Women's Foreign Policy Group ~ Save the Date ~ Annual Luncheon Event Women's Foreign Policy Group Annual Luncheon Event Keynote Speaker: Keynote Speaker: Josette Sheeran Executive Director,UN World Food Programme

The Global Food Crisis

Food shortages and soaring food prices are affecting everyone worldwide, but the greatest impact is being felt by the world's poorest citizens. The situation has reached crisis proportions with more protests, social unrest and starvation occurring Josette Sheeran every day. This is a global crisis that needs global action. We Executive Director, UN World Food Programme hope that you will join us for this very special occasion. The Global Food Crisis Monday, September 29, 2008 Monday, September 29, 2008

12 noon to 2 p.m. 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm , DC Four Season’s Hotel Washington, DC Registration and sponsorship information is available at Click here to Register

Click here for Sponsorship Information Tickets are $250 for non-members and $200 for members. For inquiries and additional information please contact us at: For inquiries and additional information please contact us at: (202) 884-8131 or [email protected] (202) 884-8131 or [email protected] 2008 Annual Luncheon Keynote Speaker JOSETTE SHEERAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR UN WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME


David Bailey, Exxon Mobil Corporation Maxine Isaacs & James A. Johnson PATRONS Carolyn Brehm, Procter & Gamble Abbott Dawn Calabia, Consultant CH2M HILL General Motors Corporation Donna Constantinople, KMA Communications Nestlé USA Shell Debbie Dingell, General Motors Corporation SPONSORS

Andrea Durkin, Abbott Academy for Educational Development CNA Patricia Ellis, Women's Foreign Policy Group Exxon Mobil Corporation Kraft Foods Sherri Goodman, CNA Corporation NAFSA: Association of International Educators Maxine Isaacs, John F. Kennedy School of Government Procter & Gamble Susan Rappaport Marlene Johnson, NAFSA: Association of International Educators SUPPORTERS Theresa Loar, CH2M HILL The Coca-Cola Company The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Tracey McMinn, Shell Stanford Financial Group World Federation of Public Health Associations Stephen Moseley, Academy for Educational Development SPECIAL FRIENDS Daniel O'Flaherty, National Foreign Trade Council, Inc. Africare Catholic Charities USA Susan Rappaport, Vital Voices Northern Ireland/ Project Donna and Mack McLarty Friends of the World Food Program Tuckie Westfall, Kraft Foods Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Marathon Oil Company Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, Washington Office


Keynote Speaker JOSETTE SHEERAN Executive Director UN World Food Programme

Mistress of Ceremonies LARA LOGAN CBS News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent

