INSIDE ofBroward CountySheriff’sPhoto courtesy Office LIFESTYLE HAPPENINGS GOOD TASTEIN CLASSIFIED BUSINESS ...... More than 40 workers’ compclaimswereMore than40workers’ filed, aresult Broward Countysheriffby Gov. RonDe deputies were filingclaims. few days their injuriesbearoutthatevery compensationreport, butdatesof workers’ andlastnamesareredactedfromthe first pilinguponJan.21.Deputies’ started onboth.Theinjuries working has started staff andalackoftrainingfacility Tony saidhefounddeficiencyintraining as thetoppoliceofficialinBroward County. Jan. 12appointmentofTony, whotookover plaint onceheheardabouttheinjuries. Deputies Associationfiledagrievance com records clerk. igation,” accordingtotheBroward Sheriff’s The filehasbeenredacteddueto“openlit sources saidhassufferedabraininjury. records isonefor“DeputyBlake,” who tochestpain.Excludedfromthe eardrum joint pain, broken fingers, aperforated obtained by of Sheriff Gregory Tony’sof SheriffGregory defensive-tactics training T Tony was appointedtothepositionas The recordofinjuriescoincideswiththe The headoftheBroward Sheriff’s Office rangefrom The physical injuriesreported ...... Broward County’s Tony SheriffGregory has beenheavily criticizedfollowing a deputies attackonaBlackteenager. The Miami Times The ing have beenfiled over thepastfourmonths, accordingtoareport compensationclaims. to aslew ofworkers’ of-force policysincehebegan.Butramped-updeputytraininghasled he Broward Sheriff’s Officesays Gregory Tony hasn’t changedtheuse- Volume 96Number38 Forty-six workers’ compensationcomplaintsstemmingfromtrain workers’ Forty-six 5C 1C 11B 8B OBITUARIES HEALTH& WELLNESS FAITH CALENDAR & YOURSYOU [email protected] . NYAMEKYE DANIEL - ...... | training thatsomeSWAT deputies - - MAY 8-14, 2019| This photoillustrationdepicts ...... SEE PAINS 6A plan fora$30-milliontrainingfacility. twice before. forelection,he willrun whichhehaswon if theFloridaSenatedoesn’t reinstatehim, Israel isseekinghisjobbackandhassaid 30 were injuredinapanicthatensued. were killedandeightwounded.Morethan inJan.6, 2017,Airport whenfivepeople Lauderdale-HollywoodInternational Fort injured inFeb. 14, 2018andtheotherat in Parkland thatleft17deadandasmany StonemanDouglasHighSchool at Marjory Israel handledtwomassshootings:one DeSantis removed Israel, citingtheway filled by elections by thecitizenry. But in January. Thesheriff’s postisusually Santis afterthesuspensionofScottIsrael two-story, plans, isa architectural Training Center, asitisdubbedinthe have receivedinthepast. In his100-day address, Tony toutedthe The Broward Sheriff’s OfficeRegional ...... Photo courtesy: Broward Sheriff Photo courtesy: 12D 9D 8D 7D - | Ninety-Three Cents 10D

prom outfit the perfect Picking Illustration by Mitzi Williams-Ogburn Mitzi by Illustration secures cityattorney job Norris-WeeksBurnadette Opa-locka to represent firm Black All-female law. The otherattorneys includestate Rep. is experienced ingovernmental relations the city. legal counsel ismore thanfamiliar with Professional Association, Opa-locka’s new case alltheway to federal court. November. Norris-Weeks took Snipes’ moved herfrom herpostat theendof Snipes when then-Gov. RickScott re Opa-locka hashired to defend it. Brenda Snipesheads upthefirmthat instate Broward Supervisor of Elections [email protected] NYAMEKYE DANIEL years, before taking anexit out of thecity. firm. She sat onthedaisin 2008, for two dette Norris-Weeks, theshareholder of the time ifyou get selected?” times. Are you going to stay withusthis missioner Alvin Burke. “It’s hotsome May 6. special commission meeting onMonday, concerns, they selected thefirm at a calling itquits. represented thecity adecade ago before Lisa Crawford. , MichelleAustin Pamies and The all-female team of Blackattorneys A partner at Burnadette Norris-Weeks Burnadette Norris-Weeks represented The attorney who ledthefight to re “That was avery different dynamic at The question was addressed to Burna “You ran out onuslasttime,” said Com Although thecommissioners had some Norris-Weeks Professional Association Burnadette Norris-WeeksBurnadette Michelle Austin Pamies 84° Today Dotie Joseph 8 90158 SEE FIRM6A 00100 - - - - - 0 Editorials Cartoons Opinions Letters

VIEWPOINT BLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN DESTINY | MAY 8-14, 2019 | Credo Of The Black Press MEMBER: National Newspaper Periodicals Postage The Miami Times Publisher Association paid at Miami, (ISSN 0739-0319) The Black Press believes that America MEMBER: The Newspaper POSTMASTER: Published Weekly at 900 NW 54th Street, can best lead the world from racial and Association of America Send address changes to recommends … Miami, Florida 33127-1818 national antagonism when it accords Subscription Rates: One Year THE MIAMI TIMES, Post Office Box 270200 to every person, regardless of race, $65.00 – Two Year $120.00 P.O. Box 270200 orth Miami voters will select a new mayor and Buena Vista Station, Miami, Florida 33127 creed or color, his or her human and Foreign $75.00 Buena Vista Station, Miami, FL Phone 305-694-6210 7 percent sales tax for Florida residents 33127-0200 • 305-694-6210 leaders for three council seats on Tuesday, May legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to H.E. SIGISMUND REEVES Founder, 1923-1968 14. Based on answers they gave on a questionnaire, help every person in the firm belief that N GARTH C. REEVES JR. Editor, 1972-1982 interviews and comments about their character from com- GARTH C. REEVES SR. Publisher Emeritus all persons are hurt as long as anyone munity members, The Miami Times believes these leaders RACHEL J. REEVES Publisher and Chairman is held back. understand the needs of the city and will serve its residents well.

MAYOR: MAC-KINLEY LAURISTON It is time to reimage a better America Mac-Kinley Lauriston is well known in North Miami. CHARLES M. BLOW, columnist, New York Times Though he recently bought a home he works and plays in the city. He has been under the tutelage of Miami-Dade County America, as we knew it, is Commissioner Jean Monestime, who represents that area in lost. District 2. Lauriston served as Monestime’s chief of staff for Not completely gone and nearly 10 years. not irrevocably ended, but Three of the candidates seeking the ceremonial mayorship forever altered. Or, maybe it A man held up a copy is fair to say that our concept post are people of African descent; one is Hispanic. Lauris- of America itself was a con- ton has to best Danielle Beauvais, Philippe Bien-Aime and of the Constitution on coction, that it was always Hector Medina for the two-year term position. The U.S. Cen- one solid body blow away Wednesday before sus Bureau in 2017 estimates North Miami’s population at from buckling at the knees. 62,308. It is the sixth largest in Miami-Dade County. Nearly Attorney General William Whichever the case, it is 59 percent of the residents are Black; whites make up about certainly true now that Don- Barr testified before the 33 percent; and Hispanics, 27 percent. ald Trump has tested our His motivation to serve others seems genuine, since he has institutions and our consti- Senate Judiciary watched families struggle most of his life. His parents set the tutions — both government Committee. example of trying to help others by extending micro-loans and personal — and found to friends and neighbors to help fund education or to start them all wanting, found them Photo courtesy of Erin Schaff/The New York Times a business. When he attended Miami Edison Senior High all weak, found them all vul- School, he met classmates whose parents struggled to pro- nerable to the ravaging. vide nourishment. While working with Monestime he had He has cowed once an- first-hand participation in responding to the district’s resi- ti-Trump Republican law- dents’ needs. makers into being his. Who North Miami needs leaders who can help it take its rightful can forget Lindsey Graham shrinking number of moder- acter would get the chance swagger, fear of placing a place in a large city set for growth and stability. More atten- in 2016 saying: ates who once simply toler- to sit in that seat. And now single foot wrong in the tion needs to be paid to activating the business district. Res- “I’m not going to try to ated the radicals so that they that he’s there, it has been 2020 run against Trump has idents are seeking affordable housing but funding has been get into the mind of Donald could benefit from their con- painfully underscored that left too many diffident and bundled into pork projects, which have been rejected by vot- Trump because I don’t think tributions and votes. removal is nearly impossible mousy. ers. Lauriston has 16 years’ experience as a financial analyst, there’s a whole lot of space He has secured enough and that power can go nearly Trump has chosen the which could benefit the council as it reviews financial state- there. I think he’s a kook. I support that it has insulat- unchecked. most extreme confrontation- ments from the city manager. His political trajectory seems think he’s crazy. I think he’s ed him from serious conse- No one is coming to save al posture toward congres- to have set him on a path to lead North Miami. For this rea- unfit for office.” quences for his corruption, us. No one is coming to re- sional oversight, virtually son, The Miami Times says vote yes for Lauriston. Well, Trump’s mind is un- lawlessness, ignorance and store this country and it guaranteeing that the execu- changed, but Graham’s isn’t. grift. Among Republicans, won’t self-resurrect. tive and legislative branches DISTRICT 1: SCOTT GALVIN Graham now obsequiously there are no watchdogs for This is all up to us. of government will be tied up Scott Galvin is a North Miami council veteran. During his serves Trump like a house this presidency, only lap The members of the Dem- in court for months, or even five consecutive terms, he is known to be dependable and re- elf from the “Harry Potter” dogs. ocratic leadership, petrified years. sponsive. He is being challenged by Vanessa Pierre who, like series. It is an incredible con- America naïvely believed that they might somehow All voters can do now is to that the presidency was for damage the party’s pros- look toward the raft of can- he, has live in North Miami all her life. Galvin has managed version to behold. Trump honorable men (women, pects in 2020, are dragging didates seeking to unseat to stay above the fray since he was first elected in 1999. He elevated the coarsest constit- shamefully, still haven’t been their feet on impeachment Trump and think first about moved to hire Larry Spring Jr., the city’s current city manag- uencies of the party — the given a shot), that the pres- like they’re wearing cement who is likely to be able to do er, after a four-month search led to the city’s former finance racists, the Nazis, the white ident of us would always shoes. that, but also about what we director. supremacists and white na- tionalists, the xenophobes in some form be the best of Whereas the blue wave of want the new America that But Galvin has been on the council that has seen the us. Few could conceive that the midterms filled Demo- rises from these ashes to look much-lauded North Miami Chinatown project virtually — while also charming and enchanting many of the a character who lacks char- crats with confidence and like. stall out. He says the city spends too much on parties and not enough on community service. We say form alliances that can vote down such dalliances and refocus on helping the citizens thrive. Pierre seems genuinely interested in her community. We are very optimistic about her. At age 30, she Sanders has a Black woman problem already has a doctor of education degree and is a Forbes Un- STEPHEN A. CROCKETT JR, editor, The Root der 30 nominee. We charge Galvin to take Pierre under his wing and help to During an appearance at a create the next generation of leadership for North Miami. He presidential candidates’ fo- should use the next four years to teach Pierre everything he rum sponsored by She the knows so that she can serve with integrity as he has done. It People, a group who looks to is for this reason, The Miami Times says vote yes for Galvin push more women of color to for one more term. the polls, Sanders was booed, heckled and looked a lot like DISTRICT 3: NO ONE he’d just brought a white wom- The candidates for District 3 are Wancito Francius, Mary en into his pro-Black mother’s Estimé-Irvin and Michael A. Etienne, the city’s current city house, The Washington Post clerk. For more information, please read “Ethics, election is- reports. sues dog some challengers” on page 3 of The Miami Times. Sanders gave canned an- For this reason, The Miami Times recommends none of these swers and struggled to win candidates. over the crowd of informed women, who have proven to DISTRICT 4: ALIX DESULME be the backbone of the Demo- By default, the incumbent is recommended to serve anoth- cratic Party. er term for the residents of District 4 in North Miami. Alix During one of the more po- Desulme has championed the stalled Chinatown project and larizing moments, host Aimee Allison asked Sanders what should seek to make it his legacy. The opportunities for trade he would do to fight white agreements with China seem obvious. The robust Chinese supremacist violence. Instead curriculum at Florida International University could use the of approaching the question support. His challengers are Nacivre Charles, Jean R. Mar- head on, Sanders decided to cellus and Claude Rivett. Charles is tied to disgraced mayor dive into his usual “I marched Lucie Tondreau and has served probation for campaign vi- Photo: Sergio Flores/Getty Images with Dr. King” speech, which Bernie Sanders gets rough ride at She the People presidential forum. olations. Marcellus wrote a check to run for North Miami is becoming Sanders’ standard mayor, which was dishonored by his bank. He was fined by “some of my best friends are lithic voting block, when they “For Black women specifi- the Florida Elections Commission. Rivett has no political ex- Black” response. are, in fact, informed. And let’s cally,” Reid reiterated. perience. The Miami Times says yes on Desulme. The women in the crowd be- face it, Sanders came to the Sanders responded: “Black gan groaning; one person even forum without substantial an- women will be an integral shouted “We know!” swers to questions that Black part of what our campaign, “And,—” Sanders tried to CARTOON CORNER Sanders was one of women care about. and what our administra- continue, but the crowd was Sanders embarrassed him- tion is about. Okay? And that still jeering when Sanders, eight Democratic pres- self. means —” a full-fledged white man, idential hopefuls who This exchange be- The audience erupted wagged his finger at a room full appeared at the She the tween Sanders and co-host with heckling for a few sec- of women of color. Sometimes, People forum..." Joy Reid is quite telling: onds, as Sanders tossed his it pays to know when to leave. Separately, co-host Joy arm up in the air in dismay Sanders continued,“as some- Reid asked Sanders how and muttered, “OK.” body who actively supported into groans. he would win over Hillary Sanders was one of Jesse Jackson’s campaign, as The Washington Post sug- Clinton voters, including eight Democratic presiden- one of the few white elected gests that Sanders may have Black women in particular. tial hopefuls who appeared officials to do so in ’88, I have come to the forum at a dis- In response, Sanders trashed at the She the People forum, dedicated my life to the fight advantage since many Black Trump as “the most danger- and the others came with against racism, and sexism, and women supported Hillary Clin- ous president” in modern ideas, plans and solutions. discrimination of all forms.” ton in 2016 — Clinton won the history, and generally called Sanders came into a room Bernie just pulled Jesse Jack- Black vote in 2016 with 89 per- for unity among Democrats full of women of color who son out of his old teacher’s cent to then-candidate Donald as well as “social justice, he already knew were major blazer and again, the room full Trump’s 8 percent. It assumes racial justice, and environ- supporters of his 2016 female of women of color erupted that Black women are a mono- mental justice.” opponent with no answers. The Miami Times 3 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 Ethics, election issues dog some challengers Mary Estimé-Irvin Vanessa Pierre tative is. Not everyone can be Voters will go polls on May 14 to reached by email or a website. I would implement various pick leaders for three council seats forms of communication to PHILIPPE H. BUTEAU reach my constituents based on Miami Times Contributor their needs.” Before deciding to run, Pierre The race for North Miami said she worked in the commu- City Council has four lanes and nity to build a reputation as a is full of challengers. All incum- leader. bents have drawn challengers, Pierre serves on the North one of whom recently settled Miami Quality Education Ad- ethics violations. Another chal- visory Board and Parks and lenger is tied to a disgraced Recreation Commission. She North Miami Mayor and two was a nominee for Forbes “30 had run-ins with the Florida Under 30” list. She is the exec- Elections Commission. utive director for Art-Cademics In addition to the mayor’s Academy, which is a Science, seat, there are three council Technology, Engineering, Arts, seats up for election: Districts and Math-based youth-enrich- 1, 3 and 4. ment program. The academy Councilman Scott Galvin has has summer, after-school, win- Scott Galvin Alix Desulme one challenger for his District ter camp programs throughout 1 seat, while District 4’s incum- North Miami. bent Alix Desulme is up against Pierre accused Galvin of not three contenders. Philippe Bi- Claude Rivette advocating for the entire dis- en-Aime left his District 3 seat trict. for a stab at a shift into the may- to create room for granny flats, Though Galvin has been the or’s position. Voters will decide self-contained living areas usu- councilman since 1999, Pierre on May 14 who will take over ally located on the grounds of a said the entire district has not the four-year terms. single-family home. A granny benefited throughout the 20 Vanessa Pierre is Galvin’s flat can be detached, or it can be years. challenger for the seat. Jean attached to the other dwelling. “There hasn’t been upward R. Marcellus, Nacivre Charles “We need to plan for North mobility for that amount of and Claude Rivette are vying Miami's inevitable future,” Gal- time. It’s been stagnant in terms to replace Desulme. Mary Es- vin said. of development, in terms of in- timé-Irvin, Michael A. Etienne, Pierre has lived in North Mi- clusivity East of 16th Avenue Wancito Francius are facing ami for most of her life - 25 out and Biscayne Boulevard. There each other for District 3. of her 30 years. hasn’t been upward mobility Galvin was first elected to She graduated from North for other parts of District 1. It the City Council 20 years ago Miami Beach Senior High hasn’t been inclusive for all res- and his consecutive reelec- School and attended North Mi- idents of District 1.” tions have made him the lon- ami Senior High School, but Galvin responded saying gest-serving councilman in the doesn’t remember how many Pierre’s opinion does not match city’s history. years she attended. “Maybe 11th the facts. Wancito Francius Nacivre Charles Galvin said his commitment grade,” she said to The Miami “It’s a baseless accusation,” to his constituents is at the top Times. Galvin said of his obligations. And political service for her He cited reduced tax rates, “I return every call, every hometown has been on her increased property values, email, and every letter that is mind since after high school be- two new schools, fixed side- sent to me. I place constituent fore going on to Bethune-Cook- walks, new trees and new traffic services at the top of my priori- man University. roundabouts, and said the new ty list. No one will work harder “It was always my intent to or improved amenities' dis- for our city than I do.” return back home to North tance away from District 1 is a Galvin, 50, has lived in North Miami after five years away in matter of semantics. Miami his whole life, a city is lo- college and run for local office,” “If you want to argue the cated in northeast Miami-Dade she wrote. “My plans to become semantics of a new park and County between North Miami councilwoman for District 1 be- school not being in the District Beach on the north and Miami gan in 2007 when I graduated but across the street, you got Shores on the south. high school.” me there. But the new school If elected Galvin said he will She said neighborhoods in and park are literally a block work on getting the city gov- District 1 were neglected in and a half out of the district and ernment to focus on afford- terms of advocacy. that does not mean people in able housing and sea level rise. “Marginalized groups are the district are not benefiting He would like to work on new not getting the advocacy they from them. I voted for them ways of paying for affordable need,” she said. “Residents do and helped fund them. It’s very housing and change city codes not know who their represen- SEE ETHICS 4A Michael A. Etienne Jean R. Marcellus Lawmakers passed vouchers, armed teachers referendum money with char- Bills passed would benefit charter, ter schools, but only for fu- private schools; bring guns to campus ture measures authorized by voters after July 1, 2019. The FELIPE RIVAS erendum money with charter bill will not impact school [email protected] schools, as well as legisla- districts retroactively. tion that would arm teachers Currently, over 21 schools Referendum money and the in the classroom. Private districts in Florida have bargained pay increases for schools received major finan- passed referendums aimed Miami-Dade County Public cial support from lawmakers to supplement public school School teachers will remain who believe in expanding the educators’ pay. Miami-Dade, in the district hands. Howev- school choice program for Broward and Palm Beach er, future referendum mea- students and families. represent the largest school sures will have to be shared School security was a hotly districts operating with vot- with charter schools, thanks contested issue as well. Leg- er-approved referendum to a bill that passed this legis- islation passed that allows funds. “That’s more than 50 lative session. teachers and staff to volun- percent of all the students in After 60 days in Tallahas- teer to carry a gun in cam- the entire state,” said Karla see deliberating on key issues pus, but only if school dis- Hernandez-Mats, president such as education, transpor- tricts opt into the program. of the teacher’s union, United tation, healthcare, hurricane Miami-Dade County Public Teachers of Dade. Through- relief and others, legislative Schools will not be opting in. out the Legislative Session, leaders finalized the $91 bil- the teacher’s union orga- lion state budget for the 2020 REFERENDUM MONEY nized different events and fiscal year over the weekend. SAFE, FOR NOW Miami Times Photo/Felipe Rivas town-hall meetings aimed at Roughly $17 billion are slat- Locally, the clear issue of Throughout the Legislative Session, Miami-Dade Educators advocated against shar- motivating teachers, parents ed to fund the pre-kinder- the 2019 Legislative Session ing funds with charter schools, as well as arming teachers. and educator to call lawmak- garten through high school was the possibility of the ers and voice their opinions system, as well as higher ed- sharing voter-approved ref- and members of the commu- tors district wide. The origi- After making its way against measures that un- ucation. Locally, education erendum funds with charter nity,” he said. nal language of the bill would through the House and the dermine public education. leaders, teachers and con- schools, said District 1 school The language in taxation have forced school districts Senate, picking up different “This is very contentious cerned parents paid close at- board member, Steve Gallon. bill CS/HB 7123 sponsored to share voter-approved ref- last-minute amendments because the teachers expect tention to legislative attempts “I think it was a major con- by House Rep. , erendum money with charter along the way, the bill re- to get what they deserve,” to share voter-approved ref- cern to the board, teachers R-Hialeah, riled up educa- schools. quires public schools to share SEE BILLS 6A The Miami Times 4 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 Cop falsified report in Dyma Loving case Alejandro Giraldo faces one felony and one misdemeanor for attack

NYAMEKYE DANIEL [email protected]

The Miami-Dade Police officer who threatened and shoved a Black woman after she called for help was arrest- ed and charged on Friday, May 3 after prosecutors found that he lied on the arrest and inci- dent reports. After a joint investigation by the Miami-Dade State At- torney’s Office and the Inter- Dyma Loving was nal Affairs section of the Mi- attacked by Miami-Dade ami-Dade Police Department, County Field Training Officer Alejandro Giraldo has been charged with one Officer Alejandro Giraldo count of official misconduct, after she called 9-1-1 for a third-degree felony, and one help on March 6. count of battery, a second-de- gree misdemeanor. Loving and her friend, Adri- Another officer involved anna Green, called the po- in the incident hasn’t been lice for help after a neighbor charged. pointed a gun at them and Demands for criminal called them derogatory terms. Dyma Loving’s attorney Justin Moore announces her civil rights lawsuit against the Miami-Dade Police Depart- charges to be filed against The March 5 video shows the ment on March 19. both officers involved in the aftermath of the interaction incident since a video of the with police threatening, then “After taking the sworn Three other officers who police encounter. shadows the hard work of the interaction went viral in ear- shoving Loving to the ground statements of Ms. Dyma Lov- appeared on the call made Giraldo’s was released af- dedicated men and women of ly March have been made and subsequently charging her ing, Adrianna Green, all the statements that concluded ter paying $500 of his issued law enforcement, who strive by activists and members of with resisting arrest. Loving, other available witnesses, and that Loving did not use words $5,500 bond on May 3. His daily to serve and protect our the Black community. Pros- a mother of three, has filed a reviewing all the known vid- or actions that served as a arraignment hearing is sched- community,” said Perez. “This ecutors found that Giraldo civil-rights lawsuit against the eo evidence, we believe that threat or breached the peace. uled for 9 a.m. June 3. particular case underscores caused Loving bodily harm Miami-Dade Police Depart- there is sufficient evidence to Officer Cassandra Bis- Juan J. Perez, director of the our commitment to cooperate when he touched and struck ment and two police officers. charge a violation of Florida’s sett, who witnessed the al- Miami-Dade Police, said the and work together with the her “against her will.” The of- Loving could not comment criminal statutes,” said State tercation, said Loving “was arrest casts a bad light on the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s ficer also falsified the incident on the case, and her attorney Attorney Katherine Fernan- upset” but “pretty calm,” department’s reputation. Office in our continued effort report citing grounds for her did not respond to requests to dez Rundle in a statement is- did not make any threats or “An arrest of one of our own to hold ourselves account- arrest. do so. sued Friday. pose any risks during the is disappointing, and over- able.”

