The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 72, Number 11 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Annual Respect Life grants are awarded I PAGE 12 NORTH COUNTRY

Bishop LaValley to lead delegation to convocation I PAGE 13 CATHOLIC JUNE 21. 2017 CATHOLIC CHARITIES .... 100 YEARS

'A story of love'

In his "Follow Me' column Lord's command to love Bishop LaValley writes: "For God and our neighbor. the last 100 years, Catholic "We congratulate our Charities in the Diocese of Catholic Charities on reach- Ogdensburg has been pro- ing this century mark of viding a broad array of serv- providing pastoral care to ices in response to the people in need. FUll STORY, PAGE 3

IN PLATTSBURGH Sister Donna Msgr.Joseph Aubin, who Franklin, DC, founded the Plattsburgh regional office of Catholic Charities head Charities, looks back on the for 22 years early days of the agency. He was succeeded by Father Patrick Mundy FU II STORY, PAGE 6

Watertown staff Catholic Charities staff of the past - St.Joseph Sister Gabriel Marie Meyer - and the present CATHOLIC CHARITIES PHOTO are featured Msgr.Joseph F.Luker was appointed diocesan Secretary of Charities by Bishop Brian J. McEntegart in 1945.ln the early FUll STORY, PAGES 9 & 10 days of Catholic Charities much ofthe emphasis was on care for children and adoptions. Formally established in 1917 Catholic Charities has grown into a wide-ranging service organization concerned with both direct aid and advocacy. The North Country Catho/icsalutes Catholic Charities on its centennial in this issue featuring a message from Bishop NO PAPER NEXT WEEK LaValley and interviews with past and current Catholic Charities staff members. NEXT ISSUE Will BE DATED JULY 5 FUll STORY, PAGES 4-5 DIOCESAN LIFE II NOR TH e 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 LI e JUNE 21 , 2017 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOLIC Box 326 Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 USPS00 39-3 400 A century of service and love BISHOP TERRY R.LAVALLEY It's with great joy that we Msgr. Robert Lawler, Father much of their work .. and they pie in poverty." President join Bishop LaValley and the Stephen Gratto and Sister loved it. Our diocesan directors took REV. JOSEPH A. MORGAN rest of the Diocese of Donna Franklin have But societal views on adop­ up that mantle with great de­ Vi ce President Ogdensburg in cele­ each brought so many tion and out-of-wedlock preg­ termination and success. JAMES O. CROWLEY brating the 100th an­ blessings to our corner nancies changed through the In fact, both Msgr. Lawler, in Secretary-Treasurer niversary of Catholic of the world. years and the services of 2004, and Sister Donna, in MARY LOU KILIAN Charities this year. One of the hallmarks Catholic Charities changed too. 2011, were honored by the Every Catholic in the of Catholic Charities In the 1970's, Catholic Chari­ New York State Catholic Con­ Editor! diocese can be so over the course of its ties directors throughout the ference Council of Catholic General Manager proud of the work that history has been the nation recognized the impor­ Charities Directors with its an­ Publish 45 is- this organization car­ ability of its leaders to tance of becoming involved in nual Bishop Mugavero Award. ® sues per year: ries out in our name, ensure that the organi­ the political process to safe­ This honor recognizes indi­ ... Weekl y except day after day, decade zation evolves with the guard human life and dignity. viduals in New York State who skipping after decade. changing needs of soci- As Sister Donna explained, have made significant contri­ every other As editor of the Mary Lou ety. "Catholic Charities throughout butions in charity and social week begin­ diocesan newspaper, Kilian You'll see this as you the nation enhanced their mis­ justice. Isn't it great that their ning July it's been my particular read our interviews sion statements to include ad­ contributions were made on Ithrough Aug. and skipping joy to chronicle all the with Msgr. Aubin and vocacy for systemic change, our behalfl one week in Dec. by the Dio- accomplishments of Catholic Sister Gabriel Marie who served not just taking care of people So, happy 100th birthday to ce se of Ogdensburg. Charities and spend plenty of in the agency in the 1950's and who were living with economic Catholic Charities. 622 Washington Street, Og­ time with the incredible people 1960's. and emotional challenges but We have been extraordinar­ densburg, N.V. 13669. who have served as diocesan At that point child care and also looking at the systems and ily blessed by this ministry and directors. adoption were the focus of policies that maintained peo- we are grateful. Editorial Office: 622W ashington Street, Ogden sburg, N.Y. 13669. FATHER MUENCH SAYS Telephone: (315) 608-7556 E-mail: Believing in God changes everything news@northcountry catholic. org I would like to talk with you feared. Instead, urges us ence in our lives. No one of us today about God. to come to God as going to a can say to jesus "Lord, you Entered at the After the Feast of the Pente­ loving Father. don't know what I am going Post Office: cost, the Church's liturgy pres­ Remember the Prodigal Son through." Rather our prayer to Ogdensburg, NY ents us with a Feast in memory parable. jesus makes it very the Lord jesus can be "Lord, 13669 and of the Blessed Trinity. When we clear in that parable that the you know what I am going additional mailing offices as think of God we believe in and Prodigal's Father is an image of through - please help me." Peri odical Postage. pray to the Father, Son and God . When the Prodigal return And, finally, as we consider Holy Spirit. repenting his sinfulness the Trinity, I again revisit Pen­ Subscription: I am well aware of how much against his Father, jesus tecost. There are many times For oneye ar: has been written and spoken a unique challenge to live out teaches us that the Father does when we must find the Holy In-Diocese Rate:$27 about God , the Blessed Trinity, my faith in God because I be­ not reach out in anger or vio­ Spirit. Each day of our lives Outsideo f Diocese Rate:$30 in the centuries since the time lieve in God . lence. Rather the Father rushes the Holy Spirit comes to us to of jesus. Is there anything that jesus teaches us to baptize out in love to welcome the be our guide and support. Mattersfor publicati on I can add to all of this? Proba­ with our Trinitarian God say­ Prodigal home. He celebrates At the Last Supper, jesus tells should be bly nothing new. ing, "I baptize you in the name this return. He is a loving, for­ the apostles that he will leave addressed to Today, however, I would like of the Father, and the Son, and giving Father. them and the Father will send PO Box 326 to use this time to encourage the Holy Spirit." When we speak of this Trini­ another Advocate, the Holy Ogd ensburg, NY13 669 you to join me in a time of The apostles asked jesus to tarian God we must remember Spirit. and should be received by prayer and consideration of teach them how to pray. As all that jesus did for us all: he So, God presents a challenge Thursday prior to how God fits into our lives. you remember, jesus in­ lived among us, died for us, for us. Do I believe in God? Do publi ca tion. First, we must begin with structed then to pray by say­ rose again for the dead. There I recognize the Trinitarian Paper isprinted each what you believe. The ques­ ing, "Our Father who art in are many times when we turn God? Do I realize how care­ Monday; tion for ourselves is "do I be­ Heaven." We are urged to ap­ to God that we need to find fully God wants to come to us dateline isWe dnesday. lieve in God?" This is not some proach our God as a Father, our jesus. We need the jesus who where we are and what we Member, Cath olic Press idle question. I must not sim­ relationship with God is best experienced what we experi- need? Association. ply shrug my shoulders or say as a son or daughter. 'of course.' In jesus' time, people - proba­ Subscribe to the North Country Catholic today! POSTMASTER: If I believe in God, every­ bly even the apostles - found Send address chang es to thing about me and my life is this image of God difficult to Subscribe online at accept. For them, God was the North Country Catholic, different; everything changes or call our office at 315-608-7556 to subscribe today! PO Box 326 because I believe in God . I am God of Moses, the God of Ogdensburg, NY not like other people because I Mount Sinai, the God of thun­ Options to receive the NCC in your mailbox or in your e-mait. 13669-0326 believe in God. My daily life is der and lightning, a God to be II NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC JUNE 21, 2017 DIOCESAN LIFE FOLLOW ME A one-hundred-year-old love story We look across our blessed nation, one of the dedicated women and men who bring their faith, richest and most powerful in the world, and con­ expertise, and Christian values to their outreach tinue to see a shocking reality. and advocacy efforts. Some of these services in­ clude: direct aid, adoption, coordinated chil­ For the last 100 years, Catholic Charities dren's services initiatives, public policy advocacy, anger management groups, counsel­ has been providing a broad array of ing, ombudsman program, parenting classes, maternity services, offender accountability services in response to the lord's groups, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, command to love God and our neighbor. Seaway House, Speaker's Bureau, and education on human trafficking. Tens of millions of people lack some of the In his Caritas in veritate (Charity in most basic necessities of life. So many of our Truth, 2009), Pope Benedict XVI reminds us that young and elderly folks, our neighbors, are vul­ we must apply moral principles and Catholic so­ nerable, scared, and hurting. cial teaching to today's economic and social For the last one hundred years, Catholic Chari­ problems. ties in the Diocese of Ogdensburg has been pro­ Jesus Christ embodies what it is to live a fully viding a broad array of services in response to human life. He is the model of how we are called the Lord's command to love God and our neigh­ to live. America will never be great again until bor. we give more tangible outward expression of the For generations, parishioners have generously goodness that lies deep within each of us. supported these efforts. Such goodness is reflected in our attentiveness We congratulate our Catholic Charities on to poverty and development, protection and re­ reaching this century mark of providing pastoral PAT HENDRICK PHOTO spect for every human life, concern for the com­ care to people in need. Bishop LaValley is pictured at the 2016 Catholic Charities Caritas mon good, care for creation, work for peace, and We express sincere appreciation to all those dinner with the most recent winners ofthe Caritas Award, repre­ insistence on religious freedom. whose generous support enables Catholic Chari­ sentatives of the Mercy Care forthe Adirondacks, Mercy Sister The Gospel is proclaimed not only in the pul­ ties to be such an effective expression of Jesus' Mary Camillus O'Keefe and Jeremiah Hayes. Each year Catholic pits of our parishes, but also in the everyday love. Charities hosts its Caritas dinner during which individuals or lives of people through the ministry of Catholic Sister Donna Franklin, DC, Director of Catholic groups are honored for efforts towards building compassionate Charities. Charities, and her predecessors have provided communities. We congratulate Sister Donna and her staff on inspiring and creative servant leadership en­ this special milestone in the one-hundred-year­ abling the Church over the last century, to fulfill The mission of Catholic Charities is based on old love story of Catholic Charities in the North its responsibility to respond to the needs of our Gospel values of respect for the dignity and Country. vulnerable sisters and brothers. sanctity of every human life, charity and justice. Thank you for living the Gospel call to love and Catholic Charities is gifted with a staff of many care for our neighbor.