Monday, September 29th · 12:00 pm · Four Seasons Hotel · 2800 Pennsylvania Ave, NW · Washington, DC WOMEN’S FOREIGN POLICY GROUP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Maxine Isaacs, Chair Gail Leftwich Kitch, Vice Chair Dawn Calabia, Treasurer Donna Constantinople, Secretary John F. Kennedy MacNeil/Lehrer Productions Consultant KMA Communications School of Government Debbie Dingell Isabel Jasinowski The Honorable Theresa Loar General Motors Corporation Goodyear Ann McLaughlin Korologos CH2M HILL Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Tracey McMinn Diana Villiers Negroponte Ponchitta Pierce Susan Rappaport Shell The Brookings Institution Journalist Vital Voices Northern Ireland/ Middle East Project Gillian Sorensen Patricia Ellis, Ex-Officio United Nations Foundation Women’s Foreign Policy Group 2008 ANNUAL LUNCHEON DIPLOMATIC HONORARY COMMITTEE Ambassador Said Tayeb Jawad, Afghanistan · Ambassador Josefina Pitra Diakité, Angola · Ambassador Héctor Marcos Timerman, Argentina · Ambassador Yashar Aliyev, Azerbaijan Ambassador Cornelius Alvin Smith, Bahamas · Ambassador Houda Ezra Nonoo, Bahrain · Ambassador Mario Gustavo Guzmán Saldaña, Bolivia Ambassador Bisera Turkovic, Bosnia & Herzegovina · Ambassador Michael Wilson, Canada · Ambassador Maria de Fátima Lima da Veiga, Cape Verde Ambassador Mahamoud Adam Bechir, Chad · Ambassador Mariano Fernández, Chile · Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong, China · Ambassador Maria Carolina Barco Isakson, Colombia Ambassador Faida Mitifu, Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo · Ambassador F. Tomás Dueñas, Costa Rica · Ambassador Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Croatia Ambassador Petr Kolar, Czech Republic · Ambassador Roble Olhaye, Djibouti · Ambassador Flavio Dario Espinal, Dominican Republic Ambassador Purificacion Angue Ondo, Equatorial Guinea · Ambassador Pierre Vimont, · Chargé d'Affaires Abdul Rahman Cole, Gambia Ambassador Klaus Scharioth, Germany · Ambassador Kwame Bawuah-Edusei, Ghana · Ambassador Alexandros P. Mallias, · Greece Ambassador Francisco Villagrán de León, Guatemala Ambassador Bayney Ram Karran, Guyana · Ambassador Raymond Alcide Joseph, Haiti · Ambassador Albert Jónsson, Iceland · Ambassador Anthony Johnson, Jamaica Ambassador Peter Nicholas Rateng’ Oginga Ogego, Kenya · Ambassador Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Kuwait · Ambassador David Rantekoa, Lesotho Chief of Mission Ali Suleiman Aujali, Libya · Ambassador Claudia Fritsche, Lichtenstein · Ambassador Zoran Jolevski, Macedonia · Ambassador Mohamed Hussain Maniku, Maldives Ambassador Abdoulaye Diop, Mali · Ambassador Arturo Sarukhán Casamitjana, Mexico · Ambassador Gilles Alexandre Noghes, Monaco · Ambassador Bekhbat Khasbazar, Mongolia Ambassador Armando Alexandre Panguene, Mozambique · Ambassador Roy Neil Ferguson, New Zealand · Ambassador Wegger Christian Strommen, Norway Ambassador Hunaina Sultan Ahmed Al-Mughairy, Oman · Ambassador Evan Jeremy Paki, Papua New Guinea · Ambassador Chan Heng Chee, Singapore Ambassador Welile Augustine Witness Nhlapo, South Africa · Ambassador Urs Johann Ziswiler, Switzerland · Ambassador Imad Moustapha, Syria Ambassador Glenda Morean-Phillip, Trinidad & Tobago · Ambassador Perezi K. Kamunanwire, Uganda · Ambassador Oleh Shamshur, Ukraine Ambassador Abdulwahab Abdulla Al-Hajjri, Yemen · Ambassador Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika, Zambia

WFPG · 1875 Ave, NW, Ste 720, Washington, DC 20009 · 202 884 8597 ·

Promoting Women’s Leadership in International Affairs

The Women’s Foreign Policy Group is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, educational membership organization that promotes global engagement and leadership, visibility, and participation of women in international affairs. The organization also aims to promote the next generation of leaders through internships and mentoring activities.

The Women’s Foreign Policy Group Annual Luncheon:

Each year the Women’s Foreign Policy Group highlights women’s leadership in international affairs at its Annual Benefit Luncheon. Josette Sheeran, Executive Director, UN World Food Programme will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Annual Event on September 29th. Last year’s luncheon featured Dr. , U.S. Secretary of State and Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, served as Mistress of Ceremonies. In 2006 the luncheon featured H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia and Africa’s first-elected female head of state. In 2005 luncheon featured Karen Hughes, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, who spoke about America’s strategy for public diplomacy. In 2004, the WFPG First Congressional Leadership Awards Luncheon honored Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Senator who addressed "The Challenges and Responsibilities of American World Leadership" with Moderator Margaret Warner of The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. In 2000, at the first WFPG Annual Luncheon Event, the WFPG honored Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who gave her farewell address just before leaving office.

All contributions above $75 per ticket are tax-deductible.

Levels of 2008 Sponsorship:

Leadership Circle, $15,000 Premier table of 10 with VIP seating; one seat at head table; formal recognition at event; full-page inside or back cover ad in program book; acknowledgment on invitation, website, and in newsletter; and discounted one-year corporate WFPG membership rate

Benefactor, $10,000 Preferred table of 10 with VIP at table; formal recognition at event; full-page ad in program book; acknowledgment on invitation, website, and in newsletter; and discounted one-year corporate WFPG membership rate

Patron, $5,000 Select table of 10; formal recognition at event; one half-page ad in program book; and acknowledgment on invitation, website, and in newsletter

Sponsor, $3,000 Table of 10; one quarter-page ad in program book; and listing on invitation and event program book

Supporter, $1,500 5 tickets to the luncheon and listing in program book

Special Friend, $1,000 3 tickets to luncheon and listing in program book

Non-Member Ticket, $250

WFPG Member Ticket, $200

Program Book Ads

Full-Page Half-Page Quarter-Page $2,000 $1,000 $500

For further information about Annual Event sponsorship, please contact Kimberly Kahnhauser at (202) 884-8597 or [email protected]. For ad information contact Sara Barker at (202) 884-8597 or [email protected].