$11-million mortgage scheme partment to North Miami. If that abruptly ended her polit- elected, he would work on ex- ETHICS ical career. Charles did not fill tending downtown of North CONTINUED FROM 3A out a candidate questionnaire Miami from 125th Street to sent by The Miami Times nor 131st. disappointing for a young Not everyone saw the did he return phone messages Francius is vying against left for him. three other candidates for the W RD person in politics to use the BRIAN DENNIS ON THE STREET same East-vs.-West divisive benefits of developing Claude Rivette is an edu- position. politics. She claims to be a such a lengthy project. cator with a 20-year career Michael A. Etienne is the O with Miami-Dade County current city clerk for North millennial representing new Because of the name, politics but you can’t claim to Public Schools, a small busi- Miami. He has held the po- Stoneman Douglas tragedy be new school when your ac- some residents opposed ness owner and a community sition since 2011. Since, the tions say old school.” the plan. The corridor activist. Miami-Dade Commission on killed democracy, as well Pierre said as a new person He graduated from Miami Ethics and Public Trust re- will bring hundreds of Central Senior High School ceived two complaints and The Black community here: one has already been on the council, she will pro- in Broward County should made, and that is Tony be- vide a novel way of getting jobs into the community and earned a bachelor’s de- two were made the Florida gree in biology with a minor Bar. see Sheriff Gregory Tony as ing appointed as Broward things done. with an estimated $30 Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Trojan County's first Black sheriff. Her plans, if elected, also in chemistry before going The Miami-Dade Com- million of infrastructure. on to earn a master’s degree mission on Ethics and Pub- horse or Samuel L. Jackson’s The second involves him include steps to add more character Stephen from being elected as Broward affordable housing and to The positive economic from Barry University. lic Trust Aug. 15 issued two counts of “exploiting his of- the movie, “Django.” This County's first Black sher- preparation for sea level rise. should be cause for alarm. iff. Broward, be careful you “As data shows through var- impact that it will add to Rivette is a small business ficial position in connection owner in several industries with city travel” against Eti- The sheriff’s heated ex- make the “just-because-he- ious studies conducted within District 4 and more im- change at the April 24, Tam- is-Black vote.” Miami-Dade, affordable hous- including a restaurant in enne. One complaint said that portantly, the city, can’t North Miami Beach. Rivette in October 2015, Etienne took arac City Commission, es- The strategy that the gov- ing options in the county are pecially with Commissioner ernor and members of the scarce and proper city man- be denied.” said his goal as an educator city funds to attend a confer- and business owner is to cre- ence in California but didn’t Marlon Bolton, revealed to Republican Party have put agement consists of address- whom Tony is loyal – and forth is to divide and con- ing the void in the housing ate more opportunities for go. He also requested funds to others to realize the Ameri- attend a May 2016 conference it’s not to you, the voter in quer the African diaspora crisis.” —Alix Desulme Broward County. Why? He communities through the Her other plans include can Dream. in Omaha but “he charged the Jean R. Marcellus did not city for a personal side trip to doesn’t know you. He didn’t Willie Lynch, “Making-of- using teamwork of several have to court you to get the a-slave” tactics. Lynch was groups to rehab old build- respond, but he is a former Mount Rushmore,” the settle- councilman for North Miami ment said. Etienne pleaded post. He was handpicked by a supposedly a British slave ings in North Miami. She politics. owner who came to Ameri- also wants to achieve more from 2009 to 2013. He ran for no contest to both counts; ac- mayor in 2013 when he found cepted a Letter of Reprimand; So, when Tony made the ca to teach sale holders how cohesiveness within the City statement during his Jan. 11 to manager their slaves. Council. himself in hot water with the paid a fine of $500, another Florida Elections Commis- $500 to the Ethics Commis- introductory press confer- With the governor remov- ence, that “I am not here ing former Broward Coun- DISTRICT 4 sion. He wrote a $2,400 check sion for investigative costs; for his qualifying fee that was and $2,155.66 in restitution to for any political grandio- ty Supervisor of Elections Alix Desulme, the incum- so-type agenda,” it was far Brenda Snipes and replac- bent for District 4, is more dishonored by his bank. As a North Miami. result, Marcellus had to pay a Blogger Stephanie Kienzle from the truth. ing her with Republican Pe- experienced than his three He goes on to say: “To the ter Antonacci, who was a challengers, but two of them $6,800 fine. filed two ethics complaint against Etienne with the Flor- community stakeholders, Democrat until 2010, he has have previously worked for a those in attendance, those set the stage to have two North Miami mayor. DISTRICT 3 ida Bar because of the way he Only one candidate for Dis- handled her public records that are watching, you have duly elected Democrats re- Desulme was first elected voted and expressed the placed with people who will to serve on the dais as the city trict 3 responded. requests. He was exonerated The race is a special elec- both times. rights to select your Bro- do his bidding. This by no clerk in 1999. He secured the ward County Sheriff. So, I means say that I am endors- District 4 seat in 2015. tion because Bien-Aime, who Mary Estimé-Irvin, a busi- held the seat, resigned to run ness owner, has run for North also understand that there ing the ousted Sherrif, Scott Making “hard sells” is one may be some concerns Israel. I am saying know for of his biggest challenges as a for mayor. Miami Council before, in Wancito Francius, 43, has 2013. She also had statehouse there." whom you are voting. politician, said Desulme. You better believe that I am not going to pull any “For example, the redevel- lived in North Miami since ambitions in 2016 when she 2008. ran against Barbara Watson there are some concerns. punches with what's really opment of the Seventh Ave- The voters of Broward happening here with this nue Corridor, branding it as He assisted Anna Pierre’s for House District 107 in 2016. campaign for North Miami In November 2017, the FEC County and members of the skin game. This bait and a Chinatown Innovation and Broward Democratic Party switch is really a game of Cultural Art District was a mayor in 2013 and was a for- charged Estime-Irvin with mer congressional candidate violating the state’s election better beware because their political three cards. You ‘hard sell,’” Desulme said. elected, are to address unem- appointed sheriff has been will always be looking for “Not everyone saw the ben- ployment, living wages and in Haiti in 2005. code by intentionally with- His platform includes re- holding information from a registered as both a Dem- the ace of spades but every efits of developing such a affordable housing. The pre- ocrat and Republican at time you flip the card over, lengthy project. Because of vious two “go hand in hand,” ducing water and sewer rates, candidacy form. creating youth programs to Carolyn Guniss and Nyame- different points in his life, assuming it is the ace of the name, some residents op- Desulme said. according to public records. spade, you will turn over ei- posed the plan. The corridor He also wants to work on combat delinquencies and kye Daniel contributed to this bringing the trash hauling de- report. Tony has announced plans ther the ace of hearts or the will bring hundreds of jobs residents’ high water bill, eco- to run for sheriff as a Dem- ace of diamonds – you lose. into the community with an nomic development and im- ocrat in 2020, the Sun-Sen- A major conundrum in the estimated $30 million of in- prove the city’s infrastructue. tinel reports. I guess that, 2020 elections is brewing if frastructure. The positive Challenger Nacivre Charles STATE & FEDERAL like his voting record, could the majority of Democrats economic impact that it will has prior connections to change. What DeSantis and in Broward go along with add to District 4 and more North Miami politics. Tony are doing with the this. importantly, the city, can’t be He served probation from Broward County Demo- The saddest day in Bro- denied.” September 2015 to April 2016 APPEALS & POST-CONVICTION 3.800 | 3.850 | Habeas Corpus cratic Party is a shrewd and ward County history hap- Desulme, 41, has lived in for campaign violations he Machiavellian move in pol- pened last year on Feb. 14 at North Miami for over 25 committed while serving as 305-570-2335 itics. As it says in the Bible, Marjory Stoneman Douglas years. He has a doctorate de- campaign manager for ex- 199 East Flagler Street | Suite 158 Miami, Florida 33131 “They are wolves in sheep’s High School when 17 stu- gree in education and bache- North Miami Mayor Lucie Wade M. Whidden, Karen Johnson, clothing.” dents and faculty lost their lor’s in organizational leader- Tondreau. Tondreau was sen- Jacksonville Miami Orlando Naples/Ft. Myers Tampa* There are two types of lives and politics came ship, both from the University tenced to five years in prison histories that are involved alive. of New England. His goals, if in 2015 for participating in an The Miami Times 5 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 NORTH MIAMI MAYORS

Danielle Beauvais Philippe Bien-Aime Mac-Kinley Lauriston Hector Medina CLERKS

Vanessa Joseph Jessica Tracy Wolland Elizabeth Jeanty Mayor’s race fueled by $250K, marred by sex assault Elections on May 14 will appoint council and city clerk

NYAMEKYE DANIEL Vice Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime ment for all ceremonial purpos- North Miami, said that he al- es in excess of $5 million from [email protected] of imprisonment and sexual as- es and can appoint and remove legedly made continued sexual Bien-Aime for her grief. But sault. Bien-Aime faces an unset- the city’s manager and attorney. advances at her, which she re- Bien-Aime claims he was nev- Editor’s note: A questionnaire tled multimillion-dollar lawsuit The position is elected to a jected. er served the lawsuit. Antoine’s that sought answers about the surrounding the allegations two-year term. Bien-Aime would incessantly attorney filed for default March candidates and their vision for that he has – for the most part – Bien-Aime resigned as Dis- call her and proposition her for 22, when a response to the North Miami was sent to each ignored with elections less than trict 3 councilman and vice sex in exchange for full-time suit was due but not filed. Mi- qualified candidate in the elec- a week away. mayor to run for the head posi- employment with the city, the ami-Dade Circuit Court Judge tion. Some candidates were in- The longtime politician still tion. He secured his first seat on suit alleges. Rodney Smith ruled in favor of terviewed as well, when further has his sights set on the may- the Council in 2013. The plain- The lawsuit spells out two Antoine on May 1. clarification was needed. Some or’s seat and so do Danielle C.J. tiff in the sexual assault case incidences when Bien-Aime According to Bien-Aime’s candidates didn’t respond to ei- Beauvais, Mac-Kinley Lauris- against the councilman, Janice cornered Antoine and tried to motion to vacate the default ther the questionnaire or phone ton and Héctor Medina. Voters Antoine, said he started ha- force her to have sex. The case order, the summons for the calls. will decide who will win on rassing her in 2016. The Miami was originally brought before case was “left at home with Four candidates are com- May 14. Times does not usually identify Miami federal court in Sep- his minor son” and, as a result, peting to be the next mayor of North Miami is located in those who say they are victims tember 2018, along with a civil he was unaware of the signif- North Miami. One of them has northeast Miami-Dade County of sexual assault. But in this rights claim against the city for icance of the documents and an accusation pending that has with North Miami Beach on the case, Antoine’s name has been refusing to hire her for a full- never sought legal counsel. him caught up in the rapture of north and Miami Shores on the published in other media. time position after she com- According to the summons the #MeTooMovement. A for- south. The mayor is recognized Antoine, who worked as a plained about Bien-Aime. available on the Miami-Dade mer city employee has accused as the head of the city govern- temporary council assistant for Antoine is seeking damag- SEE RACE 6A The Miami Times 6 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019

ed to be close to $232 million that would allow teachers, to arming teachers,” he said. fer from mental health or Gallon said annually. who complete psychologi- Gallon echoed those senti- emotional issues. It is expected that some BILLS In January, the teacher’s cal screening and over 130 ments. $130 million will go to fund CONTINUED FROM 3A union and the school system hours of training, to carry a “It is something that has PRIVATE SCHOOLS vouchers for private educa- ratified the details of the com- firearm in the classroom. SB gained a lot of attention. I While public and charter tion. Hernandez-Mats said. “We pensation package for county 7030, which caused passion- am vehemently opposed to schools battled for a domi- About 18,000 Florida K-12 see that our state lawmakers schools’ education workforce. ate debates over classroom arming teachers in the class- nance of referendum money, students would benefit from are trying to usurp the will of Teachers and staff have al- safety and student wellbe- room,” Gallon said. private schools received a program in the first years and the voters.” ready begun to see a portion ing, expands on the existing To start compliance with major push forward by state some 7,000 enrollment slots Proponents of sharing ref- of the promised wage in- “Guardian program” to allow the law at the start of the lawmakers keen on provid- are expected to open each erendum money with charter crease reflected in their pay, any teacher or staff to volun- school year, public schools in ing schooling options for year after. schools argue that school dis- with the full supplement ef- teer to carry a weapon if their the county collaborated with students. SB 7070, sponsored The scholarship program tricts purposely crafted vague fective July 1. local school districts join the 18 different police depart- by state Sen. Manny Diaz, would use state funds for stu- ballot language when the ref- “We are not willing, in any program. It was established ments and municipalities to R-Hialeah, creates school dents to attend private and erendum was presented to way, shape or form, to open as part of last year’s Marjory assign a certified law enforce- vouchers, as part of a so- religious schools. The pro- the voters. the contracts with the teach- Stoneman Douglas act that ment officer at each school. called Family Empowerment gram would give priority to “This was language that ers and touch or renege on allowed teachers who had To wean off the reliance Scholarship Program, which low income students but al- was vetted by our legal de- the promise that we made,” other roles to carry guns on on outside municipal police would use state funds to pay lows families of four making partment and by outside Carvalho said. campus and stipulated oth- help, the school system has for students to attend private no more than $72,250 annual- council and it was part of a Though the issue is not off er school security mandates, employed a hiring campaign schools. Some 18,000 stu- ly to participate. conversation that took place the table, “it will not affect the such as placing a resource of- to meet the demand of more dents may benefit from this This marks one of the first all throughout the communi- current situation of the next ficer in each public school in than 200 school resource offi- voucher program. Supporters times that private schools are ty,” said Superintendent Al- three years of the four year the state. cers who need to be recruited. believe that the bill would budgeted by state funds with berto Carvalho. referendum,” Gallon said. “I have never supported that A year after the shooting at give parents more options an allocation of over $100 Last November, more than idea,” Carvalho said about Marjory Stoneman Douglas, for their children’s education, million, Gallon said. 70 percent of voters approved ARMING TEACHERS putting guns in the hands of the school system has hired while critics of the bill argue “I think that this is some- to tax themselves over the Following the first anniver- educators. “I have listened to close to 70 new officers and it would strip money away thing we need to pay very next four years in order to sary of the Marjory Stoneman the will of the teachers, the employed 30 mental health from public education. close attention to moving for- generate revenue for teacher Douglas High School was voice of the parents and the coordinators, whose job is to “There has been signifi- ward as it does take resources salaries and additional safety shooting incident, Florida advice of law enforcement identify and assist students cant amounts of resources from public schools overall,” and security, which is expect- lawmakers approved a bill and we will not be opting in who may be at-risk of or suf- given to private schools,” he said.

the city’s legal eagle with Sher- Commission for approval. Bur- ed out in the field of municipal cial real estate and intellectual lean Bass voted against. nadette Norris-Weeks was the law in 1993. She has served as property transaction litigation. FIRM Burnadette Norris-Weeks lowest bidder in the process, legal counsel for other Florida Crawford was an assistant CONTINUED FROM 1A P.A. was chosen as the top firm according to Vice Mayor Chris municipalities, and has repre- prosecutor in Cincinnati. She out of two other finalists. The Davis and Joseph Kelley. We would be more than sented the state Legislature and is an associate attorney at the the time,” said Norris-Weeks, frontrunners were The Barris- Norris-Weeks comes with has represented the state attor- firm. who said she liked the direc- ter Firm P.A. and Greenspoon more than 23 years of experi- happy to dive into the ney’s office in civil litigations. Norris-Weeks said that they tion the city was going now. Marder LLP. Joe Geller of ence in governmental relations. policies and procedures. Joseph practices civil litiga- are ready to review the current “And we are back now.” Greenspoon Marder also previ- She said about 80 percent her We would be happy to tion, employment, personal in- regulations of the city and take As the city attorney, Nor- ously served as Opa-locka’s city practice is dedicated to repre- jury and commercial litigation on the caseload. ris-Weeks and her team will attorney. senting governmental entities. work on some of the liti- and municipal law. She has also “We would be more than have to shuffle through the Attorney Stephen Hunt- “When I was here as your city gation you have pending. served as an interim city attor- happy to dive into the policies more than 40 pending cases er Johnson, who served as attorney before, I put in a lot of That’s what we do. I’m a ney for North Miami Beach. and procedures,” she said. “We against the city of Opa-locka. Opa-locka’s legal consultant in policies and procedures in that Austin Pamies has also would be happy to work on However, Norris-Weeks con- the search, will negotiate with I think really aided the city at litigator, and I am very worked as an assistant city some of the litigation you have vinced the Commission that the newly hired firm and pres- the time,” said Norris-Weeks, successful at it.” attorney for other Florida pending. That’s what we do. she was prepared. The commis- ent terms and conditions of who is the firm’s partner. municipalities. Her practice I’m a litigator, and I am very sioners voted 5-1 for her to be the retainer agreement to the Norris-Weeks said she start- —Burnadette Norris-Weeks includes corporate, commer- successful at it.”

are protected by Florida law. More than half of the com- “We are disappointed that ed beatdown of a 15-year-old iff Tony’s administration,” The workers’ compensa- plaints are for pain, swelling the Sheriff’s Office took so boy, named Delucca Rolle. wrote Carter in a statement PAINS tion complaints paint a pic- and injuries. Several of the long to correct their training Krickovich and LaCerra released on May 1. CONTINUED FROM 1A ture of defensive training deputies reported popping tactics,” said Bell. are seen in a video where Workers’ compensation that ended in staff needing joints while learning to kick, Delucca’s head is slammed is a form of insurance that 88,000-square-foot training medical treatment. box or spar. Some of the ‘AGGRESSION’ AT MEETING into concrete, and pepper is covers injuries that occur center with a 5-story park- The list of claims, which claims reflect symptoms of Police attitude became a sprayed into his eyes. An- while performing employ- ing garage. It will include a starts from Jan. 21 until April concussions, such as seeing part of a heated discussion other deputy is seen in the ment duties. It includes but Marjory Stoneman Douglas 24, includes 40 complaints a white light, dizziness, nau- over the suspension of dep- video frame during the as- is not limited to wage re- Memorial lobby, a defen- that specifically state the in- sea, vomiting and confusion. uties Christopher Krickovich sault. placement benefits, medical sive tactics training room, juries to back, shoulder, chest “During defensive tactics and Sgt. Greg LaCerra and a During a “defensive tactics treatment and rehabilitation. three firing ranges, fire res- and head occurred during training, Deputy [redacted] third unnamed, involved in maneuver,” Feb. 13, a deputy The BSO’s Office of Gen- cue training rooms, and staff, training. was punched twice in the the incident. applied “a takedown tech- eral Counsel is responsible command and media rooms. One deputy makes a claim head. He reports a severe Tony displayed what Tam- nique,” which resulted in a for overseeing the Workers that during his Feb.12 de- headache and nausea ...,” the arac Commissioner Marlon metal badge making cuts on Compensation Division of TRAINING HUSH-HUSH fensive tactics training, he report said. Bolton called “aggression” the chin and neck, according the agency. The agency is In the meantime, Tony has “rolled over awkwardly on Jeff Bell, president of the when responding to ques- to the report. self-insured, meaning it pays kicked off defensive-tactics his right shoulder and right Broward Sheriff’s Office Dep- tions. Sheriff spokesperson, Gina its own claims. The payout is drills for his 3,000 sworn dep- ring finger.” Later, it was con- uties Association, said he is “That’s the same aggres- Carter, said the actions used determined by a contracted uties. Already, training staff firmed by fire rescue that the not surprised by the report. sion that your officers used during Delucca’s beating on adjuster. That company ap- has almost doubled from 24 deputy may have had a bro- He said he tried to reach out ...,” Bolton said. Tony can be April 18, were not the result proves each claim.The Sher- to 40. What they are teaching ken finger because “it was to Tony to discuss his con- heard speaking over Bolton, of new training tactics. iff Office’s workers’ compen- the deputies is hush-hush. turning black and blue.” He cerns about the training, but saying, “you’re wrong, you’re “… it should be made sation budget for the 2019 Sheriff spokesperson, Joy also reported that he could he was ignored. An under- wrong ....” known that Deputy Krickov- fiscal year is $13,748,812. It is Oglesby said details about not raise his elbow above his sheriff is investigating Bell’s Tony was at the Tamarac ich never attended defensive unclear how much has been the type of defensive training shoulder. claims about the training. meeting following a record- tactics training under Sher- paid out so far.

