
, US, Musician

November 27. Keith Green. As a toddler, Keith sang “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” with perfect pitch. And his parents provided musical training.

Keith liked piano but not playing the long classical pieces. When he was expected to learn to read sheet music, he simply memorized the classical pieces and pretended to be sight-reading the notes when his teacher was there. When he learned to play chords on the piano, he began writing and singing his own songs. He was six years old.

Keith went searching for spiritual truth, and that took about fourteen years and led him through drugs and Eastern mysticism. Finally, Keith met a woman who introduced him to Jesus, and Keith married her and gave his life to Jesus.

Keith and Melody opened their home to anybody with a need or who wanted to kick drugs or to get off the street. Keith preached to them all, and their home became known as The Greenhouse.

Even in concerts, Keith said, “If you praise and worship Jesus with your mouth, and your life does not praise and worship him, there’s something wrong!”

On this date in 2001, Keith was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. Here’s his story.

A guy can play it safe and live a comfortable life or take a risk and live an adventure.

Keith’s next move shook the music industry to its core.

People whispered: He’s going to do what? Why?

This is not generosity; it’s foolishness.

It’s going to make everyone else look greedy.

As a Christian musician in the 70s and 80s, Keith set a high bar. His life reflected the words in his songs. He lived his beliefs. Keith had an intense love for Christ along with radical ideas to serve others.

Most Christians steer away from radical Christianity. They live small lives while serving a big God. Keith and his wife Melody decided compromising their beliefs would be hypocrisy. So, they made difficult choices to live out their high standards. It would mean standing out and risking rejection and ridicule.

To live the radical life God wanted for them, the Greens chose first not to worry about money. Before they became Christians, they had been generous, always inviting people to stay with them. After they became Christians, their generosity grew. With their first freefall of money, they bought two houses and rented four more to house anyone in their lives who needed shelter. Even in the hippy culture, which was still prevalent, this was a radical move. When Keith signed on with Sparrow Records, a Christian record label, money started pouring in.

His albums shot to the top of the charts, and the took notice. The brave choices Keith and Melody made in spending their money to serve others was met with admiration. The Greens created Last Days Ministries to continue to serve others. Keith’s heart was to tell people about Jesus through his music and concerts.

The Greens wanted to reach every person they could. So, Keith decided to give his albums away for free or charge whatever people could afford. The Greens didn’t want anyone left out because they couldn’t afford an album. Last Days Ministries began sending albums to prisons and hospitals.

The Christian Music Industry began to question Keith’s motives. Sure, living for Christ meant living by God’s Word, but the Greens were being too radical. Were they doing this to look better than everyone else? Didn’t they know that this seemingly generous behavior would affect the other Christian musicians? The Green’s decision to give albums for free was simply wrong, according to the popular opinion.

But the Greens decided to do what they felt God was telling them, not to cave in to the pressure of the record companies. The risk was worth it.

In fact, Keith decided to let folks into his concerts for free. This decision drew more criticism and insults. But the Greens didn’t slow down. The ministry rented the venue for the concert, and then Keith took an offering for Last Days Ministries to help cover the costs. He and Melody did not receive any of the offerings because they were able to support themselves with their music royalties.

Passion for Christ requires courage to live an adventure, not a safe life.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, perfect and pleasing will” (Romans 12:2 NIV). Is your life constrained by comfort zones? Or are you taking risks for Christ? A guy can play it safe and live a comfortable life or take a risk and live an adventure.

Green, Keith. “About Keith Green.” Last Days Ministries. Accessed August 21, 2020. https:// www.lastdaysministries.org/Groups/1000008700/Last_Days_Ministries/Keith_Green/Bio/Bio.aspx. Hazard, David, and Melody Green. No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1989.

Story read by: Peter R Warren, https://www.peterwarrenministries.com/