @ 10:35 PM

Only 66 days Until Christmas!

FROM: Joni J Oct 24 @ 11:17 PM

Hi Larry! You asked for pics of those who have been touched by the emails and I don't have a recent one of Ben and I, so I'm sending one of my son Isaac! He's so awesome!

Here is one that I took on my cell phone of Ben and Isaac around Labor Day. It's not the clearest, for sure, but they're still both very handsome!!



FROM: Gracie L Oct 25 @ 9:38 AM

I sent my morning chit chat e-mail to you guys because it included my conversation with Blake concerning Lea. Excuse all the chatter but this is how I write, SOMETIMES.

It's kinda sad seeing the garden go but as I told Donnie last night we sure made good use of everything. He finished clearing the garden off yesterday and brought in the last of the very small green tomatoes and a few mixed peppers, I put up 12 more quarts of pickled green tomatoes, some with Jalapeno peppers in the jars. We've got 19 jars in all and I'm not quite sure if I even like them. I did taste one once years ago when I worked at the nursing home. There was an elderly lady who kept a big jar of them by her bedside and she ate them frequently with her meals. She even had cauliflower, carrots and onions in her jar. She cut me off a taste of her green tomato once and if I remember correctly I liked it, I remember they got cloudy looking and the nursing staff made her get rid of the few that were left and it broke her heart, she said they were just fine, because they were pickled. We're not out anything except the vinegar,salt and lids if we don't care for them but I think we will.

Donnie has changed so much about heat in foods. He was eating the jalapeno jelly mixed with whipped cream cheese on whole wheat crackers the other night when I got out of bed and came in the kitchen where he was studying at the dining room table and he told me there wasn't much heat in it but he really enjoyed it. I thought huh?, cause it's Hot! I baked some breaded fish fillets the other evening and I mixed some of my green tomato relish with the jalapeno jam, and mixed it in a bit of mayonnaise and put it on my fish sandwich and I really liked it used that way. I have a five gallon bucket still left with green tomatoes so I will make some more green tomato relish today. Donnie and I had hot dogs while Shayna was at Lisa's and we put mustard plus the relish on the wieners and we both enjoyed it that way. I only wish we had put it in pint jars because a quart of this stuff goes a L O N G ways.

I'm going to put a few jalapenos in the relish I do today so we will have a variety. I wanted to taste the pickled 177 green tomatoes before I put up 12 more quarts yesterday but they won't keep until the others are through pickling. I had just enough hamburger left to make one huge burger yesterday but I decided to make Donnie and I a bit of spaghetti out of it. I cut up some of our peppers from the garden and put a diced onion in it then added a jar of our home made spaghetti sauce and also a couple ripe tomatoes. I also fried us a few green tomatoes and we had some yummy home made cold apple sauce and buttered green beans with it. I so much enjoyed supper especially realizing most of it was foods we put up or just picked from the garden. This always gives me pleasure, see it doesn't take much.

Shelby showed up again last night unannounced and I helped her study for a test and we sorted through her home work and she got to bed at 10:00 last night for a change bless her heart she's up until at least 1:00 every night completing her home work. I helped her study for a science test also but It was Greek to me I just asked the questions and I was glad I didn't have to know the answers. She's making fantastic grades and School at Holy Family is rough. She had a very large piece of canvass she was suppose to do some sort of picture and then paint it with acrylic paint. She wanted some help. She had decided to do an abstract painting and she'd drawn on it a bi. I almost laughed (But didn't), because it looked like a floor plan for a house.

I said, "Shelby, remember when we use to just make large swirly scribbles on a page then connect them and see how many odd looking characters or designs we could find on the paper when we connected the scribbles, well why not try that now? It always looked like abstract art to me." Her face lit up and she said, "Why not?" We both loved it, I think it was our best scribbles ever! lol Anyway, so did her art teacher. She said, "Wow, Shelby this is great and so unusual, I'd paint it in vibrant colors if I was you." So, she's going to paint it this evening over here I think. She wants my help and suggestions but her bedroom is in bright orange, yellows, and hot pink so I think those colors would be great and she could eventually hang it in her room. We'll see. She's in the shower right now getting ready for school.

I don't know what's going on but these kids coming to Grandma's and Grandpa's come in spurts. We've seen a bunch of Summer lately, she stayed again Friday night and part of Saturday. But Blake is the one who surprised us the most. He called Friday night and said he wanted to put in his bid for Saturday night before anyone else did. He came over very seldom this summer because he chose to stay home with his Grandpa Essig and play with the two brothers that were two houses up from his. They stayed with their great- grandmother and great spinster Aunt through the day. The Aunt is Shirley Martin, the lady who sat with me at the class reunion. Anyway, I looked forward to having him here. He was sentimental to say the least.

I found him almost nostalgic and sweet and even cuddly, very unusual for him right now. He brought his own supper, even offered to buy ours also but we were having cheese burgers with the last of our ripe tomatoes on home made buns so I surely didn't want a fish sandwich from McDonalds. Yet, later that evening around 10:30 he told me he wanted something warm and soft. HUH I Thought? But he knew what he wanted already, it was Hot slow cooked in milk, OATMEAL! I fixed it for him while Donnie sat and grinned from the dining room table .

Blake said, "Papa how about you and me having some of Grandma's pancakes in the morning for breakfast?" Donnie said, "Are you sure you don't want waffles, Granny's got a new waffle iron?" He said, "Nope, I want Grandma's pancakes" Donnie told him he planned to go to church in the morning. Then Blake asked him if he could go? And of course Donnie said, "Yes, that is if I can get you up in the morning, you'd better be getting in bed." NOT! Blake and I had been watching the Lifetime Movie Channel. When he came back into my room he was rolling the dining room chair and he had a bottle of lotion in his hand. He rubbed both of my legs and feet and then he asked me how long it had been since anyone had done this for me. I told him it had been quite a while. I used to get it all the time when I was down in the bed.

He talked of times past when we were at the other house and how he use to climbed in bed with me as he did again that moment.. He asked me to sing him the Bee song. I had trouble remembering what he wanted then it came to me. He wanted that song that goes, "Be my little Baby Bumble Bee, Buzz around, keep a buzzin round. Bring home all your honey Love to me, Honey Love my Sweet Honey Love. Remember that song?

Then he wanted the Monkey song. Again I had to think? Awe, he wanted, ABBA DABBA HONEYMOON

It goes like this.


Abba Dabba Dabba Dabba, Abba dabba dab, said the Monkey to the Chimp. Abba Dabba Dabba Dabba, Abba dabba Dab, said the Chimpy to the Monk, All night long they chattered away, All day long they were happy and gay, Singin and swingin in a honky tonky way.

Abba Dabba Dabba Dabba, Abba Dabba Dab, This Monk I love is You. Abba Dabba Dabba in Monkey talk means, Chimp I love you too! And the big Baboon one night in June, he married them and very soon, They went upon their Abba Dabba Dabba Went upon their Abba Dabba Dabba Went upon their Abba dabba Honey MOOOOOOON!

Remember that song? You sing it faster and faster over and over again. Then he wanted those sweet little songs, Like, I'm in love with you, HONEY, say you love me too, Honey, and on and on. Then it was that song, Baby Face, you've got the cutest little baby face, There's not another one can take your place. Baby Face, My poor heart is jumpin You sure have started something and on and on.

I reminded him about the time he heard that old time Quartette, singing that song and he thought they had stole our song. He didn't remember that. Next he asked for, When you wish upon a Star, Then, Some Where Over The Rainbow, and then more and more songs. He played with the fat on my arms. I told him his Mother used to do that to his great Grandma when she laid on her lap. He asked me if that fat might get in my blood stream and make me sick like his Great Aunt Lea. Then he asked me how she was doing? He told me how he thinks about her and prays she gets better. I wrote and told Larry about this. When we finished our night, I was a bit nostalgic myself and it was 3:am. You're right, Donnie couldn't get him up for church but he still had his pancakes, bless his heart. Well, have I rambled enough this morning? I'll be you all adeiu

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 25 @ 9:51 AM

More pray-ers photos.

Hallie Goodwin, Max, Mike Goodwin Hallie, Max Glynn, Carroll Miller Goodwin, Carolyn, John Walle

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Oct 25 @ 1:45 PM

Please keep Me on the update list. Hope you are okay today in the new surroundings. Sure did like the new picture, you are looking good. David is on his way to Saint Louis, he should be there by 3PM my time (4 Yours). I Love you, Will be waiting for the next update. Hugs and Kisses, Mother

FROM: Roberta H Oct 25 @ 1:52 PM awesome! Thanks for the update, glad she's doing better!

FROM: Mary Linda VOct 25 @ 2:54 PM

Dear Larry and Lea, I am Marlowe N's sister and Kristin's aunt. I sent an email a few weeks ago thanking you, Larry, for sharing your faith so meaningfully. My husband, Adalid, and I have been praying for Lea's healing and for strength and comfort for you and your family and we praise the Lord for his wonderous

179 love and mercy as we learn of Lea's wonderful progress each day. In response to your request for photos I am attaching two. One of them shows us relaxing over dessert as we are about to end a wonderful vacation trip to Hawaii a couple of years ago - a really once-in-a-lifetime occasion for us. The other shows us with our two oldest grandchildren (we have 7 now!) Gabriela, age 11 now, and Tiger (Aaron), age 7 1/2 now, as we stand by a lake near Little Rock, Arkansas, when we attended a Retreat for former missionaries and workers in Bolivia last year. We have been taking our grandchildren who are 5 or older on trips during their summer vacation for 3 years now. This year we took along Andreana, age 5 1/2 at the time, as well as these two, and we went to a Dude Ranch here in Texas.

We are looking forward to meeting you both at Kristin and Lance's wedding next June! It was great to meet Lance at our Christmas/New Year's family reunion in Dallas early this year. You asked if you could pray for us and/or a loved one. I would like to ask you to pray for me as I face Parkinson's disease. It has been about 4- 5 years ago that I was diagnosed and only recently have felt a somewhat downward trend and had to have an increase in medication. Pray for my husband who has promised to take care of me - that he will take care of his own health and have patience with mine. Fortunately I am still able to work full-time and am very blessed in so many ways. (By the way, we will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in November!)

I also would ask that you pray for our youngest son, Scott, who is 25 and still in college. He is currently living with us as we try to encourage him to finish his studies. Our concern is his relationship to the Lord. He has not given his life to Him and we pray earnestly for that moment. Our other 2 children, along with their spouses and children, are faithful servants of the Lord and His church and we covet the same joy for Scott.

Thank you once again for your wonderful witness to God's faithfulness through your emails during Lea's illness, and we praise His name continuously for His healing grace for Lea. We will continue to pray for you both and for your family as well.

FROM: Cheryl H Oct 25 @ 8:07 PM


FROM: Marilyn M Oct 26 @ 10:11 AM

Quick note, can you believe that my Mom would be 91 tomorrow! I can see her now shakin' her head! Still hard to think that she has been gone nearly 15 years and next year Dad, as well as your Grandpa White, will be gone 30! We aren't getting any younger are we? Ouch! It's my 70th coming round the corner. Someone asked Aunt Mabel how it felt being 90-something, and she said, she really didn't know because she had never been that old before! One thing is sure, Katy is still dancin' and Aunt Mabel is still singing all those lovely songs from the Holy Spirit. What a combo!

I remember years ago in our adult church school class one of the members showed us a funny banner her children made for her on her 70th birthday and thought, Man, that is old. Now I think of myself as middle aged. Hope the day is going well. It is so beautiful here today I was able to walk outside on the trail. The past

180 two days were so windy, I decided to walk at the mall with all those other golden oldies. I thought I looked very young. ;-)

The park across from me continues to develop. Yesterday workmen erected a windmill on the little farm plot just to the side of the Barn shaped shelter. The property was donated to the city by a woman whose family had farmed there for years. She was rather specific about how the land was to be used, so in addition to the housing (WAY TOO MANY IN MY OPINION), there are ball fields, a 'wet land' to attract wildlife, a little lake, walking trail (about 3 miles when I do all the loops and curves), one of those flat water play areas with other play equipment and two shelters. One shelter is shaped like a barn and the slide looks like a small barn. Many families enjoyed the area this summer. You continue to be in my heart and my prayers.

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 26 @ 10:18 AM

Dear Larry and Lea, Here is a photo of my sister Mary Linda and her Methodist minister (Bolivian) husband, Adalid V, who live in Houston and have created a prayer network there.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Oct 26 @ 1:24 PM

Interesting stuff..... I thought you might enjoy reading my email below. My friend was challenging me to differentiate my view of predestiny with that of Calvanism's view.

------Forwarded message ------BY: Lance Vaughn

My view of predestination is not a Calvanistic view. Calvanistic predestination seems radically disjointed to me, in that it separates our actions from God's will, suggesting that we can live a near-perfect life sanctifying Christ and not be saved or live a horribly sinful life and still be saved. I believe our actions ARE God's will. We cannot do anything that God did not intend for us to do, for He is an all-knowing, all-powerful sovereign God.

The element of Calvanism that makes sense to me is that which suggests God will not save all of us, Christians and sinners alike. The element I speak to in the paragraph above seems to invalidate the entire sanctification process, suggesting that it doesn't really matter what we do in this life, for our fate has already been decided. Why would I long to understand and actualize God's purpose for me? Why would I ask for forgiveness or accept Christ as my savior or develop a personal relationship with Him?

I am recalling a short story from my elementary school years where an older brother is picking on his younger brother, saying "I made you do that. I made you say that, too. And I made you do that, go there, NOT say that, NOT do that." Relentlessly he hounded him and everything the younger brother did, he couldn't disprove his brother. In his mind, everytime he did something or didn't do something to spite his brother, he couldn't help but think that he WAS doing it because of his pestilent brother.

How frustrating that would be... unless of course we replace the older brother with God, and replace the older brother's annoying intentions with the loving intentions of God's grace. On time's continuum, there is no way to go back or to redo what we've already done. There is no way to scientifically prove or disprove predestination. It's a leap of faith. It's academic. So why not accept that our soveriegn God is in control? He is not a slave to time as we know it, and he has a plan for us. Each of our individual weaknesses, our mistakes, are all a part of his unique plan for us, along with our gifts. In the end, we will stand by His side and be amazed at the total beauty of it, at how our actions defined us one after the other, affecting the lives of those around us, and guiding us through the development of the testimony he shaped us for one step at a time.


REPLY FROM: David Vaughn Oct 28 @ 12:45 AM

OK. I read it all. A bit complex for my simple mind. I offer the following as my simplistic summary of what I think my faith is based upon. God is Sovereign. God knows ALL about me from before my conception. He suffers and angers at ALL my bad decisions, but knows my heart, my faith in Jesus Christ and my struggles with sanctification. Because of my choice to proclaim Jesus Christ as my Savior, I am one He has Chosen, for He knows my thoughts before I do, I am part of His Plan and my walk with Him will be used for His purposes. I don't think this is THE answer, but it reflects my understanding at this point and why I am working

FROM: Lance Vaughn Oct 26 @ 3:22 PM

Photos for Mom –

Michael and Suzanne McCracken, Bobby Johnson and Cisco Flores, San Dennis and Jenny Nesser, Austin TX: Cincinnati. Antonio:

FROM: Mary Linda V Oct 26 @ 4:32 PM

Dear Larry and Lea, I received this over a month ago from a friend and just happened to open it by chance just now. I thought I would share it with you.


I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. All situations will be resolved; but in My time, not yours.

Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

If you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't despair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.

Should you have a bad day at work, think of the man who has been out of work for years.

Should you despair over a relationship gone bad, think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return.

Should you grieve the passing of another weekend, think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her children.

Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance, think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.

Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror, think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine. 182

Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking, “What is my purpose?” Be thankful. There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.

Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities, remember, things could be worse. You could be one of them!

Should you decide to send this to a friend; Thank you, you may have touched their life in ways you will never know!

FROM: Shana G Oct 26 @ 4:43 PM

Hi Larry and Lea, Just wanted to let you guys know we made it home okay. We had a good flight. Our taxi driver was very pleasant and told us he had been stationed at Ft Ben for a while. We told him our story of coming to visit Lea and how ill she has been and that she has been there for 100 days. When we were pulling into the airport he told us he wanted to let us know that he would pray for our friend. I thought that was really cool! Anyway, I had a wonderful time visiting with Lea. It was so good to hear her talk and see her smile. I can't wait until you guys make it back to Indiana. I, along with many others, will be more than happy to help with rehab. You guys take care and, Lea keep up the good work!!!

FROM: Renee K Oct 26 @ 6:20 PM

There are six of us here that has followed her story, e-mailed her, and most definately prayed for her. I can not send pictures because of my dial up here. It takes forever and always locks up my PC never sending the photos. Give her love from Renee K and children: Ashley, Emily, Brandi, Austin, and Evan. Larry knows me through my e-mails. God bless you all!

FROM: Karen R Oct 26 @ 10:27 PM

Lea!! You look absolutely beautiful!!!! All of us a rejoicing here today just being able to see you and Larry!

FROM: Sandy C Oct 26 @ 11:03 PM

Thanks for the photos--Lea, you look so.o.o good!!!! (you too,Larry!!)

FROM: Donna N Oct 26 @ 11:18 PM

Lea looks so remarkably good in the picture you sent, especially considering all that she's been through!...... I know she probably doesn't feel as good as she looks, but it sounds like she's progressing quite well...... Tell her that since she's hit the "100" mark, there's no need to shoot for 200 or a record of any kind! :) ...... All kidding aside, it's so wonderful to hear the news of all the "forward" steps she is now experiencing...... God has many plans for her and has brought her through the worst...... He heard the prayers near and from afar and has answered them...... Take Care and God Bless!......

FROM: Gayle H Oct 26 @ 11:39 PM

Picture of Gayle and Jim Harsell, Florida:



FROM: Dallas W Oct 27 @ 1:08 AM

Hi Lea, Larry, Like Chico used to say to "the man",: LUUUUKIIIIING GUUUUUUUD" You're a shoo-in for the come back story of the year, Lea. Even George Foreman couldn't top this one/HEEHEHEHEE I LOOK FORWARD TO THE DAY YOU COME HOME AND WE CAN VISIT. REMEMBER, FREE MASSAGES !

I spoke with Joe briefly Tuesday, I was in front of my office, waiting on a client. He came walking by singin' "Doo Wah Diddy diddy Dum Diddy Doo" hahahahahahahahahaha.... just kidding. He said preparations and communication between Hartford and In. hospitals were almost to the point of bringing you back home. YEAH!!! Halleluiah Keep working it, we're all rooting fer ya!!! God IS Good to His Children... Prayers & Blessings. Dallas

FROM: Lance Vaughn Oct 27 @ 2:44 AM

Something serious for the three of us to ponder, discuss and work through together.... Kristin and I had a long talk tonight about Mom's anxiety. She's telling me that anxiety attacks stem from long-term repressed rage. This is not a pleasant thought, nor is it one that we can address with a simple smile and just saying to her, "It's okay. Let it go. Get over it." We need to allow her to be angry about whatever she wants to be angry about. Period. Ask her to talk to us and tell us more and don't try to help her reason her way out of it. Just listen, love her, try to learn, and roll with it. The better job we do at that, the closer will we come to helping her come to terms with it and finding herself, thus being genuinely happy for the rest of her life. We need to do everything we can do to allow her to steer us in the direction SHE wants to go. Let's allow her to draft her own future from this point forward.

I don't know a whole lot more than that, really. It seems pretty straight forward from a medical perspective, but not the easiest thing to do given our circumstance. There is a lot out there to read about it and I don't believe the "There's little I can learn from reading" philosophy is the right approach. If anyone can do it, I know the three of us can learn from this and provide Mom with a beautiful "second chance" at life. I pray that we all take her anxiety attacks seriously and not just consider them some weird thing that we don't understand. medication is available and most often necessary, but let us accept them as -- yes, it's difficult to say -- repressed rage and do what we can to allow her to express herself without limitation and with pure acceptance. Let's tell her “Okay. It's okay. What do you want? What can we do? Help me understand. Tell me how you're feeling. What is it that you want to say to me that you've never said before?"

Welcome to Repressed Rage 101. Don't try to reason your way out of it. You're now a student. Let's listen and learn. Of course, Christ is the answer. We know this. But we cannot tell her that Christ is the only way she's going to deal with this. Let's guide her delicately in that direction through our own heart-felt understanding and demonstration of His love and grace. Love you both.

Father, please. Look hard and deep. No one doubts that you want mother to be happy. You love her as 184 infinitely as anyone could ever dream of loving another. She is your soul mate. I humbly and so sincerely, as your caring son, ask that you passionately challenge yourself to learn more about anxiety attacks and to help Mom feel FREE to express anything and everything she feels. Let's do it her way.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 27 @ 7:36 AM

You got it. Her anxiety is caused by devoting twenty years to an employer she loved working for, which has changed from a family-oriented company to a mainstream corporation that seemingly no longer cares about its employees, and just “lets them go” on a whim. She has seen it happen to several of her best friends, and doesn't know when it will be her turn. She suspects her time is now, but what do we do for financial security? Thus: anxiety. She has been on meds for it for the past year. She has had very strong support in the past, and will have it in the future. I can't resolve her financial worries. My dreams are turning to poop. I have enough faith to carry me, and I now have to help her achieve that same comfort. I suggest a family conference call to begin discussing our options.

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Oct 27 @ 5:33 PM

I'm in for the call... just let me know when. Faith is the answer... the question is "where will it take you?"

REPLY FROM: Lance Vaughn Oct 27 @ 7:36 PM

I recommend a Larry/Link/Lance/Dave conference call this weekend while Dave is in Connecticut to discuss our options on moving forward. We have one week to come to a consensus on what we feel we could/should approach what lies before us. I have copied Dave on this message. I have the whole weekend free, so just let me know when so I can be sure to be available. Love you all! Praise be to God!

FROM: Jean S Oct 27 @ 7:33 AM

Is this how Lea is feeling? ☺

Hospital Patient A sweet grandmother telephoned Mount Sinai Hospital. She timidly asked, "Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?" The operator said "I'll be glad to help, Dear. What's the name and room number?" The grandmother in her weak tremulous voice said, "Holly Finkel in room 302."

The Operator replied, "Let me check. Oh, good news. Her records say that Holly is doing very well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back as normal and her physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged Tuesday."

The Grandmother said, "Thank you. That's wonderful! I was so worried! God bless you for the good news." The operator replied, "You're more than welcome. Is Holly your daughter?" The Grandmother said, "No, I'm Holly Finkel in 302. No one tells me crap!"

FROM: Dallas W Oct 27 @ 8:13 AM

Well said,my friend,well said.

FROM: Adam Teana, and Aleana B Oct 27 @ 8:45 AM

Dear Larry & Lea, Lea I am so glad that you are doing so much better. You have been in our prayers since the beginning. I am just truly astounded with everything that has happened that I cannot even find the right words except PRAISE GOD!!!! I have sent a family picture that was taken at Easter. I think we have a

185 more recent one on the computer at home but I need to search for it. I also sent a couple of my favorite pictures of Laney from this spring. I will send a couple more from our recent vacation at the beach. Everyone who we have kept apprised of your situation is so very happy that you are on your way to recovery. We will be keeping all of you in our prayers. I will try to get you pictures of all the people who have been praying for you here.

FROM: Link Vaughn Oct 27 @ 5:36 PM

Looky what showed up in my inbox just now...

-----Original Message----- FROM: HEARTLIGHT

The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith; and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety. -- George Müller

REPLY FROM: Lance Vaughn Oct 27 @ 7:01 PM

Totally agree, brother. Our God is an awesome God!

FROM: Jean S Oct 27 @ 9:28 PM

Thanks for the picture of you and Lea. She looks really great-and so do you! I noticed that she has flowers....can we send some now? Love you!! Whoops!! Sorry, I just remembered she was not in her room. Anyway, she looks great.

FROM: Shana G Oct 27 @ 10:25 PM

OH MY GOSH!!!! I'm so excited to hear the possibility of Lea (and you :8)) coming home next thursday....YEAH. Oh, and I love the picture of the dog! Oh, and Lea looks really good, too!!!!

FROM: Sandy C Oct 27 @ 11:54 PM

Transferred to Indiana---what terrific news!!!


FROM: Marilyn M Oct 28 @ 2:31 PM

Back home again in Indiana, what could be better! Sounds like singin' and dancin' to me!

This morning as I walked and talked with our Heavenly Father, can't you hear the bikers, joggers, dog walkers who pass me going hmmmmm, I thought about us as a family. I can scarcely remember much about our time together after we were little kids. I remember when you lived on Grace Street the twist was popular! DON'T ASK! And I remember baby sitting for you when Dave was a baby. A few family reunions, when we were introduced to spouses and tried to remember what each other's kids looked like at the last reunion and that's about it! And now through the miracle of cyberspace and this totally bizarre illness we have begun to share a 186 bit of our inner selves as though all those years were only moments in time. We have probably revealed a part of ourselves that would never have surfaced over lunch! I think it is remarkable and hope we continue to maintain some degree of communication.

I am using a bit of my respite time this afternoon to catch up on some things in my office, but found that answering some recent e-mail has taken a good part of my time. Ray and his companion are taking a ride somewhere in the county - took the camera, so who knows! But I have loved the solitude, a rare gift these days. I know you will continue to let me know how things are going, and I will continue to lift all of you in prayer.


FROM: Link Vaughn Oct 29 @ 2:11 PM My suggested time for a conference call is tomorrow (Sunday) at 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, and 2pm Hawaiian. Agenda would look something like this: 1. Logistics for move from CT to IN - Is everything covered? 2. Physical housing requirements - Short term / long term in IN - Immediate needs and needs once Mom is out of hospital 3. Financial Status - Long term disability forecast - Sale of existing home - Affordable housing "What is it?" - Method of procuring next house (rent or buy?) - Vehicles (1 or 2?) - Credit card debt (Xfer or pay-off?) - Other monthly expenses - Medical expenses, payment options - Other income sources 4. Long term opportunities / dreams - Residence - Income sources / jobs - Security / insurance / faith 5. Discussion with Mom - What do we share with her?

I'm sure that I have forgotten some things so feel free to throw them in and if there are things we are not ready to talk about we can strike them out. My intention is to get everything on the table that could be causing Mom anxiety and work together to eliminate it. I am faithful that the Lord will provide and that we must respond by being good stewards of what is provided.


FROM: Dawn, Troy, Tyler, & Caitlin W Oct 30 @ 10:53 AM

Hope everyone has a Safe & Happy Halloween!!

FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Oct 30 @ 11:28 AM

Becky and I went to Nashville (Indiana) yesterday. After shopping and lunch, we went to Brown County State Park. Not too much color, but it was still nice and a lovely day. Here's the pictures - enjoy. Take care.


FROM: Carol B Oct 30 @ 10:58 PM

As I sit here waiting for your daily report I have been pondering the events of the past three months. They have been a scarey living Hell for you and a period of time never to be regained for Lea. You remained steadfast ... loving and caring for Lea in every physical way you possibly could, Sharing your turmoil and most importantly your faith, devotion, and undying love of God with anyone and everyone that you had a chance to share with. All I have done is pray (a lot) and share the letters with a few. I feel inept. In our Sunday school lesson today I was reminded of how much God loves us no matter what. I felt inept then too. God is using you and I am so glad to help share that. Maybe I am not as inept as I think I am.

I was thinking a day or so ago that I will miss Lea's Christmas letter with the sparkles in the envelope when it dawned on me I have been receiving Lea's Christmas letter for the past three months and the sparkles have been pouring out the last week. I don't really know what exactly I am trying to say. Perhaps just that I love you and Lea and I am so profoundly grateful to God for giving you a few more years together. Maybe just a note to let you know that I have become closer to God through all that you have shared. Maybe there is a little Vaughn in me too. I never realized until recently how much you look like your mother...I always thought it was Jean Ann that did. When this is over let's have a big ole family reunion, I want to know everyone again.


FROM: Larry Vaughn Oct 31 @ 12:28 AM

Photo taken this afternoon, after the tube was removed (from her throat). Godspeed!

FROM: Carol B Oct 31 @ 12:58 AM

Here is a photo you might is a winning picture with one of the dogs I show. She is a Japanese Chin and her name is SenHi's Goodness Gracious (Gracie) she is just six months old in this picture.

FROM: Marilyn M Oct 31 @ 1:53 AM

The smile has not faded! We are an awesome creation!


FROM: Pamela Oct 31 @ 1:56 AM

I know that smile is for Larry - what a beautiful expression of love in your eyes! A wonderful sight to see!

FROM: Marlowe N Oct 31 @ 3:51 AM

I thought that this message from my daily meditation would be encouraging to those of you who find themselves in difficult situations, but are determined to search for and carry out the will of God: “The will of God will never take you, Where the grace of God cannot keep you, Where the arms of God cannot support you, Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs, Where the power of God cannot endow you. - Author unknown” May you continue to trust in God's loving providence and persevere in following His way.

FROM: Judy K Oct 31 @ 9:23 AM

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. My computer was down for quite some time as I had a bad virus but when I got back on I read the updates on Lea. It is so good to find out that she is continually improving. Karen keeps me posted. My prayers at this time will continue and we will have to keep Karen and her family in our prayers through their trying times. I can't image the trying times you have had during Lea's long recovery but it sounds like you will at least be heading closer to home shortly and that is a good feeling. I had to spend 21 days in the hospital with my children and that was a very long time so I can't image being there this long.

This time of the year does not leave pleasant thoughts in our family as Halloween has had some tragic times attached to it but now I have 4 lovely grandchildren who are the light of my life and this makes up for a lot of bad things that have happened. Some day Karen will tell you all about it. May God Bless you and Lea both and your family

FROM: Scott & Jeanne S Oct 31 @ 10:03 AM

Here are some pictures! One of our new 4 legged addition. The rest of Jeanne, Mom, Dad, and myself. Jeanne says for you to get well soon, she has a craving for your peach pie...... Enjoy

FROM: Kim P Oct 31 @ 2:31 PM

Happy Halloween! Lots of LOVE and LAUGHS!!

FROM: Barb S Oct 31 @ 11:47 AM

Happy Halloween! Did you have ghost and goblins walking up and down the halls today? Caitlin and I went to get our hair done over the weekend and I had Mr. Clean and she got the Princess! That's not hardly right! She had red highlights put in her hair and really thinks she's it! LOL


Wow! I got rid of kids at 3:30 today! Nice! If it wasn't Halloween, I'd take a nap. It is so damp and drizzly out! I get so excited waiting for Larry's emails telling us what good progress you are making. Actually, I really like love stories and yours is the best! You two can do anything as long as you have each other! Well, don't want to tire you out so will close for now. I will send you a picture of Caitlin and Tyler in their costumes a little later.

FROM: Greg S Oct 31 @ 9:27 PM

Hi Larry: I had to send you a note to say how happy I am to hear you are headed home!! What a wonderful thought that the two of you will be back in just a few days. Take care.


FROM: Kim K Nov 1 @ 10:09 AM

What wonderful news! Congratulations on everything you've both done...... it really emphasizes the saying, "All things are possible through God". We all look forward to being able to see her (when she's up for it, of course). Since you're nearing the last chapter of this "book", will you be doing a sequel to Lea's Amazing Story? Please give her a hug from all of us and we wish you a speedy and safe trip home!

FROM: Gracie L Nov 1 @ 11:25 AM

Dear Larry, Lea is looking so good and I loved her manicured lovely hands. Your mail is more encouraging and exciting each day. I sent you guys my morning chatter because there is a bit in there about Kathy's grand-kids. Make your own choice whither to read it or not. With loving Regards.

------FORWARDED MESSAGE------My dear Friend Lesa spent the day here yesterday. She usually has to divide her time here between time with her dad who worked out of Hannibal and her other friend Dora who is employed at Hannibal Regional Hospital. So this was a first for me to have her all day. She arrived about 9:45 and I was still in my robe because I hadn't made preparation for her as I should have the night before. I had to shower, polish the furniture, make my bed, dust, etc etc. And since it was a toss up between tostadoes or my stacked cheese burgers, (She always liked those so well,) I mixed up some dough for hamburger buns also. She likes to eat but she's not into food, no way like I am, but who is? She told me she really isn't that domestic and prefers anything to household duties especially cooking, but she does like her home in order. She's a very busy lady and since Gary, her husband is a Banker, they both know how to manage well. Lesa looked lovely, she has aged very little. She brought pictures of her family and I enjoyed seeing them all. Boy, they are good looking kids and into all sorts of sports. Gary, their dad loves sports also, which helps.

It was a relaxing day with no reminiscing over yesterday's and why should we? There is nothing back there we need to discuss. Actually it was just a chit chat, chatter, relaxing day. I was in my mode, puttering about the kitchen preparing the fixings for toastdoes and also making up my hamburger buns. I also toasting Donnie and Shayna some home made bread, and coffee for breakfast. Lesa had her usual three glasses of Funny thing, she, like so many others, sat in my wheel chair and observed. She saw nothing new about me because I'm sure her memories of me were my being in the kitchen or of us working together at Willow Care Center. She so hope Dana could stop by but this week for Dana is going to be a doozy of a week.

The Committee who investigates the hospital and heath care system in general is here. They are only spending ONE DAY checking out the entire hospital and the remainder of the week investigating their Home Nursing Care Operation. Our Governor has made drastic cuts to the heath care system in Missouri. Tee has been many changes as to what is covered and what is not. Dana said he surely is not aware what he's done to these poor elderly souls or to the handicapped who have no other source of health insurance other than Medicaid. They have been left stranded and even those with medicare many of their services that were covered and available before have been scrapped also and are no longer there. It breaks her heart, because

190 their hands are tied. She was going to try to work in a quick peek in but I never heard a word from her all day yesterday. I am curious to see how her day went.

Laura also wanted to see Lesa for she has seen her several times over the years but Laura realized that since Lesa runs a day care the last thing she probably wanted to see on her one day away was more kids. She thought though she might be able to drop by for a bit and leave the girls with her dad. She'd spent the morning at Kora's school making preparations for their Halloween Party and then assisted with it before bringing Kora home at 11:15. When she arrived back home Marissa was very much wanting her Mama. So it was just us folks who saw Lesa. Although Lisa, Shayna's friend, and her friend from Florida did stop in for a moment when they picked up Shayna to take her with them to see Millie',( she's Lisa's mom). They went to her Halloween Party at Luther Manor. They were in full character and decked out for the party.

I did send a jar of my mild salsa home with Lesa, And she did remember it from years ago as soon as she tasted it. I also sent four of my largest burger buns home with her. She appreciated it but it didn't make her day one way or the other, it was just food to her, imagine that. I loved seeing her again though. She left a little before 3:00. She had a few things to pick up and she wanted to be sure she was home in time to greet her day care children when they arrived there for trick or treat. We had more children then we did the past two years, which I realize now is probably are own doing. We haven't had that many children. Our street is a dead end with only five houses and our house and the house on the end are the only two houses who accommodate the kids. So because so few came, we loaded them up with stuff. WRONG!!! They didn't forget, in fact, Shayna said she remembered one kid saying last year, "Hey let's not forget this house. next year."

Poor Shirley, our neighbor across the street is so blind it is a bit frightening for her to open her door when see can't see what is going on even though she loves children. She brought treats over here for us to give to Blake, Kora, Marissa, Jayden, Summer and Shelby and I in turn gave her a hamburger on a home made bun and some orange jello and vanilla pudding. Danny. Leslie, and Cory and Laura brought their little ones by all decked out for Halloween. Jayden was utterly adorable. She had on a varsity cheer leading out fit with pom poms and all. Her hair was up in pigtails with fluffy scrunches that matched her outfit and her hair was in ringlets. Awe she was just precious. Kora came dressed as a lady bug with a black cap onher head, a big black nose and a warm little red furry out fit with large black dots, she also wore black tights. So cute!!!!

Now Marissa was a bumble bee in a warm yellow and black outfit with a big stinger on her rump. It was hysterical, Cory would say,"Marissa show us your stinger." Then she'd stick her little seat in the air and do a little side twist looking back. with that stinger straight up in the air. I loved it and so did her daddy! Shelby, Summer and two of their friends dropped by in home made costumes. They were only here briefly as they made their rounds with their mom and dad and we only seen them for a few minutes. After everyone left for the evening and we shut everything down, Donnie and I both agreed it had been a lovely day and evening.

FROM: Roberta H Nov 1 @ 11:31 AM

Larry, I cried tears of joy today for you both. She has been through so much as well as you and your family, its good to hear the e progress she has made. Am anxiously waiting to to hear you are both back home and would love to visit her if she's' allowed visitors. I will continue to hold you both in my prayers.

FROM: JTW Nov 1 @ 12:07 AM

Hi Larry & Lea! Here is a picture of Addie and I. Thought that since Lea was doing so much better, that we could send this Halloween picture for her to see. Bet the one on the left will scare the crap out of her. ☺ Really glad to finally hear that she is doing much better. Her picture looks good, by the way. Our Love to you both..

FROM: Chris J Nov 1 @ 12:49 PM 191

I'm so glad to hear that Lea will be recovery at Riverview...I have a very special friend at Riverview (the CEO)...I have told her the stories about Lea...and have already sent an e-mail telling her that they would be getting a very special patient and to take very good care of her...Hope all goes well...have a great trip home...

FROM: Link Vaughn Nov 1 @ 1:17 PM

We must let go of the life we planned in order to accept the life that is waiting for us. -- Author Unknown

FROM: Karen Nov 1 @ 1:49 PM

Hi, this is a note from Carrie updating us on the latest with her illness. She is one remarkable lady, she will get this under control soon.


Hi. A mass mailing to let you all know what's going on. June- bad sore throat. July-sore throat went away, but lymph on right side remained swollen. August-went to primary care Dr. and she sent me on to ENT September-ENT did a needle biopsy, came back positive for squamous cell carcinoma. CT scan showed beginning emphysema. Chest x-ray was clear. October-ENT performed right tonsillectomy and biopsy of larynx, base of tongue, upper and lower areas in my throat. Tonsil was positive, but all other areas had no cancer.

Had a PET scan to see if there was cancer was in any other organ and it came back clear except for the tonsil/lymph area on both sides. Oct. 26th-I had surgery to remove lymph nodes on both sides of my neck, and a left tonsillectomy. The surgery went well, but I was quite sick afterwards. I stayed in the hospital for a few days. I have an incision with over 20 staples, down each side of my neck, from behind my ear, and they meet, about two inches apart at the base of my neck. Rich said I can have a tattoo to bring them together to make a necklace if I want. Isn't he sweet?

Although the PET scan showed that there was possibly cancer in the left side, the frozen sections after surgery showed that there actually was no cancer in the left side. Good news there. But, the tumor on the right side was twice as large as they thought (4cm's) and cancer was not contained, three other lymph nodes were cancerous. So, they upgraded the cancer to stage 4. Dr. Sobol told us that this does not change the prognosis. He believes they got out all of the cancer, and if by chance there are still live cells in the area, they will be destroyed with radiation.

He told us that movement of cancer from the tonsil to other organs is not common, not impossible, but not likely. We are discussing adjunct therapy with chemo and radiation, because the staging change has made me eligible for a trial study with the newest meds. We won't know for sure about this until we research it further and discuss it with all Dr.'s involved in my treatment. Therapy is scheduled to start Nov. 22, and will last 6 weeks, unless I can't handle it and need a break, they will give me a week off, making it last 7 weeks. I will go every two or three months for rechecks, by ultrasound, PET, MRI and CT scans. And if I remain cancer free for two years, all will be good.

I am still trying to complete this semester. I did withdraw from a class that hadn't even started yet, but have been keeping up (with A's of course) in all other classes. The instructors offered to give me an "Incomplete" so I could finish next semester, but I'm determined to finish now. We'll see. I may give in...I've heard radiation on head and neck is a terrible experience. Thanks for the thoughts, prayers, love, cards, flowers, toys, etc... I am grateful for all of your support and I know God is right here with me too.