The people of St. Cecilia's Church, Adams and Queen of Iieaven, Iienderson wish to send their sincere In grateful appreciation conaratulations to _ ...r-.= so many years of Catholic Charities. service to the people of the North Country. May God continue to bless you for all of the work that you do. Church of the . Watertown II NORTH C OUNTRY CATHOLI C ~ DIOCESAN LIFE JUNE 21 , 2017 'at its best' has also appreciated the op­ By Mary Lou Kilian portunity to work with other Editor offices in the diocese. "I enjoy being, to be able OGDENSBURG - When Bishop to part of deacon formation Paul S. Loverde was seeking program or Formation for a Catholic Charities director Ministry or the North Coun­ for the Diocese of Ogdens· try Catholic," she said, "to be burg back in 1995, the able to collaborate with the Daughters of Charity, then rest of the diocesan family based in Albany, had just de­ and to be able to support cided that they wanted to outreach programs con­ open a house of sisters in ducted by parishes." northern New York. Daughter of Charity Sister Future of Catholic Charities: Donna Franklin came up for When asked to consider up for an interview and met the future of the agency, Sis­ with Bishop Loverde. "He ter Donna said, "I think this asked me if I would take the Catholic Charities in the job if he offered it to me," North Country has for all Sister Donna said. "I was so these years maintained its impressed with the North community organizing per­ Country, with Bishop Daughter of Charity Sister Donna Franklin has served as diocesan director of Catholic Charities for 22 years. She is shown at left with Deacon Richard Winter as he presented a donation to Bishop Paul S. Loverde and, at right, in a spective which I think is Loverde, with the board avery healthy, effective per­ members that I met, that I current photo. In a recent interview with the North Country Cotho/ic, Sister Donna talked about the joys and chal­ lenges of her ministry. spective. immediately went back, 'The fact that it's stayed called my superiors and said, unmet needs and the identi­ ops and everyone of them believe that the leader small and not developed into 'I would be very happy to fied needs within each has been a servant leader, a should go behind the group, a large corporate identity has take that job. '" county. person of pastoral concern should li sten to the group allowed the staff and volun­ 'Tm still here," Sister Sister Donna still appreci­ for the people of the North and support the staff so that teers to keep their focus on Donna said, "in this beautiful ates the character of the dio­ Country. Each of them - they have what they need to people and not have to work North Country place." cese she has called home for Bishop Loverde, Bishop Ger­ do their work. to maintain the corporation," Sister Donna sat for an in­ 22 years."The hard work of ald M. Barbarito, Bishop "I believe that administra­ she said. "I would hope in terview with the North Coun­ the priests and of the reli­ Robert J. Cunningham and tion is the last and the least," five years, that would still be try Catholic on the occasion gious and the commitment Bishop Terry R. LaValley have she said. "You're there, but the focus. of the lOOth anniversary of of the lay people, are very supported the works of the you're there to support and "I can see it continuing to Catholic Charities. A native impressive and very inspira­ poor, were sensitive to see­ make sure others have what grow in terms of each county of Philadelphia, Pennsylva­ tional," she said. ing that people were served, they need. looking at the unmet needs nia, who had worked and "I think what has im­ and supportive of both "I also need to focus to and the underserved and studied in New York, pressed me the most has Catholic Charities and their make sure the mission is Catholic Charities being able Philadelphia and Boston, Sis­ been the care and concern parishes who want to set up maintained, that's extremely to pick up those pieces, ter Donna was immediately for one another and that the programs to serve the peo­ important," Sister Donna being able to support attracted to the ministry in a communities have for each ple. said, "and also insure also parishes in developing pro­ more rural area. other," Sister Donna said. "In terms of leadership in that the Catholic identity is grams of outreach for per­ "When I came up here, I "That was most evident dur­ the diocese, it's been a won­ maintained. That means sons in need in their own was impressed by the sense ing the ice storm when you derful experience of working scrutinizing proposals that geographic area," she said. of community, the lack of saw communities band to­ with and learning from ser­ come from the government "To me that's critical. huge bureaucracy in the gether, work together to re­ vant leaders in each of our to make sure that there's If money were no object, "I church and the lack of huge build, to reach out and help bishops," she said. nothing that would go would set up an endowment infrastructure," she said. 'To one another. against the teachings of the for each county so that each me, it was the church at its "Bishop Loverde was the church. county would have income, best, church that hadn't for­ Taking on dual roles only bishop who went Through the years, Sister "It means providing train­ with at least one staff per­ gotten its pastoral sense as around to every command ing to staff based on the val­ son," she said. its priority. Donna said that what she en­ center, to every shelter," she joyed most about her posi­ ues of compassion, "We just had a trust come "It was a church that still said. "He was tireless in inclusion, forgiveness and in, Ann Walker left us a trust had that deep sense of Chris­ tion, "is the ability to do terms of providing true ser­ administration AND direct caring, by using Jesus as the to support and work with the tian community," she said, vant leadership to the people role model," she said. people in Moira. That's Port "and I realized how much I services, to be able to use my of his diocese." skill s as a street social "From that pOint of view, to Henry and the surrounding had been looking for that. be a mission focused leader area," Sister Donna said. "We "I also liked the structure worker because that's simply Servant leaders what I am. I'm a Daughter of is one of my favorite parts of have the Leahy Fund to help of Catholic Charities," she the job," she said. 'There's a people in Black River area. said. "it was a small agency Sister Donna also lauded Charity and a social worker. Bishop Loverde's successors. "In terms of administra­ difference between a man­ 'That would be my dream," with a community organiza­ ager and mission focused she said, "to have a fund for tional perspective. The pro­ "We've been very lucky in tion, what I like best is work­ the North Country," she said. ing with the staff at Catholic leader." every area of the North grams Were directed at Sister Donna said that she Country, for every county." groups in need, looking at 'Tve served with four bish- Charities," she said. "I really II NORTH CO U NT R Y CAT H O LI C JUNE 21 , 2017 Diocesan director reflects on changes in Catholic Charities over 100 years As part of her interview with the North Catholic Charities. Country Catholic, Sister Donna Franklin re­ Everything we do is based on the sanctity flected on the changes and growth of and dignity of the human person; every Catholic Charities throughout its history: program is based on the sanctity and dig­ One hundred years ago, Catholic Charities nity of human person. When someone did wonderful work with adoptions, with comes into our office they should feel as children who needed to be cared for; they though they have worth and, when they did a lot of giving away layette sets. leave, their dignity should be intact. They should be made to feel that they are signifi­ The work of Catholic Charities cant. Sometimes poverty is talked about in terms of statistics, in abstract concepts. It's is based on the Gospel and the not. Poverty has a name and a face and a story of an individual or a family. Gospel, interpreted in the modern There are many people who live in the world is, in many ways, based shadows, live on the margins of our society. Often it's a surprise because it's not the peo­ on ple who we think or the stereotypes that we think about. Many of the people living on In the 1970's Catholic Charities directors the margins today are the invisible poor, throughout the nation, with considerable the working poor, retirees, veterans, mili­ input from the Charities directors of New tary families . You see people no one would York State, developed what was called the suspect are poor but are struggling to sur­ Cadre Report which identified the two feet vive. We see families where one or two of Christian service: direct aid and advo­ adults are working two or three jobs just to cacy. trying to make ends meet and are still So, at that time, Catholic Charities struggling, retirees who thought that the throughout the nation enhanced their mis­ money they had for retirement was going to sion statements to include advocacy for work but it's not enough. So you have this systemic change, not just taking care of whole group of bashful poor, the proud people who were living with economic and poor, people who aren't used to asking, emotional challenges but also looking at the coming forward and asking for help. systems and policies that maintained peo­ We have seen a dramatic increase in that ple in poverty. population, whose needs don't fit into tradi­ The work of Catholic Charities is based on tional services, who are working but make the Gospel and the Gospel, interpreted in just a little bit more to qualify for services the modern world is, in many ways, based and even with that little bit more they are on Catholic social teaching. From the time still struggling. of Pope Leo with in 1891, The most frustrating part of the work of this usually meant addressing the social is­ today is seeing the growing needs of the sues of the day. Rerum Novarum was devel­ people and the always diminishing re­ oped during the industrial revolution and sources, particularly when you have a gov­ focused on the rights of workers, the dig­ ernment that seems unable to hear or nity of work and the dignity and sanctity of understand the needs of its people. For being faithful the human person. Catholic Charities is challenged to secure And then, in this day and age, the work of the necessary resources that are needed to advancing the work Catholic Charities continues to address help people in development. For example, those rights but also includes what we see prevention programs have been cut so a with Pope Benedict and . In person has to be evicted or be homeless be­ Church by serving , Pope Benedict talked fore they qualify for help rather than work­ about the constitutive elements of the ing to prevent homelessness. Many people in our church - word, worship and service. Pope programs are reactive instead of proactive. Francis - in Laudete Si -talks about climate That's the most frustrating part of my change, and the issue of the environment. work because I believe that service One of the things we know is that deterio­ providers should teach people to be proac­ rating environment will impact the poor tive, to help them plan, to provide educa­ The pastor and paltislli

