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S-128579-10 COMPLETO.Pdf 1 I p lEX-LIRRIS' p^j N 19217 THE ORCHID ALBUM. DEDICATED BY SPECIAL PERMISSION TO ($ <^P%fy <^yßl $* (*Qw* • f^^vfl)"* • Ufa mrnut BY HER ROYAL HIGHNESS' Very obedient and humble Servants, ROBERT WARNER, HENRY WILLIAMS. THE ORCHID ALBUM, COMPRISING COLOURED FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS Ol* NEW, RABE, AND BEAUTIFUL ORCHIDACEOUS PLANTS, CONDUCTED BY ROBERT WARNER, F.L.S., F.R.H.S., AÜTHOR OF SELECT ORCHIDACEOUS PLANTS, HENRY WILLIAMS, F L. S., F R. H. S., AND WILLIAM HUGH GOWER, F.R.H.S. THE COLOURED FIGURES BY JOHN KUGEKT FIT GH, F.L.S. VOLUME X LONDON: PUBLISHED BY B. S. WILLIAMS & SON, AT THE VICTORIA AND PARADISE NURSERIES, UPPER HOLLOWAY, N. MDCCCXOIII. INDEX TO PLATES PLATE PLATE ANGR^CUM CHAILLUANUM, Hook. f. 440DENDROBIU M INFUNDIBULUM, CALANTHE VESTITA OWENIANA, Lindley 448 Williams 464 DENDROBIUM WARDIANUM ALBUM, CATASETUM ATRATUM, Lindley 480 Williams 450 DISA TRIPETALOIDES, N. E. Brown 462 CATASETUM LONGIFOLIUM, Lindley. 456 EPIDENDRUM DICHROMUM AMA- CATTLEYA CITRINA, Lindley 469 BILE, Bateman 452 CATTLEYA DOW IANA AURBA STAT- L^LIA ANCEPS SCHRODERIANA, TERIANA, Williams var. 468 Bchb.f. 473 CATTLEYA MOSSI^l REINBCKIANA, L^LIA AUTÜMNALIS ALBA, Williams 451 Bchb.f 461 L^LIA EXONIENSIS, Veitch 443 CATTLEYA TRIANiE REGINA, L^ELIA PR^ESTANS, Bchb.f. 433 Williams 466 L^LIO-CATTLEYA, DIGBYANA- CHYSIS BRACTESCENS, Lindley 446 MOSSLE, Bolfe 449 OELOGYNE LACTEA, Bchb.f. 459 LISSOCHILUS GIGANTEUS, Welwitsch 4Ö7 CCELOGf NE LENTIGINOBA, Lindley 442MAXILLARI A SANDERIANA, Bchb.f 463 CYMBIDIUM BBURNEUM, Lindley 467 ODONTOGLOSSUM EDWA.RDI, EcM./. 465 CYMBIDIUM LOWIANUM, Bchb.f 471 ODONTOGLOSSUM PRIONOPETALUM, CYMBIDIUM PENDULUM, Lindley 437 Lawrence 474 CYPRIPEDIUM INSIGNE MOOR- ODONTOGLOSSUM ROSSII ALBENS, BANUM, Williams 445 Williams 434 CYPRIPEDIUM NIOBE, Rolfe 438 ODONTOGLOSSUM TRIUMPHANS AUREUM, Williams 460 CYPRIPEDIUM ORPHANUM, Ä;A&./. 455 ONCIDIUM LOXENSE, Lindley 439 CYPRIPEDIUM PITCHERIANUM, William's var. 453ONCIDIU M PHYMATOCHILUM, Lindley 470 CYPRIPEDIUM VEXILLARIUM, ONCIDIUM SARCODES, Lindley 477 Bchb.f. 447 ORNITHOOEPHALUS GRANDI- DENDROBIUM ATRO-VIOLACEUM, FLORUS, Lindley 472 Bolfe 444 PHAIUS COOKSONII, Bolfe 478 DENDROBIUM CILIATUM, Parish 454 PLEUROTHALLIS ROEZLII, Bchb.f. 476 DENDROBIUM CRASSINODE ALBUM, RENANTHBRA ROHANIANA, Bchb. f. 435 Williams 458 THRIXSPERMUM BEUKELKYI, Bchb.f 436 DENDROBIUM CRYSTALLINUM, TRICHOPILIA HYMENANTHA, Bchb.f 479 Bchb.f. 441 VANDA TERES ANDERSONII, Williams 475 INDEX TO NOTES AND SYNONYMS. UNDER PLATE UNDER PLATE A gigantic Cattleya 470 Cypripedium Gaskellianum, Gower 432 A New Orchid Pot 458 Dendrobium crassinode albiflorum, Hort. 458 Angraecum arcuatum, Lindley 440 Dendrobium Moulmeinense, Hort., Low 448 Awards made by the Committee of the Dendrobium Phalaenopsis 479 Royal Horticultural Society for the Dendrobium Phalasnopsis üellense, Hort., Second Quarter, 1891 436 Sander 460 Awards made by the Committee of the Bpidendrum amabile 452 Royal Horticultural Society for the Third Epidendrum citrinum, Bchb.f. 469 Quarter, 1891 445 Epidendrum dichromum, Lindl. 452 Awards made by the Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society for the Fourth Epidendrum pendulum, Boxburgh . 437 Quarter, 1891 449 Laelia autumnalis alba, Williams 448 4h Awards made by the Committee of the Laelia elegans leucbtata, Measures 469 Royal Horticultural Society for the First Laelia grandis tenebrosa, Gower . 