Smart Development: Empowering Industries by Digitalized and Intelligent Infrastructure

Building the Information Operating the Information Putting Customer “Highway” “High-Speed Train” First

Sustainability Context

New infrastructure supported by innovative, upgraded new-generation network information and communications technologies (ICT), such as 5G and AI, has accelerated high-quality economic development. In 2020, sped up the construction of such new infrastructure, fostered new economies, technologies and industries, and created new drivers for economic growth. How to make better use of new infrastructure, promote integration of technology and innovation, and drive transformation and development across industries, has become the pressing issue to be addressed by ICT enterprises.

Our Actions

Centering on digitalized and intelligent transformation and high-quality development, we accelerated information infrastruc- ture construction, enhanced integrated innovation such as “5G+AICDE/ blockchain”, and promoted integration of information technology across industries to speed up their transformation and upgrade. At the same time, we strive to develop the most advanced information technology and the best telecommunication services for clients.

12 Smart Development: Empowering Industries by Digitalized and Intelligent Infrastructure 13 services uitous needs uitous Accelerating platform infrastructure construction infrastructure platform Accelerating accelerate platform to continued Mobile China to meet ubiquitous needs construction infrastructure industrial intelligent services, deployed for and actively clients provide to platforms application other and Internet At the same time, China Mobile with one-stop solutions. servicebuilt a capacity to empower and platform system AI technologies. industries with various for intelligent intelligent for Meeting ubiq- Meeting ubiquitous ubiquitous access needs needs Meeting ubiquitous ubiquitous computing

Seizing the opportunities of digital economy, China Mobile actively laid its plans for building first-class new new first-class building for plans its laid actively Mobile China digital of economy, opportunities the Seizing digital, in building 5G-centric intelligent integrated ”, spared no efforts “highway and information infrastructure unblocking a higher level, to capacity and user experience the network coverage, and elevated infrastructure, development. for economic and social “artery” flow of information the

Strengthening network infrastructure network Strengthening China Mobile has comprehensively strengthened the construction of network infrastructure to meet ubiquitous access needs, and to meet ubiquitous access of network infrastructure strengthened the construction China Mobile has comprehensively of the end of 2020, we As prefecture-level. above all urban areas to cover forefront with 5G at the network infrastructure extended counties and key cities, selected had opened 390,000services 5G base stations 5G commercial all prefecture-level to provide for commercial network. largest 5G standalone (SA) and the world’s had built a technologically-leading We areas in China. Enhancing computing infrastructure Enhancing computing infrastructure “3+3+X” data centers to develop China Mobile endeavored planned and more better that are more effective, layouts (in the Beijing-Tianjin- regional centers sustainable: three key Delta, and the Guangdong- River Yangtze the Hebei Region, Area), three inter-provincial Greater Bay Hong Kong-Macao as provincial as well centers (in Hohhot, Harbin and Guiyang), centers and service efficiently nodes across the country, meeting the intelligent computing needs across industries. In 2020, overcoming adversities brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and the immature industry chain, China Mobile China Mobile industrypandemic and the immature chain, the COVID-19 brought by adversities In 2020, overcoming 5G premium networks high-quality and world-leading” advanced, technologically “nationwide, accelerated the building of the to foster infrastructure of computing and platform and strengthened the construction and related infrastructure, of digital industries. growth Construction Leading Infrastructure Building the Information “Highway” Information the Building 5G signal covers Mount Qomolangma - A new legend for China Mobile Case

Upon the start of the Mount Qomolangma elevation measurement project on April 30, 2020, a China Mobile team worked day and night non-stop and successfully opened a 5G base station at the 6,500-meter-elevation advance camp to cover the mountaineering routes on the north face and the summit with the 5G signal so that the 5G signal can be detected on the world’s highest peak.

Due to the harsh natural environment on the mountain, the maintenance equipment could only be carried up to the base station on the back of workers or yaks. The workers installed and troubleshot the equipment barehand- edly at a temperature of around minus 20oC, and used parallel connection of two oil machines to power the base station. In addition, they upgraded, maintained, and improved the 177km transmission trunk line around the ser- vice zone and the machine rooms along the line. Our 12 network maintenance workers worked in shifts around the clock at an elevation above 5,300 meters above sea level until the measurement team reached the top.

From 2G to 5G, China Mobile’s signals are always there to serve Chinese and foreign mountaineers, scientific expedition teams and tourists on Mount Qomolangma. This historic moment in the global telecommunication history would not be possible without the bravery and hard work of our builders.

