[email protected] | www.9marks.org Contents Tools like this are provided by the generous investment of donors. Each gift to 9Marks helps equip church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources for displaying God’s glory to the nations through healthy churches. Donate at: www.9marks.org/donate. Or make checks payable to “9Marks” and mail to: 9 Marks, 525 A St. NE Washington, DC 20002 For any gift of $300 ($25/month), you’ll receive two new 9Marks books published throughout the year as well as advance copies of new 9Marks audio. All donations to 9Marks are tax-deductible. Editor’s Note Page 4 Jonathan Leeman WANTED: A CULTURE OF EVANGELISM Connecting Evangelism and Church Page 5 Evangelism is both an individual and a team sport. But it’s the latter we tend to neglect. Here are theological and practical steps toward a remedy. By Jonathan Leeman Three Ingredients for an Evangelistic Church Culture Page 11 What’s better than the best evangelism program? An evangelistic culture. By Mike McKinley Pastors’ Forum: Four Approaches to Evangelism Training Page 14 Answers from University Reformed Church, Sterling Park Baptist Church, the Village Church, and the Church at Brook Hills 1 OVERCOMING OBSTACLES TO EVANGELISM Must Every Christian Evangelize? Page 17 Church members sometimes wonder if they should just leave evangelism to the “professionals.” Here is a quick guide for pastors to know how to answer them. By Timothy Beogher The Pastor and Evangelism: Finding an Audience Page 21 For a pastor the tough part isn’t knowing what to say, but—six days of the week—finding someone to say it to.