MM 25.08.2015


Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Council held in the Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn, on Tuesday, 25 August 2015 at 7:00 pm

PRESENT: The Right Worshipful the Mayor Councillor R T Beckett

Deputy Mayor, Councillor A Redpath

Aldermen W J Dillon, D Drysdale, A G Ewart, M Henderson, T Jeffers, W A Leathem, S Martin, S P Porter, G Rice and J Tinsley

Councillors N Anderson, J Baird, B Bloomfield MBE, S Carson, P Catney, A P Ewing, J Gallen, O Gawith, A Girvin, A Givan, J Gray MBE, A Grehan, B Hanvey, V Kamble, H Legge, J McCarthy, A McIntyre, U Mackin, B Mallon, T Mitchell, T Morrow, Jenny Palmer, John Palmer, L Poots, M Tolerton and R Walker

IN ATTENDANCE: Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council

Chief Executive Director of Corporate Services Director of Development and Planning Director of Leisure and Community Services Head of Environmental Health Head of Central Support Services Head of Marketing and Communication (Miss A Goddard) Transition Manager IT Officer Committee Secretary Attendance Clerk

Commencement of the Meeting

At the commencement of the meeting, The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor R T Beckett, having welcomed those present to the meeting, thanked Members for their attendance.

Councillor J McCarthy entered the Meeting at 7.01 pm.


At the invitation of The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor R T Beckett, Pastor Jimmy Ritchie, Hillsborough Elim Pentecostal Church, addressed the Council. During prayer Pastor Ritchie remembered the families of the following who had been bereaved recently: 299

MM 25.08.2015

Prayers (Cont’d)

- Mr Tom Branniff, Technical and Estate Services, whose father, Mr Patrick Branniff, died following a road traffic accident on Friday 14 August 2015 - Mrs Jennifer McKelvey, Central Support Services, whose father, Mr Robert Pelan, passed away on Monday 17 August 2015 - four year old Oliver Scullion who died following an industrial accident at the family’s Hilden Brewery on Thursday 13 August 2015 - 10 year old Bradley Logan who died whilst at a visit to a funfair in Newcastle on Saturday, 15 August 2015 - Family of the late former Alderman William (Billy) McAllister, whose wife, Mrs Eleanor McAllister, passed away on 8 August 2015 - Scottish Motorbike rider, Andy Lawson, who died following an accident at the Ulster Grand Prix on Saturday 8 August 2015

1. Business of The Right Worshipful the Mayor

The Right Worshipful the Mayor outlined a number of engagements he had attended during the month as follows:

- reception for the Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Warrington, who had been visiting Lisburn in conjunction with the Peace Cup. The Right Worshipful the Mayor congratulated Crewe United for having won the Peace Cup this year

- the Pipe Band Championships at Moira Demesne at which The Right Worshipful the Mayor had been Chieftain. The Right Worshipful the Mayor put on record his thanks, and that of the Development Committee, to the Council staff across the various Council departments who had been involved in any way with this event. The Pipe Band community had complimented the Council staff in the manner in which they had carried out their duties during the event

- Ulster Grand Prix Bike Week. The Right Worshipful the Mayor expressed thanks and appreciation to the efforts of the volunteers from Dundrod and District Motor Club and also to all Council Officers and staff from the Leisure & Community Services, Environmental Services and also the Marketing and Communications Unit of the Corporate Services Department for their efforts in ensuring the event had been successful

- the service in Lisburn Cathedral to commemorate the centenary of the Gallipoli Campaign at which he had laid a wreath and at which dignitaries from New Zealand had been in attendance. The Right Worshipful the Mayor thanked all Members of Council who had been in attendance at this church service, including the Chief Executive who had assisted him in laying the wreath during the service

- reception for County and District Officers of the Royal Black Institution. The Right Worshipful the Mayor welcomed the fact that the Co Antrim parade would take place in Lisburn on Saturday, 29 August 2015 which would bring tens of thousands of visitors into the City


MM 25.08.2015 1. Business of The Right Worshipful the Mayor (Cont’d)

- the launch of the annual Wings Appeal which this year coincided with the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain and the mayoral reception for all the Royal British Legion volunteers

- annual duck derby at the Lisburn LeisurePlex. The Right Worshipful the Mayor expressed thanks and appreciation to all Council staff at the LeisurePlex for their efforts at this event, the proceeds having gone to the mayoral charity, the Mary Peters Trust. The Right Worshipful the Mayor also welcomed the large number of children that had participated in the Council’s Summer Scheme during which the participants enjoyed activities in both the Lisburn LeisurePlex and the Ice Bowl in Castlereagh.