FROM: Michelle M-B Nov 2 @ 11:17 Am


Dear Larry, Thank you once again for your regular dispatches. I am sorry to hear about the need for these procedures again. You are in our prayers here at First Baptist West Hartford, and please (really) if there is something you need one of these days, let us know.

I may be able to visit next week without scaring the staff and you all. I have been sick for a long while with a lingering viral thing. They put me on an antibiotic and an asthma drug for wheezing/coughing last week to see if either would help. I think the antibiotic may be letting my bod concentrate on kicking the virus, and the wheezing/coughing is gone when I do have the inhaled med in my lungs (but comes back when I'm off it). Provided my own slow trip to health continues on the same track, I should look and sound like a proper hospital visitor next week and will email and see about a good day/time with you.

Meanwhile, perhaps a reminder of the theme of "waiting" in our faith. I used to serve as a youth minister in an Episcopal congregation, and I appreciate some of the poetry and theological insight of their Book of Common Prayer. The prayer for "Holy Saturday," the day between the suffering of Good Friday and the Joy of Easter is this: "O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in a tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with him the coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness of life; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen." The key phrases for me here are "rested" and "newness of life." Though you and Lea will and have been very busy in your "resting," the promise of "Sunday's a-comin'!" applies none the less. God bless.

FROM: Gracie L Nov 2 @ 11:19 AM

I decided to send this to you and Lea.

Memories returned from my Childhood and one stormy night long ago

I recalled it was a very cold icy stormy night and we were returning home after we had spent the entire day attending church services and spending the afternoon in one of the homes of a parishioner where we had lunch and dinner, that was the high light of my day!. It was an old country church and was quite a distance from our farm house. It had stormed all through the evening service, yet it never entered my dad's mind to let church out early or better still to cancel the service. We lived at the top of a double hill on a dirt road, not that it mattered that night for it was completely incrusted with sleet and snow by the time we finally approached that hill. All of us kids accompanied him to all his church services, including the youngest unless they were under the age of one. There was no thought of staying home!

But Mom was home alone for she was expecting a baby again soon and awaiting it's birth. I realize more about that now also, Mother disliked strongly attending church with Daddy. As I said before the ground was already well covered with sleet and deep snow and it was still sleeting and Dad's car would not make that double hill. I was sick at heart, for I knew it would be slicker than glass on that road, and I would hardly be able to stand on it, how would I ever climb that ice incrusted hill to home. And then, what of my brother and sisters, two of them were very small.

On the right side of that double hill was a wooded area and it practically led to our yard. Dad had an old time lantern in the trunk of his car, imagine that. Did he foresee this ahead? He instructed us to stand behind him as he took the second to the youngest child in his arms. He told my sister, Lollie, who was one year younger than I, to hold the youngest child, he would be lighter to carry and Lolly could handle the ice better than I, Dad realized this.

He told us to form a line behind him and to hold onto each other's hand if we could or grab onto a small tree. He then said, to watch his feet and step where he stepped. . He told us he would make deep foot prints in the ice. He instructed one of the younger children to hold on to his coat tail. Lollie followed behind Dad while he kept the lantern low to the ground so we could see his indentions in the ice and snow where we could place our feet securely in his footprints. I was at the tail end, coming up the rear of this brigade. And I was holding onto my sister Karen's hand, I wonder who was holding on to who today? We all trudged up that hill. It never entered my mind we wouldn't make it home safely, because Daddy was in charge and he would get us home.

I have recalled this incident many times through the years, and how safe I felt in my dad's presence as a

193 child. I remember a Christian book that was passed around when I was in High School called "In His Steps" Even then, when I read that book, I couldn't help but be reminded once again of that night long ago and my Dad's foot prints in the snow. He always displayed self confidence and I always felt safe in his presence. He was my source to God for many many years. It was a big let down when I finally came to realization there was no peace attached to holding on to him. And oh what a blessed relief when I found that source inside myself, where it had been all the time.

FROM: Kim K Nov2 @ 11:57 AM

We're so sorry to hear about the setback - it must be very frustrating for both of you. However, it's better to get it pin pointed and taken care of now before Lea goes to Riverview. We pray she doesn't have to go thru more invasive surgery and that the draining will be all that's needed to dry it up. Thank heaven for Dr Mah and his team. Thinking of you always.

FROM: Marilyn M Nov 2 @ 2:42 PM

I have revisited the update with the analogy to the sparkles showered on each of us as we have been able only to stand by and pray for you and your family and feel so blessed that so many have opened their hearts to you and to the Lord. We really are so wondrously made and, despite the fact that we are unable to 'grow' new parts, God has created us with a different healing power, one that we witness in one way or another every day, from little scrapes and bruises to major issues like the one Lea has faced these past three months. Such miraculous power. As always thanks for sharing more and more of yourself in these ongoing messages. You continue to be in my heart and prayers.

FROM: Barb S Nov 2 @ 5:28 PM

Hi! Heard you had a rough day! Sorry to hear that. Guess we will just have to put the party on hold a little longer! (You do know we are having a huge party when you finally get out don't you?) You hang in there! Dr. Mah is a really good doctor and one of God's angels who has been watching over you. He is going to get you better so you can get back to your old (HaHa!), happy, bubbly self! He will leave you with all kinds of stories to tell. Also, you tell Larry to share his phone! Call any time you need to talk or just need girl talk! We love you.

FROM: John S Nov 2 @ 8:58 PM

Wow Larry, Your constant vigil shows what love can accomplish. Cheryl and I are praying for you both and please know that our thoughts are always with you. Love and strength.

FROM: Shana G Nov 2 @ 9:50 PM

Hi, Larry, Wow, I guess you're on the emotional roller coaster again! How frightened Lea must have been this afternoon after talking to the doctor. I just hate it that someone not explaining something clearly can cause such distraught feelings! I hope the doctor explains things more clearly tomorrow. Thank God for Dr. Mah! Lea has come so far, I sure hope she doesn't let this "setback" get her too down. I know she was disappointed when she learned she wasn't going to get to come home tomorrow, as we were also. But I know you guys will make it back home when the time is right.

Please know I am continuing to keep you guys in my prayers and am keeping our church prayer group informed, as well. I will be thinking of you guys tomorrow and praying that all goes well with the scheduled procedure. I will also continue to prayer for God to give Lea strength to continue to fight her way through recovery. She is definitely a strong lady and an inspiration to many, many people.I hope you get some rest this evening and I look forward to tomorrow's update. May God continue to Bless and Keep you!


FROM: Jean S Nov 2 @ 11:22 PM

HALLELUJAH! I am on my way to Hartford! Thank you Link for your generosity! I will leave Sat morning arrive Saturday afternoon and will return on the 10th. Larry I will call you when I arrive at the airport. Could you, would you get me a room at the Hudson suites? I love you all

FROM: Barb S Nov 2 @ 11:32 PM

Hi! Keep that faith! I have a question and I don't know why I didn't think of it before but then again, what little computer I know, I've taught myself. But, is it possible to set up a video camera or do you have a video camera for you computer where we could have calls to Lea through the computer and she could see everyone. I have an intel camera that I could reinstall on my computer.


FROM: Doe O Nov 3 @ 12:30 AM

Larry, I just wanted you to know that you and Lea are in my prays if there is anything i or the Hartford Hospital Security Dept can do please let me know My heart goes out to you and your family

FROM: Lance Vaughn Nov 3 @ 1:11 AM

Please open the attachment to see the list of items that Kathy and Dawn identified during their Walton House walk-through as something that Mom would want to keep, rather than be sold with the house. We want to leave the house completely furnished as a bed & breakfast, but reserve those items mom would want to keep. Please keep this list in mind as Dad does his final walkthrough. And let us all continue to praise to the Lord, for He truly knows we all love and treasure His grace.

FROM: Bruce & Cheryl H Nov 3 @ 6:03 AM

I hope I got all family members, but if I didn't please forward to concerned parties :) As most of you know, Gwen has been ill with undiagnosed Crohns disease for at least 8 years, probably even longer. Finally, she is getting some help after being acutely ill this past year, to the point where she couldn't even work. She is now in the hospital, scheduled for surgery to remove portions of damaged small and possibly large intestines. They are causing blockages. They decided to wait on the surgery to get her built up some, as she is down to about 95 pounds. She had an IV done about a week or more ago with a medicine that is supposed to help but which also messes with her immune system. So she is getting 3000 calories through a PIC line plus antibiotics, and I think they are scheduling the surgery for Friday, possibly today if they have room for her. Larry, I'm not quite as eloquent as you when it comes to updates, lol. All, please pray for her, naturally, and I or Bruce will try to keep you guys all updated as this thing moves forward.

FROM: Kathy D Nov 3 @ 7:44 AM

Good morning. I heard you haven't been feeling to well the last 2 days. Just what am I going to do with you. I sure hope you are better today and that everything goes okay on your surgury . You are going to be fine. I know you are probably tired of this silly roller coaster that you are on but one day soon it will get level and stay. I sure hope that is soon.

We are all waiting for you to come home so we can have that Welcome Home Party for you. Also we can all take turns to come and see you on different weekends. I know how much you want that day to come to get closer to home but right now you just keep up the hard work and get yourself feeling better. We don't want you moved to soon to where you will have complications. We all want to see you as much as you want to see

195 us. Right now you are just so far away. I sure wish I could be there with you to see and talk to you. Also don't forget those big hugs and kisses I have for you.

It was really nice out yesterday and suppose to be today. I wished this weather would go on through winter and not have snow and ice. I know we can't be that lucky though. I really like this weather. I didn't have the kids to get ready for school and take them so thought I would set down and write a few lines before I had to leave.

I really do wish I could be there for you. I know you probably get tired of talking to just men. Sometime they just don't understand us women. As Dan @ Larry would say at least the Tate women. Ha Ha! I miss you so much. If you don't get home soon maybe I can come out there to visit. It sure has been along time. We always have lots to talk about and laugh about. Remember I love you and you just take care of yourself. Will write again soon. I sure hope you will have a good day after everything is over and done. Hugs and kisses to you.

FROM: Barb S Nov 3 @ 9:00 am

What would you say if I told you I got Kat a ticket to fly to Hartford Nov. 21 and return home on the 29th? Think that would make Lea happy. That way, Kat would be there for Thanksgiving and make it a little easier.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 3 @ 12:11 PM

What a sweet offer! Thank you! Lea, however, is going to be in Noblesville for Thanksgiving, according to Dr Mah. Link and the granddaughters are going to fly in for Thanksgiving weekend to be with Lea. My sister is coming up from Texas to be with us this weekend until we fly to Indiana. I don't have anyone lined up yet for the period between our arrival in Indiana until Thanksgiving, nor for after that weekend. It's getting to be holidays, and I think I will have to rely on friends in the Indiana area to help out until the New Year. We'll see.

FROM: Gracie L Nov 3 @ 9:37 AM

Oh Larry, There are no words in my vocabulary to express how I felt while reading this letter. I am thankful this occurred before you made that move back to Indiana for these doctors are much more adept in handling Lea's condition. Our prayers are continuing on for the both of you.

FROM: Stephanie R Nov 3 @ 10:15 AM

Hi Mr. Vaughn, Not sure if you remember me or not, but I have been receiving your email updates about Lea everyday and I just wanted to send you a quick note. I have known your family for about 16 years now....can you believe it??.....and I've got to say, you are an inspiration. Your faith is unwaivering and your true love and devotion to Lea is inspiring. I can't even begin to imagine what you both have been going through, although from your updates and from talking to Lance, the picture is fairly clear. I have always known that the Vaughn family was a special one - lots of love, laughter and a tremendous amount of faith. All reasons why I have always felt a special connection with you and why Lance and I have remained good friends. I just want you to know that you and Lea are in my thoughts and prayers and I appreciate you sending the updates - it must also be somewhat therapeutic for you as well? You are also uplifted in prayer in Indianapolis - my parents are there and have shared your story with their church and small group. In His Love.

FROM: Barb S Nov 3 @ 9:10 AM

Hi! Enjoyed talking to you last night. Miss having you and Link closer so we can visit more. Anyway, I need your help. I called Dan and talked to him and then I booked Kathy a ticket to fly to Hartford on Nov. 21 returning on the 29th. Do you all think you can make arrangements for a place for her to stay? She doesn't know she's coming yet as it is early and she was in bed when I talked to Dan. But she has no say now as it is

196 a non-refundable ticket! LOL. This may be good for Kat to and since it isn't right away, maybe your mom won't get any crazy ideas! What do you think?

REPLY FROM: Lance Vaughn Nov 3 @ 11:52 AM

Barb, Oh my. That's awesome, Barb!!! Thank the Lord! The sisters will be together for Thanksgiving! One problem, though... We're not certain that Lea is still going to be in Hartford beyond next week. Let's put our heads together and decide what to do. I believe you can change the destination and/or time of a flight for $50. You'll have to call the airline directly. Perhaps you could check into this. My recommendation would be to fly in to Indianapolis.

FROM: Gary and Karen R Nov 3 @ 3:40 PM

Thought in the middle of all your trials you & Lea might enjoy the attached humor about raising boys. Might bring back a few memories too? Just added the minister who performed our wedding to your prayer partners. Can't hurt to call in the heavy hitters.

FROM: Cheryl H Nov 3 @ 9:33 PM

Hi everybody, Gwen is still waiting for surgery. They are planning it for Friday at 1 pm. She remains on the high-cal stuff through the PIC line and antibiotics. She looks better already. She isn't in as much pain anymore, since they have her on morphine. Her face looks fuller. She walked with me a little bit to the other unit and showed me around (the shower room and stuff). She can only have 1 cc of ice chips. She is supposed to be able to have ice pops, but dietary won't give them to her. She can only have a tsp of water with her oral meds. She seemed in good spirits tonight and kind of requested for not much company tomorrow after her surgery. She knows she won't be feeling up to it, but she wants company over the "long weekend". She said that with her shoes on she weighed in at 105 lbs on admission to the hospital but her scale at home read 96. Kent, those were BEAUTIFUL pink roses!! They were just budding, only 1 was almost fully bloomed, so they will last a long time. All the nurses were jealous :) We'll let you know more when we know.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 3 @ 10:43 PM

Lea and I send our love, our best wishes, and our prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. We will have you in our prayers throughout the day and the coming weekend. God's blessings.


FROM: Cheryl H Nov 4 @ 10:15 PM

Gwen got through the surgery with no complications:) Of course, she is sore, doesn't feel good, tired (morphine-induced), still can't eat or drink, nauseous from the anesthesia (they gave her a med for it). Her blood sugar was high tonight due to the TPN she is receiving, the 3000 calorie white stuff that they are beefing her up with. They will most likely get that down with medication that will assist her pancreas to handle the load. All in all, she looks like crap and doesn't feel good.

BUT...The doctors found NO signs of Crohn's disease! They found a scarred up, narrow portion of small intestine and removed it, end of story. They even opened something (Tori didn't know what it was, she was the one there when Dr. came out) that they said was a sure sign of Crohn's if it was messed up, and it was clean as a whistle. They don't know what it was or why. Thank you everybody for your prayers and well wishes. God is so good! I don't know what they plan to do now yet. She will be in the hospital now for another 5-7 days. Will forward any other information as it becomes available.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn


Nov 4 @ 10:39 PM

Hi Hon, I just printed Lea's picture on the PHOTO paper that you and I bought one Day. Looks like she is really enjoying her pop. She sure has a pretty face and look at those finger nails. Spiffy looking if you ask me. I think You will need to let Dr. Miller know a few days in advance to be sure Leas has a room. I love you my son and look forward to your and Leas return. Sending you my Love and Prayers. Hugs and Kisses,

FROM: Pamela Nov 4 @ 10:09 AM

Larry, Since you're occupied with the recent changes for Lea, I didn't want to bother you with a phone call. Jim and I wanted to ask you to give us as much notice as you have of Lea's possible return to Indiana so that we can coordinate flight plans in order to get your truck back to Indiana. If the return is next week, Jim will be unable to take off, which simply means that I'll make the trip and return with the truck. If it would be the following week, Jim would have the honor! Please give Lea our deepest love and hopes that all will go as well as anyone could hope for in the days ahead. What am I saying, with the Loving, Awesome God we serve, hundreds of Prayer Warriors in her behalf, a Physician such as Dr. Mah, and the Caregiver Team that Lea has, it's only to be expected that all will go well!!!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 4 @ 11:38 AM

Sure. Will do. I'm afraid we're only going to get a day or two's notice. I may have to try to get the truck packed up and parked back in the garage, where it can sit until someone can get to it. We'll just have to wait and see. I have started doing some packing already. Loading the truck will be the problem, because it will have to be open with the tailgate out, I would imagine. Not sure how to coordinate all that. Thanks, and love to you both,

FROM: Barb S Nov 4 @ 10:22 PM

Hi! Wow! Sounds like Lea is bouncing back from each little bump pretty quick! That's great. Hope she keeps it up! So, what do you think I should do about Kathy's ticket? It's a non refundable but it can be changed if I understand it right. I've never had to do anything like this before.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 5 @ 10:16 PM

I don't know a lot about changing destinations, but I think you can do it for a fee. Link and Lance have much more experience with that. Do you have their email addresses?


FROM: Marilyn M Nov 5 @ 1:12 PM

Thanks as always for keeping me in the loop. Lea's progress is amazing and you have been so good to let us know details to explain setbacks and the miracle of small gains. I will continue to pray for healing, patience, and strength, as well as safety and comfort on the journey west! How blessed you have been to had the care and support of this hospital staff! I know they have come to love and admire you as individuals and as a family of faith. Your time with them has undoubtedly been a blessing to them as well.

I was curious when I read about your being able to continue teaching. What do you teach? I'm not sure I ever knew what your field of work was at all! DUH! At least cyberspace has allowed us some measure of re- acquaintance! I took Ray to the pain center Monday where the intrathecal pump was refilled, and we were questioned by both the nurse and doctor as to whether anyone had discussed his last scans with us, and we said, 'Yes.' But I noticed both of them looked furtively at me after we answered, and wondered if that look meant anything, so I quietly and privately found a few minutes to speak with the nurse who said the scans indicated significantly increased involvement of the disease in the sacrum. This would certainly explain the

198 pain he has often in the lower back. The oncologist and primary care doc both told us there had been SOME change, but nothing to worry about! Two very different messages in my mind. So I was glad to have had this private conversation.

I know Ray is a hypochondriac and is probably obsessively compulsive on many fronts, often his own worst enemy, and maybe this is why those doctors couch their remarks in different tones. He has cried "wolf" many times with me on a number of counts, so that has made my task as caregiver even more difficult. The least thing seems a crisis to him, but I DO know he is a very sick man, and that he has had about all the treatment available. The new chemo is administered once a month and it makes him very tired. The prednisone has certainly altered his sleep pattern, and that throws him into a tizzy! But we have changed the times of day he takes that which has helped. Lucky for me, I am healthy, supported by friends and family and thank God every day!

FROM: David Vaughn Nov 5 @ 4:53 PM Totally surprised and disappointed about the Acup move, but they have to live their own life. We have been blessed to get to know them better and it will be a big hole for us .. but you KNOW about that! I'm certain we have not seen the last of the boys ... there just might be college assistance available for U of Hawaii !!!! I DO think it is a good idea for Jim to go ahead and go to Hartford. Jean could help you, but I'm sure it would be much easier for Jim and there is NO safe/secure way to store the truck once it is packed, as the top of the vehicle will need to be used and the back of the vehicle will have to be open. I think Larry is at the point that he can do without the truck, if necessary.


FROM: Barb S Nov 6 @ 12:11 AM

Yeah, I am pretty sure I can get it changed for a fee but do you think I should go ahead and change it for Indiana or wait a little longer. I would hate to change it to Indiana and then have Lea still be in Hartford.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 6 @ 2:24 PM

If there is no additional cost, I would wait until the last minute. We don't know when we are going to go back. It could be a while yet.

FROM: Carol B Nov 6 @ 12:12 AM

Larry, Twinkle Little Star came from me...I thought it would at the very least give you a smile, but I was rewarded to known that I had sent something to encourage you. I will be leaving tomorrow for 8 days and since my computer is not a laptop I will be out of touch until the 14th. When I return I KNOW that I will read about your successful trip home to Indiana and that Lea is settling in comfortably. Miss Pat will have been to visit her and you are feeling refreshed. In the meantime you will be in my prayers continually. I have some friends in Quincy whose sister is in Canada and has just been diagnosed with bone cancer and has less than three months. She went to school with Sharon her name is Lenny Winn. You and Lea have been on the Winn's prayer list through the last three months if you could ask God to comfort and guide them through this ordeal I would appreciate it. As always in God's love.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Nov 6 @ 1:26 AM

My Dear Son, You are precious to me and I have been so blessed that the Lord CHOSE me to be your Mother. I think I have felt your every pain and heartache. We can only continue to pray and tell him of our wishes to please him. After all we were saved by HIS grace. A memory came to mind of two small children sitting at a piano playing and looking for approval. The memory of you and Jean Ann playing the piano in Perry, Mo at Grandmother and Grandfather Vaughn's House, there is a picture of you two somewhere in the

199 albums .You were 2 and a half and Jean Ann was about 1 year old. Here I am a great grandmother and still being blessed each day for all of my family and many more blessing that go unnoticed....But I know where they come from. His name is JESUS...... Amen...Hugs and Kisses

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Nov 6 @ 1:48 AM

I just had to get back to you and Thank you for the beautiful picture...... LEA is HOLDING her POPSICLE. Praise the Lord ..He is wonderful. And you know what else? There's that beautiful Smile. What can you say? Love and Hugs and Kisses....Keep smiling.. Thank you Jesus

FROM: Dallas W Nov 6 @ 6:47 AM

God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another...

FROM: Cheryl H Nov 6 @ 8:59 AM

Well, sorry guys, not much to report today. We went up yesterday afternoon, and she was sound asleep. We left a note and the email that you sent, Denise, and came back home. We got involved in some stuff and didn't get around to calling until late, so we didn't call either. I'll try to let you know more this afternoon.

FROM: Marilyn M Nov 6 @ 12:55 PM

Please tell Jean (still Jean Ann to me) that I said hello! I hope she and Lea are having a wonderful visit! I leave for Belize Friday with my daughter and son-in-law for the board meeting of the mission and the annual festival. Will return on Wednesday, but you will be in my heart all the way as I anticipate your heading west!

FROM: Kathy D Nov 6 @ 1:56 PM

Hi Lea, Hope you had a better day today. I sure did hate to here you were sick yesterday. Larry said you are having a nice visit with Jean Ann. It is always nice to have someone to talk to. It makes you feel better. Didn't get to write until now since I had the kids. In fact I had them all day yesterday, last night and today. Christy went out with Cory and Laura for Corys birthday get together but Dan didn't want to go to a bar so we just stayed home and watched the kids last night. She wasn't late getting here but Hunter and Maggie was already asleep so I just told her to leave them since I was going to get them at 4:45 this morning anyway. I guess alot of people from Corys work showed up and they had a real nice time. Hunter was sick yesterday anyway. He came home from school Friday night sick with ear ache and sore throat and still has it. He just called me a minute ago crying because he's not feeling very good. It is always worse at night. Guess I will probably be taking him to the doctor tomorrow. We get his fever broke in the day but it comes right up at night. Maggies throat is sore and she is a little hoarse but she isn't running any fever yet. I sure hope she doesn't either.

Dan said to tell you "hi" for him and to take care of yourself. That he loves and misses you. Larry and Barb just left. She brought me her extra fax machine so I can use it. I have been having to fax things for Carl and she said it would be easier for me to just set this one up here then I wouldn't have to go out there and do all that running back and forth. Well better close for now. Love you very much. Hugs and kisses to you. Hope you get to feeling better soon. God Bless.

FROM: Gayle B Nov 6 @ 5:15 PM

Hi Larry :) Im a friend of Dallas W (atlanta) I live in Anderson. Dallas and I went to massage therapy school together. I have learned over the course of years in doing massage therapy that I get more results from the "healing touch" along with focusing on Jesus at the same time than an hour and a half of massage therepy!!!


Healing touch I believe is something anyone can do and the results are amazing. I lay my hands on the area of concern or have them in the air just inches above the area and I become still. In this stillness and focus on Jesus in complete quietness I have seen G-d work wonders. Always there is a result even if it is only to calm the client and bring them to a serene Peace. This is G-d at work and not me. There are some nurses trained in doing this at Catholic Hospitals now. I suspect you could do this as well.

Also I have been given a prayer to pray for Lea I believe directed from the Holy Spirit. The prayer involves praying and blessing the water that is in and around Lea's body. The human body consists mostly of water, call it blessed, call it healing water, call it to form within and without the correct form of Lea's healed body. Remember in Genesis, G-d bringing forth creation out of water!, remember Jesus walking on the water, remember Jesus commanding the waters of the storm and remember that Jesus said "These things I do, you will also do, and more."

I saw the result of an experiment done with several glasses of tap water on a documentry. The water in each glass was labeled with seperate names/commands such as Peace, Love, hate, sickness etc. Several days later the molecules being viewed under a microscope showed the result. The water which was blessed with goodness was beautiful, the molecules looked like snowflakes. The water molecules that were cursed with ill names looked like a big ugly germ under the microscope. Command the waters of Lea's body and bless them in Jesus Name!!

The name of the documentery was "what the bleep do we know anyway" a DVD that has been out for a few months now. It is not a Christian movie however the thoughts in it are profound if you think about the Word of G-d being applied to the same. Blessing and love in Christ. The Great I AM

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 6 @ 10:51 PM

Thank you, Gayle. I am going to give this some serious thought. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us, and to be so caring about Lea's sickness. Your considerate comments are appreciated.


FROM: Terri P Nov 7 @ 12:11 AM

Dear Larry and Lea,

Link had asked that we send along pictures of some of the people who have been praying for you, your family and the fine doctors and medical staff who have been there to care for Lea.

My Mom and Dad (Ruth and Jim Ballis) and their church group (Elk Creek Baptist Church) in Mineral VA.

My husband and I on the Indiana Museum Dinner Train (Our 19th wedding anniversary).

Thier are others and as I gather up pictures I will send them along. We are looking forward to having you back in Indiana when the time is right. It is amazing how far the power of prayer has taken you. Keep taking baby steps and be patient.

FROM: Terri P


Nov 7 @ 12:20 AM Subject: These boots were made for washing

My Grandson (Anthony) who was tagging along with me to put up (For Sale) signs (at your bed & breakfast) was compelled to take off his boots and socks and wash them in your fountain. When asked why he did that, he stated quite matter a fact, "That's what cowboys do!" This picture always brings a smile to my face. If you look closely, you will notice that this "Cowboy" has a cast on that broken left arm. So this left handed cowboy had to wash his boots with his right hand. Not an easy task, but he did it!

FROM: Cheryl H Nov 7 @ 7:02 AM

Good morning all, Called Gwen yesterday, as I have a nasty sinus infection and decided to keep it at home yesterday. She sounds much better and says she feels a lot better. She said she will feel better after the lab results come back. They sent the intestines that they removed to Pathology for analysis and she should be getting results back by Tuesday. That's about all I've got today. Have a great day:)

FROM: Gale B Nov 7 @ 8:49 AM

Lea and Larry, Thought you all might enjoy seeing some Indiana Fall beauty.

FROM: Dallas W Nov 7 @ 10:32 AM

Here’s a new poem . . . Learning to swim in a lake

to boyhood memories

When I was just a little lad, I went to the lake with my Dad. He grabbed me up and threw me in, There I was, sink or swim !

Turtles, catfish, or big ol' snakes, Made no matter, make no mistakes! Frantic dog-paddling at top speed Head held high for the air I'd need.

Fueled by fear and certain death, I dared not stop to catch my breath! Hydro-planed right to the bank, Kissed the ground and gave God Thanks!

Dad just beamed as he said sooo proud, 202

"My boy swims like a fish", he boasted loud. That's when I started hollering and jumping about, Down came my trunks, I had caught a small trout

by Unca D

FROM: Mickey C Nov 7 @ 12:08 PM

Lea and Larry, I can't tell you how happy I am to be able to write to both of you. I went on vacation and when I came back, Lea, you were awake. That was the best news I could have received. We've all been following your daily progress with encouragement and support through prayer. The first thing I do when I get in each morning is check my Lea Update. I even called and listened to your voice message, Lea. It was so great to hear your voice again. Yousounded so good! I cried, but they were good tears.

Larry, your thoughts and descriptions have been so vivid that I've felt like I was right there with you. Now, I am getting anxious for you both to get safely back home. I know it will be good to get back to your family and friends... and most importantly, your own home. I had an idea to help increase Lea's hand and arm strength and coordination. You might have already discounted this possibility, but could you attach a mouse to your laptop so Lea can try to play solitaire? Doing something that stimulates the mind, along with the body, might make it easier for her to focus... just an idea.

Lea, I hope you continue to improve and strengthen. My family and I will continue to pray for your quick recovery. By the way, have you considered trying 3" stiletto heels? It sound like you might have better luck walking in those ;-> Both of you take care and keep those Lea Updates coming.

P.S. On a sadder note, I thought you might want to know that Dave Fulton's brother, Tom, passed away last week. He was with Fulton Financial. Lea, I don't know if you ever worked with him or not. But in case you did, I thought you would want to know.

FROM: Dallas W Nov 7 @ 8:58 PM

Hi Larry & Lea, I recieved the attached joke from friends in Jerusalem, thought you might get a kick out of it too. Love & Prayers.


FROM: Link Vaughn Nov 8 @ 12:08 PM

You can share with Mom... Love, Link “If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” -- Romans 14:8

FROM: Robyn E Nov 8 @ 5:30 PM Hi Larry, i so appreciate your dedication in keeping everyone updated on Lea's progress. Your's and Lea's story is a book in the making. i can't wait for the triumphant ending. I was really moved by something you said in your latest update. Your concerns for Lea because she doesn't yet have the peace that you have. It reminded me of when i was in the depths of postpartum depression a few years ago. I was having extreme anxiety, panic attacks, and just felt overall sense of gloom and doom. At my worst moment i confessed to my mom and my sister that i didn't even want to pray and I thought that was probably why i wasn't getting better. My sister told me that it was ok...her faith and Mom's faith that i would be healed was enough to carry me. God understood and i would get better. Shortly after that i ran across James 5:15 "if you have faith when you pray for sick people, they will be healed" there's a whole lot of us praying with faith that Lea will be healed. i know you want her to have that peace too, but it's sure hard when you don't feel

203 good (an understatement to be sure). I'm sure the peace and faith that you exude in her presence is a huge part of her miraculous recovery. love and God Bless.

FROM: Marilyn M Nov 8 @ 11:45 PM

Larry, I will be out of town from 11/11 to 11/16, in Belize for the mission board meeting, but will keep all you in my prayers. Hang ON! I have gained strength just knowing you are staying strong. Ray's illness has sapped much of my vigor, but I read a note from you, have a hug from a friend, my girls call me, and something in God's word touches my heart, and I can muster again! Take good care and give Lea a gentle hug from me.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 9 @ 8:15 AM

Best wishes to you and the family. You are a blessing to so many!! God's strength to you!


FROM: Kathy D Nov 9 @ 4:36 AM

Hope you have a good day today. Sorry I haven't written a couple of days but have been busy. Thought I would set down this morning and write before I get started doing anything. Didn't have the kids to get ready for school or take this morning so that gives me time. Once I go in town I stay and get everything done I need to so I won't have to go back in when I get home. It's really getting bad I really like to stay home in the evenings now and get things done around here. I don't like going back in town once I get home.

I wrote Pat to check on Joe. She said he is doing better. That is good. I hadn't heard from her in a while and I had people asking me how he was doing so I just wrote her. She said she has really been busy too. She sure is a nice person. Got an email from Gayle this morning so I had to email her back. Thought I would get caught up on emails this morning too. Sorry I haven't sent a card but going to get one out today. I keep forgetting to take one in town with me when I leave. I'm in such a hurry when I leave in the mornings lately that if I didn't have my head attached that I would leave it also. You know how it can be.

It was a beautiful day out yesterday. It's about 15 degrees colder today but atleast the sun well it was shining. I don't think it is now. I think it is suppose to rain today and get down to 32 tonight. I hate cold weather. But I guess warm weather can't last for ever around here. Larry said you are still very nauseated. I sure hope that goes away soon. If it does and you can start eating again then your strength will build up faster and you will feel much better. You need that food down to give you strength. Just keep trying to atleast eat a little bit ever so often and not a lot a one time. I'm sure that is what you are doing but I know you hate to eat in fear you will get sick too. So just keep trying.

That throw the girls from your work made you is beautiful. You willl cherish that for ever. I love the color of it. I bet it was a lot of work. But you are well worth it. You have so many people who love you very much and have you in there thoughts and prayers at all times. Just hold on to it and pray and I know God is there right beside you and everything is going to be fine. You are going to get through this. Maybe not as fast as you want but you have came along way already and doing very good. Well got to go. Have a great day. Take care and hope you get to feeling better soon. Will write again soon. Will get a card in the mail today for you.

Oh by the way Larry hasn't mentioned Jean Ann the last couple of days. Has she left yet? Bet it was nice having her there to visit with. She is a real sweet person. I haven't seen her in such along time. Tell her "hi" for me.

FROM: Pamela Nov 9 @ 11:51 AM


Have just completed reservations for Jim to arrive in Hartford at 10:46A, this SATURDAY the 12th! (He can only be off the first part of next week - due to more vacation shortages.) His ideal plan is to load and leave the same day. Larry, will you be able to fetch him at the airport???

FROM: Pamela Nov 9 @ 11:59 AM

EEK! There's a mouse in my basement - if you need me, you'll have to call . . . it'll be awhile before I come back down here . . .

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Nov 9 @ 1:06 PM

Don't worry, they won't bother you while you are up with the lights on... But after you go to bed and turn the lights out... that is another story!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 9 @ 2:52 PM

That sounds good. I picked up several plastic tubs to get a lot of stuff packed. Hopefully, it won't be too bad to get it all downstairs. As to whether I can pick Jim up at the airport; it all depends on how Lea is feeling whether I will be able to get away for a couple of hours. I'm thinking it won't be a problem, but he'll need to give me a call as soon as he lands. I will either be outside the airport, or on my way, or not able to get away.

FROM: Link Vaughn Nov 9 @ 1:19 PM

Good one for Mom! Faith is realizing that I am useful to God not in spite of my scars but because of them. - - Pamela Reeve

FROM: Nancy P Nov 9 @ 4:20 PM

Dear Larry and "The Amazing Lea", Our God IS an AWESOME GOD! He reins from Heaven above with wisdom, power, and love. Wow, what a journey this is! Your sharing of this journey, the joys and the challenges, is such a learning and growing experience for so many of us. The body and mind's ability to cope with all the intricate twists and turns involved in recovering from this devastating illness is remarkable and fascinating. Lea and Larry are both "miracles" in effort and devotion. Psalm 121 sustains us and gives us courage. God's blessings to you and those caring for both of you. Nancy Peyton, Indiana RN

FROM: Joe Stroup Nov 9 @ 9:42 PM

I just want to say how much Pat and I love and miss you and Larry. Sure am getting anxious to have you back home so I can come and pester you again. If you allow me, I will do that often. I am hoping that Larry will start his cardio rehab again and we can go together. I feel for you being nauseous all the time. I was somewhat that way for a while and didn’t ever feel like eating. Of course, I had a little extra (weight) that I could afford to lose. I have managed to keep that off. I still don’t eat right because there isn’t very much that tastes right to me. I think it is the medicines. I am at 195 pounds when I can keep the fluids off (I seem to have a continuing battle with that). I would like to loose 20 more pounds and get rid of more of this flab on my gut. Keep trying to eat little bits of food and you’ll probably get over the nauseous feelings.

All is going pretty good here. Stacey has the baby (Gabreal Allen) at home now. He is nursing now and has gained a slight amount of weight. Scott and Jeanne were looking at selling there place after the guy who bought up the ground all around them would not lease or sell them a little more land. They have horse fever after their last trip to Tennessee. They want to get a couple Tennessee walkers. They put the place up for sale by owner. The guy came over a couple days ago and told them he would sell them the 3 and one half

205 acres in front of their house that would square up their east boundary. They came to terms and so now they are going to stay. Scott plans to retire from the fire department in 15 years and move to Tennessee. Mom and Ron are back in Florida now. They ended up with very minor damage to their house (in the hurricanes) but lost some big trees. All is well with them.

Everything is good in Atlanta. Herb has the coffee shop open, very nice new gathering place, and he is training waiters for the restaurant now. Pat says he plans to open Monday. He has already finished all of his inspections. The restaurant is very nice looking. I saw it with a roaring fire going in the fireplace last night and it was beautiful. Pat also told me that there is a lady who has opened a chocolate shop in Clay Terrace and she is going to manufacture the chocolate in one of the shops at Bargain Bob’s. She will do some retail out of it also.

That’s about all I know as I don’t get out as much as I used to. Well actually, I am out running around with Pat quite a bit now that I think about it. I have even started driving a little bit. Love always and hope to see you soon!


FROM: Dallas W Nov 10 @ 11:20 AM One of my poems recently revised:

SALVATION SENT (S-word challenge)

to everyone...


Sweet Sacred SON,Sent Setting Slaves,Sick,Sinners Sinless. Sacramentally Sanctified. So Sadly, Sweetly, Spikenard Scent Spilled,So Sadly, Sweetly. SANCTIFIED!







SECOND SIGHTING!!!! SIRE,SON,SPIRIT,Sinners,Saints SAVED. Spiritual Seasons Spent Solar Sight Seeing... Satan Sentenced,Sent Sprawling, Spiraling, Serpent's Slither Swiftly Securely Sealed, Stopped...Scorched...Silenced.... Since, SALVATION SENT!!!!

by Unca D

Author's Comments: "that's how this chapter of eternity ends...can't wait till the next chapter begins...How about you?If you died today, do you know in your heart you would be going to Heaven? Seek Jesus.The Way, The Truth, The Life. God bless."

FROM: Pamela Nov 10 @ 12:42 PM

Hello everyone! Here comes the email that I've talked to several of you about . . .I've decided to compile a small Eugene Vaughn Family Cook Book!!! Yay!!!

No, don't flood me with recipes! I only want ONE from each of you (electronic is preferred, so I can print lots of copies). Your favorite or best loved or just best remembered! Now, here's the catch! I also want an individual recent photo (digital is fine, head and shoulders is preferred, no goofy shots, please) to go with your recipe! Yay!!!

Yes, I want recipes from potential family members, yes, from teenagers, even if you don't cook (and you should) yes, I want recipes from the youngest member of the Gene Vaughn family - is that you, Cheyenne?

I HOPE to be able to compile something for all of us to enjoy, so please have recipes and accompanying photos to me by November 26th. That's a smidge over two weeks from now, so everyone should have plenty of time to come up with a recipe and photo! Each family will get a copy - I promise!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 10 @ 8:40 PM

I will do Walton House B&B Orange French Toast, and Lea will do her famous Chicken & Dumplings, if we can find our recipes when we get back to Indiana.

REPLY FROM: Pamela Nov 11 @ 8:10 AM

Jim said YAY! to your French Toast recipe!!! If either recipe is in the Atlanta Cookbook, I would have a copy of it. I'm so excited about you and Lea finally getting to return to Indiana!!!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 11 @ 6:20 PM

Lea doesn't remember whether hers is in there, and I don't recall either, but I know that the final publication changed direction a couple of times. You might look and see what is in there. It may be easier and quicker.