1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW • Suite 720 • Washington, DC 20009 Tel: (202) 884-8597 • Fax: (202) 884-8487 • E-mail: [email protected] •

Promoting Women’s Leadership in International Affairs

The Women’s Foreign Policy Group is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, educational membership organization that promotes global engagement and leadership, visibility, and participation of women in international affairs. The organization also aims to promote the next generation of leaders through internships and mentoring activities.

U.S. officials who have addressed the WFPG include:

 Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State  Madeleine Albright, as Secretary of State

 Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), as House Minority Leader  Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY)  Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)

 Paula Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs  Henrietta Holsman Fore, as Under Secretary of State for Management  Karen Hughes, as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs  Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Ambassador to the UN

Foreign officials who have addressed the WFPG include:

 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia  Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights  Vaira Vike-Freiberga, as President of Latvia

 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, as Croatian Foreign Minister for Foreign Affairs and European Integration  Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland  Carolina Barco, Ambassador of Colombia and former Foreign Minister of Colombia

UN officials who have addressed the WFPG include:

 Asha-Rose Migiro, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

 Shashi Tharoor, Under Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information  Alicia Barcena Ibarra, Under-Secretary-General for Management  John Holmes, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

 Kathleen Cravero, Assistant Secretary-General, UNDP Director of the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery  Jane Holl Lute, Assistant Secretary-General and Officer-in-charge of the Department of Field Support  Robert Orr, Assistant-Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Strategic Planning  Ann Veneman, Executive Director, UNICEF

Authors and journalists who have addressed the WFPG include:

 Andrea Mitchell, Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, NBC News, author of Talking Back: To Presidents, Dictators, and Assorted Scoundrels  Karen DeYoung, Associate Editor, Washington Post, author of Soldier: The Life of Colin Powell  Elisabeth Bumiller, Correspondent, Times, author of Condoleezza Rice: An American Life  Charlayne Hunter-Gault, Special Correspondent, NPR, author of New News Out of Africa: Uncovering Africa’s Renaissance  Martha Raddatz, ABC News Chief White House Correspondent, author of The Long Road Home: A Story of War and Family  Barbara Slavin, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent, USA Today, author of Bitter Friends, Bosom Enemies: Iran, the U.S., and the Twisted Path to Confrontation  Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, author of Infidel  Robin Wright, Diplomatic Correspondent, Washington Post, author of Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East

The Women’s Leadership, Global Engagement

VOLUME 1I, ISSUE 1I Third Annual United Nations Study Visit Deputy Secretary-General Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro, Delivers Keynote Luncheon Address