  • ongratulations to the Catholic Charities family from Bishop Terry LaValley and the people of the Diocese of Ogdensburg II NOR TH e 0 U N T RY CAT H 0 L I e JUNE 21 , 201 7 I[HE GALLERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CATHOLIC CHARITIES A CENTURY OF SERVICE

    Patsy McCaughin of Port Henry was honored with the 1988 Caritas Award for Bishop Stanislaus J. Brzana is pictured with Catholic Charities staff members and former directors who celebrated her work in RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) in Essex County. Father the 75th anniversary ofthe organization in 1992.ln front are Msgr. Robert Lawler, Bishop Brzana and Father Stephen Gratto, Catholic Charities director from 1986 to 1994, and Bishop Stephen Gratto; back, Alex Velto, Father Patrick Mundy, Msgr.Joseph Aubin, Anne Boulter, Pamela Wilson and Dea­ Stanislaus J. Brzana, the tenth Bishop of Ogdensburg, made the presenta­ con Patrick Lyons. tion.

    Msgr. Joseph Aubin and Father Patrick Mundy, shown in this 1972 file photo, For many years, St. Joseph Sister Gabriel Marie Meyer and Alex Velto served out of the Watertown Catholic Charities are the only priests who served as directors in Catholic Charities offices who office. Sister Gabriel is remembered for her work with adoptions (see story on page 9) and Mr. Velto, who died in are still living. They both headed the Plattsburgh regional office. 2009, was active in providing affordable housing in the North Country. • DIOCESAN LIFE~ I NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC JUNE 21, 2017

    Bishop's Schedule Rest in Peace Environmental Stewardship

    June 21 - 10:50 a.m., Mass at St. This week marks the anniversary Joseph's Home in Ogdensburg of the deaths of the following Sowing Seeds of Hope Immaculate Heart Central School clergymen who have served in the and Healing (Part 2) Watertown, New York June 22 - 12:00 p.m., Pontificial Diocese of Ogdensburg Nurturing seeds of hope and Mission Societies Board Meeting at June 21 - Rev. Joseph T. Moriority, healing for our suffering world in­ Is seeking applicants for the position of Bishop's Residence in Ogdensburg O.s.A. , 1905; Msgr.Joseph F. Luker, volves a challenge in the way that HEAD OF SCHOOL 1972 we look at the natural world. with the title School Principal for grades Pre-K to 12 June 24 - 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Pas­ June 23 - Rev. Edwa rd Chevalier, Below is another point from Applicants should: toral Council at St. Raphael 'sChurch O.M.I., 1894; Rev. Donat Morrisette, Laudato Si: Care for our Common • Possess a Master's Degree in Education and/or Education Administration and in Heuvelton 0.M.I.,1976 Home that one mother saw as a Supervision; 4 p.m., Mass at St. Mary's Cathe­ June 24 - Rev.John Simard, 1943; guiding star for her as she strives to dral, Ogdensburg • Be a practicing Catholic; Msgr. Timothy P. Holland, 1948; Rev. help her new born son find his place • Have successful experience(s) in a Catholic school; Joseph P. Ryan, 1968; Rev. W. Cyril in the world. June 2S - 3:00 p.m., Solemn Ves­ • Have proven odministrotive leadership skills in Cotholic identity, instructional Rapin, 2006 *We are stewards of the natural pers and Commissioning of Lay Min­ evaluation, personnel management, finances , promotion and maintenance of June 2S - Rev.J. Rodrique Lauzon, world, not masters of it. Pope Francis isters at St. Mary's Cathedral an effective learning environment, and school advancement. 1944 writes "We must forcefully rejectthe notion that our being created in Applicants should send a cover letter expressing their suitability for the position , June 26 - Rev. Charles F.Turgeon, June 27 - 9:45 a.m., Episcopal Coun­ God's image and given dominion resume, solary requirements, tronscripts and two letters of recommendation cil Meeting atthe Bishop's Residence 1888; Rev.Jean Baptiste Frigon, over the earth justifies absolute attesting to the candidate's proven administrative ability and one letter of in Ogdensburg O.M.I., 1930; Rev.Arthur St. Cyr, O.M.I., domination over other creatures. recommendation attesting to the person's adherence to the Catholic Church, no 1957 The biblical text ... tells us to 'till later than August 1, 2017. June 27 - 1 p.m., Fort Drum Part­ June 27 - Rev.Auguste A. Brunet, and keep'the garden ofthe world. The school website is nership Symposium at the Fort Drum O.M.I., 1866; Rev.Francis X. Charbon­ After Action Facility (#67) Sister Ellen Rose Coughlin, SSJ , neau, 1928 As we know, this word'dominion' Superintendent of Schools June 28 - Rev.John J. Regnery, June 28 - 12:00 p.m., Mass at St. has been incorrectly interpreted to 100 Elizabeth Street O.s.A., 1954 mean 'domination' over the natural PO Box 369 Mary's Cathedral June 29 - Rev. Pierre Huet de la world.With that interpretation Ogdensburg, NY 13669 June 29 - 5:00 p.m., Reception for Valiniere, 1806; Rev. Adonat L. comes the license to do whatever the 10th Anniversary of Mercy Care Dufresne, 1940; Rev. Gilbert J. Faucher, pleases us and our own goals with for the Adirondacks at the Lake 1981; Deacon Francis E. LeRoux, 1996; little consideration of the effects Placid Gulf House Restaurant Rev, George F. Maroun, 2016 that our plans may have on others July 1 - Rev. Norbert Callahan, who also depend upon it fortheir .~~~~~~~~~~~~~- June 30 -July S- National Convoca­ M.S.c.. 1909; Rev. William A. O'Connor, existence. St. Mary's Church, Clayton tion of Catholic Leaders in Orlando, 1922; Rev. P. Leon LegaUlt, 1991; Rev.J. Pope Francis cites the Catechism Annual Summer Gala &' RaHle Florida Eve rett Denesha, 2013 that clearly and forcefully criticizes a To benefit St.Mary's Church July 2 - Rev. Richard A. Gleason, distorted anthropocentrism:"Each O.S.A., 1939; Rev. Denis F.Finnegan, creature possesses its own particular (One need not be present to win) NO PAPER NEXT WEEK 1951; Msgr.John A.Stone, 1964; Msgr. goodness and perfection ... each of Ticket Price: $100.00 U.S. (Includes dinner for two, the various creatures, willed in its The next issue of the Francis Honnors, 1977; Rev. George two drinks and chances to win · Sorry no take outs) own being, reflects in its own way a North Country Catholic A. Lemieux, 1993; Rev.John M. Crable, ray of infinite wisdom and good­ 1st Prize $10,000.00 will be dated July 5 2012 2nd Prize $2,000.00 July 3 - Rev. E. Leonard Murphy, ness. 3rd & 4th $500.00 1954 Man musttherefore respect the particular goodness of every crea­ 5th & 6th Prize $250.00 July 4 - Rev. Joseph L. St.Jacques, 7th - 11th Prizes $100.00 ture, to avoid any disordered use of 1952 things." All winning tickets will be returned to drum and be (#2416) eligible for all 11 prizes. To Report Abuse We are further reminded by Pope Where: The Cerow Arena at Clayton Recreation P ark Francis that"lt is not enough ... to When: Tuesday, Augu st 8 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. If you have a complaint of sus­ think of different species merely as For a New or Used Car pected misconduct involving dioce­ potential resources to be exploited,;cks-p-;'yable 7..~d ~;ilt~:------san clergy, religious, employees or while overlooking the fact that they St. Mary's Church Mort volunteers, contact Victims Assis­ have value in themselves ... 52 1 J ames Street, Clayton, NY 13624 tance Coordinator, Terrianne Yan­ Because of us, thousands of (315) 686-3398 Backus & Name, ______ulavich, Adult & Youth Counseling species will no longer give glory to Sons Services of Northern New York, PO God by their very existence, nor con­ Address,______On Canton-Ogdensburg Rd. Box 2446, Plattsburgh, NY, 12901; vey their message to us.We have City______State___ Zip _____ 315-393-5899 terrianneyanulavich not such right." (# 33) Phone: 518-483-3261;or Fr.James How might this way of seeing the Phone,______~------natural world affect the way that I Must by 18 to purchase Seymour, the Episcopal Vicar for approach God 's creatures? CHEVROLET Clergy at 315-393-2920 ,ext. 1340 II NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC JUNE 21,2017 DIOCESAN LIFE Sr. Gabriel Marie on the joys of adoption work Catholic Charities when parenting. Patrick's Children's Home, By Deacon Kevin Mastellon Msgr. Robert Lawler was the "Over the years I believe I Catholic Charities and as Staff writer director. She principally only had two adopting cou­ pastoral associate at St. worked in jefferson and ples who split-up," she said. james Parish, Carthage, St. WATERTOWN - St. joseph Sister Lewis Counties in the 1960s The North Country james Parish, Gouverneur Gabriel Marie Meyer never and 1970s. Catholic published this auto­ and St. Martin/ St. john, Port wanted to be a teacher. She Adoption cases were plen­ biographical sketch in 2012 Leyden/Lyons Falls. admits that. She wanted to tiful; "we were averaging one on the occasion of her 65th Sister Gabriel Marie was do social work. a month," she said. anniversary as a Sister of St. recognized by Catholic Char­ Times have changed and joseph: ities as its Caritas Award re­ God has blessed me now adoptions are usually Friday, the 13th of Novem­ Cipient in 2010. The Caritas channeled through local ber, 1925, what a lucky day medal is awarded to the indi­ with a joyful, fulfilling county social service agen­ for me! I was born the third vidual who "makes a signifi­ cies, foster parent programs child to John and Anastasia cant difference in the lives of life in His service. or private agencies. (Marilley) Meyer. We lived on the people of the North "My greatest heartache was a farm outside the village of Country." "What gave you the great­ going with the girl to surren­ Croghan and were members At the dinner marking the est joy in your varied ca­ der her child," Sister Gabriel of St. Stephen's Church. I presentation Bishop Terry reer?" I had the temerity to said. "She cried, and I cried worked as a secretary for LaValley said of Sister ask. with her; but the joy this three years before entering Gabriel, "she lives the Sister Gabriel responded child brought to the adoptive the Sisters ofSt. Joseph Com­ charism of the Sisters of St. without hesitation. "Oh, it parents who were so anx­ munity. joseph of love of God and was the adoption work," she ious. It was a win-win." A degree in Education from love of neighbor so gener­ said. "My heart ached for Sister Gabriel was respon­ the College of St. Rose in Al­ ously." those girls who had to make sible for the due diligence. Sister Gabriel Marie Meyer bany and a Masters in Social Now retired at 91 years of the decision. When they de­ She interviewed and coun­ Work from St. Patrick's age and living at the Sisters cided to surrender their seled the young girls "who She looked at the couple's School of Social Work, Ot­ of St. joseph Motherhouse in child, it was the greatest act were definitely incapable of tawa, Canada followed. Watertown. Sister Gabriel of love to give their child for religious background, their taking care of a child" and ex­ financial ability, their suit­ Her ministry included says, "God has blessed me adoption." amining the prospective teaching, "but only for a with a joyful, fulfilling life in Sister Gabriel worked for ability as parents, their com­ adopting couple. mitment to marriage and while," administration at St. His service."