In conclusion The Right Worshipful the Mayor advised the Council of his participation in the annual Great North Run for his mayoral charity next month and drew Members’ attention to a sponsor sheet that was being passed round for any Member who wished to make a donation.

2. Apologies

It was agreed to accept apologies for non-attendance at the meeting on behalf of Councillors R Butler and S Skillen, and the Director of Environmental Services.

3. Declarations of Interest

The following declarations were made:

Alderman A G Ewart declared an interest in Items:

9.10 Correspondence from the Department of Social Development - Application for Renewal of a Track Betting Licence for Down Royal Racecourse, and

9.17 Committee for Social Development Consultation – Housing (Amendment) Bill

Alderman S P Porter declared an interest in items

9.5.1 Social Investment Fund Projects – Select List of Contractors, and

9.26 Public Health Agency – Analysis of Potentially Avoidable Premature Mortality in 2001-2013

Councillor H Legge declared an interest in items

9.11 Northern Ireland Housing Executive Draft Corporate and Business Plans 2015/16 and 2017/18 and

9.17 Committee for Social Development Consultation – Housing (Amendment) Bill 301

MM 25.08.2015 3. Declarations of Interest (Cont’d)

During the course of the Meeting the following declarations were made:-

Councillor Jenny Palmer declared an interest in Item 9.5.1 Social Investment Fund Projects – Select List of Contractors in view of her being a political adviser to the Resurgam Trust.

Councillor A McIntyre declared an interest in item 9.8 Northern Ireland Local Government Association – Dairy Farm and Milk Production Industry in view of his membership of NILGA’s Rural Development Committee.

Councillor J Baird declared an interest in item 9.8 Northern Ireland Local Government Association – Dairy Farm and Milk Production Industry in view of him being an active farmer

Alderman W J Dillon declared an interest in item 9.10 Correspondence from Department of Social Development – Application for Renewal of a Track Betting Licence for Down Royal Racecourse in view of his honorary membership of the Down Royal Racecourse.

4. Council Minutes

It was proposed by Alderman A G Ewart, seconded by Councillor T Morrow, and agreed that with the exception of item 14.6 Council Representative on Lagan Valley Regional Park, which was subject to reconsideration under the “Call-In” procedure, the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 28 July 2015 be confirmed and signed.

5. Matters Arising

Item 9.3 Page 281 Junior Parkrun – Request for Use of Moira Demesne

Councillor O Gawith conveyed thanks to the Council from the organisers of the Junior Parkrun for having acceded to the use of Moira Demesne for Junior Parkrun events on Sunday mornings.

6. Deputations

There were no deputations to be received at the Meeting.

7. Business Required by Statute

(i) Signing of Legal Documents

There were no legal documents for signing at the Meeting.


MM 25.08.2015 8. Adoption of Minutes of Committees

It was agreed that the minutes and recommendations of the undernoted meeting be adopted, subject to any changes recorded below:

Special Development Committee 20 August 2015 Proposed by Alderman A G Ewart Seconded by Alderman W J Dillon

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

9. Report from Chief Executive

It was agreed that the reports and recommendations of the Chief Executive be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below.

Items for Decision

9.1 Community Christmas Trees & “Switch On” Events Draft Funding Policy 2015-2017

The Chief Executive reported that the former Lisburn City Council had operated a scheme whereby a number of local communities had been provided with a Christmas tree and encouraged to organise local community “switch-on” events for which they could apply for Council grant assistance. This policy excluded central areas of urban Lisburn which the former City Council believed had been adequately catered for through the civic Christmas Trees provided both at the Lagan Valley Island Civic Headquarters, and in Market Square, Lisburn.

It was agreed that the Community Christmas Trees & “Switch On” Events Draft Funding Policy 2015-2017 for Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, as circulated, be agreed.

9.2 Christmas Switch On Event

The Chief Executive reminded the Council of its decision in June 2015 that officers from the Marketing and Communications Unit, liaise with the Chairman of the Corporate Services Committee and The Right Worshipful the Mayor, as to the arrangements for the Christmas Switch-On event, which would take place in Lisburn City Centre on Thursday 19th November.

The Chief Executive advised that the Switch-On event, which was organised by the Marketing and Communications Unit, Corporate Services Department, would include a Christmas Parade and the Switching-On of the lights by The Right Worshipful the Mayor at the new public realm space in Lisburn City Centre.