One of his opponents, Dan- from running for office. Beau- “They should eliminate waste- “A government is not a busi- Joseph has raised four times ielle Beauvais, said once she is vais has raised $6,060 in cam- ful spending, become better ness, nor should it be, as some more than her opponents with RACE in office she will make sure the paign contributions. stewards of taxpayer dollars and seem to think. It is an institution $41,996 in campaign donations. CONTINUED FROM 5A city has zero tolerance for sex- She would have to compete promote more transparency in for and by the people. There- Elizabeth Jeanty has raised ual assault. with another top fundraiser, the way they transact business,” fore, it needs to be led and ad- $8,120, and Jessica Tracy Wol- Court of Clerks’ website, the Beauvais, 59, is a 14-year resi- Mac-Kinley Lauriston, who said Lauriston. ministered with that in mind,” land has $7,600 on her report. default motion was addressed dent of North Miami. She assist- has raised $105,136 in campaign His also plans to build part- wrote Medina. Wolland is a lifelong resident to North Miami City Hall, 776 ed former North Miami Mayor funds. nerships with community agen- Medina has garnered $8,960 in of North Miami with heredity NE 125 St., Second Floor but Joe Celestin in 2001 and ran for Lauriston grew up in Miami cies for youth development and campaign contributions. ties to the city. Her father is for- later served to 70 NE 134th St., mayor in 2005 and 2017. Shores. He purchased a home elderly services; attract more mer North Miami Mayor Frank Second Floor, North Miami to “I love my city, and I am will- in North Miami one year ago jobs to the area; fix infrastruc- CITY CLERK’S RACE Wolland. Philjae Bien-Aime, who is 15 ing to go above and beyond to but has worked in the city for ture; and strengthen police pres- Only one candidate for clerk She is the owner of the non- years old. help my city grow and prosper 10 years. During that time, he ence and community relations. answered the election question- profit organization Bright Child The judge reviewed Bi- while ensuring resident’s safe- played sports in Cagni Park – Also on the ballot is Héctor naire. Inc. and a ballet instructor, ac- en-Aime challenge to the de- ty, growth of local businesses, about five minutes away from Medina, a doctor who achieved Attorney Vanessa Pierre said cording to Wolland’s LinkedIn fault on Monday, May 6 and and the progress of community North Miami City Hall – every his medical degree from North- that she is an active member of account. offered himan additional five agencies serving our commu- afternoon. eastern University in the Domin- the community, who knows the As city clerk, she plans to days to respond to the com- nity,” Beauvais wrote to The Lauriston has a master’s de- ican Republic in 1993. He has issues that affect North Miami “enforce” the citizens' Bill of plaint. Miami Times. “Having been in gree in public administration lived in North Miami for nine the most. Rights; promote truth in gov- Bien-Aime did not respond leadership positions in busi- from Florida International years. “City Clerks are essentially ernment; protect the city char- to a request for comment, but ness, I have the necessary skills University and a bachelor’s in Medina previously lived in the gatekeepers of democracy at ter by listening to residents' he previously told The Miami and wisdom to influence posi- organizational behavior from New York where he volunteered the local level,” wrote Joseph. concerns; and give timely Times that the “law was on his tive change.” St. Thomas University. His po- on the campaigns of former U.S Joseph has a bachelor’s degree notice of regular and special side.” Beauvais’ top concern is the litical career includes stints in Rep. Ed Koch, former New York in political science, a master’s council meetings, according to “Everything in these allega- city’s finances. If elected, she County Hall and Miramar be- Gov. Mario Cuomo and Rever- degree in public administration her campaign website. tions is a fabrication and have plans to “create a more fiscally fore focusing on North Miami. end Jesse Jackson. and a juris doctor from the Uni- Jeanty has her roots planted no basis in truth,” Bien-Aime responsible spending budget.” He worked to help elect Mi- Medina said he is running for versity of Miami. in the Haitian-American com- has said. Beauvais said she aims to pro- ami-Dade County Commission- mayor to put an end to financial Joseph referred to her related munity. Despite his legal troubles, Bi- vide “equal representation for er Jean Monestime in 2010 then mismanagement; democratize professional experience as se- She has been a business ad- en-Aime has raised $149,366 in all” and her multicultural back- joined his office as administra- the budget process; and ensure nior counsel and outreach co- ministrator, nurse and surgi- campaign funds. ground will help her achieve tive director before he became a transparent government. He ordinator for Catholic Charity cal technologist. Jeanty is also Resident Jim Garrett said that her goal. Monestime's chief of staff. He plans to advance an urban de- Legal Services Inc. since 2015 the executive director for the Bien-Aime should have stayed in “I can fluently communicate also managed former Miramar velopment plan that has room and as a student attorney while Haitian American Historical his council seat. “The voters are in English, Spanish, French, and Commissioner Darline B. Riggs’ for affordable housing and keeps in law school. Society, an organization that looking for someone they can Haitian Creole. All of this has campaign in 2015 and spent neighbors informed of zoning "Throughout my career as teaches and preserves Haitian trust,” he added. given me a unique opportunity time working as her assistant. and variance changes. an attorney, I have meticulous- history. Her related expe- Garrett is concerned that the to see the world through vari- Lauriston was as an accoun- He wants to lead a green initia- ly maintained client files and rience includes working as allegations against the council- ous lenses, communicate with tant and financial analyst for tive to protect and expand green other classified documents. I an administrator for the La man is bad publicity for the city people from different back- a Fortune 500 company for 16 environmental currency and pro- have also provided welcoming, Roche Law Firm. regardless of if there are true or grounds, and to understand the years prior. He said his financial mote healthy lifestyles. His plans courteous, and professional “She now seeks to use her false. “It will not go away,” he needs of everyone in my com- background will be “instrumen- also include strengthening the service to clients,” wrote Jo- experiences, knowledge and said. munity,” she wrote. tal” in addressing the city’s fi- city’s disaster preparedness and seph. the relationships she has For the mayorship, Bien-Aime When it comes to sexual as- nancial issues. clean-up assistance programs. If elected, Joseph said she built to bring skills to the po- is facing competition from a sault, Beauvais said she will Once elected, he plans to If elected, Medina will con- plans to add additional ser- sition…” the flyer states. longtime female resident, a push for a motion for a reso- promote fiscal discipline, some- duct polls on public opinion vices to the office and creasein Freelance writer, Philippe H. doctor and the former chief of lution that will ban candidates thing, he said, the current coun- about issues concerning resi- the office’s presence at commu- Buteau, contributed to this re- staff for a county commissioner. with allegations of harassment cil lacks. dents. nity forums. port. The Miami Times 7 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 March for Lucca calls for deputies’ firing Black leaders convene in Broward School Board Member Dr. Osgood also said that some Osgood said she would ing election in 2020. Rosalind Osgood, Attorney adults were blaming the kids keep tweeting and posting “We should all have the against beating of Black teenager Gordon Weekes and Pastor for their behavior which was and calling out such behav- same goals,” said Ellison. Wayne Lomax. completely wrong. ior and encouraged other “We will not stop until the of- CAROL PORTER the ground, punched and his Lomax and Davison both “The officers think it’s okay people to do the same. ficers are fired and charged. Miami Times Contributor head slammed onto the pave- quoted Dr. Martin Luther to beat up our children and “I will keep calling and The State Attorney Mr. Satz ment in the parking lot of a King and said that injustice some adults blame the chil- posting, and calling and writ- will be asking for your vote. Black leaders joined forces McDonald's restaurant in anywhere was injustice ev- dren,” said Osgood. “There ing and we will keep show- We will remember the choic- to rally for justice Delucca Tamarac. Sheriff’s Office re- erywhere. They said that was a fight at McDonald's. ing up,” said Osgood. “We es he made when it came for Rolle. ports say Rolle tried to pick what one generation would All of our children have a will keep fighting to keep the justice.” The 15-year-old was bru- up a phone belonging to a endure the next generation right to go to McDonald's. world a better place.You de- Attorney Crump said he, talized by two Broward Sher- student being detained after would erase. Both noted Many of us had fights when serve better.” and his team, would be fight- iff’s deputies caught on cell- a fight before the BSO depu- that justice had to prevail we were younger. Police did Ellison, president of the ing for justice for Lucca. He phone video. Local pastors, ties lunged after him. for young people no matter not beat us up for it. Some- Fort Lauderdale/Broward also condemned Broward elected officials, civil rights Among those who gath- what their skin color was. one had an idea that we need chapter of the NAACP, en- County Sheriff Gregory leaders rallied in Fort Lau- ered was Marsha Ellison of “We have to refuse to tol- to give the teachers guns couraged people to reach out Tony. derdale on May 5. the NAACP along with Civil erate injustice against our so they can use stand your to State Attorney Michael “He doesn’t get a pass The video, which has since rights Attorney Ben Crump, young Black males,” said Lo- ground and kill our kids, Satz and tell him how they because he’s Black,” said gone viral, shows Rolle being Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Rev- max. “We need to stand up and shoot and destroy their felt, and remember how they Crump. “We will continue to pepper-sprayed, thrown on erend Dr. Marcus Davison, for what’s right.” lives.” were treated in the upcom- fight for justice.” Hearing points to flaws in state’s voting process Common theme among congress- places were requested. laws so that untrained peo- pact his race.” because they didn’t think Many suggested that elect- ple wouldn’t have power to Karen Wilkerson, of the their votes counted. people is that suppression rampant ed leaders should do more invalidate someone’s ballot League of Women Voters, a “I think that all the nega- to get more people to vote need to be addressed. bipartisan organization, en- tive and suppression meth- CAROL PORTER rial candidate Andrew Gil- rather than try to keep peo- “The goal being that the couraged voting and sent ods that people are using is Miami Times Contributor lum, Karen Wilkerson of the ple from voting. Recent cas- person sworn into office out publications that helped why people don’t go to the League of Women Voters es such as Shelby vs. Holder should be the person who got people vote. Many of the polls,” she said. “They don’t On Mondy, May 5, a bi- and others who were on the were said to be attempts to the most votes,” said Gillum. publications, she said, were think their vote makes any partisan field hearing about front lines of the election last gut parts of the Voting Rights Gillum said hurricanes had in different languages so difference anymore. I think voting rights and other is- November. People testifying Act. impacted the voting process, that people didn’t necessari- it’s disgraceful.” sues, was held at the Broward spoke about the problems Gillum said the Ameri- and a mail bomber impacted ly have to speak or read En- At the end of the hearing, County Governmental Cen- that had occurred during vot- can Civil Liberties Union the ballots cast so they could glish in order to cast a ballot. Fudge thanked everyone for ter. The hearing was chaired ing, and how some of them had uncovered data that in- not be counted. Wilkerson said that she, and coming. As a person who by Congresswoman Marcia were systemic in nature, dicated that younger and Wilson also spoke about her colleagues believed that lived through the 60s and Fudge, and other members of more along the lines of voter minority voters were more Russia and its possible influ- voting machines should have 70s, she said it was important the panel included Congress- suppression toward people than likely to have their vote- ence on the last election. She a paper trail. The league, she for the future of the people man G.K. Butterfield, Rep. of color and other minorities. by-mail ballots rejected or said that it was believed that said, also supported early living in this country that Barry Loudermilk, Congress- Representatives of Hispan- have problems with signa- Russia had hacked into one of voting and Souls to the Polls, people fight for their right to women Frederica Wilson and ic, Haitian and other minority ture mismatches. The ACLU, the election systems in Flori- the Sunday before the elec- vote and keep voting. Debbie Wasserman-Schul- groups said there are efforts also said, that such things as da, and that the governor had tion when Black church took “I lived at a time when peo- tz, and Congressmen Alcee to target minorities to keep same-day ballot registration, set up a meeting with the FBI many of their members to ple who looked like me could Hastings and Ted Deutch and them from voting. Multilin- standardizing and funding to look into it. polling stations. Wilkerson not vote,” said Fudge. “What others. gual translation of the mate- early voting, increasing fund- “I’m not sure he wants to also said its members had en- makes this a great country is Testimony was given by rials associated with voting, ing for the supervisors of find out the answers,” she countered many people who it has the ability to repair its former Florida gubernato- and more people at polling elections offices, and fixing said, “because it might im- didn’t want to vote anymore faults.”


\Miami Garden Performing fill the position with attorney Arts Center Burnadette Norris-Weeks, a partner at Austin Pamies Miami Gardens is closer to Norris Weeks LLC. Davis’ getting its own performance motion received a second arts center. Last month, the from Commissioner Yvette Miami Gardens City Council Colbourne. voted for the city manager to Mayor Wayne Messam apply for a Florida Depart- and Commissioner Winston ment of State grant that will Barnes expressed the need facilitate the construction of to have an open discussion the Miami Gardens Perform- about the issue. The firm ing Arts Center. The resolu- has served as attorney for tion, approved 6-0, signals the city for two decades. The the city manager to apply commission plans to discuss for the Culture Builds Flori- the issue at a workshop slat- da Grant offered by the state ed for May 15 at City Hall. department’s Division of Cul- tural Affairs. Last October, Northwestern takes the city council approved the home the glory sale agreement of a 35-acre The Northwestern Bulls city-owned site to BH Miami swept the 3A track and field Garden Town Center LLC. competition in Jacksonville The site will be designed to over the weekend. The girls accommodate a commercial won their 11th consecutive town center and will be con- state title on Saturday at sidered home to the city’s the University North Flori- performing arts center. The da, their 16th overall since projects are part of the city’s 1999. The boys won their AP Photo/Steve Cannon desire to create an entertain- third state title in a row and Sen. Jeff Brandes, R-St. Petersburg, right, confers with Rep. James Grant, R-Tampa as the senate debates on a ment district along the 27th eight in program history. The felons voting rights bill which they sponsor during session Thursday May 2, 2019, in Tallahassee, Fla. Avenue corridor. The sale of Northwestern girls crushed the 35-acre site is schedule the competition and were to close in July. more than 50 points ahead The Culture Builds Florida of the closest competitor. Grant provides up to $1.5 The girls won first place in Florida bill mandates felons million in matching dollars the 4x100 relay and Junior to fund construction of cul- Markala Hart won first place tural facilities. Miami Gar- in the 100-meter hurdles. dens plans to match the pay their fees before voting grant with proceeds from Community Budget the sale of the 35-acre site, Meetings a Miami-Dade County Infra- A community budget meet- BRENDAN FARRINGTON completed their sentences. cited his Christian upbring- munity service. structure Gran, and General ing for District 5 will take Associated Press The measure approved by ing and the story of Jesus Still, Democrats opposed Obligation Bond funds. The place on Tuesday, May 28 at voters in November doesn’t having dinner with sinners. the measure. Sen. Perry Culture Builds Florida Grant Charles Hadley Park begin- Most Florida felons will allow the restoration of vot- “It should be our place to al- Thurston said Florida could requires activity to begin by ning at 6 p.m. In preparation have their voting rights re- ing rights for murderers and ways try to seek mercy over once again be seen as treat- July 1, 2019 and conclude for fiscal year 2019-2020, stored under a bill the state felony sex offenders. sacrifice. So we will contin- ing people unfairly and try- by June 1, 2021. the city of Miami will be Senate passed Thursday to Republican Sen. Jeffue to work toward that goal, ing to suppress the vote. He hosting different community implement a constitution- Brandes said he wishes his we will continue to work to- compared the issue to the Miramar to consider meetings regarding budget al amendment approved by bill could be more lenient, ward that end ... In the con- Civil Rights movement. contract of city attorney plans for the next fiscal year. voters, though it won’t just but the language of the text of this bill, I have gone “Do we want one uniform Miramar will reconsider Sponsored by the Office be a matter of walking out amendment said all terms of as far as I can.” system of voting where its city attorney’s contract, of Management and Bud- of prison and being able to a sentence have to be com- Brandes did make chang- people pay their time, they who is employed by Weiss get, the meetings will aim register. pleted, and that includes es in the bill to create path- get to vote again? Or do we Serota Helfman Cole & Bier- to help residents familiarize The bill will require that restitution, court costs, ways for felons to meet want to just say, ‘Here we go man P.L. The firm has been themselves with the city’s all financial obligations or- fines and fees ordered by a their financial obligations again: Floriduh,’” Thurston serving the city for more than proposed budget. Each city dered by a judge be paid be- judge. He said that language beyond simply paying them. said. “This is just doing the 20 years. Last Wednesday, district will host one meeting fore felons can vote. That’s doesn’t give the Legislature Among the options would right thing.” during the city commission and residents are encour- an obstacle Democrats say any leeway to ignore it. be to have a victim forgive The bill now heads to Gov. meeting, Vice Mayor Alex- aged to attend, voice their wasn’t intended when 64.5 “My heart is in a different the repayment of restitution Ron DeSantis desk, and he andra P. Davis motioned to opinions and ask questions percent of voters decided to place, and I would love to go or to have a judge convert fi- has 15 days to decide to sign end the firm’s contract and of city staff. let felons vote once they’ve farther,” said Brandes, who nancial obligations to com- the bill or issue a veto. The Miami Times 8 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 Finance Technology



Small Business



MEET THE MIAMI-DADE Photos courtesy of MDCC CHAMBER BOARD he Miami-Dade Chamber of CMS-International Jeff Lozama, vice chair- Gifts and Faith-based Organizations Shelia Commerce has announced its man; President & CEO of InTouch Logistics Powell Cohen, secretary. 2019-20 Officers of the Board. Wayne Davis, treasurer; Principal Attorney Judge Fred Seraphin of Florida’s Eleventh The newly appointed officers are of the Law Offices of Robert Holland Rob- Judicial Circuit swore in the board mem- DirectorT and General Manager of Barclays ert Holland, parliamentarian; and Florida bers. Pictured from left are Shelia Cohen Teresa Foxx, chairwoman; Owner & CEO of Memorial University’s Director of Major Powell, Teresa Foxx and Wayne Davis. CHANGING THE GAME: Ice Cube’s battle to buy regional sports networks BRYAN 18X CRAWFORD “Barbershop,” and “Are We and BARRINGTON SALMON There Yet?” series of films. The Final Call However, in 2017, Ice Cube decided to delve into pre- More and more, Black ath- viously uncharted business letes and entertainers are waters by getting involved looking to expand beyond in professional sports as one the field of expertise that of the founders of the BIG3 gained them fame, notori- professional 3-on-3 basketball ety and riches, and leverage league. The BIG3 features these positions to help them 12 teams coached by former make their same mark in the NBA All-Stars and Hall of world of business. There are Famers, with rosters made up Black people who success- of players who have all com- fully transitioned from their peted professionally, either respective art or sport, turn- in the NBA or overseas. The ing themselves into well-re- BIG3 league has become one spected businesspeople and of the premier events for bas- a positive example of what ketball fans during the sum- entrepreneurship looks like. mer, a time when there isn’t a The life of the late rapper and lot of competitive profession- entrepreneur Nipsey Hussle al basketball going on. personifies this point. Now entering its third sea- However, Ice Cube, Nipsey’s son, Ice Cube is looking to

West Coast predecessor and take the next step in not only Black Press USA elder—or “O.G.”—in the rap raising the profile of his pro- In early April, with his FOX Sports contract having expired at the conclusion of the 2018 BIG3 campaign, game and one of the founding fessional basketball brand, fathers of the hip-hop genre but his personal profile as a the league inked a new deal to have games televised on the CBS network. However, armed with a high-profile known as “gangsta rap,” has Black business mogul. In ear- group of investors with deep pockets of their own, Ice Cube has a much bigger vision. But reaching that goal been blazing big time busi- ly April, with his FOX Sports won’t come without challenges, or a fight. ness trails of his own for the contract having expired at past two decades. the conclusion of the 2018 a much bigger vision. But unfair treatment of minority networks in markets such as work with original pro- Many are familiar with BIG3 campaign, the league reaching that goal won’t come organizations and for con- Atlanta, Dallas, Detroit, and gramming, sports, and other O’Shea “Ice Cube” Jackson, inked a new deal to have without challenges, or a fight. sistent disregard of its own Los Angeles. culturally relevant content. either from his days as a rap- games televised on the CBS “The BIG3 is not part of the customers,” Ice Cube said in Ice Cube and the BIG3, In an April letter written by per in the group “N.W.A.,” or network. However, armed old boys club and that doesn’t a statement regarding his in- should they win the bid, the BIG3 to the Federal Com- from his acting roles in pop- with a high-profile group of sit well with a company like vestor group’s bid to purchase would then have the foun- munications Commission and ular movies such as “Boyz In investors with deep pockets Charter, which has been 21 regional sports networks dation in place to build a the Department of Justice, The Hood,” and the “Friday,” of their own, Ice Cube has called out many times for (RSN). The channels include brand new national net- SEE GAME 10B The Miami Times 9 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019

Spending is expected to rise this Mother’s Day compared to the last year. Getty Image

Those Sunday brunch reservations may already be hard to come by

HOW AMERICA SPENDS TO HONOR MOM DANIEL B. KLINE • $141 at home improvement/furnishing to bust your budget or leave yourself unable The Motley Fool stores; to cover some of your bills in order to buy • $160 at electronics stores; her a big gift or a fancy meal. And espe- With Mother’s Day around the corner, if • $110 at department stores; cially if she’s the one who introduced you you don’t have your brunch or dinner res- • $57 in online purchases. to the basics of personal finance; you can ervation made already, you may be running bet she wouldn’t want you to carry those out of options. Consider taking her out on That’s not to say that every shopper splurges as a credit card balance for very Saturday. spent that much in each of those catego- long, either. In 2018, Mother’s Day was the highest ries. The data show the average amount So celebrate mom, but be reasonable restaurant spending day of the year, ac- spent by each person who shopped at that about it. You can honor the mothers in your cording to data gleaned from the accounts type of store during the weekend. life with some time, attention and a home- of 50 million Bank of America active credit cooked meal if that’s what your budget and debit card users. BE REASONABLE allows. A provident approach may demand Mother’s Day restaurant spending, which Mother’s Day is about making your a little more cleverness and effort than averaged $45, was 55 percent higher than mother – and the other mothers in your simply buying a spa gift card and making the average day, according to the data. life – feel appreciated. Spending money is a restaurant reservation, but choose what And in further proof that most of us see one way to do that, but it’s important to be suits your situation, and mom should be taking mom out to eat as the natural way fiscally responsible while doing so. pleased. After all, she only wants to celebrate, the second-highest restaurant Mom probably doesn’t want you what’s best for you. spending day was ... the day before Moth- er’s Day. Generation X (1965-1977) had the high- est spending average at $68 per account, with Baby Boomers (1946-1964) only slight- ly behind at $65.