    will find God"

    The Catholic Churches of the High Peaks St. Agnes - Lake Placid St. Brendan - ~Pe.i II NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC DIOCESAN LIFE JUNE 21, 2017 A welcome presence in Watertown work it does and a less de­ Baxter feels it is important By Deamn Kevin Maslellon manding bureaucracy. for social service agencies to Staff writer "I had known Sister Donna network so each agency staff (Sister Donna Franklin, DC, knows the opportunities and WATERTOWN - Debra Baxter is Catholic Charities Diocesan limitations of sister agencies. convinced that Watertown Director) for a few years, but Ross agrees, "we are always office of Catholic Charities is only on the phone," Baxter concerned that (clients) are making a difference in the said. "When I saw the ad for aware of what is out there for community. The needs are the opening, I called her." them and not just say, 'here sufficient, she says. The case The advantage of bringing you go, bye." load suggests the office will Baxter on board was her Baxter identifies Water­ have to grow over the next knowledge of the social serv­ town Urban Mission, Com­ five years. Debra Baxter is ice network already in place munity Action Planning the Area Director for Catholic in the community and her ac­ Council, Salvation Army and Charities. ademic qualifications. Catholic Charities working Baxter, who holds a li­ She is now responsible for with the county Department censed master's degree in so­ the Watertown office at 145 of Social Services as the cial work, came to the Clinton St. agencies available to assist Diocesan Catholic Charities Baxter is involved in coun­ people now in the Watertown staff this year from the Vet­ seling and directing the com­ region. erans Administration. Her passionate care aspects of The Watertown office han­ career brought her to Water­ the organization. Rosilynn dles cases for Jefferson and town on the staff of the VA Ross is the Office Manger PHOTO BY DEACON KEVIN MAsTELlON Lewis Counties. The agency for four years to establish a and, among other duties, Rosilynn Ross, office manager, foreground, and Debra Baxter, area director is principally interested in pilot program to address the deals with the financial aid comprise the staff of the Watertown Catholic Charities. counseling and financial as­ needs of homeless veterans. aspects of the agency. sistance for critical needs She was inclined to move "Roz and I have had a lot of ter said and Ross jumped-in sometimes you have to cre­ when other community serv­ from the VA, a job she really experience. It's not like we "it is more than putting-on ate a way for them (the ices are unavailable. Baxter enjoyed, to an organization are green. We know what's someone else's shoes when clients) to participate in their is currently offering counsel­ with the credentials of going on; we have known you have actually worn own rescue." ing services for anxiety and Catholic Charities for the poverty, homelessness," Bax- them. I hear the need but Most of the work of the depression and some marital small staff is by appOintment cases. (315-788-4330) so they are Appointments are avail­ not overwhelmed at anyone able by phone. Services are The Cathollc people of the time. However walk-ins are offered on a sliding fee scale welcome from 1 p.m. to 4 but no one is denied services Parish of the Visitation Tuesday to Friday. for inability to pay. and st. Raymond, and st. Andrew's Church togetherwlth Msgr.John Murphy & Fr. Andrew Amyot offer our sincerest appreciation and congratutations for lOoth Anntversary of

    ...... ---"""'~ Many thanks and sincere appreciation to the staff if Catholics Charities for their dedication and hard CATI10LlcYClli\QITlf0 work assisting those in need in Canton and the DIOCESE o F OGD ENSBURG entire North Country. . . . please join me in celebrating Catholic Charities' centennial. Maybe we might use the Fr. Douglas Lucia occasion to remind each ofus to be a bit more charitable in our own lives. Fr. T odd T hibault D en. James Snell - Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan ofNew York The Pari shioners ofSt. M ary'S in Canton II NORTH CO U NTRY C ATH OLIC JUNE 21,2017 DIOCESAN LIFE Fidelis Care grant to