REPLY FROM: Pamela Nov 11 @ 7:33 PM


How 'bout if I have Jim bring it and you can pick something from there! See you soon!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 12 @ 8:25 AM

Right-o. I have most things packed up. Electronics is the exception . . . computer, DVD player, etc. Will try to get a box rounded up from here at the hospital this morning and bring with me to the airport. I've already given the guard the word that I'll be loading the truck right after lunch, so we should be able to get Jim underway without any problem. Except, of course, that we don't know what the weather is going to do, and nothing in the bed of the truck will be waterproof. Could be interesting!

REPLY FROM: Pamela Nov 10 @ 12:55 PM

That sounds fine, Jim will call as soon as he's able, I'm sure. Jim is excited about seeing you, but also apprehensive about visiting with Lea because of a cough he has. He had a cold recently and now is left with the cough. I wanted to let you know ahead of time, so that you and Lea could decide if Jim should not come in to visit with her. He will not be offended and will understand completely if you prefer that he not. You can let him know when he calls you from the airport, or when you greet each other.

I haven't been sending greeting cards to Lea for the past two weeks, since I thought she'd get moved to Indiana before my cards would arrive. On afterthought, I wish I'd kept sending them, because she was delayed, I hope she's missed my dumb messages! I'm hoping to see you in a few more days in Indiana and to getting a brand new address to send more cards to!

In a separate email, I sent the family a request for recipes. I know that Lea won't have a problem remembering one of her famous recipes, you'll just have to jot it down and type it! Unless you have a preferred photo of Lea, I thought I'd use the same one Jerry displayed on the overhead while speaking about the two of you during his sermon.

FROM: Link Vaughn Nov 10 @ 1:57 PM

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. -- Matthew 11:28-30

FROM: Cheryl H Nov 10 @ 7:02 PM

Last Gwen update. Bruce called her earlier today and they are supposed to be springing her at 5 pm today!

FROM: Lance Vaughn Nov 10 @ 11:02 PM

What a wonderful message tonight, father. Thank you from the deepest of all hearts for your continued perseverence. You are a blessing to all. From all purity . . .


FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Nov 11 @ 10:01 PM

I am almost hesitant to whisper ...Lea is coming Home!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it will be a great day for us when you do arrive. It has been a long time and we are anxious to see her and you and to sit and visit. Blessed be his name.


FROM: Doe O Nov 11 @ 11:03 PM

Here’s a big old smiley face for you! Thumbs up!

FROM: Pamela Nov 11 @ 9:43 AM

Lea, Thank you so much for calling me, I was overwhelmed and want to apologize for asking "How are you?" I felt like such a dummy afterwards, I hope you didn't notice! I'm going to pretend that you like being asked "How are you?" when you're talking to someone on the phone, because obviously I know what you're going through and didn't mean to belittle it in any way. I think I was so caught off guard by you answering the phone - I didn't realize I was calling Larry's cell phone, didn't pay any attention to the number actually, just hit my call back button and let Ma Bell do the work! I was actually thinking the call would be answered by someone on staff!

It was wonderful to hear your voice and to hear the strength in it left me in awe of your stamina. I have been, and continue to be, amazed at the strength you display every day. Jim and I continue to pray for both you and Larry every day - we pray for your endurance, your strength and a return to good health for both of you. We already prayed for each of you (and your extended family) every day, but have added those specific requests for your healing to our daily prayers. It'll be wonderful to see you in a few more days! I love you both!

FROM: Pamela Nov 11 @ 10:13 AM

Larry, I hope that you have an email address for Chris (ICU Nurse) or can get one to forward this message to him. If not, maybe you can find another way to get it to him, I hope so. I have tried many times since meeting Chris to watch Blackhawk Down and still haven't been able to sit completely through it all at once. I share an embarrassment and shame with the actors portraying the characters (revealed when you watch the current version repeatedly showing on cable TV for the past couple of months) that I wasn't more aware of what happened in Mogadishu when the event occurred. The credits at the end of the movie state that 19 soldiers lost their lives there and I'm extremely thankful that Chris wasn't one of them.

I'd like to know his last name, so that I can add him to our prayers of thanksgiving for the people God led to help Lea, there in Connecticut. I also wanted to find out if he was one of the characters portrayed in the movie and if so, which one? I still make a vow to watch the entire movie, from beginning to end, all in one sitting . . . as soon as my heart allows it. I completely understand if you aren't able to see or contact Chris, it's so close to you and Lea leaving, but I know you'll get this to him if you can.

Chris, Thank you for the time you've given, and will give in the future, to ensure that peace continues to prevail in our country. You are a special and wonderful man and I consider it an honor to have been able to speak with you briefly when I was in Hartford. I add my name to the list of people who thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your tender care of Lea (and Larry). I want to personally apologize to you for not being more "aware" of what went on in Somalia when it actually occurred. If circumstances had been different, I would have pelted you with questions about your experience, assuming of course, that you'd want to talk about it.

Please click on the link below - although the focus is on those older than you, I feel the message is still more than appropriate and I hope you'll take a few minutes to listen. (This song was performed at the VA Medical Music Group Program by Dr Sam and the Frivolous Action Blues Band) Thank you again, Chris.

(Editor’s Note: This song "Before You Go" is available at time of publication at The publisher makes the following statement on the home page of that site: "Before You Go" is offered as an expression of heartfelt gratitude to those who fought and won the Second World War - for their bravery, gallantry and sacrifices that assure the continued enjoyment of freedoms unprecedented in the history of mankind. As we lose those who gave us so much to age and time, it is our hope that the wondrous technology of the age of Internet will help us to deliver this tribute and message of thanks to every surviving veteran of the Second World War, their families and descendants. With our

209 profound thanks to those who we can never adequately thank, and in the hope that you will help us spread our message, we offer "Before You Go" Sam Bierstock, MD ( "Dr. Sam" ), John Melnick

FORWARD FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 11 @ 8:20 PM

Chris, Attached is a note from my sister, Pam, who was here with me for a week or so a while back. The link is a dedication to WWII veterans, but is a very nice tribute to all our warriors. If you care to communicate with her, the email address is also attached. Lea and I consider you one of our "superstar" caregivers, and owe you a debt of gratitude for making our stay here one worth remembering with fondness. You have every right to be very proud of who you are and what you do. Warmest regards.

FROM: Barb S Nov 11 @ 2:32 PM

Hi! Glad to hear you had a better day yesterday. Hope they all start getting better now. We are all so proud of you and the progress you have made! We are anxiously awaiting for you to get well enough to transfer closer to home. You will have lots of visitors then! Everyone is already planning on when they are going to visit! So, you had better keep up the good work so you will be home soon. We have all missed you so much.

The weather is finally starting to feel more like Fall. Looks like next week will really feel like it. Larry D is starting to feel old! Today, he got a call from BASF reminding him his 21/2 call back right was about to expire and that he needed to call and retire before Dec. 7. That way he could save his retirement and qualify for health Insurance. He probably won't get much as he was only there 15 years but he may as well get what he can. Well, better go. Gonna be time to get Larry D up soon. He has to work tonight. Take care. Remember we love you and are praying to get to move closer to home soon.

FROM: Angela M Nov 11 @ 11:21 AM

I thought you and Lea could use a good laugh right about now, so am forwarding the attached bit of humor. Let her know we're thinking of her and miss her so much around here.

FROM: Sandy C Nov 11 @ 8:14 PM

My pastor sent this to me and I thought you might like to see it. How incredibly fast for such a wonderful picture.

------FORWARDED MESSAGE------I am sending this to all of you for you to see the pictures and enjoy them as much as I have. If you decide to send them on is up to you. I believe God blesses your life rather you forward an email or not. When friends went to a seminary in Florida last March, they saw an artist paint huge works (the size of a door) in 30-45 minutes. The artist prefers anonymity and says he wants the works to speak for themselves. Look carefully and see the drawings were signed, "Jesus Painter."

FROM: Stacey A Nov 11 @ 9:57 PM 210

Hi Larry. I'm going to be working tomorrow night (Sat) 7pm to 7am. Bliss 9 ICU didn't need the help but they asked me to work upstairs on 10 ICU instead. I'll stop in to visit you and Ms. Lea before I head up there. I'd like to be able to say good-bye before you head back home to Indiana. What a happy occasion that will be. I'm so glad for the both of you.!! I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

FROM: Jean S Nov 11 @ 10:07 PM

I miss you guys-so much!

FROM: Pat Stroup Nov 11 @ 11:29 PM

CAN'T WAITE TO SEE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! Joe wants to go back to Hartford some day and say "thank you" to all our friends that saved his life, and of course he wants to get some ice cream at Friendly's. Think we should try and do a trip together again? I never did get to see Gettysburg, or the chocolate in Penn.! The way I see it, Joe and Lea owe us, don't you? We'll be seeing you in all the familiar places, soon! Love Always!

P.S. When you guys fly home Tuesday morn, be sure to take coats or a blanket or two, the flight gets pretty cold up there! I was wrapped up in two blankets and was still freezing! Those planes go fast and high! But it's a great trip! Especially when you know where you're going! Just a quick note, Joe is doing very well these past few days. I think it's because you guys are coming home, I know it's not because of my cooking or anything! Should I get the lobsters and wine ready? ☺


FROM: Lance Vaughn Nov 12 @ 1:45 Am

Hi, Dad! What wonderful news you continue to share with us. Thank you. I would love to talk with Mom tomorrow, if possible. I'll have my phone on me if you can work it in. Nuttin but love, Sure miss you both!

FROM: Sandy C Nov 12 @ 2:11 AM

Praise God! Lea's illness and your daily updates have helped me take another step forward in renewing my closeness to God. When God took my husband Bill from me I became a very angry, resentful person and questioned God and my faith over and over again. It has been over 10 long years and I have slowly had many questions answered in many various ways. Each day is another step forward for me. I look forward to each day's update and am elated each time you have even the tinest bit of progressive news to tell. Bill was only in the hospital 3 weeks but we became "family" to all the doctors and nurses who were so kind to us. I know Lea has become very special to many in your surroundings but won't it be terrific to "get back home?" Give her a big hug for me.

FROM: Jean S Nov 12 @ 9:27 AM has the capability to create a wish list for you or your spouse. Twould be veddy helpful to me, as I am ready to get the frenzy on.

FROM: Wes L Nov 12 @ 9:23 PM




FROM: Kathy D Nov 13 @ 8:39 AM

Hi Lea! I sure am happy to here you are feeling better. It's sounds like you are finally getting over your nausea. Hope everything keeps going on in the right direction for you now and you recover soon. It is just wonderful to know that you are doing much better. Keep up the good work. Sure can't wait till you get back to Indiana so I can come and see you and visit you. I sure do miss you. It will be so much easier for everyone when you get back and we can all take turns to come and see you. I'm sure there is lots of people waiting there in Indiana to see you also. The pictures Larry sent of all the people there in Hartford is really nice. It is so nice to have such good doctors and staff to take care of you. They have just been wonderful. I know they will miss you as you are just like family to them now. It has been so long. Thank God for them all in taking such good care of you.

Dan and Cory went deer hunting this weekend. They left at 4am yesterday morning and didn't get home till dark. Dan was sure tired but they had fun. Dan shot at a buck but it got dark on them so they were going back to the same place today to see if they could find it or even if he shot it. They will be gone till dark again today. Hunter shot at a buck yesterday also but he missed it. I sure hope he gets one since Matt and Blake got one at youth season. It's really nice David does all the things he does with the kids. They really like going hunting and fishing. Maggie likes to fish also. She would probably go hunting if David would let her. He has taken her out and let her sit with him a few times but shes not as stilll as the boys. She just can't sit still that long. She has to be doing things and talking.

You sure are looking much better. It makes me feel so much better to know that you are doing better. Thank God for all the prayers he has answered for all of us. I pray at all times for you and for God just to wrap his arms around you and make you much better and to comfort you. You have so many people praying for you. You really mean a lot to all of us. I sure hope you recover soon.

It is really pretty out today. I sure do like this weather. It's suppose to start getting colder tomorrow though. By Tuesday night it is suppose to be down to 23. That is going to be cold. I sure am not looking forward to that. I just hate cold weather. But I know every year it is going to come and there isn't anything I can do about it but let it come and get use to it. It seems like winter is so long though. I guess thats because I hate it so much.

Dan said to tell you "hi" for him and that he loves you. Will see you soon when you get back to Indy. Well you take care of yourself and just Get Yourself Well. Remember you are always in my thoughts and prayers and I love you very much. Talk to you again soon. Hugs and Kisses to you. Love Ya! God Bless

FROM: Jean S Nov 13 @ 9:09 AM

Thank you for the photos. It was great to see Lea sitting by the side of the bed!!!!!!!!!!! Do make sure you get a photo of Dr. Mah to send out! Love you so wishing I was there with you. Kiss Lea for me please.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Nov 13 @ 3:32 PM

We sang this song today in Church. After a powerfully convicting sermon leading up to the song, this beautiful song of worship nearly brought us all to our knees. The original song, “I Can Only Imagine” is by the group MercyMe.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 14 @ 5:32 AM

Yep. We have their DVD. Can you imagine? :-) Shana G sent it to us!

FROM: Barb S Nov 13 @ 9:00 PM


Hi! Well, looks like we are finally going to get Lea closer to home! Cool! If all goes well, we would like to come up the Friday after Thanksgiving. If that's ok with you. We are anxious to see Lea. Ok, also, do you have Pat and Joe's home address? I would like to send Pat something and all I have is her email.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 13 @ 11:28 PM

Link, What are the dates you are going to be here? Looks like I'm going to have to manage a visitor's calendar for mom, too! ☺ I would like for her to have as much time with you and the girls as possible while you're here. I know the girls will get bored, so we need to try to maximize their time together. Love ya,

FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 13 @ 11:40 PM

Barb, I'm checking with Link to see what dates he is going to be here with the granddaughters. I know Lea will want to spend as much time with them as possible, and I think Kathy is going to be here at the same time, right? I sent a note to Link asking him to confirm his dates . . . . I'm brain dead and don't remember.

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Nov 14 @ 1:45 AM

We arrive Wednesday morning (before Thanksgiving) and leave Sunday morning. A Friday arrival by the Tates would be great! I wonder where we all are going to stay?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 14 @ 10:26 AM

I don't know. Pat and Joe have offered me a bedroom at their house for as long as I need it. My understanding is that there is only one bed left in the Walton House, and David thinks mom and I should stay at grandmother's apartment, at least for a while, until we know how your mom will settle in. I anticipate that she will get sick after the transfer, just because of all the activity, fatigue and anticipation. I hope I'm wrong, but it is going to be a very tiring experience for her.


FROM: Kathy D Nov 14 @ 4:37 AM

Hi there! Thought I would write a few lines in case I don't get to write to you for awhile, while you are being moved and Larry getting internet set up at the hospital in Indy. I sure am glad you are doing so much better. Just keep up the good work and work hard on that rehab. and you will be doing great before you know it. Have Larry to call and give us your room no. in Indy so we can atleast send you cards and letters. Also if you get a phone so we can call. Sure can't wait to see you. I bet you are ready to get closer to home to be with family and friends. You sure have had a wonderful group of doctors and nurses and the whole staff working with you. I know they will all miss you because you are just like family to them now. Larry will just have to keep them informed about you as I know he will. Thank God for the wonderful hospital and staff that has taken good care of you. They are all just wonderful, loving, caring people. Sure wish there were more around like them.

It sure is a gloomy old day out today. Suppose to start raining this afternoon and tonight and also tomorrow. G oing to get much colder. I knew we would get it sooner or later. Have really been lucky though. You just keep feeling better and enjoy the ride home. I know there is lots of people just waiting for you to get there. It will be so much better, so everyone can come and see you and give you more people to visit with. You just take good care of yourself and recover soon. You will have lots of family and friends to help you do things and help Larry take care of you and get you better soon. I know you will miss everyone there at the hospital but now you will get to meet alot more people in Indy. You have met so many people through this and have touched so many lives. We all love you very much and it makes us better and happier when you are feeling better. So

213 keep it up. Remember I love you and you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of hugs and kisses to you. Take care. Love Always. God Bless

FROM: Link Vaughn Nov 14 @ 2:06 AM

Attached is information on our flight reservations to Indianapolis.

FROM: Melissa A, Respiratory Therapist Nov 14 @ 8:18 AM

Hello, I just wanted to say that was a very interesting email. Having taken care of her since she walked through the doors at Hartford until now you tend to forget some of the things that she went through and how long it truly has been. Steve said it right when he said we are all amazed at the power that she has and the strength she and you endured through all of this.

I was glad to be able to say good bye last night but I know it is not the last time we will hear from you and the news will get better and better each day. Thank you for being such a special patient and family I will forever remember you and I know that you will be discussed in a positive way at Hartford for years to come. May the prayer shawl keep you warm and protect you on your flight and always serve as a reminder of the lives you touched in CT. Good Luck.

FROM: Londa T Nov 14 @ 10:25 AM

Larry, I work with Lea at Irwin and since I work remotely from Missouri, I am not in town much. I was so hoping you would come home last week as Lou and I already had plans to come for a visit. I will catch her next time. Tell her I was in Indy helping people test the last big LSAMS release that we have to put on. Shana did a great job getting the people lined up from her area that we needed to test the software and it was installed this past weekend. Doug Flamini told us Lea usually did all the testing herself so we sorely missed her guidance there as Doug is no longer with the company and this was the first time I had conducted the testing. Anyway, I wanted to see if you could send out a picture of Dr. Mah. I may have missed it if you already did, so I apologize, if so. We have heard so much from how this doctor has helped her and I wanted to see his face.

FROM: Kim K Nov 14 @ 12:37 PM

Godspeed to both of you! Let us know when she's up for visitors. Thanks again for keeping everyone updated.

FROM: Michelle M-B Nov 14 @ 3:14 PM

Dear Larry and Lea, Life interevenes (as you know better than anyone). I am still not eligible to give blood (e.g. able to say "I feel well and have no symptoms.") So I guess I must wish you a wonderful journey home from the antiseptic seclusion of my computer. I would feel horrible to bring a germ into the Lea-universe- she has fought enough of them! I have appreciated so much your story of God's healing and faithfulness, and I have enjoyed sharing your news with our congregation at prayer. Please continue once you are home to let us know how things are going. May God bless- no, continue to bless!- you both.

FROM: David Vaughn Nov 14 @ 11:40 PM

Yeah, but did you notice the angel just above Dr. Mah's shoulder????

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 14 @ 10:41 PM


That would be a GUARDIAN angel, wouldn't it?

REPLY FROM: David Vaughn Nov 15 @ 12:16 AM

YES! One of your pictures was of Karen & Sue. Do you know Karen's last name? Did she get on your mailing list?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 15 @ 12:18 AM

Yes. Yes.



FROM: Pamela Nov 15 @ 5:10 AM

A note from Pastor Jerry.

REPLY FROM: Pastor Jerry

Nice to hear things with Lea are improving. Tell the family they are still in our prayers. The pictures are worth a million words.

----- Original Message -----

Jim returned yesterday from his whirlwind trip to Hartford to drive the truck back to Indiana. He called at 8:03A yesterday to tell me he was in Indiana - unbelievable driving time - and wanted me to leave right away to meet him in Noblesville (where Lea will be hospitalized beginning Tuesday) at Mother's home to bring him back to Wilmington. And I thought he'd take his time, arriving late Sunday night with me going to Indiana on Monday - Hah! Fooled me, didn't he! Larry gives us an in depth summary in the attached email - amazing to read through and realize what he has gone through both emotionally and physically as Lea experienced the many ups and downs of her illness.

FROM: Shana G Nov 15 @ 9:36 AM

Hey Guys, Happy Return Home to Indiana Day!!! How awesome our Lord is! I know that angels will be watching over you as you fly home today. Love and Hugs,

FROM: Michelle White Nov 15 @ 11:45 AM

Hi, I am so glad to hear the great news!!! Praise GOD!! I have been waiting and waiting to send an email only because I knew this would be the right time. I have been getting the emails from payment posting but just for future I would like to be added. Tell Lea I said "hi" and prayers are with both of you on the safe return!! I feel like I could write you a book but I want to keep this short maybe when I come visit! With thoughts and prayers.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 15 @ 1:02 PM


Methodist has it own lodging facility, which can be reserved using information on their website. It appears that we will be moving within the next two or three days.

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Nov 15 @ 1:36 PM Hope is patiently waiting expectantly for the intangible to become reality . . . Avery D. Miller

FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 15 @ 1:14 PM

Mom, I have stopped having mail forwarded to Connecticut, so I may have a pretty big stack at Atlanta post office if you want to check for me. It doesn't look I'll be getting up there for a few days. Also, I am having some mail sent to your address, although not all of it. Just hang on to it until we can get together, please.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 15 @ 1:04 PM

David, We are still waiting for a surgeon to accept Lea's case at Methodist, and for a bed to then become available. All is ready here. I am sitting beside my packed bags in Lea's room waiting for the “Let’s go!”


FROM: Roberta H Nov 16 @ 12:02 PM

Thank you for the update- I was wondering if you had made it home yet. All in good time, huh? Will continue to keep you all in prayer. Take care.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 16 @ 11:16 AM

Dave, I got a call this morning from a woman (at my attorney’s office) who said that my (court-approved) guardianship for Lea runs out next week, and (the attorney) wanted to know if I need to extend it. I told her I would have to check with the doctor to see what he thought, since she is now out of the coma, but still heavily sedated. I still feel that she is incapacitated, and that I should extend it if can do so without any additional expense. How do you feel about an extension?

REPLY FROM: David Vaughn Nov 16 @ 1:44 PM

I'm ON IT! The paperwork that I hold shows expiration at the end of September, so it appears that they may have extended it without charge. Since the Mustang sale and house sale pre-date this expiration, at this point, only the planned sale of (Lea’s car) would require Lea's signature. No news is good news, but I will update you.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 16 @ 2:03 PM

Most recent conversation with Dr Mah is that it is likely we will be in Hartford through Christmas. BOO HOO!! She is going for a CT Scan tomorrow to see if they can find out why she can't eat. She's vomiting even her fluid diet now.

FROM: Barb S Nov 16 @ 3:05 PM

Hi! So sorry to hear about Lea's homecoming being postponed. It is hard to believe that no doctor is willing to take on Lea's case. But then again, maybe it is a sign from God that she isn't ready to be moved. That she can get the best care there.


Anyway, yes, we have already tried to change Kat's ticket since you said Monday that everything was a "Go". But, it was going to cost almost $1000 for her to fly to Indy. So, we told them to just cancel every thing and we would use the ticket at a later date. If you are sure you are going to be there through the 29th, I'll try to get Kat's ticket scheduled back for that date, if they don't charge us an outrageous price. I know it is a $100 to change the ticket. Don't know what else they will charge us. But, want to make sure of where you will be before we change it again. Still would like to do a web cam for the holidays if that is at all possible.

FROM: Barb S Nov 16 @ 4:09 PM

Well, bad news. I called to try and reinstate Kat's ticket. They were wanting an additional $500. I talked to Kat and she is just going to wait until after the holidays now. They are tripling their original ticket price. Sorry. I know how disappointing it is.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 16 @ 4:11 PM

Okay. Sorry for the confusion, but it is out of our hands. I think maybe Link is still planning to come with Lyndi and Megan, so she should be fine. She just needs some help getting over the depression right now. She has a phone in her room, so I need to get her practicing holding the phone up to her ear. I think it would help her be able to take phone calls. We'll see!

REPLY FROM: Barb S Nov 16 @ 4:21 PM

Send us her phone number and we will call. What about the Web Cam?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 16 @ 8:10 PM

I sent everything back to Indiana in the truck. I don't have a webcam out here. Sorry. As for the phone number, you have to call the general number and ask the operator for Lea’s room.

REPLY FROM: Barb S Nov 16 @ 9:29 PM

Thanks for the phone number. Sorry the web cam thing couldn't work out. Thought it might of Cheered Lea up. We'll keep trying to think of things. Just remember we love you both. We gave Den Lea's phone number too. Maybe a few more calls from the brothers and sister will help.

FROM: Barb S Nov 16 @ 4:10 PM

Hi! It was great getting to talk to you tonight! It has been such a long time. We are so sorry that you didn't get to be transfered before the holidays but God has his reasons. And, as much as we want you closer so we can visit, we want you where you can get the best care. God sent you to his angels here on earth so that they could take good care of you. He evidently feels their job isn't done yet. So, please be patient. Know that God knows how much everyone loves you and wants your quick recovery and he is doing what he feels is the fastest way to get you home.

We will all try to call a little more often now that you are able to talk and maybe that will help a little. The most important thing is to remember how much we love you and want you better so we can have that BIG PARTY! There will be so many there, you probably won't be able to count that high! You be thinking about where you want to have it and we will do our best to bring it all together when the time is right. DEAL! Love you both. You're in our prayers.

FROM: Kathy D


Nov 16 @ 6:17 PM

Hi Lea! Sorry to here you can't go back to Indy right now but I'm sure it is the best thing. Dr Mah knows what he is doing and brought you a long way and it's better to stay there until he feels good about sending you. At least we know you are getting the care you need there and they know all about you and your case. You have came such a long ways and we sure don't want to do anything to make you worse like move you to soon.

I know you were looking forward to getting closer to friends and relatives but another 6 weeks won't be that long and hopefully you will be a lot better then. Just remember God is right by you and he knows what is best for you and I think he is just not ready for you to leave Hartford yet. Just keep that shawl wrap around you and everything will be fine. I sure hope you get over that nausea soon. I know that has to be awful and I'm sure it makes you not want to eat but you must keep trying.

Barb called and gave me your phone no. I will try and call tomorrow and talk a few minutes. I know you tire out easy so I won't talk long. You just take good care of yourself and keep up the good work and get yourself well. You sure are looking good. Things will get better for you soon and I know you will be glad. Sure hope Link can get his tickets changed to come to Hartford. That will be great. I know you will be happy to see the girls. They sure are growing. They just grow so fast. They are really pretty girls. I know they will be happy to see you also and Larry. Tell them all "hi" for me. You just have a nice visit with them and play some games with the girls and just have fun. That will be very nice for you.

Well got to get ready for bed. Will talk to you tomorrow. Also I have a card I forgot to send the other day and had it all made out so will send it off tomorrow. Will also try and send another email to you. Had to clean house and do laundry today as I will have Christys kids this weekend as her and David has to work. So thought I had better get things done today as I won't get much done this weekend. It sure is cold out today. That wind was blowing terribly. It is suppose to get down to 14 tonight. That is really cold. Only going to be 25 high tomorrow. Thats cold also. I sure do hate this weather, but can't do anything about it. Sure wish I could though. Talk to you tomorrow. Have a good night. See ya! Love ya! Hugs and kisses to you. God Bless

FROM: Barb S Nov 16 @ 10:20 PM

WOW! What a day this has been! I think we were all so anxious to get Lea home, we forgot God was in charge. He sent Lea to his angels here on earth so that she might get the best care available and he evidently felt that she still deserved that care. When the time is right, he will let her be moved. But, for now, we must all do our best to keep her spirits up and pull her out of this depression. Larry D and I will start calling her more and I have encouraged Den and Kat to do the same. It isn't as good as being with them but maybe it will help some.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 16 @ 10:31 PM

Her direct number is attached. By the way, someone pointed out the guardian angel in the photo over Dr Mah's shoulder. Think it means anything? :-) Love to all.

REPLY FROM: Barb S Nov 16 @ 11:01 PM

I think it may! Dr. Mah has saved Lea's live more than once! After talking with people here, I am more convinced than ever that God sent Lea on vacation knowing that if she came here for the reunion, she might not of been with us today. She could of been trapped in the hospital here, unable to be moved and they know nothing here. One man with the same thing was sent home to die as they didn't know what to do for him.

FROM: Pamela Nov 17 @ 12:25 AM

Larry and Lea, It's disappointing to hear of a further delay in returning to Indiana, but so comforting to know that you remain in the hands and care of Dr. Mah. I'm sure there are many frustrating days ahead of you, but

218 be strengthened believing that you have not only what has become hundreds of prayer warriors behind you, but Jesus beside you. And, Praise God, He has promised not to burden us with more than we can bear . . . for you, that means that you are a very strong and determined couple, and you will get through these latest trials - together! For us, here in Illinois and Indiana, it just means that our prayers were answered when we prayed that God would place you in the hands of the best care possible - our beloved Dr. Mah! We'll just have to wait a bit longer to get to see you, and, as I said on the phone, it's worth the wait knowing that you're on the receiving end of the healing hands we prayed for! We love you both so much, and we wait with "baited breath" for your return home.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Nov 17 @ 8:09 AM

Good Morning my Child! God bless you as you try to get through this time. I just ask that he keeps you in his care . I filled out the mail card and sent to you yesterday afternoon the mail that was in the post office box. I love you and with all my heart and hope that we will soon have you back here at home. It must be that Lea was not ready and Dr. Mah saw the other side of the situation, Thank him for that, better there than here. I LOVE YOU HONEY and I think of you often.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 17 @ 8:29 AM

Thank you! We don't know what lies ahead, but she is sure earning terrific rewards in heaven when she gets there!

FROM: Roberta H Nov 17 @ 10:55 AM

Hang in there!!

FROM: Becky J Nov 17 @ 8:54 AM

Hello Larry , Can you please add the following 15 persons to your email list for Lea's Updates? They are just about all from Irwin Mortgage, I am having trouble keeping up my mail & do not want them to miss your updates.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 17 @ 11:05 AM

Done! Thanks for everything, Becky! Lea always enjoys the notes from folks at work. Warm regards.

FROM: Pamela Nov 17 @ 10:06 AM

Larry, I just realized Lea's picture doesn't have anything sticking out of her neck!!! It must feel great! Please pass along my congratulations for progressing so far so quickly!!! I wanted to send you a list of the recipes I found in the Atlanta cookbook that have Lea's name. I didn't find any that had yours or the Walton House as originators: Kay's Baked Fish, Chicken 'N Dumplings, Really Good Potatoes, Melt in Your Mouth Biscuits, Apple Cinnamon Baked French Toast, Dill Dip for Rye Bread, Hot Chicken Salad, Cranberry Salad, Oatmeal Cake, Banana Cake, Lea's Pumpkin Pie, and Pecan Pie Squares. Several people have wanted to submit more than one recipe, so pick as many as you want, but I don't promise that all will be used, so be sure to mention first choice, etc., if you send more than one!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 18 @ 4:24 PM

Attached is my “Walton House Orange French Toast” recipe. I may work on my favorite “Missouri Pralines” muffin recipe, too, if I get the time.



FROM: Lance Vaughn Nov 17 @ 11:49 AM

Kristin and I are still planning on being in Hartford for Thanksgiving. As it stands, it is significantly cheaper for us to fly into Indy and out of Hartford. ($200 penalty.) This would allow us to get Dad's truck back to him. For a $350 penalty, we can just fly straight into and out of Hartford. I spoke with Dad last night and he agreed to look into whether or not Mom will be able to remain on "the list" for free parking. If not, it would cost them around $250/month to have the truck in Hartford. Obviously, it would make more sense at that point to take a cab once every few weeks to run errands, go shopping, etc.

Dad explained that he would not be driving Mom to Indianapolis when she is ready to go home. She will be flying on a commercial airline. So, if we do take the truck back out to Hartford, someone would need to return it to Indiana. I would be happy to do this for the family. Perhaps we do it in the Christmas timeframe. I need to make a decision on this today. As of last night, there were only two seats left with the $350 penalty. If we decide we don't want the truck in Hartford and I don't secure those tickets, the penalty will be more significant.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 17 @ 8:43 PM

I'm sorry, but I can't give you an answer, as Dr Mah did not stop by after the CT Scan. So, I don't know how long we will be here at this point.

FROM: Link Vaughn Nov 17 @ 1:43 PM

Note from our new administrative assistant who asked about mom - so I sent her your summary. I thought you might enjoy it.

------FORWARDED MESSAGE------FROM: Danielle D Nov 17 @ 7:27 AM

Link, Your family has been truly blessed by God. Your Mom sounds like an incredible woman with God protecting her as his child. Your Dad's strength is absolutely amazing to me, not only as a husband but a Christian man who still has faith not knowing why this is happening to his wife. Amazing isn't it?

The website is very endearing and brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful prayer on your Mom's website. I can only imagine the lasting impact on what this ordeal has had on your faith in God and your family uniting together spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and creatively. What a living Miracle. I too will pray for your Mom. Your Mom's story needs to be aired on Oprah to show the power of prayer. I didn't realize how serious and extensive your Moms ordeal is. May God bless you and your family.

Thank you for sharing your family's story with me. Makes me think about what I am doing. Once again I truly think I was blessed by being able to work with you and this team. Thanks.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 17 @ 6:36 PM

WOW! What a blessing to see yet another believer's faith energized by mom's ordeal! Who knows how many lives this new reader will touch! Praise God for His all-knowing wisdom. Glory to God for helping us minister to so many through the updates He leads us to create. In His service.

FROM: Link Vaughn Nov 17 @ 6:23 PM


My friend Bruce came through again... The girls and my itinerary for Hartford is attached.

FROM: Randall, Alison and Leah Nov 17 @ 11:22 PM

Hi Larry and Lea, It is so nice to see Lea's progress. Lea remains in our daily prayer for continued improvement and in thanksgiving for the progress to date. Lea, you really had us worried. My Mom always asks how you are doing and rejoices when she hears how well you are now compared to where you were just a few short months and weeks ago. It seems your jobs in Hartford are not yet complete. I would suspect there are yet people there needing your mutual influence and, perhaps, some visiting grandchildren:-)


FROM: Lance Vaughn Nov 18 @ 1:18 AM

Awesome!!! Kristin and I, too, will be there!!! My notes are attached... (we have not yet received email confirmation) CAN'T WAIT!!!!! luvluv

FROM: Barb S Nov 18 @ 3:37 AM

Merry Christmas Everyone! We all know how disappointed Lea and Larry are that they won't be home for the holidays. So, I would like to do something to cheer them up and let them know we are with them if only in spirit. I need your help. Please put your name and year on a Christmas ornament and send it to me by Dec. 5th. I will box them up and send them to Lea and Larry so they can decorate the room. Thanks. Let's help them have a nice holiday. A holiday to remember!

FROM: Kathy D Nov 18 @ 4:42 PM

Hi there! Hope you have been feeling better today and tonight. I sure wish they could get that upset stomach to go away for you so you will start feeling better. Thats make you feel awful when you are nausiated all the time. If you could just get it to stop so you can eat better then I know you would feel better and have more strength. It sure was nice out today. Had to take Carl to the doctor for a check up today. They changed is pain pill about 3 weeks ago and he had to go back for a follow up today. The new medicine seems to be helping. Then we had to go to another clinic for lab. The doctor was really busy and it took us 3 1/2 hours before we got back home.

Thought I had better write you tonight as I will have the kids tomorrow as Christy and David have to work. They sure are busy bodys and have to be doing something all the time. So I will be pretty busy this weekend with them. If its nice like today I will probably take them to the park. They like to do that. Also they read books at school for a book it club and they get free personal pan pizzas for doing it every month so I will probably take them to pizza hut for lunch. We have a nice time.

Dan and Cory are going hunting tomorrow and probably Sunday also to see if they can get there deer. This weekend is the last time to hunt. They haven't got one yet. That's unusual! They usually get it the first weekend. I really don't care if Dan gets one or not because I hate to clean them with him. The meat taste so much better when you clean and cut it off the bone yourself instead of taking it to the market. The market cuts through the bone and it gives the meat a strong taste, but if you cut it off yourself and don't cut in the bone then it is really good. Dans Mom fixed chili Wednesday night with deer meat and it was really good. You couldn't tell the difference from beef. Jr. has got his deer already and cut it up himself. We all have learned to do that and we all like it much better unless you take it to the market and have summer sausage made from it then it's good.

Dan said to tell you hi for him and that he loves you. For you to take good care of yourself and get yourself well soon. Got to go for now. Love Ya. Hugs and Kisses to you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and hope you are well soon.


FROM: Barb S Nov 18 @ 10:00 AM

By now you should of gotten my email about Christmas for Lea. I just found out she is on the mailing list now too, so, it won't be a surprise but she won't know how many is coming. Anyway, I had to split the list to send it as there so many names. If you have any other names that weren't on the update list, please forward my email to them. Thanks!

FROM: Melissa A Nov 18 @ 11:56 AM

Hi Larry and Lea!! I'm so happy to hear of Lea's progress but so sorry you won't be home for Thanksgiving. I have not been on your direct email distribution list but have been receiving the updates since the beginning from Lea's staff here at IMC who miss her terribly. You both have been in my daily prayers. I am in awe of Lea's strength. I knew she was a special lady but had no idea just how special. Apparently she has a special man as her husband too! I hope you have kept all your updates - I think someday they would make a wonderful journal to be shared with the world. A testament of faith, love, and courage.

Anyway, I'm forwarding a little humor to you (from church bulletins), as I thought you could both use a laugh about now! Although I've never been in as serious condition as Lea, I have had medical problems and too many visits to the hospital (really 1 is too many! :-). I know that there is no better medicine than laughter to get through the toughest of days. I hope you enjoy. Take care and know that you are thought of often and prayed for daily.

FROM: Mary Linda V Nov 18 @ 7:55 PM

Dear Lea and Larry, A Christian co-worker sent me this meditation today and I thought of you. Your readiness, Larry, for the storm that came into your life has been an inspiration. We continue to pray for you both. My friend also sent me the attached calendar of daily prayers for our children. I don't recall the ages of your granddaughters, but this really could apply to prayers for children of all ages anyway. I thought I'd share this one with you also - I was glad to receive it, and even translated it to Spanish for our ministry.

FROM: Kathy D Nov 18 @ 9:38 PM

Hi everyone! Just wanted to write a note to let everyone know that Lea is sad because she doesn't get to come home for the holidays. I would like for everyone to send her a card (get well, encouragement, Thanksgiving, or even Christmas) just to make her feel better. She loves getting cards or even emails from everyone. It makes her feel better just to here from everyone and know how much we are thinking of her and how much we care. She still isn't feeling very well and is very nauseated. If she gets a lot of cards to read or even emails it will help get her mind off things for a while. Please send this on to all of your friends and family and have them to send a card or email to her also, even if she doesn't know them. It will brighten her day and make her happy. She still has a long ways to go and needs lots of encouragement. Thanks

REPLY FROM: Pat Stroup Nov 18 @ 10:41 PM

Hi Kathy, Just a short note to tell you about Joe's Dr's visit today. While I had to spend a very boring day at work, we were having an "in service day",(yuck!), Joe had an appointment with his electro-phis something Dr. Anyway, Joe stopped by the library to tell me that the Dr. was VERY pleased with his recovery, and said he was able to get back to work, if it was cleared with his Cardio. Dr. He suggested Joe start out with only half days for a short time, and then get back in the swing of things with a full day!!!!! I'm so happy for Joe, I know part of him enjoys sleeping late in the morning, but he's also getting pretty bored setting here at home, especially while I'm away at work.


I know that Lea and Larry are disappointed they won't be back here for Thanksgiving, but hey, I'm still holding out for Christmas! There isn't anything I'd rather do than try to fatten Lea up a little! At least one of us should get to enjoy all the goodies, right? I've been working on doing watercolor Christmas Cards for "special" people this year, so I'll see what I can come up with for Lea in the next day or two. It was a wonderful thought to send her cards right now, because I know what it feels like to think you're getting to go home and then to get the rug pulled out from under you. But right now, it's not what WE want that is important, it's what's the very best for Lea.

So I'll see what I can do about doing a special card for her, I know that Joe really enjoyed getting cards from family, and he's kept every card that was sent him, and I'm sure the Lea has too! Well, Joe and Lea have done just about everything together, and Joe is doing really good right now, so maybe this is Lea's time to shine! Let's say a prayer,OK? Got to go for tonight. All will Be Well, We Just Have To Wait.


