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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 159, Pt. 1 January 638 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 159, Pt. 1 January 24, 2013 also allow Federal agencies to suspend West Symphony’s outstanding efforts He moved to Nashville to begin and debar contractors who repeatedly to provide quality outreach and edu- study, working an 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. violate the employment and reemploy- cational opportunities for our commu- graveyard shift as a hospital orderly to ment rights of members of the uni- nities and our schools. save enough money to send for his wife formed services. Finally, it would pro- Mr. President, I know that you and and family, which he was able to do by vide the Special Counsel with author- all our colleagues will join me in salut- 1946. He finished Meharry in 1949 and ity to subpoena attendance, testimony, ing two great American artists and moved to New York City to begin in- and documents from Federal employees this year’s Bravo Award winners, Alan ternship at Harlem Hospital. He had and agencies in order to carry out in- and Marilyn Bergman.∑ wanted to return to Baltimore, but the vestigations related to USERRA. f city hospital there paid interns $15 per Mr. President, there are a number of month with free room. Harlem paid $50 REMEMBERING DR. CARL great training and employment pro- per month, enough to rent a one bed- EVERETT DRAKE, SR. grams available to veterans. This legis- room apartment for the family. After lation would strengthen such programs ∑ Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, Dr. internship and a new baby—Michael, and make certain that veterans have Carl Everett Drake, Sr. died peacefully 1950—the family moved across the and maintain access to those programs. of natural causes at his home in Sac- George Washington Bridge to Engle- That is what our veterans are entitled ramento Thursday evening. He was 99. wood, NJ. Carl began his life as a work- to and that is what we must deliver. Carl Drake was born on August 21, 1913 ing physician with a grueling schedule in Neptune, NJ, the second son of f that consisted of steady employment in James and Lucy Bingham Drake. Carl the ER at Harlem Hospital, a grave- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS was educated in the public schools yard shift, 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., followed where he was an outstanding student by a junior partnership in a local New and even better multisport athlete. His York physician’s office from 9 to noon, RECOGNIZING MARILYN AND ALAN State high school long jump mark of then home to Jersey to sleep, dinner at BERGMAN 21′ 10″ stood for over 25 years. His tal- 6, and then a few private patients seen ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, the ents brought him to the attention of in a room converted to a makeshift great song lyricists Alan and Marilyn coaches from Morgan State College in medical office in the house until 9, be- Bergman are being honored by the New Baltimore, MD, the top ranked college fore returning to work for the 11 p.m. West Symphony with its Bravo Award football program available to African shift in Harlem. When asked later for their extraordinary leadership, American players in the 1930s. His com- about this level of commitment he re- their contributions to the Visions of bination of size, speed, and ferocity plied that he was mainly ‘‘grateful for America multimedia project, and their won him a starting spot on the cham- a chance to actually work.’’ deep and longstanding commitment to pionship football team. At 6′ 1″ and 205 This schedule was of course music education and the performing pounds—huge at the time—he was a unsustainable, and a fascination with arts. I look forward to paying tribute bruising, standout guard, playing both the newly emerging field of psychiatry to them at the New West Symphony’s offense and defense. The team went led him to, at 40, begin training in psy- event in Los Angeles. undefeated for his entire career. He was chiatry at Graystone State Hospital. Alan and Marilyn Bergman are two team captain, had the honor of wearing During residency he continued his of the world’s best-known and best- jersey No. 1, and held the team ball in home office practice after dinner to loved lyricists. From the 1950s calypso the national championship photos. help support a family that had grown hit ‘‘Yellow Bird’’ and Frank Sinatra’s At Morgan he was active in several to four children with the addition of ‘‘Nice ’n’ Easy’’ to Oscar-winning lyrics student organizations, including the Barry in 1952. In 1957, after completing for ‘‘The Way We Were’’ and ‘‘The Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, which he residency he looked nationally, and Windmills of Your Mind’’ to themes for joined in 1933. He began dating an at- made the bold decision to move to Sac- many of America’s favorite television tractive and studious coed who worked ramento to join a newly burgeoning series, the Bergmans have been con- as the dean’s secretary, even joining State mental health system. Prior to tributing to the Great American Song- the glee club to demonstrate to her his this, no one in the family had ever been book for more than 50 years. They have ‘‘softer’’ side. Carl and Beatrice Hayes west of Tennessee. Arriving in Sac- won three Academy Awards (including were married in September 1937. They ramento in July 1958, he worked for the one for the score of Yentl), four settled in Baltimore, she began work as State during the day, and as had al- Emmys, two Grammys, and two Golden a social worker, and he, having left ways been the case set up a small pri- Globe Awards. school after football a few credits short vate practice in rented space in the They have also worked tirelessly to of graduation, took a job in the post of- evenings. Financial obligations in- promote the arts and champion our fice. Professional football was not cluded supporting a son in college and creative community. Marilyn served available, but his training made him stiff mortgage payments on a modern for 15 years as President and Chairman valuable at handling mail sacks. Two house in an upscale, and for the first of the Board of the American Society children, Carl Jr., 1939, and Beatrice, time integrated, neighborhood. of Composers, Authors and Publishers 1940, followed, along with a chronic In Sacramento Carl and Bea joined a (ASCAP), the world’s foremost per- back injury that led to a job shift that small circle of middle class African forming rights organization. In 2002, relied more on his college schooling Americans who had also moved west to she was appointed the first chairman of than his strength. make a new life. A handful of doctors, the Library of Congress National Ruled out of active military service lawyers, a defense contractor, and a fu- Sound Recording Preservation Board. due to his back injury, he re-enrolled neral home owner formed a social Alan serves as a member of the Li- in school to complete his college de- group anchored by the ‘‘Couples Club,’’ brary of Congress National Film Pres- gree, and in 1944, at the urging of Bea, which met on Saturdays once a month ervation Board, the Johnny Mercer applied to medical school. He could not for a rotating house party. There were Foundation Board, the Artists’ Rights attend the segregated University of also civic activities like the Lions Foundation Board, and the Jazz Bak- Maryland, but under the ‘‘separate but Club, competitive chess, and the ery Board of Directors. equal’’ concept of Jim Crow laws, the NAACP, as well as the local chapter of And together, Alan and Marilyn State of Maryland instead paid his tui- Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc. The names of serve on the executive committee of tion to attend Meharry Medical Col- these pioneers: Colley, Jones, Morris, the Music Branch of the Academy of lege, in Nashville, TN, one of the two Morrissey, Nance, Rutland, Stewart, Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. medical schools in the county to edu- Trent, West, and a few others, are now They are also strong supporters of cate more than the occasional person a part of Sacramento history. In 1967 a music education, including the New of color. reduction in State supported mental VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:25 Aug 31, 2017 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR13\S24JA3.001 S24JA3 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with BOUND RECORD January 24, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 159, Pt. 1 639 health services affected clinics, includ- light dinner, he walked into the living Everhart of Marietta, GA. Sue is a dear ing the Sacramento branch where Carl room to sit in his favorite easy chair friend of mine who is one of the hardest was chief of psychiatry. The new Medi- and watch a few bowl games. He dozed working individuals in Georgia poli- care and Medicaid programs made pri- off, never to wake again. tics. In fact, Sue was elected chairman vate practice more viable for physi- Dr. Carl Drake left this life as he of the Georgia Republican Party in 2007 cians caring for low income patients. lived it, with great dignity and grace. and re-elected in 2009 and again in 2011, He converted to full time private prac- He came through the Depression, was making her the first chairman to serve tice, and the late 1960s and 1970s be- an All-American athlete, educated three consecutive terms. In 2009, Sue came a time of relative prosperity.
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