New York – On May 1, 2008 taking its heaviest toll on women. the Women’s Foreign Policy Additionally, Dr. Migiro discussed how the Group hosted its third annual effects of climate change disproportionately UN Study Visit focusing on burden poor women in African countries “The UN in the Second Year of who, as subsistence farmers, depend on Ban Ki-Moon’s Leadership.” natural resources to provide for their The conference drew over 90 families. She also noted that no country in participants from corporations, Africa is on track to meet the MDG for Amb. Alejandro Wolff non-profits, foundations, reducing maternal mortality rates. international organizations, the Yet, the Deputy Secretary-General also diplomatic community, and the Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro emphasized that the same women hit media. The VIP Luncheon was hardest by the food crisis are ready to hit attended by senior-level UN officials, UN Ambassadors from the back and she called on the world community Bahamas, Estonia, , and Mongolia, in addition to to support them. Dr. Migiro said sufficient representatives from the Missions of Croatia, Jordan, Liberia, investment is needed in the right of and the US, and the NY Consuls General of Austria, Indonesia, policies, aid, and incentives so that, for and Slovenia. Dr. Kathleen Cravero example, African farmers – 80% of which are Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro, women – can move their communities from delivered the keynote luncheon address outlining major global subsistence farming to commercial farming problems – such as the global food crisis – and their effect on and industry. With a yearly investment of women. Dr. Migiro also spoke on the UN’s efforts – as well as eight billion dollars, the Africa MDG Steering the impact women can have – in addressing these problems. Group estimates African states can procure The conference also featured briefings by Ambassador enough fertilizer and improved seeds to allow Alejandro Wolff, Deputy Permanent Representative of the US them to double agricultural yields. “And then, Mission to the UN; Kathleen Cravero, UN Assistant Secretary- I predict, female farmers on the continent will Dr. Robert Orr General, UNDP Director of the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and unleash Africa's vast potential,” the Deputy Recovery and Chair of UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Secretary-General said. Conflict; Dr. Robert Orr, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Dr. Migiro also detailed the UN's efforts Policy Coordination and Strategic Planning; and Jane Holl Lute, regarding the food crisis, which include the UN Assistant Secretary-General and Officer-in-charge of the Secretary-General's UN Task Force on the Department of Field Support. The in-depth briefings covered Global Food Crisis, a special session to be current issues such as the world food crisis, the challenges of held by the UN's Economic and Social peacekeeping, violence against women in conflict zones, top Council, and a high-level conference on food priorities of the Secretary-General, and US-UN relations. Dr. Jane Holl Lute security in Rome. Additionally, she talked In her remarks, Dr. Migiro warned that the food crisis may about how the Secretary-General's comprehensive, rapid-fire undermine the many advances the world has made in response to the food crisis includes key strategies to mobilize reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), that international assistance, give governments the best information rising food costs could push one hundred million people to boost agricultural production, and address the structural and deeper into poverty, and that this “development emergency” is policy issues behind the crisis. (cont. on page 3)

Click here for the complete Spring 2008 Newsletter

The Women’s Leadership, Global Engagement

VOLUME 1I, ISSUE 1 Secretary Rice Speaks at Annual Luncheon Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Delivers Keynote Luncheon Address

Washington, DC – On democracies, and noted current efforts in December 10, 2007, Darfur, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. Secretary of State The Secretary said she was confident Condoleezza Rice gave of the ’ ability to renew itself the keynote address at the contrary to the mood of American decline Women's Foreign Policy often heard in media stories about the rise Group’s Annual Luncheon, of countries, such as and China. She which was held at The pointed to her personal journey from a Andrea Mitchell Ritz-Carlton, Washington, childhood in the segregated South to the DC. The event was office she currently holds, ". . . despite all Secretary Condoleezza Rice attended by over 400 these challenges, I stand before you as guests, including senior America's 66th Secretary of State, some- officials from the government, corporations, and NGOs, as well thing that my first predecessor, Thomas as numerous ambassadors. A lively Q&A session, moderated Jefferson, undoubtedly could not have by NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Andrea imagined." Mitchell, followed the Secretary’s remarks. The Secretary then joined Andrea This year’s luncheon highlighted the Women’s Foreign Mitchell for an informative Q&A session. Ann Korologos Policy Group’s commitment to promoting the next generation Ms. Mitchell led off the discussion with of women leaders and included many students and young pressing issues of the day, such as the professionals at each table. The program also included intelligence issues surrounding the former intern, Carly Rush, who shared her WFPG internship destruction of CIA tapes and Iran’s disputed and mentoring experiences with the audience. nuclear program. She then incorporated In her keynote address, the Secretary highlighted chief numerous questions from the audience on areas of concern for the U.S. around the world and called for topics, ranging from the recent Annapolis “American realism” – which joins pragmatism to idealism – in Conference on the Middle East to U.S. U.S. foreign policy, pointing out the distinct character of the relations with Russia, Pakistan, and North Maxine Isaacs U.S. as a country united by ideals. She then discussed how Korea. free trade and foreign assistance serve as tools that support The program concluded with the stability and foster democratic institutions. Dr. Rice also presentation of a certificate of appreciation noted that a prerequisite for a successful country is respect to Secretary Rice for her leadership in for women and referred to a t-shirt she received from a group international affairs and her contribution as of Kuwaiti suffragettes, with the inscription: "Half a democ- a role model for future women leaders by racy is not a democracy". Maxine Isaacs (WFPG Board Chair), Ann The Secretary explained how the U.S. is using all McLaughlin Korologos (Luncheon Chair and elements of its power—from sanctions to full military muscle Former Secretary of Labor), and Patricia Carly Rush to diplomacy—in order to help states transform into stable Ellis (WFPG President).