A HUGE DAY FOR SPENDING U.S. consumers are expected to spend a record $25 billion this year on Mother’s Day – and not just at restaurants – an increase from $23. billion last year, accord- ing to data from the National Retail Feder- ation (NRF). A fairly remarkable 84 percent of U.S. adults are expected to celebrate the day in some way. “Mother’s Day spending has been growing consistently over the past several years, and this year’s spending is expected to be the highest in the 16-year history of our sur- vey,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said. “Consumers are excited to celebrate all the moms in their lives, and retailers are ready to inspire consumers with unique gift options.” Health and beauty purchases are expect- ed to be a top area for spending, according to Bank of America. In 2018, consumers spent an average of $82 on health and beauty spa gifts, a 3 percent increase over the previous year. That was actually below some other areas for what the average customer spent in other areas on Mother’s day weekend: The Miami Times 10 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 t

WHERE THE GOOD JOBS ARE ed for the cost of living in Hard for people without a college the area. In Springfield, Mo., the cutoff is $33,100. In San degree, to find work with decent pay Jose, Calif., it is $47,900. To EDUARDO PORTER erage, however, the truth is figure out how many of these New York Times that there are better-paid jobs jobs are open to people with- available to workers without out degrees, the economists You dropped out of college, the requisite college creden- scoured nearly 30 million or decided straight out of tial. The trick is finding them. local job ads across 121 met- high school that college was They are not always in the ropolitan areas to determine not your thing. Here’s some most obvious places. their minimum educational advice if you are looking for Keith Wardrip of the Fed- requirements. They called a job: Stay out of Washington. eral Reserve Bank of Phila- them “opportunity jobs.” Don’t go to New York. Forget delphia and Kyle Fee and Lisa Their findings offer a sliv- about San Francisco. If you Nelson of the Federal Reserve er of hope for the future of want to make anything near a Bank of Cleveland have put the American worker. About decent wage, head for Toledo, together a map. Its most re- 22 million jobs — over one Des Moines or Birmingham. sounding and confounding in five across the metro ar- Most of the 140 million recommendation: Stay out eas in the study — pay more Americans over 25 who lack a of the superstar cities. Their than the median wage. They bachelor’s degree face pretty booming tech, health and fi- include some surprises. For dim job prospects. The me- nancial industries may offer all the talk that you need a dian wage for workers with great jobs for the college ed- bachelor’s degree these days some college education but ucated. But if you don’t have to become a registered nurse, no four-year degree is $835 the degree, they have little for 66 percent of available reg- per week, about 10 percent you. istered-nursing jobs did not less than it was at the turn of What’s a good job? require one. Many make do the century, after inflation. Wardrip, Fee and Nelson with an associate degree. Nei- Workers with a bachelor’s de- define a “good job” in sim- ther did 46 percent of open- gree typically make one-third ple terms: It has to pay more ings for executive secretaries more. than the national median and executive administrative Underneath the grim av- wage, $37,690 in 2017, adjust- SEE JOBS 11B

nities as White-owned anything regarding the This is also our Hora- to withstand whatever media companies. sale had been resolved. tio Alger story. Hip challenges they may CITY OF MIAMI GAME “In response to our Cori Harvey, an at- hop and sports is often face. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CONTINUED FROM 8B filing, Charter says torney who special- how we pull ourselves “They are not im- they are willing to talk izes in business law, up by our bootstraps.” mune (to being de- Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Miami City Clerk’s office the company accused to ‘whomever.’ Given economics and en- “This is a coming- railed) but their finan- located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 for Charter Communi- their consistent ani- trepreneurship, said of-age story. This is an cial wherewithal gives the following: cations of interfering mosity toward diverse the mere fact that Ice example of employees them a definite mecha- with the BIG3’s invest- ownership groups Cube, LL Cool J, Sere- buying the company. It nism to withstand chal- IFB NO. 1021382 WASTE OIL AND NON-HAZADOUS ment group — which with inclusive mes- na Williams and other shows that many hands lenges,” said Dr. Leon, PETROLEUM IMPACTED PRODUCTS includes Ice Cube, fel- sages like ours, we say athletes and entertain- make light work.” the political scientist, low hip-hop legends we don’t believe them. ers have joined forces Dr. Wilmer Leon, III, author, columnist and CLOSING DATE/TIME: 2:00 PM, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2019 LL Cool J and Snoop Anyone who looks at to purchase the sports agreed. talk show host. “These Dogg, basketball Hall the facts won’t either. channels is deeply sig- “This is incredibly, resources put them at (Deadline to Request additional information/clarification: of Famers Magic John- They have done every- nificant. He predicts a incredibly important another level. They’ll Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 3:00 PM) son, Julius “Dr. J” Erv- thing they can to keep ripple effect on Blacks if we’re ever going to have resources to pay ing and Clyde Drexler, us from owning these and the larger Black have a chance of mov- an attorney like Willie Detailed specifications for this bid is available at the Procurement tennis star Serena Wil- RSNs and that’s why community. ing our situation for- Gary.” website at or you may contact liams, comedian Kevin we have asked the FCC “If this succeeds, ward,” he said. “We’re The most imme- Procurement Contracting Officer Cristiane [email protected] Hart, and other prom- and the DOJ to investi- even the attempt I seeing major assets diate challenge is inent figures in sports gate,” Ice Cube said in think, represents and more media assets apparently Channel THIS BID SOLICITATION IS SUBJECT TO THE “CONE OF and entertainment — a statement. movement along a falling into fewer and Communications and SILENCE” IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI CODE bid to purchase 21 re- In response to the much-needed path,” fewer hands.” Liberty Media. Ac- SECTION 18-74 ORDINANCE NO.12271. gional sports networks letter, Charter didn’t said Ms. Harvey, a Dr. Leon, who teach- cording to the New currently owned by explicitly push back former law professor es at Howard Universi- York Post, BIG3 ac- Emilio T. González, Ph.D. Disney, which the against the allegations, at Florida A&M Uni- ty, said it is gratifying cuses Charter Com- AD NO. 31919 City Manager company acquired in saying, “Charter cur- versity. It shows that to see this clique of munications of con- its recent merger with rently has an agree- it takes generations celebrities coalesc- spiring with Liberty FOX. Disney has until ment to carry these to shift into this space ing around a common Media and the owner June to sell the RSNs networks and wel- of access and mentor- goal. It’s important, he of the Atlanta Braves CITY OF MIAMI if they want to avoid comes the opportuni- ship. African Ameri- added, that the group and was trying “to ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS antitrust issues in the ty to discuss a future cans have had to build appears to have the pollute the bidding future. carriage agreement for across generations. financial wherewithal process.” Sealed Proposals will be received by the City of Miami City Clerk’s BIG3 said that Char- these networks with office located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 ter threatened to drop whoever ultimately for the following: the RSNs from the ca- owns them, includ- ble networks it owns ing Big3. Regardless RFP NO. 1062381 STORM PUMP STATION REPAIR AND should they come un- of who owns the pro- MAINTENANCE SERVICES der new ownership. gramming, we ap- Pre-emptively mak- proach all negotiations CLOSING DATE/TIME: 2:00 PM, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2019 ing this threat would with the same singular MIA – Building 716 Restroom Upgrade and effectively lower the objective of reaching Renovations MCC-V-089-B (Deadline to Request additional information/clarification: current $10 billion carriage agreements Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 2:00 PM) price package. How- that best meet the MCM is soliciting bids for this project under the MCC-8-10 Program at ever, what makes the needs of our custom- Miami-Dade Aviation Department: VOLUNTARY Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on move curious is that ers.” Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 11:00 am at the City of Miami MRC Liberty Media, Char- The BIG3 met on Scope: Upgrades to existing Cargo Building 716 public restrooms Building, 444 SW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33130, on the 6th Floor ter’s largest sharehold- April 17 with the an- South Conference Room. er, is also bidding for titrust division of the Packages Bidding: SBE/Const Trade Set-Aside: “A” Misc. General the RSNs. Charter has DOJ, two days after the Work, “B” Drywall, “C” Hollow Metal Doors/Hardware, “D” Painting, Detailed specifications for this RFP is available at the Procurements been accused before deadline to enter bids and “E” Tiles, “F” Fire Sprinklers, “G” Plumbing, “H” HVAC, and “I” website at or you may contact the by a Black man for bi- for the RSNs. Others Electrical Sr. Procurement Contracting Officer Tahlia Gray tgray@miamigov. ased practices. In 2016, in the bidding include com Byron Allen filed a $10 conservative media Pre-bid Conference (Mandatory): Thursday, May 30, 2019 @ 10:00 AM billion discrimination company Sinclair Location: MCM 4301 NW 22nd Street, Building 3030, 2nd Floor, THIS BID SOLICITATION IS SUBJECT TO THE “CONE OF suit against the com- Broadcast Group, Ma- Conference Room #1 SILENCE” IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI CODE pany, accusing them jor League Baseball in Sealed Bids Due: Thursday, June 13, 2019 @ 2:00 PM SECTION 18-74 ORDINANCE NO.12271. of not giving networks partnership with Lib- Bonding required for bids of $200,000 or higher owned by minori- erty Media. Emilio T. González, Ph.D. ty groups the same At Final Call press For information, please contact Ginny Mirabal: (305)869-4563 AD NO. 31920 City Manager broadcasting opportu- time, it was unclear if The Miami Times 11 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019

Sell It | Rent It | Find a Job | A Car A House | An Apartment Classified 11 THE MIAMI TIMES | MAY 8-14, 2019 | MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM


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SIFIED AD FREE WATER okay, 786-367-4004. Accounts Receivable One bdrm., 55 community, Reconciling bank and Email resume along with SERVICES Remodeled two, three Section 8, 305-457-0701. 191 Street NW 32 Ave salary history to: credit card accounts AIR CONDITION SERVICES bedrooms, air, appliances, Four bdrms., Section 8 wel- [email protected] Payroll and maintain Serving South Florida for over laundry, gate. From $800. ONE BEDROOM come, 305-754-7776. The Miami Times 305-374-4412 Gated. Section 8 welcome. payroll records. 48 years JOHN L. CHEEVER First, last and security To be considered for this THE BREEZE MAN CAPITAL RENTAL ROUTE DRIVERS 813-618-3297 FOR SALE position you MUST have 786-222-8380 AGENCY the following: We are seeking drivers to LICENSED REAL ESTATE Duplexes Houses Minimum of two years deliver newspaper to retail GENE AND SONS, INC. BROKER experience outlets in Broward and Custom-made cabinets for 2357 NW 81 Terrace kitchens and bathrooms at 305-642-7080 I BUY HOUSES CASH! AA or AS degree in Busi- Miami Dade. Two bedrooms, one bath, affordable prices. Overtown, Liberty City, ANY SITUATION ness Administration Wednesday Only 305.694.6210 appliances. $1300 monthly. 14130 N.W. 22nd Avenue. Brownsville, Allapatah. 305-731-3591 Must have proficiency You must be available Apartments, Duplexes, 305-965-1144 of Excel, intermediate between the hours of 6 Call 305-685-3565 Houses. One, Two and Furnished Rooms to advanced level in Quick- a.m. and 3 p.m. Must have GOD’S ANGEL Three Bedrooms. Same day REPAIRS books reliable, insured vehicle and Unclog drains, doors and lawn approval. Call for specials. 1211 NW 51 Terrace TONY ROOFING Professional demeanor current Driver License. service. 305-801-5690 305-642-7080 www. Cuarto por semana. Bano 45 Years Experience! and ability to maintain Apply in person at: compartido, aire central. Shingles, roofing and leak confidentiality The Miami Times CLASSIFIED 786-320-2863 repairs. Call 305-491-4515 Please send resume to 2525 NW 54th Street DEADLINE CALL CLASSIFIED DEADLINE CLASSIFIED DEADLINE CLASSIFIED DEADLINE [email protected] CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 4 P.M., TUESDAY 4 P.M., TUESDAY 4 P.M., TUESDAY 4 P.M., TUESDAY 4 P.M. CLAS YOUR PLACE passes $91.1B budget victory. Galvano got approv- don’t worry about that!” De- able to grow vegetable gar- the 60th day of what was sup- Education gets the most changes; al for the rural toll roads he Santis said as he stood beside dens in their front yards with- posed to be a 60-day session. wants to build to help boost Galvano and Oliva, prompting out worrying about local ordi- And there was long and teachers armed: charter vouchers economic development, ease a round of laughs and cheers nances that ban them. loud debate over a bill that ex- BRENDAN FARRINGTON The House floor erupted in congestion on Interstate 75 from the lawmakers around But other issues raised con- pands a program that allows Associated Press thunderous applause. and to create new hurricane them. “That budget is less sternation. For weeks, advo- school districts to train teach- So what did they actually evacuation routes. Oliva got than the budget for New York cates for immigrants came ers to carry guns in the class- The Florida Legislature do? A lot – but most of it in the some health care reforms, in- City. And so, I think Florida is to the Capitol to protest a room. That bill also passed in came back for one extra day last few days of the session. cluding a bill that makes it eas- fiscally stable. We’re going to proposal that prohibits local the final week. There was also Saturday to pass a $91.1 bil- The 2019 Legislature behaved ier to build new hospitals. De- continue with that, we’re go- governments from adopting language that Republicans lion budget, ending a session like a college student who Santis largely got everything ing to live within our means sanctuary policies on immi- snuck into a bill on the 60th where sanctuary cities and suddenly realized final exams he asked for, from a bill that and still meet the needs of the gration. In the final week, the day that will make it hard- guns in schools grabbed much were coming up. Lawmakers helps students prepare for ca- people.’’ Legislature approved a bill re- er for citizens to change the of the attention in a process quickly completed their first reers even if they don’t want There were some issues that quiring local governments to constitution through petition that saw victories for Repub- assignment – a demand by Re- a four-year college degree to Democrats and Republicans cooperate with federal author- drives. lican leaders. publican Gov. Ron DeSantis to the expansion of the state’s agreed on, like feel-good bills ities that enforce immigration So while Democrats and Lawmakers tacked on the repeal the state’s ban on med- voucher program that spends to give cancer benefits to fire- laws. Democrats spent hours Republicans cheered as the extra day to their annual 60- ical marijuana. Then DeSantis taxpayer money to send stu- fighters and increasing penal- fighting a bill that will force session ended, some Demo- day legislative session be- had little use for his bill-sign- dents to private schools. ties for people who kill police felons to pay court-imposed crats felt that among the good cause they couldn’t come to a ing Sharpie for most of March “We had a lot of stuff on our dogs. Nobody voted against financial obligations before lawmakers did, there were spending agreement on time. and April. Lawmakers didn’t plate with a new governor,” a bill that bans child-like sex they can have their voting other bills that shouldn’t be They spent Friday passing send him anything else of sig- said Republican Sen. Tom dolls. Floridians will soon be rights restored. It passed on celebrated. last-minute bills, then came nificance for weeks. Lee, a previous Senate presi- back to the Capitol just to But when they did, they did dent. “We got pretty much all vote on the budget. The pro- so with a whirlwind of activ- of it done because the speaker cess took a matter of minutes. ity — some of which popped and the president were a real- The House and Senate passed up as a surprise in the final ly good fit for one another and Invitation to Bid the spending plan with no minutes of the session. At 11:19 this governor’s personality.” Republicans ended up debate — they did that over p.m. on the last day to con- Notice is hereby given that bids will be received on 6/4/2019 by Jackson Health System (for spending more than they said the previous two days — and sider legislation other than Skanska USA Building) for the following independent Jackson Memorial Hospital project: spent the time cheerfully con- the budget, the Legislature they would. The Senate pro- posed a $90.3 billion budget. gratulating themselves on the passed a bill aimed at pre- Jackson Health System – Project “D” – The House thought that was work they did in the previous venting human trafficking. It West Wing 9th Floor Interior Renovations 60 days. includes a provision that will too much, and suggested $89.9 billion. So when it came time “Give yourselves a round of create a publicly accessible All bids must be delivered via courier or hand delivered in a sealed envelope to Jackson to reconcile those differences, applause,” said Senate Presi- database of people who solicit Memorial Hospital Facilities, Design and Construction Department trailer located at the corner they agreed on $91.1 billion. dent Bill Galvano. prostitutes, as well as training of NW 12th Ave and NW 19th Street. Complete address is listed below: DeSantis originally requested The senators did. for hotel and massage parlor Jackson Memorial Hospital $91.3 billion, but on Saturday “Here we are 61 days later, workers on how to spot and Facilities, Design and Construction, Trailer #1 he joked that he’ll cut what and we have done what we report human trafficking. Attn: Skanska-Isamar Lebron the Legislature approved. said we would do. We should Although most of the 3,500 1611 NW 12th Ave “It’s going to be under 91 all go home tremendously or bills filed this year died, the Miami, FL 33136 proud,’’ House Speaker Jose three most powerful men in (billion dollars) when I get through with the budget, Oliva said minutes later. the Capitol were able to claim There is a mandatory pre-bid walk-thru scheduled on 5/21/2019. Bid requirements and bid forms, specifications, drawings and other construction documents will be available on www. degrees competing for work. The industry mix of vari- (DocuPro). Bid packages include: In St. Louis, there are 2.3 ous urban areas also plays an JOBS workers without a degree for important role. For instance, • Division 01 – Final Cleaning (SBE-C SET ASIDE) CONTINUED FROM 10B each opportunity job. In the what remains of America’s • Division 02 – Demolition (SBE-C SET ASIDE) New York-Newark metropol- manufacturing sector is also • Division 06 – Millwork assistants. Nor did 47 percent itan area, there are 4.5. enhancing job opportunities • Division 07 – Firestopping of the searches for comput- A couple of patterns stand for those who aren’t college • Division 08 – Doors (SBE-C SET ASIDE) er-user support specialists. out. For one, prices can ex- educated. Former industri- • Division 09 – Framing and Drywall All the positions cleared the plain a lot about the regional al hubs like Cleveland and • Division 09 – Acoustical Ceilings (SBE-C SET ASIDE) wage floor. distribution of good jobs. You St. Louis still offer some • Division 09 – Flooring Some of these job catego- need to earn more in expen- blue-collar jobs that pay a de- • Division 09 – Painting (SBE-C SET ASIDE) ries are growing fast. The sive places to stay above the cent wage. • Division 09 – Finishes economy is expected to add median wage. The metro- How to expand opportu- • Division 10 – Specialties (SBE-C SET ASIDE) nearly half a million jobs for politan areas around Austin, nities to workers without a • Division 21 – Fire Protection registered nurses between Texas, and Cleveland have four-year degree? Part of the • Division 22 – Plumbing 2016 and 2026. And Wardrip roughly the same total em- answer involves training, for • Division 23 – HVAC noted that as the job market ployment. But living in Cleve- sure. Cities might also try to • Division 26 – Electrical had tightened over the last land is cheaper. So while only promote the expansion of the five years, employers had re- 18.5 percent of Austin’s jobs kinds of industries that offer Skanska is committed to supporting the economic development of Miami-Dade County small laxed their educational re- offer good wages to workers most opportunity jobs. But businesses through the SBE –C program. Miami-Dade County certified “small” business entities quirements. without college degrees, op- the enormous variation in are encouraged to submit bid proposals. All subs interested in bidding this project will need San Francisco is not for you portunity jobs account for 30 educational requirements for to have gone through Skanska’s prequalification process. It can be initiated at https://apps. The most striking finding is percent of Cleveland’s em- similar jobs across the United how these jobs are distributed ployment. States also suggests that many geographically. In Asheville, In the superstar cities, sky- employers seem to be asking All questions can be directed to Project Manager – Isamar Lebron (isamar.lebron@skanska. N.C., more than four in five high rents make this very dif- for more education than the com), or Project Engineer – Anthony Sferra ([email protected]) job openings for computer-us- ficult. The cost of living in the job requires. er support specialists do not New York area is 37 percent There may be good rea- Skanska USA Building Inc. reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals in whole require a bachelor’s degree. higher than in Birmingham, sons for hospitals in Raleigh or part and to waive informalities and irregularities. In San Francisco, only about a Ala. So while the $34,700 an- to require registered nurses third are open to people with- nual wage of a typical bill- to have a bachelor’s degree. Each subcontractor is to identify their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, tier SBE participants as bid solicitation. out a degree. Fewer than half and-account collector in Bir- The positions might involve the nursing jobs in Raleigh, mingham clears the threshold more complex care requir- Each subcontractor is to provide a resume of prior health care experience with point of contact. N.C., are open to people who to be considered a good job by ing a higher level of skill. But Please confirm that you have included the office of inspector general fee in your bid. haven’t graduated from a four- more than $1,000, the $44,380 the large disparity in educa- year college, compared with wage for the equivalent job in tional requirements suggests Please confirm that you have read and understand wage & classification requirements 85 percent in Huntsville, Ala. the New York area falls about that many employers are de- associated with the Miami Dade Responsible Wage Act 2019 and have made reasonable Of course, bigger cities will $1,500 short. Hence there are manding more education than adjustments for 2020. have more opportunity jobs. 1,371 opportunity jobs in Bir- needed just because they can They have more jobs over all. mingham collecting bills and be more selective when they All non-SBE subcontractors are required to provide a minimum of 21.59% SBE But they also have more work- accounts. In the New York have a larger pool of workers contribution to their direct cost of work scope. This breakout must be identified and ers without four-year college area, there are none. to choose from. reflected in the Bid. Football | Basketball | Baseball Track & Field | Golf | Tennis | Stats & Scores Sports 12 THE MIAMI TIMES | MAY 8-14, 2019 | MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM 2019 NBA PLAYOFFS Who is the MVP so far?

shooting 7.2 percentage points enough this postseason to ob- Making the case for players better from the field (58.7 per- scure the fact that, aside from cent to 51.5 percent) and 6.2 him, the Golden State War- Kawhi Leonard, Kevin Durant percentage points better on riors aren’t playing particular- three-pointers (50 percent to ly well, let alone playing like JEFF ZILLGITT Eastern Conference semifinals 43.8 percent). defending champions. and MARTIN ROGERS series Sunday. Leonard also averages more Durant spent most of the USA TODAY In the series, which is tied rebounds (7.7 to 5) and trails regular season being angry. at 2, Leonard is averaging 38 in assists to Durant (5 to 3.4). After being ignited by the Los Milwaukee's Giannis Ante- points, nine rebounds and four Leonard is also playing three Angeles Clippers’ Patrick Bev- tokounmpo might very well assists and is shooting 61.8 fewer minutes. erly in the first round he has win the MVP award this sea- percent from the field and 46.4 Leonard’s effective shoot- spent the last few weeks being son for the first time in his percent on three-pointers and ing percentage (which ignited, and Golden State is career. Or maybe Houston's has scored at least 30 points in gives added weight to made immensely grateful for it. James Harden will win it for all four games. three-pointers) is 66.2 percent He is averaging 41 points the second consecutive sea- Where would the Raptors to Durant’s 58.6 percent, and over his past five games and son. be without Leonard? Well, the Leonard’s true shooting per- just takes over contests in the But if you’re looking for the Raptors would probably be centage (which accounts for kind of fashion reserved for best player of the 2019 post- down 3-1, if not already swept, all made shots including free the true greats of the game. season, it’s neither of those against the Sixers. throws) is 70.4 percent to Du- When Warriors coach Steve players. It’s not Warriors As single-handed as it gets rant’s 66.6 percent. Kerr likened him to Jordan, guard Steph Curry or Portland in a team game, Leonard is Leonard has three dou- let’s just say this: it wasn’t guard Damian Lillard either. keeping the Raptors in the se- ble-doubles and of the 16 quar- tongue-in-cheek. Golden State’s Kevin Durant ries and giving them a chance ters he has played against Phil- Let’s not pretend that these and Toronto’s Kawhi Leon- to advance. adelphia, he has scored at least are the same Warriors of old. ard are the best players so far. Not only is he the best play- eight points in 14 quarters. They’re not. The reason why Both have been phenomenal. er on the court, he might be And let’s be frank: Durant is they once went 73-9 but this Who has been better? That the best player in the playoffs on the better team surrounded season lost 24 games isn’t be- depends on taste, but you can regardless of conference. Bet- by more talent. The Sixers are cause they’re bored of winter make an argument for both ter than Durant. Better than doing everything they can to basketball, it’s because they’re players given what they have Antetokounmpo. stop Leonard, and Leonard is not as good. With Durant fir- done. Read the cases from His six games with at least still getting his points. ing, however, they are more USA TODAY Sports' NBA re- 30 points this postseason are than likely still unbeatable porters Jeff Zillgitt and Martin the most by a Raptor in fran- THE CASE FOR over seven games, because Rogers and decide. chise history, and he is the fifth KEVIN DURANT there is no one in the game de- player in NBA history to gen- Best player in these playoffs? fensively proficient enough to THE CASE erate 150 points, 30 rebounds Yep, that’s you, Durant. Best blunt his magic. FOR KAWHI LEONARD and 15 assists in the first four player in basketball right now? If Golden State cares about If it doesn’t look like Toron- games of a series, according Absolutely, check that one off Stephen Curry’s ego, they’ll to’s Kawhi Leonard is breaking to Elias Sports Bureau. The the list too. And it’s not close. keep spreading out play calls a sweat, it’s only because he’s other four: Hall of Famers Mi- With all due respect to in an even-handed and dem- making it look so easy to score chael Jordan, Rick Barry, Wilt Leonard and anyone else who ocratic fashion. If they care against Philadelphia. Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor. has pulled on a pair of sneak- about adding another cham- "That's not fair to the Six- Leonard, who is also an elite ers this postseason, there is pionship – and this is a choice ers. I'm definitely breaking a defender, is second in playoff one man who forms his own they may soon need to make – sweat,” Leonard said after a scoring through both rounds wrecking crew and who has they’ll put the rock in Durant’s 39-point, 14-rebound, five-as- at 32.3 points per game, 3.3 the singular capacity to win an hands far more often. sist performance in Toronto’s shy of Durant’s average. But NBA title by himself. He’s as good as it gets, and 101-96 victory against Phil- Leonard is also taking two It is Durant, whose per- he’s the undisputed king of adelphia in Game 4 of their fewer shots per game and formances have been good these playoffs.