FROM: Marlowe N Nov 19 @ 1:11 AM

Dear Larry and Lea, Our dear friend, Carl, who came to visit with his wife Pat a few weeks ago, has had open heart surgery on an emergency basis- a triple bypass on Wednesday, and is doing fine. He will probably go home on Sunday, barring complications. Please keep him in your prayers, as he and Pat have done for you two for all these months. That's what Christian community is all about! May God Bless you both and give you comfort and hope,

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 19 @ 8:39 AM

We certainly will! Thanks for letting us know. I will also ask our community of pray-ers to lift him up to God for comfort and peace.

FROM: Gracie L Nov 19 @ 7:09 AM

Lea, This is one of he many letters I've written about Cory and his family. Since he is your nephew I thought you might enjoy reading it. This letter is actually three years old for Marissa wasn't even born yet and she's two. He's become old hat at baby sitting now. And he's so in love with Laura and loves being a father also. I know his Mom and Dad are proud of him. I know I am! Here's that letter:

Wide awake and smiling! I'm in love with life. It is good to be here. Do I have something to say, that is the question? As I told you before, Laura and Dana and the girls went to Karen's in Springfield Il. for the week- end to shop, eat and just spend quality time with Karen but mosly to get a break from kids and house hold chores. I usually watch Laura's kids if she leaves to go anywhere's, which is seldom, but we agreed however it was time for Cory to step up to the plate. He's capable, yet I waited for his call all day for assistance.

Well, he did marvelous with the kids. The first I even heard from him was 4pm in the afternoon. Then it was to tell me about how some old gent at the gas station chewed him out because his license on his truck had expired and he was still driving the thing. He wasn't even aware that they had, yet he found the whole situation hilarious. It seems the old fellow was furious, he thought Cory was pulling a slick one because he had a bail bondsman sticker on his truck. The man said, "I'd gotten a ticket the same day but policemen and guys like you carry a different set of rules and get by with everything." Cory said, "Sir, that's just for advertising, my Dad's the Bail Bondsman," He ole grump said, "You ain't foolin me none and it just ain't right.

Cory said he had noticed the guy glaring at him the whole time he was gassing up his truck so when he finally got back in, he rolled down his window and hollered, "How yeah doing?" That's when the fellow motioned Cory out of the truck, saying, "Come here!" He then took Cory around to the back of Cory's truck and pointed at the expired plates. Cory said, "That old guy sure wasted a heck of a lot of energy for nothing," He said his Dad thought it was hilarious.


Cory told me his day had gone well. He said he didn't enjoy that early morning wake up/peek a boo call from Kora but he said I just said to myself, "Cory get over it!" He let the neighbor boys come over and play with Blake that morning. Their mom went with Laura to Karen's. Cory said he fixed scrambled eggs, toast and cocoa for all of them, then, he and Blake cleaned house. "I even cleaned the stool, sink, shower and tub," he told me. I asked, "What about the dishes?" He said, "Done!, all that's left now is I need to mop the kitchen floor." I said, "Wow, I'm soo proud of you." He said, "Hey, it wasn't that bad, I've actually enjoyed the day with the kids. I thought it would be rough but they've been great." He said he took them to Mc. Donald's for lunch, and Kora tore up them fries.

Then for the first time that day, Blake got on the phone and said, "Grandma can I spend the night?" I told him, "Yes, when it starts to get dark and if your dad doesn't care." Cory called me right back to verify if I actually said he could come and then said they'd be over later. When they did arrive, we discreetly gave Kora some left over potato soup and raisin, rice pudding. Can't help it, it's the Gran Ma-ma in me! Kora sat on Donnie's lap and then Cory asked me about Laura's Christmas! this too was a first. I pointed to my Web TV. He said, ?Really?" I said, "Really." He said, "Well, I've got a couple hundred coming this Monday from a job I helped James do last week end, think that'll cover it?" I told him it would more then cover it. He said their neighbor `lady who gives them so much wants to sell Laurie her solid Oak Hutch for $200.00, she gave $1,400. for it. He said,"Think you could give me that $100 for that riding lawn mower I'm selling Uncle Donnie now"

I told him I was sorry, but maybe the lady would take $100. until the first. He said, "I'm sure she would, she's holding it for Laura but somehow it doesn't feel right if I owe for it. He said, "I'll figure out something but if I don't, I'll just buy one gift." He then said, "I wanted to surprise her, I always wait till the last minute, if I get her anything at all and then Mom has to pick it out for her. ( TRUE) I always get what I want he rhen went on to say, "It's no big deal, it would just be nice to treat Laura for a change." He has sure shaped up to be a honey,, hasn't he? And they said it would never last between those two. When Laura came by to drop off Shayna she was surprised to see Blake here. She said, "Problems with Cory?" I said, "Nope he did wonderful." We had agreed I would be back up.

After hugs and kisses Blake told her, "Daddy and I cleaned house." Laura ran out to the car and gave him the Jim Cary, Grinch movie she'd purchased for him, He screamed and danced around here like crazy. Laura told me he'd been wanting it ever since he saw the movie. After she'd been home a while, she called and said how nice their house looked and that Kora was bathed, in her jammies and asleep on Cory. She told me her day had been great. he said she thought that Chesapeake Bay Restaurant would be worth that drive to Springfield just to eat there. She said with appetizers and all she only spent $22.00, and she relished every bite. It's a lovely old Southern stately House converted to a restaurant . One time when I was there, it was snowing those large soft snow flakes, our table was by a huge picture window. It over looked the yard. And there in all it's glory, stood a huge old Oak Tree, get the picture? It was spectacular! A wonderful moment for me.

Laura then told me how warm she felt seeing Blake all curled up in our big brown chair by my bed, covered with my comforter, and holding a sack of Jelly Belly's. Now wasn't that a loving thing to say? Well, Blake and I did watch that Grinch movie together. Then we both fell asleep. Ahhh! how fortunate am I, for I am surrounded by such beautiful people. Oh I almost forgot the best of all, Donnie gave me another loving foot massage. Now you see why I'm smiling?!

FROM: Marilyn M Nov 19 @ 12:37 PM

As always, thanks for your words of progress, decision and hope! I have some understanding of the strength this demands of you personally, as the role of care giver has caved in on me many times. The current situation is far different from the time Earl was so ill, as I have known Ray only 7 years. Our 'history' together is most limited. At this stage of my life, I am careful to preserve what I can for myself, and that may seem selfish, at best. But the fact remains, I am almost 70 years old, with energy and desire for continued activities and relationships with family and friends, so despite the struggle, I manage to maintain balance in my life.

My best to each of you for this blessed season, albeit not as one might have assumed a few months back, I know you are grateful to be surrounded by a host of friends and loved ones. A gentle hut to Lea.


FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Nov 19 @ 3:14 PM

Hi Larry and Lea - I'd recognize that trapeze bar anywhere. Brandon's thought Bob's was his own private jungle gym. More than once he got in trouble for climbing on it. We're getting some warmer weather here today and tomorrow, but look out later in the week!!! Another cold front is coming through. Lea - I got out the fabrics, etc. you gave me for doll clothes, and have started some clothes for Brooke's cabbage patch doll to send to Brooke for her birthday. She will be 5 in December - hardly seems possible.

Scott called me on Thursday - he had a celebrity at his table the night before - Steve Martin. Said he was really nice and enjoyed talking to him. And, what a story the others at the table will have to tell their friends when they return home. Scott has been pretty good keeping in touch with me, he generally initiates the calls - with his schedule and the time change, it's easier for him to do the calling.

Lori and Barry are waiting for a new closing date for their house. It was supposed to be last week, but was postponed. The mortgage company was missing a paper from the bank and Lori had to have another sent. There have been a lot of last minute requests and changes and she is starting to get frustrated. I told her "Welcome to the world of building a new house". They had hoped to be moving in this coming weekend. The house is completed - all they have left to do is sign on that proverbial dotted line.

I talked to Marjorie earlier in this week. I make it a point to call her every week, though sometimes she beats me to the punch. Well, I'm off to run some errands now. The two of you take care.

FROM: Pat Stroup Nov 19 @ 11:52 PM

Dearest Larry and Lea, Hey Darlin, what's shaken? Joe is doing really good, so I'm thinking this is about the time when "Miss Lea" should start doing her thing. Those two have been up and down together through this whole ordeal, so now's not the time to slow down! I think about you guys everyday, and sometimes at the strangest times. Like when I was putting up the Christmas decorations today, I thought about Lea fussing over the house, and being miles ahead of me in getting things done.

The other day at work, someone brought in a peach pie, and I was telling everyone about your wonderful peach pie. You're never far from my thoughts or heart or prayers. Between the 4 of us, we have been to hell and back, and with the help of God and our prayers and friends and family, we can say we made it! So just do whatever it takes to get well and get your skinny butt back to Ind. So I can start fattening you up! I'll make the peach pie this time and YOU can eat it, ok?

Just remember how far you have come, and know that you won't be long before you'll be back in good ole Ind. Just in time to enjoy our wonderful winter weather! In fact it's suppose to snow Thanksgiving day, A LOT! Just remember how much Joe and I love you guys, and how much we miss seeing you! But I know it won't be long now, and Joe'll be yelling "LEA,GOT YOUR CLOTHES ON?" Love Ya Bunches!


FROM: Sherri S Nov 21 @ 7:41 AM

Larry, Hate to hear of Lea's delay in coming home, but, like you, want her medical issues to be dealt with by the team who knows her case best. Tell her I said 'hello' - and will be sending her a letter soon.

FROM: Mickey C Nov 21 @ 1:31 PM

Larry and Lea, It is so good to be addressing both of you together... have I told you that already? Well, it bears repeating! I personally prefer the idea of stiletto heels or even wedgies for the drop foot problem. If the heels don't go to the floor, then bring the floor up to the heels :-) However, if the doctors think that spring loaded braces are

225 better, then who am I to argue? My suggestion was much more stylish though ;-)

I'm very glad that there is so much improvement, and pray that they will resolve the drainage problem soon. I had some experience with the constant nausea when I had my gall bladder attacks. Even after my gall bladder was removed, there was a long time that I had to monitor what I ate, because of the violent vomiting. So, even though my situation wasn't anywhere near as bad as yours, I do understand a little of what you are going through. It gradually went away over many months. But, there is nothing worse than vomiting while trying not to open up an incision. Then if you throw diarrhea into the mix, it is just miserable! Trust me that it will get better. Don't let it overwhelm you. You will learn what your body can tolerate and what it can't, and you will adjust to it and, gradually, over time, it won't be a big deal anymore.

Good luck with your chest cold. Yet another fun thing... coughing with an incision. Even though it may not seem like it, you have come such a long way in a relatively short time. I look forward to reading Larry's daily updates, because it just seems like you are making progress by leaps and bounds. [Mental picture here of Lea making a huge ballet leap in her hospital gown with arms outstretched and IV tubes flying behind her :-> ] Even though it may not feel that way to you, even your set backs seem to be shorter and milder, than in the beginning. We are all thinking of you and praying for your continued improvement and healing. We love you and miss you. Take care of yourselves and each other!


FROM: R Dean N Nov 22 @ 1:14 AM

Dear Larry, You have more guts and determination than anyone I have known, and the same goes for Lea! I can really identify with Lea's leg braces because I had polio at age 4 and was down for many months with a paralyzed left leg. I had to learn to walk again and went through months of physical therapy. Most people don't notice my limp, and it is increasingly hard for me to climb stairs, but I have had a more or less "normal' life (whatever that means). The bottom line for me is that I survived and I know Lea will too.

FROM: Karen Nov 22 @ 8:57 AM

HI, Larry, just a quick note, we will also be having a down Christmas with our daughter in law battling cancer, but she is being so upbeat that we are trying also to remain positive, so please hang in there and keep thinking that it will be worth the wait and we can always do Christmas in January,February or whenever, that is what we are going to do, let Carrie decide when we need to celebrate and for the time being we are just going to go about our prayers for her and Lea to get over this horrible time they are going thru.

We will come and see you as soon as you get back home, providing she can have visitors, right now these two moms are taking our extra time what I don't use taking care of Rich and Carrie right now. Love you guys lots and keep that happy face on it will get better. Later.

FROM: Brian H Nov 22 @ 9:44 AM

Larry, Although I understand and sympathize with what you are saying about Christmas, I have to somewhat disagree. I hope that you and Lea can remember that you have already given us some of the best gifts you could possibly give this year for Christmas. You have touched so many of us in so many ways, and given us things that you can not put a price on. Although you may not be celebrating the way you would like, you may just be giving the best gifts yet. Thank You.

FROM: Roberta H Nov 22 @ 11:51 AM

I know how much Lea enjoys Christmas, just think how great 06 Xmas will be for you both-all of this will be behind you then. I found some pictures the other day-some were of Dave's 40th birthday and here and there I had some shots of you both. The other few were from the time we went to Metamora IN and rode the train.


You are both still in my prayers. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving together! I will be spending mine in KY with my folks.

FROM: Vicky G Nov 22 @ 12:40 PM

I read your last emails. I just feel like I have to say to Lea Larry do not, do not listen! Lea, I know from where your coming. I know about the constant nausea. I actually prefer pain but nausea!!! UGH!!!. You have to keep going. I know that sometimes you just want to throw your hands up for the " I give up" or Ok God!, Uncle!. And it is OK to have a little pity party for yourself. They can be useful but I know it will worry Larry. It did Richard. They think you are giving up. It is not really that but just "Hell, I am tired of this"! It is OK to cry and be mad...all emotions are welcome. The reason is your still alive.

About the gifts....You will come to know that even though you found great pleasure in giving to others that special gift, the gift is already here. You are the special gift this year. There is nothing you could buy this year that would top the fact that your are here. I sure everyone feels that way. A lesson that I learned during my illness of 4 years is that God works on his own schedule not yours. There is a lesson in everything that happens, we just have to go past ourselves and find it.

Our gift to you is that you are loved. Let that surround you, lean your head on its shoulder, most of all let it comfort you when you need to gather your strength. The roller coaster you are on will come to an end at its appointed time. Enjoy the ride, even thought it is a little bumpy sometimes. There is laughter even in the bed pan! Ok tell Larry to listen now! The good news is you will have many more Christmases to decorate for. This year, find pleasure in the fact you can come up with new decorating ideas by looking at others. Or even saying " What were they thinking"!! Have a joyous Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for! PS> I will regale you with Richard stories (while you were sick) when we see you at Christmas, that way I can embarrass him. That is my favorite pastime. You have never been far from his thoughts.

FROM: Sherri S Nov 22 @ 1:12 PM

Happy Thanksgiving!!

FROM: Joe Stroup Nov 22 @ 6:57 PM

Hi! I was glad to read last night that you are doing a little better with the nausea. It makes such a difference on your daily outlook when you are sick to your stomach. I have had a pretty good week. It started off with the visit to my Electro-physiologist, Dr. Rardon. He was most pleased with my progress and stated that I was looking wonderful. He told me that I was still in a normal rhythm, like he was surprised at that. He said we would wait six weeks and then cut down the dose of Amioderone, which is the heart rhythm medicine I have been on. I discussed driving and returning to work with him. He told me that I could drive after I told him that I had already been doing considerable driving, usually with some one else in the vehicle. As far as returning to work, he asked me to describe what I did and then said he would be OK with me returning, but he was leaving that up to my cardiologist, Dr. Green. I have my next appointment with him on 7-Dec. He did recommend that I only start back at half days. So I will know something after I see Dr. Green. I am hoping to be able to return, and half days are alright with me. I had a wonderful experience last Saturday. I had told Scott that I would like for him to get me a doe this year, as I would like to have some venison in the freezer. However, Scott talked me into going hunting with him. So early Saturday morning he picked me up and we went over to our hunting ground in Park county. We took his 4-wheel drive jeep and he drove across the field to the place where I was going to hunt from. I had bought new gloves with hand warmers and new heated socks, as those extremities are often cold now that I have less blood flowing. Anyway, I remained quite toasty. I ended up seeing only one deer at a distance. Scott picked me up at the same place, and we drove into Rockville for lunch, and then went back to the truck camper we have over there so I could take a nap. He drove me back to my hunting spot for the evening hunt. I saw nothing, but he shot me a doe. I had a lot of fun being out with him and on our way home at the end of the day I thanked him for a terrific time. I explained that he had picked me up at home, drove me directly to the hunting spot (I only had to walk 40 yards), shot a deer for me, field dressed it,

227 dragged it out, took it to the processors, and then drove me home. What a wonderful day of hunting! After briefly thinking that over, he stated that I should be able to keep on hunting until I was eighty.

Sheridan won their semi-state match in football so Bud is going to the dome this Friday to try for a record breaking seventh state championship against Knightstown in the 1A division. Of course, we are going to go to the game. His son, Kevin is also going. He is head coach for Warren Central and they will be playing for the 5A championship against Hamilton South-Eastern. His second son, Kent, is head coach at Lebanon. They lost the semi-state against Cathedral last week. Boy that would have been a record to have had 3 Wright’s at the dome in the same year. We are going to take Stacey and Chris with us (Scott and Jeanne both work that day). We are going to watch the two Friday games and hopefully get up town for the monument lighting ceremonies (if I can make the walk). It is supposed to be cold, but Chris has never been to the dome or the lighting.

Baby Gabriel is doing fine. He is up to 5 pounds 15 ounces. The doc says he is not gaining fast enough, so Stacey is to start supplementing with formula. Other than that, he is perfectly healthy and beautiful. I have attached two photos for your viewing pleasure. I hope they will send OK. I will send a recent photo of Pat and I soon (need to take one), since you haven’t seen us for a while. We love and miss you and can’t wait for your return.

FROM: Barb S Nov 22 @ 10:04 PM

Hi! Caregiver! That is the best definition I have ever read! You hit it all. So glad to hear Lea is back on the right track. Hope she continues to improve now! She is truly a remarkable woman! Anyway, know you're tired or busy but wanted to let you know that I sent a package off for you today. Let me know if you get it. Hope it will help brighten your holidays a little.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 23 @ 10:23 AM

Thank you, so much. We will look forward to receiving it! Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family.

FROM: Sandy C Nov 22 @ 10:28 PM


FROM: Jean S Nov 22 @ 10:51 PM

For you to read to Lea: John 3:16. I love you!!


FROM: Carol V Nov 23 @ 9:56 AM

Larry, Your care giving definition is exactly that of a mother, wife and daughter.

FROM: Roberta H Nov 23 @ 10:46 AM

Praying for continued strength for you and better times for Lea. Hoping you have a good Thanksgiving, or the best possible as you are at least together. Take care. 228

FROM: Kathy D Nov 23 @ 12:02 PM

Hope this finds you feeling better again today as yesterday or even better. Larry said you felt better yesterday then what you have been feeling. Hopefully your stomach will start settling down and not being so nausea.It really makes you feel awful when it's that way all the time. Sure hope you have a nice visit with your kids and granddaughters. I know you will though. It will be nice just to see them. The girls wll keep you occupied the next few days. I'm sure they will have lots to talk to you about. Also they will want you to play games with them also. That will be nice. I'm sure they can hardly wait to get there. Tell everyone "hi" for me. Sure wish I could be there with you also. You just think about having a great time with them and don't worry about anything. Just enjoy yourself for the next few days.

Remember the fall heart wreath you gave me? Well I have it on my front door and I have a crazy winter wren that wants to sit in it all the time. Never seen a bird do that before, but this one sure likes it. It is really cute to see it. All I have to do is go peck on the door and it will fly away for awhile but then it will come back. It doesn't have a nest in it but it just likes to set and look around. It's sits right down in the bottom of it, looks all around and just chirps. I don't let him set there very long because I don't want him to mess it up by pooping on it.

I was suppose to have the kids at 2 today as they are out of school. David has to work tonight and Christy wouldn't be home from work yet, but Grandma Pat decided to stay over there with them till Christy gets home. So thought I would set down while I have the time and write. Sorry I haven't emailed the last couple of days but have really been busy. I sent a card out yesterday to you though. Christy just called and just got off work and wants to know if I want to go to Wal-Mart with her in about an hour so I said yes. I have been about 45 minutes writing this email to you as all the phone has done is ring. Charlotte called and talked 30 minutes. She has been calling alot lately and just wants to talk. Then Barb called. Then David . Now Christy.

It is really nice out today but tomorrow it is suppose to only be 37 as the high. Today it is about 60. Tomorrow night it going to get down to 16. But by the weekend it is suppose to be back up to 50. This weather is crazy. I talked to Jim this morning and he said it was snowing there and they are suppose to get about 2 inches. I'm glad it's them. I can do with out the snow. Has it snowed there in Connecticut yet? Well Dan just got home so I will close for now. He said to tell you "hi" and he loves you. For you to take care of yourself and get well. We love you very much and think of you all the time. We will try to call you tomorrow and talk a few minutes. You just have a great time with the kids and grandaughters. Talk to you later. Hugs and kisses to you. God Bless

FROM: Aly A Nov 23 @ 12:55 PM

Hi Larry, I hope you and Lea enjoy your thanksgiving together. If you are partaking of hospital food tomorrow, hopefully it's not too horrible. we will all be thinking of you and wishing you both a great day!

FROM: Judi S Nov 23 @ 2:01 PM

Dear Larry...I am sending Lea and you my sincerest prayers and wishes for an amazing Thanksgiving. You have been through so much...and have been so eloquent. You both are an inspiration for us all.

FROM: Gary R Nov 23 @ 2:54 PM

Larry - I don't know you well but we are DBM friends. I have been reading your emails and my heart goes out to you and Lea. You are obviously an brave and kind person. I wish you both the very best in the days to come and hope that each day continues to bring progress and new surprises in recovery. All the Best !

FROM: Pamela Nov 23 @ 6:43 PM


Jerry, I wholeheartedly agree! I know Larry would like to hear your comments, and am forwarding your response to him. I feel very strongly that God is continuing to use Larry - perhaps in ways that none of us yet realize. He has always been graceful with the way he words his thoughts and this new experience is giving him insights that few experience. At a time when I was in most desperate need, his gentle words were as an ointment poured forth from God, and I rejoice to see that very quality still within him.

I remain in awe at the eloquence with which he is able to describe his emotions and those very heart wrenching experiences he seems to so gracefully move through. Thank you so very much for taking the time to respond to his email. In the presence of His Love.

------Original Message------

FROM: Pastor Jerry Date: 11/23/05 10:04:05

Pam, I only wish I could preach like Larry writes. The highest form of theology can only be learned through suffering. It looks like his theology has been through the refiner's fire. God Bless, and Happy Thanksgiving. Jerry

FROM: Greg S Nov 23 @ 8:35 PM

Hi Larry: What wonderful pictures of Lea! I was so happy to see a photograph of her with your son and grand daughters It truly seemed to be a scene of a person enjoying so much of life again. Please forgive my phone message today. I was more concerned that you may have had an urgent situation. Your note yesterday was wonderful to read. It gave my wife and I such perspective to better understand what you are going through and to appreciate the things in life that we have. It was a gift that we thank you for. My thoughts and prayers will be with you this holiday weekend. You're a good man Larry Vaughn. Regards.

FROM: Stacy F Nov 23 @ 9:46 PM

Happy Thanksgiving Larry and Lea! It is so good to hear that Lea had a better day!! After reading one of the updates about Lea dealing with ongoing nausea, I had a real strong feeling of compassion and prayed that she would have a day without nausea. It makes me praise God that you reported her having a full day of feeling good!! We all continue to pray for you and hope Lea's health continues to get better. It is everyone's Christmas wish that she recovers rapidly. I'm glad you have Link and the girls with you this Holiday. I know that will be a blessing to you both. Praise God for you Larry, for your love and dedication to Lea.

FROM: Dottie V Nov 23 @ 10:26 PM

I love the haircut. Have fun with all your kids around this weekend -:) Love you, love you, love you.

FROM: Jean S Nov 23 @ 11:01 PM

Hello Bro! I have no news to tell, not even a witty joke---that is beyond me anyway, I can't ever remember the punch line. I just wanted to respond to your update about being a family caregiver. Because I have been there and have witnessed, not only the loving care you give to Lea, but also the way you fortify yourself to always be cheerful and helpful, when I know for a fact, that you need a little nurturing yourself. I know you have tirelessly given of yourself and I also realize that you have put yourself and your desires and needs on the shelf. But, from my heart, I ask you, to care for yourself so that you will be able to continue taking care of Lea.

I know you both have a long road in front of you, and I also know how hard it is for you to leave her to take care of your needs. And that you feel guilty for not wanting to be there and feel afraid when you are not. I can not for a moment tell you that she will be fine, because I know she needs assistance, continual

230 assistance. But I also know, that if you don't take care of yourself, she may be in worse shape because she is worrying about you and your health.....Nevertheless, I want to thank you for your daily updates and to thank you for the insight and inclusion on her recovery. Praise God, we can say recovery. I am very proud that you are my brother, very proud of your eloquence in expressing yourself. Thank you for sharing your life with me.

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Nov 23 @ 11:26 PM

Oh my , what a beautiful picture you sent from the cafeteria! I felt like I was sitting at the table with you. I only wish I were there. The picture made my heart happy. My love to all of you and to the guy taking the picture. GOD IS GOOD! Praise his name. Hugs and Kisses

FROM: Barb S Nov 23 @11:40 PM

What a special update this time of Thanksgiving! We truly have a lot to be thankful for! And, the lady is right. We do everything by God's time table, not ours! Lea looks so pretty! Seeing the girls and Link really agreed with her. (Although, it was probably the girls! LOL Those grandkids are super special!) Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and to let you know, you won't miss Thanksgiving here, Dawn is going to tape it and send you a copy!


FROM: Kathy D Nov 24 @ 3:35 AM

Hi Lea and Larry, Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have a lot to be thankful for. You may not be here in Mo. or Indiana but you are here with each of us and doing much better Lea and Praise God. That is what we all have to be thankful for. Hope you have a great time with your family and just enjoy yourself and Larry you also. We all miss you but we know you are doing much better there and you will get back to Indy soon and we can come and see you then. Right now just keep up the good work and get yourself well and feeling much better so you can. You will be in our thoughts all through out the day and always. We all have a lot to thank God for.

Oh by the way I love your haircut. It really looks good. You really look great. I'm so glad you are feeling better. Those grandkids will do that to you. I bet they were so happy to see you and you them. Grandkids will make anyone day. You just enjoy them and play some games. I know they will like that. In the picture Larry sent of you getting your hair cut you was just a glowing. You look wonderful.

It sure is cold out this morning. It is only suppose to get to 34 today. That is cold. Tonight it suppose to get down to 16. That's really cold. Well got to go so I can get dressed and get things ready to go to Larry and Barbs but had to drop a few lines to you. Remember you just relax,talk to everyone, and just enjoy yourself today and the rest of the week with your family. That is the best medicine. I love you very much and you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Hugs and kisses to you. Tell everyone Happy Thanksgiving for me. Love Always. Dod Bless.

FROM: Janice and Larry C Nov 24 @ 10:43 AM

Dear Larry and Lea, Just wanted to wish you a VERY, VERY Happy Thanksving. You have so much to be thankful for, as do all the people who know you and love you and have been praying for you through all of this terrible, terrible ordeal. It is just so wonderful.There are going to be so very many people giving thanks at their table today to such an Almighty God who can work such a miracle. I know Lea's doctors and other caregivers are the ones who seem to be the miracle workers, but, they couldn't have done it without Him working through their hands!!! Enjoy your family today Dear Ones and know that lots and lots of people are with you in spirit and prayer. Praying for you always.

FROM: Patricia W


Nov 24 @ 1:15 PM

Thanksgiving is a time for thinking of those who are a special part of our lives and have a special place in our hearts. That's why Thanksgiving is a time for thinking of you. Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving! From my house to yours: may God's grace and abundant mercies be yours on Thanksgiving day and all through the year as well.

FROM: Dawn W Nov 24 @ 1:13 PM

Everyone wanted to send you a message for Thanksgiving. Please take a look at the attached file as soon as you can. (Video of Tate family gathering for Thanksgiving)

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 30 @ 11:30 AM

It was fun, and she played it several times to see who all was in the video! Thanks, and love to all!

FROM: Barb S Nov 24 @ 2:28 PM

Just want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. May your blessings be many this year!

FROM: Lance Vaughn Nov 24 @ 3:13 PM

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!


FROM: Marlowe N Nov 25 @ 12:50 AM

Larry, I sent you a card for Thanksgiving from Dayspring, but haven't gotten a notice you have picked it up. Perhaps it is in your spam folder? At any rate, we're so glad your Thanksgiving was joyful and wish you both a wonderful visit with family the next few days.

FROM: David Vaughn Nov 25 @ 1:02 AM

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are feeling better soon ... but am glad that Link and Lance will be there to allow you to rest and recover. Love you bro.


FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 26 @ 11:05 AM

Barb, The box arrived yesterday, and was so much fun to open! Thank you for everything . . . especially your thoughtfulness!

REPLY FROM: Barb S Nov 26 @ 5:47 PM

Wow! That was fast! Hope everything was ok. Know it wasn't much but hoped it would help cheer Lea up! Will try to get the Thanksgiving tape sent Monday. Did you get the Thanksgiving email from all of us?

FROM: Sharon E


Nov 26 @ 5:53 PM

First, Happy Thanksgiving!!! I trust that you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday celebrating and thanking God for his many blessings all year round. Second, IT IS FINALLY COMPLETE!!! After two months, my "Why We Pray" theological research paper is finally complete. It is due this Tuesday and I have finished it and have even run off all of the copies for my classmates and instructor already--all twenty-six pages of it!!!!!!!. I thought you might like to see the final result of what you have so powerfully shared and so, I am emailing it to you now.

I thank you for all of your wonderful contributions. Your responses and testimonies and witnesses of prayer really made the paper and I thank God for each and every one of you. I thank you for responding. As I started writing the paper and as I was working and trying to organize your answers, I had a revelation through your responses that the Lord's Prayer tells us why we pray. Once you read the paper, I think you will see that your answers correspond to the Lord's Prayer, as well. And so, I further took the sentences and lines of thought of what you had said and individually organized them within the sentences and sections of the Lord's Prayer. I think this really made for a powerful paper.

It was very important to me to remain true to what the context and style of what you were saying was and I think I have succeeded. I hope and pray that you think so, too. There were some grammatical, capitalization, and spelling errors within some of the answers that I am sure that you are going to notice now. Please understand that I kept them to maintain the integrity of the responses. I had started to correct them and found that I could not determine the line of where to stop--because "correcting" them became "changing" them in style and context--and this, to me, was wrong. And so, I went back and did not correct or change any. Please, also, understand that I received a lot of material and it was just not possible to use all of everything that everyone shared. I hope and pray that you understand this, as well.

Looking at it in this way through the Lord's Prayer just gave me such powerful answers to my question of "Why We Pray" that I think it will affect me now each time I say the Lord's Prayer. Thank you!!! I am hoping that this paper will maybe be something that you keep, and will help and affect you with your prayer life, as well. I don't know if anonymity was important to you or not because no one asked for it. However, I did feel that some anonymity was appropriate. And so, I used personal initials rather than full names.

I can't see that if anyone would read the paper that they would have any problem with whoever wrote any response--but, you never know. Anyway, I doubt that anyone will be able to figure out who is who because I have asked many different circles of friends from many different venues. I don't think that there is anyone who travels in all or even most of my circles of friends. Actually, in now looking at the initials, I have to really think who the persons are (and I know who they are!). And so, I doubt that anyone will work that hard to "figure it out". Three initials had to be repeated (BB, LK, and LS) and so I had to go to adding a number. If you have any trouble figuring out who you are, just let me know and I will be glad to help you figure it out. I thank you for sharing your heart and for helping me out. God's Blessings to you and again, thank you very much.


FROM: Wes L Nov 27 @ 12:23 PM

I have a Prayer Request this morning for Helen Cornelius. She was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. She asked for prayers to help her through this trying time. Please ask everyone to be praying for her. Thanks , Wes

FROM: Joe Stroup Nov 27 @ 10:16 PM

Hi Lea and Larry, I am attaching a couple new photos for you. The photo of Pat and I is a recent one since you have not seen us in a pretty good while. Larry, you may distribute this picture to your mailing list if you prefer as we have received emails from several people who have never met us and may like to see what we look like. We were so happy to be able to talk to you both this evening. Lea, your voice sounded strong and gave us both positive vibrations that you are feeling stronger and doing better. It was good to hear you voice. I

233 think we have only ‘heard’ you two times since July – maybe three, I can’t remember. We really look forward to your return so we can sit with you and speak with you face to face.

Pat has been keeping busy decorating the house and also doing Christmas decorations at the library in Cicero. She is only getting 16 hours a week at work, thereby keeping her from getting any benefits. They keep finding extra things for her to do like decorating, PR work from home, getting donations and building Christmas baskets for a raffle, etcetera. She still loves working at the library but has been a little frustrated as well. We do have plenty of time to go running around and Christmas shop, which we have been taking advantage of. She has been dragging me around all of the stores, making me walk most of the time now. She says it is part of my therapy.

I am doing well and am trying to be active doing weather stripping and some chores here at the house. I have gotten real used to sleeping until 9:00 or 10:00 AM. Sometime soon I am going to have to break that habit, to get used to getting up earlier in case they let me go back to work. I get tired pretty easily and frequently take naps. That could be a challenge for me. Larry, I am now up to 20 minutes on level 4 at 40 watts on the recumbent bike, 10 minutes on the arm pedals at 10 watts, and 20 minutes on level 4 at 65 watts on the Nu-step. I think that is pretty good. How much were you doing when you were going?

Well I’m going to stop now as there is a new Christmas show on TV that Pat and I want to watch together. I hope you enjoy the pictures and we hope to see you both soon. We really miss you both!


FROM: Sandy C Nov 28 @ 3:11 Am

Thanksgiving was truely a day of giving thanks for your family. How great that your family could be together. Thanks for the pictures. I would have not recognized the girls as it has been forever since I saw them. Lea always looks so good in the picures you send-- especially for what she has been through. She continues to be on our church prayer list. Prayer is so powerful that I wish those who don't believe could experience even the slightest little bit of something to let them see and know the love of God.

FROM: Kathy D Nov 28 @ 3:53 AM

Hi Lea, Sounds as if you had a great weekend. The girls sure are growing. I can't believe how much they have growen up. They are so cute. They sure do grow so fast. Looks like they really enjoyed there visit with you and Lyndi painting your nails. That is so great! You must of had a really busy weekend with everyone and a great one at that. I'm sure happy they all got to come and spend the time with you and Larry so you all could just enjoy yourself for once. That was wonderful. Everyone looks so good and happy in the pictures Larry sent.

Hope everything comes out ok on your upper GI today. Sure hope they figure out something that will keep you from vomiting. You really do look good in the pictures Larry sent. It's so good to see you doing better. Just keep up the good work and everything will be fine. I know you are getting tired of being in bed but you just have to give yourself time. You have really been sick and it is just going to take time to recover all the way. Just have to be patient. I know it probably gets very frustrating sometimes because you can't do what you want but we all have alot to be thankful for and that is you here with us. Thank God so much. Once you get to eat better so you can get more strength then I think things will get better. Now you are so week and tired because you don't get to eat much and have that nutrition you need. Just hang in there you are doing great! 234

It is 53 out this morning but the tempature is suppose to drop all day and get 31 by tonight. Then it's suppose to stay cold all week. Also we are suppose to get snow flurries. I knew it was going to come. We have really been lucky. Maybe it will warm up again after this week. Going to get down in the early teens at night the rest of the week. That is cold. Dan said to tell you "hi" for him and to take care of yourself and just get yourself well. Also he loves and misses you. Got to go for now will write again soon. You take care. Love you very much. Hugs and kisses to you. I'm sure you will want to rest today after the big weekend you had. See Ya! Love Ya! God Bless!

FROM: Karen Nov 28 @ 7:57 AM

Hi Larry What wonderful pictures, Lea looks great, so do the boys and girls. You have some special people there to help right now, Enjoy them and give them hugs for the Flessners. Love ya.

FROM: Pamela Nov 28 @ 2:19 PM

It looks like it was a wonderful day - am anxious to hear how Lea fared through the night. I take it your Bronchitis is improving ???

FROM: Gracie L Nov 28 @ 10:49 PM

I love you both and will have you in the deepest part of me, in my heart where I will be lifting you up in His healing power of Love. I shall miss your daily reports Larry. Love you Lea, your radiant smile with your granddaughters on either side of you warmed my heart for I could see and feel the love. What a dear, precious soul you are!

FROM: Gayle H Nov 28 @ 11:48 PM

Hey Larry, I ust want you to know that my prayers are constantly with you and Lea. I , too, believe that God has brought Lea this far and will see her through to being well. I want you to know how much your emails have meant to me each evening to be able to know what is going on. I never go to bed without reading them. They have never, ever bored me just the contrary--they have been a blessing. I do understand that you will be sending them weekly now, but I just wanted you to know how much they have meant to me and how much I appreciate your diligence in keeping us all updated.

Has Dr. Mah given any indication that he will be having Lea stay in CT until he can do the surgery? I know he is concerned and rightly so about someone else being too quick to operate without fully understanding the situation. The reason I am asking is Kathy and I have been trying to work on a weekend that we can fly to CT or IN to visit. We have looked at a Dec. weekend before Christmas but it is a problem getting Kathy to CT. I can get a flight easily from FL to there. We are also looking at the middle of Jan. or so. I know Lea's birthday is in Jan so we thought that would be a good time to visit, too, if we can't work out Dec. Do you have family coming to CT for Christmas or are the plans still hopeful for Lea to be in Indiana by then? I know Kathy and you stay in contact so if you want to talk to her about our plans for a visit that is fine.

I am glad that you had a nice visit with Lance, Kristen, Link and the girls. The pictures you have been sending are wonderful! Thanks again for everything during these difficult months. Just know that I will always have you and Lea in my prayers.


FROM: Lori P Nov 29 @ 11:53 AM


Larry, I would love to be added to the distribution. I've been keeping up with Lea's journey from friends here at work. God will continue to be with you all and keep you in His care. I will continue to pray daily.

FROM: Roberta H Nov 29 @ 3:40 PM

Thank you Larry-hold on to your faith!

FROM: Jean S Nov 29 @ 9:43 PM

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. I have completed my physical, these are the results..... Type 2 Diabetes. To be controlled for now by diet and exercise (yuck). Arthritis in the back, early stages of osteoporosis. High blood pressure, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Weight---ain't going there . . . and the worse of all 60 in March. Other than that, the heart is good, the thyroid is good, the bladder and kidneys are functioning properly, uh, what else is there? I'm a little depressed over it all, but what the hey. I'll adjust in a day or two. Love ya!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 30 @ 9:07 AM

Hey, from where I'm sitting, that doesn't sound too bad! God love ya!


FROM: David Vaughn Nov 30 @ 10:23 AM

OK, since we are ALL smart-alecs, I'll give you a real response. I'm sure you are a bit in shock. I think we all have to realize that we weren't raised in what could be called a health conscious environment. We learned to LOVE real food. Fortunately, we were blessed with a family that knew how to cook good things. I remember well the eager anticipation of being "independent" enough to be able to "go visit" Mom and Pop White and all the things I learned in that kitchen; all the smells and tastes in and around the garden, back porch and kitchen. (Oh, yeah, I remember the old, stinky outhouse smell on that porch, too, as there was no sewer there for the longest time.)

I remember trips to Indiana. Long, long rides full of songs and bickering and games and stops at really healthy places like one of the early McDonalds in Jacksonville? or Springfield where Dad got 10 hamburgers for $10. Or, again, those wonderful kitchen memories of hot chocolate at 4am with marshmallows and toast followed by all the eggs and bacon and sausage we could eat in Nellie White's kitchen. Snap to 50 years later and your diagnosis is typical of our family. We all like to eat "the good stuff". In fact, we became really good at it. Of course, our White family “Talent” took eating to new heights of gluttony as could best be said to have "peaked" at our family gathering in Branson (MO years ago) . Need I say more?

