A Study of Churches Built for the Use of Congregations
A STUDY OF CHURCHES BUILT FOR THE USE OF CONGREGATIONS OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND BETWEEN 1945 AND 1970 AND OF THEIR EFFECTIVENESS IN SERVING THE NEEDS OF THEIR CONGREGATIONS TODAY. by Michael Gilman, BA, FSA (Scot). A Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the School of Architecture of the University of Sheffield Volume One Accepted for Post-Graduate study - September 1993. Thesis sbmitted: May 1999. 1 A Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the School of Architecture of the University of Sheffield, by Michael Gilman. Title of Thesis: A Study built for the of churches use of congregations of the Church of England between 1945 and 1970 and of their in effectiveness serving the needs of their congregations today. Summary: This thesis is a study of churches built for the Church of England, in the dioceses of Manchester, Birmingham and Coventry, in the years 1945 to 1970, with the intention, first, of examining, the circumstances of their planning and building, and, second, the degree to which those building serve the needs of their respective parishes today. The church buildings described in the study have been visited, clergy or churchwardens interviewed, and archival material, individual relating both to churches, and to the diocese as a whole, consulted where it was available. The study comprises three sections. The first is an introduction, which includes a discussion of significant factors affecting the design of post-war churches, including the Liturgical Movement, the Institute for the Study of Worship and Religious Architecture, in Birmingham, and the idealism of the post-war era, both in the nation, and in the Church.
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