THE USENET COOKBOOK (Recipes and food lorefromthe global village) Acollection by the readers of USENET,from the newsgroup alt.gourmand. Edited by Brian K. Reid Palo Alto, California, U.S.A. decwrl!reid
[email protected] Last updated 1989-ish. Typeset 13 September 2012 Copyright © 1989 USENET Community Trust Permission to copywithout fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advan- tage, the USENET copyright notice, title, and publi- cation date appear,and notice is giventhat copying is by permission of the USENET Community Trust. 1 INTRODUCTION(M) INTRODUCTION(M) The newelectronic interdependence recreates the world in the image ofaglobal village. —Marshall McLuhan, 1967 INTRODUCTION This is a community cookbook, from an invisible worldwide electronic community.Likeall community cookbooks, it has the favorite recipes of the members of the community,suitably edited and organized. The USENET Cookbook is a collection of the favorite recipes of USENET readers worldwide. USENET USENET is the network by which Unix computer users talk to each other.Itisaworldwide net, made from computer-to-computer telephone links, linking some 500,000 people at 7,000 sites in 30 countries. Besides serving an obvious technical and scientific purpose, USENET is also a medium for linking worldwide social groups of people who share common interests. As an experiment in interactive electronic publica- tion, some members of USENET decided in 1985 to makeacookbook of favorites from their ‘‘global vil- lage’’. Brian Reid of DEC Western Research in Palo Alto, California, organized the venture and wrote much of the requisite software.