468 Quarter, 1892 457 Monocanthus longifolius, Hooker 456 Awards made by the Committee of the Odontoglossum spectatissimum 460 Royal Horticultural Society for the Odontoglossum Uro-Skinneri album, Gower 474 Second Quarter, 1892 461 Oncidium Rigbyanum, Paxton 477 Cattleya citrin a aurantiaca, Gower 472 Oncidium Wheatleyanum, Gower 476 Cattleya exoniensis, Bchb. f 443 Orchis tripetaloides, L. f. 462 Cattleyas from Llandudno 468 Pleurothallis laurifolia, Bchb. f. 476 Cattleya gigas Sanderiana, Hort. 470 Sarcochilus Berkeleyi, Hook. f. 436 Cattleya Karwinskü, Martins 469 Sobralia citrina, La Llave 469 Cattleya maxima, Lindley 459 Cattleya Mossiae Hardyae, Gower 471 Specimen Orchids at Gouville, France 441 Cattleya Mossi*» Reineckiana, Bchb. f. 467 The Temple Show 465 Cattleya Schofieldiana, Bchb. f. 438 The Williams Memorial Fund 451 Cypripedium callosum Sanderae, Hort. 470 Thrixspermum Berkeleyi, Rchb.f 436 PL '£> J.Nugeni"FLi*. B S.Williams k Son PuW**5 L.ELIA PERSTANS L^LIA P1LESTANS. [PLATE 433.J Native of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Epiphytal. A dwarf slender-growing plant, forming a horizontal rhizome, from which proceed roots on the lower side, and above small terete pseudobnlbs, which are clothed with sheathing scales ; they are oblong, marked with slightly depressed parallel lines, some two inches in length, and bearing on the apex a single lead which is linear oblong, coriaceous in texture, about five inches in length, and one inch in breadth, deep green. Peduncle arising from a large sheath at the base of the leaf, and bearing a single flower which ineasures some four incbes or more across. Sepals oblong, acute, spreading; petals ovate, much broader than the sepals, all of a rieh deep rosy purple ; lip large, three-lobed, thick and fleshy texture, trumpet-shaped, the side lobes enclosing the column and overlapping, middle lobe reflexed, deep rieh purple, the throat orange-yellow. Column triquete. LAELIA PK/ESTANS. Reichenbach fil, More des Serres, xviii., t. 1900. Botanical Magazine, t. 5498. Bateman's 2nd Century Orchidaceous Plauts, t. 128. Reichenbachia, series iL, vol. i., t. 6. CATTLEYA PUMILA MAJOR, Illustration Horticole, t. 193. BLETIA PERSTANS, Reichenbach, Xenia Orchidacea, iL. t. 114. Walper's Annales, Botanicas Systematica, vi., 325. The plant here depicted is somewhat rare in collections; there appears however, to be some differences of opinion respecting its specific distinetion. Some authors make this to be only a variety of Laelia pumila, which is variously known as Cattleya pumila, C. marginata, C. Pinelii, C. speetabilis, etc., etc., but we think there is sufficient character about it to Warrant us in adopting the specific distinetion given it by Reichenbach in the first instance. It is now about fifty years ago since the plant was first introduced to European gardens, having been found growing upon the stems and branches of trees in Santa Catarina, at some 2,000 to 2,500 feet elevation. The speeimen from which our Illustration was taken, flowered with us in our own establishment, the Victoria and Paradise Nurseries, in the month of October, in the year 1890; and we have frequently observed that when the plant likes its surroundings, and is growing strongly and vigorously, it will produce two crops of bloom in one season, flowering first in the late spring months, after which it grows again, flowering on the new growths towards the end of