    improve health-related The people of St. Mary's Church and School, Ticonderoga wish to offer prayerful services for underserved Congratulations to CATHOLIC CHARITIES OGDENSBURG - Fidelis Care, the "As a faith-based health plan, health insurance. New York State Catholic our mission is to ensure ac­ For more information, call Health Plan, announces the cess to health-related re­ Fidelis Care at 1-888-FIDELIS distribution of $269,500 sources for families and (1-888-343-3547) or visit fi­ from its Community Grant individuals in need." Fund to non-profit organiza­ This is the 13th consecu­ tions in the Diocese of Og­ tive year that Fidelis Care has densburg. awarded grants to non-profit • ',111. • I~.. l~~ .. l~ .(@») . ..l·.~ .. l~~i ' The grants support a vari­ organizations that share sim­ ~~~ vtJ "r;~"f;~ ~"'l;~"l; (Iv ~"" ety of health-related pro­ ilar missions and values of grams that reach local service to care for the poor­ ~ residents with the care and est and most vulnerable pop­ J .C services they need. ulations. Grant recipients within the The grants are made in co­ Diocese of Ogdensburg are: ordination with the Bishops ~.: The Catholic cOWlcWlunity of ~.:::: • Catholic Charities is the in New York State's eight recipient of a $200,500 Roman Catholic Dioceses. grant. The funding will sup­ The local grants are part of ~t. ~tephel1's hurch in ~ port Healthy the $4 million being awarded g Families/Healthy Communi­ Statewide by Fidelis Care ties, a counseling program through the Fund this year. for people who lack access to resources that can help them About Fidelis (are: build bridges to healthier As a faith-based, mission­ would their lives. driven health plan, Fidelis ~ Ii~:~!h:er 8 • St. Joseph's Home re­ Care offers quality, afford­ ceived a grant of $69,000 to able coverage for children help develop behavioral and adults of all ages and at techniques to enhance the ~ gratitude to Msgr. Lawler, ~''1:' all stages of life, including quality of life for residents products available through affected by dementia and/or NY State of Health: .:O~ Fr. Steven Gratto and ~b. mental illness. The Official Health Plan ''Through these grants, Fi­ Marketplace. With more than delis Care is supporting ini­ 1.6 million members tiatives to help those in need Statewide, Fidelis Care was ~ ~ister Donl1a for all of their ~ access vital care and serv­ founded on the belief that all ices," said Father Patrick ]. New Yorkers should have ac­ Frawley, President and CEO. cess to affordable, quality B dedication il1 servil1g 8 Subscribe to the North Country Catholic today! thousal1ds of people il1 our (\ Subscribe online at www.northco untryca tholi i5 or ca ll our office at 315-608-7556 to subscribe today! Options t o receive t he NCC in your mai lbox or in your e-mail. R: dioc~se. ~R':::: •• •• •• ...... ,(r~"~) I ·:t:· , ,.... ",- 'I r.~...... ~•••. .••• ~~,.~ ~I I~ BUICK ' PONTIAC .~~S @II=,.,-III .. t!"".,. .. "Family owned dealership serving the ~ . ~",,,~~ . North Country for over 56 years!" For more information, visit our Website .@ @. at: www.barstow a: ~~... ~. •• ., " " ~..... ~. .. ~c MARKET ST•• POTSDAM. NY • (315) 265-8800 ,;.. ~ ~ ~ ~ W··\'"r . •"II'"~ .,'•• ., . '.••.. .' ' • •., . '... .'. (IA\\).l1li1 '.••.. .' ' • • ., . '.•• .' . ,'•• '" "I,," • . II NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC DIOCESAN LIFE JUNE 21, 2017 Annual Respect Life grants are awarded to diocesan groups Where do donations in support of life go? Life, saving lives with a A grant was also given to The Respect Life collec­ Right to Life Bus to travel to By Colleen Miner prayerful presence outside the new Gabriel Project in tion also provides educa­ DC too. Diocesan director, respect life ministry of Planned Parenthood, may Ogdensburg to help with tional opportunities. Pro-Life Fair booths in our have had an affect on the start-up costs. LIFERIGHT of Watertown, diocese received grants Do you ever wonder large decrease in the num­ Catholic Charities in Mal­ in 2016, gave prolife pre­ from the collection to bring where your donations go? ber of abortions in the one, another grant recipient sentations to 45 students at the pro-life message to the The Respect Life second Plattsburgh area. According had 26 pregnant and parent­ St. Cecilia's religion class, 67 public arena: Lewis County collection, held each Janu­ to the Fetal Death Certifi­ ing youth in their program students at IHC and to St. Right to Life, Champlain Val­ ary in our parishes, pro­ cates filed at Plattsburgh in 2016 with four babies Patricks' confirmation stu­ ley Right to Life and St. motes prolife activities that City Hall: 2012: 347 .... born and four more ex­ dents during their retreat. Lawrence County Fair. benefit those in our diocese. 2013: 376 .. .. 2014: 338 .. . pected in 2017. The grant helped with the Light of Truth Catholic The funds allow the ad­ .2015: 203 ... .2016: 162 .. Plattsburgh Pregnancy mailing of 4,000 newsletters Radio in Lake Placid re­ vancement of the Gospel of .2017: 41Uan - March) Center has a new ultrasound and educational TV spots. ceived a grant to help with Life in the Diocese of Og­ Crisis pregnancy outreach machine. The respect life YOUTH BUSES FOR LIFE various programs and densburg. in our diocese is an impor­ collection helped with a grant made it possible for prayers to educate listeners. Twenty grant applications tant ministry that is sup­ grant toward the purchase 106 high school students Thank you to all who do­ were received this year and ported by the collection. and also helped with funds and chaperones to travel to nated to the Respect Life while this year's collection Gabriel Projects have seen for advertising. Eighteen the Washington, DC, March second collection and to all was the lowest it's been in an increase in the number women were helped in 2016 for Life at a reasonable cost. those who volunteer their ten years, the $68,267.32 of families who seek help. and so far this year there Many educational activities time and talents to build a will benefit many. Plattsburgh - 70 moms in have been 18 helped so the surround this pilgrimage: Culture of Life in our dio­ Some benefits may be ob­ 2015; 127 moms in 2016; word is getting out. teachings by guest speak­ cese. vious like the Gabriel Proj­ Brasher Falls - 80 moms in BIRTHRIGHT in Platts­ ers, learning about saints at Thank you Bishop LaVal­ ect, parish-based crisis 2016 (32 are new); Potsdam burgh gave out about 60 shrines and museums, tak­ ley, and the grant board (Fa­ pregnancy apostolates that - 12 new moms in 2016 layettes last year. An aver­ ing part in the historic and ther Thomas Higman, Steve help hundreds in our dio­ (100+ moms have been age of 20 people a week spiritual March for Life in Tartaglia, John Miner and cese (numbers below), but helped since beginning 8 come in for clothes, diapers our nation's capitol as well Angelo and Suzanne others may not be so evi­ years ago.); Massena - 128 and formula. The collection as daily Mass and praying Pietro paoli) for reviewing dent. moms (58 new) over 300 provides a yearly grant to the rosary. A grant was the grant reports and grant For instance, 40 Days for moms have been helped. help. given for the Lewis County applications.

    Catholic Charities,

    We share in your joy and

    wish you God's blessings, as you celebrate your centennial.

    The Catholic Community of

    Morristown, Hammond & Rossie II NORTH COU NTRY CATH 0 LIC JUNE 21, 2017 WORLD/NATION Convocation of Catholic leaders planned INDIANAPOLlS(CNS)-- During their out how to best live out Pope ganizations, apostolates, He urged the bishops to cation to walk and pray with spring meeting in Indianapo­ Francis' call for all Catholics missions, congregations, in­ make use of their time in them. On a practical note, he lis, U.S. bishops were re­ to be missionary disciples in stitutions and agencies iden­ conversations with diocesan also suggested they wear minded that the upcoming today's world as expressed in tified by the USCCB. delegates during the convo- comfortable shoes Convocation of Catholic his 2013 apostolic exhorta­ Bishop Malone thanked the Leaders - a gathering they tion, "" bishops for supporting the Foll ow Pope Francis on began talking about years (,The joy of the Gospel"). convocation dedicated to GO GREEN! ago - is right around the cor­ Dioceses are sending dele­ forming missionary disciples HeceivI) the NCC in your e·ma il every Twitter! ner. gations chosen by their bish­ who can then go out and Mond ay where ever you are inlh e wo rld . www.t Pontifex ops, and other attendees will form others, following the E·mail [email protected] Bishop laValleyto lead a be key leaders of Catholic or- call of Pope Francis. to sign up today. W#Pontifex delegation from the Diocese of Ogdensburg It will be a historic event, To our friends at Bishop Richard]. Malone of Buffalo, New York, chairman of the bishops' Committee Catholic Charities, on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, told the bish­ ops june 15 about the july 1- 4 "Convocation of Catholic Best wishes and Leaders: The joy of the Gospel in America" in Or­ lando, Florida. He also noted that it will be Congratulations on the largest gathering spon­ sored by U.S. bishops and will be a time to show the celebrating 100 'jears unity of the church. The convocation, an invita­ tion-only event, is meant to give the 3,000 participants of service. expected to attend a better understanding of what it means to be missionary dis­ ciples in today's world ~ ~ through workshop presenta­ tions, keynote addresses and ( prayer. The plan, from the outset, St. Mary's Church. Cla'.:lton was to bring Catholic leaders from across the country to St. John Evangelist Church. LaFargeville closely examine and figure


