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The Ledger and Times, May 24, 1967

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Only Largest Afternoon Daily Circulation In Murray And Both In City, Calloway County And In County ‘iummEmommisie United Press International In Our 88th Year Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, May 24, 1967, °. 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No. 122 CALLO WAY COUNTY GOES FOR WARD Land Between Lakes Claims Victory Now A 'Battleground' Here Is How 4,000 Voters Turn Out Here; Over Judge DOVER, Tenn - The 101st Airborne Division Iris converted Races Stand Nunn Edges Cook In County the Land Between the Lakes re- By BREW VON BERGEN can gubernatozial primary elect- creattonal area into a simulated LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Oa llowa y County voters turned tative and James Lassiter had LOUISVILLE, Ky art - Louie ion. Vietnam-type battleground for its (Di - 2733 of 3021 Precincts out nearly 4000 strong yesterday no oppose:ton .11 Ma race for CU-. B Nunn, a cormervitative drawing "T definitely think I've won by that mialor field exercise of 1967. Ford 95. 068 in a primary which saw a ballot CUM J udge. heavy import in 's 3.000 to 4.000 votes," Nunn said The exercise, entitled "Goblin Jolly 43.111 filled with candidates. The Calloway County voting mountainous 'Bible belt." chimed Late re:urns from rural areas Hunt I." will continue through Lowman 25.493 . Callaway gave Henry Ward. can- went as follows yesterday: victory today over a Roman Ca- steadily padded the stint margin Friday to test the combat readi- Mat thews 95.024 didate for the Democratic nomina- Governor tholic Judge In a close Republl- Nunn grabbed over Marlow Coot ness of the 101st which already - 2573 of 3021 Precincts tion for governor, a resoundixag Democrat: Breeden 24; Buck------before dawn. With only 59 pre- has Its 1st Brigade deployed in Hazelrigg 34,551 majority of 1723 with Harry Lee man 35; Cecil 8; Chandler 794; cincts unreported, he held a 3.- aqatnitan Klein 8548 Waterfield receiving approxisnate:y Cupp 28; Shires 2; Trapp 218; XIS-vote lead. Mobely 18.412 ki• Guerrilla farces numbering 1,000 Ratliff 56,528 eia,/ that number of votes with Ward 1,723; Waterfieid 9281 Day However. Oink, who seught to Seen & Heard watered snall SEC. STATE 928. Former Governor A. B. 15. become the date's first Ciento:1c troops were in pockets throughout a 200,000-riere (Dl- 1954 of 3021 Precincts Chandler. with his political career Repubthon Ozok 98; Hamlin governor, refused to concede de- Henry Ward area. initiating anopcnii attacks Davis 33,774 apparently ended, received 794 )Continued On Page Three) feat. Louie Nunn an the airborne troopers as they O'Connor 19.445 votes. "We're, del • holding on his resounding victor,„ s. biyourica. Reed 37.397 Ftepubeaans in the county gave aitegaign as/d. . in the lead moved Ineo *11son 14.144 Louie Nunn a small edge in his Cook ism an early lead dwindle MURRAY **We are trying to see how well R) - 1954 of 3121 Precinets race for the gubernatorial nomina- as returns from rural areas were we can see and destroy the ene- Begley 22.428 Accidents Are tion with 106 votes Martw Cook New Members reported. my,'' meld Col. J. Douglas Mitchell, Seems to us that uluthers are be- Wilson 24.501 received 98 votes. The deletion also saw the ap- Brigade was °mim- corning younger and whose 2nd Young 9415 Pat MoCuiston, Oilovray native, younger each parent end to the colorful panne • year ing the bikes area north of here ATTY. GENERAL Investigated won his race for State Senator City Council "This is exactly what we would (D) - 2309 of 3021 Precincts over his opponent Attlee S. Koon. tLOCIRVIILtan - Henry Weed be doing in Vietnam " Week inridge 110.118 Enjoyed the gractuation at Callo- Calloway gave McCuiston a ant an anti,* handebeker or Mills 53.725 way County High last night They Mitchell said both his tracer By City Police thumping majority of 1972 over Are Elected a perpetual miler but he'i the (K)- 192$ of 3021 Precincts need to add some speakers him- and the guerrillas were conduct- Koon, who received 303. McCuis- man alto beta A B Chandler. Burns 37.318 eaer in order that fake gig the ing a peensoicigkal warfare game ton eel represent the Third Dis- mice Kerala:gees governor, in yes- Clay 26,915 The Murray City 0ouncil will back can hear better. trict now represented by Oven with chtleins to add another Viet- Two more accidents were in- have two new faces nent year with ter's Drimesentic Ciefternateirial AUDITOR Benreption who nam stendarity to the war games. the did not seek re- Primary While did tt for him, ID) - 1951 of 3021 Precincts vestigated by Murray Police this the only change In the Sal Powell made a good talk dir- "We migiht send a detail of men elerouon Ward ways, Foust 45.515 Department on Tuesday. accord- twelve man group. ected to the Is deeple: 110 yeses Charlie Lassiter was unopposed graduating anion over to he a farmer repair his Green 59,34 ing to the reports flied by the C. W. Jones will replace Frank of public insge." Ward, at 54 for the office of not to their fathers and mothers fences or Se his tarn to gain his °Meess. No State Represen- has been a Ode repressendlive, a ) - 1379 of UZI Procimes injunea were reported. Lancaster in Ward B, winning confidence and Mn his frtenditiip At 9:20 am. David etate sesame cemernition corn- Brandenburg 19.053 Carman over Paul Heise for the position We appreelded this fad lo so he will cooperate with us and Hull. 1506 West Main, reisloner, a newspaper editor and Cone ly 16,985 driving a The five incumbents in Ward B many gradualion seedier' an in- relate any guerrilla movements Green 12,1066 1986 Dodge four door owned by H115111 were reelected clined to adders' s conwrisioner. And RD WINS the mend and he might see. TREASURER Oren L. Hull was treading north In Ward A the five incumbents patrons rather now bee • candidata for govern- than the eradiates - 19$4 of 3021 Precincts an South eth Street. Charles Les- were reelected and Max Weaver theinseinse or Marlow Cook -The guerrillas are going to be Cole 52.779 he 1i/wen, 009 Ellis Drive, driving was the only other oundklate in Of the camptign just past and . hanging on. doing the same thing so this could Two vetentn state senators - Stovall 76.357 a 1964 Ford prckup truck owned that Ward seeking a council post, Madding of hts stiffest empetelon. Ward turn out to be a real tug of war Sr George Brand and &I Kelly - a hay baler at noon to- - 1842 of 31121 Precincts by Dili Electric, was pulling out so IIILS sestiontatimay a winner. be. this to say: "A B Chandler for civlban Support," he said, have lost their bids for seats; in day and the Mies of hay eue Bromley 22.063 of a parking place and hit the and I are not emetic& I have it- Eighteen Are the Jack Beene did ran seek it. 1 caate turnbilng Fined Jenkins 21.736 next Legaseature. Brand Wit out of the matt- The ingeldecrourel enchain rt. Hull oar in the right rear quarter et/edition in Ward A and win be Me for hint There is no res- SUPT. INSTIL to Carroll Hubbard Junior. a May- Larks easy bit a world at ▪ By City Judge Dunn Campbell 'military renovation, panel as he was tisvelbeg north succeeded by Weaver. ts *add be (D) - 1173 of net Precincts field Democrat, by more than two • elect Meddles the dentuellee an South 02's Street, according to The count in the nifty Ordiedr. (CentMEM Oa Page niiAiifel hEr -iseignalion.le ttutler 79160 to one. And Keay ended a 12- Tennessee line, as wed sa 200,000 Patrolmen Marna Weis and Ed rete was as folimrs - had this to von: 'T consider thii Elelleen persons were fined M Dunbar 11, 155 year Legislative career by him acres of privately owned land Knight. * City Coursed. Ward A victory one for menann sense and the CiRy Court of Cern Judge We- Johnson 19.129 to Joe 9tacy of Wed Liberty by stretching from Cumberland City. Dmage to the Hull car was on Max Weaver 824, Predate Ord- pond government. lton H ,Jakte Dunn during the Norfleet 9973 more than 8.000 votes. Graduation At Tenn., to Clanton, Ky. the eight rear quarter panel and way 736, Heron B. Wed 749, 1111 - 2146 of 3021 Precincts put week aRcerds show the fol- to the truck on the left front U.Baker '731, Raymond Hamilton 19,434 Charles caret!' of farmer baseball commis- lowing occurred bumper tip, acoording to the po- Miller 11954 ern M ETPR "Buddy" Hewitt 743, Prentice L Woner and two-time Gov A B J Jones, charged with public lice report Calloway Held Taylor 18.718 Lasater 762. , who kat by a drunkemess, entered pies of guil- Later at Lynn Grove AGR. COMM 11 :45 a m. a two car City Coarsen, Ward B landslide vote to adnerartration- ty. Lned $1500 plus t4.56 cods. ID) - 1894 of 31121 Precincts colelaion occurred at 4th and Richard Tuck 717, Macon Blank- backed Henry Word. . J. U. Chant. Murray Egad Uni- Al persons interested in the Last Night Holbrook 23.249 Maple Streets enship 600, Leonard Vaughn 904, With 2993 of 3021 precincts re- versity, White Hall, charged with unkeep of the West Perk Ceme- Mathis 31.939 Sandra J. Edwards. Murray Paul R. Heise 473, C. W Jones 1Conthaued Cia Page Three) reckless diving, amended to Honor Roll tery are asked to send their con- St Clair 46.501 Route Two, driving a 1963 Ford 650. James Rudy Alibrinen 793, all Powell. Roving News breach of peace, entered plea of tributions to Sam Christenberry, Editor - 2.004 of 3021 Precincts four door sedan owned by Joe Roy C Starks 604. of the guilty, fined $1000 pews $50 coda. Route One, Murray, Ky., as soon Paducani attn-Deennerat. Hamnione 8, 711 L Edwarda of Padueati Route add 146 greelmetrig K 0. Otstnexi, Route Two, Mur- Announced as poste:tie. mentors of Son-In-Law Mr. And Miller 22,581 'Two, going esat. on temple Street, ray, 003many County High School last Mrs. Bedwell charged Mitt demeardIng Shropshire 15299 ma stopped for the atop sign at night that Oft la not • "world Wins stop den. entered libia at (polity. 4-H Dress APPLS. CLERK the 4th Street intersection. Lena of fantails," much as one might Doctor's Degree fined $10 00, oasts suspended. (D) - 1870 of 3021 Precincts H WIley. Almo. driving a 1954 find in Alice in Wonderland. but Claude While Paducah. charg- The honor roll for the final six Barnard 25.660 Buick two door sedan. was direct- I, a world of seam. A person R Douglas Wood. son-in-kw of (nnealed Os Pate Three) weeks of the Lynn Grove Element- Grey Sutherland 22.405 ly behind die Edwards car. Pat- Review To Be nese mine iblik be oontlnued Mr. and Mrs. J Canis Bedwell ary School has been rehmed, by James Sutherland 46 4)16 rolmen Dale Spann and Martin 1 Gad WM a Rim and rairak, sI- of IDrkary• was awarded the doct- the principal. ?reed Curd It is as IR - 1379 of 3021 Precincts Wells slid the Wiley car felled i. tile fatten-- e -- Or ear gedlomphy decree at the Red Impala Stolen follows: McMtnoway 18,762 to sop and as a result hi the Held Friday remelt &Morel ignorance glory Unhandy of Kerducky's 100th Vermillion 25.116 Eldward• oar in the rear end. From Holcomb Lot Fourth grade-VIckl Butterworth. crabbers and self seekers "Ignor- commercement to Legingbon RAILROAD COMM. leanage to the Ether& or was Mack Harris. Beth Humphreys. U- One hundred and ten 4-H gar- ance will carry eleotteria" he told Dr. Wood submitted a disnerta- let District ID) on the rear bumper and no dem- nties Miller, Jeer'y Don Nance meets are ready to be modeled In the ‘endora. "rine ignorance will Um on the "Effaces of Dietary A 1966 Chevrolet two door Tin- Cox 8981 ise was reported to the Wiley Marketia Orr, Ralph Rogers, and the 4-H Community Rally of Mur- block progreolve moves in a corn- Proteins on the Serum Protein pale red hardtop was stolen from Freeman 23,650 car, appareling to the police re- Anthony Webb ray arid Calloway County. The Prone. and Seem Free Amino the Holornb Chevrolet Oompiny Wilson 6.746 port 2nd District (D) garments will be. modeled in the He mired the irradiates to rebel. Acide of Sows and Their Pea' In on South 12th Street. according to Fifth grade--Cathy Crites. .IPMe Denton 6,810 County 4-H Drees Review on Fri- but not to rebel amend what is pared Pulfillment for his degree the repon made to the Murray Darnell. Janet Deering. Debbie Pek- McCarthy 14.623 day. May 26 at 8 00 pm. at Cal- risht and good "Rebel against In swine nutriden. Police Department on Tueaday af- I ns, Paula Foy. Greg Howard. Den- tad District 11i) Student Charged loway Comity High School. corneetkin and rebel against wint Wood was selected for member- ternoon nis Morns Zand re Morris. Susan Howard 2.173 The conindttee appointed by the Ic wrong" he mkt Alp in Sigma XI and Gamma The ear was reported to have Oliver. Randy Redden, Terry Sher- With Shoplifting Parker 352 4-H dubs to plan and mecute the He indented that the path to Sigma Delta during his dud v been taken from the larking lot idan. Melria Spann, George Taylor. Porter 252 review is cornposed of Mrs. Rich. surcem if difficult and that it ix leading to the Ph D of flokomb Chevrolet Company Steve Towerv. Tommy West, and Rigsby Calvin deanery. student at Mur- ard Armstrong. Mrs. James Puc- nerobated only with hard work Dr Wood is married to the Melinda Taylor Stucker 568 ree State University. was arrestel kett. Mrs. A. H. Scull. and Mrs. Only the strong win make It, he former Sandra Bedwee of Hint- ATTENDS MEETING Sixth erade - Debra Broach. Sa- by the Murray Police Department Cecil Me. td • and they have one claughter, rah Calhoun. Vicki Humphreys, on Tuesday and charged with Onnwranrity leaders have await- 13m DeriniA Rogers. meter of Andrea Cheryl. age four menthe. R L Ward of Ward-Einne of Miss Mite Cook Janey Kelso, and Connie Under- Mr. And Mrs. Putnam ellinntrting. according to Chid of. ed in getting the garments to the the Willie= Chapel Mardi of He Is now eelf-einployed in Mc- Murray and Mayfield attended the hill. Police Brent Manning County Extension Service Office, Chriat gave the invocatirin and Leon °aunty near Owensboro. Rotary Club meeting at Mayfield Now Back Home Miss Mitzi Cook Is Moillery is chased with shop- where they will be Judged on con- benediction and diplomas were Mr and Mrs. J Oacus &dwell on Monday eveseng In which Wil- Seventh grade - Jimmy Dodson lifttng at the /GA More on Mon- Miss Murray High e:notion on Friday, May 26 at presented by Superintendent of and Mrs Marvel Wood accom- son Taylor, aralitant director of Patricia Foy, Kenneth Lax, Ray day and was picked up Tuesday 1000 •m. Mies Inns Illarniiton Onunte Schools Huron Jeffrey and panied Dr. and Mrs Wood to the Grave. County Office at Eco- Murdock. Mark Pa:whale Deborah' Mr. and Mrs L R Putnam re- on • warrant, Chief Manning Mies Meal Ccok, daughter of will judge the construction of the Chairman of the County Lexington for the graduation ex- twie Opportunity was the guest Rogers. and David Wed. turned home Tuesday after • maid. Mr. and Mrs Wayne Cock, re- mch garment. Mrs. Fred Gtngles fichnoi Board William Allardlork. ercises. aMker. Eighth grade Gall Doron, Pa- month's rave with their daughter, The pohce cited one person for ceived the tine "Mime Murray will judge the garments on ap- The proceseenal ma rendered tricia Jackson. and Patty Rogers Mrs H. L. Carter and faintly of reckless driving, unnecessary no/se, High' in class day activities re- pearance at the dress review In the Oallowas• °aunty High Greenvale. Camara. - - South and Maproper painting. while an- eerily Carmente that have not been Bold and the combined choruR While in Greenville the Pu t- other person 141121 cited for going was a cheerleader four turned in for eiders should be an "Sine 14(entne" by Ralph Juvenile Delinquency name attended the senior flute the wrong way on eolith 8th years serving as captain this year. brought to the County Vaughn 'Williams WEATHER Extenalon REPORT recital of their granddaughter. Wren. according to &Terra-leaf She hes been class secretary and Service Office before 10:00 The a-radio hi:in exercise was held Topic For Discussion am. Mae Pat Darter. at Emit Oa rollna record& hss served as class secretary and Friday, May 28. th Jeff res. Gym f' 8 00 Wed Kentucity• Fair and war- o'clock Collette. where she received hex Ian, served as clam vice-presi- 'Aar lent mer thls afternoon through degree The Putroms also attend- dent for the paet two years. She Tgursidlay Hata thin afternoon Miss Kity Ray To "Juvenile Delinquency" was the ed this gviduation W11 s football attendant in 1965, Calloway Country near 90 Wind.* anitherla 10 miles topic dieriared by a panel group Mr Putnam was guest aolotet at Be Guest was selected as the girl "With Jack Bryan Will an hour, low tonight In 50e, high Speaker Club Swim Team Set of etudents from Murray State the Peng Christlan Church In Meet School Stark" eta year. Is Thureday In 805 Friday outlook, Attend Convention Univerefev at a program before the Greenville but Sunday. While a- Mess Kitty Ray. daughter of a member of 'eri-HI-V. FHA cloudy and The Ciailaway County Country _ - partly and continued worm. Coldwater Methodist Church on way Prof. Ptiewer, retired MUSIC Mr. and Ms. Crawford Ray of is on the annual staff. Dan Mil- Club Swim Teem has been or- Jack Bryan. Superintendent of Sunday. May 21 PrOfelnOr from Murray State Uni- Murray. will be the guest speaker ler. clan president. presented Miss ganized for the 'rim season of the Murray Natural Clari System Kentucky Lake: 7 a.m. 363.1, ceas- The students discussed the versity, was honored with a party for the Mother-Daughter Banqilet Cook red roses 1907 with eight left Cechy In attend the first an- down 0:); below darn 3262. up meets tentatively es and preverit•on of juvenile de - on his 82nd birthday to be held by the Girls akinelierry The new "Miss Murray High" adieduiell * nual convention of the Kentucky 05 Three gates open. Water tern - 11 nquency Participating In the dis- The Putranta• daughter and hus- of the Elm Grove Dept ist OttUrCil will attend Murray State Uni- (has Axes-TM ton near Miunmoth perat ure 67. Practice MR begin early in cussion were Beth e Hines. South - band. Mr. ,and Mrs. H. L. Caste:, on Friday. May 26. at 6 30 pm. versity. Cave. Bryan Is a director in the •rkley bake .7631. down 0 3; June. Anytne fabling to receive ee fleld. Mkt., Steve Rust, Hender nwetiored to Murray to bring them at the church. The seniors dedicated their an- tourvistion bellow dam 3335. rip 0.3. Four an apptication, may mpg Meli- son. Pat Watts, Evansville, Ind home and are Senna Mr. Car- The apeaker will show slides of to Mrs. H. B. Bailey, Jr., The aneneeation will elect ()Meer, iratra open. na/rite address, age, and the ten and Jim 'Wilhelm. Louleville. ter's aunt, Mies Elizabeth Carter her work while serving as a sum- who has been their sponsor for for the corning year Approximate- Sunrise 5,43. sunset 8:04. &oilers per family fee to Mrs. 71Att dulcumeal monamnd of Meyfiedd for a few days. The mer rnewilonary to Jamaica last Mx years lends Ryan, Moon rises 9:48 p.m. w editor, Furls Garland, serreitaria 316 ), 100 per will attend the by the local Methodist Youth Rename made the trip to Green- summer. Miss Ray is a student at presented Mrs Batley one dozen South 9th Street. Murray, by the conventbon. Dr. R. Douglas Wood Fellowship. ville by J. IIHIIIIH1111111111111111111t airplane. Murray State University. red roses and the new annual. end of this week. •••••;-