autumn. Lalia prmstans is a dwarf evergreen plant, which from growing at considerable elevations, must not be placed in too high a temperature ; in fact, we have observed Y that during the summer months the plant succeeds well in the warm end of the Odontoglossum house, hung up close to the roof-glass, but shaded from the direct rays of the sun during the hottest part of the day. During the growing season it delights in an abundant supply of water to its roots, but the drainage must be in good working order, so that it may be carried away quickly, and at the same time the atmosphere should be maintained in a moist and growing state. After blooming, water should be withheld to a great extent, but on no account must the plant be so dried as to cause it to suffer from drought, for when this occurs much mischief is done, causing it to shrivel, from which State it is frequently very difficult to get it to start into fresh growth in the following spring. During the winter the atmosphere must be maintained in a dry state, and the temperature should not be allowed to fall below 55° or 60°. The soil should consist of good peat fibre and some sphagnum moss, adding some nodules of charcoal, but very little soil is necessary, and this should be made firm and sound. A small white scale is very apt to infest this plant, and if not cleaned away in time it works sad mischief; so look the plant or plants over carefully and frequently, wiping away this or any other insect which may be upon them. AWAEDS MADE BY THE ORCHID COMMITTEE OF THE ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, FOR THE SECOND QUARTER IN THE YEAR, 1891. APRIL 14th. First Class Certificate to Norman C. Cookson, Esq., Wylam-on- Tyne, for Dendrobium " Venus," a cross between D. nobile and D. Falconeri, the flowers of which very much resemble those of D. Falconeri giganteum. First Class Certificate to Baron Schröder, The Dell, Egham, for Epidendrum Dellense, a hybrid between E. xanihinum and E. radicans; the flowers are of a rieh orange-scarlet, larger than E. xanthinum, but very much resembling that species in shape; a very fine variety. First Class Certificate to Baron Schröder for Odontoglossum Dellense, a supposed natural hybrid between 0. Pescatorei and 0. pranitens; it resembles somewhat a densely spotted form of O. excellens, the chief difference being in the crest and the column. APRIL 2Ist. First Class Certificate to Sir Trevor Lawrence, Bart., M.P., for Odontoglossum Pescatorei "Prince of Orange," a very beautiful form, having the ground colour of rieh yellow, the sepals and petals freely spotted with chocolate. First Class Certificate to J. Larkin, Esq., Delrow, Watford, for Oncidium Larkinianum, a beautiful form which was figured by us on plate 405, vol. ix., to which we would beg to refer our readers. MAY 28th. First Class Certificate to Sir Trevor Lawrence, Bart., M.P., Baron Schröder, and Mr. F. Sander for Aerides Savageanum, a species introduced by the last named. The flowers are somewhat small, of a brilliant crimson; it is a very distinet and handsome species, evidently different from anything known. {Continued under Plate 434.) B.S.William. ODONTOGLOSSUM ROSSII ALBENS ODONTOGLOSSUM EOSSII ALBENS. [PLATE 434.] Native of Mexico. Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs somewhat oblong-ovate, slightly compressed at the edges, smooth when young, becoming slightly wrinkled with age.
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