    From your Brothers and Sisters at St. Andre Bessette Parish II NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC ~ DIOCESAN LIFE JUNE 21,2017 Bishops' voices called CATHOLIC 'vital' to fight challenges WORLD to religious liberty AT A GLANCE in accordance with their reli­ spoke in favor of making it By Sean Gallagher gious and moral convic­ permanent. Poverty requires action, not empty words, pope says Catholic News Service tions." He noted that bishops VAT)CAN CITY (CNS) -- People cannot sit back and be indifferent or unresponsive Archbishop Lori also ex­ around the world "look to us to growing poverty in the world as a privileged minority accumu lates "ostenta­ INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) - The U.S. pressed his hope the ad hoc in the United States (as) real tious wealth," Pope Francis said. "God created the heavens and the earth for all; bishops voted June 15 to committee's work up to now quarterbacks when it comes yet sadly some have erected barriers, walls and fences, betraying the original gift make the Ad Hoc Committee and in the future would help to the defense of religious "plant the seeds of a move­ freedom" and added that "ec­ meant for all humanity, with none excluded," the pope sa id in a message for the for Religious Liberty a per­ first World Day of the Poor. The newly established commemoration and the pe­ manent standing committee. ment for religious freedom, umenical partners how which will take years of wa­ deeply they cherish our lead­ riod of reflection and action preceding it are meant to help Christians develop tering and weeding in order ership on this issue." and maintain a more consistent and sincere lifestyle built on sharing, simplicity In our tumultuous for it to grow, to grow strong "I think it's enhanced the and the essential truths of the Gospel, the pope said in the message released political culture, Catholic and to bear fruit." cause of interreligious and June 13, the feast of St. Anthony of Padua. The World Day of the Poor -- to be "In the face of these chal­ ecumenical dialogue, be­ laity must be equipped to marked each year on the 33rd Sunday of -- will be ce lebrated Nov. lenges, our voice is vital," he cause we're not the only ones 19 this year and will focus on the Apostle John's call to love "not with words, but said. "Debates about reli­ concerned," Cardinal Dolan participate in conversa­ gious freedom in our country said. "So, we need some per­ with deeds." There are so many forms of material and spiritua l poverty that poi­ tions about the future di­ are often, sadly, polarizing. manence. We need some sta­ son people's hearts and harm their dignity, the pope said in his message, and In our tumultuous political bility. And I think this is the "we must respond with a new vision of life and society." rection of our country culture, Catholic laity must way to go." Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori be equipped to participate in Some bishops felt the ad Vatican releases online questionnaire for youth conversations about the fu ­ hoc committee did not need (CNS) -- To involve young people in preparations for the Synod of The 132-53 vote came on ture direction of our coun­ to become permanent be­ Bishops on youth in 2018, the Vatican has released an online questionnaire to the second day of the bish­ try." cause they felt religious lib­ better understand the lives, attitudes and concerns of 16- to 29-year-olds arou nd ops' spring assembly in Indi­ Archbishop Lori will cele­ erty could be addressed by brate the fortnight's opening existing standing commit­ the world. The questionnaire -- available in English, Span ish, French and Italian -­ anapolis. There were five can be found on the synod's official site: abstentions. A simple major­ Mass the evening of July 21 tees. ity was required for ap­ at the Basilica of the National Cardinal Joseph w. Tobin!synod2018/it.html and isopen to any young per­ proval. Shrine of the Assumption of of Newark, New Jersey, also son, regardless of faith or religious belief. The general secretariat of the synod The bishops' action came the Blessed Virgin Mary in noted that it was "very unfor­ launched the websiteJune 14 to share information about the October 2018 less than a week before the Baltimore. The archbishop tunate" that the vote on the synod on "Young people, faith and vocational discernment" and to link to an on­ start of the U.S. Conference will celebrate a special clos­ committee was taking place line,anonymous survey asking young people about their lives and expectations. of Catholic Bishops' fifth an­ ing Mass July 4 in Orlando, a day after the bishops al­ The answers to the questionnaire, along with contributions from bishops, bish­ nual Fortnight for Freedom Florida, during the Convoca­ lowed its working group on tion of Catholic Leaders. immigration to cease to ops' conferences and other church bodies, "will provide the basis for the drafting June 21-July 4. It is a two­ of the 'instrumentum laboris,'" or working document for the assembly, synod of­ week period of prayer, advo­ In the discussion that fol­ exist. cacy and education on lowed Archbishop Lori's However, after the vote on ficials said in January. religious freedom. presentation, some bishops the committee, Cardinal Before the vote, Baltimore spoke in favor of establish­ Daniel N. DiNardo an­ Parish prays for congressman after shooting Archbishop William E. Lori, ing a standing committee on nounced he would allow the METAIRIE, La. (CNS) -- More than 150 people attended a prayer service at St. chairman of the committee religious freedom. Among working group to continue Catherine of Siena Church in Metairie June 14 to pray for the recovery of House since its creation in 2011, them was Washington Cardi­ its efforts, prompting ap­ Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-Louisiana, and other victims of a shooting in spoke in favor of making it nal Donald W. Wuerl. plause from the bishops. "The challenge to religious In a news conference after Alexandria, Virginia, early that morning. Scalise, his wife,Jennifer, and their two permanent, arguing the need children are members ofSt. Catherine of Siena Parish. Th econgressman from the for the body stretches be­ liberty is a growing one," he the meeting session, Arch­ yond the specific legal and said. ''The dominant culture bishop Lori said he was 1st District of Louisiana was gunned down by a lone gunman while practicing public policy issues chal­ increasingly now finds that grateful "it was not a pro with other Republican members of the House and staffers for a charity baseball lenging religious freedom it's not just a matter of dis­ forma discussion, but rather game. Scalise sustained a bullet to the hip that also caused serious internal that continue to emerge. agreeing with religious prin­ an opportunity for bishops bleeding. After surgery, he was listed in critica l condition, and as of early June 15, "Rather, the very idea of re­ ciples and positions. But in a wonderfully respectful he remained in critical condition. He has received mUltiple blood transfusions. ligious freedom and its roots there's a certain level of hos­ and dialogic way, to express Doctors said he would require additional surgeries. Father Ronald Calkins, pastor in human nature is chal­ tility becoming more and their views about" religious more evident .... This prob­ liberty. of St. Catherine of Siena, said the prayer service was for the shooting victimsand lenged," he said, "along with also for those who mourn for them. "We come here to pray to God, who is always the right of religious people lem is not going to go away." "It's a big step to establish and institutions to raise their Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan a standing committee," he with us and always supporting us and always helping us," Father Calkins said. voices in the public square of New York, who was USCCB said. "And so no one would "We pray especially for those who were injured. Of course, we also come just to and to perform ministries president when the ad hoc expect it to be a walk in the support each other." that serve the common good committee was created, also park." NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC JUNE 21, 2017 ______~ ______~ L_~