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••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE LEDGER & TIMES Ten Years Ago Today ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••■••••• PUBLISHED by 1JQjR & TIMES PUSLISHING COMPANY, Lg.. LEDGEIL a TIMES FILE Coosalidarausi at Murray LaMar, The Calaway Tams and Tbe Ilmaga-Heraid. Lakes Su. 1122.. and Um Welt Iontadakm.Jj ®12013.0rA 1. UM& Bob Moore, age 62, passed away suddenly following * Welt C. WILLIAM, PUILM11112 a heart attack night before last at the borne of a daugh- ENDS TONIGHT ter, Mrs. Blondevine Cook in Leesville, La., with whom Wo warm Ibis Miltst to neon say Advertlain& Loftin to the Rilleal not toe the beat b- he was visiting at the time. Er nib& V.Meow *blab, to out qtralon. aro chery Just below Wolf Creek Dam sthe speaker at the Mur- iers* ot Ole readers. Dr. John Quertermous wa on land owned by the U. 8. Army ray Rotary Club meeting. He is president-elect of the OK'd IIIATSOM&L 3,.1aATIV*---. WALLACE MTN= 00, Ms Money Corps of Engineers. Cool water will Mad.11011 Timm: Time & ads. liger Yolk 11.1.; club. be funneled to the installation from itseplamama 1510g., Detroit, Mich. Gerald P. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Acie C. Smith outlet pipes built into the dam. FL T Murray. Koutucity. for transcomakie sr of Route One, Almo, completed recruit training at the For Hatchery Intend at the Past Unica, The Fish and Wildlife Service's issomad Peas Meow. Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S. C., and Marine Bureau of Sport Fisheries and INES COBURN will for further infantry training at Camp iK711111211111PWICIN sisma: Se Clarster IS iligurnty. per west NC, pie awash go specialized hail said that Kentucky N. C. Ai Wolf Creek has 615 mass at streams which need WIS.2s Calloveri adjolaMia cattatiso. Par Year. Mdr; siewalaire. ULM Lejeune, IAN NAlf to be stocked with legal-sized trout Airman Bobby W. Hooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. "TIM Gleallmistimg ChM Amid et a Cammmeedly le las FRANKFORT, Ky., May 18 (spe- and most of the large reservoirs ga ery o ermine rogues cciar first labodity ad lis Ileweamaesr E. Hopper of Murray Route Four, is completing the cial, - The U. 8. Senate has ap- have excellent trout fishing Potent- phase of his basic military training at the "Gateway to proved $233.000 for beginning- con- ial and should be Mocked periodical- ' Air Force Rase, San Antonio, struction of a $1 5 million federal ty with trout. FRIDAY * SATURDAY WEDNESDAY — MAY 24, 1967 the Air Force", Lackland THURSDAY * trout hatchery below Lake Ctun- CLINT EASTWOOD in Texas, A limited number of rainbow have so becland's Wolf Creek Dam in south- been successfully stocked in about Central Kentucky. 76 streams and four reservoirs with- DOLLARS MORE' The appropriation — part of a 'FOR I JEW News in Kentucky since 195$ These trout Qmoostes Fro* The $1.4 Whim Department of Interior have been trucked into the state • IN COLOR • PUSS LSTULNATIONAL budget getting final congressional =rap from federal hatcheries in Vil /Zrajai• E/- - WH .M.jafain" approval Wednesday—will finance anno•/."R WASH ' — President Johnson proclaiming Tennessee and South Carolina blockade of Israel's port of the first phase of the four-phase the United Arab Republir's construction phase against aggressive action: pro)ect Each Elath illegal, and warning will take a year to complete "We have always opposed . . . the efforts of other Approximately 150.000 pounds of nations to resolve their problems with their neighbors eight to ten inch rainbow trout wo- GRADE A by aggression. We shall continue to do so." uld be produced annually at the US ee- hatchery southwest of Jamestown would be Police Chief Lawrence In Russell County and WASHINGTON — Deputy lakes an., slaying of Judy Robeson, stocked in Kentucky Martnett commenting on the streams 25, an aide to Sen. Frank Carlson, R-Kan., in her fash- Senator John Sherman Coop, ionable apartment: in a telternm to Minor Clark, mm "We 'have a mystery on our hands." miss:Loner of the Kentucky Demir melt it Fish and Wildlife Reboilt WASHINGTON — Sen. Edward V. Long, D-Mo., ces. said the Senate Appropriatiot. FRYERS provielPd the ga? charging that the Internal Revenue Service leaked in- Committee had • needed to begin con Stint his tax return which led to a Life maga- 000 10th 6. tuesLilut Streets formation from and the MI had passed the Senate DAILY lb. zine article accusing Long of foul play in accepting -April the Rouse Appro- OPEN 24 HOURS 25, In mid $48,000 in legal fees from the attorney for jailed Team- priations commitme amended Pres- CLOSED SUNDAYS sters Union President James Hoffa: ident Johnson's proposed Interior "Every cent made from the practice of law or Department budget. adding the construc- L.s.CHOI( E otherwise has been reported as earned income and taxes funds to begin hatchery as amend- have been paid in fulL" tion The appropriation FIELD'S ed 1%*, then named by the Rouse legislative approval of the Bild- Ftnal RIB WOKINGLIAM. England — Biologist John hatchery- appropriation Is considered WIENERS win, hauled into court Tuesday becalms ballad been too a bi-oartiaan victory for the Ken- busy to pick up the mail at his front door- and which Opolty congressional delegation The I Lb. Pkg, of Re- included several demands for overdue tax payments: Mks * within the district STEAK BACON -I've allowed the wild flowers to grow undisturbed. Obtain Rep I've allowed the bees to multiply considerably. I've been Commissioner Clark said a con- , for the first phase of work 79C busy doing nothing." tract lb cm the installation should be let 59 ,on after the new fiscal year be- 49 gins July 1. and work probably wo- KRAFT SALAD BOWL uld begin immediately s ( BOAT 1.6..4 A Bible Thought For Today Cost estimates for in.,: ' • an. Engineering and rt. 115.000. ate preparation Salad / as, esreedisspfy joyful in all our tribulations-- Pork ft Potato alluding. 1143.250: roads. parkiz.. scratching around In 11 Cerise/misuse 7:1. DESOLATE DUCK —1"w A officials are areas, curbing and gutters. $50.0i into the city Paul knew that the tribulations were temporary Lis Vegas for the owner of this duck, shipped storm sewers. $19750, and wat, Dressing have been feeding it. and joys would be olerna! H. ‘k stabl ishing glorious the week after Easter Baggage clerks 111111PPIY linea $66.000 Beans CHIPS memories. Flans call for location of the hat- Quart Jar No 300 ( A 11 Twin Bag NEW GITY DIRECTORY , 39, I 9SB *a TO Di COMPILEB FOR 39 MY Of MURRAY I.G.A. SOIrr SUNKIST FREsH AMP SURPLUS STOCK DRINKS LEMONS CORN Roy W Kehler. Representative or 12-0z. Can Doeen Ear Johnson Pubbatung Company. 01 Loveland. Colorado announced to- rain• tor 5° clay that work would start incesed- Liquidation Sale 49` 29 timely to prepare a new (y Di- rectory for Murray The firm polo- 1.0.A, FROZ.Eiti- hshed a &reek:try for Murray SI On Many Items In Our 1165 (11ARCOAL WATERMELONS Mr Kehler said that com- LEMONADE 5 Lb. Bag Each 4 the adwertigisig male& of 6-0z. ('an the Directory avoid Wart this week with the bouse-te-houer cream slated for apgroxttaly neptember 290 99c 15 The directories we be deliver- ed in JanuarY 19et Each contracting advertiser will reoehe a copy of the deluxe hard- I Open 24 Hours A Day . . . Closed Sunday's bound complete directory without further cost Additiarial directories Items Below Are Our' Everyday Low Prices . may be pwchaard tram the com- STOCK! Mny23, 1967 • pany after public:v*18.i These Price.' Effective Through Tuesday, Quantity Purchases Limited Approminately &WO .paper-back- EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE NABISI 0 WAFFLE I -LB. LOAF ed editions 'bat largliala all adver- tisers reverse lakialkatie asiogtopit IS BEING SOLD AT street gMile N kirgallmald to IM NCtior. Cremes 2 69c Bread 23c )aw* tamainor rimplow C Toe TROPI-CAL-LO ORANGE - 1 2 Gallon soLID - I 1 1. Ekt recamatill sa klbe at are Madam PRICES!! in the dirritaary IMologia, end has OFF DISCOUNT by been footwork', doodle. Use 89c Margarine 2i°' et•001maeree OF Drinks 2 39c Murrav Ohatniser PAIR - ADVIRTI.511141111tT — EARLY AMERICAN TRADITIONAI SOFA HELLMANN'S - Quart 1.0.4, SALAD - 18-07. Jar LIYIN6 ROOM SUITE Reg. $299.97. LAMPS Keg. $189.9:, Keg. $8.95 Spin Blend 65c MUSTARD 19c 19 TECH-AG only$15995 Only $9495 SOBS' STI('K - No. 211 Can IIPRSHEUS CHOCOLATE - 16-0s. ('an Only $450p lANGUAGL • SAVE $141.00 • • SAVE S90.00 • P.P PRICE: foT9IATOES 9,c Syrup 2i 41c OCCASIONAL 9-Piece LABEL 501 ASSEssit,l' AMERD k‘ ROG EARLY soETEX - 250 Count CHAIRS DININfi ROOM SET NYLON CARPET BISCUITS 8c Reg. $89.95 Iter SI19.95 Napkins 29c KOZ1 KITTEN - 14-(.12. Can Only $695 y d. Jar cowries. Only $45 °° (hi ly$11995 PAD & LNSTALLATSON 9100 FREE 14 PRICE! • SAVE $40.00 • CatFood 3: 1c LAUP404 Baby Food 9c Can TONES ROSEDALE WHITE - 303 FLAVOR-KIST 1 I h Box 33c "LAUNCH' Crass Furniture Corn 2for CRACKERS31c PAD 3rd & Maple St NIurray, K, 41Z1 753-3621 BROCK pith '1 b. Box LAUNCH COMMIX fh• complete II.% irrkt•r* kkk e •nclotloog foal- tom mod oil toomposoot wool to know%• rodrei koh.clo wr Fig Bars 49c Mintlets 29c