It was noted that a report on the event would be brought to the Corporate Services Committee Meeting in September 2015 and that the Chairman of the


MM 25.08.2015 9.2 Christmas Switch On Event (Cont’d)

Corporate Services Committee had agreed that an open invitation to attend this meeting be extended to any Elected Member who wished to be appraised of arrangements pertaining to the event.

It was also noted that in the interim, arrangements and decisions for the Christmas Switch-On would continue to be referred to The Right Worshipful the Mayor and Chairman of the Corporate Services Committee for approval.

9.3 NI Courts and Tribunals – Rationalisation of the Courts Estate

The Council had been furnished with a draft response to a questionnaire on the above consultation and the submission by the Council to the NI Courts and Tribunals Service proposals, both documents having been prepared by Blu Zebra Limited on behalf of the Council.

It was agreed that a) the draft response to the questionnaire and the submission by the Council to the NI Courts and Tribunals Service proposals for rationalisation of the courts estates be approved, and b) it be noted that further discussion would take place at the Council’s Governance and Audit Committee in regard to potential further action in terms of the development of Lisburn Courthouse through community planning.

9.4 ABF Soldiers’ Charity Annual Awards Ceremony Thiepval Barracks, Lisburn 9 September 2015

The Council had been furnished with a copy of a letter dated 10 August 2015 from Mr David Forsey, Regional Director, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, in connection with the Charity’s annual awards ceremony which would take place in Thiepval Barracks, Lisburn, on Saturday 19 September 2015 at 7.00 pm.

It was agreed on a proposal by Alderman S P Porter that the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Corporate Services Committee, or their nominee, be nominated to represent the Council at the above Charity Awards Ceremony, at a cost of £35 per person plus mileage allowance. It was noted that Members of Council could purchase tickets for this event.

9.5 Delegated Authority

9.5.1 Social Investment Fund Projects – Select List of Contractors

The Director reminded the Council that the Council had previously agreed to act as the Lead Delivery Agent in regard to two Social Investment Fund supported projects in the Council area, namely: an extension to Laganview Enterprise Centre, and a new youth facility in West Lisburn. Public advertisements had recently been placed inviting contractors to apply for inclusion on a select list for the construction of both schemes and arising from this it was anticipated a report


MM 25.08.2015 9.5.1 Social Investment Fund Projects – Select List of Contractors (Cont’d) would be available from the Council Consultants advising on the formation of a Select List of Contractors to tender for the work.

Alderman S P Porter welcomed the above-mentioned Social Investment Fund projects which would benefit the socially deprived areas. Alderman Porter put on record his annoyance at the UUP Party Leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA, who had not fully supported the Social Investment Funding.

At the request of Alderman S Martin the Director of Leisure and Community Services clarified the process for the tendering of a select list of contractors, it being noted that this was Central Government grant funding and the entire procurement process had been overseen by the Government’s Central Procurement Directorate and the Strategic Investment Board with stages of the process including a public advertisement, formulation of a select list against certain criteria, experience, etc..

In response to concerns from Alderman W J Dillon in regard to the contractor that had been awarded to a recent major Council project the Director of Development and Planning confirmed that the contractor in question had also been appointed through a similar process managed by the Central Procurement Directorate as outlined by the Director of Leisure and Community Services.

In order to assist in expediting the process it was proposed by Alderman S P Porter, seconded by Councillor A McIntyre, and agreed that delegated authority be granted to the Leisure & Community Development Committee to consider the Consultant’s report and approve the select list of Contractors to undertake construction woks in relation to the two Social Investment Fund supported projects at the Meeting of the Leisure & Community Development Committee in September 2015.

9.5.2 Northern Ireland Business Start-Up Programme

The Chief Executive reminded the Council that at the Meeting of Council in May 2015 an update report had been presented highlighting the ongoing provision of the Regional Start Initiative via a Service Level agreement with Invest NI until the end of October 2015 to facilitate the transition period of business start-up support to local government.

It was agreed that the Council grants delegated authority to the Development Committee at its Meeting in September 2015 to consider an update on the Regional Start Initiative and to agree a proposed option for delivery in the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area post October 2015.

9.5.3 Integrated Marketing Campaign Tender Evaluations

The Chief Executive reminded the Council that at the Meeting of the Council in June 2015 it had been agreed that the Economic Appraisal of the Integrated Marketing Campaign be approved, thus allowing the project to proceed to tender stage.


MM 25.08.2015 9.5.3 Integrated Marketing Campaign Tender Evaluations (Cont’d)

It was agreed that the Council grants delegated authority to the Development Committee at its Meeting in September 2015 to consider tenders received for the Integrated Marketing Campaign.