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Star Ratings are calculated each year and may change from one year to the next. iiNORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC COMMENTARY JUNE 21,2017 SCRIPTURE REFLECTIONS Strong words are meant to strengthen us Today's first reading seem to be listening. word is burning like fire in into the world, but that fear? Yes, "... the one who gives us an amazing insight His family and friends his bones. through the God-man, jesus can kill both the soul and into the anger and discour­ have denounced him to the He knows God will not Christ, sin was atoned for. the body in Gehenna". agement of the prophet jer­ king, who causes him to be desert him, and that his en­ Through His lov­ We should also emiah. flogged publically, and emies will eventually be ing sacrifice, not fear our own weak­ It comes from a private threatened with death. brought to justice. only is our sin ness, our reluctance diary he wrote but never in­ jeremiah, decides to quit He is right, for God even­ atoned for, but we and lack of courage tended to be published. being a prophet. tually vindicates jeremiah. are gifted with eter­ in speaking out in They reveal his intimate Struggling with his feel­ In the second reading, St. nallife, as well as defense of God's feelings. He is complaining ings, he finally admits that Paul explains that through all those who will truth and His com­ to God, but God doesn't he can't quit because God's one man, Adam, sin came come after us until mands for living. the end of time. There will come a Evil is something day of judgment, to be feared. But when "nothing will jesus, in today's Monsignor be concealed that Gospel, tells his fol- Paul E. will not be revealed." lowers, "Fear no Whitmore Jesus urges us in one." today's Gospel: He teaches further, "What I say to you in "And do not be afraid of the darkness, speak in the those who kill the body, but light: what you hear whis­ cannot kill the soul". pered, proclaim on the Is there anyone we should housetops." Today's Gospel ends with the warning, "Everyone who JUNE 25 acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time before my heavenly Father. READINGS But whoever denies me be­ Jeremiah 20: 10-13 fore others, I will deny be­ Romans 5:12-15 fore my heavenly Father." Matthew 10:26-33 Strong words that are meant to strengthen us , not to intimidate us. DayS PILGRIMAGE JOB OPPORTUNITIES Salnt 'Wlarillnne Join Bishop LaValley and other St. Mary's Church in Canton is looking to Ed! the Cope Catholics on the annual pilgrimage Beloved Mother of Outcasts m Dowing job openings: 1838-1918 to pray for vocations. Latchkey Coordinator Needed Memorial Feast· 23 January St. Mary's School has an opening for a latchkey coordinator. Applicant will work with children outside of regular school October When: 10 hours and supervise a staff that will offer rutoring. educational games and other specialty leatning. Approx. 25 hours pet week Where: St. Mother Marianne Cope Shrine for the 2017-2018 school year. Submit application (available at the school) to: Mrs. Michele Meyers. Principal, St. Mary's School, and Museum, Syracuse; holy hour and 2 Powers Street, Canton NY I3617. mass for vocations at newly removed Deadline for application is July 7 Syracuse Cathedral. Parish Mamtenance Worker St. Mary's Parish is accepting applications for full-time and part Cost: $80 (includes transportation, -time Maintenance Workers. T his person will assist a Maintenance Director in the upkeep of the parish buildings and museum and Cathedral). grounds and related tasks. Applicant must have knowledge of various elements involved in maintenance of office and For more information or to reserve a spot residential buildings including basic knowledge of electrical and call Connie at 315-265-2762 or plumbing repairs and small carpentry projects. Applicant must Canonized a Saint have experience with law n and snow removal equipment. 21 October 2012 Mary at 315-268-1016 Submit letter of interest and two professional references to: Mother Marianne, pray for us! M r. Paul Schrems, Pastoral Associate for Administration, St. Mary's Parish, 68 Court St., Canton NY 13617. Deadline for application is June 30, 2017. II NOR THe 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 LIe JUNE 21,2017 ENTERTAINMENT AT THE MOVIES CARS 3 to ace racer Lightning Mc­ Ramone (voice of Cheech By Joseph McAleer Queen (voice of Owen Wil­ Marin) helps. "It's so beauti­ Catholic News Service son). He's still at the top of ful," Ramone says of his his game. But just over his own work, "it's like the Sis­ Fasten your seatbelts and shoulder is a new genera­ tine Chapel!" start your engines for a wild tion of faster vehicles, like With his spirits buoyed, (and often ear-splitting) ride the brash rookie Jackson Lightning heads to the train­ CNS PHOTO /DISNEY in "Cars 3" (Disney), the lat­ Storm (voice of Armie Ham­ ing center run by his spon­ This is a scene from the movie "Cars 3." est installment of the fam­ mer). sor, Rust-Eze, and its new i1y-friendlyanimated "Enjoy your retirement," owner, the "businesscar" Cooper) -- to recapture some playground bully who franchise. Jackson tells Lightning as he Sterling (voice of Nathan fil­ of the old magic. learns the error of his ways Six years after the initial whizzes past. lion). His eager young "You'll never be the racer thanks to some enchanted sequel and 11 since the se­ In a flash, Lightning is coach, Cruz Ramirez (voice you once were," Smokey in­ objects in his school's lost­ ries began with "Cars," the sidelined by an accident. of Cristela Alonzo), is tones. "You can't turn back and-found box. anthropomorphic autos are Disillusioned and de­ thrilled with her new, if eld­ the clock, kid, but you can The film contains a brief, back with a vengeance. Di­ pressed, he retreats to his erly, charge. wind it up again." highly stylized crash scene. rector Brian Fee ramps up adopted home of Radiator "You're my senior project!" "Cars 3" is full of sur­ The Catholic News Service the racing action (and the Springs. There he draws on she gushes. prises, and there's a nice classification is A-I -- general roar of the engines) while the support of his loyal tow­ As the bond between vet­ twist in store well before the patronage. introducing a fleet of new truck sidekick, Mater (voice eran racer and rookie finish line. The Motion Picture Associ­ characters sure to please of Larry the Cable Guy), and wannabe grows, Lightning Preceding "Cars 3" is a ation of America rating is G young viewers -- not to comely Porsche sweetheart, recalls the wisdom of his short film entitled "Lou." It's -- general audiences. All mention toy manufacturers. Sally (voice of Bonnie Hunt). dearly departed mentor, a charming fable about a ages admitted. Happily, there's much Sally knows Lightning Doc Hudson (voice of Paul more than the dizzying blur must look to the future. Newman). On a whim, he 4:indAnnual of NASCAR-Iike action. "Don't fear failure," she in­ takes Cruz on a road trip to Screenwriters Kiel Murray, sists. 'Take a chance. Try find Doc's original trainer -­ Bob Peterson and Mike Rich something new." a grizzled '51 Ford named inject a nice amount of A spiffy fresh paint job by Smokey (voice of Chris heart and pathos into the comedic plot, and add win­ ning messages about sec­ ond chances and the value of mentoring. State Street .Carthage The years have been kind June 22nd, 23rd, & 24th Thursday and Friday 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 12:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.

    The Oioo;cxofOgdensblq Games of Chance NORTH COUNTRY *Black Jack *Big Six Wh eel *Pul/ Tabs CATHOLIC RAFFLE - Prizes: 2 First - $500 * Sellers of 1st is on Prizes: $50 each * 10 Second Prizes - $100 each ***$1 per Ticket· 6 for $5· 12 for $10·18 for $15*** FACEBOOK "Each of us is the result of a thought of God. $$$ Drawing Saturday June 24th $$$ Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, Entertainment: each of us is necessary." - Pope Benedict XVI Reptiles Forever, Westy's Birds of Prey, DJand More! IJ II Congratulations • Find Us Catholic Charities S~~!,rioW~~erJl~ ~~~ p~ • • Like Us FOOD • Follow Us The Catholic Community of Cape Vincent , Ilalian ~ Lebanese ~ American ~ Polish ·Beer & Wine Tent ·lce Cream -Clams -Sal! Potatoes ·Pried Bread Dough i) Like Rosiere and Chaumont Special I'riced Meals/or Cltildren Saturday 12 p.m. -4 p.lII. II NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC AROUND THE DIOCESE JUNE 21, 2017