Click here for the complete Winter 2008 Newsletter

The Women’s Leadership, Global Engagement

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 WFPG Hosts Second Annual UN Study Visit Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad Delivers Keynote Luncheon Address on U.S. Priorities at the UN

New York – On May 2, 2007 the Nations can make a profoundly positive impact if Women’s Foreign Policy Group hosted its second it has the right mandate and if it is properly annual UN Study Visit focusing on “The UN employed,” Ambassador Khalilzad said. As the under New Leadership.” The newly arrived U.S. former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Afghanistan, Ambassador to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad, he worked closely with UN representatives, both delivered the keynote luncheon address outlining in Afghanistan and Iraq, and said that “this the latest U.S. priorities at the UN. The collaboration was a key factor in enabling us to conference also featured briefings by Secretary- make vital political progress in both countries.” Alicia Barcena, Under- General Ban Ki-moon’s new team including Only eight days into his position as U.S. Secretary-General for John Holmes, Under-Secretary-General for the Ambassador to the UN, Ambassador Khalilzad Management Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs emphasized that the top U.S. priorities at the UN (OCHA) and Emergency Relief Coordinator, would be promoting stability and peace in the Robert Orr, Assistant-Secretary-General for Middle East, advancing non-proliferation, Policy Coordination and Strategic Planning, addressing the situation in Darfur, and Alicia Bárcena, Under-Secretary-General for Man- strengthening the capacity of UN peacekeeping agement, and David Nabarro, UN Coordinator for missions. Increasing transparency and Avian and Human Flu. Ambassador Karen Pierce, accountability of UN entities and agencies, he Deputy Permanent Representative of the UK added, is also “imperative in order to preserve John Holmes, Under- Secretary-General for the Mission to the UN, also spoke about the pressing broad-based support for the United Nations in Office for the Coordination issues under debate at the UN Security Council. the United States.” of Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief The second annual conference drew On the current state of U.S.-UN Coordinator over 100 participants from corporations, non- relations, Robert Orr, Assistant-Secretary- profits, foundations, international organizations, General for Policy Coordination and Strategic the diplomatic community and the media. The Planning, said, “today we have a very, very good VIP Luncheon was attended by senior-level UN relationship with the UN.” Orr attributed the officials, the Ambassadors to the UN from China, current positive relationship to the reality on the El Salvador, Finland, Iraq, and New Zealand, in ground: “There is a demand for the UN in some addition to representatives from the Missions of of the toughest places and the U.S. recognizes Grenada, that and wants the UN to help.” Orr explained J a m a i c a , that the U.S. had been instrumental on several Robert Orr, Assistant- Secretary-General for Macedonia, Security Council resolutions asking the UN to do Policy Coordination and N o r w a y , more in all parts of the world. “This is something Strategic Planning P a n a m a , that shows the U.S. valuing the UN in a very real Switzerland, way that may not have been as much the case in T h a i l a n d , recent years.” the UK, and In her remarks on UN reform, Alicia the U.S. to Bárcena, Under-Secretary-General for the UN. “I Management, said the new Secretary- personally General stressed the importance of improving know that peacekeeping delivery. “It means that we de- David Nabarro, UN Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. the United liver timely, opportunely, and where we have Coordinator for Avian and Ambassador to the United Nations Human Flu