•••••1 •

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WEDNESDAY - MAY 24, 1967 THE LEDGER & TIMES MURRAY. KEPTIIGET PAGE THREE Season Play For Students Enter State 18 ARE FINED . . . LOUIE NUNN . Kirksey Leagues To SEEN & HEARD . . Golf Tournament (Continued Ercien Page One) 0:attuned From Page One) Week (Continued From Page One) Begin This Four Murray High School studenta ed with driving slide Intoxicated por...r.g. Nunn had 88950 votes to ------Us sight went into thee Rube hic.7- entered the State High School and no ope.ratora license. entered 85,631 for Cook. season The regular of play for Ga.kiberg contraction. Golf Teurnaramt at Fort plea of guilty, fined $100.00 plus Nunn, 43, the 1983 GOP no- Knox. the Park, Pony. and Little League The Murray boys qualified for the $4.50 costs, $10.00 p:us $4.50 costs, minee, garnered a large block of teams of the Kirksey Baseball Still another building going up tournament by their soores in the ('hr a tdtal of $119.00. his support from the mounitanious Association will start this week, on Chestnut Street. A new place regional tournament at Princeton H. L Oavitt, Murray, charged southeastern Kentucky "Bible Starting Thursday at 630 pm now open or about too is having last week. with public drunkenness, entered Belt", counties where anti-Catholic the Park and Pony leagues will the area in front of it paved. Tuesday scores of the Murray plea of guilty, fined $15.00 plus feelings still persist. have their first games. Their re- boys in the state tournament were $4.50 costs Cook, 40, buttl up an early lead gular season is scheduled to close We voted yesterday right after an John Querterrnous (43-47s; Dan K. W. Herndon, Route Five, as returns came in from metro- en Thursday, August 10. elderly lady. The election official Miller 142-39 Bob Taylor (43-41 Murray, charged with reckless politan Louisville The candidates The four Little League teams asked whether she %vented to vote Buster Scott (48-39). driving, amended to breach of home county gave him a 23,000- will open their season on Friday, the Republican inachine or the peace, entered plea of guilty, fin- vote advantage. May Fi6, at 6:30 pm and their ! Democrat machine, She answered ed $10.00 plus $400 costs. In the Democratic race, Ward season will close on Friday, Aug- in a loud voice "Republican" as if Connie Mack League P. L. Hackett. Murray State poled 187,615 votes. °handier 99.- ust 11. were no other party. Hart Halt charged 868, and Lt. Gov. Harry Lee Wat- there Tryouts Saturday 4-Iniversity, Howard McCallon, president of I with driving %tale intoxiaited. erfleal 38.183. with most preanots the association, invitee the public we can all my about amended to reckleas driving, en- reportang. One thing to attend the games payed on the election, it strengthened the tered plea of guilty, fined $100.00 Ward's ceipture of more than this The Murray Baseball Associa- field located at the Kirksey School i two-party system in Kentucky plus $4.50 costs 50 per cent of the total in the tion has announced transits for Seating facilities are available as and makes It good for every- Elmer Deakin, 1415 Poplar, Democratic primary appeared as that the Connie Mack League for all well as the concession stand open body. Russia just has one party charged with r.ubac drunkenness. a vote of confidence for Gov boys 15. 16, 17, and 18 years with the parents of the boys play- and Hitler had only one party. entered plea of guilty, fined Edward T Breathitt who threw old at the City Park Pony League $15.00 ing operating the stand for each plus $450 coats. the support of his adminialesition field st 3-00 pze on Saturday. game Having two strong parties is a W. C. Schmitt Danville, charg- behind Ms former highway corn- May 27. protective device for the rights ed with public drunkenness, en- musioner Anyone who has not signed up and privileges of everyone, no tered plea of guilty. fined $15.00 Breathitt. a strong backer a NOW YOU KNOW &could be at the field at 2:45. matter how strong the individual plus $4.50 oosts. Presdent Lyndon B Johnson, em- by United Press International might be for his party. L. J. Kelso, Lynn Grove, charg- phasized social and welfare pro- Wwch stintLs are so small that uncrossing their legs After a long ed with recktem driving amended grams during his term. Under about 4,000 will fit on a dime. silence, the father said, "Son, step -earring set The voter proved once again that (left) wears a $300 necklace to breach of peace, entered plea state law, he can not succeed outade and see If it" raining." JEWELRY-Dee Lowry he has the 811.4A er in his vote. REAL, FOR-SURE COSTUME Minn., for precision of guilty, fined $1000 plus $450 himself. made by Honeywell in Minneapolis, Without looking up, the son an- of glass-enclosed reed sAitches Switzerland, a Every inares vote counts, even computers. And in Zurich, cosh. In the only other 'tight" race FREE PUPPIES swered, "kw, Pa, why (Ilona we switching in space capsules and though he Just has one vote electrical earrings with air holes. The G W . Smith, ROute One, Mur- Robert Mthews regained his lead just newcomer in ear decor, "mini-zoo" call in the dog and see if model displays another you could say. ray. charged with rediless driv- and now holds a 91.254 vote sand- forms of life. Just lobes of fun, Free! Three lariat puppies, he's wet?" wearer can put in tiny fish and other 03 reporting. His ing. amended breach of peace, ing in precincts mostly beagle. Anyone may have An eM mountaineer and his son $10.00 opponent in the U. Governor's entered plea of guilty, fined them by calling Richard Arm- were sitting in front of the fire Patience is the ability to count holds •plus $450 costs. race, 00658 strong, 753-2640 smiting their popes, crossing and &sun before blasting off. Mur- B. D. Outhi nd. Route Two, votes. - ray, cola rged inch reckless driv- Thomas Ratliff of Pikeville was ing. entered plea of guilty, fined Sir ahead of Bill Hazeirigg of $1500 plus $4.60 costs. Paintavillie for the Republican no- , O. M. Ooryell, 1653 Calloway minal:inn for U. Governor. Rat- Avenue, charged with unneces- liff wits on the Cook slate while sa ry nose. entered plea of guilty. Hazelrigg was s mortar of the fined $10.00 plus $450 oosts. Nunn team P. B. Walks, 500 South 6th John larecitruidge won hi race Street. charged with public dnin- for the Densocnalc nominatton for • kermess. entered plea of guilty, Attorney General over Mike fined -11.16.0a plus $4.60 mita William H. Clay leads- Lester SENSATIONAL FABBRIC SAVINGS J. P. Connolly, Murray State Bums for the same office on the University. Hart Hall, charged Republican ticket with unneceswary noise, entered James Sutherkind won the De- plea of guilty. fined $10 00 plus mocratic nomnavition as Clerk of FOR PARIS' SIDEWALK DAYS $4 50 clads. the Court. of Appear while Dick D W. Jenkins, 416 North 5th V ennilison of Corbin hoick a large Street, charged with reckless driv- lead over his Repubacan oppon- ing amended to breach of peace, ents. entered plea of pray, fined $1000 leads in the Stock!! Over 15,000 Yards!! * plus $4.50 ccats. UTOMUITer5 MCC txnwever T. Ker- Our Entire • J. L. Collier, charged with reck- ney Cole is in a threatening pos- less driving, entered plea ot guil- ition Paul Bromley leads in the TO $1.49 YD. 'FAMOUS MILLS' ty, hoed $10.00 plus $450 costs rare for the Republicans. REGULAR 98' T. L. IAL 1301 Overbey, charged "Andel Butler won his race for wktt redcleas driving. entered plea the Democratic nomination for of guilty. fined $1600 plus $4,50 Superintendent of Public Insexuc- coats. tam and Mrs Jewell Hamilton *ads the RelPubknan ticket. SPRING1; T SUMMERl N • Burl St. Clair lipids- • com- CALLOWAY ... manding lead over his km op- 4,) ponenta for the pat of Cl-. ((ositinued From Page One) ▪ ner of Agricalikere. James Shrtnettre of Lexington has a 3. Nunn lee thin lead on the office for the U. Geverner Republicans Democrat Toed ; Jolly NC Another dose race is that of TONS LOTIIMI111 301 ; Ilbtabefies 6119. Mary Iona. Foust of Shelbyville Republican : Bandages ; Klein litio seeks die office of auditor. Brar New Spring and Summer Cottons at unbelieveable savings! Not a special purchase, not 26, Mobley 5; MEM 47. Joim Clitene hokts a lead but close-nut merchandise, but our entire stock of finest Name Brand Spring and Summer Cottons Rea aids S e outcome is it not decided. it for Demerol: Davis al: O'Connor In the t•uretssae District Henry now priced for quick clearance! Thousands and thousands of yards, just when you want 266. Real MO: Wilson 310. Ward roe-dyed 32,506 votes more Spring and Summer sewing! • Republinut: Begley 4$; Wilson than hie closest opponent A. B. IT' 35. Young 39 Ctandler who received 17,615. ty. Genteel Ward received • total of 40.213 Dtaioisat: Brecktnridge 931; Harry Lee WaLerfield received Mills 806 12.465 in the district and David * * * * * * • * Republican: Burns 78; Clay 37 Trupp 2.820 J 13 Burk:Ilan got • * # • Auditor 482, Mrs. kelen Breeden 424. • Fount 640. Greene I. Democrat: to. B Oupp 412. and Jessie Nadia • • $1. e4iN 003. Was Ryan Cecil 152 UNBELIEVEABLE LOW PRICE! 0:::•i:I t St as Fteviubloan Brandenburg 62. Wendell P'ord carried the Pur- ALL AT ONE Conley 51; Greene 10. chase in his race for U Govern- Tresaneer or. He received 27.613 votes to Democrat: Oak 1,050; Stovall 16,789 for Roist Matthews. 1.003 toter. in the First District gave $00 "AMERITEX" PRINTED HOPSACKING i'•*.f:' Republican: Bromley 73 Jenk- Mrs. Thelma Stovall a marrn ins 28. votes in her •••.°V,.::4 of 3,468 race against HANDSCREENED COTTON SATIN PRINTS • ....• &apt. Instruction T Kerney Oole of Providence ,0"„%s eaer Denim rat Butler 1.406: Dunba r Mrs Maven got 18,435 and Cole fro COTTON AND ARNEL CORDS e *. 171; Johnson 21112: Norneet 142 rereived 14.977. .est Republican : Handlton 50: Mil- ler 57. lleylor 13. fro "WAMSUTTA" STUDIO PRINTS Av. easmiestosser Hubert Carter Dies ar.,„ • Dernacret: Hobrook 283. Maths A00 "LOOMSKILL" PRINTED PIQUES 409; Rt. Or 766 Monday At Age Of 60 .e.#X Republican : Hammons 36; Stimpahtre 33 o• "STEVEN" PRINTED CANVAS 06, Huts* Carter of Murray Route •-,- Clerk Appeals One died Monday at 5 30 pm at ..•sp 301; Grey Jo° "BATES" DISCIPLINED COTTONS ... -. Densoart : Barnard the Murray-Callyway County Hos- Sutherland 316; Alines Sutherland D ,/*1 pital. He was 50 years of age 784 Bunevors are hie e. Mrs 100 "VALTEX" AVRIL SI COTTON PRINTS Ftepublecan: Molignovray 61; I, Marie Carter.: son. James Darter Vermillion 52. of Murray Route One: daughter. ro PRINTED AND SOLID SAILCLOTHS ....,g....,. Rallrosd Conisalageser Mrs. Claude Wiliam" of Chicago, • : cox 175 Dernx rat 1st I)tetnict II ; mother, Mrs. Molly Outer of Fr eerrian 1,300. Wikon 385. sof AND MANY, MANY OTHERS 'i:Ir:eocf.. 0.. ... Jackson. Mo ; two brothers. Berl .,• .... 8, State Representative axed Balked airier of Hickman 1.972, Adlal AO• t Pat MoCulabon County. three asters. Mrs Lela /Coon 300 Barks arid Mrs. Ulty Graves of If'''. • l', 4 qv' ••-• * . -1 4, ..ijet I Action. Mo , and Mrs Myrtle •,,s Riley of Monona. Ky eleven Every bolt, every yard first quality from our regular stock! Hospital Report grand- , grandchildren four great A &lindens. May 22, 1067 chlidren From 36' to 45 wide, drip-dry, wash and wear cottons. services are being held A udry Ray 1511, Rural Route 1. Funeral at Hog:kink A kno : Mrs Mary Richezdson, today at 2.30 pm. the and Brown Funeral Home, Canton, Don't niss this sensational Fabric Buy! Come early for Hardin; Master Kevin W. Own- with Ftev Robert Runyan offic - er. Rural Route 4. Murray; Mrs wo be in the Oak- Florene latoCutiton. New Concord: mating Burial best selection! wood Cemetery. Mrs Lula P. Maier, Rural Route 4. Murray, Master Memel Stern. 229 South lith. Murray; Mrs. drama Drive, Murray. Mrs Lou- Carol Ann Marine and girl. Runt] isa laic/bell, Rural Route S. Mur- Route 2. Murray; Cieraki Murdock , ray. Rural Route 1. Lynn Grove; Hub- Dissiassials 204 W.lid olliali.NsA**J.11 rAltIn. z ENNESSEE ert Carter, Lynn Grove, Mrs. Mae Claudia Robertson, 203 Tenn: • Temple Lee Scotia Box 56. Hazel; Cherry Street, 71ptonville, Mrs Lou Poote, IeU3 Farmer Mrs. Nancy M Carlson. 1003 Col- City: Wayne J. Fiera. 520 South lege Court. Murray; Master Dan- 13th. Murray; Thonris M Wil- iel A. Mansfield. Rural Route L liams, 404 South eth Murray; Murray; Jaspe.r D. Alan, Rural Mrs. Meta Beane, Rural Route 3, Route 2, Murray; Kenneth W Pentee2;, Charles Cbdello, OW- Hannon, Rural Route 1, AlMo;