these names are just a few er, NFL commissioner Roger well-being of another person. athletes who commit do- of the recent football players Goodell and the league have Knocking someone out, mestic violence from earn- ZIEGLER with a history of domestic vi- failed to act swiftly and judi- stomping them, slapping ing a living. But if your job olence in their pasts. ciously on acts of aggression them and kicking the stom- includes you being a model Former Baltimore Ravens until outlets like TMZ release ach of the mother of your citizen, or at least not a threat REPORT star Ray Rice will forever be video evidence, forcing them unborn child are all textbook to your friends, family or so- JENNY ZIEGLER, [email protected] the NFL’s poster child for to take a moral stand. acts of endangering the wel- ciety, then the league needs domestic violence after we The NFL is willing to turn fare of another person. to step up and hold these Domestic violence is watched him kick and punch a blind eye to reprehensible The policy applies to play- athletes accountable for their his then-fiancé Janay Palm- behavior when it suits the ers’ personal lives and image actions. Do the right thing, er, knocking her out back in bottom line. in the public spotlight. It is NFL, even if it means banning not a part of the game 2014. And he subsequently It shouldn’t take seeing raw supposed to help control the the players. dragged her listless body out footage or hearing audio to players off-the-field behavior. They need to do more to Give me your child abusers, Domestic violence appears of the elevator. be disgusted by the violent And it is supposed to pre- try and prevent domestic vio- your sexual batterers, your to be a brutal trend growing A scene, thanks to the in- acts committed by these play- serve the leagues’ very public lence in the way of education women beaters – the Nation- more and more prevalent in ternet, that continues to be ers which, by the way, are in image. and anger management. And al football League freely wel- the NFL than any other pro- played over and over again. direct violation of the NFL’s Charles Barkley once very the league needs to dole out comes all who have super-hu- fessional sport. That’s a very The NFL shield is meant Code of Conduct. loudly and defiantly stated the appropriate punishments man physical gifts regardless ugly blemish on their pre- to symbolize the power, the Unfortunately, this has that “he is not a role model,” as a deterrent to such abhor- of their character. cious shield. concentration and the pride been the go-to move for the but being a famous athlete rent behavior. Football is a violent game But this is what can happen in playing the game. From league before they will act. propelled him in that role It’s high time that the in and of itself, but it’s when when you put talent and mon- the time the players enter the The code of conduct policy whether he liked it or not. league starts trying to be pro- that violence leaves the field ey ahead of human decency. league they undergo educa- states: Ironically, it is his person- active and not just reactive if and turns on those who play- From Kareem Hunt to tion on how best to represent Players could be subject to ality and role-modeldom that they really want to help the ers are supposed to love … Tyreek Hill to Travis Kelce the league, their team and discipline if they engage in has afforded him the position players, their victims and then Houston, we have a to Reuben Foster and newly their communities. conduct that poses a genu- of NBA analyst on TNT. families, while it preserves its problem. drafted player Frank Clark, Much to our dismay howev- ine danger to the safety and No one is trying to keep image. Lifestyles Entertainment IN Culture Food Arts Music


‘VIVA LA PARRANDA’ The live party explores Afro-Venezuelan culture through rhythm, dance and sanchoco

FELIPE RIVAS [email protected]

ith the smell of sancocho wafting through the air and the sounds, sights and rhythms of a traditional Afro-Venezuelan parranda drumming away, an interactiveW musical at the Colony Theater in Miami Beach is redefining the meaning of dinner and a show.

“Viva La Parranda,” presented by Miami New Drama, is a celebration of Afro-Venezuelan culture told through the real-life stories of musicians hailing from El Clavo, a small Betsayda Machado village in Venezuela that traces its roots back to Senegal and La Parranda and the African slave trade of the 17th and 18th centuries. El Clavo, above, The musical follows the stories of Betsayda Machado and La Parranda El Clavo, as they take turns detailing their star in the highly experiences growing up in the small village of El Clavo. interactive musical Machado and La Parranda El Clavo have wowed audiences “Viva La Parranda.” worldwide with their signature, folkloric sound of Afro-Ven- The musical weaves ezuelan rhythms and drums. “Viva La Parranda” is largely Afro-Venezuelan inspired by their 2017 debut album “Loe Loa: Rural Record- culture, music, ings Under the Mango Tree” and is showing at the Colony food and dance, to Theater until May 19. The show is performed in Spanish provide a unique with English subtitles. theatre experience. The stories portrayed in the musical are real, filled with pride of the musicians’ African ancestry and complete with a look into the harsh reality of gun violence and economic

instability that plague their small village. Photos Courtesy of Xavier Lajuan Audience participation is a large part of “Viva La Parran- da,” as spectators are invited to participate in a traditional Afro-Venezuelan dance lesson and share a meal with the musicians at the end of the show. While the show is taking place, a sancocho, a traditional Latin American soup, usu- ally cooked in a large pot, slowly cooks in the background. The sancocho is part of the narrative of the musical and all audience members are invited to try the soup at the conclu- sion of the show. “We have been playing together for more than 40 years,” said Asterio Betancourt, founder of La Parranda El Clavo. A parranda is an Afro-Indigenous musical form popular in different Caribbean nations, usually made up of a group of townsfolk that play African-inspired rhythms on indigenous versions of handmade drums while singing short, animat- ed, folkloric ballads about different topics of historic and SEE LIVE 2C The Miami Times 2 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 LIVE CONTINUED FROM 1C whimsical nature. A parran- da is another way to describe a party or celebration. “The aim is to tell our story. We want to show our history and upbringing in our village,” Betancourt said. Each parranda member takes center stage detailing some of their personal histo- ries. The documentary style and nonlinear storytelling technique employed in the musical explores themes of African-ancestry pride and identity, love for nature and village life and the yearning of looking for better oppor- tunities outside of the village. What ties the different stories together is the musicians’ love for Afro-Venezuelan cul- ture and music. The parran- da members enjoy careers as teachers, firefighters, cacao farmer and merchants, re- tired nurses and professional musicians. The show explores the good and dangerous aspects of life in the small village, a reflection of life in Venezuela at large. The musicians’ pride and desire to know more about Photo Courtesy of Xavier Lajuan their African roots is evident. A slow-cooked soup, known as sancocho, which is part of the narrative of the "Viva La Parranda," is shared with audience members at A tribute to Nelson Mande- the conclusion of the show. la is woven between the dif- ferent stories told in the mu- how to dance in the Culo ‘E an allusion to the danger cre- in order to make a satisfying ish but I felt that I was able to what happened and who we sical. On the same vein, the Puya’ tradition, an Afro-Ven- ated by economic instability sancocho, different residents follow the story perfectly and are,” Holmes said. shows details the parranda ezuelan dance dating back to and the lack of resources cre- bring in the ingredients, I felt like I was a part of the members’ initiative to learn the early 1500s, performed by ated by the political leaders of which usually consist of meat, story,” said Yvette M. Holmes, IF YOU GO more about their African slaves even as their feet were the nation. But even through potatoes and spices. A sanco- a Houston native living in Mi- WHAT: “Viva La Parranda” culture and lineage by tak- shackled. the grim portrayals of life in cho is a metaphor of how the ami. musical ing DNA ancestry tests. The But woven between the El Clavo, the aim of the mu- community comes together She was one of the audi- WHERE: The Colony DNA tests found that many party, rhythmic drumming sical is to show the resilience in times of need. When some- ence members who jumped Theater Miami Beach, 1040 of the musicians' personal sounds and dancing, are tales and comradeship that unites one cannot contribute to the on stage to dance with the Lincoln Road history can be traced back to of gun violence that are far the “parranda” members and sancocho, that person is also musicians during the dance WHEN: 8 p.m. Thursday, Senegal, Algeria, Cameroon, too common in all parts of other residents of the village. invited to eat with the rest of lesson. She said the historical Friday, Saturday; 3 p.m. Nigeria and other African Venezuela. Without being “The reaction of the public the people. A sancocho, like significance of the musical Sunday thru May 19 nations. political or pandering to the at the end of the show is sim- music, brings people together was inspiring and motivating. COST: Tickets start at $35 The audience is also in- audience, the musical shows ilar,” Betancourt said, “they to create new memories and “Across the board, we are and are available at https:// vited to take part in the par- the reality of life in the village cry, they laugh, scream, ap- preserve old traditions, the all starving to know more or at ty. The parranda members with personal tales of slain plaud and they eat sancocho.” musical explained. about our roots and fill those box office of the Colony teach audience members friends and family members, The musical explain that “I don't know a lick of Span- hole and gaps of knowledge of Theatre The Miami Times 3 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019

and Kia Dority transformed Givens and daughter, Zuri; the school’s cafeteria into a and Lourdie Asse and her beautiful ballroom. son, Romerlus. Priscilla Asiamah and Miss Runway Competition Kayla Haywood under the I attended a pageant THE direction of Tom Toyama this weekend at the SOCIAL WHIRL reminded their classmates Embassy Suites Hotel in NYAMEKYE DANIEL | [email protected] in song that parents are just Fort Lauderdale. Many “One Call Away.” contestants were asked who Every other day when I Gloria. With the help of Everyone took notice inspires them. Next to God, check the calendar, there Charles’ brother David as Yashyawa Teague’s each contestant said they are is a day designated for Williams and his son, and Terrance Williams’ inspired by their mothers or something new. For instance, Charles Williams Jr., Allen fourth-grade daughter, sisters. The contestants and yesterday was National gets round-the-clock care. Trinity, wowed the beauty queens were as young Teacher Appreciation Day, Allen has slowed down audience. She and her as 4 years old up to 36 years and a few weeks ago was physically as expected. brother, Terrance, sang old. It was comforting to see Earth Day. Some days mean However, she is at the top “Girls Strut” by the Cheetah women of all ages and sizes more than others. Like I am of her game mentally and Girls. being able to showcase their convinced that National spiritually. She doesn’t Comedian Gary D. beauty. I got an invitation Donut, Pizza and Ice Cream waste a second letting Wright also performed, from Rebecca “Butterfly” days are designated by Hell’s anyone know that without and he was the host for the Vaughns. Vaughns is an Angel, himself, to tempt us “Jesus, grace and blessings,” evening. He told stories to accomplished poet, but I all. she would not have been which parents could relate. found out this weekend, This Sunday, on the other able to see another birthday Wright is a new parent to she can also sing. Let’s say hand, is one of the most celebration. his son, Gary Jr. DJ Gee this: She gave rise to the heartwarming days of the These days, Allen enjoys Smoove and Malcolm announcing at the event. She year. It is Mother’s Day. watching action movies. Davis had everyone on their “mothered” it! There is nothing like a Two of her favorite movies feet dancing to reggae, Latin Here are the Miss Runway mother’s love. I know, so are “Break In” featuring music and songs from the Competition winners and cliché. But think about it. Gabriel Union Wade and Top 100 charts. contestants: Mayalice Maternal love comes from “Equalizer” featuring Denzel Efrain Cobos; Mason Joseph, Miss Tiny; Asja the love of creation itself. Washington. She dreams of and Lavan Brooks and their Naima Saintil, Miss Mother’s Day is not just a meeting Union Wade one mom; Alton Phillips and Tween; Allyson Bodden; celebration of those who day because she has “so his daughter, Kennedy; and Zyann Daniels; Ka’nhiyja have given birth to children, much to tell her.” Michael and Myla Murphy Wimbley; Jahmyah James, but for all women who Ms. Beulah Allen’s 105th said they danced until they Miss; Merkenide Latortue; have love selflessly and Birthday Celebration was could not dance anymore. Brenna Wiggins; Monique unconditionally or sacrificed held on May 5, at CB Smith Others who attended Coney, Miss Runway for others. That’s a mother’s Park in Pembroke Pines. included: Willemena Curves; Asja’Le Stringfellow; love; never wavering; always Beulah Lee Allen turns 105 years old on Friday, Campbell and her grandson, Ke’Auna Watkins, Ms.; listening, knowing when May 10. NORWOOD’S RED Marcquise; Sheila and Fabiola Constant; Tanya to be stern and somehow CARPET AFFAIR Jonathan “Bae” Wilcox; Jones, Mrs. always having the answer. Parenting has changed Jennifer Garcia; Channin Also, take Webster’s these days because we live Johnson; Judith Case; REUNION REMINDERS dictionary’s definition of the in a digital age. Being easily Valarie Cruz-Agurto and Those who are attending word “mother.” She is the connected makes thing so her son Gianmarco; Kia, the Miami Northwestern female parent. She is also fast-paced, but it also means Diane and Kevin “BoLeg” Class of ’59 Reunion should a woman in authority or an there are many distractions Dority; Andrea Stewart; know that pictures, bios, old or elderly woman. In the for both parents and children Angela Chandler; Lance registration and dinner fees verb form, mother means to alike. and Jordin Juste; Jacqueline are due on May 10. Parking give birth and give rise to. Phylicia Tingling thought Penny; Tremayne Wilson for all of the events will So, mothers do deserve the that parents could benefit and his five daughters, be at 16000 NW Seventh special honor of their own from taking an evening to Tremiah, Trenajah, Ave. at the Golden Glades day. Let’s honor them. turn off their cellphones Treliyah, Trekiyah and Park and Ride on the east and televisions and spend Tremeyah; Trenease, side, the orange section. SHE IS A 105-YEAR-OLD some quality time with their Lerius and Lenese Attendees must arrive for MOTHER child. So she dreamed up Louissaint; Jermaine the graduation ceremony on Beulah Lee Allen has the idea of a mother/son and Ealey and his daughter, Wednesday, June 5 at 12:30 given rise to many as she father/daughter dance at her Janiya; Dominique p.m. The bus will leave for has been on this earth for 105 daughter’s school, Norwood Lindsey; Monique Joseph; the Adrienne Arsht Center years. Elementary. Shakira Oliver; Donnell 1 p.m.; dinner is scheduled Allen will celebrate her She shared the idea with Stallworth and his daughter, for 5 p.m. The following day milestone birthday on May the principal, Kevin N. Keira; Shahihar Francois; is a trip to Key West, which 10. She was born on the Williams, and the Red Mickayla McFarquhar; will be from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. cotton fields of Georgia in Carpet Affair was planned Laura Ruisse; Kestin For the “Tour of the City,” on 1914 and migrated to Florida for Saturday, April 27. White-Marin; Starr June 7, the bus will leave at in her 20s. More than 100 people Tulloch and her father, 10 a.m. Any questions should As a centenarian, she still attended the dance including Barrington “Lucky;” be Northwestern Class of communicates with clarity. her husband, Chef Troy Minouche Ducasse ’59 and Florida A&M grad, “When I was 12 years old, Tingling, her daughter and her son, Selah; Levi James Tullis will be absent I had to pick cotton with my Kyeanjah Rolle and a family Sullivan and his daughter, from the festivities since he parents from sun up until friend, Aniya. Lyonna; Chaka McGee died. The funeral service will dusk. My knees would hurt Chef Tingling prepared and her son, Karron be this Saturday, May 11 at A Red Carpet Affair at Norwood Elementary School so badly that I could barely a special seafood Jeffries; Zariah Billue; Roy Mizell & Kurtz Funeral move and had to crawl,” said challenged parents to put down electronics and creation, brown-stewed B. Henderson; Beverly Home in Fort Lauderdale. Allen. spend time having fun with their children. chicken, potatoes, peas and Hart Luckie; Antoinette The family is seeking “My father made knee pads rice and other dishes for and Zedon Cassie; Torri monetary contributions in for me and from that day children who were not After 50 years in South guests. Davis; Makayla Cooke; lieu of floral arrangements. forward I enjoyed picking her own. One of them is Florida, Allen moved back Other parents and teachers Jaron Williams; Kamal His son, Devin, will be in cotton to help contribute Dr. Gregg Feinman, an to Georgia, where she lived chipped in on decorations. Ibn Shaled; Nicolas attendance. to my family’s finances and ophthalmologist in Newport alone until she started Veronica Fascie and Jeune; Macarai Brewton; If you would like to be food even though I only Beach, Calif. She was part of experiencing medical issues. Catherine Morrison Daniel Akhirevbulu; featured in this column, email made 50 cents per day.” his life from the time he was Now she lives in Hollywood, created a backdrop while Ricky Nelson; Ozariyah ndaniel@miamitimesonline. While in South Florida, 10 years old until when he with her nephew Charles Kim Hunter Heard, Keisa, Nelson; Omari Ridgeway; com or call 305-694-6210 Allen helped raise many graduated from college. Williams and his wife, Kimaia and Kendal Baker Reneisha Nelson; Mildred extension 121.

Avant brings R&B to Lemon City

R&B singer Avant celebrated his 41st birthday by putting on a live performance in Little Haiti on Saturday. Avant followed local acts such as Namphuyo Aisha and legendary DJ Funk Masta Olly. The event was presented by Acoustically Yours in an effort to bring back real rhythm and blues. Avant said he gets his inspiration from classic singers such as Marvin Gaye. He is known for hits such as “Sepa- rated,” “Read Your Mind,” and “You And I.” The concert took place at LMNCTY, 295 NE 59th St.,in Miami. The neighborhood was once called Lemon City. The venue will be the home base for similar R&B- themed events.

Photo courtesy of Alicia Sanchez Destinations 4 THE MIAMI TIMES | MAY 8-14, 2019 | MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM

19. 5. 3.


9. travel 20. gifts for the post-

graduate 11.

6. This may be last chance to make a trip before life starts CONNIE CHEN of personal care items separate. The large Business Insider handle on the side is easy to spot and grab out of their suitcase, while the soft, full- With new jobs, grad school, and other grain leather is a significant upgrade from post-grad opportunities on the horizon, flimsy plastic bags. members of the Class of 2019 have another pressing concern on their minds: 4. SOCKS THEY'LL traveling the world, with their best college ACTUALLY FIND USEFUL friends in tow. Comrad Compression Socks Stripes For many, the months after graduation 3-Pack, $48 are one of the few times of their life when Compression socks may not seem like a 17. they'll be able to travel for weeks on end common or exiting gift, but Comrad's are uninterrupted, before company vacation the first exception to the rule because they policies and conflicting school breaks get don't look like compression socks at all. 15. in the way. For long flights, they help increase circu- Planning a trip as big as this is not an lation and prevent soreness and swelling, easy undertaking. If you're gifting a new and also happen to look good. Plus, they grad in your life, your contribution to their feature anti-microbial technology, wick away trip of a lifetime — whether in the form of moisture, and maintain the temperature of an Airbnb gift card, a shiny new suitcase, or your feet. a luxurious toiletry bag — won't go unap- preciated. 5. AN ORGANIZATIONAL ACCESSORY Check out 20 travel-related gifts for your THEY DIDN'T REALIZE THEY NEEDED grad, whether they're leaving for a week or Paravel Packing Cube Trio, $55 three months. I don't travel anywhere anymore without using packing cubes (I use these as well 1. THE ONLY DAY-PACK as Away's), and neither will your recipient THEY'LL NEED TO BRING after they try these simple organizational Lo & Sons Edgemont Convertible accessories. Paravel's slick nylon cubes Backpack Tote, $91 come in four colors and in three sizes, With this minimalist, durable, and allowing them to pack by type of clothing or 13. eco-friendly backpack tote, they're getting outfit. They also double as laundry bags to two bags for the price of one, and each separate dirty and clean clothes. You can style looks and feels equally great. It fea- add custom embroidered letters (+$25) to tures multiple compartments to keep their make the cubes even more special. essentials organized, so they'll never feel lost or flustered while out on a day trip. De- 6. A TRAVEL WALLET THAT ALSO 18. spite its ability to hold a surprising amount HOLDS THEIR PASSPORT of stuff, it's always comfortable to carry. Bellroy Travel Wallet, $119 It's the size of a standard wallet, but this 2. STYLISH LEATHER STICKERS TO one can somehow still stash 10 cards, ADORN THEIR SUITCASE their passport, and cash without feeling Away Stickers, $15 too bulky. The premium, environmentally These lux stickers are made from 100% certified leather, available in four colors, leather and add a cool personal touch to is beautiful and ages gracefully through their travel bags. Away rotates out their se- travels beyond this post-grad trip. 3. lection of sticker options, so check back of- Find more of the best travel wallets here ten to see what new illustrations they have 1. in stock. The "Fast" alphabet collection, 7. A SOFT AND COMFORTABLE pictured above, is usually available and is a TRAVEL PILLOW THAT ALSO BLOCKS bold choice that suggests your recipient is OUT LIGHT AND SOUND always excited to explore the next new and Grand Trunk Hooded Travel Pillow, $29.95 exciting destination. What everyone sees on Instagram are the gorgeous landscapes and landmarks. 3. A DOUBLE-COMPARTMENT What they don't are the hours of exhaust- TOILETRY KIT ing travel time to get to said sites. A few Leatherology Double Zip hours of comfortable sleep is one of the Toiletry Bag, $120 best gifts you can give to your jet-setting A favorite of frequent travelers who like recipient, and this travel pillow is just the to stay organized but also stylish, Leather- accessory to grant them that privilege. ology's toiletry bag has two large zippered Not only does it support their head and compartments to keep different categories SEE GRAD 6C

Photos courtesy of the manufacturers 8.