OK, I will ...None of us eat healthy. None of us avoid the things we "should" or moderate either frequency or quantity of the things we have invested a lifetime in learning to love. This is where each of us can pause and mentally go through the things we make sure we eat frequently that we KNOW is not healthy. (Here's my "helper" list: Bacon - lots of bacon, Ice cream - lots and lots of ice cream, Chocolate - not enough space to list the number of required "lots" here!) We eat it anyway. What fun would life be without a good greasy, steak? or hamburger (with lots of cheese)? or a "healthy" salad with bacon bits, cheese and lots and lots of sweet salad dressing? or a healthy baked potato with lots of butter and, oh well, a little bit of bacon bits and cheese and lots of sour cream?

So, HOW could God allow ME to have Type 2 Diabetes, high Cholesterol, and high Triglycerides? I've been SO good!!! It just isn't fair! I don't understand! Could you help me here? My point being that IF we didn't have this diagnosis by our 50s, it has been truly a blessing. Now we get to "pay the piper"! I have been truly blessed, since I haven't been diagnosed with Diabetes, cancer or had heart surgery, but with our family history, I KNOW that high blood pressure, heart disease, Diabetes and cancer are rampant in both sides of

236 our family history. Therefore, I KNOW your diagnosis is OUR diagnosis and all of those problems lurk behind EVERY bite we eat; every day we skip our exercise; every life decision we make that increases stress and pressure on ourselves. No one is going to change that; and certainly NOT US!

So, the 60s! I think that can only be tempered by recognizing that the baby of the family is 56; our Mom is going to be 79 and Dad has been dead (from the above problems) for 20 years! Our bodies are paying us back! Our bodies are going to "get even" and we can't reverse our lifetime of investment. Besides, we MAKE EVERYTHING we do something fun! It won't work on this one! Our church is trying the "Makers Diet" in 2006. I don't know what it will entail, but I'm gonna listen and don't expect it to be fun, but I'm sure gonna give it the Gene Vaughn creative try! I'm sure we could share that information with you to supplement what your doctor has advised, if you wish.

Um. I've just read this and am having a hard time figuring where the encouragement is in my words. I figured it out. God. This time is only a moment; a dot in the line of eternity. But this, like what we have experienced these last few months, is our wake up call to pay attention to what is important in the life we choose to live right now and how we choose to live each moment. These words are intended to give comfort; to show sincere concern for your well being; and to demonstrate how blessed we truly have been throughout our lives. What we do with the rest of our lives is really the ONLY things that matter.

I love you Jean Ann Vaughn! (Pamela Sue Vaughn, Lawrence Eugene Vaughn, Jr - I've always envied how cool that name is - Marjorie Gwendolyn White, Dorothy Jean Pearl)

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

PS. Isn't God amazing? This is my Bible quote for the day. Now WHY did he put that in my mailbox THIS morning and WHY is your email the 1st I woke up needing to answer and WHY did I stop and go back and READ my own email to look for ENCOURAGEMENT and WHY has HE blessed me, us, our family with such an abundance of love and sensitivity and closeness and the TOTAL COMFORT that you are smiling as you read this?

REPLY FROM: Pamela Nov 30 @ 3:23 PM

Well, looks like it's my turn! Add to everything that David said, the recent scare with Lea - and that our pancreas can shut down just like hers did and we don't have Larry to take care of us. I know I'm really scared . . . I also went to the doctor yesterday . . . Jean, I was where you are a year and a half ago - change, change, change - it's too scary not to change! If your husband objects, change anyway, if he pouts 'cause you don't cook anymore, quit cooking anyway. Type 2 diabetes isn't something to take lightly or to play around with.

Think you're depressed now ? - If you don't make simple changes - NOW - your diet/exercise controlled diabetes will turn into a very ugly, very scary monster that requires a lot more than changes to your diet and starting to exercise again. And, by the way, who do you think you ARE by keeping that to yourself? Why didn't you let us sweat out the last three months with you - and SO THAT WE COULD LIFT YOU UP IN PRAYER? (Consider yourself spanked!) Listen to your doctor - do more than he tells you to do - GET EDUCATED ON WHAT YOU NEED TO DO AND WHAT YOU CAN DO - while you've still got a chance to get ahead of it . . . AND DON'T LET ANYBODY STOP YOU FROM GETTING HEALTHY AGAIN!

REPLY FROM: Jean S Nov 30 @ 11:32 PM

I know, I thought of that. And as soon as I adjust, I'll be okay and deal with it, just like Lea has had to. I must say I keep thinking of her and I realize how she'd love to trade places. So please excuse my pity party. I can only say, I love you guys. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and the gentle spanking and the reminders of how fortunate I am to just be type 2 and not type 1. I just need a little time to adjust to this, and I will.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn


Dec 1 @ 11:28 AM

It is our role in His plan to embrace the suffering given to us as an example of how God's love will work through us, when we continue to love Him in spite of that suffering. Show us what you can do! :-) Love you!

FROM: Paul B Nov 30 @ 10:48 AM

Larry, My name is Paul B and I worked with Lea for a time at Irwin Mortgage while I was in the finance department there. I just heard about you and Lea's situation and wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers. I moved to the Hartford area this year, and if Lea is up for a visitor (and remembers me), I would love to stop by for a visit. I'm sure it's got to be difficult spending so much time so far from home. I remember watching a video she loaned me about your bed and breakfast in Atlanta and I know how much she loves it there. Please send my love to Lea and let me know if there is a time she would be up for a visit.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Nov 30 @ 12:52 PM

Paul, Thank you for your note. I'm sure Lea will be delighted to have you stop by for a brief visit when you have time. The best time of day to visit is mid-morning or mid-afternoon, as she has activities now being scheduled for her. We try to make a quick trip to the cafeteria mid-morning to share a cup of tea and a bowl of hot cereal, and I try to get her out of bed again in mid-to-late afternoon for a stroll after her physical therapy. Any evening, of course, would be good, if that works better for your schedule. Just give us a call to help us plan for your visit, so we aren't out of the room somewhere.

FROM: Liz K Nov 30 @ 9:50 PM

Hello, Larry: I am requesting addition to your mailing list for updates. As an employee at Irwin, we have been receiving your updates through a series of forwarded emails. I am about to take a leave for the birth of my second son, so I wanted to request your updates through my home email address. Your willingness to share your journey in His hands has been a tremendous example for all of us. We pray for you every day in our family and our church (The Promise in Fishers). Please know you are never far from our hearts or our prayers. Please take care and know there are many, many people buried behind the forwarded messages pulling for Lea and you everyday. God Bless You,


FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 1 @ 2:21 PM

Dearest Lexi, I know that Aunt Lea will send you a thank you note for the delightful care package we received yesterday. But since it is likely to be a while before she can write again, and you're growing up so fast, I thought I'd better drop you a note to let you know that it arrived safely.

I helped Lea take a shower this morning (I should say that we BOTH took a shower this morning, although that wasn't my intention) :-), and she used many of the gifts you sent The small shampoo and conditioner were just ideal for us to take them into the shower room. By the way, I'm hurrying up and eating the Hershey bar before the doctor lets her have things like that! :-)

We love you, honey, and think of all you girls often. I hope that we will be able to see you again before too long. The doctor thinks it will probably be next year before we get to come home. It isn't going to be much fun at Christmas time, since that is our favorite season, but the Lord will provide for us, and when it's all over, we'll make sure to enjoy things even more in the future. Love and hugs.

REPLY FROM: Alexis P Dec 2 @ 2:25 PM


Dear Uncle Larry (and Aunt Lea), You two are most welcome for the care package!! We miss you loads and loads. Don't worry, that wasn't your Christmas present (we're go to get that very soon, tonight even!!)... Even though this message was short, it still says one thing: THERES A MAGIC IN THEIR NAME, GOOD OL' NOTRE DA-- Wait, no.. The real message is: WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!


FROM: Melissa S Dec 2 @ 6:24 PM

Hello, Just wanted to let everyone know that my surgery went well yesterday. I had my left thyroid removed and the mass which by yesterday was occupying 60% of my left thyroid. I have a 3 inch incision in the center of my neck with all internal stitches and steri strips. The initial patholology reports are all BENIGN. They split the muscles in my neck so they are sore and it hurt to swallow which she ways will take about 2 weeks to go away. I am on strict limitations for the next couple of weeks and will go from there when I see her in 10 days so as for now I am home with somone with me 24/7 for the first week. Thank you to everyone for all your help and you wil know where to find me.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 2 @ 6:34 PM

Dearest Melissa, Lea and I are so happy to hear the good news! Praise God for allowing the right thyroid to remain, which will make your quality of life better. We had asked Kim, in the ICU if she had heard anything today, but she had not. She did confirm, however, that you had checked out and gone home, which we took as a good sign. Thank you for including us in your update. We will keep you in our prayers, lifting you up for a speedy recovery, and look forward to seeing your bright smile again soon. God bless you.


FROM: Barb S Dec 3 @ 12:00 am

Hi! Hope Lea is doing better. Kat said she was out of it this morning. Decided to wait until tomorrow to call to see how she was doing. I did want to tell you that I sent another package off today. Hopefully you will get it by Mon or Tues. Hope nothing gets broke.

Well, it seems we are having a rough year this year. Our family seems to have been hit hard by Lea's illness, Carol's cancer, Carl's arthritis, Mom's esophageal cancer and now, we have more to add. When I called Dan to talk to Kat,she wasn't home. But, I was telling him about my mammogram so he could tell Kat and he was telling me that the biopsy they did on a spot on his leg was cancer and he had to go in so they could remove some more to make sure they got it all. ( My mammogram showed I had a spot so they did a magnification and there is a spot of something. I go in Monday for a biopsy. I pray it is nothing but the doctor says that if it is, we caught it so early that they will just cut the tissue out and that will be it. I pray he is right.) So, I think we need to keep all our family on the prayer list.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 3 @ 10:09 PM

Link, I received a package from Tony & Olivia, with a lovely "slippas" ornament, and a very nice note speaking warmly of you and Deanna. I will place the ornament under our miniature Christmas tree tomorrow when I go see mom. Thank you for calling your mother regularly.


FROM: Gracie L Dec 4 @ 7:35 AM


This letter is sort of confusing because it's a two part letter from two days: It's 9:00 and it's still quiet here. Summer spent the night because Dana's working the week-end on call and Matt and Shelby are hunting I know not for what. It's another day and it's only 3:00 am now. Oh and I found out they went hunting deer with a musket. Shelby won it at a white tail dinner she attended with her mom and Dad but she ended up not going however because it was so cold. Matt, Cory. and Greg Price went together and Greg got a deer. He is an avid sportsman, and both Cory and Matt are crazy about him. He works at the State Highway Dept. with them.

Shayna left with Lisa yesterday and if the weather stays clear they plan to go to Springfield, Il. shopping today. (They stayed home because we got some sleet or freezing rain) Donnie and I have plans to put up our Christmas decorations if we can get in gear sometime today. We'll see! Yeah, we did work on decorating the house, we got a late start. I HAVE TOO MUCH LITTLE STUFF plus plenty of other stuff also and we had a mess and still do for that matter.. I am down sizing, I do not need this much stuff!!! We're only half way through but we have a lot of the clutter back in boxes and downstairs. I am a bit like Peter Pan though, being the fact I won't grow up. There's still a little kid inside.

Since I discussed taking that diet pill with Dr. Long and she knows I'm contemplating it and I've got an appointment to go with Dana Thursday this week, Laura gave me a few of her's to see how I felt and if they worked for me also. I took my first one at 7:45 this morning so we'll see. Summer wants scrambled eggs bacon for breakfast this morning and I thought about offering to fix breakfast for Matt and Shelby when they come back from hunting so that will tell me something about what they our hunting.

Gosh I hope they work for me the way they do for Laura and Dana. I don't even know if this Doctor will agree to let me have them or not . But Dr. Long acted like it wasn't any more harmful or risky for me to take them than any other of her other patients. She just would not prescribe them to any of her patients she told me because it is a form of speed she said. She knows I'm going to try to get them anyway.

Dana insisted I tell her this before she would agree to take me. Who's the child here? But I am glad I listened to Dana's advise and told Dr. Long I was contemplating taking them. Dana insisted that she knew because she didn't know if it would be a higher risk for me than she. I told Dr. Long Dana insisted I tell her. I sure hope they stifle my desire to pick at food continually.

Speaking of Dana she came by Wednesday evening a bit teary eyed. She said their supervisor had bought all the nurses new blue outer tops and told them something was going to happen at their meeting Wednesday and to wear the new tops . The Director of Nursing from the hospital was there. She came packing in a large box and then began telling them about a survey which was taken throughout the United States by an out side agency. It covered all Home Health Care Agencies.

She said they were rated in the top 10% for excellency. I understand they based their decision on reports from the patients themselves. Dana said they were so pleased because they are very dedicated and get a lot of flack so much of the time. I told her some time back I bet her supervisor adored her because I knew Dana was a very loving, caring nurse and Dana told me all the girls she worked with were that way also and I found out from the nursing care given both Donnie and Shayna in our home they were just that.

Well, back to Dana. She said the Director of Nursing reached into he box and brought out a large crystal plaque and told them they had been named the Number1 Health Care Provider in the United States for excellency. They had their pictures taken, (Thus the new tops,) Dana said she knows there will be a write up about it in the newspaper soon. Sara, their supervisor was so tickled. It touched Dana deeply for some reason. Back to decorating! Silly me, the living room was packed with clutter and I sat down with scissors and white paper and started making assorted snow flakes for our windows. Donnie was more than frustrated with me.

Actually I wanted to show Summer how to do it, I thought she'd enjoy working on them but she was having difficulty so I told her we'd work on them another day and she could take them home. Dana wanted her to come home with her anyway. Saturday evening is their game night at their house and Shelby had a friend over plus Matt fixed one of Summer's favorite foods, spaghetti. So she left for home about 4:30. Dana asked me on her cell phone what I was fixing for supper and I told her I hadn't a clue. She brought us a rotisserie

240 chicken piping hot from Wal-Mart, bless her heart, plus she picked us up some fresh fleecy cotton and stuff for the white lights with snow for our village.

It was sleeting outside and she's been working all day but she took the time to do this for us. She's such a sweety. We both went to bed pooped last night and I still have the tree to decorate and the kitchen/dining room to decorate plus putting the house back in order. We better finish it today before we start baby sitting Monday. I'll work on it some while Donnie's at church. Most of the stuff is out of reach, I THINK! Marissa is a climber though. Laura's having a time decorating her house in fact she stopped midway.

She bought some wonderful story books for us to wrap and give to the girls for Christmas. We just can't buy gifts any more, it's even difficult for us to get Shayna's gift. Dana's doing the same for her girls. Laura's going to get art supplies for Blake for us to give to him. Hopefully he'll leave them over here because he's always sketching something and he's really good. I had heard an artist say once to look at the blank page and visualize what your going to draw before you make the first mark and I told Blake this quite a few years back.

I marveled at his ability to draw and was telling him so when he reminded me what I'd told him and he said, "It's simple Grandma." I remember in Blake's pre-school when the teacher told the kids to make something from a circle, meaning ball, balloon, orange etc. She got Blake's picture and she was flabbergasted she told Laura for he had drawn a bicycle wheels, seat, chain, and all. As she stood staring Blake remarked, "What, something wrong with it? Wheels are round you know." Cute huh?

I was drawing different sketches on tiny little pieces of wood for Shelby to paint and tie on a limb resembling a tree for the Tree of Judah in her religion class. I was trying to draw a ram's head and it just didn't look right. Blake was looking at my sketches before school Friday and he said, "What animal is this?" I told him, "A ram!" He started giggling and said, "Grandma the horns are thick at the start and curl up around his head." Now I got it, I remembered! Well I can't visualize something if I don't know what it's suppose to look like. He liked many of my sketches though.

I think of you, Marg, every time we put out our village, church plus Santa's house with the elves because I love that lovely railroad mountain village in the back ground that you sent to Donnie years back. You did such a lovely job on it. It enhances the setting. Thank you again! It's a squeeze, for the entire setting to cover the top of our entertainment center. I always enjoy our village.

I did fix Summer 's breakfast and served it to her in Shayna's bedroom Saturday morning in bed. She told me to surprise her but she had requested bacon and scrambled eggs the night before. So that's what I fixed her plus I had some wonderful flavored Decaf- coffee Donnie's friend gave him from the JAVA Coffee House and I fixed her a cup of that plus 1 1/2 slices of 9 whole grain bread with smart balance buttery spread and my sugar free apricot jam on it. . She was beaming. It was fun for me. I scrambled myself two eggs and had 3 slices of bacon, plus coffee, lots and lots of coffee!!! I just ate half my breakfast and ate the rest later that afternoon. I had half a chicken breast plus both wings off the chicken for my supper last night and more flavored coffee.

I spent a lot of time in the bathroom yesterday needless to say! My appetite was tempered somewhat but it wasn't completely gone by a long shot! But I did find it easier to cut back. We'll see what today holds. Karen called me last night. she was in the process of making hot tamales for herself and was having a bit of difficulty with the mush. She said she'd call back but she never did, good sign or bad, I don't know? Maybe she'll call today. I think I'll make me a pot of flavored coffee. Yummy!!! I hope you have a lovely day.

FROM: Barb S Dec 4 @ 8:26 PM

Merry Christmas!

The holidays are closing in fast! We all got one really special gift that none of us will ever forget, a gift that has made us stop and think. The gift of Life. To many times we take each other for granted, we get comfortable with each other and often forget to let each other know how important they are to us. We never stop and think how fast we can lose that special person. God opened ours eyes this summer. I hope we all

241 learn from this and make improvements to our lives. So, wanted to take this time to wish you both a very Merry Christmas and to remind you both of how much we love you. Also, I sent a package off Friday so you should get it Monday or Tues.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 5 @ 11:29 AM

Barb, I caught Dickens from Lea (who didn't want to hear the update before I sent it out) because I failed to mention that the tree you sent is on my office desk in my room. I should have sent out a picture, but am so focused on her, I didn't even think about it. Sorry! I hope you noticed that the ornaments you sent are under the tree in her room.

REPLY FROM: Barb S Dec 5 @ 2:00 PM

That was Ok. I knew you got the tree and you had thanked me earlier. I seen the ornaments and you should have more to add today or tomorrow.

FROM: Kim P Dec 4 @ 10:51 PM

Dearest Lea and Larry, Finally getting the much anticipated email was wonderful. Not a day goes by that we don't pray and think of you both. Yes we too have been reminiscing about the wonderful Christmas seasons past, spent with you filled with ALL THE LOVE one can imagine; and wonderful meals of fellowship eating WAY too much. We love you so very dearly and miss you.


FROM: Jean S Dec 5 @ 8:54 AM

Praise God! The last pictures of Lea are very encouraging, as she looks much stronger. Love you guys

From: Larry Vaughn TO: Melissa S Dec 5 @ 1:05 pm

Just a note to say hello, and hope you're feeling well. We miss seeing you around here! Yesterday when I got Lea up into the wheelchair and asked her where she wanted to go, she asked what room you were in. I told her that you were out of the hospital already. She said, "You mean people actually go home?" :-) Hope you're doing okay,. We look forward to your return to work. Warmest regards.

REPLY FROM: Melissa S Dec 5 @ 1:51 PM

Hello, Thanks for the note. I am feeling okay, sleeping a lot and sore but it will get better with time. I was actually going to walk down and see you when I was there but they would not let me leave the floor so I was thinking of you too!! Hope Lea's Cat Scan goes well today and she continues to feel well and able to eat what she chooses! I will not be at work until the 26th so continue down the path of healing during this magical time of the year. Keep in touch.

FROM: Link Vaughn Dec 5 @ 1:26 PM

Shelf falls at Volcano National Park. The lava stream is 6ft in diameter!!!


REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 5 @ 7:58 PM

Holy mackerel, Andy! That's awesome!! Mom wants to know if that is anywhere near where we were standing during our visit to Hawaii last year.

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Dec 5 @ 8:06 PM

I don't know...but I think so.

FROM: Karol C Dec 5 @ 11:07 PM

Follow the attached link to the newest Ashland University Christmas card. Enjoy.


FROM: Daniele P Dec 7 @ 6:18 AM

Sending a pic of Kalie before she left for the Christmas Formal. Ryan is her boyfriend and he is a real sweetheart. Isn't she beautiful? ;-)

FROM: Barb S Dec 7 @ 7:57 AM

Hi! I had Miss Caitlin when you sent the Pic. of the tree and she said "He didn't say if Aunt Lea got my picture of Sponge Bob, could you ask him if she did?" So, when you get time, could you let Miss Caitlin know you got it? Just send her a quick email to me or Dawn. Thanks! She has a Christmas one I am to send today per her orders! You know how those Grandkids are! LOL!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 7 @ 8:44 AM

Oh, oh! I hope I didn't miss it! Was it in the box of ornaments?

REPLY FROM: Barb S Dec 7 @ 10:36 AM

I don't think so. It was in a big white envelope. I think I just mailed it. I mailed it the same time as the box.


REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 7 @ 10:36 AM

Hm-m-m-m. Okay. Maybe it just hasn't made it up to the room yet. I'll keep an eye out for it.

REPLY FROM: Barb S Dec 7 @ 10:49 AM

Ok. She is really worried Aunt Lea won't get it. Thanks.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 9 @ 11:27 PM

Barb, We received Caitlin's drawing today, and Lea wanted to call when Caitlin is there, so she could surprise her and talk to her. Can you advise a time that would be good?

REPLY FROM: Barb S Dec 10 @ 5:05 PM

Hi! Dawn and Caitlin and Troy will be over here tonight for dinner. Around 5. We'll probably watch a movie afterwards. Is that ok?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 10 @ 5:08 PM

That should work just fine. They deliver dinner here at 5:00-6:30. We're an hour ahead of you, so I'll try to get it to work out to call you before your dinner time . . . say 5:30 your time.

REPLY FROM: Barb S Dec 10 @ 6:15 PM

Ok. Great! She'll love it!

REPLY FROM: Barb S Dec 11 @ 10:23 AM

Hi! Thank you! You really made Miss Caitlin's day! She was smiling from ear to ear. She got to talk to Aunt Lea and Uncle Larry and no one else did! It was a call just for her. It is a call I am sure she will never forget. As sick as Aunt Lea has been, she still called her. Wish you all could of been here to see the look on her face. It was priceless! Thank you again! There is another package on it's way. You should get it Monday or Tues. I will send another later this week. We want you two to know how special you are and that we have you in our hearts this Christmas season even though we can't be together. These ornaments will be a reminder of how much you are loved.

FROM: Shana G Dec 7 @ 9:24 AM

Good Morning, Lea and Larry, Hope you guys are doing well today. It was good to hear from you Sunday night. I really miss the daily updates, but certainly understand the need to reduce down to once a week. Lea, I bet it felt great to get in the shower. I know sometimes when I don't feel well if I can just get in the shower, I will feel a little better. How's the weather out there? We are suppose to get 6" of snow tomorrow--YIKES! Oh well, I guess it is that time of year isn't it?!

Anyway, Denise Watkins had this e-mail sent to me the other day regarding your service award and thought you would have fun looking through the catalog and picking out a gift. Of course Lucy and I already perused the catalog and picked out a couple of items. I was sure you would go for the foosball table and Lucy says if you can't find anything, the flat screen t.v. would be great in her bedroom! What a great accomplishment to be receiving a 20 year service award--Congratulations! Well, I guess I better start doing some work now.


Continue your great work getting better and we look forward to hearing from you Sunday evening. Larry, continue to take of yourself as well. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing the on-line catalog.

------Original Message------

Dear Leona, Happy anniversary. We're proud to celebrate your 20 years of service at Irwin Mortgage. To reward your commitment, we'd like to present you with a gift - one you get to choose yourself. You can view your options and make a selection at the attached link. Once you've found something you like, follow the simple instructions to place your order. If you place your order today, your gift should arrive within two weeks. Congratulations on your accomplishment! Sincerely, (Company President)

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 7 @ 10:34 AM

Thanks for forwarding the link. She is motivated to look at the awards online, but isn't yet able to coordinate her fingers well enough to run the keyboard/mouse, so I am going to print them out for her. She hopes to make her selection this week and get it submitted.

BTW, we had our first real conversation about our future yesterday. We talked about finances, etc., and she volunteered that she could sell the Mustang today if we needed the cash. I hesitated, then told her I had already sold it. The tears started streaming immediately! She said, "You DID?" I said, "Yes, to Shana and Gary. Shana said Gary waxed it three times the first week he had it, and that you could take a ride in your baby any time you want to." That made her happy, and she was ready then to talk about other things.

I was dreading the day that conversation came up, and was relieved when I was able to get through it as easily as I did. Thank goodness I didn't sell it to someone she didn't know and care so much about! :-) That makes it okay! Thank you for everything you've done these several months. It is sincerely appreciated, and we look forward to returning "home" early next year.

REPLY FROM: Shana G Dec 7 @ 12:48 PM

Oh gosh, I'm glad you were able to tell her but I hate that she cried! It almost makes me cry! He waxed it at least twice a week all summer long and my vehicle had sit outside while it was in the garage!!! One more kind of funny story...he talked Mom into cleaning out her garage so he could park the Mustang in it for the Winter. And....she did it!!!

FROM: Lea Vaughn Dec 7 @ 5:22 PM

Hi, Sandy, Thank you for your very nice eGreeting. Larry always enjoys reading your notes to me. I am sure there have been lots of changes while I've been gone. I feel badly that they affected our area. How is the conversion to the new MSP software working out? Wish I could say I'll be there next week. Unfortunately, it looks like it will be next year before I can return home. They won't send me to a rehabilitation facility back home until all my complications have cleared up. I am hoping to come back to work half days as soon as possible.

Take care! I am thinking of everyone as I spend day number 145 in this hospital room. It is a little more bearable since we received a big box of Christmas tree ornaments from everybody last Monday. I'm told to expect another half of the ornaments later this week. I can't wait!

REPLY FROM: Sandy S Dec 8 @ 10:17 AM

Hello Lea Vaughn.. First of all I like to tell you that I was so surprised to see message from you. I just read few lines and had tears in my eyes so I couldn't read. But I wanted to read so I walked away and went to back room and came back after turning machines on and read the rest. I'm so glad that you can send message to

245 us. It's snowing here and they said it's going to snow about 4-6 inches by tomorrow. About MSP we're ready for it. Let's see what's going to happen when we get to use it.

Mrs. Lea Vaughn you won't believe it, but ever morning when I come to work I mention about you to Rummee everyday. I always tell him that how nice it was our old days with you when I can come and share all my problems with you. You won't believe it when I miss you so much while I'm working and I can still hear you laughing. But only the sad thing is that I can't see you in your cube and I hate to not seeing you. I'm sure it's not easy for you also for being in the hospital. Now, you take care and keep in touch.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 7 @ 11:11 PM

GEEZ, Link! I just read your note to your church family you sent out July 19. You make me weepy eyed! Thank God for the answers to our prayers, huh? I can see Him when I look in your mom's eyes. She is so fragile! Yet, I feel He is giving her back to us, a little at a time. I'm thankful for every moment I get to spend with her, and our prayer at night before I leave her room has become a source of comfort and strength for both of us. Glory to God for His miraculous works! Have a great evening!


FROM: JB Dec 8 @ 12:01 AM

Lea and Larry It's been a while since I have written and I hope you will forgive me. I have had you both on my mind and in my prayers! Kay and I both enjoy the updates and find that what you all are going though and how you are doing, the topic of our conversation at dinner. We have made that Time our 'meeting' time. Kay stays up till four and sleeps till noon. I on the other hand have kept the same hours I always have had. So we are 'together' for dinner at least.

We have talked about coming out and seeing you all. I now have my work done and so can get away when I want, since Kay doesn't work. That's how she got her days and nights mixed up. Lea we are so thankful to hear of your progress. It is wonderful to see how this all unfolds. I hope you are able to keep on this path of recovery and are able to get back home soon. All our best.

FROM: Wallace W Jr Dec 8 @ 7:17 AM

Snapshot from Renee’s wedding, before my camera went south, and then it took a flight across the room....OUCH !!!


FROM: Kathy D Dec 9 @ 8:57 AM

Good afternoon! Hope this finds you feeling ok. Sorry I haven't written in a while but have really been busy. Took Carl to St. Louis yesterday for his arms and the doctor said they are very bad. He has surgury on his left arm Jan.24 in St.Louis Barnes Jewish hospital. He is ready because they are hurting him so bad. I sure hope everything goes good for him and he gets alot of pain relief after the surgury is over. The doctor seems very nice and I hope he is as good as they say. He just can't go on like this because he can't do anything any more with his arms as they hurt him so bad and he can't even raise them hardly at all. The doctor was really surprised that he has gone this long. 246

Took Carol for her kemo Tuesday and she was pretty sick Tuesday night and Wednesday but seem to be a little better yesterday and better today. It usually last about 3 to 4 days after kemo then she is ok. She has 2 more to go now and she will be done with kemo. Then she will start radiation for 6 weeks. She goes daily for that Monday through Friday. They said it will only take 10 minutes each time. I sure hope it goes as well as her kemo has. I'm really happy she is doing as well as she is. Dans leg looks real well also. He said it isn't even sore. So that is good. He goes back the 19 to get the stitches out. He had to have 3 put in.

Boy the weather sure has been cold. I'm glad we didn't have to go to St. Louis yesterday as we got 4 inches of snow and it was pretty slick. Dan left me his truck to take the kids to school because it is 4 wheel drive. Thought they would get out early but it stopped snowing and they didn't. It's suppose to start warming up today and not near as cold at night. I'm sure am glad. It was sure nice talking to you the other day and also Larry. You sure did sound much better then the last time I talked to you. I sure hope everything is going ok for you now. Larry sounded much better also. I know he was pretty sick there for awhile himself. That broncitis is awful especially this time of the year.

I didn't go anywhere yesterday after taking the kids to school. It was nice just to stay home but I also had to get some washing done and things around the house. I was pretty tired after all the running I've done this week. I haven't really done to much this morning but I've got to get busy. Wanted to set down and write you since I had the time. Got to go pick up my medicine pretty soon and run by and check on Carl and Carol. Didn't have the kids this morning like I was suppose to because Grandma Pat stayed with them last night so she got the kids off to school.

Well got to go. You take care of yourself and I hope you are well soon. You are always in my thoughts and prayers and I love you very much. Hugs and kisses to you. The same goes to Larry. Sorry I don't write to you Larry much but want you to know I think of you all the time and pray for you also. I love and miss you to as much as I do Lea. See ya guys! God Bless

FROM: Karen Dec 9 @ 12:59 PM



FROM: Shana G Dec 12 @ 11:45 AM

Hi Guys, Thought you might like to know that your award selection was received. It was good to read the update this morning and see the attached pictures!

FROM: Melissa S Dec 12 @ 10:27 AM

Hello, I am glad to hear all seems to be going well and we still seem to have the expected ups and downs. I do miss you guys terribly and when I talk to someone from the hospital I am always checking in on the 2 of you. I am glad to see that there is a little Christmas being brought into your room to mark this blessed season. It should be nice to see what the stories are about the next set of ornaments that will be forth coming.

I am recovering. It is a slow but forward process and I need to be patient. Yesterday I did a few things and my body was exhausted, so much so I slept for 13 hours. I expect after this week to be pretty much myself by next week so we will see when I go to the doctor next week. On a small scale I can relate to Lea because I am so dependent on others to help me with simple daily tasks. After a while you can't wait to vacum your own house again. Our house is all decorated for the season so it is nice to sit on the couch and admire the beauty of the season. I am thinking and praying for you and hope all continues to go well

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 12 @ 10:40 AM


You are so sweet! Thank you for your words of encouragement for us, and let us say that we are keeping in our prayers that your recovery will be uneventful. We sure have enjoyed knowing you! You have been very special to us, and we look forward to seeing you back "on the floor" right after Christmas. Take care of yourself, and remember to drive your caregivers into a frenzy . . . that's when they really feel needed. :-)

FROM: Pamela Dec 12 @ 10:42 AM

What beautiful pictures!!! I've seen the look (Lea Cruising) on her beautiful face so many times! It was a delight to see! Thank you so very much for sending them with your update! Larry, I love you so much - can't wait to see you both - SOON!

FROM: Roberta H Dec 12 @ 12:43 PM

Thanks so much for the update and the pictures! She looks great and her hands look so pretty in the "tea" picture. You two are so blessed to have each other, I was telling an old Irwin employee today about Lea and how much you two love each other. The sacrifices you have both had to make, and your spiritual strength.

FROM: Mickey C Dec 12 @ 6:15 PM

I loved those pictures. Lea you are beautiful... and well manicured ;-)

FROM: Barb S Dec 12 @ 10:52 PM

Hi! I have a favor to ask of you all. Today I got news that I really didn't want. I have breast cancer. It is the very early stages but none the less, I have some pretty hard decisions to make. So, please say a prayer that I make the right decisions. It's been really hard as we have had so much going on in our family already. Tomorrow I go in for test to see if it is anywhere else in my body. I pray they find nothing but I figured a few more prayers couldn't hurt.


FROM: Dawn W Dec 13 @ 8:27 AM

I am in need of a favor today from everyone. I am asking that a prayer be said for my family today. Yesterday evening, we found out that my Mom, Barb Tate, has breast cancer. She has to go in today for a CT Scan to make sure the cancer is no where else. I believe it is around noon time today when she has to go in for the scan. Thank you and God Bless.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 13 @ 9:58 PM

Aunt Lea and I send our love. We called your mom tonight, and promised to keep her in our prayers. May God be with us through this difficult time.

REPLY FROM: Dawn W Dec 14 @ 8:12 AM

Thank you! I love you guys!!

FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 13 @ 5:29 PM TO: Link, Lance


Look what your mama did today! ☺

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Dec 14 @ 2:16 AM


REPLY FROM: Lance Vaughn Dec 14 @ 11:29 AM

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOMENESS!!!! ☺

FROM: Barb S Dec 14 @ 4:46 PM

Way to go Girl! WOW! How Cool! You must really be proud of yourself! You have come a long way! Hope you keep taking those steps. One at a time. We love you!

FROM: Kim K Dec 14 @ 6:04 PM

Merry Christmas! I'm sorry you can't be home, but very glad you're getting the best care possible. Will your family be able to come out again for the holidays? I'm including a photo of my nephew, Quinn to brighten your day. He'll be here (oh yeah, :) his parents too) next Fri and I can't wait! We're having a slumber party again - I try to slumber while he parties.... We had a lovely blizzard last week that snarled evening traffic for hrs. I think it took Jane and Shana 4 hrs to get home that night. Bet you're glad to have missed that. Guess that's about it. We still miss you bunches!

FROM: Lance Vaughn Dec 14 @ 5:29 PM

FROM: Jean S Dec 14 @ 5:41 PM

GLORY TO GOD...... That is absolutely awesome. And the BEST present that any of us could receive.

FROM: David Vaughn Dec 14 @ 7:51 PM


FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Dec 14 @ 8:23 PM

Glory to his name~!!!!!!!!!!



FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Dec 15 @ 8:41 AM

Praise the Lord!!! What exciting news!!!! This is BIG!!!

FROM: Pamela Dec 15 @ 12:38 PM

Praise God! It just keeps getting better! Praise His Holy Name!

FROM: Marilyn M Dec 15 @ 2:20 PM

This is absolutely superb! Added to the news I've had from other family members today, I am an all time high! Thanks for sharing news of Lea's BIG steps. Merry Christmas!

FROM: Jean S Dec 15 @ 10:57 PM

Good evening, I hope all went well today. I thought I would send you money instead of a gift this year shall I send a check to you in Hartford or to your bank in Atlanta? Let me know, I thought maybe cash-ola would be more useful to you.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 16 @ 11:28 AM

That's very thoughtful! Here, I would guess. Send it to Lea at her hospital room, and mark the envelope for Christmas, and I'll open it on Christmas morning. Love you.


FROM: Terri P Dec 16 @ 12:04 AM

Hi, I think of you when I drive by and see the big "I" with a Santa hat. I thought you might get a chuckle out of it. have two more but will send them one at time to keep the file size down. Sounds like you are making good progress. Just one baby step at a time so it might not seem that way to you. Just keep chipping away at it. Miss you and pray for good things to come your way. I still try to sell the house when ever the opportunity comes up. God Bless.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 17 @ 9:33 PM

Thank you, Terri. Lea enjoyed seeing the logo treatment for Christmas, and asked me to pass on her sincere appreciation for all you have done for us, and to wish you a very Merry Christmas. Warm regards.


FROM: Blake D Dec 17 @ 11:56 PM


Dear Aunt Lea, This is your nephew, Blake. Do you remember me? I sure remember you.. Would you like me to tell you why? It is because every day I can taste your sweet blueberry pancakes, and more than that I remember the sweet way you treated me and everyone else. I loved the Summer last year I got to spend time with you. You probably already heard I liked very much sleeping at your house. The bed was soft and so smooth every time I stayed with you.

I have prayed for you to get well. I hope you are getting plenty of rest. I hope you have a Happy Christmas. I hope to see you this Summer and sleep again in your house. Love You very much.

REPLY FROM: Lea Vaughn Dec 18 @ 11:49 AM

Dearest Blake, Of course I remember you! You are one of the sweetest boys I know. Remember when we went to the circus together? That was a lot of fun, and the trapeze lady was okay, too, right? Thank you for praying for me. Those prayers are working. Every time someone says a prayer for me I feel like I am feeling better. I am now able to get up out of the hospital bed and go visit other places in the hospital. Sometimes I go in the wheelchair with Uncle Larry helping me, and sometimes I try to walk again, with a hospital helper holding me up in a walker. I have been in the hospital a long time, and am really looking forward to getting home again. I hope that you will be able to come visit us this summer, so we can have a nice visit, and you can get some real good rest. Thank you for writing to me. I love you! Merry Christmas.

REPLY FROM: Blake D Dec 18 @ 12:43 PM

Hi Aunt Lea. I'm still at my Aunt Gracie's, I spent the night here so I am writing back to you. Thank you for answering me so quickly, I got to read it! I just saw your picture Uncle Larry sent to my Aunt Gracie's. I told her you are still very pretty. I loved the way Uncle Larry fixed up your room for Christmas. If I would have been there I would have liked to decorate for you too. You do for so many. It is love that made you better, God's love and our love for God and you and Uncle Larry. Thank you for writing back to me. I was very surprised you did! Did you write it yourself or did Uncle Larry type it for you. I tell Aunt Gracie what to say and she types it for me. I did a bit of the typing too. LOVE! YOU! BOTH!

REPLY FROM: Lea Vaughn Dec 18 @ 3:09 PM

Hi Blake, Uncle Larry did the typing for me. I still haven't gotten my hands strong enough to be able to type, and can't even write very well yet. But, I am working on it! I am trying to wrap a Christmas present for one of the nurses here, and am cutting paper, wrapping the paper, and taping the package. It is very hard, and I need to lay down for a rest every once in a while. Thank you again for writing to me. I hope to see you again real soon. Love, Aunt Lea


FROM: Sandy C Dec 18 @ 9:06 PM

Lea--you look so good!!! I love the red lipstick and your nails always put mine to shame!!!! Merry Christmas.

FROM: Melissa S Dec 18 @ 9:33 PM


Hello, I must say this is the best news I have heard all day and it made me cry. What better gift during this holiday season that Lea walking and doing so well, how good is that!! Larry it must give you a new vibe of life inside of you after all these days, she truly is the miracle woman. I wish you all the best of the season and a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to seeing both of you when I hopefully return to work next week.

FROM: Carol B Dec 18 @ 10:18 PM

Lea and Larry, I have read the daily updates and weekly updates, I have printed them and shared , I have forwarded them, I have prayed, I have witnessed Larry's dispare, his strength (where I am sure mine would have faltered), I have cried with him, I have laughed with him, and now Thank God I can rejoice with both of you the holiest of all holidays. How Great our God is to grant the miracles in your lives, but I believe the most important miracle is the network of sharing and praying this has all brought about. I know that God has strengthened many through this witness, I know that some people have turned their lives to God because of this witness.