In May 2003, China Mobile successfully In November 2007, China Mobile opened China Mobile opened the world’s highest 5G launched the multimedia messaging service a base station on Mount Qomolangma base station on Mount Qomolangma (MMS) on Mount Qomolangma at an elevation above 6,500 meters

Data centers boost the development of local digital economy Case

In 2020, China Mobile made considerable progress in data center construction. For instance, the Phase II project of the data center built in Gui’an New Area can accommodate 70,000 servers, becoming the backbone node in the southwest region; after completion, the Nanjing Data Center in Jiangsu will accommodate 19,000 racks and 300,000 servers, and is expected to be one of the best Internet data centers in Eastern China. With strong capabilities in terms of platform processing, storage, cloud computing and mobile communications service, these data centers can effectively gather and integrate the upstream and downstream businesses, laying a new foundation for the development of local digital economy.

OnePOWER advances 5G+ industrial internet transformation Case

On October 29, 2020, China Mobile announced the 5G+ industrial Internet brand “CMCC OnePOWER”. It’s clearly positioned to provide better industrial solutions, more diversified industrial applications and products, more powerful industrial modeling tools, and more flexible platform deployment methods. It demonstrates the latest developments in 5G-powered industrial Internet, covering four major areas of terminals, private networks, platforms and applications, and best practices in six sub-industries: factories, metallurgy, mining, power, ports and chemicals.

14 Smart Development: Empowering Industries by Digitalized and Intelligent Infrastructure 15

1.444 documents, documents, 6,000 Internet Digital home R&D Industrial application 02 04 06 08 research centers dedicated to “6G”, centers dedicated to research five . 99 Internet applications, processing on average Internet applications, processing on average 15,000 8 Open Capability Platforms 1 Collaborative Innovation Platform Innovation 1 Collaborative standards documents, bringing the total to over standards the total bringing documents, over to 01 03 05 07 1,200 IT IoT 5G chip solutions with industry solutions with partners. 5G chip Digital content among global operators. nications 20 Telecommu- new key projects to develop international 5G standards commissioned by 3GPP, ITU and other and other ITU 3GPP, international 5G standards commissioned by projects to develop key new 35 “next-generation Internet” and others. Internet” and “next-generation authentications and connection services comprehensive classes of Internet enterprises. to various Provided has connected over China Mobile Passport Co-established a research institute with Tsinghua University, with with University, Tsinghua with institute Co-established a research billion authentications per day. Led Submitted more than more Submitted Co-launched Co-launched international standards bringing the total organizations, to leading In 2020 We have built a service platform for innovators and startups, through which we introduced the “Star Plan” “Star Plan” introduced the we through which and startups, innovators built a service for platform have We projects, to deepen cooperation between innovation for partners from SMEs and universities to recruit business- market-oriented, a explore and institutions research and universities sizes, various of businesses projects in 60 such had released platform of the end of 2020, the As innovation. technological toward led path industries. & creative and cultural smart hardware as smart home, smart city, such fields various Giving full play to its own advantages and unique resources, China Mobile adopted one-point access and advantagesresources, China Mobile adopted one-point access and and unique to its own Giving full play operations, and introduced eight specialty capability to servecentralized platforms micro, small and medium- 800 over had received platforms of 2020, these end the of As enterprises and individual innovators. sized 300,000billion service and incubated over requests applications. Advancing Openness for Innovation for Openness Advancing institutes, and research agencies, leading enterprises with government cooperation furthered the strategic China Mobile While constantly digital innovation. collaboration and complementation cross-sector through 5G-powered etc. to advance partners to jointly build specialty and empowered capabilities developed we capacity, independent innovation improving and intelligent services. digitalized for ecosystem a new Operating the Information “High-Speed Train”

The information infrastructure with 5G at the forefront has provided strong support for digital and sustainable development across industries. China Mobile actively operated information “high-speed train” and explored new scenarios, applications and business models of information services to facilitate transformation and upgrade across industries. Meanwhile, we provided a wider range of digital, intelligent services for making a better digital life for all.

Promoting ICT Applications in All Industries

China Mobile sought further integrated innovation by applying ICT to various industries and promoted the application of the new-generation ICT such as 5G technology to empower areas of economic, social development and livelihoods. As of the end of 2020, China Mobile had created 100 Group-level pilot projects for 15 industries, and boosted efficiency and profitability across industries.