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PAGE FOUR TIN! LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY -- MAY 24, 1967 a Ph TF Jackie Ann Blakely { Miss Linda Brewer from Bridgeport High School mil- Purcell-Rose Vows To atiendLrig Florence PUBLIBil Honored At Showert. Be Read ts presently CoosaMb Ledger & Times... Phone 753-1917 or 1153-4110 TO Be ..ilarried To State a:Lege. Procesam. rbeen-lie .4t Community Bldg. William N. Stewart The grocalreHr• wale gividaated from Bricereport High Belled and NtlIn Jactle Arm !Bakery. bride- • Mr. an1 Mrs. James E. Brewer attended Berry CoNege and Aub- eleoe of Bel Illaugen• was compB- of Br ciert, Ale., announce the urn University. He is presently merged welh a bridal shower a: WI.13-11011 engage snag of their claughter. tango* sifts, TVA at Widows es POO Vie Cammurnty Do-Kris on 13135s L La., 63 Whism Nelson Creek Stn.= Aug. urea at Drive on Friday. May 19. • wean, ,,on of Mr. and Mrs. The honoree. daughter of Mr. The wedding will take place on sae J. also of Bridge- Mrs James Balt*, chase to 10, three o'clock ' Sotai.eloy. June at hoopeaas l't'I I r for the 10.$17 °mad= a In the sot,ernoon at the First brile-e.rit Luncheon Meet Held Mrs. Mosteller yellow &ems battened =Ore The is the granz1- Iletho..tet Church In BruVepori sudersci Is ,' Social ity.e, and wee presented • car- ughter of Mrs. S. D. 13.Aylocii, F:;.v.1:.n,z the ceremony, a re- I? e t en:is. By taan the Me the Guest Speaker For /mat of )(Qom and state oards- Wx. Blidernt. and :. pt on will be he'd at the /101114 .e MI. sac 4.• James 1. Brew- 1)olun (2i:cie Fide/is Meeting l uons The is the ma the brlie-eleet's parents. - of Murray. Ky. She is T.le Fa 21 Deran Lo.-ale a tiv Eatendar of' air . and Mrs. Harold Mammal. a mace Mrs. Truman Smith being uw.t.•1 Waih...n a aolary Mr. Paul C Modeller was the Ganes sere Peeled wait MAI of Mur - NI *IV tat..fls are guew speaker at au pima.= Beserty B:Mash and Mrs. ;ay. flietils end rclat-s es are in - . Se:r _ce of use Past Li...hoc-a! Thareday. May 23 - The megeLme c.,ab Mi W-C'e was a lisaheon 1116604 Iv.: mel4 .. mecum heed by the Addis Mae- MeoPh bell Use recipients of graduated v:tea t ... -.4 bciosa Clam of die s• ...e ii....:40.4 Inn 011 Tuesday. he Women :, ..: ob House az 2:30 Para OW the Prue& on May Ht. w.i.11 Mrs He.en Lissa- pm. mal al. J beat kJ Roane To.usday. May Is ibe co/hr scheme of ),Low and a„ ..„,...... ,, •sr gesso( She tavoca.lon. as bosom t No= ,n the mom- vviii-e ems used in Lbe tkooraMaina M.-s lion Swann, ouale chalk- • • • as tae inr alesKt6196194b, Mak. Iris& the MURRAY LOAN CO. man, me,:usauced Mrs. F E. cram/- lertillay. May 24 table Oo.rig amered w..111 a The speaker a the hawses Do- yalow carm ford. 61.1.1-4141 Oi the tarne for The Chris Aoximary of the Km under state net and MONEY HEADQUARTERS 1 :Quay woo served IQ the nett r-ntirch year -trove as ix.mated in fia?..ut Church hold Se6 W. Main Street Phone 153 - 2421 do.e.ary of use Savabit Seeds= 'Ltd besed.M., .. Otaer a....zera. :or next churah Marza-usaugguer Banque( at anti/mad tee V .../a-a at Murray ta..ste 11=mo/sty taide WW1 amisof yea: a:e M:s. /km Swarm vice- .e couran 4.,10 p.m KS- w...h a Mute the ....: nye yeara Dar graduat- chat U WALL-awn. Mrs.. haac stammer atahunory to decorateci wa.41 wedded bells mn :has slur ray State. She and and cersered with Elath ireasore:. al:s. Ataxy Farme: an. Jmasost, wit Waal sides of her a ye...As Coral oar zasthisno and two istuldren are " Ws. R. A Johnston. secrehries ...rrk ihere. arrangement 066.606C66 10 10111•1612't now at nation A ten do-Jos memonal wa. • • • Parte* CalIc.S, wants. and punch acme an fortaugh. the were served by the hostesses, Mrs. by lig given In 1:Pea"rir '11 be1379" ' The Annie Armstrong Bedding Circle at L. A. Jones and Mrs. Plants . Jeri" Gra- president of the wacs. ahs. J.36.1 las% diligigmed the 4 j Jae Haze; Baptist Church will Z1, stio es,ah wore a 9nm:oak. The group vowel Inc sat the are doing M lballand yellow oar- 44. meet at the home of Kra B. It e. Miss Stephanie Ann Purcell this sum be added in the echo- /Me was WM a ;Aft — ALL KINDS — Mart; Wint&zate- at 730 pal. mrs. Eitity persons were present lararop a-lammed by the Faith 1 tram elme he BIM Cagine or Mr. and airs. Walter A. Purnell. 1106 Phi:field Road, ML. Vern- PETUNIAS • COLEUS, • LANTANA 25, ag I:ene Sino.nerrnan have ..i.largt it gotta. = na., announce the engsganerst Doran Clirce w-th Lne hew re- peaddist. MOB MAW May of their daughter. Stephanie Ann. VERBENA • SULTANA • SCARLET SAGE iona ,f the program. • • • Rowe, son ap-era. beats Ea inium Jeffrey zit:muted Mrs. Modwier to James R of Mr and Mrs. Mleu B Rose, 11303 Keene- CANNAS • AND OTHERS •• • Murray Ifde presera.ed Mrs Swann 4..• LS Mrs. E. C. Who says teen-agers follow the bncl, with a • sine: re.osso dish and ser- Lro• or woo tax. Jades. ..n preferences! One Grove meet The brede-elect. a sophoaxre majoring In mune at Murray State PLENTY OF BIG BOY TOMATOES ver mi tosen of tier semees acna.astac pubacsarau say& the ne Woodmen Hall at sieves op- , Usevershy. is a member Other gums • Dr. and Mrs. ofrelsgma Allem Iota, profemonal fraternity • chart oharinat, An honorary =weer - gum r...ate is true — the young ones K far women in mew. forum Aa.4) a As presented to Mrs. Imo.: • •• C. (Imes. Mrs. I. W Keys of nae their ladalon selves as "In- 2 for 25c Lanza. Lexasz and Mrs gine d.v.dua•st. Hobo-awn Rao, the The groom-elect ts enipkIed at Penn-bah Chemical Ccermany • IL as Announced that the circle The Zeta Dzparunent of the SOU Crawford al Maenad enagamne supplement Cah•ert 948,0' to the ben 30 City and also attends Murray Mete Uneven:By. •ezve toe Dere:age for the W.tmali ac pall ode- A aitioneon mos •erved animal press, pulled high achoos sters The wedding s-cit amoa At the nesa genera. army ha 23t..1 arm.vereary at 11:30 &t WOO hour m the fdlow- seniors an lastuon influence ceremony will take place at the Plemant Hill Bap- Shirley Ohunix Florist tist in WSCS metsung on Tuesday, Jun. p.m. with • paato sapper party a.Lp ha.. of the etaizah 'Whit ants me" answered 5 per Mt. Vernon. 111, on Beiturday, June A. fbur-tturty other o'clock in Vie 5'O 6, at 10:90 AL Liu (few fic.ausases atnt of the girls and 90 per cent olternoon. No. 4th Street • have The aoshg prayer was bg Mrs. • beMeatkunes Start Fonttn. Dim of Murniy. at five pm. af the boye—Iletsty-sh per cent Be....1 Swarm Jns C.onverse. Hoary • • • at the garb and 96 per cent of hostesses for the JIM iteser.nt. Fulton. 1"mM/a Path.end L. Maaday, May 21 !be boys added that cl...ahes ebould via' be Mrs. Swann and Mrs. ha) Ptraley. coastmment their persormaty. tI Mrs will re, busy ciaa-e. • • • awe one ef Jess* thearti books ineiu liaterday. May XI ot the lIveray-04sow ay Mud/

HISTORIC CTPT The New Prdv.zenct Sadd:e 4,7 ar1' at ,0 II-M. Mr. IMUILIS will I've LAYAWAY C.nsib will have its Sprats Hans ne Prewent to siwatrentt b.a bOOLI busy Bardstown. settsed m is the saow. WKHA Paint 30:x. at the enahli wsl be tat $•:e for tntale ME TIME IS RICHT sees:ird oldest city m Kratorty arena. :come nubs south- who wish to bu3 0 BUY A HOME A BLANKET • 0 HOLDS YOUR CHOICE REALTOR 'TIL NOVEMBER! WEEK SALE MAY 21-27, 1967 Special Value! The Chatham "Avon" EALTIIII•til polissioul ia real estate ste hiserbes le a strict cede of is as mealier 1 • the local ail state beards sad 72 x 90" HIGH-LOFT FIBERWOVEN at Its Ilethael Associated el BLANKET lei WM Beals. 94% Rayon-6% Acrylic Fibers [ •PINK A Ell If you want with 100% Nylon Binding R. to find Joh FIBER-FIXED FOR LASTING BEAUTY LON'. development day —LESS SHEDDING AND PILLING sate sites on rect hats 3 IN 1 terra firrna, A\ 196.!