12. 4.

2. The Miami Times 5 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 BOOK REVIEW Author: Run, fight or take one for the team The code of a warrior's written by a one for the team,” knowing nonviolence. that “everything will be okay And yet, that may be why pastor who takes on touchy topics in the end – and if it ain’t it works. The author offers okay, it ain’t the end.” advice for today’s Christian TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER fight. There are 10 principles of a man, but in a way that reach- Miami Times Contributor That was largely forgotten Righteous Warrior. es back centuries, as though by the time Waller got to col- Keep life simple and ask he’s mixed the Bible with These days, you just don’t lege; alcohol and parties were yourself what’s essential and Zen teachings and inserted know what to expect. more important and he lost what’s merely interesting. his own experiences to make Things used to be laid out his way until an older man Know the difference between things even more relatable. nice and easy: a real man in his church trained Waller true and True. “[D]evel- It has the feel of lightheart- took care of business; he and some of his friends in the op a mindset that prepares edness, rather than lecture, settled disagreements with martial arts. Waller took his you to play whatever cards but readers will surely know his fists; and he was head of training further himself, and life deals” and be judicious that Waller is serious in his his household. But it’s a new earned “advanced ranking” with your assets. “Expect advice. world now with new expec- in four additional disciplines, the unexpected.” Fight for He’s also thorough, touch- tations, and in “The Code of including one that teaches your family, no matter what ing on issues that may be the Righteous Warrior” by “leadership, spiritual devel- it looks like. When things touchy for some, including Reverend Dr. Alyn E. Waller, opment, fiscal responsibility, get bad, “keep your head in the ever-controversial topic you’ll know how to get a positive mental attitude” the game…” Remember that of “submissive” women. On through it. and more. a “righteous man learns… that, Waller has surprising Even when he was a small A Righteous Warrior, as earns… and then he returns words. boy, Alyn Waller “really, re- Waller calls a man who wants to others” and finally, don’t Although this book is ally” loved to fight but, alas, to live life with a “Christian quit, but know when it’s time meant mostly for Black men, he was the smallest boy in his Warrior’s code,” has three to stop. it’s worthwhile for any man, class and was bullied. That choices when “he is under Considering that this book and for mothers and wives changed when he was in fifth any type of attack:” he can was written by a minister, it’s of those men, too. Start “The grade and his cousin came run, which is a valid option. quite a surprise: “The Code Code of the Righteous War- to live with Waller’s family. He can fight, as Jesus did in of the Righteous Warrior” rior,” and you can expect Lonnie taught Waller how to the temple. Or he can “take doesn’t completely advocate good things. A moveable feast: 244 wineries on the road Wine Spectator's Grand Tour set to pour in Miami Beach, on May 10 THOMAS MATTHEWS which earned a "classic" rating Wine Spectator of 95 points. But there were mix-ups, and Penfolds wound The 2019 Wine Spectator up substituting its iconic red, Grand Tour kicked off in Las Grange 2014, rated 98 points. Vegas on April 27, as more Or, as every attendee who than a thousand enthusiastic stopped by the stand called wine lovers filled the Grand it, "an upgrade, a jackpot!" No Ballroom at the Mirage resort. announcement was made, but There was plenty to enjoy: somehow a long line instantly 244 wineries from 17 coun- formed. tries, each pouring a flagship Some of the vintners were bottling. All wines were rated first-time participants. "outstanding," or 90 points or Jean Engelbrecht, of Rust higher on Wine Spectator's En Vrede in Stellenbosch, had 100-point scale. made the long trip from South This year's Grand Tour ar- Africa to pour his Estate 2015, rives in Miami from 6-10 p.m. a distinctive blend of Cabernet May 10 at the Fontainebleau Sauvignon, Syrah and Merlot. Miami Beach, 4441 Collins Engelbrecht has now Ave. opened nine restaurants in Every attendee's highlights South Africa, and observed will differ at this event. Go- that it was very different from ing strictly by the numbers, – and in many ways more dif- Photo courtesy of Focus Event Photography the highest-scoring wine ficult than – running a winery. Guests got their moment on the cover of their favorite magazine. was W.&J. Graham Vintage "But the impact they have had Port 2016, at 98 points. The on my wine sales, wow!" presented with the keys to the to these fresh, minerally, en- loved his restaurants, and by fessed not to know too much oldest vintage table wine was Chef José Andrés knows city.) Andrés stopped by the ergetic white wines, from people paying tribute to his about wine. Filipiak knows the the 2000 from Château Du- about the synergy between tasting before catching a flight Spain's Rias Baixas to German humanitarian work. Andrés is routine because this was his hart-Milon in Pauillac, part of wine and restaurants. His back east. Rieslings to these beauties a knowledgeable and curious seventh Grand Tour. He had the Domaines Barons de Roth- empire ranges from Wash- "One of my restaurants was from Greece." wine drinker, and was eager brought his sons, David (who schild Bordeaux portfolio. ington, D.C., to Los Angeles, the first to pour this wine in As we strolled sampling to sample new things. Sweet, also lives in Las Vegas and was The biggest surprise was at with numerous outlets in Las the U.S.,” Andrés said, as we through the event, Andrés botrityzed whites from South attending his Grand Tour No. the Penfolds booth. The Aus- Vegas. That afternoon, he had tasted the crisp, floral Mala- was respectfully and con- Africa and Hungary caught his 4), and Michael (recently re- tralian winery had decided to cooked a giant paella at his Ja- gousia from Greece's Kitma stantly approached – by peo- attention. located to Dubai, Grand Tour show its Cabernet Sauvignon leo restaurant in the Cosmo- Gerovassiliou. "I'm personal- ple who had worked in his Like many guests at the No. 6). They were having fun South Australia Bin 707 2016, politan. (He was also officially ly gravitating more and more restaurants, by people who Grand Tour, Joe Filipiak pro- just being together.

ington, D.C. on October 16- The Miami Central High third Saturday; African Heritage Empower Her Series: Com- 24, upon arrival, visit the The Alumni Association: 7 p.m. Cultural Arts Center; Info call munity Building with True National Museum of African every second and fourth 305-333-7128 Purpose:This event will focus American History and Culture, Wednesday; Miami Central Se- on supporting women to clar- also included in the trip is the nior High School library; Info: Top Ladies of Distinction ify her life purpose and allow- World War 11 Memorial, Dr. Call 305-370-4825. Inc.: 10 a.m. every second ing that purpose to fuel com- Martin Luther King, Jr. Nation - Saturday; Info: Call Betty Bridg- munity building as a means al Memorial, The Smithsonian, Miami Northwestern es 786-320-2891. to make a social impact.For LIFESTYLE the Washington Monument Class of 1968: 2 p.m. every more information, visit bit. and other sites. Info: Dorothy fourth Saturday; City of North COMMUNITY ly/2RsSJfL. Heard e-mail:[email protected] Miami Library; Info; call 305- Liberty Square or call 305-965-8205. 812-6263. Project Friends Haitian Folk Cardio HAPPENINGS and Family Re- Dance Class: This class is ASSOCIATION/CHAPTER The George Washington union: Annual pic- designed to engage individu- COMPILED BY THE MIAMI TIMES STAFF MEETINGS Carver Alumni Association nic; Saturday, June 1 at Arcola als who are interested in get- [email protected] Progressive Officers Club: 12:30 p.m. every third Park- 1301 NW 83 St.; Info: ting a good workout, as well Accepting applica- Wednesday; Community Cen- 305-333-8539 or 305-696- as crafting their dance skills ARTS & CULTURE EVENTS Kitchen Scrap: 7 p.m.; tions for scholar- ter in Coconut Grove; Info: Call 1819. in Haitian folk dance. Mini Mondays: May 13; the chef battle se- ships; can only be 954-248-6946. 2FuToae. Every Monday, 10 ries that showcases some requested via mail Women in Transition of a.m. to 6 p.m; of America’s most talented (letter or postcard) The Miami-Dade Chapter South Florida: Free computer The Surviving Twin Net- play-based activ- chefs and celebrated restau- no later than Friday, May 24, to: of Bethune-Cookman Uni- lessons for women; Info: Call work: A comfort ministry sup- ities specifically rants as they go head to Progressive Officers Club, P.O. versity: 6:30 p.m. every sec- 786-477-8548. porting twins/siblings in the designed for children from head in the battle for culinary Box 680398, Miami; Attention: ond Thursday; Omega Center. lost of their loved ones. Info: birth to 5 years at Miami Chil- supremacy. Pinch Kitchen - Education Assistance Award Inner City Children’s Tour- 305-504-4936 or vbtimp- dren’s Museum. 8601 Biscayne Boulevard. Program. Info: Lisa Nesbitt Bell Tennessee State Alumni ing Dance Class: Free intro- [email protected]. RSVP: 754-201-4744. Association/Miami-Dade ductory classical ballet work- Sensory Saturday: 9 a.m. Chapter: 9 a.m. every third shops for girls ages 6-8 and Ms. Senior Florida Pag- - 11 a.m.; Saturday, May 11; Best of the Best Music The Citizen Advisory Com- Saturday; African Heritage 9-12; Time and date, TBA; eant: Applications for con- Miami Children’s Museum; Concert: May 26; of Best of mittee: 7 p.m. every second Cultural Arts Center; Info: Call 1350 NW 50th St.; Info: Call testants for the Ms Senior Great sensory experiences the Best Concert ; some of Thursday to discuss general 305-336-4287. 305-758-1577 or visit www. Florida 2019 are now being for children with sensory pro- reggae/dancehall and soca community issues; Northside accepted. The deadline to cessing disorder and general most electrifying artists for Police Station, Info: Call 786- The Morris Brown College apply is June 7. The pageant development delay as well as a historic line up paying trib- 512-3641. Miami-Dade/Broward Alum- The Overtown Children will take place Aug. 18 at the their families. To receive a ute to ‘90s dancehall. Info: ni Association: 9:30 a.m. ev- and Youth Coalition: Free Julius Littman Theatre. Info: social story booklet, please Women on the Move Inc.: ery third Saturday; North Shore professional development RSVP to sensorysaturday@ Every fourth Saturday for wom- Medical Center; Info: Call 786- workshops Register: www. Tour the National Museum en 55 and older who are inter- 356-4412.; The deadline for the Life- or call 305-373-5437 ext. of African-American History ested in traveling and network- Booker T. Washington Info: Contact Shari Benjamin style Calendar is due every 126. and Culture: A trip to Wash- ing;Info: Call 305-934-5122 Class of 1967: 4-6 p.m. every at 786-477-5813. Friday at 2 p.m. The Miami Times 6 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019

graduating, moving out of their just for looks. After they've fin- college apartment, and sorting ished their water, it collapses GRAD out their post-grad plans, it can down to a fraction of the full size, CONTINUED FROM 4C be difficult and stressful to plan taking up less bag space as they out their trip in as much detail move through the airport. When neck, but the attached oversized 14. as they'd like. Journy does the they're carrying so many oth- hood also blocks out light and grunt work for them, pairing er things in their carry-on and sound. them with an expert travel ad- day pack, they'll appreciate visor to plan out where to stay, not feeling weighed down by a 8. A SMALL CASE TO HOLD what to see, and what to eat in huge metal or wasteful plastic THEIR JEWELRY 75+ destinations, for $25 a day. water bottle. Mejuri Travel Case, $85 (cur- Using these curated itineraries, rently waitlist only) they won't get caught in tour- 18. LOUNGING JOGGERS If they want to be able to wear ist traps and they'll receive the TO RELAX IN AT THE their favorite jewelry pieces as most efficient routes to hit all END OF THE DAY they experience a new city, they the spots they want. Tommy John Men's Lounge can do so easily with a little Jogger, $84 help from one of our favorite 15. A TRAVEL JOURNAL TO Tommy John Women's Lounge jewelry brands on the internet. RECORD EVERY DETAIL OF Jogger, $78 This compact leather case has THE EXPERIENCE These joggers from one of four necklace hooks, six earring Gift the Scratch Travel our favorite basics startups holes, and a ring holder — just Journal, $25 also function as pajamas and the right size for a healthy vari- For the traveler who loves re- pants to wear on the plane. ety of options to choose from. cording everything, this book has Anytime they need to let their It measures 4"x 4" to easily fit it all: it contains a travel planner, legs breathe and relax, they'll in their purse or carry-on, and it a checklist, a diary, and an inter- want to slip on these soft, prevents the frustrating mess of active map. Combined with the lightweight, and comfortable tangled jewelry. photos they take along the way, pants. Trust us, it'll be tempt- truly wear all day long is Ever- they'll have a full picture of their ing not to wear them all day, 9. A COMPACT AND lane's flexible, buttery soft Day big post-grad trip that they can every day. EFFICIENT POWER BANK Glove, available in no less than look back on fondly years from 16 neutral and bright colors. It's Jackery Bolt 6000 mAh now. It contains 64 pages and is 19. A SILK EYE MASK Power Bank, $29.99 a prime example of the achiev- made from recycled paper. Brooklinen Mulberry Silk After using their phone con- able balance between comfort Eye Mask, $29 and versatile style. After a long stantly for directions and to take 16. A CASE TO ORGANIZE The silky smooth eye mask day spent walking around town, pictures, they'll definitely need THEIR CHARGING CORDS both blocks out light and pre- they won't have to change into to keep a power bank on hand. AND CABLES vents travel-stress-induced This one has a lightning cable new shoes for a nice sit-down Porte Play Flat Flip creases from forming around and a micro-USB cable so they meal or round of drinks. Case, $15.99 | Also their eyes. Its cool feeling is can charge two devices at once. available in black ideal for muggy summer nights It's twice as fast as a standard 13. A SELFIE STICK Bringing along a phone, ear- and adds a sense of luxury, charger, but has a surprisingly Anker Selfie Stick, $15.99 buds, camera, and other small even if they're staying in the slim design for its power level, Whether they can't find any- tech accessories also means cheapest hostel in the city. weighing about five ounces and 16. one to take a picture for them or they have to pack the corre- they just love cramming all their measuring less than an inch sponding charging cables and 20. AN AIRBNB GIFT CARD thick. friends in for a fun group selfie, a cords. This slim, padded one Airbnb Gift Card, from $50 A custom suitcase with over selfie stick is one of those travel is the best way to keep them They've probably already a million color combination op- are light, tough, and easy to ma- ulating, and moisture-wicking tech accessories they won't re- all organized and accessible at bought their plane tickets, so tions neuver, and when personalized wool and even feel good without gret packing. Anker's sturdy sel- a moment's notice. It unzips you can't help them get to their with their favorite colors, highly socks. They come in a variety fie stick extends out nearly 30 smoothly to lay flat and contains destination. But you can help distinctive. of limited-edition colors, but the 10. ROAM inches and lasts 20 hours on a one large, zippered pocket, one them find a nice place to stay. Roam Gift Card, from $450 classic gray, black, or white are single charge. Weighing only 4.8 narrow, zippered mesh pocket, Airbnb offers listings for over 1 No two Roam suitcases look 11. TRAVELER-FAVORITE safe bets that will go with any of ounces, it's barely noticeable in two small, elastic slip pockets, million homes in 34,000 cities, alike. Your recipient will be in WALKING SHOES their casual outfits. their bag. and five elastic loops. along with experiences and control of the look of nearly ev- Allbirds Wool Runners, $95 restaurants to tie the whole Don't let them hop on the ery aspect of their carry-on, from 12. ULTRA-COMFORTABLE 14. AN AFFORDABLE 17. A COLLAPSIBLE trip together. While Airbnb rent- plane without a pair of com- the front and back shell down to AND CUTE FLATS SERVICE THAT WILL HELP WATER BOTTLE als are usually more affordable the wheel hubcaps. A person- fortable, supportive shoes. The Everlane Day Glove, $115 THEM PLAN OUT THEIR TRIP 12 oz Que Bottle, $19.95 than hotels, each day still adds alized monogram is also free. sneakers from Allbirds wrap their Do they find sneakers too re- Journy Gift Card, from $50 The spiral design of this reus- up. A $50 or $100 gift card will The polycarbonate suitcases feet in soft, temperature-reg- strictive? The one flat we can Between the mad rush of able silicone water bottle isn't cut down the burden. The Miami Times 7 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019

Our Mothers Live on in our Memories and its the Memories we Cherished. We loved our Sweet Mothers, ETTA MAE ANDERSON LOUISE WHITEHEAD DORIENDA MONROE DORETHA REDDING 08/07/1922 - 02/22/1993 09/28/1923 - 10/14/2013 you gave us love. 01/12/1956-10/11/2013 09/25/1927- 09/16/2010 I love you mama Goddy I love and miss you Deeply missed. Forever Memories forever in our and miss you. always. God daughter, Joann in our hearts. Love your hearts. Love always, Sandra, Joann children and grandchildren. Leo III and family.

EARNESTINE DAVIS SMITH ELLA WATSON FRANCES LUCILLE DUNNOM SABRINA NICOLE JOHNSON ANNIE FLORENCE GRAY SHIRLINE BETSEY-JEFFERSON 08/14/1920 - 01/13/2000 ROACH MURRAY 03/23/1928 - 04/24/2016 02/22/1970 - 08/06/2016 01/05/1940 - 08/25/2005 10/10/1954 - 05/30/2015 We love and miss you. 11/07/1928 - 09/12/2012 We miss and Do you have a clue just how Herschell, Terrance and Forever in Our Hearts. In loving memory. Your Brina, we will always love love you always much we miss you? You Phyllis Daughters and Family children and grandchildren you. Your Mama and family Ruth and Denitra Henry were the glue!

JUANITA ROBERSON DESIREE WALKER LEOLA WALKER VERONICA WHITEHEAD ELLA M. IVEY ETHEL B. CARR 04/30/1929 - 04/02/2015 05/10/1944 - 05/30/1997 06/25/1946 - 02/16/2018 08/20/1964 - 02/03/2016 09/20/1924 - 04/12/2005 11/12/1929 - 12/14/2012 Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day to our two earthly Queens who have become Happy Birthday, Mom. From your children. our heavenly angels. We pray that on this special day, God shines his Love from Jackie, Dedrick, I miss you both dearly. light on the both of you. Love always Ann, Denise, Ashley and family. Sr., DJ, and the Carr family.

ADDIE PARKER ESTES 06/25/1934 - 04/29/2015 The day that God called your name it broke our hearts in two, but Heaven needed an Angel and the one He picked was you. We just wish He could have waited and let you stay with us, but you have left memories in our VERA E. WILLIAMS MRS. LINDA JOYCE SMITH MRS. MAMIE LEE SMITH hearts and that’s where BERTHENIA WHITE 11/07/1922 - 05/10/1989 07/24/1952 - 02/05/1988 09/27/1925 - 04/18/2005 they’ll always be. 05/10/1924 - 04/13/2013 You are Truly Truly Missed. From your daughters, Happy Birthday From your daughter Loretha Love always, miss you. Love always, miss you. Vern, Rhetta; grands and We miss you alot from and family. The Smith Family The Smith Family great grands. friends and family.

GWENDOLYN WILLIAMS 10/19/1965 - 03/21/2012

Dear Gwen, Happy Mother’s Day. We love and miss you. Your family, Mother, Betty Williams; son, Chavez Grant; MOTHER HAZEL HEPBURN granddaughter, Chaniyah MOTHER REBECCA HINES MAE LOIS MINGO “BUTTERCUP” 05/07/1937 - 01/13/2017 Grant; brothers, Thomas, 11/28/1922 - 04/27/2004 11/01/1939 - 05/09/2012 04/16/1950 - 08/09/2008 Happy Birthday! Albert and Theodore We never know the moment Sadly missed. From your Williams. You will always be with us. until it becomes a memory! We love and miss you. husband, family and friends. Rest In Peace Love your family. Mingo Family. Brian and family.

VIDA DIXON 05/12/1963 - 03/01/2014 If you could be here to celebrate this day with us, we’d laugh and smile the way we did before you went away. We often shed tears for the way things used to be. We still find comfort from the memory of your love. Thank you Mom for teaching us the DORRIS V. HARRIS LULA BELL THOMPSON PAULINE CARR recipe of life. Happy Mother’s EVELYN R. CHAPPELL 01/21/1949 - 07/28/2016 10/24/1929-06/11/2006 09/01/1916 - 11/03/2003 Day and Happy Birthday to 12/04/1944 - 01/30/2011 You will always be you - miss you dearly. Your We miss you with a broken We love and miss you. We love and miss you. in our hearts. heart. Marcia, Rachel and children and family. From your Family From your family. Michelle and Family. family. The Miami Times 8 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019

“A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.” —Unknown MAUDINE JOHNSON FERGUSON CLARA WADE JUANITA CLINCH ANNA BELL TAYLOR “Gullie” 06/12/1926 - 09/24/1994 03/08/1932 - 02/13/2016 12/31/1938 - 01/26/2016 06/25/1930-12/29/2010 We love and miss you Always in Our Hearts In honor of the best mother so much. Your daughter, Love and miss you. Love, your family and who ever lived. The Family. Violean and family The Wade Family friends.

RUTH LEE WOOTEN In loving memory of, 05/02/1916 - 04/16/2007 GOLDIE CLARIT If roses grow in Heaven? 06/08/1923 - 11/19/2013 Lord, please pick a bunch for us. Place them in my moth- Happy Mother’s Day Mom! er’s arms and tell her there On this special day of the from us. month, you will always have Tell her that we love her a special place in our hearts. and miss her, and when she We will always love you. turns to smile, place a kiss From your children and upon her cheek and hold her ANTHONETTE ELAINE HALL MILDRED MOXIE SANDS grandchildren for awhile. 08/12/1951 - 07/26/1998 02/14/1926-12/20/2010 Your children, grands, and We love you and you will My heart is full of memories. always be missed. We miss you. great grands. The Hall Family The Family.

ALBERTHA MAE STRONG 05/15/1924 - 04/15/2012

Happy Birthday! Momma, you left us seven years ago, we miss you so much. From Cheryl, Aaron, Bert, Nobie, Nuggie, Okeshi and family.