5G-powered 5G-powered 5G-powered smart factory (8) smart mine (4) smart banking(5)

5G-powered 5G-powered smart 5G-powered smart cultural tourism (3) industry video (4) hospital (12)

5G-powered smart 5G-powered electricity (6) smart park (3)

5G-powered smart city(16) 5G-powered 5G-powered smart port (4) 5G-powered automatic cloud game(3) driving(15)

5G-powered smart 5G-powered 5G-powered unmanned campus (10) smart steel (3) aerial vehicle(4)

5G-powered unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offer diversified smart solutions Case

Emergency response: China Mobile’s 5G-powered Urban management: At the Ningde Nuclear Power UAVs participated in emergency rescue for forest fire Plant in Fujian, AI recognition and 5G-powered UAVs in City of Liangshan Prefecture of , were used to identify potential problems and take photos wildfire in Anzhou District of City, cata- for troubleshooting, considerably improving the efficiency strophic flood in , and earthquake in Changn- of inspections over power lines and cold source waters. ing of Sichuan. Farmland operation: At the Chongqing Yongchuan Transport and logistics: China Mobile’s 5G-powered Smart Pear Garden, 5G-powered UAVs were used for UAVs were equipped with cargo space to deliver automated and targeted pesticide spraying, protect- medical emergency supplies more quickly to remote ing the farmland from pest. areas such as Zhaojue County, Liangshan, Sichuan. Live broadcasting: In Beidahu, Jilin Province, Inspection and map survey: China Mobile’s 5G-pow- 5G-powered UAVs were used to broadcast the curling ered UAVs were used for map surveys in Yunyang competition, part of the points game for the Beijing County, Chongqing. The massive real-time map sur- 2022 Olympic Winter Games. The 5G real-time feed- vey data and the automatically merged images made back platform offered high-definition and multi-angle low-latency, high-precision 3D modeling possible. live broadcasting of the game.

16 Smart Development: Empowering Industries by Digitalized and Intelligent Infrastructure 17 Case Case Case Scan the QR code to learn Scan the QR code to learn more about Smart Port China’s first 5G+ remote control gantry crane was put into use in Ningbo Zhoushan Port first 5G+ remote control gantrywas put into use in Ningbo Zhoushan crane China’s As an important hub of modern transportation, ports play a pivotal role in economic development. Our Zhejiang an importantAs development. a pivotal role in economic hub of modern transportation, ports play computing, network, edge network slicing, on 5G SA subsidiary remote control of port ma- enhanced research 5G+ tire-type gantry in Ningbo realize automatic driving, remote crane to help the Zhoushan Port etc., chinery, unmanned 5G-powered The trucks. unmanned the application test of 5G-powered control. It has completed delivered goods along the pre-designed route and carried Port subsidiary Sea Far the for our Fujian built by trucks as abnormal communi- common problems such place within the specified time, solving them to the designated and high-reliability transmission low-latency The operations. under traditional and long delay cation interference of automated operating efficiency overall the improved control signals greatly Vehicle) Guided (Automatic AGV of and Qingdao Port Shandong’s Port, Yangshan also applied at Shanghai’s was 5G technology terminals. In addition, digitalization. port for foundation a more solid etc., laying Port, Mawan Shenzhen’s 5G empowers port operation port 5G empowers In August 2020, China Mobile supported the building of Wengding Hulu Characteristic Town in Yunnan with smart Yunnan in Town Hulu Characteristic Wengding 2020, China Mobile supported the building of August In “5G+AR”, as applications, such innovative and employed network made full use of 5G We tourism solutions. of local “5G+WiFi” based on ethnic characteristics ethnic town and “5G+VR”, striving to build a characteristic management with security services, improve helped local property broadcasting and owners We people. Wa streaming VR live and hotels, smart parking, equipped with smart toilets, smart smart travel town, The UAVs. nearly 2 date, it has received To and tourist services. the tourist experience improved services, etc., effectively million visits cumulatively. 5G-powered smart tourism for the building of Characteristic Towns the building of Characteristic for tourism smart 5G-powered The deepest 5G base station supports smart mining smart The deepest 5G base station supports completed in Shanxi. China Mobile was officially smart coal mine first 5G-powered 2020, China’s 18, On June Coal Mine of Shanxi deepest 5G base station Xinyuan (534 meters underground) for co-built the then China’s the coal mine, equipped built for was 5G network “super gigabit uplink” private Coal IndustryA Group. Yangquan - remote control of tun chambers, applications including unmanned inspections of electromechanical with diverse solutions enabled monitoring and targeted remote operation These neling operations and unmanned mining, etc. mining. less-manned or unmanned mining and safe for a solid foundation of underground equipment, laying Serving the Digitalized and Intelligent Life

With innovative technologies such as 5G, China Mobile developed specialty services including 5G Messaging, ul- tra-high-definition video, Color Ring Back Tone (CRBT), VR/AR, etc., to meet users’ growing needs for diversified, high-quality and personalized digital content and deliver a more intriguing digital life on the “cloud”.