Click here for the complete Spring 2007 Newsletter Membership WFPG membership is open to women, men and organizations that are committed to global engagement and the promotion of women’s The Women’s Foreign Policy Group is leadership in international affairs. “a unique forum for women dedicated to better understanding of foreign policy issues. Members are drawn from across the international affairs community and include international By promoting a rich exchange of information organizations, the government, and the corporate, and shared experiences it has become nonprofit, diplomatic, and media sectors. an invaluable resource for professional women in this critical field.” Membership Benefits — Andrea Mitchell • Special member rates for international issues NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent programs featuring prominent speakers in New York and Washington, DC. • Opportunities to network with senior women officials and members of the foreign policy community including ambassadors, foreign- ministers and U.S. government officials. • Invitations to members-only events. WFPG Board Members Maxine Isaacs, Chair | John F. Kennedy School of Government • Opportunities to mentor students and young Gail Leftwich Kitch, Vice Chair | MacNeil/Lehrer Productions professionals. Dawn Calabia, Treasurer | Consultant Donna Constantinople, Secretary | KMA Communications Isabel Jasinowski | Goodyear Membership Opportunities The Honorable Ann McLaughlin Korologos | Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Individual Membership Theresa Loar | CH2M HILL $250 per calendar year Tracey McMinn | Shell Leadership Circle Membership Diana Villiers Negroponte | The Brookings Institution $1000 per calendar year Ponchitta Pierce | Journalist For individuals. Includes exclusive benefits. Susan Rappaport | Vital Voices Northern Ireland/Middle East Project Gillian Sorensen | United Nations Foundation Student Membership Patricia Ellis, Ex-Officio | Women’s Foreign Policy Group $50 per calendar year Institutional Membership The Womens Foreign Policy Group 1875 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 720, NW $500 per calendar year (budgets below $1 million) Washington, DC 20009 $1000 per calendar year (budgets below $1 million) P 202.884.8597 Corporate Membership F 202.884.8487 $5000 per calendar year [email protected] Become a member by visiting WFPG Mission  Annual Luncheon Event The Women’s Foreign Policy Group (WFPG) Each year the WFPG Annual Luncheon highlights is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, educational women’s leadership in international affairs. Keynote speakers include: membership organization that promotes global engagement and the leadership, • Dr. Condoleezza Rice Secretary of State (2007) visibility and participation of women in • The Honorable Madeleine Albright international affairs. The WFPG’s in-depth Former Secretary of State (2000) global issues programs feature women • The Honorable Karen Hughes leaders and highlight their contributions. Former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (2005) The organization also hosts leadership • Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and development activities to promote the next Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) (2004) generation of women leaders. The WFPG Program Series • H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf  President of Liberia (2006) partners with many foreign policy organiza- The WFPG Program Series provides in-depth tions and is a key player in broadening the analysis and discussion on major international constituency for international affairs and issues with women leaders and experts. The WFPG Annual UN Study Visit helping educate Americans. The WFPG brings focuses on pressing international issues of the Each year members and guests participate in the together participants from across sectors and day, including topics that deserve attention but WFPG United Nations Study Visit at the UN Headquar- ters in New York. This unique one-day event features links them domestically and internationally. may not be on the front page of the news. Recent programs have focused on U.S.-Iranian relations, briefings from top UN officials and ambassadors and the future of China, the Indian economy, the role provides participants with a forum for in-depth of Islam, and climate change. discussion about pressing issues facing the UN.

Recent Program Series Events

Embassy Series • Women in Leadership and their Impact on World Affairs, Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland • The Indian Economy: Changes and Challenges, H.E. Ambassador Neelam Deo, Consul General of India  Mentoring & Internships Author Series WFPG Mentoring Fairs and Internships give students • Martha Raddatz, ABC News Chief White House Correspondent and author opportunities to meet foreign affairs professionals, of The Long Road Home: A Story of War and Family receive career advice, and make connections in their • Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Resident Fellow, The American Enterprise Institute and author of Infidel fields of interest. Mentoring also provides WFPG Carnegie Scholars Series on Islam members an opportunity to help and encourage • Six-part program with Carnegie Scholars on the historical, cultural and political dimensions of Islam future leaders. WFPG internships provide students State Department Series and recent graduates substantive experience in • How Do You Transform a Department and Transform Our Diplomacy for the Future? the non-profit and foreign affairs fields. Henrietta Holsman Fore, United States Under Secretary of State for Management

Promoting Women’s Leadership in International Affairs

The Women’s Foreign Policy Group is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, educational membership organization that promotes global engagement and leadership, visibility, and participation of women in international affairs. The organization also aims to promote the next generation of leaders through internships and mentoring activities.

Women’s Foreign Policy Group Board

Maxine Isaacs, Chair - Lecturer on "Foreign Policy, the News, and American Public Opinion" at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, worked in the White House and US Senate for former Vice President Walter Mondale, US House of Representatives, and was a fellow at the Institute of Politics and Times Mirror (now Pew) Research Center on the People and the Press. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and serves on the Arlington Virginia's Signature Theatre board. She is also a Trustee of Skidmore College, the Folger Shakespeare Library, and the Council for Excellence in Government. She holds her AB in American Studies from Skidmore College, her Master's in International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins SAIS, and her PhD from University of Maryland.

