Howard Willard Cook, Our Poets of Today
MODERN AMERICAN WRITERS OUR POETS OF TODAY Our Poets of Today BY HOWARD WILLARD COOK NEW YORK MOFFAT, YARD & COMPANY 1919 COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY MOFFAT, YARP & COMPANY C77I I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remembering my good friends: JULIA ELLSWORTH FORD WITTER BYNNER KAHLIL GIBRAN PERCY MACKAYE 4405 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To our American poets, to the publishers and editors of the various periodicals and books from whose pages the quotations in this work are taken, I wish to give my sincere thanks for their interest and co-operation in making this book possible. To the following publishers I am obliged for the privilege of using selections which appear, under their copyright, and from which I have quoted in full or in part: The Macmillan Company: The Chinese Nightingale, The Congo and Other Poems and General Booth Enters Heaven by Vachel Lindsay, Love Songs by Sara Teasdale, The Road to Cas- taly by Alice Brown, The New Poetry and Anthology by Harriet Monroe and Alice Corbin Henderson, Songs and Satires, Spoon River Anthology and Toward the Gulf by Edgar Lee Masters, The Man Against the Sky and Merlin by Edwin Arlington Rob- inson, Poems by Percy MacKaye and Tendencies in Modern American Poetry by Am> Lowell. Messrs. Henry Holt and Company: Chicago Poems by Carl Sandburg, These Times by Louis Untermeyer, A Boy's Will, North of Boston and Mountain Interval by Robert Frost, The Old Road to Paradise by Margaret Widdener, My Ireland by Francis Carlin, and Outcasts in Beulah Land by Roy Helton. Messrs.
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