Lad see your the Realtor vu: COLOR TV aid You don't have 15 to go flying to get a bird's-eye view of a- ed • STEREO AND RADIO vailable development land. Just rid see a Realtor. Put his Washable, allergy-free and guaranteed moth- bat expenence Largest Picture and knowledge to proof. A really outstanding blanket .. . • fur Tube Made! 295 Sq. In. work for you. He knows the Fiberwovian for more loft, greater strength, Ins Ins and outs of real estate. less shrinkage, longer life. Outperforms any Pet! There are Realtors vino are ordinary blanket you ever knew. Choose from • ORANGE , expert In handling farm ed • or nine bright and clear solid colors. Us undeveloped land suitable for ST industrial, housin g, recrea- to tional or other uses. 94% Rayon-6% Acrylic Screen Printed 100°o Acrilon* Acrylic Fiberwoven • A Realtor Ls a professional "ROSE CHARM"... by Chatham "METEOR" „ by Chatham in it, real r-Ntate who subscribes Look for the big A soft, warm blend in beautiful $ 99 red "A" co the pack- be ito a strict Code of Ethics as age . 100% printed floral design. Rose, lilac Acrilon• acrylic in I0 member of the local board beautiful solid colors. and gold and of the National AAnocia- •Ina. TM l tion of Real Estate Boards.

So. If you want land for de- velopment. see your Realtor Look for this seal, which only AMAZING THERMAL WEAVE BLANKETS a Realtor may display. NO MONEY DOWN! Solids and prints in assorted colors. 100% • 2ix,r-rq Mark I Deguat COW nylon binding. Popular 72 x 90-inch size. 41.1.1 S • so....or steno sound •to4.s two FOAMS and FM %row radio Chatham "Night Song" 100% COTTON Chatham "Beautynap" Come In And See Our Many VIRGIN ACRYLIC THERMAL WEAVE 135°,10 RAYON-15% ACRYUC THERMAL BLANKET THERMAL BLANKET BLANKETS New low price. COLOR TVs Realtors' National Founda- White, pink, blue, $ 99 8 Imperfects of Pink, blue, green, $5 99 tion, Inc. gold, green and beige, MARKED DOWN Regular $6.99 Quality gold, white for SUMMER CLEARANC2.7 aqua. Fiber-fixed. and azalea. 1300 Connecticut Ave., N.W., THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN EL_ECTRONICS $399V Washington, DC. 20036

Chatham "Loomaire" Chatham -Marirnore Rose' MURRAY BOAfill RAYON-COTTON-ACRYLIC SCREEN PRINTED THERMAL BLANKET Completely washable and lint-free THERMAL BLANKET WARD-ELKINS Of 70% rayon - 24'0 . . , never needs ironing. 100% Screen printed American cotton with cotton-6% acrylic. $399 6" nylon bind- rose pattern. Pink, blue, gold, ing. Four use in homes, hospitals, Gold, rose and S5 99 REALTORS green, turquoise, camps and nursing homes. White, blue. Fiber-fixed lilac, orange. pink, blue, green, beige, orchid, gold for lasting and turquoise. beauty.

.4 sarmassaskianalapispa

• I 1.

• .1%


.967 iFTDNESDAY — MAY 24, 1967 •••••••==.•Rer THE LEHOEH. El TIMMS ar• MURRAY. KENTUCKY Joi and PAGE ?IT'D Florence wife could be together, alone, I Alabiaino. aould have been the happlitet nuitiated mother on earth TIT son &chit hool and come home from Viet Nam, He Wub iul Aub- tiled there on New Year's presently day lair Widows Yes, Mother, Yon Ito deservee to have his fweor patted. Maybe one day he ME MI,you boxer how place on much he appreciatd your poor te o'clock sacrifice. he First "ONLY RIB MiCiTHER," ALSO ridgeport. DEAR ABBY: UsUraffp I bswe , a re- no sympathy for mothers-tri-law he home because I have a real attnker my- nits. And Some Have No self But my heart goes out to -Oniy Me Mother," who was g tinned. askoi to alt with ber grandchild- are in- Sons to ren so her son and diwgeeer-in- Share! law could have a 2-clay sea orgy to make up for lost Wine while 110 By Abigail Van Buren he was in Viet Nam. DEAR ABBY: The writer who wife of his, too. If my son were When my husband wire overseas signed herself "Only His Mother' in love" with me. he eroilid have in Work! War Li, I mined rum should have given up her von a remained lame and never mar- so 'nisch, I tliought Ed die. king tone ago. The clay my child- Then our eon went to Viet Nam, ried. (Heaven forbid.) I am so REVISITED--Centrid Press ren heard the words, "I now pro- and ict me ten you, die pain a ALCATRAZ correspondent Armand grad to oe. . . Archerd Alcatraz nounce you man and wife," I re- feels for a was in the war stands alone to an cellbiock In San Fran- "ONLY HIS MOTHKR" cisco Say, where up to the linquished my clauna. I don't mean and a huatiand are two different vacating of four years ago tent of tboasende of years ' they are no looter DEAR ABBY: "Conte /115 Moth- things I were passed by thousands of evil- 1111111111. my abakett doers but dit wife belongs to her bus- er" amok! thank God her was He was visiting a film location—The Rock was Seeing a an come home alive Jeuid, and the humband belongs Is returning home from Viet Nam rented for 12,000 a day by a Hollywood studio. is the greatest feeling a mama 'to ha wile. Our divorce courts alive. can experience I wouldn't he isouicint be so busy if mote par- olditer. There WA a man who has As the "dtiguselng 2-day missed it ear the setakl. You should qn Dear Abby, Box 69700, Los ents let their married children clime home frcen any Mir with- sex rgy,"—I wish the wife /lots have tokt that mother to meet Angela, Cl., 90010 Por a per- their own lives. mat a changed outlook on of rk When my marine mane her son at the station re— u5lhed reply enclose with lii ach deseh When we heard our eon was home from Viet Nam he o)ent wilt' and kide—azzl told them to a self-4021Seelled. strunped envel- I didn't nave a mother-in-har, ntic conang borne from Viet ' Nam 1 a week in bed Sound asleep! „ take care of their -own klde- R. 34, controls his or even a risodher to keep our WORLD RCUNDTRIP SOLO—James Bede, alta at of long-winged plane isrote to han, "We will not be ALDO A WIPE ALSO A MOTHER (upper" preparing to take off from Cleveland on the first solo, non-stop, non-refueled ohlki, bult mew of my friends at the airport to meet you. We For Abby's booklet, "How I. world. The flight plan calls for a 24,800-mile "orbit" in six and one- DEAR ABBY. This Ls' to the DEAR ABBY: I speak from ez- shti neeillblitio offered. Knowing flight around the will keep the little people so you Have a Lovely Wedding," seed $1 half days with 565 gallons of fuel at the outset. foolish mother who was 'hurt" peranoe. My budiand Mane beck how krrprietireit is for a young I your wife can be alone' to ,,y, Boa 69700, Los Angeles, bemuse her ,,,on was otelilng home from Vleit Nem saw having been husbeati owl wee to re-eetablash CaL, 00069. son never wrote asking US from Viet Nam and wanted her there tor MB 111011ffle. Our reunion Ourelketicelelun and harmony again, et his wife meet him alone. to keep the Middles while he and wee far from a "eat orgy," as I would Alleily keep the ohildren his wife had a /*pond honeymoon. that eater's usityrusioded uiwtiv- didn't have to. As his parents of a stranger to make it poselb/e. am a matter, -too, and if mg eL, celled R. The dirat night and BEEN THERE LARGEST COLLECTION OF SUMMER STYLES knew our place. are, I love son wanted me to take care of al the neat day we cid wiks How hiss the world been treat- LERMANS y son and I love that darling Ns utiLkken az, he and his kttle talk We had as much to tell each ing you? Unload your problems AND COLORS WE'VE EVER SHOWN! SAVE! atilt Onin By MAN O'SUUTVAN ITS OPEN season for out- door meals the minute the weather turns pleasant It doesn't have to he warm, F.44 either, for crisp weather is wonderful for a cookout. It sparks the appetite and makes • everything taste extra mar- velous. For the first barbecue of the season, try the sauce giv- en today. Its • favorite for steaks up in 's rin- ger takes district Round out the menu with another dii-h from this teflon. Dutch Potato Salad. Pass brov:m and serve bread, sliced and spread (before bak- • int', with • mixture of 14 c. soft butter, 14 tsp dried basil and I tap. celery seed. Delicious! Cool Comfortable Styles For Summer On the spur of a warm. Wear balmy moment, you am or White, Co, warm cook in and serve out. Mahogany As may menu to whip up for The latest in summer footwear fashions for women and misses. Flats & Black. paho or porch teases Cbeese In bows, buckles, straps and step-ins. Sandals in three-strap wedges. §izes 44 to 10. 1 and Sausage Bake (hot sand- Genuine Italian thongs. Open toe styles. Leather soles. Every pair OTHERS wiches) with Marinated To- styled for cool comfort. matoes and Cuhumbers. $2.77 at 13.77 • STEAK BARBECUE SAUCE c. vinegar Nationally Advertised 2 tbsp. sugar "HUSTLERS" 1 tbsp. prepared mustard The Taylor THE BEsT BARBECUE *lee 03. 14 tsp. coarsely ground of all is steak! TaU.U. find it especially flayerNi booe it n the grill, you bruah tr. puttni black pepper it with a barbecue sauce that's sparked with a little burgundy. 1% tsp. salt ,46 tsp. Tabasco c. bacon fat 14 but not brown. tap. Salt 1 lemon, thickly sliced 2 tap. BAR Combine salt, sugar, Wart 1 medium onion. sliced 1 tbsp. sugar % UP- PePPef pepper, wine, vinegar and•sal- % 14 c, butter or margarine % tap. lap. dry mustard coarsely groOnd ad oil. Add slowly to pan to 1 tap. finely 1 tbsp. Worcestershire black pepper chopped $3.77 prevent spattering; heat sev- • % C. N.Y. Burgundy 14 c. Rhine wine Genu4ne "Hustlers" by Servus eral minutes. 14 lb. sausage meat Combine all but la.,t three 14 C.. herb vinegar Rubber Co. Built specially for Add to potatoes. Add bectrilL 4 (1 oil prices proceee Ingredients: simmer 20 min. 14 c. salad oil Toes lightly. Garnish witb sport and casual wear. Double • Add butter. Worcestarahlre 6 c, itinerklan cheese diced hot cooked peraley. Serve hot. Serves Paprika duty soles. and wine; bring to boil. potatoes to 10. Strain. Use to brush 3 Trim crusts front bread: steaks nitres crisp bacon, CHEESE AND SAUSAGE place while grilling. Makes 1 c. crumbled Mho in each of 4 but. BARE tared fildtvidual hveri-peoof DUTCH PilYrATO SALAD Chopped parsley 8 slices enriched bread casseroles. TENNIS CASUAL OXFORDS I c. finely chopped onion Cook oniun and celery in 2 eggs, slightly beaten Combine eggs, milk, malt, 1 c. thinly sliced celery bacon fat until onion is soft 2 c. milk pepper, mustard and onion: Built for Rugged Wear of men, youth, boys! pour % c, mixture over bread 64 11 in each casserole. Sizes to '2•77 Brows sausage over Inv, WOMEN'S - MISSES heat. stirring with fork to - CHILDRENS break into small pieces; drain. Spread about 14 C. cooked sausage over each oaaserole. CANVAS SNEAKERS Top with another brv,s4 slice. Moisten top of each sandwich with anotherA c. milk mix. tore. Place cheese slice on top of each. Bake at 325*F. until, puffy ". 4 and browned, about 35 min. Spelakle with paprika. $1.77 Serve. 4 MARLNATED TriNIATOES Comfort and good looks built into every Stil et-Ct-MisIrSS pair. Famus Serms and Bata qualittes. medium-aim fresh Wa.shable canvas uppers. Rubber soles COOL COMFORTABLE CASUALS tomatoes, sliced 6 green pepper rings with cushion insoles. Womens and Misses in Styles Women and Teens Prefer 2 green onion... sliced 44 to 10 in white, faded blue, blue dentin, % medium-wised red and Navy. cucumber, sliced Footwear for cool and carefree comfort. Wash- 6 tbsp salad oil able canvas uppers in faded blue, red, bone and NATIONALLY ADVERTISE!) 3 tbsp, vinegar black. Fleitible rubber type soles, cushioned for P tsp. sugar Sizes 4 to 10. 14 tsp salt BALL BAND "JETS" comfort. air$ it tap. Moly crushed tarragia % tsp. Celery seeds Arrange tomato slices, pep- per rings, pnions and cucum- bers in dish with tight-fitting Cover. Combine $2.11 remaining lagro- dients. Po* over Vegetables; Fine woven washable duck uppers in American Ingt of RANK co•ite tightly; refrigerate at • • • r i)ii it Ill..- always hit the spot especially ti,meal when is served outdoors' It-igt 1 liar. cool colors, flexible and rugged soles. y I, p !.g .1p Cheese 'n Sausage Bake and make Marinated Tomatoes abd Cucumbers. eiir-es 4 bit G. Sizes 4 t 10