    ADIRONDACK Sam Tufo. Features: No price changes, same deli­ SUMMER RETREAT Date:July 8 cious picnic menu with ala carte pricing. Time:5p.m. Come and enjoy an inexpensive and fun Saranac Lake - Summer Retreat for Place: Savory Downtown Restaurant evening out with games and raffles as Adults "Praying with the Psalms of Cre­ Cost $25, includes tax, tip and gift. well. ation." Contact: Tickets are available from Date: Aug. 11-13 any of the four Catholic parish offices or LATIN MISSA CANTATA Place: Guggenheim Lodge by contacting Mike Deline at 315-788- Ogdensburg - Bishop Terry R. LaValley Features: Facilitators are Paul Gibaldi, 4791 , John Morgia at 315-777-7917 or will preach at a Sung Mass, commemo­ Adirondack Guide and photographer & Jim Fraser at 315-782-4064. rating the 10th Anniversary of the Motu Sister Bethany Fitzgerald, SSJ. Father Proprio Paul Kelly will celebrate Mass on Satur­ SPAGHETTI SUPPER Date:July 7 day evening. Watertown - St. Anthony's Altar Time:6p.m. Contact: [email protected] or 315- Rosary Society to have a spaghetti din­ Place: St. Mary's Cathedral 212-6592. ner. Features: Motu Proprio Summorum Date: June 22 Pontificum is an Apostolic Letter of Pope STORE CLOSING Time: 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Take-outs Benedict XVI in which he expanded the Lake Placid - St. Agnes Gift and Book The North County Catholic weicomes contributions to "Around the Diocese': begin at 4 p.m., please bring your own circumstances in which priests of the Store is closing. Parishioners are invited to send information about activities to: containers may celebrate the Triden­ Features: 50% off everything! Father North Country Catholic, PO Box 326, Place: Msgr. Sechi Hall tine Mass. Music for the liturgy will be John Yonkovig, pastor, said."lnternet Ogdensburg,NY 13669; fax,1 -866-314-7296; Cost: Adults, $8; Children, $4; Children directed by Lukas Gruber, current Direc­ shopping may be the main culprit, but e-mail [email protected]. under 3,Free; Sauce, $5 per quart; Meat- tor of Music at St. Mary 's, Potsdam, ac­ sadly after many years of service to our Items must be received in the NCC office by the Thursday before publication. balls, $.75 each companied by Marie-Claire d'Arcy, community the store in the basement of 1------.------1 Director of Music and Organist at St. our church will be closing. The Catholic LEWIS Features: Breakfast and Lunch . Snacks Date: June 23,24 & 25 Andre Bessette Parish, Malone. Apicnic Daughters have served us welL" and Drinks all day. Many prizes. 50/50 Schedule: On the grounds traditional DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS on the cathedral lawn will follow HAMILTON-HERKIMER Raffle. Reserve your spot for a team of 4 Italian foods will be served. Ontario Houseville - Divine Mercy Devotions for or we'll team you up. Be aTournament Rides and $1700 cash raffle after the DIOCESAN EVENTS GARAGE SALE the month of July to be held. Sponsor: $225,/$350. 2/4 Complimen­ fireworks. Bingo Friday at 7 p.m. Enter­ Date: July 2 Wells - St. Ann'sto have a garage sale. tary tournament fees, One Tee box sign tainment each night. Fri: Lis Scrivani­ Place: St. Hedwig's Church FAMILY GUGGENHEIM Date: July 14and 15 with your company name, Recognition Tidd and Sons 4:30 p.m. to 6:30, The"ln­ Schedule: 2:25 p.m. before devotions Saranac Lake - Family Guggenheim Features: Collecting items for garage in tournament brochures, and at the famous" Les Gates 6:30 p.m. to 9:30; Sat: there will be a viewing of "Proclaim This registration is now open.Two weekends sale. All proceeds to help people in the event. Hole Sponsor: $50.00- One Tee Chuck Ruggiero 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., Fed Message"from the series entitled: Divine will be held in late summer and a third community- especially disadvantaged Box sign, Recognition in tournament & the Ed's 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m .; Sun . La Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever in the fall .. children,as well as buying candles for brochures and at the event. Monetary Banda Rossa 6:30 p.m. to 9:30. Unlim­ Told by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC. At 3 p.m. Dates: Session 1: August 17 - August the Altar, Votives and Vigil Light, and var­ Donations are also gratefully accepted. ited rides for $13 Sunday 1 p.m. to 4. Re­ the program includes Vespers (Evening 20, Session 2: August 24 - August 27, ious projects throughout the year. A Checks can be written to St.Ann's or St. ligious Sunday at 5 p.m . Prayer), Exposition of the Most Blessed Session 3: October 6 - October 8, new shed at the back of the church is James' Church, P.O. Box 214, Speculator, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, the Divine Mercy Chaplet Features:families of all dimensions in- ready to receive donations of gently NY 12164, as well as Donations of Food, Sacrament. Giant fireworks Sunday night and Benediction . vited to enjoy a weekend in the Adiron­ used items, i.e. linens, blankets, sports Prizes and Raffle Items. at 9:30 p.m. Grounds open at 5:30 p.m. dacks, fun family workshops and items, appliances that work, kitchen­ Contact:Call Roger- 518 548-3635 Or Fri and 1 p.m. Sat. and Sun. All days' end STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL activities, liturgy and special prayer ware, etc. (no clothes though). email: [email protected] at 10 p.m. Port Leyden - St. Martin's Church is services. Take time for great outdoor ac­ Contact: For pick up call Ronni at 924- Contact: St. Anthony's parish office at holding its annual Strawberry Festival. tivities like paddle boat rides, beach vol­ 7661 or Pam at 924-2041. ADORATION AT ST. ANN'S 315-782-1190 Date: June 25 leyball, and hiking. Wells - Adoration of the Blessed Sacra­ PARISH PICNIC Time: 4 p.m. to 7 Contact: Register online at: ment to be held first Thursday of the BEREAVEMENT MEETING Place: Church lawn on North Street Speculator - StJames' and St. Ann's month. Watertown - Ecumenical Bereavement Features: Strawberry shortcake, Sixth Annual Parish Picnic will be held. Date:July 6 Meeting to be held. strawberry sundaes, hamburgers, Hoff­ Kof CPILGRIMAGE Date:July 23 Time: 8:30 a.m . Mass Date: June 26 man hot dogs, sausage, peppers and Isle la Motte, Vt. -The Knights of Time: 2 p.m. to 5 Place: St. Ann's Time: 7 p.m. onions, and beverages. Activities include Columbus from the Diocese of Ogdens­ Place: Speculator pavilion Place: Sisters of StJoseph Hearthside a Chinese auction, cake walk, 50/50 raf­ burg will hold their 24th annual bus trip Features: Coordinators of this years ADORATION AT STJAMES Hospitality Center fle, and music by the Adirondack Chorus. to St.Anne's Shrine. picnic are Linda Slack, Cathy Rogers and Lake Pleasant - Adoration ofthe Speaker: Kathy Strader, Director of The raffle this year is a fire pit made pos­ Date: July 22 and 23 Deborah Walters. Sign up early Blessed Sacrament to be held first Friday Drunken Driver Awareness sible by Dolhof Hardware in Lyons Falls Cost: $150 person includes the bus, all of the month. Topic: "Facing the Reality of Grief" GOLF TOURNAMENT and two cedar Adirondack chairs built by meals and the overnight lodging in the Date: July 7 the South Lewis FFA class. Tickets are $1 new cabins at the Shrine. Lake Pleasant - St. Ann's and StJames' Time: 8:30 a.m. Mass APPRECIATION DINNER for one or 6 for $5.00. Drawing will be Features: The trip will depart from IHC will be holding their 6th Annual "Sum Place: StJames Major Watertown - The Watertown Knights of that evening. Intermediate (St. Pat's) at 9 a.m. and will mer Heat" GolfTournament. Columbus, Council No. 259, Watertown, return around Sunday at 9 p.m. Pick up Date:July 29 JEFFERSON announced that it is co-sponsoring with SUMMER SOCIAL points will be along the way. Mass will Time: 8 a.m. Shotgun start MOUNT CARMEl FEAST the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Constableville - St. Mary's Church to be celebrated on Sun at 12:15 p.m. with Place: Lake Pleasant Golf Course Watertown - St. Anthony's Church will Bishop Conroy General Assembly, No. 699 hold 11th Annual Summer Social Bishop Terry LaValley. Cost: Foursome/Scramble. $65 per celebrate its 101st Annual Mt.Carmel aTestimonial and Appreciation Dinner Date: July 12 ContactWiliiamOseofAdams at315- person includes cart Feast in honor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. for long time serving and local Knight, Time: 5 p.m. to 7 232-4433 for info and to register. NOR TH e 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 LIe II I\. n:::'l: A liS J U N E 21, 2 °1 7 ______------ll ______--" '--1_"\IL _ V_V ' _ ----=-..: OBITUARIES The Pontifical Mission Societies of the Canton - Donald C.Wilson, 74,Funeral Watertown - Kay (Dwyer)Dawson, 82, Watertown - Joanne F. (Artz) Derrigo, Diocese of Ogdensburg, Inc. services June 10,2017 at St. Mary's Funeral services June 16,2017 at Holy 86, Fun eral serv ices June 13,2017 at Church; burial in parish cemetery. Family Church Reed and Benoit Funeral Hom e; burial in ,,~~~e The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Glenwood cemetery. 5r. Mary Ellen Brett, 5SJ, Director Canton - John F. Klemens, 95, Funeral 622 Washington St., Ogdensburg, NY 13669 (3 15 ) 393-2920; lax 1-866-314-7296 services June 9,2017 at St. Mary's [email protected] Church; burial in parish cemetery. Peaceful Dove Books & Gifts 164 Boynton Ave. Sq., Ste 304, Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12901 ' Carthage -Ida (Haley) Aubin, 87, Fu­ e Bibles, Crosses, Missals, Rosaries, Medals, Cards neral services June 12,2017 at StJames e Baptism Apparel and Accessories, Statues, Candles Catholic Charities: Church; burial in St. Mary's Cemetery, e Wedding, Sacramental Gifts, Music, DVDs, Recovery Copenhagen e Willow Tree Products, Seasonal & More! Gifts of the Spirit! Shipping Available! lOOth anniversary Louisville - Vergil Octavious Smith, 48, Funeral June 16,2017 at Stlawrence Hours: M-F 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Ogdensburg is cele­ Church; burial in parish cemetery. (518) 561-5083 brating its 100th year of serving our community and its Mrs. Linda Bracy and Ms. Mary Beth Bracy people. Their mission statement reads, ''The mission of Malone - Richard "Joe" Gokey, 82, Fu­ Catholic Charities is to respond to the needs of the most neral services June 10,2017 at Notre vulnerable members of our communities. Inviting the in­ Dame Church; burial in parish cemetery volvement of the Church and the community, Catholic @!~ ,~~ Charities fulfills this mission by empowering people Massena- James J. Keese, 90, Funeral ~"MONASTERY CARD SHOP"'!{fjS through direct aid, counseling, community programs, out­ A(( reach and advocacy. Our mission is based on Gospel values services June 5,2017 at Phillips Memo­ Ca.rdS for Occasions of respect for the dignity and sanctity of human life, charity rial Home; burial in St. Mary's cemetery r:Mass 'EnrO((lIlellt-s for !Jour riving & aeceasea rovea ones. and justice, according to the teachings of the Roman Morrisonville - Joanne M. (Barnard) Precious Blood Monastery Ryan, 70, Funeral services June 14,2017 opeN: 9 AN[ - 5 PM at St. Alexander 's Church; burial in parish SATURDAY 9 AM -12 PM Celebratmg 100 years of Service 1917·2017 Catholic Chanties cemetery 400 PRATT ST., WATERTOWN [koce",ofOsd