Volume Xxii. No. 12, Red Bank, N. J., Wednesday, September 13,1899. Pages 1 to 8. Town-Properties Sold, Ely ^Conover Killed
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.-' '.f VOLUME XXII. NO. 12, RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1899. PAGES 1 TO 8. TOWN-PROPERTIES SOLD, THREE WILLS PROBATED. ELY ^CONOVER KILLED. jane White, .on the 'Conrqw homestead SWINDLING A RAILROM Ex-Judge Pitney/ Vurtls's Estate at East Red Bank. Besides her sister, TWO NEW STORES TO BE BUILT Goes to His Daughters. ~~ HIS SEULLFRACTURED LAST two brothers survive • her. They are SYSTEMATIC STEALING AT AT- Lyttleton White of Eatbntown and Bar- _. _.;.... ON BROAB>. STBEET, .„ _Ex-JudgePitneyCurtisof Wall town- SATURDAY. LANTIC HIGHLANDS. V zilla White of Freehold. The funeral ship made his will October -22d, 1888. lie Was Walking on a Railroad Slany Tickets Used for Which the Dr. J. E. Satire Sells hie Broad The witnesses were Daniel H.Applegate was held on, Sunday afternoon at half- Street Plot of Fifty Weet Front to '. Track atSheepshead Bay When ii past two o'clock at the house. The servr Railroad Company Beceived no , .B. W. tileason, Who Wilt Put Up a of Red Bank and-David S. Grater "and Train Came Vp Behind Him and Iteneflt ~ A Bootblack "Arrested Handsome Building- Nathan J, Conover of Freehold.; Mr. Struck Him—Other Deaths; ' ice was conducted by Rev. Robert Mac- With 58 Tickets ttt His Pockets. Kellar, rector of Trinity church'. Miss 1 Curtis directed that all his debts and fu- Samuel Ely Conover of Lincroft was A swindled whereby tho- Central rail--'- - • R. W. Gleason has bought from Dr. J. White had been a member of the church neral expenses be paid and,that a monir struck by a train at Sheepshead Bay last road company has lost thousands of dol-,' E. Sayre the two lots on Broad street, a great many years. The body was ment be erected over his grave. Appeo- Saturday morning. He died half an lara has just been unearthed at Atlantio Red BanK, adjoining the •' Mercantile buried at Shrewsbury. bank. The piot~78:50i80".-ifeelfand'Mr. ial bequest of his stock in the First Na- hour later.•"" The body was brought home Highlands.. For Bomejtime past it.has • Gleason paid $7,000 for it. Mr.' Glea6on tional bank of Red Bank was made to his and the funeral was held at his late Isaac James Grimshaw. _ been common report at Atlantio High- daughter, Flora Curtis. To his wife, lands that tickets to New York by boat expects to build two three-story brick residence at, two o'clock this afternoon. Isaac James Grimshaw of Freehold Julia N. Curtis, he left the homestead could be bought at'a, considerable reduc- •buildings~ori- the lot,, the^ first floor of The burial was at the Holmdel cemetery. died at the Long Branch hospital on farnd, together with the household fur?. tion from the regular rate if one knev?: which will be used as stored. The style Mr. Conover was a breeder of racing Saturday, September 3d, aged 69 years. nitu re, farming utensils, live stock, hove to go about it. The regular rate 'to : of the buildings will be similar to that of horses and had several entered at Sheeps- He had been sick but a short time. He grai), etc, as long as she should live. New York ia gjl for the round trip, but. the Mercantile bank. head Bay this season. He was on his was taken to the hospital on the morn- At 1 er death this property, together with many tickets have been sold, according The sale ot,this property by Dr. Sayre way to the race track when he was ing of his death and an operation was the residue of his estate, is to be equally to those who profess to know, as low as- , marks the last of bis holdings in the plot killed. He. had taken a'trolley car-to performed in the afternoon. He rallied ; divided between his two daughters, Flora fifty cents for the round trip. -he bought at the corner Of Broad and the Sheepsbead Bay station," and-from after the'operation, but his heart was Curtis and Julia L. Osborn. Howard Wallace' street about"twelvei years ago. there he-was to tako the train to tho too Weak to stand the shock. Mr. Grim- The conditions at Atlantic Highlands Osborn was appointed executor of the fie bought the property from A. A. Pat- race tracki The trolley carried him shaw was born at New York. He roar--attending the sale and use of boat tickets will with power to sell all the real estate terson and paid $4,000 for it. ,The origi- past the station and in going back to the ried Miss Susan Franklyn of Brooklyn. are different