• 4


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THE LEDGER & TiMES MURRAY, KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY - MAY 24, 1987 7, Play Me. . . Don't Trade Me, Mets Make It Shop Is Plea Of Easy For 6 Johnson's By GREG ALLO Carl Yastrsernski provided Dennis 11 El Sports Writer I Bennett his second victory of the Don Drysdale BETTER FOODSOT ▪ 'TkinI trade me--play me." says season against one loss. Petrocelli, ;or s▪ it I& trtierp-lvillged Rocky Colima° of blasted a solo shot off loser Mickey es 1 Cleo eland Indians. 1Lolich in the second and Yastrbern- By SAM GOLDo4PER - The slugging vightfleider, who has ski blasted his eighth homer of the UPI Sports Writer al filed a formal complaint to Cleve- year with a man aboard in the Through their six years of exist- T-BONE Pl land general manager Gabe Paul eighth. ence the New York Meta have been Inc being inactive. This season prov- Rod Carew muffed a double play country cousins for many a , ed that he was worthy of starting ball in the sixth inning to set up the ' Don Drys- position for the Indians' outfield Ron Hansen's three run homer that dale among them. to by crashing a three-run 10th in- brought the White Sox a come- The Dodger blazer has been a /O- ning homer Tuesday night to beat rom - behind victor-y and moved reille,, winner twice in his past 11 the Washington Senators. T hem back into first place in the Nataiial League seasons but Tues- STEAK • Oolavito has been platooned this . . day night with a 7-0 victory, the • se year by manager Joe Adcock and Pate Ward hit his fifth homer in Mets became the sixth learn he he feels that he deserves an ex- the second inning. Cesar Toyer and has beaten at least 20 1.3111e11. 1 planation. As of yet Adcock has `Harmon Killebrew homered for the None has made it as easy for him i.3 not given any reason for the change Twins. as the Metz. He is 20-3 against 3-. "I'm not asking them to trade Jimmy Hall's two run homer in them, his log against the Meta is hi me," Colas Ito said, because I love . 17 complete games, six of which the sixth inning broke • 1-1 Ue C ael Cleveland and the people here. They and enabled Jack Sanford to win were shutouts. 99! 49lb ro always treated me fine and I want over the Athletics. CaIddi se Tritir-r! GROUND ROUND to stay with the Indians." About the only consolable* al. "DEEM' Hit Mats can haat it er ed belt the gods •• !hies Colavito 11113 in the lineup Ties- BEEF r day night became the Senators In 19 • Richert. we'aIgabreld to spring trubsing I k started a lefthander Pete Pe He was stall around when right- 312p:mtes. mot iew taan 39% Steak 891 Mi hander Bob Priddy was hurling in ,and tra e TURKEY ROAST WI • the 10th inning. "I was just going BASEBALL 15=piteb-selhTmtheatalasinei°=:11frirYe DOUBLE Q - Tall Can '50 1 for • base hit," Rocky mid. 'All All Lightht $2.99 Lightrk.D an wanted to do is win the game.' lb" Dodgersesn being • ilit /Wraith Meat Meat 1 He might have won more than 't bother Drysdale much $2.49 mi the ballgame but he will have to eith on "I still think we mit win the pen- 65c proved his point. salmon trait and see if he MEM Elsewheraalip the ArnerialS1 Leag- nant," said Drysdale. We have too TOPPY'S BACON BaltamoW shut out New York ue W. L Pet, GB ranch P°tesitIsl °II this club to slats SALAD BOWL 1-0. Boston defeated Detrol 5-2, 26 12 .684 - where we are. I don't worry about early will 1-Lb. Pkg. Chicago edged Minnesota 5-4, and St.,Cincth Lownasti 20 12 .625 3 tosses, things look up." SALAD - Quart California downed Kansas City 5- L pittohurgh 19 15 560- Giants Edge Phil.. League In the National League Houston Chicago 18 15 545 5% In other National games. bombed Pittsburgh 8-3. Los Angeles Atlanta 19 16 .543 5% Ban Francisco edged Philadelphia blanked New York 7-0. Atlanta out- San Francisco 20 17 .541 5% 5-4 in 11 innings. Houston defeated 9c slugged St Louts 0-6, San Francisco Philadelphia 15 20, .429 9% Pittsburgh 8-3 and Atlanta downed Dressing 39c 5 inn- Cuicir.nati at Chi- nipped Philadelphia 5-4 in 11 Los Angeles 15 21 .417 10 St. Louis 9-6. between the postponed by rain. ings and the same New York 11 21 344 12 cago was Chicago American League. Cincinnati R. and the Houston 12 26 316 14 Around the York 1-0, Cubs was postptined because of min American League Baltimore shut out New ekes vent Boston topped Detroit 5-1 Cali- RED Farm Fresh Produce 6 Gary Bea ••• atom W. I- Pet. GB Wileg fornia clipped Kansas City 5-1, Chi- htterlir-Ilie-nielk- Ctdsago 21 11 .856 Mem cago shaved Minnesota' 5-4 and when idneb-bkalt 01111 21 12 .636 % - wet Sr left Cleveland beat Washington 4-1 in mamba a balm'rut Beilingete 17 16 .515 4% 10-0/ mad as game 10 innings. . BANANAS mar ifeki knee ti KAMM City 17 17 SOO 5 Two Philhe struck out Mira tontoga MOM 17 17 .500 5 Wks Jay Alou three straight times but Vp alleassota 16 17 .485 5% Potatoes Watt Dick Farrell didn't have the sae* Past Reredos sad X&Iiie Cleveland 16 17 .485 5% far a lomer-611 ebeleat luck He gave up a triple to the CELERY JAR Seemedl up Hew York 14 19 424 7% r 12-oz. pkg. Indy Stellimblersa &Lew in Giant left fielder and Othe Brown and Waahingten 14 20 .412 8 sew with • followed with a seen!** fly and the only Tea et Ike Californi. a 15 22 405 8% San Francisco had itself a 5-4 11- second innMil *We II ere the YESTERDAY'S RESULTS • in their inning victory. CANTALOUPES- - -- ca. 39c OTiOiES their *PAR Aram National League 10 games The triumph went to Prank Linty last Lee Angeles '7 New York 0 runs by Rico Petrocellt and In re lief Home Atlanta 9, St Louis 6 59c Would you belive that Larry flier- San Francisco 5. Philadelphia 4, YELLOW ONIONS 3 25c ter Is J1e only 300 hitter on the lb. 11 innings. Astro learn? The Houston pitcher Hamilton 1, Pittabizeh 3 Harrison Slir”k - postponed. doubled and big Chuck • 19 Cincinnati at Chicago, struck a pair of doubles and it owling 1111.132 spelled 8-3 victory over the Pitts- Americas Lemma burgh Pirates. Cleveland 4, Washington 1, 10 inns. FRESH CORN a The Atlanta Braves collected 13 N Baltimore 1. New York 0 - SWEET SCE - hits off three of the first five St. Detroit 2 • FRIDAY SITE .ADCLY-1116101 Boston 5. Louis Cardinal puchers for a 9-6 BORLLNG ILILAGUR Chicago S. Minnecata 4 victor,' oyes the.seociad-place Card- Team Rua Isall Kansas City at California. night inals. Pour Wonders 2 TODAY'S GAMES CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS League Red Birds 5 3 liatiosal SLEDD'S - 32-01. USAGE PEACHES ea't, 11 eINA/ r Founts 5 Las Angeles, Osteen 5-3 at Nes # 24 Can The Lively Owes 4 4 Wyk, Pierer 3-3. !sight FROZEN FOODS Four Res 4 Ban lerancaeo, Wartchal 7-3 at DILL PICKLES 29' 2 cane 49e for Pin Busters 0 a Ptutidelplaia. 494se 1-1 or G. Jack- Mars RialL Gana rgerallsit) len 2-2 night. FROSTY ACRES Jlia iirsie =1 P6L4urets. Ribant 1-2 at Houston. 227 Wilson 1-3. night. Joe Hermes LAY'S POTATO CHIPS SUNFLOWER MEAL _ LBS. 77° Jim Neale 306 Cincirmati. an* 4-1 and McCool SLICED STRAWBERRIES Game tHDCP) at Chicago. Nye 2-2 and Niekro Men's High 3-3 Twin Pak 16-Ounce Jim Neige 244 0-1, 2. no,99 ° Lori To 23'T St. Louis. Gibson 5-3 at Atlanta CAKE MIX Brrry cRocKER Jun l'ieale 230 Leasater 3-1, night. Americas LAMM 490 BMWs filch Series (Scratch) 39 Dm Neale 618 Chicago. Peters 5-1 at Misname' CRACKERS DIXIE BELLE Boa DEL MON'TE 9° -Lyman Dtion 529 Chance 7-1. Detrott, Loyd Told 513 Boston. LonixsT 4-1 at CREAM PIES Nees WW1 Series (FIDCP) Resin 4-4. night Each at Cleve- CRUSHED PINEAPPLE SNOWDRIFT 3 uss 69' ans Neale 03 Weehlhttort. Ortega 1-4 George Illanney =Todd IMP land, That 1-1. night. Gov. No. 2 Can Brewer 572 New Tort. Downing 3-3 at Balti- Berta's& 0-1, night. KREY 25 Ramiea's High Game (Seagate) more, PURE LARD 4 Liss 59' llarkme Brewer 177 t Only games scheduled 290 Berko, Drawer 167 POT PIES Batty Man 185 CAMPBELL'S GASPER CHILI 2 e;I: 49' CHICKEN or BEEF Phyllb Adams 165 Respen's High (MCP) Phy 1:is Adams 217 VEGETABLE' SOUP BISCUITS 3 wr 25'1 Helen Harrrove 215 2'3 , 350 He Hargrove 212 Bleb Series I Scratch) 2 cr: 29 SOLID MARGARINE lb 15° *- MORTON'S * Darlene Brewer 600 Isabel Parks 431 CLOVERLEAF Marilyn Parts 426 TV DINNERS 426 KRAFT Helen Hargrove MACARONI DINNER.:ce" 29° Series (HDCP) Fish - Turkey - Chicken - W4111111,11111 High Kraft - 588 DRY MILK Kraft - 18-oz. Pot Roast - Helen Hargrove Salisbury Steak 5711 * 5-QT. SIZE * Berlene Brewer DOUBT MOUT SWANEY- GRAPE JELLY 3 for * BAR-B-Q 29' and Meat Loaf 671 '1 SAUCE Phyllis Adams Rep, limaresei Caller,fl-N.Y 4 Kraft - 32-oz. 20 Pounds Average MS% Inge advises the Republican Party OR Neale SALAD OIL /Mt to appoint a commission to 39 59. * CHARCOAL 99' F 6W Lyman Dimon 1•6 inessUBLIS the eligibility of Hargrove 175 Joe Miehigital Coy. Gecrge Rem. Vernon Riley 173 ney for the prastdercy. Rom- Delmar Brewer 189 ney was born of American Waissm's High Average FANCY FLtirs 39° I GeHEISE CAKE 4901 SEttrile Crn iriAlE _29° rocker SANDWICHES_ 164 viasse breeurcei -were parents In a Mormon com- Herten* aniser melon mosontod oft fhe foot*. ovr- munity in )(co. The Con. PAL - 21 Pounds STOKELY'S - Marilyn Parks 147 hive of he.&mock whorl., and 46-0s. Can stitutIon states that"no per- Betty Riley 148 e pa c•c raft. Woof fo irocrooso PEANUT BUTTER change orfiforla of wk.. 89' TOMATO JUICE 29' Nell marberteh 143 *woe or son except a natural born clo offer moot orgies, ore cot off. Betty Dime 14$ citizen ... shall be eligible 7-OUNCE PUFFS - 200 Count Box to the office of the presi- dent" Cener Ear the ques- FARRIS' tion centers on Interprcta- PRELL SHAMPOO 69c FACIAL TISSUES 25c • White House Grocery tIon of "naturaL" OPEN "Tine Food 1608 West Main Street SAYS for - STOP, SHOP and COMPARE - EACH EVENING EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Fins Folks" Large Selection of Plain and Fancy Pottery Be Sae We Leserre Bird Baths - Bar-B-Qs - Lawn Chairs fkes are out 1.101 to Wall - - OPEN AT NOON ON SUNDAYS - 'Ti! 9 p.m. Phillips SC Gas & Oil Open 7 Das., a Week TIII 7 10 -0014! -4.- JOHNSON'S -14•111111111MMITIMMIMMIIIMMINIMMIMI

411 ,1

•••••• C.