Gail Leftwich Kitch, Vice Chair - Executive Director of By the People, an initiative of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions (M/LP), which uses public television to spur citizen dialogue around foreign affairs; previously served as President of the Federation of State Humanities Councils. Prior to that she was Director of Cambridge Forum and principal of Strategic Business Consultants, an international business consultancy. A lawyer by training, Ms. Kitch is a former chair of the Foundation for the Humanities and was a Radcliffe College Public Policy Fellow.

Dawn Calabia, Treasurer - Consultant on the UN, international organizations, human rights, refugees, congressional affairs and post-conflict issues. Ten-year UN veteran as Deputy Director, UN Information Center Washington, and Senior Government and NGO Relations Officer for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Former Director of Refugee Policy and International Affairs, US Catholic Conference MRS office. Served for 11 years on Capitol Hill, on the House International Relations Committee and as senior legislative staff to a NY Representative. BA from St. John's University, MSW from .

Donna Constantinople, Secretary - Founding partner of KMA Communications, a management consultancy providing counsel to over 100 national and international corporations, industry associations and non-profit organizations. The firm's work includes strategic staffing/executive recruitment, executive counsel/training, senior management/corporate governance, internal/external communications, special events, media and public relations. Ms. Constantinople holds degrees from Northwestern University. She serves on the Board of the Women's Leadership Forum and previously of the Women's Campaign Fund and the National Trust for Historic Preservation/Decatur House Council.

Debbie Dingell - Vice-Chair of the General Motors Foundation and a senior executive at General Motors, she is an active civic and community leader in both and Washington, DC and is a recognized national advocate for women and children. Ms. Dingell is also a national Democratic strategist, a member of the DNC and has chaired numerous political campaigns. As a respected, bi-partisan voice, she is a regular contributor to media programs including Fox News and MSNBC. She chairs or sits on numerous boards in both Michigan and Washington, DC. Much of her recent work has focused on ethical issues and social responsibility as it relates to government and business.

Isabel Jasinowski - Vice President, Government Relations and a Corporate Officer of Goodyear, she joined the company in 1981 and has since served as the company's Senior Registered Lobbyist and Director of Federal Legislative Affairs. Having started her career as Director of Local Issues for Gov. Jimmy Carter's 1976 presidential campaign, she has more than 25 years of experience in government relations and Capitol Hill. She holds a BA from Barnard College and a MA from Columbia University.

1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW • Suite 720 • Washington, DC 20009 Tel: (202) 884-8597 • Fax: (202) 884-8487 • E-mail: [email protected] •

Ann McLaughlin Korologos - Chairman of the RAND Board of Trustees. RAND is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decision making through research and analysis. She is Chairman Emeritus of The , an international nonprofit educational institution founded in 1950. Ms. Korologos was U.S. Secretary of Labor under President . Ms. Korologos currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of AMR Corporation (and its subsidiary, American Airlines), Harman International Industries, Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc., Kellogg Company and Vulcan Materials Company and is a member of the governing boards of a number of civic, non-profit organizations including the Board of Overseers of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She is married to Tom Korologos and lives in Washington, D.C.

Theresa Loar - Vice President, Global Strategies, of CH2M Hill, a global engineering and consulting firm. During the Clinton Administration, she worked at the highest levels of the U.S. government to promote and protect women's human rights, including executive level diplomatic positions in the White House and the State Department. She served as Director of the President's Interagency Council on Women and Senior Coordinator for International Women's Issues. Co-founder and Founding President of the Vital Voices Global Partnership; Board Member Tahirih Justice Center; Co-Chair Corporate Council, Women & Politics Institute, American University.

Tracey McMinn - Manager, International Government Relations, Shell. Her career began in Washington, DC, with Pennzoil Company and then the US Department of Energy. After 9 years, Tracey relocated to France with the International Energy Agency, and then to Australia as Government Relations Manager for Shell. In 2003, she returned to the U.S. with Shell, first in Houston and now in Washington. Tracey has a B.A. from Cornell University in International Relations, and a M.A. from The American University's School of International Service.