from almost any other .part except the homestead farm. Mr. Cur- nal plot had a frontage, of 75 feet on station he walked on the railroad track. They moved to Freehold 27, years ago, of the country. A person who buys .a tis's estate is valued at $50,000 to $75,000. Broad street and was about 125 feet A train came up behind him at a slow where Mr. Grimshaw was employed as ticket at Atlantic Highlands for New •deep. Arthur L. Conover of Lincroffc, who rate of sp^ed. The engineer blew the a. moulder in Combs & Bawden's iron York, takes, a. train_from .the. Atlantio . About two years ago Dr. Sayre sold died on August 14th, left all his real.es- whistle and rang the bell, but Mr. Cono- foundry. Ha had been employed by" Highlands station to the end of the pier.: the lot on the corner of the street to the tate and, personal property to his wife, ver was deaf and he did not hear it. that firm ever since. Mr,. GrimBhaw ThejticketiB not taken up nor punched Mercantile bank for $5,000. This lot Catherine Conover, as long as she should The train struck Mr. Conover. and the was an exempt fireman, having been in by the conductor on the train, but' ia was 25x90 feet. He moved his bouse live. At her death the estate is to be cowcatcher Knocked his legs from under service in the Freehold fire department handed to a gatemen on the pier at .the to the rear of the lot and'made it'front equally divided among his children. him. He fell back on the engine and for twenty years. He was a member of entrancetothe boats. After,the boat has on Wallace street. A little later he sold The children are John R. Conover of the* back ofhi's h'ead struck the bumper the Firemen's Relief association and of left the pier the gatemen take the tickets the house and lot on Wallace street to Lincroft, Mrs. 'William Antonides of of the engine. His skull was fractured the Knights of the Golden Eagle. Mr. into an office on the pier and punch W. B. Hoenemann for $8,000. This lot Morrisville, Mrs. Augustus Flandreau of and his deathenBued shortly afterward. Grimshaw leaves a widow; three sons them. After the tickets have been was about 85x75 feet. The sale, of the Fartningdale, Mrs. Frank Fenton of New There were-no other marks upon his and a daughter. punched they areiworthless and cannot remaining two lots on Broad street to Bedford and Henry A. Conover of Little body, except a slight bruise on Iris legs, bo used again. \ ; Mr. Gleason gives him a total of $15,000 Silver. The witnesses were Henry Field where they were Btruck by the cow- Sirs. Ella J. Cooper. There are four regular gatemen. Some for the property which he bought twelve and Robert M. Hurley. The will was catcher. ' Mrs. Ella J. Cooper, wife of Frank of the conductors of the train are called years ago for $4,000. made February 19th, 1897. Mrs. Cono- Word wassent to Mr. Conover's family Cooper of Catherine street, died early into service to help take tickets when Business men generally, and the real ver and her sons, Henry A. and John R. and Undertaker Robert T. Smith went to on Monday morning, aged 48 years. there is an unusual rush. The gatemen estate men also, consider the price raid Conover, were appointed executors of Sheapshead Bay on Saturday afternoon Death was caused by a complication of are Lewis Morris and Murray Foster of for the property a fair one both to the the will. to take charge of the body. Luther diseases. She had been ailing for about Atlantic Highlands, Elmer Geran of buyer and the seller. The' property is Eleanor M. Dye of Wall township made Schenok, who. has oharge of the Withers BIX months, but was not taken seriously Matawan and Allan Miles of Long some distance from the main business her will December 22d, 1894. The wit-farm at Lincroft, accompaned Mr. Smith. sick until about three weeks ago. From Branch. part of the town,,but the fact that it nesses were Hubbard Fonnan and Edwin The body wasbrought to Red Bank Mon- that time, until her death . she sank One day this suinner, while the rail- adjoins the Mercantile bank gives it P. Longstreet of Manasquan. She left day afternoon and was then removed to rapidly. She was conscious until about road officials were making up. their re- .added, value. The business of Bed Bank her household - goods to her daughter, Mr. Conover's late home at Lincrpffc. three hours before her death. Mrs. ports of the Atlantic Highlands station is confined principally to Broad street, Isabella M. Griggs. To her grandson, Mr. Conover. was 72 years old.