I am sorry you will not have the Christmas you have had in the past with your friends and family in Indiana, but perhaps in the future this will be such a treasured memory that it will be one of the most special Christmases you have ever shared together. Thank you for sharing your love for each other, your love of God, your belief in the medical professionals that have become your family there, your faith, and your strength. I am so glad to see the recent pictures of Lea...the spark I remember is back in her eyes, the overpowering glow of her smile can be felt just looking at the photos. Merry Christmas.


FROM: Barb S Dec 19 @ 5:11 PM

Merry Christmas! I forgot to tell you I mailed a package on Sat. this week. I sent it 3 day so you should get it Tues or Wed. I am sending one tomorrow also. Hopefully you will get it before Christmas.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 20 @ 12:54 PM

Thank you SO much! Everyone has enjoyed the decorations in our room, saying it is the best decorated room on the floor! You are in our prayers, and in our thoughts. Thank you for all you do.

REPLY FROM: Barb S Dec 20 @ 5:02 PM

No, Thank you! Thank the both of you for being who you are. We love you both very much. A bit of good news for once. The final biopsy results showed the spot was pre-cancer and non invasive! We caught it in time I will still have to have a lumpectomy and radiation for 5 weeks as a precaution since it was pre-cancer. No other cancer was found! Praise God! He does answer prayers if we just ask. My CT scan did show I have a kidney stone and some gall stones. He wanted to know if I had been having any problems. I told him no. He said the surgeon would probably want to talk to me about those too. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted!

FROM: Gary R Dec 19 @ 6:01 PM

UPS was in today trying to deliver a box of apples and pears addressed to you at the B&B . It says they are from JB and Kay, Best of the season. I accepted the delivery, and will be glad to re-address them and send them on to you if you wish. Please advise? P.S. Karen says a short note on Wednesdays would be nice if that's possible. 7 days is a long time to wait for an update.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 20 @ 12:51 PM


Please enjoy the fruit basket as a gift from us. Warmest wishes for a happy holiday season. Thanks for all you do! Merry Christmas!

FROM: Dottie V Dec 19 @ 6:37 PM

I sent you an electronic Christmas Card. Click on the attached link to view it.


FROM: Shana G Dec 20 @ 9:02 AM

Dear Lea and Larry, I hope this message finds both of you in good spirits today. From the latest update, it seems a lot of progress is going on in Hartford Hospital. It is very exciting to see pictures of you up and walking, Lea! You know, early on we would get daily updates that would leave many of us in tears after reading them. Yesterday was the first time I shed some tears in a while, but this time they were tears of joy! The thought of seeing you walk through the ICU where you spent so many days hovering so close to death was overjoying. I can only imagine how the nurses and other staff members felt as they saw you come down the hallway. And, of course, the flower arrangements were simply beautiful. And, I hope you loved Friendly's as much as Sherri, Lou, and I did.

I know that this Christmas is VERY different from what you are use to, and I know how much you love this time of year. We want you to know that you are never far from our thoughts and if there were any way we could be there with you, we would. The gift we are sending is from the entire department, but Diane did most of the work. Everyone sends their love and Christmas just isn't the same at work this year without you.

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Stacey, Steve, and the kids on Christmas Eve. As I look over this past year, one of the things I am most thankful for is that you are on the road to recovery. I am also thankful for the wonderful doctors, nurses, therapists, and other staff members who have taken such wonderful care of you. I know they can't replace your family or friends by any means, but I think this Christmas they will give you lots of love and support in our places. And, I'm confident they will do a great job! Have a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to seeing you soon in the coming year! Lots of Love.

FROM: Melissa S Dec 20 @ 10:48 AM

Hello, Just to let all of you know I went to the doctors this morning. All of my biopsies were completely negative with nothing suspicious!!!!!!!!!. The mass took over 60-70% of my total left thyroid. I have been tired and she suspects that my right side of my thyroid is either not functioning or barely limping my body along. As a result I went for my thyroid blood work and will have the results by Thursday. Because of this I will now not be returning to work until January 2nd. Dr. Fritt's thinking is this will allow me to have a week of thyroid meds in my body and I should notice a difference in a matter of days.

Also at this time I seem to have bronchitis, I have been on antibiotics since last week but today were changed to stronger anitibiotics. She thinks it is not going away because my body is too tired and weak with my thyroid function at this time. My incision looks "prestine" and all I need is some Vitamin E 3 times a day which will help the scar and at the same time help the internal stitches dissolve more evenly and quickly.. Overall, I could not have asked for a better report and I am anxious to get on some meds so I can be my very active self again. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. Happy Holidays to all.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 20 @ 1:04 PM

What wonderful news, Melissa!! Thank you for sharing the news with us. It is an answer to our prayers, and we will be seeing more progress in the next few days, I am sure. Enjoy your time off, and give your body time to heal. If you came to work, you would just be pushing yourself too hard, any way. Get some rest, get well,

253 and we will look forward to seeing you in good health after the holidays. God bless you with peace and comfort during your recovery. Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

FROM: Dawn W Dec 20 @ 3:52 PM

Just wanted everyone to know that when Mom went to her doctor's appointment today regarding her tests last week, she found out that it wasn't cancer. It was pre-cancer. She still has to have some surgery and have radiation for 5 weeks, just to be safe, but there was no other signs of it anywhere else. Thank GOD!! Thank you all for your prayers! Love Always and God Bless you all!

FROM: Barb S Dec 20 @ 5:08 PM

Opps! I got so excited about telling you my news, I forgot to thank you for the gift card. You really didn't have to do it. We know things are pretty tight. Thanks though. We are going to buy something for the house that will make us think of you all every time we look at it.

FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Dec 20 @ 7:26 PM

Thanks again for the pleasant surprise. It was good to visit with both of you - Lea, you sound good. I liked the picture of you outside with the snow and reindeer in the background. It must feel really good to be able to get out. I was going to try and get my tree up this evening, but I think I might wait until the kids get here on Thursday and let them help - or perhaps do it all. I think I could get used to that :-)


FROM: Kim K Dec 21 @ 3:28 PM

Mele Kaliki-maka! The spelling may be "iffy", but that's Merry Christmas in Hawaiian (which you already know). I'm off until the 29th - woo hoo! - and my nephew is coming Fri. so I'm a happy camper! We're having a sleepover Mon nt. Not quite Camp Grandma, but we have fun. Ask Lea to help me think of a good name for it. Camp Aunt just doesn't get it :) We all really miss you and look forward to your return. Have a blessed holiday season!


FROM: Chris W Dec 22 @ 9:33 PM

Hi Larry, Amanda will be stopping by Sunday around 2pm with lunch/dinner. She was more than willing to include two more plates and we would love to bring you and Lea a little more holiday cheer. Ham and Yams so far. I am sure she will be adding a few more favorites. Give Lea my best and I will see you sometime tomorrow.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 22 @ 10:32 PM

Thank you, Chris. That is very thoughtful of you and Amanda. We will be looking forward to seeing you again, and to meeting Amanda. You have been a real blessing to us. Thank you!

FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Dec 22 @ 12:30 PM

Hi Lea - Here's a picture of Lori Plumb. Also the doll clothes I made for Brooke for her birthday.



FROM: Melissa S Dec 23 @ 6:16 PM

Hello Everyone Just wanted to let you all know that I got engaged this afternoon!!! The ring is awesome! Have a nice holiday

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 23 @ 6:32 PM

Congratulations, sweetheart! We couldn't be happier! May God richly bless your union! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

FROM: Joe Stroup Dec 23 @ 6:50 PM

Hi Larry, I would like for you to attach the photo of Pat and I in front of the fireplace that I sent you some time ago. We have people, mostly relation to you and Lea, who write to us checking on me. Many have indicated they would like to meet us one day, so I was hoping that you will distribute that picture so these people will know what we look like.

We checked with the UPS Store on the (missing) Christmas cards that were supposed to be included with the gift we sent, but they could not find them. They were mostly cards from people here in town. I will not try to collect them again. Here is a list of those who gave me cards so you will know, as best I remember: Abe Evans, Murray Dixon, B.J., Robin Emmert, Gary and Karen, C.J. Taylor, Imgarn, The nurses at the Cardio Rehab Unit. I think there were more but I can’t remember. Merry Christmas and Love.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 23 @ 6:52 PM

Hi, Lance, Just wanted to let you know that we received your package from a Senor Whats-ees-name in New Mexico. We won't open it until Christmas . . . except for the peanut brittle and pecans. Thank you! Love you! Merry Christmas!

REPLY FROM: Lance Vaughn Dec 24 @ 3:04 AM

Great! Hopefully you'll receive the second box in the next few days.


FROM: Barb S Dec 24 @ 9:36 AM

Just wanted to wish everyone a very merry Christmas! May your new year be the best ever! LOVE TO ALL!

FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 24 @ 3:13 PM

Merry Christmas! Attached is a link to a fun rendition of the song White Christmas, sent to us by our son, Link. It's really cute! Enjoy! There also is an original Christmas carol written by our son Lance, along with a 255

Christmas story he wrote while in college, celebrating the Christmas traditions in our home. We hope you find them enjoyable, and you are free to share the link with your loved ones. We wish for you a wonderful Christmas Eve, and a wonderful Christmas day with friends and family. Love to all.

REPLY FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Dec 26 @ 2:58 AM

I thank you my precious SON. You are so special and I know the Lord is with you and protecting you. You have always been special and will continue to be. I hope that you will soon be closer and I can hug you. You have a wonderful heart and are kind and loving. The LORD knows and so do I. Take good care of yourself ' you are my only LARRY.

REPLY FROM: Pamela Dec 26 @ 6:46 PM

Thank you!

FROM: Pat W Dec 24 @ 10:32 PM

Merry Christmas!


FROM: Phil V Dec 25 @ 12:10 AM

Larry and Lea, Have a good Christmas together. Thinking back on the past several months, I look at what God has done for you both, in you, and through you and think to myself, Yes, God is good." I pray the blessings of joy, happiness, and health for both of you. God Bless.

FROM: Wes L Dec 25 @ 1:59 AM

Merry Christmas! Just wanted to wish everyone a very merry Christmas & may your new year be what you dream of!!! Health & happiness to all!!!

FROM: Link, Deanna, Lyndi, Megan Vaughn Dec 25 @ 6:13 AM

Merry Christmas!!!

FROM: Jo Ann S Dec 25 @ 11:30 AM

Merry Christmas!

FROM: Carol B Dec 25 @ 3:08 PM


Wishing you the happiest, Holiest Christmas ever and may your New Year be Blessed with health, happiness, and prosperity.


FROM: David Vaughn Dec 26 @ 1:56 AM

Aloha! This is a quick note to thank you for my gift certificate and to let you know how dear you are to us. We give praise to the Lord every day for you and Lea and pray for your return home soon. Love you.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 26 @ 8:40 PM

Lea Photos 3 of 4

REPLY FROM: Pamela Dec 27 @ 12:00 AM

What a beautiful photo - the new hairdo is terrific!!!

REPLY FROM: Sandy C Dec 27 @ 12:37 AM

Love the do!!

FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 26 @ 8:48 PM


FROM: Pamela Dec 27 @ 12:02 PM

Lea looks so determined in the photo of her walking, still beautiful, of course.

FROM: Vicky G, Richard and girls Dec 27 @ 1:50 PM

Merry Christmas! I am remiss about getting out the Christmas Cards so I have attached a copy for your pleasure! For Christmas, we went "home". Yes, to Indiana. I can imagine your longing because I was missing home too. We met with our friends and the kids. It was really wonderful. We saw Bill and Phyllis too. The new 257 house is wonderful, as expected. We talked about you Lea, we all wished for you to be well enough to come home so you can be with all the people who have loved both of you for a long time. This would be good medicine too! I know the people in Hartford have been extraordinary and we are grateful to them for taking care of you but......

We wanted to go to Fletcher's for "our night out" but I don't think Richard wanted to go knowing you are not there. He is funny about these things, who would think he is so emotional but he is! I wanted to share some thoughts that came into my mind while I was at Mass. I was praying for both of you ( you were in the prayer book so God's ears must be burning!) Christmas is a time to renew. A time of the year when past issues or misunderstanding can be forgiven and relationships renewed. A moment when you take the time to tell other people that you care about, how you feel about them, miss them, and are thinking about them even if life gets in the way the other 364 days a year. Your love for your family is renewed because you see your husband, your children through the love God has blessed us with. The reason for the season is the click slogan but true. We are renewed with the precious gift of love. Jesus was that gift.

Both of you are in renewal too. I can imagine how you may mourn the past but this is the new. Your body is renewing itself after everything you have gone thru. You are in the "tweaking phase", trying to get things to peak performance. It can be hard. (remember the roller coaster) But you have the renewed love of everyone around you. Larry has renewed his love for you. This has been the source of comfort to all of us. We all asked questions like "Could I do what Larry has done?" I have heard some people say, "NO, I could never!" But then when you think, " This is the person I most treasure in the world and they need me" The answer gets simpler. I wrote in Richard's card that I was just happy to be here and write a card! Simple, but so true. Lea, we are both here, not the same people we were but renewed. Amen for that! Our love to you this Christmas!

FROM: Roberta H Dec 27 @ 3:28 PM

I loved the pictures-Lea looks great! You too have a Merry Christmas all year! I had my family over as I have now for the last 18 years, Dave did stop by for a bit and visited with my folks. Everyone is on great terms and, unfortunately the only thing is Dave tends to get sad and has to leave. We have been divorced for 4 1/2 years now, but I know he still hasn't forgiven himself for leaving even though he knows I forgave him a long time ago. I know I am blessed to have my family and people who care. I'm sure you and Lea know that better than just about anyone by now! Take care and know that you guys are still in my daily prayers.


FROM: David G Dec 28 @ 4:29 PM

Hi Larry, Happy New Year. Following my period of working with DBM I have indeed joined a start-up venture called Abla-Tx Inc. We raised initial seed money from two VC firms, both with experience in the biomed/biotech area and are moving forward with a small team. Thanks for the many hints and ideas you presented in your Webinars. Hopefully I will remember them, or at least return to your site for the many links contained therein. I am sure they will come in handy. Best regards.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Dec 28 @ 10:59 PM

Thank you for the nice note, David. It is very gratifying to learn that you are able to go ahead with your venture. I wish you the very best of success and hope you'll keep in touch from time to time.


FROM: Barb S Dec 29 @ 8:43 PM

Hi! Well, It's over. I had my surgery today. They think they got it all. It's isn't a real big place. I was lucky since we caught it in the pre-cancer stage and the lymph nodes weren't an issue. I go back to the doctor in a

258 week for a checkup. He was sure there would be no problems. Thanks to all of you who kept me in your prayers. I am glad it is over though. Love you all.


FROM: Pamela Dec 30 @ 4:04 AM

I don't know how I missed this update, but I did! It's a beautiful picture on your Christmas card, thank you for sending it ! Glad to hear (in your later update) that you had a nice Christmas day and that your new "Family" didn't forget you on such an important day for everyone who loves Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. We still think of you every day, prayers for your well being are the first words lifted each time we pray. How I wish we could have stopped by, but am so thankful that others were able to. We continue to look forward to the day you're able to return to Indiana, wherever it may be.


FROM: Donna N Dec 31 @ 5:29 AM

To all our friends and family!!! We wish the very best of everything each and every one of you!!

FROM: Jean S Dec 31 @ 10:27 AM

Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! I really miss your daily updates, but am so thankful to God that you were able to discontinue them cuz Lea is improving. It is really exciting and empowering to know God loves us so much. May God richly bless you in 2006, with continued improvements for Lea and good health for you. I love you.


FROM: Karen Jan 1 @ 8:16 AM

Hi, this is a wonderful wish for everyone. We took a step backwards yesterday, my brother Bill Sjoken fell and broke his left hip, the one that he just had bypass surgery on a few weeks ago, but he will be fine, we are kicking up the prayers for him right now and wishing him a speedy recovery, he was close to getting out of rehab, learning to walk with the walker real well and then we had this mishap yesterday, but it is only a setback, he will be up and going real soon again.

FROM: Donna N Jan 1 @ 6:38 PM

Larry, My Palm seems to have lost Lea's address! ( Isn't it great we have electronic scapegoats! :-) ) Could you please e-mail it to me again? Thank you and we wish you and Lea "The Best" for the New Year!


FROM: Barb S Jan 2 @ 11:02 AM

Happy New Year's!!!!!! Well, we made it to the new year! Hopefully this will be a better time for our families! 2005 seemed to be a really rough year. Things are already looking up for 2006. Lea is getting better every day, my cancer ended up being pre-cancer and was caught early enough, I will hardly have a scar! God has

259 truly been with us! We will have lots to celebrate once everyone has recooped! Can't wait until we can all be together.

We had a nice New Year's Eve with Den and Kellie and Kat and Dan. We played "Screw your Neighbor" Caitlin even got in on the act. Dawn has Strep! Tyler was at his mom's and Troy was babysitting Dawn. Well, just wanted to wish you all the best for the new year and to let you know we are thinking of you and praying for our families that this year will be a better year for us.

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Jan 2 @ 1:58 PM

Barb - Happy New Year to you as well. Thank God for His mercy and grace that has been shown to our family this year. Also, for the reminder of how important the love and support of family is! May this year be a blessed one for you, Larry D and family.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 2 @ 2:12 PM

Happy New Year to you, too, Barb. What wonderful blessings we have had! May God continue to remind us that we need to lean on Him, and then bless us with His gracious love! Love to all.

FROM: Mag Z Jan 2 @ 1:23 PM

Hello, I was reading an old Catholic weekly newspaper and ran across this. I thought it might help. There was a priest in our dioceses who was dying of cancer. He wanted to share the lessons of his life and dying. There were a few articles written with his permission. The following was in one article: And yet he did experience times when all forms of prayer were difficult. This was especially true in the days in the hospital following his recovery from surgery last fall.

He recalled how his experience was similar to that of the late Cardinal Joseph Bernadin, who, like Father Borders, also died of cancer. In his book, The Gift of Peace, Cardinal Bernadin advised his readers to pray while they were healthy because it can be physically and psychologically difficult to pray when they are sick. "My prayer was dry in the hospital. Silent Prayer just didn't seem satisfying at all," Father Borders said. "I didn't want to. That's where I totally agree with Cardinal Bernardin. I didn't want to pray." So I thought yours and Lea's prayers may get easier as time goes on.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 2 @ 2:07 PM

FROM: Marilyn M Jan 2 @ 7:04 PM

Love the polish! I think it is the color I have on this week!


FROM: Abe E Jan 3 @ 5:46 PM 260

Greetings and all that. Lea looks great and I am looking forward to seeing both of you in person soon. Nothing scheduled (for the town council) that I know of. Still looking for a replacement for Murray. Want the position via email? I know a few people in that area and everyone has declined. Not a good sign. later my friend

FROM: Marjorie Vaughn Jan 3 @ 11:32 AM

I guess you really have the snow from what I see on the weather map. I called Lea and the nurses were changing the bandages...She sure sounds great and I can hear her voice getting excited about coming home. So how are you keeping up?? I love you MY SON. Your Mother Hugs and Kisses

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 4 @ 12:54 PM

I think we got two inches of snow here in Hartford, although other areas around us got as much as ten! We've been really lucky here .. this is only the second snowfall this year, and it has been lots warmer here than back in the midwest! Dr Mah is beginning to make noises about sending us home again . . . maybe early next week. We'll see!

FROM: Larry Vaughn TO: Link & Lance Jan 3 @ 9:36 PM

According to your Mom, Dr Mah said that our next step is to go home; that physical therapy is not an option here in Hartford, because mom is doing so well. I haven't been able to get a date, except that she feels it could be as early as next week! I didn't see Dr Mah today, and may not see him during the week, since I have started doing classes again. I talked to the mid-level, who said she would try to give me as much advance notice as possible, but that it could only two or three days warning if we transfer. The case coordinator is checking into short-stay rehabilitation programs in Indiana. If there isn't any for which mom is qualified, we will have to fly at our own expense to get back home.

Whenever mom gets released by the doctor in Indiana, she wants to go back to work at Irwin, at least until fired, but certainly long enough to get her benefits started again. She is soon going to be well enough to drive, so I guess she will need her car. We don't know whether she will need a walker or a cane, but it seems like a wheelchair is only going to be a backup device for her. I will have to do some shuffling to handle my work issues, as the company has replaced their laptops with desktops, and they want the laptop I have returned ASAP. The replacement desktop is still sitting in Atlanta in the box in which it was shipped. I have to get mobile as much as possible, rather than having to run back and forth to a fixed office.

So I am going to look for a used laptop to bridge the gap, and get wireless Internet, which the company will pay for. That will make it much easier for me to do sessions from where ever we happen to be. Lance's company has some used units that may be a good fit for what I am going to need, so I will look for more info from him on those tomorrow. Meanwhile, I am going to get things started on the wireless capability tomorrow.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Jan 3 @ 9:48 PM

All hands report to stations!


FROM: David Vaughn Jan 4 @ 3:38 AM


Great news! I do have some reservations about the proposed solutions, but I'll wait to hear the facts. I think it is critical that you get to talk to Dr. Mah as this is too important to hear 2nd hand. How about asking for a family conference call? Let's talk specifics about the arrangements in Indiana when we know more. Dottie and I are willing to help, but I don't think this is a time for unilateral decisions until we know all the facts and all the dates. I know you are anxious to get home, but let's take it a step at a time. Of course, that is only an opinion and I'll defer to what you decide. Love and greatest thanksgiving for this wonderful blessing. I give God ALL the glory.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 4 @ 5:34 PM

Just talked to Dr Mah. She can go home next week! There are some conditions . . .

1. She needs to be close enough to go to Dr Miller very regularly for some period of time; 2. Must be in an apartment or house (or Inn) with ground floor stuff, a kitchen, 3. Ability to eat between meal snacks, 4. 3-in-one commode, 5. Rolling walker, 6. Regular abdominal wound bandage changes every six hours, 7. Will have to go to Outpatient Rehabilitation for some period of time, 8. Will have to have a surgeon monitoring her progress.

He also said that it will be some time before she can drive . . . occupational therapy will give her a release to drive when the time is right. He doesn't think it will be too long. Insurance will not pay for travel back to Indy. Insurance will not pay for bandages and supplies needed for her changes, and we will need a lot. Dr Mah is going to give me a list so I can buy the right stuff at the pharmacy when we get home, and will give me enough to do one or two changes between when we arrive and when we get to where ever we go.

I am to get on line and buy airline tickets for Wednesday or Thursday of next week, and let Janet Vernacki, case coordinator, know, so she can coordinate the discharge, records to be sent to Dr Miller, etc. I am ready to order my wireless Internet, but need to know if that is what needs to be done. Wireless will work in the Indy area, but not in Hannibal, and I haven't had a chance to look at Kona. Things are moving fast. What are the thoughts?

REPLY FROM: David Vaughn Jan 4 @ 7:19 PM

I think a family conference is the best step at this point. Your note raises many questions and email is the worst form of effective communication. I think we MUST find the least cost effective solution that ensures the trip back to Indiana and the first week there places the least amount of stress and anxiety on Lea. Throwing money at the issues is exactly the wrong approach as we have to be cognizant of the immediate financial impacts of relocation.

Mom has offered her place as an immediately available temporary location. She would stay elsewhere. Is that an acceptable option? Short term medical assistance venues in Noblesville are: Harbour Manor Care Center and The Lodge Assisted Living, both in Noblesville. In this case, asking a travel agent or Mercy flights might be better than spending time trying to find a cheap internet fare. If we divide and utilize time zone differences, we might gain valuable insight immediately.

The NATIONAL PATIENT TRAVEL HELPLINE provides information about all forms of charitable, long- distance medical air transportation and provides referrals to all appropriate sources of help available in the national charitable medical air transportation network. is provided as a service of Mercy Medical Airlift (MMA), a national charity. MMA's support comes from charitable giving by individuals, corporations, foundations, churches, civic clubs, the Combined Federal Campaign and designated gifts given through the many United Way Campaigns.


I have Terri P looking for immediately available rental properties that meet Dr. Mah's criteria. I expect that will take a day or so, but she has already identified 2 potential properties. Lou Pierce has agreed to go look at them. Other than that, I don't have any ideas. Love you.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 4 @ 7:36 pm

I found unexpectedly inexpensive tickets available for next week, and have booked the flight, with Dr Mah’s approval. Here is the flight schedule: Passenger(s): Larry & Lea Vaughn, Wednesday, January 11, Flight # 349; from Hartford CT to Charlotte NC. 8:20 AM EST, Arrival (CLT): January 11, 10:21 AM EST. Segment 2: Charlotte Douglas (CLT) to Indianapolis International (IND) Arrival (IND): January 11, 12:53 PM.

FROM: Dave Vaughn Jan 4 @ 5:16 PM

Aloha Bro. We have been making your insurance payments from October through January. These payments were normally done on payroll deduction from Lea's salary. Since she is now receiving long term disability payments, the payments need to be made "manually" until Lea returns to work and the automatic deduction begin again. The next payment due is February 1st. You can pay $195.00 for the month due on the first of each month, or $97.50 due on the 1st and 15th of each month. It is up to you, but it must be done to ensure the insurance coverage does not lapse. The check should be made payable to Irwin Mortgage Corporation, with notation for Lea's insurance. Obviously, if you do this on your automated payment schedule, you might need to get additional details. Lou Pierce has offered to assist if any help is needed.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 4 @ 8:40 PM

OK. My checking account has been set up to automatically disburse $195 on the 20th of each month to Irwin, starting with the first payment 1/20. That's done, and we don't have to worry about it. Thanks again, for all you do.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 4 @ 7:32 PM

Don't know where we're going when we get there, but here we come (God willing!) YAA-HOO-O-O!!!!!

REPLY FROM: Link Vaughn Jan 4 @ 7:57 PM

AWESOME! So did you get the seats for $69 + taxes and fees?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 4 @ 8:25 PM

Yes, thanks! They had this flight, which has cabin-walk-in, which mom can do. There wasn't any way she would survive being carried up steps on those little puddle jumpers. (I saw them do that with Pauline on one of our trips to Florida, and she cried the whole time. Not an option for mom!)


FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Jan 5 @ 7:22 AM

Need someone to pick you up at the airport? I can arrange it!! Also, there's a couple of spare rooms at my house if you need them.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 5 @ 11:27 AM


Yes! We would appreciate it if you could pick us up. Lea will be worn out, and we will need to get to mom's fairly straight away, because Lea will need a dressing change by then. We will have very little luggage . . a couple of carry-ons, as it stands now. Will let you know if that changes. Thanks for all you do

REPLY FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Jan 5 @ 1:08 pm

What?? You mean Lea and I can't go to Kohl's on the way? Just kidding. I will be there with bells on. I am so excited!!! Do I need to bring anything - pillows, perhaps a blanket? I have plenty of spares. Or anything else you can think of. If anything changes in the way of housing between now and next week, you are welcome to stay at my house. Proven by Bob to be easily accessible for any type of equipment.

FROM: Shana G Jan 5 @ 10:28 AM

Good Morning, Lea and Larry, Oh my gosh... I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was to hear you're coming home!!! Lou e-mailed this morning and I'm glad she did because I didn't check my e-mail at home last night. I've had a bout of Vertigo and went to bed a little after 7:00 PM last night. Anyway, my whole day was made with this news. If there is anything you guys need me to do to help prepare for your arrival, please don't hesitate to ask.

I talked to Mom this morning and she says if you feel like you need a place to gather yourself or crash for the evening next Wednesday, she would be more than happy to have you stop at her house. You know she is right around the corner from the airport. Just something to keep in the back of your minds. I know you will be anxious to get "home". I've been meaning to give you a call, so I plan on doing so in the next couple of days. Meanwhile, know that I am just tickled to death with this news and please, please, please don't hesitate to ask if there is anything I can help with for your return. Lots of Love.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 5 @ 12:53 PM

Hi, Lou, I need to get a bedside commode to mom's house for Lea's arrival next Wednesday. The model we have used here at the hospital is an "Invacare 9630-1" All-In-One. It is a commode, toilet seat riser, and shower chair in one. It is available from several medical supply places in Indianapolis and Fishers, but I doubt any of them will deliver it to mom's for us. Would you be able to pick one up for us? There are suppliers on line, but none that I could contact had express shipping available, and wouldn't guarantee me that it would arrive by next Wednesday. The retail price is listed from $57 to $105. If you could pick one up for us, I will reimburse you with cash when we arrive.

FROM: Aly A Jan 5 @ 1:24 PM

Hi Larry, Please add me to your list if you get a chance. You are both in my ongoing prayers.

FROM: Michelle M-B Jan 5 @ 2:20 PM

Dear Larry and Lea, I am looking forward to visiting with you and sharing Communion. Because my scary cough has returned (the one that hits me unexpectedly and sounds worse than I hope it is), I will have to come by sometime after my short trip to Florida (the 12th to the 17th). Thank you for your prayers for my niece Melissa- we think she may be doing better and getting some more family support. Please continue to pray for Donna, my mother-in-law in Florida. We are heading down with the children to visit since she has been in the hospital four times in the last month with heart difficulties. As I am sure you know, each new year is a new opportunity. God bless and strengthen you both. Peace.

FROM: Barb S Jan 5 @ 3:07 PM


Hi! How Cool! Finally! So what happened to rehab? Did you find a hospital that would finally take you?

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 5 @ 6:09 PM

Nope, she's too well to go to another hospital. She will be going home, and to outpatient rehab. We are going to the doctor Thursday, after we return on Wednesday to see what he thinks about rehab, etc.

REPLY FROM: Barb S Jan 5 @ 6:32 PM

How Great! It has been a long time coming. Everyone is anxious to see her. Dawn is really anxious. She wants to come and spend their birthdays together.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 5 @ 6:27 PM

Lea says, "Aw-w-w-w! That'd be nice!"

REPLY FROM: Barb S Jan 5 @ 6:45 PM

We are so excited! I'll give you a call a little later. We love you both!


FROM: Pamela Jan 6 @ 1:43 PM

I have plenty of room, but the commute for Rehab would be a bummer!!! ;-)

FROM: Lance Vaughn Jan 6 @ 1:46 PM

Mom and Dad will be staying with Lou Pierce for a few days. She has room and all the required amenities.

FROM: Link Vaughn Jan 6 @ 1:49 PM

Talked to M&D this morning... They will be staying at Grandmother's... Lou's place does not meet their geographical preferences . . . too far from Dr Miller.


From: Barb S Jan 8 @ 9:07 pm

Hi! The Big Day is getting closer! We are all really excited for you all. Larry D has been trying to plan a trip but he is going to have to wait until Wed. when I find out more about when my radiation will be. (Man! we are sure all getting old! We all need replacement parts! LOL)

Went over to help Miss Caitlin with her room yesterday. What a mess! Their rooms are just too little for all the things they have! I am glad I don't live with them! It would drive me nuts! Larry got his retirement present from BASF. He got to choose from a number of things. We ended up choosing a Sony Handycam. It takes still and video pics. It's really nice. Well better go. Hear Larry D moving around upstairs. He went to get himself some ice cream. Love you both.



FROM: Marilyn M Jan 9 @ 11:28 AM

Larry, what good news. I know you have already requested wheel chair assistance, but one thing I have learned to do is go immediately to the ticket counter and see if the bulkhead seats are assigned. Most airlines leave these until the last moment for clients who may need more room. Of course, if you are flying first class, that's all the better! Best wishes

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 6 @ 7:29 PM

Kathryn, Excellent! Yes, thank you for your instant message offering to sub for me on my entrepreneurial classes next week! Hope things are well.

REPLY FROM: Kathryn B Jan 9 @ 4:33 PM

My pleasure, Larry - glad I could help make life easier at least in one very small way. All the best to you both.

FROM: Susan G Jan 9 @ 8:38 PM

Hi Larry, My name is Susan G and I am Shana G's sister. Tonight Shan emailed me your latest update on Lea. I must admit that I was moved to tears as I read about how you admired Lea and you could see in her the angel that you married many years ago. I loved your testimony to God's glory, too. We do serve an awesome God, don't we? By any chance do you remember if you and Lea received the Christmas card that I sent? It had either a picture of our baby, Nicholas, or a picture of the three of us in it. I sent it to Lea's old room number and hoped that it would forwarded. No worries if it did not arrive, I was curious. I hear that you and Lea are returning home on Wednesday. Praise God! I will keep you in my prayers as you prepare to return to your long awaited home. Take care and my love to Lea.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 9 @ 8:49 PM

We did receive the card . . . one of each of the pictures, as a matter of fact. Thank you for thinking of us during the holiday season, and we look forward to being able to be with friends and family again very soon.

REPLY FROM: Susan G Jan 9 @ 8:50 PM

Excellent. Take care of yourselves. :-)

FROM: JTW Jan 9 @ 9:09 AM

Larry & Lea, It is so Great! To hear this news. Addie and I have prayed for you and tried to follow your e-mails very close and can only imagine how it has been for you both. Our Love for you both has been beyond compare. It's unfortunate that we have not been able to visit you more as being with you two has always been a plus, plus one for us. So happy to hear you are going home! God's speed and prayers. Be safe and get well. Our Love and Happiness to you both.

FROM: Aly A Jan 9 @ 1:18 PM


Thank you so much for the update Larry. Lea has been on my daily prayers list along with others close to me who are struggling through challenging times.

FROM: Pamela Jan 9 @ 11:34 PM

FYI - this is from Jerry, our Pastor at FCC, Wilmington.

------Original Message------

From: Pastor Jerry Jan 9 @ 1:14 PM

That's great news. I feel almost kin to them by now. I mean, after all, we are all Hoosiers! Hopefully we can actually meet at some point. They have been and still are an inspiration. Be sure we will be praying for a safe and uneventful trip. I am glad to see that she is able to regain a nutritious diet of FRIED chicken and FRENCH FRIES!

----- Original Message -----

FROM: Pamela Jan 9 @ 12:25 PM

The long awaited news is here - they come home (to Indiana) on Wednesday - it will be a long day! Please pass along our family request for prayer support for a safe, uneventful trip for both Larry and Lea!


FROM: Raymond B Jan 10 @ 12:07 PM

What an absolutely wonderful miraculous recovery. Your daily and weekly testimonies have been been both heart warming and heart wrenching, yet constant reminders of how precious every day really is. May you and your family have a much deserved and Blessed 2006.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 10 @ 12:44 PM

Thank you, Raymond, for all you and Janie do to assist us. Best wishes for the coming year!

FROM: Barb S Jan 10 @ 3:35 PM

Was going to call and wish you a safe trip but Kat called and said how tired you were and what a big day you had. So, I'll just say a prayer that you have a safe trip and we'll talk to you when you get home.


FROM: Lance Vaughn Jan 11 @ 2:00 PM

Lea and Larry have landed in Indiana!!! Hallelujah! Mom is a little tired, but feels fine!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!

REPLY FROM: Pamela Jan 11 @ 2:21 PM


Yes, praise be to God!

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 11 @ 6:20 PM

Lance, Didn't know whether you sent the note out to others on the Lea Distribution List #2, but, if not, would you, please? That list contains most of the folks at Hartford Hospital. Endearments and embraces.


FROM: David Vaughn Jan 12 @ 10:12 AM

The following came to me today through my daily Bible readings and I have something below to share with you as we all celebrate the return home of Larry and Lea. “You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. -- Galatians 3:26-29

As I have been driving up Queen Kaahumanu in the early mornings, I have been struck by the vision of God's creations here on earth. I don't know that this song is original, but it has been placed in my mind with a tune that I can't seem to shake. Since I am neither a song writer nor a singer, I wonder if anyone recognizes the lyrics. I'm thinking it might be chorus to a more sophisticated song. I'm hoping I won't be inspired to embarrass myself any further by sharing it with you and the Bible verses in Isaiah 2:19 and Deuteronomy 28:1, which Mom and I discussed yesterday morning. It is possible that, like Turkey in the Straw, the words are entirely different. The phrase in these verses makes me think the song lyrics MIGHT be The glory of His Majesty, but here is what has been drumming in my mind:

The Majesty of His Majesty is there for all to see. The Majesty of His Majesty waits for you and me. The Majesty of His Majesty promises Eternal Life. The Majesty of His Majesty answers all our strife.

The Majesty of His Majesty is Yours, don't you see? The Majesty of His Majesty will set your life free. The Majesty of His Majesty is Grace, without bound. The Majesty of His Majesty is the Love that I have found.

FROM: Sherri S Jan 12 @ 6:17 PM

Larry and Lea, WELCOME HOME! I am thrilled that you made it here safe and sound. I would like to 1) come visit Lea whenever she is up to it, and 2) offer my services to transport her to any appointments she may have - physical or occupational therapy, etc - if that is needed. Let me hear from you... I am anxious to see you.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 12 @ 8:55 PM

Hi, Sherry. Thanks for the note! Does this mean we won't be getting any more of those newsy letters!? :-) I used to really enjoy reading those to Lea! She will be doing quite a bit of resting in the next few weeks, so she should be pretty easy to catch when you're free to come for a visit. Today we are at my mom's apartment, but I am going to go look at an assisted living apartment near Riverview Hospital. There is one open that we can move into this coming weekend, and I'm thinking that might be just right for us. We'll see how that works out. Meanwhile, you can reach us on my cell phone or hers (which she doesn't use very much, but will use more often in the months ahead.) Thanks again for everything!


FROM: David Vaughn


12:14 @ 10:58 AM

Larry, Please make sure that Terri P understands EXACTLY what unit you want, what you need to move and when you want to move to temporary housing. ASAP, please. Love ya Bro! Check out today's Bible quote. HE gets ALL the glory. (and His smile is shining on Terri!)

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 14 @ 1:05 PM

I told her that we would wait for the studio apartment, which should be ready Sunday or Monday. I'm afraid two moves in two days would be too much for Lea. She still needs more rest than activity. She doesn't feel strong enough yet to go to Atlanta to find out where things are, but would rather get what we need elsewhere for the time being. Lova ya back!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows-James 1:17.

FROM: Sherri S Jan 14 @ 12:29 PM

Larry, I found (the protein drink Lea needs) at (a pharmacy) close to me. I will bring some the next time I visit.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 14 @ 1:01 PM

Wonderful! Thanks! I'll check the (pharmacy) in this area, too. We will probably are going to move to an Assisted Living studio apartment in Noblesville, IN Sunday or Monday. We will be there for about a month, and then move to our new house in mid-February. We went and looked at both yesterday, and approved both, so we are pretty well set. Come up any time you have a few minutes. I know she'd love visiting more. Soon she'll want to go out for short shopping jaunts.

REPLY FROM: Sherri S Jan 14 @ 1:50 PM

Larry, We can help with the move, if you need us. Sunday, I could come (sorry, game commitment for Jim and boys) - Monday, we could all come and pitch in. It is a school holiday, so the boys are available and are pretty strong - and they all said they would be happy to help. Let us know - we'd love to help but don't want to descend on you all and overwhelm! :-)

FROM: Terri P Jan 14 @ 2:48 PM

Larry, Pictures from yesterday looking at temp housing. House pictures to follow.

Auburn Street house:

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 14 @ 9:40 PM


Dave, Mom said you were curious about the prayer blanket/prayer shawl ministries. If you search on Google for Christian Prayer Blanket Shawl, you will get lots of hits like the one below. If you search for Prayer Shawl on Yahoo you will get lots of hits to the Jewish Talis or Tallit, historical biblical garments worn by Jews for religious activities. The link “” is nice, because it states the Christian use of the prayer blanket or shawl in a very short blurb. A search in Google for "prayer shawl blanket ministry" returns excellent results on this growing type ministry.

