
India Map Exercise 1

Map Exercise 1 Please print out two copies of the above outline of and complete the exercises below by locating each of the listed features on a map of India and filling in the outlines accordingly. Be sure that the locations are given accurately and that the map is tidy (really messy maps will be returned ungraded). The maps are due in class on the date given in the syllabus. If there are any inaccuracies, I will return the map to you without a score, from which time you will have one week to figure out where the inaccuracies are, correct them, and re-submit the map to me. After that point, I will score according to the second submission. This is the only map exercise that will allow for resubmission.


1. Geographical Areas 1. Cities Deccan Mohenjo Daro Gangetic Plain Harappa Indus Valley Mathura 2. Mountains, Hills and Passes Madurai Himalaya (shade in with a pencil, Peshawar indicating higher elevations with darker shade) Eastern Ghats (same as above) Cochin Western Ghats (same as above) Khyber Pass 2. Civilizations and Migrations

3. Other Features In a colored pencil, sketch the region of the Indus Valley Civilization Gulf of Mannar In a different color, show the trajectory of the Aryans, beginning outside the Andaman Ocean boundaries of modern India.

4. Neighboring (draw borders) (and Tibet) Afghanistan Sind (within Pakistan) Andaman Islands Sri Lanka