New Technology New Content New Experience

Initiated the first multimedia alli- Applied 5G technology to deliver 4K Launched five new 5G applications: ance in China - 5MII, and co-estab- live broadcasting of games of Chinese “5G+4K+VR”, the world’s first 5G lished the Cloud Game Industry Football Association Super League ultra-HD video CRBT, AR Photo- Alliance and the 5G+Video CRBT (CSL), China Basketball Association shooting, MiguPlay on 5G Cloud Industry Alliance; (CBA) and China Volleyball League Game Platform, and 5G-enabled (CVL) every day; mobile newspaper; Co-released the 5G+8K Ultra HD Localization White Paper and par- Partnered with the China Museums Launched the Digital Smart Cloud ticipated in the preparation of the Association, National Centre for the services online including Cloud world’s first national standard for Performing Arts of China (NCPA) and Performing Arts, Cloud Museum, video CRBT, continuing to drive Shanghai Animation Film Studio to Cloud Dance, Cloud Fitness and industry innovation. create ultra-HD immersive content Cloud Class, etc. based on classics works.

5G+VR offers an immersive digital experience Case

China Mobile employed the Gigabit Ethernet to develop omni-terminal mobile cloud-based VR applications with immersive experience. We combined 5G and VR technologies to enrich online cultural life and better disseminate knowledge. We are the first in the industry to apply VR technology to live broadcast the cherry blossom festival, on Mount Qomolangma, and at concerts. For sports events, we employed 5G technology to allow you an immer- sive game-watching experience with friends far away. We also held online classes. Our Migu Reading became China’s first 5G-powered new-generation reading App containing e-books, audio books and videos, as well as bestselling screen adaptations, enabling more new experiences for the public.

China Mobile MIGU Company Limited launched the VR bookstore on World Reading Day, unveiling the era of reading in virtual reality

18 Smart Development: Empowering Industries by Digitalized and Intelligent Infrastructure 19 - : - and and ”, - focus , Under the theme of “Heart- Under the theme of China Mobile organized three three China Mobile organized “Welcome to China Mobile “Welcome ”, We took the took the We ”. Action Cut “Peak ”, and Enhancing smart service capability service smart Enhancing “new China Mobile continued to build a of customer servicelevel system” data convergence, by characterized integration of capabilities and digitalization services,of targeted more and deliver to services.proactive Ser Quality the Hosting External: vice Season. felt Service, Experience” felt Excellent and products network, “excellent on ing services”, customer interaction activities, including customer interaction activities, including “General Manager Customer Reception Day ”, with Am a Service“I Experience Officer 20 million participating customers. over Improving customer complaint response: response: complaint customer Improving China Mobile set up the semi-monthly disclosure portability number mobile and 5G for ser system vices, and the three-level closed-loop management management closed-loop three-level the and vices, and update, weekly alert, “daily featuring mechanism - China Mobile inves monthly disclosure”. Moreover, and hot tigated the causes of complaints about focal rate of timely complaint handling rose by The issues. 43.3%, by fell complaint handling the time for 10%, user “perceived and the rate of complaints about year. 53.5% from the previous by fell experience” ”, - Through the the Through Evaluating customer customer Evaluating perception: ception evaluation platform, platform, ception evaluation conducted Mobile China one hundred quality over for perception evaluations products, reaching 32 key mil- 140 of over an average lion users per month. customer experience per customer experience Optimizing Closed-loop Management Enhancing Customer Communication Enhancing Customer Mobile further promoted the use of Mobile further promoted the use of of Cus- “Voice the the two platforms: of the Frontline “Voice tomers” and “Best and continued to recognize of ServicePractice Management” and With “Service Star” as role models. that the awareness these efforts, customer manager” is the “everyone has gradually taken root. launched smart voice navigation services navigation smart voice launched understand can that to respond rapidly and responses customers’ needs. Smart voice 72% of the services. accounted for process response complaint entire The is made transparent, and the repeated 39.7%. by dropped has rate complaint - - Developing More Digitalized and Intelligent Services and Intelligent Digitalized More Developing China Mobile contin- China China Mobile took the China Mobile took the