CLEORA MARTINEZ FRANCES STIRRUP SUSIE M. RIVERS NAOMIE LATIMORE 08/03/33 - 05/13/03 07/06/36 - 08/04/08 02/17/1928 - 05/14/2011 08/26/1927 - 03/27/2003

We miss you dearly! We miss you dearly! Forever in our hearts. Missing you so much! The Family The Family The Family. Children and grand children

ANNIE GRACE LILLY QUEEN ESTHER PERRY IVERY “MS. LINDY” BROWN MARY DAVIS OFFICER BRENDA ROLLERSON TANGELA PERRY 08/28/1938 - 02/02/2016 04/16/1937 - 09/10/2013 01/13/1934 - 02/19/2012 06/30/1934 - 01/04/2008 07/31/1971 - 01/12/2006 07/04/1966 - 12/31/2018 Gone but not forgotten. We love and miss you. In loving memory of. We love and miss you. You’re truly missed. Your Children and grand children The Browns Lounge We miss and love you. Missed by your son Children, grand children and sisters, family and friends. Matriarch Children and grandchildren Jeremiah and family. family.

In loving memory of, DORA MAE LEWIS 09/09/1929 - 01/09/2017 Happy Mother’s Day! I’m Free Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free I’m following the path God laid for me. I took His hand when CYNTHIA FREDERICK CLARETHA E. PARKS PATRICIA A. CARTER MYRTIS ROCHELLE PERKINS I heard Him call; 06/01/1962 - 10/03/2016 12/14/1940 - 07/03/2008 06/19/1971 - 12/31/2016 10/15/1933 - 04/04/2010 I turned my back and left Your memories and uncon- Happy Mother’s Day! We A tribute to our loving ditional love will never be It’s been ten years, still love you! From the Carter mother. it all. forgotten. The Family. missing you. The Family and Robinson family Love, Perkins Family. Roderick Lewis and family.

CAROLYN “MS. CAT” HARGRETT 12/30/1940 - 04/05/2017 Happy Mother’s Day In Heaven Mom The hardest thing in life to bear is to want your mom and she is not there So forgive us Lord if we still weep, For a MOM we love and long to keep The sorrow we feel I cannot explain, the ache in our hearts SISTER AMANDA WATSON SHIRLEY ANN DAVIS ESSIE MAE DAVIS ANNIE B. SHIVERS will long remain 04/16/1903 - 07/10/1982 03/31/1924 - 02/29/1995 03/08/1938 - 02/28/2016 Please Jesus please tell our We love and miss you. We think of you always, It’s been 24 years. MOM we love her and will be Rose Cleare and especially today. We love and miss you. Forever in our hearts. thinking of her ON MOTHER’S Watson Family Love, Crick and Dina From the entire family. Missing you always. DAY #10STRONG The Miami Times 9 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019

God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers. -Rudyard Kipling NICOLE WESTBROOKS ERNESTINE WESTBROOKS IVY BERTINA WHYTE CARLETTE G. NEWBOLD HUDSON 08/25/1943 - 05/23/2017 07/01/1925 - 05/11/2014 02/02/66 - 05/25/99 09/10/1978 - 04/04/2013 Happy Mother’s Day! Love Always loved. Forever Happy Mother’s Day! you, Charles, Debra and missed. Children, grands We miss and love you The From your mother Debra. Edward. and great grandchildren Family

OPHELIA SAUNDERS DELANCY HELEN PAYNE MCCARTNEY SHIRLEY ANN COCHRAN JOSIE COCHRAN CARTER SUNYA STAFFORD ROLLE ALBERTHA WEBB 10/07/1922 - 01/01/1999 01/02/1927 - 06/02/2000 01/09/1948 - 11/11/2007 02/10/1930 - 07/16/2018 02/20/1974 - 11/25/2017 01/05/1956 - 09/20/2011 We love and miss you. Love and miss you. From From your husband, children Ruthie, Stephanie, Anthony, your son, Gregory and the Sherrianne, Willie, Shirlenia, We love and miss you. You love and miss you. and grand kids. Missing you and Xavier. entire family. Willie, Jr. The Family The Family on this Mother’s Day.

BARBARA FINNIE 12/27/1944 - 11/18/2012

The world changes from year to year, our lives day to day, but the love and memory of you will never pass away.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

The Finnie Family LILLIE GAINER LILLIAN ROLLE MORRIS ARLINE SANFORD ALICE BELINDA HOGAN 04/09/1935 - 02/03/1997 06/02/1921 - 03/07/2014 01/16/1931 - 11/18/2015 11-/7/1952 - 03/1/2016 You’re Forever in Our Hearts. Always in Our Hearts. We miss you dearly and love Lovie, Ronetta, Sherman We will always love you. Love your children and grand you always and Phyllis. Robert, Fred and family. children. From the Johnson family

BERTHA BEASLEY ARVESTA KELLY aka “GRANNA” 02/03/1933 - 09/16/2006 06/10/1906 - 08/05/2002 They say there’s a Mom, you are gone, but reason they say time not forgotten. will heal. Neither time or Love daughter, Dollie reason will change the Zeigler and family. way we feel. The gates of memories will never close. We miss you more than ETHEL STARKS-MULDROW WILLIE PEARL JOHNSON anybody knows. 09/29/1932 - 10/28/2014 09/23/1937 - 05/02/2014 Till we meet again. We love and miss you. Inside of those door our Love, your family. The Family hearts are truly yours. Love, the family.

MIA L. MARKS LOUISE PEARSON LOVETTE WILCOX GLADYS HURNS SLYVIA HATCHER REGINA CONEY 11/12/1969 - 04/13/1999 09/28/1922 - 09/13/1992 Happy Mother’s Day Happy Mother’s Day! 06/20/1939 - 05/09/2017 08/27/1957 - 01/24/2019 Greatly missed by your kids, Missed by the gang Missed by your family From your children It’s been a two years. We It’s been four months. Miss family and grandchildren. and a host of friends. miss you. The Family you, husband and kids.

VERA MAE ASHLEY IDA MAE TUCKER-MERIEDY MATTIE MAE HALL TUCKER MINISTER MARY BOSTIC WILLIE MAE DAVIS DOROTHY W. SIMMONS 05/03/1946 - 08/22/2017 01/02/1946 - 09/16/2007 03/27/1923 - 10/23/2014 06/26/1947-08/21/2014 02/01/1923 - 12/30/2001 07/12/1923 - 09/18/2001 You are truly missed. Love Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day! We miss Happy Mother’s Day! From your your husband, Cecil and From daughter Lenda; From your daughters, sons, Love, Timothy, Lenda and you, your daughters; grands sons; daughters-in-law; grand- family. Timothy and family grandkids and great grands. family. and great-great grands. children and great-grands. The Miami Times 10 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019

Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet

ELLA MAE BROWN JOSIE MAE LEWIS flower of love. ROSA JACQUELINE CARR SHIRLEY M. BROWN You taught me to trust We miss you. You are 10/07/1965 - 10/22/2014 08/09/1949 - 01/16/2018 in God and walk by faith forever in our hearts. -Stevie Wonder We miss and love you. Gone but not forgotten. through it all. Forever Ella. Love your family. Your children, grandchildren, Your children and Love LaWanda and family. family and friends. grandchildren.

NOVELLA HOLLIDAY 11/11/1937 - 06/07/2015

Dear Mama! We were truly blessed to have you for our mother. We thank God for the values you have taught us and the unconditional love that you gave us. We love you! your JOHNNIE MAE DAVIS MARY ELAINE HANDLEY CARNELL HARRELL FANNIE MAE SANDERS children. 09/10/1930 - 10/15/1998 12/10/1950 - 01/10/2018 08/02/1948 - 07/12/1999 06/07/1927 - 12/10/1993 Words cannot express how truly you all are missed. Love the Davis, Johnson, Bostic and Redford families.

LOUISE L. FLOWERS MISSIONARY RUTH PAGE EVA DURR BOOZE 01/16/1941 - 10/02/1996 1920 - 2019 02/17/1933 -04/23/2018 Yes we miss you, and We love and miss you. We thank God for al- yes we want to ask for Your husband, Willie lowing you to be with us you again. Flowers; daughters, for 99 years. Your home- Then we remembered Vanessa, Dorothy, Loretta, going was April 24. Now you promised not to come Jackie, Angela, Nita, Mary, you are with other family back if you could. Cynthia and Cassandra; members who have gone Our Love still flows from sons, Willie, Jr., Thomas on before. You’re now heart to heart. and Joe; grands and singing and praising the great-grands. Lord together and watch- ing over all of us. Your Loving Family.

EMILY ANDERSON JANNETTE WARD BERTHA SNEED BOBBIE RUTH VANDYKE LEOLA WELLS ROSALEE JIMESON 03/01/1969 - 08/02/2009 08/10/1953 - 08/31/2015 12/02/1929 - 10/25/2017 03/12/1939 - 03/30/2012 12/08/1936 -03/12/2019 02/19/1934-09/05/2011 To the best mom and I’ll always love my mama, There’s happiness in our We really miss you so We love and miss you so You will always be a Mother of grandmother ever. she’s my favorite girl. We heart. You put it there. much. Love always, from much! the Year. Your children, grand- Love, Monique and the boys. miss you. Love, your family. your children. Your Children kids and great grandkids.

All mothers deserve flowers on this day

ELLA MAE SNOW MRS. GAIL D. QUINN MRS. GLORIA GEROW EMILY HENLEY SYLVIA WILLIAMS-GARNER DAYNA RAYE FRANKLIN Happy Mother’s Day! World’s greatest mom. We Mom, we love you and think Celebrating the amazing Happy Birthday Happy 93rd Birthday! love you. Tarsha, Chyna, I’ll always love my Mama! you the best of the best mom and the wonderful From Desmond, Kristy, Mom, From your children and Keke, Chris,Ty, Tiera, Gary, She’s my favorite girl Moms out there. grandma you are. Glenn Jr. grandchildren. Momo, Nuk and Niya. From Baby Boy Dion Gerow Your loved ones. Your kids and grandkids. Faith Family Education Health Church News Parenting


Miami mayor and faith-based leaders joined together as example Prayer seeks unity love

“We have the responsibility to sup- FELIPE RIVAS This Easter, as Christians celebrat- port each other in difficult moments [email protected] ed one of their core beliefs, some and that is why I like to bring the 250 people died as a result of sui- faiths together,” he said. iami Mayor Francis Suarez used a national day to cide bombings targeted at different Nestled after Easter and before pray to call for love and collaboration in a time when churches in Colombo, Sri Lanka. the commencement of Ramadan is churches and synagogues have been targeted by Less than a week after the Sri Lanka a day when members of different bombings, similar acts of faith-com- mass shooters and terrorists – both nationally and faiths in unison pray, worship, and munity-targeted killings rocked the worldwide. meditate for personal and national community of Poway in San Diego, needs. Established in 1952, the first M California. One person died and Thursday of every May is known as ends and ministers for& an afternoon ship have been burned or targeted three others were critically hurt after National Day of Prayer and it is ob- of community unity. for mass shootings. a lone gunman opened fire using an served by believers nationwide from The mayor alluded to tragic It started with the burning to cin- AR-15 style rifle at Chabad of Poway the steps of the Capitol to the pews Charleston church shooting in June ders three Black churches in Louisi- synagogue. The anti semitic acts oc- at the local parishes, synagogues of 2015 as an example of the kind ana on March 26, April 2 and April curred as the synagogue celebrated and other places of worship. On of religious intolerance that have 4. Holden Matthews, the 21-year-old the last day of Passover. Thursday, Suarez observed the faith- become far too common current son of a deputy sheriff, was arrested The theme for 2019 National Day based event by bringing together a events. and later charged with a hate crime of Prayer was “Love One Another,” network of rabbis, pastors, rever- Already this year, places of wor- on April 15. SEE UNITY 12D

Agape love is different from other types of love because it is not a conditional love. It is a love that goes beyond reciprocation. It is a love“ that suggests ‘I love you whether you love me or not.’”

—Reverend Gaston Smith Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Reverend Gaston Smith, of Friendship Missionary Baptists Church, gave the message during the City of Miami’s National Day of Prayer celebration. He reminded faith leaders to treat the community with selfless, unconditional love.

Miami Times Photo Felipe Rivas The Miami Times 12 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 Several risk factors can cause a stroke Some you can control, others not of the body. drinks a day for men can raise Native Americans, and Alas- • Smoking. Smoking can blood pressure. kan Natives have a higher JUSTIN BOISE cells, also known as neurons, also damage blood vessels, The following are stroke risk for stroke. Family history North Shore Medical Center begin to die immediately. raise your blood pressure and risk factors that you cannot of stroke also increases your The good news is that most reduce the amount of oxygen control (non-modifiable), but risk. According to the U.S. Cen- strokes are avoidable, and that reaches your body’s tis- they are important to keep in Even if you fall under one of ters for Disease Control there are several ways to pre- sues. mind when determining your the non-modifiable risk factor and Prevention, stroke, also vent them from happening to • Physical inactivity and risk for stroke. categories for stroke, keep in known as a brain attack, is the you or a loved one, by mon- obesity. Inactivity and obe- • Increasing age. Stroke mind that staying healthy and fifth leading cause of death itoring the following stroke sity can increase your risk of affects people of all ages, but avoiding controllable risk fac- in the U.S. Imagine barriers risk factors: (Modifiable risk cardiovascular disease. Per- after the age of 55, stroke risk tors decreases the likelihood keeping your blood from nat- factors) form moderate exercise or doubles. of experiencing a brain attack. urally flowing through your • High blood pressure. brisk walking at least 30 min- • Gender. Until 75 years If you think you or a loved body, causing a clog in your High blood pressure is the utes a day, five days a week, of age, stroke risk is higher one may be at risk, discuss the blood vessels. main risk factor for stroke. to increase cardiovascular among men. Women are more appropriate steps to take with A healthy blood flow sup- Blood pressure is considered Justin Boise health. likely to die from stroke, and your doctor to prevent stroke. plies needed oxygen to your high if it stays at or above • Excessive alcohol in- have an overall higher life- Justin Boise is director of brain, and when that blood 140/90 millimeters of mercu- to manage diabetes because take. Drinking an average of time risk. Neuroscience and Neuro Step- supply is stopped, your brain ry. it can damage the blood ves- more than one drink per day • Ethnicity and family down at North Shore Medical stops functioning and brain • Diabetes. It is important sels in the brain and the rest for women or more than two history. Blacks, Hispanics, Center in Miami. UNITY CONTINUED FROM 11D based on the teachings of the Book of John. More than 30 faith-based organizations were represented. “As mayor, it is very difficult to be effective if you are not communicating and collabo- rating with organizations and institutions that are spreading positive messages and have enormous congregations,” Suarez said. The city of Miami, as well a Miami-Dade County and other municipalities, often collaborate with faith-based organizations to bring sup- port to less-fortunate res- idents. Several other mu- nicipalities had their own prayer days services. “It is a big network of pos- itive and that is something all elected officials should tap into,” he said. Reverend Gaston Smith, of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, helped de- Miami Times Photo/Felipe Rivas fine the theme of love in Miami Mayor Francis Suarez unites with different faith-based leaders to reflect and pray for the city and the country on the National more pragmatic terms that Prayer Day. in turn can influence poli- cy decisions and improve unconditional love for oth- al love,” Smith said. “It is a love when making import- The clergy and faith- “We got to figure out ways overall community rela- ers, Smith told the network love that goes beyond re- ant decisions. “Elected of- based organization have to to let the community know tions. The love that believ- of more than faith-based or- ciprocation. It is a love that ficials need to put people also do their part and keep how much we care. People ers should strive to employ ganization leaders. suggests ‘I love you whether over policy,” he said. “Some- elected officials account- do not know about how is not necessarily an “eros” “Agape love is different you love me or not.’” times, people are hard to able, as well as demonstrate much you know until they love or a romantic love, but from other types of love be- Smith hopes elected of- love but you still have to the agape kind of love to all know about how much you rather an “agape” love, or an cause it is not a condition- ficials keep in mind agape love them.” residents, Smith said. care,” he said. CHURCH Listings

ASSEMBLE OF GOD Second Canaan Revival Tabernacle Assembly of God Missionary Baptist Church Pastor Leonard Shaw Rev. Jeffrey L. Mack, Pastor 2085 NW 97 Street • 305-693-1356 4343 NW 17 Avenue • 305-638-1789

CATHOLIC True Faith Missionary Baptist Church Holy Redeemer Catholic Church Pastor John M. Fair Rev. Alexander Ekechukwu, CSSp 1890 NW 47th Terrace • 786-262-6841 1301 NW 71 Street • 305-691-1701 Valley Grove Missionary Baptist Church BAPTIST Elder Johnnie Robinson New Philadelphia Baptist Church 1395 NW 69 Street • 305-835-8316 Pastor Rickie K. Robinson Sr. 1113 NW 79th Street • 305-505-0400 AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL Metropolitan A.M.E. Church MISSIONARY BAPTIST Rev. Michael H. Clark, Jr., Senior Pastor Walking in Christ M.B. Church 1778 NW 69th Street • 305-696-4201 Rev. Larry Robbins, Sr. 3530 NW 214th Street • 305-430-0443 NON DENOMINATION Photo courtesy of the City of Opa-locka Lively Stone Church of Miami New Mount Calvary Pastor David Doriscar Opa-locka loves through prayer Missionary Baptist Church 8025 NW Miami Court • 754-400-0899 Opa-locka Commissioners Joseph Kelley and Sherelean Bass and other members of the Rev. Bernard E. Lang, Pastor/Teacher faith-based community joined in one accord for the 68th annual National Day of Prayer Lun- 7103 NW 22 Avenue • 305-691-8015 cheon on Thursday, May 2. The event was held at the Helen L. Miller Center. This year’s theme was “Love one another. Just as I have loved you,” based on John 13:34. Call 305.694.6210 to place your Church Listing

305-332-1736. second Saturday; call 786- prayer line, ext. 104. 541-3687 for more details. Sistah to Sister Connec- MEC Ministries: Provides tion: Women’s empower- First Haitian Church of healing services; 7:30 p.m. ment meeting; 10 a.m.-noon God: Food drive; 10 a.m.- every fourth Friday; call FAITH every second and fourth 1 p.m. every Saturday; call; 305-693-1534. Saturday; Parkway Profes- 786-362-1804 for more de- sional Building in Miramar; tails. New Bethel Baptist CALENDAR call 954-260-9348 for more Church: Miami Men at details. New Day ’N’ Christ Deliv- Risk Project: Provides be- COMPILED BY THE MIAMI TIMES STAFF | [email protected] erance Ministry: Free mind, havioral health interven- Metropolitan AME body and soul self-empow- tion services for Black men EVENTS COUNSELING/PRAYER call 954-707-3274 for more Church: Food and clothing erment and Zumba fitness at risk for HIV, substance The Elks Historical Busi- The Kingdom Agen- details. distribution every second class; call 305-691-0018. abuse disorders and other ness and Conference da Ministries Inc.: Free Saturday; call 786-277- health issues; call 305-627- Center: Gospel Kickback counseling, tutoring, health Gathering All Parents to 4150 for more details. Florida Independent 0396. with entertainment and fine screenings and messages Prayer: Prayer for youth; Restoration Ministries: dining; noon- 6 p.m. every of services are being of- noon every third Saturday; Zion Hope Missionary Prayers for families dealing The deadline for the Faith Sunday; call 305-224-1890 fered by Senior Pastor Fe- 835 MNE 119th St.; call Baptist Church: Food and with drugs and alcohol; call Calendar is on or before 2 for more details. licia Hamilton-Parramore; Apostle Thelma Knowles at clothing distribution every 800-208-2924 ext. 102 or p.m. Mondays. The Miami Times 13 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 Brought to you by North Shore Medical Center Health Wellnes 13 THE MIAMI TIMES | MAY 8-14, 2019 | MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM

MAY IS NATIONAL STROKE AWARENESS MONTH A stroke can occur at any age Know the warning signs

DR. SONAL MEHTA North Shore Medical Center

When the topic of stroke comes up, peo- ple are likely to picture an adult victim. Sadly, this is not always the case. Teen- agers, children, newborns – even unborn babies GANDA SUTHIVARAKOM take a few other steps to minimize aller- can also suffer Wirecutter gens’ effects inside the house. We talked a stroke. It re- Dr. Sonal Mehta to allergists to get their best tips for min- mains one of the For a tree pollen allergy sufferer like imizing the effects of the most common top 10 causes of me, spring is torture. Flowering trees are outdoor and indoor allergens when you’re death in children. my kryptonite, and during peak bloom it at home, from pet dander to dust mites. A child’s risk of stroke is greatest feels like pollen stokes a six-week permas- in the first year of life, and during the neeze from which there’s no reprieve until CLEAR THE AIR period right before birth to right after the end of June. And since 2018’s Fourth For people who suffer from outdoor birth. According to the National Stroke National Climate Assessment suggests allergies to ragweed or grass, the best Association, stroke occurs in one in that increasing carbon dioxide means an solution is to stay indoors, especially in 4,000 live births. The risk of stroke from earlier, longer pollen season and higher the morning when pollen counts are high- birth to age 18 is almost 11 in 100,000; levels of airborne allergens, it might last est, and to seal the clean air in. “Central though they are slightly more common even longer in the future. air conditioning is best because they can in children under age 2. According to a 2017 survey conducted keep windows closed and that prevents by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control some of the pollen from coming in,” said RISK FACTORS and Prevention, nearly 20 million Amer- Dr. Paul V. Williams, a clinical professor Adults tend to be at higher risk for icans reported being diagnosed with of pediatrics at the University of Washing- stroke because they have high blood hay fever in the preceding 12 months. ton. “Monitor pollen counts and avoid ex- pressure, irregular heartbeat and/or The World Allergy Organization says 400 tensive outdoor activity when the pollen a hardening of the arteries. Pediatric million people worldwide get allergic rhi- counts are high.” stroke risks are much different, and nitis, which includes illnesses caused by Making sure your furnace or HVAC sys- include: indoor and outdoor airborne allergens. tem’s filter is clean, and replacing it regu- • Congenital heart defects What to do if you’re suffering? Immu- larly, can help too. Wirecutter, the product • Sickle-cell disease notherapy — getting shots that can help recommendation site owned by The New • Abnormal blood clotting desensitize your immune system to an al- York Times Company, recommends choos- • Head or neck trauma lergen — can help over time, but if you’re ing filters with a MERV rating in • Maternal history of infertility not ready for needle treatment, you can SEE ALLERGY 15D • Maternal infection in the fluid sur- rounding an unborn baby • Pregnancy-related high blood pres- sure in the mother “People can get asthma from allergies SIGNS & SYMPTOMS and that can be very dangerous Many times, recognition of stroke is delayed or missed in children. The most if it’s left untreated.” common signs and symptoms of stroke in newborns and infants are: —Dr. Purvi Parikh • Seizures, including repetitive twitch- ing of the face, arm or leg • Apnea (pauses in breathing) associat- ed with staring • Extreme sleepiness • A tendency to use only one side of their body With children and teens, look for: • Weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg, usually on one side of the body • Severe dizziness or loss of coordina- tion • Severe sudden headache, especially with vomiting and sleepiness • Difficulty speaking or understanding others • Vision loss or double vision • New onset of seizures, usually on one side of the body For more information about stroke please call 1-833-216-2071. The Miami Times 14 College MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 High School Elementary Making The Grade 14 THE MIAMI TIMES | MAY 8-14, 2019 | MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM

Each school has an Up-Start liaison who helps identify needy students and provides them with everyday essentials such as food, clothes, and toiletries, as well as services such as transportation, after-school resources and counseling.