9.6 Office of the First Minister & Deputy First Minister – District Council Good Relations Programme 2015-2016: Letter of Offer

Alderman A G Ewart left the Meeting at this juncture (7.37 pm).

The Chief Executive reminded the Council that in March 2015 the Council submitted an application to the District Council Good Relations Programme 2015—2016 and that after initial consideration this Council’s application along with those of five other Councils had been referred back for some amendment and re-submission. This work had been completed successfully in May 2015.

The Council had been furnished with a copy of a Letter of Offer dated 30 July 2015 for the period 1 April 2015-31 March 2016 from the relevant Unit within the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM). The Director reported that the Letter of Offer was in the overall sum of £69,608.63, representing 50% of the proposed allocation to the Council and that OFMDFM had indicated that depending on the prevailing financial position the remaining 50% may be made later in the year.

It was noted that the uncertainty over the eventual level of available funding created a degree of risk to the Council in implementing the Action Plan upon which the application to OFMDFM had been made.

Councillor John Palmer indicated that he wished to raise an issue in relation to this matter under consideration of Confidential Business.

Alderman S Martin expressed concern regarding OFMDFM having been unable to confirm final budget allocations for the District Council Good Relations Programme.

It was agreed that the Council:

- accepts the Letter of Offer from OFMDFM in connection with the District Council’s Good Relations Programme 2015-2016 and, and

- agrees to a report on the funding award from OFMDFM and its implications for the Council’s Good Relations Action Plan being prepared for the consideration at the Leisure & Community Development Committee Meeting in September 2015.

It was proposed by Alderman S Martin, seconded by Alderman S P Porter, and agreed that the Council, as a corporate body, puts on record its disappointment in regard to the processes that had been deployed by OFMDFM on this occasion which left the Council unable to deliver fully on vital Good Relations projects across the City area.


MM 25.08.2015 9.7 Good Relations Grant Scheme 2015-2016

The Director reported that as part of the Council’s Good Relations Action Plan submitted to OFMDFM earlier this year, the Council had proposed operating a local Good Relations Grant Scheme, it being noted that similar schemes had previously been operated by both the extant Lisburn City and Castlereagh Borough Councils.

The Council had been circulated with a Draft Local Good Relations Grant Scheme to be operated by Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council in 2015-2016.

It was agreed that:

- the Council agrees the Draft Local Good Relations Grant Scheme and that the Grant Scheme be advertised as soon as possible, and

- in light of the above item (9.6) on the Good Relations Programme, no awards be made under the Scheme until any recommendations arising from the Leisure & Community Development Committee’s consideration of the report on the implications of the interim funding award from OFMDFM had been ratified by Council.

9.8 Northern Ireland Local Government Association – Dairy Farm and Milk Production Industry

Alderman A G Ewart returned to the Meeting at 7.40 pm.

The Council had been circulated with a copy of a letter dated 30 July 2015 from Derek McCallan, Chief Executive of NILGA seeking the Council’s support for a proposal in connection with the Dairy Farm and Milk Production industry.

A discussion ensued during which Councillor L C Poots stated that he did not support NILGA’s proposals in regard to the dairy farm and milk production industry but that he would be supporting his party position on this matter at Stormont in order to seek to increase the intervention price for the dairy farming industry. He stated that NILGA’s proposals would prolong any crisis in farming.

Councillor M H Tolerton, having indicated her support to the comments raised by Councillor L C Poots.

Councillor T Morrow, having stated that he was himself a dairy farmer, supported Councillor Poots’ proposal. He stated that the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) had a responsibility in this matter and highlighted the lack of research into low cost milk production by DARD.

Alderman W J Dillon also spoke in support of Councillor Poots’ comments and highlighted the fact that all categories of farmers were experiencing difficulties at this time, in particular beef, sheep and grain farmers. He stated that NILGA’s proposals should be supported to an extent rather than rejected in their entirety.

It was agreed on the proposal by Councillor L C Poots, seconded by Councillor M H Tolerton that the Council writes to NILGA to advise that 307

MM 25.08.2015 9.8 Northern Ireland Local Government Association – Dairy Farm and Milk Production Industry (Cont’d)

- the Council did not support fully NILGA’s proposals for the dairy farm and milk production industry, as outlined in its correspondence to the Council,

- this Council supported the increase in the intervention price for the dairy farming industry, and

- the Council calls on NILGA to support all areas of farming that were experiencing difficulties at this time.