China Mobile always puts “customer satisfaction” in the first place. We attentively listen to the demands of We attentively first place. in the satisfaction” “customer puts China Mobile always first-class service to deliver management, and strive digital intelligent technologies, and customers, leverage security. and information emergency communications quality, network complaint response,

vice awareness of our staff, with with of our staff, vice awareness 300 1,600 over in collected cases China discussions held. Moreover, China Mobile carried out two activi- China Mobile carried ties to discuss the meaning of cus- services to how and tomer-centric services,improve raising the ser - “custom Cultivating Internal: service awareness. er-centric” lead in setting up the 10086 hotline, hotline, up the 10086 lead in setting integrated smart first country’s the telecom service all portal covering also China Mobile CHBN markets. ued to improve the serviceued to improve quality CHBN services, standards of key standards to and increased such formulated also We 20 in 2020. - ecosys measures for administrative tem-wide cooperation service qual- quality expanding management ity, eco the to business own our from cooperation system. system-wide Improving CHBN-oriented CHBN-oriented Improving service and operation capabilities: Improving standards for bet- for standards Improving quality: ter

Improving Service Quality Improving Action “Sunshine Action, Service” “Leading continued the In 2020, China Mobile cus- improve to effectively “Quality Service as the Season” activities such customer communication lead to organize service hotline, serviceThe quality halls and home bandwidth installation of 10086 & and satisfaction. tomer experience maintenance, etc. continued to maintain a leading position. Putting Customer First Customer Putting Live streaming of General Manager Customer Reception Day organized “Welcome to China Mobile” campaign of our Jilin subsidiary by our Sichuan subsidiary

In 2020

32.2% 53.5% 36.1%

The 10086 hotline re- The rate of complaints The rate of complaints about ceived less complaints about “perceived user “household broadband in- on a year-on-year basis experience” dropped ternet service quality” per 10,000 users dropped

Improving Network Quality

In 2020, China Mobile led the industry with its 5G network performance by launching “4/5G network quality collaborative improvement” and “5G SA network quality improvement” campaigns. Taking a problem-orientated approach, China Mo- bile launched a “special action for quality improvement” to improve household broadband quality and installation & main- tenance capabilities. Apart from the checklist handling of the household broadband complaints, we continued to track the progress of rectification by all provincial branches to ensure complaints are resolved, substantially improving household broadband quality.

In 2020

337 99% 750+ Mbps

Cities in China put 5G SA into The 5G SA wireless connection 5G SA average download speed commercial use rate exceeded

20 Smart Development: Empowering Industries by Digitalized and Intelligent Infrastructure 21 Preventing Telecom Telecom Frauds Preventing the three-level improved We defense technical collaborative interception of enhanced system, and rapid- fraudulent information, fraudulent suspected ly handled we phone numbers. Moreover, built a database of customers with bad credit record and leveraged domain to block resources own loan used for names or websites - enforce frauds, and assist law ment agencies to help cement the against fraud. defense - person-times Our workers at She County subsidiary in Anhui braved the flood to en- the flood at She County subsidiaryAnhui braved Our workers in College Entrance Exams could timely take sure that students 264,102 Personnel dispatched for emergency communications services emergency communications for dispatched Personnel Information Governance Information We continued to deepen central- We in governance information ized governance improving of terms processes, monitor approaches, ing and handling, etc. In 2020, - “Pro the China Mobile launched Safety” Online tecting Minors’ service on- and helped build safe as mobile such line environments and household broad- network through minors for internet band reporting, time man- information settings personalized agement, protection, etc. and online safety In 2020 4,887 Incidences of emergency communications services provided Our workers at subsidiary hiked 10 kilometers carrying 100 kg kg kilometers carrying 100 at Meishan subsidiary 10 hiked Our workers of equipment to repair the communications network We attach great importance to the imple- attach We mentation of the cybersecurity account- data A highly efficient ability mechanism. security with clear management system and responsibilities and labor of division and management integration of technology is in place to protect cybersecurity and in- China security around the clock. formation of the Mobile coordinated the construction system, “security as service” 5G-enabled AI and big data the role of explored actively security, in cybersecurity and information risks arising in new and responded to such business development. Cybersecurity Protection Cybersecurity China Mobile attaches great importance to cybersecurity. Apart from building the information governance system, we we system, governance from building the information Apart great importance cybersecurity. to China Mobile attaches - the safe spam messages and fraudulent communications, so as to ensure measures to resolutely prevent took multiple and privacy. ty of customer information Safeguarding Cybersecurity and Information Security and Information Cybersecurity Safeguarding Emergency Communications Services Communications Emergency - prepara management system, improving support by communications emergency for “iron army” built an China Mobile we disasters, and other natural with floods Faced tion normalization, capability dispatch. standardization, and centralized support and secured telecom services emergency communications local residents. Moreover, the frontline for for braved as as well other major events, and 11 China International Import Expo (CIIE) Third telecom services delivered to the we - ma securitycyber major zero and incident, zero failure, network major “zero servicestelecom routine with users, our to ”. jor customer complaint