I can tell you that when I reverently placed the prayer blanket and prayer shawl on Lea while she was still in a coma, I was thinking of the large number of pray-ers who had prayed on her behalf as the garment was created, and I could feel the heartfelt emotions flowing through me. I certainly received a blessing from it, and I think Lea did, too. It is wonderful to think of the loving folks who dedicated them to Lea's healing, and they keep Lea warm when she gets chilly. :-) Love ya.

REPLY FROM: David Vaughn Jan 15 @ 11:51 PM

I appreciate both the discussion, the insight and the effort to share this with me. My point is not that people can't be comforted by the use of such things, but that, unlike Baptism or a directive to become part of a local church, for example, the Bible doesn't say that is something we should do. One cite in the Bible references that Paul was said to have used it for those who were shaky in their beliefs and needed guidance. In terms of the Gospel, a prayer is enough ... a blanket or shawl is simply a blanket or a shawl. As always, I am willing to be persuaded differently, I'm just looking for the chapter/verse ... not someone's interpretation of the meaning.


FROM: Melissa S Jan 15 @ 9:12 PM

Hello, Just wanted to touch base and see how the trip back to Indiana was going, how Lea is feeling and how all are doing and going in Indiana. We are all thinking of you.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 16 @ 1:34 AM

We are doing well, sweetheart. Thank you for dropping us a line. We feel like we have left our WHOLE family behind!! We miss you all. Come SEE us! In His Love.


FROM: Terri P Jan 16 @ 9:46 AM

Larry, The Garden home will be ready for you today. Let me know if you need help getting it set up. I could take you to storage and help get what you need and set it up before you move over. I will give you a call in an hour or so. I did not want to wake anyone unnecessarily today. They will put two twin beds and two comfortable chairs in for you.

Here are a few things you will need: sheets for twin beds (2 twins), blankets, towels, toiletries, laundry soap (you will have a washer and dryer), dishes, utensils, pots and pans, Food! (You can also use the dining room for meals) $6.50 per meal is my understanding

FROM: Ruth Z, Hartford Hospital Jan 16 @ 9:46 AM

Here are the Bliss 9E Pictures I promised from the going away party. I hope you are both doing well.


FROM: Shana G Jan 16 @ 12:30 PM

Hey, you two, How's it going. I sure did enjoy all the pictures attached to the update! Lea, you look great!! It is so good to have you back here in Indiana. I figured this weekend would be a pretty big weekend for you, so I didn't call to check on you or anything. However, Mom and Gary would like to come (with me) to visit maybe later this week. I am off (suppose to be, anyway) after today, so we were thinking maybe Thursday. I'll give you a call tomorrow to see how it looks.

I also wanted you to see the notification we got last week about the (Irwin Mortgage) employee appreciation lunch on the 25th. If you are interested in going, I would be happy to pick you up and bring you home. Again, I am off that day so it wouldn't be a problem. I better get back to work, so I'll talk to you later. PS--I'm attaching a couple of responses I received when I sent an e-mail letting everyone know you made it home safely. Thought you might get a chuckle out of the first one!

------Forwarded Message------Shana, good news indeed. Thanks for sharing that with us. Pl. say hello to her for the all of us. I look forward to hearing from and seeing her. Duncan ------Forwarded Message------Shana, I would love to be able to meet Lea. She is a lady that God has his hand on and it would just be an honor to meet her knowing that God is guiding her thru the path of life thru his work. Vanessa J. Hartz

------Original Message------FROM: Bob G Dec 23 @ 11:27 AM Subject: SAVE THIS DATE!

On January 25, 2006, Irwin Mortgage will host a special employee appreciation event at Oak Hill Mansion. From 11 am to 2 pm, you'll be treated to a buffet lunch, entertainment, a prize raffle, and my brief preview of the year ahead. Fun. Free. Informative. See you there.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 17 @ 10:05 AM

Thanks, Shana. We hope to get into our assisted living apartment sometime today (Tuesday), and will let you know the address when I know it. Meanwhile, our cell phones are the best means of contact, though she doesn't have hers on most of the time.

FROM: Joni J Jan 16 @ 10:04 AM

WELCOME HOME!!! So glad to hear that you've made it safe and sound!! As I finished reading the update this morning, I'm an emotional wreck! (Not that that's too hard to do 9 months pregnant!! hehee) Even after following along since the beginning of your updates, your last paragraph really sums up the reality of the whole ordeal. Absolutely eye opening! THANK YOU, LORD, FOR being a part of 5%!! You guys have always had such a special place in my heart, since I was just a little girl. I'm so glad to have been a part to see Lea's progress and the blessings you've received.

REPLY FROM: Aly A Jan 16 @ 1:55 PM


Thanks Larry, this is wonderful!

REPLY FROM: Kim P, HH Jan 16 @ 8:55 PM

Hello Lea and Larry, Congratulations, your home! I am so glad to see that you guys are doing wonderful. It's not the same without you guys around. I caught myself on Friday going over to visit you and you weren't there! However, I am excited that you guys finally made it home. There is really nothing new here in Hartford, this is my first week going part time at HH, 24 hours, two 12 hour shifts a week! I start school on Thursday, I am just waiting for my textbooks to arrive in the mail. Thank you for all the great pictures you sent this week, its nice to have pictures of people you work with. Keep in touch and I am glad everything is working out.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 17 @ 10:00 AM

Thanks, Kim. It seems so strange to be back "out in the world!" Lea continues to do well, and we are hoping we will get into our assisted living apartment today (Tuesday). We are living with my mom in a three room apratment temporarily, close to the hospital and Dr Miller, our family physician. Best of luck with your schooling.

REPLY FROM: Michele R Jan 19 @ 8:37 PM

The pictures of the house look great. I hope you enjoy your new house. My therapy is going fine it took an hour to get the PICC line in when it should of only took 10-15minutes my vein kept spasming and the Dr. kept shoving the line in my collapsed vein. It was a horrible procedure. I honestly feel a little less congested but as for my shortness of breath I feel no change. I will see what the pulmonary function tests show on the 30th of January. happy to hear Lea is doing great. She will probably will progress even faster since she's home. Take Care good luck with everything.

FROM: Mickey C Jan 16 @ 12:42 PM

It is so good to have you back home safely! I'm very happy for both of you and your family. This has been such an ordeal, and it looks like you are on the downhill side now. I can't wait to see you both. Take care, and let us know your new address. WooHoo!!!

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 17 @ 10:03 AM

Thank you, Mickey! It was so nice to receive your notes while she was in the hospital, and I know she is hoping to build her strength enough to get to see everyone soon. Best wishes.

FROM: Rachelle M Jan 16 @ 3:00 PM

Please remove me from the mailing list. But I want to Welcome Lea home and say you have been in my thoughts over the past month. I am so Happy you have come HOME> Good Luck in your recovery

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 17 @ !0:02 AM

Wiil do, Rachelle. Thanks for the support over those difficult months!

FROM: Jen H, HH Occupational Therapy Jan 16 @ 4:23 PM

272 glad you guys arrived safely, it was a pleasure to work with both of you. wish you continued success in indy, i guess the colts won't be successful. you can remove my name from your weekly update as kate informs me and i read them at work with her. the new place looks very nice and will be easy for lea to move around in .


FROM: Roxanna H Jan 17 @ 11:50 AM

Hi Larry. How are you guys doing by now? Thanks so much for the pictures. Lea looks great and so do you. Where are you living? This looks like our home. Were they built by Property Group One? Let me know when you are coming our way. Take care.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 17 @ 2:30 PM

We are in the process of moving into an Assisted Living community west of Noblesville today. Lea is sleeping (has been all during the move). We have friends traveling up to Atlanta to bring some things down here to the apartment. We're not going to move much . . . just enough to get by on until closing. I am going to have to be with Lea all the time for a while, so I don't know when I'll be coming down that way. I'll be in touch.

FROM: Gayle H Jan 17 @ 9:31 PM

Hi you two!! I am so thrilled that you are home in Indiana and things seem to be going well. I love the house!! and I know you are excited about a new beginning there. I am hoping to come for a visit in March but I will have to see, yet. If not, I will visit in June. I have talked to Kathy about it, too. I will fly to MO and then she and I will drive to your town and then we will stay at a motel. It sounds like fun!!

Todd and Robin went to the hospital over the weekend and I was a little concerned that the baby was a month early BUT she was sent back home and the dr. today just said there was a lot of mucous and everything is ok. The baby is due Feb. 12. School is going well. I have a technology observation with some people from the district but I think I am ready. Our 4th grade big writing test is Feb. 7 so everything is concentrating on that at the moment. Jim is busy with work and a big project going on. He has a business trip to Springfield, MO the first week in Feb. to learn some new software that the company is adopting.

We have been busy looking at houses, too, and are hoping to buy sometime in the next 2-3 months. I will send a pic when that happens. Maybe you can visit us in Fl sometime in the future and enjoy some FL sunshine and put your feet in the ocean. Mom is doing ok but having some trouble with her knee that swells. She has arthritus in it so much. Angie and family are doing ok but Bob has not been working because of rainy weather so Angie has been putting in extra hours at Longhorn. Melinda works at Lakeland Regional Hospital in the Pediatrics and sure is seeing some amazing things. She has also decided to go back to school.


FROM: Dana M Jan 18 @ 2:06 PM

Good morning and Glorious Day!! I understand you are nestled into your temporary home and wanted to add my YIPPEE~!!! to everyone else's. So glad to have you back in good ole' Indiana. I hope to be able to come by for a short visit soon. Until then - take care.

FROM: Barb S Jan 18 @ 2:26 PM

Hi! So glad you got moved into your temporary home. It will be nice to have time with just each other. (In between visitors! LOL) Kat said they are coming up this weekend. Dawn and Troy and the kids are still planning on the weekend of your birthday. That's Larry's next weekend off. We will probably wait a couple of

273 weeks until his next weekend off so we don't wear you out. I know he is anxious to see you all. Hope everything is going ok. Lea is getting stronger every day. Getting to go home was probably the best therapy for her. Well, I go to the doctor tomorrow to learn when my radiation will start. I will be glad to get it over. Guess I had better get off here. I know you all are busy and get lots of emails. Take care. Love you both.

FROM: Danielle, HH, PCA Jan 18 @ 6:48 PM

HI!!! Larry and Lea, We miss you guys here in CT!! I’ve been thinking of you guys wishing you the best!! I am so sorry i didn’t get to say a formal goodbye to you both.. i had a terrible cold the day before you left so i didn’t come into work then when i came in at 11am the day you left... you guys had already left :o( well i feel terrible, and i hope you both know i think of you both often in hopes that all is well where you are :) I hope the sun shines everyday for you guys, and you truly have left a imprint on me. You both taught me a lot about strength and love, something both of you possess and show each day. You guys deserve nothing but good days from now on :o) talk to you soon!!! (Lea hope your nails are looking top notch and you got your well deserved manicure :o)!! ) Love.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 18 @ 11:40 PM

Hi Liz and Eric, We have made it into our temporary Assisted Living apartment, and Lea seems to be doing well in her recovery. We went to the doctor again today, then to the hospital for blood work, and she appears to be making progress in several areas. Her fistula continues to drain most times, but some dressing changes are completely dry. I am doing three changes a day now, down from four per day that I was doing initially.

All but one of our boxes has arrived, and of course it was the one that contained the 3-ring notebooks of her emails and greeting cards. Do you have some sort of shipping receipt, or other numbers that I can use to have the PO check for the missing box? A scan of the receipt would probably work just fine. We are living a minimalist existence right now, with cardboard boxes for end tables, etc. :-) It doesn't matter a whole lot, since I spend most of my time caring for her. I have taken her out to eat a number of times, and took her (shopping) one evening so she could do some walking indoors. She did quite well, and went to the front of the store to sit down and rest while I completed the grocery shopping.

The doctor is encouraging her to get active in occupational therapy right away, since she is so weak, so I am going to call tomorrow to set up an appointment for her. It is going to be interesting to get her therapy and doctor visits, and my cardiac rehab worked into some sort of schedule! I want to share with you our cell phone numbers, so you can contact us if you would like to. I am trying to get her in the habit of carrying the phone with her (even though she isn't carrying a purse right now), and having it nearby to take calls. She is getting better at it, but since she is still using the walker, it is some what a problem to keep the phone with her.

We hope you are doing well, and talk about you and your family all the time. We hope to be able to return the many wonderful kindnesses you gave us in our time of need, and will always hold you dear in our hearts. Hugs and kisses to Jonathan and Emma.

REPLY FROM: Liz B Jan 19 @ 10:04 AM

Hi Larry and Lea, WELCOME HOME!! Erik was delayed in sending the packages as there was a line out the post office door every time he went at lunch and he had to return to work before he could send the packages. He finally went first thing in the morning but felt badly for the delay and sent most of the packages priority mail. There was one box, however, that was large and was quite expensive sent as priority so he sent that one in the regular mail that would take 7-10 days to arrive. I believe it was last Thursday that it went out so it should be arriving soon. If you don't receive it, please let us know and we can scan the receipt to you.

Lea, It's terrific to hear of your progress! Occupational therapy should help out a lot, too. How's your appetite been since you got back? I sure bet you're missing that good old Hartford Hospital food and fabulous menu

274 selections!! I saw the pictures of the house, it's quite nice! Of course, I'm sure when Lea gets done decorating, it will be gorgeous! The assisted living apartment sounds perfect for you right now as well.

Everyone here is doing well. No more strep or croup yet this season. Emma and Jonathan are enjoying visiting their Aunt Margaret (my sister) who stayed overnight with us last night. It's always so exciting to have company around here. It's wonderful to hear from you guys. I miss seeing your smiling faces at work! Here's a big HUG for you both.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 19 @ 9:35 PM

Hi, Liz, Thanks for the update on goings on at the Blair estate! We are settling into the assisted living facility pretty well. Lea is enjoying the walk-in shower, a bird feeder outside her living room window that attracts lots of birds when the neighbor feeds them, and has had a lot of visitors that keep her pretty busy. She got good lab reports back this week. Her nutrition levels are up, and cholesterol is down! We are working really hard on her diet, and she is also weaning herself off much of the pain meds. It is SO incredible to see her improve on a daily basis! We are starting her in OT next week, so I expect we'll see even more improvement.

Thanks for the info on the shipping. I know what Eric must have gone through to get some of those boxes shipped. You are so sweet to have offered to take care of that for us! We will keep our eyes out for that box within the next few days. It is good to know that it is only lagging behind, rather than missing. Much love to you all, and please keep in touch.

FROM: Pamela Jan 18 @ 10:57 PM

This is the best email this year. I don't even care if this really happened or not - I certainly hope it did! It’s a story of airline passengers at the airport giving a standing ovation to Marines returning from Iraq. (deleted due to possible copyright infringement)

REPLY FROM: Carol B Jan 18 @ 5:55 PM

Yes Pam, This is true. I know one of those Marines. He has told this story several times and says that the joy he felt that day is in a class with his wedding, the birth of his children, and close to the Presence of God.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 18 @ 11:59 PM

Chris, Didn't know if you had seen this one (the email above from Pamela) , but it is worth seeing in yet another format if you've seen it before. Thank you for all you have done for Lea and myself, and in service to our country. It has been an honor to meet, and briefly know, you and Amanda. Warmest regards.


FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 19 @ 12:06 AM

I didn't know whether Chris (ICU nurse in Hartford - Blackhawk Down medic) had ever responded to you, but wanted you to see that I forwarded your email to him with a brief personal note of appreciation.

REPLY FROM: Pamela Jan 19 @ 11:41 AM

Never knew Chris' last name, so if I got an email from him @yahoo I deleted it without reading or it was deleted by my junk filter since I've been getting spammed by yahoo addresses. Extremely glad to hear that you forwarded this on to him, and equally glad to have identified his email address out of the hundreds in your update routing. I hope he thinks of me as one of his greatest fans, which I am.



FROM: Dallas W Jan 21 @ 5:01 PM

Long Time Over ... Eternal Happiness

Long time since I was on my knees. Long time since You have heard my pleas. Long time since I felt Your presence. Long time since I sensed Your essence. Long time since contrite tears fell. Long time since I chose the road to Hell. Long time since Church bells beckoned me. Long time since I have felt free.

...... long time over......

Now I;m happy here on my knees. Now I'm happy that You hear my pleas. Now I'm happy safely in Your hand. Now I'm happy since I understand. Now I'm happy though my tears flow free. Now I'm happy Hell has no hold on me. Now I'm happy hearing Church bells ring. Now I'm happy when for my Saviour I sing.

...... Eternal Happiness......

by Unca D


FROM: Gracie L Jan 22 @ 11:51 PM

I shall miss you but I am grateful for the journey we too were permitted to travel along with you. It was a heart searching experience for us all. You are radiant in your picture Lea, as beautiful as your soul. Larry you took us with you through it all. I shall never forget the both of you. Your loving spirits' touched us all. Love.


FROM: Karen Jan 23 @ 1:39 AM

Congratulations on your new venture, YOU DID IT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So proud of both of you, that is what has kept us going here. Carrie is doing well, she is almost healed up from the radiation burns and is up most of the days now also, she does get tired real easy, but doesn't hesitate to rest when she feels the need to. Don' think she will want to push things to quickly, needs to take care of herself first and foremost.

My brother Bill on the other hand is going downhill faster than uphill, the hospital has accepted all responsibility for the problems, but that doesn't make it any better on him. His hip pain still after 3 weeks is unbearable most of the time, they did do another series of x-rays while we were there yesterday, he also has horrible bedsores on his buttock and both heals, the heals sores have now turned black and caused a blood infection along with a Urinary Tract Infection, sounds all familiar huh.


So with what the power of prayer has done for you, Lea, we have kicked it in high gear again for Bill. He has a high power of pain he can tolerate, but this fractured hip should be letting up some on the discomfort. Maleah doesn't think he will ever walk again, but he is doing 50% weight bearing for about a minute a day, so that should help some, I would think, I am not one to give up, I have been the strong one for him all along and pushing him to keep a positive attitude.

Well, take care and we will be over to see you whenever you are up to a short visit, and if you need help unpacking what we packed, let me know you can be the boss and tell me where to hang things or put things and I can do it. Ha. Later

FROM: Roberta H Jan 23 @ 5:14 AM

Welcome Home! I know it was a long journey for you both. I'm sure you are going to have many well wishers who will want to see you. When things slow down a bit I would love to visit. Take care!

FROM: June G Jan 23 @ 10:23 AM

You may not know who I am. I am Stanley S's sister in Henrietta, Texas. Jean is the best sister-in-law in the whole world and I love her to pieces! I have been so blessed by all your emails detailing Lea's progress over these last few months. You and Lea are truly an inspiration and an encouragement to me with your wonderful witness for our Lord. This was such an enormous ordeal for you, and yet, I never once heard, "Oh, woe is me," or "I just don't know what we're going to do," or "I just don't know why the Lord let this happen to us". I would have been whining all over the place, Why, God, Why?! Anyway, I am so glad that Lea's health is improving and that the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.

FROM: Sandy S Jan 23 @ 7:32 AM

Hello Mrs. Lea Vaughn, I'm so glad and thanks to lord to bring you back safely to Indian.. Very glad to see your pictures that you're doing much better. It's only Mr. Larry's e mails which been helping us to walk with you both..Can't wait to see you back at work soon. Don't want to take lot of your time, but just want to let you know I been thinking of you all the time...With love and God bless you.

FROM: Judith K Jan 23 @ 9:52 AM

It has been years since I met you through Robert and Karen and if I was to meet you on the street we wouldn't even know each other after all these years - I am sure. I have been kept up daily for a while and now weekly on your progress. It is time I get to send you a note. It is so great to hear that you are where you are at and hope that with the help of God that it continues. It must be great being back to sort of a normal life. I can't believe that you are still amongst us and all the prayers were answered.

I'll bet everyday you appreciate being able to get out of bed and just seeing the lightness and darkness. It is probably good that you don't remember most of it I would think. If you ever get to come and see Robert and Karen maybe they could let me know and I could stop for a few just to see how you are doing. Karen has her plate full right now with her mother, brother, mother-in-law and especially her daughter-in-law so we need to say prayers for her also. Karen is such a wonderful person and so caring - her and I are relatives but we just call each other friends and that makes us get along so great. Ha! Hope your family is well and keep up the good work. It shall all too soon pass.

FROM: Daniele P Jan 23 @ 12:18 PM

Thank you, Larry! Thank you for the marvelous news about Lea's recovery. I've been so touched by all of it. So much so that it leaves me speechless everytime. I feel as if I can't possibly find the right words to explain,

277 but somehow I know that you understand what I mean. I've been off-line for a while and was 'out of the loop', so to speak. It was a true thrill to read this final email. Thank you Lord for all of your mercy and endless love.

Thank you for the pic of Lea... she is still as beautiful as ever! Please send her my love and give her a giant hug from this cousin she hasn't seen in years.I wish both of you a vibrant 2006! May God continue to hold you in his arms. Best regards .

FROM: Abe E Jan 23 @ 12:52 PM

Judy was also praying for both youse guys so it is not exclusively Christian. Would like to come see youse guys sometime. When would be convenient?

FROM: Aly A Jan 23 @ 1:19 PM

I will try and remember to invite God into my heart every day, even as I know He is always there.

FROM: Bill Barley, Living Stones Church Jan 23 @ 5:10 PM

Dear Larry & Lea - The Lord has certainly moved in your lives in a mighty way over the past several months and, through you, touched the lives of many others. Your consistent testimony of dependence upon His grace and your abandonment to His sovereign control in your circumstances is a real life portrayal of Matthew 5:16: "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Thank you for your testimony of faithful dependence! I'm looking forward to seeing you both on your next visit to Kona. May the Lord continue to pour out His grace upon you in the coming weeks of recovery.

FROM: Melissa S Jan 23 @ 8:00 PM

Hello, I am going to miss these weekly updates, I have gotten so used to them for some time now. It is strange to walk out to 9E and not see you in your room but a new face. However I am ecstatic to hear how well things seem to be progressing. I saw Dr. Mah yesterday and we have gotten to know each other well through you and Lea. I hope all your moves to your new places have gone well. It snowed here today which I am sure you will miss, but bet you have some in Indiana too. I just wanted to wish you both a continued recovery and know that we all here in Hartford still think about you on a constant basis and will always. Best wishes and we will keep in touch

FROM: Jonathan J Jan 23 @ 11:52 AM

Larry and Lea - Thank you for sharing your incredible six-month journey with us. Your testimonial of love shared has made a overwhelmingly positive impact on me, and I'm sure others. All of us who have witnessed your miracle of recovery and unconditional devotion, through your pictures and words, breathe a little easier each day. Our prayers will continue as you both adjust to new directions. All the best..

FROM: Viola & Ron T Jan 23 @ 12:51 PM

Hello Dear Friends Welcome back to Indiana .We have kept track and prayed for you the whole way. I do know that is has not been an easy walk, but you did it with much dignity. It brought back many memories I have had stored away. in the eary 70's when George was in a weather related accident, and was unconscious for a long time, my life changed forever. I was unable to go to work for 2 years because I could not leave him and he only got paid for 6 weeks and we were devastated, Physically, financially and emotionally.


That was in the days before home nurses, meals on wheels, rehab centers, etc. I walked a long lonely road that most people think they understand, but never do unless they experience something that puts the shoes on their feet. I feel for you because while everyone is so happy for Lea's progress, I know that many problems present themselves that one may not want to talk to everyone about. Know that I will keep you in my daily prayers and pray that God continues to give you the strength to try to put your lives back together. You have gone thru something that has changed you as a person for the rest of your life. Know that we care.


FROM: Connie D Jan 24 @ 8:52 AM

Hello Lea, Just quick note of my happiness for all of you. I have been keeping in touch by Larry's e/m's and others from the office. It just goes to show that power of prayer does work, what a miracle you are. My best wishes and continued prayers for all of you. May you have a wonderful complete recovery and enjoy being back home.

FROM: Jonathan J Jan 24 @ 12:57 PM

Larry - Have come across the website and group Pancreatitis Association International more than once in my on-going discussions with IU docs re: pancreas regeneration. Coincidentally, the executive director is Karyn Williams, an RN working in the IU Hospital system here in Indianapolis. ( Add Dr. Stu Sherman to your list, along with Dr. Mark Pescovitz, as IU surgeons with a clinical and research focus on the pancreas and pancreatitis. I met with Stu last week re: regeneration. Their contact information can be found at the IU website. All the best.


FROM: Marilyn M Jan 25 @ 7:51 AM

Lea, I know we have not maintained much of a family connection except for the few reunions in Hannibal years ago, but I am amazed at how your illness and weeks of recuperation have united so many of us! I am most appreciative that both Larry and Pam kept me in the loop and have followed your progress with hope and love in my heart.

The days of your trial were also ones of stress and fatigue for me because Ray's health has been in steady decline since last February 21. Just last week, in desperation while the ER doctor was giving me yet more information, I used all the energy I had to tell him that I was on my last legs without any assistance. I had spoken with the Home Health office attendant just a day or so before and she was aghast that we were struggling so even though we learned that we did not qualify in the strictest terms for Home Health Service. I CAN get Ray out for a few things yet. I think the ER doctor made a call to the primary care doctor whom we had seen just one week before, and the situation began to change rapidly. The Hospice nurse and social worker called and have provided us with care and comfort ever since!

I know you are glad to be 'home again in Indiana' and wish you continued strength and recuperation. Tell Larry I enjoyed skimming his most impressive web site!


FROM: Sherri S Jan 26 @ 1:52 AM

Lea, How is therapy going? Do you feel more settled in your new apartment/house? By the time you feel 'at home', it will be time to move to your new home. It sounds really cute, and the pictures Larry sent were great. I'm sure you and Larry are greatful to have some alone time. I would like to come for a visit next week, if you are up to it. When do you have therapy, and do you catch a nap afterwards? Let me know what time works

279 best for you. I am pretty free Tuesday - Friday. I'm nothing, if not flexible.

I signed up for an on line computer class - learning to use my Print Shop software I got for my birthday. It begins Feb 15th.. two 'lessons' per week. I am anxious to see how online learning goes.... Will it be easier to work at my own pace, or will I miss being with the teacher/classmates physically? I bought 3 books about Word, Power Point and Excel that I am going to go through on my own. I have worked on Word and Excel for years... but I want to make sure I know all the ins and outs before I go looking for a job. I am not comfortable at all with charts. I think you have been doing charts forever.....and probably know them inside and out. I always had someone int he department do them for me. Power Point - never used it on my own, but Alex gave me a quick overall. I just need to get fine tuned (alot) and feel comfortable with what I am doing.

I guess you have heard all about Irwin's sale... or potential sale. Wow -sounds like a lot of unkowns at this point, but the severance package sounds good. Especially Bob's severance package!! I am sure Lou has pointed you to the direction of that article. Almost a million dollars! Gosh – think of how we begged and pleaded for our employees' raises, and here, they plunk 1 million in his lap without batting an eye! Well, maybe they batted an eye. OK, tell me when you can hold court, and I will come see you with Boost Breeze in my hand! You still like the Breeze, right?

FROM: Lou P (Mrs) Jan 26 @ 9:29 AM

Just came from a short meeting with Tamara. The managers gave a presentation to a company interested in us. The company that was here this morning is very interested, and the number one choice. They currently do sub prime lending, started prime lending a couple of years ago and doing a good job. Right now they pay a company to subservice their loans and is looking for a company to service their loans. They like us because we are a Tier 1, low cost servicer and doing a good job. They have already run the numbers and like what they see. Since they do not have a servicing division, their plan includes taking servicing, us and keeping us where we are. This all sounds more promising and I feel much better than this morning. Perhaps everything will work out after all. Catch you later.

FROM: Carol B Jan 26 @ 11:52 PM

I woke up this morning with you on my mind. I have sent up numerous "mini" prayers today. I am so glad that you are back in Indiana and everything seems to be going well. I know there will still be more mountains to climb, but hopefully they will seem more like hills. I will miss the weekly was so hard to go from daily to weekly that I am feeling withdrawal already. You deserve to have the rest of your lives private, but the "voyeur" in me will be disappointed. Lea some day you will understand how much you went through and most importantly how much Larry went through with you. God has truely blessed you both.


FROM: Marlowe N Jan 28 @ 9:31 PM

You have an e-greeting from Marlowe N!

FROM: R Dean N Jan 28 @ 11:26 PM

You have an e-greeting from R Dean N!

REPLY FROM: Lea Vaughn Jan 29 @ 8:27 AM

I loved the birthday card. It was very nice of you to remember me.



You are very welcome.


FROM: David Vaughn Jan 29 @ 2:01 AM

The Lord works in mysterious and wondrous ways. I began this week in tears after a long, disturbing conversation with Mom. It bothered me all day, especially, and then all week. Tonight, after a long, long day in Hilo with Friends of NELHA, I received this link from Larry Olsen: . I needed it.

Even realizing that Mom just ain't what she used to be didn't help deal with the realities of a rambling, confused, almost incoherent conversation that cut me to the bone.This helped and reminded ME that I need to be a better, less critical, more caring son. Learning humility.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 30 @ 12:27 AM

Bless your kind heart, Bro. It is hard to be caring and less critical at the same time. Mom is very strong willed, and it will be difficult to protect her from herself as she continues to get more forgetful and less rational. I am not sure what the solution is, but I fear the Lord will make it all too evident to us after the fact. Take heart in knowing that even those of us who are fortunate enough to be near her wonder what is the best course.

REPLY FROM: David Vaughn Jan 30 @ 2:32 AM

Thank you for the encouragement. Of course, to me, being there SEEMS better. I'm sure it is NOT.

FROM: Marilyn M Jan 29 @ 8:12 AM

Not to worry, Lea, about responding quickly to me. I fully understand the rigors of recuperation, fatigue, frustration, etc. It is just good to know that you are making progress! The slope here will likely be downhill, but at least it is manageable for me with the superb help from Hospice. I plan to set up a schedule for an aide to come assist Ray with his morning routine. My best to both you and Larry!

FROM: Sherri S Jan 29 @ 2:34 PM

Lea, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Have you had a good birthday? Aren't you glad you are in Indiana and not Connecticut for your birthday?? Alex's birthday is tomorrow - 30th. We went to Benihana's tonight for dinner - it's his favorite. Could I come and take you to lunch one day this week? I am free any day except Monday. Maybe Terry could come, too.

Regarding Irwin.... some wild news, huh? I knew something was going on, but I had heard Bob, Duncan and Perry were being ousted. I was thinking, "there is a God!" The severance package looks good. Did you see Bob's severance package? Nothing like a cool million as a going away gift! Steve Clark called me last week (out of the blue, hadn't talked to him in years). He is STILL on long term disability with Irwin - and will be until he is 65! I had no idea long term disability lasted that long - he will continue getting 60% of his pay until he's 65. We'll talk more later! Let me know when you want to go to lunch - or if you aren't up to that, when I can come up and visit.


FROM: Doreen Bottone Jan 30 @ 12:34 PM


Larry and Lea, Thank you for the final update with the beautiful picture of Lea. I posted it on ICU and made sure those who were involved in your case saw both the e-mail and the picture. We are all so very happy for you and we wish you the very best, especially health as you continue to serve the Lord. Your witness of love, trust and faithfulness will forever be an inspiration and blessing to me! I keep you near and dear to my heart and if it should be God's will that we meet again, I pray it will be in far better circumstances. I will think of you as the new life of spring begins to enfold-- for truly our Lord has transformed your "apparent death" to "new life". God Bless and Keep you.

FROM: Dallas W Jan 30 @ 5:14 PM

Sweet Nora Lou Wilson

to my Grandmother and my Aunt and Uncle

She told me she knew Jesus and That I should know Him too. Taught us of His gentle mercy, Sacrificial love for me and you.

Forever running us through the drills Every time that we would visit. Teaching me and my little brother about God, The Father, The Son and Holy Spirit.

In order to get breakfast, she would have us to recite, The Lord's Prayer and the Twenty Third Psalms. As we prepared to jump into the feather bed at night, She would show up to pray with reverent palms.

We just knew her as Grand'ma, the Mother of our Dad, Her loving influences with me still to this day. Childhood memories of her are the best I ever had, I was her Prodigal Son, least that's what she used to say.

The last four years of her long, hard life, As a child of old Apalachian Kentucky, Were spent in her daughter's loving country home, For that I am grateful and Grand'ma was lucky!

by Unca D


FROM: Lance Vaughn Jan 31 @ 12:58 AM

Surprise! HEADIN TO INDY to help move things from storage to the new house! I will arrive Feb 9th and head back to Austin on the 13th.

REPLY FROM: Dana M Feb 5 @ 11:10 AM

If you will let me know a date I can help - I have a friend who has a large pick-up (~three quarter ton?) and a low bed trailer (I was able to fit my Jimmy on it) that we could use to move things from storage. Specially since we are not going around the corner this time. If he is not using them, I am sure he will let me borrow them and maybe even help.


REPLY FROM: David Vaughn Feb 5 @ 1:54 PM

What an awesome offer! Dana was a Godsend during the whole Atlanta process. Thank you, again.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Feb 5 @ 11:55 PM

Dana was a Godsend BEFORE we left on vacation! She helped me get the house and yard ready to be put on the market, at a time I couldn't do much physically, and couldn't afford to hire things done! She has always been there when we needed help. We are going to be moving on Saturday, February 11. We will have possession of the new house Friday night, if the closing goes as scheduled, and will have inflatable queen size beds that can be put up at the new house or at the Walton House on Friday night and Saturday night. We don't know where bed clothes are, so bring a sleeping bag!

Lea is not physically able to do very much, so we can't expect her to do anything more than give directions. She and I went to the new house today, and have a preliminary list of the furniture pieces we want. We need to see what side tables, etc are left at the Walton House, so we can tag those items we want moved. We'll get that done some time this week.

Lea will not be cooking for us, so we will have to work out our own meal plans, etc. There is still an awful lot of excess stuff in the Walton House that needs to be cleaned out and discarded; some that needs to be moved to the new house, too. One of our tasks will be to eventually get it organized and straightened so we can have it professionally cleaned for showing, so if we can move remaining stuff to storage, the new house, or discard it, that would be great. We can, of course, do that at a later date if that works better.

If you are able to make it, your help would certainly be welcome. The more help we have, the quicker it will be for everyone. We are not going to clean out the storage bins and put everything in the new house . . . the new house is much too small. We may empty one of the storage bins, but the big one will probably remain pretty full. I'm sure there will be lots of sorting to do to dig out the things we want to furnish the new house. We will count on Lance and Gary to help find things in storage. Gary, by the way, was badly bitten by a Husky last week while on duty, and his left hand is pretty much out of commission . . . so is the dog. Neither will be any help for lifting things. Let us know what questions you have, and how we can help make things easier.

REPLY FROM: Karen Feb 6 @ 4:14 AM

Hi, glad to hear that things are moving ahead for you. We are getting company from Arizona on the 10th of February, my sister Glenda will be here for a week, we are getting some much needed help with mother and Bill, he is still in the hospital going on 2 months now, how well you know what that is all about, he today feels a little stronger, so we are hoping that it will soon turn around. Mother has some issues that we needed help with and felt that Glenda should be here to address them also, she is 87 and now along with everything else has gallstones that need attention, if it's not one thing it's another.

I am home today with the flu bug, I got sick last Monday with a sore throat and went into the dr. Thursday for a throat culture and it came back o.k. and yesterday I started running a fever and chills and now I am trying to get this crap over with before the weekend when Glenda gets here. If there's another time we can help we will definitely be there if at all possible, we have to take Glenda back to the airport on the 18th, she flying into Bloomington, IL this time, as it is closer for some of us to pick her up, she always has flown into Indy before and this time with winter weather she thought it would be easier for her to fly close to where her son David lives. Well, take care and please keep us posted. Later.

REPLY FROM: Pat Stroup Feb 8 @ 9:57 AM

Don't forget we have 2 bedrooms here at the Stroup household, and Joe's truck, plus Scott's trailer. I'll ask Scott what his work detail is, and if he can help and maybe even grab a few extra firemen too. We'll see ya

283 this weekend!

FROM: Larry Vaughn Jan 31 @ 1:01 AM

We finally have a land line hooked up and in service! Please let it ring for a while, because we have only one portable phone installed in the apartment, and it may take Lea a bit to get to wherever she left the phone. (All of our regular phones are in storage, and we won't get them until we get moved to the house in a couple of weeks.) Call when you can. It helps her feel more connected. Thanks, and love, to everyone!


FROM: Viola T Feb 2 @ 5:16 PM

Hi Glad to hear your phone number and I will call. So glad you are back home and I figured you would be so tired from everybody connecting when you got back and i would wait for it to die down. When things are going bad there is a lot of attention then the time when things begin to heal , everybody goes their own way and your world sort of stands still. We are so happy that you are back on your own turf. We love you and pray for you to get back to normal. If you can remember what normal is.

FROM: Sandy I Feb 5 @ 5:56 PM

Hi Lea, I am so happy to hear you are doing so much better and have returned to Indy, have been keeping updated thru Kim sending me your updates and progress. Haven't heard from her since you returned home and thought I'd just drop a line to say Hi and let you know I am thinking of you. The last letter said you were looking for a place in Noblesville to settle down in, have you had to give up the bed and breakfast? That would be a shame but I completely understand with all you guys have been through if you did, alot of heart and soul went into making that place as gorgeous as it was, you should feel very proud of what all you guys did!!

All is pretty good here in Florida, beautiful weather all of January mid 70's and my flowers are just gorgeous, we have a hibicus that is yellow with a majenta colored center, has huge blooms and about 5 of them popped out the other day, just beautiful!! Have been working in the yard alot trying to keep those peskie weeds out but most of the time they win out!! ha ha Carissa has a steady boyfriend 8mos now and talking marriage, so of course I am going nuts with the thought of losing her!! ha She will be 21 this yr, hard to believe so I guess I have to let go sometime!! She finally was awarded Social Security Supplenmental Income, it isn't much but it atleast helps her to feel a little independent.

We are working on getting her a Titanium Wheelchair so she can return to Disney her two days a week she has been on medical leave almost a yr now since she was having the spells with her heart beating way to fast. They wanted to send her back to Mayo Clinic to have a team of specialist set up so as she grows older she would have the doctors already knowing her case and maybe they could help her but the insurance won't cover it, they tell us we will just have to wait until none of the doctors we go to can help her anymore and then they would pay for her to go! There really isn't anything they can do it is caused from what I understand to be the nerons of the brain not funtioning properly and telling the heart to beat fast. It doens't happen all the time but when she has spells she just can't funtion at all for the rest of the day. Eventually she will have to have a pace maker put in but they don't want to do it yet because she is so young. Want to wait until absolutely necessary.

Dave and I are doing good, he is working steady now, knock on wood!! ha I am still looking for another job as Bank of America wasn't able to work with my hrs I needed when Carissa got so sick and I had to cut back to no more than 3 days a week, they said I had to be availbable to work whatever hrs they needed me not when I needed to work. After working there a year and a half you think they would have tried harder but I guess since there is so many people looking for jobs they don't have too!! Oh well, something better will come along I'm sure, just have to find it!!


Well, enough of that, how are you doing now that you are back in Indy? Therapy still going well? I'm sure you are thrilled to be back home with friends and family, have you seen any of the girls from work yet? By now I know your tired of reading all this so I won't keep you any longer, I hope this finds you still doing great and on the road to recovery, keep in touch and know that you are in my prayers, hang in there!! Talk to you soon.

FROM: Bill & Phyllis M Feb 7 @ 6:00 PM

Lea & Larry - We were very happy to hear that both of you are home. We did receive your last e-mail and it sounds like everything is moving along great. Phyllis & I would like to offer to help you move to your new home. I also have a pick-up truck that if you would like to borrow for your move just let us know. We know what is involved with moving and believe me it is a lot of work and we still have some muscle left from our move. We would be very happy to help.