It was agreed also that the Council writes to DARD advising that this Council considered NILGA’s proposals in regard to the dairy and milk production industry and to convey to DARD the Council’s position in this regard, and calling on DARD to promote the sale of local produce and to monitor the movement of imported goods into the local area.

9.9 Correspondence from O’Hare Solicitors – Application for Renewal of 3 Bookmaking Office Licences for McLean Bookmakers

The Council had been furnished with a copy of a letter dated 27 July 2015 from O’Hare Solicitors to renew three Bookmaking Office Licences, it being noted that the application for such licences required notice to be placed with the local authority and sought confirmation of receipt and no objections.

It was agreed that the Council approve the notification for the renewal of bookmakers licences at the following premises, it being noted that no objections were raised in relation to the renewal applications: a) 799 Upper Newtownards Road, Castlereagh b) 22 Bridge Street, Lisburn c) 30 & 32 Grand Street, Lisburn.

9.10 Correspondence from Department of Social Development – Application for Renewal of a Track Betting Licence for Down Royal Racecourse

The Council had been furnished with a copy of a letter dated 20 July 2015 from the Department of Social Development to renew the track betting licence for Down Royal Racecourse, Maze, which expired on 30 November 2015.

It was noted that the application for such licences required notice to be placed with the local authority in which the track (or any part of it) was situated and sought confirmation of receipt and no objections.

It was agreed that the Council agrees to the notification for the renewal of the Track Betting Licence for Down Royal Racecourse and that no objections be raised thereon.


MM 25.08.2015 9.11 Northern Ireland Housing Association Draft Corporate and Business Plans 2015/2016 -2017/2018

The Council had been furnished with a copy of an introductory letter and invitation to submit comments from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE), along with the draft Corporate Plans for reference.

The Director reported that the purpose of the consultation was for stakeholders to let the NIHE know of any changes or additions that may be required or considered for the coming term.

The Council had been also furnished with a report in relation to the above- mentioned Corporate and Business Plans which had been prepared by Council Officers from Development and Planning, Environmental Services and the Chief Executive’s Office.

It was agreed that the Council approves the compiled consultation response and that the response be submitted to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive in respect of their Corporate and Business Plans for the years 2015/2016 and 2017/2018, subject to any comments that Members may wish to make.

9.12 Shaping Place, Changing Lives – A Placemaking Symposium for Councils Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey 22 October, 2015

The Council had been furnished with a letter dated 30 July 2015 from the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) in regard to the above symposium which was being convened by the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) and DCAL, together with DCAL’s Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG).

It was agreed that Councillor M H Tolerton, together with appropriate Council Officers, be nominated to attend the Placemaking Symposium for Councils to be held at Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey on Thursday, 22 October 2015, it being noted that the estimated cost of a Member’s attendance was £23.40.

9.13 Social Media Belfast – “Creating Communities” Tuesday 8 September 2015, Baby Grand, Belfast

The Council had been furnished with details of the above half-day conference which was being organised by Agenda NI and the Northern Ireland Local Government Association. It was noted that the estimated cost of a Member’s attendance at this event was £136.70.

It was agreed on a proposal by Councillor N Anderson, seconded by Councillor A McIntyre, that in view of the cost to the Council of all Elected Members attending this conference, which may not be the most effective and efficient manner in which to deliver this training, Officers investigate the viability of providing this training in house for all Members of Council.


MM 25.08.2015 9.14 Chartered Institute of Waste Management (CIWM) Conference & Exhibition Wednesday 30 September 2015 Titanic, Belfast

The Council had been furnished with details of the above annual CIWM conference and Exhibition, the theme of the conference being ‘Circular Economy.’ The conference would provide delegates an opportunity to discuss the opportunities and challenges of delivering high quality materials to the reprocessing sector whilst at the same time meeting the statutory targets and requirements of new legislation.

It was agreed on a proposal by Alderman M Henderson that the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Environmental Services Committee, together with four Council Officers, be nominated to attend the CIWM conference in Belfast on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at an estimated cost of a Member’s attendance being £297.30.

9.15 National Association of Councillors Training & Development Seminar 25-27 September 2015 Blackpool

The Council had received previously details of the above NAC Training & Development Seminar Economy to be held in Blackpool from 25-27 September 2015 with the NAC AGM taking place during weekend.

It was agreed to approve the attendance of the Council’s representatives on the National Association of Councillors at the NAC Training and Development Seminar in Blackpool from 25-27 September 2015 at an estimated cost of £645.

9.16 Environmental Better Regulations Bill

The Council had been furnished with a copy of the submission made to the Environment Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly on behalf of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council in regard to the above issue, comments on which were to be received by 7 August 2015.