NESDAY - MAY 24, 1967 THE LEDGER & TIMES - MURRAY, KENTUC1LT S PAGE SEVEN • RENT • !...-72 AP •HIRE • BUY • SELL•RENT• SWAP • HIRE • BUY • SELL.. RENT • '27W./AP'•HI'[.- • Federal Livestock Good 119.00-21.00; Choice 550.-750 Calf pairs 115000-210.00. lb $24.75-26.75; few lots up to $27.50 HOGS: Barrows and Gilts $1.00 Market Report 'heed Good and Choice $23.75-25.75 higher (compared to last week's nood $22.00-24.00; Standard $20.23 market, U. S. 1-2 190-230 lb $23.50: MURRAY, Ky. Tues., May 23,1 2225; U. S. 3 190-230 lb $23.00; SOWS: U. 1967 Murray Livestock Co. S 1-2 250-350 lb $15.50; U. S. 1-3 CLASSIFIED MIS HEIFERS: Choice 560-950 lb $21.40- NET CATTLE RESULTS AND CALVES: 462; 356-460 lb $14.76; U. S. 2-3 466-600 !.l , erl-• c,WAF-- 1 •1-112 lY • 1 1 • -It 23.40; Mixed Good and Choice 1r- • ne ' T • HOGS: 43; SHEEP: 18 lb $14.50. 820.40-22.40; Good Moderately active: Slaughter Cows $18.50-20.50: SHEEP: Choice 95 lb spring slaugh- Standard 116.75-18.75; Choice 350- 50e higher: Vealers steady to 50c ter lambs $26.25. higher; feeder steers .50-11e0 high- 550 lb steer calves 427.00-29.00: lea floor lamp, kitchen table lots up to and 4 street, with curb and gutters, storm er: feeder hetters 25e higher; other $29.75; /fixed Good and FOR SALE chairs. Will sell cheap! Must sell windows and doors, a GOLD Me- classes about steady. Chace $26.00-28.00; Good $24.25- NOW YOU KNOW leaving WANTED HELP WANTED Friday. Phone 71,7- .77.1 dation home, $23.500. Se..AUGHTER COWS: Utility $17.50- 26.25: Standard $22.50-24.50; Choice 08-8TORY AND CLARK - M-26-C 350-550 lb lea NICE 3-BEDROOM brick located TWO FULL TEWE MEN for mil- M.00, Few heel yeedlne individuals hollers $22.75-24-751 by United Press International Reed, Prim. Profeasional mu- on Parklane Drive, has ceramic tile POSITION WANTED: Mature lady lion m the uo to 1.19 1-.0' Cieter $16.25-17.75: lots tip to $25.10; Mixed Good anc One of the earliete knewn con- selling FOR SALE OR TRADE by owner, horaekeeping depart- console in America, bath, electric heat, storm with 22 years office experience. Canner $14.50-16.5e. ehoice $21.75- ; Good $40.00 objectors was Lo.e-tri. new three-bedroom brick in Bag- windows ment App:y• at the office of Mor- sc.eneous Classic and folk guitars, *and doors, utility, Production control, inventory, cand- i SLAUGHTER Bl'I.LS: 12.03: Stenciled $.8.21..-5.. well Manor, Central air and beak carport, IOU of twy-Oaaloway Outugy Hospital Or Utility to S ictla cen-u:y Ch e and repair. Reed MUSIC moe shrubs, a very es payroll, accounts receivable and Good over 10'0 lb dishwasher, grabage disposal, two pretty lawn, i ' 'Phone 753-5131 exteinsion 56. Hours 622.25-23.00. COW AND CALF: Choice Cow and.. jeer. Benton, Ky. (527-8066o, $16 900. payable, invoices. interline, PBX, SLAUGHTER baths, carpeted throughout. If in- 9:00 am. to 6 p.m. T.P.0 CALVES and VEAL- gales on Mayfield Road at Harvey airline experience, light typing. Ref- terested A GOOD 92 acre farm on black top ERS: Choice 300-500 lb slaughter lociar. and farmer call 753-3672 University In- road, ha.s 7 room house, stock barn, erences furnished. Phone 753-8208. calves 524,75-26.75: Good $23.00- ane LOU May 25-C 1958 FORD, black and white, 2-door 1.24 acre tobacco base, 10 acre corn M-24-C NAME CHANGED 25.00, Standard 12125-23.36; Choice base, The name of CHRO5u4 REVERSE Vern1=1.84- hardtop, straight tektft, fully equip- beautiful shady lawn, over 60 the park at Har- Vealers $31 75-34,73: Good $29.00- CROSSWORD PUZZLE """° Ysits""t '"unl. ped. Good acres rodsburg has been t8 An. Call 753-1407 M34-NC condition. 1175.00. Call good crop land, $16,500. Sermon Offeror changed from 32.00; Standard $27.00-25.25- onto MO MOM 753-7441. M-26-C HOUSE AND 2 acres of land at Pieneer Memorial State Park to FEEDERS: Mixed Good and Choice ACROSS 4-Retreats CODidE30 CISIMID014 3-612DROO4I BRICK, on huge lot Cherry Corner, has house with 1i Old Pot Harind State Park. 750-060 lb feeder steers f20.75-22.75; 5 The underworld 2,2 ciaaarscin Lit! HOUSE TRAILER 10' x 56', 2-bed- ROOFS REPAIRED or replaced. 1 -Couple 6 Man's Ise'Xileadow Lane Subdivn. Ex- bath, has room for several trailers OD moo mom room, large living room. Will eel! built-up-shingle-gravel. Low cost 5-Call rnc knarne t stiorsge. eettrance hall, large or lots for 2 more houses, $6,500. ." 9.Tha urial emu 1IGH11 MOO cheap. Call 435-4742. 58-35-C -Free Estimates. Tri-State Root- 7 Doctrine ifl lb dlaknatatter, garbage awai- WE HAVE several nice lake Iota In 12.Toward shelter 8 Weaving ing Co. Dial 753-6806. ' 77(I O OW °carpeting. Beautifully landsosp- TELEVISION Panorama Shores and Lakeway 13 Too machine INDIZIO 121131720 ANTENNA with ro- -Equality Call 753-6634 M-14-C Shores as well as some very nice lake 14 9 insect GICICA MVO DOM tor and tn-pod stand. Call 753- HOUSE PAINTING - Experienced 15, Separated 10 Rabbit 2746. homes. For all your Real Estate 11.5ea in Asia ROM moo Orl PERY SALE: Entire stock of M-26-C painter:. Phone 753-8359. Contract 17-A state (Wirbr.) OIL 12MIrerga3 RIG needs check with Ray or Hoyt Rob- 18 16 Prepared tor 10.000 yards to be sold at 58( or hourly rates. M-26-C -Man's name print TWO-PIECE living room suite, like erts at Roberts Realty. You will be 19-Roman date yarn Singer Shop, 20-Prominent 9IHRE 1490R 13th and new, also bablsed with mattress, glad you did. 21-Palern 22 Preposition *On Open till 8 p m. Mondays. 23-Art or chest of drawers and high chair. ROBERTS REALTY, 506 Main St. FOk REM) 23 Harvest Willdneadays, and Fridays. M-13-C retaliation 24 Protective 37.Entang4ed 49-Danish island Phone 753-9036. M-26-C Phone 753-1651, 1TC 27 Compass point shield 40-Land 50-Uninteresting - 28 Long-legged 25-Pair (abbr.) FORD pick-up, We '61 Triumph TH:E KM.BASPY. Large two-bedroom surrounded 54.thinesis pagoda VW SEDAN Late '63, green with l958 CHEVROLET, 6-cylinder, au- bed 26 Meadow by water 56-Pei-rod of time Illataon Wagon, $95 00. About -8-• apertments, carpeted. Mandel/ 29 Limb 30 Looks fixedly 43.Pr UMW'S 57-Goddess col sun roof. Excellent condition One- tomatic transmission Price $296.00. 31 Greek and air-conditioning. Furnish- letter 32-Handle of a measure healing L9 miles off 94 towards Pottertown. owner. C.all 753-3611. M-25-C Bee at 1311 34-Threotoed Poplar Street. M-26-C sword 45 Cooled lava 58-Wrding on blacktop. James Robinson ed or unfurnished, 106 So. 12th et sloth 33 Poems 47 Crown implement tI Wit M-24-P Phone 753-7614. H-M-2/11-C 35-Continued 36 Fish eggs 48 Let it stand 61 Prefix not EXTRA NICE nee' triree-betiroone 1966 DODGE DART. 4-speed V-8, stories es. al • house, central hest and air-condi- 11,500 miles, $1,625.00 firm. Call ROOMS FOR college boys, 1 block 38-Cyprinoid fish I 2 3 a :.-..7.4..7.3 6 7 8 ;:::77,e9 10 1 1 tioning, two tiled beths, large fam- 753-149/ after 5 p. 39-Greek letter ..-14.• fLEANINGEST carpet cleaner you in. TFIVC from campus. Call 753-2371 41-Vernal. deer ily room, kitchen with dining area, 12 ;;;Wi3 Veer used, so easy too. Get Blue M-24-C 42./idnuntster 3 1f11- carpeted living room and entrance extreme ./`?..t4.. Lu.stre. Rent electric shampooer $1. NOTICE 17 ..eve stor- man, unction Marks Hardware, M-27-C hall, double carport, outside DOWNSTAIRS ROOM for 4e • continent age room. Priced right wilt loan SINGER SEWING Machine with private entrance. Two blocks Shop, k:•::„. available to qualified buyer Call repair, rental, muss ono servtoe, 13th from town. Phone 753-6173 after 45-L1n:0*e* K4..',„ -...... 4.x., IS:LE Te ILL health I will sell 3 48 Dinner course 3 24 25 2.6---‘.". 27 .-.- M-25-C 6:30 58-25-C mom house and bath, one acre lot, 753-3900 and, Main. Phone 753-5323. Open p. m. seReir nights until 8 p. m., Monday through 52.Anr- 28 ,-,,.:.;$29 30 7-7 II i'• 1% miles from Barkeep. electric NEW TWO-BEDROOM furnished or NEW 3-BEDROOM brick with cen- Friday. '1111C Peril heat, priced right. Phone 489-2492. unfurnished apartments. Located 53 Gunio's low :••'"•- 35 le lY -‘i. 8 tral heat and au conditioning, dou- note hfi--- .i,. M-24-C ELECTROLUX 100 S. 13th Street. Phone 753-3914. ble carport range, duhwasher. gar- SALES fa Service. 55.Siumbering .39 M-29-C 59-Sea eagle ..... walnut bage disposal, storage room, wall- Bar 213, Murray. EY C. M. Sand- I ItiteJCH AND big chair, 60-Den 46 I '':4 II eek- bed, walnut bedside table, to-wall carpet. concrete drive to ers. Phone 382-3176, Lynnville, Ky 82-Great Lake 47 Maylae DIlLUX.... 2-bedroom duplex apart- 63-Bushy chimp ' ment, central heat and air, range 64 1 rietan priest ELECTROLL'IX SALES & Service, 65 Mend with unit, carpets and drapes furnished, cotton 52 ,"::-.....r 53 4 ;'33 id .5; 58 Bat 213. Murray, Ky., C. M. Sand- 2 blocks from campus Contact THE SOVIETS VOSTOK Is on display at Le Bourget Airport, Help Wanted - - Women!! era. Phone 382-3176, Lynnville, Ky. Steve Reagan Phone 7)3-452.2 Pans, for the 27th annual Air and Space Show. Notice the DOWN June 23-C M-26-C 20 engines on the business end of the 300-ton behemoth of _ 1 Soft food 63 space. This rocket Lock ceanonauts into ortet. (Ca84ciehoto) 2-A state (dab.) Ladies wanted to take census for the new 1968 Murray, WILL DO SEWING in my home. 3-Comparative wc.. Distr. by instal Feature Syndicate, Kentucky, City Directors. Guaranteed $1.25 per hour Call 436-2384. 58-26-C AssetsOr Sal. ending Minimum: Please write to: WAhohl) TO RIN7 AUCTION SALE, Saturday. May 27. MR. R. W. KAMER , WANTED TO RENT - 2 or 3 10.00 a. m rain or shale at the P.O. Box 32 estra.m home beg nn ng June 1 Henry Rhodes home, one mile east ,cc faculty member and wife only. of Murray on the Ab Lamater Road. t • "T-Iti!0"1..! 71-''' zt 7'?Cek 841-.F.R PAT.; E.I2D51- 't Murray, Kentucky 42071 I Write WO Riverv.ew Drive Apt. Will sell electric move, rocking "C • ”.. c": =.7•4: -,',E -,?.?5T k ON 'NE HEAD' .31, Co umbus , 43202 58-26-C chairs, emes ware, cooking ware. TkI.t- le ti-itt t'tt' NE' dining chairs, lamps, lawn chair, '10 / (. 47: wool rug, book case and books, end 4, tables, chest drawers, nee bedroom ,•,..1, CALLIOPE BEEF mites, quilts, sheets, new hospital bed, half-bed, good TV, old poster 4 new thriller by Howard Rigsby bed, old dresser, trunks, fans, dish ••••-ek Oa - uaignetaga and mattrees. Iota 14. see er89. ..4- 1-.. Le CHAPTER 30 Spring is here fur certain this the veranda. Ha ww,Own the of han de-horner. lots of \WHEN Laura Robbins woke meriting. 1 Just saw a scarlet steps. then stopped and nodeei other items too numerous to men- she could see the purse tanager!** up at her. "Well," he said, tion. Terry shoemaker, Aucuon:er. and the black shoes beside the "An here you are," the coun- "good-by." He walked over to ITC tess maid -Tell me, did you followed chair where Irene Chase had his car and Splendid •.11i sat She could see through the know the woman who was him with the suitcases. draperies that the day was fair drowned?" The three men in the white -E>Peree-- AUNT FRITZI THAT'S GOOD --- afinerefeera. if .-4•:r and the sound of the surf was Mr. Bean nodded. "Oh, yes." coveralls were bringing out the 4-ahlo only a murmur. "What was she doing out on body of the concert grand. DO YOU HAVE A I. JUST BROKE She went to the windows and the reef? How did she happen The men closed the loading GOOD MEMORY YES YOUR MAKE-UP puilc;3 back the draperies. It to be here?" doors of the van and got into was much the way it had been Mr. Bean shook his head. -I the cab. The driver turned the FOR FACES? MIRROR that first morning The tide was don't know." van and headed back toward the telt lES tar out. again there was sun. "She must have been mad!" highway. And now Aldo cam. p. •siX_ but the light was veiled, the "Possibly," Mr Bean agreed. out of the cottage, carrying his reior• somber and the shadow "I was looking out my win- be, and his cane. He came to it the mountain hung over the dows." the countess told him. the foot Of the steps, put the 0 Ti. "at the very climax of the bag down, and looked up at her It was after eleven O'clock storm. I saw all the lights and speak to you?" "May I ...ewe cm when she went dow.istairs with finally Icame down into the She went down to hint and Mrs. Chase's shoes and purse lounge. Splendid came in soak- they walked silently along the ('nester Merridny was setilg in ing wet and said a woman had little road to the cliff. She turn- .D-311102Si chair neer too tirepia.ce. He been drowned." ed and faced him there. 0 000 ...ore ins tope •nt He had Ids Mr. Been a eyes were a strik- "I cannot work here," he said. 0 0 0 ° titer - net orreand his suitcase ing blue this morntn g, his "And yesterday was part ton ,.".46060 C •••••••I ;_uod btede ale chair He looked cheeks ruddy. He wore a bow much. I could not sleep I can- thi.d limaSsok emr.74 •-•••••.•- :rumpled and be n, she tie and he had plucked a wild not bear this place another • •. -.might. and much older. wt. Iris for his buttonhole. "In all day .rag with a dead cigar in my years here I have never She studied him, and he eta mouth, staring at his hands. heard that reef sing so leially as seemed to have changed tm• PSYCHOLOGY, MY 80Y. No AND WHEN SHE FINDS OUT WHAT NO 'TIME TO purse and the it did last night," he told Laura. measurably !trice she had jus. 1.i.10 LOU e..1 the FEMALE CAN RES/ST HER- I'VE DONE, 1 CHALLENGE HER Yeetc..TE, MV POY. Awn, cr. I .-d whom they be. "I knew yes erdriy afternoon," looked at him He penned SELF - AND I AIM TO TO RESIST ME AND ON THE MORROW .3.4.1 to, and he a..cepted them the countess went on signifi- dwarfed there Also entirely MY CAMERA,' THAT GIRL WILL veledlessly. cantly, "that tragedy was on helpless and inadequate. -No," GET SOME FOOTAGE OF THE CUTE ONE. SE PLEADING Btaides tecrriday the only the agenda. 1 could tell the gods she said. "its not the place for FOR o:har poreee se tiy louege was were angry. There was tragedy you. Aldo A CHANCE TO STAR FOR. • Mr. 14•yering. Wee sat alone in In the very air!" His eyes were furious. "What Ms usual chair staring at an "Oh. my-" Winifred looked does that mean?" TASETN arraee_noint of pieces on the up at Laura and shrugged. "$o She shrugged. "I'm not Miry WELLS,' chat l»aru Almost as she no- there was a storm." I know Anyhow, its prebably ticed him, he was joined by Mr "And two women deal!'• The not important." She mw the clambreaki, who came out of the countess turned again to Mr door of Christian's cottage open, n - mews room and settled down Bean. saw him come out. lie 'Winced eak opposite him "Do you think they will find her way, then he took the path "Ha" Mr Zambreski ex. the body?" that led past the old cypress 'Iniened. glancing at the board. "Probably in Muerte! Bay. or tree to the inn. And he was NOW what. General!" farther south- along the ceast. not dwarfed, she thought. He She went out through the The undertow would take it out did not appear helpless or in- opened doors onto the veranda and the Japanese Current carry adequate. 11 in the sun at the It along." IMO and sat down "Good-by." she told Aldo. She top of the steps., Laura supposed Gail Kerr turned from him and started figures at the was in There were two San Francisco by now. toward the inn. cliff edge. It was the countess "If we had been permitted to cried, but she arid Winifred Pell. staring out continue my program yesterday "Wait!" Aldo 29' did at the soundless turquoise sea. afternoon," the countess told not stop. Presently they turned and start- Mr. Bean. "I am Kure as the Parker had brought the sta. ed back toward the inn Wini- Delphie oracle. I could have Bon wagon around in front of 29e fred was wearing dark glasses given some warning of what the inn and Merriday had Coin and smoking a cigarette in a was to happen." down the steps, wars waiting long holder. The counter's had "That would have been most with his suitcase. Christian had on a tweed skirt and sweater. helpful," said Mr Bean. He fol- gone inside and she walked A Tyrolean hat was perched on lowed the countess and Winifred Straight along the road to th, her head and she was carrying up the steps Into the inn. Inn, went past Merridny and up a pair of binoculars. The silences that folloveid their the steps, her heart beating "Did you knoweehat there was departure was broken by the hard. a woman drowned off the reef sound of re truck, It was the When she reached the ver• last night during the storm?" same van she had seen before. anda she heard the music. It "Yes,I knew." It came pant, the inn and stop- was the Brahmie intermezzo "We have been looking for ped in front of Aldo Vergaas cot- Christian had been playing the the oody," the countess said. tage. • Mehl she arrived, and when she Winifred pointed. "That's a Behind her someone came out entered the room he looked at Coast Guard boat. They're look- onto the veranda. It was Splen- her the way he had that firs, ing, too" did. He was carrying two big night and she went directly to Mr. Bean came up, smiling. suitcases. him, as she had then. "Good morn in g, ewayhedy Dr Hawkins came out onto TI1E. END Front the novel pubiesed he Ohlibledeir a C.. reieright e 1967 by Howard Rigsby. Distributed by King Features Syndicate.