Talked and e-mailed Sherri S and she said you were planning to move mid February and that Lea you are feeling better each day. We would also like to see you both if you are up for a visit. Being a retired couple we have the time. Please let us know if you need some help. Thanks and have a great week.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Feb 7 @ 11:15 PM

Thank you, Bill. We are moving this Saturday (11th). I am going to share your note with Lea in the morning, as I am certain she would be really happy to see you again. Sherri and Terri Siegel took Lea to lunch today (her first time out without me . . . I was a nervous wreck). Why don't you give her a call to arrange something?

FROM: Herb W Jr Feb 8 @ 1:03 AM

Lea and Larry, Just a short note to wish you the very best on your anniversary. Enjoy the moment and God Bless! All My Love.

FROM: Link Vaughn Feb 13 @ 2:06 PM

Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained. - C. S. Lewis

FROM: Lance Vaughn Feb 14 @ 11:22 AM

Happy Valentine’s Day, mom! I love you!

FROM: Barb S Feb 14 @ 12:06 AM

Larry, Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and to let you know we are thinking about you all. Guess you have all been busy putting things away. But, I bet too that you are glad to be home and have a place to call home again. Sorry I wasn't able to (help you move) but my mom still isn't doing very good. She can't stay by herself as she is so weak. Hope they get her straightened out soon!

FROM: Dottie V Feb 14 @ 5:03 AM

Happy birthday, Larry!

FROM: Herb W Jr


Feb 14 @ 4:35 AM

Happy birthday, my friend! Give my love to Lea! God bless.

FROM: Marlowe N Feb 14 @ 12:29 PM

Many happy returns on your birthday. May God continue to bless you both.

FROM: Jean S Feb 14 @ 12:26 PM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I know this is an especially happy one for you. Love you.

FROM: Lance Vaughn Feb 14 @ 5:06 PM

Dear Dad, Happy birthday!! Check out the e-card I sent you.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Feb 14 @ 9:34 PM

Thank you, son! You are VERY special to us! Thank you for ALL your support! God's blessings.

FROM: Link Vaughn Feb 15 @ 12:18 AM

Link has sent you an E-Card! Follow the link to retrieve it.

FROM: Kristin N Feb 15 @ 12:39 AM

Kristin has sent you an E-Card! Follow the link to retrieve it.

FROM: Roxanna H Feb 15 @ 4:51 PM

Hi Larry. I have been feeling bad that I haven't talked to you for awhile. How is Lea doing by now? I hope and pray she is well on the way to recovery. This is probably a long shot but the Minneapolis office is looking for a consultant to do a workshop in Rapid City, South Dakota on Thursday and Friday, the 23rd and 24th? Are you interested? Also, are you going to be interested in working with clients or workshops for us if the need arises? I understand if you aren't in a position right now. Hope to see you soon. Sure do miss you.

FROM: Terri P Feb 16 @ 1:31 AM

Larry, A few pics from moving day. I would like to run up to Atlanta to preview Asher Walton House on Friday. I could also stop by and pick up my stuff. I'm sure you don't need extra stuff hanging around. If you are all hooked up on the Internet I could also get my wireless card. I leave for a few days this Sunday. My mom is having her gallbladder out on Monday. So I will spend a few days with her while she recovers. If you are not hooked up yet, it's not a big deal. It is more of a convenience. Let me know what your schedule is for classes on Friday. I will work around that. I have more pics, but I will send in two or more e-mails. It is such a nice feeling to see you both bopping around again!



FROM: Doreen Bottone, Midstate Medical Center Feb 16 @ 5:30 PM

Larry, Just a quick note-- hope all is going well. How is lea doing??? My hope is that she will get stronger and stronger. God Bless.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Feb 16 @ 7:40 PM

Doreen, Thank you for your inquiry. It was very nice to hear from you. Lea continues to make those baby steps toward recovery. She is still very feeble, but is now walking off and forgetting her quad cane here inside the house. She still can't stand entirely erect without really thinking about it, but continues to improve. She has lost weight since we left the hospital, about six pounds, but the doctor feels that her body is using the protein to heal her rather than using it for building muscle, and that it will turn around when it is time.

We are in our new home, and have been spending the last week going through belongings and discarding anything we can so we will be able to fit in this smaller house. Lea's sister and her prettiest niece (according to the niece) are here helping Lea do the sorting, and it looks like they will be taking back thirty or forty boxes of clothing and household items we no longer need now that the B&B is closed.

I continue teaching my classes, taking her to rehab, to the doctor, and to the hospital for lab tests, and still changing her dressing three times a day. And, I pray a short prayer of thanksgiving every morning when I wake up and see her there beside me, and many times each day when I see her returning to her old self. She looks old beyond her years, but as she begins to feel better she will be getting that heart warming smile working again, and will be winning friends here in our new neighborhood. We think she will be on long term disability for a year or more, and will continue the physical training for the foreseeable future.

Thank you, again, for dropping us a line, and please let everyone know how thankful we are for the compassion with which they blessed us during our short stay at Mid-State. We were truly blessed to have been led to you, and then to Hartford Hospital. God bless.

REPLY FROM: Doreen Bottone Feb 17 @ 9:43 AM

Thank you so much for the update-- I think of you guys often and will continue to keep you in prayer. I will be on call at HH tomorrow—I will miss not seeing you, but I am overjoyed you are HOME! Blessings and Love.

FROM: Myrna P Feb 17 @ 10:20 AM 287

Happy Friday morning! Love Ya!!

FROM: Lance Vaughn Feb 27 @ 11:56 AM

Happy Monday, everyone!! (oh, joy) It has come to my attention that amidst all the goings-on I have been remiss in announcing that Kristin and I have selected a wedding date. My sincere apologies. I know that many of you are already planning your summer vacations. Please help me spread the word: the date is June 17. Invitations will be sent out in early April.

The wedding will be in Austin, TX. We're really doing it up, so it should be quite the party! I'd love to see all of you join us in the great State of Texas this summer! We're having a festive salsa-rock band at our reception, so be prepared to wiggle, shuffle and spin. Our rehearsal dinner will be on the lake, so we can witness the famous bats at sunset. All out of town guests are invited, so it'll be a blast. Afterwards, we're heading out onto the town for "a few drinks" to introduce those interested in experiencing Austin's hip nightlife. Our honeymoon will be a two-week Mediterranean cruise starting in Istanbul and ending in Rome. Of course, if you want to join us for that portion of the celebration, you'll have to pay your own way! ;-) P.S. Donations to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society may be made in lieu of wedding gifts. Have a great week!!


FROM: Barb S Mar 2 @ 6:04 PM

Hi Everyone, We all know how prayer works as we seen what it did for Lea. Now I come to ask you to say a prayer for my mother. She just found out her cancer has spread to her liver. The doctors are giving her 6-12 months or less. She has been in a lot of pain and they are doing radiation to see if they can help her pain. She is to weak for any other treatment. So, please, when you say your prayers, say one for her.

FROM: Melissa A Mar 8 @ 11:23 AM

Hello, Just wanted to check in and say hello and see how you and Lea are doing. Kimmy, Danielle and I all worked the weekend and we were talking about you wondering how all is going. Things are going good here. Work was slow for awhile now it is busier than ever. Everyone is doing well at work. I am trying to think if any news and I am not thinking so. Nobody has had their babies yet and no weddings yet!! Things with me are going well planing the wedding and we are looking for houses. We are going on a cruise in the beginning of April which should be nice. It is supposed to get into the 60's this weekend so we are planning a motorcycle ride with some friends. Let us know how all is with you and the new house. We miss you and think of you often.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Mar 9 @ 10:17 PM

So nice to hear from you Melissa! We had the prayer blankets and shawl out while our company was here, and we were talking about you, and how wonderful you were to us, while facing your own trials. We thank you so much for everything you did to help us, and wish you the very best in life. When the weather gets a little nicer, you can just scoot right over here to the midwest! We have the spare bedroom all made up for you!

Your note motivated me to get an update out, and I hope you receive it without any problems. When you next see Danielle and Kimmy, please let them know that we often talk about how considerate they both were. Danielle, of course, went out of her way several times to help Lea, and we will always be grateful. Kimmy asked for Lea's phone number before we left Hartford, and she wrote it down on a piece of paper and stuck it in her pocket. I KNOW that note didn't make it through the day! :-) If you don't mind, you might pass on to her that Lea's cell phone number is 317-502-1227. Lea would be delighted to hear from her. God bless you and keep you,


REPLY FROM: Melissa A Mar 10 @ 5:48 AM

Glad to hear all is well and Lea looks great. I hope you both continue on the both to recovery and all goes well. I forwarded the email to work so I can share with everyone. Take Care and Keep in touch.

FROM: Patricia W Mar 9 @ 10:23 PM

That was great, Tony had just asked me Wednesday about you all and Lea's progress. I love you both and think of you often.

FROM: Gena D Mar 9 @ 10:58 PM

Dear Lea and Larry, I was so excited to receive an e-mail from you today! I was actually going to e-mail you so see how things were going and you beat me to it!! I'm glad things are going well. Lea looks absolutely wonderful !!!!(so do you Larry) I'm glad to hear things are going well and that Lea has been progressing in her health. I'm glad you sent such a wonderful update of what's been happening in the last month or so with your move, your overnight trip, and watercolor classes. I have to tell you (both), that although I am glad the both of you are home and supporting each other, I do miss that Vaughn humor! I find that I could use a chuckle every now and then. I don't have too much to report. Freddy (the dog I adopted at Christmas) and I are going to training school (because he isn't listening). I've been told there is a dominance/pack order problem in my house. I'm surrounded by males, what does the dog trainer expect???? This week I am on vacation (and happened to check my e-mail). Mike (my husband) and I have just finished painting our kitchen two colors (what a pain!!!), installed new lights (even more of a pain) and tried to keep the dogs from licking the paint and having their tails wag against the wall!!

Everyone is well on Bliss 9i and 9e ( lots of mother's to be, and new mothers, including Michelle, her baby is BEAUTIFUL!!!!). I will forward the e-mail you sent to me to other HH folk. Please continue to keep in touch!

FROM: Nancy P Mar 9 @ 11:02 PM


FROM: Karen Mar 10 @ 7:44 AM

HI, glad to hear that things are really falling into place for you. We are hoping to make a run over for just a day soon. We are going into the fourth month for Bill to be in the hospital, he is not making any progress, we take one step forward and 15 backwards, really having a struggle, we had my sister Glenda here from AZ for 10 days 3 weeks ago, then we had to put mother in the nursing home for a couple of weeks to get her turned around with her back pain, just needing some therapy. Then Wednesday afternoon, my two nieces from AZ came for 5 days to help take care of mother and help Maleah by spending time with Bill so she can get back to work for the most part.

They are talking about bringing in some specialist from Indy to look at the hip issue, but now maybe they have figured out what to do after 8 weeks, he had his surgery on Dec 31st and he is still having extreme pain from the hip fracture site due to the hardware they had to install to repair the area, but his most recent issues are possibly losing both feet from the HUGE bed sores that he got while in bed recovering from the hip fracture. He has a staph infection going on in that area and they have done surgery now two times in 10 days. We haven't been to the hospital since Sunday, I had a flu bug of some sort or just total exhaustion, whichever we decide to call it HA.... And you sure can relate to that, sometimes you just fall apart and need to regroup...... Well, will call soon just to chat, So Sorry we weren't there to help with the move, we were in a major crisis at that time and just couldn't get away, we sure would of been there if we could of. Thanks for keeping in touch, it means so much...... Later


FROM: Pat C Mar 10 @ 8:18 AM

Just read Larry's latest. WOW!!!! They both look great! It is so amazing what the power of prayer can do. Your brother is one amazing fellow. While Lea had so many looking after her, the care giver doesn't always get the attention they need - but Larry has come through all of this with the strength only God can give. He has had the support of the greatest caregiver. Thank you for sharing them with all the rest of us.

FROM: Mag Z Mar 10 @ 8:33 AM

Thanks for the update. I kept you and Lea in my thoughts. Hopefully the weather gets better and you and Lea can spend time outside.

FROM: Doreen Bottone Mar 10 @ 9:18 AM

Thanks for the update-- I really appreciate it-- I have been wondering how Lea was doing. Blessings to you both!

FROM: Dana M Mar 10 @ 5:25 PM

Thank you for the update. I am so glad that things are finally settling down for you and Lea. It was great to hear about her progress. You deserve a great deal of praise for all the help and care you are showering your lovely lady with. She is truly blessed. I will continue to keep the both of you in my prayers. And remember I am only a short yelp away whenever you need a little extra help.

FROM: Roxanna H Mar 10 @ 1:17 PM

Hi Larry and Lea. Well what wonderful news that Lea is doing so well and Larry you as well. Lea, you look like a million dollars. Our little miracle girl. Wow just hard to imagine what you have both been thru. I think it is fantastic that you are working towards that book Larry. Be sure to put me on the list to buy one when it is ready. I bet a Christian bookstore would be interested in your story as well.

Larry your sister is a doll. Looks just like you. Glad you are both able to do so much. Can't believe it is coming up on two months. Time does fly. Have a great weekend and would love to see you if you are ever this direction. Please be sure and keep me posted on how Lea is doing.

FROM: Dallas W Mar 11 @ 6:35 AM

A new poem: The Massage all my clients......

My palms, I rub together, Friction warming oils, You lie before me, prone. Drenched in flannel, warm.

Dimly lit atmosphere, Soothing sounds and smells. Gliding smoothly along your spine, My palms against your form.


Slowly, with a touch of ease, You release tension in response. Dripping o'er my tables edge, Like wax from yon' wall sconce.

Untied knots of fibered muscle, Toxins flowing down the drain. You sweetly breathe a lullaby Of child-like snore refrain.

Drifting gently with whispered note, Relaxed, nestled securely, Beneath a flannel cloud you float, Then open your eyes demurely. Unca D

FROM: Marilyn M Mar 12 @ 12:09 PM

Larry and Lea, good to hear from you and learn of your progress. Congratulations on each forward step. It was good to see Pam and Jim who came to Ray's visitation and renew a long neglected relationship. She and Terry had quite a long chat, and I hope we can do lunch sometime midway between Normal/Bloomington and Wilmington! Starved Rock might be a good meeting place!

I am leaving Tuesday for a Lenten Journey to the Holy Land with my pastor and a group of about 35 and look forward to this time as another step in the healing process. I have done as much paper work as I can for now just to get the processes started! Can't even imagine the magnitude of that for you! May the Lord continue to shower you with healing and strength, Marilyn

FROM: Dr John Mah Mar 13 @ 4:35 PM

Larry and Lea, It was great to hear from you. I've been wondering how things were going. I assumed no news was good news. It sounds like Lea's nutrition is getting better given that she is seems to be getting stronger and more mobile. The wound I hope is maturing nicely. It sounds like she may need another CT scan if the fistula "erupts" every week or so. The output must be decreasing and the wound is healing and sealing itself. As more fluid builds up it "breaks thru" the area of healing tissue. A properly timed CT scan after a few days of no drainage and placement of a percutaneous drain may be the right thing. This would divert the drainage long enough for the wound to heal. This will have a better success rate than last time now that the output seems diminished. However, it sounds like she is almost there and the fistula really wants to close on its own. Let me know if I can do anything, but I would ask Dr. Miller about a contrast CT with a percutaneous drain if things are not improving. If the wound stops draining and she starts to feel ill (nausea, fever, vomiting) she may be developing an abscess (the fluid collection cannot decompress though the wound and may get infected) which would require a drain and possibly hospital care and antibiotics. I'm glad you are getting back to your previous lifestye. It must feel great to finally be home. You have been blessed by a great family and community that loves you. Everyone here continues to ask about you. I will tell them that you are doing great. Let me know if I can do anything at all. Take care and God Bless.

FROM: Barb S Mar 14 @ 11:03 PM

Sorry I have been so bad about corresponding. I have just been having a really rough time. Larry, I know what you went though when Lea was sick but I'm afraid my story won't have such a happy ending. It is so hard to watch your mom just slip away. I just pray that God will give me all the strength I need to take good care of her. I am so sorry I didn't get to come when Larry D and the rest did but Mom needs 24 hour care. My sisters aren't much help. They hardly come to see her. So, that leaves me. But maybe by the time I get to come, Lea will be ready to party. You guys are always on our minds and in our hearts. Thanks for keeping us 291 in your prayers.

FROM: Danielle C Mar 15 @ 10:37 AM

Hello!! it was great to hear everything is going well for you!! :) Miss you both and keep on trucking :)

FROM: Lance Vaughn Mar 25 @ 7:39 PM

Here’s one of my favorite pictures . . . wrestling with Dad. Been a while, course.

FROM: Kim P Mar 27 @ 7:51 PM

Hi Lea and Larry, How are you guys doing? I have been so busy lately with school and work and I have been thinking a lot about you, and wondering how everything is going. I'm sure everything is fine, but you know me, I'm always checking on you! Everyone has been asking about you and we miss you very much, but glad you are back home! I have recently been visiting a church that my friend introduced me to and I am really enjoying it, and interested in joining. I have been searching for a church for the past few years that really fits me, and I think I finally found it, so that is what is pretty much new with me. So what's new with you? Anything fun and interesting? I hope to hear from you soon, I am going to try to send some pictures from a recent party the B9I staff had in a few days when I download them, so look out for those!

FROM: Pat Stroup Mar 30 @ 9:48 PM

Hi all, I’m sorry about the short notice. Dave Vaughn, Larry’s brother, just got in today and is putting together a social for all the people who supported Lea and me through our hard times. The four of us were not involved in any planning and just found out details this evening. The get together will be this Sunday, 2 April, at the Atlanta Community Center. We were told tonight to invite who we felt should be there – to thank you for supporting us – and give all of you an opportunity to see and visit us. Please come if you can, although we will certainly understand if you can’t make it on such short notice. We will not be showing our battle scars, but would love to see you all. Thanks and God Bless.


FROM: Chris W Apr 3 @ 10:47 PM

Hi Larry and Lea, I know it has been a while however the two of you are in Amanda' and my thoughts every day. Still to this day the 9th floor at Hartford Hospital does not feel the same since you left. The long process of finding a new manager has finally concluded and we are now guided by new hands. Her name is Deb and she came to us from California. While Michelle (who is still the manager of B10I) left some gigantic shoes to fill Deb is great. As you know there are many different personalities on 9I and she has done a terrific job in the transition of her new role. I think she will do a great job much like her predecessor.

Amanda and I have been very busy. A few hours ago we returned from Martinsville Virginia. There was a NASCAR race there this past weekend and it was by far the best race we have ever been to. Top that with my favorite driver Tony Stewart (from Indiana) winning in a final 10 lap thrill-ride and we had the ultimate vacation. We have also been staying busy with the new house and of course Murphy's Law still has a hand in 292 everything we do. One cold morning in February we woke up and the house was freezing. Having had problems with the heater before in December we jumped to the conclusion that it was the unit never opting to check the amount of propane that was in the tank. A new heater later we learned that we were simply out of propane. We try to take it all in with a grain of salt however on the heels of a wedding it tasted more like vinegar. Needless to say our gas company has since come out and put gages on the tanks so we can read them.

Speaking of weddings we need your new address. I am not sure if Lea is up to traveling yet or if either of you ever want to return to Connecticut however Amanda and I would love to have the two of you at our wedding this June. In all my years of life you guys are truly an inspiration to what real love is and what life is really about. We would be honored to have you share this day with us. We will totally understand if you are unable to make. We knew from the start that recovery would be long and if in your shoes, the Nugmeg State might be the last place on earth I would ever want to be. With that being said and due to the late hour I will sign off. I apologize for the infrequency of my emails however I have never been known for my writing promptness. I hope all well, that Lea's recovery is exceeding expectations and that God blesses the two of you with as much love as you give to others. Until we talk again.

FROM: Marlowe N Apr 5 @ 5:57 PM

Hi Lea, Well, the big wedding will be here before we know it, and I'm getting close to choosing a dress. I'm going to wear a tea length dress with a full chiffon skirt. (good for dancing) It's a pretty simple dress, in that it doesn't have beading or sequins or anything, but the top is ruasched. (?) I can choose among a lot of colors and am considering either purple or fuscia. I wanted to check and see if you've decided on a dress yet and what color it is. If you are thinking of wearing one of these colors, I can choose the other color. You probably know that the bridesmaids are wearing tea length honeydew dresses and the flowers include pale green orchids with fuschia colored centers and champagne colored roses.

Also, I have made the two of us appointments the afternoon of the wedding with my hairdresser for shampoo and set. You could also get a manicure there if you let me know in advance. Of course, this is entirely at your discretion, but I thought it would be fun. Pam used to cut Kristin's hair from the time she was about ten until she left for college.

We are really looking forward to seeing you and Larry and meeting the rest of your family. We are thrilled that you are doing so well, and that you sold your b and b. (I'm sure you had mixed feelings about this). We have been in Austin the past few weeks moving into a house we bought here, and have really been working hard to get settled in before we leave to head back to NM on Friday. We'd love to have you two over after the wedding, as I understand you are going to stay a few days. Let me know about any color choices you have made. I will call also if I don't hear from you soon.

FROM: Doreen Bottone, Chaplain of MidState Hospital, Meriden CT Apr 14 @ 12:11 PM

Larry and Lea, Just want to wish you all a blessed Easter Season!! Hope all is going along well. It is spring here and that is good news. May the miracle of Easter continue to inspire, encourage and sustain you as we once again celebrate the new life won for us by Christ!

FROM: Gracie L Apr 26 @ 7:54 AM

It was so good hearing from you and Lea again. I've thought about you two many times as has the rest of those in our family who received your e-mails from me. I see Lea continues to make progress forward even though it's at a slow pace, she's still moving ahead. It has to be a bit disheartening at times but from where you two traveled to get to where you are now was a journey none of us will forget and still continues to touch lives. You both have been a blessing and continue to be in many many lives. How can I be discouraged or my heart grow weary after hearing your story and the faith you manifested to us as you went through those harrowing weeks and even months of trials and tribulations. We too have had our struggles and trying times but I have learned to go with the flow and ride the tide and not to fret when I know not which way to go. I rest

293 in the assurance that I'm not the one in control nor do I want to be. Continued love and prayers are sent your way.

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Apr 26 @ 8:04 AM

Thank you, Gracie. I love your notes. You have such insight! Hope to meet you during a trip to Hannibal sometime this summer. God bless.

FROM: Sandy C Apr 26 @ 8:21 PM

Praise be to God!!!! Great hearing from you. Too bad you can't make the trip to Missouri but that will come in time just like all the little improvements have come in the past few months. Lea--I love your nails!!! Did you do the drawings/paintings? I met Dave and Dottie for lunch in St. Louis on the 11th. I just happened to be on vacation and asked if I could meet them somewhere even just for a few minutes--which is about all we had. So good to see them. I would love to visit them--maybe next year.

Leslie and john are moving to Long Island, NY so my next trip will be to that area. I have never been that direction so am excited. John has to be there May 1st and she will stay in GA for 3 months to try to sell the house. If not sold, the company will buy--at least that is what they said. I can't imagine giving up the wonderful warm winter weather they currently have to face the cold winters in NY but they have been told it isn't as bad on the Island so we will see. Debbie is so busy that I hardly see her but we talk often. Keep up the good work Lea!!

FROM: Melissa S Apr 27 @ 9:04 AM

Hello, Just wanted to check in an see how you and Lea were doing and how things are going. A few people have come up to me in the last week or so asking if I have heard from you recently so I thought that was a sign it was time to write. Things at the hospital are quite busy. Ron Carlson who was down the hall from you on 9E who was waiting for a heart transplant finally got his heart last Tues and is doing awesome and should be going home within a week or 2. I am sure you met him.

All the babies in 9I are coming due, Cristina had a baby boy, Dr. Gallaghers wife had a girl, Liz is due the end of May along with Amy and Ashleigh and Rachel from nights is due in June so we will be lost with no one around!! We have had quite the shake up in the Respiratory dept and are merging teams and many people are leaving. I had an interview yesterday to be the Director of Clinical Education at Goodwin College for Respiratory Care which looks very good. So we will see. Kelly the APRN is also leaving so there will be many new faces. We have a new Nurse Manager Deb who is absolutely fantastic and helps everyone. That is a quick summary of some of the stuff happening over here. We think of you often and hope all is well

REPLY FROM: Larry Vaughn Apr 27 @ 8:28 AM

Hi, Melissa, It was very nice to hear from you. I received many, many notifications from AOL that my Update, sent out yesterday, had been delayed in delivery. The message indicated that I didn't have to resend the message, that it would be relayed eventually to all AOL recipients. Please let me know if you don't get the 0425 Lea Update today, and I will resend it to all the folks on AOL. We are happy to hear of the possibility of your move to an educational role. You'll be very good in a position of that type, and it should suit your personality very well. Please let us know how that evolves for you.

I regret that so many of the folks we grew to love so dearly are all moving their separate directions, but I know that is the way things are. I just hope they will continue to keep in touch with us in the years ahead. I was hoping that we could eventually get Lea back out there, some day, to meet all the wonderful caregivers who cared for her, but it doesn't seem to be very realistic, does it? Thanks for keeping in touch, and give our highest regards to the team.


REPLY FROM: Melissa S Apr 27 @ 10:53 AM

Hello, I will let you know when I receive it. I think if word got out you were coming to visit everyone would make a point in coming to see you whether they were still working at the hospital or not, not to worry. Talk to you soon

FROM: Eileen H Apr 28 @ 10:10 AM

Hi Larry and Lea, All I can say is you look Wonderful!! WOW! I am so happy for you both. Hope Life is going well. It continues to be busy here at the big HH (Hartford Hospital). My own life is just a busy with work, teaching at Quinnipiac University, and going to school my self. Not much down time at this point in my life. I do love every minute. Have to go now and get unit rounds done. Please continue with the updates. I will keep you both in my prayers. God Bless.

FROM: Phil V Apr 30 @ 9:18 AM

Thanks for the update. You both are never far from our thoughts and come up in conversation frequently. It's always good to hear of Lea's progress. We keep you in our prayers and will continue to do that.


FROM: Doe O May 3 @ 11:26 AM

Lea looks so good and sending a big hello!

FROM: Nancy P May 3 @ 5:25 PM


FROM: Karen May 4 @ 3:04 AM

GOOD MORNING!!! How nice to get your e-mails, life around here has been spinning out of control, but hopefully things will calm down in the next 5 years. Ha...... We put Robert's mother in the nursing home 3 weeks ago and it is going o.k. for the most part, we have slowed down from being there everyday to every 3 days now.

I have quit my part-time job, that lady I worked for was a major stressful person, never seen her smile or be happy about anything in the 8 months I worked for her, she wasn't a nice person, so I finally decided I had enough and walked in last Thursday morning and laid the office key in front of her on her desk and said I won't be needing this anymore, and she never said a word. When I left she said enjoy your summer, maybe I could come back in the fall, Ha..... Everyone else that was there were great, but when you work side by side by someone who is unhappy, it's hard to be in a happy mode all the time.

Your photo looks great, we are hoping for some downtime soon, my brother Bill is still in the hospital going on 6 months now and no hope of going home in the next 2 months for sure, then probably to a skilled nursing facility again until he can have his kidney transplant sometime. Glenda in Az, her daughter Dawn was in a terrible dune buggy accident on Friday night and broke her left leg, from the knee down she crushed the bone and is having surgery today, so we need her on all of the prayer chains to get thru this surgery o.k. today. Well, take care and I will surprise you one of these days and do a road trip for the day and we'll do lunch...... I promise, I need to see you guys soon. Later


FROM: Marilyn M May 4 @ 4:52 AM

You look great, hope you feel stronger every day.


FROM: Lance Vaughn Jun13 @ 7:04 PM

Team: Per our conversations this evening, we'd like to ask Dean & Larry to make toasts on the night of the Rehearsal Dinner. Friends and Family from out of town will be present. It will be less formal. After your toasts, we'll pass around the mic to anyone who is interested. At the Reception, we'd also like Dean & Larry to make toasts again. (Perhaps this one can be in pig latin, just to mix things up a little. Maybe not.) This affair will be more formal and will include many more close family members. Dad, if you'd like to say something about Mom on either or both nights, I'm sure we'd all be touched and honored. If you'd like to say something on only one night, please make it at the Wedding Rehearsal, since so many familiar with your ministry will be present.

Link, we'd also like to ask you to make a toast at the Wedding Reception. (Didn't know what you were signing up for, did ya?) You're essentially filling the traditional role of the best man in this scenario. And if I were to have one, you'd be it, bro. Marlowe & Lea, we'd like to ask you to make a toast at the Sunday Morning Brunch. We thought this would be a fun non-traditional touch on the weekend. Larry, we'd be honored if you would also say grace for us at the Rehearsal Dinner. I'll let you decide whether it should be non- denominational, etc. Perhaps Marlowe has some insight into this. Thank you all!

FROM: Susan G Jun 17 @ 3:52 AM

Hi Lea, This is Susan Graves, Shan's sister. Shan sent me the email that Larry sent about your improving health. You look WONDERFUL, Lea. Praise God that you are doing so well. Nicholas is growing like a little weed. He turned 16 months old yesterday. Although he is not walking, he can get into EVERYTHING! Right now we are battling Roseola (sp??), which has not been fun but he's on the mend, we think.

FROM: Marlowe N Jun 28 @ 5:28 AM

Hi, Hope you all enjoyed the rest of your stay in Texas and are safely back home! It was so great to have you in Austin for all the festivities. We especially enjoyed having you over to our home; it really felt like one, big happy family! We look forward to many fun gatherings over the years.

Here is a (sampling of) photos Doug Milewski took over the three days of the wedding.

Blessings, Marlowe

FROM: Larry Vaughn July 4 @ 12:16 AM

Hello, and happy Independence Day! We've had several phone calls and emails in the last week or so asking about how well Lea survived the wedding trip to Texas, so I thought should take a few moments to give you an update. Overall, we are very encouraged by her ability to bounce back from the travel. 296

We flew to Austin on a Thursday evening, so we could have a chance to rest before the Friday evening rehearsal dinner. We were met at the airport by the bride's parents, who chauffeured us to the hotel. Lea went to bed promptly after arrival, and was able to sleep in the next morning, and have a leisurely lunch in the early afternoon. We spent the day resting and visiting with Link and his family, who arrived from Hawaii early afternoon.

Granddaughters, Megan and Lyndi, were great morale boosters, and helped Lea get ready to go to the various events during the weekend. The rehearsal dinner was delightful. It was held on the lawn, downtown Austin, at a location where we could watch the millions of bats come out from under the bridge at dusk to feed on mosquitoes and other flying insects.

The rehearsal was quite an event for us, since we were able to meet so many folks who had sent emails and eGreetings during her ordeal. I knew many of the folks by name, but hadn't met most of them. It was a delight for me to put faces with names, and Lea, of course, hasn't even read the emails, so she didn't even know names. She just knew that she was going to meet a lot of folks who knew about her ordeal, and she got lots of hugs from a lot of new friends.

The whole wedding weekend was spectacular. The weather was very hot, but the wedding planner handled everything quite well. There are a lot of interesting photos of the rehearsal, wedding and reception taken by Doug M at, including a couple of Lea enjoying conversations with a number of new friends. The wedding collection has a shot of Lea, mother of the groom, being escorted to her seat by our son Link, with me trailing a few steps behind. She looks delightful! I couldn't help thinking, as she walked down the aisle, "Thank you, Dr. Mah, for this moment."

We spent a few days in the South Texas area, with friends, to let Lea rest up before making the trip back home. We made a couple of day trips with Link and his family. Lea would sleep the following day while they ran off to do another trip. We flew back home the following weekend, and she slept for almost three days solid. She had me a little concerned, but seemed to regain her energy mid-week.

We are still taking life day by day, and handling those issues that need to be dealt with on a case by case basis. I continue to compile the journal of her Hartford ordeal, and giving Lea as much support as I can, helping with household chores, and escorting her to appointments.

Getting her out of bed is an important event each day. I think she would stay in bed 16 hours a day if I didn't keep coming up with things to do, places to go, and people to see. This tendency isn't new, however. She has always been an Olympic class recreational sleeper. ☺

We continue to dress the wound in her abdomen, because she needs the strength of the dressing to give some support to her abdominal wall. When she stands, the very thin layer of tissue covering the wound is *so* thin it lets her organs stretch the skin substantially, and protrudes very noticeably. The dressing gives the area a little protection, supports her abdomen, and lets her feel better about how she looks.

She continues to use the cane to get around, mostly because of the deteriorated right knee, which we won't be able to get replaced until next year after her recovery from her Hartford stay is much further along. She is still very weak and unsteady, though I can see little bits of progress all the time. The physical therapy is helping her regain some muscle, which is helping her overall strength, and I believe her mental state is improving somewhat, although the pain medication keeps her from regaining her alertness and mental acuity.

In short, we continue to make progress, and are very grateful to every one who continues to provide so much encouragement and support. We have been so very blessed to have received your prayer support, cards and eGreetings while in Hartford, and we are very blessed to receive phone calls and visits from supporters as we make our way through day to day events here in Noblesville.

Thank you for all you have done for us. We continue to pray that your kindnesses will be returned many times over, and we have faith that the Lord is working in you through us, and that you will receive many blessings according to His plan. God bless!

FROM: R Dean N July 4 @ 4:22 AM


Larry and Lea, Thank you for the update. Glad both of you did so well during that loooong wedding weekend and that Lea got a chance to catch up on her sleep when she got back home. It was a great joy for us to see you both, as well as Link and his family. I hope you have a great Fourth of July!

FROM: Marilyn M July 4 @ 7:28 AM

Thanks for sharing the lovely photos! And the good news of Lea's progress. What a blessing to all of you.

FROM: Larry E Vaughn Aug 6 @ 4:39 PM

Dr Mah, I'm so happy to report that Lea seems to be doing very well in recovering from her ordeal. Barring anything unforeseen happening, I am quite optimistic that she will continue making excellent progress. The wound looks terrific; the skin graft having covered the entire area with an excellent layer of skin. We attempted to stop putting the dressing over the wound, but the tissue covering the organs is so thin they bulge out grotesquely. We are now covering the skin graft with dry gauze, and holding it in place with layers of the 6" surgical tape, which holds her in pretty well.

We recently made a two week trip to her sister's house about six hours from here, and Lea did surprisingly well, by taking a couple of breaks each two hours of travel. She enjoyed the visit, and being around her family raised her spirits tremendously. She even quit taking the mid-day dose of Dilaudid while there, and has only had to take it one day since we got back last weekend. We are planning to go to Kailua-Kona, Hawaii to be with our son and granddaughters from early November through January. By that time she should be well enough to have the surgery to close up her abdomen.

Should we consider returning to Hartford Hospital to have that surgery done? We have not met with a surgeon here, and no one is going to know her needs better than you. I don't know how all that would work with insurance, etc., but we wanted to at least make the inquiry and let you know that we would be quite comfortable returning there to have the procedure completed.

I hope this note finds you well, and that you know how much we appreciate all you did for us. We thank God that we were in the right place at the right time! Warmest regards.

REPLY FROM: John Mah Aug 9 @ 1:54 AM

Larry and Lea, Sorry I haven't responded. I just returned from vacation on Tuesday. It is great to hear from you! I would be more than happy to fix Lea's hernia. The logistics may be a little difficult. We would really need to see Lea and do a pre-operative workup and exam and then schedule her for surgery. After seeing her it may also be necessary to have her see a plastic surgeon if the reconstruction will be complex. In general it is also safer in my opinion to wait until the tissue has become thicker as we will need to carefully "peel" it off of what's underneath. This is more dangerous if the skin is thin especially if her colon is close. Over time the skin will "thicken" as more soft tissue forms between the organs and the skin. If we haven't seen much "thickening" over the last few months this may be as thick as it will get. Also, if possible could you send me some pictures of her abdomen with some measurements of the site to help me get an idea of what we will need to do?

I am delighted that Lea continues to make improvement. I wouldn't have sent you back to Indiana if I had thought otherwise. This is really due to your hard work and persistence. Keep up the hard work. We are the ones who were blessed by your presence here at Hartford Hospital. You are an inspiration to me and to many others here. We needed you as much as you needed us. Funny how God works that way.

FROM: Larry Vaughn Aug 9 @ 5:22 PM

Greetings, Just a quick note to a limited number of recipients . . . not the whole distribution list(s) for Lea Updates. I thought you might want to keep up to date on our plans, etc. The note, above, from Dr Mah, particularly his closing statement, give you a good idea why he earned a very special place in our hearts during our stay in Hartford. I hope you will join me in continuing to lift up Dr Mah, and the other caregivers who came into our lives as a part of our healing process. I pray that they will be given the blessing of knowing that the compassion and concern they give their patients DOES make a difference, and that they are appreciated long after the treatment is over. 298

Meanwhile, we continue to work daily on keeping Lea active and working toward gaining progress both physically and psychologically. We have received a lot of support in the recovery stage from friends and family, and are very grateful for every little bit of it. We have been very encouraged by her psychological improvement during the trip to Austin for Lance and Kristin's wedding, and a recent trip to be with her sister in Missouri. Both trips seemed to help her tremendously. So, we are going to try a couple more excursions this fall, and if those go as well as previous ones, we plan to travel to Hawaii to be with our family there for an extended visit over the holidays.

One of our current concerns is getting Social Security disability coverage for Lea. The government process is horribly bogged down in minutia, and they seem to drag their feet with meaningless delays to discourage, it seems, those who won't persevere. It is SO frustrating! Our personal physician, Dr. Miller, told us yesterday that most people are denied disability the first time, and it takes three to four months to get that denial. The second time around takes even longer! Many folks just give up.

Lea was terminated by her employer in July without as much as a "thank you" or a "fare thee well" after twenty years with them . . . most of those years as an officer of the corporation. It certainly is a completely different organization than it was when they worked so hard to develop a company-wide family culture! We feel very sad about this involuntary separation. We are also now working to get COBRA insurance to replace the loss of insurance coverage through her former employer. We thought the process would be seamless, converting from one to the other, but we find ourselves in a gap between the employer's insurance and the start up of COBRA. Meanwhile, we are having to pay everything medical out of pocket . . . with hopes that it will be reimbursed, at least in part, when the new coverage kicks in.

One of my biggest concerns is that COBRA lasts for only 18 months from the date of her separation. Hopefully, I can get Lea's abdominal surgery and knee surgery completed before we have no coverage at all. Her knee is deteriorating very quickly, and it seems that she will have continual pain from that until we can get it replaced. As you can see in Dr Mah's reply, if there isn't a lot of growth of tissue over the organs, it's unlikely they will want to close it over. So far, I haven't seen any growth of fatty substance under the surface tissue.

I am considering taking my social security retirement this year so I will have access to Medicare about six months after Lea's COBRA coverage runs out. That would leave us with only a six month gap in coverage between the end of COBRA and the beginning of Medicare. I'm still researching that concept, and alternatively may decide to go to work part time somewhere where I can get group insurance coverage. That would mean giving up the consulting work with DBM that I have enjoyed so much for the past several years, but since DBM doesn't offer an insurance program for part time employees, it may be the right thing to do.

We have received hints that there is a couple from the local area who appreciate historic houses and are considering purchasing the Walton House. We would appreciate prayer that it is His will that this folks will purchase the house, and let us move on, unencumbered, to the next chapter of our lives. We are SO appreciative of how our extended family has pulled together to help us through this ordeal, and want you to know that we feel blessed beyond belief by your efforts on our behalf. Thank you for all you do . . . even those things we don't know about.

FROM: Kim P Oct 15 @ 8:38 PM

Hi Larry and Lea, I am glad that everything is going great. Both of you are in my prayers, my church has been praying for you, I told them the story about Lea and everyone is amazed at the miracle that took place. It was because of your story that got me to believe...Thank you so much for that! Talk to you soon. Love.