Members were advised that the above-mentioned submission had been made on the basis that it would be subject to ratification by the Council at this Meeting.

It was agreed that the submission made to the Environment Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly on behalf of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council in regard to the Environmental Better Regulations Bill be approved.

9.17 Committee for Social Development Consultation - Housing (Amendment) Bill

The Council had been furnished with a copy of the introductory letter and invitation to submit comments from the Department of Social Development along with the Housing (Amendment) Bill. The purpose of the Bill was to permit sharing of various information including details of owners of empty properties and information relating to housing anit-social behaviour across central government departments.


MM 25.08.2015 9.17 Committee for Social Development Consultation - Housing (Amendment) Bill (Cont’d)

The Council had also been furnished with a copy of a paper compiled by Officers from Development & Planning, Environmental Services and the Chief Executive’s Office in relation to the above-mentioned Bill.

It was agreed that the Council approve the compiled consultation report in relation to the Housing (Amendment) Bill.

Items for Noting

9.18 Away Day

The Chief Executive reported that it was proposed to hold an Away Day in La Mon House Hotel on 19 October 2015, the main focus of which would be the Capital Development Programme linked to the Area Development Plan. Officers would be arranging two capacity building sessions to be offered to Members prior to the Away Day in relation to (i) Financing Models, and (ii) Local Area Plan.

It was agreed to note the preliminary details of the Away Day to be held on 19 October 2015 in La Mon House Hotel and also the plans for two capacity building sessions to be offered to Members prior to the Away Day.

9.19 90th Birthday Celebrations – HM Queen Elizabeth II

The Chief Executive reminded the Council of the decision taken at the previous meeting of Council in regard to the organisation of a Service of Thanksgiving to mark the occasion of Queen Elizabeth II becoming Britain’s longest reigning Monarch which had been arranged to take place on Sunday 27 September 2015.

It was noted that with regard to the 90th birthday celebrations for HM Queen Elizabeth II, Members were advised that this matter would be progressed through the Council’s Corporate Services Committee in conjunction with the Mayor’s Office.

9.20 Prevalence of Japanese Knotweed on Comber Greenway

The Council had been furnished with and noted the content of copy correspondence dated 22 July 2015 from the Department of Regional Development and 3 August 2015 from the Northern Ireland Environment Agency in regard to the prevalence of Japanese Knotweed on Comber Greenway.

Alderman W J Dillon having informed the Council of having received a similar complaint in Moira Demesne in approximately an acre to the right hand side of the long pond, by a Moira resident, asked the Director of Environmental Services to arrange for Officers to inspect the area in question.

Councillor T Morrow updated the Council in regard to the Japanese Knotweed at Comber Greenway, it being noted that proper examination of the area had confirmed that after three years there had been no spread of this weed.


MM 25.08.2015 9.21 Cairnshill Park & Ride

The Council had been furnished with and noted the content of a copy of a letter dated 3 August 2015 from the Department of Regional Development - Transport NI, Eastern Division, in response to representations by the Council in relation to the closure of the waiting facility at the Cairnshill Park & Ride location.

9.22 Amendments to the Polling Scheme

The Council had been furnished with and noted the content of a copy of a letter dated 7 August 2015 from the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland acknowledging receipt of the Council’s comments in regard to the above, it being noted that the consultation period would conclude on 22 September 2015 and that all written submissions received would be considered after that date and a substantive response issued to the Council’s correspondence.

9.23 Hospital Road/Hillhall Road Closure

The Council had been furnished with and noted the content of a copy of a letter dated 13 August 2015 from the Department of Regional Development - Transport NI, Eastern Division, in response to representations by the Council in relation to the road closure at Hospital Road/Hillhall Road.

Councillor A McIntyre expressed thanks to the Council for having corresponded with Roads Service on this matter and put on record that he had issues with some of the comments contained in the correspondence from Roads Service which he said he would continue to raise on behalf of the constituent concerned.

9.24 The Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association (RSPBA)

The Council had been furnished with and noted the content of a copy of a letter dated 17 July 2015 from the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association (RSPBA) expressing its thanks to the Council and its Officers in affording them the opportunity to exhibit at the Balmoral Show in the Visit Lisburn & Castlereagh marquee in May 2015.

9.25 Translink Annual Review 2014/15: Delivering for Today’s Journey: Designing for Tomorrow’s …..”

Members noted that a copy of the Translink Annual Review 2014/2015 had been received and could be viewed online at

9.26 Public Health Agency – Analysis of Potentially Avoidable Premature Mortality in Northern Ireland 2001-2013

The Council had been furnished with and noted the content of a copy of a briefing from the Public Health Agency in regard to the Analysis of Potentially Avoidable Premature Mortality in Northern Ireland 2001-2013.