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MISS LIBERTY OLEO (with coupon) 2 Pounds - qt. bot. Dixie Belle - 1-1b. box Velveeta - 2-1b. box Ji,mbo 19* 99' ORANGE DRINK 25' CRACKERS CHEESE • Miss Liberty - qt. Jar Sottee Giant 4 rolls 29* 4. 1 BOLD ea. 69' SALAD DRESSING 39' TISSUE EGYPT ON THE MOVE—Say:tooth symbol Indicates U.A.R. Jumbo Del NIonte 4/1-0x. Jar f, r, F.,,zspt deployed along the Sinai PenInsuti toe. 89' SCOTT TOWELS _ 3 for '1.00 hniel. threatening in‘asion if Isesel attacks Syria. TUNA 3 cans '1.00 CRISCO OIL E.;)"pt did Chas a decade ago and got cloobered Ballard or Pillsbury - 8-oz. can Hienz only - 534-oz. jar

lutoubled the range industry. 'Arrnstrong-Balmar Associates con- ffe-;Aopment tinue their affIllaUon with Tappan: Baby Food they are responalble for "short- BISCUITS term" design and styling Innova- Program On tions. The firm played a rnalor role in the design of new electric range with the warming- shelf concept— Hy Tappan The Tappan Gallery Range--which Is currently being introduced na- 29c. tionally by the Company's Tappan Giant Size Dirtion Baud out in:tial home of- (with coupon) SA.NSMIELD. Ohio — The Tap- fice Inquiries of "aeterwl thousand lihi Company. a diversified menu- per week " this ramie lc expected of make horn appliances to be one of the mast summand SUPER SUDS complementing product& sn- products introduced In the appliance Seaid Sweet - 6-ox. cans IC it has initiated the lamest Industry this year Crisco - 3-1b. can Turner's NM most comprehensive research /1 2 ORANGE JUICE 6 cans 79* CooperaUve research with the Gas SHORTENING 79' ICE MILK 2 gals. 891 • domispment program In the Development Corporation is focused jars h OS yaw history Frozen - 2- lb. bag Kraft - 18-01. 1 upon the completion of the devel- Pure - l z gallon According to D. 0 Meckley. 1Lce 3 jars '1.00 opment of a self-cleanuic oven for 59' FRENCH FRIES 3 bags '1.00 GRAPE JELLY ligitlent of and man ICE CREAM Migingering - gas ranges The Tappan Company tillicatortng. the program is design- Pink - tall can recent17- acquired exclusive manu- Ronco - 7-oz pkg. Miss Smith ed to provide a Moody Dow of new facturing rights for this product SALMON products and product Innovations 10' CREAM PIES 3 for 89' from this ontanizauon SPAGHETTI Owing the nest thine to flee years —iiiireover.",ii noted. -it Is expect- The BOOS-Alien Cleveland Re- ed to provide substantial ESOSIsent- search Dickman devekiptng a new SACRAMENTO - No. 2V3 Can um for product deseiopment efforts dishwasher con-ept for Tappan throughout the lenrs• The acquisition of manufacturing Ileemedi and-or develogintent con- rights for in Infrared gas burner freres hum boss awared to Darwin also appears mun,nent Teague. Me, lingieweod CIO& New Company hs- know: P. Wpm, Smith Ast- The Tappan No.21 Can ea • triternal product--- s& Akron: ArmAireas-Basmar it•-• einem/eel piangma =atm Innalistras. Midllian: merit programs. each diviatot.- and. Boos-Allen Applied Relearch. phut' within 25 shown below & Deign Disl- the product fields EACHES Bic. Development • Tappan Division (Mansfield Morrell ikes. Clenriand. Ohio The Tappan Oven Ready - 5 to 7 lb asg. * glectronic ranges gas and * CUT-UP CHICKENS 001111pany Is also parte:Mating in a Ohio, SLICED BACON lb. 69' electric ranges. cbaheraober (This BAKING HENS lb. 33' cooperative development megrim lb. 59e division ptoneered in the develop- BREASTS sith the Gas Development Corpora- 49c Emge electronic tangos and con- Sliced LEGS & THIGHS lb. tiogi. a Division of The Clas IngU- ment of a major portion of WINGS lb 19c SKINLESS WIENERS 39' tute of Technology tinues to devote PORK STEAK lb. 69: engineering efforts to this pro- & NECKS lb. 10c Mr Meckley explained that Dor- its BACKS iced Teague Incorporated has been duct , Large Fresh Fresh win Industries , Preeland 3 lbs.'1.00 awarded two major contracts—one • Nauulus LIVERS lb. 79e • GIZZAkDS • lb. 39e SMOKED JOWL Ititctien and bath- BOLOGNA Lb 39' that Involves long range study and Rerinsvlearda$ equirenent built- plans for home kitchen systems and -oom ventilating system built-in toast- mulmnent another that insole's ii vacuum automauc garage door open- U.S. Choice Round producuon engtneertng for • new ten Fresh Ground gas ranee that features coomaied er Kemper Brothers 'Richmond bunion and other intique design • Kitchen cabinets and concepts The Tappan Oompany re- Indiana vanities. cently act,iunrel exclusive manufact- bathroom • 07Crefe. & TlttIMOion lb. from 89c urns mrhts for the new range 3 $1 STEAK gas rang- Hamburger Angetos.Callion0.) the Columbia Gas Service System. ,Loa be. es_ An5lleldr41111.1061111.1t DCA- F. in/me Snuth Amorists, hes • Anaheim. Oollforniu: rood been awarded a contract Sze the sion. , urnts development of a new unidentified aviste dtsposer Tappan-Ourney. Ltd (Montreal. product Smith participated In the • glectric and gas the PoPtior Tappan (-ago- Quebec Canada, 'A'Whole of Grade deuhr% hoods. series eye level tense. which revo- lances ventilating

•••• MI MRS 23! MTN• FRYERS rviro — AOKI ectivrezior (Butt Portion lb. 63e) 4 U.S. Choke Tender Smoked • Honey Gold portion - lb. 53' SAUSAGE lb. 59' CHUCK ROAST lb. 49' HAMS shank • 'I Chef Boy Ar Dee - 14i-oz. size Chuck Wagon Perk or Beef 6 for SLICED LIVER _ lb. 39' •PIZZA ea. 59' STEAKS 69' Ends and Pieces - 5-1h. box LSO (Venter ut lb. 79e) Morton (except ham) am/ First Cut BACON 11.39 ROY. PORK CHOPS lb. 59' MEAT DINNERS ea. 39' SLICED - 4.,104 Red Ripe and up Golden Ripe Viblailisp4 Watermelons 8943ANANAS lb. 10c • \, Green Fresh Fresh 3 for '1.00 HEAD LETTUCE ea. 15' 1 ONIONS bch. 10' CANTALOUPES MAI New Fresh <1.111NAVENli OVENIV > 01 PURPLE HULL PEAS lb. 25' ORANGES doz. 39' YELLOW ONIONS 3 lbs. 29' Snow White Green Cello For Your SIMS, CUCUMBERS 2 for 25' CARROTS 2 bags 25' CAULIFLOWER

GIANT SIZE Aluminum Products MISS LIBERTY VOID AFTER MAY 30th, 1987 • AWNINGS • PATIO COVERS SUDS 29' • ftlIPORTS • SIDING OLEO 2LBS I r 50 TREASURE CHEST STAMPS 50 SUPER earl additional purchase. With this couoon and the purchase of any size With this coupon and $5.00 or more purchase With this coupon and 95.01 or more additional WATERMELON 119e and up , Wigarpttes and Tobacco Excluded/

ALUMA-KRAFT SALES A}-1 VOID AFTER MAY49th, 1987 VOID AFTER MAY 29th, 1987 VOID ER MAY 29th, 1987 Phone 443-7555 Paducah, Ky.