Diana Villiers Negroponte - Dr. Negroponte is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution. She has taught at Georgetown University and Fordham University, practiced international trade law with Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker and written a book on El Salvador's peace process. She is a member of the Boards of Freedom House, Opportunity International and the Global Leadership Council of Habitat for Humanity International. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Council of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Ponchitta Pierce - A journalist with extensive experience as a television host, producer and magazine writer. She worked at CBS Television, WNBC-TV New York and hosted programs for WNET Channel 13 (PBS). Currently a contributing editor at Parade Magazine, she writes on subjects ranging from politics and health to finance and security policy. She serves on the boards of several nonprofits, the Foreign Policy Association, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Susan Rappaport - Currently Co-Chair of the Middle East/Northern Ireland Project for Vital Voices Global Partnership, dedicated to an on-going dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian women with Belfast women as mentors, as a path towards peace. She is president of Museum Guide Publications and founder of The Traveler's Guide to Art Museum Exhibitions (now published by The New York Times). She serves on the DC Advisory Committee of Human Rights First; The Folger Shakespeare Library Poetry Series Board; and Family and Child Services, Washington, DC.

Gillian Sorensen - Senior Advisor and national advocate at the United Nations Foundation, speaking on the UN and the US-UN relationship. Prior to that, she was Assistant Secretary-General for Kofi Annan for seven years and Special Advisor for Boutros Boutros-Ghali for four years. Earlier, she served as NYC Commissioner for the UN. She is a graduate of Smith College and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Patricia Ellis, Ex-Officio Patricia Ellis, President and Co-Founder of the Women's Foreign Policy Group, previously covered foreign affairs for the MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, was a fellow at Harvard's Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, and taught at American University, specializing in foreign affairs news coverage. She is a founding member of the International Women's Media Foundation and member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She frequently moderates programs and speaks on the media and foreign policy, and international affairs careers.

Promoting Women’s Leadership in International Affairs

The Women’s Foreign Policy Group is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, educational membership organization that promotes global engagement and leadership, visibility, and participation of women in international affairs. The organization also aims to promote the next generation of leaders through internships and mentoring activities.

What People are Saying…

“I strongly believe that building public-private partnerships is essential to an effective American foreign policy. The Women’s Foreign Policy Group plays an important part in furthering this dialogue and giving women a prominent role in it.” Henrietta H. Fore, Under Secretary, Management; Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development; and Director of United States Foreign Assistance

“The UN will never achieve its goals without greater understanding of the challenges we are struggling with. That is why the work of groups such as the Women's Foreign Policy Group is so crucial, to bring about an informed debate on international issues, and to help put women's voices where they belong: at the center of decision-making.” Alicia Bárcena, UN Under-Secretary-General for Management

“WFPG has grown to provide a unique forum and network for women in international affairs. Your dedication and hard work are evident in all that it is able to accomplish.” Madeleine Albright, Former Secretary of State

“The Women’s Foreign Policy Group plays the important role of convener. By bringing together women from the public and private sectors in order to empower women around the world, the WFPG is a player in the world of international affairs.” Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, (D-NY)

“To imagine that we will find solutions to the many questions that humanity will face in the 21st century while using only 50 per cent of our collective capacity is absurd. By bringing the expertise, thoughts and perspectives of women leaders to bear on major foreign policy issues, the Women’s Foreign Policy Group is doing the world a great service.” Shashi Tharoor, UN Under Secretary General for Communication

“This forum’s goal of promoting women for leadership positions in international affairs is one that I had no difficulty whatsoever in identifying with. And here in the United States, where two of the last three Secretaries of State have been outstanding women, you are setting a good example...” Louise Frechétte, Former UN Deputy Secretary-General

“There is a direct relationship between the status of women in a country and that country’s development and success. The Women’s Foreign Policy Group has emerged as a critical voice in promoting women as leaders in their own societies and as central players on the global stage.” Ann Veneman, Executive Director of UNICEF

“The Women’s Foreign Policy Group is an organization that...has made great strides in bringing women's voices into the discussion of international relations.” Paula Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs

“The Women’s Foreign Policy Group has a lot to celebrate. You’ve raised the platform to highlight women leaders in international affairs. You have committed yourselves to leadership development and mentoring, and you’ve promoted dialogue across disciplines and across the globe." Karen Hughes, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

“The Women’s Foreign Policy Group does a terrific service by showcasing women in leadership. Highlighting the accomplishments of women around the globe serves to encourage future generations to take an active role in international relations and public policy.” Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, (R-TX)

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