MM 25.08.2015 Additional Report

9.27 Tree Maintenance Works

Members were reminded that at the June Environmental Services Committee it had approved the procurement of additional tree maintenance works to address the extensive issues raised in the recent Tree Condition Report. Discussions were currently underway with the Council’s legal representatives

The Head of Environmental Health responded to a question from Councillor Jenny Palmer in regard to the discussions with legal representatives in the above procurement process.

It was agreed that in order to not delay the project any further the Council delegates authority to the Environmental Services Committee at its Meeting in September 2015 to consider the tenders received for the Tree Maintenance Works.

10. Reports from Members on Boards

10.1 Lisburn & Castlereagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership

Councillor S Carson updated the Council in regard to the reconstitution of the new Council’s Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) which should take place on 31 August 2015. Councillor Carson acknowledged the work of the PCSP Manager in the lead up to the reconstitution of the Lisburn & Castlereagh PCSP.

Councillor Carson also updated the Council in regard to the new policing structures and changes in policing with effect from 7 September 2015 and also in regard to an initial meeting that political members had attended with the Superintendent to outline the new policing teams that would be in place in the new district.

Alderman S Martin welcomed the fact that the Lisburn & Castlereagh PCSP would be reconstituted by 31 August 2015.

Councillor S Carson responded to comments from Alderman S Martin who had sought reassurance that the identity of the independent members who had been successful in being appointed to the new PCSP would be revealed to this Council’s Elected Members prior to being released to the public.

At this juncture Councillor John Palmer stated that the PCSP website had listed the names of eight successful independent members on the Lisburn PCSP with one name still to be confirmed.

Alderman G Rice having sat on the interview panel for the independent members put on record her disappointment that the names of the successful candidates were already in the public domain.


MM 25.08.2015 10.1 Lisburn & Castlereagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership (Cont’d)

It was agreed on a proposal by Alderman G Rice that the Council write to the Policing Board to convey the Council’s dissatisfaction and concern with this matter and to request clarification thereon.

Councillor P Catney asked that the Council put on record its thanks and appreciation to those Elected Members who had sat on the interview panel for the appointment of the independent members.

11. Reports on Decisions Subject to the Reconsideration Procedure

11.1 Call-In: Council Representative on Lagan Valley Regional Park

It was agreed that the above matter be considered under agenda item 13 Confidential Business, this matter being item 1 on the Chief Executive’s Confidential Report.

12. Notice of Motion

There were no Notices of Motion for consideration at the Meeting.

13. Confidential Business

Confidential Report by the Chief Executive

The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor R T Beckett, advised that the items contained in the Chief Executive’s confidential report would be dealt with “In Committee” and outlined the reason for each item listed in the Confidential report, as follows:

13.1 Call-In - Confidential due to information in relation to which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings

13.2 Advertisement of Planning Applications Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council holding that information)

13.3 Tender for Corporate Stationery Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council holding that information)


MM 25.08.2015 Confidential Report by the Chief Executive (Cont’d)

Following clarification by the Chief Executive in regard to the requirement for the Call-In item to be considered “in Committee,” The Right Worshipful the Mayor thanked members of the public present for their attendance and asked that they leave the meeting.

The Mayor’s Chaplain and the Head of Central Support Services left the meeting at this point (8.26 pm).

“In Committee”

It was proposed by Alderman W A Leathem, seconded by Alderman T Jeffers, and agreed that the Confidential Report be considered “in Committee”, in the absence of members of the press and public being present.

The Head of Central Support Services returned to the Meeting (8.27 pm)

Items for Decision

13.1 Call-In

Councillor P Catney declared an interest in this matter and left the Meeting (8.28 pm).

Members noted details in relation to the Call In in accordance with Section 41(1)(a) of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 in respect of the decision taken at the Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 28 July 2015 in connection with Council Representation on Lagan Valley Regional Park (Minute reference 11.1).

Following consideration of the Chief Executive’s Report a discussion ensued during which the Chief Executive responded to Members’ questions.

It was agreed on a proposal by Councillor O Gawith, and seconded by Councillor A Girvin, that Councillor Jenny Palmer be nominated to the Lagan Valley Regional Park Board.

It was agreed that further information be sought from Lagan Valley Regional Park Board.