Miami Times Photos/Felipe Rivas PICKING THE PERFECT

A Miami-Dade schools program helps students dress their best

FELIPE RIVAS It is estimated that more than 9,000 Mi- “It’s been a tough four years,” said Erick, Beach Senior High School browsed through [email protected] ami-Dade County Public Schools students 17, a North Miami Beach Senior High School the boutique trying on what would be their are homeless or live in transient homes, and student, while he browsed through the racks prom outfit. The boutique is complete with Erick Riversprom could not decide between a about 300 of those students are unaccompa- of the outfitProm Boutique in search of his prom dresses for the girls and suits for the boys, as slick black bow tie or a striped gold tie for nied minors living alone. outfit. “But through the help of my adminis- well as shoes, jewelry, purses, socks, bow ties, the brown suit jacket he recently donned. He The Prom Boutique is part of the school trative team and faculty and staff support, I even make-up, and other toiletries. Mostly was shopping for his prom outfit at no cost to system’s Project Up-Start, an initiative that made it through it.” all of the items provided for the students are him. Prom is the seminal activity for grad- seeks to ensure a successful educational Prom, for some, is the culmination of four new or lightly worn, donated by different uating seniors, but for needy and homeless experience for students who are homeless years of homework, group projects, organizations. students the party can seem more like fantasy or live in an unstable housing envi- tests, cafeteria lunch and late- Erick found a nice brown suit during his than a reality. ronment. Project Up-Start staff help night study sessions. Girls time at the boutique and even sought the To help provide needy and homeless stu- identify needy students and provides swoon and fantasize about school’s superintendent's opinion on tie dents with a complete prom experience, the them with everyday essentials such the perfect dress, shoe and options to match his suit. He said he did not school system opens up the Prom Boutique as food, clothes and toiletries, as well accessories, while boys look have a date yet but has been waiting expect- at the Lindsey Hopkins Technical College, a as transportation, after-school re- dapper in freshly pressed edly for the prom celebration. Upon gradua- mini-department store that outfits students sources and counseling. Each school suits and polished shoes. But tion, Erick plans to attend Tallahassee Com- from head-to-toe in preparation for prom at has a designated school Up-Start a prom can be expensive. A munity College and then transfer to Florida no cost to the students. liaison. Visa survey pointed out that State University. He wants to study theater the average cost of prom was and art history. $1,000 in 2015. “I have been looking forward to prom for a Last Friday, Erick and long time and I can't wait to celebrate it with The Shop at Lindsey Hopkins Technical College is open more than 30 students my friends,” Erick said. year round and allows needy and homeless students to take from North Miami SEE PROM 15D clothes, shoes, canned goods and other essentials at no cost to them. The Miami Times 15 MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM | MAY 8-14, 2019 EXCEL KIDS ACADEMY: PROVIDER PROFILE NAME: "Our mission is to unite communities by provid- credited Professional Preschool provide students the exposure ing opportunities, experiences Learning Environment. that is quintessential for their and exposure to all things great RECOGNITION: The Chil- early development.”- Shawna for children and families living dren's Trust, WMBM, Barnes Pointville, president in and exposed to poverty, vio- and Nobles, Miami Gardens, Excel Kids Academy was lence and trauma. President Barrack Obama, Sen. founded in 2008 by a group SERVICE: Motivated to Rick Scott, Early Learning Co- of educators whose mission help parents in all aspects of alition of Miami-Dade/Monroe, is to provide wholesome pre- child-rearing, Excel Kids Acad- Early Learning Coalition of Bro- school education to children emy provides support for lit- ward and Miami-Dade Cham- of Miami’s urban areas. The eracy, financial empowerment, ber of Commerce. organization believes that em- health, social and emotional GET INVOLVED: Collabo- powering children and fami- wellness, as well as programs rate, volunteer your time, talent lies leads to more-sustainable for the arts, traveling and cul- or treasure. and productive communities. ture. The academy provides INFO: Miami Gardens cam- The first school was founded in family resources such as pedi- pus: 17700 NW 27th Ave., Mi- Miami Gardens and since has atric health tips, proper child- ami Campus: 5500 NW 27th expanded to serve other areas hood diet education, teaching Ave., Miami, or visit excelacad- throughout Miami-Dade Coun- parents to better communicate ty. In 2014, Excel Kids Academy with their children and helping CONTACT: Shawna Point- opened the iExcel Preparatory families create healthy relation- ville and Shownda Pagan 305- Academy that serves kindergar- ships with one another. 624-0101 or info@excelkidsacad- ten through fifth grade. SUPPORT: Excel Kids Acad-; follow on Instagram PURPOSE: Excel Kids Acad- emy is licensed by the state of and Facebook @excelkidsacad- emy aims to bridge the gap and Florida and is accredited by Ac- Early chilhood education is part of mission of Excel Kids Academy. emy @excelempowermentzone

tectors, are woven tightly lergies, it’s not a good idea heed it. “People would rather keeping the pet out of the bed- enough to keep dust mites because if you don’t keep get rid of their allergist than room at minimum, washing ALLERGY from taking up residence in your house clean, you’ll have their animal,” he said. the pet regularly and using an CONTINUED FROM 13D your bedding. (Wirecutter a lot of problems, ”Dr. Parikh If you can’t bear to live air purifier with a HEPA filter recommends Protect-A-Bed said. without your pet, the aller- or equivalent HVAC filter to the 8 to 13 range; these filters AllerZip Smooth Mattress En- gists we spoke to suggested remove airborne particles. remove 90 percent or more of “Think of the bedroom casement.) Although a 2008 IF YOU HAVE smaller particles like those of meta-review of 54 studies did PET ALLERGIES as the place you pollen and smoke. not find strong enough evi- There is no such thing as Special Mother's Day A standalone air purifier want to do the dence to recommend phys- a hypoallergenic cat or dog, can help with airborne aller- ical encasements to reduce according to the American gens such as mold and dander, most aggressive asthma, the allergists we Academy of Allergy, Asthma celebration service according to Dr. Purvi Parikh, “ spoke to all recommended & Immunology, and short- The members of New The speaker for the morn- environmental control allergist and immunologist their use. haired pets are no less likely Mt. Calvary Missionary ing will be Sister Audrey and spokeswoman for the Al- because you’re in that Whether you suffer from to cause a reaction than long- Baptist Church, 7103 NW Jones, member and daugh- lergy and Asthma Network. room a third of year-round indoor allergies haired pets. The first piece of 22 Avenue, cordially invites ter of the late Rev. Albert Dr. Williams also suggests or seasonal outdoor allergies, advice Dr. Gershman gives to you to join them in a special Jones. All are welcome to using a HEPA (High Efficien- your life.” it’s important to vacuum reg- a family with pet allergies is mother’s day celebration on attend. cy Particulate Air) filter in ularly to pick up allergens to remove the pet from the Sunday, May 12, during the Rev. Bernard E. Lang is the bedroom. Wirecutter rec- — Dr. Neil Gershman that are heavy enough to fall house, but many people don’t 11 a.m. service. the senior pastor ommends an air purifier that on the floor. Remove carpet can circulate air at least four and clutter so you have fewer times per hour for the room surfaces to vacuum. Washing size it’s rated for and can run clothes and bedding weekly quietly while you sleep. in hot water will help wash In damp regions, a dehu- clean air in. dander away and kill dust midifier can help reduce the mites. (Wirecutter has sev- moisture below 50 percent CLEAN YOUR BEDROOM eral recommendations for — what Dr. Williams called In a study published in vacuums for different living a “second-line measure” the Journal of Allergy and situations.) against the kind of humidity Clinical Immunology of dust If you’re allergic to the that mold and dust mites pre- collected from the bedrooms pollen outside, rinse your- fer (as one 2001 study found). of 7,000 households in 2005 self at the end of the day If you are concerned about and 2006, 74 percent had before you climb into bed. the possibility of mold, Dr. three to six out of the eight “We recommend showers at Neil Gershman, an allergist allergens the researchers night before going to bed to and immunologist and fellow tested for. It pays to be vigi- get pollen off their hair so it of the American Academy lant about cleaning the room doesn’t get deposited on the of Allergy, Asthma & Immu- you sleep in: “Think of the pillow and get breathed in all nology, recommends hiring bedroom as the place you night,”Dr. Williams said. a mold inspector to take air want to do the most aggres- Although the hygiene hy- samples both inside and out- sive environmental control pothesis posits that our over- side your house. because you’re in that room a sanitized world is causing an If your scourge is year- third of your life,” Dr. Gersh- increase in allergies, it’s not round indoor allergens — man said. a good excuse to stop clean- say, pet dander or dust mites Mattress protectors for ing the house. “That’s only — do the opposite and open both your mattress and box helpful before you develop your windows to circulate spring, as well as pillow pro- allergies. Once you have al-

ment to select free items. dents with prom outfits, Proj- In the last two months, ect Up-Start also helps pay for PROM students from different high prom, grad bash and other se- CONTINUED FROM 14D schools have taken advantage nior activities for many of the of the Prom Boutique. Gradu- homeless students. The Prom Boutique is part ation ceremonies follow. Erick praised the school of Lindsey Hopkins’ “shop,” a “No person in our commu- system’s efforts to help outfit large room filled with clothes, nity should go without par- students who do not have the shoes, backpacks, as well as ticipating in this milestone means to afford many of the canned goods and other ev- event that we know as prom,” different senior-year activi- eryday essentials for needy said Superintendent Alber- ties like prom. students and their families to to Carvalho. “How shameful “It is very comforting that take with them. The shop is would it be if not having a people go out of their way open year-round and serves dress would keep you from and do stuff like this for peo- thousands of students each celebrating alongside your ple that are less fortunate. school year. Students and colleagues.” This is a great program,” Er- families can make an appoint- In addition to providing stu- ick said.

93rd Street Community St. Mark Missionary Missionary Baptist Church Baptist Church Services Services CHURCH DIRECTORY 7:30 a.m. Early Morning Worship Sunday 7:30 and 11 a.m. 11 a.m. ..Morning Worship Worship Service Evening Worship 9:30 a.m Sunday School 1st & 3rd Sunday 6 p.m. Tuesday 7 p.m. Bible Study Apostolic Liberty City New Vision For Brownsville Tuesday Bible Study 7 p.m. 6:30 p.m Prayer Meeting Revival Center Church of Christ Christ Ministries Church of Christ Website: Pastor Rev. Rev. Dr. C.A. Carl Johnson Ivery, Pastor Services Services Services Services 2330 N.W. 93rd Street 1470 N.W. 87th Street Wed. Intercessory Prayer Sunday Morning 8 a.m. Early Sunday Worship 7:30 a.m. Lord Day Sunday School 9:45am 305-836-0942 305-691-8861 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Morning Service 11 a.m. Sunday Evening 5 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 5 p.m. Sun.-Eve. Worship 7:30 p.m. Tue. Bible Class 6:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Service ...6 p.m. Tuesday Night Bible Tues. Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m. Thurs. Fellowship 10 a.m. Tuesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m. Study 7:30pm And we know that in all things God works for the good of Fri. Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Thurs. Morn. Bible Class 10 a.m. those who love him, who have been called according to Rev. Dr. Gilbert Evangelist Rev. Michael Min. Harrell S. Smith Eric W. Doss D. Screen L. Henton his purpose. — Romans 8:28 6702 N.W. 15th Avenue 1263 N.W. 67th Street 13650 N.E. 10th Avenue 4561 N.W. 33rd Court 305-836-1224 305-836-4555 305-899-7224 305-634-4850

Jordan Grove Missionary New Birth Baptist Church, Pembroke Park Church of Christ Hosanna Community Baptist Church The Cathedral of Faith International Baptist Church Services Services Services Services Early Worship 7 a.m. Sunday Worship 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 7 p.m. 1 (800) 254-NBBC SUNDAY Bible Study 10 a.m. Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 305-685-3700 Bible Study 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY Worship 9:30 a.m. NBC 10:05 a.m. Tuesday (Bible Study) 6:45p.m. Fax: 305-685-0705 Morning Worship. 10 a.m. Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Bible Study, Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study Evening Worship 6 p.m. Thursday 7:30 p.m. Worship 4 p.m. Youth Ministry Mission and Bible 10:45 a.m. Mon.-Fri. 2-6:30 p.m. Pastor Douglas Minister Kevin Rev. Charles Class Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Cook, Sr. D. Jones, Sr Lee Dinkins 5946 N.W. 12th Avenue Bishop Victor T. Curry, D.Min., D.D, Senior Pastor/Teacher 954-962-9327 2171 N.W. 56th Street 305-751-9323 2300 N.W. 135th Street 3707 S.W. 56th Avenue, Hollywood, FL 33023 305-637-4404 n

In Memoriam | Happy Birthday | Remembrances Death Notices | Card of Thanks Obituaries 16 THE MIAMI TIMES | MAY 8-14, 2019 | MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM

Wright and Young Hadley Davis MLK Royal In Memoriam In Memoriam Card of Thanks GEORGE MOSS STANLEY, SAMUEL STRATTON, GERTRUDE CLYDE, 62, In loving memory of, In loving memory of, The family of the late, 73, retired HUD security 89, retired U.S. administrator, guard and Postal Service Miami Dade community worker and County activist, died community (GSA) Fleet April 24 at activist. Management Jackson Survivors Department, Memorial North. include his wife, Jacqueline died May 3. Service 10 a.m., Saturday at Stanley; sons, Anthony G. Survivors include his wife, Temple Baptist. Pearl Johnson Stratton; Stanley, MD and Donald Huzzie (Elaine); siblings, Hilliard daughter, Brenda Thomas of MILDRED BAILEY, 91, Stanley and Ruby Moore; Macon, GA., and brother, Willie cook, died April Stratton. Viewing 4-6 p.m., grandchildren, LaTarsha B. 25 at Jackson Maylor (Jereem), Donald Friday at Wright and Young Memorial. Funeral Home, 15332 NW 7 Huzzie, Jr. (Amyrah) and Brandi Service 11 Huzzie; godson, George Morris Ave. Service 11 a.m., Saturday a.m., Friday in the chapel. (Jounice); great-grandchildren, at Friendship DaQuan Burney, Jesiah Maylor, Missionary KAREE ALI NICHOLS CHARLES HUNTER SR. GREGORY JEROME EDUARDO CHAPALET, 80, Trittney, Jasmyne, Donald I. Baptist Church. and Kevin Huzzie; his lifelong 12/27/1976 - 05/04/2018 09/11/1949 - 05/11/2017 DENNIS entrepreneur, died April 28. friend, W.G. Cooper and a host ERIC RAWLS, 56, disabled, Just the other day I saw Your life was a blessing, would like to thank everyone Service 12 p.m., of relatives and friends. Viewing died April 30 at home. a young man walking that your memory a treasure. for their prayers, condolenc- Thursday in the 4-8 p.m., Friday at Mitchell Services were held. resembled you, same height, You are loved beyond es, flowers, phone calls, and chapel. Funeral Home, 8080 NW 22 Ave., Miami, FL 33147. Service textured hair, long skinny words and missed beyond visits. We would especially SHAMORRA TORREY, 36, 10 a.m., Saturday at Rock of gangly legs. So I greeted measures. like to give thanks to the supervisor, died April 14 at Ages Baptist Church, 2722 NW him by calling out your name Your loving wife Betty, and many individuals who pro- home. Services were held. 55 St., Miami, FL 33142. ....Hey Karee! The young your entire family. vided meals, beverages and DORA MAE SEABROOKS, man responded, Hi Ma! and other contributions to the 97, retired HOMER HOWARD, JR., 85, continued on his way. It made In Memoriam family during our time of grief. custodian, died Hadley Davis me weep. The family extends an April 26. Service bus operator, Miami Gardens died May 3 at We love and miss you! In loving memory of, enormous thank you to 1 p.m., Saturday Your Family, Florene, Joseph, the Miami Carol City Class RICKEY LEE DIXON, 70, Memorial West. at Mt. Hermon Apon, Patrick, Jewel, Cindy of 1970, the Miami-Dade died April 26 Service 11 a.m., A.M.E. Church. and Latianna Nichols. County Public Schools at North Shore Saturday at Maintenance Service Center Hospital Vitas. Jordan Grove #2, The Episcopal Church Service 10 Missionary Hall Ferguson Hewitt Baptist Church. In Memoriam of the Transfiguration, and a.m., Saturday Royal Funeral Services for VANRIA V. CASH in the chapel. In loving memory of, making sure that our loved JOHNSON, 60, PAMELA GRACE KERR, 70, one was celebrated with caretaker, died clerk. Viewing dignity, respect, and love. May 3. Service 4-9 p.m., VANESSA TUWON God bless, 1 p.m., Saturday Wednesday, WILCOX, 45, Gloria, Corey, Dawnia and in the chapel. May 15 in died April 24 Tamara at Memorial chapel. Service 12 p.m., Hospital West. Thursday, May Service 10 16 in the chapel. JEFFERY D. BRINSON, a.m., Saturday VIEW YOUR Wake at Kim’s house 19125 SR., 57, pro- at New Vision NW 11 Ave., 786-378-3708. IVY BERTHA WHYTE OBITUARIES duce manager, For Christ Ministries. died April 22. 07/01/1925 - 05/11/2014 ONLINE AT Memorial ser- ROMIERE SABASTIN AJ Manuel - FL City vice 11 a.m., Your life was a blessing. WWW.MIAMITIMESONLINE.COM COTTON, 4, JANICE VAIL, 55, crossing Saturday in the Your memory a treasure. died April 24 guard, died April 30. Service 11 chapel. You are loved beyond at Jackson a.m., Saturday at Mt. Moriah. words and missed beyond Holtz Children's measures. Range-Coconut Grove Hospital. SAMUEL JONES, 51, CARL RONALDO PATRICK Children: Majorie Lawrence, laborer, died April 29. Service , 79, truck Service 11 05/27/1961 - 05/07/2014 Patrick, Pauline Trevor and JOE TILLMAN 12:30 p.m., Saturday in the driver, died May a.m., Saturday Stephen Whyte; grands and chapel. 1 at Jackson at Bread of Life Community It’s been five years and not great grandchildren. Church. a day has gone by that we South Commu- Death Notice nity Hospital. haven’t thought of you. Service 11 a.m., Range Your smile and face we see no more, but when we think Saturday at Mt. MARY FRANCES of you we see that glow and Sinai Missionary FRANKLIN, warmth for everyone who Baptist Church. 100, came in contact with you. homemaker, You will live in our hearts F. LEVERN SPEIGHTS, 62, died April 28 at and we will love you forever. roofer, died April 29 at Mercy home. Survivors Hospital. Services were held. Your mother, Lucille, include her Michael and family. daughter, EARLEAN M. BUSH, 36, Karen Johnson; son, Leroy student, died April 29 at Jack- Franklin; sister, Lillian Martin; son North Medical Center. Ser- brother, George Haamid; GONE vices were held. 12 grandchildren; 37 great- BUT NOT grandchildren; 37 great-great Manker -grandchildren; one great- FORGOTTEN? CAROLYN SMITH, 59, home great – great grandchild; a maker, died May host of nieces, nephews, DEACON LOUIS C. Have you forgotten so 5 at University cousins; and a loving extended AMICA, 85, retired mechanic, soon about your of Miami family and friends. Viewing 4-7 Miami-Dade Transit, died May departed loved one? Medical Center. p.m., Thursday in the chapel. 6. Viewing 4-8 p.m., Friday at Keep them in your memory with an in Service 11 Service 11 a.m., Friday at New Dayspring Missionary Baptist memoriam or a happy a.m., Saturday Birth Baptist Church Cathedral Church, 2991 NW 62 Street, birthday remembrances at Valley Grove Miami , FL. Service 11 a.m., of Faith. in our obituary section. Missionary Saturday at Peaceful Zion Baptist Church. Missionary Baptist Church, Richardson 2400 NW 68 Street, Miami, FL. PATRICIA ROLLE, 68, home JAMES EDWARD Interment: Caballero Rivero 305-694-6210 maker, died May 2 at Avenutra PERKINS, 88, Southern. Arrangements The Miami Times Plaza Nursing Reb. Service 11 entrepreneur, entrusted to Gregg L Mason a.m., Thursday in the chapel. died April 26 at Funeral Home. home. Service Trinity 2 p.m., Saturday at 93rd Street BARBARA WILSON, 53, Community homemaker, Baptist Church. died May 3 Mother’s Day Forever Changed at Jackson MARCUS DESHON BRAZIL, ithout my daughter, CHANIKA CHENE’ MYERS, Mother’s Day is FOREVER changed. North Hospital. 41, warehouse Service 12 p.m., certified forklift Each child that God gives is unique, and the bond between the Mother and Saturday in the operator, died that child is exclusive. Chanika and I were chosen for each other as only God chapel. can choose. We loved each other in all things, and we remained dedicated May 2 at Jackson and fiercely loyal to the end. North Hospital. Arcelays Service 12 p.m., WMy child, Chanika, is a daughter whose ever-present memory permeates each day in some silent or salient way. Her love, tenderness, thoughtfulness, advocacy, intervention and profound JOHNNY BERNARD Friday in the chapel. caring demonstrated; was in every way as unique as she was. Chanika did things her way, as CHANDLER, 76, counselor, only she could. This Mother’s Day is like no other because it is the first year in forty years that died April 21. Service 2 p.m., she is not here to physically and emotionally share it in some way with me. Saturday in the chapel. IDA MAE DAVENPORT, 87, laborer, died April 30 at The years shared here comprised Our Unique Journey along paths God laid for us. HERMA MAUD GRANT, 67, Memorial Regional Hospital. It has now ended. I released her hand and placed it in God’s Hand knowing that HE is the dietician, died April 20. Service Final rites in Union Springs, Sovereign God. Alabama. 11 a.m., Saturday at Funeraria MOTHER’S DAY IS NOW VERY DIFFERENT… Latina Emanuel. Emmanuel WDeath has separated us. Though, she is No longer here to share Mother’s Day with me, Eric S. George LORETHA BRADLEY CHANIKA CHENE’ MYERS’ memory and love is, Forever in My Heart. LESLIE HAYE, died April 28. PAYNE, 57, died April 27. Her MIMI, Service 10 a.m., Friday in the Service 11 a.m., today in the chapel. chapel. Willie Mary Givens