Items for Noting

13.2 Advertisement of Planning Applications

The Council noted that following an “Invitation to Quote” competition in March 2015 the Belfast Telegraph had been awarded a six-month contract for the weekly advertisement of planning applications and other associated Public Notices required under planning legislation.


MM 25.08.2015 13.2 Advertisement of Planning Applications (Cont’d)

In response to a question from Councillor U Mackin the Director of Development and Planning provided clarification in regard to the award of the contract to the Belfast Telegraph.

13.3 Tender for Corporate Stationery

The Council noted that the tender for Corporate Stationery had been awarded to the following firms, being the most economically advantageous tenders received:-

Lot 1: The Pierce Partnership Limited, 17 Dargon Crescent, Duncrue Estate, Belfast, BT3 9RP Lot 2: Minprint Limited, 401 Castlereagh Road, Belfast, BT5 6QP

Verbal Confidential Item

13.4 Good Relations Grant Scheme 2015-2016

Concerns were noted from Councillor John Palmer in regard to the likelihood of a number of Good Relations projects not being progressed by the Council as a result of the uncertainty over available funding from OFMDFM and other financial constraints within the Council’s Good Relations Section.

It was proposed by Councillor A Givan, seconded by Councillor J Gray, and agreed to come out of committee and normal business was resumed.

Resumption of Normal Business

14. Any Other Business

14.1 Heads of Service – Contact Telephone Numbers Alderman W A Leathem

It was agreed that a list of mobile and office telephone numbers for the newly appointed Heads of Service be provided to Members as a matter of priority.

14.2 Annual Co Antrim Royal Black Perceptory Parade Saturday 29 August 2015 Alderman W A Leathem

Alderman W A Leathem drew the Council’s attention to the forthcoming annual Co Antrim Royal Black Perceptory parade that was taking place in Lisburn on Saturday 29 August 2015 and advised that this year’s charities benefiting from the event were ‘Open Doors’ Charity, British Lung Foundation and a local charity Suicide Awareness – Horizons. Alderman Leathem wished to put on record the message that everyone was welcome in Lisburn on Saturday and that Lisburn was open for business.


MM 25.08.2015 14.3 Grass Cutting by Department of Regional Development Alderman W A Leathem

Alderman Leathem referred to health and safety issues in regard to the on-going problem of grass cutting on the main routes into Lisburn and the decision of the Minister for Regional Development, Danny Kennedy MLA to have the grass cut at these routes once each year.

It was agreed on a proposal by Alderman W A Leathem, seconded by Councillor M H Tolerton, that the Council writes to the Minister for Regional Development, Danny Kennedy, MLA, conveying the Council’s health and safety concerns regarding the fact that many site lines are not clear as a result of the long grass and also flooding on the roads as a result of guttering not being cleaned out, and requesting the Minister to review his policy.

Councillor John Palmer concurred with the concerns raised by Alderman W A Leathem.

14.4 PCSP – Appointment of Independent Members Alderman G Rice

It was proposed by Alderman G Rice and agreed that the Council includes in its letter to the Policing Board (as agreed under item 10 above) the fact that there were no appointments of independent members to the Lisburn & Castlereagh PCSP from the Castlereagh Borough, despite there having been a number of suitable candidates from the Castlereagh area having been recommended for appointment, and requesting an explanation thereon.

14.5 War Memorial in Maghaberry Alderman J Tinsley

Alderman J Tinsley referred to the decision of the former Lisburn City Council to fund a war memorial in Maghaberry to the First World War and the Second World War, and also in relation to the area’s link with the American Air Force.

It was agreed on a proposal by Alderman Tinsley that in view of time constraints, delegated authority be granted to the Council’s Central Support Services to proceed with the organisation of an unveiling ceremony for the War Memorial in Maghaberry in September 2015 to which local Elected Members, MLAs, community and church representatives would be invited.

14.6 Alliance MLA Trevor Lunn Councillor L C Poots

Councillor L C Poots referred to an issue alluded to earlier in the Meeting under Confidential Business in connection with Alliance MLA Trevor Lunn’s change of mind in support of equal marriage.

Councillor L C Poots put on record his disgust at the deceit of such actions of the Alliance MLA which he felt was an action that Mr Lunn had taken for his own personal gain.


MM 25.08.2015 14.6 Alliance MLA Trevor Lunn Councillor L C Poots (Cont’d)

In response to Councillor Poots’ comments the Deputy Mayor, Councillor A Redpath, put on record that he had the opportunity to speak with Mr Lunn and assured the Council that Mr Lunn’s change of mind had not been motivated by personal monetary gain.

There being no further business, the meeting was terminated at 9.57 pm.
